M. A. SPALDING · 2019. 2. 1. · turei-of the Grant Trio. New York Worl-d.Frederick. Grant is a...

FBOH BARREN <Ktr lived'bfcve held too many bounties , and I spite of fate's bestowing , To-day. w.e do not.hold .within the hand Aught that Is worth the showing.- "We . know that dally farther do we stray From gold that watts the mining , * 3Th tstill more distant from our feet to-day The mountain heights are shining.- TToo . many times we've drained love's sa- cred ¬ wine Sad truth the heart discloses ; fgoo many tunes your careless feet and - ' THino * Have trodden down the roses he for whom love's cup but once Is filled Who knows Its utter sweetness ; "Who plucks a single rose Is longest thrilled With its divine completeness.- "Tia . oft the empty hand that offereth The tostllest sacrifices ; TIs out of some despised Nazareth The living light arises- .3fot . for our sowing do the fruitful days Scatter their bloom before us ; t Is not happy , careless lips that raise The hallelujah chorus . But , lot the glad earth oft from sterile sol Sees fadeless flowers upspringing- And , - hears from smlleless lips , 'mid want and toll, The deathless anthem ringing- .Llppincott's . [ Magazine. THE KNEYAL'S LAND CASES. Tan Wyck's Claim for Honeys Expended Befu * d by Judge Brewer.- 'J . Herald. The case of Knevals vs. Van Wyck , concerning the ownership of property In Thayer county , came up in the United States circuit court last week , on the application of the defendant for the allowance of the money paid for taxes , and also the purchase price of the land in question. Yesterday an order was'received from Judge Brewer , "who heard the arguments of counsel on- fcoth sides , stating that Van Wyck is- aot - entitled to be reimbursed for money paid by him upon the purchase of the ' H. .premises from the government , and 'that his claim for money paid for taxes *s noc within the statutes of Nebraska in force when the decree was render- ed ¬ , and that the present statute is in- Applicable - to the case , it having gone into decree before the statute- was en- acted. ¬ . The judge , however , having 30me doubts about the rule of equity ior the reimbursing of unsuccessful claimants of property of the money paid them , extending to taxes when no Tents and profits are realized , orders that the matter be referred to Mr. J.- V . en- pa.'id. _ ' . Report is * to be made by the first day of the adjourned term of the ' < eourt. This action has its origin in the cele- brated ¬ Knevals land cases , which have had so-much prominence of late. Van "Wyck made entry on certain tracts in Thayer county the titles to which at the time were supposed to be in the gov- ernment. ¬ . Knevals , however , succeed- ed ¬ in establishing his ownership under the old St. Joe railroad grant , and the 3Jnited States supreme court issued a decree affirming it. Van Wyck now comes forward with a claim for reim- bursement ¬ of moneys expended upon the premises , as stated above , his prin- cipal ¬ point being that he has received no income whatever from the prope- rty ¬ , and that all sums laid out upon it- accrue - - to the benefit of Knevals. The -action is in the nature of a test , and the decision finally reached will affect hundreds of settlers in that region. Inscription for His Own Tombstone. The following inscription will be placed on Charles JReade's tombstone- .It . was written by himself : Here Lie 3Jy the Side of his Beloved Friend , the Mbrtal'Remains of- CHAKLES READE , Dramatist , Novelist "and Journalist. Sis Last Words to Mankind are on this Stone- .I . hope for a resurrection , not from any power in nature , but from the will of the Lord God Omnipotent , who made nature and me. He created man out -of nothing , which nature could not- .He . can restore man from the dust , which nature cannot. And I hope for holiness and happiness in a future , life not from anything I have said or. done in this body , bat jom the merits and -mediation of iesus Christ. He has promised His intercession to all who seek it , and He will not break His word ; that intercession , once granted , cannot be rejected ; for He is God , and His merits infinite ; a man's sins are fcut human and finite. "Him that -cometh to me I will in no wise cast -out. " "It any man sin , we have an advocate with the Father , Jesus Christ -the Righteous , and He is the propitia- tion ¬ for our sins. " Laughter as a Medicine.t- saniurlan. . . A short time since two individuals were lying in one room very sick , one brain fever and the other with an- regated > case of the mumps. They J&ere & so low that watchers were needed every night , and it was thought doubt- fol - - if the one sick of fever could reco- ver ¬ A gentleman was engaged to watch over night , 'his duty being to wake the .nursb whenever it was necessary to ad- minister ¬ medicine. In the course of the night both watcher and nurse fell asleep. The man with the mumps lay watching the clock- and saw that it- was - time to give the fever patient his motion. He was unable to speak aloud <ir to move any portion of his body ex ¬ cept bis annaf but seizing pillow, he managed to strike the watcher in the face with it. Thus suddenly awaken- ed ¬ , 'the watcher sprang from . 'his seat, falling to the floor , and'a wakened both the nurse and the feyer , patient. The incident struck the siok men as very lu- dicrous ¬ , and they laughed heartily at it for some fifteen or twenty minutes. When the doctor came in the morning he found his patients vastly improved ; said he never knew of so sodden a turn for the better , and now both are up and well. Who says laughter is notthe THE YOUNG GRANTS. How They Look and How They "Mve Pic- turei - of the Grant Trio. New York Worl- d.Frederick . Grant is a yonng man of stout build and florid complexion , about 35 years old and bears a striking like- ness ¬ to his fatherexPresidentGrant.