m bourses or r - Fultonhistory.com 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortl… · nCTal'1»nia5?to*'p»y fl«r...

. . . . - i XQulMf JW- , ..1 fBveryl»w,1M »fSwt time gtoll be prwwilbctt thercln»f*«Ji coAmfnce andrUko •f.c<tkl«>jkrloat t»eK»t«4 gift «*foro pMMge, •» certftM by the Secretary of SSteT Sec. 18. tlthvMh«P- '. P"» '» tovb- .•<l Hlatutcs.) AN AcrrsQt^nmmmtop'f* trade in and circulation of obece; immoral use, »i»UWcone advertise- Kawd April 28,1868. »^" TA* Ptvfrafi*»t*att<fX<»» Q*flBf tOM*.* SKC 1. If any, Pflr«on "ball tell, or offer to sell, idilKaJI give away, or of- fer to give away any, or have iu his or hAjBoateasion with intent to sell or'glW «w*y, any obscene and inde- cent book, pamphlet, paper drawing, painting, lithl9gr#l>h; engraving, da- tiole of indeoent ojr immoral use, or artiole, of medioine'.torthe prevention of conception or^woqusipg, p,l/abor« ; tion, or shall advertise the same for s»i«j priwritfs(OT/oause to be written, or print, or cause to be printed, any cironlar, handbill,, card, book, pam- a , advertisement, or notice of any •jtatiag whwr^bowy^wr of »«4ott, decent and obscene article* and things manufacture, draw and expose* or draw with intent to sell or to have sold, or print any snch articles, every suoh person shall, OQ conviction there- of, be imprisoned in the oontv jail not more than one year, or be fined not more than one thousand dollars tor each offense, one-third of said fine to Hew* %PHwfrm r fp°x x*™?, ovidertoe the person so offending shall be convicted, one-third to the school fund of the county in which snoh of- fense shall be committed, and the re- maining third to the treasurer of the Kc.nalo Guardian Society in the city and oonnty of New York, if the con- viction is in the said oity and county, to b/^bysaidfcraaaurerappliedfrothe uses and purposes ot said society, as set * in any other county of this State, then said ret the treasurer said count, equal portions to «U of said asylums, if there bo moro than one, to be ap- plied to the purposes of said asylupv or asylums, and If there be naatfOb- the Superintendent of the POO^<n$rfa|d county, to be applied io the benefit of $W'tt inV^fen^hall deposit, or cause, to bo qepotited, in any post-of- tit-o within tbis State, or place in charge of any^ express company, or person connected therewith, or of any com mom carrior or other - : person, any of the obscene aria Indecent articles and things mentioned in the Hint sec- tion of this act, or any oircular, band- bill, card, advertisement,, book, pam- phlet, or notice of any kind, stating where, how, or of whom suoh inde- cent and obwene articles!oiWrings can be purchased or otherwise ob- tained, with the intent of having the same conveyed by mail or ejtg^af^^pj* in any other manner, or if any person shall knowingly', or!-Willfully reoeive tho same .with intent to oarry or con- vey, or shall carry or convey the same by express or in any other maimer, (oxcoptr. In the united' States mail,) everyi; person i so offending i shall;. on conviction thereof, be subject for each offense, to tho same fines and penal- ties in is proscribed in «aid first sec tion of this act for the offensesi there- in set forth, and said fine shall be di> vided and paid in the same manner al thorein provided, f 8. All in agist rates aio autlinn/r-.l, on due oomplaint, supported by oath or affirmation, to issue i'warramt di- rected to tho sheriff of the county, within which such complaint shall be made, or to any constable, marshal or (Milieu olticor, within said county (pro-' vided, nevertheless, that nothing in this aot contained shall'be construed to alt'eet, alter, diminish or extend, or in any wise intertisrp with the powers and authority of the 1 Board of the Metropolitan Police) directing him, ilicm, or any of thorn, to search for, seiee and take possession of suoh ob- scene ami indeoent books, papers, ar- tioles and things, and said magistrates shall transmit, enclosed and under seal, specimens thereof to tho District Attorney of his county, and shall de- posit within the county jail of his county, or suoh other secure place as to him shall seem meet enclosed and under seal, the remainder thereof, and shall upon the conviction of the per- son or persons offending,under^ any of h the provisions of this act, forthwith i destroy or cause to be destroyed, the remainder thereof, so seised as afore- eTtipguishmerrt of the prlncipatot tho lofhs i#do Ader Jecti# thr», arB-' elf seven of fmo Constitution, Ihe sum no lnvMtffeWr TUTSIIM fuifd "WiaTT be made, except from the surplus reve- nues of the oanjjbLjfeoeived dnrinur the year, after paying the interest on the debt contracted under said section three artiole seven^|yfW' r T! > r^. IT} nCTal'1»nia5?to*'p»y fl«r c, the d dol- §-*. ThhriujrBlrftlt trior effect immfr diately^ .JfJt?W«ISHvt ^jmS3Bt&2 NEW YOKK. ^SSffifeW^iB^K^Bi^l^^' ,i,, ^BflAsVoompaMrrfwwM^aiBg wim-ane original law on file in lute office, and do H0WSRi»}TK«KWr,^- TBlate. iterest ana rcuccjii be loan of two miJL oaMnglaebt of tho To pay the gei necessary expenses of the State sum of two hundred thousand lars. *** § 2. The following suras are hereby appropriated out of the proceeds of two hundred and seventy-one, of the laws oi eighteen hundred and fifty- nine, to pay tho interest and redeem the principal of the lions one hundred t' provide for the floating! State: To pay tho interest on said loan for the fiscal year, oltfUnoncing on the (first day of Ootober next, one hundred land two thousand dollars, or so much 'thereof ,as may be necessary. J3&)&vij{Wv$r the sinking fund to ipay the prinoipal of the said loan, the [sum of two hundred and fifty thous- and dollars, beingforone year's con- tribution to said fund, as provided for by the said aot. ^y^ yjf^r$ CHAP. 846. AN ACT to re-appropriate moneys for extraordinary repairs and improve- ment, tX£. \T _/£ na,s ' fo ' \W* a ? rections ofthe CariaT Board ; for paying awards of the Canal Ap- praises prior to eighteen hundred .tbisoenanepWimUakJ against the State; for the improvement ot the Champlain canal; for the extension of the Chenango dbnal jt for the I: poveJent If thl> Oenleee Vail aMkti; and for the improvement of VRIini t €»««\* J.V1 V11V •IUW1VIVWVMV V* f l> M n lfti6* "%U%' Sxumym < 9Bf\%t Cu Bill*- 9rp3tlo?f; ink ffle convfotfbn^ f other county of this State, then emajni*$3tto^riMll }»<|*M to easnrer of the orphan asylum in ounty, if there'be 6he, 6V ifcs said, and shall eauso to be entered np- on the reoorda of, his court tho faot of suoh destruction, ' [ , nllM , 8 4. It shall be the duty of the pre- siding judge of every court of ses- sions or oyer and terminer within this State, especially to charge the grand jury at each*Una!of t<Jdcourt,lo^ake not ice of all offenses committed in vi- olation of the provisions of this act. g S. This, act shall take efieot on CHAP. 848. AN ACTvHv^og.aapnppri^twnajfor the payment of the prinoipal and ^ interest of the canal debt, com men *oing on the first. day of Ootober, sui^u^raw' payment of the debt Contracted nn- 39M^N M& 9C artiele, aaren.ir the Constitution. Passed April 8*, 18«8; three-flfths belnir l>re»ent ^W^' ten' foliout: Seiuitr, tnact at •WW SKO. 1. The following suras are here- by appropriated out of th4 canal yove- nuos of toe State canals for the fiscal year commencing on thefitatday of Ootober, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight : To pay the 1 Interest and reiihVinrie the prinoipal of the canal debt aa, it existed on the first day of June, one thouKMid eight nnnitrccTand forty-six. the sum of one million seven hundred' "wwarsunu M„ K fund'for the ex*ing<iijihra.ent of the g eneral fund, debt, the sum ot three undred wwl fifty thousand dollars. For payment of the interest on the loans made under tho Constitution, for the enlargement and completion ofthe canals, the sum of seven hundred and ten thousand dollars, or so much there- of aa may be neaeasary. To ooattitnte a sinking fund for the Passed April 27, 1808; throe-flfths, being 9J ttteStateof New rork,repre- und Ammibtji, do.emict a* fol. tented in lotot: WusnruM? Is ninet' pt£lPirf3lHlM04 tax, and to make an appropriation for the payment of tho e'xpenses of sundry extraordinary,repairs and im- f rovements of the oompretetl dttrials f this State, not chargablo to ordina- ry repairs, and to pay the increased compensitioii to;opntractots awarded odder special acts of the Legislature, and to pay certain awards made by the Canal Board, Contracting Board and Canal Appraisers'" passefl March twenty-sixth, eighteen Ktirhfro'd and suty si <, and assigned to tho middlo division of.the,Canals of this State, being) twelve thousand and forty-five dollars jnd fifty-three conts, or so much thereof^ aa remains' 'Unexpended on the twenty-sixth day of March, eigeteon hundred, and BMty-eight, is hereby appropriated to tne same ob- ject. original^. ^.putture pf Orob*|f<i8' The 4^°l^$(i^>4 , ^ lv ^ i9n of orobirae la orcler to keep them in a healthy and Vigorous state, so as to ;furolal) t^e b ^ ^ f ^ ^ l i a h a ^ a e ^ a j t to require line npdn line, until a thor- upOn iough improvement •m IfheVrao- tioe jto be •we o No.thfW^iti»-n.- , i*H»i^Ia<^lUftblo statement from P. Sutton, a corres- pondent of that paper, apart of which lis well worthy of being transferred to pur columns: In the first place, never sow any kind of grain or plant corn in an or- mbas#% i^W$fuM>>M st is death .to the thrifty and healthful {growth of yonna trees. Plant pota- toes, da»atfJBWWlWSpltiS(§l imong (your trees, and yon will be surprised at their growth when compared with those, among- which grain crops nro zerne ,'set" out ad orchard of several acres of npplo trees, iimong hich rye was grown tho following ason, and tho result was just as ight have been expected, nearly one- fourth of the trees died the first sum- roer^nd'tfcioae thatiittvedmailo a fee- ble gHiM^im&M'Mttii set 'oW&tiMM Mm* fifty apple, i*WlWM»*''®*tt¥*i&<L,: it wi$ ^fjit^,- ttiftflw »wK '^w tb» trewi.' mirje Aboot two feet growth ^.ye^r,;e.jxpflpt 1 ,iq,^868 t ^.This yeaif they bare Biany apples, and did not nake but about eighteen inohes rrowth. Some of the Baldwins had rom two and a half to three bushels of apples each, windfalls noLinohided. ThwlfiaaUndHme^if^OB^d %*&* as well as the apple. ! A distant neighbor bought one him- or,^ ^pte, U»e* ti&miJUWM** mjlrth; afca>e#to toWttik Mt the t<M»0tixjii„ . M ' J # ; j M r ; i B | f f n'»i' make two feet growth up to' the above r entioned time, and what was worse, large number of. tljem died and the. fcrgtJsVWee anion'g 1 tlem'was n'ot'large enough to tol^rajieok^^applos. I could cito many more instances, in some of which the difference be- tweentarttiyateda^ ^nftpUtyaftd, is more prominent thaa the, abpye. •jjji' .JJ.''II wiiwPMava^Bui i >T«H NOKWBOIAN* KiTpH»N.^-TherP was a Norwcgiun kitchen exhibited in tt.'f'ft^Jn^petfdl m&&jM^Wrfaj&*VWW* wn - Osity in its way; It was a small box well coated with non-conducting sub- i.^.va.|'..r.' si. ~ !uUtvt^fHU'i^nK "2^ t1868. iHt'mtWi'm*\ tU ' mitt : vmm^mjnn'^. •••*• <••• l j i «>' ,X J V A' •' \'-V' »»WV T* [ *«^r-,as,vkiwr7JmTti3va Y^ii^pM GBEATOBOWDS! wn* *m$ J; GRJBAT EXCITEMENT I 19, 91 and S3, •••r?M- ! •s'Ptvw r JH| WHO li*»e opened with nmowixl effort mid micctM, suraaioB IN .aotHtin -i^Alfoftr ii^alfTiJi, c;v :>>-•> OKA!•."«(•••>-.;ufor '«'•!/•. •mnu.ry i< MI :'i v>AlvAStni:-;' "•""•» 1 li til. IHIA II) .!<<>>*•• '. y. nvW.)rf.H(n.t,r.r,'. (JonBiwU «idu»lv«ly to our«elve», »nd biiyera will AM It to tholr Interest to call mid »ee thorn. !i»!',','" ,iaTO< K1«0 KttW 81f08K0Wl GOOD aoovii_E^U9^ww™ AND oSES^Sftrf thousand and d seventy-eight sum of eight twenty-six do!* cent tied r jan caowiaaking wppropTiSVlona to provide for deficiencies in existing appropriations to meet existing exist- tinp&ti&Mtt staiices, on the principle o f a refrige- *Jir^(SSjC wflMiS tlfe.bbj&t of a! rt)«ger|it.o:c!», WiWtii KkMU»* out,' in£clfUm»against theStat|», and tprenjjr 1 ! 