Magazine: "A Green Drop for the Blue Planet" (No. 1)

Comenius Project Make a difference! Be a green entrepreneur! This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2013 -2015


Comenius Project"Make a difference! Be a green entrepreneur!"

Transcript of Magazine: "A Green Drop for the Blue Planet" (No. 1)

Page 1: Magazine: "A Green Drop for the Blue Planet" (No. 1)

Comenius Project

Make a difference! Be a green entrepreneur!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be

made of the information contained therein.

2013 -2015

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Comenius Project

Make a difference! Be a green entrepreneur!



There was a time, ages ago, when the earth was all covered in black. The only beings who could walk the earth were the dark fairies. They were heartless and evil and whenever a plant or a flower was sprouting to grow they were using their black magic to make it wither. In that dark land there was a fairy called Emerald. Emerald wasn't like her kind. Her soul was pure and innocent and she was trying to protect the plants. She even had a garden. She was growing roses and lilies. She loved the plants and she couldn't understand the idea of hurting them. When the other fairires found out that Emerald had a garden, they came to her place and destroyed all the flowers. Emerald cried and cried until she turned into a green drop. When the green drop touched the ground, the sky cleared mirroring the big blue sea below and then the sun appeared shedding light upon the whole world. A lot of flowers, green grass and trees came to being and the water turned from black to clear greenish-blue. Since then there hadn't been any dark fairies and the planet became a blue bead of life in the vast Universe. Let us not turn into evil, destructive powers! Let us all be GREEN, green-fingered, having green thumbs, protectors of nature and life! Our Life!

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Comenius Project

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Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution

Earth, is our home which provides us all the essential things that are needed

for our life. In order to survive in the environment, we should preserve a healthy

biosphere with all its ecological systems, all plants and animals, fertile soils, pure

waters, and clean air.

A variety of environmental problems now affect our Earth. Nowadays, people

around the world destroy Earth’s natural beauty by maximum exploitation of

resources. One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today the environmental pollution, is

increasing every year and causing huge damage to the Earth.

Environmental pollution consists of five basic types of pollution: air,

water, soil, noise and light pollution.

Some of the problems of environmental pollution are acid rain, hazardous

waste, air pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, smog, water

pollution, overpopulation etc. Smog and toxins are floating in the air

caused by the wastage from industrial smokestacks and by the over use of

petroleum-burning vehicles.

It is very important that we all realize the importance of the environment for all mankind and the duty we

have for protecting it. Let's look briefly at some habits we can adopt in our daily lives at home, at work, at

school, etc. with which we can save energy and contribute to the protection of the ENVIRONMENT.

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Comenius Project

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Change habits for saving energy

Whenwe move fromone roomof the houseto another,we must turn offthe lights, even

ifwe leave the roomonlyfor a short time. It isa goodidea toutilizeas much as

possibleof daylight, opening the curtainsin our homesand doingthingslike

readingbeside awindow. Use low-energybulbs, whichhave tenfoldlifewhilethey

consumefive timeslessenergy than conventional light bulbs.It’s better to use

electricaldevices, such asarefrigerator, dishwasheroroven, classified as A+or A energy savers, as these

appliances consumefive timesless energythan conventionaldevices.

Change habits for saving the environment

- We choose to walk or ride a bike instead of using cars when we can. We also

use bus and other public transportation.

- A simple but very important habit that can contribute in protecting the

planet and saving energy is recycling.Many products

are recyclable. By doing so we can reduce

environmental strain. We can recycle paper, aluminum

and glass. Electronic devices, such as computers and

cell phones are also recyclable. We can create compost

plant waste to minimize the waste and carbon dioxide output creating

healthy organic fertilizer. We should avoid buying products that are not

recyclable. When we buy food, games or any other product, we choose

those with less or minimal packaging. We prefer products whose

packaging can either be recycled or are made of recycled materials.

- We all canmake theEarthgreener andhealthier. Let’s plant


Trees areverygeneroustopeople asweoffermany goods, such aswood,

paper, fruitsand nuts. Also, is thenestfor many birdsandanimals. But

anotherbasicfunctionof treesis thatcleanse theatmosphere absorbing carbon


What we have to do to reduce pollution and save the


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Comenius Project

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Use renewable energy

Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower

environmental impact compared to conventional energy technologies

Renewable energy in Cyprus

In Cyprus average daily sunshine is 9.8-14.5 hours for more than 300 days per


For that reason we use solar

systems for hot water production.92%

of house hold sand 53% of hotel units

have solar water heating systems.

We also use photovoltaic systems

to produce electricity.