- He . was educated at 'West Point and served in the regular army , chiefly out west , for some years , reaching the rank of colonel * Soon after his marriage to Miss Honore , of Chicago , a sister-in- law of Potter Palmer , some five years ago , he resigned his commission and taking up his residence in New York , went into business. He and his wife have lived very luxuriously and have entertained considerably , 'giving many handsome dinner parties. Ulysses Grant , Jr. , is the second son of the ex-president , and is about thirty- two years old. He studied law , and was for some years connected with the firm of Work , Davies , McNamee & Hilton. He left soon after his marriage with a wealthy western girl some three years ago. It has always been sup- posed ¬ that his marrfage brought him sufficient increase to fortune to enable him to abandon the law and become a in the firm of Grant & Ward , e is rather short in build , of florid complexion like his brother , and wears a becoming brown moustache. Before his marriage he was very fond of socie- ty ¬ , but since' then has lived rather quietly , although he and his wife have given several handsome dinners and entertainments. Jesse Grant is about 27 years old , and has always been considered General Grant's and his wife's favorite son. He enables his brothers in general ap- arance - , but is slighter and much unger-looking. General Grant was _ desirous of having him enter the ipended firm , but his other sons ob- ted , not thinking that Jesse had suf- ent - business experience. He resides ; h his parents , at No. 3 East Sixty- th - street , and is a member of the itus club. PLATING 1HE GAMBLES. Incident of the Gcaor d'Alene Minei. Amid the general din of the saloon , and rising above the general confusion , the click of glasses against bottles , and ,he tinkling sound of ivory chips , may- be heard the words "queen high , " "pair kings , " "bet two beans , " and the like , uttered in a soft but pene- trating ¬ voice , which attracts one upon entering the door. Making my way te- a corner of the room , and elbowing a path cautiously through a pack of men , I saw a remarkable sight. Before one of the ordinary poker tables sat a wo- man ¬ of no ordinary beauty. The traces of refinement had not yet been obliterated by coarse associations ami reckless dissipation. She was dressed in a tight-fitting gown , fitting about the bust like the waist of a riding-habit and adorned with a double row of staring gilt buttons. On her head was a jaunty jockey cap of blue , but its little visor shading a face whose delicate lines and marked individuality would in any other place have secured for its possessor immediate notice as a culti- vated ¬ , intellectual power. Yet there she sat , dealing the cards with a grace- ful ¬ ease born evidently of long prac- tice ¬ in similar scenes. Careless of the rough talk and ribald jokes of the men- the female gambler dealt the cards , raked in the chips , paid losses , replied to the sallies of the men , and attended to the business with a devilish insouci- ance ¬ and calmness which was simply horrible. A more painful sight 1 never saw, for there was a refinement of wickedness about the scene which rob- bed ¬ it' of the vileness of the slums and invested that woman in the coiner of a mining camp gambling house with a horror whicn was simply satanieal. The Cost of Bachelor Life- .An . unmarried man can spend a very snug little fortune in New York with- out ¬ dissipating to any large extent. Supposing he takes a small suite of rooms in a fashionable apartment house , eats at the club , keeps a road horse and wagon and gives half a dozen parties in a year. At this rate nis rent will cost him $2,500 , his meals at the club or fashionable restaurant about $3,000 , his horse's board and his club dues about $1,000 more , his en- tertainment ¬ an additional $500 and that makes a total of 7000. Throw- ing ¬ in a thousand for clothes and sun- dries ¬ and a thousand more for losses at cards , it will be seen that a bachelor can live in comparative comfort in New York for $10,000 a year. Of course it- is to be presumed that he has furnished his rooms , bought his horse and wagon and paid the initiation at his club be- fore ¬ these expenditures begin. This is much less expensive than it would be- if a married man attempted to live in a corresponding style. As a rule , a man's expenses , if he be of any social promi- nence ¬ , are enormously increased after marriage rather than diminished.- An . old bachelor died at East Alburg, Vt. , the other day, and $60,000 in bonds , notes and certificates were found in the linings of his clothes. A PRISONER ON A SNOUT PEAK. The BMTCM of BamMjr , into , Uk Qrecly , WM Held Fact la Fett r of lea. Dearer DUpatet to GlobeDemocra- t.Pike's . Peak has been scaled and Ser- geant ¬ Ramsey, the beleagured signal officer , nas been revictualed. Ramsey had been alone on the summit for seven weeks and not a'word had been heard from him. On top of a snow-bound peak , three miles above the level of the sea , his position may be imagined. Last Tuesday Sergeant Hall and Messrs- .Tidmeyer . and Beckhaus started ont jr the peak with the determination of Citing there. They left Manitou at p. m. and reached the summit of- peak at 8 p. m. the following night , ar having been on the trail twenty- " " " ' ' - *" " ( O count ought to be dwindling to propor- tions ¬ that would make it a matter of small financial consequence , it is swell- ing ¬ to dimensions which may well be regarded as alarming. The pension rolls of the United States have no par- allel ¬ in any other country of any period of the world. Recent data show that the annual pension charge of the sev- eral leading governments of the world as follows : Great Britain , military and navy.17775P21 France 12fc67,320 Germany 8,730,281- Bussia 10,829,271 Italy 11,846,920 Austria 7,49i,9 0 United States , last fiscal year. .. . 