1 * 1 ^* i^<?S w egianklt^plil to keep appropriate certain unexpended baian- " " .passed undred and une < (ten- ded balance of the bundled and thir- ty-seven thousand dollars, appropria- ted by tho act chapter, two_ hundred and nineteen, laws of eighteeii hun- dred and sixty-six, being in all ninety- threee thousand foi^r hundred and twenty-seven ' dollars and five cents j and a.fso the aiim.xxf two hundred and thirty'dollars ana thirty-seven cents, being the unexpended balance of the appropriation by.the. aof chapter, flyej hundred and fbrty-thrje^aWs of eigh- teen hundred and sixty-six, to pay the expense of'bosJpl^itg th» enlarge- ment and completed maps of the. ca- nals of this State : and also the sum' of fifteen thousand < two hundred and appropriated by th^ftfeth seotion of the M^ohapter flve hundred .and Ion. ty ttireo of the laws of eighteen hun- 5red and sixty-six, td pay certain mis- oelUoepus claims against ,the State, in that SCOMOn mentioned, aro Tiereby ro- appropriated to the same objects and purposes mentioned and provided in the said acts. - - araaaai 8. The unexpended balance of .the sum of fiye ltaiidrad't»»Biind ! two jhnndred and fiftyrone dollars and fif- teen cents, re-appro*priatodby the .aoi chapter three hundred and four of th I laws of eighteen liundred and sixty six *%r the'eitlertWtif'tne Ohefiafigo ca- nal, being eighteen thousand two hun- dred and one dollars and fifteen cents, Is hereby rVapprOpriated to the same ° ySPntia ariexp^ded baianoe of tne" re-appropriation by.,iJiJKaot chapter three tamdred and four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six. to pro- ^(fiftl^lW^l^ffc^WBUm., canal, and -alw'same. ing, aev»u thousadd nine hnndMM*/ and eighty-one dollars' and ninety-nine cents, is hereby re appropriated tor the same object, and pnn ftWflPwifa'"' I'O appropriation tHre^uudred'aai eighlEfknV'huhdred and sixty-six, to iipy **»v»o*) chapter nd four of. the law^jpf,, propriated to tho same object and prt«>- pose. ntnety-eigljttAlBaMaMd fftyowpSents rc,_ft lJpropriatod \)y the »ot chapter five* hundred \n& forty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, to provide for the 'improvement' of the" BlaoKiHiyer between the mouth of-Ot-' ter creek and Carthage, being seven- teen thousand' two hundred and lortv- fiverdoi»rs^HWlot^<e«^n^^ by i-e-appropria*^ to the fiatasvrJHjet* and purpoe«ku i avN »*> .I««HT »?•<> 8 7. The sum, of flfty,th«ee thous- and J ve tuad^eo! and it in. Boil water for five minutes and put it into this box; at tho end of many hours it will be found to have lost little of its temperature, and meat immersed in tho water will bo found in due time perfeotly cooked. All this is sp well knpwnthaji^i^eed not, have repeated the facts. Hut I remember that tho N orwegian kitchen, .has been p i rai^'e^j[eJ^;.aa^a;..W^.^t9; > .!l|le l .poor mto; : ;"AJge ,can. 1 opp^;;bJt8'^fier ^}th hiis-'b^alFfi^fli^ tho expense of keeping up the £re till dinner time, nor the trouble of tend- ing it. The Norwegian kitchen needs no cave. Five hoars after the meat has been boxed up in it the dinner is ready. But the same apparatus may equally serve the needs ofrichermen. The other day, at the covert side, we had a hot luncheon out of one—stew- ed beef and poulet an rix. The beef and tho fowl had in the morning been put each in a tin with boiling water; the tins wore put into tho Norwegian IK>X j^he'.b^ ;w^ o^r^ side. That wi^s all. :'i^--'j|t)(ijl0be^|B-. 'tim*';'jfri-badpur victuals amo^ipg hot, *«*> •'•• • r,^_^- : VY" "'-v " ,: ' iSiatwr , j SAXT AND LlMH y 0 » WHKAT.^-At a recent meeting of the Farmers' t Hub of the American Institute, in New York^, |fr, fteprgp Steele pfthprndale, u«ed«4t '.with Hme,.;ted;;«lQ^,;«8 -*i. thnt one and a half sacks of merchant- able ground salt, or an equivalent of dirty salt, and 25 bushels of lime per aire, produce as good wheat as a mod- erate dressing of stable manure, and the grass after the wheat is aa good ) t /<>i!iv£:.t •/'• >;.!•' l i r e OUR'STOCK THIS SPRING^ In larger than fgg, •mPtWM.tfr&l mMtifct* ta DBT (iooiw, "' DliisiJ GOODS, i WA&tmmgffiw to arli WOOI.KN OOODB, J.1NKN GOOIIH, ,'.l.'...'.,'.l ..' ^.1,'ijmi...... w. j>wjvijjffgjmnuii.wwi New Adyertl^ementM. »t'the,doo» ,;? '<*''. .; '.' Jjf4i.V.:^ljA' lit Rjljllllll cWlAmb^,' ;!, •o tho doctors,- •>»< > g?»ln»tj..,,: ly.'i^iX li •VT -.•/! '«''•! i.Mgh-a«i,_ li tho trutl oforo tholr erei. sm.it'y .ni w •ftW/UlUllo': '..w^feboi,. ••.••^•>.rt moKelene*™ r 41 ot lien: u'.ii4Miq$, Somtw* P»ta Mat hM, been tested flf*e ofcoti oV«r tik inUW,.ev«ry d»Jr (oxcept SnmlnyB), »t HO OhMbAfi' •mi(ldl«e»»o. ^o^fllc^fcoiwtantlriwJiwi it Ion tii, lorolilni I'ulii 1-Hlnt. or lrl*» It froe of eosi c«ll It humbug toll * fiibehood. )(y • •; iw* w«itao poison In onr lips; : Nori.iivtoHwniiowiiowii, ttihty |ioiw)ii'wlio biivi .own Unit nil wf!t t* , fl'r. Wo want OP bujriilug LluInionU , , In plty, r Pou^try,»rowtir . irt'l We want to know the lawn of health, *- ihuu •' ikore" foon. •'• Wowaui ••:<!'»• OrUn, tojifiuu dlieaee, DortoW llllln to imy, Wo know nil Pills havo had tholr day, i 'Thatplfaic iedeceit,' The Lnncet and tho Woody Bowl ' 'We'ntlflr motf shall greet. ;;', ... >'oH <H W i t .""'.in I •" oe'.i; I>KTS •-^•tMO^f^S,;-,, ;',--; ; •„.-•;. SHAWLS, ,woTHa^feRAMR^:'3:i : ,.., .", ...CURTAINS, SHAPES,, ..., QUILTS, \ \ k I CAHPXT6 NBW-OAJtPlCrS (JHKAP-CAR- J'KTS mitDiOMk r Jr8W STYLUS, RICH BE- BIQNS, StMSJMt PAWrBflNS, HKBT J nut Imported and received In store >>/ n»; and we would say to our old customers, and the public gen- erally, that we havo some New Designs and Patterns Never exhlblblted In this city or country—not to be seen at any other plaoe. W»*»v» always boogfct oor stock CHEAP; but thin Spring we havo outdono imr- aelvoA Ooods well bought aro hah* sold. .|^W-B<CAN,- i W E WILL, r Sell Cheaper than Ever, at GREAT BARGAINS 1 Lest than any old or new Stock coat.. /'lease mil and Ms- amine. Syracuse, March SI, 1866. ' >iMniS, CORTLAND STANDAjtfo JQB TOOTING OFFICE. TOStl that 'imichn were not made mVthsn«t*Kil<loee tjjlvos. -T1WL ml: tremble,- bttt i imdlnyn on Ihul'A ' 1fl,^Bo. pstalr ' He or acute, from Is remoVed ft* ever/appll. thoul money or price, tot for mi appllvatlon of TpPj anil nil dle- M If com- ipter of tho omie. M)^^... broken under the touch of the like o noldcr'n web, whore before Jith|iii lro)i grann fit scores of- . wltnossed the opera* »pra£n.n« " Inihe^SSiroi.Mi. just where to find bourses or" m a WMSm LT»p^°iSoS that romoviw pain only by man of bnatoOM, lie lias been, rlFali yaart, r »W folks kuow i. lie haa no tlmo to visit race i— hardly Unto to snatch a mnnokuDwtlmtlioiiHW tod much, hvnor to nial to stato tho success ho has sl- ot his old standard remedy, uJW»f* .patron) '•' ' 'oathnomo ho now lints up iho Stroneer and, moro efflflent.. He of tlilnfnvaliiablc inc.llcl.io, not lost bopaless canon of catarrh m " II •mill —~- —!- Ne * Mtmmm** w » ARE OOMING-. JL Nl> W1W. PRKMKNT TO '\NY PliltKON . < ' JV : , ,. .! j , - ' ' '. Sending; as s Club In Our' Prast' ' 'dnia Dollar Bale of i)ry & Faaoy urn i,' pieoe of gHkferlifa, SILK D: ' PATTBRN.'aoj Ao.,1 •',,; ' ; ,' -'<PIl«E OF' OOSTP; •••••' enis'dbrin'gih.e paif feW^esrs' havo boon II i nM rtailUy tioHct our - . Ivbt etiflnotti inorfl/Umevttal i Olubt <i/ CO ami lmrtfjHxHnii/ of other Jinn*. t»-PLEASE EX AMINE. .KM : Any pin mm urdttrliur either Of the Olnbs inoul l.mi'il >1QW, can havo their solootluns, of promlunis ouu- erated, cOrrespohdlAglo tho site of the Club, FREE OP ONE DOLLAR t , For, n Club o f 3 0 , (*3.) i -6'ho ofthe foliow- l.ilcaiHrliiH, vlf.: Dolalnedrosi Jattorui ranwcolored lied Bprcad: 100 vlow Turkoy morpoco allium; 80 yards sheetuig, strlpod caslnnoro delaine drOBS pal. torn; honoycomb quilt; all wool square shawl; sot solid gold bosom studs; all wool fumy casbmoro mints and vest pattern; gentn' kalr guard ohaln, gold trimmings: sllvor platod chased butter dish; silver tod 6 boll" ' I lrt ;k i balmorai[skirt; set jowdlrf, slosvo'buttons to plated 6TOUlorevolvingcastor, on lent; sot superior Steel Waded kulvoe and lack walnut work box of writing desk; extra quail- . •-->-,} alerts sot. jowolry, elosVe .buttons itcel bladod kulvos and forks; worsted prom"ou»ile i!:awl; Indies'long gold platod chain; ladles'doublo gents' noavyclmsed solid gold ring; solid gold ring bl< " ty B nlenflldei vtultii and ii^lv; geoU' cardigan jacket; ., ebony D fldto, ivory trimmtnga; anparlor 'I'urkoy moniccosluniplnglMig; ladhwMili'lu-.ut l«il- ruoral boots. 1 F o r a. Club o f 6 0 , («6>-0n» of 'the follow- fcrown sBee^Ml)gjii»jigr»yed,ra.UvSr-phUdv S bbrtle re- volving castor; 8Af yards amiorlor canhinoro for pants and vest pattern :«WM| MeatyfclinoycOmbquilt 1 ; two fancy colorod bed spreads i pair: gents' calf boots; 4 g t f M g i i b^M{y%mfclr\t U ro 0 se 0 wood brass alarm ,clook j ladles' all wool cloak pat. tern: sllvor plated cako or canfibasket: fur murTor capo i la.Ilcn' fnHliliumlilo wool Boublo shawl; Splen- dld claapod fiimlly lllblo, 9xl», record page and ongrn- vlugs; 8 yds. double width wato.-iiroof cloaking; sot ivory handlo knives, with sllvor plated forks; one B.itlacocintalu. i • j . . iowS«, b v.?r iy^'l&ild^Vat to match; !. good col- Kterna; ex- t lever bladed knives »^!^'sK«ir4j; pSffglnu" call I nllvci- lumlhig-cHacd patent lovoi ^udlcd Bloel bladed knlyen graved, six botUo revolv died slcel bl. MT84, si* b joaator, wltji cut glass bottles; splendid violin, Xteofbtfwi'cortplote; Single barrol shot-gun; lin- n's six-barrel revolver; pair nupeilor whllo woo) ' -*l»rorn " * " tchor, i lftinay sllver't l.lanketn; nlco fur milff an graved, ico pitcher, with m jarils nil wo.il finny cnwlniere, for. nult; one do/.ou lanketn; nice for miiff and" cape; sliver putted, en- raved,_Ice pitcher, with nnlvcr; seVen and one-half ore,, fi >rVs; < ltogors' best silver plated forks; common seose sew- ing and ombroldcrlr comb quilts; tograph page. Ing and ombrolderlog.machine) two heavy honoy- " "" nple 11(11.1 fan illy HI blc, record nn.l plio bloto.readanewsnepor without laving it on a dunk, and who could scarcely wrlto tbeir in foek|>flnd ImrtieotlebeBedt. rint bdttl om hold bttftles' be wholly r«Btbro(t/>om that dlsgiiBtlng disease, OA- TAHltH, which leads dlrectlv.to lung complaints, dyspepsia, woak norven, pain fit tho side and stomach, S nil liver c.iinplaliit. Doctors in general do not un- orstiiuil Catai rli, ami few aro bold enough to deny It. Nothing ever taken Into the stomach can euro it, for tho dlsoano In In the bead. You might as well put a C luster on tho foot to cure an ulcor on the hand. I'a irm is an ulceral Ion In the head and a running sore: the matter foils In tho throat and ologs it: at night runs down to tho stomach and uiiilernilnen the whole, constitution. •' ' • |,K ' Catarrh snuff trill always produce catarrh and ag- gravate tho disease. A nnoefie,ls nature's most om- phalic NA and dust,of any kind Is most positively in- You must cine (he fostering ulcer In the head and the dlllli'.nlty in the throat and stomach, from this load gf nlilegiu constantly pouring from. the Jioad, Is removed. It must Be elenncd out, liinleiid of nddnlg snuff and more tilth. • * « liny none of the Doctor's remedies unless to pure tphlf*wrappers./Ji,, . , , ... COT THIS Ol)T,'$oSt it up; and, hover forgot there is ONB PLAOK yon can go. or lie carried, and have dl physical pain removed, tree ef "ewYc ' Jess. J expenso, at No. 110 iliatliaiu-squarp, New York, wlien,all other doctors j^lvc you up as hope). I'nlks pOBSMSOd of common wit, liny bottlos that white Wrappers fit: llut fools lira often caught and sold With tinted:Wrappers, brown and old. tfiwe 3t AND A NEW .... ,...,.., ...... Nervous Dieouos, with their successful treat- ment, sent trco br enclosing stamp to' 44wa DK. LOUIS, 80S} East 88th St., New York. A t t ^ ' ^ W f t e i " salt and Ume have been applied " Br plowing, and harrowed in; the of ajfofl unappropriated surplus of tho tax oightyb hundred and sixtr-five, .. hereby appropriated and to be applied' tb**mo*ikii tiwaMii tammmm the Eastern Division of the Erie «a- ua /t a tt «b.points and ulaoos on the said division as may be designated b btini, t The rook* pri J*r.,g^e*s farm aw^p^t^/^Th^^ili'.'gtei^,' dl«y and;)pani, was Cxhaosted i^pat 78 year* ajp, and it» '-flqlftira^:: »b«tt- IIOIHHI. I jt has;-siriop,;bepn i;«ol)|ifl»!ed frpm barrenness by an improved sys- tem of. agriculture, and tho use of lime aa a mtmuro. The land to which the salt was applied has been froquently Umed, which fact may be important in considering the effect of the salt ap- plied alone. About twice the above mentioned quantity of salt alone, Mr. believes to be as good for this land as the salt and lime. EVERYTHING NEW 1 NBW PRESSES! NEW TYPE! ^ 5? 'A > : '' ALL WOltK "•j li,:; - :(} % Li'tsj. io&J SXBOUTBP .#?• THK '.lIMtl ... T' .1 Xlest -ktytb oiT tlie Art, AS REASONABLM PRICES •| ? »6h? t * S 7 i m,A V *:- JSVAtt OJCNTBAL NEW YORK t * ii-1 3 tt 3 Q M A «1>BKPS, .,.,,- vfANOY^BIliraTNG^', , * n n.,.(i . ...It.. i.^- ;•" "-"ijw;. cr .n.vi TW^AO .:.'-JT .am AND, IN' HHOUT, OB- PmiM&UU*>m eib**W8ciw8 Of Kvory Douoription, .• «»»»..iwu aa m a y De oesignatea Dy " to and apt :i:iav*4 itiously got hold of the stencils and ilei'oratoil heir white blanket with « Ellsworth's ohoioe" in bright red biters, after which'she strutted down street, to Ellswc Is » bachelor. h Po 1 a* .« B*jRs .wntfiA <r»Y m.?.. er»«ftrtUI ' .K)-,a-JTnM'*!•« of,the .aforesaid Uiiimittimd who DONK I N A MANNBK TO PLEASE OUR PATKONS. B iui; Patriots of the Pay. An elegant octavo vol ume, richly Illustrated with 18 beautiful Stool Kngravlnifn, and a portrait Of tho author, Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Agents say It Is the best, and teUi the. book they ever sold. Homo are taking " "" " Ton' For larger Club* th«> value Increas- es In the oamo ratio. ' CiitnloRito qf (.loo.ln and,Sample BIWII. to any address hoi. Mend money by ie/;lnteie.l letter. Address all orders to ' , .,,- „ . , :..,, ALLEN, ,HAWES & 00.. '.,;•. 