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and its effects on climate change in Finland

Climate changes are showing here in Finland in winter temperatures which have been

warmer this year than normal. Usually we are cross-country skiing at this time of the year but

we still haven’t got enough snow. The weather is just cold. In Finlad we seldom have any natural

catastrophies but in recent years there have been increasingly bad storms and floods.

Kuukausi (Tampere – Pirkkalan


Keskilämpötila 1981-2010 2014/2013

January -6,4 -6,2

February -6,9 -3

March -2,8 -7,8

April 3,3 2,3

May 9,7 12,9

June 14,1 16,8

July 16,9 16,6

August 15 15,6

September 9,8 10,8

October 4,6 5,3

November -0,6 2,4

December -4,5 0,4

Although climate change is irreversible, its effects can still be mitigated. The key to mitigation is

stopping the increase of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Saving energy and promoting energy-efficiency are among the most cost-effective means of limiting

greenhouse gas emissions. Becoming a low carbon society requires actions in all areas of society. As

much as half of the global emissions reduction target could be reached by making energy use more


Other important means of combatting climate change include adopting renewable energy sources,

fostering carbon sinks, such as forests, and using natural resources more sustainably. Technological

development plays a key role in the mitigation efforts

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In schools in Sastamala we have our own strategy for

mitigation by saving energy switching lights off when we do

not need them, recycling paper and compost bio waste among

other things.

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We’ve all heard the term pollution. But do you really know what pollution is? Do you know where pollution comes

from, or how it affects plants, animals and people? Let’s take closer look at what pollution is, what causes pollution,

and what we can do to help reduce pollution.

What is pollution?

Pollution is the contamination of soil, water, or air by discharging harmful

substances. There are a few different types of pollution, each with its own

causes, problems, and way of reduction. The three basic types of pollution are:

environmental (land), marine (water), and atmospheric (air).

Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution affects the land. Litter, soil contamination,

deforestation, and consumption of non-renewable resources are all forms of environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution affects every living creature, even those found in the oceans and in the air.As far as

scientists know, humans are the only creatures to create pollution. Take a walk outside. Everywhere you go there are

signs of human impact on their surroundings. Environmental pollution can come in the form of an empty Mountain

Dew bottle on the side of the road, a clear-cut forest, or tires in a landfill.

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Humans have had a significant impact (often negative) on their environment. Can you think of other forms of

environmental pollution? Once you learn how to start looking for signs of pollution, you can learn how to reduce


Air Pollution

The air we breathe is important for obvious reasons. The average human breathes about 3,400 gallons of air each

day! What would happen if the air became too polluted for usto breathe? All of Earth’s living organisms would die.

The air we breathe is made up of a variety of gasses and compounds, though primarily oxygen and nitrogen. So how

does the air we breathe become polluted? What causes air pollution? Again the answer to the causes of air pollution

is simple: humans cause air pollution. Factories, power plants, automobiles, and industrial emissions change the air’s

composition by creating ground level ozone.

Water Pollution

Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. This alone makes water a very important issue. However, the

Earth’s water resources and potable water supply is in danger of becoming contaminated. When water becomes

contaminated, it is considered polluted.There are essentially two different forms of water pollution: oceanic water

pollution and drinking water contamination.The oceans are home to some of the most interesting plants and animals

on Earth. As humans, we rely on the oceans to provide us with food. And we also require safe drinking water to

sustain life. So, if our water sources become polluted or contaminated, all of the living organisms suffer the

consequences. Freshwater sources and oceans have an amazing natural ability to break down some waste materials,

but not in the quantities discarded by today's society. The overload that results eventually puts the ecosystem out of

balance .So how exactly are we affected by water pollution? Water pollution can have significant impacts on our

food sources, the formation of acid rain, and our drinking water.But before we look at how we’re affected by water

pollution, we must first look at how water recycles itself, known as the water cycle.

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The Earth never increases the amount of water it contains, nor does it ever lose any of its water. The Earth’s water is

recycled in three ways: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

What’s the Pollution Solution?

For a long time we’ve been told of the consequences of polluting our land, water and air.

But, how do we reverse the trend? The best way to combat pollution is through education. When we learn what

causes pollution, what its effects are, we can think of solutions and think help prevent it. We all have needs. The

Earth is very generous in supplying humans with an abundance of natural resources to help us exist more

comfortably. Coal can be turned into electricity, which helps to provide humans with light. The sea provides us with

enough cod (as well as many other types of fish) to feed the people who live in the coastal regions. The truth is that

natural resources are provided to us for us to consume.