60,064,00- 9It is proper to state that of the above sum set down opposite the United States for the fiscal year ended June 30,1888 , $27,618,817 was on account of back pensions. The regular annual charge was 22245192. But there were added to the rolls during the year 17- 961 ,- names of permanent pensioners , the average cost of each one of whom is 10618. The annual pension charge was , therefore , increased by nearly S .OOO OOOj apart from " p * sol P ofH ml- st l ist any proposition to increase the djaft ? on tfie public treasury , which is already so far beyond what has ever been paid by any other people. Strange Lapses Into Insanity. Buffalo Dispatch- .A . mail named Thomas Edmundson , of Nebraska , was arrested in this city on a charge of insanity. He was on his way to Europe , and on leaving his home in Nebraska was believed to be perfectly sane. When he reached Phil- adelphia ¬ he acted in such a strange manner that he was set down as a- crank. . He sold his steamship ticket for a trifle , purchased several railroad tickets for different points west and south , and finally brought up in Buffa- lo ¬ , where he was arrested in an almost destitute condition. On being exam- ined ¬ by the police surgeon he was pro- uounced - insane and at once committed to the state asylum , where he now re- mains. ¬ . The authorities communicated with his family, and after some corres- pondence ¬ Edmundson's brother agreed to come down and take .him back. A few days ago a letter was received from Edmundson's brother saying that he would be here on Tuesday to take him home. Yesterday the brother arrived and presented himself at the office of the superintendent of the poor. The stranger had not been in the office five minutes before the officials realized that they had another maniac to deal with. The unfortunate man was im- mediately ¬ placed under arrest. It is not known at present whether he be- came ¬ insane on the trip from Nebraska or not. Old-Fashioned Mothers. Thank God , some of us have had old-fashioned mothers. Not a woman of the period , enameled and painted , with her great chignon , her curls and bustle , whose white , jeweled hands never felt the clasp of baby fingers , but a dear old fashioned , sweet-voiced mother , with eyes in whose clear depth * the love-light shone , and brown hair just threaded with silver , lying smooth upon her faded cheek. Those deai hands worn with toil , gently guided onr tottering steps in childhood , and smoothed our pillow in sickness , ever reaching ont to us in yearning tender ¬ ness.- , Blessed is.the. memory .ofan old- fashioned mother. It floats now to us like the beautiful perfume from some wooded blossoms. The music of other voices may be lose, but the entrancing memory of hers will echo in onr souls forever. Other faces may fade away and be forgotten , but hers will shine on. When in the , fitful pauses of business life our feet wander back to the old homestead , and , crossing the well-worn threshold , stand once more in the room so hallo rod by her presence , how the the feeling of childhood , innocence and dependence comes over us , and we kneel down in the molten sunshine streaming through the open window * ist where long ago we knelt by our [ other's knee , lisping , "Our father. " low many times when the tempter jnred us on has the memory of those .cred hours , that mother's words , her ith and prayers , saved usfromplung- ig - into the deep abyss of sin. 'Years ave filled great drifts between her and p , but they have not hidden from our ; ht the glory of her pure , unselfish kve. The Man Who Broke Grant.a- th. . . Ward 'was the son of a well known issionary to the East Indies , who has large family , and he is well connect- d. - . He was raised about Geneseo , N. . , and among his" acquaintances was > scoe Conkling's father , an old re- ed ¬ judge very fond of gunning.- Ifting . down to New York with the a of going to college at Princeton , ng Wara concluded to take up bus- s - and not lose any time , and he be- e - clerk of the Produce exchange , in- e of going to Princeton college , do- ped ¬ a quick eye for business. He- n to speculate in those certificates ats , and as he married the daugh- f the cashier of Mr. Fish's Marine , he went to see Mr. Fish on the h of his father-in-law , to lay before certain small but safe operations ne kbew about. Mr. Fish was quiet , conservative , rather juvenile-minded man , easy to be seen , and , probably as much to help young Ward along as to make money himself, he extended him credit , and Ward came in with earn ¬ ings. Among other things , Ward had a brother who was a good mining en- gineer ¬ , and he found a mine in Colo- rado ¬ which he worked to the nicest ad- vantage. ¬ . Instead of exploring it in New York , they kept digging out the ore , and it lasted longer than Colorado mines generally dp , and as Mr. Fish had taken an interest in this mine to help Ward , he found that his profits were most remarkable. It seemed that everything that young Ward touched turned to good. He was one of those oldish young men who had but few pleasures , and those chiefly with his family, and with nature and responsi- ble ¬ men. In the course of time Ward said to Mr. Fiah that he had made up his mind to quit the produce exchange and take a desk somewhere up near the stock exchange and financier a lit- tlu - up there. Mr. Fish said to him , "Ward , you have been doing very well , " tf you. know that not one man in- enty can maintain himself in sp ecu- ting in stocks ? " Ward , however , as confident , and he took deskroom- mewhere near the stock