MABEL fMFEiO Empire - Chronicling America

TIIE FARMER: JANUARY 24, 1917 AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS YEARS Amusements MssbaeMi - DAY AND TO-MORRO- W I A. 1 .YOU MUST LAU&H METRO WONDERPLAY MABEL fMFEiO IN 3 SHOWS DAILY- - TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 2, 6;30, 8;30 THE SENSATION OF THE CENTURY PRINCE KAJRIMI Presenting Weird Demonstrations of Occult Power, Marvelous Feats of the Orient and Startling Wonders of the Spirit World. The i Man Who Was Buried Alive for Thirty-tw- o Days and Nights. ! J poLrs Photoplay lovers will have their last opportunity, at Poll's tonight, to see . William Farnum,, the noted screen tar', in the gripping five-pa- rt drama, 'The Price of .Silence." This big drama deals with the evils of , child labor, as practiced in some states, and .offers a most 'agreeable role to. Mr. Farnum. The' plot of the story is well " developed and holds Interest tnrouga vi The Hearst-Paih- s KsttS is an other screen attraction. ', In the vaudeville bill, the Emallna irAiinn world -- famed wire artists, are attracting: widespread attention. They do some startling stunts on the wire Lillians Kinsrsland & Co.. in the dra matic playlet, "The Coward," have one Ui list? UCat 1V3 V VXltTO OCCU 1I4U AM VMO time. r. ". John & Mae'Biirke. presenting "The Ragtime Soldier,'' are as usual a ver itable riot, and Freddy Rogers with songs and dances, is very good. "Gold-Dust- ," a trained mule,- - completes 'the program with a repertoire of unusual zeats ' snowing careiiu intuuns o ' tartling natlural intelligence. LYRIC ) ' W fe By Proxy" WILLIAM COURTNEY IN WILDARD MACK'S STIRRING CROOK PLAY Five Act Masterpiece. Other Fotopiays. 66 HOOK EN' A WONDERFUL STORY FIVE ACTS OF THRTLL S BOB QUIGLEY ASSISTED BY TONY MULLIN AND , r MATT FARRlELL In The Irish Character Playlet "THE LITTLE HOUNSE UN- DER THE HILL." I v ( EVEEYBODY HIS WEDDING NIGHT . , , "Why not, step up to the Lyric this 1 ' week and see a real play produced in ''. 'a very real ' manner, ' "In Old Ken- - Don't Miss Prince Karmi. He's Wonderful! ; ; . V ; Itucky" is a thriller from: beginning to ' ; - end and shouldn't be overlooked by ' : 3 single person in Bridgeport who en-- i j V rU Joy clean1 wholesome 'amusement ;It ".v ,'; ; is freally a stupendous production and :H'J-th- Lyric; players and: management - f 4: deserves great credit for the flawless r presentation In order : to : f properly 3 Shows Daily: 1:4, 6 &8:30. Mat. 10,15c; Eve. 10, 15, 25c v AMERICA'S FILM FAVORITE, WILLIAM FARNUM In a Powerful Drama Based on The Child Labor Problem i "THE PRICE OF SILENCE ' , . FIVE -- , GRIPPING PARTS FIVE SENSATIONS OF THE OLD AND NEW WORLDS EMALINA TROUPE Four Wizards of The Wire. The Greatest Wire Novelty Ever Staged. ' . A Liaugh and a Tlirlll Every Minute ' JOHN and MAE BURKE ' In "THE RAGTIME SOLDIER" lillian kingsbury; & co. : In the Comedy Drama, "THE COWARD" ALL THIS WEEK BARGAIN MATS. Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday Saturday Evening at 8:15 LYRIG PRESENTS "IN OLD v' : FRED ROGERS In Songs end Dances ' i KENTUCKY" H EAR ST PATHE NEW S H E SUFFERED "Fryit-a-fire- s" Made Him Fee! As If Waikiag On Air Obilua, Nov. 28th. 1914. . "For over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack of 'Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw your sign which read " Fruit-a-tlve- s make you feci likfe walking on air." This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and now I feel fine, I have a good appetite, relish everything I oat, and the t Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends dan Mclean. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tiv- es Limited, Ogdensburg, N.Y, WANTS WILSON TO GO ON TWO BIT DIET DAILY Policemen Still Alive; Dieti- cian Seeking More Worlds , To Conquer. , New York; Jan. 24. Having prov- ed that 13 husky polioemen can thrive 'on a 25 cent a day. diet, Mrs, Eula M. MqCIary, dietician of the po- lice diet squad here, left yesterday for Washington ;to ask the President of the United : States to do likewise. rf In addition to requesting Mr. Wilson to try a 25-ce- nt diet day at the White House, she said : she 'would ask him. to .proclaim suenJa day tor tne whole nation. , W " a '.'More, than that, I am going to ask Miss Margaret - Wilson , to go shopping personally and buy the food for. the White House 25 cent meal day," Mrs. McClary; declared as she started for Washington, f V' '""niO Her theory is that women could cut down the cost of living by doing thieir own shopping,' reducing delivery and other expenses for the She also hopes to prove to '. the country that ; eliminating , useless ' food ' ' in menus would lessen the cost of llv- - ingv i Doesn't Favor ,; all Recommendations of President Wilson Madison, WisU5 Jan. ' 24. "The President's j message is a wonderfully eloquent appeal to : the' nations at war," William ?. Jennings - Byran said in an interview ' here yusterday,. "In sofar, as the President's message sug- gests terms .of agreement,, it Is en- tirely sound and reflects what I be- lieve; to" be ai'' almost Unanimous sen timent, but I dissent entirely from the proposition ' that thi.3 nation fehoUld join in a movement to effect peace in Europe.' " .: V'-- "If M iknew the sentiment of the American: people, ; It , is inconceivable that, they shotUdr be willing to put the army, and navy at the command of an international council, which neces- sarily would be controlled by Euro- pean nations, 'and allow, he council to decide for us twhen we should go to war. v:..-V- ' ; '" i y"t have more faith in our. people to help them by example than I have in our. country to help them by., en- dorsing the European plan of reljing on force and terrorism. , f 'In the President's appeal to them he presents the philosophy of broth- erhood and and this Is inconsistent with the proposition that It be backed up by a larger, display of force. In other words, the Presi- dent has sown wheat and tares to- gether.- I hope that the Senate , will approve , the wheat and reject k the tares." , r;','k' !. ' " JAPANESE KEEN COMPETITORS. ' The Hague, Netherlands, Jan. .20. 