Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly...


Transcript of Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly...

Page 1: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 2: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 3: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 4: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 5: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 6: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

Luke 5:1-11His Glorious Power!

Page 7: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.”

John 20:30 Therefore [many other signs] Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book;

John 21:25 And there are also [many other things which Jesus did], which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.

Page 8: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

Jesus Demonstrates His Power Over NatureMatthew 14:22-33

Jesus walks on water!Luke 5:1-11

Jesus fills the empty nets!

Page 9: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

Luke 1:1-4 Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3 it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; 4 so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.Ch.2 Virgin BirthCh.4 Demons are cast outCh.4 Peter’s Mother-in-Law healedCh.4 Jesus heals various diseasesCh.5 Jesus fills the empty nets

Page 10: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 11: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 12: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 13: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 14: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 15: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 16: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.1-Now it happenedLuke 1:8 Announcement of John The BaptistLuke 6:1 Sabbath confrontation

V.1- Lake Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee or Tiberias)A 13 mile wide, 7 mile long fresh water lakeThe main source of commerce (fishing) in the

region of GalileeV.2 He saw two boats

Page 17: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 18: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.1-Now it happenedLuke 1:8 Announcement of John The BaptistLuke 6:1 Sabbath confrontation

V.1- Lake Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee or Tiberias)A 13 mile wide, 7 mile long fresh water lakeThe main source of commerce (fishing) in the region of

GalileeV.2 He saw two boatsV.3 He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s (Peter)

Page 19: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.1- The crowd was pressing around HimV.3- Put out a little way from the landV.4- Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a

catch!V.2 Fishermen (Professionals)

Jesus was by trade a CarpenterV.2 Washing their netsV.5 [Master] We worked HARD all night and caught

nothingMaster- chief or commander was a title of respectLuke 4:38-39 Simon’s mother-in-law healed

Page 20: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.6- they enclosed a Great Quantity of fish, and their nets began to break!Nets- A semicircle shaped net that stretched to just

over 100’V.7- They filled both boats, so that they began to


Page 21: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 22: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 23: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.8- BUT!V.8 Simon fell down at Jesus’ feet

Sign of humility and shame!V.8 Go away from me LORD

V.5- MasterV.8- Kurios (Lord)

V.9 Amazement had seized them

Page 24: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

“Peter, fully aware that if he saw deity, deity saw him too, and realizing that the One who could see the depths of the lake could see the depths of his heart, felt exposed.” John MacArthur

Isaiah 6- Isaiah cries out “Woe is me”Luke 18- The repentant tax-collector “be merciful to

me, the sinner”V.8- I am a sinful man!V.10- Do not fear

Page 25: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.

V.10- From now no you will catch menCapture alive

V.11- When they had brought their boats to landThey left everythingFollowed Him implies the deepest expression of

inward attachment Literally means to follow or accompany

someone who takes the lead in determining direction and route of movement

Page 26: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.
Page 27: Luke 5:1-11 His Glorious Power! In all four gospel accounts combined (89 Chapters) we find roughly “35 separate miracles Jesus performed.” John.