MacArthur, Dan T-203n. -...

MacArthur, Dan T-203n. Macartney, W. F. R. CE--233 CE--63 Macaulay, Lord CE--417 CE--104 Macaulay, Rose WB-219 CE--510 MacCarthy, Desmond UO-218 PC-498,577 MacCarthy, Mary WOG-103,163 MacDiarmid, Hugh CE--373 Macey, Samuel L. 'George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Future that Becomes the Past',(George Orwell: A Resessment,edited by Peter Buitenhuis and Ira B. Nadel,including the 'Preface' by editrs, and the 'Introduction' by Bernard Crick,Macmillan,1988,London,pp.23-31) Macklin, Ruth 'Modifying Behavior,Thought,and Feeling:Can Big Brother Controll From Within?',(Reflection on America,1984 --An Orwell Symposium ,edited and with an introduction by Robert Mulvihill, The University of Geogia Press,1986,Geogia,pp.159-178) Machiavelli, Nicolò WB-291 CE--206,322,323 PC-386 CE--8,224 CE--161-162,177-178,474 Macdonald, Dwight S-401,405,406-407,420 W-39 PC-421,463,495,536 CE--53(n),141-142n,172,302-303 CE--407 'The Lion and Unicorn',(Partisan Review,March 1942,pp.166-169),CH-191-194 'The British Genius',(Partisan Review,9 1942,pp.166-169),ABM-62-63 ▼Macdonald mentions Orwell's confident but false prophecies, praises the human quality of his political writing and summarizes his political program as nationalization of land, mines, railways, bank and major industries; democratization of education; equalization of personal incomes; and freedom for India.(ABM-62-63) 'Varieties of Political Experience',(New Yorker 35,28 March 1959,pp.141-150),ABM-63 ▼Macdonald calls Part of The Road to Wigan Pier "the best sociological reporting I know". He praises Orwell's combination of indignation with specificity, and compares the book with Jack London and Simone Weil's accounts of living with the poor. He calls Part a "painfully honest Sociobiography",and comments on Orwell's sense of smell and his masochistic abuse of fellow- socialists. He thinks much of Orwell is still fresh and to the point.(ABM-63) MacDonald, Ramsay F-53 PC-255 CE--543 Macdonald, Malcolm UO-159

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MacArthur, Dan T-203n.

Macartney, W. F. R. CE-Ⅰ-233 CE-Ⅱ-63

Macaulay, Lord CE-Ⅰ-417 CE-Ⅲ-104

Macaulay, Rose WB-219 CE-Ⅰ-510

MacCarthy, Desmond UO-218 PC-498,577

MacCarthy, Mary WOG-103,163

MacDiarmid, Hugh CE-Ⅲ-373

Macey, Samuel L.

'George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Future that Becomes the Past',(George Orwell: A Resessment,edited by Peter Buitenhuis and Ira B. Nadel,including the 'Preface' by editrs, and the

'Introduction' by Bernard Crick,Macmillan,1988,London,pp.23-31)

Macklin, Ruth

'Modifying Behavior,Thought,and Feeling:Can Big Brother Controll From Within?',(Reflection on America,1984 --An Orwell Symposium ,edited and with an introduction by Robert Mulvihill,

The University of Geogia Press,1986,Geogia,pp.159-178)

Machiavelli, Nicolò WB-291 CE-Ⅱ-206,322,323 PC-386 CE-Ⅲ-8,224 CE-Ⅳ-161-162,177-178,474

Macdonald, Dwight S-401,405,406-407,420 W-39 PC-421,463,495,536 CE-Ⅲ-53(n),141-142n,172,302-303 CE-Ⅳ-407

'The Lion and Unicorn',(Partisan Review,March 1942,pp.166-169),CH-191-194

'The British Genius',(Partisan Review,9 1942,pp.166-169),ABM-62-63

▼Macdonald mentions Orwell's confident but false prophecies, praises the human quality of his political writing and summarizes his political program as nationalization of land, mines,

railways, bank and major industries; democratization of education; equalization of personal incomes; and freedom for India.(ABM-62-63)

'Varieties of Political Experience',(New Yorker 35,28 March 1959,pp.141-150),ABM-63

▼Macdonald calls Part Ⅰ of The Road to Wigan Pier "the best sociological reporting I know". He praises Orwell's combination of indignation with specificity, and compares the book with

Jack London and Simone Weil's accounts of living with the poor. He calls Part Ⅱ a "painfully honest Sociobiography",and comments on Orwell's sense of smell and his masochistic abuse of

fellow- socialists. He thinks much of Orwell is still fresh and to the point.(ABM-63)

MacDonald, Ramsay F-53 PC-255 CE-Ⅰ-543

Macdonald, Malcolm UO-159

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MacDonell, Archibald Gordon WOG-147

Mackarness, Major G. S. PC-418

Mackenzie, Sir Compton S-182 UO-56 T-13,66,70,104,104n. F-51 PC-86-87,236,299,307,386 WOG-147 CE-Ⅰ-363 CE-Ⅱ-352 CE-Ⅳ-422

MacKenzie, Jeanne

H. G. Wells: A Biography,with Norman MacKenzie,(1973,New York,pp.430-431),ABM-63

▼When H.G.Wells saw that Orwell was repeating (in the Listener of 1942) the claim that Wells believed "science can solve all the ills that man is heir to". he wrote Orwell an angry note

insisting "I don't say that at all. Read my early works, you shit". Orwell had undoubtedly misrepresented him at a time when he was unwell.(ABM-63)

MacKenzie, Norman

H.G.Wells: A Biography,with Jeanne MacKenzie,(1973,New York,pp.430-431),ABM-63

Maclaren-Ross, Julian PC-500

MacLeish, A. WB-89,90

Macmillan, Harold UO-34,75

Macmurray, John CE-Ⅱ-441

Macnaghten, Hugh UO-91,92,92n.,125

MacNeice, Louis UO-8 T-144 WB-83,84 CE-Ⅰ-510-512,524 CE-Ⅱ-123,154,297,317

Maconachie, Sir R. WB-259

Macpherson, Kenneth

'Keep the Aspidistra Flying'(Life and Letters Today,Autumn,1936,pp.207-208),CH-70-71

MacWilliam, Iain

'George Orwell on Scottish Nationalism',(Catalyst for the Scottish Viewpoint 3,1970,pp.23-24),ABM-63-64

▼The essay traces references to Scotland in Orwell's work, and shows that Orwell disparages Scottish nationalism and praises English patriotism. MacWilliam argues that Orwell's prejudice

against Scotland dates from the "cult of Scotland" he describes at his prep school. After residence on Jura he became sympathetic to the Scots, as a 1947 article in Tribune shows. His political

analysis, however, is based only on obsession of Jura; and, generalizing from Welsh nationalism, he mistakenly links Scottish nationalism to the preservation of Gaelic.(ABM-63-64)

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Maddison, Michael

'At the Crossroads of Ideology--George Orwell's Animal Farm',(Geste 6[Leeds],27 October 1960,pp.18-21),ABM-64

▼Animal Farm stands between Orwell's past Utopianism and the imminent pessimism of 1984. It is a parody of The Revolution Betrayed, but unlike Trotsky, Orwell offers only a dismal

failure with no hope for the future. His political viewpoint is basically an out- dated radicalism.(ABM-64)

'1984: a Burnhamite fantasy',(Political quarterly vol.32,January/March 1961,pp.71-79),ON;ABM-64

▼Maddison attacks the theory that Orwell wrote 1984 as Cold War propaganda.