7 Japanese competition Is making , it- self felt in the Netherlands. The big Nymegen Incandescent Lamp Manuf- actory-, s 'which up. to a few months ago was making electric pocket lamps at, '.the rate of U00.000 a week,, has been obliged to discharge a Consider- able part j of its staff on account of such competition. Japan unexpect- edly appeared on the European mar- ket this fall, with these lamps, offer- ing an overwhelming : quantity at a price;' far below that hithertoo btaln-in- g, with the result above mentioned. ' i -- WITH- stage the racey track scene ' JtJ was necessary to install the tread machine recently used in the, "Ben Hur" pro- duction in New York. V This adds real- ism to the play for it seems as though the horses really pounded 'their way across ' a cinder ; track ( Instead of -- a v ' theatre, stage.srv''l:.:;'s:: V',;--- fC,ff ; During the play there is a per- - . forniance by the iplcklnniny minstrel troupe and band and much enjoyment is taken therefrom. There Is a street parade every noon in . order to prop- erly advertise the piece and a result the theatre is packed to the doors at every performance. 5 Regular; patrons Of the Lyric who have not as yet pro cured their1 seats for this 'week'splay should do so at once for ! there 1 has . been; a tremendous seat sale . so far and deaymay prove fatal. , 1 ? .There I isn't f? anything really , big enough to be said about Miss Frances McGrath's portrayal of $ Madge, the feminine lead' As the little moun . tain girl, shy at times and at. others aa savage , In her wrath; as some of the beasts of, her mountains she wins . new ) admirers with every, perform- ance. , To see her ride, one of the race horses is ; a revelation for there are mighty few, thatwould care to do U especially t on ( the ; machine which would grind one to pieces were it to break., There are thrills enough ln the .piece so come and see It. There will be matViees tomorrow afternoon, and Saturday afternoon and perform- ances every evening, ?v Dont forget the all-st- ar pictures Sunday. , I EMPIRE. In the new Metro-Ro- lf e wonder-pla- y, "A Wife by. Proxy?, which will be shown,: at the ; Empire theatre to- day and " tomorrow, Mabel Taliaferro, the star, figures in , a' "quadrangle" of love and intrigue.. The four charac- ters in , the "quadrangle" are: A man without a soul; an adventuress, a young man whose fortune and hap- piness are the spoils sought for, and a witty, clever little immigrant, girl, "Jerry,? who battles with great odda and wins out In the finish In a. man- ner that! is startling: ; ? 1 "i" t - ": , Miss Taliaferro, ; as the little immi- grant, transplanted to ai great. Amer- ican city, is confronted with problems which she solves by V simplicity ? and truthfulness. Always alert and? keen about ; protecting the ; man she.;' loves . vierry" ,': in this master Metro play wins sympathy, admiration ' and stirs the heart, fvi'.v V:v"-'- t .' ' VA Wife by Proxy! will no doubt prove one of the most entertaining of Metro plays., V A W - : ) r j- ? ' ; h'l The "Secret :Seven" V the 'band of arcn criminals are still attempting to ) find a way to pbtaih the chest " of gold left to iBeverly by her unele -- before ' his deathJ Their latest .exploits are thrillingly depicted in the third ep!r V sode of ; the Metro million dollar, su- per serial 'The Great .Secret" which wii be shown, in conjunction with the " remaining program of select and en- tertaining comedy aind dramatic first run universal fotopiays shown today - and tomorrow. , . t , ! ; PLAZA Added TO Attraction CHAPTER THREE of the super serial "THE GREAT SECRET it IV n Featuring Bushman Francis "K and Beverly Bayne A HISTORIC SWORD OF WASHINGTON USED AS POKER Boys Employ One of "Lib- erty Bells" As a Gar-- ( bage Can. New York, Jan. 24. Using George Washington's sword as a poker for the open .fireplace, and one of the bells that proclaimed liberty at the begin- ning of the Revolutionary War as a garbage can, Joseph and Michael Buckowicki, six years old, were able to live quite comfortably In a cottage on the bid Davis estate, in Franklin St., Bloomfleld, N. J. But after six weeks of such luxury the careless cooking of a meal revealed - their retreat and they have been sent to the New Jersey State Reformatory. y;Th qottage was used as a storehouse; for the many things or historical , in terest owned by the Davis family and not in use in their house. There were trunks containing tapestries, linens, and beddinf. On the walls were swords and ' other weapons that .had seen service in America's different wars, and about the rooms were pieces of antique furniture and the bell that had repeated the original Liberty Bell message. The Buckowicki children longed for the Juxury of wealth and In prowling about the Davis x,place fqund a way into the old cottage and soon were .halving into its treasures. As the Da- - vis hen house adjoined, tbje two boys decided "to remain there and, for six weeks they kept house. v Their pa- rents had reported them as missing, and the V Davis family had reported many eggs arid numerous chickens as missing. : (V .With a sword credited to General Washington in his retreat through New Jersey the boys had dissected a plump hen that had been enticed from the poultry yard on Wednesday, and were frying it .when they became engrossed in, the . pictures' f a war time book. They did not' notice that the trying , pan was without fat and that smoke was going out a window. ' A neighbor saw the smoke believed the cottage was burning and notified Miss ,v Josephine Davis. ' She , and neighbors ; ran to ? the cottage and fouhd the tfwo Juvenile squatters! The police were called. The boys had made beds pf old tap- estries and linens arid had neglected to change the linen in six weeks. When Miss Da vis. saw ; hundreds of unoccu- pied eggshells in Liberty Bell she knew why she had not been getting eggs from her hens. The boys explained that they had a kind of "nest to the " ' ' table" seivlce. ' Upon tLe statement of .' theparents tha they could nothing with the boys they were sent to the Reformatory, -- f MORE LAWS TO, MAKE 1 KENTUCKY A SAHARA i Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24.; Gov. Rye has ; signed three anti-liquo- r; bills re- cently passed by the legislature. The measures which become effective Im- mediately ' are: : . To prohibit-clubs- , lodges pr associa- tions from "keeping, storing or in any way disposing of liquor; to make a sec ond j conviction for bootleggery a fel- ony, and to make it unlawful for any firm