10 Federal St., B o s t o n , M a s s . P, O. Box O. . Wholesale Pealors )n Dry and Fancy floods, Cutlery, l'late.l Ware, Albinos, Leather Oood'i «o.', .WWwii •'' sT£jLW>¥'-'':.'' i SILVER P'L'AT.Ijra FLUID t N8i;AJjTAMK0g8LY olMos. Copper, Brass, Q»r-i man Silver, Bronzo, &c, withPuroSilver; makes worn out Plated Ware as good as new, and if used regularly for cleaning, it prevents ita sllvor from bc- Ing wm'n off, and la the best article in use for Clean- ing and Polishing l'ure Silver Willi'.. No fiimlly qnce using It will ovor afterwards do without it. It is uio only genuine 8ILVKK PLATING FLUID ill the mar- ket. All others Are bnne and worthless ImltnlIons, and most, of mom are dangerous, deadly, poisonous eonip.nni.il) of .pilokiillver. Buy, Aud use nouq but Shaw's, which is the original and only genulno, and is for sale by Druggists everywhere. Put up In *2OK. bottles. Price, 60 cte. SAinplos for trial sent free by mall on'receipt of 88 cts., to pay for packtnj noslago. Address JT. SHAW, Ch( ' Brfdgopc ir pacKIng . ....... .,, ....,.„.,^,,'M Kim street. Agents wanted overy wbero^ 44w4 county In tho {United Stales, by sample, T ulcketlaf any """ orders nor wook. It will outsell "Uncle Tom't VaMn. omploy no general agents, but pay extra commission. iprccl" * ...... S vlng full particular SHYNG COVWartftrd, Ot. Ol.f agents will upprcclato this Item. Send for clrcu- !W..K^.W.J r J. ,l Lj?riti.eiiUirs.. Address rlAlt'l'FOltD 4t'> K A A TO »8,000 PER VKARi-An, (Jjfl.yUv Is wanted In every town in tt Ion, to make and aoll an article of daily consumption In overy fatrdly. I t l e bnttroly as Hour. 44w4 Address IrOUIS COBtBNTZ. Mi.hlletown, Md. 1 * PKlt DAV SOltK-Ndmoi , . ! > » . advance. Agontn wanted sill onr Patent l'hmlmtlng " Address tho American Wire w ., %, «t^De«bo«t^i,.01»icago, 111. tt?-fe ^Di.Mpt aarr •llllhm-st. i if }HNO » '.'.. . •• m.i'ft'. 1 ,'," 'Among tho many restoratlvoH which natu died to relievo the afflictions ofhumanlty, riore favorite one foil » certain cUw« of dli nature has sup- "~ there IH no than lit themselves of canal worth. This liappy'inliigllng exists to aroiuarkable degree in whose valae w c WhooiWng Oangfay tipn^an4>cipTeu,t uiw ;i,-/f*W iliarrt of Wild Cherry, ig Coughs, Colas, lli.niehltln, up, Anthnia, FiilinonatV AITce- iHiimplion la Inestimable. Tostlmony. , no., Depot Master of I WAS most severely Afflicted i, with Its usual, accoinimnl- W ANTBD.--I11 ovory a good man to soli Chamberlain's Combination Square Plumb, Level and Bevel. The greatest invention of tho ago. and ono that every Mechanic, Workman and Farmer In tho land will buy. Hortd address, with lianio, State, County and Pqst Of- flco, plainly written, and we will sond circulars and terms. W, 8. BATCHKLDKU 4 CO., 1141 w4 Pittsburg, Pa. IAKS TfMB BY T1IK VOItKLpCK f—If you havo not already used the celebrated Paragon Sulera- tus, make no further delay, for while you are using oilier common brands, both your health and your pocket aro Suffering. The Paragon Saloratus is per- fectly pure, and makes liglit, nutritious bread, and Will make a saving of one Bafr0l of Flour to every two persons In one year. (See remarks on Paragon Saturates in pew KncyelqpodlaJ OKO. F. GANTZ A CO., nlhvl Solo Manufacturers. N Y. WANTKD- Men and womcp to sell a new work, the National HandrBook of Faots and Figures, Ilistorijoal, Documentary, .fltatlstioal and Political, from tho Foundation of tho Government to tho pres- ent time. Sent postpaid on rooolpt of $1 60. We 'OKA > il'.lO.nirti, j,,i..t,i,ii;i,,iil J, -StAl from tho Foundation of tho Government to tho pres- ent tlmS. Sent postpaid on rooolpt of $1 60. We havo now rondy the best LIFK of GRANT, by Hon. J. T. Hoadley, at the - ' ' " »*60. S.a. TIlKAT way, N. T7 very low and popular prlco of * CO., Publishers, 664 Broa.1- —— rJHP Agents wanted OF olb!^ By lion. Henry 0. Doming. Tho "tori oitJp worlcythe kind Issued under t/ie sanction and ' itneetf. The author Is ... is stage of matters I nigh' tho Influonco of A neigh- am of Wild Cherry, and, be the effect was almost magical, me, tho night sweats donortort my depressed spirits, and ted my wonted, strength and vigor/ hod mo from the yawning grave You ar.Vat lib- to IIBO this Ibr the buniillt iSf the aflllcte<l." , I by SKTH W. FOWLB A SON, lBTrouiont n, and for sale by Druggists generally. 46wl .Ife In . Mk > *' • • ' ' ' • '• . •' 1 ,,!,. •. > GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE . cures in A Bhoit time CUTS," Bl" SPBAIN WO Lf.r&? jx^]ftoiaif%h.^aHn, WOUNDS, BUUIHKH, w, SALT BUKtJM. BING^' ANDS, BOILS, FKOZKN I, C1I1MII.A1N8, «0. and a mr* p. removes ,, reduces tho most angry-looking nwel matlons, as if by nu§ic, tlnm nffqi "^IftTH v O O W i a * SON, Bostofl,Proprietors,''•" Sold by all Druggists, Grocers, and at country stores. . .: " ni5w4 by the authority of (Irani hllntetf. well known as ono of tho most brilliant writers and eloquent orators in tho country. Agents will find this one of the most Intensoly Interesting biographies over published in America, and-Will meet with a ready aile. For particulars, address J. N, 1SBBLL, 8 Sailna street, Syracuse, N. T: •'" ' 41 New York Piano Forte COMPANY, (eilAUI'K.I.KO MARCH, 1864.) Manufacturers of Onind and Bquarn Agraffe PSano-Fortes, No. 810 and 342 Bsoond Avenue, (omlNK.I Or 20.11 STBIBT,) , , ^ 2 5 W i,:p,BK. 8end for descriptive L'atiiloguo and l'ileo List. 4im$ SOHUTZE * LUDGLFF, '" (KHTAHLI8!ll.:i))N1H.».) MANUFAOTURURS OF Till! NllW PATENT Monitor Plato DOU3JI-.KIKONFBAME PIA^O ..TONE'S; COMPtitlTl:' ^UOTBOyiON AGAINST WBT, P9f.D A^D HOT CWMATB. Waro-room», 402 Broomo tat., N. Y. •i The l'atent Monitor Plate Pianos by their peculiar construction are suporlor to all others, and their mer- it consists in the wrest plank being supported by the 'toetotte^«'ta^^' S l^S iW? ' e ' , AS ^be flnaUty pf, Judges fy no ii Power,tad Bwootnoss of Tono, li '.' Touoh and Boauty of Most nattering>.ert.iflrAt«s of excellence froni Thai berg, Uotteehalk, Hlrakoseli, Vluiis tomiis, And A largo number pf the most distlnguisbed Professors and Ainntcurn. From long enperlcnce nn.l superior fuell- . .ive been pronounced by. the best valod for sy and AgroonUo i ^E®^FW^ia& ken. He. .id for Circular And P.Ice. 1.1st. q43mS T~ KPT We fromiee to< Jbrjtom as we Atfveriiee. ^ ,._ ., •f!)!T; '•! s. VI»I '.in •/.•':•!, 1 7lS'lv;a .-. BRING YOUR WOR£, $iw bne. fir^tf Uttt*n»*iffrt9P* k.i-... :YSA ,'/• ) ' ' ) : . < ' . ! AND w K Mun T«JVtt /i'-WAUKtW .K*»A8 »i OONTI W OB 'TCf tJ5 •rvu't .t.i'1' *tmtwv»..... YAlV, h'Wl IN 'i »;l ! F- a. i b'Vilwfi ifv!» '(IUI lit.' < vi tieuii. A TUKATISIC on dtUrrh, its Ctasi the HSeJR. HStd.JMemor* llroath-sonses of Smell, Taste, Hoaring by 1 Dr. BOWB.Bdltor'New YorkLancef. on receipt of Ten cer.ts. Address Dr. B«st Twentieth street Now York. i And Effects on ,ungs, Throat, Viasjght-- Benrlree 80WB, 91 »-l»W A Calamity Prevented.- -AH those who have been paying the high prices asked' by retailers for DUY GOODS, may now gut every thing At the lowest auc- tion prlco, Just AS cheap by the yard as If purchased tty tho case. All orders of «I5 or moro sent to be paid toi on delivery. Catalogue of Goods And Samples sent free to Any order. P.O. box 6810. SYMONIIH A !X>.. No. 189 Chambers at., N.Y. iillflwS NEW MIMICAL BOOK. tho system by the iiso'of Dit. GOU __ SYBlTP, without Injunr to tho health of tho most dol- icate child or adult. J^ualj^vege^hie. WArrantcd aaMAAaSfw lcatechUd or adult. Purely vegetable. Warranted Also, Mannffictitro ..-:.G. & H. BARMOBB, P I A N O ^ O M- T E MjUrtrFAOTCfRBBS. Ware-rooms, 348 Bloookor Btrsst, Now York Oity. 88 Years Established, and 27 Prize fi Module awardocl. O DB PIANO 1'OKTllU nronow unhoreally acknowl- edged by the li > most msTiNuuisiiKu AH.isvs to be itttred, and wherever they have boon diicod and used, wo are not requited to say ono or.l In their favor, their excellence stands pro-eml- '" • "• " i the ere e BY OS in great nontly to thimo of other makers; and from Success Achieved and Improvements medo. '" i Inst thirty years, we can nllordto sell a flistcliiKs mo Forte at $100 to $160 less ttuui a similar ono the laat Pl»no V can be bought olnuwhoro. llvory Piano Vorte WArmntod for 5 Tears, and to ••"• glvo Batlefnotlon, Onr Pianos are made to last;.tho materials used for ^ vc.y part Are thoroughly seasoned, and of tho very :st quality that can be proonred. No part Is slight- from Hie lo " Intho 1 tone of most pianos, (willel. Is .d grows worse evory dAy.) In- delicate, pure In its vibra- tions, dclightml in its staging capacity, tho power noceBsary to prodnoo OVery di... They Are, without doubt, tho best, the most lastlu i„„:iutli/,.l.^fck^' \y r .,.. . And has nil lesirecl.offect. aud couscquonfly the cL._ A fkl r profit. Out prices ri i.iv!.i.:l est.' We aro igo from otfl ntcnt Witt tO»K00,l«l. PHILl? PHILLIP & CO., N O. W UNION-SQl/ARB, BBOADWA/Yif-W. Y. Wholesale and KotalT Dealers in' ' SMTTH'S UNRIVALED AMBRlCAN ORtlANS, Also, Manufactafers of SUPKRIOR PIANOS ami --lAY-saaooLja^sia-ji j^y ji m? TttAVEfcljJSS' «UIDE. Syraouse, Biiaghauatoaajidi N«w York Railway. HIJMMKIt AllltANtllCMKNTH. jf^HBAPEST, SEOBTBST and QUIOKKBT ROUTB r J _ A' ill) Jr-.i : \u--t to Philadelphia, Baltimore And WASJ , -IJ > i f :•> TBROtlOIl *ARB« to Baltimore, tU.es-; to Phlln.lelphb. $8.00: to New York, {vis Brie Hallway,) $0.15; to XlmlrA, $3.10. •,»)IA««1.\(1K I'llKI.UKII 'IIIItdlid". , On And after Monday, M»y Oth, 1867, tralpa will run AS follows, (Sundays eiceptod): (•nd i* WtAVK SYRACDSKf ••'"l'' '' 4 ' 8.80 A M.-<kmnectiiig At lilnghamton with Kinross Train on the Krlo Rail way, for Now York i !: >< end Dunkirk. '^ >~ B.l» P. H.-C'onuoctlug At Illngbamto • prose Tram on thq Brie h'i l,> 'i With Sleoplng Oareatiacbed,arriving in Now York at 7.10 next nun i.li.g. . LBAVB BraaHAMTON;!' $.48 A, M.-«oniieclltig with the Bxpross Trews on 1 , New York Central Railway, KASt And West. , ; , - 180 P. M.—On arrival of Express Trnli.S from Now . . , York and Dunkirk, And Way Train from iChnlra, and counocttng with Kzpresa .j. ilTtAins On Now York IOISI II ml \ \ <•• I. Through tlfeVote'lei New York, Philadelphia, Balti- more, Kuutm,. Corning, Ac, can l>e procured at the Office of Win. C. Ilray ton, north side of the New York i with An Kx- UllwAy Kast, %& Al Railway, Central Railway Depot, and at the Ticket Office, cor- ner of Onondaga aud Clinton streel ftl OKO. HAVEN fSutterintentltnt. Erie Railway. O N AND AKTEH Monday, Nov. 46th, 1«07, trains will leave lllnghsmtoh at about tho following hours, viz: GDINQ WK6T. 4.24 P. 8.33 P. 8.80 A. M,—Night Kxprcss, (Mondays oxcoptedj for H..ehCBtor, Buffalo, Hnlsmnnca And Dnn- klrk, making direct connection with '" ' ' trains oftno Atlantic and Great Western, Lake Shore and Urautl Trunk Railways, for all points West; also at Owego for Ithaca, aud at KlmtrAforCAnamlAlgua. . Conncctllig as above. .'•• 8.12 A, K.- Mall Train, (Sundays excepted,) for Buf- : I'nlo and Dunkirk, coiiii.'i'lliig at Kholrn for CanandAlguA. 1.60 P. M.—Klmlra Accommodation, (Sundays Oxccp g il.) conuocting at Klmlra for llarrisburg. illadolphla ami ll.e South. >y Bxpress, (Sundays -excepted,) for Rochester, Buffalo, and the West. Con- nects al Owego for Ithaca at Elmlra for CaiiandAlguAi And At Buflklo with the take Shore and Qrand Trunk Railways, for All points West and South. M.-BxpresB Mali, (Suudays Mcepted,) for BuBuo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, con ,, oectlng With trains for the West; Also at Klmlra for Cauandalgua. 18.117P.M. KiolgrantTrain, Dally. forthoWr-X. 2.39 P.K.-r-Way Freight; (Sundays excepted.) OOINO KAST. 3*12 A M, Night Bxprcss.DaUy, connecting at Qray- court for Warwick; and at' New York with afternoon trains and steamers for _ Boston aud Now England cities, i 6,68 A, ItVcft ' connectl t'lillii.l.'lpi en for IlAwley, and at Uraycourt forNew- bttrgbarjd Warwick. 1,80 P, M.—Day Bxpress, (Sundays excoptcd.) con- . necttng At (Jroat Bend for Scrantob; at tackawaxen for llawley; aud at Jersey City with midnight oxprcss train of New Jersoyltallroad for lTilladclplila, Bait)- moro and Washington. Also At Oray- court for NowburgJi and Warwick. 4.66 P. M.—Accommodation TrAIn, DAlly. 8,44 P, M.—New York And Baltimore Mall; (Sundays . excepted.) 9.64 P, M.-^vlglitidng Kxprcns, (Sundays excepted); oonneotihg atJorscy Oity with morning express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore Aud Washington, And at Now YOrk with morning express trains for Boston aud the Kast. inn mi'piii'ui. .inu.s aim muauicrs lor tosltoo and Now England cities, i ihclnuatl Kxproes. (MondAys oxceptod,) onnectlng At Great Bend for Scraaton, lilladelphlaand Trenton;'at UckswAx- , M^-WAy Freight, (Sundavs oxeepted ii. R1DDLB. tit n't t 8.48 A. WM. R. BARR, Uetfl Pau.4oeiU. I** A now and complete 'Pock. Passenger Trains on the Krlo Ral recently been jiubll ipllenilon lo tin. Ticket AgeutAt the ni Time Table" o .way and connect- ing lines baa recently been published, and can be procured on Company's oi New Yorit Central Kailway. SYRACUSE STATION. O N ANDAFTKR Monday, Nov.ap. 1807, Passenger Trains will leavo Syracuse SB follow*: GOING WEST. No. 1-1S.85 A. M.