m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants....

'w ..'.r.7 m':i,s. 046el s4ssag&Vr m-e--e- e ' .7) Ztes Advertising Medium. 77 0te S Tage 1 0'o Z?o' tearf ; Bulletin V N NG BULLGT4N Evening Paper Published you Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL tlw Teople. uiivju ijjuun i. umuiun. lMOMMMiMMOCHMMI00QlOotol ototototoot tt Vol. III. No. 5G9. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1897. Price 5 Cents. i VJ ' ' . Y '.. w' v i M ' V ft- -,, ' ! - I THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day ezcopt Sunday at 210 KIdr Street, Honolulu, H. I. 8UH9C1UPTION 11ATBS. Per ,Month, nnywhero In thu rtn Islands $ 75 Por Your. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Oanadu, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign Countries 13 00 Pnynblo Invariably In Advnnno. Tolephono 250. I. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Pitre, Rich Blood is tho soil in which roots life, health, strength, happiness. Tho soil of tho blood can bo drained or Impoverished like any other soil, nnd can bo fertil- ized and nourished in a similar way. You can get back tho old spring and snap. You can enjoy labor by day and sleep by night. You can eat your food with tho Hearty Appetite of health, if you only supply the blood with its lacking nutriment; 'vitalize it, or if you like,vfcrtllizo it. A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu- lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and so enriches it, as well as purines it. That is why physi- cians recommend AYER'S Sarsaparilla Biwinn of Imitations. The name Ayer'a fianmpurllla J prominent oo tht wrapper id !r vn JT f Mjf ll M nt "nc). 'wttle, AYESs?ILLs7ilGKm Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii. 1 " CLEARANCE FOR ' ? I ." : fyTw , WAV EEKS AT EGAN'S 539.lt EC. a. BIAJRT, 401 Fort Street. JcWcIer and "Watcrimaep. i ar Huvlng bought out tho entire stock of J 13. Goinen I um prepared to furnish KlrMtclass Jewelry at rea- sonable prices, WatclMiig and Repairing a Specialty. war Native Work of all kinds. Also "Wire Ornaments. FRANCIS DUNN, s Architect and Superintendent N EBt. Offico: 305 Fort street, Sprockets' Block, Room 5. THE COMMITTEE REPORTS v ON TIM: MMIIIEIt AM1,VM1K OF i'osrAji; hta.tii'.s iuiiM:n. If Report That Will lin r Sprrlul Inlrr- - et to Ilmlcra slid NpeculMora lit Ilittrnllnu Miiinpa. Evor sinbo tho burning of thu old issues of Hawaiian stamps on tho morning of January 28 laBt, 'underauthority of u joint resolu- tion of tho Legislature, local spoo ulntors hnvo boon particularly an- xious to find oat exactly how many stamps wore destroyed and thoir particular denomination. In tho issuo of tho Bulletin of tho dnto mentioned a tabulated stato-mo- nt of tho number and valuo of tho stamps on hand and authoriz- ed to bo destroyed by tho Legisla- ture, if not sold prior to January 1, 1897, was printed. It will bo noticed that in tho report givon below, (ho total value of tho stamps destroyed is not givon. The Bulletin has mada repeated efforts to obtain the oxuet valuo ami denomination of the stamps sold between the date of the pas- sage of the resolution ,by tho Leg islaturo und January 1, 1897, but for some reason best known to tho authorities the figures wero hot obtainable. However, to thoso who are interested enough to do a little figuring they can bo easily got at by computing tho vulues of the stamps mentioned in tho follow- ing report nnd subtracting thom from tho figures givon in the table printed on January 28. Tho difforonco will show what stamps wero sold at tho postoifico, and as they mostly went to speculators, will give a protty'genoral id6a of tho number of Htnmps of each de- nomination now owned in this city and hold for speculative pur- poses. Following is tho roport made to President Dolo: itoNOLULU, February 1, 1897. Slit: Wo, your Committee.duly commissioned on tho 5th day of January, A. D. 1897, undor and by virtuo of a Joint Resolution of tho Legislature, approved May 27, A. D. 1896, to supervise with the Min- ister of Finance and Postmaster General, tho Enumeration and Destruction of nil Postal Cards and Postuge Stamps and Envel- opes issued prior to tho present issue, beg loavo to roport that: On tho 27th day of January, A. D. 1897, your Committee enumerated tho Postage Stam ps and En volopc's, as givon in tho Iuvoutory annexed hereto nnd which wbb found to correspond with the list furnished by the PoBtiuastor Genoral, and Registrar of Accounts; that tho said Postage-- Stamps nnd Envel- opes wore thon placed in mail bags, sealed with the private seals of your Committee as well as that of tho Government, nnd thon deposit- ed in tho timovaaltof tho Finance Department until tho morning of the 28th, when they wore trans ported to tho furnncos of tho Ha- waiian Electric Co., nnd. thero burned in tho presence of tho Min- ister of Finance, tho Postmaster Gouorn!, and of the several mem- bers of your Committee Respectfully submitted, John H. 8orr.it, ) W. M. Gifi'ard, Committee F. L. Stolz. To SANrORD B. Dolk, Presidont of tho Republic of Hawaii. Inventory of Hawaiinn Postago Stamps and Euvolopes issued pre- vious to tho pre.sent issuos of tho Republic of Hawaii and which ro mained on hand at the Post Offico and Treasury, Decombor 31, A. D. 1890. BUROHAItaED PROVISIONAL GOVERN- MENT. 1893. 2 Cont Violot, 4182 35-- 50 Sheets, 209,135 Stamps. C Cont Light Blue, 5790 30-5- 0 Shoots, 289,530 Stamps. 10 Cont Ohocolnto, 1025 Shoots, 81,250 Stamps. I :iVW-:- - vLiLZiAUi,. V 'tmJ&M 12 Cent Black,1978 19-- 50 Sheots, 98,919 Stamps. 18 Cent Red, 1257 29-- 50 Sheets, 50 Cent led, 123 ,01-5- 0 Sheets, 21,151 Stamps. 81.00 Red, 838 01-- 50 Sheets, 41,-90- 1 Stamps. ' ft f!nnf 1i!nvn1nlun COlO i1 v' In Ann 10 Cont Envelopes, 10,293. ODSOLETE ISSUES. 2 Cont Rod, Knmohamoha IV,' Iraporf. ovorpriuted "Ropiint," 92-- J 13-- 15 Sheets, 13,873 Stamps. 2 Cent Bluo, Kamehamoha Jll, fac similo of 1853 issue, over- printed "Reprint," 318 05-- 20 Sheets, 0305 Stamps. 13 Cout Red, Kamoharaeha I I, fac simile of 1853 issuo, overpriut-o- d "Roprint," 415 01-- 20 Sheets, 8304 Stumps. 5 Cent Bluo, Knmohamoha III, 1853 issuo ovorprintod"Spocimon," 303 1G-- 20 Sheets, 7270 Stamps. 13 Cent Rod, Kamobamoha III, 1853 issuo ovorprinted "Speci- men," 8l2 17-- 20 Shoots, 10,257 Stamps. Iu addition to tho above Inven- tory of Stamps your Committeo also destroyed 10,000 Roply Post- al Cards of tho denomination of 2 Cont Bluo, issue of 1881. Thoso Postal Cards, howovor, woro not included in the official invontory of tho Postal Bureau, but wero a consignment sent a fow years ago in error by the Now York engrav-or- s and had uovor beon accepted by tho Hawaiian Govornmont. LATEST FOREIGN SKWS. Sluslein ReliiBcca In Crc-l- Nnccoreil The Quccu'a Jubilee. Tho Warrimoo brings tho fol- lowing foreign itoms up to tho 12th inst. : Exports of wool from Sydney for tho season amount to a value of ubout 38,300,000. By two Btonmors in ono day lately Ohiaoso shipped $49,090 in gold for'Hougkong. During tho sharp fighting at tho gates of Canea in Oroto, tho Christians and Mos- lems, sixty Turks wore killed. The British Consul at Croto has with tho aid of a roscuo purty re- leased 1930 MoBloms from tho rebels. Thby have beon placed on an Italian transport. An armed rabble menaced and fired upou tho food convoy, nt Seliuo, in Groto,aud burned a por- tion of tho town. Tho Marquis of Salisbury, speaking with regard to the Cretan trouble, said the Govern- ment occupied tho position of trustees, and it was their duty to maintaiu British intorests abovo everything else. Tho streets of London are to bo lined with 25,000 troops on tho occasion of her Majesty's visit to St. Paul's Cathedral during tho record roign celebrations. Tho Loudon Associated Cham- bers of Commerce intend to nrgo tho Govornmont to ndopt a motrio system of weights nnd muasuros. Tho Mansion Houso Indian Famine Relief Fund now amounts to S2,055,000. Tho Quoou has contributed an additional $2500. Tho committee on Foroign Re- lations of 'the Senate of tho Unitod States of Amorica haB reqoiu mendod tho ratification, without nmendmout, of the , Alaskan Boundary Treaty, concluded n tho United Statos and Great Britain. Russia has offored Sorvia 120,-00- 0 magazine riflos on credit. The offor bus not yot beon ncceptod, ns tho Servian authorities are anxious to obtain tho latest pattoru of riilo. Skeletons of two moro supposed viotima'of Butler havo beon found in the BIuomountains. For Reul. A cottage, stables and sorvant's quarters, aituate on Wildor avenuo. Earge grounds well laid out and plauted with fruit and ornamental troos; ono full set of furniture nnd cooking stove can romain in the houso if wnuted. Apply to A. V. Gear, 210 King Btroot. HARD TIMES GOME AGAIN T .NOVt.l. I ANTING PART a UIVKN UY DAUIillTMtS or KEIIECCA. ! '""Keif Attended nnd Well .llmincril JtrlBM AwiirdM fr t I From oighty to a hundred peo-p- lo attended tho "hard times" party (given by Pacific Rebecca Lodge, I. O. O. F , at Harmony hall, King Btroot, last night. Tho reception committee consisted of Mrs. Goo. A. Turner, Mrs. O. Petrio and Mrs. G. Ottersou. Theso ladies woro supplied with needlo and thread and a varied assortment of fragmentary textilo fabrics, with which thoy decorat- ed all who woro not poor onough to havo old clothes, or who might havo vainly imagined thut 'mot-lo- y" was not "tho only wear" for the occasion. Many camo in ap- propriate costume and caused no end of fun on appearing in tho hall. There was a long program of eighteen dances, but the usual extras woro begged notwithstand- ing. Tho openiug grand march showed all tho fantastic rigs to tho best advantage While a second grand march was in progress at tho middlo of tho ordor, a commit- teo consisting of F. Vf. McOhcs-uoy- , F.B. Oat, W. H. Buugh, L. Hough and D. Logan iutpectcd tho procession to award tho prizes for tlio host inalo and fomalo costume. On tho first ballot they selected Thos. Wall and Mrs. John Neill for tho honor. Messrs. Hollander, P. J. Voollor, J. F. Scott and G. Ottorson wore ouch favorably regarded, but tho selec- tion was made on tho most perfect reproroutntiou of ral "hard times." If it had been for comic foaturcs and clover disguises Messrs. Scott and Hollander would havo boon rivals for first placo and Mr. Voeller surely been noxt to second ohoico. Somo othors put thomsolves out of com- petition 'by too goutoel neckwear ovor shabby onough suits. In tho same manner several lndios woro out of tho raco for wearing jewel- ry or having their tattered skirts too fashionably made up. Indeed, many displnyod gonius in tho olegauco they got out of nothing but rags of culico. Miss Williams, Mrs. banders and MisB Wood- ward received votes in tho council of judges. Mrs. Henry Williams had tho neatest costume on tho iloor, but it was doomed moro a work of art than a product of "hard timos." Mr. McOhenncy presented tho prizes to tho winners amidst grout merriment. Mrs. Noill received a washerwoman's outfit of wash- board, bar of soap and clothea pegs. Mr. Wall was giveu a box of shoe blaukiug with a brush. Ho was drcssod in a laboror's shirt and trousers, with necktio and brucos of ropo yarn, and his baro toos pooped through old clouts far past cobbler's redemp- tion. Sandwiches, coffoo "and lomo-nnd- o woro servodrouud, the coffee iu tin cups, nnd tho danco wont merrily ou until nftor midnight, closing with tho Virginia rod. Mrs. Williams was tho oflioiont floor manager, aided by a com- mitteo consisting of Miss Ella Daytou, Miss J. Camera, Mrs. O. F. Horrick aud Mrs. G. A. Sohu-ma- n. Even at the small admis- sion feo of hnlf a dollar, tho Daughters of Rebecca mado a neat Bum for their lodge funds. They also increased their fine o ns eutortaiiiors. All who wero present will henceforth chango tho old ditty and sing, "Hard times como again some moro. Tho mombors of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. and A. M., had a vory.onjoyablotimo lastovoning. A. S. Cunha was tho victim, it be- ing tho third time ho was intro- duced to tho goat. Tho proceed- ings wound up with a banquet furnisllod by T. E, Krouse D. IT. CORBRTT ARRESTED. Mitrahnl Drawn linn an Unilcanant Official Duty la Perform. Shortly nftor noon today Mnr. shal Brown arrostcd D. W. Cor-bot- t, of tho Young Men's Christian Association, nnd until lately manager of tho ice works." Tho arrest was mado upon a warrnnt Bigued by Judge do la Vorgne, and issued upon tho sworn complaint of tho Marshal himsolf. Tho dofonilaut is charged with an unnatural crime Tho arrest is tho culmination of n series of scandalous stories affecting tho defendant which havo been- - disseminated about town for tho pa6t month or six wooks. Marshal Brown has boon awaro of thoso scandals and has boon quietly in- vestigating thom. What ovi-don- co he hns obtained to back up tho sorious chargo mado is known only to himsolf, but tho truth or falsity of tho scandal will now bo settled. Marshal Brown drove off in his brako immediately aftor placing tho defendant in jail aud could not bq fonnd by a reporter. Mr. Cotbott was visited by a friend shortly after his arrost, who provided him with blaukets and other necessarios, from which it is iufoired that ho will not. book bail. UAM) CONC'KrtTff. Pnicinnii for Ibiiiiiin fiiuro Tnilny and niaken iHlaud Tomorrow. The following program has been arranged for tho concert to bo given by tho Govornmont baud at Emma squaro this afternoon, commonciug at 4:30: March My Oarktown (Sal Johnson Ovurturo The Armorer Lortzlu;; (Uvotte Clrcno FIIcko Cornet Bolo Sjiccklly, ..,,...,.. . ,.Hnl Mr. Cliarltk Krcuter. Polponrl Italian Operi Kappri March-Il- en Uur Chariot Race 1'aufl Hawaii Poool. For tho Makoo Island concort tomorrow afternoon the following selections will bo rendered: PART I. The Old Ilunilnd. Overture Peter Sehmoll Weber Hullail-U- Iil Mo Discourse Illsliop (a) I'ilcrlm (jlioru Warner (b) Evening Star , Wujrner detection Popular Dallaita (ucvr)....Kaipey PART II. Cornet Solo Kancy (new) PcrMna Mr. L'liarks K rent or. Fantasia Trauraulhler (now) l.umbye Hell Solo by Mr. Horry lnglintn. fliiTolle Dulcle Torcy Finale Einpcror'a RutIow Ellcnbcr Hawaii Ponol. CIll.oiiK Attention. TUcbo nro days of considorablo anxiety and porploxity to all who havo possessions or other intornsts in tho Republio of Huiaii, aud it is timo that our citizens camo to a mutual understanding on sovornl important issues. The prospects for Auuoxntion appear at prosont vague and indistinct, and our destiny cannot bo forotold with certainty. There are thoso, also, who still fondly cling to the hope of a return to tho old ordor of things, and who cannot bo per- suaded othorwiso, yot this out- look appoara far moro hazy than that of Annexation ovou to tho roost hopeful disciples of tho Monnrchy. But, fortuuatoly, iu tho midst of all this uucortniuty thoro is solace in tho fact thut Buffalo Boer has camo to stay and that patrouB of all sorts and opinions may equally share tho benefits of its invigorating and sustaining properties. Wo' nro moreover nssured that this favorite brow will continue to bo dispens- ed as heretofore at tho Royal, Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa- loons. Tho bark Rosalie, latoly con- demned ou eurvoy aftor putting in horo in distress with lumber from the Sound for Australia, wns Bold nt auction by Jns. F. Morgan to- day. Cnptains Andrews and Evans bought tho hull for $190. Tho donkey eugiuo sold for 305, and tho rest of tho outfit brought tho total proceeds up to something botwoon S1200 and S1500. TONimiT'N CONCERT. 1'roK-rni- to lp M KiMUiin-kaitl- ll clinrrli TliU Evening. Tho following program arranged for tho concert at Kaumnkapili church this ovoniug should bo at- tractive onough to fill tho building: PART I. Gloria Twelfth Mnss Mozart Full Chorus. Piano Solo -- Deuxiomo Mazurka Godnrcl, Op. 54 Miss Lena Rusowarue. Ladies' Voices Heaven Henry Smnrt Kamohainoha Girls' Chorus. Organ Solo Offortoiro iu D Major Thomas Mr. Wray Taylor. Mulo Voices Simple Simon.. Macy Kamehamohu AcmoCIub. Soprano Solo Ave Maria (by request) Bach Gounod Mrs. Montaguo-Turno- r. Violin Obligato, Mr. William Love; Piano, Miss Margaret Hopper; Organ, Mr. Wray Taylor. Mnlo Quartet In Ueavouly Lovo Abiding J. L. Howes Messrs. Macurdn,Lymau, Richards aud Smith. PART II. Ladies' Voices Vesper Hymn. ; Franz Abt Kuwaiahao Chorus. Soprano Obligato, Miss Jose- phine v w Human. Piano Solo Polonaise. . , X. Scharwenku, Op. 42 Miss Cordelia Olymor. Male VoicoB Tho Menu Zollnor Kamohamoha Acmo Club. Piano Duet L'Alflrto (Faufaro Militairo).... F. Behr, Op. 512 Primo, Miss Violot Lima; Sec-on- do, Miss Hattio Ayau. Anthom Oh, How Lovely ia 'don ... 1 Romberg Kamehamoha Choir. Ladies' Voices Slumbor Song : i Brahms Kawaiahao and Kamehamoha GirlB' Chorus. Now to tho Lord a Noblo Song "Wagner Full Chorus. m April HI Will Not lie Airll 1'uol'a liny nt Hie rnuplo ol I'ailiion Tho Tcmplo of Fashion will cloa6 Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday to allow Mr. Silva nnd his staff of clerks to remark his stock of goods preparatory to holding liis big closing out aalo. This sale will bo in full dwing Thurs- day, April 1. A gonernl reduction of 25 per cont on tho uctnal cost will bo given, and all goods will bo marked in plain figures. It ib Mr. Silva's intention to rotiro permanently from business, nud while tho prices that ho will quote would bo ruinous to tho ordinary Honolulu merchant, it will enable Mr. Silva to dispose of his ontiro stock during the noxt 90 days, at tho end of which timo ho will leave Honolulu for Portugnl, whore businoBB of a private nature ds his nttontiou. A Week ol DinbrolUeiy. E. W. Jordan will hold a weok's carnival in embroidery, llonnoing aud dress trimmings beginning Monday, March 29. Somo protty and very nrlistio Swiss ombroid-orb- d ilounoing that formerly sold for S5 und no complaint from the purohasor will bo sold at 1 tho yard, nnd tho $1.50 nro roduccd to 50c. All ovor ombroidery roducod to SI; former price was $3.50. A big cut him beon mado in ombroid-oro- d edgings, and COOO yards of dross trimmings are going nt from 2Jo por yard up. All tho goods are uniquo iu design and tho pricoB aro suro to astonish whou you inspect tho goods. aa m Printod ducks are just as good, if not bottor than anything clso for boys' shirt waists. Thoy wash aud wear woll, two yory important considerations. Korr has thom in a largo variety of patterns nt eight yards for ouo dollar. tifctetjdsfau'jZiM tj m SB. -i i W r 1 f" 1tri ' IS 1 ill ir iViffiM