Yet we need to consume responsibly. Simply by turning off a light switch when you leave a room, riding your bike

instead of driving, or re-using grocery bags, you are helping to reduce your consumption of resources. There are a

ton of ways you can help the environment and reduce pollution. Afterall the easiest way to reduce pollution is to

reduce consumption. By reducing the amount of resources we use and making simple, environmentally friendly

decisions, we can help to reverse the global trends of pollution.

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What is pollution?

- Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause

adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as

noise, heat or light. (Wikipedia)

- noise/light pollution: harmful or annoying levels of noise, or of artificial light at night.

(Oxford Dictionary)

In this article we are going to focus our attention on a specific kind of pollution, the LIGHT

pollution, because it is relevant in the Canary Islands.

These islands have got two very important observatories, set in an environment of excellent

astronomical quality, both constituting the European Northern Observatory (ENO) .

Izaña, Tenerife El Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma

On the 31st October 1988 the Spanish Government passed the Law for the Protection of the

Astronomical Quality of the IAC Observatories

The law deals with four main areas:

Light pollution

It regulates exterior lighting on the island of La Palma and the area of Tenerife

directly visible from it to prevent light pollution.

Radioelectrical pollution

It sets limits for electromagnetic radiation so that it does not interfere with

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equipment or corrupt results at the observatories and prevents radioelectrical


Atmospheric pollution

It controls activities which could damage the atmosphere over the observatories to

prevent atmospheric pollution.

Aviation routes

It regulates air traffic over the observatories to prevent interference from aviation

routes. (IAC)

That is why Tenerife and La Palma are orange at midnight! Because the streetlights glow


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3 actions Pollutants and their effects

With the increasing number of people on Earth, development of industry, the

number of pollutants in the environment has increased. Currently, so-called. artificial

pollution, which in contrast to the natural, are caused by human activity, have

become a problem of the whole world. Placing of harmful substances into the air, water and soil caused a negative impact on

wildlife, ecosystems, climate and human health.

Several centuries ago, environment was dominated by a pollution of natural origin.

The sources of air pollutants were volcanic eruptions, erosion of rocks, forest fires, cosmic

dust. Water pollution resulted from the presence of salts, gases , micro-organisms, organic

matter, and it was often associated with these substances washing out from the rocks and


With the growth of cities, human economic activity, industrial centers, more and

more harmful substances were discharged into the environment. To the greatest extent

emissions and industrial waste from factories and power plants are polluting the


To the most dangerous sources of pollution is now carbon dioxide emissions

leading to the greenhouse effect, emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen, oil and

radiation. In addition to industry, primarily responsible for the degradation of the

environment, the negative impact on the level of pollution has agriculture. The use of

fertilizers, plant protection products and formulations to improve the structure of farmland,

affects the accumulation of toxic substances in the environment. These are mainly

pesticides, nitrates, arsenic, cyanides, heavy metals (lead and mercury). For the emission of

the last ones the transport is also largely responsible . The result of the growth in this area

of metropolitan life is the growing amount of dust pollution and lead compounds given off

by car exhaust.

Industry and transport are responsible for air pollution with dust and toxic gases

which, with high humidity and windless weather lead to the formation of smog. It is a risk

to health, causing allergic reactions, asthma, respiratory failure.

Smog may lead to local precipitation of acid rain. It is a phenomenon of dissolution

in the atmosphere emitted by industry sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide to the water,

whereby the pollution together with the rain falling on the ground, acidifying the water ,

soil and degrading vegetation, human and animal health.

Excessive emissions of nitrogen oxides and the presence of CFCs in the

atmosphere, in turn, leads to the disappearance of the ozone layer in the atmosphere (the

ozone hole phenomenon), which naturally protects living organisms from harmful UV


With the growth of cities and industry, the source of pollution became growing number of

domestic, industrial and agricultural sewage. The high degree of sewage water pollution

has led to the exhaustion of their ability to self-purification. As a result, in the waters there

are fertilizers from fields and household detergents and industrial plants.

Industry and Economy are responsible for the increasing amount of waste that litter

the dumps release toxic substances into water and soil. The way out of this situation is to

build incinerators for waste disposal. However, the main way to counter the pollution by

waste is their segregation and recycling and the production of goods suitable for re-use.

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Prevention of pollution

The main activities undertaken in order to prevent pollution of the environment are: the recovery and recycling of waste, reduction of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, reducing the extraction of fossil fuels and increasing the share of renewable sources in energy production.