or; corporation to keep in stock or store liquor intended for present or future sale as a beverage. ; The bill prohibiting the storing 'or disposition of liquor by clubs or lodg- es is known "as the "locker club act" and is aimed at the many locker clubs that sprang up following la recent rul- ing of the state supreme court- - that they'were not in violation of the four mile law. Delicious 1 j AT KEENEY'S Empire THEATRE The Home of , First Run Features II GOLD BUST The Educated Mule mm TO-NIG- HT AT 8:15 Mme. Sarah RE1NHARDT ' v AND 'v ' j. Her All Yiddish Stars Love and Punishment THURS.; FRI. & SAT. i DAILY MATINEES ; j . ARTHUR PEARSON PRESENTS "STEP LIVELY, GIRLS" Smart Burlesque, With Rich (Shorty) McAl- lister Maudie Heath & Harry T. Shannon The Chorus is Young:, Perfect and Beantifnl. her sister in law, Mrs. Howard Haw-ley- , who has been seriously ill. ' j DENTIST IiOSES NOVEL SUIT. TIa.IU O A A 1 .4. decision- - here ' has just had to do with the complaint of u young woman who disliked her own white but tiny teeth, and; induced a dentist to pull the whole 22 at once and substitute larg- er and more artistic teeth.' She. had scarcely received the new ones ' be- fore she rued the experlment--an- d sued the dentist. The evidence show- ed that five of the 22 teeth were al- together sound, that three had only small cavities, and that three more had cavities easily filled. At least ese . 11 , teeth should not have ' been pulled. : Though the . dentist had pro- tested as much to her originally, she had insisted that they all be extract- ed. ' The1 court heldthat the dentist had no right to submit blindly to the wishes of a patient, and that if the patient insisted on ' an operation against his or her health,' the dentist's duty was to decline to perform it. The dentist accordingly was found guilty of breach of the law pertain- ing to "good manners." I Mayor Mitchel of New York, repre- senting tire Training Camps Associa- tion ofthe United States, appeared before the Senate Military Committee to advocate universal military - train- ing. ;;-'- ' i'fr.". M' t'i .' .T , .'.','.' Take Hair Out Not Off the Skin It is useless to remove hair from the surface of the skin. This result Is all that can be accomplished with pastes.' rub-o- n preparations and imitations of De Miracle. To rob hair of its vitality, you must attack it under the skin, as well as on tne BKin De Miracle, the original liquid de- pilatory, BLUE BOOH does this says by absorption. It A- - sure remedy alone contains cer-ta- in for this most hu- miliating: ingredients and which give it the distressing;, t a -- fllctlon." power to devital- ize Genuine hair. Well-groom- ed maarazlnes of the women De hfsrhest charac- ter always use Miracle for remov- ing endorse only hair from limbs De Miracle. Be- ware and under arms. of so-call- ed Buy De Miracle by endorsements of name and you will bourns masrastnes en tho only de- pilatory; which are nsed that has to - exploit the ever been endorsed sale of Question- able by reputable phy- sicians, depilatories. sursreons. dermatologists, medical Journals and prominent magazines. In 60c. $1.00 and S2.00 bottles at your dealer's or direct. postpaid, in plain wrapper-- . 'De Miracle Chemical Co., Dept. A-- l, Park Ave. and A29th St., New York. .1,: 3 , JENKS & ALLEN IN SONGS AND CHATTER R1K0MA The - Marvelous Equilibrist FUNNIEST FILM FAROE llVER PRODUCED PHONE 4 6 15 J BAR NTM STOCK CO DAVID HERBDN SUPPORTING CAST THE PICKANINNY DANCERS 1. THE THRILLING : RACE ,1 DAVID HERBUN AS LAYSON (. . 10c, 20c, 30c . .15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Iff. J. GANNON PTJNBRAI, DIREOTOn AND BlIBALlIKn 1051 Broad Sc, near John Thane 8403 Residence, 297 Tine Gt, 'Phone ICS . Win, ' Lieberum & ' Son Embalmers and Undertakera ' - Office and Resldenoe ' SSI MAIN STREDJ Telephone Oomtecttosj HA1VLEY &: WBLMOtV Undertakers and EmbaXmeM No. 168 State St., Bridgeport. Ot. AO calls, day or nlgpL 'niM.i from office. Geonre B. Hswb. 113 Washington Terrace; Edward H. WUmot, 805 Clinton Ave. - BOIJEKE & BOUCHEE Undertaker a and Embalmera 1205 MAIN ST. Tel. Barnnm 5400 Calls Answered Pay or Night ' JOHN F, GALLAGHER MARGAKETT Vjj. OALLAGHQB .. Undertaken and Bmbalmera " Margaret I Gallagher, only li- censed, graduate woman lembidm. er and undertaker In the city ca- pable of taking entire charge of funerals. Mortuary parlors, office and residence, - 571 FAIR FIELD AV. Phone 1899 r. FRANK POLKE & SON EMABL.MERS& UNDERTAKERS 77? State Street Phone Barnum 1500-- S Branch Office, 400 Hancock Ave, '1 Phone Barnnm 980 GEORGE P. POTTER UNDERTAKER Automobile Service If Preferred MORTUARY ROOMS UK BROAD STREET TeL Barnnm 640--2 ' v MONUMENTS MA US OLE UM& M.G.KEANE Otratford Av.,Orp8t. MtchaeTa Ctai BRIDGEPORT, CONK. Phone 1200-- 4. A-- M O NUMEN TSTS5 ARTIST10- - IiASTCfa frt Plant operated by pnenmatlo outtSn ana pouanmg toota ' HUGHES & CHAPLIA17 OOO STRATFORD AVENUD T FRANCES McGRATD , r , AND AN EXCEUiENT THE REAL HORSE, RACE THE PICKANINNY, BAND , FRANCES Mc-GRA- TH as MADGE PRICES MATINEE . EVENINGS. ; .. ... THIRTY-FIRS- T ANNtlAL BURNS CONCERT AND BAIJj Given By CLAN CAMPBELL No. 24 v At the CASINO PREPAY EVE, JAN. 26, ' At 8 O'Clock ArlTYusaion .. . J . . 50c DANCING , Thursday and Saturday- - Evenings COLONIAL BALL ROOM THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 836 Fairfield Avenue. ; College preparatory ' and Interme- diate . courses; High . school ., and grammar school grades. Personal work with every pupil. Admission today or tomorrow., V K 24 bS 5 LOSS OF APPETITE, , LOSS OF WEIGHT, SLEEPLESSNES, ETC are all overcome by Recupertabs, they are made after the formula of Dr. Al- bert Robin, the famous French physi- cian, and are being used very largely In Paris and other European capitals. When taken for a short while they will give positive, relief in all cases of nervous exhaustion, mental depression, lack of vitality, general deblity. ane- mia, etq. The i Olycerophosphates of which Recupertabs are composed, contain the element necessary to overcome these conditions. They are now being prescribed and recommended by many physicians in this and foreign coun- tries as. the best, quickest and surest nerve and blood tonic that they know of. ' t Recupertabs are for sale at all drug stores at 60c and $1.00 per package or will be sent direct upon receipt