LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y...

P ’4A;M;Edillon Yu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm §2' ___ E, i I S I s m Sana Quartet >lt(^ned In Alai JVNZMJ. Aluka, Nov.. M C Forty-clslit bourt of uotdous dl tn( to ft rock, pounded and lutU br tba curf. uved ili« Ilvti of 7 odon KttttHon. SuperlnUndent (l» AlaiJM Ploneen' Homt, IT 4 HojJm, Alfretl Tllion m H 7 mdtrlekMn, til ot 8lUa. Thejr n r t mcue<l fron tho i rock br tha ptulac motmhlp ------ UbeUi, «Mdi ■trlrtd ben UxUr The £e(tb«lh took'then to 61U The puty v u In ft power Uit rdumlns home trom' a huDlliix' vhen ft Hidden t«le imuhcd JtuDch acalnit tho nckf. Th* I climbed onto a rock and mnal '' tliere tvo d*ri and tvo Xiitff and Queen Keep Annloereari/ at 0< OSLO, Korway, Nor. « Wh-K Haakon VII and Queen Uaud t» celebrated th6 tventx*fUth annli ia h of their am ulon to the thr of NcTwijr vlth a dmpls cooum oratlre iervice at the capital'! pi clpal church and * round of 1 --------- tlviuw It-the royal palace.____ Frlacf Oroxe ot ^ l a n d , «bi queen Maud'i nephev. Kins Chi tian and Queen AleyandrU of S mark, and other royal rtpreseo llvei attended, but thcte vas eniCu^ fton court at 6(0 'iwlm;, Relatlou totween Non and Siteden alvayt have bten a Jrieodly during Xing Haal(On'i kI but Bvedcn could not participate ’ this celebration, marking as ll < the dluolutlon ot tbe unlbh betvi ^— the-l»o-eouoti1ej.,_ Canadian Vessel H am VancduverBarbor Ti 4 VAHCOJJVXR. BrtUih CoJua) , }<0V. U (AV-The harbor TUg Met lea vas rammed and nnk by Prineeu Stalne, Canadian pac paMenaer veswl. outbound for N ........ ' pect'Mta'.tenltbC%»e (u^-p . vaa retowl by tb t Ouir ot a m Toalng ceopanr tug.Ooblin, vh vaa nearty. . The'Prlneett £lalne conUnued . Nanaimo. I t ' va* pKMtned I r-;— ‘lantNvftMl-vu.ntft.afHoinly.f1i aged. J.P . Morgan Receives Bigh Honor at Oxfoi bXTORO. England. Nor. ii w . J. P. Morgan, vlth a blue vttvet I In bis hand and a Karlet govn fi Ing from hli broad shoulders, ate on a'dals in the oonaultauon h . hete today and •listened to th« ui venlty oraUr reading a long sptt . in U tln which msde him a doctor clrll lan. He v u soUmn and tUenUve di ing-tbe ceremony, bul Imaedlati thereitter he broke Into a bto unlle u tha audience applauded c ihutUfUcaliy. - Then tu poiei I ' InlheUtlnipeechtheoratorme tloned Mr. Morgaa'a*TeceDt genm lly.** a tttertnce to Ua purchue 1 the British museuo ol ibe priceh ' Bedford book ot hours and th» 1 nous,Uittrell FtalUr. Saow and Wind Delay Aviator Bunting Tri 5- A VANCODVEBTfliiuib Cdumb ^ Nov. as MV-PalUn* o o v , driven b , fon a ahan* north vlnd at Whi Hone. Yukon territory, today pr \ Koted E. U Wasson, wbo jMtefdi IbetW-thi demagkl.pIaDe of CJ] ~ i Uin E. J. A. Burke from taking o ~ton:Vlsltthfffpotniherrbeavtl plane to detmntne whether IU o I cupsnu had survived the Upiiinr Wasun found tha pUna about. nllea nodh of Wolfs Uke In watera ot the Uard river, bat taw 1 , aign of Burke and hU tvo coopai font, Smll Ktdlag. nteebanJe. at Bob MarUn. proapeetor. Cuban Pre^ent'Gets Legislature's S u p 0 HAVANA. Nov. as WVTbe' bou ' of.tepreaentaUrei tonight added 1 approval to (he aenate'k on Prea denl-Machado^ re<Meft lhal he t aulhbtlied lo tuspend canitltutiMi guarantees all over Cuba for M dty The vole v u W, to 14. gava auent last vreck; The o ^ V tkn v u ltd by Ctrioa Manuel d UCnf m-Year-OldWo^ GoetlotyorkDaUi kahhab orry, mov. » w-un Emma MeMahonr409 yeara o l^ v m to vbrk u usual today. 6tia v u bonortd by her feliov cm' ' rployes In a qullUng factory a t a bitUi< day luneheoo. ao tnnual atfalr ai the place of buaiaett whert tbe ap .1 pt*a ter verk alt rnoraim a v«ek .'V ' Aifcedvbetbenhabadartelpefoi 'happiness, the agtd seamstrtu tald: “None at all. oaly gel upxarlv Ir the momlng and votk all day," Mm ^lipCiSiN _ JIIPI , "W hat We Need Is Enfqi !------------- imnt-of_Slatules= More ' U w s,” Decii la,ha Nation’s Chief E«oul (By The AiiocUUd Pressf it's T T r ASHINGTON, Nov. I S W -T h e . hM dot this ent ot ' ' tlon today appealed i the public to thrw iU weJ ^ behind the wea’pona of the 16 auri breaking up ganffster i p ^ UvlUeg. lay. . rnsldent Hoover satd Blika. b e lie v e d A niobiliratlon Uuneh p u b lic support behind V Wp preient Uva vould solre tbe p .e four ’*“ • nalned n e pretldent tald the fed t<- go\Ytnment v u assUUng local UiotiUet "Co ormom a bli gangftcr ana corrupt control o tl Oslo ^ * 1 govenuoent.” ' lie added, hovever. I h a t h e ^ -U ng pUi\ to ask congreu for any ot< iilfrtt erlaiinal Uvs to cover "n throne ‘Uerlng" and that reports to I atem- ef/«i vero "untrjM." I prta- Ung], jute hu an ' U vt that cover such criminal! vbo U Hoover Mld.-*mafU neede ChrU< Uie enforcement of those lavs. : Deo. not more Uvi.- senta; virtually tlmllar comment tatde by Atlomey General Mitel Vbo recently disclosed Uut Uie ( lorvay ,nyQ(nt bad sent agcnu lo Cbic 1 to operate against orgtnlsed gi *«»“■ there, through the federal Ine B»noUB. vWte tUre and It ow. ml^Unn .tveen u v t Not Enfotced - '■ Itu* fart.-MltclieUiald.'*! IB . N^nSe *” t l ^ e ^ l of Tug enlng U primarily ft itftto funct and ve.are m e r^ olfering ass uabla, ance. auch uatUbptlsg,to brta) Ubor raduU. vhlch n o n Itad J (he » back-handed Vray; We bave M n e InienUon of Uklng over Um vl f Nan* »«»lr". ^ T -rS aeda, nnetairuSsiPl 4imounc(d uui'gD tgesl'had'b lent by the departmeot et JuiUa vhUh act u an aasutant to Uw dUtrlet I. l«w * Jd Ohleage^ aod eoortli variOM federal acUvlUe* th. i.tJ " ■fttasurr offldaU aUo bad 'n •““t Ual they vern icruUnb tha Inocme ot Al Capocw and ot gangiun to see U action eoald ) brought against them under tbe fori 'PresIdent'HobVer said; bove' la- ^ utlsfacfton- ft . 1 ^ tbe renecUon Uiat'the only vay break up gangster aeU vlU avu' 'i± Uie.federal govcmmenl to con ! on tho financial pro^ct oCcrl ^ Malnst suto lavt.- torof ‘'What ve need." he uid "Uam vUespread public avakening to I dur* lallure ot tomo local govemme lately to protect their dtiiens fnm mun btoad raeketeerfng. cotrupUon'aod ot d cn* crincs.'^ind tbelr relying of npF d fsr to Uw aen of Uiese locaUUct ti , are today naking a courageous b men* Ua to dean up Uieae places." KtOI* ^^11118818 ilE iTL IV f mblfc , . ------- Unionist Workers CafryBa S tiers Demanding Exeoutii ?o"? of Leaders ol New, Par vUie . Ulg, MOSCOW. Nov. M MV-WhUo t ul 60 trial ot eight leaders or 'Uie Indi betd trial pariy." charged vJlh high tre ,v no ton and plotUng fonlgn inteirent* ipan* In BuuU,. proceeded vlUto t and rHouia of Coluauu," Uie Ww • trade nunlon. over a halt mini' unlonUl votken tonlghl ptred «?MSi55'>S5K _ history ot Bfoacov. I** ■me opening of Uie ttial v u o cupUd prindpally vim Uie nadli of Indlotmeau vhlch induded po «•>* Ugna'of*oonfe»alons" of me accuse ^ Tvo Uvyet* vert appointed lo re) K>7*-reseqt me defendanU.-' - . M t a d a a l f CtompoMd n iU TTia.dtfendanU aeemed Ute mo hleh compoeed'-ptrKna present, too potl- HDoklngclgintteiandmdlngnai l.dt adnea VhUe clerks droned out Uie U djctmenU. . - Itiur')udget tat wearily tmokir " dgareUei ' vbUa me IndlcUnen , venread.aUdrtttedlntolt-colUi ilj/ ed thlrU la a motl Informal mat ' ner.- ChUrPi»eeuUrKriItnko.vhoal ^ ^ h u eent many nen to deaU klly vaulted the pRxecdlogt. ^ .SurmmdlQgtbaaUgeof Uiecouj m* room, v u a baUar.of movie an uncu e a m e ra a tecordlng ever ' movemtnt ot me prisooen, »P* Uvyen and clerkL DlncUy lo freo eek. of Uu atags mon t2ua 100 Joa (or and foreign joumaUiU vatehed m Ild: ptoceedingt. SoldUra surrounded U r to building and onty Uiese vim Ucket vtre petmiUcd lo enter. fl ' . TBEO^Ll WIN TW IIU . I THOMAS A. EDISON DEVOTES GENIUS T( IHI CAUSE'OF AVIATIO W E S T OBiWOR » J, minn 1 Uhn abiuir lovtrd devtiepli lllU U • BeebanUas te defeat avi !n*an latervUv vltt Uei =Noi -mxteh simpler,- i b a a iclares leemed to many ttaOeaU < CUtiVe he v u vorUc oataiyiUm ot slgBallag vll redieU, ulng ligbU at.nlgl ' and bUck tmoke ta Uie da] nv 25 retketo veoM I le na- depUi ot U m fog a* led to . Uie locatUtt ot Uie airport ve/ffht telanr = ^ = = ROBBERS GET $20,000 U.ho in SILK in HEW Y€ Ion of ------- id tho NEW YORK. N « . M ( « - R o t a nrob* tavaded the mld-tovn silk dls ft (e today and staged a dtrbtg 2i up, binding Uie proprietor of a l federal store and six employet. induding ctl au- voffl'en.andmakingolfvimatr WdMui Uad Ol tllk valued at BOW. r= B im iHS ■»« * Rain Conlln'nes to Desa n,ud On Continent, and ^ X m of Storm .Mounts Hot iiUhell. _____ MgOV* Jbictgo LONDON, Nor. M UV-Rowb . gtngs splashed Uiraugh the streeu of I Income bUn suburb! lonlght, men voi nd lm* long boun to repair me bnken d along me riven of Belgium, and n ln StUI pounded on a Europe ready sullerlng heavily fnm dUt l.^ ^ t ousHoodt. Belgium f d t me heaviest bknr. K e»P» wtre ruined, her llvetl .^1 ..- drowned In great Qumbert, h e rn v en under vaUr and.Uuusandi SS lS ^>"P«P‘• “« ^ ^ h » ■ ‘^«»• .veno The' big h«plU) at Namur *b«U flooded and me tide ven c ar^ me topmost'floon. ’ Tbe.old te< irniai flrUaamodinnportvvaiBBB i«;'V )d.u» dunu.'ptotMUic"' dtaSu tovUBda fttm.Ui* Tmth ui DuCcb.bordenii«ra.biokenla'm rdinaic pUeea.-- ...... then.- The dUutldn la ParU v u ae 'made The.Seine,:alnady high above inlslng non^leveU,conUnuedtoiltt>pi lother logMter-talomeauburiKandti flld Ue. iniTlmo the city lueir. Pampt* he Ux working aU day long and almo . metiop^Uo(rantporUUonfadll - -- ven.natlnleiTUp(edmedlywaj guard for atiy emergen^, vay to Itvn In T«p The ImporUot' tovn of Ju P^Vi. found iuelt In a Inp vim Uu R Otge rUiog on one side aod .Crime Belne menulng Uie omer. Parit iUelf on ahort vtU r nUons. for am on notmal-aopply h u been fouled to me mud’aod'then v u no meana imenU bringing In additional supt^et lu ^ r. boUled waur. 8« wteus had me situaUon eome m a t local omdaU prepare* * ask the; chamber of depuUet w Uie govemment It going to do ab UiealtuaUon.' ' Houaad'apnuemvusuaterii ) . vllb Uje rinr Mau u me gnai I . Uinat. The Oerman Rhine SUl11 J at flood, but It v u believed Uut vorst v u over for Oennany. n rn Qigland me nlns conllnutd In tc {fLL tecUoot, but Uie mentce of tert flood! appeared to hate put. OFFICERS FIND LARGE Ban- ; STILL IN ADA COUNI ution BOISE. Nov."js'w>-Bghly g . . tell of ooonsblne vhUkey, .and 'a rty gUlon copper ami. fiOO gallons muh, h Urge automobile aod a vi . leiy of equipment designed for mi Jo me Ing bevmget. aod tvo men-Pn ndus* DenUin and Jen U o '-v e n In a U*»- near tbo Ada county Jtll tonij sntwn afiet eouoty and fedenl ofHo i me raided,ft thtck on ShafJer creek oiUm north el Boise, illlloa • Federal offlctn chanwd t»ent and U cy vim possession and ma uracturo on -John .Doe- varrai vhen Uie atreiU ven mtde. three hen perish IN‘ ■g; NEW YORK MINE BIAS . rt^ATisBOROir. Nev Yortc. N' }S MV-Threo men v e n Instani an eiplotlon ot dyoam! mut InaralneofibeChateaugiyOnai tomo Iron company a t I.yon mountain t mag* day. The three, all trom Lyon nou leln* tain, vren storing tbe expletive < . (he 300-foot Im l vhen It txpMt 5kiog The cauie v u not deUrmlned. aenu The dead an : lUar* RAY DOCOABME. is. man* MIKE RABITOl. M. FELIX KAAKt I m. . tarn’. ' *u,t AUSKAN MIKE CLOSE and ------- iverr LAT80CHE. Alaska. Kor. 3S (j dgea. A copfier.mlBO which employed i :reat maoy soo nea vUl dote pemai etiUr Deoefltber 1. Ttn proper me vnked by tbe Kemiecott Ooppi im e ootpontlon for me UU » yflui wi nU knovn rotnerly as the Beanon taUn Tbe pay gtrtak ceued , LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi FAL fWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNEal pilil '! « m i[ I [FTO TO L IW S Three National Organl lions' Chief' Offlc Urge, Solons to Reft rklng ■ From Changing New'i VlUl ___ dav- By HAROLD OLIVER : i be f-UseeUUd Press SUff WriU renid TTTASHINGTON, Nov. ^and W -U n d e rs of three \ ' * llonal form organl ' tlons urged tho senate aj --------culturc commlttce today 30 r e f r a in from attcropta YnRj/ amend the farm nrnrkot act at .thfl .short acMftrn niAvwf. congress but'to givo tho fa board an additional 5250,OC trheld* COOlo cany 00 JU priee and mar) a large l>ut lUbUUaUon openUona n ling tvo iw - a Uuck- n ie UsUmony dl the agrlculta ebiels concluded ft Ivo-day beat , to deUtn N , ihetenUm S lln B meaturi Urettsom Toll tu mlltee for nej.. week to* de^ma mat point. , 8. IL Thompton. pnsldent of I Americta Parm aunau PedenU «HikM ^ J- Taber, m uter of Uie NaUo Orangc.aodO.&Jfuff.fofthef ' (CooUnued Oo Page 2. Col 4) -woTliislii p isiiflfflBiini SJw EOCENE. O n , Nor. 15 £tUe* SumerUnd.«7.tUyeroftvciottle tBDdat*. !li2riag:a'llgiRrjsW.stM>r^u^ ic'-Um gra^thtee oonUit ago. vaa kUSd to me a tun ll(ht vim deputy sherUlini I'tooiy WestPlrtoday. - ^ Bumerlasdvuapprised InaU ..M iu berlatrtnusedutwplog(iaart( ne % Bereral boUeU atrude BuUwrUi one dlttWlng hit right u m . .At I polot blank Vim bU left hand. 1 tbou veot.vUd and John’Carl potse'leader, aod LetUr CarllU. 1 vu on *>»( <>»<>• - Sumerland killed Clear Duley. I gene poU^an, and Jos Saoode deputy game vatden, n m b e n ol JuvUt raiding party Auguit 2S. tod vour * S ^ Dd t t e aheriftt. Lriiput I - M . I forme __________________ a» ^ I In the Go let of l__________________________ on be- 'r ' " ■■ ired-to -----------^---------- :---------------- I what I about A sa '■ ■■ I lllvu utUie - \ y. Ia ntcena , ¥;\ lertoni . ' ’“ aVT uI INTY^ --------- ^ y gtl- -------- ----------------- Qdetr* . fit of ' ^ • mak* ' X Ptank ,"N />r nand .J ___ _ •enton . / t ' Int** \. \S) F : :\ :\^ 10®*' ses : .■ : J WJ )d u - • mao* . S '..' - ^ I wia , ' ........ ... ®lofc ' . S^NBWSPAPERtmWlN .LS I aPA Y MORNING, NOVEMBER IF SCORES i die -^NuMANKOCIEmN' anira- IDAHO OBIECTS TO Iflcere ■ EAST 'S BULLfIGH: drain ' bow » . a m - ti. • I d a h o Humane loelety to V. Aol diysentaproUtttoUiecov " emor of Nev Jertey agalni holding Uie proposed bu: lUht men Novtmber so. . 'H Ihis buU fight U aUove 10 Uka pUee at advertised. BV. M „id Mij, jaipjet a. Rob ee na* erit. Boise. sUte presldenl aniza* 'Vtmoul the leut attempt a Jnlerfennee jin Ihe 'part e the rtatd and clly otIldaU. I ^ P vlll etUbllsh a preccdan pla. to vhldivUlbadUlleulttooom {Qting ' bat vhen Uie'tplril Infhieno on ol oUier ttate farm «nanuoiliet." 1,000,:. .' ' SilHKOIH i iwictimii irea. _____ , n Me-. ------- GovernorBaIdrldgeAppro\ i-S: airadilion of Men H For Stealing Automoli riglnw sndol'; - ’SS BOISE. KOV. JJiyn-EalndlUot Robert King. M.allu Bobert nob< ton. and Pnnk Johnton. IB. 1i S S s Tvtn Palls to Salt Lake City i ipprored today by OonAiOT Bi ridge. The men v t n vanted In £ ofua Uke City to face ft charge « f ate raUop: tn automobile irom'-BU tUonal strong on November 30. le Ifa* Affldavftt acoonptnylnr the r “TT- uislUon' fnm Oovctnor Oeorse I DeraUiah.saldmetvomenfoi> \ Btrofig out of me car at me pc rn of a gun. The men ven arrested I j] ' Tvin PaUs thorUy altervotd. fILESiSS - gun Ust Ihundty evening, v u i n„ moUshed in colllsUn vim a poi tn a pole e u t of Kimberly Frtd % tao m . aad Uiay vete amsted tbShotpKal-here vtiera.therjn lar trtatment for apparen tuperflelal voundt. ' - Xlog. vho v u driviog v u mi teverearinlund. teedvlog deep e tbout U«-faee and pottlble taten Injuriei. Wim.Jolmson he v u i moved from me hctpiul to Uie eou TJEJtt lyjnniM eTtsl’BatnrOiTrtnit-vb bU-tondlUon look an unfavomi ^Ul«. turn Tueedty he v u rttumed tot le. hls hosptUL King. In InUrvlevs.Saturday vi y.Eu* Sheriff CUfford Patton. Salt La fldert, a ty ,’aod loctl otficen. BMUfflede t ot a Un rtfpontlblllly lor theft ot t ound* ctr and tald ha had pidced up'Job loteh, son 00 Uie rpad near Brigham Ci ' uuh, Thunday nlgbt. . 3ourt of Domestic Relatic fl /k-^ ' ^ SWroETPlefR m ^ ' - V ' _____________ . CMlyri^b^ N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ ------- DAIL ;R 26,1930 • ____________________ ^OF JAP INEARl IN— iPm IIi 'Tuli. MmjhIs Hoii TO as Fragments ol DIsas 'HT Emerse From Slr'lcl Area O n T lzin ’raiiS to- gov- ByGLC.VNBABB (AaceUled Pnis SUK WriUi «ed rnOKYO. (W ednesd I Monil»(rt N w . 20 - tob* earthquake stretched ^1. belt of death anti destruct • •• ncro.ifl the northern port ^ ^ of the beautiful Izu pcnlnsi Unt early today with a toll of dc om- and Injured mounting atei ily M fragmenta of the dls ter. atorj* emerged from 1 area. = The chief of pollee ol siilnii tM • pre/<dare, vWch Jncfudee the J l* ' ' penlnsuU. etUmaUd th t qutko di In ' at betveen lOO'anl ISO vhlle iU number ot Injured v u likely , , brlns Iho tolal cawiltlei to NO II I bit district. Ifl I The chief ofpoUoe a t Namatu. J n I . ported ies dead In tbe'Numaxu pol dlsttict alone. Including 97 kiUed Nlrayima. eight mUet southeaic Anaauntciallyormodeadi UaiH impoaslble ovlog to dealrucllon nciu ettnaunlctlJocsmmigbouuJiepi iOblle (tte of. a large. portion* soulhem Itu v u stlU unknovn vl nporU fromsuch Importaot ceot Uoo of uAtaml. lio.NtgtoUandShUH obert* Jl wwe of the toeagettsl variety. ' inm AlUiough first nport-deilgnal 4 .^ ? Mlshima u tbe cenUr ot m» qui tone. (hU rallvay juocttoi appet « 1 ^ have lutlered lest than reso Al many placet, flnt folkm irfi <Coollnued On Page 3. CoL)) SioillMl BinLtsnm iiiEiifi tof.ft _____ CHIOAOO, Nov. as flPh-nu cr “S^thafl'*BJaS^iS^ ed all lupo^or the TO-year-old pt Ule, he aUi; v u eUsgleg to life t ^ night. Cnoonsdout. unable to U ^ n * nwUhmebt beause of a eomUo lome IngtoaUendlogdoetoit. . ' Prteodt bave touod aonptanaUi ’ vim of hU Untdly In me rigor ot 1 Lake earlier life u a mUslonaty bishop den* Xaaias.andlflbUdttivnott«Ua it me ao Invalid vlfe. tahn- Each dty Ihe xUe h u vUIUd t . City, tldcroera, kndk beside hit bed, ai praytd for hU recovery. ss:^=^«r^==s===as= tions, ------------------ W . at, ISSO. by.Ihe N et Yorii Ttlbunt, Ifio. ,Y Nl u g u o a Aimrr aimxAO ____________ o r cmotruiTioiiB »ANESE rilQUAK H00.VER~8^HANCE- aster FOR WILD TURKEY Iclicn MEAL DISAPPEAR nsiila w^uwoiojfrNov. u t I -T ba fUver of vtid lu key appeaU to PrMldent lIO' Tcr bai a bird et tba bimyai it«r) variety vlU pnbtbly gnee U Hnv W hite iloB te table < .Thaaktgiviagdty. , Uvrenee RItbry. ene of U !d, A .pittldcaVa aeeretarU s.'r Ction toned rt««iitly frem a hoa rtlon tag.trip vim tvo viid tv nsula kw OMOt Uit» a-gS.pen ,l«J2 rMIef. bat new rame fni dead ^Vhlto nanie today Uu lead* Uteto tiltdt alnady bad bee liSAg. eaten. take Uielr pUee. Three' ai xuoka aliva and atratUng bni U « Iiu oUien are irady fer Ui I dead roaster. 0 the • . __ y to — . xiiiiEism r.818ilui o of . . ipen* .------- EminentldahoStatesmani •nun “ Secretary-of-Stato-C iT“‘ cuss' Foreign Relalli naUd _____ tuake pear- WABHINOTON, Kor. JS elgnaffalrtcameupfortnlevle 1^ ^. -at aJuoeheon.eoDfeTOW.betf ^ Secntary SUmson aod SenaUr 1 Sl. Ilam E. Borah. Idaho clultmai me fonlgn nUUoot commlUee. IQ ■ If anynevstep.InbiUmaUonal r UUons U contcmpUled It v u " dlseloeed. pro The tvo hold oppotiu'islevt rtn Uie proposed tdhenoce by Ano to me vorld court and meta v etchaoged frtnUy. It wu aeti cru* doted by Mr.'BUiniOdvhemer lihDP admlolstraUon vUl aubmlt.Uia t o i vised protocol for American adt DatplU hU oppotiUon to jh t vised pntoeol. Borah b u pton b) give meQuetUoolmmedUt« all tlcFOby me fonlgn nUttaia cent Ue,th«uldPnWdtnt Hoover tub Bta-' .Then u consMtnMe douot m tenaU, haverer, UM Ur. MOc lUon vHI Inject me bsue talo Uie (hU proodilog thort tession bom beea spin .of hU desire to arold an extra I Uave tion and because of Uiefatlnnoi Uie oUter ntUont to tpprove ' I'hU document senalor Borth Infotroed me set . m tt he InUnded (o give e = s oonUdenUoo by Uie eommlUtt me gtneral arbitnUon tnaly a •Soum America vhleh U the.l raeatun of imporUnw now pend _ J In the tenite. Anomer tntly-one wlUi Ctm nUUng to fishing riihU In Uie 1 d flo-'tlso U pending and win ttce ettly tflcnttet. , ' • . • . CLARA BOW'S FORMER , AID CONFRONTS CHARI LOS ANOELES. Nov.» Devoe, fonner teenUry'ot Clara B •town sUf. vttlnd/«<d by countiy gnnd J ^ Ulo today on eounU ot grand theft involving i pnixlmately I10.0M of MUt Bo ”S f ’lodlcUnent vaa n tm e d 1 medUUIy afUr me entvbUe tec tan htd tpent an hour befon ' Jury uying to eipUln accusaU mtde tjttlnit her br U>» actreti. Miss Devoe v u ac«usel.otJui:! • .vritlen ihousanda of doUan ot t auUiorlted checkt on’ M itt Boi b u k account, to vhlcb the bad i cets. , MAN IN VANCOilVER JAI FACES HOMICIDE CHARI VANCOUVER. W uh., Nov. IS i -A formal charge of fint degi murder v u lodged agtlntC W. Maki. 40. afler he v u brought Vancouver ttKUy Irom PortUi Ongon. In connection vrtUi tbe dei ' of Andnv Hendrickson, farmer Hoeklnson. near hen lut-nlght. Mtkl v u aneiled In PorUand I day tt the home ot hU friend. Itucton. lie vtlved atndiUon fn Oregon. Hendrickson v u found detd yi terdty in the home ot Mrs. Sop! ' Scbnder. hU neUhbor. He btd i ptnntly been beateb to det Itaacson Informed poUce-Makl h " told htm'that he had been la ^ht._ ____________ POLICE DETAIN FUGITK LOS ANOELES. Nov. ,U W Reggerto OarguU. 2S. v a t arm ! In San Pedraloolght on'K (QgUl . vatraol luued In Salt U ka 01 .tJUh. In connecUon vllh a w ; diamond r e b b ^ . . Mice tald Oargula v u cha>| vim robbing LouU RoUiiUln In' . daylight hoUup In front ofUie Si Lake City unloo.depot last: fleptti «. bet ai. ........ "'--==^'^TODAYi-Falr. EWS ° ' • io PAGES-‘BCENE 'Iiiii® r-F/i[81li8#i - ililCTil E - -------------^ --------- 7- -----------^ -------- EY Buriey, Bellevue, Jfrom ABS and Twin Falls Men O i “M l P lacesOnCounoll Charge ^ 5 ^ Will) Upbulldlns cl Idah »me _____ ' ” , (DyTheAssodatedPress) - ,i 16. T l WSE, Nov. 25—Goverat K If. C. Baldridge toda boat. prepared to m a ss Ih *»• "best mlnda of tho Btato’’ i an,attack-on unemploymenl that Acting undcr/authorizatla beta of the post-war law crcalin; the council of defense, th lie's govemor named BO men nni ,• t n women lo study the needa o I tha Idaho vim ft vUv to promoUng ei Uw ery kind of pi^Uo aod 'laduitrU construction that vlll retult in m employment ot m a n nan.-. After etch menber of Uw eoune ------ --- h u ttudled tbo UluaUonaUvlU I ITU I It surveyotme tute. Tha flrtt neet ' tag VUI be Ul BoUe oo December • f ll AlUiough tiie var UJO yean W U the gvremor taid.jmany U not 1^ n the eoonomUlOtoftodayan trace " tble to poit-var nadjuttmeot. an for mu reaton' empl^uent ot Ui oouncU ordefeose ntdUoeryieefl anand woinutt MOTWit^. Describing the pnsent ctll u i 1 -0 S* rmobllUaUoB of dUaent,- Uia goi enjouaidjie v u oonfldeDt me one atinne vhompondedtothenoblUaUml var vould respond w th e pneen call JUfle^Ceavtaeea.,. vtodty “A IIUU nfUcUon vUI-convlne betveen tbe mbit hMdleu U ut thU U a Um of-cnalpoblUaeed.-Ji»:iaJd.' ^ ®‘ tWogeney. b e . urged Utuanoei o “ *i bondt. vblle tte market U tUU tt inaire* ronUe,_.;_-- ru not .yfttMl better wlley," ho^MWd • -eould be adopted-by pubue-lofttto' lerUie U>a Mcd,.;>U». governor-mrDet the n r agalBtt ngartlng .tha.pnkUm .a tdto*' M^ly tn emg y iey pteat f f . '.-.^; Wj»,w* Nov ttemt an epp6rtunfl(ltoa,'.lei b aui^ . btt.-BtebUffl< prpJ^ lent ooomon tolnduitTUI,-, enter- luhoilt prise-Mbeimpwrenentofourmeani . , . of producUoa to. nako a'Uvellboot Sula^)raaeotpr«iir;dUtiJbuUoi SH io* mfUudt to u to W e gainful oe< ‘“- K S iS S '^ P money Uavill. ■eotaU obU.vben otterial and Ubor.c«t2 ra'the an Uver Uian for,nany-yearM maUmeforuatoUilnkover.UMe laetrty btdt of our headi for mtny ytan.". Aigtoerall^lafordUeuitUoUM vim lornnor ouUlned Uie foUovlng: IB lone PUBUO PROJECnSr-Blgbvay] ffodlag aodbrtdgetuataeaofotcemmuoi- ; aUoo tod outlet for Idaho pred- ’..'..1. ueU; redatoaUob of arid. eut*ovn h e ^ tnd vaUr-logged Undt.^ • ■ publie' bttlldlngt; • oavlgaUoo; . .In- :|^ (OooUnued Oa Page a. Col.l) ' “iH im iiL*:- S 'isiiispi BOVI _. iS : f nter’s Westem Fatality '^List Increases to Score “ ®i. _as-'Blobl(ed,RoadsiOpen of un* BOV*'t -------- . . “ I « ' DENVER. NOV. as t*>-WtoUr% Wettem falaUly lUt, compiled d o * iog Ust vtekra hlUurd, .vu lo* lAll- « W loul Indu(!.d Miwl Vic- U nt In Colondo, one eaeh to wyem* V. K. fng. Kavtdt. Oregon. Atfpna tad ght to Texu; tve In.SouUi DakoU and ctUnd. mree etch In California ahd Nw. idetm Modoo. ier at Hie lln addlUonal TicUma vbote t. bodlei htd been'eoneetled by tnov ndto- ven WlUUm Parieer. Neso. found Id. L todayioatnoidrinUmilNveatet afrom Cheyenoe; Miguel Bebada. theep*. ' ' herder, /ousd atar Ohatcbcr, Ooio* d yu•^ ndo; WUUam 'J.-Paaek; 'Keaney, SophU Kebraskt, and aa tmldenUfled a a a . adV bom^boalcatUidrUiHla Uw la * J J r vay Uirough m * w r JJUtWgii^.’ toneMU ataMtd to rdrUU •s a lt pwrud todty.'ihodk.B»wifaa pl' - I <0«ltauedXtaP»«S^5''

Transcript of LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y...

Page 1: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re


Yu' ;V y o L . r i i N O. j m

§2 ' ___ —

E, i

I S Is m S a n a Q u a r te t

> l t ( ^ n e d In A la i

JVNZMJ. Aluka, Nov.. M C Forty-clslit bourt of uotdous dl tn( to ft rock, pounded and lutU br tba curf. uved ili« Ilvti of 7 odon KttttHon. SuperlnUndent

’ ( l» AlaiJM Ploneen' Homt, IT 4 HojJm, Alfretl Tllion m H 7 mdtrlekMn, til ot 8lUa.

Thejr n r t mcue<l fron tho i rock br tha p tu lac motmhlp

------ UbeUi, «Mdi ■trlrtd b e n UxUrThe £e(tb«lh took'then to 61U The pu ty v u In ft power Uit

rdum lns home trom' a huDlliix' vhen ft Hidden t«le im uhcd JtuDch acalnit tho nckf. Th* I climbed onto a rock and m nal

' ' tliere tvo d*ri and tvo

Xiitff and Queen Keep Annloereari/ at 0<

OSLO, Korway, Nor. « Wh-K Haakon VII and Queen Uaud t» celebrated th6 tventx*fUth annli i a h of their a m u lo n to the thr of NcTwijr vlth a dmpls cooum oratlre iervice a t the capital'! pi clpal church and * round of 1

--------- tlviuw It-the royal palace.____Frlacf Oroxe ot ^ l a n d , «bi

queen Maud'i nephev. Kins Chi tian and Queen AleyandrU of S mark, and other royal rtpreseo llvei attended, but thcte vas en iC u^ fton court a t 6(0

'iwlm;, Relatlou totween Non and Siteden alvayt have bten a Jrieodly during Xing Haal(On'i kI but Bvedcn could not participate

’ this celebration, marking as ll < the dluolutlon ot tbe unlbh betvi

— — the-l»o-eouoti1ej.,_

Canadian Vessel H am VancduverBarbor Ti

4VAHCOJJVXR. BrtUih CoJua) , }<0V. U (AV-The harbor TUg Met lea vas rammed and n n k by Prineeu Stalne, Canadian pac paMenaer veswl. outbound for N

........ ' pect'M ta '.tenltbC% »e ( u ^ - p. vaa retow l by tb t Ouir ot a m Toalng ceopanr tug.Ooblin, vh vaa nearty. .

The'Prlneett £lalne conUnued . Nanaimo. I t ' va* pKMtned I

r - ; — ‘lantNvftMl-vu.ntft.afHoinly.f1iaged.

J.P. Morgan Receives Bigh Honor at Oxfoi

bXTORO. England. Nor. i i w . J. P. Morgan, vlth a blue vttvet I In bis hand and a Karlet govn fi Ing from hli broad shoulders, ate on a 'dals in the oonaultauon h

. hete today and •listened to th« ui venlty oraUr reading a long sptt

. in U tln which msde him a doctor clrll la n .

He v u soUmn and tUenUve di ing-tbe ceremony, bul Imaedlati thereitter he broke Into a bto unlle u tha audience applauded c ihutUfUcaliy. - Then tu poiei I

' InlheU tlnipeechtheoratorm e tloned Mr. Morgaa'a*TeceDt genm lly.** a tttertnce to Ua purchue 1 the British museuo ol ibe priceh

' Bedford book ot hours and th» 1 nous,Uittrell FtalUr.

• Saow and Wind Delay Aviator Bunting Tri

5- A VANCODVEBTfliiuib Cdumb ^ Nov. as MV-PalUn* o o v , driven b

, fon a ahan* north vlnd a t Whi Hone. Yukon territory, today pr

\ Koted E. U Wasson, wbo jMtefdi — IbetW -thi demagkl.pIaDe of CJ] ~ i Uin E. J . A. Burke from taking o

~ to n :V lsltth fffp o tn ih e rrb ea v tl plane to detmntne whether IU o

I cupsnu had survived the Upiiinr Wasun found tha pUna about.

nllea nodh of Wolf s Uke In watera ot the Uard river, bat taw 1

, aign of Burke and hU tvo coopai font, Smll Ktdlag. nteebanJe. at Bob MarUn. proapeetor.

Cuban Pre^ent'Gets Legislature's S u p 0

HAVANA. Nov. as WVTbe' bou ' of.tepreaentaUrei tonight added 1

approval to (he aenate'k on Prea denl-Machado^ re<Meft lhal he t aulhbtlied lo tuspend canitltutiMi guarantees all over Cuba for M dty The vole v u W, to 14.

gava auent last vreck; The o ^ V tk n v u ltd by Ctrioa Manuel d

U C n f

m - Y e a r - O l d W o ^ G o e t l o t y o r k D a U i

k a h h ab o r ry , mov. » w - u nEmma MeMahonr409 yeara ol^ vm to vbrk u usual today.

6tia v u bonortd by her feliov cm' ' rployes In a qullUng factory a t a bitUi< ■ day luneheoo. ao tnnual atfalr ai

the place of buaiaett whert tbe ap .1 pt*a ter verk a lt rnoraim a v«ek

. 'V ' Aifcedvbetbenhabadartelpefoi 'happiness, the agtd seamstrtu tald:

“None at all. oaly gel upxarlv Ir the momlng and votk all day,"

M mlipCiSiN

_ JIIPI, " W h a t W e Need Is Enfqi

!------------- i m n t - o f _ S l a t u l e s =

More ' U w s ,” Decii

la ,h a N ation’s C hief E « o u l

(By The AiiocUUd Pressfi t ' s T T r A SH ING TO N , N ov. I S W - T h e . h M d o t this ent ot ' ' tlon tod a y appealed

i th e public to t h r w i U weJ ^ behind th e wea’pona o f th e

16 auri b reak ing up ganffster i p ^ UvlUeg.lay. . rn s ld e n t Hoover satd Blika. b e l i e v e d A niobiliratlon Uuneh p u b l i c su p p o r t behind V Wp preient Uva vould solre tbe p

.e four ’*“ •nalned n e pretldent tald the fed t<- go\Ytnment v u assUUng local

UiotiUet "Co orm om a bli ’ gangftcr ana corrupt control o t l O slo ^ * 1 govenuoent.”

' lie added, hovever. I h a th e ^ -U n g pUi\ to ask congreu for any ot< iilfrtt erlaiinal Uvs to cover "n throne ‘Uerlng" and that reports to I atem- e f/« i vero "untrjM."I prta- Ung], ju te h u an' U vt that cover such criminal! vbo U Hoover M ld.-*mafU neede ChrU< Uie enforcement of those lavs.: Deo. not more Uvi.- senta; virtually tlmllar comment “ “ tatde by Atlomey General Mitel

Vbo recently disclosed Uut Uie ( lorvay ,nyQ(nt bad sent agcnu lo Cbic 1 to operate against orgtnlsed gi *«»“■ there, through the federal Ine

B»noUB. vWte tUre and It ow. m l^Unn.tveen u v t Not Enfotced -

■ '■ Itu * fart.-MltclieUiald.'*!

IB . N ^ n S e *” t l ^ e ^ l of T u g enlng U primarily ft itftto funct

and ve.are m e r^ olfering ass uabla, ance. auch u a tU bptlsg ,to brta)

Ubor raduU. vhlch n o n Itad J (he » back-handed Vray; We bave M n e InienUon of Uklng over Um vl f Nan* »«»lr". ^

T - r S a e d a , nne ta iru S siP l 4imounc(d uui'gD tgesl'had 'b lent by the departmeot et JuiUa

vhUh act u an aasutant to Uw dUtrlet I . l« w * Jd Ohleage aod eoortli

variOM federal acUvlUe* th. i . t J " ■fttasurr offldaU aUo bad ' n •“ “ t U al they vern icruUnb

tha Inocme ot Al Capocw and ot gangiun to see U action eoald

) brought against them under tbe

f o r i'PresIdent'HobVer said; bove'

l a - ^ utlsfacfton- ft. 1 ^ tbe renecUon Uiat'the only vay

break up gangster aeU v lU avu ' ' i ± Uie.federal govcmmenl to con

! on tho financial pro^ct oCcrl ^ Malnst su to lavt.- torof ‘'What ve need." he u id "Uam

vUespread public avakening to I dur* lallure ot tomo local govemme lately to protect their dtiiens fnm mun btoad raeketeerfng. cotrupUon'aod ot d cn* crincs.'^ind tbelr relying of npF d fsr to Uw aen of Uiese locaUUct ti

, are today naking a courageous b men* Ua to dean up Uieae places." KtOI* •^11118818ilEiTLIVfmblfc , . -------

U nionist W o rk e rs C a fry B a

S tie rs D em anding Exeoutii

?o"? of L ea d ers o l New, P a rvUie .