exchange , d while he made some losses his ins were greater. ere General Grant used to come sit by Ward. Ward had a country e at' Stamford , Conn. , where he the Grants , and so in the course of- e the proposition came from young , nt , who was marrying a pleasing ; une , to go into business. General , nt was of value to this firm to ex- d - their credit , and he had a knack jetting money for them when it was ded , many of the New York bank- and capitalists desiring to accom- date General Grant , when they jhtnot have accommodated mere iness men if sounder. Fred Grant left the army and went into fiscal irataons for the benefit of his young lily. He built a portion of a railroad Texas , which was sold to Hunting- or - some of the bigger railroad ders. Commodore Garrison liked Fred Grant , and lent him money when it was needed , and occasionally lent him money for the business of Grant & Ward.- Mr. . . Ward had a city residence in Brooklyn , while Mr. Fish , who was a widower , lived over his own bank in Wall street , and he could take the ferry boat .and be in Brooklyn in a few minutes ; so it has been his habit for a good while past fo go to Mr. Ward's house every morning for breakfast , and there Ward would canvass business propositions , and Mr. Fish chiefly dis- puted ¬ or challenged them. Generally speaking , the younger man , with his dash and generalship , had his way. Indeed , he was so generally successful that he proved by results the contrary in some cases of Mr. Fish's prediction.- Th'e . president of the bank was ap- proaching ¬ the mid ile of his fourscore years ; he was 65 , while Ward was probably 32 , or not one-half his age.- Mr. . . Fish , with conservative habits , had Kept out of stock markets and confined his private at-ention to real estate. Now and then Ward would cross over from his stock affairs and join him in- a real estate matter. In this way they got Booth's theater , which was consid- ered ¬ a safe purchase , and 1 think it now brings a revenue of fully 10 per cent. The stores had just been occu- pied ¬ on the first of May , and on the high cornices of Sixth avenue and Twenty-third street the initials J. D. F. had been put in place , when , like a blast of lightning , came the collapse of the Marine bank.- A . ( hirken Which Swum for Its Life. Atlanta Constitution. One day last week a hawk darted down in Mr. Harris' yard at Franklin , seized a month-old chicken and flew off across the river. Marshal Pittman saw the hawk catch the chicken and shot at- him. . No sooner than he shot , the chicken was dropped in the river. See- ing ¬ it fall , Mr Pittman ran to the river and , strange to say, about twentyfive- ur thirty from the bank saw the little fowl swimming with all its might. The chick got ashore all right. M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE COo COO tto O COu Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments br ! rented until the rent pays for the organs * * * M. A. SPALDING , Agent , , . , , BIcCOOK - - NEBRASKA. STOCK DIKECTOKY DENNIS M'KILLIP. Ranch on Red Willow , Thornbure , Hayes branded ' J il. ' on- leftside. County , Neb. Cattle , . Young cattle branded same as above , also " J. " on left jaw. Under-slope right ear. Horses branded "E" on left shoulder. FOR SALE . My ranee of 1,000 acres of deeded land In one body , including the Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and water with two good farm houses and other Improvements. Convenient to No. 1 school privileges. Situated in the Republican val- ley ¬ west o Red Willow creek. Call on or address J. BLACK , Indianola , Neb.- W. . . J. WILSON. Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also dewlap And a CTOD and under half crop on left ear , and a crop and under bit in the right. Ranch on the Republican. Post- office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska. HENRY T. CHURCH. - 0born , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek, in southwest corner of Frontier county , cat- tle ¬ branded "O L 0 ? ' on right side. Also , an over crop on right ear and under crop on- left. . Horses branded " 8" on right shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO- .Indianola . , Neb . Range : Republican Val- ley ¬ , east of Dry Creek , and near head of Spring Creek , in Chase county , J. D. W Vice President and Superintendent. JOHN HATFIELD & SON- .MoOook . , Neb. , Ranch 4miles southeast.- on . Republican river. Stock branded wlu bar and lazy M on left hip Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman. River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded as above ; also " 717" on left side ; " 7" on- .rlcht . hip and "L. " on right shoulder- t"L."on left shoulder and "X. " on left jaw. Hajf under-crop left ear , and square- cop right ear. C. D. PHELPS. Range : Republican Valley , four miles west of Culbertson , south eide of Republi- can. ¬ . Stock branded " 161" and " 7L. " P. O. Address , Culbertson , Neb. THE TURNIP BRAND. Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock branded on left hip , and a few double cross- es ¬ ofl left side. C. D. ERCANBRACK. STOKES & TROTH.- P. . . O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county , Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car ¬ rico. Stock branded as above. Also run the lazy brand. GEORGE J. FREDERICK- .Ranch4 . miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. 0 Stock branded "AJ" on the left hip. P. O. address , McCook, Neb.- W. . . N. PROCTOR.- McCook. . . Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek. Insouthwestc rnerof Frontier county. Also E. P. brand on right hip and side and swal ¬ low-fork in right earr Horses branded E. P.- on . right hip. A few branded 'A' ' on right ALL LIVE DRUGGISTS SELL PRING BLOSSOM I- AntrBiliona and Dyspeptic fan.