He suggests that Orwell adopts Burnham's Managerial Revolution as his thesis and uses Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution as a model for Goldstein's writings. The book's greatest

weakness is that the proles' complete passivity is not plausible. Orwell could not visualize a revolutionary working class, and he was disappointed in the lack of progress of socialism in the

post-1945 period.(ABM-64)

Maes-Jelinek, Hena

'George Orwell',(Criticism of Society in the English Novel between the Wars,1970,Paris,pp.337-402),ABM-64

▼This survey of Orwell's novels, which touches on most aspects of his work and thought, is an unoriginal digest of critical comment. The main thesis of the essay is that Orwell's guilt and concern

for poverty developed into a vision of mankind divided into categories of race or class, which imprison people and prevent real communication. The real hero of Orwell's pre-war novels is the

English middle class pressured by the need to conform to its own norms. According to the author, Orwell was a disappointed idealist who could never have been satisfied with any political


Magny, Claude-Edmonde

'Unanarchiste du vingtième siècle: George Orwell',(Preuves,juin 1952,pp.18-20),ABM-64-65

▼An appreciation of Orwell, based chiefly on Down and Out in Paris and London, in which Magny emphasizes his intellectual honesty, his gift for sociological analysis and his virtue of examining

everything he saw seriously, tjought not without humor and poetry. Orwell was a typically English eccentric and empiricist, but he cherished the dream of a classless society until his disillusionment

in Catalonia. Animal Farm and 1984 show that hierarchies persist in spite of revolution. Orwell is an English pessimist, a romantic puritan,yet even in his depiction of despair, his critical attitude

gives us hope.(ABM-64-65)

Mailer, Norman ORe-214 WOG-114,158

Maillart, Ella K. CE-Ⅰ-268(n)

Main, C. F.

Essays in Literary History: presented to J.Milton French,edited by Rudolf Kirk and C.F.Main,(Russel & Russel,1965),ON

Mairet, Philip S-263,307 T-116,124 CE-Ⅰ-547 PC-272,311-312,363 WOG-144

'Homage to Catalonia'(New English Weekly,26 May 1938,pp.129-130),CH-127-130

'Inside the Whale'(New English Weekly,(14 March 1940,pp.307-308),CH-177-180

Malden, (Raggie) Viscount PC-60

Malkin, Lawrence

'Halfway to 1984',(Horizon vol 12,spring 1970,pp.33-39),ON;ABM-65;Nineteen Eighty-Four to 1984,edited by C.J,Kuppig,Caroll & Graf Publishers,1984,New York,pp.109-131);ABM-65

▼Malkin surveys the publishing history of Animal Farm and 1984, and their impact on the American public.

He discusses Orwell's use of Burnham and Zamyatin in 1984, and compares the official reporting of the Vietnam war with the perpetual warfare of 1984. In spite of attempt to make 1984 an anti-

Communist tract, the novel endures because it believes in the value of human character.(ABM-65)

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Mallock, W. H. CE-Ⅲ-264 CE-Ⅳ-102,208

Malreau, André T-192 W-138,225,227 PC-395 CE-Ⅱ-229 CE-Ⅲ-234,358 RGO-10,38,64,75,96,113,123,154,172,174,175,179

Mandelstam, Nadezhda F-174

Mandelstam, Osip CE-Ⅳ-417(n)-418

Mander, John

'George Orwell's Politics',(Contemporary Review 197,January and February 1960,pp.32-36),ABM-65-66

▼Mander praises Orwell's gifts for documentary, especially in "Shooting an Elephant" and "A Hanging", but criticizes the didactic qualities of the novels and the inconsistencies in the essays.

Orwell frequently becomes unfair and contradictory when he overstates his case. For Orwell socialism is limited to the old liberal watchwords of liberty and justice for all, and solidarity with the

working class. He is reactionary in some respects, in that he wanted a static society, as his sentimentality about the working class shows. In a "Note on Documentary" Mander says that Orwell

deserted the documentary mode in 1984 and wrote a scientific romance. He agrees with Deutscher that 1984 is a "disastrous legacy".(ABM-55-56)

'One Step Forward: Two Steps Back',(The Writer and Commitment,Secker and Warburg,1961,London,pp.10,15-17,18,20,25-27,61,62,65,68,70,71-110,111-113,120,137,181, 182, 189-190, 193,

209); ON

Manderson, A. E. WB-194

Mankowitz, Karl CE-Ⅳ-407n

Mann, F. O. UO-237

Mann, Golo PC-271,293,460,563

'1984'(Frankfurter Rundschau,5 November 1949,p.6),CH-277-281;ABM-66

Mann, Kraus F-127

Mann, Thomas F-95 WOG-66

Mannheim, Karl CE-Ⅳ-455

Mannin, Ethel ORe-195 PC-343,351

Mansfield, Katherine ORe-139 T-49

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Manvell, Roger

The Animated Film,with Pictures from the Film "Animal Farm",(1954,London),ABM-66

March, Juan CE-Ⅰ-340 CE-Ⅱ-265

Margesson, Viscount CE-Ⅱ-50,377(n),381

Marinetti, F. T. CE-Ⅱ-265

Maritain, Jacques CE-Ⅳ-440-441

Markievicz, Countess CE-Ⅳ-14

Marland, Trix

'George Orwell's 1984',(Horizon 13 [Delft],1950,pp.326-331),ABM-66

Marlowe, Christopher WB-244-245,248 CE-Ⅰ-82 CE-Ⅲ-62

Marrison, L. W. ORe-65-66 PC-156

'An Evening on Veranda',(Orwell Remembered,with 'Introduction' by B.Crick, and edited by Audrey Coppard and Bernard Crick,BBC,Ariel,1984,London,pp.65-66)