How each of us can contribute to the care of nature in your local environment? We can begin to apply the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) is called in Polish rule 3U (unikaj, użyj ponownie, utylizuj) is one of the foundations of rational and responsible management. Following her, you relieve not only the environment but also your wallet.

The order of the verbs that define the ecological rule, is not accidental. The greatest benefit to the environment carries the curtailment of the excessive buying and reusing objects to consider them as late as possible the waste. The final element is the rational process, to help in an easy and friendly environment the recovery of raw materials from which they are made specific things.

The Poles produce each year about 10 million tones of municipal waste. Per one Pole it is about 300 - 400 kg (depending on where you live - big city produces more waste). It is expected that over the next few years the amount of waste, mostly packaging will significantly increase. Municipal waste is nothing but a waste generated in our homes, at school, at work. We make them every day.


Let’s limit the production of waste through responsible and rational shopping. Let's shop with head. Resign of things that we do not really need. We can give up the use of free plastic bags handed out at the checkout in favor of reusable bags. Another idea is not to use disposable products - plastic cups, cutlery and plates. When selecting goods in a shop buy only those that have less packaging e.g. toothpaste without cardboard box. Or act according to the principle - less is better. The same applies to the food assortment. Let's ask for cut a slice of cheese or a few slices of sausage instead of choosing these products in plastic packaging. Similarly, do with the vegetables and fruits - tomatoes, mushrooms, apples or peaches buy "loose" and not in plastic boxes or trays, further wrapped in foil. Is it better to choose few pounds powder pack, instead of every time purchasing small pack. We'll save money, time and most importantly for the environment, we limit the number of waste. For the same reason, focus on - especially when it comes to clothes - things, which are durable and solidly done. The better they are made, the longer it will serve us!

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Reuse Let's make use of products that are widely considered as disposable - if you already took in the store a free plastic bag, let's give it a second life as a garbage bag; exploit the one side printed pages for notes. Pass to the others what we no longer need - instead of throwing away unwanted clothes or items, you can give them to those in need, such as toys, which are not used if they are in good condition, you can return to nursery or orphanage. Books , which are in very good condition You can leave in a nearby library. Jam jar when empty we can spend on a home jam, and in a big plastic box after the ice, we can keep food in the freezer. Drinks, select those in a returnable bottles. If your favorite drink is only available in non-returnable bottle, let's see, if we do not use it in a different way. It may be useful, for example, watering the flowers? Before we would want to throw away anything, that we don't have idea how to reuse it , let's look to the network. With the help will come ecological blogs, through which we learn, for example, as cleverly use old CDs, corks from wine bottles, burned out light bulbs or wrappings after eggs. Or how to convert old clothes and thereby get something original with low cost. If unwanted clothes are in good condition, lets give them to family, friends or just people in need. Let's do the same thing with household appliances, toys, movies, books and magazines.

Not all waste can be avoided, as not all products lend themselves to multiple use. Waste that can not be avoided or used repeatedly, should be segregated to recover those that are suitable for reprocessing, or recycling. Selective waste collection and acquisition of recycled materials in this way is the basis of rational management.

Sort the paper, plastic, glass and metals under the recovery policies which is adopted in our hometowns If we are going to get rid of the malfunctioning radio, TV or home appliances, look for special addresses of specific points that accumulate so called electrowaste. Do not throw them out to the chutes or household waste. Remember about the hazardous waste such as accumulators, batteries or fluorescent lamps. Do not throw them out to trash with biodegradable waste - because of the possibility of heavy metal pollution of soil and groundwater, such items must be disposed of separately. Similarly, let's proceed with overdue drugs - in pharmacies we will find containers in which the tablets, syrups and other medications, which expiry date is over we can place If we have the opportunity, separate each organic waste and convert them into compost on their own or throw them out to the bio-waste containers. To encourage you to apply these actions we give the approximate time of the decomposition of certain products: - A plastic bag - 300 years, - Glass bottle - 4000 years, - Can of beer -200-500 years - Plastic bottle -450 years, - Apple core - 5 weeks, - Disposable diaper - pampers 300 years! - A glass vessel 1 million years and maybe longer! - Aluminum can-80-100 years, - Plastic bag - 400lat, - Rubber tire-50-80 years


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Our school, Hungarian Baptist Aid’s Kölcsey Ferenc Primary School,

Törökszentmiklós, Hungary, collects paper, plastic, metal twice a year for recycling. The

frequent causes of soil pollution are dumps which poisons the soil, so it damages the environment

and humans health is dangered too. Decaying of these materials takes a long time:

paper: 2-5 months

neylon: 10-100 years

tins: 50-100 years

plastic: never

Our school collected a lot of waste in the last few years.