Transcript of m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants....

Page 1: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and


046el s4ssag&Vrm-e--e- e '

.7) Ztes Advertising Medium. 77 0te S Tage 10'o Z?o' tearf ; Bulletin V N NG BULLGT4N Evening Paper Published

you Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL tlw Teople. uiivju ijjuun i. umuiun.

lMOMMMiMMOCHMMI00QlOotol ototototoottt

Vol. III. No. 5G9. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1897. Price 5 Cents.i







i M' V

ft- -,,





Published every day ezcopt Sunday at210 KIdr Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Per ,Month, nnywhero In thu rtn

Islands $ 75Por Your. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Oanadu, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign

Countries 13 00

Pnynblo Invariably In Advnnno.Tolephono 250. I. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

Pitre, RichBlood

is tho soil in which roots life, health,strength, happiness. Tho soil of thoblood can bo drained or Impoverishedlike any other soil, nnd can bo fertil-ized and nourished in a similar way.You can get back tho old spring andsnap. You can enjoy labor by dayand sleep by night. You can eatyour food with tho


of health, if you only supply theblood with its lacking nutriment;

'vitalize it, or if you like,vfcrtllizo it.A large number of so called tonieremedies are disguised stimulants.Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feedsthe blood and so enriches it, as wellas purines it. That is why physi-cians recommend


Biwinn of Imitations. The name Ayer'afianmpurllla J prominent oo tht wrapperid !r vn JT f Mjf ll M nt "nc). 'wttle,


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Republic of Hawaii.

1 "




I ."







EC. a. BIAJRT,401 Fort Street.

JcWcIer and "Watcrimaep.i

ar Huvlng bought out tho entirestock of J 13. Goinen I um preparedto furnish KlrMtclass Jewelry at rea-sonable prices,

WatclMiig and Repairing a Specialty.

war Native Work of all kinds. Also"Wire Ornaments.


s Architect and SuperintendentN

EBt. Offico: 305 Fort street,Sprockets' Block, Room 5.



i'osrAji; hta.tii'.s iuiiM:n.If

Report That Will lin r Sprrlul Inlrr- -

et to Ilmlcra slid NpeculMoralit Ilittrnllnu Miiinpa.

Evor sinbo tho burning of thuold issues of Hawaiian stamps ontho morning of January 28 laBt,'underauthority of u joint resolu-tion of tho Legislature, local spooulntors hnvo boon particularly an-

xious to find oat exactly howmany stamps wore destroyed andthoir particular denomination. Intho issuo of tho Bulletin of thodnto mentioned a tabulated stato-mo- nt

of tho number and valuo oftho stamps on hand and authoriz-ed to bo destroyed by tho Legisla-ture, if not sold prior to January1, 1897, was printed. It will bonoticed that in tho report givonbelow, (ho total value of thostamps destroyed is not givon. TheBulletin has mada repeatedefforts to obtain the oxuet valuoami denomination of the stampssold between the date of the pas-sage of the resolution ,by tho Legislaturo und January 1, 1897, butfor some reason best known to thoauthorities the figures wero hotobtainable. However, to thoso whoare interested enough to do a littlefiguring they can bo easily got atby computing tho vulues of thestamps mentioned in tho follow-ing report nnd subtracting thomfrom tho figures givon in thetable printed on January 28. Thodifforonco will show what stampswero sold at tho postoifico, and asthey mostly went to speculators,will give a protty'genoral id6a oftho number of Htnmps of each de-nomination now owned in thiscity and hold for speculative pur-poses.

Following is tho roport made toPresident Dolo:

itoNOLULU, February 1, 1897.Slit: Wo, your Committee.duly

commissioned on tho 5th day ofJanuary, A. D. 1897, undor and byvirtuo of a Joint Resolution of thoLegislature, approved May 27, A.D. 1896, to supervise with the Min-ister of Finance and PostmasterGeneral, tho Enumeration andDestruction of nil Postal Cardsand Postuge Stamps and Envel-opes issued prior to tho presentissue, beg loavo to roport that: Ontho 27th day of January, A. D.1897, your Committee enumeratedtho Postage Stam ps and En volopc's,as givon in tho Iuvoutory annexedhereto nnd which wbb found tocorrespond with the list furnishedby the PoBtiuastor Genoral, andRegistrar of Accounts; that thosaid Postage-- Stamps nnd Envel-opes wore thon placed in mail bags,sealed with the private seals ofyour Committee as well as that oftho Government, nnd thon deposit-ed in tho timovaaltof tho FinanceDepartment until tho morning ofthe 28th, when they wore transported to tho furnncos of tho Ha-waiian Electric Co., nnd. theroburned in tho presence of tho Min-ister of Finance, tho PostmasterGouorn!, and of the several mem-bers of your Committee

Respectfully submitted,John H. 8orr.it, )

W. M. Gifi'ard, CommitteeF. L. Stolz.

To SANrORD B. Dolk,Presidont of tho Republic ofHawaii.

Inventory of Hawaiinn PostagoStamps and Euvolopes issued pre-vious to tho pre.sent issuos of thoRepublic of Hawaii and which romained on hand at the Post Officoand Treasury, Decombor 31, A. D.1890.



1893.2 Cont Violot, 4182 35-- 50 Sheets,

209,135 Stamps.C Cont Light Blue, 5790 30-5- 0

Shoots, 289,530 Stamps.10 Cont Ohocolnto, 1025 Shoots,

81,250 Stamps.

I :iVW-:- - vLiLZiAUi,. V 'tmJ&M

12 Cent Black,1978 19-- 50 Sheots,98,919 Stamps.

18 Cent Red, 1257 29-- 50 Sheets,

50 Cent led, 123 ,01-5- 0 Sheets,21,151 Stamps.

81.00 Red, 838 01-- 50 Sheets, 41,-90- 1

Stamps. 'ft f!nnf 1i!nvn1nlun COlO

i1 v' In Ann10 Cont Envelopes, 10,293.ODSOLETE ISSUES.

2 Cont Rod, Knmohamoha IV,'Iraporf. ovorpriuted "Ropiint,"92-- J 13-- 15 Sheets, 13,873 Stamps.

2 Cent Bluo, Kamehamoha Jll,fac similo of 1853 issue, over-printed "Reprint," 318 05-- 20

Sheets, 0305 Stamps.13 Cout Red, Kamoharaeha I I,

fac simile of 1853 issuo, overpriut-o- d"Roprint," 415 01-- 20 Sheets,

8304 Stumps.5 Cent Bluo, Knmohamoha III,

1853 issuo ovorprintod"Spocimon,"303 1G-- 20 Sheets, 7270 Stamps.

13 Cent Rod, Kamobamoha III,1853 issuo ovorprinted "Speci-men," 8l2 17-- 20 Shoots, 10,257Stamps.

Iu addition to tho above Inven-tory of Stamps your Committeoalso destroyed 10,000 Roply Post-al Cards of tho denomination of 2Cont Bluo, issue of 1881. ThosoPostal Cards, howovor, woro notincluded in the official invontoryof tho Postal Bureau, but wero aconsignment sent a fow years agoin error by the Now York engrav-or- s

and had uovor beon acceptedby tho Hawaiian Govornmont.


Sluslein ReliiBcca In Crc-l- NnccoreilThe Quccu'a Jubilee.

Tho Warrimoo brings tho fol-

lowing foreign itoms up to tho12th inst. :

Exports of wool from Sydneyfor tho season amount to a valueof ubout 38,300,000.

By two Btonmors in ono daylately Ohiaoso shipped $49,090 ingold for'Hougkong.

During tho sharp fighting attho gates of Canea in Oroto,

tho Christians and Mos-lems, sixty Turks wore killed.

The British Consul at Croto haswith tho aid of a roscuo purty re-leased 1930 MoBloms from thorebels. Thby have beon placedon an Italian transport.

An armed rabble menaced andfired upou tho food convoy, ntSeliuo, in Groto,aud burned a por-tion of tho town.

Tho Marquis of Salisbury,speaking with regard to theCretan trouble, said the Govern-ment occupied tho position oftrustees, and it was their duty tomaintaiu British intorests abovoeverything else.

Tho streets of London are to bolined with 25,000 troops on thooccasion of her Majesty's visit toSt. Paul's Cathedral during thorecord roign celebrations.

Tho Loudon Associated Cham-bers of Commerce intend to nrgotho Govornmont to ndopt a motriosystem of weights nnd muasuros.

Tho Mansion Houso IndianFamine Relief Fund now amountsto S2,055,000. Tho Quoou hascontributed an additional $2500.

Tho committee on Foroign Re-lations of'the Senate of tho UnitodStates of Amorica haB reqoiumendod tho ratification, withoutnmendmout, of the , AlaskanBoundary Treaty, concluded n

tho United Statos and GreatBritain.

Russia has offored Sorvia 120,-00- 0

magazine riflos on credit. Theoffor bus not yot beon ncceptod, nstho Servian authorities are anxiousto obtain tho latest pattoru ofriilo.

Skeletons of two moro supposedviotima'of Butler havo beon foundin the BIuomountains.

For Reul.

A cottage, stablesand sorvant's quarters, aituate onWildor avenuo. Earge groundswell laid out and plauted withfruit and ornamental troos; onofull set of furniture nnd cookingstove can romain in the houso ifwnuted. Apply to A. V. Gear,210 King Btroot.



! '""Keif Attended nnd Well .llmincrilJtrlBM AwiirdM fr t


From oighty to a hundred peo-p- lo

attended tho "hard times"party (given by Pacific RebeccaLodge, I. O. O. F , at Harmonyhall, King Btroot, last night. Thoreception committee consisted ofMrs. Goo. A. Turner, Mrs. O.Petrio and Mrs. G. Ottersou.Theso ladies woro supplied withneedlo and thread and a variedassortment of fragmentary textilofabrics, with which thoy decorat-ed all who woro not poor onoughto havo old clothes, or who mighthavo vainly imagined thut 'mot-lo- y"

was not "tho only wear" forthe occasion. Many camo in ap-propriate costume and caused noend of fun on appearing in thohall.

There was a long program ofeighteen dances, but the usualextras woro begged notwithstand-ing. Tho openiug grand marchshowed all tho fantastic rigs to thobest advantage While a secondgrand march was in progress attho middlo of tho ordor, a commit-teo consisting of F. Vf. McOhcs-uoy- ,

F.B. Oat, W. H. Buugh, L.Hough and D. Logan iutpectcdtho procession to award tho prizesfor tlio host inalo and fomalocostume. On tho first ballot theyselected Thos. Wall and Mrs.John Neill for tho honor. Messrs.Hollander, P. J. Voollor, J. F.Scott and G. Ottorson wore ouchfavorably regarded, but tho selec-tion was made on tho most perfectreproroutntiou of ral "hardtimes." If it had been for comicfoaturcs and clover disguisesMessrs. Scott and Hollanderwould havo boon rivals for firstplaco and Mr. Voeller surely beennoxt to second ohoico. Somoothors put thomsolves out of com-petition 'by too goutoel neckwearovor shabby onough suits. In thosame manner several lndios woroout of tho raco for wearing jewel-ry or having their tattered skirtstoo fashionably made up. Indeed,many displnyod gonius in thoolegauco they got out of nothingbut rags of culico. Miss Williams,Mrs. banders and MisB Wood-ward received votes in tho councilof judges. Mrs. Henry Williamshad tho neatest costume on thoiloor, but it was doomed moro awork of art than a product of"hard timos."

Mr. McOhenncy presented thoprizes to tho winners amidst groutmerriment. Mrs. Noill received awasherwoman's outfit of wash-board, bar of soap and clotheapegs. Mr. Wall was giveu a boxof shoe blaukiug with a brush.Ho was drcssod in a laboror'sshirt and trousers, with necktioand brucos of ropo yarn, and hisbaro toos pooped through oldclouts far past cobbler's redemp-tion.