Marryat, Captain CE- Ⅰ-452-453 CE-Ⅲ-248,285

Marsh, Fred T. S-219 T-23,43

Marshal, N. WB-231,231n63,232,285

Marson, U. WB-90,91

Martin, David ORe-168 CE-Ⅱ-318

Martin, Kingsley ORe-179,275 S-304-305,306,312,374,468 F-81,97,133 PC-341-342,366,445,447,500,599 WB-18,19,54,55,56,68,204n38,294-299

WOG-80,95,121,144,145,150,166,167 CE-Ⅰ-299(n),310(n),357(n) CE-Ⅱ-428(n) CE-Ⅳ-16-17

'Animal Farm'(New Statesman and Nation,8 September 1945,pp.165-166),CH-197-199;NS-74-75

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Martindale, Father C. C. CE-Ⅰ-79,85(n)

'Why not Our Ally ?',(Month 173,February 1939,pp.120-127),ABM-66-67

Marx, Karl ORe-151 W-28,231,334 WB-40,44,119,122,124-125,129,201 H-130,159 WOG-138 CE-Ⅰ-428 CE-Ⅱ-18,31,39,128,310

CE-Ⅲ-57,98,276,298,311,406 RGO-130,133

Masefield, John CE-Ⅰ-504 CE-Ⅲ-281

Masefield, Peter CE-Ⅱ-440(n)

Mason, George PC-478

Mason, W. H.

'George Orwell: "Shooting an Elephant"',(Short Story Study: A Critical Anthology,compiled by A.J.Smith and W.H.Mason,Edward Arnold,1961,London,pp.89-99)

Masters, E. L. WB-91

Matthews, Herbert

'Homage to Catalonia'(Nation,27 December 1952)

The Yoke and the Arrows: A Report on Spain,(1961,New York,pp.45-52),ABM-67

A World in Revolution,(Scribner,1971,New York,pp.11,43-45),OGO;ABM-67

Matteotti, Giacomo CE-Ⅱ-319

Maud, John (later Lord Redcliff-Maud) S-76

Maugham, Robin CE-Ⅲ-55-56

Maugham, Somerset ORe-48 UO-29,155-156,158,174-176,187,189 T-24,26,29 B-106 PC-86,171,245 H-22 WOG-130,154

CE-Ⅰ-33,166,506,510 CE-Ⅱ-24

Maung Aung San WOG-25

Maung Htin Aung S-113,114,117 UO-157 PC-154-155,164,166 WOG-34

'George Orwell and Burma' (Asian Affairs 57,1970,pp.19-28; The World of George Orwell,edited by Miriam Gross ,Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1971,London,pp.19-30);OGO;ABM-47

▼A valuable essay which discusses the reactions of the young Orwell to the prevailing ethos of colonial rule, and places Burmese Days in relation to the rises of Burmese nationalism from

1919 to 1930. Htin Aung believes that Burmese Days is a valuable historical document which records the tensions in Anglo-Burmese relations.(ABM-47)

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'Orwell of the Burma Police',(Asian Affairs 60,1973,pp.181-186),OGO;ABM-48

▼A closely-researched look at Orwell's record in the Burma Police. The author relates that Blair's salary and status were good from the start, that he was smart-looking, a good shot,

level-headed, in fact a typical ex-public school man. He must have been efficient to receive his promotion and good postings, and was extremely proficient in language. Htin Aung concludes that his

renunciation of imperialism was meaningful since he had been a successful officer and had been rewarded. He also traces the significance of the choice of name for U Po Kyin, and the model for Dr.

Veraswamy. (ABM-48)

Maung Nu WOG-25

Maupassant, Guy de CE-Ⅲ-166

Mauriac, F. CE-Ⅳ-407,442

Maurois, André CE-Ⅱ-84

Maxton, James ORe-195 T-191 PC-348 CE-Ⅰ-285(n),300(n) CE-Ⅲ-78

Maxwell, Gavin ORe-36 UO-25,32-33n.,54,55 PC-72-73,75-76,78,81,98

May, Nunn CE-Ⅳ-197(n)-198,377(n)

Mayakovsky, V. V. CE-Ⅲ-104,365

Mayberry, George

'Homage to Catalonia'(New Republic,23 June 1952,pp.21-22),CH-141-143

Mayhew, Henry RGO-10,91,168,169

Mayne, Ethel Colburn CE-Ⅰ-95,97

Mayne, Richard F-45,46

'A Note on Orwell's Paris'(The World of George Orwell,edited by Miriam Gross ,Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1971,London,pp.39-45);OGO;ABM-67

McBee, Susanna

'U.S. Still a Far Cry from World of 1984',(U.S. News and World Report,December 26,1983-January 2,1984,pp.90-91,93),OGO

McCann, Edward CE-Ⅲ-343

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McCarthy, Desmond WB-126 CE-Ⅳ-145(n)

McCarthy, Eugene J.

'George Orwell: A Prophet Honored Just After His Time'(The Future of Nineteen Eighty-Four,Ejner J. Jensen ed.,Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press,1984,U.S.A.,pp.137-150)

McCarthy, Mary T-23

'The Writing on the Wall',(New York Review of Books 30,January 1969,pp.3-5),ABM-67-68

'The Man Who Wanted Out',(Nova,May/June 1969,London,pp.28,30,33,35,40,46),ABM-67-68

The Writing on the Wall,(1970,New York,pp.153-171),ABM-67-68

'A Discourse on Nature',(Listener 83,11 June 1970,pp.785-786)

McConnell, J. D. R. UO-109

McCormack, Robert ABM-68

'Orwell',(Tamarack Review 58,1971,pp.77-83),ABM-68

McCormic, Donald

Approaching 1984,(David & Charles,1980,Newton Abbot),ON

McDougall, Dr J.B. S-325,329 PC-358 CE-Ⅰ-347

McDowall, Mr U-96

McDowell, Jennifer

'1984 and Soviet Reality',(University of California Graduate Journal 1,1962,pp.12-19),ABM-68-69

'George Orwell: bibliographical addenda',(Bulletin of bibliography vol.23,January/April 1963,pp.224-229),ON;ABM-69

'George Orwell: bibliographical addenda',(Bulletin of bibliography vol.24,May/August 1963,pp.19-24),ON;ABM-69

'George Orwell: bibliographical addenda',(Bulletin of bibliography vol.25,September/December 1963,pp.36-40),ON;ABM-69

McEwan, Sally S-419,449 PC-512,513,514,601

McGill, Ronald ORe-219 B-57 WOG-103,104,109,110 CE-Ⅱ-42,155-165 CE-Ⅲ-284 CE-Ⅳ-378n

McGinn, Robert E.