Ulg, MOSCOW. Nov. M MV-WhUo t ul 60 trial ot eight leaders or 'Uie Indibetd trial pariy." charged vJlh high tre,v no ton and plotUng fonlgn inteirent* ipan* In BuuU,. proceeded vlUto t and rHouia of Coluauu," Uie W w

• trade nunlon. over a halt mini' unlonUl votken tonlghl ptred

« ? M S i5 5 '> S 5 K_ history ot Bfoacov.

I * * ■me opening of Uie ttial v u o cupUd prindpally vim Uie nadli of Indlotmeau vhlch induded po

«•>* Ugna'of*oonfe»alons" of me accuse ^ Tvo Uvyet* v e rt appointed lo re) K>7*-reseqt me defendanU.-'

- .M ta d a a lf CtompoMd n iU TTia. dtfendanU aeemed Ute mo hleh compoeed'-ptrKna present, too potl- H D oklngclgintteiandmdlngnai l .d t adnea VhUe clerks droned out Uie U

djctmenU. .- Itiur')udget ta t wearily tmokir

" dgareUei ' vbUa me IndlcUnen , venread.aU drtttedlntolt-colU i

i l j / ed thlrU la a motl Informal mat ' ner.-

ChUrPi»eeuUrKriItnko.vhoal ^ ^ h u eent many nen to deaU

klly vaulted the pRxecdlogt.^ .SurmmdlQgtbaaUgeof Uiecouj m * room, v u a baU ar.of movie an

uncu e a m e r a a tecordlng ever ' movemtnt ot m e prisooen,»P* Uvyen and clerkL DlncUy lo freo eek. of Uu atags mon t2ua 100 Joa (or and foreign joumaUiU vatehed m

Ild: ptoceedingt. SoldUra surrounded U r to building and onty Uiese vim Ucket

vtre petmiUcd lo enter.

f l ' . T B E O ^ L l





W E S T OBiWOR » J ,

minn1 U h n abiuir lovtrd devtieplil l l U U • BeebanUas te defeat avi

!n*an latervUv v l t t Uei

= N o i-mxteh simpler,- i b a a

ic lares leemed to many ttaOeaU <

CUtiVe he v u vorUcoataiy iU m ot slgBallag vll redieU, ulng ligbU at.nlgl

' and bUck tmoke ta Uie da] nv 25 retketo veoM I

l e n a - depUi ot Um fog a*led to . Uie locatUtt ot Uie airport ve/ffhtte la n r = ^ = =

ROBBERS GET $ 2 0 ,0 0 0

U .h o in SILK in HEW Y€Ion o f -------id th o NEW YORK. N «. M (« -R o t a nrob* tavaded the mld-tovn silk dls

ft (e today and staged a dtrbtg 2i up, binding Uie proprietor of a l

federal store and six employet. induding c tl au- voffl'en.andmakingolfvimatr WdMui Uad Ol tllk valued a t BOW.

r= BimiHS■»« * R ain Conlln'nes to D esa

n , u d O n Continen t, a n d

X m o f S to rm .M ounts H otiiUhell. _____MgOV*Jbictgo LONDON, Nor. M UV-Rowb . gtngs splashed Uiraugh the streeu of I Income bUn suburb! lonlght, men voi nd lm* long boun to repair me bnken d

along me riven of Belgium, and n ln StUI pounded on a Europe ready sullerlng heavily fnm dUt

l. ^ t ousHoodt.Belgium fd t me heaviest bknr.

K e»P» wtre ruined, her llvetl . ^ 1. . - drowned In great Qumbert, hern

v e n under vaUr and.UuusandiS S l S ^>"P«P‘• “ « ^ ^ h » ■ ‘^«»•.v e n o T h e ' big h«plU) a t Namur

*b«U flooded and me tide ven c a r ^ me topmost'floon. ’ Tbe.old te<

ir n ia i flrU aam odinnportvvaiB B Bi« ; 'V )d .u » dunu.'ptotMUic"'

dtaSu tovUBda fttm.Ui* Tmth ui DuCcb.bordenii«ra.biokenla'm

rdinaic pUeea.-- . . . . . .then.- The dUutldn la ParU v u ae 'made The.Seine,:alnady high above inlslng non^leveU,conUnuedtoiltt>pi lo ther logMter-talomeauburiKandti flld Ue. iniTlmo the city lueir. Pampt* he Ux working aU day long and almo

. metiop^Uo(rantporUUonfadll - -- ven.natlnleiTUp(edmedlywaj

guard for atiy emergen^, vay to I t v n In T «p

The ImporUot' tovn of Ju P^V i. found iuelt In a Inp vim Uu R

Otge rUiog on one side aod .Crime Belne menulng Uie omer. Parit

iUelf on ahort v tU r nUons. for am on notmal-aopply h u been fouled to me mud’ a o d 'th e n v u no meana imenU bringing In additional supt^et l u ^ r . boUled waur.

■ 8« w teus had me situaUon eome m a t local omdaU prepare*

* ask the; chamber of depuUet w Uie govemment It going to do ab UiealtuaUon.'

' H ouaad 'apnuem vusuaterii ) . vllb Uje r in r M au u me gnai I . Uinat. The Oerman Rhine SUl11 J a t flood, but It v u believed Uut

vorst v u over for Oennany. n r n Qigland me nlns conllnutd In tc {fL L tecUoot, but Uie mentce of tert

flood! appeared to hate pu t.



ution BOISE. Nov."js'w>-Bghly g . . te ll of ooonsblne vhUkey, .and 'a r ty gUlon copper ami. fiOO gallons

m uh, h Urge automobile aod a vi . leiy of equipment designed for mi

Jo me Ing bevmget. aod tvo m en-Pn ndus* DenUin and Je n U o '- v e n In a U*»- near tbo Ada county Jtll tonij

sntwn afiet eouoty and fedenl ofHo i me raided,ft thtck on ShafJer creek

oiUm north el Boise, illlloa • Federal offlctn chanwd t»ent

and U cy vim possession and ma uracturo on -John .Doe- varrai vhen Uie atreiU v e n mtde.

t h r e e h e n p e r i s h IN ‘


. rt^ATisBOROir. Nev Yortc. N' }S MV-Threo men v e n Instani an eiplotlon ot dyoam!

m u t InaralneofibeChateaugiyO nai tomo Iron company a t I.yon mountain t mag* day. The three, all trom Lyon nou leln* tain, vren storing tbe expletive <

. (he 300-foot Im l vhen It txpMt 5kiog The cauie v u not deUrmlned. aenu The dead a n : lUar* RAY DOCOABME. is. man* MIKE RABITOl. M.


tarn’. ■ '

* u ,t A U S K A N MIKE CLOSEand ■ -------

iverr LAT80CHE. Alaska. Kor. 3S (j dgea. A copfier.mlBO which employed i :reat maoy soo n e a vUl dote pemai

etiUr Deoefltber 1. Ttn proper me vnked by tbe Kemiecott Ooppi

im e ootpontlon for me UU » yflui wi n U knovn rotnerly as the Beanon taUn

Tbe pay gtrtak ceued ,


FALfW IN FA L L S, ID A H O , W E D N E al

p i l i l '! « m i [I [FTO TO LIWS T hree N ational O rganl

l io n s ' C h ief ' Offlc

U rge , Solons to R eft

rklng ■ F rom C hanging N ew 'iVlUl ___

dav- By HAROLD OLIVER :i be f-UseeUUd Press SUff WriUrenid T T T A S H IN G T O N , Nov.^and W - U n d e r s of th re e\ ' * llona l fo rm organl— ' tlons u rg ed th o se n a te a j

■--------cu ltu rc com m lttce today30 r e f r a i n f ro m attcrop taY nR j/ am end th e fa rm nrnrko t

a c t a t .thfl .sh o r t acMftrn niAvwf. congress b u t 'to g ivo th o fa

board a n additional 5250,OCtrheld* COO lo cany 00 JU priee and mar) a large l>ut lUbUUaUon openUona n ling tvo iw -a Uuck- n ie UsUmony dl the agrlculta

ebiels concluded ft Ivo-day beat , to deUtn

N , ihe tenU m

■ S l l n B m e a t u r i

U re tts o m

—Toll tu

mlltee for nej.. week to* de^ma mat point. ,

8. IL Thompton. pnsldent of I Americta Parm aunau PedenU

«HikM ^ J- Taber, m uter of Uie NaUo O rangc.aodO .& Jfuff.fofthef

' (CooUnued Oo Page 2. Col 4)

-w o T l i is l i i p isiiflfflBiiniS J w EOCENE. O n , Nor. 15 £tUe* SumerUnd.«7.tUyeroftvciottle tBDdat*. !li2riag:a'llgiRrjsW.stM>r^u^ ic'-Um gra^thtee oonUit ago. vaa kUSd to me a tun ll(h t vim deputy sherUlini

I'tooiy W estPlrtoday. - •^ Bumerlasdvuapprised InaU

..M iu be rla trtnusedutw plog(iaart( n e % Bereral boUeU atrude BuUwrUi

one dlttWlng hit right u m . .At I

polot blank Vim bU left hand. 1 tbou veot.vUd and John’Carl potse'leader, aod LetUr CarllU. 1

v u on *>»( <>»<>•- Sumerland killed Clear Duley. I gene p oU ^an , and Jos Saoode deputy game vatden, n m b e n ol

JuvUt raiding party Auguit 2S. tod vour

* S ^Dd t t e aheriftt.Lriiput I - M. — I form e __________________ •

a » ^ I I n t h e G olet of l__________________________

on be- 'r ' " ■■ired-to ----------- ---------- :----------------I whatI about A

sa '■ ■■ Il l l v u . «u tU ie - \ y. Iantcena , ¥ ;\lertoni . ' ’“ aVT u I

INTY^ ■ — — --------- ^

y gtl- -------- -----------------Qdetr* .fit of ' ^

• mak* • ' X Ptank ,"N / > r na n d . J ___ _

•enton .

/ t 'Int** \ . \ S )F : :\

: \ ^ 1 0 ® * '

ses : .■ ‘ :J WJ ■)d u - • • mao* .

S ' . . ' - ^I wia , ' ........ ...®lofc ■ ' .

S ^ N B W S P A P E R t m W l N



-^NuMANKOCIEmN' anira- IDAHO OBIECTS TO Iflcere ■ EAST'S BULL fIGH: drain ' bow » . a m - ti.

• I d a h o Humane loelety to V. A ol diysen taproU tttoU iecov

" emor of Nev Jertey agalni holding Uie proposed bu: lUht m en Novtmber so. .

'H Ihis buU fight U aUove 10 Uka pUee a t advertised.

BV. M „ id Mij, j a i p j e t a . Rob ee na* erit. Boise. sUte presldenl aniza* 'Vtmoul the le u t attempt a

Jnlerfennee jin Ihe 'part e V« the rtatd and clly otIldaU. I

^ P vlll etUbllsh a preccdan pla. to vhldivUlbadUlleulttooom {Qting ' bat vhen Uie'tplril Infhieno on o l oUier tta tef a r m «nanuoiliet."

1,000,:. . ' • '

SilHKOIHi iwictimiii r e a . _____ ,n Me-. -------

GovernorBaIdrldgeAppro\ i-S: airadilion of Men H

For Stealing Automoliriglnwsndol'; - • —’S S BOISE. KOV. JJiyn-EalndlUot

Robert King. M .allu Bobert nob< ton. and Pnnk Johnton. IB. 1i

S S s Tvtn Palls to Salt Lake City i ipprored today by OonAiOT Bi ridge. The men v t n vanted In £

o f u a Uke City to face ft charge « f ate raUop: tn automobile irom'-BU tUonal strong on November 30. le Ifa* Affldavftt acoonptnylnr the r “TT- uislUon' fnm Oovctnor Oeorse

I D eraUiah.saldmetvomenfoi> \ Btrofig out of me car a t me pc

r n of a gun. The men v e n arrested I j ] ' Tvin PaUs thorUy altervotd.

fILESiSS- gun Ust Ihund ty evening, v u i

n „ moUshed in colllsUn vim a poi tn a pole e u t of Kimberly Frtd

% t a o m . aad Uiay vete amsted tbShotpKal-here v tiera.therjn

lar trtatment for apparen tuperflelal voundt.

' - Xlog. vho v u driviog v u mi teverearinlund. teedvlog deep e tbout U«-faee and pottlble taten Injuriei. Wim.Jolmson he v u i moved from me hctpiul to Uie eou

TJEJtt lyjnniM eT tsl’BatnrOiTrtnit-vb ■ bU-tondlUon look an unfavomi ^Ul«. turn Tueedty he v u rttumed to t le. hls hosptUL

King. In InUrvlevs.Saturday vi y.Eu* Sheriff CUfford Patton. Salt La fldert, a ty ,’aod loctl otficen. BMUfflede t ot a U n rtfpontlblllly lor theft ot t ound* c tr and tald ha had pidced up'Job loteh, son 00 Uie rpad near Brigham Ci

' u u h , Thunday nlgbt. .

3ourt of Domestic Relatic

fl /k- ' ^

S W ro E T P le fR


^ ' - V '_____________

. CMlyri^b^

N FALLS-eOukfY- -------

DAIL;R 26 ,1930 •____________________

^O F JAP IN E A R lIN— iP m I I i 'Tuli. MmjhIs Hoii

TO a s F ra g m en ts ol DIsas

'H T E m e rse From Slr'lcl

“ A rea O n T l z i n ’r a i iSto-

gov- ■ —ByGLC.VNBABB

(AaceUled Pnis SUK WriUi« e d rn O K Y O . ( W e d n e s dI M onil»(rt N w . 20 -tob* earthquake stre tched ^ 1 . b e lt of death anti d e s tru c t • • • ncro.ifl th e n o rthern port ^ ^ o f th e beautiful Izu pcnlnsi U nt early today w ith a toll o f dc om- and Injured m ounting atei

ily M fragm enta o f th e dls ” te r . atorj* em erged from 1

■ a rea .= The chief of pollee ol siilnii tM • pre/<dare, vWch Jncfudee the J l* ' ' penlnsuU. etUmaUd th t qutko di I n ' a t betveen lOO'anl ISO vhlle iU number ot Injured v u likely , , brlns Iho tolal cawiltlei to NO I I I bit district.Ifl I The chief ofpoUoe a t Namatu. J n I . ported ies dead In tbe'Numaxu pol

dlsttict alone. Including 97 kiUed Nlrayima. eight mUet southeaic

A n a a u n tc ia lly o rm o d ea d i UaiH impoaslble ovlog to dealrucllon n c iu ettnaunlctlJocsmmigbouuJiepi

iOblle (tte of. a large. portion* soulhem Itu v u stlU unknovn v l nporU fromsuch Importaot ceot

Uoo of uA tam l. lio.NtgtoUandShUH obert* Jl wwe of the toeagettsl variety.' in m AlUiough first nport-deilgnal 4 . ^ ? Mlshima u tbe cenUr ot m» qui

tone. (hU rallvay juocttoi appet « 1 ^ have lutlered lest than reso

Al many placet, f ln t folkm

i r f i <Coollnued On Page 3. CoL))

S io illM lBinLtsnmiiiEiifi

to f .f t • _____■ CHIOAOO, Nov. as flPh-nu cr

“ S ^ t h a f l ' * B J a S ^ i S ^ed all lupo^or the TO-year-old pt Ule, he aUi; v u eUsgleg to life t

^ night. Cnoonsdout. unable to U ^ n * nwUhmebt beause of a eomUo

lome IngtoaUendlogdoetoit. .' Prteodt bave touod aonptanaUi

’ vim of hU Untdly In me rigor ot 1 Lake earlier life u a mUslonaty bishop

den* X aaias.andlflbU dttivnott«U a it me ao Invalid vlfe. tahn- Each dty Ihe xUe h u vUIUd t . City, tldcroera, kndk beside h it bed, ai

praytd for hU recovery. s s : ^ = ^ « r ^ = = s = = = a s =

t i o n s , ------------------

W■ .

at, ISSO. by.Ihe N et Yorii Ttlbunt, Ifio.

,Y Nlu g u o a Aimrr aimxAO

____________ o r cmotruiTioiiB


H00 .V E R ~ 8^H A N C E - a s te r FOR W ILD TURKEY


nsiila w ^ u w o io j f r N o v . u tI - T b a fUver of vtid lu

key appeaU to PrMldent lIO' Tcr bai a bird et tba bimyai

it«r) variety vlU pnbtbly gnee U H n v W h ite ilo B te table <

.Thaaktgiviagdty., U vrenee RItbry. ene of U

!d , A .pittldcaVa a e e re ta rU s .'r Ction toned rt««iitly frem a hoa rtlon tag.trip vim tvo viid tv nsula ■ k w OMOt U it» a-gS.pen ,l«J2 rM Ief. bat new rame fni dead ^Vhlto nanie today Uulead* Uteto tiltdt alnady bad bee liSAg. eaten.

take Uielr pUee. Three' ai xuoka aliva and atratUng bni U « Iiu oUien are irady fer Ui I dead roaster.0 the • . __y to — . ■xiiiiEismr . 8 1 8 i l u io of . . ipen* .-------

E m in e n tld a h o S ta te sm a n i

•nun “ S e c r e ta r y - o f - S t a to - C

iT “ ‘ c u s s ' Fore ign RelallinaUd _____tuakepear- WABHINOTON, Kor. JS

e lgnaffalrtcam eupfortnlevle 1 ^ . -at aJuoeheon.eoDfeTOW.betf ^ Secntary SUmson aod SenaUr 1 S l . Ilam E. Borah. Idaho clultmai

me fonlgn nUUoot commlUee. IQ ■ If anynevstep.InbiUmaUonal r UUons U contcmpUled It v u

" dlseloeed.p r o The tvo hold oppotiu'islevt rtn Uie proposed tdhenoce by Ano

to me vorld court and meta v etchaoged frtnUy. It w u aeti

cru* doted by Mr.'BUiniOdvhemer lihDP admlolstraUon vUl aubmlt.Uia t o i vised protocol for American adt

DatplU hU oppotiUon to jh t vised pntoeol. Borah b u pton b) give meQuetUoolmmedUt« all tlcFO by me fonlgn nU ttaia cent Ue,th«uldPnWdtnt Hoover tub

Bta-' .Then u consMtnMe douot m tenaU, haverer, UM Ur. MOc

lUon vHI Inject me bsue talo Uie (h U proodilog thort tession bom beea sp in .of hU desire to arold an extra I Uave tion and because of Uiefatlnnoi

Uie oUter ntUont to tpprove ' I'hU document

• senalor Borth Infotroed me set . m tt he InUnded (o give e

= s oonUdenUoo by Uie eommlUtt me gtneral arbitnUon tnaly a

•Soum America vhleh U the.l raeatun of imporUnw now pend

_ J In the tenite.Anomer tn tly -o n e wlUi Ctm

nUUng to fishing riihU In Uie 1 d f lo-'tlso U pending and win ttce ettly tflcnttet. , ' • . •



LOS ANOELES. Nov.»Devoe, fonner teenUry'ot Clara B •tow n sUf. v ttln d /« < d by countiy gnnd J ^ Ulo today on eounU ot grand theft involving i pnixlmately I10.0M of MUt Bo

” S f ’lodlcUnent vaa n tm e d 1 medUUIy afUr me entvbUe tec ta n htd tpent an hour befon ' Jury uying to eipUln accusaU mtde tjttlnit her b r U>» actreti.

Miss Devoe v u ac«usel.otJui:! • .vritlen ihousanda of doUan ot t

auUiorlted checkt on’ M itt Boi b u k account, to vhlcb the bad i cets. ,



VANCOUVER. Wuh., Nov. IS i - A formal charge of f in t degi murder v u lodged agtlntC W. Maki. 40. afler he v u brought Vancouver ttKUy Irom PortUi Ongon. In connection vrtUi tbe dei

' of Andnv Hendrickson, farmer Hoeklnson. near hen lut-nlght.

Mtkl v u aneiled In PorUand I day t t the home ot hU friend. Itucton. lie vtlved a tnd iU on fn Oregon.

Hendrickson v u found detd yi terdty in the home ot Mrs. Sop!

' Scbnder. hU neUhbor. He b td i ptnntly been beateb to det Itaacson Informed poUce-Makl h

" told htm 'that he had been la ^ h t . _ ____________ ■


LOS ANOELES. Nov. ,U W Reggerto OarguU. 2S. v a t arm! In San Pedraloolght on'K (QgUl

. vatraol luued In Salt U k a 01 .tJUh. In connecUon v llh a w ; diamond r e b b ^ . .

M ice tald Oargula v u cha>| vim robbing LouU RoUiiUln In '

. daylight hoUup In front ofUie Si Lake City unloo.depot last: fleptti

«. bet ai. ........



' I i i i i ®r-F /i[8 1 li8 # i- ililCTilE - -------------^ ---------7 - ----------- --------

EY Buriey, Bellevue, Jfrom ABS ■ and Twin Falls Men Oi “ Ml Places On Counoll Charge 5 Will) Upbulldlns cl Idah

» m e _____

' ” , (DyTheAssodatedPress) - , i 16. T l W SE , Nov. 25—G overat

K If. C. B a ldridge toda boat. prepared to m a s s Ih

*»• "b es t mlnda o f th o Btato’’ i a n ,a tta c k -o n unemploymenl

that A cting u n d c r/a u th o r iza tla beta o f th e post-w ar law crcalin;

th e council o f de fense, th l ie 's govem or nam ed BO m en nni ,• t n women lo s tu d y th e needa o I tha Idaho vim ft vUv to promoUng ei

Uw ery kind of pi^Uo aod 'laduitrU construction that vlll retult in m employment ot m an nan.-.

■ ■ After etch menber of Uw eoune ------ --- h u ttudled tbo UluaUonaUvlU I

ITUI I t surveyotme tu te . Tha flr tt neet ' tag VUI be Ul BoUe oo December •

f l l AlUiough tiie va r UJO yean W U the gvremor taid.jmany U not 1 n the eoonomUlOtoftodayan trace " tble to poit-var nadjuttmeot. an

for m u reaton' em pl^uent ot Ui oouncU ordefeose ntdU oeryieeflanand woinutt MOTWit .

Describing the pnsen t c tll u i 1 -0 S* rmobllUaUoB of dUaent,- Uia goi

enjouaidjie v u oonfldeDt me one a tinne vhom pondedtothenoblU aU m l

var vould respond w th e pneen call

J U f le ^ C e a v ta e e a ., . v tod ty “A IIUU nfUcUon vUI-convlne betveen tbe mbit hMdleu U u t thU U a Um

of-cnalpoblU aeed.-Ji»:iaJd.'

^ ®‘ tWogeney. b e . urged Utuanoei o“ *i bondt. vblle t te market U tUU t tinaire* ronUe,_.;_--r u not .yfttMl better wlley," ho^MWd

• -eould be adopted-by pubue-lofttto'

lerUie U>a Mcd,.;>U». governor-mrDet the n r agalBtt nga rtlng .tha.pnkU m .a td to * ' M ^ ly tn emg y iey pteat f f . '.-. ;

Wj»,w* Nov ttemt an epp6rtunfl(ltoa,'.lei

b a u i ^ . btt.-BtebUffl< prpJ^le n t ooomon tolnduitTUI,-, enter-

luhoilt prise-Mbeimpwrenentofourmeani . , . of producUoa to. nako a'Uvellboot

Sula^)raaeotpr«iir;dU tiJbuU oi S H io* mfUudt to u to W e gainful oe<

‘“- K S i S S ' ^ P money Uavill. ■eotaU obU.vben o tterial and Ubor.c«t2 r a 'the a n Uver Uian fo r,n a n y -y e arM

m aU m eforuatoU ilnkover.UM e

laetrty b td t of our headi for mtny ytan.".A igtoerall^lafordUeuitUoUM

vim lornnor ouUlned Uie foUovlng:IB lone PUBUO PROJECnSr-Blgbvay] ffodlag aodbrtdgetuataeaofotcem m uoi-

; aUoo tod outlet for Idaho pred- ’ . . '. .1. ueU; redatoaUob of arid. eut*ovn h e ^ tnd vaUr-logged Undt.^

• ■ publie' bttlldlngt; • oavlgaUoo; . .In -

:|^ (OooUnued Oa Page a. Col.l) '“iHimiiL*:-S ' i s i i i s p i


iS : f nter’s Westem Fatality ' List Increases to Score

“ ®i. _as-'Blobl(ed,RoadsiOpenof un*BOV*'t • -------- . .“ I « ' DENVER. NOV. as t*>-WtoUr%

Wettem falaUly lUt, compiled d o * iog Ust vtekra hlUurd, .v u lo*


« W loul Indu(!.d Miwl Vic-U nt In Colondo, one eaeh to wyem*

V. K. fng. Kavtdt. Oregon. A tfpna tad ght to Texu; tve In.SouUi DakoU and ctUnd. mree etch In California ahd N w. idetm Modoo. ■ • ier a t Hie l ln addlUonal TicUma vbote t. bodlei htd been'eoneetled by tnov nd to- v e n WlUUm Parieer. N eso. found Id. L today ioatno id rinU m ilN veate t afrom Cheyenoe; Miguel Bebada. theep*.

' ' herder, /ousd a ta r Ohatcbcr, Ooio* d yu•^ ndo; WUUam 'J.-Paaek; 'Keaney, SophU Kebraskt, and aa tmldenUfled a aa . a d V b o m ^ b o a lc a tU id rU iH la Uw

la *

J J r vay Uirough m * w r JJU tW g ii^ .’ toneMU ataMtd to rdrU U

• s a l t pw rud todty.'ihodk.B»wifaa p l '

- I < 0 « l t a u e d X t a P » « S ^ 5 ' '

Page 2: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re



> fllB i l l l.“ lo rirtii^ ■ i p i

. 'Scientist Sets Goal at ’ termlnalloh of Origin

I ol Faroes Bulins) Universe


invesllsalion Comms , ' gaieties In Gravitation ■ i and Electro-Mag- I ci: , netlim

I! ’ ' (AuocUM P m i SUft. Wri(i

r > E R L r N . Nov. 2 5 - O n ' K c o m in j v la lt to Amer

ProfM Sor A lbert B i s te in n i iy f in d th e mlssi key to h is search f o r an « plu iaU on o f th e besfim lnrs creation . ‘, A n approach to 'th o i# I jln n ln g s Is th e rea l m eanl o f t h e , . a b s t r a c t sU U nn

------------whleh'-|l«mi« hU=i»ork-bf-wlh« te tnrtat to dlKonr tutUifflftt $X / ( m u lu u p m iln s «U phr*l phtnomtTH ot Uu unlrerw In tn«tlm«nil>in»l ttflU ..K U » * /» lh e rtr fn l» U rtV R

ee«<li, Uw ortfUu et » e n th |i«r - u w iu U rU l i& Id m t y b t w----------- -Je uoteJU ad, ^or juldtd by t

m ttbemUci. (cieoUiU «iU ie« (or ttl* rMlltr btUnd Uu tonaul

J iu t M tbe Mrth‘4 rottUen l i i

br, Seiaitda betlerM. that Ia ■ oUur ewtuiy e r io *U U w et «1 tlTltr e t time u d tptce «iU >ppt M itepM a i tb f SueUdUn-nnten te<UT.

llnU t te .A ulK tW ' m en t b u a TMf Satteli

/ tn ih a h a n b m dlrwtKl te Ttdu Ids m phcnom m o( ravltatli

------------ *nd-ef-*l«ttte^ttipuU *-fo«tt-ene. er »t ItMt te inalomui toro' Ut.

In wbUh’lh t to m utlon ( n o B hMTT body, tn d V toK« e t cl<ctre>mafntlle body; a

• iijnntlT*Fee tb* amount ot b tnd la r '

btndlos ot U(hl n y t, efatemd du . ' In r » U r ccUpt«f, hU thnnr

. ..reUtlTlty lun lih td ths npU a tloo. I t aUo ctUbllihed that spa U oot empty, but replete vtlh fon cmanatloc from .bodlet motli throush tt.^ T ranU like U ih t

Aceordlnc to the Utett raTlti Uon lheoty,thU torw op«»tei Irti the reJediy cf JljhU The n tn

I bUnca b e tn tp llshl and cleetn . * matnetle wares h u bten eiUI

llthtd. but rsrUaUcm h u bn , 0 ’ aenethlox dUferent, a dUteren ! ElntUln U bestnalnt to wipe m------------- H niW nlt reJaM«U> lbeof74nJ., . llr tt coocept U i i yean eld. i t Ilr

reUUd to objeeU iBOTlnj a t tny ut tpttO.Ke lood found, however. Uut at

K)luUmoUon Of any kind eould IW b t tw red - th«r the awa* ef/orl xeuld be produced by an oppoiti

.......... .. movement ot tbe ip iw turroundlna siren obiect.

a u * RtUUetuUpi ' "A srtTlUUonal fleld ot foree i

any point of tpaee' U in «Try n equlnlent to an arUKeUl tleld c force retulUne from acceleraUon. lie IWl. w b e S w 'u i **

In pUIn Unsuage. a penen In a ele\'ator may obtain certain efteci from acceleration th it canno

--------------^mathanMltally be dUtlniuUhe------- -.-Irom BraTifiUdnr— : _

Thut iM ce,, aecordln* lo Hn •teln, U “the enly theory repre»ent tn t reality." In hU Utett work t» examined the attrtbutet o( tptct

I t wot a nutter of r e a l ulUlac tIon <0 EinstfUU&tt hU fleld e<itlil' Ilont at f ln t i l im 'a rN d «lth Un btile prtnelplc* of Newten'a anc

. . poltion'a srarlUUonal theory, anc alio wllh U anralll theory ot thi eledre-mtcntiio lUtd.

Yet the JewUh aerman>8*lti prefettor wlUi the touUul dark ejei U not conUnt. He U_proWns'ttll

• further Into U>e eternal Uwt, to- wanU a full undenUndlnt ol Thict:

•. humanity U poplni. '


IN ECONOMIC TASKS. (gentlnued T tie One)

' * " prorement o t domestic water tup. pilct; county asd municipal ntedi.

P R IV m PROJECTS - lUUtoad derelcvmint; hydrtheleetru. dm l- opment: U)e tU te o tlb e n e la l mar<

. ket: improrement o f Uu luabo market: derelopment of non«HMlaUlo mineral rateurcei: prec«Mlnc iSUnli fer raw na terla ltr Uu - tacourace* ment of boBu.bulldlnc.,

’ TIaiMr e tth fobbud ' W ' c tm ^

: ■" Ia an oiir i tu d ^ " .b t eontinutd.

I . ."we tbould prorid* u folly u pci* I - tlble for hand work. Uie pick . u d

ahonLto o u sd e ap le y m ia t. Tbe , r . cott WIU oet btundoIyineM atd and

‘ U nod ly .e ttte tvm bo to izU D dth t

P agqT ifg ;___________ ■

in Visit?

t De- ^gfn ..


W);!to Wa: lerica

f s in ? ‘ A lb e rt E in ste in , f a th e r sc ien tific reaearch in Cali

p i o f a p p « a » -o n aJreel.

g t l i e ' ^ ^ a t h .*ylng i-rOBK3A8T-FOR-TODAt i DtUe*. TOHORBOW-Talri frm lnc I ytlcal pe raU ra a t nlfbl, four* , I— ■

Kioimum'temperature In Uh ' sue* dnlty of Twtn M U w u II dec DC In la Uie 3«.hour period precedlr caner P-M. yeiterday, aeeordlns to Un y Uu port of Uie soremment weithtr ^ lerver here. Maximum for Uia t

pe rM w u » d e c r e e ‘Ihe dayU un-«un< - — I nn ay - - — . .. . _ 1 i n . ber m uit not b* an eitenee ot nU> contracU ezcipt the immedlacj Bpear th d r coounencemMt."

HU oouncU ef detenu foUowt U n.M trsantcebbA lbhle.B e

Motee Aleunder. BoIh ; -Ii. W._ , ^ thof, Poatelloi O. O .. Ander Uln** B0Ue:-R. a Deteh, UwUton; a Klue- AUerd,LewUton;L.UBnekenrl< aUon Twin Talli; Jame*-Wr4upeU, i - t o es(ello;.a*ot|eO C.CarU r._So ra u - Jerome J . Dty, WaUace ;W .W .D

-u. S T U i S l S S gsac1 Uie Hoebei, Arto; W. 0 , Humltton,.!

a n Ulch: OUude SbUlne. PoetUUo; n Johnton, Bolie; A. W. B. KJou!

i r e r -B s a e rn rT ra w o o . Boite; Mn dur- E. Leubauth. BoUe: Wlndtor

ry of Uoyd. Kampa; J. H. ,rowe!l, 0 Iana- well; Prank McOrane! Onnger tpaee Rty McKaif, BoUti AUen B. I,! oroet rltt,8alaon;W .B.MltcheU,P»n Biinc Onwfcm Mecre, BoUe; H. W. u

^ tUen, BoUe: Mtrlla-O. Neale, li eow; Roy PalnUr. Burley; J;

.Tlta. Pope,BolteiI&Reekwell,8eU(T vtth A uiuit Ro^TUt. PeetKliei A. « n . Shepherd, Jertim«;-.W.-..a. '810 ^ BolM! P. u 6tephan.'.Twln K

W. -H. •milrr, J .-J . Tttn W n BoUe; W. D. Vincent, Belte; Un

W. BUekfoot: Ather B. W ^ tea, Twin FalUi A.. J. Wlley, Bot

W .Webtler,n«iburg;l.W .Bb*el , w 8fndpolnl! J.-O. Wood,T»U«i:a.'r tm- ^Parma.i ab- *---------------------;

S T oo L a te To C I m l l y

xUns FOR SALS - TWO klODSL ' '. t^irdi. Ih A’num ^r I eondltfo

^ ^ E n ^ Aulo company.

n y = ~ = ~i of -- - 'iDn."

I c o u g l

I ■ s c iUic

and - -

! ■

i Iher To l»w»«M *»^ n* tU« «T«nlU Mwm< •« u tIA M w illM ib tfm

l - i g O V I R /«£ ' M I Iad ------------J)t

[s Ameri

e r o f’the Ih e o rro f ro la iiriljv si ^lifohiia. He ia shown here ia


r A N D ____________« te a - A hlt-and<rtm driTcr btcU a

from iha curb, itruck aa'tu toa • d rlnn by W. R. Duffln. T w ta:

Ute t1« u It rounded'ihe comer froa decreta aTenue to Shoahone ttrte t. C Edlni a repotted to Uie police a t 9:161 Uie re-, i u t evenlni. In tha eoUUleo

h tro b - rlsht rear (ender. runslncbMT la tamo ooe door of Ouffln't car wen lay w u t(«d. The driver et the o t te

' a Ponl readfter. that curU d 1--------- lloense 34J17, battened away.<= ountopplnc-to-lnqulre-whttj ot our age had been done,

u c y o t ------------------------- ,


denon, ‘; A. L. (CopUnued P>om Pact One

lU, Po.' ihocks, rtaU y Increatlne mal a « i^ ; lOMtt.f.Deal. ------------ DbpaUh-FUMM-------

s u n - A tle m p U d s ^ .delennlnlni Elder, the fuU extent of Ihe dUatter,

j , M - »oka auUwrlllet. dlrpaUhed into P. tIrpUnestoturreyUieitrlekeni n, Pot. irw pa of Uie TTiM dlviiion. •Uo; p . headquarten a t Shliuoka. were iv>nnt, dered to tbe ^uakeJsone to a Mn E. with reUe/.tor J. 'A nunew flm edreporttotlier , Cald- Utry of A n n aald to penoni CtvUle; Uhed in « lancttUde a t e&uaoil I. H er. Bpringa.,!>wma; Borne- anjUly. w u felt eonoeri

Uor- workmen In the f taou t T u n a ( I, Mot- nel between AUml and Numaiu, -J; P. wettem mouUi of whleh eolUs UtTue: durtnc Ui« qutke.' About M} wt R. E. men are normally employed In t Sloan', teetlon snd ll w u feared many i .pUU; lulde a t (iw Ume ef the quake, ^imer. The Tanna tunnel, whicli coil K n.8. 000/100 yen (about tlOMOMOi.ab I, vm- y<*n of Itbor and m tn t n Boue; mm^^Uret, w u Juil nearlac cc

^ • o ' - Todays qoike cUmtxed a tei founr, »hlch b tre aboeked paru ot i

t n penlniula ao' arcnge ot > -. tlmeatdayalQMMvemtirr 19.1

penlniuU U Jtpan'ticholcut pti y. tround. NpeeUlly In -the winl r . Ollne to the warm cMmate abour

Inc »t IU vtriout hot ipringi. Seo; Hj • A of famout retorts havo been e»u Utfoa Uihfd on the penlmuji.

I The teacooil belween AUml I

h s a i i d

IE THFI ' H e t t 's eomfoi

’ and iof« ihrosi-------B w yftiriiot

I oathetoflgoet down the thras

V hea th u t

^ cou^Zngi stcof bebelpfoliMelt . laboiliflgwsfei log tspors fo rt

. A f bedtim e^. orer tHroat and w tm BiDoeL J

• stlmaladoa.thn dnvy-OBftbesi

1 1 ^ ■ st the fSflio time,^ e u e d l ^ t h c l

'merMriogVkki, . ditcct to tbe I

l i l l ON J A K 8 U

_______________ TW INFALLS

ic a T b i

. wi l t aaii f o r th re e m onlhi i a a io r la l mood (rig h t)» .a n d as

ER DEATH TOLL RISES .ISION IN STORM'S P/klncou l — (c^Unued-'w m’-PateCne:

^ p u it. U nt-M a and M a t« sero b> n S u n i^ U la c tctota Uie co ip try .',

-Dutnn Uore Uum a tcore of deatiu 11 p w beearepertedtodalelnnrioua

2 X S ? whirled dowB upon me MkldlB^ j i r S - Mercury that only a few dty*

"rtth the elshtlea ihU w i S h ! 6own 10 the cipher. A man 1 K rflm »«<!«“> lo Kentucky-Uie wintt-dam.- ,„rTttUm»ln-Uu-BouUi.------ -

BJeet-tUln pheattnU were pl \ up in flouUj DtkoU by the waj

£ • K l S . R i r f f l S

»»•) that howled actott-Nebmka.

s W ; ‘iSA‘Ssssr‘A i ‘« s JS s ' s s a s i Mn. with !

The MliSdle Wetl'a tnow ^ ' to Itop todty, but the cold w u.

■ to I ta r over the ItinE ic fiC O i lie min. dayVNeJ E acU ndlSdlbo t a i >ni ^ AUanue.aUte*. for Uie moil.pi nil Hot had felt only the tutceiare rw

• ■ o t winter, but Uiermomeiett w oemific dropplns «t« ton - _______________:___________Itu, the ; ■ '

Ito U ene. of Uie moat beautiful Japanee* empire and U cal

1? U Japan.",' .


' (OonUniM d'p^ Ptse One)' 1 ^ tta ia l P a roen ' Union, u ld U ff. Ttit voutd back tho fa m botfd to t pUy* limit. Taber, however, u ld UiU t

nnler, not mean hli ortanlatlonwttali cund- traektoc lu favorite plan-Uie e Beorrt port debenluro-and he bellered w ub- 'WOuWie revived In Uie un ite

the thort tetilon..1 in J "Tlie lesatoni ended about ai

ROATifo ttiog te lfc f foe coogbs ost:botirs, p lsc e c Vicfcs e and le t i t t t i d l a slowly r o s e a s l f f f i f l^ t« i$ a o cfa itrltstloD oe n ra g e r T s p ^ 'a o lo s will ‘ •[«It a teatpooofo l o f Vlclts Iter a a d 2ohsle tha f te * a . i r s e r c ^ ^ o s ^ ' e, nb Vida rigomaJ/ m d chest a o d c o re r v ith L H e U e f i iy n o - f o ld ib / r . iiro n g h th e sk la , V lciu B so tfo tt^ JJJn K p U n sr ; ’B*i its medicated n p o rs , ie b o d 7. h e a ^ ^ lo h s l e < } ': Irzltsted c li-passsgei;

U S I D Y I A K i Y


I fu n t Ki

■ ia D L P ii S P tB IE IH . 400 Persons In .Attend

^t-fltre841ol-&iineilj plauil and’ Enjgy !