Transcript of M. A. SPALDING · 2019. 2. 1. · turei-of the Grant Trio. New York Worl-d.Frederick. Grant is a...

Page 1: M. A. SPALDING · 2019. 2. 1. · turei-of the Grant Trio. New York Worl-d.Frederick. Grant is a yonng man of stout build and floridcomplexion , about 35 years old and bears a striking


<Ktr lived'bfcve held too many bounties , andI spite of fate's bestowing ,

To-day. w.e do not.hold .within the handAught that Is worth the showing.-



know that dally farther do we strayFrom gold that watts the mining ,

*3Th tstill more distant from our feet to-dayThe mountain heights are shining.-



many times we've drained love's sa-


wineSad truth the heart discloses ;

fgoo many tunes your careless feet and- ' THino

*Have trodden down the roses

he for whom love's cup but once Isfilled

Who knows Its utter sweetness ;"Who plucks a single rose Is longest thrilled

With its divine completeness.-



oft the empty hand that offerethThe tostllest sacrifices ;

TIs out of some despised NazarethThe living light arises-



for our sowing do the fruitful daysScatter their bloom before us ;

t Is not happy , careless lips that raiseThe hallelujah chorus .

But , lot the glad earth oft from sterile solSees fadeless flowers upspringing-


- hears from smlleless lips , 'mid wantand toll ,

The deathless anthem ringing-.Llppincott's

.[ Magazine.


Tan Wyck's Claim for HoneysExpended Befu * d by Judge Brewer.-



Herald.The case of Knevals vs. Van Wyck ,

concerning the ownership of propertyIn Thayer county , came up in theUnited States circuit court last week ,on the application of the defendant forthe allowance of the money paid fortaxes , and also the purchase price ofthe land in question. Yesterday anorder was'received from Judge Brewer ,"who heard the arguments of counsel on-fcoth sides , stating that Van Wyck is-

aot- entitled to be reimbursed for moneypaid by him upon the purchase of the


.premises from the government , and'that his claim for money paid for taxes*s noc within the statutes of Nebraskain force when the decree was render-ed


, and that the present statute is in-


to the case , it having goneinto decree before the statute- was en-


. The judge , however, having30me doubts about the rule of equityior the reimbursing of unsuccessfulclaimants of property of the moneypaid them , extending to taxes when noTents and profits are realized , ordersthat the matter be referred to Mr. J.-





' . Report is * to be made by thefirst day of the adjourned term of the'<eourt.

This action has its origin in the cele-


Knevals land cases , which havehad so-much prominence of late. Van"Wyck made entry on certain tracts inThayer county the titles to which at thetime were supposed to be in the gov-ernment.


. Knevals , however , succeed-ed


in establishing his ownership underthe old St. Joe railroad grant , and the3Jnited States supreme court issued adecree affirming it. Van Wyck nowcomes forward with a claim for reim-bursement


of moneys expended uponthe premises , as stated above , his prin-cipal


point being that he has receivedno income whatever from the prope-rty


, and that all sums laid out upon it-

accrue-- to the benefit of Knevals. The-action is in the nature of a test , andthe decision finally reached will affecthundreds of settlers in that region.

Inscription for His Own Tombstone.

The following inscription will beplaced on Charles JReade's tombstone-.It


was written by himself :Here Lie

3Jy the Side of his Beloved Friend , theMbrtal'Remains of-

CHAKLES READE ,Dramatist , Novelist "and Journalist.

Sis Last Words to Mankind are onthis Stone-


hope for a resurrection , not from anypower in nature , but from the will ofthe Lord God Omnipotent , who madenature and me. He created man out

-of nothing , which nature could not-.He


can restore man from the dust ,

which nature cannot. And I hope forholiness and happiness in a future , lifenot from anything I have said or. donein this body , bat jom the merits and-mediation of iesus Christ. He haspromised His intercession to all whoseek it, and He will not break Hisword ; that intercession , once granted ,

cannot be rejected ; for He is God , andHis merits infinite ; a man's sins arefcut human and finite. "Him that-cometh to me I will in no wise cast-out." "It any man sin , we have anadvocate with the Father, Jesus Christ

-the Righteous , and He is the propitia-tion


for our sins."

Laughter as a Medicine.t-


.A short time since two individuals

were lying in one room very sick , onebrain fever and the other with an-

regated> case of the mumps. TheyJ&ere& so low that watchers were neededevery night, and it was thought doubt-


- if the one sick of fever could reco-ver


A gentleman was engaged to watchover night , 'his duty being to wake the.nursb whenever it was necessary to ad-


medicine. In the course of

the night both watcher and nurse fellasleep. The man with the mumps laywatching the clock- and saw that it-

was- time to give the fever patient hismotion. He was unable to speak aloud<ir to move any portion of his body ex¬

cept bis annaf but seizing pillow, hemanaged to strike the watcher in theface with it. Thus suddenly awaken-ed


, 'the watcher sprang from .'his seat,falling to the floor , and'awakened boththe nurse and the feyer, patient. Theincident struck the siok men as very lu-


, and they laughed heartily at itfor some fifteen or twenty minutes.When the doctor came in the morninghe found his patients vastly improved ;

said he never knew of so sodden a turnfor the better , and now both are upand well. Who says laughter is notthe


How They Look and How They "Mve Pic-


of the Grant Trio.