of price. x , Curts Chemical Co., No. 414 West 2Srd St., New York. Distributed In Bridgeport and vicinity by J. D. Hartl-ga- n. No. 81 Fairfield Avenue. Adv. ! Rl tf , Louis Titus, attorney for independ- ent California oil producers, told the public lands committee of the House oi o.vuv acres an government iiuai but 120 acres were owned by Standard Oil Co. STEPNEY A , Upon answering a very innocent little jring.1 at . the door bell ' last Sat- urday, eyeningr, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Booth were completely - surpriseid to have a number of their friends and neighbors walk in and take possession of their home for a social gathering. Recovering from their surprise (they welcomed them cordially. ,The even- ing was pleasantly spent in playing pinochle and with music . At the close of the evening sandwiches, cake and coffee were served to the gues. r:.: -- w 7. Mrs. Botsford Peck, who is how gaining in health, entertained Friday, her daughter. Miss Gladys .Peck. ,' ' Victor Burr has heen confined ; to the house by an attack of blood pois oning. . . Edward , Lee has. acted, as substitute carrier on his mail route. The installation of officers of Har- mony grange will be held tomorrow at' Grange hall. , The ins,talling offi cer will be from . out of town and a good time is expected by the grange ; " members! - ; Ernest Beyer of Sherman was a recent guest of his daughter, Miss Ella Beyer.' v Charles Short has entertained at his home Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Short. Ja., of New York. y The local fire department is plan- ning a whist, party to be held in the town hall. il ,' - Miss Mabel Benno was a recent guest of hier parents,- - Mr. - and Mrs. John Benno in Monroe. The apron and necktie social which was appointed . for Thursday . evening. Jan. 25, has .'been postponed; Mrs. Elmira Deas, who has been ill for several eeks, is slightly improv- ed in health. '; '' , The board of relief will be" in ses sion at the town, hall Thursday, Feb- ruary ' 1. . -' ' Andrew Summers, who has been-il- l at his home for a week, has resumed, his' work in Waterbury. . William C. Nichols .has recovered from an attack1 of the grip. ' ' ' " Frederick P.; Sherman spent a few days last week in Hartfoid. . Miss Helen Whitehead was a week- end guest of relatives in Danbury. TRUMBULL A special meeting of Fairfield coun ty Pomona grange was held at Ridge-filel- d under ;the; auspices of the Ridge-fiel- d 'grange at 10:30. a, m. today. The reports of the . retiring officers were1 read and the fifth degree conferred. Installation of officers1 and lectures are on the program for this afternoon. The children of Mr. a-n- d Mrs. Chas. Laufer have been ill with severe ' colds, Elmore son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Theo dore Wheeler has 1 suffering an abscess, the result of a bruise. Their infant daughter has been ill with bronchitis. . . Miss Daisy Nichols of Bridgeport, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Birks. Mrs. Arthur( S.' Burr is recovering frrtn an att"- - of the grip. Nathan Eiu-ig- entertained a num- ber of his friends at a whist party, Saturday evening at his home in White Plains. The young people who enjoyed avery pleasant evening were ' the Misses Harriet and Helen Plumb, Ethel Evltt, EtMtb, Hull, Na- talie Wells, Alice Scottt and Maud Ward; Julian Klock, Harold C. Beach, Edwin Evitts, Webster and Carlton Shepherd and Addison Thornton. Whist was played. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson N. Hurd and son, Arnold and Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Hurd of Long Hill, have gone to Flor- ida. fHarry P. Burr of Daniels Farms, has applied for a jitney license to do business in Bridgeport. William O. Beach of Daniels Farms recently lost one of his work horses. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ward and son, I Arthur, are staying in Bridgeport. Mrs. Ward is assisting in the care of ' Thousands have already seen prince . . Karmi performj his astounding feats K 1 of magic at the' Plaza during the past two dayvs aw it is f expected that to- - i night will' break all - records estabr lisbed by the cosy playhouse forf Karmi , Is probably the most mysterious man In the world. His first claim to fame x was brousrht about by his rising to " ' life after, having been buried alive for ' r II days and, assisted by ' Selma, he is , making' a tour of this country and f performing' . his many wonderful illu- sion feats in a ' manner , that startles ' his spectators--'- ' , . Jenks and Allen,- - a pair of "rube" character 'comedians ' with some un- usually bright repartee and a line of . songs7 that are too funny for words, , are, to use the stage parlance, "clean Ingjup" at. every performance. Bob Qulgley an company In their delightful Irish character comedy skit ( f entitled "The Little House Under the ' m' ' Hijl," are making ..'new friends at every appearance,, and Rikoma's equil-- ', lbrlstic exhibitiort Is really t too good to miss. . v J t t'Kick In," WtUard Mack's .tamous ( ' crook story, has been fllmized ,by i ' Pathe and Is being, shown as the main ' photo-attracti- on .on the bill. ; ' William . Courtney, the popular stage stir, has the stellar role. V , ' - ' Wedding Night.' a comedy .fllm"' that is extremely ; funny, com-alet- es the1 list of features, Tomorrow will bring as' the big pho- - : : toplay, the much-herald- ed drama of 1 vengeance entitled "Blind1 Justice," a seven-pa- rt production. In it is starW Ite-nJemt- Christie, author and star in the "tremendous screen success, "Sealed -- ; ' Orders." ,: I N. B. C. Graham Crackers are Incomparably the finest flavored of graham crackers. Thanks to puf careful selec- tion of grain and thorough preparation, we get just the right proportion of elements to make a wholesome biscuit and one that is the most palatable and appetising of its kind. Try N. B. 1. Grahacr Crackers tot their delicious out-li-ke flavor and flaky eriopness. Ufe them regularly at meals and between meals, because they art er dlgestiblo as they axe nourishing. ''.. ' 5e w 10c Packages Pre-lnvettto- ry sale of $9, $10 and 112 Articles, for $5, -- including furs, coats, hats, sweaters, petticoats, and shirt waists at E. H. Dillon & Co.'S, 1,105 Main streets " farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY

Transcript of MABEL fMFEiO Empire - Chronicling America

Page 1: MABEL fMFEiO Empire - Chronicling America









PRINCE KAJRIMIPresenting Weird Demonstrations of Occult Power, Marvelous

Feats of the Orient and Startling Wonders of the Spirit World. The i

Man Who Was Buried Alive for Thirty-tw- o Days and Nights.



poLrsPhotoplay lovers will have their last

opportunity, at Poll's tonight, to see. William Farnum,, the noted screen

tar', in the gripping five-pa- rt drama,'The Price of .Silence." This bigdrama deals with the evils of , childlabor, as practiced in some states, and

.offers a most 'agreeable role to. Mr.Farnum. The' plot of the story is well

" developed and holds Interest tnrougavi The Hearst-Paih-s KsttS is another screen attraction. ',

In the vaudeville bill, the EmallnairAiinn world -- famed wire artists, areattracting: widespread attention. Theydo some startling stunts on the wireLillians Kinsrsland & Co.. in the dramatic playlet, "The Coward," have oneUi list? UCat 1V3 V VXltTO OCCU 1I4U AM VMO

time. r. ".

John & Mae'Biirke. presenting "TheRagtime Soldier,'' are as usual a veritable riot, and Freddy Rogers withsongs and dances, is very good. "Gold-Dust- ,"

a trained mule,- - completes 'theprogram with a repertoire of unusualzeats '

snowing careiiu intuuns o'

tartling natlural intelligence.



Five Act Masterpiece. Other Fotopiays. 66HOOK EN'A WONDERFUL STORYFIVE ACTS OF THRTLL S



r MATT FARRlELLIn The Irish Character Playlet"THE LITTLE HOUNSE UN-



EVEEYBODY HIS WEDDING NIGHT. , , "Why not, step up to the Lyric this1 ' week and see a real play produced in

''. 'a very real ' manner, ' "In Old Ken- -Don't Miss Prince Karmi. He's Wonderful!; ; . V ; Itucky" is a thriller from: beginning to

' ; - end and shouldn't be overlooked by' : 3 single person in Bridgeport who en-- i

j V rU Joy clean1 wholesome 'amusement ;It".v ,'; ; is freally a stupendous production and:H'J-th- Lyric; players and: management

- f 4: deserves great credit for the flawlessrpresentation In order : to : f properly

3 Shows Daily: 1:4, 6 &8:30. Mat. 10,15c; Eve. 10, 15, 25c


WILLIAM FARNUMIn a Powerful Drama Based on The Child Labor Problem



EMALINA TROUPEFour Wizards of The Wire. The Greatest Wire Novelty Ever Staged.'

. A Liaugh and a Tlirlll Every Minute '



lillian kingsbury; & co.: In the Comedy Drama, "THE COWARD"


, Thursday Saturday Evening at 8:15



In Songs end Dances'



"Fryit-a-fire- s" Made Him Fee!

As If Waikiag On Air

Obilua, Nov. 28th. 1914.. "For over two years, I was troubled

with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack of'Appetite and Headaches. One day I sawyour sign which read " Fruit-a-tlve- s

make you feci likfe walking on air."This appealed to me, so I decided totry a box. In a very short time, Ibegan to feel better, and now Ifeelfine,I have a good appetite, relish everythingI oat, and the t Headaches are goneentirely. I recommend this pleasantfruit medicine to all my friends

dan Mclean.50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.

At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tiv- es

Limited, Ogdensburg, N.Y,




Policemen Still Alive; Dieti-cian Seeking More Worlds

, To Conquer. ,

New York; Jan. 24. Having prov-ed that 13 husky polioemen canthrive 'on a 25 cent a day. diet, Mrs,Eula M. MqCIary, dietician of the po-lice diet squad here, left yesterday forWashington ;to ask the President ofthe United : States to do likewise. rf Inaddition to requesting Mr. Wilson totry a 25-ce- nt diet day at the WhiteHouse, she said : she 'would ask .proclaim suenJa day tor tne wholenation. ,

W " a'.'More, than that, I am going to ask

Miss Margaret - Wilson ,to go shoppingpersonally and buy the food for. theWhite House 25 cent meal day," Mrs.McClary; declared as she started forWashington, f V' '""niO

Her theory is that women could cutdown the cost of living by doing thieirown shopping,' reducing delivery andother expenses for the Shealso hopes to prove to '. the countrythat ; eliminating , useless ' food ' ' inmenus would lessen the cost of llv- -ingv

i Doesn't Favor ,;

all Recommendationsof President Wilson

Madison, WisU5 Jan. ' 24. "ThePresident's j message is a wonderfullyeloquent appeal to : the' nations atwar," William ?. Jennings - Byran saidin an interview ' here yusterday,. "Insofar, as the President's message sug-gests terms .of agreement,, it Is en-

tirely sound and reflects what I be-

lieve; to" be ai'' almost Unanimous sentiment, but I dissent entirely from theproposition ' that thi.3 nation fehoUld

join in a movement to effect peace inEurope.' "

.: V'--

"If M iknew the sentiment of theAmerican: people, ; It , is inconceivablethat, they shotUdr be willing to put thearmy, and navy at the command ofan international council, which neces-sarily would be controlled by Euro-pean nations, 'and allow, he councilto decide for us twhen we should goto war. v:..-V- ' ; '" i

y"t have more faith in our. peopleto help them by example than I havein our. country to help them by., en-

dorsing the European plan of reljingon force and terrorism. ,

f 'In the President's appeal to themhe presents the philosophy of broth-erhood and and this Isinconsistent with the proposition thatIt be backed up by a larger, displayof force. In other words, the Presi-dent has sown wheat and tares to-

gether.- I hope that the Senate , willapprove , the wheat and reject k thetares." , r;','k' !.