Iiov a Ktlc.hunter tell fw ; who appeared in a coitume ani

junone UilnrafUranoiher-le other until tco couplet ot tiearti on the toad to Uifl a lltr. wuto! n lth tln '-ailnofU ieP U ldA a aUconiedr,pretentedwllhcne belt balanced caats U ut ever t{ .edoniheatacelnUiehlt&Mho

^ ^ ■ ’i dllorlumtieTe,lntKhoolpUy: puyw uatundc(lbyaboat:40c tont who lausbed a t and appli

= s = a . . uiepcrtormance.; . i ; _ r ' The eatt whlA'dsreloba th i

■ ■ l ' comisu of ae«T s' RoUihtrt/ ■ 1 ^ appears.u T h e Rer. Johh M ■ ■ a very reaUiUe clersyman, Irutl H B r a homer ta rt of wtftf. "Ann Kei

part veil portrayed by Barbara ( M W .' R uU iho^lU iaalm pU yi

K- Ihteaienlric to anerthlraMlf'ye parenlly yleldlnc mora Uian he

• y . ly dou, made a Wt throuthout. Tirih tiXlera’ “Calherlne,*

r -Eljtibelh,- daufhlen of “Ilesdi," parU Uken retpective

, , PnncU WhIU and Arta Ltad, Ih s o f aiplre for Uie hand’Of.the as a s h e hunter, "Samaby lUddDn.” w

ImpcrMnated by Roy Gray.Too I unnot be Mid fer the twlnt. "i

— rv rr erlne,- frankly a d lnct perioo dren to peychological rtacUoqi In ecntrait with her aUUr, wbi

DATU. tm oreaeH outalrand tom ofi rAI H Hnddon In penon aod atUre ITU the part, ftnally proTu i

Jne) — moro-obeerranl^Uian-ene-J- Uilnt • ■

! . Then Uiero w u Uie moibe b tbave Uw. of.the,vlear.-Rev, Head.;S j'S c. thUpartnehonKoehlcr.dWlBC

ed and ImportaM. looklnc wl u Snow headache which appeared coo UWait. wU'Conrli

Somewhenalo&slnUuPlar, £ u u ? J in tha •^Jiekef time," S m a Boj

mhered in wim embarrautd ah lldeT H jkm T H e^ijw M rpart and. when h» r ih tr a " lUer a time to set Uie hand and het -Catherine," bcprorcs to be.W

IbuUd- ■ 'rlndowi OaylordOJenasUitbuUer.'^ w tale m.- looks like the type we « • . ; resuUr ahowa lh Uiat chancUr

•re'two- '{enu hunlen, amuilnc: but not profe

n^ker.- Impenonated' l^- Mt BueUnUn.Mtiate Iiave a weU ^Hoped-Entllib accent and imj Uie audlecsee wJU}. Uie. manne whlchtheyaay“woodernjL'"VIo

j u ^ a ^ a l d - m tft.Hm.*.QU9<to^bti

S n T ^ " * ^ Hoover,'.Tery fleverly.' i ^ r t , s = = ^ s = = s = = :

I ' l m hoped.' witb B'be'ttff udi

commltue hetrd BeereUry Hyde Chairman U ctaof'U ie fann.bQ

« ofTsnUat loni w « l record for letlJaUon to curb tl

-.1 ' MlUnc In colton and trs ln ful■ but tS u peimUUnc.wlut they te

e d “legltlmaHfbedclnt.",v


to u » lUdid I aide- le es*

ItIt* a t ^ v s v i i y j j i i i i



.ey T o IIV ' .cldently Uie anUque-hnnto n r . . . ’m ab eU t" a t Uw aame Um i t l . RopM rope*'^aUiertner

i m i 'a v -.•nuworfclncoutofUiBtVit

FWRp S^r^raSnaTfcSILIIUL Ui«y win have a cgod Ume ( • • ; PUy JsworUi WhUe.

SpecUf numben. aU exoelle 'ndannff siren oy MUs CUric* Saundet

dirwcud.ui* OWf Ole* dub.

; Club. S . A. r x u r . director, & OlrU’.Olce club'fumUMd mt

[er a A i Memben of tb* B o ^ a i e a n d tm ; taUnc part were DootfilMUIe

iif l* iw '! J V.. " s , ' »irfe-wfto • .• '

n o tm - .syetno t V - j y X

.y r t tp - l lhe rea l- . .Jt.

f" *wt ■ • «of Uie . \ \

M ' i

ooiaucb- - ■ - rr r—."O slh- 1 « n .a o t Isas;a , to be .-> IC b t; ' . i


wltb a» m l * • -irladnc

K S , : ........... ’iJ-S-5-------------- ®

wuuam - , :>®j N

.•WlUt- • .!« ’I tee to “ *:ter,

S-I—iiiM ulneretl do*' . H B r S VIfflpnt*;.. . ; H 4 U S 1iner In

j : Ih - • I • ,

under- [Ior Me- ' • -ly the

.“iSS Phoniestuiure* III .

l ! k , A A , a i a

■H '


L atD s O fte r -vedi Ruth Read. Rutii SUmp, AU< Ime Uial Helm Ruscoe, Donna Hcntlri

ene Pam^l. Jeanne m tU n Roblnwn, Ruth Brown. Vlele

1^1 ^ Abble Anderton. Donlhy.ft S & S i o ^

’ rrd Hartman, Betty BUfford,„ . hue Bauer, Nov* Chureh,'

Ryan. Thelma Sfcajtmlek,» * * j5 le l Watd,RulhTaylor.RuUiiUliw a u m — \rs , J. T.oys,flJe» I • .

■ T H A N K S G l

ss?.«T O N I G H l

r .A p to f^ _ R a e _ N ic h q I a ^

' A lM T b in k sg l:llee.clubUe Slrk- L ■ - n » i lEcknm,

- ...........

^ 1■ CO

n llty c w ear h

S / \ vi . e rly cn

ev er Ing y g g ,j

• - 'L onfhavo FA SH I

o n k f ^ ^ ^ H ^ s t r u c t oits ne an d In!

k V I H l lS S Il a these an ^ g ^ ^ l l h o bei


~McELWAI“ T h e D e i K n d a b i e S h o o !

)KERS like and stick t(

h p• th a t ’s W /

30^___________________ '

iUcoMtit, 77n(Wck»,lr. companlment’for”tbe "cbarua eUfl, DorU pUyed by lolu f tm OaborA. ToletKU^. PreduoUonaUff-4)lr*etor.B« y.Minierc, May8tapsan;promptCT.lrenoC {rtnhrrjwnr bualneat, Mart Prtt. ord, Evelyn Lanon; pnjperi!^*T n^-pn b,-Madlne Holt, Roy Resd; atage,WyUadl k. Mtriode UchUnr. P>Ur Joiiajloo: na) tttUer.La* DoroUiy CW; when, Bojrfoiee

G I V I N G E V E T U R K E Y ■ D A N C E .


tu a a n d I l ia W m I Coast Bo>-»• ^ P l e n t y H o t - • ' .........

sg lrin jr P a n c e T h iiraday N JghI

nowAslumflak fooh/ear embodies:mstrudim i lhe K tc a te r h e a u ty a n d orlgtn* ' y o f F A S H IO N P L A T E f o o t ' r hoA aitvaya been qu ito prop*■ cm phnaizcd, b u t tho rea lly v lU fling a b o u t II— toda j' m ore th a n . r In th e poat— Is th a t i t is now BST constructed , onir a f te r o th e r foo tw ear w ould d developed defocts. th e nc^v5H I0N . P L A T E E V E S T con- ic to d -8 h o o Ja -c c r la la .to .rc .U ln .,-

lnim Ilibl6'B l6\Heijlkc f l t . , . , A S H IO N F L A ^ E if l b u — .ond'- ic shoes on ly —> b r in g to you b e n e f its o f th e g re a te s t com - K ?nt-to-g-?>-o^o-r-a.f.i--..,, f h t i - 2ST c o nstructed shoe.,

I10 H o u s e ” ■ • ;

N e x t to O r p h e u m ]

e ’em to ’em—

. . y w , ___L ___

Page 3: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

I M l l iriicissiiisiiii M E l l

• or Equalization WllIH ' tommeriilReilefofBiin

— — ^ H ^ y i w i t s 4 i i . P ^ p o

(By TIM A»bcW*<l PrtM), BOISE. Nor. M -W dlellon ( W bo trfo f tq taualtoa wwJd I »«it ft teriei ot ifceounmditJoft (h« n u t letUUlun tor nUtrlng

' ' burden o( u!uUoa upoa n t i eu « u mtda todir. ia ta idrtaee l e w o( ft portlOB o( the bltnnlil po rto l E. a Qftlkt. *Ut« ftudltor ' o iila t n ld tha Iltld «ctat of Jw ud b id f(odM the U r iltutt tn Idiho «bUe membtrs o{ the bo U d exunloed rtpotti o r;n u r ituc on Ibe tix probktn made by ot: «tftl«. -

Uem bm o( Uie boird Include i J (OTcnior.trtuurer.itUtntyttne: % MCRtu7 o( &Ut« tnd lUdltor.T Ua j)o(n((d to tupretne court i

ckloni »hleh upset tiro poul Murcta of revenue to Uie itate, < tba btck l u te t pused b ; the 1 {fStsliture aimed a t tu ln s t»-ea[: ’‘Intanilble veilth," vblch m u hi vneoiuUtuUooil, and a deelil holding that no t i s could ba lev! on ptrw nil property not «l(bin < Itate on the first Uondar in J u u i

V rrnClutniet - Tlib ialUr liw, ba u id .would u

amtndment.on the (rouodt Until ft rank InJuillcQ to tax itocki of mi ch ind lu vhlch happened to be In t AUto on Uie tin t M o ^ r <n Janui and leave unUwd goods vhleh ha pened to coma Into the sUt« ad that. A tax for a portion of me yj Ihould be levied, he uld.

The cvtr.povlns problem of i llnqucnt taxei. he u id . ihould be ir

------------- by maklns mort drutlo-Uie dtUqueocy lav. The present Hw fon Uia county to can? on lu booki 1 thrta >-ein Uie lax d i b n n p l t p r o ^ y , vlth % prorUo tb it no de can be ucum l by the oounty un allertbatperlod. T hoU vpaiud: the UilrteenUi aeulon indilnce mo IHed. Oallet deicrlbcd as -the m( laUifietory law placed upon t aututea." I t provided for u ia

...........- property Immedlalely upon dellqueney. and iftTo the omttr an o jw tun iu to buy Uu Und btek with tv o ycira upon payment. o( taxea fti InUrtit. OiUet predicted r e ^ ic m eot ot Uilt liw vould reduce d Unquency Wper cent.

Debt L am n ie amount ovins lo counties I

tax pojrers 00 Uu ucond Meoday % January this }-tar vaa W ^ ;n

'T he lisnlficince of IhU fWure m; be lllusiraled.'' Oallet laid, 'b r tl lacrthafUjTSWWjDl-bwinrttf’wu: Um ll «1,6M,00Q In c u ta ot Uie .tot ad rU^rtm lax U>i(th^tinU <ipi to U)« slate durint the yean 19» u

*3030.1 * *AboUUon of tbo peff abatemei

fund operated by Uia department i------------- agrlailtuie.vaa rtoonun(aded. Hi

/uad, MtablUhed to Itad lame: monty to fight agrlcullunl peals, h4 failed to “revolve." Uia auditor uIi In Uiat Uie fannera are-deilnquei about M60D l» rt-psymtnU, leivbi Itas than UOO in Uie find. Ue d« scribed tt u "about Uia U tt of Ui palemallsUc mesiures' In state Ui . Tlw neif JnhwlUnco tax U r Ji described os "veiy uUsiactory” I )>rlnglnj{ io rccord all estates o vhleb tha sUte U enUUed io Inherll u c e taxM. » e said, Uiat Jn 1 months slnee Uie new taw had bee: in effect, t67,000 bid been collecUd.

;■ P liD ffiiM iHOLLISTER. Nor. 3S (BpecUl ti

Tlio N e n ) - “Tho Anlvat of fCllly; ft blUrioui comedy, vlli be prt*enie< by the RoUlsler high tehool studeo' body on Friday, Deetmbtr 8, ac eordlns to announecmtnt today' oi ^Usa I iu t i Johnson, director ot thi producUon:'. /

"nebtanais are progrtuint npld' ty. and gire every IndlcaUon ct re.

. aulUnr .In > highly lucceaifu] pro- i dueUon," MUi Johnion rtported to- .“ day.

Memben of the e u t are Olrar Butler. Jimmie Schullz. Alma King E tu BuUer.'Leater 8keem, Raymow

J ^ 8ke«m,MarIeBlt«nberj.TtmDmn I f a n d lu d H o aa p h rtw .

Only ooa feel ipm UIm ' ta Tvli Fails Pbooa SM. Dr. Feiter.. Adi

a i C h r i

t r e e . !

f r o m f

w h e r e (

' . o f C h r i s t !

are on di wish you Wl

and look aso will find a dis

while and popu stationery, leal

i gifts of quality, f< sets, gift dl

C l d s B o i

. jk .TwinFal^ \ A U c^U it KIks Benefit Tin t o

I , Moscow Stu , | Twiny c d V andalecrs, N ew Mixed,Cl

ru s Booked F o r 12-E

JM rdI_ p g . t r a c t W ide “ A tlerit

urden (BpeeialtoTheNewt)«MOOW. Nor. 54-The V ia

p e c ty tm . nrw mlvH rh^n.. »hlrh m IU lenutlonil debut at Uie tJnlvt

V ty.of Idaho thU fit], will appeu ■) Twin Fails (or in evtnlng coneert n U ut!«® '*r*.'^«"e»LO njblll,stui! Id pre> prttldenl. who booked Uia lo u to tv»»tlon-a 13-day tour Ihrougit Ins the announced today, u u iu l Mlu Heltn PamiU. daughter of Ke « . and Mrs. itobert Parroll, Tvin Fi ,1,1 {!. :junlor al Uie unlrtrsily. viU bo i Itor ^lurtd In Uie coneert Sbe i tn p c of Uie ^ ^uiildn amnjrtmrnU/or Uie concert are boirt Ing handled by 0. u Mink. Inttrui

In Ult Twin Falu high sthooL *: 0 lour U sponsored by Uia AuocU ® ' ,filudenta«U)e unlrenliy. Anot

de Uik ^oU i Idaho member is Erwin Tt .neril »n*on, son of Mr. and Mn. E.

Tomllnion, Buhl, rt i t . n>» Vaadaletw-wUI -Irartl

motor eoaeh. Itavlnc Moteew D e. oae tte ir «iut iu t oenecrt Ihat nigbt a t Weiter.Tlsi „ M xmpUte JUoenfy foUowt: Par h ^ ctle, D««tmber4; Bebe. DKtmb ^ 6i Olenni Ftrry.DteeBbee 6: Bal I ..M Ruday aflemeoB ceneerl, Deett in the ^ ’’I Dttewber

neptrt h lth scbeel, aasembiy. D etmbtrt:Barky.De«tnbert(«T

' nlng): SUUd. Deecmber 10: n e[ need as»e»W/ a t sobUu w braw t u u Pocatelle, Dteeaber l l i BUek/e<

' m er.' blfh leheel asietnbly, December (afUmeonl! Idahe FaUi. Deceu

Dutry' Nampa, Dece«hsD. 1 >»■ tenUUre, .i » L | -Bitter Ihtn afaythlng Uu mu

i m r otportmtnt b i t developed in yeti UtuniTtruJcommtDiODttiaJdi

,f {j.. noipus regtrdlns Uie.Vandaltt em et Or(*nUed iate Ust ipring,'Uie cbo jJu„: w u praeUcilly.UDkno*Ti to the si rora dentbodr iuimUsdrbutanoflUia

OneeoncertanJtheVandaleenwi [tlaii an InsUnUneoussucceis, ttfreshii detd lyorUlnilinddlKerenteiiUreli'fn uaui UieglfedublrpeofoJTilatJooU:

p tm nn tl It U compoied of nl moit women, eight men. an accompan 1 the ond ihe director, Pnltuor Cartel 1* of Cummlnp, head of the' unlven

mutle dtptrUnenU Each ol the- n op- slngen it . ft capabU soloist, and

SDFlIi'lEiI may

t o e ................'

f f l '■ A fte r F ive Spent-:

v en zu e la M ission Solio' i b u ------- ' ■

BUHL. Jfor.'as (Speciai to 51 sStf Newsl-MlttMartiretRudy.diugl

te rofM r,andM n.O .F .nudy.w l hu ipen tU ie iu tflro 'yeanum ei ber of (be faculty or ft>lii{on scho

’ j holiday season here wlUi het parent rJifi Ulstjiudy.vhoU usbtlnU ieBu ’ In,high ichool for two yean prior i o n going to 6ouUi America, retunied erlu I Ule Ui;llM SUtcs eatly bi Norembi L o bearing tier boat, Uia fttw by pUi . j “ ovtr the Panama canal and relunu

to her aUrilng point by tn ln . 61

ro r f f l A ’J S ' a t tLli can poru en r u te and atso a l Mi

«U an. M exica-Tw o-*teka'w ei U l g x n tjn CallfomU before oomlne I

MUS Rudy declined to make an 1 to sUtement as to condlllona In Sout <(.. Acterlca, stsUn^ U>at' penoas «

pressing opinions of Uiat nature wet i a i liable to arrest la .VeuueU, and Uu (c . w yet sba feared to expreu her rt r . ^ aelfoos to eondiUms as she tom the them there. Sba wlU nmaln In But

r until afler January 1 and mide n pld- lUtement u lo her plant for retur re. (0 South Aiseriea.

£ T nA N K SC IV IN G. Pm |M I t Ibc ChrWUn Scltnn

^ Chmli. IM Ninth Aw. EmV T b m 4 .r . t 11 A. M. Tsn u .

^ ' nrdUllr Inrilc4 U t. ■ ■ - I.—

I .

i m a ristmas !. I came the store thousands'

stmas Cards lisp lay . We would come^in lover.Hereyou ■ b'splay of worth-' pular price ;b(ml%: a t he r and metal- foiihtain pens, desk dressing, etc.[ I I[ I I . . '

ook Store' . '^ a l l s , I d ^ o! u MaUnea Wedaeaday a t Iha Mabo ne itre

. . S .

udent Musician! 1 Falls, BurleyLCflo-



ru d il .

trtDe*itudtnt Lha or- igituie

rofDr.iF a lu , i 3 S | i n H ^ H i 9 i M fea- r ^ B B i K l l l a


iructor L llio x u u d noUier I Tom- E. M.

e , IDAHO V A N D A L E ER S,. r Dt> o f Sou(h Idafio early • tir ii M orley, Wnho F a lls ; 1

'Jo h n sto n , Moscow; V ^ ' Spokane; H elen P n m Bahl. . Afmcs R nm sledt, Moa »« « • M oscow; M artin Roscl *n!^ W/lllBfti S liam bcrffcr,:

B iilil; Paul Rice, P a n r

^ iddlUon pracUcally allofU K m p aome rauslcai Jmlmmtnt veil or i UrUln In wme oUicr manner. .

Mn* CelorfDl Fen-een- Their concert U in liour and ft h

ot well-balwictd harmony, color musle fun and lhal t.venlUl quality wli! rtan." college studtnts Ubcl “pep." Fl Idabo the-Vandalem ceme on Uie tU je alters.' fornlal d rtu and sing .a group :bOTUs famMis choral numben. e stu-! change to gypsy coatumes and th Jjajoi' IhtlfversailUtT.— TncludedHn-t I were gro tip 'ueuvenlof thebetttolol ibini- m Uio auident body a t Moscow, a v r from Ilnlit, a uxaphone soU by one of t J Ulty WKnen. even a gypsy dance, taj

bourUe IDd atL Each tololtt wear; f nine c«lume beiming iiU or h tr song, panltt For their clotlng g ^ p Uio Vt rteion daJtrn,tlnjr Jdaho coUtgo sonft ir •tnlly wty never htve been sung t .he-lT fore-ehlUJ ftlrly shoot up nnd doi nd in' UM'iplnes'of Uiclr listeners. Forll

p m B H r|jj|j;;PTWllR[

, ni-BBl Ner.M (BpecUl to T Newft-DemoiutnUont of fln l i


h n o V * ^ '^ '’Tiie'coduiuutty is fortunate iharB.ta'lU 'm ldft men veU-tratn

_ . W f ln t a irro k -w b o T tftT ta d r render.asiUUnce not only lo et

iu |b - plojes of the Idabo Pover compa ’.w ho'but to tbe gtnerti pubUc os well, mem- ease ot accident. Dtmcwtntloas chool thU nature voutd be very fducatio igUia al to Um public and ihoulii be e rents, couraeed by otiier otganlutlons- jjuj., well as KiwanU cluba." wis point

oul by one of the ipealcrs.

SysUmaUc Uck eradleaU^n wo , wasoondueiedlnsstculiIaniUMui

ties during October. ' •

m a n nonsE in"!* Comedy given by a cast of Itr M*- Trinity ichooliiouec November a? »ere Cttriiiinat8:0(IVdfckr5pon»rfdl ne 1? the young peoples society oi I tm r

LuUieran Church. Clover. A smi . '^ -a d f fl ia s to cbargt.-Adv. '

teen t;

.THAT’S . . .



r . S o c c e r * to

W arberg Tranafer 4 ^ ■ S jo n ffe C o .

■ n V T N - F ^ DAI

nsPlanC6nc0 r And Other Soi

S,-R ludcn t m usical o r ^ n iz a t io n Iy fn Decem ber. R end ing f ro m lc i; E lizabcth-G llm ore, M oscow ; Lo

V irg in ia S tew ard , S pokane ; Ann m ){ t, (tauffhtcr o f D r . a n d J lr s . ' losco iv ; D orothy F re d rick so n , JIi isell. E lk R iv er;:K en n e th H ensley , r , P flyc tto ; E nv in TomllHaon, son irm a ; John Jenny , Cottdnw ood.

n play rroup the membtn of Uie choi or Ci!' avaransppycrtyandblueunifon

CompellUon waa k « n for placea ■ Ihe new organUallon. u id Profeai

ft half Cummings. The following IT vc )lorful' KlKted on the batis of i^lec. abUJ which to entertain, penonallty and sclic p in t arsblp abore'arenge. Sopranos

see in JAUlie Morley. Uatel lUyner, IdiL up of QUabeth Olfmorr. .Motcoit they 1^1* Tliorapson, Post Falls; Vlrglr thov Stewsrd, Spctane;

i-tbU -oiolsu ------------------------------------ —avlo->

5 ' M KS.L.C.HU'0 t ' . A UVan*

V bc- a t 4 1 1 W e s t M a i l

_____^ a t i iJ f l l------- T he F o rn JIu rc a n d Co

1 H . F . W O O CI * Phone 223 -

IDfC -Sale a t the new Inil-" flower, opposite.JJ, November

Ttidiandptn.irillb .1

........ BATISFACTII'Cfter-

le to =•atned f " ■ —

I Cold 1

“ com:■ ' : i ,V V , 7 ^ '

m ln ’.' ' < 17*28.m 1 tdby-i - r ; v — I — r — -l,-------- 1

M , ^

You'H ie tiew type aulomobil

JU com foriabls'as jD or fio •liieiB b th a l they cost n o ^

V ; h ea i^w h y not, u » Jl? J). .. '.'the oiics best suited to yoi

H O T-A IR ■ .


■; i.-'i-'.-'-.- '

D p r r r y E N T U F

TIRE (1 - : .'',^ T ou don 'l'need to dl

i ;* W fiod-8nov 'dri(lB in i , : , yob ;w »h6u lcha lna .H j

.U I(< Ihem along—if nol ■ • Vheeb.' '

. ; M6 : - ' / f l


ts In Buhl,)uth Idaho Citii

m w hich will m a k e n concert .’tii le f t ' to right:- Froat raw-^Loti

L ois Thomp.wn, P o 8 t 'F a l l a ; 'R u mnfo Snow, R igby ; Pau iine Pxtet^ rs, R<5lK!rt A. P a r ro t^ T w Iij'F aJ M alad ; Back row— R onald-Sm ll sy , Moscow: C lifford Mullikln.'.'Ro on o f M r. nnd J I rs , E . M . Tomlinw

Oiorua Contralt^M Iss lleltD ' Fam ro im Twin f^Jlj; Dorothy F«dricksi ;eain Matad; PauUne Paterka.' spokai feaior Agnt* lUmittdl, Mokow; tewjn vere Ronald Smllh. Kenneib llensl

ibUJty Matffl*-; cmom maiUa. Tn icliot- Martin Rosell, Elk Rlrer; basw lot — William Shemberjtr, Payette, prt Idaho dentoftliegroup; Paul Rice,Panr scow.’- ^/nTofinm»n,-SCTiofMp.-andW rglnU Eg^Tomllnion, Buhl; John Jem


sin, on F riday ,^N ov^}S P. M. ProBptiy . ___________ ~C onten ts o f an 8-Room.Houa® ,

odry, Auctioneer a - T i i u r i i i l H o t t l ■

r market, next to Sun>X Times, on Saturday, er 29;'at 1 P . M.b . ratdjt,« Uke n r . al'UTCilMk

IT lbN ^dV ^N T E E D



ir Caribile Iieatera w ill m ake you r c a r

home a n d fih e ntee (hltis: about

o thlnj; lo o p e n te — you h a re th e

P r i r e In a n d le t u s show you

your car. _ ___



$ 1 9 .0 0 u P


CHAINS> d tir e f a r f ro m T w in E ^ l s n the ro ad w h ich n a y slick [f you h a re good t i r e c h a in s , ' not, lc t,u a f i t a p a ir to yonr

'Nto;-;:ile Company[ N T A L is " " r


SiOMIii««Gmi|SE88IDfg Legion a n d A uxiiiary Me

■ I Ing F e a tu re s Socia l A

I Iv lties o f W es t E nd Fo

B “ -nu itL , nov.'Ts ( s ^ u t io - ! ■ N evsl-AiolntKM loiiuithsAR S f l [can Legkin AuxllUry and Uio S s Skn was featured iiere tills we |W end among oUier'soclal actlvltle

Memben ot tuUi orgaiiluU mtt a t Uie Ltgloti iiall Monday c

I E ■ nijuf lar a ;W-llWJf iUJJJwr.'/oJJoi ^ by carti. Durin* tho eitnlng a cc M mlltee dellrend quinUUes ot lo

itufU to aeTtnl needy famlllea W Bubl. sixty memben vere prei S . for Uie enlerlalnmenLw ------ThenhUy-OtniiiersrA-nawly-a n . ganlscd aoclal club of nine memb f f l ’ met Frldty Uie home n l - u n . D. a ’Bnnnen wlUt Mlsa I K . . cbll Hopple and M lu Oertrudi Cl UK . more, hoateistt. The croup vUlm if ll erti7 two vteks during tbe win H months. -■ - Tbrte UbIts of bunco a-ere pla:■ " bymembenotUienuslnessWomt M , club Monday evettUtg a t Uie iiome M Mlsa EiUier.Wright. Illgh teo E vent to ^Uu Helen FrlU and M 'W j , Nell Bandgven. Mn. Ruth Bumi

S S ? e » t K m ^ l 5 r n “R u lli meeUngvlUbeadUinerseaslon.I e H a . em bers . - -

Mr. and Mn. W. 0. Poad.- Bv ftflnoiRMe-tha'cooiiag surriage

n l th , Uielr daughter, Mlia Leah Pond, IVoy; ^ ^ s = s = =


« j ; S U G G E S T I O N S

n ^ , Candles . . . b low n s la s (abte d e co raU o n s. . . ffla*

prtst* tu lip s ' and p o tte d flow er . 7 , splendid

enny, y o u r T hanksg iv ln tr table Ico buck ets and ' ton irs . . Wack c rj’3 t a l . . . b u d v/iae

and h a n d m a d e linens.

X Fireside Gift Shop,227 Shoshone S t. N o rth

g . ■

A Q u a l i

y o u w o

J i f y o u

--------------- -t l . c V

7 ~ FA C I

• . M x z p a r t e f ^

’ t o 2 o p u t » e f l i M

v i a « k k ' ^ :c

n p a a ^ ' o f i n j u

• H w i y O U 'd e e i i


. K ade f i m tiM finijaoo. U i l c ^ n ^

i . d iM p er n a d e s .

f a c t

tlB ua tlie a ^ M o it

q d z e d l 7 t i |« y n |] c n u se o t P o n Fooc

3 t in M M B Q l£ —B o t t a n j o d w . ^

. . im parts a l i d b a l e

m G , NOVEMBER M. 1030

f ia in jeffenon IOU. Buhl, alUia bem [l u s the ^ e ’s partnis, Thanksgl

« - . * Memben or tho Buht htgh If,i n n fooU>alts(tuad,UiacoachesandtTillU n ager v t r t enUrUlned a t ft dlnnc J i l U tbo Chriitlau churdi Friday evti

by mtmben of fJie O/rlf 'B* (»-«» rnarked for W pineet* Mifs Artbella Souiliwlck tcit^. , toistmlslrest.Aot- -


E ‘- THURSaliens^ E very Rem em ber (he 1lood. Thia.T; « n i • t E E LOGAN’S S H /

T h e lh n dnber*. 'm eet • IU-Crii- .

f thankmen’i •' • ■meotleorts

' S 'td ftS • ' • - \

' I

Duht.le of ' . ■ U«!. 10 • .1

G . A

assass ■ I rZ i S t

or! ' ,WH

£r ^ I L E ^

Home.of .Whi1 ' PHONE 46

l i l y ■

o u l d i n s i s t ' u p :

k n e w a l l o f

^ T x i ' ■ ■

• w ith t l u i

■ an d -to ib 'iiM O S : -------------- f8a n c i i . I ncUlllttgCinnaiDaa

« e ■wattr. Do lik»« p ip p e ra iia r t ^ - d B S ta a u ' j te m e d f i ir

l d m l t i . 1^ c o d e t o f i i e . f l i a i i w k

'■ o t « I 1t 6 ii( a o i b i p r i m > ^ ^ S d i f f l i n ^ . l . • = ■

n aK S a^ cm ciim a ' .

^ ^ i t a s i « w * t e

a p i m o f p

M F l . »«r 0 ^ ': T 3 3 • c«lor,eleaH:

o iL lL ao tiu B x t ia c te o n ti la i j e a d b d c d z

i t o f f c a o n o i l i * ' - w i a t* i f l n l t i d f ta te a O o v ^

— a a l a m tlu A in tc tM tii^ poooaboy.Hut . v . .in._ l i n d n - w t r i t 0 , f ^

O i o j o -

“■?<f8'T & e


h Khool i r o o a i n i , Nov, 3« (fipecut uI"® *": The Nawi)-BUl Heliley, w ho.bie S to bU home lutferlnia-elub. wHh«brok«n'ankU'*Mtilo*dwM.' suesu. pitying fooUiall. b u reWmed ticitd as Khoot. He reporU Uiat Uu ankle t

healing iiUsfictorily.-

DANCE ' ■ ■ '


. andy .S fltu rdnv nnd All Holidays te B(i; Tt\ankflg;(v{nK Hance a .T hum day N ijih t 'IHADOWLAND DA NCE BAND nd w ith D ance R ythm




DRUG GO.'hitman’s ChocolatcB '

J l p H O > m «

.......... ' ' " ' r : ' .

f t h e F a c t s

. J '

PA C T 36

y f a - u o t c w te o t a e r e l /

M CMcnce o f pepperateC# i a t b t n ' t w o -----------------

I.-ZR a d d ld c n to t i ^ f r s ' -----------^g n .p e t a l s a ad 'a iQ o u d e

d i t t l e m s a ro a e ts a l l f fijTi^wedca i s tlia cx tnct^ : is !w C t le d a D d ia t tB > w .

a n Bodi 10 n v

f r t p a n t i n j n s r . c o o ld ^ .

P A C T 3 a ^

i f p i ip t f ^ I7 s i d v ^ t E ' '

(T. S c iin in j^s is t i u k i n . . : ■ l a d f r i d i widt-tfa^ifiaTOr j t l i n m l ^ t s in oi^or

: drX lii j eeo p u lN O . A nd a i f i ^ i n ^ ' & v o r i '

n J 9 e d w r & e ts ■. - -‘v

••—A ln in } —U u t a r d " . ; . .

t - a a d a d o n a o t ^ '

Page 4: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re


• . lU ucaim oM «*t h f : : H ttW U ASnaof

• '~ *«i

Ott* Mqott — I. —- ■' bUTM M MWld CUM nuu IWM

AprtJ I. u u . »l tM ?■»««• M jJ IUU, u iM . tm te iSi w t et Uirb

• *"*» - '

' ' T M r S T lS lK E e o u a t^u» T»la “ * **

* ~ i a i a n o f X u o o i i m ^ m n » MoctttM >nN B MCiantif •

S S ! S ^ S X T , “ i

Ci(&t ot cvptiMletUsa ei (ptclt] Oi I ptMiMflMMatiwnMwia..’ ' I n mmu l l i c y Md fn w i" ~I 7b« K m tt ■AimMr ot tb« AW

Bumu ot cutuiluoo. t n a vboa ■ ----- ---------i-ttfWMtUC M to a itu tw ic o w M 8

• • tomitlwwwSfal loaii? UPCD cwua- ■ tio mposiRUllr U MumM (or U

e tn «t tMondM Dtoiacnpu. pbet

. S I " S S S £ s' ta 1 1 ^ u d ibouJd b* notlotd

opUa M cumsi n s m l lownii. aim eosaanltrtUou cr tbCM ttu c la( cr d*OK ta pmoBaaiua «m p

■' ■ rISSSSf* 'kS ? aj5 * / 5 ^ «

■ . T A X a ^ r

A loed detl oti'dlicuulon durla. Um 'comfsc teulQo bf Idiho-< 8Ul

.'''L«(U ituntK en('lU ctlr to lum'O th# bm 4 *ubJeet,or tm U cn. • .

M uv;vidTU ledtdinhefpnbi^ , ; / irlUbea4TtiK«d,aetriourcesotrtTt

ouetm eonR d.u)diSR M dulttl< tbout rtidjusunent ef .lh» Ux loid

On ttielr f l u . u im t, lU Of tli.u ^ protxtfili Kill b« <lbtet(d tovird re

. 'duetlon of t u u .n muit b« . u pUIn, Uiou(b, ti

t 'th e lim o ik as u It l i to «TeiroDi ____ ; elie Ui«. Ihera li only one ,iv» wij

• ;to rtdueelix« ,ihd tJiitU td«due( ipubUeexpendlturu.

M U ^T«*U «olouil7lat<rut«41t ■brlQiliic abw t lojr m tttrlil nduC'

' ; tion In Uxe*. he n lfh l m il tu n bl i ; ‘ in exlitlnf iltuiUei

.',jvher«, irllhtn in hour’i drlre froa----------- ^ T f U m n n h t r B tre flTi- Count]

" 's e i t i . iDd «lihln'i';iifflllir~dbliaR i .from BolM there tre flra more een>

; te n of Oounty coremmenu I . Here tre the Counly Setti tdjtctnl

;• lo TwIn.Ptlb-purley, nupert, J«r- ‘ ome.Sbothonftind'aoodinf.,' n In elofe ttm lmlly to BolM : ir« m h o Clly. Emmett, Fiyette,

. . r-'iCiklireU tnd UouaUln Home.. . . . - There caa be no jutUrictUon lo

------- ~":~*e«nMnrforiOTniay-tdmtaJnr»Uw, .cfnUn^ e teh 'v llh lla full eompU- f^y^ment of otfleUb, bulkUnia tmi

jeoulpmrnt and openUnr tnil main* ‘-.'tenanee cotU, irllhln lo imiU in

y t •Th»fattU iat.thw »htTe"b«en« new counUu cretUd In'ldaho du^ In ; U)o p u t decade b a t m v t r r ) ' m eof'tja lnil tnulUpUeltrof Oountj

ThUieaDdtUon deea not apply .lo , :coun^le» tlone, but alio to other jor-

! ’ emmentit'admlnlitrtUre unlta. An eanieit tecker tfte r v ty t and Dcani

: of reducbv the t u bill cannot bul . ’belntcreitedlnlhetltutUoatnTwla

. PlUl Oounty where retponal blllty fot . , local rof^ .conitrDetlon*atid main*

' tcnance ll derlred amoni fire tepiN — . . l i t v a y DUMcti-BaehOlittlcI

malntatni IU own ofnce asd recordi. Each fojpJoji adotaUtrtUre ol/ki- til . Etch procureiu much macbtn*

- " ery and eqdpment u it ctn ttretcb lu bud((t to eom i n u plain that itiulU equally u loed er better eould be ObUlned throuth a alnile Oounty* wide road admlnUtratlon. with a Tery fiMuJdmWe rfducUeo 0/ eipewe.

U U tn theae fleldi tha t He clote lo home Ibat wwk for any malerUl and effeeUre ta* rtllef abould betln.


_____"T ie menace of eorpbratloafirm-in i to'arle'uUurc Udeadly tad detl' nlU,” tecordlnt to Senitor Cipper ol Kaniai.

• ' Parmint corporatloM dutroy fam ine coatnunlllet. They firm Ihe aoU merely for tbe afips.and ate not fntereited In building Improve- nenUu- Ttiey operate tbnachineiy .'and t*nta of U borek

. men ara merely b io u ^ t la whea needed In pUoUnc, n ltln ttn c asd b a rm tln t. n U moiUy cheap, un-

' ik ll l^ labor, o tun lUen to tlie com- miffllty.'‘n>» ta n iln i populaUon U

;• * m p t a n r . .:.'nie 'e o a ip ta y a iy make mosey ont of fatmlac,'but the Character of tiu eoBsmml^ U de- itroyed...^ ,

Ko sreato: caiaalty could ixcur.. h im a lnU m in4b*ii)4attrU ]-

' Intloo of A m jiric ta ^ tfit^ tu n .;jt U Um old a t« ^ or a tU ad 'to ld tndoldsnllb'A poem,' with'thk OU » • Aala: ■ ' i ,-A bold peaiuitty. theif oooalry^

'•••.pride... .\1)ea ooee d t c l t ^ m nerer te

ttp p M .- - .-•• ■ n u B oae* U tmL- .S rt- tt

work w t not to u ttw Soatec ' thlnta. l^ tn d B itria ji ia U e e U ln

. l b e ^ c r ^ i ^ ' ' t « b e r * i a r t t « macbliw7.aB4 aeueyiaTltic bctc^

:.v . . c a - e u ^ b e ^ eat: But what ...we na7 .M ,'£m tie jyitim denlopi,

b .e o tpcnU oc ifo iaedud operated

, 'pftjfl ro u r

•W S fanners Ihenuelm Id ap culturil areai-nelslibors pooll: Uielr lind and adiptlac cotpori

-M « methocU to thelf. own advanUi u u e That may makajannlnt pay- -*. * Doubtlcu there will remain a co ntur. ilderable' population of Indlvldi i s ' i farmen, holdlni thclr own by tl ^ alia of thelr holdlnp, tlielr iklll ■

^ inialU nd^^lal unill lliu do aloR :___ of h it muiuficlurin* plinU.

NON-VOTEItS' REASONS - g g ■ Memben oi the tlU'eUIld U

Guney have made tome lurprltU aucoveritt to ,'lhelr dooT-U)-d&

J27: Iludy of the reaioni why people dor a aa rote. In the f ln t place, they Hi tfiD« thafTiitiirall*ed^tl»ns-do-bett

than naUvB dtUtna In ihU rcjar r ttl* terliapj In the proeeu of be'comlt

naluralUed-thelr Interut In votlt U a » u i« t ''U may be that they »

rt te more ameniblo to parly dlulplln u S i Y/haterer the reaioni. they itep t ],“ • lo the poUlBfpUcu on election da: .Km- With prali^wwth^y promptnui. ;

' Tbe tiatlra Amerlcani, lea cor KleatlouiaboutvoUnr.tivethequei

t to* Uoper maay reaaoni tor Uielr all - tude. Bome of them think politics

— 'the bunk” and tndJrldualToIea doti make.anyWfertnce, anyhow. Soti .women refuie to v re i tto becaui they don’t waiit to fire th e ir 'a t

'*•1* Other eligible .ToUn ate afraid < being caUed for Jury aetTlce. 'boo

• of the eotw unttfa younf people u they.dant.wtojjecauie they “doo

*T*' know wbat It's aU aboutAJmere.ii peopU who malnuin they don't la dentand^thaliiuea and Ihlnk all tb

>>.w candldatei equally poor.> ” * AU thue n riou i reaiona raay t

tied up with a Uck of lenie M n ■ *0 ipoMlWUty. Ono wonderi. howeve

wbJtpupllslearoaboutrotlnglntii * *7 pubUeictMoUtndcolIeguwbealhe ■uce iiu jy American hUlory, clvlci. po

m in i Klenea or eren mnomlci. V«H Ing Ibould net be either a W b e a or a myatety.

,bU • ____________ _Uon ^rom RIDDLESmty 'Mankind h u 'n o t really cone yer mee firlnknowledfe,Dr.AlbertEtnfteL xn- laid In a recent publlo address, add

. Ing. "The farther we proceed. ,th *nt more formidable aro Uie rlddlM fac ler- Infui."