Sandwiches, coffoo "and lomo-nnd- o

woro servodrouud, the coffeeiu tin cups, nnd tho danco wontmerrily ou until nftor midnight,closing with tho Virginia rod.Mrs. Williams was tho oflioiontfloor manager, aided by a com-

mitteo consisting of Miss EllaDaytou, Miss J. Camera, Mrs. O.F. Horrick aud Mrs. G. A. Sohu-ma- n.

Even at the small admis-sion feo of hnlf a dollar, thoDaughters of Rebecca mado aneat Bum for their lodge funds.They also increased their fine o

ns eutortaiiiors. All whowero present will henceforthchango tho old ditty and sing,"Hard times como again somemoro.

Tho mombors of HawaiianLodge, No. 21, F. and A. M., hada vory.onjoyablotimo lastovoning.A. S. Cunha was tho victim, it be-

ing tho third time ho was intro-duced to tho goat. Tho proceed-ings wound up with a banquetfurnisllod by T. E, Krouse


Mitrahnl Drawn linn an UnilcanantOfficial Duty la Perform.

Shortly nftor noon today Mnr.shal Brown arrostcd D. W. Cor-bot- t,

of tho YoungMen's Christian Association, nnduntil lately manager of tho iceworks." Tho arrest was madoupon a warrnnt Bigued byJudge do la Vorgne, and issuedupon tho sworn complaint of thoMarshal himsolf. Tho dofonilautis charged with an unnaturalcrime

Tho arrest is tho culmination ofn series of scandalous storiesaffecting tho defendant whichhavo been- - disseminated abouttown for tho pa6t monthor six wooks. MarshalBrown has boon awaro of thososcandals and has boon quietly in-vestigating thom. What ovi-don- co

he hns obtained to back uptho sorious chargo mado is knownonly to himsolf, but tho truth orfalsity of tho scandal will now bosettled.

Marshal Brown drove off in hisbrako immediately aftor placingtho defendant in jail aud couldnot bq fonnd by a reporter.

Mr. Cotbott was visited by afriend shortly after his arrost,who provided him with blauketsand other necessarios, from whichit is iufoired that ho will not. bookbail.


Pnicinnii for Ibiiiiiin fiiuro Tnilnyand niaken iHlaud Tomorrow.The following program has been

arranged for tho concert to bogiven by tho Govornmont baud atEmma squaro this afternoon,commonciug at 4:30:

March My Oarktown (Sal JohnsonOvurturo The Armorer Lortzlu;;(Uvotte Clrcno FIIckoCornet Bolo Sjiccklly, ..,,...,.. . ,.Hnl

Mr. Cliarltk Krcuter.Polponrl Italian Operi KappriMarch-Il- en Uur Chariot Race 1'aufl

Hawaii Poool.

For tho Makoo Island concorttomorrow afternoon the followingselections will bo rendered:

PART I.The Old Ilunilnd.

Overture Peter Sehmoll WeberHullail-U- Iil Mo Discourse Illsliop(a) I'ilcrlm (jlioru Warner(b) Evening Star , Wujrnerdetection Popular Dallaita (ucvr)....Kaipey

PART II.Cornet Solo Kancy (new) PcrMna

Mr. L'liarks K rent or.Fantasia Trauraulhler (now) l.umbye

Hell Solo by Mr. Horry lnglintn.fliiTolle Dulcle TorcyFinale Einpcror'a RutIow Ellcnbcr

Hawaii Ponol.

CIll.oiiK Attention.TUcbo nro days of considorablo

anxiety and porploxity to all whohavo possessions or other intornstsin tho Republio of Huiaii, aud itis timo that our citizens camo to amutual understanding on sovornlimportant issues. The prospectsfor Auuoxntion appear at prosontvague and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo forotold withcertainty. There are thoso, also,who still fondly cling to the hopeof a return to tho old ordor ofthings, and who cannot bo per-suaded othorwiso, yot this out-look appoara far moro hazy thanthat of Annexation ovou to thoroost hopeful disciples of thoMonnrchy. But, fortuuatoly, iutho midst of all this uucortniutythoro is solace in tho fact thutBuffalo Boer has camo to stay andthat patrouB of all sorts andopinions may equally share thobenefits of its invigorating andsustaining properties. Wo' nromoreover nssured that this favoritebrow will continue to bo dispens-ed as heretofore at tho Royal,Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa-


Tho bark Rosalie, latoly con-demned ou eurvoy aftor putting inhoro in distress with lumber fromthe Sound for Australia, wns Boldnt auction by Jns. F. Morgan to-

day. Cnptains Andrews andEvans bought tho hull for $190.Tho donkey eugiuo sold for 305,and tho rest of tho outfit broughttho total proceeds up to somethingbotwoon S1200 and S1500.


1'roK-rni- to lp M KiMUiin-kaitl- ll

clinrrli TliU Evening.Tho following program arranged

for tho concert at Kaumnkapilichurch this ovoniug should bo at-

tractive onough to fill tho building:


Gloria Twelfth Mnss MozartFull Chorus.

Piano Solo --Deuxiomo MazurkaGodnrcl, Op. 54

Miss Lena Rusowarue.Ladies' Voices Heaven

Henry SmnrtKamohainoha Girls' Chorus.

Organ Solo Offortoiro iu DMajor Thomas

Mr. Wray Taylor.Mulo Voices Simple Simon..

MacyKamehamohu AcmoCIub.

Soprano Solo Ave Maria (byrequest) Bach Gounod

Mrs. Montaguo-Turno- r.

Violin Obligato, Mr. WilliamLove; Piano, Miss MargaretHopper; Organ, Mr. WrayTaylor.

Mnlo Quartet In UeavoulyLovo Abiding J. L. Howes

Messrs. Macurdn,Lymau, Richardsaud Smith.


Ladies' Voices Vesper Hymn.; Franz Abt

Kuwaiahao Chorus.Soprano Obligato, Miss Jose-

phine v wHuman.Piano Solo Polonaise. . ,

X. Scharwenku, Op. 42Miss Cordelia Olymor.

Male VoicoB Tho MenuZollnor

Kamohamoha Acmo Club.Piano Duet L'Alflrto (Faufaro

Militairo).... F. Behr, Op. 512Primo, Miss Violot Lima; Sec-on- do,

Miss Hattio Ayau.Anthom Oh, How Lovely ia

'don ... 1 RombergKamehamoha Choir.

Ladies' Voices Slumbor Song: i Brahms

Kawaiahao and KamehamohaGirlB' Chorus.

Now to tho Lord a Noblo Song"Wagner

Full Chorus.m

April HI Will Not lie Airll 1'uol'a linynt Hie rnuplo ol I'ailiion

Tho Tcmplo of Fashion willcloa6 Monday, Tuesday and Wed-nesday to allow Mr. Silva nnd hisstaff of clerks to remark his stockof goods preparatory to holdingliis big closing out aalo. Thissale will bo in full dwing Thurs-day, April 1. A gonernl reductionof 25 per cont on tho uctnal costwill bo given, and all goods willbo marked in plain figures. It ibMr. Silva's intention to rotiropermanently from business, nudwhile tho prices that ho will quotewould bo ruinous to tho ordinaryHonolulu merchant, it will enableMr. Silva to dispose of his ontirostock during the noxt 90 days, attho end of which timo ho will leaveHonolulu for Portugnl, whorebusinoBB of a private nature ds

his nttontiou.

A Week ol DinbrolUeiy.

E. W. Jordan will hold a weok'scarnival in embroidery, llonnoingaud dress trimmings beginningMonday, March 29. Somo prottyand very nrlistio Swiss ombroid-orb- d

ilounoing that formerly soldfor S5 und no complaint from thepurohasor will bo sold at 1 thoyard, nnd tho $1.50 nro roduccd to50c. All ovor ombroidery roducodto SI; former price was $3.50. Abig cut him beon mado in ombroid-oro- d

edgings, and COOO yards ofdross trimmings are going nt from2Jo por yard up. All tho goodsare uniquo iu design and thopricoB aro suro to astonish whouyou inspect tho goods.

a a m

Printod ducks are just as good,if not bottor than anything clsofor boys' shirt waists. Thoy washaud wear woll, two yory importantconsiderations. Korr has thom ina largo variety of patterns nt eightyards for ouo dollar.









1 f"

1tri' IS

1illir iViffiM

Page 2: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and


mm " "" i








1 '



' 1: Fjr





". '


I $'

Havana CigarsJUST RECEIVED ' BY, '

HOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

I-.-a Intmiidad,La Kspanola,La AJricana,"Henry OLav & !Bock & Co.

Corner Fort &

MUSI-C- --ar. , . , For Everybody:The only complete line of


In the TIumK A few ofour specialties ....

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfection of art inPiano making

CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS,in lone, beauty ami con-

structions.KEGINA MUSIC BOXES, the King

of all, plays over one thousandtunea.

AUTOHAKPS, everybody's instru-ment, n child can play it.

GUITARS, we carry the celebratedHenry F. Mason, Hnrwood anilottier makes, from $4 up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fulrbanks &Cole and other wellknownmakes.

ACCORDEONS, the celebrated "lnvperiat" and other good lines.

165" And n tlimmwl and one othersmaller Instruments too numerous tomention.

Our celebrated Wall, Nichols Co."Stak" Braud of


Are the best made. Use no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all Instruments.

Our stock Is the most varied to befound this side of 'Frisco, unci the

rices the same as you pay in theS tates.

All instruments sold on easy month-ly payments.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money savers for you.

IS ' JM&3&Pt& & &

- ' 'i - -


Merchant Sts.

L iWUS A 0o

If n man's dinner is riht.and he rises from tho tableconscious that his wife hasused the samo judgment as toprico that she did in the selection of the articles disposed ofthere can be no indigestion tofollow. Our goods aro of thekind which bring health,happiness and a fat purse.

Table delicacies are a fadwith us they aro bought be-

cause wo known tho averageHonoluluito is fond of goodthings for tho stomach. Ourpricos arc below tho averageand special inducements arooffered to cash purchasers. Ourlatest importations include thebest goods obtainable in theEnglish markets.

Copeland's English Peas;Cod's Roe, Mackerel in Mus-tard Sauco and CambridgeSausages in tins are so wellput up that it would be diff-icult to detect the differencebetween them and the samearticles direct from the market.

"Toyssonneau" is a longname to put before Pate butthe combination makes tho besttid bit ever placed bofore agourmet. These arc goodsthat anyone may cat withoutfear of indigestion following.They are put up in the bestfactories in Europe and cometo us in elegant condition.

Lewis & Co.,


Port Stroot. Honolulu

A Quiet Shave

Can lie had nt the


Barber -:- - ShopPACIlKCO & FERNANDA.



A. V.

ISTota-rs- ric

TUcpbnno 858, ill! No. 210 King 8t.

Suboribe for the Evknino Bul-letin 75 oonta per month.

'i- - t y'i.


ITow toTVl Wild fowl Tho I'roprr Wyto l'rtptire Tlirm.

TI10' breafts of all birds should fecithick and firm.

Grousu aro old if, wlion held tip bytho uudorpart of the bill, it does notsnap acrofls.

I'artriclRO.3 wlion young havo 7 shapedends to thoir long wing feathers, darkbills and yellowish legs.

Phcannts should, if cock birds, havotho spurs short and round. They rcquirolonger hanging than eomo kinds ofgame, otlionvlflo thoy havo less flavorthan a fowl. Thoy aro really not wortheating till tho blood begins to run fromthoir bills wliou bung up by their feet.If really likod "high," allow thorn tohang till tlm feathers under the taildrop.

Birds must be hung in n dry placowitli a strong current of air through.Thoy aro best tied up looely in coarsoniuxlin or in a guu.o hanging meat tafu.

Do nut plurk or driw thciu till re(mired for cooking. If tho weather isdamp or "muggy," 11 few days will hoall that rou can keep them.

All game requires to bo quickly bakedor roasted befoio n clear, brik flro andkept thoroughly hatful, especially if ithas to ho LTOkid in tho oven. Uhu butter for basting. Never li.ivo itocrdone,Wild duck and teal arc by many notconsidered wortli eating unless under- -

done.In every caso it is on improvement to

havo 11 slice of raw fat bacon tied overtho brcusr, it boiug very important toprovont it getting iu tho least degreedry or hard. A vino leaf is frequentlyplaced under tho bacon when cookingblackcock, quiils or oitolan.

Tho average tiino for roasting ganiois as follows:

Uabcock and pheasants, 45 miuutes.Grouse, partridges, ptarmigan, 30

minutes.Wild dutk, landrail, woodoook, orto-

lans, quail, 20 minutes.Widgeon, teal, Fiiipo, plovers, 15


A Irii In Wlirt.

F -



PRESIDENT DIAZ DECOltATED.HHItUN The Relchs-auzeige- offl- -

elully announces that President Diaz,of Mexico, has heen decorated by Emperor William with tho grand cross of

Rainier." President Diaz issued inedict to the effect that no hcer eceptthe sparkling "Rainier" bo served inpublic places, or on state occasions.

On tap or in bottles at the Criterion,

Superior bioftkfnst Bausnco is rtspecialty nt tho Central Market.lung up 1U1.J

Bo Buro and cnll for a class ofthe colobrnted bockbeor witli yourlunch today nt tho AnchorBnloon.

King Bros, linvo just rocoivod apew lot of tifiHUo paper, windownoloB, sash rods, artitts' mntoriql",picture frnmeB, etc.

Now suitings and pants patternsaro arriving by every mail steam-er for L. B. Kerr. Ho sells a singleynrd nt wholoffale prices.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Niinauu streets, lodging byday, wortk or month. Tonus: 25nnd CO conts per night. $1, and

1 25 per week.Sterling, tho paintor, is pro-pare- d

to quote pricos on roofpnmtiug. Houses a composition ofcoal tar and coiuont. Cheapestund best roof propnrntiou in Ho-nolulu.

Printed ducks are just ns good,if not bettor than anything elsofor boys' Bhirt wnisis. They washand wear well, two vory imj)ortantcouBideratioiiH. Korr lias tbpm inn largo variety of pattorns atoightynrds for one dollar.

SingerB lend Iho world. Ovor13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awnrds at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollenco pitonstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great Bpoed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning nnd convenience of

B. Borcorsen, ncent.ilGiBothel streets.

vj( ,v i s f V

No Causefor Alarm!!!

Now that wo have found apreparation that is a powerfuldisinfectant, perfectly harm-less, free from odor, con-

venient to use and nt the re-

markable low figure of

5 Cents a Gallon.No prudent housekeeper can

nflbrd to run tho risk of con-

tracting sickness, which is sureto occur, should you neglectto keep tho seweis, cess-pool- s

and outhouses in a peifcctlydeodorized condition.

Ptsrifine 25c.Any Physician will endorse

what we claim when we tollyou that nino tenths of allfevers and alike illness is thoresult of carelessness nbouttho sanitary conditions of thepremises.

Purifine 50c.One great objection to most

disinfectants is that they havesuch a disagreeable odor. Puri-- V

fine is odorless.

Purifine $1 00.Don't delay in purifying tho

air you daily breathe rindtrust to kind providence thatyou may cscapo illness. Nowis the time to commence thegood work, don't wait untilthe dead heat of summer hasarrived; it may bo too late.

Take time by the' forelock.To be forewarned, is to be fore-armed.

Purifine in quantities to suit.We are the Solo Agents.

Hollister Drug Go.


Always Get

My Clothes


MMcirosfc Decker's

The Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Pit Guaranteed.



Horse ShowEvery Night This Week.Matinee: Wednesday and Saturday.