' "


' The Hague, Netherlands, Jan. .20. 7Japanese competition Is making ,


self felt in the Netherlands. The bigNymegen Incandescent Lamp Manuf-actory-, s 'which up. to a few monthsago was making electric pocket lampsat, '.the rate of U00.000 a week,, hasbeen obliged to discharge a Consider-able part j of its staff on account ofsuch competition. Japan unexpect-edly appeared on the European mar-ket this fall, with these lamps, offer-ing an overwhelming : quantity at aprice;' far below that hithertoo btaln-in- g,

with the result above mentioned.

' i --WITH-

stage the racey track scene ' JtJ wasnecessary to install the tread machinerecently used in the, "Ben Hur" pro-duction in New York. V This adds real-ism to the play for it seems as thoughthe horses really pounded 'their wayacross ' a cinder ; track ( Instead of -- a


' theatre, stage.srv''l:.:;'s:: V',;--- fC,ff; During the play there is a per- -

. forniance by the iplcklnniny minstreltroupe and band and much enjoymentis taken therefrom. There Is a streetparade every noon in . order to prop-erly advertise the piece and a resultthe theatre is packed to the doors atevery performance. 5 Regular; patronsOf the Lyric who have not as yet procured their1 seats for this 'week'splayshould do so at once for ! there 1 has

. been; a tremendous seat sale . so farand deaymay prove fatal. , 1 ?

.There I isn't f?anything really , bigenough to be said about Miss FrancesMcGrath's portrayal of $ Madge, thefeminine lead' As the little moun

. tain girl, shy at times and at. othersaa savage , In her wrath; as some ofthe beasts of, her mountains she wins

. new ) admirers with every, perform-ance. , To see her ride, one of the racehorses is ; a revelation for there aremighty few, thatwould care to do Uespecially t on ( the ; machinewhich would grind one to pieces wereit to break., There are thrills enoughln the .piece so come and see It. Therewill be matViees tomorrow afternoon,and Saturday afternoon and perform-ances every evening, ?v Dont forgetthe all-st- ar pictures Sunday. , I

EMPIRE.In the new Metro-Ro- lf e wonder-pla- y,

"A Wife by. Proxy?, which willbe shown,: at the ; Empire theatre to-

day and " tomorrow, Mabel Taliaferro,the star, figures in , a' "quadrangle" oflove and intrigue.. The four charac-ters in , the "quadrangle" are: A manwithout a soul; an adventuress, ayoung man whose fortune and hap-piness are the spoils sought for, anda witty, clever little immigrant, girl,"Jerry,? who battles with great oddaand wins out In the finish In a. man-ner that! is startling: ; ? 1 "i" t - ":

, Miss Taliaferro, ; as the little immi-grant, transplanted to ai great. Amer-ican city, is confronted with problemswhich she solves by V simplicity ? andtruthfulness. Always alert and? keenabout ; protecting the ; man she.;' loves

. vierry" ,': in this master Metro playwins sympathy, admiration ' and stirsthe heart, fvi'.v V:v"-'- t .'


VA Wife by Proxy! will no doubtprove one of the most entertaining ofMetro plays., V A W - : ) r j- ? ' ; h'l

The "Secret :Seven" V the 'band ofarcn criminals are still attempting to

) find a way to pbtaih the chest"of gold

left to iBeverly by her unele -- before' his deathJ Their latest .exploits are

thrillingly depicted in the third ep!rV sode of ; the Metro million dollar, su-

per serial 'The Great .Secret" whichwii be shown, in conjunction with the

" remaining program of select and en-

tertaining comedy aind dramatic firstrun universal fotopiays shown today

- and tomorrow. , . t ,



Added TOAttractionCHAPTER

THREEof the super serial



n Featuring



Beverly Bayne A




Boys Employ One of "Lib-

erty Bells" As a Gar-- (

bage Can.

New York, Jan. 24. Using GeorgeWashington's sword as a poker for theopen .fireplace, and one of the bellsthat proclaimed liberty at the begin-ning of the Revolutionary War as agarbage can, Joseph and MichaelBuckowicki, six years old, were able tolive quite comfortably In a cottage onthe bid Davis estate, in Franklin St.,Bloomfleld, N. J. But after six weeksof such luxury the careless cooking ofa meal revealed - their retreat andthey have been sent to the New JerseyState Reformatory.y;Th qottage was used as a storehouse;

for the many things or historical , interest owned by the Davis family andnot in use in their house. There weretrunks containing tapestries, linens,and beddinf. On the walls wereswords and ' other weapons that .hadseen service in America's differentwars, and about the rooms were piecesof antique furniture and the bell thathad repeated the original Liberty Bellmessage.

The Buckowicki children longed forthe Juxury of wealth and In prowlingabout the Davis x,place fqund a wayinto the old cottage and soon were

.halving into its treasures. As the Da- -vis hen house adjoined, tbje two boysdecided "to remain there and, for sixweeks they kept house. v Their pa-rents had reported them as missing,and the V Davis family had reportedmany eggs arid numerous chickens asmissing.

: (V.With a sword credited to General

Washington in his retreat through NewJersey the boys had dissected a plumphen that had been enticed from thepoultry yard on Wednesday, and werefrying it .when they became engrossedin, the . pictures' f a war time book.They did not' notice that the trying ,

pan was without fat and that smokewas going out a window.' A neighbor saw the smoke believedthe cottage was burning and notifiedMiss , v Josephine Davis. ' She , andneighbors ; ran to ? the cottage andfouhd the tfwo Juvenile squatters! Thepolice were called.