—aiireot Road) stops at Port By! ron and Palmyra. No 8-0.88 A. M.—(DirectRoad) stops at Port Hyron, Lyons and Palmyra, No. »--«. 45 A.M.--(Auburn ltoadj stops at all sta- tion* No. 7—7.80 A. M. (Direct Road) stops at all stations. No. (. l .,ni P. M.—(Auburn lioad) stops Al all siai Ions. No. 10-2.06 P. M. -(Direct Road) stops st Clyde, Ly- ous, Newark and Palmyra. No. 11—7.16 P. M—(Direct Road) stops at nil stations. No. It -1 10 P. II,- (Direct Road) stops at Port Byron and Palmyra. No.ia -7.90 P.M.-(Auburn Koad) stops at all stations. No. 14—10.00 P. M.- (Direct Road) stops at all stations. No. 7*-<k4» A. M— (Auburn Road) runs Sunday mor- nings to Roehoster. Nos. I, and 6, Direct Road,and 7, Auburn Road, aro the only trains going West on Sunday. NOB. 8 and 6 Arc tlio only trafws going Kast on Sun- day. No. 0 going Bast, and 1 going West, will not bo run on Monday mornings, nl WM. G. LAP1IAM, DivMott Suv't. GOING KAST. No. 2—18.10 A. M—Stops at Oneida. Home. Vtlca Little trails, St. Jolinsvlllc, Ponds and Schenectady -Stops at Rome, Utic. , JolniBvllle, Fori Plain, Palatiuo Stops at Rome, I'tica, Little Falls, No. 0-4 15 A M St Bridge, Fonda, Amsterdam and Scho nccUuly. Connects via Athens with Day Boat for Now York. No. 14—7.16 A. M— Stops at all stations. No. 10—11.10 A. M.—Stops at Chittenaugo. Rome. Utl c«, Llttlo FalJ "' " '• No. 18-1.86 P. M nod Sohenectaay. " Stops at S o Johnsvllle, Konda Otica, Little Falls fc Bt psatR..... V, ^,,w.,, St. Johnsvluo, l'alatlno Bridge, Alnstor^ dam and Schenectady. Arrive at Albany 0.20 P, M. No. SO—t.OO P. M. Stops at all statiims as far cast as Palatini. Bridge. No. 80—8.10 P. M.—Stops al CanaastotA. liomo, Utica. Little FallB,. St. JohnsvlUo, Fonda and Schenectady. Due in Now York at 7.00 A. M. A Fair Trial Asked, ^ AND Oomparison Invited! EOUSE, HUBBARD <fe 00., In the targe, fine Store, one door north of J. S. Sgvlret <# Co:t Store, Cortland, N. Y, T-VBALKRS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS FARMERS' PRODUCB, FLOUR and KKKD SALT, SUGAR, COFFKK, TEA, 8YRTJP, MOtASSKS, PORK, LARD, BUTTER, ODKBSE, SMOKED MEATS, D1UED FRUIT, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, A,c, .vi. We ni e well and Amply supplied with all the neces- iry VArletles oi stock, togotner with the Applliuices to Meompaulmcnts which tend to make up a sarv sitd upanlmcnts F1KSTCLA8B onoc JIY3TOJIK And by honest *nt\ consistent (Utdingi wo hope to win And long letaln the confidence Of the public. GOODS ARE WARRANTED TO BB AS REPRESENTED, and our Term* are Reaeonaolo. Claiming .ni innIn.i superiority, wo request simply 11 FAIR TRIAL And . COMPARISON OF GOODS I C. D. JtoiisK. 8. B. ll.i.oiAiio. H. R. JtoiisM. al muh Crreat American Tea. . COMPANY OUTDONE. Ceo* J. J. BARBER, .. ,. J^OMBB, K. Y., Having perfected nnangements with ono of the largee ^POiUTINCr HOUSES, Directly from China And Japan, is now recelvlsg And I ' prepared to »dll a Superior Quality Japan Teaat $1, '', *«r?l. A Ohina young flyson Tea at $1, Which he will warrant as good as any that An lie pur- chased of the AmericAii Toa OottapAny At $1.98, or money refunded. Ail. OTHBB QOAUTIKS AND PBICBS IN SAMB PROPORTION 1 mi "•• ' ' Send yonr orders to JABBEH'6 ftiUBATi'TEA.aTOBi;, August 1.1807. . i A . TAX SALE. STATK OF NEW YORK, jyOTP ..! OoArmwuuoi'f O m c i , Albany, May let, ties. , <s, \Z& tr $' y J'l f 1 x '' y"»iian» to Seetlons 61 * , and «3, Title 2, Chapter Jm, ) AW , of 1NM <hl tho following described pieces or parcels of bind, site Ate in the county of Cortland, which were sold lot ar- rears of taxes In Novomber, IHfVi, remain unredeem- ed, and that payment Into tho Treasury of this BUte of the sum set opposite each piece or parcel of Unrl so describod, will bo required to redeem the same tt tho expiration of the lime for such redemption, which wlUlio lbs Mth day of November, 1808; and unless the said pieces or parcels of land aro redeemed on or before the«Ald 84th dAy of November, 180K, they w ||| be conveyed to the purchaser* or their assigns. WILLIAM K AtLBN, Comptroller. Name of tract and description of I f'i •.'' FllillllM. 88 All of sub. 1 lying w. "I ,• •• «A„bd.e.by'roAd, s. by sub. line, w. by lot lino, 80r, wldo- 70A .......... 88 S..I.. 1 i:«i;.. . :>i lid, n. l.) Mcrasmns Jlllam,e. by Jridlfh Piorco 18d, s. by Moses Kinney and John Hills, and w. by David Mathews- S8a II. E2 4 N. W. 8 14 Orand Division. MASSACliUSBTTS 10 TOWNSHIPS 891 IW. n. by W|l»on, b. by Wm. Rockefeller, a. by Freeman Fo*ter,w.by8.J»ckson-»78A. 1 N. W. 8 So Solon. S» Sub. 4Around»A.,s. w.cor.—MA. U N. W. a as S4 SUtcs' 100a., ex,.8xa., a. w. cor. ; 08tf* ...... ,...". v 40 N. W. cor.—100* 40 Bob.'4—104a ,..:.,, 40 Survey 80A., b d . n . u y A n M SiH-r- i!..n's land. o. and * by II, t W. w. 1S M 1§M ..-», o. And OrAy's I..... I. w. by town 1 M BdVn.'by H. Oriy's'landl e by'cl by Dauiei Carney's te/iot tines; KllikB.lllM. t N. W. 14 08 8 N.W. 89 48 M Military lot, bd. w. b/l Doiiflat and Wli «• . 70 Bute*'100*.. s^u'd'e; n aidw. bytH). O BathAwAy-lfjOA... ".. x 8. Lnl Virgil. r.bf land of Da- vid Douglas MI.I VVInslow nn.l Mistier, s. by John Benton... 8 All. 8 04 88 ltd n. and w. by lot line, s. In lands of Wlnslow And SlAft**.. la All. 8 84 68 Bd. A. by BArnea, *. by highway, w. bylllU..... . T? .... ;.U) AM. %m 68 N. W. sub. bd. n. by town line, e. by highway, w. by Hutch- cus aud 0. y. Frank, 100*., ex. 40a beg. at a stake in the n. e. .... cor. of sub. 8, on lot Hue, 11, e. on n. line of lot 80c. mil., ton. w cor. of sub. 8,80c., In. w. on • n. Une of subs. 10 and 6 80c. 001. to A stake, th. n. 80c. to beg., confclolng 40*., leaving 60 All, 4 04 U48w0 ,,,?• ^Sherlflf's Sale. S UPREME COUBT.-Ollvor Olover M'St Timothy Smith aud Alums Stebblns, By virtue of A judg- ment of foreclosure and sale made In the above eim- tied action on the 8d day of November, 18U1, the suh Bcrllier. Sheriff of Cortland oonnty. In tho State of New York, will sell at public auction, At to* front of owtSiod. day of June, 1888, at ten o'clock in the foi Iu the county of Cortland, on 'une, 1888, *t tea o'.l...-k in the fcreuooBof nisi (lav, the real ostato and mortgaged promises di- rected by said Judgment to be sold, and therein de- scribed as follows : "All that pioce or parcel of lAnd i-ii.uiii' In the town of Cortlandville, In the county of Cortland aud State of New V.u', It being A part of lot number ilfty-Blx, And bonnded AS follows, vl*; Hi-ginning five chains east of the northwest oomer of said lot No. nit v i-lk. and ruunlug thence south six deerees, east .nine chains And roiiy-throe links to * stake And stouea; thence oast sixteen chains and iiiiiu-ilvo links to»»t*ko and stone*; thenotaorUt nine chains and thirty-eight tlsk* to the north line of said lot; thence west seventeen chains and **voMy- slx link* to the •-' • ' ' teen acres of land from miscs. ISAAC W. BitoVVN, Sheril MCOKAW & KIHT.I-I 11 11. Attorneys. i.46w7 to the place of beginning, containing *lx- Hof laud;" excepting and reserving ten Acres om tho east end of the Above described pro- l! fl'HKMK COUR?-^oimTY or OoRTLihp.-IlAt- - guardian, Jacob llr Siiuimous for relief. K; tie Spencer, by her guardian, Jacob Drown, vs. William H.Spencer. Siiuimous for relief. To Wil- liam 11. Spencer, defendant:—You are hereby snm- ininiod to answer the complaint of Uattle Spenoer, iv her guardian, Jacob Brown. plalntlfT, which w*s Sled in the office of the Clerk of Cortland county, on the liuh day of April, 1808, aud to »urve a copy of roursiiswor on the subscriber, at his ofile* in Cort- you i land village, Cortland county,-' N. V., within twonty i , *s ' ! *|l lpla A. P, SMITH, county,. days after the service of this summons, excluslyo of tiic d.iv of service, or the plaintiff will apply t rt """ Court for the relief demanded in Hie complsfnf. Ii45w7 Plaintiff's Attomoy Cortland Village, I Y. STATE 04 NEW YORK, | ime..AMI CUUMTY CI.IUIK'S Omo, N 'OTICK Is hereby given that panels of Grand and Petll Jurors, to serve as such at a Circuit Ootirt and Court of Oyer and Terminer, lo bo held at the Court House In Cortland vlllago, tnandfii. the county of Cortland, on Monday the ami flay of June, 18fM. at ten o'clock A. M , will be drawn at the office ofthe Clerk of said county, on Thursday, the 11th day of Juno, at ton o'clock A M. Dstuil Corllajutvilld, May 13, 1H68. II4RW8 FRANK PLACE, Clerk, S UPREME COUKT-COUNTY orConTU.Ni>.—S*r*h A. Meado vs. Ktios Meade Summons for relief. To Kuoe Meade, defendant: You are hereby sum- moned to answer the complaint of 8arAb A. Meade, plaintiO', a coy of which was filed In the office of th* Clerk of Cortland county, og the 88d day of April, IKK aud to serve a copy of your answer on the sub- scribers, at their office 'lit the village of Cortland, Cortland county, N. Y., wllhlu twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive or the day or ser- vice, or, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re- lief demanded in th.' complaint. WATERS A WATERS, i.I'A'.'. Plaintiff's Attorneys, Cortland, N. Y. I N prrRBl'ANCK of an order of A. P. Smith, Sur- rogate of Ihc county of Cortland, notice Is hereby n 'to all persons having claims against the estats 'hfe, of - f Freetown, deceased, that they ar» glv of Isaac l'i required Ui exhibit the samo, wltb the voucher* Hun of, lo the subscriber, tho executor of the said dece*s- ud, at his house in Freetown, on or before the first day of Auifusl. 1HHS Dated January 88, 1888. It. L. DART. SOinC Executor of the est&lo of ISAAC Utile, deo'd. hey i I the I N PURSUANCE of an order of A- P, Smith, Sur- rogate of the county of Cortland, notlco is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate Hinds, of Cortlandvllle, deceased, th*t they of Jo are rooulred to exhibit the seme, with the voucher* thereof, to the subscriber John Ousby, the executor of the n.ld deceased, at Tully, New York, on or be- fore the 26th day of July, 1868. Iiutcil jAnuary 18, iu.:- DKIIltAH HINDS, JOHN OUSBY, Administratrix and Administrator of John Hinds, de- ceased. n80m6 Wo fl'8 STANDARD SCALES I .iVKRY DESCRIPTION OF SCALE WAMUKTID li TO SIVR XNTIUK SATisrxoTtON. Send for CAU- ln;:iii. and Circular. Second-band Scales of other ms- keis. taken In jiert pay for ours. For sale OHKAP. HOWE 80ALB CO., 8 P*rk Pl*cc, New York, iil'.'„,.'i 181 Federal St., Boaton. . m A LEOTURi TO YOUNG MSN I Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price tim cents. A Leoture en the Nature, Treatmsnt, sad BAdloai I lire of »|..-i...i.l'ii 11... II, in .''i-niliisl W. ahrii-sB, Invul in.imv Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Consumption, Kpllepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac. -By ItOBKRT f.OUL- VKRWBL1., M. li., Ai.ihin ot the "UreenBook," Ac. The world-renownod author, In this admirable Lee- inn-, clearly provos from bis own experience that tho awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed wttbout modiolus, and without dangerous surglcAi oner - ' cordials. surgical operations, bougies, cordials, pointing out a mode and effectual, by which overy sufferer, no matter what . instrument*, i lugs or olntlng out a mode of core at once certain hie condition may vatcly, and radically. 'TliTS' LECTURE PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOU- W ^ J WI$S%1& SANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain envelope, on the receipt of six ceuts. or two postage stamp*. Also, Dr CuivcrwoH'8 "Marriage Guide/' price 85 cents. Address the Publishers, (111A H. J, 0. K 1.1 Nl! * 00, 127 Bowery, H*w York, Pcet^Offlce Box 4,686. "WHITE'S" TYPE rdtrNDBY I PSTABLISIIBD 1810. 63 aX OB Bookman Street, New York. This old-established concern has constantly on hand, and Is propArod to fill, At short notloe, orders for HOOK, NBW8PAPER, AND FANCY TYPE, overy variety, BOB1PT8, BORDERS, OUTS, BRASS AND METAL RULE, LABOR- SAVING RULES, PRINTERS' FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Hand and Power Presses, JOB PRESSES, of overy description. ENGRAVING, STEREOTYPING AND BLBOTROTYPrNQ. Newspaper* and Job Offices furnished complete. Ketltnatoe of the cost of Office* of vtrioi* sixes furnished oh Application. FARMER, LITTIJi * CO., ,,i Proprietors. The material 0* this paper is from this Foundry. DEVEBEAUX, THOMPSON & 00,, B 2 Oedar Street, N. Y. A. F. DKVEHEAUX «fc CO., 8 Central Strofet, Boeton, OOLB HANOTACTtmBRS OF THB ^ R0X>DXCtfsTEAMHNGINB The most Oowpaot, the Slmjije*t,and th* Ohsapeatia this Country or Abroad, A-.iiW The Rated Ifywer and Best Workmanship Goartll. teed. , Olrci ulars and Price Julet on application. •-., Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of m bourses or r - Fultonhistory.com 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortl… · nCTal'1»nia5?to*'p»y fl«r...