'The Politics of Technology and the Technology of Politics',(On Nineteen Eighty-Four,edited by Peter Stansky,(W.H.Freeman,1983,New York,pp.67-75);OGO

McGovern, John CE-Ⅰ-300(n)

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McHugh, Vincent T-73-74

McKechnie, Ian ORe-235 PC-529 CE-Ⅳ-482(n)

McKendrick, Alexander F-127

McLean, Alan

'Animal Farm in Africa',(Use of English 17,1965,pp.50-53),ABM-69

McLoad, H. S. ORe-66

McNair, John ReO-73-74,79-80 ORe-14,156-157 S-274,275,276,278,284,292,296,301,302,303,312 T-188,191-192,193,196,197,203,212,223,224-225

F-70,72,75,77,78 PC-316-318,319,320,327-328,332,337,338-340,346-347,348,349 CE-Ⅰ-264n,265n,318 RGO-120,174

'Homage to Catalonia'(New Leader(London),6 May 1938,p.7),CH-124-127

'George Orwell: The Man I Knew',(Controversy 1,1962,pp.3-5),ABM-69

McNally, Cleo

'On Not Teaching Orwell',(College English 38,1977,pp.553-566)OGO


'Waiting for 1984: On Orwell and Evil',With Dennis J. O'Keefe,(Encounter 59,6,December 1982,pp.43-48),OGO;ON

Meade,Frank ORe-131 S-244 T-128 WOG-56 PC-280 CE-Ⅰ-163(n),165,173-174,218

Meath, Lord ORe-33 PC-280

Megroz, R. L. CE-Ⅳ-45-48

Meir, Golda PC-401

Mellichamp, Leslie

'George Orwell and the Ethics of Revolutionary Politics',(Modern Age 9,1965,pp.272-278),ABM-69-70

Mellor, Anne K.

'"You're Only a Rebel from the Waist Downwards: Orwell's View of Women',(On Nineteen Eighty-Four,edited by Peter Stansky,W.H.Freeman,1983,New York,pp.115-125);OGO

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Melville, Herman S-150 UO-216,217 WB-91,232 CE-Ⅰ-19-21,521 CE-Ⅳ-231

Melling, Carlton ReO-63-64 T-132

Mencken, H. L. CE-Ⅰ-101

Menon, V. K. Narayana W-316 WB-37,39,209n42,211-212,230-232,236,243 CE-Ⅱ-271(n)-276

Menon, V. K. Krishna CE-Ⅱ-417(n)

Meredith, George H-159 CE-Ⅰ-437,502 CE-Ⅱ-34 CE-Ⅲ-188,248 CE-Ⅳ-19,22

Mérimée, Prosper CE-Ⅰ-456 CE-Ⅲ-166

Merriam, C. F. WB-46

Merrick, Frank PC-254

Merrick, Leonard PC-550 CE-Ⅳ-20-21,52-56

Merrick, Lionel WOG-131

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice S-393-394

Messel, Oliver UO-105

Messerer, Azary

'Orwell and the Soviet Union',(etc:a review of general sematics vol.12,spring 1970,pp.33-39),ON

Metaxas, General CE-Ⅱ-385

Mew, Charlotte T-15

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Meyer, Alfred G.

'The Political Theory of Pessimism:George Orwell and Herbert Marcuse'(The Future of Nineteen Eighty-Four,Ejner J. Jensen ed.,Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press, 1984, U.S.A.,

pp.121-135) OGO

Meyer, Michael ReO-132-138,178 S-393-394 F-134 PC-460n.,499,500,502,544 CE-Ⅳ-148(n),196-197,480-481,480(n) ABM-70

'Memories of George Orwell'(The World of George Orwell,Miriam Gross ed.,Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1971,London,pp.127-133),OGO;ABM-70

▼A memoir of Orwell with anecdotes about his quarrel with H.G.Wells and his meeting and friendship with Graham Greene. Meyer emphasizes his shyness, kindness, courtesy and wit, and

his excellence as a political conversationalist.(ABM-70)

'Orwell's Painful Childhood'(Ariel 3,1972,pp.54-61),OGO

'Memories of George Orwell'(Not Prince Hamlet--Literary and Theatrical Memoirs,Secker & Warburg,1989,London,pp.65-75)

Meyerstein, E. H. W. UO-25

Meyers, Jeffrey PC-593,633

George Orwell:The Crytical Heritage,(Routledge & Kegan Paul,1975,London);OGO;ABM-74

▼The 108 reviewers in this book trace Orwell's critical and personal reputation from Down and Out in Paris and London(1933) to the Collected Essays,Journalism and Letters(1968) and

include translation from Russian, Polish German and French. The long Introduction discusses the controversy provoked by Orwell's books, the four phases of his career and reputation, and the

dominant themes of the criticism.(ABM-74)

'CEJL'(Philological Quarterly,October 1969,pp.526-533,549),CH-373-381;ABM-74

'Orwell's Apocalypse:Coming Up for Air' (Modern Fiction Studies 21,No.1,Spring 1975; George Orwell --Modern Critical Views, with an introduction and edited by Harold Bloom (Chelsea

House Publishers,1987,New York,pp.85-96)

A Reader's Guide to George Orwell,(Thames and Hudson,1975,London; Littlefield,Adams & Co.,1977,Totowa N.J.);OGO;ON;ABM-73-74

▼All Orwell's books are autobiographical and spring from his psychological need to work out the pattern and meaning of his personal experience. His great triumph is his ability to transform his

early guilt and awareness of what it means to be a victim into an etic of responsibility, a compulsive sharing in the degradation of others. His guilt suggests his similarity to French writers like

Malraux and Sartre, who see themselves responsible in the face of history for moral awareness and social justice, and whose etic goes beyond the traditional claims for artistic integrity and personal

commitment, and both limits and liberates their artistic powers(ABM-73-74)

'George Orwell,the Honorary Proletarian',(Philological Quarterly 47,1969,pp.526-549),OGO;ABM-70

▼A discussion of the omissions from the Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, the characteristis of Orwell's style, and the biographical revelations of the letters and essays. It also quotes a

letter from Orwell's tutor at Eton and explais, for the first time, why he went to Burma. The analysis of Orwell's four books on poverty suggests that the dominant pattern in his life is the series

of masochistic impulses for a higher cause that testifies to his compulsive need for self-punishment.(ABM-70)

'The Ethics of Responsibility:Orwell's Burmese Days',(University Review 35,1968,pp.83-87),OGO;ABM-70

▼Flory's inability to meat responsibility under the pressure of an overwhelming guilt is revealed in his relationship with Dr. Veraswami; with his Burmese mistress, May Hla; and with

Elizabeth Lackersteen, whom he can neither nor engage. His suicide, an appropriate gesture of physical courage and moral weakness, is a terrible protest against these failures.(ABM-70)