25 and 50 Cents !

lleserved Scats at Wall, Nichols Company.COl.tf



Office: 203 Merchant street, CampbellBlock (rear of J. O. Carter1 office, I. O,Box Sid

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship


Steamers of the nbove Lino running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIEWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., and Sydney, N. B. W nnd calling at Victoria, B.'o,

Honolulu and Suva (lijij,


On or about the dates below stated, viz.:

From Sydney anil Suth, for Victoria iwiiVnncoUTer. 11. C.t

8tmr"MIOWEKA" April 24Btror "WAIUHMOO" May 24

Star "MIOWKKA" Jnuo 24

Star "WARHIMOO" July 24

Through TlckotH IhsuciI from Honolulu to Ciuinda,United States ami Kuropo.

aider's Co'sI


D. JIoNlcoll, Montreal, Caunda.KoiiFJtT Kfciin, Winnipeg, Canada.

M. M. Steijn, Shu Francisco, Cal.G. MoLi. BnowN, Vancouver, B. O.

Itanin SiRflinsliiii f!nI lllllll II 111 IILUUlllMlliU UUI

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:

The New and Fine Al Stool Steamship

" Moana "Of the Oceanio Steamship Company willbe due nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland ou or nbont

.A.pvil1, 1897.And will leirto fur the above port withUlails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

Tho Now nnd Fino Al Stee StoamBliip

" "MariposaOf tho Oceanic Stoamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Franciscoou or nbout

.A.pril 8, 1897.And will havo prompt despatch withMails nnd Fassengors for tho above ports.

Tho undersigned nre now preparedtoissuo

ThrouRh Tickets, to All Pointsin tho United States.

t37For further particulars regardingFreight or Fassngo apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Agents.

nic St


Arrive Honolulu Leavi Honolulufrom 8. F. for S. F.

March 30, 1897 April 7. 1897

April 27, 1 897 May 6, 1897

THROUGH LINEFrom Son Francisco From Sydney for

for, Sydney. San Francisco.

Arriie HoimMu. Leave ITonutulu.

Mariposa. April 8, '97 I Moana, April 1, '97Moana, May 6, '97 Alameda, Ap 29, '97

Potmdmaster'B Notice.Notice Is hereby given that the fol-

lowing estrays have been ImpoundedIn the Government Pound at Maklkl,Honolulu, viz. :

1 White Goat; 1 "White Goat withblick lines on the back, spots on thoquarters, both ears out; 1 She Goat,black with white spot on forehead andboth nldeH white, tall white, 2 hornsand oao ear cut; 1 Grey She Goat withhorns; 1 White Kid, right, ear cut.

And If such estrays ure not claimedand ail pound iiharge Hatinflnd ou orbefore SATURDAY, April 3. 1807,nt 12 o'clock noon, they will be soldon that date and hour to tho highestbidder. K. KKKUKNE,

Foiindiiiaster.Honolulu, H. I March 23, lb97.

660 3t

Heal Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are furnished with from Aveto six lists per weok, giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc., etc, whichate placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription l'rlcc, $2.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,210 King St, Honohiln

'w'.lisSrifcjiaiii.' xif!ivwi ,Jgii 'h k'





From Victoria atul Vancouver, II. 0., toSuva anil Hjilncyl

Bluir "WAIUHMOO" ApU18Star "MIOWEHA" May 18

Htmr "WAIUUMOO" June 16

Bltnr "MIOWEHA" Jnly 18

tgr For Freight nnd l'assngo and nilGeneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho Ilawniian Islands.


Unut. d. A. KINU, PortSupt.

Stmr. --KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Hannlnln ntlfl. m tr.nol.lnr, ofIiahaina, Manlacn Bay and Ntukcna thesumo nay; juanuicona. nawaiuae and luSnhoohoo the following day, arriving at

same ovening.


Tntsdnv Aurll fi I 1'rliUv AnM oFriftav Aurll 1(1 I TnnuUv Axrll 11Triesday,.. .April 27 Friday.. ...April 2Sjnnay May 7 Tuesday May 4

Returning, will loave Hilo nt 1 o'clockP. m., touching at Laupnhoehoe, Mahukouu and Kawaihao uanio dayj Makona,MaalacaKay and Lalmlna tho followingday; arming at Honolulu the afternoonsof 'luesdny and Fridays.

Will call at 1'ohoikl, 1'nna.jSr"No Treight will bo received after

12 noon ou day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will loave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p. m.touching at Kahului, Hana, HamoaandKipahulu, Maui. Iteturning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

gWXo Freight will be received afterP. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomake clmnges in the time of departure andarrival of fU steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itsolf responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stook only nt owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

for Monoy or Valuables of posscngoraunless placed in the caro of Pursers.

Passengers aro requested to purchasetiokots boforo qmburkiug. Thoe failing todo so --will bo subject to on additionalcharge of twenty-liv-e per cent.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

2001, Merchant Streot.

FOH BALE.House and Lot, 73x155 ft., on No. 71

Young btrect; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , etc.

Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots on Kinau and Piikol streets.

TO L17T.Furnished Rooms within fivo initiates,

walk from the Post Olllce. Also otherHooiun.

Houso on lieretnnlft street, near Filkolstreet; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath,room and an empty lot to keep a horse.

House on Behool stretj parlor, severaltwclioomh, kitchen, pi.ntry, outhouses andstable formerly occupied by Hon. W. II.Itico.

Savings : BankNOTICE.

Nolico is hereby given to Depo-sitors in the Snvings Dopnrtmontof Claus Spreckels & Co.'s Brink,that on and after April 1, 1897,all intorest on their deposits willcease.

Savings Depositors may with-- ,draw thoir ncuouuts without giv-iu- c

previous notico, or thov mavloavo same in our J3ank on call,

ULAU8 Ol'ltKCKELH fc (JO.lonolulu, 1'ob. 17, 1897.

C3G-- td


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dispatch.

All work earrfully and promptly ex-ecuted.

TPiT Otnci' s Smith street, with SamuelKaholookolswi Pun. Itosidouce: Pnlaiua,


rHi," :1,5r'v s.







- i

Page 3: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and

y -;







5 V.

New Goods -


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

B- - Cheapest in tho City. 8f

MURATA. & CO., 301

Cuius Spreckels. Wm. G. Inwix.

Claupf cckcij! uo.

HONOLULU - " " "Sim Francinco Ap'nt The Kevaiu Bank or

San FitANCiaco.


Ian FnANCisco The Nevada Bank o( BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London. Ltd.New York American Exchange National

OniOAQO sfcrchantf National Bank.Paris Comptolr National d'Etcompt do

Paris.Berlin Drctdner Bank;HONOKQNO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corjoratlon.New Zealand and Australia Bank of Now

Zealand.Tiotoria and VANCOUVER Bank of Montr-


Transact a General Banking aniEiclaige Business

Depolsts Received. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections Promptlt Accounted For.

Established 1868


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

,Conmerciul and 'Traveler'sLetters o.f Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,'

Cor. Alakea & Ilalekauwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for houso wir-ing und Electrical plants.

Murine Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIK1K1 on car lino and 'on PA-- ,

LAMA ROAD near FortiliziuBPlnut.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirablo Acre Tracts near tho city andther Properties for sale.

BltUCE, WAKING ,& CO.,Dealers in Lots nnd Lands,

312 Fort Htroot, nenr Kinjr.Tblepuone C07. P. O. Box .'121.

W. C. ACKI& CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATEX5T Wo will Buy or Sell Roal Estate In

all parts ot the group.I3T Wo will Sell Properties on Reason.

able Commissions.

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consolidated So id Water Co., MEsplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

j DENTIST.New Love's Building, Fort Slroet.


Nuuanu &2 HotolStreets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pajamas, $1 a. suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, 65c.Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ludies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie Bank;LIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Cnpital Yen 4.500,000Reserve Fnnd. iou 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Fruncisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama, "Spetie BankNew Repnbllc Biding, 111 King St, Honolulu.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Sakl a spetUlty.

108 Kekuanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thTory boat materials and in the verylatest style. , , ,

A. iPerfect Fit


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Just ReceivedCrockory and Ivorywaro,Embroidered Fntis,Shawls, doreons,Wicker and Steauier Choirs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.

S'HPDTST LOY,623 Fort Street, Yco Slug Tal Building.

LadlBB IlrBsa Maker.937 Fine work a Bnecialtv. AW wit

fine Undcrwoar made to order". AH wortguaranteed. 447-Oi- n

TOM CHUNG KEE,SIS Nunann Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes,--

Boots and Shoes to order. I nso the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well, 14- 3-


A.ttornev at Law14 Kaahumann Street.

Telephone No. 683. 40S-G-


Book and Job PrinterMorohant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Oyer Hawaiian News Company'sBook Btoro. my 13,

' '' ' ''"" ,' 'fci7 T

Just Like Gold Coin,

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS" PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicato pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe homo.

It is not a new fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wdndcrful rovola-tio- n

of tho ingredients that enter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.- It is porfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulauections, a low doses will cer-

tainly give relief. You cannotafibrd to bo without a bottlein tho houso.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton the system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.- Prico 25 c. and 50c. abottle.

Holiister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agent for thf MonHn,

New EwaPlantation Co.

StockIn Blocks to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

8" Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Htrat Honolulu





No. 142 IFovfc Street.1ST TELEPHONE 012 jr

For twelve years I havo mado theClothing of our best peoplo. Their d

patronage is a guarunteo of mysuccess.

Cleaning and RepairingIn First-clas- s Stylo.


plaut for hulling, poliidiing and assortingcoffle, wo are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the pdrchment.


Coffee !fJF Apply to



Paper Hanging & DecorationNeatly done. All work promptly and care-fully attended to. Telephone 810. Resi-dence, Kuakinl street. OSS-a-


PLUMBER,Hotol St., near Fort. Tol. 8C2.

tifflMSMtoXti " -

How to m the Itnlr.Don't wih tlio hair too often. It

wonkoiH It. Once ii week in summer oron co u month in winter ii sufficient.Always dty the kculp carefolly afterwashing. Uso tepid wnlor, with n llttlobicurbouato of soda added, and for soapthat containing tho least alku'li .andmost glycoriu is tho best. Don't straugloyonr hair to death by braiding it tightlyat night. Don't crush .its life out byheavy pads, lints or bonnets. Don't potson it by quack nostrums and lotions anddon't starvo it for need of a good hairtonlo at times. Trim it at least onco amonth. Nothing is a more valuablo pre-

ventive of falling hair 'than this. Brushit at least onoo a day, and use a brushwith long bristles, soft and yielding.

U uw Greek Fire Wm Made.Greek fire, which had fuvornl other

names wildfiro. liquid fire, wot fireand ilru rain descriptho of itadestrua-tlvcnciH- ,

was dlKoovored by Callinicux,a Syrian. It vns first used in tho ckgoof (onstuntinople, 07!!-fl?- und at Mec-

ca, (IU0. A.vonliug to Joluvillo, uu eye-

witness, it niiulo it imio llko thunder,looked liko a dragon Hying through theair and inado night light as day. This,allowing for a vivid imagination, givesits striking characteristics when pouredfrom caldioim, shot from copper tuhciin balls of twisted fiax or expelledfrom catapults in vials during siegesand naval eugugpmeuts. Water, ospo-dail- y

sen water, mudo it burn moroHorccly, und wherever it fell it spreada torrent of Are. fJo well was tho secretof its production kept that its preciseingredients and admixture wcro stillunknown, but it is tolerably certainthat naphtha, sulphur, gums of resinoustrees, "churcoal, saltpoter, pitch andothor bitumens woro used. Grcok flrowas used at Charleston by the Federaltroops in 1603. In these days of gun-powder, nitroglycerin and dynamite itsuso in military operations is wholly su-


Convenient For Knitter.Tho nrt of knitting still has its 's

and to them a contrivance to mv

curely guard tho elnsivo and slippingneedled is a necessity.

A reccptuclo which fills this want ina graceful manner is of felt or pluah,

- ,--

smmmsmmsWrKb ViBywffliyi.-iv- r Hiiv'xyTia ,i


lined with figured silk and rappemont-c- d

with' nn interlining of flaunoL Thohigh curved back has a firm, round ropohandlo intwined with a twist of ribbonin two colors, which is also carrieddown tho left sido of tho triangularfront: A cluster of flowing loops matchestho topray of embroidery or painting oneach slippcrliko angle, intended to pro-tect tho points of tho needles.

lie IIhJ a Sure Thine


Young Hopeful (dressed in his hostclothes ami standing in n poolot water)

Mother, give mo a penny, or I'll liudown. Com! a Onls.

Ilcaioiie YVh-- .

Thoro nro two reaflons whypeople are now paying car fnronil tho way from Wnikiki to thoPnlama Grocery and bnck. Reason1. It is tho only place on thoglands whero tho celebrated Sal-vation Army tea is sold. Benson2. After paying enr fnro bothways patrons find they nro moneyin pocket by donlins; nt this "livonnd let livo" OBtnblisIimont. "Wonlso dchvor goods botwoon Dia-mond Head nud Moaunlua freo.

IIaiuiy Cannon,Pnlnmn Grocory.

Opposilo Rnilwny depot, KingBtreot. Tol. 755.

Nicoly furnished rooniB nt thoPopulnr Houso, 151 Fort street,from 81.00 per week up.

Torchon nnd Vnlouciennos lacesaro still in gront domautl. L. B.Kerr bus n choice lot, which ho isselling at lowest possible rntos.

City Carriage Co., J. S. And.rndo, manager. If you wnt abaok'with good borso and care-ful driver ring np Telephone 118,oomur of Fort and Merchantstrontp. Ilaok at all hours,

"With a largo lot of goods justroooivod by tho Australia nndAmy Tumor, tho Fnoiflo Hard-ware Co. hnvo nnother invoice oftho favorite Univorsnl Stovos andBnngcs. Somo sizes woro sold assoon ns Bot up, but another sup-ply has boon ordored.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after tho OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.


BENSOff , SU & i0.527 Port Street, corner

TffEO. 4 DVibs Co.,.



Commission .' Agents I

Dry Goods,Hardware and




Horeot?, Cattle, Sheep, Sag?, Swine, and Poultry.""


The Marvelous Hah-- Kcody which prevents


Solo Agent, Honolulu.CT Nat faaiphlet frto n application. P. O. Box 202, Telepbono 20.

Honolulu, April 91, 1196.Mr. O. W. lUciAnLAxe: It affords me pleasure to recommend, to any one whose lufir

is falling out, the use of Dlt. l'UITIE'S II AIIt.UIL. My bair was coming out at sucha rate as led me tobehovo that I would sooubcoomo bald. After using the oil for fivowoeksthis ceaied entirely; noue whatever is now falling out. I coniid.r it the best and onlyworthy remedy for thU troublo and alxo recommend it as a stimulant to new wrowth.

000-t- f Yours truly, J.B.DAN1BL3.



--Importers and



Dealers in- -

-- E.O.BOX I

PlaLntation Supjplies.

H, HACKFELD' & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Kew Goods Received by Ivory Packet from the Eastern States and Emropa

FBESH CALIFORNIA PBODUOB BY EVERY BTEAMEBJAU Ordera faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any ,, ' Part ot the Oily FREE

Island Ouoi&i Boliciikd, .... Batistaotiok QcabanximEABT CORNER rORT AND KINO STREETS,










'Vi4v& :' WjfrWtif itt ii "ifw MwMWm

Page 4: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and




. '






On Weduosdny, July 28, 1897,at 12 o'clock noon, at'tho frontoutrnnce of tlio Executive Build-ing, Honolulu, will bo Hold atPublic Anctiou, the HawaiianHotel Prenmos at Honolulu.

These premises nro coutrallylocated in the city, in the controof tho block bounded by nud withontranco d lives from Hotel,Richards, Berotnnia and Alakeastreets, and tho grounds containan area of 1 7-- 10 acres.

Tho Buildings consist of thoHotel proper of two stories andbasement, built of brick and con-crete with broad veraudus at frontand roar of each story.