The boys had made beds pf old tap-estries and linens arid had neglectedto change the linen in six weeks. WhenMiss Davis. saw ; hundreds of unoccu-pied eggshells in Liberty Bell she knewwhy she had not been getting eggsfrom her hens. The boys explainedthat they had a kind of "nest to the

" ' 'table" seivlce.' Upon tLe statement of .' theparents

tha they could nothing with the boysthey were sent to the Reformatory, --




i Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 24.; Gov. Ryehas ; signed three anti-liquo- r; bills re-

cently passed by the legislature. Themeasures which become effective Im-

mediately'are: :

. To prohibit-clubs- , lodges pr associa-tions from "keeping, storing or in anyway disposing of liquor; to make a second j conviction for bootleggery a fel-

ony, and to make it unlawful for anyfirm or; corporation to keep in stockor store liquor intended for present orfuture sale as a beverage.; The bill prohibiting the storing 'ordisposition of liquor by clubs or lodg-es is known "as the "locker club act"and is aimed at the many locker clubsthat sprang up following la recent rul-ing of the state supreme court- - thatthey'were not in violation of the fourmile law.


1 j




The Home of, First Run



GOLD BUSTThe Educated Mule

mmTO-NIG- HT AT 8:15


' v AND 'v ' j .

Her All Yiddish Stars

Love and Punishment



Smart Burlesque, WithRich (Shorty) McAl-lister Maudie Heath& Harry T. ShannonThe Chorus is Young:, Perfect and


her sister in law, Mrs. Howard Haw-ley- ,who has been seriously ill. '



TIa.IU O A A 1 .4.decision- - here ' has just had to do withthe complaint of u young woman whodisliked her own white but tiny teeth,and; induced a dentist to pull thewhole 22 at once and substitute larg-er and more artistic teeth.' She. hadscarcely received the new ones ' be-

fore she rued the experlment--an- d

sued the dentist. The evidence show-ed that five of the 22 teeth were al-

together sound, that three had onlysmall cavities, and that three morehad cavities easily filled. At leastese . 11 , teeth should not have ' beenpulled. : Though the . dentist had pro-tested as much to her originally, shehad insisted that they all be extract-ed. ' The1 court heldthat the dentisthad no right to submit blindly to thewishes of a patient, and that if thepatient insisted on ' an operationagainst his or her health,' the dentist'sduty was to decline to perform it.The dentist accordingly was foundguilty of breach of the law pertain-ing to "good manners." I

Mayor Mitchel of New York, repre-senting tire Training Camps Associa-tion ofthe United States, appearedbefore the Senate Military Committeeto advocate universal military - train-ing. ;;-'- ' i'fr.". M' t'i .' .T , .'.','.'

Take Hair OutNot Off the Skin

It is useless to remove hair from thesurface of the skin. This result Is allthat can be accomplished with pastes.'rub-o- n preparations and imitations ofDe Miracle. To rob hair of its vitality,you must attack it under the skin, aswell as on tne BKinDe Miracle, theoriginal liquid de-

pilatory,BLUE BOOH

does this saysby absorption. It A- - sure remedyalone contains cer-ta- in

for this most hu-miliating:ingredients andwhich give it the distressing;, ta --

fllctlon."power to devital-ize Genuinehair. Well-groom- ed

maarazlnes of thewomenDe hfsrhest charac-

teralways useMiracle for remov-ing

endorse onlyhair from limbs De Miracle. Be-

wareand under arms. of so-call- ed

Buy De Miracle by endorsements ofname and you will bourns masrastnesen tho only de-

pilatory;which are nsed

that has to - exploit theever been endorsed sale of Question-

ableby reputable phy-sicians,


dermatologists, medical Journals andprominent magazines. In 60c. $1.00 andS2.00 bottles at your dealer's or direct.postpaid, in plain wrapper--. 'De MiracleChemical Co., Dept. A-- l, Park Ave. andA29th St., New York.





R1K0MAThe - Marvelous Equilibrist









(. . 10c, 20c, 30c. .15c, 25c, 35c, 50c

Iff. J. GANNONPTJNBRAI, DIREOTOnAND BlIBALlIKn1051 Broad Sc, near JohnThane 8403

Residence, 297 Tine Gt,'Phone ICS .


Lieberum & ' SonEmbalmers and Undertakera

'- Office and Resldenoe '

SSI MAIN STREDJTelephone Oomtecttosj

HA1VLEY &: WBLMOtVUndertakers and EmbaXmeM

No. 168 State St., Bridgeport. Ot.AO calls, day or nlgpL 'niM.ifrom office. Geonre B. Hswb.

113 Washington Terrace; EdwardH. WUmot, 805 Clinton Ave. -

BOIJEKE & BOUCHEEUndertaker aand Embalmera

1205 MAIN ST. Tel. Barnnm 5400Calls Answered Pay or Night



.. Undertaken and Bmbalmera "

Margaret I Gallagher, only li-censed, graduate woman and undertaker In the city ca-pable of taking entire charge offunerals. Mortuary parlors, officeand residence, -

571 FAIR FIELD AV. Phone 1899



77? State StreetPhone Barnum 1500-- S

Branch Office, 400 Hancock Ave, '1Phone Barnnm 980


Automobile Service If PreferredMORTUARY ROOMS

UK BROAD STREETTeL Barnnm 640--2 '


M.G.KEANEOtratford Av.,Orp8t. MtchaeTa Ctai

BRIDGEPORT, CONK.Phone 1200-- 4.


ARTIST10- - IiASTCfa frtPlant operated by pnenmatlo outtSn

ana pouanmg toota'HUGHES & CHAPLIA17










CLAN CAMPBELL No. 24v At the


' At 8 O'ClockArlTYusaion . . . J . . 50c


Thursday and Saturday--Evenings



836 Fairfield Avenue.; College preparatory ' and Interme-diate . courses; High . school . , andgrammar school grades. Personal workwith every pupil. Admission today ortomorrow., V K 24 bS




are all overcome by Recupertabs, theyare made after the formula of Dr. Al-bert Robin, the famous French physi-cian, and are being used very largelyIn Paris and other European capitals.

When taken for a short while theywill give positive, relief in all cases ofnervous exhaustion, mental depression,lack of vitality, general deblity. ane-mia, etq.

The i Olycerophosphates of whichRecupertabs are composed, containthe element necessary to overcomethese conditions. They are now beingprescribed and recommended by manyphysicians in this and foreign coun-tries as. the best, quickest and surestnerve and blood tonic that they knowof. ' t

Recupertabs are for sale at all drugstores at 60c and $1.00 per packageor will be sent direct upon receipt ofprice. x ,

Curts Chemical Co., No. 414 West2Srd St., New York. Distributed InBridgeport and vicinity by J. D. Hartl-ga- n.