Well, thal'inblhlnt to'grlere aboiii 3lM WehareiolTfdenoufhrlddleitoelv tte. uifallhUiitwemayaolremore.atii

the new onei tbat face lu heip-1 In make Ufe and UiouBhtlnlereiUng.

pui . ■ '

I ™ ™ |Byron Defeabaeh '

.. .In IBJ Goremor McOonaeU Of ’.lo fered to «UblUb » aUto .itforoW - g_- ■ IAn . '

Z ™ C A N M A ’

A F a n t a s t i c B B B

Z C o m e d y o f . :

« r . S a c r e d a n d . H E

P r o f a n e - L o v e l ^ H I

Id- VIn* teb aat uld ty* tfj

H J|B .DM■Ul


- H v ' V ; -

“ l l l l l l ’

”• ll U l t a Hi.X erl Ke bai I

I I I and any tlr:he il l I ' Yet Ulloale*' Jore.tbatU

. m e girl who l| I Lmoni-Ll

a il 11 ' ■ n e m growit]. I II ' hadeomuct n 11 [ m eperfe.

f I ll . C H A R L ll i l ! ' , • ■ u

' ' jl I I' ' ROSE nOBAS;be I ILB.W ai

I * '; | S B

J l I Ue * soil

*• ( i i f f i " 'ATanuaid L

a p l- Mhobl a t MounUln Home o n .a lain (ondltloni which the people

“ “ • Ibo town did not meet. Ten yei »raie i iu r Ooremor Morrlion apptor atate. an aet crtatlnt tbe Idaho Induitr

Training school a t St. AnUwi SUly tham nrt tc ft l Of Cadowni Undi Were le t ailde and a bond Ul

(Iduil Ol l»M O wai authorUeil for lu be y theJU „ On a highly fertile and culUral u -a * *“ ** *'lOREr Ingi. altogether valued a t a mUU u dollan. The 1020-30 t«o*year t

proprUllon for the Khool waa Ul 3S0JXI. Piny-thr«e ptnoni are ei ployed, and the pretent (nroUnt

i includei JOl boyi and H glrb. r _ _ counting is« ouoUs who are on n

role. The average cost ot tneir U rltlng' U JuU under IMO per year each, -door AVhlle moit ol the youog peo( don't <>>ere wttlioul their own eoniti

U U a achooi n th e r llian tpenal t ttUaUon; It Ucka the ceUi;aMbe

jard. ■ Tho'prtJbateJudgeiottfie.Tario mics eo;intleiaretmpoii.'eredtotoamlt

the reform'aehool any chUd belwei 8 and I t guilty of wrtoui crime ui

y ire der manilaughUr. or who'U to.vl pllne. lout or incorrigible a i to be a pub: _ menace. No length of line U qx

“P Ifled; the ehlld must remain vh i»I» : i yean old unleu looner parole

.. Tho mott eommon.overt oltenit tome form of theft; a common c u of downfall, accordinf lo lUtemn

’»*** of thd’youths'themielrei. Is lack' atu* p tnnU l control and training. " ' Ics U ' Tbp fineitipecEn made In the ie

Ijlatiiv MUlon of JPlJ waa by He aeorge Edglngtod of Idabo pal ihen lU te M uior.

auie and Inhuman treatment o( tho. ;bo ' i n . and fIrU a t St. Ahthoay. No whl . . . . per or.compUlnt al<^/thei«.tlit

1** b u beea heard In recent yean.'^DUelpiliio ii- itan but not-unrea

s a u bnable.'Puplb tre weU fed,.'wt don't clothed..,wlih.iutToundlnfa far, ,11

’ m * Nature and art haie.-.»ablftM , ■ I the tnaktt tbe cnrironment elertUng t t

refining. Ttie view in every dlrei . tion U ot Itself an InipinUon. ‘n

y be fnwodt are kept In attractive eat t re* diUon; evciythlng Inside and out eVer, itwtleaily Clean.1 tha Brerr Inducement poulble U-o

fered the boy or jfrl lo get an eduu Uon.'boUi manuafand m enU |,tof

po* h lm o r b e r to t io ld a p r^ p la c e l Vot^'tbe outilde world. I t appean (oth h . . : w tttm tH n d ah o U doing, atwut i

that can be dont for the reformi tion and lalvaUon ot tU deUnquei youth. If he h u any compUUit i

„ make. It U Ibat be doea not leei able to ulUfy hU nader or tilaie u to tbe extent lo which thete cob: effotti aro m cw fuL

itein ---------------------- - ...

SElECIBOFflCil8Sve ___Ltod OUHL. Nov 33 (SpccUl to. Ttl b to NewD-The following oCficeta hav , been elected by ths Cedar D n

__Onnge to eene during the tniutn

. Mailer. Pred Bleh*. re-elected _ overaeer. WUlard PUkes iU n r t 'll Billy Zink: aaiUUnt ateward. Bdw L ard Oobb: chaplain. Mn. W. J. Hleki n lecreUty.M n. W. J. Holma:.lreu _ 1 uwr. Herbert C ^ b; Ij ^ aa U ^

; er. Bert Zink.A number « f unuiuil prognmaar

— pUnned for the coming monUu th lecturer aUted.

of* Ottf one reol ipecU l^lA Uiit :orm FkUt. PbeiH IU . Dr. Fotler. Adi

A T I N E E T O D A Y ! .

'r a n i Molnar’8

: ; i L i o M ”Use heroic hearlbrak-

u only to ietk hU head gIrlM owihimI 'Ilom longs for true lore. ',. U pure-Thtti be beaU • r ' lho wonhlpi him!-LUIotn-Uie boy who owa upt The man who lUCh love be had nonel xfect roie.for lovable.


withWT • EflTEUE TAILOR ffam tr * Bert Roieh


ia fe to igE H X a a o l B v a« ra t

awannl.PabtU Thea\ra .■


ySm I CHARLES L. LONGLEY.TOVCd . -____________• - -iitrUl ' - 11 -I -I-" ■ihony. An Appreciationrae at | 'I Uiue t e “i- T 5 - ■s = a a = a a* **“ * Bom In lUwley, M uiK huell

Reared In Ohio and lowa. EalUtt iraled iq tho union army a t tha age o t ;

h u jfu t. served Uitoughoul Uie Ch 1 ^ * war.- Publiihef’and'edltoriUiwriti ^ 0 In lowa for 3S yean. Member i ' *?* VIckaburg National park aaiocUtlc

foe yeara. PubUiher aod wrlUr I ?* ” : TwlnPalU.ldaho.ChalrmanofTwl tmem jounty couneU of defdiia dui I. not fng World war. In charge ot UnlU “ P** m .i» . office at BoUe, Idah

f o r l tm r i i . TetiuyKatefl.auctt Uie public record of hU *7 yean.

1 ^ “ If the above consUtuted tha fcho record of hi* life. It would be tuff cient to a u ie hU'Iegion of frient

WUxfftlnd. B({tthatU]»tU»w]» trioui record. Colonel Longiey, u he wi

to fondly called by bU many frUndi I iween Twin PalU, w u a man.of high lilei* <v>‘ aty aUalnmenU. He w u .t rtudei >1^* of UUnUire, including Uie bUtory < »bllc bUownandoUicrcouotriea. Rewi

a man of deep, broad leamloj; Tl: a n e p of hU mind encompaaed Ui bUtoirr ot lilt itum ufm t and Ji progrtsi. He w u a brillunt write

^ and an able pubUe ipeaker.X w 8IUI. UlU U not aU the record i T ” hU long aod uiefurilfe. He w u . . dellghUul companion, a aound ad t i? - ' * •“J'** frtend. Having ont

beitowedWieonndenor,ltw*«nen toat eaeept by Uie reclplenfi con duct. One could not ipend an hou wlUi Coionel Longiey wiUmit feclln the force of hU Inullect. hU paMla

^ lor Juitlee and hU InUnie lor# Jo bUcountry. The wrller of UiU poo

>»u- tribute to hU memory ean never for «eU get the helpful and tniplring bow

r, ,iu* rpent wiUi him In Uie daya loag gon ' In l^ . . . . . . .

» « .• —ne 'w u-a 'f«n tira iairof-the-o li <1, to Khool. a gracloua hoit, poalUvi n , r u d definite In bU oplnloni, but vlUu) “»<-• Juit and fair. }Ui oplniona i m a|.Tne wajiclearlyatatedandiupportedbcan* forceful reaioolnt and lound lodi u t u HUezperUnceu a newspaper write

< and hU contact. KlUi. people ha< i.-of* Uught him Uie importance ot know luco*' (ng the racU of a given aquation, bu to fl( onee the faeU wct«.lnbUpoaicaaIai ce in hewuiuretobaveadeflalteopinloi > ttlll about the. altuatloh, whlcb w u al H alt wayabelpfullohUauocU lutcdhl tmi* community. Ha w u am an.of tn ;uent mendous forcc, butihe d U c f^ « a t to hlmtelf InUtligenUy and effecRMlj icem Colonet Longiey Uved by Uie Oold sie lf enltuie. Heappliedltlohlmielfan SOble alwayi - Mmetlmes vlgotouily-In.

; slsted ihat oUierTapply-lt'to-thel ... conduct u well ' I t w u hU fuldi in Uiroughout hU long life. - To hin I! Uie Oolden Rule meant being Just t<

I J ounelTUuw eUutooUiira., . ’ Charlu U Longiey w u euenUall; l i e a toldler ot hUcounUy. H e w u i Bl J true patriot In time of peace u wei

u l n war. He w uererandahray i InlelllgtnUy cooeetned about ihi

Ttie welfare ot hU country, firmly ,b«. hava UevlngMi>«dldthatnUgOTemmeni Dnw w u founded upon Uio i r u t fundi' mlng menUltruUiioflUe. I tw u b U M '------lief-that:ao:loof-U'lt'remalned-M-rted: choredtoU ioiefreat truUii,lUtW. rvd , sent would have UUle tO;fear«.m>i ]dwr safety, Uie pemtncDcy of ow R4- Icki: pubUc, m uit ever depend upon luUi YU* character, aueb faitb, aueh .ptIrloU lUst U m a aw u h U .. ... . m. H P -BOBaiBritrhU-epeAinTeniittii:

Inc to th e lalQte and Uu soundint ot I are Ups, tbe writer Uwught It w u a I Uia '


- M N lI JI . " v .LAST TBM I BLAZING DB I ADVE1 l i y i n i ; b&ro th e Rtory neir 9 t h e s c rc tn ’s spo(]p;ht on tli

I ‘‘The“"I P A Y

O F F ”I From Ifie.Noted— I Stage Play Jj A Radio Picture

’ ' _ U w ^ S h e n n a 2 _ ^

C b m tir "Rolltaf Alonj"!G corse Sidney, Tob7..Ci

U a ll lH m il S 0< ; Ei

^ m i n g ^ nF ro in th e S tag e P lay ' j

% e Cat and the j Canary** "

= a s /K{MfWb(jUI«iU£}»aM/eu*efe

Y lUfd. Tbe mortal part of h to h Btas^ ftem our view. Lot tbou Ul who have felt Uie Intluence of t r vigorous and aturdy Ufa rememb Uiat Uie rUlMe part of the unlver 'U luililned by U» tnvUlble.. Wbl

s d hU mortal body U not vUlbla to i hU Iplrtt and lOul will ever U

^ aAong M, ^ HODOIK.Twin PaUi,,Idaho.

f r iU t----------------------- -----------------rtr | k i i B = s s B 9 s ^ s S ^ B

S S O C I E T YQll(^ AND a O B fUbo. . Mn. 1 .1 . w m uaa^ i i • _ . . .I, : PbOHtM

Vhole ^ a a s ^ a s a s s a a B M iE 5 ; i M <«btn M Ui« Lot J K iu iito . i ln Club e n ^ an allAuy tn w ^

!^ 'j.M .P lerc« ,B erg er. Atnoonaooi ,1, 1 ! ' ered-dUh luncheon w u sened. Tl

p ift«n memben wilh five gueit MO. D, E. Ryan. Mn. ChriiUaie; MB. Julia MikeieU. Mn. Patrick ar

u,‘* Mrs. Oravea wen present. Mn. 1 ;T ? tT . Idol will be boeteti to tbe^ clt

December fifth.____ •

^ I Mr. and M n. Lenoy WeUerlret ^ of pleaianUyaurpriiedwhenagrouDt 'u reUUrea and- friendi gaUurcdlt

Bd- thtlr homa In bonor of Uielr. tenl wedding annlvenaiy. Tho honore*

. were presented with glfU of tin. Pir “ •»*, ochle w u Uie diraaion of Uia ere hfur ning.. Mn. C. £ . ModUn won.tb

prUe for high « o « for tbe womt and Oerald HamUUm for Uie met consoUtlon went to Joho Kinder an

P W UM. Prank Modlto. THoae pKseti <<** besidn the hoaoreea. were Meadami »w» m d Mciiert. Lloyd Jono, Jlaln

Modlln. B. a . Pierce. T. t-Pyki

ModUn. Oale Modlin and MUi Imd gene Pleree. Dcilclous refreitimeal

* brought by Uie fueiU, .wero aerre ^ , a t a Ute hour._____

” ^ r j Unlrenlty aulld membeft'wer *“ d entertained a t a meeUn* at.Uie horn

of Mn. S ia M. While Monday ere> Mn. I. E. Soilyn, leader o ‘* ^ : ih e the -Thankigtila n l ^ . proclamalion Issued by, 0 « ^> sl-1 Washington'In Berenteen Hundte 1 h ii Nlnety.f Ive. and In Uie eoun# of (h ,t«*;evenlng'a prognoi she revtewe Intd.MaritCoonely'aiUiry.-ateen P u vely.: luret.’' - MUa In n Wheeler dUeuite «ld* 'Edmund Butka aod hU poUey ot con •nd ellUtloit wllh the American colonlei •?":i*niL M nt>t“fn«rite_Key.itjleire hetTihe life and wotk ot Booth Taxk

- • _____' ■ '»t to The annual Udles' Night wUl b , ebiened UiU evening by Uie Twii Ully, PiUs KlwanU Club wlUi i d in n e rs « a dance a t Uie Odd PeUowa'Hall tb «(ll wives of local memben and seven rays p m u being present. Ourtnc th

dinner hour Uie fueaUwU be enter ,» • Ulned WlUl a mutleal program: b w it. Oayiord Sanford aod AdeUlde An )di- .denon Sanford, aisUted by Rathp tb l- ton Bulow, baritoae< and four mem ^ - b e n of Uie-AdeUide-Andenon achoo 2«* 'o f rouilc, PocaUUo. TI»:?Plddltr Tn* Pour.” a unique mualealorjknttattoi

. i l compoeed of four UltnHdtPob teUomuilclani.M^HarUn Bender

>01- son.MUiSyblMattbewa.MUiaUMy

I of Uie program eoomlUeaUriecponilbli A for bringing UiU grocpof artUU t

M K TODAY - ~ ■ IRAMAOPM AD - 'EN TU R E......eirB{wpers never to1d*-^flashIn{r 1 the Btrangcfll settles e rer laldl



Marion Nixon Hogh Treror

WmUm Janney k% . ■ HeUne.MiUafde 7 George Marion

Walter'McGraii _ Robert Mcffade —

Alan Roscoe

■ Marion I r t ro n ^ ''

{" .'with C hariet MnrriV and .Cartoon and Norelty. A rts . E r e n f a r l f # . » < « d 4 0 ^ -



»Jud Twin n U f for UlU o c m lo a ' jL 1 baa Itobtnun. out-gobg prealdeot. ai ae of Mra. RobSnun; aod W. B. Bolt ifhU pKsldent-elect. and Mn. Smim, w mtxr receive Uie gueiU-.TDUowlof dinn vene dinclagwUl be enjoyed. R.H.MU VbUe ttrUtenera|Chairman;O.P.DuTi « ui.. chalnnan ot Uie recepUon comml

Uve tee: Orant Padget of the house o x miUec; a D. 7%offlu, protnua coc

r. miUee:n.P.Roblnion.finan£eeoa miuee; R. L. Roberti. atUndan committee: PRd Meech. xiecontloi

1 ^ 2 Wntamee,-andrjohn=Thotteu,-ti

' Tbe m u t ouUtandiac aocUl evei of m e Kimberly Qrante for Uie yei w u (he banquet prepared asd aer ed by the men, honoring Uie ladle

__ In thi>rhH>M«nrhiiffhpaTlnn itn’duck. Chicken and all Uie irtominj ifhlch maka up a lumptous meal wei

• • terred. Worthy muter, Pred Be< b e rr ^ of the program.whle etlni Incbided an addreu of welcome I ^ « r D .-T ro ib ia; r vtot ia m d-wn: oor* doet by Mr. PaUenm and M The Oeorite Jonu: a quarteite eoopodc

rluT of Dr. 0 . A. Puller, Mr. J . A. Var iMn! derbark. Mr. Pred Beer, and M KiU >'nnk Beer, accompanied by Mr itea! PuUcr.uBgUireenumbcraiMr.Pai and tenon .accompanied by Mn. Fran

l H . Beer tave aeTera]lharmonica sele< ctub ilmi- Next mecUtiswUl be Uie elec• : ttoaofOffleen. . "

iiFllEiimEiSiSSI^ s i r s i i m :ere*

men nX R ,. Nor. M '(Special to 'Th sen, Newal'PtoUowlng U Uie honor ro: and ef Uie grades in Uie Plltr tchooU aent u issued by instrueton here loday unu B th th gnde-^RUUi Belber. Hele: alpb WlUUmi.Erther8perle.RuUiRcctoi 'yte, UNora Drake, Cheryl Yaw and Ber , E. oe tU S h an t - ' w t -’ SerenUt-irade-—-Bttl-Eberaolj ini^ Marion Dwlgbt, MargaretCaie,-Lu mts; cllle Alien, Boyd Pond. Pern Ebcr rred mU. Ploreoce Rich aad Morjorii

Dexter.■ B lx th grade-D onnaCailcrlit

n n Beatrice WiegeUn, Jack Ramsc] f l S Bernice iValker, Richard ailUUr e re . Pnocea Anderson.-Belty Walkeir a f LoUBrtifflCt^ PtfU) grcde-LlUl] AnUieay. Bar fZS, bariB^ri<uey'AdeIe'^DUlln|hani ^ Lou Pond, Mary Hlen DavU, Anni ^ W Ul,IjmanCaughey,I^jorieDe?

Pburth garde - Alvin Ebenolt ^ MffieHardlag. Junior Munyon, Hei

en HorUng. WorUi Plummir, Junlo 5 ^ . % o«ai,Titeiidf«H awklni.ured • i L ' ^ ' ’i' ------irk*

Ite Window GlassS AUTO GLASS^ C u n p O T O a r P ricM

p i c n m B f r a m n g

'A S T W I N T A l i s '

s s : . G U S S A N D '■ a . — P A I N T - G O . - . -

...................... >■J W . ------- 7


' “ C h r f cstam

F r i a U a t r eI : . I}enyou*Mih*beiat/(bl:I lUrer "Mtdd of Hooor*II afiied to iba oU oci o f II Frigldiiret. I I 00 extn cbl f ThiimedilUoemiybiee)

w idi(& «oiaeof(bai«d | ‘ the frltldilre, or wiihibi

• ofbqibredpieoiuddooi I ' Or,irntiptt&f,rottcaa ( tlia nedilUofl alooa (ia < j aoeia n lm cue) oa O I Boraiag u d ie t lb* fbttno

I iSSe.**** ***“

- r : mAristBi

I ’ T ellI ; 151 Main A v e . )

[yJG, NOVEMBER 26. 1930 ,

SSfflWSlSiffilN £ UNIT! i l luraU _______

BURLW. Nov. 3S (Special to ' Newal-^Bnow which lUrted fal

L - November IB lUU remains on


ins machlnea tiave suspended o; , aUoni. ComparaUvely UtUe fin

T*"'’ cul damigo w u done, however, Most cJranlng a ^ npalr work

aiu . the Burley ^ c t . e a n a U . l ^ b<

^ .work. On Uie mtln canal, eolar qk , ment m rk. unde^ direcUon. of i hich .recUouUon serrice. sUU movea f< , j,y ward., l y a

*2flh roughou l U» winter.Bdcd The reelamaUon terrlco 'h u p* Un* ehaied miehlnery which wlU be t Mr. aUUedatUieUltalnccntlnuaUon Uis. Ihe operations of enlargement o f t Pat-1 delivery lyitem. ThU wot* can. 'tnk done during Uie eold weaUier. lec* A pump and motor h a n be<

ilec* I bought from the Peltpn Water Wht company, Bsa maeiico. tad a

■ tor generator and exciter aeu a: other equipment from tba Owe Electrie port Wayne.

I t U laid that the luUUatioa „ t thU machinery wUl be compleled

I |lmetobeofienricetndeUvertn»i ILL addlUonaJ amoutit ot IrrigaUon w

tcr for Uie comlnf leaioa •

m e ” . roll ____________. .


I ? a n d t h e g r e £

r chaOln, . F r ie n d s:

A s yftu_know, th e E l sponsoring th o T IN CA T H E A T ilB th ia a f te r rw

ur* th is m n tbice Ib a can o f fi will be tu m e d over t r U i

ie;(. I ' w ill d istributo i t to th e p( ! Falls , a t CHRISTM AS T l

^eil: T hink how you-can hi alor 1 jo y them selves th is Chri

taWfl o r aom e o th e r fooda = b u t o u t o f th o rcach o f r _ IN G HA ND . A ny thn ig w

'a t te n d , p lan to send a car Wo aro tha n k in g you 1

5; know th e good peoplo ol , give T H IS GREAT EVEI 1 - T H I S A FTERNOON. 2


B .P .O .E . ( E L l i B y A sh er B .W

- H ero m n E .


stm as thut dut in hei

H e re liag U itjh tlc eQ

o e u l o t w i y i b e 's n u

^ H ^ a bcantMul nerUpB lii r

.ably eag n red aod

o c t - a constant temln

Yei, tb it i i a gift ti

ForyoakDOW tbattbe

tb a tla c o o ro le o c e w

roN *r** y e u if je ry e a n

Il i t t tU o c ' . S o c o f fle ln a tjd J t ti

S r a U i^ f l ' a C h rlitm u lb e wUIni

. t e t n i thow yoti all

h ir e the benefiu o fthe

2“ ^ H ydratof,thcQ oIdm b

Q r i s B uS t ^ b « y*"* how eadjy ai

ip e d il Gbrlitfflu term

I I G I D Ai c r a t e t C h r U i t n

[ford Sales' W e s t „ .

IN . 'iniry Both Now Ate

H a v o r - P t b t e r t e dtoTba - ■ _____

0 Uu < Mmkitn of i n v / / i r f t kcvroU I” MP' ^ ^

1 oper* . 2 rer, .wit os a been

a a n d - ,

a a d b m n m d u J t ie a lb th ^ ' v c n t io a o f .a e w im i ^ o e o .

- . t a l B e r .H a e r W f a i e o f e t o fthe cam e Iritis ia be F ro t« te M c d io d ,t!N « B la >

r ir e H I .T c 8 tV « iB a tn .

C O F F E E !"Tit

* . •. ■

S ^ ^ = S = S S = S = = S = S

s a t e s t o f t h e s e i s

!lR I T Y !E L K S LO DG E o f T w in FaU s Ii CA N M A T IN E E a t th o lD A H O - Tjoon. TJio p rk e o f adrolaaloj) t o I food. A L L th e C A N N E D FO O D r th o 'E L K S LODGE w ho in t u r n s poo r a n d needy fam llle i In Tw in ; TIM E.I he lp som e fam ily' to r e a lly en* :h fls tm as— a can o f f r i i l^ veg«* d a t u f f i a well w ith in y o u r ia e a iu , if m atiy . G IV E T H E M A H E L P - ; w lil b e acceptable l l f y o u can’tcan d o w n . ' .......... N O W f o r th e su p p o r t t h a t w eI o f T W IN FA L L S a re go in g to * VENT. R EM EM B ER T H B T IM E f. N O V . 2 6 U I-A T . T H E I D A H O .: Y O U R CAN O P FO O D A ND C A N ’T COME SE N D IT DOW N.

5LKS) LO DG E N O . 1183. W ilson, E xalted B u ler E . D elsa, S ec re tary :

H • y ' r

hat will 2r memorycofflUfles teotlffleot. aod tucfal*

m e to Uke—a Priglt|airc w ith j l

tU n rjae d i^ O Q tb i t can beiulfr j r xnaaoefltly atucbed to tbe obf>

mloder o f your ^engbtfiilaeiij

i tb t t you i s w will p le u e h e n

lbe u m tt to d nttdt F r ig ld ilr e -

e w U lm c a a c o a it to tc e Jo y n u o t''

let n i help you aet the stage fo t

II oerer forgeti

all tb t t It w ill mean to h e r to

the fim otu**C oW ^nm il,’? the

lobe !ce Tray and a a b b e t o f

o tld e aa d o ttt . A f ld lc tu a b o w .

J to y m odel c u b e booght o i

aaii^ S to p ln to d ^ * ,

L I R E ^t m m C U t B

' " t .

T m n F a l l s ■ I j

Page 5: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

: < ' ■ — = -----------■MINS IF J i i, J ENJIfiBpi'

JEROMg, NOT. 3S OpeeUJ to 1 j ' ^ K en)-V octl ■od In tln o u n it l»

'A (Ifl tumUhed Uia proenm for > • ;! • Jerome RoUry dub H iU r w

> “ ?mflnlhl# dinner«,HOI i . ,- J .8 1 d e to a h « n U J U 'e te n ^ ^ ■

« T Ii«prep tn iir* iuB dw :th»^ Uoa(iI^imUleefleunltUe.or«ti]

ao /U 'T lK iK io a U e B iln n u , i r -n t t (oUovint nun te rt vete gli

? , bf o - > '

I l0Bl.M a,A 8.MeOlifnui.»n(lR0

II « ' U n. UcOUttlln kito t* n • th I ? uik.onttKCubleotoI'M uHe.'ci ; ^ iM eipteW jU«dM,cji lo Ujbt*!

' muilall7i»ideductUonBll7,o{rM1' prcHTtm i . . . .

'■ USTSiiNSCiES I I , SIENLHD i ir' ,B* ^ ■ Jtn- Am»nd». Turley, 89, raW«^ of WendeU for many jeare and

■ Ttr(n Fdlli for (wo ywrs past. dJi r a t 10:30 A. M. Tue«dar thorUy all

• ,.r belnj laken to tha eounty jenertiospllal fotlowlntf a audden allti

. apparenlly of cerebral henwtrbai < o r heart failure..Slnca abouVH

■ : Ttetk*. aco. her.daujhler. M«, Jo)H. Doehm. Hmum, Washington, hi

’ been here TUltlng a t her home, 4 , '.'■■.I Sm ud avenue vett. and w at'v l

tier when the end came.Tr Mn. Turley wa* th t widow ot U

1 'L. Ui« A. J.-'Miley-.wbo.dled .tbo fire yean ago, and. Is burled In Cl Ifomla.

Daiau her daushler. U n . Soehi , sha Is survived by another daujhUI t , ; Mrt. J t 8, cooklnham. BUea. N<

ih> - ■ York, and two sons, H. A. Turle ^ Cascade, Idaho, and P. Lewis; Tu

I s ley, Dolse.I Iff f ih s .ru « oinnber ot the Oed

9 ■ - -O t ihe.Eastem Tbe body m is now a t ihe Dral

V . funeral parlon here. Arrangemen {. ■ for tuneral services had not .be<

{ y compteied tu t evening,

f —

\: SchoolNews, \ Debate try^ouU wen detlnlle

•ooi\eluded yesterday alternoon. whi ' thelutotihepattielpanupreseou

Ihelr.argumenla. Joho F. Estei, li atruetor and debate coaeh, lUied la thlsevenlng that Iho tollowlng wou

/ i; make up the debate squad tor th i ' year: Maurice Rutiell,aNrse Rull

; ■ M bait, Eileen Exelton; Jcm 'Jennlso Sherman Kelly. Kenaah Duno

I Clsude-Wiseman. Arihur PatteI MarkFell,KaihrynThomwon.Mai

t the struKest squatli he bas er'

\ ' S iw ’S am ’?0R5>l” ^0m UjeM*sli

f i . ' coaching ot ths tquad this year t / ^ ' Mn. Bonnis May Slmpaon, pubi: ' T speaking Inslrueior < ot Uie hlg . V i sehool. and Loyal Perry. Junior hig

Instruelor and former high scho< I ) and college debale star,. . .

- jvNioRmauscaooLThanksgiving asiimbly will be hcl

In tho Junior high tehool at 1:301 M. today. The program wqt be pre tented by the Bghtti grade dnmatl club wllh Mtss atace Daley u di recwr. . .f,

, ; Captain ball leam number 3. Ella I A abeft'Bflthwell. chlet captaln.’jes

terday. woa by a.narrow ’margli I tha junior high school champion' ship trom team number J, Alice Le*

.h lie, chief a p u in . In the ellmlnaUoi ;. tournament which has bem conduct

' ed under the direction ot Ulss UarOrant, Junior high school dlrccto ot physical education. M«nbCn;c team number 3 are; Dorothy Roh kar. Max llaUh, Virginia Mort am

I Viola KlnUe.eiptalns;RudDey Hln'kel, Stella Mumpower, Helen Wild'

t ' man and Charlotte Rulhan, guardi ' and nbuUMth Oothwell, t^nnlni

■ J cenler. In 'tew o nomber J Dcrl >, Ursen, Mauveen Logideiw. Gloria

' 'S)i Lyken aod-Hairlet Lockwood, an capUlns, <fllh V lma Lumtey anc Carrie Leighton u aubiUtutc*: Clan

A McKean, Virginia Lyon. Alice Lea ^ lie and Marlon Uwrence. ate guards • ' and Betly UcClure, running center

. --Kew Ze4land-t»-the-leadln* mar. ket tor Canadian passenger automo-

/ .i ' ' •

' Be ThankfulJ■;ji ; • • . • • • • • • • •:;y

^ T ^n l th e re la auch a m lf , (o be hnd ,as Peerless..

• rce rle ss Coal n ill lessen your h .e a t 'w o r r ie s , a n d .

w glnddcn y o u r h e a r t.

O rder a (tm o f Peerless todoy and be than k fu l 'on T hanks jH v lns. . «


I j . Yotir H ea l M erchant

J - ^ . PH O N E 8.0.9

It BBBVITIED IM XnTdaloEIko-CharleaAlexaa IIHIli lafl'totOko yesterday on biulnesi

^ L . On Baalnet* Trip-Q. B. Belt I 5 ™ MoBlana,

U a m for Let Ant«lt* - 8. ^ UumphreyleUyesterdaytorLosJ ^ gelea.on.builncM. .

Leave tor Caasda-Mr. and i liven Oeorge Armstrong letl Ust even uegj. on a trip to Canada. etUon • ' 'J«,IL JUtttJoaiUaTnttU-O.O.U ^ n « reU, Itocerson. will le*vo today

l'6b46B4. L'lUJ4ffiU,-WT1ltC------, R*^,Rotco Btakea Baitnru Trip-Ura. V> ctlona Nelim Jett l u t evening on a *b ; and buslneu Ulp to Salt Lake CKy,

, Licensed (o Wed-A- au iiage short cenie w u Issued hen yeaUfday

'ca ll. Ray Engelbrtebt and LouUe Bre

rtd* ' ^ ■Bopertnludent .V W U -^T. V

Clark. OoUe. dUUlet auperlntendi

En ot the PentecoaUI Church o( O jj w u a vUller in T w ln faUi Mond

m i l Oregcn-Mr. aod VMDp Carl J. DomiQte will leare early Im ll jUy tor UOrande. Oregon, to sp«

, rbanksglTlng. day at-tbe home ident thetr elder daughur.aodwJljTfti nd ot Sunday, died — •—

alter Oa UoUdty VUi>Ur, and U n. neral E. Deba will leave thi* momlog Itack IB overland trip to Salt Lake C rbage to apend Thanksglvlna day with t rtwo ind Mtt. w ; n . Honubrook. fom John tw in Palis resldenU.,had »

L eav^ For lloUday-0. C. II wllh Attonuy, will leave loday for S , Lake City, to spend' Tnanksglrl

day with Mn. JIaU.and Ihelr thi ttoirt daughters-attendlng-scbool the cu* He espKt* to relum Uonday.

Farmer Jtfartfcat VWJ*-Le»y jone*,aoodlng,IormerDnlt«dBUl manhal of Idaho, accompanied.

^ ey , hls. daughler-ln-Uw, U a Pra Jone*. were In Twlo PaUi yeslerd

, - on builneta for a ahort ttaie wh en route to Burley;

>«>=o i ^ o u l y m ^ 'l u i v i o i ^ 'B i nenu den, aludent In Junior blgh t c ^ .beta daughter of Mr. and Ura. J n h ^

den, who underwent an opentl ' Uonday for appendlclUa a t the T i

----- Falla cminty genenl botpllal. mreported u very low lu t nlgbt. i

Daugbter Bom'>-Ur. And Mrs. W. Day, Murtaugh, ara Ibe parei

— ot-a-daughter.-RoberU-Jotephli bom a t tbe eounty general hospl' her# l u t Priday, Movember 21. T

rJiiS moUier w u formerly MU* BeU Blake, leacher o( science In Kli

Halo acd Twto W li sehooli.

ANNOUNCEMENTSlum- ____Oson, Needlecraft'club wltl meet wl •noa. iln . a. I I B in i P iiity ti 3 P. . ittcn,W»ry . Ttie M B aad 8 elub wtll meet t

* g ^ ^ » r O r f c B d r e d . . f o r .

ever member to brtog a covered dish.

The IntemaUonal ReUtlona grot of the American Assoclattan ot Ud

-Ua- MnltjLWomen-wlll metVat-Uitboc r by of Mra. B. M. Bweeley. thU evenli ubtJo siSq-eSoek. U n .D » ( Edmunds w high live a paper on' the Blobammedi high religion. Mra. Eldridge will give' bool brief ouUlne Of Uie history otpeni

and Ura. R. L. Plemeliel will spa on prttent day Penla.

beW CONCENTRATED SOint MILK lOP. WASinNOTON W> - T w e n t pn* plantrJnUio United BUlet are mal laUc log concentnled tour tklnuned ml I lUr by meUwdi developed at Uie depar •V . m entofagrtc«nure.Inl9»fndI9; ^ Uiey wed ISAKIMO pounds of akin Tea* med milk. .fgln ____________________________

u 5 iUonucU ‘ --------------------------laryctorl;Ctloh.and "lln- ''lid. rds, .Hog«rb)rla , ' •

and •laraLea-krds 'Itcr. ■ ■ ■


ll . . .

ri 'd . , . . . .


i ' -

.S H O R I^ ^ H N G com es to th e o l tbe iood, W le a y o u a u l becotnes an .im p o rtan t p a r t of. a n d w b e n y o u m ake a p l ^ one cn is t i s s h o t tc f u n ^ ' ' ' ■

Foe th e f o l b w ho fcelfeve i b e (PO m ood to c a^ th e W estdc

ESii.iljiSINiSr ''JF lS M ® S 8« Owl V. Wlaiper. printa ot O

®“ paay B. one hundred (wwly^^ig IntaniiT. who met deaUi during

^ _ World war and U burled o \w 8 - fl- w u a rtildent ot Wlnsper, Wi

“ An- hU father lUU reside*. It . , learned alter Wlnsper’a name, al

with Uiote ef nv« oUier dead.Wi 1 Ur*, war tenlce men w u p\iblUhed 1 venlne newspaper a t WaUace. Idaho, u

itqucsl.ot American War UoUier The War Molhen.. through' i

i.Mor- means, are rodeavorinf to dUcc ay for home addretsei ot a numter — — w pTlg 'g HT gm w men bmlea 'm

' teas.Dor* Here Is the list In wblcb Wtojp tbort name w u IncltiM:

:_____ Hogan. Tboaut P.. prlvate,-El— ~ GeHlfi Inlinuy.

MePherson, Gladys. prlTtte. C< K J ? paay E. eitth infanln'.

Montoyo, LouU, private. Comp S , One Hundred TnlfU i infan

. Max Mortoa WUllam, private^ Ct •ndent PUy C, Three Hundrtd [ God. Uitantry.andty. fiuitord. Ray. wagoner, wp

comr-tny, One Hundred fiU(y-<tg. 1 Mn. Infantry.rlv to- Twin PaUs chapter, American lf soeod Mothers, b u requested publleal BU ol ot Uie lUl bere, with request t n tu m anyone who knowi anything ab

any of the men tball oommunle wllh the War Mothen.


S . i £ PLAN DEMONSTRATKormer • ■ _ ..

' there will be a tre« demonti . . „ Uon prognm In dancing by Uie ]

pllt of Uie Marie Pinch danci • , fl*lt tchool a t tJie.OddJ^Uowamlt. J HT>n« d a / a l B P. M. ib w h lcH ^ inl Uirto catod are Invited. TbU iptogr Ibert. marks the termination ol the j

term of Uie tchooL ^ ThUU\-Ulion'wetkatUjescb<

v r a wltb Rffsday and Pridar ** *pe< B U ^ d a n tor VlslUng. YetUrday Ui. ed .tv wat a large crovd preaent to obte: Prank Ujo w ort Priday wCi be anoUierai

da l day. Uany who vtolled i whllo tchool yeaterday exprested ptcasi

«t tbe progrc* mtde during the tcj Mr*, Plflch iU Udtattevenlcg ._

iNElilSCHLEiiEfi! 'l in iiT lllli

rs. R. _____a « n u Undera iMlnaeheduJelaleJymi pb ln t effeeUvi.on.Uie.otegon.Short^ > s ^ Rlehtleld-HUI City branch, pu tt • The ser*. mill and expreu shlpmei 3etoel leaving .Twin PaUa tn tlie momi Ki“ * will anlve a t Camu county sUU<

on the aame day. a Twfn FaUt ahlpi stated yestetday.

The new tehedule for Uie Rk - fleld-Htll-Clty branch w u adopt

^o»o>ln< 'the adopUdn pt a n tchedule tor the Sboihone-Ketchi branch, which,' for Uie lin t Ume

rlio . 30.yean, reduced tntime between Twin PalU and Uie'i

g t ^ W T io H f f o r s m o n r io n f f l 'U i » b o o n . , r . .

»■ llllM IM lllllll l l i l l


■ ' ......................C J N v j s .'THOMETZ ■ Top & Body

S . . .W o rk sC I - l *

, i s c r e m

as a f in

he tabU'M p tr t nuJce S n o ^ n a J c e a o k e jc deltdous 2s tt 2 of.the c a k e . . elte. " ^ n ^ t f i i i d o f t b e . 'Snow driftc

S ealeS .paasb 'e ootbiag.can fresb os the da td a 0x1 people ' things tsade tb

TWIN F A L U d a i :


UULu D. UUk. cxamlnlDS engIn • for tha United Verde ExUnslon M

. - Ing company of ArUont, wlUi L. t C«n- Hill and B. A. Hanks, dlreeton

the Javan Mlnefoompanr, bare tng tbe turned afler making an exaailnal

ol Ihe Javan companys property I<l*bo. (h, Kjt Canon mining dUtrlct, e

IWorld OereJopBeol work duriay tbe p

id In a rear h u opened bodies ot cpp[ I. upon sold and silver bearing or«.«o i bers. 2C0-fool level. Increasing ■ Ihe i 'K' (till ore bodies sufltclentv to

tn c t the atlenuon ot Ihe Urge ci per mtnlni concerns.

Vtr^ u r . Milk ivi^U y IIUWl mining dUtricU la sdtiUi Amer

Aiper^ snd northern Canada. - - V '

rPllSTSMEETftTf f i 'T iM iy i i

Com- .r-Uilrd One hundred Iwenty.flvo men a

women ta l down lo a Tttanksglvl lUDDly lurkey dinner prepared and ien <lgb{ft by membenof lb# MeUjodUt Me ^ club at Uielr meeUng In Uie Melt oW ar dlsl chureh basement l u t evening, leatlon which Uie Udlei were honored guti It Uiat MarUn J. Bweeley. lonner t t about senator and pioneer Twin FtlU i

inleate tomey, who w u Uie principal apci . er, tnccd Um story ot Thanktgltl

day observance fram (Ct IceepMon c lilitory. and made InteruUng ret<

ence to Thanksgiving day proclaai TjnW Ilon* iswrd i r m eumber.ef.prp * ! ’ dcnU of U»e United states, lostra. I ^ Hlnton.gava a numt tiB nu- 0^ Pluio numbers, and Lester >uiM -'^Valker, J r . contributed a dlverUi !■• F li-, P W m chaUc talk 10 the.enUrtal

ograml Tbe meal w u prepared and terv 10 a commlUee-ol-wbleh WllUi

.Bskerwaichalrman.icbool. ___________________________ipedal — • .

ri; .PUBIcasuro I H ftv ln j 8oId m y fp rm , lot I tenn, o f th e F ive I'o lnfa.C rocei •------- - I will se ll a l p u b lic .s a le )


M A C ' 13 nO R S eS -l team m a r ^ • H int) i MOO p e o n 6 :1 le a ^ g n y geU

{ peundti 1 team'Brown Marei, leam gvayi, mart and geldlny,

S bay mare. 8 yean old, weCgM l :old,-Trdgbt-lS«-poand*M-gti

n e n u P»«miUS I saddle hone. 4yeara old.'w

3 CATTLE-I HoUleIn c « ,.J .

Dbort ilom eew. 7 yeai* R jjh. * “ HOOS-5 young brood lowi tented * welghiI MI6CELUNE0US-1 model. Itchum g n b b ln i; .2 ir*dgrjndfrt,f«i

btaeksmHb o ^ t

JMPLE.MENT8-* 3!Mncb M< iTffan- -WA00K8-wlUi-b*y-»ek;.W{. I Tt Maltne beet and bean eulUta____ j Bailor bean cutln; 1 Dewden= = i pUaltvs 8 poUJo CBlUvatM*. J< inrmr i naUonal beet pUnter; i beet

m , ;»ew: I fi ft. MeCormlek llndri I -pBrrBrlll! J Jahn D etrt mo*■ Deere rake: 1 John Deere ildi

staekfr and <wa baeknke*: gator; I 1-row. Knapp'MrTW|i

'. Deere Tandem dUe:13-MeUan row 1 3.KCU0B aprfngtooUi I

Deere two-way



1 1 / ^

tKat’s 1

1 1 0 1

tmee/ froa

Sill a ddrift an oil as pure.and i ^ a U d o i l . . . a h d u o f i m g '

f tn tn e s c o 'j r b a a l r^ j j r 'c M ^ e d .I I ^ g r iC 'to JOU as sweec and - - dav itfw u'm ade. V 1 ^ ’s

r v i ^ i t u e W s m ^ ''a k e f .