2010-2013 Paper (kg) Plastic (kg) Iron (kg) Aluminium (kg)

2010. 10. 05. 10204 213 1657 -

2011. 04. 12. 9427 315 1601 7

2011. 10. 05. 11429 268 667 -

2012. 04. 17. 7602 377 996 14

2012. 10. 02. 7081 267 211 28

2013. 04. 16. 6203 270 58 19

2013. 10. 01. 9288 211 334 54

Total: 61234 1920 5524 122

If we recycle 1 ton of paper we can save 15 trees. So in the last 3.5 years we saved 918 trees. If in 1 hectare forest there are 300 trees we could save 3 hectares forest. If 1 hectare forest use 11 ton of carbon-dioxide in a year, thanks to our school less than 33 tons of carbon-dioxide pollute the air.

’A lot of small people, in a small place doing small things can change the world’

(a saying from Africa)



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Ideas about

air pollution

Why is clear air so important?

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is the contamination of atmosphere by gaseous, liquid or

solid wastes or by-products. The effect can also be dangerous for humans

as well as for animals and plants. I can mention some so called air

pollutants: carbon – monoxide, carbon – dioxide. The combustion of coal

oil and petrol accounts for much of the airborne pollutants. Most of the

oxides present in the air are produced by electric power plants, industrial

boilers and residential furnaces.

What can we do against pollution?

I am Mile Fruzsina in class 7. I’d like to do something to save our Earth. I’d

like a healthier air for my children. So I myself walk or go by bike to school. I

ask my parents to use their car less. I plan to plant flowers and trees in our

environment, because plants clear the air. I use environmental friendly

products for example I use only roll on deodorants. I take bottles, paper and

plastic to selective rubbish containers.

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I protect the environment

Recycling is the process by which anything that is directly or indirectly a result of

human activity and is no longer good for humans in its present form, is reused

partially or wholly.

In this procedure rubbish is usually converted into raw materials from which new

goods are produced. There are many ways to recycle. Some of these ways are:

Composting which is done with the opening of pits in the gardens (this helps to

produce fertilizer by disposing various food remains in the pits).

The sorting of garbage before disposal: for example, paper, plastic, glass and

aluminum are put into the blue recycling bin. The electrical appliances are collected in

a special in which is usually yellow. Batteries and bulbs are also collected separately.

The importance of recycling to the environment:

• It reduces waste and its management problems.

• It decreases the air, soil and groundwater pollution (in this way the environment is

not polluted very much).

• It saves the energy needed to manufacture all the aforementioned objects.

• The health of all human beings is preserved and a better future for our children is


• And finally, we use recycled materials for our crafts and to decorate our classroom!

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The paper has reached its destination.

Help the children deposit


in the right place!

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The story of the Recycle Family

Once upon a time there was a family of household items. They all lived in

the same house. They built a family one by one. At first, there was the Radio. Then, there was the Fridge. But it was not bought; it was received as a present from some relatives that bought a new one for themselves. So, with other words, old Fridge is the oldest of all, although Radio says it was the first in the house.

After that, it was Aunt Washing Machine, then came Uncle TV, and of course Cousin Vacuum Cleaner. After a while the grandchildren showed up: Toaster, Hair Dryer, Mixer, and many others. Some went out to see the world but others stood at home somewhere in the pantry, warehouse, barn, wondering where their relatives could be.

Mostly they were afraid not to be thrown somewhere by the river, or in a forest or even in the garbage bin.

They lived together, suffered together whenever the electricity went off, they felt sorry for those that got a fuse broken or any other part, did their job well, until they got broken for good.

They were forgotten somewhere in the corner of the house, covered with a tablecloth not to be seen anymore, thronged in the pantry with other useless things. Their dream was to be recycled, and from there to start a new life.

Everybody has a project about their personal life. They wanted to arrive into a recycling centre, but unfortunately their owners suffered from a lack of information, and did not want to take them from the places that they have hidden their household items and to recycle them.

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Jumble words:

Put the words in the correct alphabetical order. All these household items

want to be recycled.

Circle all the words representing the objects you have already told your friends,

classmates , family members to recycle.

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The magazine was done by the students

from the partner schools:

1. Școala Gimnazială „Anișoara Odeanu” Lugoj- Romania - coordinating school

2. Fundação Escola Profissional de Setúbal- Portugal


4. Baptista Szeretetszolgálat EJSZ Kölcsey Ferenc Általános Iskolája- Hungary

5. Suodenniemen koulu- Finland


7. Tece İlkokulu/Ortaokulu - Turkey