Tho Main Building covnia anarea of 10.S00 sq. foot with Lanaior wing addition on one side,10x21 feet, and wooden additionon opposite wiug for Kitchou,(50x18 feet.

There aro also Four Cottageson tho premises with ample pro-vision for bath rooms nud closets.

The Maiu Building contains aspacious Pen lor, Public aud Pri-vate Dining Booms, Largo Bil-liai- d

Hall and Bar Boom, andForty Sleeping rooms. Tho Cot-tages contain about twenty addi-tional sleeping rooms.

A water tauk with capacity of10,000 gallons iB placed on atower at an olovation sufficient togive a good wator piessuie insecond story of the Main Build-ing. This tank is" supplied fromnil Artesian well on adjoiningpiemises, owned by Dr. J. S. Mo-Gro- w.

Tho buildings nud grounds arothoroughly . lighted w ith ElectricLight.

Plans of the Buildings audgrounds can bo seen at tho oilicoof tho Minister of the Interior.

Terms of Sale aro Cash inUnited States Gold coin.' Upset price: SGO.000.00.In chho thor? is no bidder to

purchase tho property atthoabovoupset price, a Iqubo of the samewill immediately be offered forsale at an upset prico of $1000 ayear for a period of thirty yearsunder tho conditions set out. inAct 7, Laws of 189G and moreparticularly of Suctions 2 and 1 ofsaid Act which lends as follows:

"Section 2. Eveiy such tenseshall contain a covenant on thopart of the lessee that he shall,during the first four yeais of tho

' term of tho lease, cause to beerected upon tup leased promisesa fire proof building of Brick,Stonu or Metal, in a workmanlikeniaunei, satisfactory to tho Min-ister of the Interior at a cost ofnot less than Fifty ThousandDollars; and keep the sanio suita-bly i lib u rod at not Iohs than two-third- s

of its value for tho bonefitof the lessor; nud shall keep thobuilding in good ropair duringtho romaiudor of tho term of lease,reasonable uso and wear thereof

1 only excepted; and in case ofdamago or destruction of suchbuilding by firo, Bhall make good

' such loss or damage by tho neces-sary repairs or reconstruction orolso surrender tho insurance to tholessor.

y "Section i. Every such leaseuIihII ula'o con tuiti a covenant on thepart of tho lessor, that upon thorequest in writing by the iosseo orLis representatives, beforo tho ex-

piration thoroof.tho promises withthe improvements, shall, if all oftho conditions to bo performed bythe lesseo have been satisfactorilyperformed, bo put up ut auctiontor a lease for a term of not overtwenty years; unless said premisesshall be requited for public uses,of which the lessee shall leceiveat least ouo year's, notico. Suchauction sale shall be held notmore tlinji Hbc mouths "nor lessthnn one month befoie tho pxpiui-tio- n

or. bnid torni."J. A. KING,

Miliihter of the Intoiior.Interior Office, Maioh 27, 1897.

' 5(59-1- 2t

Tax Collector's Notice.

Taxpayers are hereby notified thatIn accordance with Hectlon so, Act 51,

SeHslilu Laws 1806, all pergonal'taxed aud dog (axet which shall

unpaid on March 31st Mmll there-by nud thereupon Income delinquent,and tea per cent of t lie amount there-of fclinll bo udded thereto aii(l become

trine as a part thereof.

j "If any personal taxes or dog taxSllttll TOIuniu uupitlii uueriut" oini uujfof Mnrch, ten per cent of mch taxesshall bo added to the auioiiut of hiicIi

tuxes at Bald date by tho Assessor, andshall be collected as a part of suobtaxes."

JONATHAN SHAW,Assessor 1st Division.

Approved: S.M.Damon,6G8 3t Minister of Flnince.

i Euerjir Bulletin,




In the previous issue of thoBui.i.K'utN a comploto summarywas given of nn article on beetsugar, read beforo a sooiablo liter-

ary society of SanFrancisco.whiehtho Pacific Bund Press describedas "the most comploto and exhaus-tive discussion of tho sugar ques-tion" yet mado in California.Whon it is stated that, besides thematter condensed for our roadors,tho paper contained much inform-ation on tho cultivation of tho beetroot, this compliment will be moreappreciated. What intoicsts usof Hawaii is that Mr. Gorbouling,author of tho article, whose posi-

tion ns president of th San Fran-cisco Pio.luco Exchange shouldmake him a rather high uuthority,computes a profit of ?2() aton on the iimunfaituro ofbeet sugar iu California, whichho shows is equal to 22 per cent onan estimated capital of $1,000,000.Also that such an oxpert authori-ty as tho manager of the Airn ratiofactory, while pulling down Mr.Oorbording's sanguine calcula-tions a trillo on tho scoro of clima-

tic vicissitudes, takes occasion todonounco Hawaiian free sugar asthe main obstacle to the realiza-tion of tho golden picture drawnin tho paper in question. Mr.Burr, tho mnnagor referred to, on-

ly emphasizes tho warning alreadysounded iu the ears of Hawaii,that tho beot sugar interest ofCalifornia is dead sot against notonly closer political relations be-

tween tho United States and Ha-

waii, but tho existing comuieicinlrelations betwoeu. tho two countries. Its antagonism to both thopresont and future interests ofthese islands ought to bo mot withstrenuous argument both on thePacific Coast and at Washing-ton. That all icason brought tobear on tho other side of tho wateris not so useless ns some peoplehero, who glory in tho conceit ofa tiauscendental "pessimism,"would hnvo us beliovo, there is nota lack of evidonoe to prove. Accord-ing to tho private roport of agentleman who heard tho paper inquestion road at its original in-

troduction, a spirit of revolt wasstrongly manifest in tho audioncoat tho idea of makiug tho beetsugar industry a special pot forinvidious favor among nil thovaried interests of the country.This goes to show that thoro arepeople on tho Pacific Coast whocannot bo doprived of their mentalbalance by evou such a seductiveportrayal of unbounded wonlth astho essayist on that occasion rep-resented as only wniting to bo dovolopod in the beetroot producingresources of tho country.

At tho sumo time, it would befoolish for us to regard 'ho oppo-sition of that intorest lightly.Largo capitalists and mn of'strong political influence nro atthe back of it. Tho case is not adospoiato one, however, for a cam-

paign of reason. California is notgoing to bo ablo to supply west oftho Bockies with all tho sugar itwants for somo time to come.While its enterprising pooplo nrostriving to renchi that mark, it isfor us in Hawaii to show in thoeloarest light possible tho benefitsof tho Hawaiiau connection to thoPacifio Coast. It is in older forus to ask tho boot sugar interest

i. i r f


of California liken iso to show howit is goiug to got rid of Hawaiiancompetition by abolishing ourtreaty advantages, or by gottiuc abounty on its own product, orboth 'together. The Americanmarkot is ours naturally, andhdwover high it comes wo kavogot to liavo it. Put embargoesupon tho admission of our sugarthoro aud you only stimulate ourproducors. Break off tho presentconnections and our sugar willstill go to you, and yourpooplo will uso it aud pay thotax on it, while to oven upmnttors our planters willbreak up moro ground for cane,and hire cheaper labor than over

tho cheapest they can got by

scouring tho globe for it. Youhad us shut otT from the benefitsof tho reciprocity tieaty by thoMoKinloy bill with its fieo ad-

mission of othor foreign sugarsand ti muuifici'tit bounty to yourown. With what result ' To getdividends our planters, thitheitosatisfied to leave well enoughalone, had to iucrease theirncreugo of cane, pay moro atten-

tion to scientific culture" nudmanufacture, and drnw upon thoteomiug millions of Japanesewithout btiut for cheap labor.Now our sugar interests arestiongor than over, .far betterablo to stmd setbacks in yourmarket, and, in tho opinion ofsomo of Iho meu most heavily .in-

terested iu sugar, oven able todefy tho worst you can do us iulegislation upon either tarill ortrenty. You know your own peo-

ple thoso of the wholo Unionwould not tolornto n prohibitoryduty on fotoign sugar at thisstage of tho game. This ia thestyle of language wo may holdtoward our California friends ifthey choose to make war on thoHawaiian connection.

Thero is a still bettor line of ar-

gument to pursue, though, and thocuo to it is found, for ono place,in tho very reasons given the ns

why thoy should devel-

op their beet sugar resources totho utmost. Reference is had toiucidontal boneiits. Tho Hawaii-an connection has been n multi-fold bonefit to tho trade and in-

dustry of tho Pacifio Coast and tomanufacturing citios ovon to thofar east. The largest section ofmaritime commerce that the mostprofusely displaying tho Anion-ca- n

flag, which frequents tho har-bo- is

of the Paoifio Coast is tho dir-ef- it

product of the Hawaiian con-

nection. Not only have tho ship-yaid- B

of tho Coast been oftenkept from stagnation by the buildiug of fino vessels for the Hawaiiantrade, thoy hnvo received but nosmall amount of work iu buildingsteamers for tho internal traflic oftheso islands mado latgo by theircommercial relations with thoUnit-e- d

States. Hawaii has, moreover,beou moro liboral in direct sub-ventions to American stoam trallioto Australasia, highly lucrative toAmerican merchants, than thdAin-orica- n

Government.Best of all, it is for us to presont

to tho ppoplo of tho Pacific CoastreasonB to show them that it willbo to their advantage to get rid ofHawaiian competition by huviugit mado Hawaiianby tho admission of Hawaii to boan intogral part of the Union.This would at onco enhance niltho incidental ndvfcitages justdescribed, bosides getting awaywith elomonts of the competitionboforo mentioned which are distasteful to the American pooplo.

Just ReceivedPer "Martha Duvla"

1 Large Surrey,(For Family Une)

2 Phaetons,2 Top Road Wagons,2 Frazer Road Carts.

CT" These Goods aro for sale atbedrock prices. On exhibition at thoCi.uiiStaki.i.8.

G-u- s Sclmmaii.50Mw

Health Officers Speak.City, State and National Authorities report the

Royal Baking Powder in every waySuperior to all others.

STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA; The Royal fulfils all therequirements. Our tests show it has greater leaveningpower than any other.

, STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: There is no Question but

thethe Royal

u. S. GOV'T FOODshown a

is strongest, purest andpowder in market.

REPORT-- . Royal Baking Powderbaking

powder,leavening strength.

CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS : Royalcommended as highest excellence, and shown to begreatest .ill leavening strength.

SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH: We cordially ap-prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder.It is absolutely pure and healthful, composedingredients, the highest strength and character.

BOARD OF HEALTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Findinganalysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, weheartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder forgreat strength, purity and wholcsomeness.

BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON: our judg-ment the Royal is the and strongest baking powderbefore the public.

BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there is no bakingpowder known to us equal to the Royal.

DR. BINSWANQER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON: It is also myopinion that exists no purer, better or stronger bakingpowder than the Royal. I confidently recommend

Do not permit the slanderous stories of interested partiesto influence you in using any other than

The BestThe Royal.


Still They


Each day adds a number of j

members to our popular

Watch OkibsClub ono and drew last

Saturday. Club threo is rnpid-l- y

filling up. The same en-thusiasm as of old oxists, allclasses are anxious to join, be-cause it is a eloar saving of

The Dollar

You Throw Away

Every Week.Resides another vital point

adcjn to tho popularity, and thatis that we do not make itobligatory to take a watch, butallow you to select ormoro nrticlos in the store, nomnttor in what ' lino. Couldanything bo fairor to you?

' Wo want to right ljoro,that wo will back up any'nudovory artiolo solootod in ourclub with tho samo full andcomploto guarautoo which goesi with every piece of goodB soldin the store. You. taku no riskwhatever. Wo tako it

H. F.Wickman


For Rent.

Furnished Houhq on BerelanlaRtrect, tin) ruMiIenctt of LnutmMuikH,completely furi)ltlied throughoutready (or Imnu'dLUe occupancy,

Apply to687-t- f GEO. E. HOARDMAN.

i- - & h'

,v:' :tfttw..uL. 4jSMkMJ Mu,&.Lli

the most wholesome

ispure cream tartar highest of all in

ofof in

of the bestof






any pno






Fort and

Baking Powder is


"Kinjr Stveolw.

The Manufacturing Harness Co


jRuie Handmade Jiamess, JStcESt. We keep in stock and sell no goods except


Watch this space and you will find out all about the bie lot ofSTEARNS, RAMBLER and COLUMBIA wheels that will bo heroon the Australia. Dou't call this week, our wheels aro all sold, comoafter tho 80th nud soe tho finest ossortmout ot wheels over broughthero. .

' We soil cheap, on easy terms, wo soli ohoaper for CASH. WoRENT fino now whoels inoludiug TWO TANDEMS, all this aftertho 30th of March.

Cornor Fort and King Streets.

i i t ' '






t ,

Page 5: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and





Kaumaknpili concert this oven-'in- g-

Thoro 18 crickot practiao Hub.aftorhoon.

Tho Star bnsoball boyB, havodaily practise-- now.

John 8. Walkor Las a half aerolot in Hilo for sale.

See now card of Madeiros &Deckor, tho Hotol Btreot tailors.

Company. D will have highjinkB again next .Friday ovoning.

Tho trial of Skimizn and Galla-gher lias again boon postponeduntil April 1.

Pupils of Kalihiwrtona schoolcarao down to the circus in twobusloada yosterdny.

E. O. Hall fe Son promiso agroat exhibition of bicycles whentho Australia coiue's iti.

Tho Lisbon and St. Louis ballteams aro to play at match at thoball gruundB this afternoon.

King Bros, havo just tilled anorder for 200 colored Hawaiianphotos for a party in America.

Programs for tho two band con-certs ut Emma squara and MakeoIsland will bo." found in anothorcolumn.. H. V. Schmidt fe SonB havo abargain tablo for rpmnants 'andothor goods. It will pay ladies toexploit it.

The annual missionary sermpnat tho Methodist church will bopreached tomonow morniug byKev. M. 0. Hurrw, U. D.

The Biblo class, fltudyjug thobook of Ephosiaus, wi)l meet Sun-day I p. m. ub usual. Dr. Hyde,teacher. This ia for yonug men.Come.

Tho Honolulu Iron Works hasboon partly closed down tho pastthreo days for general overhaul,iug and ropairiug of the ma-chinery.

Miss Luoj Hayselden arrivedon tho Mokolii this morning for astay of a fow weeks, during whichshe will be tho guest of Mrs Pau)Neumann. .

Colonel Fisher's project offorming a nudleus of a buildingfund for tho First RegimentArmory is meeting with generaliavor among aue vommoors.

The funeral of bo lato Mrs.Kinnny took place yesterdayafternoon from the family resi-dence, llov. H. H. Parker officiat-ing. The interment took placoat Kuuanu cemetery.

Rev. H. W. Peck will spoak attho Young Men's Christian "A-ssociation gospel meeting Sundayovoning at 0:30 o'clock. Subject:"Chriat Died for Our Sins.." John

Rov. 13:8-- 9.

O. Knudson died at o:lo thismorniug. His family ia loft iifpeculiarly distressing circum-stances, which call for tho exor-cise of tho Christian charity forwhich Honolulu is noted.

Antono Seabury wasarrestedthB afternoon on a charge of 'bo-in- g

found without lawful 'exousoon the promises of another. Hodenies tho charge and hasemployed J. M. Vivas to defendhim. He was released on $100bail. '

Thoro is a game of baseball onat Makiki this afternoon betweena team from Oahu College andKamobameha schools. One oftho O. C. boya suill latt night thathis team would not bo beaten soeasily this time, it having hadlots of practiso sinco last gamo.

Crickot praotise drew out manyplayorB yesterday afternoon.Thoro will bo a mooting of thomanagers at the Arlington, Tuos-da- y

evening. It is hoped to get a-- pitch made on tho old M'ikiki re-

creation grounds, so that a matchmay bo played ovory Saturday.

