Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure

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  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure

    A Cost Saving Approach to Human Spaceflight within a 15-year Constrained NASA Budget

    White Paper Submitted at the Open Invitation of the National Research Council

    Lunar SpaceElevator



    In Response to the National Research Councils Study on the

    Benefits, Challenges and Ramifications of Americas Human

    Spaceflight Program. LiftPort Group presents a Cost-Effective

    Approach to Human Spaceflight within a 15-year Constrained

    NASA Budget.








    |8 JULY 2013

    | LIFTPORT GROUP| 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA, 98366|| (862) 438-5383|[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    LiftPortsLunar Space Elevator Infrastructure:

    Affordable Response to Human Spaceflight

    LiftPort Group | 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA | (862) 438-5383 | [email protected]


    What are the important benefits provided to the United States and other countries by humanspaceflight endeavors?

    The ability to place humans in space is exciting to the public, and demonstrates the technological maturity and stature of each

    spacefaring nation. Such a visible and peaceful demonstration of cutting edge technology fosters foreign policy by showing

    strength without engaging in conflicti. Human spaceflight sparks the imagination and serves an instinctive need to explore.

    Astronauts are ambassadors for all of humanity in a very personal way. Men and women in space suits inspire peopleof all

    cultures and demographicsto achieve excellence, to believe in a common cause and to pursue a noble goal. Furthermore,

    humans in space have unique abilities and attributes (eyes, fingers, and onsite reasoning) to pursue scientific research and

    commercial development that cannot be achieved by robotic means. American leadership, as demonstrated by the

    continuous success of human spaceflight, has led the world into an exciting 21stcentury. Boot prints on the Moon over 40

    years ago, and more than a continuous decade aboard the International Space Station (ISS) provide inarguable proof of this.

    What are the greatest challenges to sustaining a U.S. government program in human spaceflight?

    Human spaceflight is very expensive. The general public does not appreciate how small the NASA budgetiiis today

    compared to the Apollo era. Nor do they know how little can be achieved in the current budgetary climate versus their high

    expectations of flights to the ISS, the Moon, Mars and beyond. Yet there are potential cost-effective solutions if NASA

    leadership can boldly think outside the box, dare greatly, and embrace radical new ideas. A business as usual philosophy is

    no longer viable; yet NASA remains persistently conservative. NASAs conservatism stems from the complex layers of its

    stakeholdersCongressional districts, NASA Center-dependent jobs, public expectations and international political

    considerationspaired with its own risk-averse failure is not an option cultureiii. LiftPort Group is proud to submit innovative

    ideas that challenge current thinking and allow NASA to continue leading by breaking the logjam and leaping forward.

    What are the ramifications and what would the nation and world lose if the United Statesterminated NASA's human spaceflight program?

    The United States is a global superpower, and the American human spaceflight program is a potent symbol of our nations

    status on the world stage. Termination of US human spaceflight would weaken superpower standing, disappoint friends and

    allies, embolden rivals and adversaries, and make our citizens lose confidence in our government and its global leadership.

    Weve already seen this with the recent advances in the Chinese and Russian programs. Vitally more important, however, is

    that the US position in the global arena depends on our technical innovation. The US economy continues to be fueled by the

    capital investments NASA made 50 years ago. Cutting the human spaceflight program ensures that our biosciences,

    materials, robotics, computing, energy, and communications industries will be weakened. The research, development, and

    commercialization of advanced technologies derived from human spaceflight has ripple effects on our standard of living, our

    financial independence, and our political soft powerthroughout the world. We cannot let this termination occur![email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    LiftPortsLunar Space Elevator Infrastructure:

    Affordable Response to Human Spaceflight

    LiftPort Group | 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA | (862) 438-5383 | [email protected]