Page 1: m bourses or r - Fultonhistory.com 21/Cortland NY Standard/Cortl… · nCTal'1»nia5?to*'p»y fl«r c, the d dol-§-*. ThhriujrBlrftlt trior effect immfr diately^ .JfJt?W«ISHvt ^jmS3Bt&2

- bull bull bull i

XQulMf JW-


fBverylraquow1M raquofSwt time gtoll be prwwilbctt therclnraquoflaquoJi coAmfnce andrUko bullfclttkllaquogtjkrloat t raquo e K raquo t laquo 4 gift laquo f o r o

pMMge bullraquo certftM by the Secretary of SSteT Sec 18 tlthvMhlaquoP- Praquo raquo tovb-bullltl Hlatutcs)

AN AcrrsQt^nmmmtopf trade in and circulation of obece

immoral use raquoiraquoUWcone advertise-

Kawd April 281868 raquo^ TA PtvfrafiraquotattltfXltraquoraquo Qf lBf

tOM S K C 1 If any Pflrlaquoon ball tel l or

offer to sell idilKaJI g ive away or ofshyfer to g ive away any or have iu his or hAjBoateasion with intent t o sell or g lW laquowy any obscene and indeshycent book pamphlet paper drawing painting lithl9grlgth engraving da-

tiole o f indeoent ojr immoral use or artiole of medioinetorthe prevention of conception or^woqusipg plaborlaquo tion or shall advertise the same for sraquoilaquoj priwritfs(OToause to be written or print or cause to be printed any cironlar handbill card book pam-a advertisement or notice of any

bulljtatiag whwr^bowy^wr of raquolaquo4ot t

decent and obscene article and th ings

manufacture draw and expose or draw with intent to sell or t o have sold or print any snch articles every suoh person shall OQ conviction thereshyof be imprisoned in the oontv jail not more than one year or be fined not more than one thousand dollars tor each offense one-third of said fine to

Hew PHwfrmrfpdegx xtrade ovidertoe the person so offending shall be convicted one-third to the school fund of the county in which snoh ofshyfense shall be committed and the reshymaining third to the treasurer of the Kcnalo Guardian Society in the city and oonnty of New York if the conshyviction is in the said oity and county to b^bysaid fcraaaurer applied fro the uses and purposes ot said society as set claquo in any other county of this State then said ret the treasurer said count equal portions to laquoU of said asylums if there bo moro than one to be apshyplied to the purposes of said asylupv or asylums and If there be naatfOb-the Superintendent of the POO ltn$rf a|d county to be applied io the benefit of

$Wtt inV^fen^hal l deposit or cause to bo qepotited in any post-of-tit-o within tbis State or place in charge of any^ express company or person connected therewith or of any com mom carrior or other - person any of the obscene aria Indecent articles and things mentioned in the Hint secshytion of this act or any oircular band-bill card advertisement book pamshyphlet or notice of any kind stating where how or of whom suoh indeshycent and obwene articlesoiWrings can be purchased or otherwise obshytained with the intent of having the same conveyed by mail or ejtg^af ^pj in any other manner or if any person shall knowingly or-Willfully reoeive tho same with intent to oarry or conshyvey or shall carry or convey the same by express or in any other maimer (oxcoptr In the united States mail) everyi person i so offending i shall on conviction thereof be subject for each offense to tho same fines and penalshyties in is proscribed in laquoaid first sec tion of this act for the offensesi thereshyin set forth and said fine shall be digt vided and paid in the same manner al thorein provided

f 8 All in agist rates aio autlinnr-l on due oomplaint supported by oath or affirmation to issue iwarramt dishyrected to tho sheriff of the county within which such complaint shall be made or to any constable marshal or (Milieu olticor within said county (pro- vided nevertheless that nothing in t h i s a o t c o n t a i n e d s h a l l b e c o n s t r u e d t o alteet a l t e r d i m i n i s h or e x t e n d o r in any wise intertisrp with the powers and authority of the1 Board of the Metropolitan Police) directing him ilicm or any of thorn to search for seiee and take possession of suoh obshyscene ami indeoent books papers ar-tioles and things and said magistrates shall transmit enclosed and under seal specimens thereof to tho District Attorney of his county and shall deshyposit within the county jail of his county or suoh other secure place as to him shall seem meet enclosed and under seal the remainder thereof and shall upon the conviction of the pershyson or persons offendingunder^ any of h the provisions of this act forthwith i destroy or cause to be destroyed the remainder thereof so seised as afore-

eTtipguishmerrt of the prlncipatot tho lofhs ido Ader Ject i thrraquo arB- elf seven of fmo Constitution Ihe sum

no lnvMtffeWr TUTSIIM fuifd WiaTT be made except from the surplus reveshynues of the oanjjbLjfeoeived dnrinur the year after paying the interest on the debt contracted under said section three artiole seven^|yfWrTgtr^ I T

nCTal1raquonia5topraquoy fllaquor c the d dol-

sect- ThhriujrBlrftlt trior effect immfr diately^ JfJtWlaquoISHvt

^jmS3Btamp2 NEW YOKK ^SSff i feW^iB^K^Bi^ l^^ i ^BflAsVoompaMrrfwwM^aiBg wim-ane

original law on file in lute office and do


iterest ana rcuccjii be loan o f t w o miJL

oaMnglaebt o f tho

To pay the gei necessary expenses of the S t a t e sum of t w o hundred thousand lars

sect 2 The following suras are hereby appropriated out of the proceeds of

two hundred and seventy-one of the laws oi eighteen hundred and fifty-nine to pay tho interest and redeem the principal of the lions one hundred t provide for the floating State

To pay tho interest on said loan for the fiscal year oltfUnoncing on the (first day of Ootober next one hundred land two thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary

J3amp)ampvijWv$r the sinking fund to ipay the prinoipal of the said loan the [sum of two hundred and fifty thousshyand dollars being for one years conshytribution to said fund as provided for by the said aot ^ y ^ y j f ^ r $

CHAP 846 AN ACT to re-appropriate moneys for

extraordinary repairs and improve-menttXpound T _poundnas f o Wa rections ofthe CariaT Board for paying awards of the Canal Apshypraises prior to eighteen hundred

tbisoenanepWimUakJ against the State for the improvement ot the Champlain canal for the extension of the Chenango dbnal jt for the I poveJent I f thlgt Oenleee Vail aMkti and for the improvement of V R I i n i t euroraquolaquolaquo JV1 V11V bull I U W 1 V I V W V M V V

f lgt M n lfti6 U Sxumym lt9Bf t Cu Bill-

9rp3tlof ink ffle convfotfbn^ f other county of this State then emajni$3tto^riMll raquolt|M to easnrer of the orphan asylum in ounty if therebe 6he 6V ifcs

said and shall eauso to be entered np-on the reoorda of his court tho faot of suoh destruction [ n l lM

8 4 It shall be the duty of the preshysiding judge of every court of ses-sions or oyer and terminer within this State especially to charge the grand jury at eachUnaof tltJdcourtlo^ake not ice of all offenses committed in vishyolation of the provisions of this act

g S This act shall take efieot on

CHAP 848

AN ACTvHv^ogaapnppri^twnajfor the payment of the prinoipal and

^ interest of the canal debt com men oing on the first day of Ootober sui^u^raw payment of the debt Contracted nn-3 9 M ^ N Mamp 9C artiele aarenir the Constitution Passed April 8 18laquo8 three-flfths belnir


^W^ ten foliout

Seiuitr tnact at bullWW

SKO 1 The following suras are hereshyby appropriated out of th4 canal yove-nuos of toe State canals for the fiscal year commencing on the fitat day of Ootober eighteen hundred and sixty-eight

To pay the1 Interest and reiihVinrie the prinoipal of the canal debt aa it existed on the first day of June one thouKMid eight nnnitrccTand forty-six the sum of one million seven hundred

wwarsunu MbdquoK bull fundfor the exingltiijihraent o f the general fund debt the sum ot three

undred wwl fifty thousand dollars For payment of the interest on t h e

loans made under tho Constitution for the enlargement and completion o f t h e canals the sum of seven hundred and ten thousand dollars or so much thereshyof aa m a y be neaeasary

T o ooattitnte a sinking fund for the

Passed April 27 1808 throe-flfths being

9J ttteStateof New rorkrepre-und Ammibtji doemict a fol tented in


WusnruM Is ninet

ptpoundlPirf3lHlM04 t a x and to make an appropriation for the payment of tho expenses of sundry extraordinaryrepairs a n d im-

f rovements of the oompretetl dttrials f this State not chargablo to ordinashy

ry repairs and to pay the increased compensitioii toopntractots awarded odder special acts of the Legislature a n d t o p a y c e r t a i n a w a r d s m a d e b y the Canal Board Contracting Board and Canal Appraisers passefl March twenty-sixth e ighteen Ktirhfrod and s u t y si lt and assigned to tho middlo division of the Canals of this State being) twelve thousand and forty-five dollars j n d fifty-three conts or so much thereof^ aa remains Unexpended on the twenty-sixth day of March eigeteon hundred and BMty-eight is hereby appropriated to tne same obshyject

o r i g i n a l ^

^putture pf Orob|flti8 T h e 4^degl^$(i^gt4 ^ l v^ i 9 n o f

orobirae la orcler to keep them in a healthy and Vigorous state so as to furolal) t^e b ^ ^ f ^ ^ l i a h a ^ a e ^ a j t

to require line npdn line until a thor-upOn iough improvement bullm IfheVrao-tioe jto be bullwe o NothfW^itiraquo-n-iHraquoi^Ialt^lUftblo statement from P Sutton a corresshypondent of that paper apart of which lis well worthy of being transferred to pur columns

In the first place never sow any kind of grain or plant corn in an or-

mbas i^W$fuMgtgtM st is death to the thrifty and healthful growth o f yonna trees P lant potashytoes daraquoat fJBWWlWSplt iS (sect l i m o n g (your trees and y o n will be surprised at their growth when compared with those among- which grain crops nro

zerne set out ad orchard of several acres o f npplo trees iimong

hich rye was grown tho following ason and tho result was just as i g h t have been expected nearly one-

fourth o f the trees died the first sum-roer^ndtfcioae thatiittvedmailo a feeshyble gHiM^imampMMttii set oWamptiMM Mm fifty apple iWlWMraquoregttyeniampltL it

wi$ fjit^- ttiftflw raquowK w tbraquo trewi mirje Aboot two feet growth ^ye^rejxpflpt1iq^868t This yeaif they bare Biany apples and did not nake but about eighteen inohes rrowth Some of the Baldwins had rom two and a half to three bushels

of apples each windfalls noLinohided ThwlfiaaUndHme^if^OB^d amp as well as the apple A distant neighbor bought one him-or^ ^ p t e Uraquoe tiampmiJUWM mjlrth a f c a gt e t o toWttik Mt the tltMraquo0tixjiibdquo M J j M r i B | f f nraquoi make two feet growth up to the above

rentioned time and what was worse large number of tljem died and the

fcrgtJsVWee aniong1 tlemwas notlarge enough to tol^rajieok^^applos

I could cito many more instances in some of which the difference beshytween tarttiyated a ^ ^nftpUtyaftd is more prominent thaa the abpye

bulljjji JJII wiiwPMava Bui i gtTlaquoH NOKWBOIAN KiTpHraquoN -TherP

was a Norwcgiun kitchen exhibited in

ttfft^Jn^petfdl mampampjM^WrfajampVWW wn-Osity in its way It was a small box well coated with non-conducting sub-

i^va|r si

~ uUtvt^fHUi^nK 2^

tmdash 1 8 6 8 bull iHtmtWim tU mitt

v m m ^ m j n n ^ bullbullbullbull ltbullbullbull l j i laquogt X J VA bull -V raquo raquo W V T

