LYNNTERM EAST GATE MAINTENANCE FACILITY … · Lynnterm East Gate Maintenance Facility and...

LYNNTERM EAST GATE MAI NTENANCE FACI LI TY RELOCATI ON Northshore Waterfront Liaison Committee January 14, 2016

Transcript of LYNNTERM EAST GATE MAINTENANCE FACILITY … · Lynnterm East Gate Maintenance Facility and...



Northshore Waterfront Liaison Com m it tee

January 14, 2016

Lynnterm• Pulp, Lum ber, Steel and general cargoes

• 145 Acres , 7 berths, 857,000 square ft covered storage

Exist ing Lynnterm East Gate Term inal


Perm it Applicat ion: Relocat ion of the Equipm ent Maintenance Area

Scope of Proposed Project



Facilit y


Lynnterm East Gate Maintenance Facilit y and Equipment Relocat ion


• To enhance use of the site and improve circulat ion, cargo storage and the term inal’s ability to accommodate mult iple cargoes

Project Descript ion

• Const ruct ion of;

• new maintenance building

• small equipment shed

• dispatch building

• above ground equipment fueling stat ion

• wash down area

• Equipment parking

• Demolit ion of exist ing maintenance area and conversion to open storage area for breakbulk cargo

Key Considerations for Permitting

Project Overview

Primary purpose is to improve cargo flow through the term inal by

relocat ing maintenance facility toward the back of the site

Product handling capacity will not change

Will cont inue to handle the same commodit ies

Truck, rail and vessel t raffic will remain at current levels

I mpact on adjacent and nearby public roadways will be negligible

No in-water works in Lynn Creek or Burrard I nlet

Support ing Technical Studies and Design Act ivit ies

• Phase 1 & 2 Environm ental Site Assessm ent

• East Gate Archaeological Overview Assessm ent

• Site Geotechnical Report

• Light ing Study

• Environm ental Noise Assessm ent

• Hazm at Survey in buildings to be dem olished

• Stormwater Pollut ion Prevent ion Plan

• Erosion & Sedim ent Cont rol; Spill Prevent ion & Em ergency Response; and Soil Managem ent Plans

• Engineering Plans and Specificat ions

East Gate Maintenance Facility Relocat ion

Ant icipated Development Timeline

• Project perm it applicat ion accepted com plete by PMV in Decem ber 2015 and the 60-90 business day review period began on January 4, 2016

• Category of Review C

• Project perm it review per PMV Project and Environm ental Review process including First Nat ions consultat ion current ly underway

• Ant icipated Perm it issuance 2nd quarter 2016

• Const ruct ion t im eline – assum ing perm it approval per ant icipated t im eline

• Cont ractor Select ion 2nd quarter 2016

• New Maintenance Facility const ruct ion approxim ately 90 work days beginning 2nd

quarter 2016

• Dem olit ion of exist ing m aintenance facility 45 work days beginning 4 th quarter 2016

Perm it Approval & Project Delivery Timeline