5,NElBSUE8E0l:ilJS PiEPmHllfll1 u 0 . — . . -« * of 'When .beam were ieUloj a t iro re* pea* prico for {bo aeawn early, I naUon September. II. ailllUan, Filer, t; !r1y in he dtllycred M300 pound* of , t , eait 1»]0 beifn crop to E. P. Poison and

M. Bmlth, bean buyen openi: MMtt undcr-the -iiaqio of'tbo-Tri.Sl

n>nwn(lon. and aceeptefl Ui in M lecurlty tor payment~ V r W9J tier hundredweight, or a lo to a t. >«««ecop. . In wppori of hU claim he bnwj

tuK In rfijtrtct nwrt here 'yeiJert

DeUverles ot the' beam, ba u r - were made between Beptember

and September i. and he received t - dfaJW reffjpt on Bepttabtr S.,I Tbe suit' wasiirought Ummgh R

____ D. Agee, Twla Falls, attorney.

BjJIlD flllllllN S iWEIiS Eli CWM ent . ------- ,Utbo. Corbett, SO, World w tr ti

enn and electrician employed JarbldRe.Nevada,tortQmaUmepi

tu te died suddenly ai Jarbldge a t 10: tu at- p. u . Monday from beart dUea» ‘l> ^ * -Tho-body-wu received - a t - 1

•**»^ and wltl be laken today to Oaklat

Calllornla. where funeral setrK tama- ^lu. be held and burial wUl .U P w plart- be*« graw-of-Un-Ct

betl'i tather, wbo.died two yet imber ago. __w 0- The widow, Mr*: Irena" Corbe jU nj. daujliter ol U n. Jamea. OalUbi y ° ’ Twin Fam. and their

m e d Mr.' Cotbett U turvlved aUo by I llltam mother, Un. J. D. Corbett. OaUac


B U C S A L Elocatcd 2 miles no rlh a n d .2 w esl >cery, Jcnown as th e P ag e R anch , le-oll-of m y Uveslock and in ip lev m cn ts , on

AY, DECEMBER 3rndac at 11 oVtofk . . ' > ■

h aoirei and blatk, S yean etd, weight teldljig*, 1 and g yean old. welfbt UM ret, I yean eld, ««l|hl 3t00 penndat 1 Inr, S.yean old, nrlght >tOO poundt! 1 M ISM pomdi; 1 lorret gtldfag. T year* gny-iure.-tmMtb noslh.-«tlgbtJSH . t y a eld, weight 1200 poands; 1 mUe 1 ; Welghi HOO pounds ,.3 y ta n eld. xtvtng good flow of nUk; l«,flv<ng good ftew of mUk;.l mUUng. a rt old. giving rood f M of milk iwi bred lo famw Mareh tit; 30 iboata, IgUM peandtel. T Ford tmek, two 1000-btobl) KmI fanning mltl, root cutler, De Laval Ne. tn t, netilng and pMts, and oUiar imall article*MOUNE WACONS.wIlh gnln bed; X U»*imae*ra.tteljmdJ>ean.eBlllT*>ll_ litato^ ’l ’Inlemallonal bein pU nleri't' den poUto'digger; 1 Asplnwall poUto I. Jehn-Daerei 3 poUU aorten; 1 Inlee^ let pnUan'i 1 l . t t . John Deere binder, sder; I 'R o o ^ grain drill: I ftopetlor neirer: I'Deerlng mower: I IS.ft John tide delivery rake: I Inlemallenil hay

m w nto r; I Celoreda cerrw' tWMior;'i:Ugbt d n l l weeder: 1 John LUn WMdburoiv: t ’3.seeUon iteei hA* b barrow :;i Cyclone weeder: 1 John vay plo'wH Stag plowi ^ •

m “ -..CA SU '■ir THE U D IE a’ M. 8. 8. CLUB

AGE,O w n e rictloneen . II. R. GRANT, Clerk

o j lp ie c rm

sk o rfe n ih g wty it is_nice

VKcltn oil as j

i oil ^

a n d not



FOR M RS. o n o YOUN

itlU r with funenl tervlcea to be hc at pie MeUiodUt church here al P.'M. todty. Uie body of Mn. Le:

It the Iloorer Young, M. wife of- Ol ly las: young. Twin FaJU resident for . «}s yean p u t. will be laid at m t f hU Twin FalU cemetery. Mn. Voui ind L. died early Sunday followlni lllne n llnc ot nearly three years' duraUon. T .su te bodr wUl real a l the Orouman lu I Uielr eral jM rm aaUl tin hour sei I mt ol the tervlcea, Only OM feet ipeeUlltt In Tw

FaUa. Pbene.849. Dr. Forter. A(

erday i ~

ber a

f E L iSHOV a t


. SE R V E TH Bd a t UEST J U tk i


tM. ^ . J H- th o .. ~

:Und. >rrtces A w.take a


rbell,lUber,ir-oid m n j J T n j i

= Check your 1 ^ sometiiing — Sw

angCB, Pie Pump ries, Apple Sauce

t- ding, Brandy Ha Cake Flour, Baki Double Clicck.

« ---eANNEDPEAS1 G rccn t G ian t •

» Sw'cct nnd T ender'*

i ^ ~ ~ r 2 2 (


; . W doa C row B ra id

L . v Z a i.J Kcdium can 33 f; Large c a n --------------42;


•p o u n d _________t l « 7 \


»■M B

; / I

M e

’■ m e .

e t o l k n o w .

r i fgood to €

th in g eh



Oddal 3Lena ... . . a JOtto ■ir IS


Adv. .

liat and make sure y weet Potatoes, Lettuce, < ipkins, Caniied Punipkii :e, Cranberry Sauce, Mil lard Sauce, Niits,_Apple king Powder, Soda, Salt

lS CANNEDj CORNShM'Pce ' ■ 9 0 „

W h ile ______ a O L

ic 'g£ r;::i7c.HEiriZTQMATO


' .Y ou t doctor wili------rccom m ond It

I2< 4 cans ............

U--------JIAISINS—^ Thpmpaort.Scct^Ms '

Ic' :4ib;pkg;;:..:J-29clEEN ONIONS, GARR■i..... „ . T l^N IP S .;

■ V ■ - . ■ ‘ -V ■

se a t;

j , | |

’ l ^ I l t

, Pago

P R I Z I . A N O H o i o - M i k K i i

| 1 ^ , • : , ' T H E t r i m m i n g s

' FO R YOUB. •

i r a K '■ '' 'W K S C iy i l io

i ! | K ' .■ p iN N E R • ■

f if iT a W i t n ! ik'm

you haven’t forgotten . t, Celery, Bananas, Or- ' kin, Oystcrs,'i'tjrinber- dince Meat, Plum Pild-', ples,-Spices, Flavoring, ■: aIt,“ 'cter= ;Ch(6ct;and-

N ' ' l:jEG G S;. v ■'I g S lrlc lly F r c ih ,

' r

0 ' T' C E u f e l

' • N icc. L argtstind-V

" V -■ . '.■ .C riJ i;i-; '

.. •!•.•.•><■

'C atalJf-..------ ; .D.t.:

c ; 3 . f o r . - , , J 2 5 c j ; '


w il

Page 6: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

P e rs is i

[ i n i i iH l l l O B H

Twics Djfealedli) Drivs For ' Re-eleotlon, Charles

• W. Brian Final­ly Scores


• Stories Tell of Conquests of flewly-Elected Neb-

railtan In Farai- Inj Work

nrUOBTAN (AMUUd Prw BWr Writti)T I N C O I .N ,N tb .,N o v .2 5 -

■ ^ I i m -on Ju d g e Silas B r ^ a n ’a .fA rm a t Salem , IlUnoU, C harlea .W T B ry a h 'lea rn e d to a tlck w ith to u g h jobs to a succcsaful f in ish .

N ow a f te r th reo a ttem pts, h e h a s succeeded In being re> c lec tcd tts N eb raska 's goror- .lior-

---------BnftnJlnt_*M .el«U<l la 19M» n « A c im pain in »hfeh he tittt'd ' ’riimer UBcuHe" to K tbnikux uu l won them b u t trom Ihe Repub* l a a t a w Ihtt broufht Hui- Jac ludillda ot i n o . . '

Then In 1931 he -chucktd" v h il MesM I M >lm ut certetn protpect i v mlecUoD to ueep t tbe nomiok- ttfo ror Tlwprerident on th# Dtmo- cntlo Ucket with John W. Divl*.

Oe(<tt«d In U u l vtoture. be r u ' f o r ' t o n n i o r « a l o 'l n " i n t tnd

o lued election br SOOO to ttt. • Hs w u 'f tu k on the <lctet'(n "U. fraC

• trumped Into the Koortr UndilMe. ] IX(e»(i B tn ar re* f

T U i J W h« C»1M b«J: • JhlnJ i tloM and defetted Arthur W etm , *

, , jirwent joremor. who h«d * repu- “ t%Uoo u one ot the itnncetl Re- . imbllan tneumbenta oT the otllce ‘ In K«bnulu-iL hUtonr. • I

Bat to t e t l i c k to the elshtlu: * ^ ' On Judin SrTtn't f im , tWWim

: Jenninp v u lhoH udeilfina7#im r H m n ot b e irln i-“C hirl» r w « the " t» a * c - «r..wiM !(UlkletbthlDd-ruInsponlet-k.taU, I UUMTopapterwlth abtoV tor'dtt* [

. d u m om lw ^w eoi'io to 'A tiid> f . dock to lind th*t h ll lons-horned “

buU h»d tored to ‘d 6 4 th :w n a « t ; bttored teun of driving hone*. f

OehWAf Ball. - I' ■!& » bunt o( ta ie IM ran the'hull lato a b a n . roped him up In a nail, leaped attrtde hU neck wlth a uw aad lopped o t t l l n t oot hom and Ibu i (he e ther-v tilli the animil roared wtlh pain.

Then he duhed turpentine In M .. eacb open weuad acd dlmtowd B

the-willed buIl~w llh.the.obitm > nl tl t e that be wouldn't harm., ao r b: acrahoncL C

'When h i wat about to.leaA Ull- ai , w u to M n hU bntber, then a r il-b l

lnryoun(Uw;<rlnN«bmka,*Cbu* ai ' ler” had told alt hll tlock except an

-------unmana|eal»le“ huK -that nobody fiwanted. - w

----- ^'TA'-cltlRn'Of-SttoBi tOkia^T et- »tered to bur tbi'buU It S a e n r a i d R h m e a It to a bunr-and drtre It Bj int« town, £«ter that day "CharJrT” dfore up the tow ni m a in tUm" wllh Bi the bull hitched to a bu n r. and cot- IB iKted h it nooer trom the utonlih- at (d purchaier. o(

.S i m h R i i Ke ttm operalei three fansi U

near Lincoln, and be tUU dell(bu be

i_ S ee Y ou D ea le r


3926 F o rdCoupo.-------------------------------3926 F o rd T udor

’1926 F o rd ^• T o u r i n j r —

3027 W hippetC o a ch — I.. . . . . . . . .....................3826 C hevro let C o u p e --------------

• 3928 F o rd Coupe, ■ • R u c k a t^ l a x le ............ ............

, 3929 F o rdTVnoV3929 F o rd

• ■ ; i9 3 T o r t ^ ’ ^■ ' '.T o d b r ; , ...........,,

, .3929 IV jrdo r : , S e d i m _ L _ _ .


“ “ U n iw M c

..... ...............

P«se Six/;

V T o n r r o B D

te n c e In



■ C harles W . B ryan , th e far f ield o t one o fh ls fanns^ Inse KOTemor«elect, w ho h a s d I s a caus e th e sun no longer hurO

T In'tralnlnB and drtflnfr leasu ol h . a uks, to levit.’ Doiint the ium* fm Ber wRaT’EafW ininD onnta—a , binder and ipends dajri behind hli ’ mulct.

0 “In h ll hMd" he carriM lonj col- a umni o t tlcuitt. repttMQUns tt&te

tlnancea>and-ha ipumi memoran- , da and aud(t theeu a i lomeChtnz

almoit elfonllnaie. In cajDpalgn !* ipeechet b t addi-two and two and •- caU iK “/«fnwn'b«ikJr«eplB«.“

Ho' tUll prldei hlmtelt ctl hla Q marktmanthlp wllh a ritle and Tt a- happr-lcr-w»k*:»bea.he.jrlM.W»)i ^ icon In' an annuit iqulrrtl hiinC lie

Uket e m r ttl l Mth a graup ot old l. frtend t.______________

ilE iiNHS’i: SOMPlSiJi1 - -\ KAOSRMAK. Mov. 2S (Bpiclil lo The N en )-D a te for the four-ue

comedy, "Tbe Deacon'i Trlbula*, tlont.’’ tobetU (tdbytheU dle i'A ld

loeletr of H ttcm an hai tteen an> nouneed tor Dtcenber 2.

U n.-E trl.A ll» . M n. £nld BtpUo and Mrs, a u y Leaoa iuro btta.t^i pointed a commlltee to b a n chirje ot i la itn i the cooedr.'

Oatt ot chancien will Include: UU aeaJK ueU iv^rlu^N on K al»r. Atnet Panoni, U llm a McRcyncUr and EUabeth HaU' U iv WUIle le « Fowtta. Harltn Bell. John Jlattlnts. Ralph Lethennan, IC. A. Bourdeiia and, John .Hupper. A Nejro mto* itrel.«{ be put go between aeti, It w u announced.'

i l i f M e i i rG U il l IK FILERBCBL, Mov. U (Bpeclal -to ^ e

MewD-A weddlnj of • Intettit In Bubl w u tolemnlted Saturday ere- nlns a t tho Preib]rterlan>panoniBe b r Rer. Carley W.' Italiey. when UUt Calhryn L. Allen. dauiMer-ot Mr. and Mn. Itoy Allen, became the bride of B. Ray WhlUey, aon of Mr. and Mr*. E. & Whltlej. Tiler. ■

Immedlata retwirw and ■« f t r rrlendt-«-llneaied^the_ceremoiiy I which waa foUowed by a wedding i tupptr at the home ol the i?rlde'i erandpaienta. Ur. and Mrt. M, D. L. Bantow.

Mrs. WhlUey, a fraduite of the Buhl hlih Khool wllb the elau ot IRS, h u im e d tor the bu t year- and a lu lt a t tecrtlary tn the oftlce of J. IL Bherfey, Suhl altomey. ’ |' The youns couple lett Monday tor

Loa Anielea, wbere Mr. WhlUey ..HU be emplored by a rooriof company.


$75.00— $75.00

$45.0,0:™__$150.00__ $45.00$25.00 $395.00

^ $365.00 ___ $375.00 $425.00


otor Co.D Dealer s , I d a h o

iC a m p a

r a m ie r . is 'sh o w n herd in (he os nset' g l v ^ a do se u p o f N ebfaska* ^ r d e d b is fam oua skuU-cap be r f t h U ba ld h ead . '

rCBKOTEEilllinz ■ KAOautAN, Sor. iS (Bpedtl t> Ign Tbo N ew t)-nre that broke out Bat md urday evening about 7 o’clock ta i

ranch houio m the farm of M n. 0 hla O. Bandt a nUe' weit of Uaitnnan l i complelelydcjlroredthebmidlBrinJ

igh oont»u .ll# "T he bouie which-burned itood i Did thort dliUnce fnm the on« occu­

pied by M n, Bandi and ber dauih- ler, in i wa» occupled by Mta. « « ■ ence Wlcklund and her. ion and daughter, rumllure In Uto buildini. beloniing to Un. WlcUund, tnduded

,a a piano and wai’valutd a t approkl. I maUly IIOOO___________

- GIRL IN BUHL WEDS • ■ i; RESIDEfIT OF FILEfia- — ^Id BUHL. Kor. i i ( Tht n> N ew il-M tit tiutft Howint, d tu ib-

ter of Mr. and Mrt. Bntco Howard, Je became the brtde Sunday of Carl X. It: Murphr, ten ol Ur. t s i Un. U. )0 m rphy , Plltr.

The ceremony w u performtd by e: Rer, c . S. iitlmon, pu to r of thff :r. Meihodbt e p ^ p t l church. Filer, In' Sff tbp*pr<tenc0‘0t-tha«pard8t t ot—the c« youAi couple. Mr, and .M tl Mur- J , phy will mike tbelr home on a Ium K near tiaalton.


r , .y ' I •

:* Have Y^>a Car I,! ; and I t Will Run a

; Car W andGi

( PotI IN C L U P iW

I H reo’s an o f fe r- th a t’s : I — •dujsls-gTeflsIm ^aod.A -X I ' com bination do e sn 't m ea

job . B o th will be A num l

Here's a 13-platie enough to carry the te r starting; and d r fake a chance on a mean a long, long w


- 4B0-21 Firestone \ ' 47W9 Firestone

60{)-19 F irestone , 550-19 F irestone ,


. 'APhone 75

TWTO F A L U P i l

l ig n s R e [ iM L i i lSI E l E i p iM S to rm s B lanket M ounta ii

^ - A V I l l i - n i i t k a i i n s - C o w

f f l As W in te r C onies A pai

H IIAILEY, Kov. 3S -{Special to Tl B Newtl—Tito tnfhei et now with.■ ' tnchet wtter conUnt. teU a t HaU■ duHni'tha week tndlnc,Kovcmb■ 3t, accordlni to the rtport ot M. j n Beoadlct. foreit nipervlioc of;, tl g o waUnhed ot Ue BawtooUi naUon l a itm i. Durlns-Uie tame perlod tli H , ’, tncbei of MOV wlUi a water.contei 9 ! . ot .44 tnchei teU a t Boldler.Icrec O r . The tM l number of Inchea oTano W s a t •Hailey up to dato b u been I I a ' aialzat-noDi l u t y e v and acala M . ’. an averaie of 7.43'lnclw. Thetotj sM n le r eoDUBtttHtaerbu btea l i

Inchct. In addition to Uila th e n hi....... bten li3 tachei ot rain, none t

wbleh feU during la it week. Lai A,i( year up to Ulll Ume Uu total ralnta

had been only i l , o r le u tban bal M B Uie n in laa thlt year. . . be- At Soldier'eretk Uw lotal anoi

tiU h u been 3T Incbu with i;____Inches water content'a*alnit noni— la it ytar. T h e r tw u n o n ln a tB o i . i n . dltr Creek durtnc the lu t week. Dur J ll in t tho pretenl ieuon.U>e ralnia! I t l h u been I ,« Inchea iia tn jt - .a

M—r i« ii irT u t7 e ir :;------------- —N . The followlni U the preient inoi II depth in tnchef a t Tarfoot ptacct or

the Bll Wood river: . '.■ Hailey, 7s Keuhum, 7; .0raham'iII to nnch. S: Old Btliy n«ober 1, S; 3tt> Old Btldy number 2, ll; 'O ld Baldy in a cumber 9, so.>. 0 . On tbe Bouth Bolie rlrer, mow. u n , tall at PMlhenlll> h u been Ifl and inchtij Rocky Dar. IS tntheil at

; Atlanta luamll. 90 inchei d a - On the Idalad river,-trtbulary-ot xu- Uie Bll Wood rlrer, tbe depth a t tha xh- Soldier rtK neitaU onw uJSInehei lor- and a t Ftlrtleld IS tacbei. Ov ttu and Salmon river mow w u 34. Inebes l u , deep a t Vienna mine and 10 Inchet ded deep ai Um WJlU^ai' nnch . . a l - — i-,- .


- -BURLEY. NOV.-U {Special to Th< CB rfewi)-Two itorti here a n enlarg. • n Ini (heir quarten and InitalUni

equipment for Incrtulni Uielr atocki rh t of loodi htndled. «[{]. , Tb« ABerteta Uuket b u let up, «d, thelvn and lUndi tor carrylns a tu tl. , X. Itock ot srocerlei. whlcb Uiey art H oov otferhis alons with their metU.

0 . p. Bkant U InitaUlni. a com< by plele meU maiketlsi department lo thff bt handled wlUt U» regular Un# ot ,ln' Itock iTOcertei.

« - .lIEMBinCHlKO,' M n . ' Moetji rm Bteami. JJ8 Srd Ave. NcrUi. Pbone

, 1«8.-M v. .

s G i i J lYOllAlJTOMi'he Diepartmerit

For MotoristsL c |o k S p i c a n d S p a n

l a a W e U a s I t L o o k s ^


iW G GIREABE____________ ^.’sHariJtobcat. A com pleic ■U I n i U J i to j i 'a a b J f lb . .T h ia .___ Ji w ^ t w e ll Blight c ith e r . . ,

It Battery Ib e B a t t ^ t h a t .is. s t r o n g :

l e h e a v i e s t l o a d t h a t w i n -

J r i v i n g c a o m a k e . . D o n ’t

a w e i S i c 'b a t t e r y — i t m a y

w a l k . ; . , ■

a r o i i R E S A T T H E S E X

i g h t P l i i s a U n d e r t h e T r e a

le ! t e ( J i o t H e a v y D u t y C i

e A n c h o r i l e a v y D u t y f t a

e A n c h o r H e a v y D u t y C a

e A n d i p r H e S v y D u t y C a

firestone SN T S ’ ^ F O B Y O U H j !

A * , E ; 'C O R D E i I i l ^ M g r * '

■ « o M i

) m x NEWS, TWIH F A U S ,»^ = s a = s s a ! = s 5 = ! ^

W A B 0 , IV E D N E SD A Y 'JtO R N I = s = s s a s s s = s = s s s s =

; - E l e c t s 'n RESIDENTS OF VICINITY. .0 OF FILER ENJOY TRIIn n f i l e r . Hov. W (BpeeUI to T h n t N en>-tiiro Filer reildenU lett 01 L n f Uie «eek.end for California and «(

* e n i olhftt. enloyed ihoit tUlU oUier clUei of Idaho. ' :

Atron Andenon left Tuefi .Bins momlng on h it annual pUirliiu

(0 San Ole({0, CilUomla. to tpe: nilPP ihA-Tinier. Atron ti a nloneer t s t

1 Flier community.0ac& Mri. M. J. Ooode, ton, Joe, ai ^ diwhter, Dorolhy. drova to Bol

Saturdty lo vUlt Dr. Ooode wbo , .n , . a t Uie vtUrant' hospital Tliey r w „ turntd sunctay. They wen aooor

? ,ff5 ptnltd on Uie trip br O. J. ChlK Dr. o^e.expecU to remala a t t i

u ”r hupiu l uvcral monUu tor reit ai 11 treitment.

io S i lHiftB«em,BJ.leftMood*yjacn I ( i„ in i lor uutbem Callfomla to tp ii stent UieirinierfflonUu.7hl*i<UMnta M&w teenih coniecuUve w ln ttf-th tt U ^ Beem h u gone to OaUlomU.

iMlilWPiflJECT,8E[lSiSEISMiPEnfall ____ ; •

BUBLEy, Nov. M (BpeeWlo^Th • ... Nfirw-AdvJw Juit receWed a t Ui

saw county aient'a .oftlco in m Uia 'tec reUry of the twenUelh annual-iut

m t Ktd Ihow recently held, a t Kampt Boi> giTti ntmei ot wlnnen on the Mln >ur- itioka preject u toU on:'

Rolind Sndv. third, eertUted oocn menlalDl^^w

now aUon wlieit; Boutheni Idtbo Dem' I on onitratlon farm, third, certlfled eotB'

merclal fedentlon wheal; W. R an't B rt» , Ihlrd, alilke clorer eeedj al, 0; ot near Durley. » ............................

R. It. Jtcobi, Deck), teeond ot certified Trebl barley commercUl and ie<«nd on cerll/fed bar

« ler. ipeelil; Don Schwelgler, an< E. aehwelcler. Deck), flttb and ttiUi reipertlrely, on netted gem pota-

A. }t. Cuny tnd Hugh Alien,' Bu« pert, reeelved fln t and tecond, tt^

bM ipKtlvely, on a re a t Northem beuii, hM and C. K. CuUey,'ali9 RupeH,' w u

awtrded the Oreat Nortbenf. btan iwtepiUkei trophy.

AMSTERDAM FOLKS VISIT^ ■ AM3TEBOAMi-™Nov.- 3S (Bpecui ? . to The NewD-Ronald and Richard

Catler leCt by motor on Monday momlng for polnU In noitbera Ida* ho. They wUI Tlllt wtUi Uielr parenu,

,,>? Mr. and Mn. Charlea Oaner, KMt- ^ chll, ovtr th t Thanktilvlng boUdayi.


Tlw N e w s i- 'm e J J e n 'i^ k elub of

Mji unlw tThundaynlshW wiaia'.Ven- ne Bdtndedieailon a ttnebom totO er- ; rit Peten. • ,

m MlOBlEt StoreS'

. I f , you 're h u n tin g f o r ’.rea l T hanloK ly ine v ^ u e s - ^ r o p down a n d «ee us.

___ 10 per cen tiDiscount o n .

- ^ ^ ^ p ic Aire’iH ot-r- W ater H eaters fo r

Your Car

Special! $795y M

. - nw d Rabbtf Cm .

L O W P R ic E S ^ :- : . sad' : 'C asing .....'J9 .7 0Ja s in g .. J 1 0 5 0 '

-- S JT ;5 0 ' : w i n g . . s i 3 . 8 5 •

SemceI AUT0M 0BIL|; ;

Ifain Avenae So.

G o v ern '

i f i D i i i f P iLittig Valley Growers Ser

f f l Cliolce TlianlisiiMmi Foi ^ to All Part! of Natl! to ll ■' —' . HAOEBMAK, m . M (SC«U1 *Si* n>0N »W -N 0 matler w hen to U ^ United BU ta one may eat Thank . glvlnit dinner next Thurtday, Uie ’ U a chance that Uie turkey m c li

tbe board, moit ImporUnt,lUm I Uia f«ut, w u raUod.ln Hagermi

Mnd TaUey„Kaho, famoua tor U» ezct ^ leoco ot iU tnittt and mejoni, 1 t o . „ u a t tlno tuiteya’that find the

way a t holldty leaion to every lUl . Jn (2m uQloB '

[ [ ) Tbe truck loadi of One fowls ten M ) tng Uie valley to bo u n t over Ui

country tnm coaat to tcu t, tn t i r h polnU of .dUtnbuUQO. do not Includ f r h all Uis b u itu u ot 'Uili lonc etUb

lUhtd n lliy induitry,. Sevenl. d v , . preeedlBi Tbankntvthc. Ult Kaitr •The man po« otfles U (b« aoeoeof un ; u,e aeUvlty and Foitmuter Ro: KC- P a n o u .li kept:boiy] u t t of tho.bli blrdt on their way 1^ pU' opt. «>P<w.On* .’About 100 tpecUUy teiecUd tu r

■ keyt leave UiU valley each year toi on - Uielr tlnal detUnaUoo by UiU route ratW and'ttom preient Indlcatloai, Uiai iu ? hUOMrrtiUrwUl^bo-ntcbed-Uili im -year, WbUa iom« of Uiea# birda gc

(o d tlta s tM e n d fe ttb * t« d e n ;l^ H. companled by hoUdarirHUngi,oUi<

. an e n fUl ipecUl orden o t ' far<awaj . . euitoaen wbo, maka turt OD Uwlr ThankiglTlns bird w u nlied

aad made rtady tor tba te u t In ^ Huerman nUey.- u d ;B teetn8»«eUlRaBritB| lUi, AU.lhe turkeyi gblng out by p tr- >ta< MlpottTMelvaipecUlhandUnfthit

■' puUlthem over tbo routo.wlth-the Itu* tame ipted u t in t ciau^mau, and rt^ Uioiiih Uieu iptcUl tfd e rr ir t-d t i ' ini, trlbuUd trom coart,to coUt and go n a to 'bo tcllm aiei,'u ’w tU 'ueo ld ;nc . tan ordi ihow that not one ot them ever

bM*ipoaed tn trinilt.'. Wiui prlcct hardly up to expecU*

; T UoniUiUyearfcrThankigintigtur* keyi._ioffle crovsn ta jUw nUey btre

Sd .• I * - J ! . ! . '

K | l - =

Groc TH A

£■ r-

i 'AND YOU CAN-— Our"Grocery-an “ preparationsfopde

giving'dinner. Apl personal

Beet Sugar

_ _ 59cg ^ $ 1 .4 9Wax Paper

, 'io ( « M o nll,^7-| A»-oachwll-.-U i t / t

M inceM eat •F o r y o u r ,ThanksKivlng

S it-.-23 cftanberries

•These a re this la te crop <utd con tain a la rjrcr per* c e n ta g e -o f-su sa r .-T h e y ta k e less suffa r cook-

~?£^ .:-35 rF ru it Cakes'

Fu ll o f F r u i t s and nu ts

a - — 49cMayonnaise and

Relish Spread .

PeanutsF re sh B o a s te d ,- 'Ju m b o -

19cSweet Potatoes

M edium alxcd. J u s t r ig h t for*akine. / j f t - 10 lln. Ior.___45JC




t o r O f Nyq HOLUSTER .FOLKS "Wll u iiOLUSTEft. Nov, 3J (Specia IVA The Newii-ArtlvaU and deparli T c of llcUuter reildenU and guesu (


Mill Edna n ammond aod <?lm • — Bchnlti wen- week-end cueiu

lAnrl Mtu Etta SuUer.aod Otenn-Bul '®!'“ rtapeetlvely. MUt Uunmond

•OW) S f f l i £ S a - M p

held.orer part of Uielr O pm ent ll to better retuma trom tba Chrtits ) the market. whUe oUien have' trlmn aki- their flocka cloie, tending oat h e n blrdt tttdy to to a t Uil< Ume. ^ '.'W blleavU lttoiB iuv 'ottbalar

In Ihe valley ,w btn turkeya 1 grown wUI abow a coniSdenbie c

Ktt- ^ tlo n in Uie tlocU to. meet t '• V nukirivlnsdem and,piratyO ff)

J blrdi a n yet to lD» teen on tt lUle ^ finiriiint Up nicely tn time.

tumtth many exeelient Chrlttn tw - dlnnen.

ludeUb* S S S S S S S S t S S !Uya

I H E R I£ We H ave the Co ffi' All Your (w , ---------- - ------------


WarbergBnJ; V ..WM,WAI

>” I •I Clean Coal1 —


eery SpecialtNESGr7 g a s t 1 R t " J ^ 6 r r A -


indrMea,t" Da partments. Jelicious;whBJesome.fQ6 phone call w ill give yo\ as if,you w ere here to s

■ Oranges

e N ew crop N avels. Thoy a re sv fe e t . O Q p

\ 2 d o t, f o r -------- O t / L

Mixed Nuts T hese a re a ll now crop and th e re a rc no peanu ts> "i!Z::29c'

■ l!^^:..^^55c,' Grape F r u i t '• Texas Seedless Afcdium

: 5tl_._.25(c - _ _ 89c., Fancy H ard ; ■


: 19c: 1930 Crop Bulk --

D ates2 9 Q n

I p o u n d s ------------

' F lour Special. 4W b. Id ah o m o Q O -

- S o f t W h e a t - - - i f O C 4B lb . Id ah o m e . H a r d -

■ ffA„$1.03-, • Golden West

Coffee SpecialToday Is th e l u t day to

'b u y th is delicious coffec ‘ 'a t th e se p riccs.

■ L r!li-3 6c ; lrZ-_;„. 69cLri-...$i.02

3D E U V E R -PH O N E 7


'JeB rask a^ i i i i i i1 ZEfliUBiSTEflDi

................... . ■ __________

Jimmie AMflTERDAM. Nor. M (Spedal U ttU -ot Tha Newt)-Metcunr_deicende<i_t< •BuUtr, the lero mark oa tfte iaooe le i ol Id lett Uie Amitcrdam vicinity on Monday nd Uie morning.- Near - tero tempeninrei t f par- h a w ^ ^ n

tin t Mbw of Uo# leuon fea Much 5 = o tU ie n o w iU U re m ^ ent tor . ''ih e eotd wttUitr providu tom# rUtmu recreitlon u well u Inconvenience tmmed for folki ot the communliy, howtver. at all On Sunday alternoon a large crowd

• «aUiered,at Uie Detp Crttk pond .( th m w u t-or lien tor Uie l in t ikaung ra ate partt of Uie aeaaon. Snow on Uie tie

Interfere! wlUi Uie iport tomewhat I the but did not letten tho enjoyment.affine -------------------------d Uiat I will not b# rtiponilblo tor any ae. U> dibU incurred by my wlfe, 01adra tttm u M r BoHn, after Norember XOj,

i m , Slgned.EveTettBolln.-Adv,

E N O WCoal Which Burns Up ir O a l Troubles

ros.TrksferCo.A R B E R G ,.M gr.:2_ ;:, hone 246 ■

. Prom pt Service

lls F o r[VING;THE'TELEPHONE itsJiavelroaA tspec iaL bpds for your Thanks- i ou the -saine care'ful ’) shop in person. ■

Tomato Soup

; pJ1!‘i-.2:5c ’Corn Syrup .

■,.:g L ^ ^ 6 9 c '• Heinz yomato , Catsup

LarffCI bo ttle —, Sm all I K p• b o t t l e - — .— - l o t

O ur Line of , V egetablesJs }

Completer R n d l s h - c s , ~ - ; , 1 . K ^ i -■ '■ 2 b \in c h cs------- : l O t •. G rcen-onlons, * f p r - ,

■ 2 bunchcs — A O C , 'B ccK ,. . O f f p2 b u n c h cs--------F re sh rijK -J { ! - tom atoes, Ib, — X t l t 'Red E m pero r O Q i i

• G rapes,.3.1bs. -

L arge Cucum* 1 A / *b e r s .c a c h u ; - - . I V tG reen peppers, I K r tp o u n d ----------1 . , 'J L O C

■S’” ^13c.-X ettu ce , so lid . 1 heads, 2 f o r — l u t

■ ^ i - l O c X - - — l5c



Page 7: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

R a m b l iB o a id '

i f c M rMachineonPlays Used by Next Foi

“That Notre Dame Team Ha: Beat Us, lt'8 a Grea

\ ■ Outfit, BuC'We’re Coin] to Have Fun," Says Coacf

Cjr CDirABO / . HTCO. (AweUM Trm fiMrU Wriler]

1 . t l f E S T P O l N T . ^ N e ^ V y I ’erfr, N or. 25 -W JA Ier

cold and c h ee rle ss a w "b rlstU nK w ith snow &nd sleet 'awcpl down upon Ih e Arm i

> citadel on th e b la rf s o f th< H udw n today b a t i t failed tc

, ch ill th e sp lr ita ot 21 }’« a n j ! h'uBiiies fa c ln ir ih e unenvlab1< ; toait o f haltliifi’ N o ire Dam i : OT sotdler field ia Chinco Siiun la ;

------ M-wu • <w to Idd th*. lo in« hormU lUrdiWpi ot fooUaU ' AeutUnjwindbtew»nB*lnlh6ticei : or the pm-rtnlrcn. lUffened then

- ---------------------— ito s trtu u iu u1 ilipperr under-; looting i i n i

' f l M H H Uietn lUddlai> H g B B n ' >nd .tumbltni' I B S B M tn -' K k ^ O M I v a 5 > tr« )]R l ' pneuco

t. le r l n m a t e d

.a itin it^ N o tn

iSSSojSJL o t i o n t h t i K»Ul« Rotk<

' n«'« n e i t etoren «1U b>VQ Uu Cad«t huiU u beaten beton Ainjr tn U on

> Um tIeU S4tuRUr befen QDS'ot Uu ! cm iM t eroiRlf o; jeuoQ. Mi;er ilU lp h Bute. ruddHtM d. cheerjr

h n d cotch, thlTcrtd In lilt batebill imlform and Joked viUi U)fl men u they « n t (hroujh their U boti Wen. dell (Apple Knoiter) Bowman,

< ehunk> qutrUtbick Irom Tcwif*«« and thd wit oi lh« ouim .oir*rtdw t|. -Sen (or tnd in lo t t .cverjr iorwtrd t paiui ujrone but hlmwlt Uirew..

I * ^ i t Notre Otmo team nay btat

'n e rtr etn tell about (ootball.-* S u u nm uked. '

! nrB.I*-Ooe Undenfor> Anny. rated * (i»e-to.<m« imdtr-

-------i dof In tlie Wut, looUd noUilnc-llke; that today dctpUe the terrlbl*

wetlher eondlUow. Major Saue and hU corp o( aulitanla have work.

I ed out umethlac new tmUia-wajr ot i “Pep" Wareer o t/enu Anoy ‘ adopledwlthiuccwUiliieaaon. All i or Uie injured. Including Captohi I ‘■Folly liumber, a p eat lu u d . Carl

. i Carlmart:. end mate of big U Wet>• linger, Edward Butrex, giant tackle,

' 1 and the pcppy Bowmaa have rtcor- ered. their hurta. In addlUon

‘.Anny teems certtln to ita rt a back- ; fleld that h u t m quietly working

iU way out in (ton t o( U>e more hlih- . ly publJeJied “»£e*“ who hare failed ! to ahow any r e t t punch In oUier Ug 1 game*.: Saue probtbly will atart TA Carver I. Of Bowman at.quartw a* he la a Ja :' all importulciatchei UU< aiaion bu t' '"Oy Letalter. Ken Flelda and Xd -n « b , Utt *aephoinort'' trio of btU>

' lugtera, a n aialed.for bench aeata.' LeUelter reeenUy waa forced from ' ttw team by Uia reretatlon Uiat ho ' fDtertd the military academy over -age. au p lac e hu4>eea taken by

• ; nay Sleeker, a e r t u l youUi trom , Kanlton. Penntylvanla, who paued,

r pJtmged and kJekerf Array Icvicttty ■om nilB o liinU ie aecond haU ofl

' . Uieir duel In ttie Yankee atadlum.' . ' Tom KUday.aooUter big fellow from

i f ’ BanA ntonio,nm .w hoteored Uw ^ lying touchdown agalnit Yale,i

wfll be in U ut backfleld along WlUl, UiniT SebaaUan, « (teet youoiater

-------- frcn&htman.Texai..-31iUQuamt.. of baU-totm ippean to J » Uie

atrongW.Army h u had t<i*Wfenai-

M a c k a n d P a y n e

' D r a w

' XrOa AMOKLa, Kor. 38 eil Payhe, .1». UwUtUU. KentQcky. and Eddie Mtd;, m . D tm er. feoght 10 tlow zmnda'to a dr»v b r * to* nitht. ■

Ptyne forttd mott of what Uttle flghUng waa ahown wiUs Uack geo.

. e ^ content to atty in t thtU and ahed Wie wfld iwiiiflnf lou irta* fllhln-a btowa off tua a tw u l(^ tod a n u . U ,

In Uie elibUi Uack opened up lpd Jaired Ptyse wlUi't hetvy itR but T tnoed hil defraaivt taettc* ta Um

booed toe.nihten 'ltti- ; Uly ai Uiey ieft U» ring.