'Orwell in Burma',(American Notes and Queries 11,1972,pp.52-54),OGO

'"An Affirming Flame":Orwell's Homage to Catalonia',(Arizona Quarterly 27,1971,pp.5-22),OGO;ABM-71

▼Homage to Catalonia, which contains autobiography, military history, political analysis and propaganda, portrays not only an eyewitness account of what really happened in Spain, but also

the story of a man's grouth in personal and political awareness. The central tension between politics and war, reflection and action, disenchantment and idealism,creates the dominant form of the

book, and reflects the poignant opposition of victimization and comradeship.(ABM-71)

'Orwell's Bestiality: The Political Allegory of Animal Farm',(Studies in the 20th Century 8,1971,pp.65-84),ABM-71

'Orwell's Painful Childhood',(Ariel vol.3,January 1972,pp.54-61),ON;ABM-71

▼Orwell's profound sense of guilt occurred earlier than he suggests and had its roots in his childhood. Though this masochistic strain existed, his writing is manifest proof of his ability to

transcend personal guilt by channeling it into effective social and political thought and action. His own suffering led to feeling of responsibility for the suffering of others.(ABM-71)

'The Evolution of "1984"',(English Miscellany,vol.23,1972,pp.247-261),ON;ABM-71-72

▼1984 is a concrete and naturalistic portrayal of the present and the past, and its great originality results more from a realistic synthesis and rearrangement of familiar materials than from any

prophetic or imaginary speculations. The novel is not only a paradigm of the history of Europe for the previous twenty years, but also a culmination of all the characteristic beliefs and ideas

expressed in Orwell's works from the Depression to the Cold War.(ABM-71-72)

'Review of The World of George Orwell,ed. Miriam Gross and Raymond Williams' George Orwell',(Commonweal 96,2 June 1972,pp.313-314),ABM-72

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▼Most of the essays in the Gross volume, though agreeably readable in an old-fashioned sort of way, are too short for an extended argument and lack both originality and intellectual substance.

William's unpleasant and unfair book attacks Orwell as a reactionary and a revisionist whose accommodation to capitalism makes him a kind of Stalin who betrayed the revolution.(ABM-72)

'Orwell in Burma',(American Notes and Queries 11,1972,pp.52-54),ABM-72

▼New factual information about Orwell's application and examination for his position in the Burmese Police, discovered in the India Police, discovered in the India Office Library, reveal that he

finished an unimpressive seventeenth in a class of twenty-nine, but was the best of the three men sent to Burma--his first choice.(ABM-72)

'Review of Stansky and Abrahams' The Unknown Orwell',(Modern Fiction Studies 19,1973,pp.250-256),ABM-72

▼The "Unknown" Orwell is a familiar figure, and though the authors have interviewed a great many people, they have learned relatively little. The crucial event in Orwell's life and turning point of

his political career was not 1933 when Blair became Orwell, but 1937 when Orwell found commitment, compassion and courage during the Spanish Civil War.(ABM-72)

'George Orwell: A Bibliography',(Bulletin of Bibliography 31,1974,pp.117-121)


▼A bibliography of criticism on Orwell which lists three hundred books and articles in English, French,Italian,German,Dutch, Norwegian, Sebro-Croat, Hungarian and Japanese.(ABM-72-73)

'Orwell's Apocalypse: Coming Up fo Air',(Modern Fiction Studies 21,1,1975,pp.69-80),OGO;ABM-73

▼Coming Up for Air, Orwell's central transitional work, concerns an apocalyptic vision that destroys a nostalgic dream of childhood. It is both a synthetic and seminal book, gathering the theme

that had been explored in the poverty books of the thirties, and anticipating the cultural essays and political satires of the next decade.(ABM-73)

'Orwell's Bestiary: The Political Allegory of Animal Farm',(Studies in the Twentieth Century 8,1971,pp.65-84),OGO;ABM-71

▼The political allegory of Animal Farm , whether specific or general, detailed or allusive, is pervasive, thorough and accurate; and the brilliance of the book becomes much clearer when the

satiric allegory is compared to the political actuality.(ABM-71)

'The Evolution of 1984',(English Miscellany 23,1972,pp.247-261),OGO

'George Orwell: A Selected Checklist',(Modern Fiction Studies 21,1975,pp.133-136),ABM-73

▼A supplement to the earlier bibliography which lists an additional eighty-five books and articles on Orwell.(ABM-73)

'Review of Alex Zwerdling's Orwell and the Left',(London Magazine 15,April/May 1975,pp.104-107),ABM-73

▼This attempt to define the evolution of Orwell's political ideas from bits of occasional journalism written over a period of twenty years is a disappointing book on an important subject. It is true,

as Zwerdling argues, that Orwell's novels suffered from the suspension of the narrative for the didactic essay and from the limited awareness of the central character. But there is a great difference

between the self- pity of his unconvincing fictional heroes and the successful persona of the documentary works.(ABM-73)

'Review of William Steinhoff's George Orwell and the Origins of "1984"',(English Language Notes 13,1976),ABM-74

▼This first book-length study of 1984 analyzes Orwell's literary influences and political thought, and discusses the intellectual and historical background of the novel. Steinhoff's book is both

sound and valuable, for he argues convincingly without resorting to exaggeration and writes clearly about complicated matters.(ABM-74)

'Nineteen-Eighty-Four to 1984: a companion to the classic novel of our times',edited by C.J.Kuppig,(Caroll & Graf,1984,New York),ON

On Nineteen Eighty-Four,edited by Peter Stansky,(Stanford Alumni Association,1983,Stanford,Calif.),ON

'Orwell Issue:1984',(College Literature vol.11,No.1 1984,pp.1-94),ON

'Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel of the 1930's',(George Orwell,edited by Courtney T. Wemyss and Alexej Ugrinsky,Greenwood Press,1987,Westport,Conneticut,pp.135-143)

George Orwell: Annotated Bibliography of Criticism,with Valerie Meyers,(Gerald Publishing,1977,New York and London);ON

Meyers, Valerie

George Orwell: Annotated Bibliography of Criticism,with Jeffrey Meyers,(Gerald Publishing,1977,New York and London)

George Orwell,(Macmillan,1991,Hampshire/USA and London)

Meynell, Alice UO-252 CE-Ⅳ-304

Meynell, Godfrey CE-Ⅰ-224(n)

Michel, Charles UO-7

Michel, Sir John UO-8

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Michels, Mosca CE-Ⅳ-161

Mihailovic, General Draja WOG-157 CE-Ⅲ-292(n),317-318

Mikes, George PC-454

Mildmay, Lord PC-60

Miles, Hamish

'The Road to Wigan Pier'(New Statesman and Nation,1 May 1937,pp.724-726),CH-110-113;(Unwelcome Guerrilla,with 'Introduction' by Bernard Crick,edited by Alan George,(New Statesman,


