Macular Degeneration Stem Cell Therapy

Macular Degeneration Stem Cell Therapy Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD is painless. It may worsen slowly or rapidly. Dry AMD may aect central vision within a few years. Wet AMD can cause sudden and dramatic changes in vision. In either case, early detection and treatment are key to slowing vision loss. See your eye doctor right away if you notice: + Straight lines appearing wavy in wet AMD + Blurred central vision, common dry AMD symptom + Trouble seeing things in the distance + Problems seeing colours correctly + Diculty seeing details, like words on a page + Dark or “blank” spots blocking your central vision Retinal degeneration represents a group of blinding diseases that are increasingly impacting the health and well being of Californians. It is estimated that by 2020, over 450,000 Californians will suer from vision loss or blindness due to the age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of retinal degeneration diseases in the elderly. AMD is a progressive ocular disease of the part of the retina, called the macula, which enables people to read, visualise faces, and drive. The disease initially causes distortion in central vision, and eventually leads to legal blindness. A layer of cells at the back of the eye called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), provide support, protection, and nutrition to the light sensitive cells of the retina; the photoreceptors which consist of rods and cones . The dysfunction and/or loss of these RPE cells play a critical role in the loss of the PR’s and hence the blindness in AMD. Eective treatment could be achieved by replacement of damaged RPE and retinal cells with healthy ones. More specifically, the regenerated and restored RPE layer would prevent the irreversible loss of the PR’s. StemCell Therapy for AMD Stem cells can migrate to the sites of injury attracted by specific chemicals released by the damaged tissue. The cell, by homing to the damaged area will fuse with the damaged tissue by the process of engraftment and become the same tissue by displaying the property of plasticity. This can be supported with a selection of carefully chosen therapies: Contact Us For a Free Consultation [email protected] | +6626507709 Enrich the bodies blood with oxygen, delivering more oxygen to your cells. BioPhoton therapy (laser) to stimulate selective cell activities. IntelliHealth+ Medical Centre is our treatment facility in Bangkok, Thailand. |

Transcript of Macular Degeneration Stem Cell Therapy

Page 1: Macular Degeneration Stem Cell Therapy

Macular Degeneration Stem Cell Therapy Macular Degeneration (AMD):

AMD is painless. It may worsen slowly or rapidly. Dry AMD may affect central vision within a few years. Wet AMD can cause sudden and dramatic changes in vision. In either case, early detection and treatment are key to slowing vision loss. See your eye doctor right away if you notice:

+Straight lines appearing wavy in wet AMD

+Blurred central vision, common dry AMD symptom

+Trouble seeing things in the distance

+Problems seeing colours correctly

+Difficulty seeing details, like words on a page

+Dark or “blank” spots blocking your central vision

Retinal degeneration represents a group of blinding diseases that are increasingly impacting the health and well being of Californians. It is estimated that by 2020, over 450,000 Californians will suffer from vision loss or blindness due to the age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of retinal degeneration diseases in the elderly. AMD is a progressive ocular disease of the part of the retina, called the macula, which enables people to read, visualise faces, and drive. The disease initially causes distortion in central vision, and eventually leads to legal blindness.

A layer of cells at the back of the eye called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), provide support, protection, and nutrition to the light sensitive cells of the retina; the photoreceptors which consist of rods and cones . The dysfunction and/or loss of these RPE cells play a critical role in the loss of the PR’s and hence the blindness in AMD. Effective treatment could be achieved by replacement of damaged RPE and retinal cells with healthy ones. More specifically, the regenerated and restored RPE layer would prevent the irreversible loss of the PR’s.

StemCell Therapy for AMD Stem cells can migrate to the sites of injury attracted by specific chemicals released by the damaged tissue.

The cell, by homing to the damaged area will fuse with the damaged tissue by the process of engraftment and become the same tissue by displaying the property of plasticity.

This can be supported with a selection of carefully chosen therapies:

Contact Us For a Free Consultation [email protected] | +6626507709

Enrich the bodies blood with oxygen, delivering more oxygen to your cells.

BioPhoton therapy (laser) to stimulate selective cell activities.

IntelliHealth+ Medical Centre is our treatment facility in Bangkok, Thailand. |