: ^ N e a r R i o t O c c u r s

I : I n , C a l i f o r n i a T i l t

B A N O iU Joiioa Nor. as t n - A nearW oeturrtd-tonlght u ,A d Saatell. r tte n n Oakland wreiUer,

S deTMted ODarlei 6tnck. sU Stsifr,. O k w i ^ two fallt out ot th m . at

, ' Dnaaiitiid audltcriam.’ etrack won the tlrtt fan wiUi t

' ' .apreadtttle fa 10 minulta but the , retenii 'Oaklander took Uie txxt

tm b le^wiUx a-kty.acittort ia St

• ' mrack nfiued to tee«pt tbe nt- > e rte l dieliion u d would not tears

Uu-Hbv. MUtt a iu lM tUtenUr

l e r s ’ R e iL e ts Gk

r ; » 1^ r trofftct i t^ H - WlREtASJ ,'r*W

rc i/dSSBu HH( lUMir rt£U» 5^ A THOUSKKO MU£S MIA5( J

j j g i s s s K P ^ o u r w l o ^ g ^

" J n w s B attle in

S Nampa for-TiK — ■

Twin Tails'and' Opponenti bft Officials Complete ■ Ar IS! ransements For Contes*1L ^ic« B018B, Nor. JS (flV-TwIn Pall

andNampablchKhooIotnctaiicon pteied arranttmoila h e n todty to

Itr* Uie aute h l|h uhool football chaa i n t plonihl]) Itm e te be played in Naapi

next Saturday and Bolte and Lewi» l b | ton coaches closed negoUatlcna foi aa* ft game Drceifiber B which Uia BoU led eeteft u U “ou«ht to beM or It) e l l ehanplontlilp.iMt _ The two foolbkll deals quleled dlt U)* pleasun of Bolu high arhoot whld Md watdeetared'mnnerup’ in itfttfa f d champion, ai Uit remit of t flip o ) tn tc o inU ttn ith ta ltm e tU B go tU ii < diitrict. aUiIetlo board 'of' oontroL n a In tnnoundng compleUon ot se- >di* 'BoUaUsni tor Uie-game vlUi l ^ U ' I t t ton,'Obteh U m Bailer dfclare« « k .,0} jH 7 a U tlji raeriiaof Uietwi dat teama itahouM bt (or Uie champion- m Ihlp. LewUton ha^ww the n ^ en

i;er U t i Bolic-t rktory and tli gaiafi WlUl Kampa tnd rletorlei over Twir

Nil I Palll and PocateUo make ll Uielead- > aa , Ing team ot aouUiem Idaho.« • The lUleaUiletlo board of conlro u , ' dctlded, however, ihat Uw champion- « « ahlp would go to Uie winner o( Uu *1* Nampa-Twin PaUt game a l Naapi ard next saturdiy. T t» game will m

ipltyed a l 2:30 P. M. Saturday al

^ H orse Fanciers o f

§ GountryAssemltie

of-—»5 Marked by Rcpulallon olS Famous Sire 10 AnimabS' Bring Average o( $1700£i ----■t- NEW VOIUC. Nor. as on-Marked ng by the nputaUon o( Uiev famous :h- lire, 10 protptcllve trotUnj eham* led ploni.ilredbyPetCTVolo,wert»uo-

rer tale *ot under way a l Uie tquadron

l i t h o T M fanelen ftom: every m 'ik U m ot Uie United Statei and ^ tertral toreliD countrlei bidding (or i 'aoother Pelo Voto * (u tun Peter an Uie Qftat or a aecond Dan Patch, ha Uie 10 yearllnts broughl an averas^ « IITOO each. AU were pan ot Uia con* S algnment of Um WaJaut B ta fum . 'S, Donerall. Kentucky', which U onrH 15 by Dr. Ofden M. Edwardi. Jr, PUU*

^ 1 M C «*jSd ’ 1» ctltef iarf

J»|vSlo‘ S!l?ed“hU «lfl S ip V o t f -

nilgedi*f b ; thT w ltnu t-H all farm t « w ^>-brou| an average o: U n . >)« U l l yetr. thg enUra eoniltament

diuihter of Cy AxwotUi. to bring m m Uito »S0 held the Walnul Hall Mtrtge below Uie IIOOO Boy

^ KUter. Kfperlnlendeat of Uie-Ken*

1,. • » « . ________________

« Coyotes and Provoie TeamPJayinBoise

>d tJt«V wUl pity Uie CoUw of Idaho.

lc “ n l n i S SucMTlU-Wa t i Uie Idalu eaplttl aomeUilnc ot Uie » •

I* loymwt Had by Um Utah ctplul n ’Uia,Otali*Aggte game. w(tl be

UM fln l naeUng of Uie two teams tlnce i m whta Uie Utah Uam de­feated'Uiewtlege, • ' to 6. ^

t llM GoUtge .tetm wm'.coI down early in Um no* for Um NorUiwal conttreaco' chanutfen i^ thU Tear twt h u ,h w T d a a i f r a t tU Umei

- beeauM ot tb l Oaihy fenrtrd pan- ing game 11 h u uncorkad. By Uiii device it n o n d tgalott Ute cbtm*

r. picrflffu2tlartoaSUi«t«tatiPuU- >t n u . alUiotM(h Uial tean stopped ,. Um charges of Unirenliy 'o t Call- » fornU and tm tn n llr ot awUieni e O Kfonit^ 'i Brigham Young had hope* of tak- 1 ing Uiird place in Uie Rocky ^ -

tiun coototnot. tlUioUgb It bowed, i '• in common wtth otber csnferenet i « teami,'ldtiMenilauibtDlUMattm- I ■I oedlni Dnlnnlly-of Utat^-ladUnL.l

» C o rd A na ss B Gl

Albion, Casflefd J AndHansenDiyidi I 1)ivisions Hraorig L ateness o l S e a so n , Possi

I : bllitles o l B ad W eathe

I ' ‘ and Frozen f i e l d s Leai

g O liiclals to M ike D ie isb

(BpNltl to Tbe News)

HAZBLTON, N ov. 25 ~ S ou th 'C cntral Idaho dls tr ic t C laib B footba!

| | a championiihip w as declared i U c three-wa>* tie belw een Albion

• O ulJeford a n d iJa o se n a s (hi re su i l o f action ta k en , hen

n t s ' (h is n ftem on by jn e m b ers o th e d lslric t board o f a tb le ll

Ar» control. A l th e sa m e sesaioi , , the board Kl December S t i the dstle s t t j |M iTO ti,, r t til p tij

c ^ and luperlntendenU o( th ^ afiWcnoTiTheld alTwlnTalU'fo p;,,: Um purpoM Of complellng bttketbal X KheduIei lor the uason and (or con ^ ducUng ofa ichool for thote wtihlDi ^ to'cdUclate during Uie coming u t ^ ton. Announcemenl of tbe board-

aeUon muie by H. M. Ctrter, super ^ Intendent ot Rupert tchooli. an< J * preildenl ot tttei dWrlct board o ‘" S conlrol.

AtbtOB. CutCeford ta d lUiuea. .all with a IJOO per cent lUndbij

^ h tre betn.ln a Uirte*way tie ftr nlw tha cUti B hoaen tn d to dal*

every attempt le dttcmina a win. t>«( R»f hat rttBlUd In a Ueicert.'

Alblen h u tied with Declo and 0^^ Ifanxn while CttUeford and « • Olennt Terry pUytd M M .U t t l

did Cutlcrerd and lUnien In Uicir w neent r tn e on Lincoln fleld.

<0 the Ui«e«tt of Uw ITS. aon which rutwalty meana qeet- uenable wttUier and a hard (rai-

•ia* -en tleld tbe aUiMIe beard tbeuibt « « tttmwl**.fe ■fteinpt • plir-off.

ton* Pller, tccrclto'.'delemlntd Deeem- the ber fl a i the dale for the meeting ol »P* eoBCb«,prinelpaUandtuperlnUnd'

w enu to complete buketbtU uhed- ules. Tlie mecUng U to bt'htld it Twin Fallt a t 1:N P. l l wl\li the

^.SuperlnUndeni. W. B, Sfflllh.Twlr PaUi, wat appointed lo arrange de- taiJi for tho meeting whleh will Ib-

1 dude. InstrucUon In the oftlcItU I A tome, outside speaker le- l c lected by tbe dUlrlct board. '

'■ ^ e tlate ruling rcqulrei ail per- soni'lateresUd'lh-'oftltiattttg'bai* ketbaU games to hare tbelr cards ind

of bo W t«nt at Uie oKldalt' tchool/ superintradent Carter polnUd out.

2>(e H estreuedtbalmporumceofthli meeUng to aU eonccmed. urging

Art ereqw u laienstfd io be present in order to efflclenlly and ip ^ i ly uke care ot an Uie butlneu ot the dU*trict.-.• - » • .

ted •, ■ • ■ ■ous •

uc- O r e g o n S t a t e ’ s :

£ T e a m D r i l l s j ) n :

. C l u c a ^ G r i d i r o i j i

( « ' CraCAGO. Nor. M - Oregon ter SUU'a (ootball team, here for a tut* eb, key day game wtlh W ut Virginia, n* i8frJ( be stopped by Uie Middle m* WesUra snowstorm and Uie curreat m eold wave today. Under Uie dinc* ltd Uen of Ooach Paul Bcblisler, Ihe Ag- U* lie s drUledoa Uie snow-swept 6Ugg

. (Kid for alm ut an hour. u l Tbe (etm nut Uunugft a spliited on algnal driU and paued and punted n t alUMugb'Uiey oould not accomplbh ^ muth wim Ul# wel plgtkini.»■ “We're*ln pttWy good.i&tp« con*

. aidering Uie fact Uisl we'rt Jutt gene ™ thr^hpR U ytousbbaU jkm ftv idW haw just trareUed 6000 n l la to-gel

here - Coach Sditailcr lald.. _ '. „ ‘Hie Agglea, accompanltd by tbelr

band, ttrlved UiU moming and bit ^ out for U)4 praeUM flcJd as loen 'ti

J l ‘*’w ett“u r & ' 5 ^ u scheduled g . to aiTlTfl tomeiTow moming. ed • • J •

M e a t S l i c e r s W i n

I F r o m P e l l ’s T e a m

w m h e T lh e , cruiben, two gimta to ont, in -a . Cnmmerrlal iHgue tc fltt at Uie Stone• alley-hen (att night.

ToUl Mon ot Uw same wai SUO. lol to s rn . Pargo of Uie dgar tendon’

k. erw iusU SpolnU chaikcduptohli B. credlLi l WDlWNDRNTMABWrP ■ ^

i;£.y r — g jg S iS^ Evans ' -■ IU m 411.

V.UcIntyn______ 160 16S IS l-.500m N.MCBlyre..:--------1« Ml 111 « lJti r - ToUK—_____ I3»(isn8<3tt0U DEtL'Si- f y - ItO-HStW mi j K ieltner--------— .IM li» Ml]* Dummy_________l u lio J t t m .J- McDcoald______;.~1IS IM irt U lsl rord . i n aao, w ,

■n .Tbuil — 33?

c- • TCBW r o » icxDoiT s r w ;;1- .NSW YORK vthA pew type e?1 aerea grid tube for fflld|it.racelT>

L.Uie ordlaai)r.i8ree&«ndtubt.

... •. . .T W IN FALLSDAIL^

n d l V i i ir id iro n 1J Burley’s Legion— — A r r a s e s B o u t s

I f o BnnLXY. Nor. U (BpeeUI to Tbe U U Neni-Uem lierf c f the Amertean

' ‘ Uglon a n making arrangemenU to----- eoRUttue-rthkUe-oenteiU-tloiULlilkWA the boxing and vTettUng bouts betd t l 9 under Ihe auiplcee of tbla organin*

tion Ult winter.The ofjanixaUon prorweet to le*

curt Uw use ot tome buUdlng. tuch iSS. u one of Ult county (air cxblblUon

buUdlngt. and pul on weekly boxing Ihop >»uts. SU o( theie aihteUo exbtbl*

ilon i 'n re sugnl U lt winter, and J were well received.

.eau h iatu for Uw purehate Of.:. Uie , boxing llcenie aro now on hand, and

SlOn the affair U M ng erraaeed b r- a eoDimlttee compoied of Lee Buck, Bill Prank and RUey E. Emmoni:.

’£ Dartmoiitii Team t Completes Treklerc ' --

’,i te B Ij C reen T ea m 'A rriv es a t

S E ndo lS O O O -M IIeJoum oy.

'i S ; to P lay S ia n lo rd EteveiiI for — ■' -----------------------------------tball ' -----con- BAN PBANCISCO. Nor. 2S WV- hlog DtrtmouUi't football p liyeri.-30 set- Itrong. thook'Uie'dutt of a 'tran i- »rd-i eonUnenUl Journey from their feet 'P*r- Mdiy aod ImmedUiily plunged Into and htrd pncUce ifor Uielr ln‘.eraecUonil

Rime wllh e unlord 't CardlnaU sat* unity a t SUnford stadium."-

The big green team, headed by Cotch Jtck Cannell. .anivfd fremHanm-er.andatUr.t.tumullout.wtl*.

f '» eo(netrema|umnl.clvlcolfldauand- flUnford. repnsenUUrei wenl to quirten in San Mateo, a few mUes down Uie penlniuU.

After todsyj'tunxml tbe jneUce V Mulons will be aecret. Coach Oan*

neU permitted newspapermea. and oUien to attend Uie .work out bul

“ • after intmlewT had been glren and <*' pictures taktn, the gates wen clotcd. « ; YBdlekyOot

-Wim two,-excepUons, Uie-Dart- moulh playen were in good ahape,'

I”! ' ooailderlnga-SOOO-mlle.Ulp. Kwas announced SUn Yudlcky, star end. wudeJlhUclyoutoteompcUtlon.Hli

W . Injured knee failed lo r«pond to treitment. Amio Trigar.-halfbtdc,

I alto Itld UD WlUl tn injured knee, hiishowRiufffcJeatlffljveraatstio get tn)o Uio game. .

.Whereu uie vUllon wen reluct* ant to ’dUcuu Uie possible outcome.

L i Cotdu.aiuui-»-tnie£.a{.BttafWd, w,_ abandoned his usual m erv t to say

heexpettedDtrtmouthtobettsUn* l(t* __________•

“ ! ojans Plan to m. -Consider-Gameio- S? Aid Unemployed

• lo 's ANOELES, Nor. M WV-Unl*renliyof SouUiem CtUfomU'M a-

•w cral slhteMecommKtM will meet to­f f morrow night to decide wbettier iU ~ footbtU tetm will play a pott*season

game here for the benellt o tth e un* employed, presuniably-agalnst Utah unlrenlty.' ' ■ •

- "nieTroJanaUileUeauUioriUuto* dty dKllned 81 U tiy i JnyUaUxin to

I . play a t San PnnclKo December 13. \ ■' Bouthem CallfomU oineUls e ld i n tbeyhadbeenadvliedbyUMtlnlrer* '11 iKy of Utah It was (atmeted (a a

tttiU tl Drember 30 a t Lea Angeles ton tmt Uie final declaion retted wilh lU ur* toMbaU leam, whicti In'.wlfflilng Uie n* Rodcy mounlaln eotiferenco chtm* die pionship did not loi«'».|ame,

' BECEIVE rS W S S IO N Ig. -' SALT LAKE dT Y , Nor. i i UV* igg IbefacullyoftheUnlvenllyofUUh

, ' Ute today granted pcrmiuion to Uie led UUb fooibtjf Utm to play • m t* M aeaion charily g»m.e,- Pretldent Ilh Oaorge Thomu annouaced.

.".Etrller In Uie d ty OUh offleUli Q. htd adrlied Unirmlty ot eoulhem lie CaufomU It would be Interetted In nd a lame In Loa Angtlea December » . tel Ooach Ike Armitreng dedaring Uie " final decUlon would be made by Uie

elif jasyers. ----------------------------------tilt .Paculty approral Came alUioujh it a s im «inousc«d no' InrltaUon had

. beta rtctlvtd from Unlvmlly of ed BouUitm CaUtomU.

" ftojahs Keject ; O ffer^f Gaels

^ LOS ANOELES, Nor. SS UV-SU U u ra olter to play Uu ;Unlvtnltr

0) arsoelhCRiCtli/nniUfeotbtlluam 'la In ft Charity game a l san Prandico -a December » . w u -rejected by the >u geaertl aUUeUe eocnmltUo'today. - ■ P r o p ^ to'invite some other te in

5 tor a almllar game here December 20* %ere left undecided.r r .. BouUiero CaUfomift. aUileUs au** Ui^Uea today were adlned by Uit

Unlrtnlly of OUh It w u inltreiudij; Inapoet-teaiongamewlUitteTto*H jaai, to t Uie'jlRal’deeUion wIU rest » Hlih Uie pUycA'



I : 5 0 c Ii E .O . HA VEN S. BATTERY

W SW bA v^ K. P t o e M U r

LY N E w arT w m f a l l s ] njAH

e r F a l lTitle Rei

Eleven Studie m Afternoon

mv These incmbprs o f th e Okit ‘ fiRhtlnjf fires, ic fl to r ig h t, f r en dox, G erry D cm nip. B aail Wel — ^ 'ate.G Q rdon,.and.Selh.M orfl:s

^ oKLAiiOMA c m r , Nor. a w v - ^30 Poolball pUyera by day, tin fighten 01- l^ 'n lc h l^ ll's 'tU 'ln 'a day's'votk

tor memben ot Uie grid Kuad al OkUlioma city unlrenlty. '

, u The llre-ilghllnc lend cUuci during tho mornings,

om - — - —

j « .

TakeHighHonorinil •

ed. Giants’ First Baseman andJ; ---WasliingtonShortslopWin

Valuable Player Award ni , . ___X : CT, LOUIS, Nor. M WV-WilUamee, IL Terry, fln l baiemtn o( Uie New10 York OUnU, and Joteph Cronin,.

ahorUlop o( Uie Washington Sena*,:t* ton. w e Ihe motl wltisble pUyen . ie. ia . the-NtUontI ami American}

n . commltue o( sport writen in aU • U» major league cities In an an* < n u t poli-by tbe Sporting Newt ofli ^ l^ l s '- B e tu lu o( Uie poU w enh

. atioounced todty.Cronin rtfd rrd so polnU oul of t L

MttlbU M tnd Terry w u tccorded . T i7,TrenkljrPrlkirefthe-8f-LouU ; ri CaWlnals w ti a clote second behind j^ Terry la ibe Nstlanal teague wJU '

«) polnU and Kaek WllMn ot the >1* Chicago Cubt ranked Uilrd. wlUi 41.1- Ali.abamont ot Uie PhUiddpbU '>- AtUeUcc, who won the fiportlagLU News' awanl In IR}, w u tecond to 'in Cronin in Uw American league WlUl I1* 4fl poinU^ Charley Oehringer, De* nlb ' -L.











T o i h im a in Inies Mornings, Sc ng And FiglSs:

klahom a C lty~ un ive rs ity ^ rid aqi f ro n t row.; Bob E a to n , J im Kemj Velkerson, and R a y W illis. Back i raran. ________________ '

- prtcllee od the grldirea In- Uit a/iemoons tnd v Ihen thed their

^ heavy fooUnll garb to don flre bd- meU tnd rubber booU In Uu ere*

a t nlngi.Thus (hey get tbe benefit ct fire*

.1- men's driUs to harden their muscles, [s, and e tm Ihelr c«Ue^ expense

FIGHTS—fi ________ ______ ____________

LENIIAIIT DEFEATS lOM IBI p o r t u n d ; Nor. JS - ' t n i F n d

. l«nbart. ITS, Spokaoe, won t 10; d round decUlon over Leo Lomikl, ITP,

Aberdeen, hen'lonlght. Twice be* jp (ore.thU year tlw yfvuta t o t draw.

J TI10SIA8 WW8 0N MUL SAN JOSE. Cal,. Nor. U . MV>

“Kid” Tbomu, Centnl Ameriet wel- n terwelght, won on B foul In tbe tee* : „ ond round here’ tonight In hU JO- i : round bout WlUl Chtrlle Hemtndez. i ’• Sen m ndseo, • .


® f e w - ^ ^ p n m e i iw * I U ^ ^ ^ J 11 ouipoliiUd Jtdilo Moore. IndUntp*,* oUs,ln'sl«-toundslnUMmtla*Ttnt ; >f 0/ » bwlng show a t U* SU Paul0 AlhletlO'dnb tonight. ■ ' V

■ SCIIWARE T R ttlun iS ' ■ \ f •nmiAttAPoua. not. m \ JohiuBchwike. S t Louli, weighing < f 517 pounai,'outpolnted Harrey Mor. '• : teaioii.-Ohlcigo. IM, in t lO-rou^B boxing eonUH bera tonight. ■ .' Roy MiUheil, 8 t LouU. w tW ^1 wtlgbt,outpo(at«d BUly Boon, Rode*r

1 troll ucond bueman, tin n e d third- wlUt 81'polnu. ■ ,

f ■

A N H Oth a t 'i

G, NOVEMBER 28, 1030

i A r m y ’sT h re e -\


J* ^ a 3 ~

'----------B —Mjuad. earn , spetidfnir -m oney-by mp, E m ie W ebb, Francis Mad*< r o v : R ay Schvrab, Ted H and,

t 'money beildei.v The pUyen aay lr Uitt denlopment ot t ilrem an 'tw• U tn ftdnnUge In running footbaU* ilgntU.------------- ----------- ' - -

At for-ileep. ttw imoke*<tUnc* ^ilgtkin-ebtura find Unu to doxs ^ when fires tre ic tree tnd when Uiey e t n caughl up wlUt Uieir letsons.,.

(ord. ^ noU . in i t t i l tight-round


-J im Londot.-noognUed aa Um world'a wreiUlng ehtmplon by- tbe NatlonU'Boxing tiiocltUon.- to-

1 night w cautully 'defended hU UUe ; by Uirowlng Ivan Kotan,-RuttU, in J. JJ nUnuUi. ap tecondfc . .

'■ KALLIO-LOSES-TP-SAIIEB. CINCINHATI, Nor.-3S m - .O u j- KalUo,PlQltnd,reeognUeddiamplon- middlewelgbiwreitlerjoettooeotce• Sauer, Lot Angelea. tonight, two out \ ot Uiree faUi. -tauio. vbo wdgbed

IM poundi, wen U » fln t/a U from Uie 174-poui<d CiUfomlan in M mln>; ultK "Bauer won the next two wlUi

f le gatm gles lnU Sm hiuU atnda tt


buntu has taken o itr the *ork cf.. gaUiertng quarterly radio tUUiUcs . Jrem dtaU n.Thu was formcrlr done . byUie electrleatequlpment'dMsioD- , (^ Uie.departmcnt of commerce. ; ■

; [For Windshield and ’ Door Glass See t a r r ' A u t o w r e c k i n g

. CO. , .

.... j ; - , ■ ■

> N E S T x k i has s-wung i


' ’ i ih a t ’s

s S p i r i t sW ay T ie

California Looks ' ForM Menlor

flamsMWadJonevKnut^ Rockne, Dr. J. W.WIIcei

[• - and Olclt Hanley Com Up

BZnKSLEV. c.ur., Mov. u The University of Callfomlt began lodty. to look over the leading foot­baU eokcbea of-Uw country to find a luccettar to Clareaee (Nibs> Prior,

j whoee resignation V u accepted,tut I night.y Tbe aUlJelie f»undl m rt to en*' done candldatei. but gave out no in*.

formauon. IU recommendaUom ... I w u to be oonildered tonight by tho

iludnit «eeutlr» commlttM, by > whom Uie coacbea ars employed.’ N aoet heard on tbe am p u t In*’ . duded Ttd. Jo n e ^ fo ro e r Yale

coach; Knute Itockne, Notre Dtmei . Dr. J, w . Wilce, foraer mentor ef

Ohio SUto; Dick Ranter. 'KorUi*.

Ijrf M e tn w ^ Uie ten to pUyen of Frioe't tqoad framed » pn te tl

' igainitUwaeeeptanceoftbeoeaeb'a S F e iip a u « rT U ia u n r"C in f8 n fliT — ^ tallun to win game* tbU leuon w u

not t t e / t u l t of Um coaeh. .* “ Tbe-rtioluUoo,-Ilgned. b y - T M --

Beckett,- Ruia,ATerr. OaptalB Oa« ^ Rtrdy, Prank Uedtnlch and lU r .

m tn Ortmeyer, III r tn f ty men, fW- “ y lowt:*’-* ‘'We tlways h tre b td bw fuUait

ftlUi tn d eonfldenca :1a Uw abUlty of NUw Price as bead fooUnU ootdi

md a t UlU unlrerslty,. We regni.bU . resIfiuUon,'bccftUie.ot Uw fact Uiat webeUere that ihU eeuoa 'i reeulU

< w tn notvdtM to bU laek o t abUity un u a to teh bul to fteto tt orer.wMdi

he had no sonUoL HU m e aplril

is-’EsHHEStiu.‘Vo pU yedindtou ih lfarh im ,” . . '. . . - . ” - friee told' quetUonen eodiy;-..h*

would teciPt tn offer to contbUM< u btiketbaU CQteh U eondlUont w tta.

: r “ttUifactocy,". ^

g YALEJEAM PlCKSibb™ '^ ' NE^UAVEN.-OOna., N (rr.3S 'm ; ^ -A lb e r tJ .B o o U i,ir.,to e ti lo 7 e in ^ . M lU rm itiU tbtekofU nY tlofoottitll.

” ; .; W 9 S A L EA n lo 'D d o r G l a s s - . - . . ,

w - -w ln d s h le ld s .u d - ir i i^ o w '. J gtaaa. N o d u ir ( « f o r se t* ’

B? tlB g

[1 MOON’S .. Paintand.

! .E t a i ^ .S t o r e .

- ' - i l" -

limm illions— '

I '

' ' ' - I ' T»iV'

ty! ^

■ ' ■ - ........

Page 8: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

eI bmI T l7' FfiOlfflNGE

— ■ .. JJ

O p e ra to rs F o r A d ra n te U se S

................F avo rab le .N{wsj c c e i v e d y

O ver N ight to L lfl P r ie e s “

. 1

f l a r k e t s a t a G la n c e ,

NTW YOIUC. Kov. M f-n - toiStock*: JrrrtuUr; •miucmcnt c<,i

and mill ordrr luuei ne- >hiBondi: Im fulw : Ubftty 3',‘I „«

itroDff. trtCurb: SMKly; IcidlnK itocks m

‘"“^roreliD exebinjei: « rm ;it«rUn( In

CotUrn: BUid;; hlftier cable*, ofsufw : SlMdf: tn d i bujrlng. im c o irtc Euy: Jo«rr rorel«n An

eurkcU. An

Wlje»l; Eujr; lncrt»*«l con- «tn c t stock* -»nd lo w Wlnnlpcf. ■;

Com:We»k:l»rgeeountr>-of. mgterlnss«ndbtartihNebnik«*d- lyVlCM. (

C»tUe; Stron* to hlEbcr. betItop : la rc r . vw

' «V(B /.JO JW tC O O tE r

(Auodftttd Preu Flntnclsl Writer) .NEW YORK. Nor. » -H If lr tt to

m u t up »toclt jrrlcei met wllh only «“ l tw m i 7 » « 0 3 W w . a ?

FDrtUled-wlUiAb»tctiotrcuon- ng ftbly U ranble oremtght n e n Itcmi. . |t , openlor*'for llie *dr*nce «t»rked

_____Ul* m*rkel hUtier durinj the early

wTtc'72'ST) «« mu tor ™___the Jfovcmber. recovery..— .................

ncacUonarjr leodenclei *et In dur- ^ . ]ns tbo afternoon'and the averags j,ni

net dedlae Ior the d*y **» about tre. ' a point and a half on a turaorer o( i.

3.IS2W ahare*. 1 The ttock mirket leeoed largely *m

Id the hand* ot Ihe profealonal * ^' iloor trader* who wtre lalUfled with iamall. quick proliU. The chain *tore z and merchandUlog tharei which had

------- a rapld rt«-ytit*rtiy iM ftbouftll a. or t& t advantage, thereby empha*

tltlns -th« recent partUllty towardatiort-llred jroup nUie*. Motion p ic »

. ture *hare* *o{Uned. preiumably In moi

2 S S ‘h o K ^ t * S ™ e T t to"^- r - du ew h ad been'TJoliUng the Slier, j u

rtian act In thelr nethodi ot iUm pdUtrlbuUon. n

Steel* enjoyed conilderable buoy*- ancy (or a time, In recponie lo a

belief that the ouUook tor prleei m w u *h#wliif Improrement.: B t n v'cr .though no immedUto Increaar* are ■ .

' czpect«d,the*tand'alreadytakenby two United su te* Steel corporaUon »

- (Ubtldlarlt* (or minimum quotaUoni . 1* regarded , t t Ul#'forerunner ot

higher prlee».ln Ui* n a t quarter. “Jj; ■ iMBalDcreaM moi

»lS9.0eiWO. KeTartheku.-:«» In*

h S t U » ^ » i» tt* f* b a n k ? In w i! J t* , fflwU.ln bopd*. whleh rota M7.000.* atoi

/ tha t turther .JlquldiUon ot borrow* liou

■ l g- 8«Tenl *peelal,.dlTjdend aclion* a

.. (UggtitedthtapproachotUieChrii* m tm u aeaaoD, allbough Uiey had little u le etiect on atock price*. PUrUier re* dellport* ^ railroad Income* (or Octo-

•ber.failed to bu lla ta .a change In Set ^ T = s = = = g s = = s = = s =

MwlnFallsMarketi *>1. • ^ C M B B W ABB imaKUNOT *‘t,


'n * twta ru u dutnn m uiit t(»> wea' ’ art*

___ ’•«

— • ___A i i extr

- aa-- - .MKHaru i s ;

------------- JM F

:o » - a B."0. U g ^

" ? * g a — S i . '

■*“ -------------Si»>— '" c i

g a y — ' . '/u » lrt----------------- --------- ■'-! duct

------E 5 5 5 ------------ ^nut4.ti • » r r — ^ - - » . jic .

Wa I — ■ p

§S!W5,\al“ i-= r= g ? . »BfTOl] “ “ Jrt'l- B/


t o t

' , s■ gS.^as.T'V.:-; ,. 'K "°' ■ a

Hw pouaa___ ~rt/S

natur irtaebi“ ■ ------ :C M M.uu '■---------- “ —

-y:4 ^ W ' ^ ^ V I,

rage:EifihE.-------------^ - p

I' s to c k M arket A verages •

iTci comp»nj)i . *o W jn?li lu ll'd mu„t 1 5 ^

s - f ” is is iliji-» }t!lS

l i S ! ! i “ ! I i

trend, ahowlng conUnuwl

toaiaUilng more Uian M ‘per cent In comparUon wllh a year ago- lu ij _ tha ru lumed hra^r »l|h th« re* malnder of Uie market In tlie lato trading, but an upwird movemcni i In Uie railway equipment luuts ncM \

**Unlted su te* Steel wat prominent ' I in Uie . rally and teU only a quarter - ot a polnl thort ot IM, thereby mak* ing a new high tor Uie moremenU American Telephone a t lM!i »od , Amerlean Can at JMH *tre ot lur.prominent Iharei lo penettate rath*er rapidly Irom their topj. _

■me maU order and merchandli* - Ing luue* Uimed downward brlik*Ir when aelllAS got Uie upper hind.

Steel ilocki closed well below thelrbeet nrlcei, .which repreiented ad* vaneei of a couple of poInU on the average.

(30VEB.V3rE.VT BO.VDS . .NDV YOIUC. Nov. 23 MWJnUed

States government bond quotation*

Liberty 3!ii J M 7 ------------IIOIJOLiberty tin t 4'.J* K - « ----- l i o . mLiberty tourth 4>;* J3-5B _»103J ^Treatury 4V.» 4T-52...---------»HM • abTreaiury 4« 44>8«________ >100. *rrT rw ury 3 ;ji < g -« -----------a lin r -

MKTALS aSNEW YOIUC. Nov. M m -Copper: { J

OncetUed: cieetrolytls ipct ind (u* ^ire lO'ic to 13c. nai

Iron; Quiet;.unchanged. g*|T tn: suady; tpot and nearby g*'

tuiuro i : 6J 0. MLead; Steidy; »pot New York c.i

M.10; Eatt SU LouU M.M. guZ ln e r ^ y ; Eait SU LouU. ipot c«

icd.tuture I4.10. ctnAnUmony |7.U. g ^


nbney: Stcaoy; 1 per cent aU day. ^Tlmo loani: S uy : DO lo HO doy* a cei

a-2U ;. tour mohUu 2U; Jhe.iuid ow ilx month* 3‘S to J ' i per cenl.

Prlmecommerclalpaper2H lo3.Banker*' acceptance*: Unchanged. ^

DAliSILVEB - -NEW.YOIUC,No;'.»-t<VTStrill* mi ■cr MUC. g«>

• SUOAR oil!NEWYORK,NOT.atn-AtlMdl* _

•r tone devetaped ,ln ra# lu ja r to* ~ lay and pricea wero Iraetlonaily N< Ilgher. Ojieratora ^owed a'litUe nore Intereit, but rellnen wera *UU m nctincd to hold aloot. Sale* rei^ort- ' lo d included 30M0 ban'or Cuban tor December ihlpmentTt <1.43. 18,000 SgrorphiiippW tfiofjaw ury^fc- — ruary shipment at 13.42 and 16M0 ai Mgt of Jhlllpplnei tor Pebruary* March ahlpment at (1.47, all lo oper* 81 Iton. IP

Early deelinei In nw tuture* as a cr xiult of liquidation and cohunlulM lo :iouae eelllng were followed b y 'n l- Sl. ■leu w l* the market clojlng I point tl leUower fo 1 point higher. :

Approximate aalea wer* M.300 toiii Ci In Uie iiumberacoalnet* there were lalei of 40(1 toai In Uie December lellrery which appeared to b« moiUy !venlng*up' ouutandlng commit* nenl*, a t W.3T. or unchuged from Iho preVloui cloted Cloilng price* for number 1: December 11 JO. January — ll J t . U a i^ tl.4J, May tW . July 11.60. September tl.N . • c

(n rellned thtre wa* a fair .with* H0( inw al demand, but nb new builneia dm r u reported.. Pricea wero unchang- iSc •d with rellnen ItiUng a t M-7S. while rra Mond handl art avaUable a t around mo


anCAOO. Nov. 2J(iTV-Uve poul* 300 ry: RecelpU two car* 36 truck*: wel teady; (owli 14c to lac; (D fln sr ltc ooKien lie; j'oung tuiTe}-* 30c; pig: luck* lie 1017c; geme ISc. pacButter: Recelpu PMI tub*; m y elio

reak: creamer}'. » t r u 3tc; itand* 169 rd* »><c; ex tn tlrsia 3»e lo 30e; tt f : inU » o 10 :8e; tecond* 3JUc to 3S0

^i:-necelpt*'a03caM t:\i(e*ily; Pouxtra fln u Stic to 40c; fresh grad- too d tinta JJc lo Sflc; freth eunenl M Iecelpta 30c to J2e; ordinary current CtcelpU 2Jo to, 27c; rtlrlgenlor belirtU and extru 19!So to 310. yea


SAN PRANCISCO. NOV. 2S (/T> - Wel•ederal-itaUmarketnewiandgrad- « *^ jerv lee quotallonanetwholetalo | «

Butter, n cnre 33c: » seort 31c. (oo Eggs: No. 1-extn small pet-wees tlo:

2'.jc; No. 1 candled extfa 37'ic; <10. lo.lctndledexira37>ic;Ko.tcan* MJled extra medium a 'ic . . <vt Chcese: California fancy tU>< >7c.


uce euhange recelpU: Butler B7,* to i00 poundt; cheete 43.000.pounds; cho gst.none. callBulter In btUk aSe. . to lE sp : Bstrai 3:e; t in t tresh 37c; _

lie counl 2#e; medium* 3®c; tmall — lc.Poultry: Unchanged.


lutterfat 3«e.Onloni; Jobbing tacked yelttwrMc

3 60c; largo toc to t l : red tMwa 90c ' > t l ; Auitalian browat'TIe to tl. Potatoea; Jobbing Stockton, long

rhltea tI.6S lo I3.2S cwU, poorer low.1 COc per tack; Waihlngton netted emt t U i to : BroUen 33e t« Wc; hent ‘

tc to 37c; turkeyi 3)0 to 26c.

DRIED n U lTNEW YORK, Nov. » W^-Dr^cd

rail: Steady.


IDABO FALLS, Not. U («) (U 8 D Al Desaod Ugblt Buufcrt rtesiayj Bw»*f« 1 t l io |L«J;

. ' . ' N E W - Y


A » J u i « r ^ ) s S S i f r

Aratncui C>n ltV> .ilupp Ueisn - Am Cir A m t . 31 Illloolt Ctnlral Am u rom ro w — w mt c«>nm — •AJU li jw _______ 31 . • - t l tn t i i n i lrr .Am Tfl‘« T«l iSt T tlV T tr i

K s ; , r » jAauooSa CopMr- »1< Kr«i« 8 l>. Auhlua T te a _ l t l Krurm & -nail

Ssi"“£sl siSSi zrffist-

OtiM ft Ohio U MllCuaiUgA. 3 U Bt P * F p T _ I2'i Nil Otlrr — „

g £ ”A - L = : ' S | . i l . W & WCom » l r I*‘k Nonbtro rtcifCent ou et Dtl _ _ isit r u An D__ !gjrn rroduci*----- toij Ppam PjjNij .curtuTwrtiiii *jij n s ^ n'l!!!!!!!

E 3 I M “Duroot d* H tm ._ tIVi rui* o i l____Kutrua KndtX _ 1 U ( | lUdlo Cora e( /n ro* * U l ------ Wf *c»tn B m „ _ H _ ««! Bl L 8 ^ n r J"-otn Poed* - ____ S3U 5e)iult* Hti Stn«n Uolon-------- JJI. IMn Rot&uU.Qliddm Co ■ - »•( e « tiaU Jdimi

No. < {Oc lo Uc; R onlfN a 1 9«e. yeTIVIN FALLS » Demand fair, ex

nurfcet steady: RnueU No. t t l POlo t u s . few tJci, No.: Ue lo COe. foi

* ~ ~ up • CIUCAOO MARKETCIIICAOO. Nor. U (IP) 10 9 D J

A) - PoUloei; BeeelpU.CS car-, i "toad*;;on Irack SU; taUI Hailed uu 8Ute* thIpmtaU 3tS; Heady,tn d ln r n tbe r alow: ucked per ^

.cn:.W{*coBtlnnBSl.whUe*JL4<l_ ^loll.6t;Mtnoe*«ta.N«rUiDakoU. ^S14S to 11.43: Idaho RBMCta No. 1 ^tIM io ttM , (rw t u s lo t t ; N o.' ‘1': tl.4 t to tlJ« ! Celotado »(e* uyClare* f U t lo |IJO.^ - ^

' _ we


CiaCAOO, Nov. 35 IP) (U 6 D A). , Hogt: Recelpu 3000, Including GOOO , ' dirrcl: market doted tlow; motUy ISc to 3Se lower Uian Mondty'* av* erage; etrly top t tJ J : lale sale* J" moiUy ttJS down; bij; packen **! bought mosUy t7.»l lo I t ; few to *2' H.10; niimerou.1 loads 170 to '210 f l ' poundi sold tfl lo 'tt.l0; mosl 330 te *'■ 300 pounds tl.lS t« .( jM ; lighter •<

pigs and light llghb t t . lo |S35; Mtptcklng^ws Vt3i to t7.e0: good and bUchoke IW to ICO pounds f t to t<2}; an169 (o tt.3$; yn alettf ZSO pounds U.I0 to t«J9: 2S0 to 1113S0 pounda t8.IO K rt t3 3 ; packing lottow*, mediom and good; 37S to MO yeipounds,t7 10 tT.JS; slauRhtrr pigs, (eigood and choice 100 lo 130 poundi gntfl to t u s . . ^

CaUle:RecelpU11.000,calvei3000; tobeller grade ted tleen and long « • yearUngs tuong lo SSc higher; ahip* topen making mukel; w fighU jtfen Sup most; bu t Unn early n t.2 i; {weighty steen tl3 ; Uieie scaUng hU1S33 pounds; strong, and fairly act* ~ Ive market on mosl-oUier c la s tu H ^sUughter catllo and realen. eleert. VJ good and choice COO lo »00 pound*tlOSS to tl3M ; 000 to IIH pound* ^ tlOJS to tl3.K; 1100 to I3N pound* ttJO to tlS2S; 1300.10 ISOO pounda ts to tl2.7S; helfen good and choice sso 10 aso pounds m i hi tlSJO;cow* good and choice ts.33 to 17.33: <eutlen t3.79 to t l ; ball*,'yeaillng* —>excluded, good and choice beet tS 17/lo tuO ; vealera, mlllc fed. good and loachoice t t to t l l ; stocker and feeder lycaltle. steers, good and choice MO ITJtoioso pounds 17 to to; several lo a ^ U|l


. e lt% cbt rawrt


. 'G A


YO R K .