Miles, Kenneth UO-254

Miller, Henry ORe-109,143,144-146,253 S-201,254-255,274-275,346, UO-222,137,137n. T-23,28,45,111,117,189 F-45,69 W-178-180,194,232,243,300,325-328

B-23,37,45-48,52,55 PC-185,240,250,306-307,315-316,367,375,385-386,389,439,493 H-124,125,126 WOG-40,42,84,104,146

CE-Ⅰ-154-156,219,220,227-229,230-232,233,409,493-502,519-522,525-527 CE-Ⅱ-33 CE-Ⅳ-106,107,108,109

'The Art of Fiction',(Paris Review 7,1962,pp.146-147),ABM-74

▼In this interview Miller calls Down and Out Orwell's best book and a classic. Miller thought Orwell was a wonderful chap in his way; but he said that Orwell, like so many English people, was a

foolish idealist.(ABM-74)

Miller, James

'George Orwell and Our Times',(Million 2,1945,pp.51-57),ABM-74-75

▼This criticism of Orwell from a socialist point of view was written before 1984. Miller appreciates Orwell's gifts as a writer, but agrees with Victor Gollancz that Orwell despises the working

class and is basically reactionary. Miller feels it is inexcusable to feel nostalgia for an era of so much working-class suffering. The extracts from Orwel which Miller quotes as wishful thinking seem

sober and accurate compared to Miller's revolutionary optimism.(ABM-74-75)

Miller, Mark Crispin

'Big Brother Is You,Watching',(Reflection on America,1984 --An Orwell Symposium ,edited and with an introduction by Robert Mulvihill,The University of Geogia Press,1986,Geogia)

'The Fate of 1984',(1984 Revisited,edited by Irving Howe,Harper and Row,1983,New York,pp.19-46

Miller, Max WOG-109-110 CE-Ⅱ-156,161(n)-162

Miller, Olga F-162

Miller, William

'1984 and All That',(Reporter 26,10 May 1962,pp.46,48,50-51,53),ABM-75

▼A review article on Richard Rees's Fugitive from the Camp of Victory. Miller deplores the fact That Orwell has become a symbol and that his political ideas have been distorted. He criticizes

Orwell's exaggerated contempt for those who do not measure up to his exacting and contradictory standards, but agrees with Rees that this fault was caused by Orwell's rigorous honesty and

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political idealism.(ABM-75)

Mills, Clifford CE-Ⅲ-162 CE-Ⅳ-357

Milne, A. A. CE-Ⅲ-287

Milnes, Monckton ORe-269

Milosz, Czeslav F-207 WOG-151

'1984'(The Captive Mind,1953),CH-286

Milton, John ORe-180 T-87 W-298 PC-122,123 H-27 WB-93,236 CE-Ⅰ-2 CE-Ⅲ-62,282 CE-Ⅳ-59(n),456

Milton, Harry ReO-81-82,85,87-88,90 S-293 T-199,200,203,218,225 PC-593 CE-Ⅱ-318

Mirsky, Prince Dmitri CE-Ⅰ-256,258-259

Mitchell, Mairine CE-Ⅰ-290-291,297

Mitchinson, Naomi S-327-328 PC-364

Mitford, Nancy T-156

Mitford, Unity CE-Ⅱ-349(n)

Mola, General CE-Ⅱ-361(n)

Molina Quirós, Jorge

'1984: fuentes literarias',(Filologia Moderna 6,1967,Madrid,pp.145-153),ABM-75

▼The major ideas about the nature of dictatorship in Burnham's The Managerial Revolution influenced 1984.

Koestler's Darkness at Noon had an even more decisive influence, for both novels attempt to determine wheather objective truth exists in political and morality.(ABM-75)

Møller, Per Stig

Orwell hab og frygt,(Gyldendal,1983,Copenhagen),ON

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Molotov, Vyacheslav M. ORe-271 CE-Ⅱ-214,323,399,426-428,431,439 CE-Ⅳ-319

Molson, H. WB-275

Montagu, Edwin WOG-23

Montague, C. E. B-144 CE-Ⅰ-232

Montalk, Potocki de CE-Ⅱ-285

Montgomery, Field-Marshall CE-Ⅲ-127(n) CE-Ⅳ-83

Montmorency, Mr UO-96

Mookerjee, A. WB-188n19,189

Moore, George CE-Ⅰ-166,506 CE-Ⅱ-192 CE-Ⅳ-22

Moore, Henry ORe-202 W-17 PC-497

Moore, Leonard S-9,161,164-165,168-169,173,188,189-190,194,219-220,221,247,271-272,284,290,310,320,321,325-326,337,345,353,403,411,465,469 UO-246-247,250-254

T-3-4,7,8,9,10,18-19,21-22,24,33,34,37,38-39,40,41,43,44,45,48,50,55,67,68,69,70,73,99,121,123,148,176,178 F-50,159 W-39



CE-Ⅲ-176(n),386-387,358,392-393,410 CE-Ⅳ-109(n)-111,233-234,459,483-484,495,500,508

Moore, M. WB-89

Moore, Risette T-85

Moore, Mrs T. Sturge T-86

Moore, T. Sturge ORe-107 UO-250 T-62,83,85,86-87 PC-263

Morace, Nella

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'Preludi a Homage to Catalonia di George Orwell',(Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale,Sezione Germanica 14,1971,Napoli,pp.257-275),ABM-75-76

▼Comparing the texts of the essays "Spilling the Spanish Beans" and "Notes on the Spanish Militias" with Homamage to Catalonia Morace finds that the former were early statements of the

material Orwell later used in the book. She argues that the second essay was written before Homage to Catalonia, not in 1939 as the editors suggest. She finds that the expression in the book tends

to be more precise and careful, and often softens the harshness of the early statements in the light of greater knowledge of the entire situation.(ABM-75-76)

More, Sir Thomas ORe-248,259 W-213 H-161

Morgan, Gerald A.

