Magazine contents analysis


Transcript of Magazine contents analysis

Page 1: Magazine contents analysis
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ANALYSING MAGAZINE CONTENTS PAGE: UNTITLEDImages: There are quite a lot of images on this contents page compared to most other magazines, and there isn’t one particular main one. Some of the photos are on location but there are also some studio shots. I think the photos look beautiful and there are lots of pretty colours in them so I think it was a good idea to make the text simple and plain. There are a range of close ups, mid shots and long shots. All of the photos are boxed so it looks very neat and professional, and the contents page still looks nice and simplistic, even there are lots of different pictures and colours and they are all different sizes. The photos together in the top left part of the contents page have all been edited to the right shape and carefully placed together so they create a square which also makes it look very well-ordered. The hair, makeup and outfits in each picture are pre-planned and executed by a professional so it looks very sophisticated and pretty. The locations they took the photos at were also planned before hand and they all look very attractive and picturesque.

Sections: The sections for this magazine are ‘Conversation’, ‘Music Buzz’, ‘Beauty’, ‘Fashion’ and ‘Events’. The sections are used to categorise the articles and are quite unusual as I haven’t seen these section titles on any other magazines but I think they work well as they are clear and precise and you can clearly see what type of article you want to read about. Also, all of the images are next to/near the sections they correlate to, e.g. the close ups of the women’s faces showing off their make up are nest to the section ‘Beauty’ an the long shot showing of the peoples outfits, are next to ‘Fashion’. I think this is very helpful as different people are interested in different things so if they like fashion, they can look at that section and see what the musicians are wearing, or if the just want to see the artist, they can go to that section straight away which you wouldn’t be able to do in another magazine. There is a main section heading and then the stories within that section with page numbers and all of them are set out like that apart from the ‘Music Buzz’ section as that has mini headers (‘Les Filles’, ‘The Lads’, ‘Double Trouble’, ‘Bandslam’ And ‘On The Decks’) with page numbers, and then the artists names below that which I think works quite well. All of the writing is black over a white background and the font is quite thin yet still bold so it’s easily readable and very sophisticated. There is a footer where it tell you to visit their website and gives you link but there is no other info like social media, subscription data and there is no band index which I prefer because, personally I think they look kind of strange.

Layout: The layout looks quite organised even though all the pictures and sections are all different sizes and in different places but they have been placed cleverly so that they still look organised and neat which I think is done very well. The title is alone in the centre at the top of the page and it is quite small compared to contents pages in other magazine but I think that it’sgood as it makes it look nice and simplistic and neat. There is a small star on either side of the title which links to the font of the title of the magazine so I think it ties in nicely. The ‘Conversation’ section is laid out in 3 columns, smaller ones for the text and a bigger one for the picture in the middle so it’s symmetrical. The ‘Music Buzz’ section is laid out it 2 equally sized columns, one for text, one for the pictures. The ‘Beauty’ section is fairly thin and is in 3 columns, the middle, smaller one for the text and the 2 outer ones for pictures. The ‘Fashion’ section is in 3 columns, 2 equally smaller ones on the left, 1 with text and the other with a picture and the other column is a wider, landscape picture that is a bit smaller height-wise than the other parts. Lastly, the ‘Events’ section is in 3 columns, the middle text one and right side picture are a bit taller than the left picture, to fill the space left by the picture above. I think this has been put together very artfully and carefully to make it neat and professional.

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ANALYSING MAGAZINE CONTENTS PAGE: NMEImages: There is only one image on this cover and a small thumbnail at the bottom, but it doesn’t look too plain as there is lots of writing and a few different colours. The main image is a mid shot of Alex Turner playing the guitar at a concert so this is a location shot. There is also another band member behind him and they seem to be in the middle of a song and Alex’s facial expression looks very focused which suggests he is passionate about his music which is a good thing for a musician to be. Their clothes are quite casual which show that they are mostly dedicated to just the music. This picture is boxed which makes it look neat and there is an explanation below telling you what page the article is on and what it’s about. The thumbnail image at the bottom is inside a black box with text and is a picture of a previous NME magazine cover and it is telling the reader to subscribe the magazine because they can save money.

Sections: The sections for this magazine are ‘News’, ‘Radar’, Reviews’, ‘Live!’ And ‘Features’. There is also a section for the band index, the Arctic Monkeys feature but and the subscription part. The sections for this video are laid out very neatly so it looks quite organised and professional. They are also quite common and generic titles that are found on most magazines which makes it easier for the reader as they know what type of article they usually like and where to find them. There is a heading for each section in a black box and then below, there is the name and page number for each article and a little explanation of what it’s about so the reader knows if they would be interested to read it. The arctic Monkeys article section is the biggest and the only one with a picture as it is the main cover story that most people will have picked up the magazine for. All of the sections are stylised the same so it looks professional.Layout: The layout of this contents is quite

organised. It is set out in 3 columns of different sizes to fit the text in them and emphasize some more than others. The title goes across the top of the middle and right column so it is easily visible and it also has the date below it. All the article type sections are in one column and all have the same headers and lay out for the text in general. The main story is in big in the middle column so the reader can easily see where the article is. There are arrows to immediately show the reader where the articles mentioned on the cover are which is very helpful. There is a band index on the left column which personally I don’t like in magazines but others might find them interesting. I think this contents page doesn’t look as sophisticated as the previous one but it is a more usual looking contents page and it still looks quite neat.

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ANALYSING MAGAZINE CONTENTS PAGE: QImages: There are lots of images on this contents page compared to the previous one. The picture of the man in the middle is the biggest picture so the reader can clearly see this is a picture from the main cover article on page 47 on John Lennon. It is a studio shot and probably an old photo because John Lennon is dead so they are probably doing a tribute article or something. There is a picture of 4 men in the bottom left which is slightly slanted, maybe to make the magazine more interesting and fun or maybe because they are such a famous magazine that they feel they can take risks and break the rules of having straight neat pictures. There are 6 pictures on the right side, all of which are a bit smaller but one of them is a thumbnail of previous Q magazine covers. That and the picture of the man with the mask are both slanted. Some of the photos are studio shot and some are on location which gives quite a variety. The photos are mostly dark colours apart from the small one with the pink background. All of the photos have the page number on them which I really like and think is very helpful to quickly find the article you want to read.

Sections: The sections for this magazine are ‘Features’, ‘Regulars’ and ‘The Q Review’ which I personally think are too generic so it isn’t that easy to find what type of article you want to read but they seem to work and fit well together. All the section titles are in white font is a red box. In the Features and Regulars section the articles below all have the page number and the article title and then a red line and the explanation below which I think looks very good and it fits with the colour scheme. In The Q Review the page number and title and the explanation below in red font, I like this change as it makes it more interesting but still looks professional. There is a footer which has the Q logo, the page number, the date, the Q website address and tells the reader to subscribe.

Layout: The layout if this contents page is very neat and organised apart from the slanted pictures which I personally don’t like. It is pretty much in 4 columns, the 2 smaller, outer one for the text and the 2 bigger, inner ones for the photos. There is also a red header for the title and issue number which works well with the colour scheme and there is a footer too which I like.