N G B ID ....... Ss.; B i.S 'g — . i i i i

l | t ___ Ninelalr Con'OU UU

i r a i _ u i , Buioa nnuia* _ _ u ! i «. —_ auBd Om « Beft_ W eul

•f j'lJ BuSa on K T . Z I I r i

Srlil ‘ lunS S W S d — g l jn a i

n tle.... U Union PMlIls'vZIIut'. u l eUle pi in Uolitd Aireraft _ 2SH ,,i

l i = S |T i s n r ' S ! ’ -U L*L- u('< W nltn Union T*l 14* , I ____ lllii WntlntWuu B*o 103'i I

.d lle - Ul.; •-----y • . comi MAMCT ' !,(;

1« « 'l KEW to n s . Kov. U DOI: r r r « o n ' a s - ® " ' ”

---------UU CIUH am ie*___e(A D _ii « D re n a t i s iu n __ibD — 44<i n u u o i i a r r » _ _ n i . c

S » = . ! i i SlU ___ Mi( of’iad__ge'l

yearllngi ted by IntemaUonal thow ^ exlilblt but not for exhUilUan pur- X vaOf tl3.U; heavy. sU en aultable f for shipping purposes showed most upturn, uneven adnnce* featuring most other clasie*. -8heeprRecelptsl9,000rcloiln7act«Ivt, aU gndes ol lamba, lnclu<lng feeden. yearllnga mostly ’3Sc bifher; fat ewe* about aleady; bulk good to cholco natlvfl and fed wut-' bul. erh (tfflbt ta u K iO to pftcken; n t *evtnl-lo*«U-«iO-to-|e.W-to-ahlp- en p tn and'Clty butchen;'lambs Mal- Ilgl Ing about >4 poundi uiually itopplng S a t t f l;id a h u tliS to lu S :m o s in a - tin Ura bucka 17 lo ITM; Uirowout* cil;: tSJO lo MJO; choice QB-pound ftd t o western yearling* $7.3$ to packen; yea Montana ewe* avenging lOS pounda tSJ l3^;bulknatlV Btatew nUtoU.7S; dy. several load* whlte.fieed nnge teed- *ca Ing^M ta^^nglng M lo OS pound* j j ,


1108*: Rectlpu t0,S00; slow, 10 to i!!* ISO lower to shlppen; top |7 iS on K choice 2(0 pound butchen; early ule* 110 lo Sto pounden tT.SS to ^II.TS; IW lo Jto pound Mlecllona v.i I7JS lo tT « ; packing w a MJS lo

4Uady:*h»*tockandvealen*teady: W ; bulls Itrong to 3Sa higher: Mocker and feeder tleen (carce. tletdy; ftd tle en and yearling** mosllj- M loIII.75: weighty iteen tU JS; tew SL' leadiyearUngttl3lot13:cholcetong yearllnpanund IMO poundi II3.M; few lola ahort fed helfen tfl to t t : , . f gm * fielfen 1831 lo STJO; bulk beef cowt M a lo tSJO; cuUer g n d u 13 I j* to t<; medium naUre biiUs I4.S0 te f jl; IS; light knids U to Uii-, pracUealtop realen t t ; few tlO; few loadittocker and teeder *le«n 17 lo w as. 1

Sheep: RecclpU POOO; opening i;bid* *le*dy: bidding ITJO on beUcr a)-gnde aUughter.wooled Iambs: ask* hol(Inf-unerenJy h lg b e r f a h c e p 't^ T fu*feeding Umba tUtng; good and lUechoice feeden I6.7S lo VH feeding to tewes tlJO tb 13; tolld moiiUi breed* *ueIng ewet upward lo I4.TJ. ' en

— . t a iST. JOSEPH LIVESTOCK lo t

ST.JOSEPlt.Nor.MWllUBDA) lo : -H O ft: Recelpu tSCO; tlow, bidding lUa I7.1S to tTJO on best hoci or 230 en lower Uian ytaUrday; mott talea ear* Hly 10 to 15c lowir. largely tXTS ta hlglITM on hogt 180 pounda up; ll |b t OklUghU I7JS to I7.SS; iprlskllnc betl Vta

A N M - j W e 1

j S U C C E S S t^ U ' IN V E N T lO M A itt

f r ^ / T O S « f d > lE T i

i f f v ®


lA S O U fiE A L L E Y S i

SVOCXOMT NOC) TWNK TH« OULO -OBT- TlReO - O P - GBTW s M S U K 6 'm id MOO CEA.VJ& [. HOV\& S O TWe .P E S t ' .O P

.......... c e r' - ■ ------> r — TT

ho«.i early I7.IS lo H ; * o n «tcady, to bulk tt.75 to t73S. lo

Caltle: Recelpu 1700, calve* 300; i killing qu*llty mostly medium to an (OOd; thorl fed tU en and }-earUnga tol tiesdy to tirong, tpou unerenly po Jiifhrr ojj belter gnde; butcher a i helfert and cowi itiong h> 3Se high* er; bull* and realen fully aUady; , ItrlcUy choice 600 pound mixed yetr* lln » I13J0: tew load*, good long >tarllnci tIO to 111; bulk thort f td 8 indwelglilyiteent7.7Stot9JS;good ^ beef eow* up to t«; low cu tltn and « eultereowiia.75lotS.7S:topvea}en >ai nr*tfl:kCTnnd1eedenKar«.Bioiti I» Ir steady; odd lot tlock ctlvu up to * lt.7s:,ioid ptoln tlocken MJO. ^ ...Sheep:. Recelpu asoo; very.UlUe P» done; openlng blda tletdy oii ta t » Umbi; bidding tTJO on bett offer*. Ings; asking upward lo t l ; lew b u t |2: niUvei sold a t tlJO; no (eeden cn tM u le ; tgtd theep unchtnged; re* M- edpu Uiclude 4,lotdi Texu clipped «»

______. J


A)-Kog*: Recelpu TOOO;. tlow and -uneven, muUy 10 to 30c lower, than .. Iilonday'a avenge; tpoU 2So otf onUle rounds; lop M on 300 to 350 '1 pounden; bulk deslnblo 170 to 310-pounden-t7.7i-to-l7.M;.130-lo-lU au| pounden tT.40lotT.T0; packing tows baittJO lo ITJS; itoelc, plgt motUy eaitleady. IT3S te IT.78. bii

Cattle: RecelpUMOO.cslvealSOO; V< better grade fed iteen and'Karllhia'drl fslrly acUre. iteady to sUong; quail* Ida:ty cttuldenbly Improved; medium tte thort fed Iteen opening'tlow but busteady; other klUlng daises o fa tU s tolcompanUrcly tcarce, mostly tteidy; .< bulb Itrong; rea lm and .calvei 31(steady; tlocken and teeden alow tal tleady lo euler; bulk fed s te m M lo tlOJS; tereral load* gcod yearUng*tlOJO to II3J0; well IlnUhed medl* iuffl.wtlghtatttntiLSO;£holeo.heary shtteen 110.71; odd IotS"but£h«r,eow8 <icI W to ISJO; low cuU<'n.a»Leul* t blent3;7Stol4;ttm 'ng*elghtt^lum optbuJU up to 14.75; good lo choice real* ih>e n |7 io lo ts : medium to good stocl:: meen-and-feeden4<J0-lo tl;.cholce 19/ llfthU-elghlttecr.calvutS.7S.

Sheep: RteelpU 3SOO; fat lambAtleady lo Itc hither; better grade ted jellppM and wooled Iamb* up tnotl; ( „t o lambt t r w r bulk tKyearling* tSJO; two yetr old VtflUien no tSJ0;agedweUie«HM;#heep*le8* de» dy. mosl ewe* tJ.TS down; teeden tiy *carct,iteady;oneloadmedlumUnd llni W. , • wll

claOGDENHVESTOCK . . *}“ lip) ( O B D A )- m Hoga: ReeelpU 4W, Ucluding 310 brl for market; lew loU ' tnicked*ln qui butchen early 1T4 to JOO,pounden tUO; talking lower Uler. . .

CaWe: Receipt* IT3, all for mar- kel; tU tdy a t Monday's advance: * Ifto.yesterday and today tw load lU en M; tlra loada i7J0; ieVenI . . oads tT lo tTJS: load and p v t load oU medium and good Ineludlnf dairy ^ types tsa s to t«>M;Tpart-lo*d-itood helfen M.<S; two part loada M lo lUO; load good.and choice young eows tS.<S: odd loU cow* I4J0 to tS;

9ddbulIit3.7Ste|S;realctlTumett^ * ly tT to M .' , . .

Sheep: Rece!pUST<.lncludlngl08 Pn tor markel; no etrly .aales; Ule yes* u n terday load.M pound, mixed lasba coa M;drlvt-Ua around IIJO lo ts ; lotd light ewea 13J0. •. nik


A)-CalUa: necelpU 500, calves 100,hoIdortr-M7:.leM.JctlTe,. moslly ■lUady; load 1303 pound-CaUfomla FlUen t9;Jntdlum.UUli tleeii IT.TS r,0 MiO: two lotd* Ariaona Mexican ^lUen IT,40; feeden I7.TB; tew.helf- ai[n t6iS to tT.»; load DUh cowt cilaas: bulk ecmmon’to medium t4.7S v,lot8.TS;|owcuttenan4cutlent3.TS C to I4J5; bulU I5J0 dnwn;'calvesuady;’me<&um logoodniU rtreal- ' SnW .TStoinJO .,...

Hogt: IfecdpU aoO; ttrong to lOoHigher; top tIOJJ on load' ISJ pound •Sklabomul two load*-. Idaho and 'tnahsllOiollO.»;nfeir.)ocaU|pas - »

; BEEH F«RLf - ''v W H M Y . ■ 'NO IVE COME./£ T H m o T O v o y A f • ®! ) l i p T O / I n o W I V G j / ^ : - > S E E M ' ■ (J V J . . V

T o , s ^ / f i ^ < :

^ 5

> t s

HO, WEDNESDAY MORNINp’,.]! - N p V E m E ^ 2 6 , ; i 0 3 0 , ; ,


W P E O P l ^ S ^W siO-STUCK- Bsl-\ - i e iv » e « l CPP3 / r • •>P 0 3 COOLD J i R £ « ^

toMJO;beaTlest9|-p'aeUnttow8M 11

.Sheep;' RecclpU deck'UlaJvUmbt | | and ^ e k - lo i of nedlum quality un­told;- medium lo choice lambs. TS pounda down quoted MM to tT.TS; aedJum Jambi M oodirM ioried.


8 D A )-H cfi: ReoelpU 33S; n * r< tnmely uneren; opened ISo higher; load cholco 1ST 'pound UUh tioas lop: close 3 k lower; load good 300 pound-UlahatSM;

CatUe: RtctlpU335.holdoven»; ' .to feed lot IH; steady: two c an ITO pound' nerUsem Callferota«'M-7S; . twe ein'm edllun Jwo poundm W; J, good the i t ^ tcarce; load choice mo.pound led cows'M.7S fipmilocal I* feed loU: ftw cutters MJO; common' M i8: bulls ablenL CaIvcs^RecelpU none; unchanged./. . i,,i' Bheep;Ree«]pUfiM,boldorenB17; , aUady; lUht Iam bi. A tent; four tol deckt 03 pound Oregon teeden tSAS; eh, UU yesurday deck n pound Uuh Umbst7J0. '■ u

------- --- IniPORTUND LIVEStOCk '

I>ORTLAND,N07.UW(USQA) ^- H o p ; RecclpU.4M; tleady;.rail Uj supply_2St.lOjb«_w*l*hnUa‘» rjm nJ baiUt9.15forlopi: nodrlre-lnstold f^ early; feeder plgi quoted Ms lower; bulk feeden .Monday i n : :■: CaUle;. RecelpU 35, calrea iO; all ibl drlre*lni;'nethl^ Mid-early; Moii* KK day's m uket 2S to SOo higher. for n t tte e n aod the ttock and aUady tor OOI built, ca lru uid vealen: .'mtTthlng Un Mid. - . . • Uw

.Sheep: necelpU.SM; raO tupply wti 310 on canlract; bo dilrc-lns s m ; «ii talking tUady. ,. ' ' ' S

’ DCN^XR SDEEP. * r DniVEIt,Nsr.25(ff) lU 8 D A )- oM

8hetp:-R*eelpU-«700:-nin-loeludet tm 4400 Uirough; kbout 3000 held tn tr ; orl i& iugbt«"duse«'absenti'nomihtl; ( opetilnE 'talea feeder' lambt llrm; Uire<load*.hoklorerIdahoit7;buUc = medium lo chokw feeden Monday 19.40 to t r « , ---------------------------------

BOSTON WOOL . IT BOSTON, Nov. as UPHloqulrlet

for m e i aro belnc ■recelred more lb trtquenUy, but tales a n tlow and g modenle In volume: Tbe bulk o( demand U on S8-«0s and finer qual­ity wooU of both fleece and Urritory llnes'at’ileady priees a t compared wltti week ago. Occasional *alu an cloied on «ral*brtghf tieece wooU'at . tic to Ue. acourtd batU, tor' loU In- eludlnr Ms and ’4fl-6as togeUier c t . average, combing tup le . TerrttoiiU ■ brlglit'fleecea.ef Uute gnde* arequl«t. . - •

UNDUNG WOOD Al Twin. Pali* r t t i is Stt Co.

Phone »l.-rAdT.

.'CHRlSniASORBEnNOOAROS ■> th*Boot Slon Q i^ ty OUt Shop.'. Adv.

■ IMO To Idabe Fail* asd B ^ sm

IM I - I* TeBlaekreeland R e tm ' . <\

P^om^Twin PalU rU Oregon Short lUne RaUroad. TlckeU goed only bi jcoaches or cbair car*, llmiud fpr r t- |lu m 'to home destlnaUon* betort i midnight Dtcember UU Atk local irnltordetaU*.->Adv.

FORSALEFffiSTCEASSHAY.D E L IV E R E D A n y w h e r e a round T w in F a lls and F il­e r.'C o irim u n ic a tc :w ith u s V be fo ro you b iiy you r hay . ■^ G L E N S N O D E nL Y ’a , V

T H A N S FB R C O M P A N Y . & .• Je rom e • • • *"

Pbeoe Eail* Serrlee SUtloa N e .n - *

i V e C O M E T O T E L L V O U T H\ L ciV E y o u M O R E .T H ^ M U IT S E L F A N O \ UtKKX VOU T

~ ^ ' v T ^ A L k T H W W a

W ^ > P l^ ) BCN C K T :W C tK

P 5 : *

g h - | *


i i w r a s i

.fflPMM:- r — V

F adiao of B uy ing P o w er In­

fluences V a lu es a n d G rain

P rices All. U ndergo Drop's

. BrJOOK>..IIOUGUAN - cmOAOO. Nov. 3S — Fading ot C buying power .'helped .make r a in : vtlue* average lower to day. Tran- : tlent.raUlet ran a«alnit enlarged .: leUUg.prttftire lo a ll the plU. and ibe-day's bottom w u reached Jutl bctonUiecIoie.

W hiatprlceadvanctttcoredbere* . tofore tllll week appeared lo bave '' checked demand for ths Ume being , ■I leuU etpeclaUy In >1ew o{ a lato I announcement.of T « 7 W busheU « locreue ot Uie world's risible tupply.

Clotlng quoUUon* on wheal wen unsettled;«ct<» in c a buihellower i man yoUrday* finUli. Com closed Uic 10 lUc c tt; oaU unchanged to

Sleek Ealargn SnUrgemenC of tbe world's rU- l!

Ibis stock ot wheat by nearly IMO.- ^ NO'busbeU'for'Ue week etme In * riUieritrlklng oonth it wlUi 3,tS,* ; 000 butheU decrease a year ago, and r Uie tlnal *eU»ck followed receipt of ' th e . figures, S u lle r .' the d i | ^ = w hnfm arket had.also been Intlu* enctd by relaUre weakoea ot wheat ralucs-al'Uverpool. where uptilrss werd reported u unUkely-wUhout a falltng>o((.Jn.Russian shlpmenU.

There were aUo reporU U at 38,*. 000 toos ot .export.flour.fron-Uie tmiud:8Uttrhid-be«n-Mld:w-Ui» OrtenU. -■ -.

Com la d e n took tbelr a t.n o s l*

■ Docs Decembei ir Taxes Due Make

U . Si(^-n f T axes h av e a d iscourM|. a v e r a g Im ik balanee. 7f i r o f m u lD ? chccking: ai

IIU a c c o u n t look qu ite fcct

-1=1 I f y o u w ill save systi_ ) D | n e v er know A th in s ab(

j m c n c c T N o tT jn ly ^ ta x e r ’i11 ( miumK,. vaca tions andl i m ay bo ta k e n care o ff i Com e Id a n d tiilk t h i s .

I .The Twin Falls fj l l .Capital and Sur

L .. . n ^ Q U 1

V-. ' '‘l a s t m i n u i


Oro • THPiT.'tOU

" S V - w \

^« T O ^ T r tM t ‘ - sN T : *

E '® w

.. ...... . .............;•

' ■

ly trora Uie action of%heaU OtU dis­played considerable flrmneii at lUne* on account ot rtporu ot llbenl u l e t , having bem made for ihlpment inio W

J dUlricu whlcli t u f f e r e d tr«a p

. For Uie motl part, provltlont went lower wlUi hogs,

tV heal- Open UUh Low ao te Dtc. :___78 7T 7S'i 70 .

• Mar. ___TB*; 70H 77'i 78 ’- Mty ___8 in T»!i M!iI July - IT f l 7 8 ' 78!i 78'i

Cont—8 Dec. ___7 S 'i- Ii;! i...7 4 ? i— Tin____

Mar. ___TB TO Tf'l TT'iMay ___T t'i BIU T» TP'iJu ly -= = :8 0 1 i-8 m T»« MU

it O tU - — . .D Dec. ^ I > ( 36U 34>i 34*4• M tr.'__ J8U 38 3Sii 96HII .May ___3TH 3#ti 3TH S8!id . . — i.^ CQICAOO CASU GRAIN

aaoA O O , Nov. 31 > ) -w ] u a t :: N o.lhardT7«c.® Com: New No. 3 mixed 74c; No. 3I yeUow 730 to 74?ie; No. 3 whIU 7C-e;-------! old: No. 3 yellow 7Sc. '? O au: No, 1 white 3IUe lo 3«!5e. .; Rye: No. 3 45c.; .Barley 45c lo88e. i TlmoUiy teed 18 to MJO.’ Clover seed 115 lo 12173.

I - ------PORTLANO-GaAIH___. PORTLAND, Nov.- M WV-Wheat

■ (uUires closcd; December X8c, May 71 >lc. Cash: Big Bend bluetUm, hard

, whiu lie ; u f t whllt. n sU m white . I9c; hard WlnUr, northem. spring.• wesUm red 87c,I : Today's car recclpU; Wheat 43.

[ A. N. B o n i^ ef Cb > Idibet bl* been appololed SALES REP- -wI. BESENTATIVE tor Twlo Filta P-. and Jeramt. Ca. fer Uie SUbI - •B Onldeer E n le r^ e Co. If wtel-» :ioTtibbil*'on^U iT«nlnerpU n----------

IM blOk

ber F irst with ' | ke Your Balance

. 1 -DuraffinR c ffc c t on th e n c. T hey have th o h a b i t ' |: accounts o r sav ings . I : c c b lp ._ ............................. '

rstcm ittlca lly you n-ill y [ a b o u t th is inconvcni- U jr b u t- in s u r a n c o T jre .— [1 nd m a n y o th e r fu n d s o f In thlfl co sy way. lis jilao ove r w ith us.

! National Bank u r p l u s $ 1 6 .7 ,0 0 0

. 0


3 one: - and , t h e

IX tovE vJEOpitJS - U B s s - m f tH

l-DEftR.- .AWEeVi , .m : - v h e

O F F \N G


Page 9: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

BIKOM Ill r . i «U»t u M a n I t a

I a S T S - S r r g .

F l ^ . W ^ . 9

r ' - - 5 K , » " “ s ! r a

? l i t e r % : s : s i « w

l ' £ u i£ U S t e r M b T < n U l» T - i Ib<U« ft b«rd*a. Di»M. p««*eo-

I ■ « s r , s K S . ! : j z s s .% ^ “"'■. • - OlMptar'li

A FBIMCESB ABRIVE8 L' ’n u t vinter T u o r Jetnwd the

pover of her btuitr, iba uopie (X W ab lU lr(o p t(U ( . DaTldhAd A

' third or fourih or tilth couiln <7»n> ay MTtr rot th# funlly coa-

/ JuUetU U MnclpeuA della B«lde* % rtnl. ne* Broimbee)cind-e^t«M d

, A Jutlette, vhom Pinnr. h id . n e w

) ” Thl» MUIIO v u th# <l#u*ht^ of' ■ tb icxw unbuudor.theiunllrprido.

The Brownbecka vould hftve dked I b«fot« thty vould haro ’to 1 ouUldert about Oou»ln JosUh, but

a sa ri eicb one a real laUiTaeUoi^ a (enio or beloo|li« lo. the e m t

I outdds vorld ot affaln. to talk of ________ Wm a a w tbe^ ye*.

mother except th t t ihe v u . halt ' Ruultn. hiU EntU iii'tnd unUtled

tod h id died youne- But I t v u I ■ certtlB th i t 'l f looked like ber

daufhttr the hid not beea t betuty. jS lelto b id tin t been bw ujht to .America tnd presented to th# -DroTObeckt u m twkwtrd w -

, row n »-yeir-old vho tebuffed tU

1 •; At li ih# mirried her AUemn-I dto tnd obediently retired from■“ — ih#nw tld 'f« -f6u r-6 r-flt» -yM ri

* whilo »b* boro him thrw children. .When ltl# w n je i t v u a few

moathi old Somethin* hippened- ih# family never qulto found out

I whtt; though It v u > w lo u J y jr u .i mored lhat ih#\btd boo# off with

1 younf unlrertlty itudent. bad elopedirlth * duhlns: llallan ofllcer. •

' But whalerer It -n f. It etmed airrtit commotion, and K nt Cou^n

• ■ Joelih KurrylDf from th# ' BtlUe I Bet lo Tuietny In midtummtr.

^ Jcelih lUed U u iH ^ « h t Alleiondre olt probtbly - for Jut- lelt* w n t btek to him. but not tc

i - , th # tn c e i ln ltc re i! .tn d ih e h id n o

' C ° S u r £ « H » 'v i r ih e h td e i t^ - llihed tnd run a hoapUtl closo be* f f i A l l t n unt*: but viih^lh, end ot lh# v t r lUddenly decldri U

----------- e^rV rA m m M b-

^ ^ h t d Imnm-Leila t t a ^ 'a n d (uddenly e m e to . tli l t her. tele*

• fe - s ;" 5 i r shonor, D u t u much to r tm v i

'UirarU# t l tnyone ebe'i.tb* In- ' to io b ic k to w uhlng-■ ton vlth ber.

r tn n j l J ln f iU h t of- tho -nev ' r a tlin v u tculely dUtppolntiar.

Sho h td not expecttd her to ,bc betuUful..but htd pictured her «

‘ . • a to rt o t Uier womtii.^iulve vlth a rtnuifo po» tr,lh it drew i « n ai a m tinet d r tv t biu ot ttecL .. .

, • ______* ? iS 5 y v u vtllln««ln LeUa'i'Ar« irlng xQQia vlih th f tc i t ot the eoualni and aunti tod uncles ol

!| Ttrylnr depee, vben 'ib# betrd • I ! hutle ta d tumed lo find a pUJo

dtrk voman ot uncerttin t j e i t t ^1 'in* la lbe door«y.- She vm■ (h tittd ilm plr-ln.a-veU ^t-lilack

• i t T a n d S U d ft black lace ih tv l, her only omimiDU tanj onyx tnd dltmond etirlnfti. Bb«

------------ r ^ l ^ t a d r « l l - b u U U b u t _ h alU a v u cetne. the vore no rouge tn d h tr itiongly miicullne tea-

1 turei veiv uw nled by t ihort mtn-

; c u u k ™ . tb . rooiajm4 * t* ' m m r u ld . W o . W w toM . .

I • -I'M been vtnllng to t t t t to ym' tU m n ln i," the u ld tnd imlled• ■.. Her Tde# v i* »ov and rarely mu-

iJetL- -Bob Pialel* told me tboui 4 ’ J S r I t v u til h . did Ulk tbout

♦ ' . tb* TOk b# VUlted m# In JuW."C Ptanynuihed. "Oh.howuBob,I . , - Ldla U e ruy to h it# Wm home.. . J v , — luppeu It vo n t b t lonf nov,"} r ■ “If I vere le lltT ib o u ld -Ie tT i 7 Bob la Europe. !U l i h tpplt

U ther«-or In th t trm y. . KI m uld exert herxU tbo might cull:

i h tr t bim kept over Umi« u t n t ttub*. T b tt vould lotv* a gret

X mtny problema, doa't yoa tbiB kr.!* • ■ " l-vhy , I do n t'k ao v .- 'i: :.;;^ : 13 JuUetl# railed.. “• ••ta; "U he comet .btck I t vU '-bt' a

• Tour.tecotlnt-Hioi'for bU chUdKO •' Bob’! ttlher a plf vben yoa comi

, right doro to It. T b tf t why I t d

||. S TII KoUcs It hereby given th t t thd J

Ulted In Bltlne tnd Twin FalU <1 Twin riUi, Tvtn.FalU County, t i

Item SubdlTliltm' See. ' Tv] 1. WIiNWH H «

a. NttKWU H , 111 S. , BSllNWU I# 1»

I Oae-lenlh n/10) of the pnrehiM' In forty (40) tnnu tl Initai . ■ Cetiee't ImproremenU mutt bo pi* 'AU'other Improvemenu belong t 1 AU y tte r atwgmenti er otber ft I . chuer.V ' - AU itJei.mtde wb}ect Jp any Tti cept tbese tor vhleb tUowtnee U 8i .'J Ltad Mid fcbject to b im s ttn g '

.1 A Sy Order or Ibl su to Botrd of II ., " PubllctUcn commenced Nor. 19, J»

■; . ^ PubUcatlon eompWod Oec, 10, IW


aB EA U TYaaT#«t*t«tT*iWewi ■

... TiKd bim to t l t f tbnad." -• ' Panny w u aghirt. Kot erea to .. benelt htd ihe tdmllted rrtnkly r th lt Bob OtnKU btd ' been la lote t, wtlh ber, tnd here v u thU JuUetlo a ipetUag of It openly.' prtcUcaHy 1. . InhU vU e'ihrthng.ctU lngbim »d ' plg ln 'hU 'ovn 'houal-'-------------->r "It Im t b lj houie." JuUelts w ->b nrerwl Ptnny't b tlt tboofb t,-tad^ I etll him a pig to b it tu e . Uoit>( men tre, you know." 'If "Divld im t,- itid Ptaay 'fiUUy.M fhtn bliiihtd. Hcur h td ih t ftH^ to g tuche;-j«inr, l a e x p t r l e ^" JulletU Uughed tnd Ptnny le tb ttdJ* tb tt ihe .h td round out v b l t *h#, winUd.?* “Vou tre WT fflrtuntur u ld^ JuUetle. “tnd nov bring your~ gon w to me. • I v tn t to Ulk to

Por a quarter of an hour Panw wtubed David.aad Julletto v ^ they argued tnlmttedly. - ‘n x y looked, t t her repetUdly. Mrt-

j j , tlM M « tU U ^ Ibt two aod be:

,‘i **Sany S l i b i t Dtvld be«k- n. onlng to her. .S . “JuUelto h u Invited you to ipend t) a month v lth her In W t^ g t m . ii: Itld Dtrtd, "tnd 1 htv# told b« ^ th t t 1 ctanol tn iv tr for you.;S -o h .-i tk l .yinny, tnd ctught bei• bretlb quickly. AaleUa and-Ttr-

w M f f d S ' t o S J ii ; it lu n M «U i iIoirtM U lo «I H»l' ^ Aliadln-Ute BOOd tlffiH.'ilx , Panny h id never dietmed of m han feUclly.bappenlnf to ber. And t«

go to Waihlngton U 'tb o gueit ol thU JuUetle. tha daughter of. the

V. runout Couiln JojUh, tb t ItmlUtJ V t of kingi. JullelU ot Ih t i l e « P 7 ^ i t S d W m d lb ly ro m tn tlc J i And or til the couilnt JulletU{ n b td choien h e r-P ta n y - lb f tio u t;IS i ld e r l Sbo tumed to Dtvld a n p ;

turow 'ttos ta d t tv ln iu n lly thtl 10 be expected her to u y no, iwold ^

Lh# hurt U Ihe did nol ity no. Tho lllj J ! went‘out or her. ihe h id t o ; ^ i u the tean btck. And u the i t r^ -

gled for lelf^a lK il her m o ^ - ln - in . lav could no Soager ttand It and om rose and cam# over to them, t n --W htl-aro-you-lhre# eon ipb^

™.!of a duenna, ■nitfi

I S S r o v n ^ iS " ta d kin Could bo.per ” 2 S U d to f o b t* k w « h m e .’- ^ iid ■ 'tyourOouiln-LouUa-or -Oouilx

• EmmeUn’t would be much mon 1 » lulUble." ttld Mn. Proit v llh grea Iln llntUty. "Penny u t dijenna wouU Itle be tbsura-. . i ... \ i r "X«T , WeU. th lt v a t a plea*

Uon,-Inilitid Mrt. Prort ccWly. ab- “But Panny h u not y rt given mi be- her an iver-tnd Dtvld b i t ^ d 1 th# v t l Pinny wbo muit.declde." . t to Ptnny'i dluppolntment h td turn 3V ed to-qulek anger aVMn. PT0fl't;ln r ' f w f m n e e r - ' uul "1 thould love to go to w uhlng ele- lon, Oouiln JuUetU, \belter .tbti lext tnylblng on etrlh.. I couldnt ita: Ing. more Ihan amonth-would yco U b the m# ro ra n»alh?-DaTld. yM COuli te 't ipar# me th tt long, oovldat JvxT ly-t “It you wUb lo go," anivered Da In- Tid evenly.M . "There, It'i all tetUed,'* tald Ju!

ItUe gaily, u Mn. TnH . openti lew her moulh to proteit “ letv lar, Ing a t ^loon tomorrow and I ihal be call for you a t haU atler eleven u 1 ibiU lee you then. Couila anma.'

rithi - I t b Impoulblo for Ptany to ge t t retdy over nlghl. nor h u ihe i

... jiulUble vtrdrobf," Mn. Proit ven

t Umld'irmoa Dtvld' of tnd drew'him btck behind » heav; t'lU ken curtain,

t in "Datld, pleueTel-m erTTirm l* ai- you tenlbly-but rre never be«j r ta anyvhere.” >tck Dtvld too btd been tafered t ^ SU'moUier't.Vpe-femiiloryi.bUrfer BW enee tnd Panny'i - rre Bevtr beei 9b« tnyvhen" touched<hb toft ipo t.. her “Of coun# youTl go U you wtn S s {o.""uld ':D tvidr--M nrr»‘«--tok

M oths bom# tnd oome-btek 'to you -lt vlll uve t lot ot trgument. (Copyright, 18». by M tttel Bow

ih i Pamham)

• (Cootlnned in Next Inuel .

led. — :R eal E s ta te T ran sfe rs

out; . — — — ---------- r ’T -=—Bb? TBWlihrf by tbs laurwecotat# J. I U t l e ataraoty Oeoqwny

lave NOVniBERM ': •Pl«r Warrtnly D .^ k o . W. McKean't «!!» 0. A.-Juattl, 110. Lot e, Blk 90, Tvli iilir paui..*t- wtRtntyD.-O.D.RuietoOeo.A

reat Moontooth, HU. Lot t , BUc 1, Uur ' U uih Orthtrd Add. to T, P- •

W tm n ly D r-H .n .O n n t t o / ; • Wynne Smith, gl. Lot M, Blk 71 on TwInPtUi.

Kn. . te K .c iih a D <-loril Tarbet t r a s j ^ t Lundla. ii , BUc 3i

T A T ,E ..L A .N D .S j!I# followltvg deicrlbed tracU et land be) s countlea wUl bs ofrend for u le at U a £ ; on IMeadty. Dioember K, lUO,

'.sLK oi c o w m r' l*i*e#'»tmr

rvp . nge. . L«ue (Ouhoadi j a . , 3 is , .

TWW P A U i OOUMTT118 • } « . . • a n - a . . «a 118- I t e . W

." m ia 'p r .B U a . t t e prtee and fin t yeari I n t t ^ oa dt italmenU vltb In tem t a t lU M r ctnt I paid ror la c u b oT t t l T g to tba a u u and a r t tnetadtd In tba r charges aeetibit RbNQwat to daU

n lld InUrTerlng'tigbti .vblcb n a y bat ijnadebo tw ltb ., .. '« . \ > • ' If U nd commltilonen. : 'J#30 ■ • t H .NASK.-^:

f ■■■■-— -- .......^

POOR f ^n h k W M M y o

x u w ibovj - / 'I ^ MM15SUCM.A Fei

nf .Viim - V \

^ r - ^Uy.

»*• ^

the nItld \\

b«T wm '^ ® U l l l l l l e B e s U - e r : ------ fbti ------ ..

; I t t lABlESb a Sebedtlesef Passenger TrtlnitU ^ UotetBBMsrudnr Tbrongb TwU ber ru i,.

OfiEGON SnOBt LINE Eutbound

S® lyU nM letvti____ _fl:0«P,UTraUilMIetVet______ ^7:10A.M

\ Westbosnd ■« iMTet___ -lliSS P. M

‘ X in in IM leaves, 8:« P. M - WBU.8 BBANOU

seotbboand^ Ih te 5» Utvts_____ 130 P. Mm ---------------K M U o o l--------------^ Italn 9U trrltet------- Sd5 P. U^ Leav# Eutbound.!..— -12:30 A. MI te Airlvo fnm Eut_____ B:SO A.-M‘j,^ ffntem Sebedoltlink Letve Westbound A. M-UB. Antvelrcm Wur-....... Hifll A.MUNION PACmp. STAGES uut Weitbosnd 'Arrne_________ ^fl:ooA.Mrinj Leare___________ ^7:M.A..u■ Arrive__________ —8:M P. MthU Letve____________ «:1SP.M

two, . Etitbosndwed Artre--------13 --------- H :« A. Me t t u tve___________ WiOO.Noot

of «-M Midnignper- Leavft— L -i______ 1J30A.M

DOISB LOCALuiln Leave_________ ;^ iaO -P . Unor# Arrive__________ :B:1$ ft Wteat twin FALLS-DUSBBuW Utve___________ 1:00 A. N

ArrlTft^... , »!«0 A.M«M* Leave «:_________ -«:IS P. N•« . Arrive________ -13:00 Mldnlghwe. OTBEB STAOB LINKS '

TWW FALLS-WELLS««• Amte------------------ l:l5 P. W

Leave___ ;----------- 3:30 P. w

Artve------------ 1»-<:10P.Ncin-' p i ^ s = = = = = r -

' LBBal A dyertisem en ls


rpATlNQ.WIU^Ele.^ In'the PtobaU Court Of the Oount ot'Tvln Pidlf, SUU ot Idaho. J,,. tatheMatUroftheEiUleofBobei

J i W.'BtU.Deceaied., punM BttoanordeofthoJuds or ttld Court, mtde on th# 3Jib dt

^ of Novtmber, 1P30, notlc# is hereb given tb tt Stturdty, tbe eib dty o

“i , December. 1830, a t 10:00 o'clock- ^ M. of laid day, a t lbe Court Root ' t ef ttld Court, at the courthouie I TVinPttUt, county or Twlo Ptll*. hi -Mi, been tppolnUd u the Ilm# tnd plic forproviaglhaWUIofuldRobertW

Bell, deeeued. and for heirlng th liiu ippUcatlon or came E. Be!l for th ^ luuance to Charlu E. Jones or lettei ^ of admlnlitraUon vlth wlil annexei

, t vben and whero any penon may ai •feri pear and oontMt the ume.-— ' — to n *^DaUd November.asih, 1PM. _ r* “ (SEAi;> t t C. BLACK, aer) ranttake >~-N0TlCEFOB PUBUCAUON;.

for Dtpartmentorthelnlerlor. Oenen mt.- Land- Otfloe • a t Blackfool, Idato tow# Novtmber 31, IMO.

NOnCSU-bereby given that Me:— TUle J.Plalayion. of Murtaugh. Idl■ ho. vbo, oo Juno J, 1037, made Homi

' tUtd entry Serial No. otiosi, tc— NWH, SecUon 25, TOwniblp 1 South. Rang* Ifl E ut, DoUe Mertd:

an, b u rued notleo of Intention .1— make Ihreo y u r Proof, to eitabUi ^ claim to' the land above deicribeibeforeP.a.BeU.'V.S.CommUilone

at Twin FiUt. ldabo.^a lbe Jib dl__ ' of Jtnury. m i.•. ' CltlmtnCnimetuvlUietMi: . A to Ptederick J. MtnhaU, Jerry Bot Pirta ard. prank Barton, Ray OUTCT.aU I

Muruugh. Idaho. ' ___O.A. THEODORE 0, PETERSON, iur- .'AcUng RegUttr.0 A, PUBUO ACCnON: 71, of OOJ ^ ' P t m and Equipment Ic

. cited 4M a u u north of Jerom to Tuesday. December 3. ItSO, 3:(

c30, o'clock. Ib ll Uona of Uie good ram or. tte Jerome, Country, TbetoU,

belonging to tb t SUIo of Idiho tad ill t t public tucUoO'tt the Court IIoum i MO, I t two o'cloek P. M;, to-wll:

tmprortmenU W e r Appralied' ndiyofttle) ApprtUng- Vtlue '

,• .'ltoo .- , IIOJO per aa

' IiOO ' IIIM per ad $30100. : ttM ,v. "'..|10Mper aca

1 deJerred paymcnb. caib oaTlty or nii rat (6%>'Per.aBaam..

S ? o r r t T « ^ t a ' 'p a l d ^ Ibe'pui bar# exuud p to ’ lo'tba dtU ot Mia. e

----------- T W m -FA IL S D A ILY :Y NEWS, T m N -F A I^ ,-ID A H C


"iwrnu m t 's iw w H

■ ■ I'roM tWR » A ww

SELLOW - 600 0 lOOKiNfit-. I , j O M * V W W A W N T O F i «NEY O in OP Wll /AlARMX- BOTJ bOH'T /


„ W a n t : i ^ '>ln -- V


- - P E R I N S E R T I O N ., M . ------

AUWMtAdstUveaadaetlviaBd . —tbey brUg tb t'bsy tt.

' “ ■ F o .rS a lc - F r a i ls ,V e B 0 ta b l ! s

M APPLES AHD NO. 3 OEM WUDS, ; .y 1«4 miles e u t on Klmbtfly Road.

DEUOlOnS APPLES AND 0TEEB8 brtng coDtalacnn.mUeSoulb of

Kimberly; Shimbtugh.AFPLE OIDER. WCfTER APPlS

. M. »>iinth, onloni; vhoteule tnd re-

. .u . u u .-A t palry t to r t - J . A. Jobnaon.

LAROE BWEET 0N I0K 8. 3So~A sick, H mile v e s m mU# loulb

_ JL cf Kimberly Binfc’ PrUigconttlnen.



cxcdlent for nbblu , ebkkens, . M. dilry cattle or hones. Phon#llB7J3.^.M. E.N.Hendeno[y .............. ■'■Jtt DELtCIODS.JONATltAN0.PEARS, T prunet. and cider, by lbe pouad or

■ truck lotd; g ltu or btrrel. Your* . u for lervlce. E L. O'Connor.


'.M.' APPLES POR SALE-YOUR WIN* *. M. f tr tpples ire now reidy for you

wty. All vtrlcUei I t thU time, comb . etrlv tnd get rour choice.-

' o p ~ 'i s i _ F o u n i : ..........

unty TAKTO Vp -TWO BLACK PACED b bucks. Emtsl Ihlen. FUer. . jbert ■'

KEYS ON RING. PINDER PLEASE Ittve I t Perrlne HoUl or Office ol

a T. HimUlon.________________t« jn LOST-RED IRISH SETTER, LI-

^ cewe Tag on colltr No, ,3M. Ctl) !:,|.»“ . tO iaiioihoniEut.

rtW. LOST-lIORN-RmUED GLASSES ; the between High School ta d 4Ui r the Nerth,-near-Coiirthouie.— Reword Uen ^ tv e a t Ccnlrtl Market.' ■? t ^ L oar-E N O L ian s s n n i Ptn>. - - • UrgebUckipotonbickstwoWiek

' ttn;counlyllemieU8number331l: n e rt nuneM . L.RIekeoncoUir. Plndci ----- phone m n , Reward. ’ ’

-----------P e r s o n a l" ^ —

PlNGEIl WAVING. MARCELLINO U .1 ’ tbimpoolag, SOc, facltU t specUI- M . t y -11-00. Experienced ■ Opertlor ^ Phoae301W. 0«rPeBneyi,RoomO , tor ^Irtdu deep tnd lies conilderabty better thar i„ to the tverige land. U U loetted In lh( ^ lectlon whleh Is rtgtrded u the beii Ibed. >*•" territory.^ The equipment vhlch goei wlUj Ihi

itleconilsuof4goodbonei,3gooc ^ mUk cowt tnd etlvfs. 1 betn cullI-

n lor, 1 betn cutUr. 1 ChitUn Dllch' Bin- " • ® harrow*, l Ptesnoi 1 hay nke lUof Isp n y machine, 3 wagons tn d raeki

1 ib ttp wagon, two walking plowi, 1 HI . dlic, 1 bitektmllh outfit, two lefa •a, work h tm eu, 3 itddlet and othei Z L . anaUtooU too numeroui to mention

' TbeItrm , tlock tnd eqalpmentwU tU p together, tllowing lh# buyei

I” ** to tu p In tnd htv# everything nect*'

" J’l* • T ht Indebtedness bn the retl estiti UiasoOptytbleufoUowt;.'

= s K U enor before Norember 1,1031 IIN on or belore Novtmber 1,1033 WO on or before November 1,1033 IISO on or before November 1 ,193(

I rit- «000 enor before tJovember 1, J837 K a t togelber with InUreit a t the raU oi

.■ • 7!« per annum on au defttrtd p i r . menu (rom Dee. 1, ino , payable an-

nuiny. Por the llveslock and Equip fA- ■ m enttbU lofttlew U bednvnihov- , r. - Uig ttm e to be free ta d elear. 101

e u b vm be ptytbl# a t the claw p; the tale to be left In Jerome Natlona

; Bank to escrov unttt MerchanUbli HU# i t ^ vblcb Ume Uu

S bllaaet of purchut priee, leu tht • I tbovi mentioned inenmbrtacet t ; ’ payibla. lb s title to tb t above men<

Mie; U ^ n ^ u tk U n iU tn th e n im e o ; Ib* Koitb PitUie Mtc. Co., BeaUle

, W aiL aad tbe poxbaKrvlU tteun a ocBtnct m a It peyeUe M tbovi

puS mntUeeed to irttlcb .tbe ttm e vll , . prorUi fer crop n t » to be glv« , ^ r rd b lW to y u re o v e r tB f tnuDdl ' ■, fldfld CM b iU JnU rut In ibe crop r . l teaddlUaitnytecor»tbtfulfmmen ' o f tb i coctract.

. • ■ BOB TICEB, ewatr, a • ; j»ortbsid»lnn,jerome.ldtbe


^ v j i u . - M . u » w r t o UX,I!* I l ' t H W IMS tH W W WAND / Ai«i> o w r1 s u n ( i t o i TO t w i W « -\ i p w e i Nfff\ M K JO JT UKS k\ Fuck' V b W OKt E M 1\ M l b t U t M l U l - T U -V NOTHIN*, I S t « ' '

^ i

j S i j — ,

^ d s ^ B a rF or S a le MIscellanMUS .

w SEA FOOOa EVERY DAY, PUBUC_ Market. _______

d HAY-DUilVERED IN -A RADIUS Of Twin Palis., CtUffgW.


