MA Physical Education, Sport and Physical · PDF file6 | University of Wales Trinity Saint...

MA Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy MA PE, Sport and Physical Literacy

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MA PhysicalEducation, Sport and Physical Literacy

MA PE, Sport and Physical Literacy

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MA Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy -Supporting Health and Wellbeing

Who is it for?

Are you someone who is working with children, young people or adults inrelation to education, health, sport, physical activity?

Do you want to improve yourunderstanding and expertise to develop the work you do or move on to new opportunities?

Do you want to make a difference tohealth and improve well being?

If so then this Master’sprogramme is for you!

About the programme

At a time of increasing concerns aboutphysical inactivity and poor health, theMA Physical Education programmeexplores the issues around how PhysicalEducation and Sport can increase levels ofphysical activity by supporting thedevelopment of physical literacy fromearly childhood, through to later life athome, in school and in the community.

The modules in the programme develop anunderstanding of how we can increaseparticipation in physical activity and how wedevelop physical competence andmotivation at all levels. The programmeexplores a personal philosophy in relation tophysical education, sport and physicalliteracy. It studies how to lead and manageareas of work in relation to the developmentof health and wellbeing and how to conductresearch. It examines and evaluates howwork in the field has an impact on pupiloutcomes and physical activity levels andand how to develop this.

Why Study with us?

This programe is the only one of its kind in the UK and is supported by the Wales Institute for Physical Literacy. The programme is designed to be flexible to relate to the broad range of different contexts which all contribute to the development of physical literacy. The team of tutors that contribute tothe programme are experts in the field.

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Part One of the Programme comprises of four taught 30 credit modules.

• Developing and supporting physical competence

• Physical Literacy, Physical Education and Sport philosophy, policy and curriculum

• Motivation in Physical activity

• Research Methods

There are also opportunities for Internship and also international exchange modules.

Part Two of the programme is a 60credit dissertation module.

The programme is modular andhas three named awards:

• Postgraduate Certificate 2 taught modules (60 credits)

• Postgraduate Diploma 4 taught modules (120 credits)

• MA Physical Education 4 taught modules + dissertation (180 credits)

• Flexible postgraduate opportunities throughout Wales

• Part-time and full time modes of study

• Full time over 2 years

• Part time over 4 years

• Weekend delivery supported by Moodle

• Accessible locations in South and North Wales

• Modules to suit students’ professional practice and needs.

• Taught or research based study options

• International exchange opportunities Modules

• Expert tuition - our lecturers are experts in their fields, responsible for world-leading research and practice. The international recognition for the course enables us to draw on the world’s leaders in their fields with workshops delivered by tutors from the USA, Wales, Scotland and Canada.

Programme Stucture

Programme features:

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Developing and supporting Physical Competence

This module focuses on how we developphysical competence to be able to beactive for life.

On this module you will learn about:

• The developmental sequences for fundamental motor skills• How to recognise and analyse the stages and so how to improve these crucial skills• How we assess movement patterns and how to improve these• No matter what age group you work with you will be able to relate the work to the groups you support

Physical Literacy, Physical Education and Sport- philosophy, policy and curriculum

On this module you will:

• To gain a deep theoretical insight into philosophical perspectives and current issues relating to physical literacy, physical education and sport• To gain a deep theoretical insight into developments in policy and curriculum change in relation to the concept of physical literacy

Motivation in physical activity

In order to support physical activitythroughout life we need to understandhow we are motivated to move.

On this module you will learn about:

• Definitions of motivation• An exploration of different types of motivation• The concept of motivation and its associations with a range of outcomes within physical activity contexts

Research Methods

On this module, in preparation fordissertation and to develop anunderstanding of research.

you will learn about:

• Definitions of motivation• An exploration of different types of motivation• The concept of motivation and its associations with a range of outcomes within physical activity contexts


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The School of Sport Health and OutdoorEducation is the home of the WalesInstitute for Physical Literacy.

The MA Physical Education Sport andPhysical Literacy offers students aunique opportunity to work with theteam of experts based at the institutewhose work has received internationalrecognition. Opportunities range fromwork on research in motor development,outdoor and adventure activities, healthand well-being projects, circus skills andaging and exercise.

The Institute works with people of all agesand abilities to raise participation andsupport physical activity in all forms, whetherthat is pre-school play, walking the dog orcompeting in worldchampionship events.

The institute conducts research on manyaspects of physical literacy throughtout thelifespan.

We have expertise in:

• Physical Education• Health and well being• Sports injury and sports therapy• Early years Education• Motivation in relation to physical activity and health• Physiology• Personal Training• Nutrition• Outdoor Education and Adventure


The Institute manages the governmentfunded Physical Literacy Programme forSchools in the region and is currentlyconducting one of the largest studies ofearly childhood motor development inthe world. Work also includes developingnew curriculum approaches in PE andSport such as Circus Skills and OutdoorAdventure Education.


The institute supports local clubs andathletes, offering a range of fitnessand health assessments, professionaldevelopment and industry qualifications.

Wales Institute forPhysical Literacy

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“The MA has had a huge impact on me personally and professionally. It has enabled me to achieve and experience things I didn’t think I was capable of. It has contributed massively towards my professional development and has allowed me to influence and develop our sports development department as a whole.”

- Amanda (Sports Development Officer)

“Taking on the MA in Physical Educationwas a big decision for me. I was working full time and had not done any essay writing or studying for 7 years. But throughout the time on the course I have felt supported and have enjoyed the learning and it has prepared me for future career opportunities.”

- Kate (Teacher)

“The different challenges that await me are daunting and yet ever so exciting. There is so much opportunity here; it is overwhelming but I intend to grab every moment!”

- Bethan (Student)

Here’s what our students say...

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for the programmesare dependent on the background of theindividual applicants and considerationis given to professional experience, prioreducational awards, written and verbalcommunication skills and career aspirations.Applicants must be interviewed to beaccepted on the programme.


Weekend residentials are based at theUWTSD Campus in Carmarthen, SouthWales and at times may be located atthe Urdd site in Bala, North Wales, Swanseaor Cardiff depending on the location ofstudents studying on the programme.

Bilingual Opportunities

Students will have the opportunity to studysome aspects of the course through themedium of Welsh, and submit course work inWelsh. A number of the tutors onthe programme can offer tutorial supportthrough the medium of Welsh.

How to apply

Applications may be made directly to theUniversity at any time from October inthe year prior to commencement of study.

Final Date for applications for September2016 is June 1st 2016.

Application forms can be obtained from the Registry department or online at: postgraduate/how-to-apply/

For all enquiries contact:

[email protected] 676730


University of Wales Trinity Saint DavidCarmarthen CampusCarmarthenSA3 [email protected]

Fees and finance

The latest fee information and details offinancial support is available via theUWTSD website:


If you have any questions about theprogramme or how to apply pleasecontact the Programme Coordinator NaldaWainwright at:

[email protected] or 01267 676730

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Supporting the health and wellbeing of a nation

[email protected] 676730