'False Freedom and Orwell's Faust-Book Nineteen Eighty-Four,(George Orwell: A Resessment,edited by Peter Buitenhuis and Ira B. Nadel,including the 'Preface' by editrs, and the 'Introduction'

by Bernard Crick,Macmillan,1988,London,pp.77-90)

Morgan, Jane ReO-3-5,30-32,187-188,203-204,217-218 ORe-85-89,230,231,233 S-259,461,486 F-11,12,155 PC-177,207-208527-529,556 CE-Ⅰ-348

'His Niece's Memory',(Orwell Remembered,with 'Introduction' by B.Crick, and edited by Audrey Coppard and Bernard Crick,BBC,Ariel,1984,London,pp.85-89)

Morgan, J. P. CE-Ⅳ-511

Morland, Dr Andrew ORe-115,188,203 S-480-481 F-163-164,165,166,169 PC-560-561,562-563,571,572,574-575,579 CE-Ⅳ-505n

Morland, Michael

George Orwell,edited by Michael Morland,(Loose-leaf folder),(The Times,1970,London),ABM-76

▼A useful collection of contemporary and posthumous reviews and articles on Orwell, in facsimile, intended for study material. It also includes a pamphlet on the political background of his books,

a sample of Tribune, a reprint of The English People, photographs of the BBC television production of 1984, a comic-strip version of Animal Farm taken from the film, and many photographs of


Morley, Frank V. PC-487 CE-Ⅰ-160-161

Morlock, Dr H.V. CE-Ⅳ-487(n),500

Morrell, Lady Ottoline T-87

Morris, Conan Stuart CE-Ⅱ-123

Morris, John ORe-171-176,182-183,203 W-23 PC-418-420 WB-49,272,272n106 WOG-98,147

'Some Are More Equal Than Others': A Note on George Orwell',(Penguin New Writing 40,1950,pp.90-97),ABM-76

▼Morris, who worked with Orwell at the wartime BBC, describes the strange expression in his eyes, a combination of benevolence and fanaticism, and the curiously crucified look which never

seemed to leave his face. He concludes that "when we were alone together he always tried to behave in an aggressively working-class manner, and the effect of that was to make me talk like an

unrepentant reactionary".(ABM-76)

'"That Curiously Crucified Expression"',(Orwell Remembered,with 'Introduction' by B.Crick, and edited by Audrey Coppard and Bernard Crick,BBC,Ariel,1984,London,pp.171-176)

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Morris, Mary Jo

'Bentham and Basic English: The "Pious Founders" of Newspeak',(George Orwell: A Resessment,edited by Peter Buitenhuis and Ira B. Nadel,including the 'Preface' by editrs, and the

'Introduction' by Bernard Crick,Macmillan,1988,London,pp.102-113)

Morris, Robert

Barron's Simplified Approach to "Animal Farm",(1971,New York),ABM-76

▼Study guide.(ABM-76)

Morris, William ORe-151 T-65 W-29,83-84,234,237,334 CE-Ⅳ-428

Morrison, Arthur ORe-219

Morrison, Blake

The Movement--English Poetry and Fiction of the 1950s (Oxford University Press,1980,Oxford)

Morrison, Fynes CE-Ⅲ-268

Morrison, Herbert CE-Ⅱ-95,118,414 CE-Ⅲ-381,399

Mortimer, Raymond PC-342 CE-Ⅰ-299(n)-302 CE-Ⅲ-104

'Talking to India',(The New Statesman and Nation,December 4,1943);Unwelcome Guerrilla,(The New Statesman and Nation,p.74)

Morton, A.L. WOG-162-163,

'The Last Phrase',(The English Utopia,1952,London),ABM-76-77

▼An attack on 1984 as a degenerate product of a bourgeois society in dissolution. Orwell does not argue a case but simply plays upon his readers' fears and prejudices about socialism. Morton cites

one of the plans for irrigation in the USSR as proof of the real transformation of man and nature brought about by Soviet socialism.(ABM-76-77)

'From The English Utopia',(Twentieth Century Interpretation of "1984": A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Samuel Hynes,(Prentice-Hall International, 1971, London, pp.109-111;

Englewood Cliffs,1971,N.J.)

Morton, J.B. Beachcomber の項参照

Mosbacher, E. WB-60n124

Mosher, Michael

Orwell for Beginners,with David Smith,(Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative,1984,London)

Mosley, Sir Oswald S-251-252 W-44 PC-256,291-292,293 WB-239 WOG-60,155 CE-Ⅰ-169(n),202-204,218

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CE-Ⅱ-51,88-89,92-93,181,211,364(n) CE-Ⅲ-15,75,80,84,153,265-256,336 CE-Ⅳ-38,383(n)-384,401,490

Moss, Peter

'The Tyrany of Language',with Florence Lewis,(Ninetee Eighty-Four in 1984,edited by Paul Chilton and Crispin Aubrey,Comedia Publishing Group,1983,London)

Mosse, George L.

Literature and Politics in the Twentieth Century,edited by Walter Laqueur & George L. Mosse,(Harper & Row,1967,New York)

Mottistone, Lord CE-Ⅱ-320

Moult, Thomas T-111 PC-241

Mountbatten, Lord Louis CE-Ⅱ-204

Moyle, Douglas ReO-80-81,100 S-308,309 PC-327,347n.,348,597

Mudrick, Marvin

'Herzen and Orwell:Political Animals',(On Culture and Literature,Horizon Press,1970,New York,pp.15-28),OGO;ABM-77

▼Mudrick compares and contrasts the political careers and writings of Alexander Herzen a d Orwell. Both continued to be absorted in politics after a disillusioning experience, and remained

faithful to their cause. Mudrick discusses an absurd example of Orwell's thought, and suggests that his one-sided virtue and integrity made his satires unsubtle and propagandistic.(ABM-77)

Mueller, William

Celebration of Life: Studies in Modern Fiction,(Sheed and Ward,1972,New York,pp.169-187),OGO

Muggeridge, Kitty F-170

Muggeridge, Malcolm ReO-152,216-217 ORe-15,168,244,266-271 S-315,485 UO-81n. W-101-102,273 F-23,145,164,168,170,173,176,178,203

PC-420,423,449,495,499-500,518,556,574,576,579,580 WB-170n5 H-28,35 WOG-132 CE-Ⅰ-533-535 CE-Ⅱ-15-17

CE-Ⅲ-63,360,372 CE-Ⅳ-455(n),476(n),499(n),501,510(n)

'Burmese Days'(World Review,June 1950,pp.45-48; CH-54-57; George Orwell --Modern Critical Views,edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom, Chelsea House Publishers,1987,New


▼Muggeridge calls it a not particularly satisfactory novel, but admires the vivid portrayal of U Po Kyin and the two best scenes: the jungle shoot and the native riot. He compares Orwell's

experiences with his own years in India at the same time; and states that though Orwell was revolted by the brutalizing authority of imperialism, there was a Kiplingesque side to his character which

made him romanticize the Raj and its mystique.(ABM-77)

'CEJL'(Esquire, March 1969,pp.12-14; CH-359-363

'Introduction' to Burmese Days,(Time Magazine,1962,New York,pp.xi-xv,See also pp.v-ix),ABM-77-78

▼This essay combines recollections of Orwell's character and conversation with literary criticism of the novel. Muggeridge suggests that there are two clear strains in Burmese Days: Orwell,

who attacks the English way of life in Burma, and Blair, who believes in empire builders nobly bearing the white man's burden. Burmese Days is not satisfactory of Orwell's novels, and its picture

of an up-country station is true to life.(ABM-77-78)