A l g ’“— FOR SALE-^bAUNDRY STOVE OB 38, tioiwat^heater. Mrs.L.W.Voor-

liett_______________ • . ' 'BS FOR SALE-BABY BED COM- of plete also high chair. 4017lb Avc.

North. Phone la w .K , rSACRIFlCE — WIUTE.ELECTRIO re- console, Uk# new, ISO; drop heid on.. siMtr-M.JCotttBe.S3ji.Clty. Auto

• - ■(Kh FORflAtB-l3K-PflTAnONARy en. gucoglne. Some poles'and Der-— rick poles, also some fence and fence ^ pceU. Peter Christenien. HoUliler.

t r i HERBS - FOR SALE by. H. J. - Rtuch, good for tU ttomach, kid-

M'RrtPollit'iitoreJ’mg*-- T»ln FtlU, Idtlio.___________ __

:, FOR SALE-V^IND SHIELD AND r r door g ltu . Auto tops tnd curUIn

• repjlr, c tnvu and c in v u rtpUr- ‘ " Ing. Tfiometi Top tnd/flody Works, lU" btck of Danctltod. 'Im- ’d l- ---------------------------

I FOR SALEIK. 400 TONS HAY DY Tire STACK, n u ; E m ot ERBii. U. C. Rtncb. iS - iPhonoMllia,Kimberly

= Wanted—Mlsccllaneous - - c H ^ -u N D i iw o b o . . .£ a a ! ^~ . buyer, phone 74, Klmbtrly.-

WANTED-POBLTKY ILO.HUNT-= e r . . Phone flaw , ’_________ _

WAKTO - CORNSTALK CUT- 5 e : ter.. -Phone 60CR3. eof WANTED • ' POULTRY OP ALI

kladt. J . A. Plynn. Phone l I W i

LI- WAHTED-OOOD USED RADIO CtU muit be elietp for cult. Cire Box

i l Ntwx _________iE8, W AN TED-DERATED WIIEAl 4Ui wUl pty 8c over msrket priceord.- phcce-bHJI.----- , " •. — :_ MORE GEESE WANTED AT CARS- 'UP. teni'Packlns Ca Klmbtrly. Musl lick be ftttD d full feiUitred.-

?d|; WANTEO-FALSE ’TEETH. WI ,- pty high M'llO for full sets. Anj

= condlUon. We buy cro*ia. bridges— — •JmlryrgolflriUvtrr'WMCemMtU__ _ Comptny, Bloomington. IJllncli.

N?- WANTED-zT lOAN OF IMO ForIlxm anlhi. wm give good tuto-

mobUt u security or persontl tn- ® *• donement tn d pty tvelve ptr cen'— mtTOl.-WriteDoxl3.CireNewi.

han ■

£ F o r S a le— A utom obiles;

ilhe DESOTO COUPE ONLY ONB YEAI »od out n r t a setttch Iniltfe or oul ijij- ltilberuphQliterlnirgoodtlreiM4fl.O (ch- 1P30 PAGE SEDAN ONLY 130 tke, miles fine mohtir upholstering no leks. spot Inside dr out,"new U ra I440« n. 1 NASII'lWO 400 SERIES, MOTOI teU runt cnootbly.origlnil paint look

E I W C ^ & E R 70 OOACJf tUOM VlU Paries Auto'Co.. Chryiler D tiltn uyer O. O.'McRU! Service Miaigtr. Jnc e tl- B ^ ^ u ;B tlu M in tg e r . MiUiAve

;tite' ' ' ' '


I ranted:I Qean I Cottoni m 'Oa» • V - ,

i y M w S : ^ OFFICE


yt CARE, HENr ITo h s u r '^ t t ^ 'X L j

40 FIR M - \

W .U / ^ 0 N 6 - 1 /

Z w iH tMiCf • ' 1 ', Tft ANO'THRR- j ,

, H M C H E & - J \

r g a i n s - (- •-

F o r R ent— Furn ished J


. ROOM ANDBOARD CLOSE IN. 319—■ 2nd Ave. N. >1_____________

POR r e n t- p a r tly fur nished— ablns. Pbone EOR.aENT=4JlOOM.BmH»HED.:

house. . 440 7lh E u t . _________


_ ROOM POR RENT GENUEMAN U- preierred. 443 4lh North. Fhone vc. 10I3-J. ■ ._ ROOM, FURNACE HEAT, BOARD, JO gange, clMo in. Phone 473J.

:*,!l ROOM AND BOARD POR TWO -m eo .-^ 8 tb E u t.-P b e B eI0 3 T ,-

^ SLEEPING ROOM POB RENT - geallemin preferred. ■ Phone 13W.

LONG'S AO-O-ROOM MODERN Iff; home, <30. Phone 183. A. N. Long.

FURNISHED ROOM, G E N T L E R preferred. 3J3 3rd North. Pbone


■t : Ine room. IM Pllth-itreefnotlh; 5® Phono IIWW. ■ - - •Ilr- FRONT BEDROOM FOR RENT rks. fumiee hett- 030 Mtln north.

, Phone-14HW. __________— FURNISHED ROOM POR B ^ -

Pumic# hett. Closo to. Phone 943J B to n momlngf.

h- FOB RENT-^-ROOM FUBNISH..:cd iptrtment.. B u a g i^ Apart-

= } meBtfc~and'ive.-eut. ......................

POBiRENT-^ ROOM HOUBE ^ rumlihed K mUe e u t Wuhlngton

Si£oSlt>Soiim.,-Phone BB3J3. . .

BX. flOOMS-POR-RENT— . PURNACH lietL loU ot hot wtiter, close U

f f : school Phone 331.3317Ui North.

THREE ROOM A P A R T M E N l s r dbwnsUln 415 Third Ave.,Hortb " Phone 464-W. Pleue ctll evtnlnga

TT FOR RENT-PURNISHED APARTK m u u id t o o m .h t - t . I W t 'J .W “ ■ garage, tttraeUve priee. ■Crtblrei ) I0 AparlmenU. Phone 1104W.

FURNISHED COTTAGE APT. NEB ChUdren aUawed 4th.Ave,--Ata

IAT sUam beat. fumUhed apt. AdulU ■Ice. CallfomU ApU; Pbone 1003. - •

Z I FOR RENT-ATTBACnVB ROOKM - rer. tvo to'privato family. TVU[ust beds rum acs.htit and breaUatt, 1

detlred.-Prieerlght. 437 7UiAve.I<

^ JIOOM AND BOARD POR 'TWO Any ruratoe hett. plenly;or bot waU: ges, for.baUi, In congenUl .bome waj tU l buslntudUtrlet.-3U3rdATe>Notlb_ Pbone 1170M..____________-OR OAlirORNIA.BOffTON A PA B T ito . menls,iUifflheil,eUctrieeocklni en- fumlshed. no lUUt to climb. Al -rat new, one block north of Poit Ortloi

Popular prletl. Pbone iKtt. SOO See . end Ate. North.

r ■ Help W a n te d .

S S u d o s E m p m FOR* o r a r w out, man' mutt be tbout 4S yean of agi W.OO BOX'400 Care News.

WANTED-GIRL FOR OENBRAI OSO ~'bouiowork.~ThRe In family.-'-Cal [Oli a t 6 0 Third tvenue north. - »ks

“ F°r Sale-Llves)ock J s r o n SALE - < w i im ; h u o « ik ,. . OUnt RibblU.S docs tnd I buc " tUo two doubl# huUhes. •' Pboa___ ft77JIl___________ ___

100 EWES COBdlNO 4 YEARS WIL ■ Umb In January going tts tcrllle

tU o '4 MUk cows fresh soon.-iX Ltagboir, RouU 3, Tvto PaUt, Pbon

F o r S a le - F u m l l u r o

a a A. M RADIO, HAND OTOOB tU d sund . Prloed right. Pbon

1314J. ___________ ' .

FOR BALE - PLAYER *P1AN Phone Ctl beton 0 o'clock to U

moroUig. ■ • • • - • ■ -

" " F o r S a l e o r T r a d e .

10 SHARES OP SOUTB S I U d u a l Co. for t t l l or tradi for evt

P. O. Box 113, aurUngh.

n J u a E a o p WELL im p r o v e '. oenlrt] CaUtotsU Und Ior,U at Voperty. vM n. A. E. Htailey, J t o a t . Idabo, oen. Del. .■ •

- W an te d to R e n t ;

WAMTEO--W ‘PO"too ACRU HM ' ttoanet and equlpmenL-Orop r« only..BoK3030ar«Ntn

i, m .Y EM BERJ8,.lS30_______


v o u KNOW -

' Y o u C W J 't CARRY t w o W AT6R M E1.0NS

6 N g H S N D ^

O p p o r t. .F o r S a l e - R e a l E s ta te

j ! l a SHARM BAtUON RIVER WA* r. —kT'-MO-OO per share. J. S. Keel

FOR SALE-W ACRES.). M llie- -w est-o t Twin Palls.-Phwe IITR3,

FOR SALE-MY 14 ACRE TRAOI- lUmUesfromceDUrottOVD.Nn ®- hiMtfii. cn>! o'H *'ni’'ii"r* Phwi._ iOtBU.____________________ __is 4 R00M8 AND SLEEPUtO PORCH

garage heuse 014- S. Mato. > Cal Z n04WorwriUO.E.VaaMeUr.O«n„ Deu Twin FalU._______________

POB 8ALE-1M ACRES OOOI n lindwlthaUmodemlmprovemtnti

weU ftnd Electricity. 9 mUet lo lUn sen 4 to Eden. Look tbU Und'over

'0 H .F. Paul, owner.“ h )B “OOOD~DOYa iK~JEROMl- DUtrict and North Bide Und VlU U. the belt pricu and very rtasonaU'- lem u Jo be bad. Bee Oeorge II IN uophire. West Mato S t , Jeronu 1 ■a i F0R8ALE-1«9.4ACRES,I MILBI no e u t of Ooodlng on oUtd m i

under Aitieriean-PalU dam: Aboo ■r Bmtlesorahecpftnce,0-roombooK

WtU. wlndmUlStonge U n t c o n ^ ^ waUrUough^concreto granary, aoo- bu.ciptclty. All In aUtUa to Moa r r Una vhlU bean dUUlet. Prlce'tT th. per tcr*. 140000 down, tenai. to

quire furibtr 0 . a Hesi,.Ooodlni

“ F o r - S a le ^ P o u ltr y ■

t . r o i i SALE-DRESSED CHICldwi J f Phone’m w . i

y ) Phone I8BM3. i«“ POR -8ALB-CHICKEN8' AN

Geese. .Ctll 1307. .; .t * FOR 8ALE-RH0DB ISLAND RE |to Ftys;. Pbone OW. •

j z FOB SALE-MAMMOTH BRONZ ^ turkeys. Pbone 3S3R4. . .

ig t MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEY breedbig itock, Mn. W. 2. Iront.

ler, RHODE ISLAND RED C f f l C ^ « • Fred Higgardt, 1 a lle souUi ct 8_ P a r k . ___________ ;_____IW pO RSA LB -PU REBRED B^pr tUo Dington Rooilen- ' E. E. Crtbtre Jt«. Phone IW W .'. . !__ PUREBRED..-CREDITED:-R.. )

R o tttenforu le lltp lece . M rt.ivto U nen , Rock Cretfc___________^

I n. C U S T O M ORDJDWa AL- -•gnmi,'-also vhole com.— Sail ro . racUon guannteed. Hayes Ul-Orai lUr Htlehert._______________ . ■■

- UroiUk ta d Nipoo Ced Uver < PM. H ty u Hl-Orade H tU be^.

FOR SALE-CHIOKENS, FRIERloe. brollm,pulleU,Bbod#UUndft lee* Cocki, Breeding stock. Oeo. Moba _ _ Twto F r i V T b r ^ q u a ^

BROWN AKD MANN WORI__ rtcord altataLtrtflrachIcki.Poi i l ig itedatresfrom SW toSneggre^ ord. eight geoentloni, I1M « p^ 1000.Non-pedlgnedmaUagift30.i_ Redi. Barred Rocks. UMM, dtUvttAL ed. UleraUirePret.HayuHl’OrtiCaU HatebeiyfTvto-FaUi, I d a b o .Wi — “ °“ *ty.- ■ ■

” S i tu a t io n s W an te d

- SEWING MRa FRANK TA GO ii m Phone 1473J. . : ' ■ • m MATERNTTY NUBBINO,-- Ui

Herron. Phoae 1483.________

5 1 MOLLIE 8MI2EB. MATERNli illea nunlog.- Phoae 4>7Ri :^ WANTEI>^KURSING OR OARq* “ “ Ar ChUdren. Phone lOiy.T— {jjtS. IMMA OAMMRTBt. PRA ■ “ Ucil cun t. P tronrim W . ..

VTANTED- FAMILY LAUNDI OR* or wetk by hour. Pbooe 073J,' ■ pORAGOODMATERNnrNUft

phone &37R1. Twin FalU, M WO E m at lUrrtl. . , . r. .. EXPERIENCED 'C O R N 'K U Sn S S treepruner.w tnU vort W.Mi

llnB tker.R U l . . j j r POR TAttOBINOr.DW »8«A " r . Jng or remodiUn* Pboot 001

Mn.Muttey. OUTaytofSt.= arEADY.80BXB.BtLIABLSU] ^ .die tgo man. wanu vorictB'Ti

PalU. PUer or BnbL''!peti4i& rortc desired, P. .0 . Bo* 04, Tt

~ PaUs. •' . • .

1 E3CmT'aAW.KLEB'AT.W > ^ • KRUGER M s c h ^ 8 ^ ,. '

' ■ : J

Y ........... D ttfT O w '^ a fS ! . .y - -/ ANMOUNMt>-

lt»Ut,rKet|«»n<0»a»tHhr*j---- -

t u n i t i e s

iliiii:New , ' ------ - - ■ • ' Iu u _________ • . - ■ ---

P r o f e s s io n a l , . T /

SHAD <aODaiN. Booma 4 sad A___; 'B t^ u d l tu i tB u U d lK PhoMSr

W .UDUNN-Roonu9 ta d « 6 : ^ i« ts RlceBuUdtot : : -.

over. 0 ., Ck D iO -^ e r a J o t* " ^ ~ 6 t m

— - ,J,OnN,W. OBA H A M ^W er. B tn k . ^ . and Ttnit Building, Pbona OU-W. wtth , . 1 1 , 1 I,’, I I ,■.itUe SW EZLEIASWEELEr^Uveinctl“ BnUdtog, ^

S ra iM T O QLbout ttn tn t.p L intntpu q ..* HEAUNG owe. CO.-ehov Room and Bbepi,-W-!ertU jnurd cut..-Pbona 313.:-;_____ - __aooo. .................... , , , , , , ; .hloo* BALLANTTNI S L O U B IN Q * I 'm - IIeatlag'Ca,-.8bctt U iUI Werlo.

to - Por betUng troubiei, phone ai*W .

: .IN S D ^C B -

ADTO.lNSUBANCB-AO'eoTeragtt.:- ■ • PotUr R ttl ESUU. PbODont .•

. ^ ^ S F E B - ..

Ji—i WABBESO T U N SPE Il A .S tO B - f s * = -AOE co w « « * iB d -ir» s riP B p tjr

U tD BfTdCHOU TBAKOTb ' * 8 T 0 ?"A G l'^ i 'O a itii^ b ijsM .'d a lly .

■ ; = Ph»*aOfc.. . , R E D ------------------ - a a s a = m 8 n r ;

)NZE P. A, BOWAK-^atoUn)r,pap^B«« - toctndkaIiomtalnf..339 e ib tv t . '

5 yb ■ ■ ■P 0 B 'P A n rn N 0 ,,S A U 0 u iim } a

’ OR* A x S B tT iT r a ju ^ ^ ^ lC S S S SW««i vtoUaUaebtr. Pbona B l U i r . ™

. . I t . ..................... ......... -•rt.M . ■ - , Loans'-.V '*

T m , rARM tO A ra re tm ." * ^ ~ Satis* MONEYTOLOAlf-POTrSBBIAti

■ MUU. V— j PEDERALyARMtOAKB^SM*,!# r.£UO _sr4 iy tan^jj7 .U ci;ow tlC S beoa .

try . MONEY- POR 61BAI0BT LOAMS en.taedem beoses to .T vto iPalli.'

A iUw L. aw lm * 0 0 . ; 1 : ‘ ,v

oberr. o u n 7B ( n & R FARtf LOAN 0 1 ^ t,one te n tbl test ot to u r tit rata l apd

s k a r a T ; ^ g : r '■ P«d* l AM.OPrERWOA m T C B IA C g RC* and deitnbte ta m loaa.' I UUnk Jt

the b u t farm lean properttleo m t WO-OO. offered on tbe Tvta FaBs trac t « I S S I vUlpayyootowmebeforBSlaetog

y ou rlo in .,ttiL R obm io* ....;.- ■

, .. . F o r R ent— F a r m s ;

jS z f o r r e n t - 80 ACRES CAStt llOtW. ■ • • - ■

UAX POR RENT—40 ACRES LOOATED lU m uunorib 'or c u n t. C ub or,

— — crop. Muit have equipment and rer* JnTY erenott. phone 517J^ _ .:.;

IN ACRE8 loc ated ; 1 -M H* R q ra nortb,3>im U eseaitotEa& «.at

m a n tc re , TbU Und b u prodoeed = 7 r over tJOOOO oops durtag tbe

^ ; M iscellaneous

IUr 5 PREB'DIR'T BACK'4»iTO-AVB.‘ , M rt . .West. H elpt^.-.■ PlAKOFO»rRENTS-BE>fT.»W« >SKEB •• ■ tPiflM '.'tew aid.'pnT C ^^i-t^ , .M tr* pUnoUUr,. Btevp».^^.K W t;?P.;

U A &eoTU,

s f c S l , F o r ; R e n ^ i M ( i i & l A S

C -R O O U -E O U 8B ,ra 'jU IU |C ^— — ' io» 'Apia.

- ^ 1 p o a rn B fr iP W T ^ W i g i l ^ ^ '■’-rocm spa itm iB tiitU gH W R to

_______■ '■ PAWWal-.-^l

Page 10: LYmocrATBD'PRSSSi N^FALLS-eOukfY-^ .LS I ,Y · ’4A;M;EdillonYu ';V yoL. rii NO. jm ... denl-Machado^ re

! 'J llilE lU- , p f f i t o y i T ' s

C H U j e i i i

I Second VcfaictwConviclion In Second Trial In Two Dm Marks ncconi For Speedy CIcan-Up

Dedirln* Onoa L. C»liliwU junty e f » mitdtmuncrr elunta of drlrlng

___ u

iHUener, i Jiuy'ta dUUlet eourt hera----------ywlwiUy cooipUltd the iroik of.lbe

on olmlnti cue* durinj th# pre«Dt dUtilet court t«rm h«re.

• . Ontr two out ot 10 UMS on tht crimlnii etlendu fcr Via prtMBt court wrm «fr« broujht to trl»l, m d only tiro d«y» Ume w u nfce«ajT the Jurymen lo complete their work tn th i tf l i l l

' Juijmen were ezcufed by JudgeW. A. Bibcock tu t erenlne untU nexC

] Mondiy when Uiey will rttum to b*-J Jln trill In U* elYlI ecUoM th«l the .) court itflsDtd Moodiy tor trUI n u t

week.J. At triU yHUrday, D. R. Adcock

’ «Bd Jick EmptyrTwln FUU police ■ • oltlctt*. teitllled CildweU w u to-

. to*lctl«l whtn they trm le d him aiter he hid drlTea-hUar Into col* Ullon with two other machines oo

< No etldenee w u offered In Cild-:______ .irtll'e b t h i l f . _______ • _•I----------- Cildwtll WW breujht ta tr ii i jt»-: teidiy when the proucutlnK ittomey

n pn ied IniblUty to prtcced In the cue of WUl a Umer. 33. Kimberir, chu ted with (umUhlns liquor to jnlnort. 'The prwecutlon'i princlpil

- witneu. It w u lUltd. U III »nd could not itltnd the triil.: lU rrey'i trill thereupon w u continued to the next

----------. Two'other'crtmlntl,ictlooi th it prerlooily hid been poitpoaed were ■Itln fontlnued i t thU court term. They were the euci of Otto, Stein.

I bert and J. IL Ktahill. chirjed wllh ahlpplm mUirtnded poUCoes. and

'' 0 . A. Swena u d P. M. MIIU. chuted i with fraud ta connection with aalet : . ot mineral fertUUtr here.; • Op For 8«flf«Be«:l Beildea CaldweU, the «nly defend-’---------an t'fn “ *“ crImtnaI“ ac«eo- to- beI broucht to trial a t thU court term I w aM «.aeorgeO ordon.Sl-ye*r^I nother of tight thlldren, who w u ‘ Monday found guUty ot p ia ln c a- - lIctltlousM check here two years ago,

aod wbo ll lo rtctlre atetence next , Mday, *

Iterate Rote, charged wtlh u u u l t , : .irith a deadly wtipoo, pleaded fuUty ,

and.wu.paroled, and Ftank R> Worthen pleaded suUty to to rgnr of

-------- anM check andiHni*eelTfr»enteneo itoday*

BurgUry chuBti u a h u l ' T , S. : ■ Allen and Chulea rred) Olveuweie

■ _ ■ dUrolnedoninolloooftheproiecut- . Inrattodiey.

I----------- On • 'h ibeu - corpoi-prooeedlnga,I O eorff^M lto^ '^d WlUlam.CUrk

I n iey were charted with inirglary In 1 oconecUon with alltttd ahopUftlng

a t a Twlo FUU clothlor atort Uit October?.

. $ t » . ■ToDotoa

; and B e tm! ■ DKCEMBBBSTB

Vron Twin FalU <rU Oregw Short .■__..U nenillioad. TlckeU good only, lo

ooachea or .chair can, Umlted tor re« tum (0 borne deaUBillons before

I midnight. December'Slh. A tt loeal I a itn t for detalUr-Adr.i ' M ,

I . ifi

T h e I

; I n t h

TURly o u n g h :aswcllasti

Seal Shipj

, Indepe

1. ' Pjiipj Ten

f[| Willie Willis 1

'in — 5 -----------

,0 '

'‘j; I t wMO-t my fault, liew eeuM I « t«U Ihe really wanted me t« eeffle

heme when ah* ooly called « w« t ----------------

he ' = '„ _ = = = = = : = =


I TO M M C l I K N

ge Joieph Bulterworth, «l, resident of ffaieJton for a namber ol yea»,

fr- died eirly Tueiday following a turd M atlack of parilyau.wlth which he x t w u itrkken Monday evening a lur

hiYlng been in poor health atace * U lt June. The body reiU now at

menta tor tuneral lerrlces had not. „ been completod ha t rrenlng. .I* ' Mr. Dulterworth It lurrlrtd by )0 three ehlldren, Mn. d. W. MUler, _ BuhliW . I t Putterworth. CentnlUi,' 1. w u h ^ % % n d J. n . u i iu im n ttr

Huelton. Ke learea alw one lUier. r - MUs EUubeth Butten-orth. IlauU

l o t .

“ SCHOOL TflUSIEES GET ' S NOTICEOFCONVENTION4 ' . . -------->) Addrtulng Twin FalU tounly^

Khoot dUtrirt tnuteci,,Mr*, nose J.. - (m oa.-couoty-aaperlo teodea(^ . .t publlo lent out a let* « ler calUng alUnllon to an annual u meellng ot Idaho Publlo Bchool .* Trutteea' aiucUlloo to be held lo h connection with the Idaho Edua> d Mon auoelatlon'a meeting a t BoUt. d Norember 31’Xl. Speaken a t the a truiteea' leulona will Include Dr.

L. Thomu Itopklni, Columbia Unl* veralty, on "Almi of EduaUon,” and

:* Dr. M. O. Neale, preildent o(- the e irnlrenltr of 2<taho, oa ■i-SHuetUoe- 1 al rnblemi.*' Oorernor II. 0 . Bald- ] ridge will extend greeUngi to the I inuteea.' DUcuialoni will deal with tlie u*;• wdatlon’a .legUUUre committee's

itatcmenta on conaolldatlon of dU*' I Jeu , Increaao In oounty achool l«x. I

county purchuing department aod I ' other Important Unea. |

f Only eoa foot apc.jUlif tn Twin ' Fani.-Phone-M».-Orrfoat«rr-A4».-

. ' r r

Don’t Forget! TlE) “MUl!te"-'1 FOB XnANRSOIVlNd .

I Nevtr bare wg had luch a beauUfUl array of cb(7ianUw« Duma u thU year.

'IWa flower of flower U Juit the thing to grace your Tbaoki* gltlng table.

I •nV IN FA L L S FL O R A L ■ <;<>•

I Orto wmUiBi, Prop.>I lU Main Are. W. Fboae « $ t

Choicest Lo Fowls

the Market to Choose fn

RKEYS-DUCKS-GEEi HENS and SPRING CHI the largest and best mca


pped Oysters and Mince

lendent Meat MaW E D E U V E R

p i i i i G f f J H L t ^ *

H isto rica l W rite r s Olv

C rc d lt to A g ita tion (

_ - M r s ^ H a l o - E o r - H o I I d a

A womaa, M n. Jofepha Uale, U maoy yean edllor ot the

— ^oumalHater-qodefa Migiilnw. : credited by hUtorical wrltoa wit larjely intlueoctng Preildent U s coin In wrlUog the fln t annual prei

A I Idenllal T tiukiglrlng proclamatlo In ItM, Mra. J . 8. Keel told the Bui

M , Ineu aod Protesilonal Women club a t IU weekly luncheon ta th elub rooma here yeiterday. Mn. Ke<

s rtferrw briefly to Thankaglrtag ob— lerrance-before-the-Ohrlitlan-en ' SbedescribedtheThanksglrtagproc I lamatlon ot Oovemor Bradford 1

ra tltude for the harreat aecured b •II the Puriian aeltlen ta New Englaa ■N w the ftn tJnw hatU Q ow lheU n lt

the principal Item ot thU r tp u Mrt. Keel laid. .

i«, . jlboot 30 yean before the Cl» Jtd war, Mn. Keel atated, M n. Bale be he'-gan aglUUng for the obaenance c u r a national day of thankiglring. Bh ic« W70t« au ae n u a editorials aod m i a t lettan to varloua gorenon oo th

r».. subject. Up lo tha t Umo dlf teren wt' lU ie t'from 'tlm e'to Umt held'ipe

jclal daya of thaokaglvlag. Finally, li

, g | „ ......t t a Blandad F or Oui Own A m arican Tastai

ft* ______ . f S J F f



AfflerfeanlilcM _ for m itd tr le o s

— hove bt«n-T tc> R V j H ogniztd In T r t t .

» M I B -. quali^ tto o f ‘



o to fErom

ESE ■ - . ■ HICKENS c a t s i l l t h e

ICC M e a t s





in ilf Final tribute wlH be paid a t fttsa n u a lM ^ e * at the White chapel he

l u l l t t3 P .M .lo d i r fo r i^ H a ftIo M i Baoieo. 31. wUe ot.WUford U Hai ien, aod daughter ot Mr. and Mi

. r ■ Thomu Campbell. 1S7 Waahlnglc Slve awBue MrtH, wbou o o ^

a t the county genrnU hoapltal b e Of Monday tollowlng Ul heelth of t o

duntlon. Serrlces will be ta chan tf»«u of n*v. E. Temple SUJkey of tt '“ y . BaptJitthurth.-Jnt«menl.wUM»*.|

TwJa PalU cemetery., Mn. lUnienhftdbeenaTwlnPal

. reildent moit of the time alnco Hi eame here with her parenU l i yeai

with She <i u the mother of f lr t chl! L ta . dren. Clara, 10; Eugene, #; noge ^ fi Jamea. 4. and Nadtae, 3. Bealdi Illon her huibaod aod pa m U she U aui C . rlred aUo by three brothers. J . J i ^ a Campbell. F. A. Campbell, aad Roi , the er Campbell, all ot Twta FaUa, ao

(wo allten, Mr*. Pearl Keldeaam r s . Twta PalU. and Mn. Wayae Core: •era. Spokane.— .............. — ‘ ■

d ta = = = ^ ^ = =d b y IIM, Mn. Keel aald. Prealdent'Uoland coin Uiued the fln t of the r tg n ^ a elolt* riei ol annual Thaokiglvlnjt procUuled maUoni, whleh hare beea obecrrepu l, tver atace.

ClvU ClIESAPEAICB ^AV .OYSTERI be* tie quaiL Alao f r ^ gardto aagia o t Ed Vance. Publlo Markct.-Adv. Bhe 'aeot ,i— ----------- ■■ =the

« n t

— A U nit W Uo f

: • ! O ) . r ^ j j a


C r y i t t d W W

' H o r W h i t e K i

. I l l t a i m d r y B i

L I I X 0 f o r 2 S

................p r« 'n p t ly ._ ! l l (— B e i n

■ l u i 5 ffflagi. n u

- o m T niiM K O R tl

t J S n ^ m MALTED II* Me MEUUr■ ••••j Tte WALan*■ MALTED M

................ 7SSA?ID’'SrLKV.^^^I l b HYQEIA BREAftTS, Rid

g a c . 2

BOTTLe.' ? r 2 7 5 i ^ 2 3 ( » • HVailA NUniER,S.Ounei. Computt ........... « « l

.B cA o fi CoKc W p p le t .- . . .

I f c S t e r n o C u m e a H e a t . . a E . MAZDA LAMPS,

...... 20cIW Dlteeunl en PurthaiM

•r six or mer*.


:g ^ . . ^ ^ 3 3 c -

■ Tilt femll]

^ 1- Pouiut . . . .

; fIM E nna l i i > CbbceUta

SM OKERS’ SPI: C h B l« r f l« W ,: 'C a m e V i

L n c k ; S t r l k i C l g i r ^ t n ,2 p a ^ g e s ............_______

C a rto n $ 1 .1 iT iO .R a m H o r a n d 1

D w A a lc m a tie L igM e I S e V c h e t o r P rin ee AIb<

SIR W A L T E R RA L E IG l , D E A L ’

I' 1 8oL T o b ac co ,.1 4 1 .0 0 . '.L e a l h e r P o a c b ,2 4 P l i S2.65 V «!oe fo r

IILY NEWS, T w r a FA L IS , m i



mer- w ti ip r lio D e n d e U w re d to ^ here Yakima. Waihlngton, e?d »t O Mae tario. Oregon. Deputy Sheriff A.’

Ban* Parker retumed-to Twta PaUa-ye Mrs. urday. Boihiprtaonen were want tglon here to aniwer to chargei ot paul OTtd ba<U:j)Kks. ' . . „ ,bere Leonard 8 t John, arretted a t Ya toig taia, ll held on » year*old charge targe check forgery, and Jamea Hlmba

U>e am ited a t Ontarto, U alleged l»-ta harrlg tttd-a pumberot-bad ^



chU- Bton Moore, 33, who UckedM 9»er. 11 diyi of lervln* out a one-yei tldea term when he eicaped from jail i <ur* Rinnlde, CallfomU, wlU.ntum. »• A. rurenlde Irom Twin Falla fadof

threeo’cir term for Jill breakis « d shertif R. W. BHley, Rlvenlde. wl

“ h. eame here yeiierday fttr Moore, tt. wWi Iu t erenlng.- . -Moore wuKotencedta.Calltoni

for u»lng ao autowoblle without 11

!cu I THANKSGIVINGBervlee a t the CbrlatUa B d ^

' Chsrcb; m Nhilh Ava. E ut. Thunday a l 11 A. 'VC Yen a n

^ ^ ^ M d l tU y tariled - •m m m m m m m m m m aam m

^ ! .•

‘ . WED.,

^ M O N l$ l:2 S BAYER'

rUit„ \ \ ASPIRIN^ m tablets, toow n g W Tfc.ANALOEitai3 a r I I I - BAUME eENQUl

. i l l TOe SLOAN'S' .I » • / f l .......

. 75c V kk»t V.I m VleJt’e V

Foir 3oi siu,1 2 io r m HEPATICA . 7 e o ^ M / 600.SAL

H FPA TtfjK . ILW Ceitlfl and A gar.,

•• t t u F e in

. . . . . 6 9 c B O c ' t y i o I

S ^ r , . . : 4 9 o S ( k : : i ; » p « n

Rid ’ ' a ' - IIJM'IMMRTE

a r A • ■

U f .UVEI) O IL ....

. . . . . e to r 2S < l i B n g B

e - P o m i d B o x t 1

Kupfet’t ■ S ' i "IHon>e-M.a.' : ' H

3 C 0 U T E S f l l ,

: , " r « B ; B l ' " : , 7 A ^ S . uu^ 1 ^ - ”r ± . . * i . o o 1 1


. , . 8 0 c 1 | s

P E G I A L S | | k1

^ o id '.G o U a n d M i ' m

! ; ^ 2 5 c . p fj

K B lae B o a r T o » . m j s S Ch

i t 5 5 Z - 49< H . « SJ b e ^ 2 f o r .2 S ^ ^

[G 'SMOKERS ' a f f l CH

}6 pipe. .1 I^p« C l e a n e r ^ .


n owners consent.. ••^ He w u arrested by.poUce pffta

U LS ^ ^ evcoinr,' ta d tbeen held ta the eouoty jaO for I

.WOMAN SAYS.MARRIAGi S g COST HUSBAND LimYak* since th tlr marriage,' April : t e o f 1»». Oeofgo C. Serere. able-bodl taaw, youog man of 33 yean, h u w t be 1 lo employed lo exceed one*fourtlittrln «>i.4 ilnfw U |f

be h u contribulMl only 1135 to t IC tupport or h ll wife and lafaatdaug t Mrs. n it* M. serere. fonnS

(E R Rita, M. Smllh, aaierled ta a pei tloa for djvoree tiled ta d U tr lc t^

7 ; ^ here-yestodayc-M ifc-Sm llh-ii ^ Ihe aeeda W a moath ta addlll<

, i i ^ to her own eamlngt to support be ” lelf aad child, anitaikt for th t t tu

monthly u aUmony.-Sho U repr lented In tbU aeUoo by Ray .

^ Agee, Twta PalU, a M o ^ - ,

?S. . ’ By P a j^ j f •~ A SM A LL D E PO SIT NOW ^ .You Can HoW A ay th tn g it

O u r Store Bte . U n til C h ris tm as .


> ■; . . ; ■■■' .

).jT H U K S.,F R tA N i)S ;

r H ^ E K I KA 'S . . 30e I

O C a O tfC m M .-SOeLA t a i i F M - I w S H I . ■ PROM

, 6 0 c , i

holatiim 2 1 ^ 40c Caitoi holatum ~39^- *8YBUP^orFiaZaeo R d > ;. . 4 9 ^ . PHILLIPS'. ^ p o R u b : 9 8 #

I J O l- . - . - . - . -yEOeTABLE'O

8 9 6 . ■ 5 ^ 1 SYRUPC

38c *=Ufiid'Mlo. o u SI.SO

— :— HD« e«e abph

| . . . . . I 9 C100'b 1 9 ^ AMORBINBjR

61 38f^ MLUTKmiVlnl

e n l i n c . . . . . 3 9 ^

J A ^ ' a 40e KPSOM I...........490 J l 8P»»ndBi#TED RU88IAM. ^ 5??tCh’'h «

...... .g8c I mSEN'S- PU R E n l S ? a T » iL V T f t f i l H............. I H H .............. ...................

m S sS S T f o r tKIDDII

t u , PRE8BED STEEL TOY,. Ei<lr. ill* Rubhif TlNl. Aftny TnieVi, DumpTrutki, DuiMf, Vane, »t:...................DOUOKBOy TANK. # Quill .far aetlvt i w l ..........................^MARX TRACTOR. «Ait»rt*d .............................................MARX TURNOVER TANK. ■ '*TK* bip hit ef Ihi toy .. ...................fQONQ DELL TOYS fer Ih* llttti fstkiC Cller, action end muile.....................fODSTACte o'olV. Thru hofti, three, eltl, Bllli and tW9 f Puttin .............................................. - f

ALUMINUM TOY. ' E A . a n i l • COOKING 8ET8.......... jW C f ,

KIODIEB'CUINA DISH E A ^ » n # l 8eTS.A>lraeilyil/dKer«Ud DU0” $1 HUDDY MOTORCYCLE’CC)P. m,A lubilantUI Toy ........................... f .OOOBY BATH BOAI FLEET.Feup brlQMIy’cetered Soil..................naOY DOLL fMneh ilf.itigu* m\ ChineUr Oell ....... ..............

S ! I O T * « , ' = ? L L “ T a a ; . - .

IING, NOVEMBER.26, 3930' '

t o n ' I ' .

S Thanksg

£ SPE(BdUd &p!cce W alnut Dinln

2-pIece 100 per cent ] pell* Llvlns Room, Suite _ ^ Hardwood frame,

^ 4*p!ee« Bed Roomwe* Suita in Iv o ry __

Ali Wool Ruff,:= - 5x12_______

.We are also sbowlnj See aU of theae b

Phone 5 M(PAINT AND F)

-S A L E .1 9 c

LAXATIVE I Q . ^ 7 T o >M0 Q U ININE..,IW M tf! o M U L 8 |O N .. . .9 8 0 ijf ■ 3 r

Pertiiiiin. . . .4 7 ^ , | | (

o r i a l l vIWA '0 0 Q I I V ^ ^ S

q o S d U a . W M T o o U l

% M P 0 U M D . ^ M C - | | | t 3 ' f o :

. i ? I K ! , N « e mALDWELL'S M - Y O ^ »' * OP PEPSIN W B •

a n r . . 5 1 > t 9PIRIN M . to o th PAST IT8, W I . . . . W 2J, ORLIS..........^ - - M a - TP0TH:PA8Ti

* BOe BRI8TLE i|ni ; c uD O - BRU8H. Thr* MOMtisR, fljBjk »'•

....... . . . . C W ^ 80

! ,“ . ' : ™ . . 2 9 « . J B . «ACT OF . 4 | u i S a k i ’i AXEL, Plnl.. w w .. Bf. n r»UROCNHOME ' '■

, . l 9 oLIZEO ANTISEP. $1

;‘ . . . . ; „ , . . 4 9 c ^

^ P P O 5 0 c U l U d » “

H 50c Javia Rice


lOeLUX. . . I n C H i TOILET BOAP .. . . . J . I H lOe WALGREEN - S I 1 0 I S COCOA ALMOND f i l l V H , 5, bAYMAN'S vb

iK nl; flUfE-C l f lA ^ ^f l i U U ^ PaJoiolire ShiT* le ebiti'< ^ 9 ' i&S Cream at'

f l > 2 G i 3 5 c

^>00 j nS f iO O /

r a BOe PE60o S r

E f l ^ G E TU M ' Bolh f t

I 91.00 i r r o s n• | i | * RAZOR BLADE2 p l a l V pM lctg* 2 0 . .V |M » 91.00 GILLETn

MARVSt. ELECTRI n ^ H g i y i •«>lneh'Bak*llli Ca**

ly d*teral*d... Quari

j g i v i n g W e e k

ICIALS$ 8 0 . 7 5 ; '

and well coniitructed su lte - th a t d li please you

$ 9 5 .0 0 ':ffcbb c onstruction . A voiue l a t . e c d i^ th o price. —

_____ $ 6 4 :5 0

- ... : ...: $ 2 2 . 5 0 .rlnar a la rg e n m n h e r o t lam ps

e b a rg a in s b e fo re .yon buy,


I ' .


T o o th p aste \ \

1 f o r $ 1 . 0 0 m• th iW ef PtpiMtint, ' j l l 'IIO. Kilynii, ipina I I I '

' Ih

W 'w a re . f d r ^ O c z f c i j i T t r

l l li titl. .O f.v /M nce i'/JW

...................LE TITE TOOTH ' g S f f ' rhr** s t y t i i , . « ^............... . . . . J W

80c P R O P im C T IC O Q A . t o o t h B R U S H . . . o w 11X0 0RLI8 -ALL.p.UftPOSE PROPKY* . EQ a UCTIC .................... W O

$1.00 U sterine 65<i $1.00-fcavom — 7 3 ^ - —tOa OLYCOTHYMOLINE:............... *KIOlUO HVOIBNe.W’ 7 A . ANTISEPTIC ................. 1 8 6 .e F a c e P o w ^ . . : . . . 3 4 ^

ice F a c e P o w d e r . . . .2 9 ) ^

ID c P a lm oK 'ra S o apIr ■ 4 f o r 2 S ^ :

' 1 2 f o r 7 3 < ,

, 6 f o r 2 6 f l | 2 f o r 6 9 c

.................; . . 3 f o > - | 9 C ’ ■

?d s o a p . . . . . . . . . 4 ^ - ' ‘ 2 8 o

f o f 2 0 0

E' New Type Gfllelte R u w cod B l a ^ witb

MAN O 'W A R.VING CREAM . . . . * l 4 C <:



STR OP m m

; ^ . v . 7 9 c » ' . :r m RAZOR

iT R t t M W :a«,.a«faelh;i*^ a r a n u e d . ^