Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment

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Transcript of Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment

  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment


    Xnzkolx nom Kozex}geo}

    Mp/ Cn}fepkoe Xnuep

    Ypkohkydex bj Gnhpbehbobgkhx

    EHB 09>9


  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment



    K/ ]fe Jkonohknd X{x}egKK/ Xnzkolx nom Kozex}geo}

    KKK/ Ybdkh{

    KZ/ UX Mejkhk} nom Me`}


  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment


    K/ ]fe Jkonohknd X{x}eg kx }fe lpbuy bj kox}k}u}kbox ko no ehbobg{

    }fn} fedy }b gn}hf xnzkolx |k}f kozex}geo}

    ]fe UX ehbobg{ fnx }|b `nxkh }{yex bj jkonohknd kox}k}u}kbox1

    ' jkonohknd gnpce}x

    ' jkonohknd ko}epgemknpkex

    >/ Jkonohknd Gnpce}x npe kox}k}u}kbox |fepe juomx npe }pnoxjeppem

    mkpeh}d{ jpbg xnzepx }b kozex}bpx/


  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment



    n/ @bom Gnpce}

    N `bom kx n hep}kjkhn}e bj kome`}emoexx/


    \feo n jkpg kxxuex `bomx }b pnkxe gboe{$ k} kx hnddem me`}jkonohe/

    \feo n jkpg &bp lbzepogeo}+ kxxuex n `bom$ }fe{ npe ypbgkxkol

    }b yn{ {bu `nhc n hep}nko zndue ko }fe ju}upe/

    N `bom fnx n mn}e bj gn}upk}{ nom n pn}e bj ko}epex} nxxbhkn}em

    |k}f k}/

  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment



    Hfnpnh}epkx}khx }fn} me}epgkoe n `bomx zndue1

    ' }epg1 deol}f bj }kge uo}kd }fe `bom gn}upex' uxundd{ dbol }epg `bomx yn{ n fklfep ko}epex}

    pn}e }fno xfbp} }epg `bomx

    ' hpemk} pkxc1 }fe ypb`n`kdk}{ }fn} }fe `bppb|ep |kdd jnkd }b

    yn{ }fe ko}epex} bp }fe ypkohkynd

    ' }fe pkxckep }fe `bom$ }fe fklfep }fe ko}epex} pn}e

    ' }nv }pen}geo}1 xbge `bom ko}epex} kx }nv jpee

  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment



    `/ X}bhc Gnpce}

    N x}bhc kx n hdnkg bjynp}knd b|oepxfky bj n jkpg/

    \feo n jkpg kxxuex x}bhc }b pnkxe gboe{$ k} kx hnddem e~uk}{ jkonohe/

    Kj {bu `u{ n x}bhc$ {bu npe ob} lunpno}eem }b le} {bup gboe{ `nhc/

    X}bhcx npe xbdm ko bplnokqem x}bhc evhfnolex nom }feypkhex npe

    me}epgkoem `{ xuyyd{ nom megnom/

    ]fe ypkhe bj n x}bhc leoepndd{ pejdeh}x }feyephey}kbo bj n jkpgx

    ju}upe ypbjk}n`kdk}{/

  • 8/9/2019 Macro Lecture ch08 Savings and Investment


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    Hdko}bo M >;;