[ laquo^r-asvkiwr7JmTti3va Y^ii^pM



19 9 1 a n d S 3

bull bullbullbullrM- bullsPtvwrJH|

WHO liraquoe opened wi th nmowixl effort mid micctM

suraaioB IN aotHtin -i^Alfoftr ii^alfTiJi

cv gtgt-bullgt OKAbulllaquo(bullbullbullgt-ufor laquobullbull bullmnury ilt MI i vgtAlvAStn i - bullbullraquo

1 li til IHIA II) ltltgtgtbullbull

y nvW)rfH(ntrr

(JonBiwU laquo iduraquo lvlaquo ly to ourlaquoelveraquo raquond biiyera will A M It to tholr Interest to call mid raquoee thorn iraquo

iaTOlt K1laquo0 KttW 81f08K0Wl

GOOD aoovii_E^U9^wwtrade AND

oSES^Sftrf t h o u s a n d a n d

d seventy-eight sum of eight twenty-six do cent tied r jan caowiaaking wppropTiSVlona to provide for deficiencies in existing appropriations to meet exist ing exist-

tinpamptiampMtt s t a i i c e s o n t h e p r i n c i p l e o f a r e f r i g e -

Jir^(SSjC wflMiS tlfebbjampt of a rt)laquoger|itocraquo WiWtii KkMUraquo out

inpoundclfUmraquoagainst theStat|raquo and tprenjjr111^ i^ltSwegianklt^plil to keep appropriate certain unexpended baian-

passed undred and

une lt (tenshyded balance of the bundled and thirshyty-seven thousand dollars appropriashyted by tho act chapter two_ hundred and nineteen laws of eighteeii hunshydred and sixty-six being in all ninety-threee thousand foi r hundred and twenty-seven dollars and five cents j and afso the aiimxxf two hundred and thirtydollars ana thirty-seven cents being the unexpended balance of the appropriation bythe aof chapter flyej hundred and fbrty-thrje^aWs of eighshyteen hundred and sixty-six to pay the expense ofbosJpl^itg thraquo enlargeshyment and completed maps of the cashynals of this State and also the sum of fifteen thousand lt two hundred and

appropriated by th^ftfeth seotion of the M^ohapter flve hundred and Ion ty ttireo of the laws of eighteen hun-5red and sixty-six td pay certain mis-

oelUoepus claims against the State in that SCOMOn mentioned aro Tiereby ro-appropriated to the same objects and purposes mentioned and provided in the said acts - - araaaai

8 The unexpended balance of the sum of fiye ltaiidradtraquoraquoBiindtwo jhnndred and fiftyrone dollars and fifshyteen cents re-appropriatodby the aoi chapter three hundred and four of th

I laws of eighteen liundred and sixty six r theeitlertWtiftne Ohefiafigo cashy

nal being eighteen thousand two hunshydred and one dollars and fifteen cents Is hereby rVapprOpriated to the same

deg ySPntia ariexp^ded baianoe of tne re-appropriation byiJiJKaot chapter three tamdred and four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six to pro-^ ( f i f t l ^ l W ^ l ^ f f c ^ W B U m

canal and bdquo -alwsame

ing aevraquou thousadd nine hnndMM and eighty-one dollars and ninety-nine cents is hereby re appropriated tor the same object and pnn

ftWflPwifa IO a p p r o p r i a t i o n tHre^uudredaai eighlEfknVhuhdred and sixty-six to

iipy raquovraquoo) chapter nd four of the law jpf

propriated to tho same object and prtlaquogt-pose

ntnety-eigljttAlBaMaMd fftyowpSents rc_ftlJpropriatod )y the raquoot chapter five hundred namp forty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six to provide for the improvement of the BlaoKiHiyer between the mouth of-Ot- ter creek and Carthage being sevenshyteen thousand two hundred and lortv-fiverdoiraquors^HWlot^ltelaquo^n^^ by i-e-appropria^ to the fiatasvrJHjet and purpoelaquoku i avN raquogt IlaquolaquoHT raquobullltgt

8 7 The sum of flftythlaquoee thousshyand J ve tuad^eo and

it in Boil water for five minutes and put it into this box at tho end of many hours it will be found to have lost little of its temperature and meat immersed in tho water will bo found in due time perfeotly cooked All this is sp well knpwnthaji^i^eed not have repeated the facts Hut I remember that tho N orwegian kitchen has been pirai e^j[eJ^aa^aW t9gtl|lelpoor mtoAJge can1opp^bJt8^fier ^th hiis-b^alFfi^fli^ tho expense of keeping up the poundre till dinner time nor the trouble of tendshying it The Norwegian kitchen needs no cave Five hoars after the meat has been boxed up in it the dinner is ready But the same apparatus may equally serve the needs of richer men The other day at the covert side we had a hot luncheon out of onemdashstewshyed beef and poulet an rix The beef and tho fowl had in the morning been put each in a tin with boiling water the tins wore put into tho Norwegian IKgtX j^heb^ w^ o^r^ side That wi s all i --j|t)(ijl0be |B-

timjfri-badpur victuals amo^ipg hot

laquogt bullbullbull bull r^_^- VY -v i S i a t w r j SAXT AND LlMH y 0 raquo W H K A T ^ - A t a

recent meeting of the Farmers t Hub of the American Inst i tute in N e w York |fr fteprgp Steele pfthprndale

ulaquoedlaquo4t with HmetedlaquolQ^laquo8 -i

thnt one and a half sacks of merchantshyable ground salt or an equivalent o f dirty salt and 25 bushels of lime per aire produce as good wheat as a modshyerate dressing of stable manure and the grass after the wheat is aa good

bull ) t lt gt i i v pound t bullbull gtbull l i re


In larger than fgg bullmPtWMtframpl mMtifct ta

DBT (iooiw DliisiJ GOODS i WAamptmmgffiw to arli


l l bull ^1ijmi w jgtwjvijjffgjmnuiiwwi

New Adyertl^ementM

raquo t t h e d o o raquo lt

Jjf4iV^ljA lit Rjljllllll

c W l A m b ^ bullo tho doctors- bullgtraquolt gt

graquolnraquotj lyi^iX l i

bull V T -bull laquobull

iMgh-alaquoi_ li tho trutl

oforo tholr erei

smity ni w bullftWUlUllo

w^feboi bullbullbullbull^bullgtrt moKelenetrade

r 41 ot lien uii4Miq$ Somtw Praquota M a t hM been tested flfe ofcoti oVlaquor tik inUWevlaquory draquoJr (oxcept SnmlnyB) raquot HO OhMbAfi

bullmi(ldllaquoeraquoraquoo ^o^fllc^fcoiwtantlriwJiwi it Ion tii lorolilni

Iulii 1-Hlnt or lrlraquo It froe of eosi claquoll It humbug toll fiibehood

)(y bull bull i w wlaquoitao poison In onr lips NoriiivtoHwniiowiiowii

ttihty |ioiw)iiwlio biivi own Unit nil wft

t flr Wo want OP bujriilug LluInionU In p l ty r Pou^try raquorowt ir


W e want to know the lawn of health bull - ihuu bull

ikore foon bullbull Wowaui

bullbullltraquobull OrUn

tojifiuu dl ieaee DortoW llllln to imy

Wo know nil Pills havo had tholr day bull i Thatp l fa ic i e d e c e i t

The Lnncet and tho Woody Bowl Wentlflr motf shall greet

gtoH ltH W i t in I bull oe i

I gt K T S

bull-^bulltMO^f^S- - - bullbdquo-bull SHAWLS

woTHa^feRAMR^3i bdquo bull CURTAINS




J nut Imported and received In store gtgt nraquo and we would say to our old customers and the public genshyerally that we havo some

New Designs and Patterns Never exhlblblted In this city or countrymdashnot to be seen at any other plaoe W raquo raquo v raquo always boogfct oor stock C H E A P but thin Spring we havo outdono imr-aelvoA Ooods well bought aro hah sold

| ^ W - B lt C A N - i W E W I L L r

Sell Cheaper than Ever at G R E A T B A R G A I N S 1 Lest than any old or new Stock coat lease mil and Ms-amine

Syracuse March SI 1866 gtiMniS

C O R T L A N D STANDAj t fo



TOStl that

imichn were not made

mVthsnlaquotKilltloee tjjlvos

-T1WL ml tremble- bttt i

imdlnyn on IhulA 1fl^Bo pstalr

He or acute from

Is remoVed ft everappll thoul money or price tot

for mi appllvatlon of TpPj anil nil dle-

M If com-ipter of tho


M ) ^ ^ broken under the touch of the like o noldcrn web whore before Jith|iii lro)i grann fit scores of-

wltnossed the opera

raquo p r a pound n n laquo

Inihe^SSiroiMi just where to find bourses or m

a WMSm LTraquop^degiSoS that romoviw pain only by

man of bnatoOM lie lias been r lFal i yaartrraquoW folks kuow i l ie haa no tlmo to visit race imdash hardly Unto to snatch a

mnnokuDwtlmtlioiiHW tod much hvnor to nial

to stato tho success ho has slshyot his old standard remedy

u J W raquo f patron) bull

oathnomo ho now lints up iho

Stroneer and moro efflflent He of tlilnfnvaliiablc incllclio not lost bopaless canon of catarrh m

I I bull m i l l mdash~- mdash-Ne Mtmmm


J V bull j - Sending as s Club In Our Prast

dnia Dollar Bale of i)ry amp Faaoy

urn i pieoe of gHkferlifa SILK D

PATTBRNaoj Ao1 bull

- ltPIllaquoE OF OOSTP bullbullbullbullbull enisdbringihe paif feW^esrs havo boon

I I i nM rtailUy tioHct our -

Ivbt etiflnotti inorflUmevttal i Olubt lti CO ami lmrtfjHxHnii of other Jinn


Any pin mm urdttrliur either Of the Olnbs inoul lmiil gt1QW can havo their solootluns of promlunis ouu-erated cOrrespohdlAglo tho s i t e of the Club

FREE OP ONE DOLLAR t For n C l u b o f 3 0 (3)i-6ho ofthe foliow-lilcaiHrliiH vlf Dolalnedrosi Jattorui ranwcolored lied Bprcad 100 vlow Turkoy morpoco allium 80 yards sheetuig strlpod caslnnoro delaine drOBS pal torn honoycomb quilt all wool square shawl sot solid gold bosom studs all wool fumy casbmoro mints and vest pattern gentn kalr guard ohaln gold trimmings sllvor platod chased butter dish silver

tod 6 boll I l r t k i balmorai[skirt set jowdlrf slosvobuttons to

plated 6 TOUlo revolving castor on lent sot superior Steel Waded kulvoe and

lack walnut work box of writing desk extra quail- bull--gt- alerts sot jowolry elosVe buttons mdash

itcel bladod kulvos and forks worsted promouraquoile iawl Indieslong gold platod chain ladlesdoublo

gents noavyclmsed solid gold ring solid gold ring bllt ty

Bnlenflldei vtultii and ii^lv geoU cardigan jacket

trade ebony D fldto ivory trimmtnga anparlor Iurkoy moniccosluniplnglMig ladhwMililu-ut llaquoil-ruoral boots 1 F o r a C l u b o f 6 0 ( laquo 6 gt - 0 n raquo of the follow-

fcrown sBee^Ml)gjiiraquojigrraquoyedraUvSr-phUdv S bbrtle reshyvolving castor 8Af yards amiorlor canhinoro for pants and vest pattern laquoWM| Meaty fclinoycOmb quilt1 two fancy colorod bed spreads i pair gents calf boots 4

g t f M g i i b ^ M y m f c l r t U r o 0 s e 0

wood brass alarm clook j ladles all wool cloak pat tern sllvor plated cako or canfibasket fur murTor capo i laIlcn fnHliliumlilo wool Boublo shawl Splen-dld claapod fiimlly lllblo 9xlraquo record page and ongrn-vlugs 8 yds double width wato-iiroof cloaking sot ivory handlo knives with sllvor plated forks one Bitlacocintalu i bull j

i o w S laquo b v r i y ^ l amp i l d ^ V a t

to match good col-Kterna ex-

t lever

bladed knives

raquo ^ ^ s K laquo i r 4 j pSffglnu call I nllvci- lumlhig-cHacd patent lovoi

^udlcd Bloel bladed knlyen graved six botUo revolv died slcel bl MT84 si b

joaator wltji cut glass bottles splendid violin Xteofbtfwicortplote Single barrol shot-gun linshyns six-barrel revolver pair nupeilor whllo woo)

-lraquororn tchor i lftinay sllvert

llanketn nlco fur milff an graved ico pitcher with m jarils nil woil finny cnwlniere for nult one doou

lanketn nice for miiff and cape sliver putted en-raved_Ice pitcher with nnlvcr seVen and one-half

ore fi gtrVs lt ltogors best silver plated forks common seose sewshy

ing and ombroldcrlr comb qui l t s tograph page

Ing and ombrolderlogmachine) two heavy honoy- nple 11(111 fan illy HI blc record nnl plio

b lo to readanewsnepor without laving it on a dunk and who could scarcely wrlto tbeir in foek|gtflnd Imrtieot lebeBedt rint bdttl

om hold bttftles

be wholly rlaquoBtbro(tgtom that dlsgiiBtlng disease OA-TAHltH which leads dlrectlvto lung complaints dyspepsia woak norven pain fit tho side and stomach

Snil liver ciinplaliit Doctors in general do not un-orstiiuil Catai rli ami few aro bold enough to deny It

Nothing ever taken Into the stomach can euro it for tho dlsoano In In the bead You might as well put a

Cluster on tho foot to cure an ulcor on the hand Ia irm is an ulceral Ion In the head and a running sore

the matter foils In tho throat and ologs it at night runs down to tho stomach and uiiilernilnen the whole constitution bull bull | K

Catarrh snuff trill always produce catarrh and agshygravate tho disease A nnoefiels natures most omshyphalic N A and dustof any kind Is most positively in-