No. 81 Fairfield Avenue. Adv.! Rl tf

, Louis Titus, attorney for independ-ent California oil producers, told thepublic lands committee of the House

oi o.vuv acres an governmentiiuai but 120 acres were owned by

Standard Oil Co.


, Upon answering a very innocentlittle jring.1 at . the door bell ' last Sat-

urday, eyeningr, Mr. and Mrs. EdwardBooth were completely - surpriseid tohave a number of their friends andneighbors walk in and take possessionof their home for a social gathering.

Recovering from their surprise (theywelcomed them cordially. ,The even-ing was pleasantly spent in playingpinochle and with music . At theclose of the evening sandwiches,cake and coffee were served to thegues. r:.: -- w 7.

Mrs. Botsford Peck, who is howgaining in health, entertained Friday,her daughter. Miss Gladys .Peck. ,' '

Victor Burr has heen confined ; tothe house by an attack of blood poisoning. . . Edward , Lee has. acted, assubstitute carrier on his mail route.

The installation of officers of Har-mony grange will be held tomorrowat' Grange hall. , The ins,talling officer will be from . out of town anda good time is expected by the grange

; "members! - ;

Ernest Beyer of Sherman was arecent guest of his daughter, MissElla Beyer.' v

Charles Short has entertained athis home Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Short.Ja., of New York. y

The local fire department is plan-ning a whist, party to be held in thetown hall. il ,'- Miss Mabel Benno was a recentguest of hier parents,-

- Mr. - and Mrs.John Benno in Monroe.

The apron and necktie social whichwas appointed . for Thursday . evening.Jan. 25, has .'been postponed;

Mrs. Elmira Deas, who has been illfor several eeks, is slightly improv-ed in health. '; ''


The board of relief will be" in session at the town, hall Thursday, Feb-ruary

'1. . -' 'Andrew Summers, who has been-il- l

at his home for a week, has resumed,his' work in Waterbury. .

William C. Nichols .has recoveredfrom an attack1 of the grip. ' ' ' "

Frederick P.; Sherman spent a fewdays last week in Hartfoid.

. Miss Helen Whitehead was a week-end guest of relatives in Danbury.


A special meeting of Fairfield county Pomona grange was held at Ridge-filel- d

under ;the; auspices of the Ridge-fiel- d

'grange at 10:30. a, m. today. Thereports of the . retiring officers were1read and the fifth degree conferred.Installation of officers1 and lecturesare on the program for this afternoon.

The children of Mr. a-n- d Mrs. Chas.Laufer have been ill with severe

'colds,Elmore son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Theo

dore Wheeler has 1 suffering anabscess, the result of a bruise. Theirinfant daughter has been ill withbronchitis. .

. Miss Daisy Nichols of Bridgeport,spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. andMrs. Benjamin Birks.

Mrs. Arthur( S.' Burr is recoveringfrrtn an att"- - of the grip.

Nathan Eiu-ig- entertained a num-ber of his friends at a whist party,Saturday evening at his home inWhite Plains. The young peoplewho enjoyed avery pleasant eveningwere ' the Misses Harriet and HelenPlumb, Ethel Evltt, EtMtb, Hull, Na-talie Wells, Alice Scottt and MaudWard; Julian Klock, Harold C. Beach,Edwin Evitts, Webster and CarltonShepherd and Addison Thornton.Whist was played.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson N. Hurd andson, Arnold and Mr. a.nd Mrs. JohnHurd of Long Hill, have gone to Flor-ida.

fHarry P. Burr of Daniels Farms,has applied for a jitney license to dobusiness in Bridgeport.

William O. Beach of Daniels Farmsrecently lost one of his work horses.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ward and son,I Arthur, are staying in Bridgeport.

Mrs. Ward is assisting in the care of

' Thousands have already seen prince. . Karmi performj his astounding featsK 1 of magic at the' Plaza during the past

two dayvs aw it is f expected that to--i night will' break all - records estabr

lisbed by the cosy playhouse forf Karmi, Is probably the most mysterious man

In the world. His first claim to famex was brousrht about by his rising to

" ' life after, having been buried alive for' rII days and, assisted by ' Selma, he is

, making' a tour of this country andf

performing' . his many wonderful illu-sion feats in a ' manner , that startles

' his spectators--'- '

, . Jenks and Allen,- - a pair of "rube"character 'comedians ' with some un-

usually bright repartee and a line of. songs7 that are too funny for words,

, are, to use the stage parlance, "cleanIngjup" at. every performance.

Bob Qulgley an company In theirdelightful Irish character comedy skit

(f entitled "The Little House Under the


' Hijl," are making ..'new friends atevery appearance,, and Rikoma's equil-- ',lbrlstic exhibitiort Is really t too goodto miss. . v J

t t'Kick In," WtUard Mack's .tamous(

' crook story, has been fllmized ,byi ' Pathe and Is being, shown as the main'

photo-attracti- on .on the bill. ;' William

. Courtney, the popular stage stir, hasthe stellar role. V

,' -

' Wedding Night.' a comedy.fllm"' that is extremely ; funny, com-alet- es

the1 list of features,Tomorrow will bring as' the big pho--


toplay, the much-herald- ed drama of1 vengeance entitled "Blind1 Justice," a

seven-pa- rt production. In it is starWIte-nJemt- Christie, author and star inthe "tremendous screen success, "Sealed

-- ; ' Orders." ,:


N. B. C. Graham Crackers are Incomparably the finestflavored of graham crackers. Thanks to puf careful selec-tion of grain and thorough preparation, we get just theright proportion of elements to make a wholesome biscuitand one that is the most palatable and appetising of its kind.

Try N. B. 1. Grahacr Crackers tot their delicious out-li-ke

flavor and flaky eriopness. Ufe them regularly at meals andbetween meals, because they art er dlgestiblo as they axe

nourishing. ''.. '

5e w 10c PackagesPre-lnvettto- ry sale of $9, $10 and

112 Articles, for $5, -- including furs,coats, hats, sweaters, petticoats, andshirt waists at E. H. Dillon & Co.'S,1,105 Main streets "

farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word.