New York Worl-d.Frederick


Grant is a yonng man ofstout build and florid complexion , about35 years old and bears a striking like-ness


to his fatherexPresidentGrant.-He

.was educated at 'West Point and

served in the regular army , chiefly outwest, for some years , reaching the rankof colonel * Soon after his marriage toMiss Honore , of Chicago , a sister-in-law of Potter Palmer , some five yearsago , he resigned his commission andtaking up his residence in New York ,went into business. He and his wifehave lived very luxuriously and haveentertained considerably , 'giving manyhandsome dinner parties.

Ulysses Grant , Jr. , is the second sonof the ex-president , and is about thirty-two years old. He studied law , andwas for some years connected with thefirm of Work , Davies , McNamee &Hilton. He left soon after his marriagewith a wealthy western girl some threeyears ago. It has always been sup-posed


that his marrfage brought himsufficient increase to fortune to enablehim to abandon the law and become a

in the firm of Grant & Ward ,

e is rather short in build , of floridcomplexion like his brother , and wearsa becoming brown moustache. Beforehis marriage he was very fond of socie-ty


, but since' then has lived ratherquietly, although he and his wife havegiven several handsome dinners andentertainments.

Jesse Grant is about 27 years old , andhas always been considered GeneralGrant's and his wife's favorite son. He

enables his brothers in general ap-


, but is slighter and muchunger-looking. General Grant was

_ desirous of having him enter theipended firm , but his other sons ob-ted , not thinking that Jesse had suf-ent

-business experience. He resides

;h his parents , at No. 3 East Sixty-th

-street , and is a member of the

itus club.


Incident of the Gcaor d'Alene Minei.

Amid the general din of the saloon ,and rising above the general confusion ,the click of glasses against bottles , and,he tinkling sound of ivory chips , may-be heard the words "queen high ,""pair kings , " "bet two beans ," andthe like , uttered in a soft but pene-trating


voice , which attracts one uponentering the door. Making my way te-

a corner of the room , and elbowing apath cautiously through a pack of men ,I saw a remarkable sight. Before oneof the ordinary poker tables sat a wo-man


of no ordinary beauty. Thetraces of refinement had not yet beenobliterated by coarse associations amireckless dissipation. She was dressedin a tight-fitting gown , fitting about thebust like the waist of a riding-habit andadorned with a double row of staringgilt buttons. On her head was ajaunty jockey cap of blue , but its littlevisor shading a face whose delicatelines and marked individuality wouldin any other place have secured for itspossessor immediate notice as a culti-vated


, intellectual power. Yet thereshe sat , dealing the cards with a grace-ful


ease born evidently of long prac-tice


in similar scenes. Careless of therough talk and ribald jokes of the men-the female gambler dealt the cards ,raked in the chips , paid losses , repliedto the sallies of the men , and attendedto the business with a devilish insouci-ance


and calmness which was simplyhorrible. A more painful sight 1 neversaw, for there was a refinement ofwickedness about the scene which rob-


it' of the vileness of the slums andinvested that woman in the coiner of amining camp gambling house with ahorror whicn was simply satanieal.

The Cost of Bachelor Life-


unmarried man can spend a verysnug little fortune in New York with-out


dissipating to any large extent.Supposing he takes a small suite ofrooms in a fashionable apartmenthouse , eats at the club , keeps a roadhorse and wagon and gives half adozen parties in a year. At this ratenis rent will cost him $2,500 , his mealsat the club or fashionable restaurantabout $3,000 , his horse's board and hisclub dues about $1,000 more, his en-


an additional $500 andthat makes a total of 7000. Throw-ing


in a thousand for clothes and sun-dries


and a thousand more for losses atcards , it will be seen that a bachelorcan live in comparative comfort in NewYork for $10,000 a year. Of course it-

is to be presumed that he has furnishedhis rooms , bought his horse and wagonand paid the initiation at his club be-


these expenditures begin. This ismuch less expensive than it would be-

if a married man attempted to live in acorresponding style. As a rule , a man'sexpenses , if he be of any social promi-nence


, are enormously increased aftermarriage rather than diminished.-



old bachelor died at East Alburg,Vt. , the other day, and $60,000 inbonds , notes and certificates werefound in the linings of his clothes.


The BMTCM of BamMjr , into , Uk Qrecly ,WM Held Fact la Fett r of lea.