You must cine (he fostering ulcer In the head and the dllllinlty in the throat and stomach from this load gf nlilegiu constantly pouring from the Jioad Is removed It must Be elenncd out liinleiid of nddnlg snuff and more tilth bull bull laquo

liny none of the Doctors remedies unless to pure tphlfwrappersJi

COT THIS Ol)T$oSt it up and hover forgot there is ONB PLAOK yon can go or lie carried and have dl physical pain removed tree ef

ewYc Jess

J expenso at No 110 iliatliaiu-squarp New York wlienall other doctors

j lvc you up as hope) Inlks pOBSMSOd of common wit

liny bottlos that white Wrappers fit llut fools lira often caught and sold

With tintedWrappers brown and old tfiwe

3 t AND A NEW bdquo Nervous Dieouos with their successful treatshy

ment sent trco br enclosing stamp to 44wa DK LOUIS 80S East 88th St New York

A t t ^ ^ W f t e i salt and Ume have been applied Br plowing and harrowed in the

of ajfofl

unappropriated surplus of tho tax o i g h t y b hundred and sixtr-five hereby appropriated and to be applied trade tbmoikii tiwaMii tammmm the Eastern Division of the Erie laquoa-uatallaquottlaquobpoints and ulaoos on the said division as may be designated b

btinit The rook pri Jrg^es farm aw^p^t^^Th^^ili gtei^ dllaquoy and)pani was Cxhaosted i^pat 78 year ajp and itraquo -flqlftira^ raquoblaquott-IIOIHHI I jt has-siriopbepn ilaquool)|iflraquoed frpm barrenness by an improved sysshytem of agriculture and tho use of lime aa a mtmuro The land to which the salt was applied has been froquently Umed which fact may be important in considering the effect of the salt apshyplied alone About twice the above mentioned quantity of salt alone Mr

believes to be as good for this land as the salt and lime




^ 5 A gt A L L W O l t K

bullj l i

- ( Litsj ioampJ


lIMtl T 1

X l e s t -ktytb oiT t l i e A r t


bull| raquo6htS7imAV- JSVAtt

O J C N T B A L N E W Y O R K t

i i - 1

3 tt 3 Q M A laquo1gtBKPS - vfANOY^BIliraTNG^

n n ( i It i ^ -

bull -ijw cr nvi TW^AO -JT am A N D IN HHOUT

OB- PmiMampUUgtm eibW8ciw8

Of Kvory Douoription bull

laquoraquoraquoraquo iwu aa may De oes ignatea Dy

to and apt i iav4

itiously got hold of the stencils and ileioratoil heir bull white blanket with laquo Ellsworths ohoioe in bright bull red biters after whichshe strutted down

street to Ellswc Is raquo bachelor

h Po1

a laquo B j R s wntfiA

ltrraquoY m erraquolaquoftrtUI K)-a-JTnMbulllaquo

of the aforesaid Uiiimittimd who



B iui Patriots of the P a y An elegant octavo vol ume richly Illustrated with 18 beautiful Stool Kngravlnifn and a portrait Of tho author Mrs

HARRIET BEECHER STOWE Agents say It Is the best and teUi the book they ever sold Homo are taking


For larger Club thlaquogt value Increasshyes In the oamo ratio CiitnloRito qf (looln andSample BIWII to any address hoi Mend money by ielnteiel letter

Address all orders to - bdquo bull

ALLEN HAWES amp 00 bull 1 0 F e d e r a l S t B o s t o n M a s s

P O B o x O Wholesale Pealors )n Dry and Fancy floods Cutlery

llatel Ware Albinos Leather Ooodi laquoo WWwii

bull sTpoundjLWgtyen-i bull SILVER PLATIjra FLUID

tN8iAJjTAMK0g8LY olMos Copper Brass Qraquor-i man Silver Bronzo amp c w i thPuroS i lver makes

worn out Plated Ware as good as new and if used regularly for cleaning it prevents ita sllvor from bc-Ing wmn off and la the best article in use for Cleanshying and Polishing lure Silver Willi N o fiimlly qnce using It will ovor afterwards do without it It is uio only genuine 8ILVKK PLATING FLUID ill the marshyket All others Are bnne and worthless ImltnlIons and most of mom are dangerous deadly poisonous eonipnniil) of pilokiillver Buy Aud use nouq but Shaws which is the original and only genulno and is for sale by Druggists everywhere Put up In 2OK bottles Price 60 cte SAinplos for trial sent free by mall onreceipt of 88 cts to pay for packtnj noslago Address JT SHAW Ch( Brfdgopc

ir pacKIng bdquo^M Kim street Agents wanted overy wbero^ 44w4

county In tho United Stales by sample


ulcketlaf any orders nor

wook It will outsell Uncle Tomt VaMn omploy no general agents but pay extra commission


Svlng full particular SHYNG COVWartftrd Ot

Olf agents will upprcclato this Item Send for clrcu-WK^WJrJlLjritieiiUirs Address rlAltlFOltD

4 t gt K A A TO raquo8000 PER VKARi-An ( J j f l y U v Is wanted In every town in tt Ion to make and aoll an article of daily consumption In overy fatrdly It le bnttroly as Hour

44w4 Address IrOUIS COBtBNTZ

Mihlletown Md

1 PKlt DAV SOltK-Ndmoi gt raquo advance Agontn wanted

sill onr Patent lhmlmtlng Address tho American Wire w laquot^Delaquobolaquot^i01raquoicago 111


^DiMpt aarr

bullllllhm-st i if H N O

raquo bullbull

mift1 Among tho many restoratlvoH which natu

died to relievo the afflictions ofhumanlty riore favorite one foil raquo certain cUwlaquo of dli

nature has sup-~ there IH no


lit themselves of canal worth This liappyinliigllng exists to aroiuarkable degree in

whose valae w c WhooiWng Oangfay tipn^an4gtcipTeut

uiw i-fW

iliarrt of Wild Cherry ig Coughs Colas lli niehltln up Anthnia FiilinonatV AITce-iHiimplion la Inestimable

Tostlmony no Depot Master of

I WAS most severely Afflicted i with Its usual accoinimnl-

WANTBD--I11 ovory a good man to soli

Chamberlains Combination Square P lumb Level and Bevel

The greatest invention of tho ago and ono that every Mechanic Workman and Farmer In tho land will buy Hortd address with lianio State County and Pqst Of-flco plainly written and we will sond circulars and terms W 8 BATCHKLDKU 4 CO

1141 w4 Pittsburg Pa

IAKS TfMB BY T1IK VOItKLpCK fmdashIf you havo not already used the celebrated Paragon Sulera-

tus make no further delay for while you are using oilier common brands both your health and your pocket aro Suffering The Paragon Saloratus is pershyfectly pure and makes liglit nutritious bread and Will make a saving of one Bafr0l of Flour to every two persons In one year (See remarks on Paragon Saturates in pew KncyelqpodlaJ

OKO F GANTZ A CO n l h v l Solo Manufacturers N Y

WANTKD- Men and womcp to sell a new work the

National HandrBook of Faots and Figures

Ilistorijoal Documentary fltatlstioal and Political from tho Foundation of tho Government to tho presshyent t ime Sent postpaid on rooolpt of $1 60 W e


gt i l l O n i r t i j i t i i i i i i l J - S t A l from tho Foundation of tho Government to tho presshyent tlmS Sent postpaid on rooolpt of $1 60 W e havo now rondy the best LIFK of GRANT by Hon J T Hoadley at the - raquo60 Sa TIlKAT way N T7

very low and popular prlco of CO Publishers 664 Broa1-

mdashmdash rJHP Agents wanted OF olb^

By l ion Henry 0 Doming Tho tori

oitJp worlcythe kind Issued under tie sanction and itneetf The author Is

is stage of matters I nigh tho Influonco of A neigh-am o f Wild Cherry and be

the effect w a s almost magical me tho night sweats donortort

my depressed spirits and ted my wonted strength and vigor

hod mo from the yawning g r a v e You arVat lib-to IIBO this Ibr the buniillt iSf the aflllcteltl

I by SKTH W F O W L B A SON lBTrouiont n and for sale by Druggists generally 46wl Ife In Mk bull gt bull bull bull bull bull bull 1 bull gt

GRACES CELEBRATED SALVE cures i n A Bhoit t ime


WOLframp jx^]ftoiaifh^aHn



and a mr p removes reduces tho most angry-looking nwel matlons as if by nusectic tlnm nffqi

^IftTH v O O W i a SON BostoflProprietorsbull Sold by all Druggists Grocers and at country

stores ni5w4

by the authority of (Irani hllntetf well known as ono of tho most brilliant writers and eloquent orators in tho country Agents will find this one of the most Intensoly Interesting biographies over published in America and-Will meet with a ready ai le For particulars address J N 1SBBLL 8 Sailna street Syracuse N T bull 41

New York Piano Forte COMPANY

(eilAUIKIKO MARCH 1864) Manufacturers of

O n i n d a n d Bquarn Agraffe PSano-Fortes

No 8 1 0 and 3 4 2 Bsoond Avenue (omlNKI Or 2011 STBIBT)

^ 2 5 W i p B K 8end for descriptive Latiiloguo and li leo List 4im$






Waro-roomraquo 402 Broomo tat N Y bulli The latent Monitor Plate Pianos by their peculiar construction are suporlor to all others and their mershyit consists in the wrest plank being supported by the

t o e t o t t e ^ laquo t a ^ ^ S l ^ S i W e AS ^be flnaUty pf

Judges fy no ii Powertad Bwootnoss of Tono li

Touoh and Boauty of Most natteringgtertiflrAtlaquos of excellence froni Thai

berg Uotteehalk Hlrakoseli Vluiis tomiis And A largo number pf the most distlnguisbed Professors and Ainntcurn bull From long enperlcnce nnl superior fuell-

ive been pronounced by the best valod for

sy and AgroonUo

i^Ereg^FW^iaamp ken He id for Circular And PIce 11st q43mS


KPT We fromiee tolt Jbrjtom as we bull Atfveriiee ^ _

bull f ) T bull s VIraquoI

in bullbullbull 1 7lSlva -

BRING YOUR W O R pound $ i w

bne fir^tf


ki- YSA bull ) bull bull bull ) lt


A N D w K

Mun TlaquoJVtt i-WAUKtW KraquoA8 raquoi O O N T I W O B TCf tJ5 bullrvut ti1 tmtwvraquo YAlV

hWl IN i raquol

F- a i bVilwfi ifvraquo (IUI lit

lt v i t i e u i i

A TUKATISIC on dtUrrh its Ctasi the HSeJR HStdJMemor

llroath-sonses of Smell Taste Hoaring by1 Dr BOWBBdltorNew YorkLancef on receipt of Ten certs Address Dr Blaquost Twentieth street Now York

i And Effects on ungs Throat


80WB 91 raquo-lraquoW

A Calamity Prevented- -AH those who have been paying the high prices asked by retailers for DUY GOODS may now gut every thing At the lowest aucshytion prlco Just AS cheap by the yard as If purchased tty tho case All orders of laquoI5 or moro sent to be paid toi on delivery Catalogue of Goods And Samples sent free to Any order PO box 6810 SYMONIIH A Xgt No 189 Chambers at NY iillflwS


tho system by the iisoof Dit GOU __ SYBlTP without Injunr to tho health of tho most dol-icate child or adult J^ual j^vege^hie WArrantcd aaMAAaSfw lcatechUd or adult Purely vegetable Warranted Also Mannffictitro

-G amp H BARMOBB P I A N O ^ O M- T E

MjUrtrFAOTCfRBBS Ware-rooms 3 4 8 Bloookor Btrsst Now York Oity

8 8 Years Established and 27 Prize fi Module awardocl

ODB PIANO 1OKTllU nronow unhoreally acknowlshyedged by the li gt most msTiNuuisiiKu AHisvs to be

itttred and wherever they have boon diicod and used wo are not requited to say ono

orl In their favor their excellence stands pro-eml- bull bull i the ere

e BY OS in great nontly to thimo of other makers and from

Success Achieved and Improvements medo i Inst thirty years we can nllordto sell a flistcliiKs

mo Forte at $100 to $160 less ttuui a similar ono the laat Plraquono V can be bought olnuwhoro llvory Piano Vorte WArmntod for 5 Tears and to

bullbullbull glvo Batlefnotlon Onr Pianos are made to lasttho materials used for

vcy part Are thoroughly seasoned and of tho very st quality that can be proonred No part Is slight-

from Hie lo Intho 1

tone of most pianos (willel Is d grows worse evory dAy) Inshy

delicate pure In its vibrashytions dclightml in its staging capacity tho power noceBsary to prodnoo OVery di

They Are without doubt tho best the most lastlu i bdquo bdquo i u t l i l ^ f c k ^ y r

And has nil lesirecloffect

aud couscquonfly the cL_ A fkl r profit O u t prices ri


est We aro

igo from

otfl ntcnt Witt tOraquoK00llaquol


Wholesale and KotalT Dealers in SMTTHS UNRIVALED AMBRlCAN ORtlANS Also Manufactafers of SUPKRIOR PIANOS ami

--lAY-saaooLja sia-ji j ^ y ji

m Tt tAVEfc l j JSS laquo U I D E

Syraouse Biiaghauatoaajidi Nlaquow York Railway


jf^HBAPEST SEOBTBST and QUIOKKBT ROUTB rJ _ A ill) Jr-i u--t to Philadelphia Baltimore And WASJ -IJ gt i f bullgt TBROtlOIl ARBlaquo to Baltimore tUes- to Phllnlelphb $800 to New York vis Brie Hallway) $015 to XlmlrA $310

bullraquo)IAlaquolaquo1(1K IllKIUKII IIIItdlid On And after Monday Mraquoy Oth 1867 tralpa will run

AS follows (Sundays eiceptod)

(bullnd i WtAVK SYRACDSKf bullbulll 4 880 A M-ltkmnectiiig At lilnghamton with Kinross

Train on the Krlo Rail way for Now York i gtlt end Dunkirk ^ gt~ Blraquo P H-Conuoctlug At Illngbamto

bull prose Tram on thq Brie h i lgt i With Sleoplng Oareatiacbedarriving in

Now York at 710 next nun ilig

L B A V B BraaHAMTON $48 A M-laquooniieclltig with the Bxpross Trews on

1 New York Central Railway KASt And West -

180 P MmdashOn arrival of Express TrnliS from Now York and Dunkirk And Way Train from

iChnlra and counocttng with Kzpresa j ilTtAins On Now York

IOISI II ml ltbullbull I Through tlfeVotelei New York Philadelphia Baltishy

more Kuutm Corning Ac can lgte procured at the Office of Win C Ilray ton north side of the New York

i with An Kx-UllwAy Kast

amp Al Railway

Central Railway Depot and at the Ticket Office corshyner of Onondaga aud Clinton streel

ftl OKO HAVEN fSutterintentltnt

Erie Railway ON A N D AKTEH Monday Nov 46th 1laquo07 trains

will leave l l lnghsmtoh at about tho following hours v iz


424 P

833 P

880 A MmdashNight Kxprcss (Mondays oxcoptedj for HehCBtor Buffalo Hnlsmnnca And Dnn-klrk making direct connection with

trains oftno Atlantic and Great Western Lake Shore and Urautl Trunk Railways for all points West also at Owego for Ithaca aud at KlmtrA for CAnamlAlgua

Conncctllig as above bull bull 812 A K- Mall Train (Sundays excepted) for Buf-

Inlo and Dunkirk coiiiiilliig at Kholrn for CanandAlguA

160 P MmdashKlmlra Accommodation (Sundays Oxccp gil) conuocting at Klmlra for llarrisburg illadolphla ami lle South gty Bxpress (Sundays -excepted) for