    The budgetary challenge

    The primary challenge of human spaceflight is to achieve spectacular advances in human expansion into spacewithin

    significant budgetary constraints and fiscal realities. The dramatic achievements of Apollo came during a unique period of US

    history: the cold warwhere money was no object to demonstrate technological superiority. The price tag was 4% of the

    federal budget sustained over several years. This level of funding rapidly dwindled, (currently about .05%)ivand there is nopossibility this heyday will return. The people of America, and the world, still look to NASA to lead; yet no human has travelled

    beyond Earth orbit in over 40 years. Humanity confined to Low Earth Orbit does not, and will not, inspire. This future will not

    drive the disruptive advances in technology that the US has historically produced. A lack of ongoing achievement and a lack

    of exciting goals results in declining public interestwhich drives further funding reductions. This is a vicious cycle. Drastic

    changes to current thinking are needed to overcome these challenges, or the outlook for human spaceflight, and the United

    States, is bleak. The way forward is the articulation of an American goal consistent with our historic spaceflight leadership.

    Where shall humans go next? The current debate

    The public yearns for NASA to send humans to Mars, but this is far beyond budget realities for many decades. Interim

    milestones are needed, but there is no consensus on what those should be. There is a debate primarily revolving around 3options, 1) either sending humans to a Near Earth Asteroid (NEA), 2) return to the Moon, or 3) develop space stations with an

    expanded ISS and habitats at the Earth-Moon L2 Lagrange location (EML2). The public interest (and Congressional support)

    in an asteroid mission or EML2 is in doubtv. However, there is a clear consensus and popular appeal for developing a major

    permanent presence on the Moonvi. But even there, budget realities limit our options. With current technologies (i.e. using

    chemical rockets) missions to the Moon are prohibitively expensive. This caused the Constellation Programs projected costs

    ($97Bvii) to far outstrip the NASA budget projections, resulting in cancellation. On the other hand, a mission to an NEA, or

    EML2 is more affordable, but much less inspiring to the public. It is also less likely to realize significant commercial benefits.

    Game Changing Cost Reduction using the Affordable Lunar Elevator

    LiftPort Group encourages attention to available and innovative technologies to dramatically reduce the cost of access to the

    lunar surface. Specifically, we advocate a Lunar Elevator as an affordable and game changing infrastructure element.

    LiftPorts Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure (LSEI) will reduce the cost of lunar missions by fourfold.

    The Lunar Elevator has been studied in detail by Jerome Pearson et al. under NASAs Institute for Advanced Conceptsviii.

    Since then, LiftPort Group has established that the Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure is 1) technically feasible using current

    state-of-the-art technology 2) adopts many commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, and is 3) constructible within a

    single launch packageix. The concept is inherently simple: a long tether attached at one end to the surface of the Moon (at

    Sinus Medii facing Earth) and extends from there towards Earth through the Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange location (EML1), to a

    counterweight potentially as far as 250,000 kilometers from the lunar surface. This assembly is in gravitational equilibrium,

    and stationary relative to the Moon as it orbits around the Earth. In recent years, a new generation of COTS materials have

    entered industrial production with ample strength-to-mass ratio to sustain this extended structure in space.

    LiftPort analysis indicates that a first-generation prototype Lunar Elevator can be built and deployed in seven to ten years for as

    little as $800 Million (includinglaunch vehicle costs). This first robotic-only version will weigh ~11 tons with a payload ~100 kg.

    It can deliver and retrieve an unlimited number of such payloads to the lunar surface.Sample returns can be lifted to the EML1

    station or transported to the tip of the Elevator and dropped to Earth or Earth orbits. Placement of this Elevator infrastructure

    needs only a single launch via commercial heavy lift capability (e.g. Falcon Heavy, Atlas V, ATK Liberty, Stratolaunch and

    Delta-IV). There is an important alternative, however, with NASAs Space Launch System (SLS). A larger (~30 ton) version of[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    LiftPortsLunar Space Elevator Infrastructure:

    Affordable Response to Human Spaceflight

    LiftPort Group | 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA | (862) 438-5383 | [email protected]


    the Lunar Space Elevator could be deployed with ~250 kg payload capacity. This Elevator approach can accomplish the goal

    of an inherently exciting project, enabling pursuit of inspiring lunar missions well within the NASA budget (and the prevailing

    fiscal climate) within ten years. Early in its construction, the Elevator provides easy and inexpensive sample return missions

    and robotic rovers on the Moon. As construction expands, the LSEI allows human-centric science, commerce, and ultimately

    settlement on the Moon. The LSEI is game changing it facilitates all other inner solar system development.