'1984 Revisited',(Town 5,February 1964,pp.19,61),ABM-78

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▼Orwell was an inverted romantic who could only imagine the future in terms of the past, so that 1984 is a Victorian fantasy. Orwell completely failed to foresee the permissive, amoral present that

Muggeridge deplores.(ABM-78)

'Introduction' to Animal Farm,(Time,1965,pp.xv-xx),ABM-78

▼Muggeridge calls Animal Farm a modern classic and praises its honesty, subtlety and charm. The allegory is about the transfer of power from traditional to revolutionary hands. It does not apply

only to Russia, and Orwell hated the way it was used as crude propaganda. Orwell was intensely shy and no one knew him intimately. He had much in common with Kipling in his admiration for

men action, interest in practical knowledge, passion for England and its traditions, and affection for animals.(ABM-78)

'Introduction' to Burmese Days,(Heinemann,1967,London,pp.vii-xiii),ABM-78

▼It is an oversimplification to say that Orwell became a socialist in disgust with his service in Burma. Though he was later remorseful about his brutality as a policeman, he remained to an extent

an unregenerate Sahib and admired Kipling's belief in the White Man's mission to bring order to Asia. Flory is a self-portrait, and his birthmark represents Orwell's anxiety about being physically

unattractive. In contrast, Verrall is the standard public-school hero.(ABM-78)

'Books',(Esquire 67,May 1967,pp.23,30,34),ABM-78-79

▼In a laudatory review of Woodcock's The Crystal Spirit, the author says that it is impossible to obtain a coherent view of life from Orwell's writings, since his thinking was a mass of

contradictions and nearly all his work is flawed. Muggeridge himself once set out to write Orwell's biography, but gave up because of the paucity of information about him, and the difficulty of

separating fact from fantasy in Orwell's own accounts of his life. Muggeridge disagree with Woodcock's contention that the radical Orwell won out over the conservative Blair. He also describes

Orwell's funeral in an Anglican church.(ABM-78-79)

'Books',(Esquire 69,March 1969,pp.12-14),ABM-79

▼Muggeridge mentions Orwell's sympathy with the mystique of British rule in India, affirms that he was in comparable as an essayist and journalist, and emphasizes the sad irony of his life: that

everything came true for him when it was too late.(ABM-79)

'A Knight of the Woeful Countenance'(The World of George Orwell,Miriam Gross ed.,Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1971,London,pp.165-175);Nineteen Eighty-Four to 1984,edited by

C.J.Kuppig,(Caroll & Graf Publishers,1984,New York);OGO;ABM-79

▼A memoir and appreciation of Orwell by his close friend. The author suggests that his passionate devotion to truth and distaste for compromise was akin to a religious faith. He emphasizes

Orwell's contrariness and oddness, and asserts that he was deeply conservative. He describes Orwell's last illness, his second marriage, his death and funeral.(ABM-79)

'In Muggeridge's Diaries',(Orwell Remembered,with 'Introduction' by B.Crick, and edited by Audrey Coppard and Bernard Crick,BBC,Ariel,1984,London,pp.266-271)

Muir, Edwin ORe-100 PC-252,263 WB-37,37n73

Muir, Willa ORe-100 PC-263

Mukerjee, Brijlal CE-Ⅳ-268-269

Müller-Tochtermann, Helmut

'George Orwell und die Sprachflege in Englisch',(Müttesprache 71,1961,pp.39-45),ABM-79

▼Orwell's concern about the preservation of language, which continues the important tradition in English literature from Dryden and Swift to Bridges and Shaw, is central to his art and


Mullock, Joan ReO-26-28

Mulvihill, Robert

Reflection on America,1984 --An Orwell Symposium ,edited and with an introduction by Robert Mulvihill,(The University of Geogia Press,1986,Geogia)

'Introduction'(Reflection on America,1984 --An Orwell Symposium ,edited and with an introduction by Robert Mulvihill,The University of Geogia Press,1986,Geogia,pp.1-4)

Mumford, Lewis ORe-115 UO-216,217 PC-203 CE-Ⅰ-19-21

Munnro, H. H.(Saki) UO-15 CE-Ⅳ-357

Munson, Gorham CE-Ⅱ-180n

Munzenberg, Willi WOG-65-66,65(n)

Murray, Prof. Gilbert H-55 CE-Ⅱ-294

Murry, John Middleton ORe-106,113,115,131,135,140 S-148,244,270,463 UO-224 T-108,116,128,169-172,173 F-47

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PC-203,205,211-212,225,251,273,276,279-281,305,448 WOG-56,108,144 CE-Ⅰ-27-28(n),29,153,154,168-169(n),280,370(n)

CE-Ⅱ-165(n),170,180,193n,224,315 CE-Ⅲ-184(n)-185(n),190-191,202-204,206-207,265-266 CE-Ⅳ-405(n)

'Orwell and Connolly',(Adelphi 22,1946,pp.165-171),ABM-79-80

▼This review, of Orwell's Selected Essays and Connolly's The Condemned Playground and The Unique Grave, is characteristically more about Murry than about Orwell or Connolly. He contrasts

his own religion and pacifism with Orwell's atheism and service in the Spanish Civil War, and emphasizes Orwell's belief in morality without religion.(ABM-79-80)

'Critical Essays'(Adelphi,July 1946,pp.165-168),CH-227-232

Murry, Richard Middleton T-108

Mussolini, Benito ORe-144,254 T-221 F-60,68,94,111 H-99,104,151,176,177 WOG-154 CE-Ⅰ-249,270,346,370

CE-Ⅱ-56,71,248,319-325,357-358,407,439 CE-Ⅲ-71,84,136,174,222,366 CE-Ⅳ-5,102,490,493

Mussolini, Bruno CE-Ⅲ-182

Muste, John M.

Say That We Saw Spain Die,(University of Washington Press,1966,Seatle and London,pp,15,21-22,26n,27,30,31,59,77,114,143,149,155,167-183,190-191);ABM-80

▼Muste shows that Orwell's ironic and deflating descriptions of life as a soldier in Spain are intended both to tell the truth about the situation and to prepare the reader for understanding the

complicated political events which follow. Orwell's account is lucid but not over-simplified.(ABM-80)

Myers, L. H. ORe-174-176 S-324 F-84 PC-360,368,377,419-420 CE-Ⅰ-367(n) CE-Ⅱ-138(n),357(n)-358 CE-Ⅳ-104(n)

Mynors, Sir Roger ReO-18-20 ORe-11,55 S-66 UO-80,92,97,106,109 PC-103-105,112,125,132 CE-Ⅰ-11(n)