Rochester Buffalo and the West Conshynects al Owego for Ithaca bull at Elmlra for CaiiandAlguAi And At Buflklo with the take Shore and Qrand Trunk Railways for All points West and South

M-BxpresB Mali (Suudays Mcepted) for BuBuo Salamanca and Dunkirk con

oectlng With trains for the West Also at Klmlra for Cauandalgua

18117PM KiolgrantTrain Dally forthoWr-X 239 PK-r-Way Freight (Sundays excepted)

OOINO KAST 312 A M Night BxprcssDaUy connecting at Qray-

court for Warwick and at New York with afternoon trains and steamers for

_ Boston aud Now England cities i 668 A ItVcft

connectl tlilliillpi en for IlAwley and at Uraycourt forNew-bttrgbarjd Warwick

180 P MmdashDay Bxpress (Sundays excoptcd) con- necttng At (Jroat Bend for Scrantob at

tackawaxen for llawley aud at Jersey City with midnight oxprcss train of New Jersoyltallroad for lTilladclplila Bait)-moro and Washington Also At Oray-court for NowburgJi and Warwick

466 P MmdashAccommodation TrAIn DAlly 844 P MmdashNew York And Baltimore Mall (Sundays

excepted) 964 P M-^vlglitidng Kxprcns (Sundays excepted)

oonneotihg atJorscy Oity with morning express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore Aud Washington And at Now YOrk with morning express trains for Boston aud the Kast

inn mipiiiui inus aim muauicrs lor tosltoo and Now England cities i ihclnuatl Kxproes (MondAys oxceptod) onnectlng At Great Bend for Scraaton lilladelphlaand Trentonat UckswAx-

M^-WAy Freight (Sundavs oxeepted ii R1DDLB tit nt t

848 A

WM R BARR Uetfl Pau4oeiU I A now and complete Pock

Passenger Trains on the Krlo Ral recently been jiubll ipllenilon lo tin Ticket AgeutAt the

ni Time Table o

way and connectshying lines baa recently been published and can be procured on Companys oi

New Yorit Central Kailway SYRACUSE STATION

ON A N D A F T K R Monday Novap 1807 Passenger Trains will leavo Syracuse SB follow

GOING WEST No 1-1S85 A Mmdashaiireot Road) stops at Port By

ron and Palmyra No 8 -0 88 A Mmdash(DirectRoad) stops at Port Hyron

Lyons and Palmyra No raquo--laquo 45 AM-- (Auburn ltoadj stops at all stashy

tion No 7mdash780 A M (Direct Road) stops at all stations No ( l ni P Mmdash(Auburn lioad) stops Al all siai Ions No 10-206 P M -(Direct Road) stops st Clyde Ly-

ous Newark and Palmyra No 11mdash716 P Mmdash(Direct Road) stops at nil stations No It -1 10 P II- (Direct Road) stops at Port Byron

and Palmyra No ia -790 P M - (Auburn Koad) stops at all stations No 14mdash1000 P M - (Direct Road) stops at all stations No 7-ltk4raquo A M mdash (Auburn Road) runs Sunday morshy

nings to Roehoster Nos I and 6 Direct Roadand 7 Auburn Road aro

the only trains going West on Sunday NOB 8 and 6 Arc tlio only trafws going Kast on Sunshy

day No 0 going Bast and 1 going West will not bo run

on Monday mornings nl WM G LAP1IAM DivMott Suvt

GOING KAST No 2mdash1810 A MmdashStops at Oneida Home Vtlca

Little trails St Jolinsvlllc Ponds and Schenectady

- S t o p s at Rome Utic JolniBvllle Fori Plain Palatiuo

Stops at Rome Itica Little Falls No 0 - 4 15 A M St Bridge Fonda Amsterdam and Scho nccUuly Connects via Athens with Day Boat for Now York

No 14mdash716 A M mdash Stops at all stations No 10mdash1110 A MmdashStops at Chittenaugo Rome Utl

claquo Llttlo FalJ bull

No 18-186 P M nod Sohenectaay

Stops at S o

Johnsvllle Konda

Otica Little Falls fcBt

psatR V ^ w St Johnsvluo lalatlno Bridge Alnstor^ dam and Schenectady Arrive at Albany 020 P M

No SOmdashtOO P M Stops at all statiims as far cast as Palatini Bridge

No 80mdash810 P MmdashStops al CanaastotA l iomo Utica Little FallB St JohnsvlUo Fonda and Schenectady Due in Now York at 700 A M

A Fair Trial Asked ^ AND

Oomparison Invited

EOUSE HUBBARD ltfe 00 In the targe fine Store one door north of J S Sgvlret

lt Cot Store Cortland N Y T-VBALKRS IN






Ac v i

W e ni e well and Amply supplied with all the neces-iry VArletles oi stock togotner with the Applliuices to Meompaulmcnts which tend to make up a

sarv sitd upanlmcnts



And by honest nt consistent (Utdingi wo hope to win And long letaln the confidence Of the public


and our

Term are Reaeonaolo Claiming ni innIni superiority wo request simply 11


C D JtoiisK 8 B ll i oiAiio H R JtoiisM a l


C r r e a t A m e r i c a n T e a




Having perfected nnangements with ono of the largee

^ P O i U T I N C r H O U S E S

Directly from China And Japan i s now recelvlsg And

I prepared to raquodll a

Superior Quality Japan Teaat $1


Ohina young flyson Tea at $1 Which he will warrant as good as any that An lie purshy

chased of the AmericAii Toa OottapAny At $198 or

money refunded




bullbull Send yonr orders t o

JABBEH6 ftiUBATiTEAaTOBi August 11807 iA



OoArmwuuoif O m c i Albany May let ties

lts Zamptr$yJlf1x yraquoi ianraquo to Seetlons 61 and laquo3 Title 2 Chapter Jm ) A W o f 1NM lt h l tho following described pieces or parcels of bind site Ate in the county of Cortland which were sold lot arshyrears of taxes In Novomber IHfVi remain unredeemshyed and that payment Into tho Treasury of this BUte of the sum set opposite each piece or parcel of Unrl so describod wi l l bo required to redeem the same t t tho expiration of the l ime for such redemption which wlUl io lbs Mth day of November 1808 and unless the said pieces or parcels of land aro redeemed on or before thelaquoAld 84th dAy of November 180K they w | | | be conveyed to the purchaser or their assigns

WILLIAM K A t L B N Comptroller

Name of tract and description of I fi bull

F l l i l l l l M

88 All of sub 1 lying w I bull bullbull laquoAbdquobdebyroAd s by sub line w by lot lino 80r wldo-7 0 A

88 SI 1 ilaquoi gti lid n l) Mcrasmns J l l lame by

Jridlfh Piorco 18d s by Moses Kinney and John Hills and w by David M a t h e w s - S8a

II E2 4 N W 8 14


891 IW n by W|lraquoon b by Wm Rockefeller a by Freeman Foter w by8 Jraquockson-raquo78A 1 N W 8 So

Solon Sraquo Sub 4AroundraquoAs wcor mdashMA U N W a as S4 SUtcs 100a ex 8xa a w cor

0 8 t f v 40 N W cormdash100 40 Bob4mdash104a 40 Survey 80A bdn u y A n M SiH-r-

ins land o and by II

t W w

1S M 1sectM

-raquo o And OrAys II w by town 1

M BdVnby H Oriyslandl e bycl by Dauiei Carneys

teiot tines K l l i k B l l l M

t N W 14 08

8 N W 89 48

M Military lot bd w b l Doiiflat and Wli

laquobull 70 Bute100 s^ude

n aidw by tH) O BathAwAy-lfjOA x 8 L n l

V i r g i l rbf land of Dashy

vid Douglas MII VVInslow nnl Mistier s by John Benton 8 All 8 04

88 ltd n and w by lot line s In lands of Wlnslow And SlAft la All 8 84

68 Bd A by BArnea by highway w byl l lU T U) AM m

68 N W sub bd n by town line e by highway w by Hutch-cus aud 0 y Frank 100 ex 40a beg at a stake in the n e cor of sub 8 on lot Hue 11 e on n line of lot 80c mil ton w cor of sub 880c In w on bull n Une of subs 10 and 6 80c 001 to A stake th n 80c to beg confclolng 40 leaving 60 All 4 04

U48w0 bull

^Sherlflfs Sale SUPREME COUBT-Ol lvor Olover MSt Timothy

Smith aud Alums Stebblns By virtue of A judgshyment of foreclosure and sale made In the above eim-tied action on the 8d day of November 18U1 the suh Bcrllier Sheriff of Cortland oonnty In tho State of New York will sell at public auction At to front

of owtSiod day of June 1888 at ten oclock in the foi

Iu the county of Cortland on une 1888 t tea ol-k in the fcreuooBof

nis i (lav the real ostato and mortgaged promises dishyrected by said Judgment to be sold and therein deshyscribed as follows All that pioce or parcel of lAnd i-iiuiii In the town of Cortlandville In the county of Cortland aud State of New V u It being A part of lot number ilfty-Blx And bonnded AS follows v l Hi-ginning five chains east of the northwest oomer of said lot No nit v i-lk and ruunlug thence south s ix deerees east nine chains And roiiy-throe l inks to stake And stouea thence oast sixteen chains and ii i i iu-i lvo links t o raquo raquo t k o and stone thenotaorUt nine chains and thirty-eight tlsk to the north line of said lo t thence west seventeen chains and voMy-slx link to the bull- bull bull teen acres of land from miscs ISAAC W BitoVVN Sheril

MCOKAW amp KIHTI-I 11 11 Attorneys i46w7

to the place of beginning containing lx-Hof laud excepting and reserving ten Acres om tho east end of the Above described pro-

l flHKMK C O U R - ^ o i m T Y o r OoRTLihp-IlAt-- guardian Jacob l lr

Siiuimous for relief K tie Spencer by her guardian Jacob Drown vs William HSpencer Siiuimous for relief To Wilshyliam 11 Spencer defendantmdashYou are hereby snm-ininiod to answer the complaint of Uattle Spenoer iv her guardian Jacob Brown plalntlfT which ws

Sled in the office of the Clerk of Cortland county on the liuh day of April 1808 aud to raquourve a copy of roursiiswor on the subscriber at his ofile in Cort-you i land village Cortland county- N V within twonty

i s | l

lpla A P SMITH

county days after the service of this summons excluslyo of tiic div of service or the plaintiff will apply trt Court for the relief demanded in Hie complsfnf

Ii45w7 Plaintiffs Attomoy

Cortland Village I Y STATE 0 4 NEW YORK |


NOTICK Is hereby given that panels of Grand and Petll Jurors to serve as such at a Circuit Ootirt

and Court of Oyer and Terminer lo bo held at the Court House In Cortland vlllago tnandfii the county of Cortland on Monday the ami flay of June 18fM at ten oclock A M will be drawn at the office o f the Clerk of said county on Thursday the 11th day of Juno at ton oclock A M

Dstuil Corllajutvilld May 13 1H68 II4RW8 FRANK PLACE Clerk

SUPREME C O U K T - C O U N T Y orConTUNigtmdashSrh A Meado vs Ktios Meade Summons for relief

To Kuoe Meade defendant You are hereby sumshymoned to answer the complaint of 8arAb A Meade plaintiO a coy of which was filed In the office of th Clerk of Cortland county og the 88d day of April IKK aud to serve a copy of your answer on the subshyscribers at their office lit the village of Cortland Cortland county N Y wllhlu twenty days after the service of this summons exclusive or the day or sershyvice or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the reshylief demanded in th complaint

WATERS A WATERS iIA Plaintiffs Attorneys Cortland N Y

I N prrRBlANCK of an order of A P Smith Surshyrogate of Ihc county of Cortland notice Is hereby n to all persons having claims against the estats

hfe of -f Freetown deceased that they arraquo glv of Isaac li required Ui exhibit the samo wltb the voucher Hun of lo the subscriber tho executor of the said deces-ud at his house in Freetown on or before the first day of Auifusl 1HHS Dated January 88 1888

It L DART SOinC Executor of the estamplo of ISAAC Utile deod

hey i I the

IN PURSUANCE of an order of A- P Smith Surshyrogate of the county of Cortland notlco is hereby

given to all persons having claims against the estate Hinds of Cortlandvllle deceased tht they of Jo

are rooulred to exhibit the seme with the voucher thereof to the subscriber John Ousby the executor of the nld deceased at Tully N e w York on or beshyfore the 26th day of July 1868 Iiutcil jAnuary 18 iu- DKIIltAH HINDS

JOHN OUSBY Administratrix and Administrator of John Hinds deshy

ceased n80m6



lniii and Circular Second-band Scales of other ms-keis taken In jiert pay for ours For sale OHKAP

HOWE 8 0 A L B CO 8 Prk Plcc New York

iilbdquoi 181 Federal St Boaton


Just Published in a Sealed Envelope Price tim cents A Leoture en the Nature Treatmsnt sad BAdloai I lire of raquo|-iilii 11 II in i-niliisl W ahrii-sB Invul inimv Emissions Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally Nervousness Consumption Kpllepsy and F i t s Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self Abuse Ac - B y ItOBKRT fOUL-VKRWBL1 M l i Aiihin ot the UreenBook Ac

The world-renownod author In this admirable Lee-inn- clearly provos from bis own experience that tho awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed wttbout modiolus and without dangerous surglcAi oner - bull bull bull bull cordials surgical operations bougies cordials pointing out a mode and effectual by which overy sufferer no matter what

instrument i lugs or olnt lng out a mode of core at once certain

hie condition may vatcly and radically Tl iTS LECTURE PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS A N D THOU-


Sent under seal to any address In a plain envelope on the receipt of s ix ceuts or two postage stamp Also Dr CuivcrwoH8 Marriage Guide price 85 cents Address the Publishers

(111A H J 0 K 11 Nl 0 0 127 Bowery Hw York Pcet^Offlce Box 4 686


63 aX OB Bookman Street New York

This old-established concern has constantly on hand

and Is propArod to fill At short notloe orders for


overy variety BOB1PT8 BORDERS OUTS




H a n d and P o w e r P r e s s e s JOB PRESSES of overy description



Newspaper and Job Offices furnished complete

Ketltnatoe of the cost of Office of v tr io i

sixes furnished oh Application

FARMER LITTIJi CO i Proprietors T h e material 0 this paper is from this Foundry

DEVEBEAUX THOMPSON amp 00 B 2 Oedar Street N Y

A F DKVEHEAUX laquofc CO 8 Central Strofet Boeton

O O L B H A N O T A C T t m B R S OF T H B ^

R0XgtDXCtfsTEAMHNGINB The most Oowpaot the Slmjijetand th Ohsapeatia this Country or Abroad A-iiW bull

The Rated Ifywer and Best Workmanship Goartll teed Olrci ulars and Price Julet on application bull-

Untitled Document

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