    Later versions can carry higher masses and humans to and from the lunar surface. The Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure

    can be expanded upon. LiftPort thinks a permanent human presence can be provided on the Moon, and at EML1, by an

    appropriate commercial crew vehicle or Orion. After the initial robotic system is installed, LiftPorts experts believe that in just

    two to four years a human-rated Elevator would provide capacity for three astronauts to the Lunar surface every three weeks.

    Build-out of a Lunar Elevator would begin with a robotic lunar base for prospecting. Once ore deposits are confirmed, robotic

    mining operations begin. A manned space station at EML1 would enable real-time operation of the robots cheaper than

    humans on the surface. As robotic operations expand, it will become cost effective for humansin a research station on the

    lunar surfaceto repair and maintain the robotic equipment. A major expansion of scientific activities will inevitably follow.

    The Benefits of Cislunar Architecture for Human Spaceflightx

    The cost of landing humans on the lunar surface is high due to the large delta-Vxi. Of high interest is the Earth-Moon

    Lagrangian point (EML1), which is accessible with a delta-V only slightly higher than for an elliptical transfer orbit used by

    communications satellites. EML1 is between the Earth and the Moon and would be the access point for payloads from Earth to

    dock with the proposed EML1 station and the Lunar Elevator. EML1 could serve as a nexus for human habitation and

    economic development in cislunar space. The cost of soft landing on Moons surfaceis 400% the cost of launching the same

    mass from Earth to EML1. The Lunar Elevator is a zero delta-V bridge between EML1 and the lunar surface, hence this

    reduces operational expenses of lunar surface missions by 4x (versus chemical rockets). For comparison, this is about 1% of

    the Constellation programs capital expenses.This way, an inspiring Constellation-class program becomes cost-effective within

    the prevailing ten-year outlook of the NASA budget. LiftPortsLunarSpaceElevatorInfrastructureaffordablypreserves


    PrivatePublic Partnership

    One can furtherreduce the cost of space transportation by decreasing capital expenses, and increasing traffic volume, by

    partnering with private companies and attracting private investment. For example, commercial contracts could be offered for

    cargo delivery to EML1 and commercial opportunities can be fostered by making use of in situ resources to pay for


    Commercial Lunar ResourcesLiftPort Group is focused on the most promising near term lunar opportunities: rocket fuel, helium 3 and rare earth elements.

    Lunar Rocket Propellant

    A way to greatly reduce the cost of human spaceflight is to use lunar-sourced rocket propellant. There are several options forpropellant on the Moon. An obvious one is the probability (certaintyxii) of water ice or hydroxylsxiiion the lunar surface,xivxvas

    seen by many orbiter sensors. These can be converted to rocket propellant by several different processes.

    An immediate market for lunar propellant is to boost communications satellites from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to final

    geostationary orbit; lunar propellant would reduce this cost by a factor of eight. It would also greatly reduce the cost of

    missions to Marsxviand the asteroids. One-way transport cost from LEO to EML1 is reduced by 2x. Using Lunar-sourced fuels,

    a one-way mission cost to Mars and asteroids are reduced 4x, and round trip to Mars by >10x.[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    LiftPortsLunar Space Elevator Infrastructure:

    Affordable Response to Human Spaceflight

    LiftPort Group | 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA | (862) 438-5383 | [email protected]


    These cost reductions assume the cost of producing and transporting lunar propellants is small. This would be possible using a

    Lunar Elevator, where the cost of transporting payloads from the lunar surface to Earth is essentially zero, assuming the

    modest capital cost has been retired.