O.Williams, a nativo, was ar-rested this morning for a criminalassault on a littlo native girl (J

years and G mouths old. The de-

fendant was arraigned in the.police court, waived examinationand woa -- promptly committed fortrial at tho next term of. tho Cir-cuit Court.

Our spices arc pure andgood.

So are ouftea tillnj powderto3ft amiao.la flavctlujrcxluctt.

i . iSchilling's Best.

U'hcrn Honolulu People May Wor-ti- ll


Centiial Union Onqnoii. Cor-ner Bcrotania nndlliclmrds street,Douglas P. Birnio, minister. Servi-ces Sunday, March 28th: At9:B5,u.m. Bunday School and BiblooIqbs; 11a. m., public worship nndsermon; 3:30 p. m., Junior En-doa- vor

meeting; 6:30 p. m.,Y. P. S. C. E. prayer .meeting;7:30 p. m., public worship,port sorvico, with apodal welcomofor seamen, oxtra mu8ic. P,i-lo- ma

Chapol Itev. J. M. Lewis;pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school,7:15 p. m Gospol sorvico, Sundayschools Japanose in Lyceum at10 a. m., Portuguese on Punchbowlstreot and Hotel street mission atQ.SH tv tn Ti-n?n- r nifwiflnrva ul Mnw ,,. .... j. .;v. u.vU...b9 ., ichurch Wednesday, 7.30 p. m., atI'alunin Chapol Fridiy. 7:15 p. mA cordial welcome for all atevery service.

Fiiist Methodist EpiscopalCiiUltOll. Corner ofBorotauiaundMillor strools. llov. 11. W. Peck,pastor. Sunday, March 28th:At 10 a. m Sunday School andpastor's Biblo class; 11 a. mnddroes to Sunday School; 11:10a. m, missionary sermon by Rov.M. C. Harris, D D., missionarycollection; 6:30 v. m.t SopiorEpworth League; 7:30 p. m., sor-mo- n

by pastor. I'oarl City: 2:30 o.m., Sunday School; 3:30 r. m ,

missionary sormon by. Dr. M. O.Harris. Etra I'luntation: Praisosorvico and sormon. Wodnosdny,2:30 p. m., Junior EpworthLoiiguo; AVoilnesiliiy, 3 p. tn.,junior probutiouois class; Wed-nesday, 7 p. m., class meeting;Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., ,prayoreorvice; Friday, 7:30 p. m., "Pent-ecostal Moetinn."

Chiubtian Ciiuncii. Alakoastreot near King. J. M. Monroo,pastor. Sorvices for" Load's Day,March 28th: Preaching at 11 n.m., and 7:30 p. m , by the pas-tor; morning themo, "SecurityThrough Christ;" ovening subject,"Christ.Stilling theTemppst;"

nt-- 9:45 a. m.; com-munion service at 12 m.; SmithSt. Mission at 3 p. m. Young

ut G:30 p. in.,; Prayermooting, Wednesday ovening;Ladies prayer moeting Friday at2:30 p. m. Allnro coruially nvitodto attend those services.

Soman Catholic CatiibdraiServices will bo as follows: 6 and7 am, Low Mass with Holy Com-munion; Oam.'Mftsa with Englishinstruction; 10:30 a in, High Masswith native sermon; 2' p m, Rosaryand nativo, instruction; 4:00 p m,hativo instruction and Bonedic-tio- n:

Weekdays, Low Muss ut 6and 7 a in.

St. A.NDitiiW'H f Catiieduai,.Tho soivicea' of tho Second Con-gregation of St. AndroVa Catho-dr- al

tomorrow .(Sunday) will bous follows: At 9 --15 n. nr., morn-ing pruyor. with sormon. Beno-dicit- e,

Bfrch, in D. (j:30 p. in.,evensong, with sormon. j

LA'tTKn- - DaV Saints Reorga-nized Clniroh of Jesus Christ ofLattor-Da- y Salnts;:Mililani Hall,roar of Opera Ilduso. Serviceswill be held on Sunday as follows;10 a. m., bible oluss; 11:15 n. in.and 0:30 p. m., propelling.

Y. M. O. A. Sunday, 11 a. in.,service qt OahiTjail; 3 p. m., boys'mooting in Association Hall;pruiso,sorvico in Y. M,C. A. Hullat 6:30 p. m.


Hnrj- - Hrlluiu 4)olti(ed iHiinger-- Other OHIcerN Klcclrd.

At tho mooting of tho stockhold-ers of tho 'Pedplo's loo Companyheld at 10 o'clock ihismoming,the resignation of E. A. Jones' assecretary was accoptedahd ArthurB. Wood elected in his placo. "Mr.E. A. Jones was then .eloctbdtreasurer in place "of D. W. Cor- -liett, resigned Tho Board of Directors attor wards ,MM a meetingand elected Henry Hoitinan, thopresent bbpkkoepor, as manager.

One RoadTo Our.Store.

There's a wcll-bcatc- n path. Itleads directly to our doors.Throngs of buyprs travorso itday after day. Shows that wearo strengthening tho friendlybusiness relation between thostore nnd public, without-- whichthere can bo no real success. '

Wo have the best goods, thonewest articles in our lino, all ofwhich wo sell nt tho closestmargin '.of profit to us. Wo arowilling that buyers shall havean opportunity of saving. Youcan do it. .

' Hobron Drug Co.King Sz Fort. ' '

JimelyJopie5March 22, iSq?.

We have recently importeda few little novelties for thehousehold which we are surewill find ready appreciationamong Honolulu people.

A Cigar Rest and Ash Trayis something new. It can befastened b any table and isjust the thing to use during asociable game of cards. It isas easy to adjust as a letterclip, contains a receptacle forthe lighted cigar and anotherfor the ashes. It takes up littleor no space, doesn't tip yourhand to the other fellow ormake any side remarks aboutyour bad playing, but by itsconvenience leads to that leel-i- ng

of satisfaction and content-ment without which no mancan properly play the greatAmerican game of whist.

People have often wonderepwhy barkeepers always mixcocktails to , order instead ofmaking up a lot and keepingthem on hand. The reason isthat they never taste as wellafter standing. - The same rea--'sonmg applies to lemonade, thedelicate aroma or the lemonand the otjier stuff you flavorthe lemon with disappears onstanding. We have LemonadeShakers in sizes to suit fromone to six persons, so that yoncan mak just the requisiteamount. They 'are in silver ornickel as preferred.

Gem Ice Shavers will befound both economical andlabor, saving in mixing colddrinks.

Have you a dog? If so youhad better get him a collar anda license tag. We have thecollars in allsizes, shapes andstyles and the taxrman will dothe rest.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.

limited.famnaam'iii n mriuli rijrt irw iiiriiiiiiiiijiwmjr-;'i'"jiuijjijiicMBaBKBjE- B

1 iTrRelaUviiljrov'e their eruJtSi j


2Eas'j'& ! ft. jM!iKmutVi;'i&&tomtiMh.: . &r .

' ioi St '1 . ' 'r ' ' ' " i-


IwWItlwiBlifaWmKEUmftKH A& i&Jt&&M



Bargain Tablearrangeil for REMNANTS andOTHKU GOODS which will besold at very low rates or givenaway.

New Gopds byEvery Steamer.Staples at Bdrook Prices.

Ltf.opIiJoiiVon Holt Block, King Street.


Cutting is mostlikoly tho stago ofBhirt-makin- g whoroiuall the faults of, fit arocreated. By making strongthis known weak spot,our shirts como toyou chock fall offitness and g'oodnc&s.


75c AND UP


"The KasL"9 Hotel Street : Wayerley Block

We Make Shirts to Order.



Jsl 'MIS'w&t



S. SACHS'520 ITort Street Jrlonoliilur

'Will Be Offered This Week !

You Can't to Miss

Patent .-- Shaft r- -- - Wiii . T, ,JJ .i mr.l

W.yylf l,.l,ViY,,v .".L"i rw A'5TOa'liffiip J

Invented uud Patented by W. W. WRIGHT.

It Ohlitai'aies AM Noise MotioniThis device can . bo attached to Any Brake 'with Straight Shafts

13. For full particulars, call on or address

. ,W. AyWRIGI-IT-,556'tf Proprietor Honolula Carriage llanuiactory, Port street, abot Hotel,

f v ,

SixthWeek's Offering' THE COMINGS WEEK

Will be Devoted to

Embroideries and Trimmings v

Swiss Embroidered Flouncing If.iPormov Price .5.00 1


ISTotv JSolliia.s'

Embroidered Flouncing '.


r j

IPormor Price Sl-S- O






BL-- t

.. ." .

All-Qv- er Embroidery '

ITormer Pricp J53.oO


of ',


Trimniiiigs2 l-2- c. Up

WEEK3- - 'XW. J"OJEfcID5L3J"!'St

No. 10-E- OET

" v'&'&fflMratfyMreaa


Afford Them.


$i.qo PER YARDSwiss


NOW QOiNGh$1.00


PEI YARDImmense Stoxck

Xiedviction.On TCdginp;s Proportion



4 ,f- . . j

i v tfX., 27 ' 'V7 .

f t

Tfi. -

. , raA '

i '

. 1ftt


' 'k'4


S c


. 'HHm'

( 'i'M

STPET STOEE-- Io. 10?fjm

Page 6: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and






.'i .'f

Mr- - ,c .


Ynluablo Business Property on

Nuuanu strcot, bringing a good

rental. t

Sevoral Lots near Punchbowl

and'at Makiki, tbo Choicest Bosi-denc- o

Property in tbo' city. A

porfoct view fiom Diumond Hoad

to En a, Honolulu und Haibor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-bow- l

street, only five minutes

walk from the Post Office

We also have Comfortable

Housos for sale on easy torms sL--

natcd on tbo following streets;

Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Has-sing- er,

Berotania, Yonng, Vic-

toria, Grcr-n- , Thurston Avon",

Punnhou, Lililm and Nuuanu.

Building Lota in all pnrtsof tbo

city on the instalment plan.

Several woll established Lodg-

ing Housos.

Cofl'oo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Bunch with lirao and

other fruit trees near Honolulu

Hawaiian, Business


210 King Street and 207 Mer-

chant Street. ,


Business. Agency

L c. Abies k Co. A.V. Gear & Co.

Office SOT Merchant St. Olllce 210 King Bt.


Qencral Business Agents

Loans negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted,

Bills Bought and NotesDlSCDUntBQ. ' i

Fine und Life Insurance Ageq





Mixed with the famous

KOTaMffiLis nmm


Will make a

DRINK!For the weary and thirsty that will bring

Joy to their BouUi


Merchants' ExchangeNuuanu and King Streots.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited. --. -

The Latest Applicances for FineWork portaining to Photography.

52i Fort St Tel. 151

Eagle -- :- HouseNUUANU AVENUE.

Mrs. Harry KlemmB, - - Prop

Now Management.Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

C. B. I)WIGHTTakes contracts for all kinds of "sTONE

VOUK, monument work, cement nndstona sidewalkH and curbing. I have onhand the liest Hawaiian stone, Chinesegranito, eto. Fine stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given and lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.



Oor. Fort and Qnoon Streets, Honolulu,

li.PHILLIPS & CO., ,

Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Btreeta.


Dealors in Lurabor nnd Coald Building Materials of oil

kinds.Queen Shoot, Honolulu.


Tim Inner Jinn.In (ino of lili ri'iunt nildrone llltlinp

l'oltor vn FpunklniMjt tliuhtilalit tmvhliha iiiiiu limy rlsu In Ills pretension or art.Hu win tnlkln to organists mid wild thatIn order for tha musician to play greatniuslo bit own llfo or Ideal of llfo intuit bohigh. Tho man at the keys, he Mid, can-not got from tho Instrument better niuslothan bo has In his own souL "Some tlmoago," said he, "I stood, In company withnn nrtlstlo frlond, beforo the portrait of nwell known man. Tho execution of thoptcturo was excellent, but wo both ngrocdthnt something was wanting In tho expres-sion of tho face. Tho nrtlst hnd not putInto tho fnco on the eiinvttij tho soul of theman lie was portrnylng. My friend re-

marked, 'Tho artist can put upon the can-va- n

only what ho bits In hlinsolf.' " ThoGermans hnvo mode n provorli of Goothe'sfamous lino In "Hormimn nnd Dorothon,""What Is not In mnn cannot bo got out ofhim." Now York Times.

FMuant and Fainter.Toby Itosrnthul, tho California nrtlst,

on tho occasion of n walking tour In Ge-rman' once asked pcnnltMon of a pcnwintto paint his uturcinio stables. To thopainter's surprise, tho lvqucst was curtlyrefused, lie l nml watt still denieduntil tho owner nt l.wt liroko out! "WhenI wnnt my lnrn painted, I shan't glvo thoJob to n htnuiger. I known mnn whowould do it ury cheap." Thcri Mr. Hosen-tha- i

imilcntoud tho mistake nnd humblyexplained that ho was not exactly n lionsopainter himself. New York Advertiser.

KarthWorki.Military engineers nro pnictlcally agreed

that no material for fortifications Is supe-

rior to earth. When clay Is not obtnlnnble,as on tho seashore, sand Is collected Intobags, and thoso aro laid In regular heapsalong tho line of tho proposed fortification.In such a fortification tho ball from tho

.enemy's cannon sink without doing dam-ag-

and shells cxplodo harmlessly.- -- 1 r

A rhnue and a IMctur.

: ?""I ,r PV

tHfe A


Scribncr's Magazine.

An Apology.


Visitor Ab, that's an old master,Furolyf

Mrs. Venoor (apologetically) Yo-c-

but tlio framo U now. Punch.


Ijcnl Interest in the crteket gamesas reflected from the "bleachers" ii in- -

creaslnp. During Saturday's gamesthe' "bleachers" were particularly vo-

ciferous and kept the players under arunning 'ire of good natured banter.One small boy brought down thocrowd by advising the Imtsmnn to "gobuy n enso of Ilnmier llecr nnd getsome life in vou." Tbo crowd applaud,cd the rciniirl;, IcnovUng that italnlcrllecr is celebrated for itn invli'orntingand sttongth-glvin- proiienslties.

On tnp or In 'jottles at tbo Criterion,... vDr. 0. B. Hiu, dquHst, prn

dtinto Fhilndolphin Dental Col-lc(j-

1892. MiiBoiuoToraulo.

Plenty of Seattle bock bopr outap at tho LoiiTro snloou. Don'tfprgot th uunibor, 308 Nuuanustreet.

That pioturo in Kinc "Bros'.window wliioh has attracted bomuch nttpntion is not tho portraitof anyone hero.

If you want absolute perfectionin Refrigerators, go to tho PacifioHardware Co., for the "Hygienic."It obviates all defects found inold styles, and embodies improve-ments and virtues possessed byuo other.

Kroogor Piano8,swoetest in tone,Jas.W. Borgstrom, polo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atG. West'b, Masonic Tomplo. Of-fic- o

at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing aud repairing. tT Tele-phone 317.

J. S. Walker,

1 - Estate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Srtlo and Lease on

Liberal Terms.

8 ALE.

1. Largo Lot, Maklkl sheet, fenocd, 228fcot flOUUigC,

2. Lot on Kinau street between Alapnland Kaplolani streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Lunalilo street botween Alupaland HuckMd streets. ,

4. 3 largo Lot? on Prospect stutt.C. IIouso and Lot on Groon street bo

tween Kaplolaul and Violoria.0. The Building known as Thomas' Block,

2 stories and embracing 5 (rented) storeson leased ground.' 7. Lot corner of Kinau and Filkoi streets.

8. llico Land at Waikane, Koolau.0. Lot on curlier o( IIoulu and Kea-unink- u

streets.(Hetweou resldf-nr- e of V. A Bowen

uu.l lot of W. M. Giflarri havingfrnntneo nn Hfiilu street U6Q fret.)

10. House Lot at Kukuau 2. HiloT K.Fatont 4523

11. Half Aero Lot in Hilo Town.


1. 3 Cottages on Queen Btrcct near Fnnchbowl street.