Dearer DUpatet to GlobeDemocra-t.Pike's

.Peak has been scaled and Ser-


Ramsey, the beleagured signalofficer , nas been revictualed. Ramseyhad been alone on the summit for sevenweeks and not a'word had been heardfrom him. On top of a snow-boundpeak , three miles above the level ofthe sea , his position may be imagined.Last Tuesday Sergeant Hall and Messrs-.Tidmeyer

.and Beckhaus started ont

jr the peak with the determination ofCiting there. They left Manitou at

p. m. and reached the summit of-

peak at 8 p. m. the following night ,ar having been on the trail twenty-

" " " ' ' - *" "( Ocount ought to be dwindling to propor-tions


that would make it a matter ofsmall financial consequence , it is swell-ing


to dimensions which may well beregarded as alarming. The pensionrolls of the United States have no par-allel


in any other country of any periodof the world. Recent data show thatthe annual pension charge of the sev-eral leading governments of the worldas follows :

Great Britain , military and navy.17775P21France 12fc67,320Germany 8,730,281-Bussia 10,829,271Italy 11,846,920Austria 7,49i,9 0United States , last fiscal year. . . . 60,064,00-

9It is proper to state that of the abovesum set down opposite the UnitedStates for the fiscal year ended June30,1888 , $27,618,817 was on account ofback pensions. The regular annualcharge was 22245192. But there wereadded to the rolls during the year 17-


names of permanent pensioners ,the average cost of each one of whomis 10618. The annual pension chargewas , therefore , increased by nearlyS .OOO OOOj apart from "

p *




ist any proposition to increase thedjaft? on tfie public treasury , which isalready so far beyond what has everbeen paid by any other people.

Strange Lapses Into Insanity.Buffalo Dispatch-


mail named Thomas Edmundson ,of Nebraska , was arrested in this cityon a charge of insanity. He was onhis way to Europe , and on leaving hishome in Nebraska was believed to beperfectly sane. When he reached Phil-adelphia


he acted in such a strangemanner that he was set down as a-

crank. . He sold his steamship ticketfor a trifle , purchased several railroadtickets for different points west andsouth , and finally brought up in Buffa-lo


, where he was arrested in an almostdestitute condition. On being exam-ined


by the police surgeon he was pro-uounced

-insane and at once committed

to the state asylum , where he now re-mains.


. The authorities communicatedwith his family, and after some corres-pondence


Edmundson's brother agreedto come down and take .him back. Afew days ago a letter was received fromEdmundson's brother saying that hewould be here on Tuesday to take himhome. Yesterday the brother arrivedand presented himself at the office ofthe superintendent of the poor. Thestranger had not been in the office fiveminutes before the officials realizedthat they had another maniac to dealwith. The unfortunate man was im-mediately


placed under arrest. It isnot known at present whether he be-


insane on the trip from Nebraskaor not.

Old-Fashioned Mothers.Thank God , some of us have had

old-fashioned mothers. Not a womanof the period , enameled and painted ,with her great chignon , her curls andbustle, whose white , jeweled handsnever felt the clasp of baby fingers , buta dear old fashioned , sweet-voicedmother , with eyes in whose clear depth *

the love-light shone , and brown hairjust threaded with silver, lying smoothupon her faded cheek. Those deai

hands worn with toil , gently guidedonr tottering steps in childhood, andsmoothed our pillow in sickness , everreaching ont to us in yearning tender ¬

ness.- , Blessed is.the. memory.ofan old-fashioned mother. It floats now to uslike the beautiful perfume from somewooded blossoms. The music of othervoices may be lose, but the entrancingmemory of hers will echo in onr soulsforever. Other faces may fade awayand be forgotten , but hers will shine on.When in the , fitful pauses of businesslife our feet wander back to the oldhomestead , and , crossing the well-wornthreshold , stand once more in the roomso hallo rod by her presence , how thethe feeling of childhood , innocence anddependence comes over us, and wekneel down in the molten sunshinestreaming through the open window* ist where long ago we knelt by our[other's knee , lisping , "Our father."low many times when the tempterjnred us on has the memory of those.cred hours , that mother's words , herith and prayers , saved usfromplung-ig

-into the deep abyss of sin. 'Years

ave filled great drifts between her andp, but they have not hidden from our;ht the glory of her pure , unselfish


The Man Who Broke Grant.a-


.Ward 'was the son of a well knownissionary to the East Indies , who haslarge family, and he is well connect-


-. He was raised about Geneseo , N.

., and among his" acquaintances was> scoe Conkling's father , an old re-


judge very fond of gunning.-Ifting

.down to New York with the

a of going to college at Princeton ,ng Wara concluded to take up bus-s

-and not lose any time , and he be-


clerk of the Produce exchange , in-

e of going to Princeton college , do-


a quick eye for business. He-n to speculate in those certificatesats , and as he married the daugh-f the cashier of Mr. Fish's Marine, he went to see Mr. Fish on the

h of his father-in-law , to lay beforecertain small but safe operations

ne kbew about. Mr. Fish was quiet,conservative , rather juvenile-mindedman , easy to be seen , and , probably asmuch to help young Ward along as tomake money himself, he extended himcredit , and Ward came in with earn ¬

ings. Among other things , Ward hada brother who was a good mining en-gineer


, and he found a mine in Colo-rado


which he worked to the nicest ad-vantage.