    The National Helium-3 Supply CrisisNo one has built a working nuclear fusion reactor, yet there is much discussion of lunar Helium-3 (3He) isotope as nuclear fuel.

    Alas, the fusion market simply does not existand will not in a predictable timeframe. Unfortunately, the fusion discussion has

    distracted the community from the large market which already exists for 3He; a market which can be profitably supplied from the

    Moon more cheaply than from terrestrial sources.

    Surprisingly, since 2001 a strong new market has rapidly emerged. 3He is in great demand since the 9/11 attacks. New

    demand has been driven by the US Department of Homeland Security, which needs 3He for neutron detectors at all seaports,

    airports and borders, to scan for nuclear material. Demand also increased from the medical sector (MRIs), and for natural gas

    exploration. The US 3He stockpile came from the decay of nuclear warheads; it is dwindling rapidly. In 2008 the White House

    imposed 3He rationing to eke out remaining reserves and supply fell from 80,000 to 14,000 liters per year. Projected demand

    for 3He implies that U.S. production alone cannot meet anticipated worldwide demand. xviiGlobal demand is now 60,000 liters

    per year, and the price shot up from $100/l in 2008 to $2,000/l in 2009.xviii Lunar 3He can derive ~$250 million/year.xixxxxxi

    Valuable metals and mineralsThe Moon is rich in Rare Earth Elements (REEs), as seen in new orbiter sensor data and from the lunar meteorite SaU 169xxii.

    Of REEs, 95% of commercial sources come from Chinaxxiii. The USA and allies have hardly any commercially viable REE

    mines. For years, China has manipulated the REE market xxivxxvforcing US competitors out of business. REEs are in strong

    and increasing demand by high technology industry sectorsxxvi, e.g. defense and semiconductors. They are known as

    Strategic Minerals because they are vital to national security and the economic health of the United States. In addition to

    REEs, there are large quantities of meteoritic material in the lunar soil that are rich in high-value Platinum Group Metalsxxvii.

    Technology EffortsSeveral space tether demonstration missions have been flown and successfully deployed in space. These include NASA TSS-

    1R (19.7 km deployed tether length)xxviii, the NRL TiPS (4km)xxixand the ESA YES2 (31.7km)xxxxxxi. Future technology

    development efforts by NASA should actively encourage development and flight testing of this key technology. Near term

    programs to accomplish this would thus significantly reduce the cost and technology risk for a credible Lunar Elevator. Tether

    materials can be mounted on the exterior of the ISS to gather durability data. More ambitious flight tests for increasing tether

    length will build experience and confidence for deploying and developing control algorithms to reduce technical risk. While this

    technology is vital to the Lunar Elevator, it is also of significant value to satellites and other in-space assets (e.g. power, etc.).


    NASA should leverage the commercial resources of the Moon to bootstrap and subsidize the human spaceflight program.

    Installing a LiftPorts low-cost Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure greatly reduces the expense of lunar surface operations, and

    brings human spaceflight within the NASA budget. The Lunar Elevator permits affordable access to the abundant wealth oflunar resources. Furthermore, creating public-private partnerships to develop the newly accessible commercial resources of

    the Moon will enable a sustainable expansion of human spaceflight beyond Earth orbit and throughout the solar system. By

    those means, our nations spaceflight leadership will berevitalized. The United States will achieve an exciting and

    sustainable human spaceflight programto the material, scientific, and cultural benefit of our nation and the world.

    Respectfully submitted by:

    Michael Laine, President, LiftPort Group[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/13/2019 Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure


    LiftPortsLunar Space Elevator Infrastructure:

    Affordable Response to Human Spaceflight

    LiftPort Group | 1307 Dogwood Hill RD SW, Port Orchard, WA | (862) 438-5383 | [email protected]

    Page |


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