2 3 Cottages ntt)lil Waikiki.3. Storo and Dwelling, corner Wyllio

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Ilicharda


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onHeal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O Box. 830. Tel. 331.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.J21 & 123 King Street.

TTp.A'rRF,. R'P.ATf

WHAT?tMy $10.00 Bath Tnhs, lined with best

quality, No 1 10 zine, 0 in. Pite, Chain andPing, with ood riin all complete, Otheidealere aro diimfounded, and resort" to allmanner of TriekB and Exeunt.

Be not oecched, these Bath Tubs. hatbeen sold for $14 uutJ I reduced tho price.

I am prepared to do all work in tny lintaud guarantee satisfaction! Estimates far.uished.1

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephono4k844, and I am youimam

JAD. NOTT Jr,Tinsmith V; Plninlwr


Carriage Manufactory013 to 621 Tort Street.

Carriage BuildsrAMD ItEPAIItGn.

Submitting in All Hb Branches.

W. W.WJMOUT, Proprietor.(Hucooasor to Q. West)

( AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Richards Sts.


KJT Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.

FAMILY SUPPLIESTin.st I3eciTrd. per -- u.stxalia..

Attnores' Minco Meat in glass jars,Old Homestead Miuco Meat in 1 lb. pkgs.,

Cuttings' Minco Meat in 2 lb. tins,R. and R. Plum Pudding in 1, 2 and 3 lb. tins,

Cranberries, Candied Peel,California Sweet Potatoes,

Now Crop Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs,:Apples, Queen Olives, Asparagus,

Maplo Syrup, Edam Cheese,Creamery Butter, Hams, Bacon,

Crackers, Chccso, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Chas. Hustace,. 212 'King Street

GLTJB STABLES,JEoxt Street, - - - - I'el. YT

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -:- - AND -:- - LIVERY,


HA.K2STESS -:--- AJSODA specialty.




'Iho best ol attention civen to animals left with. us. Carcfnl drivers, rejnectfaattendants, promptness. Hacks, Somes. Brakes. llut'ios.Phaotons, Waconottos.


t--i AT THE:- -,

Gitv Furniture Store(Comer of Fort and Berctaula streets.)



Main Offlos Telephone No. 53. P. O. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telephone No. 838.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hnrdwaro, "Wall Papors andMatting, Eto. Mantifaqturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office, Lclco, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner King andBethel streets, Lnmher Yards, Leleo and Lot near R. R. Depot. Privato track connect-ing with O. R. & L, Co. K. R. runs throngh onr yards to R. R. wharf and any part ofEwa and Waianao stations. 483-- tt

Bulletin, 75c. der MonthA GOODv THING

Ohia, Algeroba 'and Pine Firewooo

Cut and Split (readyfor tho Stove).Also. '



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ol

r the City.


IIUST.ACE & 'CO.,31 Queen Street.

pawaimn .Fertilizing

COMPANYIb prepared to furnish

4oooTons Gane FertilizerTo ordor for 1890.

In Quantities o SuitSF" Orders Hollolted for a future do.

tivery.A. 7. COOKE, Manager.



Expert Appraieemont (of EealEstato and Ftirniture,

The Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper wonth. e


THE- -


t,jT 3fe,"ij


Undertaker and Embalms


Contractor and Builder.

Odlccfl and Stores fitted up andEstimates Khcu on


I3T Ofllco and Shop: No. 010 Fort street,aujulnlni! W. W. Wrlnht's Carrlnge Shop.

W. H. KipKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Branches, Collectingand all Businoss Matters

of trust. "

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notice. ,

F. "War Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Offico, 818

Fort Street. " 215-t- f

Evening Mlletiv 76c per month.







Page 7: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and




G. J. WAIiUUI - - Manaobii.



Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Metopolitei Ne&ii 60.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nutjanu Street.

For Your ChoiceOrders

The finestOF

ReMgefaied .-

-. MeaigAlways on Hand. Orderspromptly aud carefully attcud-t- d

to. , ' .

HERBERT GARES,Sole rroprletor.

Fresh Groceries13y Each Steanior.

Table .. DelicaciesA specialty lit

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Berotunia Street, Waring Block.

Telephone G80 "8H. flY k CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephoner 2'2 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

FOH the

State of California.Having been appointed and commissioned

b Commissioner of Deeds for tbo State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To tako and certify depositions and aillda-vit-

To take and certify the acknowledgment orof powers of attorney, mortgages,

ransfcrs, grants, deeds or other lnstrnmentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250. 310 King Street.

i Pioneer Building and' Loan Association.

Assets July, 1806, $106,645.16

Money Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Mouses Built on the Monthly Installment

Flan.rs Thirteenth Sorios of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to-A- .

V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Booms,Office hours, 12:30 1:301' M. 373-t- f

J. S. WALKER,,Gen-cha- Aoent roit Hawaiian Islands.

Itoynl Insurance Company,Alliance Assurancu Company.Alllnnco Marine and General AbHiirance

Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.VilheluM of Madgoliurg Insurance Com.

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 Spreckcls Mock, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for tbo HawaiianIslands,

. Omcni .Merchant street, Honolulu,


Good Groceriesaro not luxuries nowa-

days; thoy aro necessities.Competition has brought theprices down to a point whoroevery one can have them. Wodeal in and keep the best as-sortment in Honolulu. Inaddition to Staple Grocerieswo have Dried Fruits in largovariety.



Hawaiian JJoHa Jamthan which there is none

better in tbo market. This isthe Wassman Brand.

Crosse & Blackwells.Cream Lucca Oil in pints

and quarts.

, Jams and Preserves.

California" & Spanish Olives.

' '

Huokin's Soup, ' -

a dozen difi'erent kinds, thebest in tho world. .

Family ltess Porki in five pound tins.

K2" Orders by telephone'promptly, filled!


Queen. Street.

"Hawaii'sYoung People."

The March number of tills Journalfor Mm Students "I the Public Schoolswill bo ou suio lit tho Goldkn RULKJIazaak on MONDAY NEXT. Itwill ho full or Interesting Articles,Short Stories, Poems, etc. J. M.WKBB,Sole Agent.


Tennis Raokets, .

,. 1897 Tennis Balls,Nets, Covers,

Counters, Eto. Etc., Etc.

Received Ex "Alameda."



Geo. HafFner,

JewelerWatchmakOr and .


Has Removed to

520J FORT STREET,Cluh Stable Building.,

For Rent.

Furnlfilied House on lieretaniastreet, the residence ofLouis Marks,completely furnished throughout amireudy for Immediate gecupuuoy.

Apply to667-t- f QEO. E. BOARDMAN.


KtEN cnjoy-me-nt iriifrnQ o nnnvc Real Estate S!

It Wm Duly nil tiiiiirpMlmt, hut Jt (InvrHim rirn.iire.

TJio pollcxMimii' Iniit led 111 m pat nfenro which was formerly In ticim.ml fmtho dUpl.iy of theatrical jiostcrK, but whlrlihud boon abiuuloned. It Is eloquent withdescription of glories that havo ilnjilcdand dciiartcd. A shy looking man stoppedto look nt the old posters, mid ho lingeredso long that tho policeman grew suspiciousmid walked tip mid down tho block sovcr-n.- 1

times In onlcr to nmko sura that ho wnnot waiting to slgnnl to n confederate toplan sonio nefarious excursion.

"I I hope I do not umioyyou," tiio shylooking Timn said deferentially. "I oughtnot to bo doing this. It's not generous o:kind of mo. Hut I can't help it."

"I don't seo Hint you nro doing rtnyharm nt present,"

"Of course you don't. You'ro not nmind render. It win my guilty consciencetlmtFpoko. I hnvo n Tlnillctlvo nature, andI can't master It. I'm ono of theo peoplewho dislike Gmit Hrltaln on general prin-ciples. I can't grt rid of tho feeling thattho stamp net wns n pcrwnnl lnult, nndccryonco In nwhllo I forget myself nndwint to enlist In Gcorgo Wiisliliigtnir'R nr-m-

Kvcry thno nnylmdy suggests sonicmeans of t Istlng the lion's tjill It li all Ican do to keep from getting up and howl-ing with glee."

"I don't seo what that luu to do withthoenso."

"Do you oucrvo tlio names of l'.ngllsiinctors that appear therof"

"Yon.""Kvcry ono of thoni was n shining light

at home. They lind to bo coaxed and plendrd with lieforo they would cousent to hmetho public whoko idols they wcru. Thewuy tbclr mnuugers havo talked about ItIn their interviews nluioit brought tearsto my cyos. Hut oueo htro they very rare-ly go away excepton short vacations. Sea-son after season they aro with us to tellhow they nro inlscd at homo. And when-ever I think of tho manner In which WicKngllsh public Is deprived of all this flowrr of Us dmmntlo talent, yearning In vnlnfor It year nfter ear, Jt makes niy bosomfairly thrill with fiendish Joy." Washington Jjlnr.

AVilliln tlie.Latr.


W9 'K 0Sr--

Uuplo Moso Good mornin, deacon.Wha' for yonso gwino nnd tied dom box-i- n

gloved on do olo mula's hind feet?Do.tcon Dis ero mule is a'hard hit-

ter, nnd it's nglu do law to use bareimckels, so I'zu put do gloves on him.Texas Siftings.

Their Custom.

STwy I

i 'frolLiil-- Ml

Visitor too your neighbors f.tko aSunday paper?

Fair Suburban Householder WJionthey get up beforo wo do. St. JumcaUudgct,


Anchored is what tho man saidwhon ho dropped into tbo AnchorSaloon. Why? said hia.friond.Bocoubo you can always get acool rofroshing drink served bygentlemanly attendants, and ifyou happen to drop in. durinulunob. hour you will bo regalodwith flolids an well as liquids. Infact tho lunch at tho Anohor issaid by many to bo tho best'iutown. Tho celobrated Seattloboer is on tap. It is sparklingand ice cold. Tho finest of winosand liquors in town aro to bo hadat this populnr resort.

m m mi

I'ur Kciit.

A cottngo, stablesand servant's quarters, situate onWildor avenue. Largo groundswoll laid out and planted withfruit and ornamental trees; onofull set of furnituro and cookingstove can romuin in tho houso ifwanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,'210 King stroot.

m w m

"Nentfle llnck.By tho steamer Mio.worn, the

Criterion Saloon recoived a largoconsignmontof tho celebrated bockbeer, brewed by tho Seatlo Brow,ing and Malting Co. This, is thofirst book to make its .appearance,und,is a suro indication of bettor,dayB.

Portraits onlorged from slnallphotos and handsomely framedfor S10 at King I)ros,-- :

13BL 3.... DEALEU8 IK .... 1S- For Sale. Jt




In Quality Excollod by None.

Atlantic Red Engine,Especially adapted to Centrifu-gal Machinery and High SpeedEngines.

Capitol Cylinder,For Cylinders, etc

Castor Mineral,For Steam Flows.

Summer Black,For C.tr Boxes, etc. ,.

Steel Plows

"Wo corry tho following linomanufactured by tho OLIVEliBROTHERS' PLOW WORKS:

The C. & C. RICE PLOW,Sizes 5 to 10 in.; made for lightcultivating and all ordinary use.

The QUEEN,Sizes (5, 8 and 10 in.; for extraheavy, work.


12 and 1-- in.; for breaking andheavy plowing.

S5f Theso Flaws, raado ex-pressly for us, mo woll bracod,strong, light, and nro tho result ofcareful study of plantation noeds.Tlioy havo mot witb universalapproval whorevdrusotl.

Just Received '


Ice ShavesWhich you will find conve-

nient for milking quickCold Drinks.

IMTrl 1llf"?

LIlT'li and FXIIE


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company

op Hartford. --'

-- -. a Lot ou Magazine Hill, 120x2114 tcct.I 11 IVl RKK I commanding an excellent view of the city ,Mar aaiHBawMBv lavaasBiBBiBtM .uu harbor, a.j

B-u.iia.er- s'

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, Telephone 20

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and ManogerOlnua Spreckels, ...W. M. Giflard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. .Porter, - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, II.I.

AGENTS FOR..,..,,Hawaiian l Company, Onomca Surarpuj.i company, wauukaCompany, Suear Company, MikSugar Company,. Haleakalaltanch Company, Ka- -

pcv2'' Chas Bl5wer & Co' Line of Boitonilff'j fi pota oi underwriter!.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

ust of orrjciM!PC Jonest ProsUont; Gtwrga H Robertson,Manager; E P Bishop, Treaunrer and Seo.rcUryi Col. W P Allen, Andltor; CM Cooke.1 Waterhonso, A W Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat ali, nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoAltoAYS ON HAND.


1 Krouso. 3Prop.Per Doy $ 2,00Per Week.., 12.00

The Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion nnd tho Finest Heals in this City


Established 1874.

King St. noar Thoinna Sqnaro

Home-Mad- e BREIAD,Cakes : and : Pies

BjsjySorvod Frosb Evpry Day,

H. .F. SINGEK,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


Uotol streot, near Port.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

f7 The Finest Imported and nomcmade Confectlonory,

' '' ' '

I i '. ,.....,. , .' r k t .. j--.' r.T... '..' j.,s " - , - i-- l - . ,, , , i.tn . . f.,v,-t''v-. ...JiL.fi., .. .i.

1 Two Stores on Nuuanu street.

3 Lot on Hackfcld street, 80x100.4 --A Choice Uesldenco on Lunalilo street,

bavlnc all modern Improvements.5 tour Houses and Lots on 1'unchbowl

street, all rented at a monthly rental of (105.This property Is 240 feet on 1'unchbowl strcc,with a depth of iiii feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samelur 4 or S more cottages. The central loca-tion of tlic protierty makes It most available,

0 A Kino ltesidence centrally located,contalnlniMS rooms. Lot ISOttiw ft. Twosmall cottages on tho lot bringing In goodrental.

7 A Commodious Residence on Hastlneerstreet, fltlnl with all modern conveniences. Orwin traic lor suburban property.

8. A House and Lot on oung street,U Uoutc and Lot corner Victoria and

llcretaula streets, opposite Thomas square,house contains ft rooms.

10 HoueoonU Lot on Young street nearthe residence ol the Hev. Mr. Hyde. Lot110x140. House contains eight rooms.

II Pearl City I'rojierty.12 Dcflrnblu Tract of ColTee Land on Ha-

waii.13 A most Denirnble Homo on Thnrstom

avonue. Large gTouuds nnd beautiful flowcr garden) house fnruished throughout inhardwood with nil latest improvement!.Excellent view of the city nnd ocean, andone which cannot be cut off.

14 A Largo Lot and CoturaodiouB Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding an uwobstructed view of the city aud hnrlor. Nochoicer residence in to bo had in tho cityoven by tho most fiwtidioUB.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent TC, servants' quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line at Punahon.

1-0- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameha-mel- ia

school.17 Two Houses and Lots on Ltllba strict.18 A House and Lot on Alakca streot.19 A Beautiful Building Lot at Kallhl,

lUOxSOO, cleared, fenced and water laid on,20- -A Gctitly Sloping Lot on ThVsloi

aYCmlf-- . 210x125. lmlnir n frhntuni. .,n (:..,1 street of 105 feet, and commanding a blrd's--cc view ui iiiu vity uiiu nnruor.

21 Elogaut Beach Property at Walkikl.22 House and Lot on Peterson Lotw, a.

House contains 0 r"0mi. Lot 75x110.23 Dwelling House of K rooms, lltted with

all modern conveniences Lot 155x110,Situated at Palaraa.

31 Vacant Lot on Walkikl Itoad, lOOxtll;.a nousu aim j.oi on nuuanu stret.

Houso contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near the businesscenter of the city.

20 Elegaut Itcildcncoat Punabou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot loox2oo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Furnltnro complete midthe rental of the most desirable and cen-trally located Lodging Houko in the city.