. Instead of exploring it inNew York , they kept digging out theore, and it lasted longer than Coloradomines generally dp , and as Mr. Fish hadtaken an interest in this mine to helpWard , he found that his profits weremost remarkable. It seemed thateverything that young Ward touchedturned to good. He was one of thoseoldish young men who had but fewpleasures , and those chiefly with hisfamily, and with nature and responsi-ble


men. In the course of time Wardsaid to Mr. Fiah that he had made uphis mind to quit the produce exchangeand take a desk somewhere up nearthe stock exchange and financier a lit-tlu

-up there. Mr. Fish said to him ,

"Ward , you have been doing very well ," tf you. know that not one man in-

enty can maintain himself in sp ecu-ting in stocks?" Ward , however,as confident , and he took deskroom-mewhere near the stock exchange ,d while he made some losses hisins were greater.

ere General Grant used to comesit by Ward. Ward had a countrye at' Stamford , Conn. , where hethe Grants , and so in the course of-

e the proposition came from young,nt, who was marrying a pleasing;une , to go into business. General,nt was of value to this firm to ex-


their credit , and he had a knackjetting money for them when it wasded , many of the New York bank-and capitalists desiring to accom-date General Grant , when theyjhtnot have accommodated mereiness men if sounder. Fred Grant

left the army and went into fiscalirataons for the benefit of his younglily. He built a portion of a railroadTexas , which was sold to Hunting-or

-some of the bigger railroad

ders. Commodore Garrison likedFred Grant , and lent him money whenit was needed , and occasionally lenthim money for the business of Grant &Ward.-


. Ward had a city residence inBrooklyn , while Mr. Fish , who was awidower , lived over his own bank inWall street , and he could take theferry boat .and be in Brooklyn in a fewminutes ; so it has been his habit for agood while past fo go to Mr. Ward'shouse every morning for breakfast , andthere Ward would canvass businesspropositions , and Mr. Fish chiefly dis-


or challenged them. Generallyspeaking, the younger man , with hisdash and generalship , had his way.Indeed , he was so generally successfulthat he proved by results the contraryin some cases of Mr. Fish's prediction.-


president of the bank was ap-proaching


the mid ile of his fourscoreyears ; he was 65 , while Ward wasprobably 32 , or not one-half his age.-Mr.

.. Fish , with conservative habits , had

Kept out of stock markets and confinedhis private at-ention to real estate.Now and then Ward would cross overfrom his stock affairs and join him in-

a real estate matter. In this way theygot Booth's theater , which was consid-ered


a safe purchase , and 1 think itnow brings a revenue of fully 10 percent. The stores had just been occu-pied


on the first of May , and on thehigh cornices of Sixth avenue andTwenty-third street the initials J. D. F.had been put in place , when , like ablast of lightning , came the collapse ofthe Marine bank.-



( hirken Which Swum for Its Life.Atlanta Constitution.

One day last week a hawk darteddown in Mr. Harris' yard at Franklin ,seized a month-old chicken and flew offacross the river. Marshal Pittman sawthe hawk catch the chicken and shot at-

him. . No sooner than he shot , thechicken was dropped in the river. See-


it fall , Mr Pittman ran to the riverand , strange to say, about twentyfive-ur thirty from the bank saw the littlefowl swimming with all its might. Thechick got ashore all right.








Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments br !

rented until the rent pays for the organs **


M. A. SPALDING , Agent ,

, .,





Ranch on Red Willow , Thornbure , Hayesbranded ' J il. ' on-

leftside.County , Neb. Cattle ,

. Young cattle branded same asabove , also "J. " on left jaw. Under-sloperight ear. Horses branded "E" on leftshoulder.

FOR SALE . My ranee of 1,000 acres ofdeeded land In one body , including theBlack and Byfield hay lands ; timber andwater with two good farm houses and otherImprovements. Convenient to No. 1 schoolprivileges. Situated in the Republican val-ley


west o Red Willow creek. Call on oraddress J. BLACK ,

Indianola , Neb.-



. J. WILSON.Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also

dewlap And a CTOD and under half crop onleft ear , and a crop and under bit in theright. Ranch on the Republican. Post-office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska.


0born , Neb. Range : Red Willow creek,in southwest corner of Frontier county , cat-tle


branded "O L 0 ? ' on right side. Also ,an over crop on right ear and under crop on-

left. . Horses branded "8" on right shoulder.



., Neb . Range : Republican Val-


, east of Dry Creek , and near head ofSpring Creek , in Chase county ,

J. D. WVice President and Superintendent.



., Neb. , Ranch 4miles southeast.-


Republican river. Stock branded wlubar and lazy M on left hip

Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman.River, in Chase county , Neb. Stock brandedas above ; also "717" on left side ; "7" on-.rlcht

.hip and "L. " on right shoulder-

t"L."on left shoulder and "X. " on leftjaw. Hajf under-crop left ear , and square-cop right ear.

C. D. PHELPS.Range : Republican Valley , four miles

west of Culbertson , south eide of Republi-can.

¬. Stock branded "161" and "7L. "

P. O. Address , Culbertson , Neb.


Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stockbranded on left hip , and a few double cross-es


ofl left side. C. D. ERCANBRACK.



.. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county ,

Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car ¬

rico. Stock branded as above. Also run thelazy brand.


.miles southwest of McCook , on the

Driftwood. 0 Stock branded "AJ" on theleft hip. P. O. address , McCook, Neb.-





. Neb. , range ; Red Willow creek.Insouthwestc rnerof Frontier county. AlsoE. P. brand on right hip and side and swal ¬low-fork in right earr Horses branded E. P.-on

.right hip. A few branded 'A' ' on right


AntrBiliona and Dyspeptic fan.