28 Pineapplo ltanch 26,000 fruitingplants, 500 lime treos, 50 Avocado peartrees, peach trees ami Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, barn, eto. An Al investment.

20 A Lodging House on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnished rooms, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargain for tho rlgbtperson.

Notici: Can Negotiate Loans on anvotthe above property for purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the TuUe.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street and 207 Merchant street.

To 'My Patrons:It gives mo much plonsuro

to aunounce tlint MK. M. R.COUNTEK, ono of the mostakillotl watchmakers evor inthoso Islnntla, is now mnnngmgmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fo-ct

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to vbioh watches nrpheir. Watohos nro dclicato'things to handle. Wo guaranteethat they will recolvo no injuryat our hands and will leavoour etoro in perfect rojmir4


E. A. JACOBSON,C07 Fort Streot.


kino Ann jjuuanc snirtTs.

Tlio celebrated EnteupriseEf.ku ou Draught and in.bottles. .



225 Queen streot, Honolulu, H. I,


For the Equine Table in thoway of nil kinds First Class

HAY, GKAIN 0 TEEDAre on salo by tho


138 Port St. Tol. 422.


Real Estate and Commission Agent

Stock llrokor. Firo and I.ifo In- -surnnco.

Campbell UloeU, 200 Jlorchant 8treot.


mi ml







' M



' V.ii?Ji. i. ,'

7 ' . - x. , in e- - "'I' . ..." w,f i.fi ,Tt:..--

:. ,?.:wz!4kix?zM .u.i(4Efatib&&Mwwfo j.Ai . X'.vav .ak' ,!-- . 3m&atomi-WLW:3ai-L-' s . . uMtifliVri.j jka A.r"mV m . kAU.f Tjjor A.is.xiAiiitutt imth :,jn w w. o4Jwirvt'- - tr,"-r- .lff,jTV .t r - 4.a,sJ-;..1-jr- ' w :.' .iwifc imiir rrn nwwiiiiT furTtfiifMt.. ';:i;wzcxiMmi.rwM:wmmAM - cn. jii.susv.ae,i r -iammtmrmwmKmmWammmmmmw affitiitmmw$m&j?ri ii'jtirifffly'MMialIitalMMiaiiWII ji"iiiJM" - -

Page 8: m-e--e- V N NG BULLGT4N 0te · A large number of so called tonie remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feeds the blood and










. .

sf't ',


stf .


vW .VT.

1? u '".



A Bona-fid-e ClosingOut Sale!

. 3-i- On account of my departure from Honolulu I will for tho next HXTAXJL't'V

.' !DiyS offer 340,000 in

DRY -- GOODSLadies' Furnisliings, ,

Gents' Furnisliings,. , Boots and Shoes

Hats and Caps,

Dress Goods, Silks,'

Satins and Velvets,' '

. vLaces, Ribbons and Trimmings.

and all other Merchandise that a First-clns- s Dry Goods Storo general carries

Not at 'a Profit..

. Not at Cost.' '' i

N Tfrnt. fit n JQicorrntwmiiinranaaa a m


3XTo"w GJpoi; --fcfcLis; 3?"to-- t Impressed on.TSToto-jC-

" 3Ce3QGL02r3r s

JS" A Discount of 25 Percent on tho Cost Price' of ovcry pieco of goods '

in tho Storo.

KST If you aro skeptical got prices on tho goods you want at other stores; and then compare thorn with my figures.

JK2 The ToiXLTOle OjT Fashion will bo closed oh March 29, 30 ..and 31, to allow xwr increased staff .to remark goods in plain figures.

Kfc Al Sweeping Reduction of 25 Percent on tho Cost- Prico will bo given. J . .

.'' '.''. .

'.We Will SE3liYDii rDDds -- A .




'. '' at a.

v,i. HDW -

Dn-'an- Hfter, li '


Price that will mako you , .'. , .

nn it?the' answer will be


Must Olo.se this Stock Out by July 1.

Temple, of Fashion,na. g. smvA,





MANYNoriiN i'i.sTi:iusT(i,riiM(KM TOIMY.

TltcK. N. Wurrlmnn 4 hoard HirSlilpIV. I', nabcurk llio Dlnmniid

Head u I'lne Tempi,

Tho Worrimoo dopartod anHour aftor midnight.

Tho ship Uonj F Packard isfinishing loading in tho stream.

Somo new apnrs aro beingshaped for tho W. F. Babcook.

Tho stoamer Mokolii will sadon Lor usual route, at G p. m.Tuesday.

Tomorrow, high tide large 0:-1-

am; high tide small ll30 p in;lowtide largo 7:13 a ni; low tido small0:55 p in.

Tho schooner Prosppr hasabout finished unloading lumborat Fort stroet wharf. Sho willtako in ballast-soon- .

Captain Graham of tho W Fliabcock can nnrigato a wheel aswell on land as ho can his bigship at sea. Ho cruisos along thowaterfront daily.

Tho skipper of tho bark Snowand Burgess sailed cIobo enoughto this port yesterday to shout totho pilot boat that ho was 13 daysfrom San Francisco, bound forVladivostok, and all was woll.

The steamer AVaialealo arrivedat 11:30 this forenoon from Ki-laun- a.

A damaged boat, from'which Captain 1'hrker and PurserCrane got dumped into tho brinya couplo of trips ao, was broughton deck. Captaiii Parkor did nottako a swim this trip.

The "palacq linnr" Mokoliibrought nn instalment of Olowa-l-

sugar last night. Sho has anow skipper and a- - now freightclerk now, Captain Noilson andPurser Green having left justboforo sho sailed from horo laBtMonday. Nothing of special in-

terest occurred during tho roundtrip.

The S 8 Kauai camo in fromtho Garden Islo this morningwithout tho usual swag of sweetstuff. A big pump at Makawelibroko down, so tho steamer wassont down as soon as possiblewith tho broken machinery, tohave it doctored at the HonoluluIron Works. Tho Kauai goes outat 4 today with a cargo of coal forMakawoli plantation.


The polico wore called on thismorning to tako an unruly sailorin charge, who was trying to runthings aboard tho ship W F Bab-coc- k

to suit himsolf. A day ortwo ago, tho same follow quarrel-ed with tho matf, using much pro-fan- o

and obscene language.Striking a pugilistic attitudo, Tin

said, "Come on, if you're a maul"At tho time, tho captaiu's wife anda couplo of hor lndy friends woroiu tho cabin. Hearing the noftoeon dock, Captain Graham wentout and ordored the sailor to stophis bad lauguago and got to work,and asked tho mato to avoid quar-reling if possible. This morning,tho same seaman started in tomako raoro trouble. boy of thoship was asked by the cook or oneof tho mates to pass some wood,but was told by tho troublesometur to leave it alone. The boypicked up some wood to obeyorders, when ho received a blowon tho cheek irorn tho sailor,which knocked him down. Themato thon interfered, but seeingthat tho man was bunt on raisinga row, he wont to tho skipper tofind out what ho should do. Cap-tain Graham considered it best togivo tho follow in charge of theauthorities, so two or three policooflioors woro Bont for, who soonlanded "Mr. Jack 1'iglit" in thecity cooler.

The captain says this inan hasboon makiug a disturbance ovorsinco tlio vessel reached this port,and is what mariners call a "sea-lawyor- ."

"With tho exception oftho ono man, tho Babcook has avory good crow this trip.

Tlio Jlluinand llcnd.A roportor was invitod aboard

the bark Diamond Head yestor-da- y.

Sho is greatly changed fromwhen sho was known as tho Gains-borough. Whon horo last year,hor cabin was dirty and uncom-fortable. Now tho rooms aro fittedup iu splondid stylo. Thoro arorugs ou tho floor, neat furniture,ourtainsjbrio-a-bra- o, etc. CaptainWard has a nico soft bed in hiswoll fitted room,: which is fit for a

V"y;J1. "IT?.!"!;411 juiuti mi jmnat.-iju-i n, mow tbathroom, boaidua neat rooms forllio ofllcorB. A now up lo-da- to

donkey ongino wns ntnoug tlionindo in 8nn Fran-ciac- o.

Cnptnin Ward snya the ves-sel ia a good anilor. Bho mado thobest pasango of any vessol ho hasbeou innstor of, on tho way fromtho Sound to this port All the.ropnirs dono in San Franciscowero suporintonded by CaptainMotcnlf, Lloyds' ngont. None oftho old platca wero takon out ofthe vessel's bottom, and tho skip-per thinks sho will bo staunch formany years to como. Sho isclassed A-- A. 1.

S. S, Wnrrliuon.

Tho pursor of tho Warrimoo re-

ported as follows: Tho 11. M. S.Warrimoo, W. E. White, 11. N.It., commander, loft Sydney onMur. 12 at o:.'!0 p. m., and hadlight winds with fiuo weather toSuva, which port was reachedMar. IS at 9 a. m. Loft samo day,and cleared Fiji group noxt dayat i a. m. Passed Alofa samoafternoon at i p. tn. Experiencedlight winds to Equator., which wascrossed in tho afternoon of Mar.21. Passed S. S. Miowora Alar.2"3 at 1 a. m. From Equator toarrival met with strong N. E.trades and head seas, which re-tarded tho ship's progress lyT


From' tho Colonies,v por S 8Warrimoo, Mar 2G 0 A 'Mc-Dowell and W T Williams.

From Kauai, por stmr JamesMakee,j,Mur 27 Mrs Stair andsou, Dr Walters, Capt Cutlor andG deck passengers.



SATuniUT, Mar. 87.Stmr Knena, Wlljjn, from Oabuporti.Sttur Nocau, tVcrtion. from LulialuaStmr James Miikcc, Tnllctt, Irom Kauai.Stmr Kauai, llruUn, from Kauai.8tmr , from Kauai.Stmr .MokuUl, Andrews, from Molokal,Maul,


t FnfiuT, Mar. 28.

Am bk8now ana Uurccss.fpr Vl.idlvostook.Sclir Molwaliinc, (Or Hawaii.ScUr Ka Mot; for Hawaii,

Batukdat. Mar 37.8 8 Warrimoo, White, .for Victoria and

Vaucouvcr.8clir Luka for Hawaii.Stmr Kauai, llrulin, for MaUawell


NAVAJ..U 8 8 Marlon, Greene, Snn Diego, March IS.

UEllOIIANTMEM.(Coasters not Included In this list.)

Am tclir l'rosper, Johanne6sen, l'ort Gam-ble, March 15.

Br lik Iioutcnbeck, Itodgers, Liverpool,Feb 7.

Am ship W F Dabcock, Graham, 8 F,Mar U.

Am bktn Kllkltat, Cutler, Prt Gamble, AlarW.

Am bk MlKhland Llcht, Lewis, DepartureHay, March 17.

Am tenr John D Tallnnt, 1'rt Gamble, Marchlll.t

Uaw bk Dlamoud Head, Ward, l't Illakelr,March 83.

Am fclir Ehtlicr Bubnc, Andersen, Eureka,Mar2'J.

Am bk Matilda, McKenrle, Port UlaUely,March 29.

Kor bk Faitasl, Andersen, Nuweaatle, Feb 21.Haw bk Husalle, Nlsscii.Chemalmus, Feb 21.Am nclir Aloha, Dabel, d F, Feb

Callao, Kbstcr, Newcastle, Feb IS.Am bk Amy Turner, Walltn. N Y.AIr 7.Am ship IknJ F Packard, Allen. Kobe, Mar 8Am bk Murthii Davit, tSoulc, S F, Mar ID

Hotel Arrival!. '

Hawaiian Dr and Mrs L FHarvey, Buffalo, N Y; Mr andMrs Ponsoiiby Oglo, London,Englaud; Mr and Mrs U H ltoid,Waianao; C A McDowell, Liverpool; Miss Aubrey, New Zoalaud;Captain Whito, S S Warrimoo; FW Kellogg, C S Laug.T H Hicks,U S S Marion; F H Hayseldou,Lnnai.

Arlington Marguerite O B AHarrison, Davenport, Iowa; MrBE A Hardy, Iowa; Miss J W Wil-son, San Antonio, Texas; MissMaiguerito Killian, Limerick,Ireland; Willie Travis, LosAngoles, Cal; L A Anurows, Hilo;F Northrup, Kohala;A B Looben

'p w:ii:. .,.stein, Hilo;Miss Taylor and Miss Owles.Loudon, England.

Geo, L. Edwards, principal ofKalihiwaena school, has beendirecting tho boys thereof in ar-boriculture and horticulture, witha little botany on tho side, for ayear past. They have mado bor-ders of trollised yines to tho yard,constructing the trellises them-selves, olearod tliogrouud of uq wl-de-

laid out graveled paths tyid,in Bhort, transformed" a quarteraero of ".howling wildoruerfs" iutoa blooming garden.

WW. DIMONDSTho, plntcd spoons and forka

mndo by the Holmes & Ed-war-ds

Silver Company cannotbo distinguished from solid sil-

ver, oxcepfc in weight. Thopatterns aro identical with thosolid goods, and tho bowls andhandles aro reinforced withsterling silver, so that thosoparts of tho spoons which comoin contact with tho. table arowoll protected and will last nslong ns solid ware. Every piecosold by us is guaranteed 'bytho manufacturers, by this cer-tificate:

"We guarantee these goods in or-dinary family service to wear Twenty-fiv- e

Years, and in hotels from Ten toFifteen Years. We also agree to ac-cent as half navment. mirli tmnA .,

show wear during next five years

wyse in good order J'In buying thoso inlaid goods

you practically linvo the uso ofthorn for thirty years at halfwhat you originally pay fortneui. XMootnor manutacturerssrive such a guarantee: no otlmrmanufacturer can afford to.

We believe wo have tho lar-gest stock of cutlerv in Hnnn.lulu, and it is from tho bestJliiiglish and American manu-facturers thPV mrikn rrnnrl.knives in tho United State'sand our prices aro low. Thobest makers aro using grainedcelluloid as a substitute for .

ivorv handles and tho efrecfc isvery pretty. Bono handles turnyellow, the celluloid imitations do not.N The price is infavor of bono handles if cheap-ness is the object. v

Medium knives,. hnnn linn- -7

dies, $4.75 a dozen, with celluloid ?r Dessert, ivory handles$5.75; bono, $4.25.' Roger'sEnglish knives, bono handle,$3.50. Dessert $3 Platedknivefs S2.50 and S2.75. Lnrrrnassortment of carvers from $1to $27 per set.

Von Holt Block.



THUKSDAY, APRIL ls(And the 'following day-- , I will display a

new Jot of

French - Pattern. - Hate.

BONNETS!And Novoltloa. Also


Will lo tko fcptiui' ot

MY -:- - OPENING- - -:- - DAY!An inspection Holicilcil,- -


MRS. M. HANNA.E63td Fort street, Uonolaln, H. I.

New Market Restaurant.

John Cororiuuicho having leapedfrom D. MuKhiizIo the premium,known as tlio NEW MAHKUT

. next MIIIh' GroceryStore, on Merclmnt Street,' will lakeolmrfte ami open out with u full bup-p- ly

of eatablea.SJST Onliuary bonrd, 21 tickets for

fi.SO, I

iJSf Gin rut n ml Poultry ht transientrates. Call and e:u me.

JOHN CAMMANOHO,545-t- f PropHelor.

Hawaiian Soda Worksnro propared to furnikli Private Farnl.

lies with a really Good, Furo tiodaia tho New Bottloa.

Belfast Ginger Ale.C. Telephone 632, at Hunny Souib.


The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Street.


A Quiet, Ilonieliko.l'Juco, where TrainedNnrbos, Massage, "Swedish Movement,"Ilathrf, FJectrtoity and Physical Trainingmay be obtulued.

V. B. KEIiLOGG, M. D.,Telephone CS'J. Superintendent.

"WfrrSiy-l'r-Wlll- Vi;r.' 'i1-,.,.urmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmsmMmMm

.A-..,k .

VlrV'irweiT,.- -