Luke 19:10 - St.Alphonsa Catholic Church | United in our...

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Transcript of Luke 19:10 - St.Alphonsa Catholic Church | United in our...

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“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Luke 19:10

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Bible Quiz Overview

Use NAB Bible for Bible Quiz Preparation

NAB Online Link:

Bible Quiz Portions:

Cat II (Grade 3 to Grade 5) : Gospel of John Chapters 1 to 15

Cat III(Grade 6 to 8) : Gospel of John Chapters 1 to 21

Cat IV(Grade 9 to 12) : Gospel of John Chapters 1 to 21 & Book of Isaiah Chapters: 6 &


Round 1 Bible Quiz (Written): Will be conducted on Sunday, Dec 14th during CCD. This is

mandatory for all students. The quiz will be in multiple choice format.

Round 1 Bible Quiz Winners: Top 15 students from each Category will proceed to the Second


70% of the questions for Round 1 will be taken from this study guide. The remaining 30% will

be challenging questions picked from the Bible portions assigned to each Category. Please pray,

read and study each chapter thoroughly prior to reviewing questions provided in the study guide.

Round 2 Bible Quiz (Written): Round 2 will be conducted only for winners from Round1, on

Sunday, Jan 11th during CCD. The quiz will be in multiple choice format.Top 2 winners from

each Category will proceed to the IPTF 2015 competition at Houston.

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Gospel of John Chapter 1

The Prologue

John the Baptist’s Testimony to Himself

John the Baptist’s Testimony to Jesus

1. According to the opening of the Gospel of John, what was in the beginning that was with God

and was God? (1:1) Word

2. Fill in the Blanks: “In the beginning was the __________, and the __________ was

with God, and the _________ was God.” (John 1:1)Word

3. Who does John in the opening of his Gospel say was in the beginning with the Word? (1:1)


4. Fill in the blank: In chapter 1 John writes: “All things were made through Him, and without

Him nothing was made that was made. What came to be through him was life, and this life was

the light of the _____.” (1:3) Human Race

5. According to John 1:18, who has seen God? No one

(“No one has ever seen God at any time. The only Son, God who is at the

Father’ side, has revealed him.”)

6. Fill in the blank: In chapter one John writes: “And the light shines in the darkness and the

darkness has not _________ it.” (1:5) Overcome

7. What was the name of the man sent by God to testify to the light, so that all might believe

through him? (1:6) John

8. Fill in the blank: John writes of the Word (the Son of God), “He was in the world, and the

world came to be through Him, but the world did not _______ Him.” (1:10) know

9. Fill in the blank: In chapter 1 John writes: “He came to His own and His own did not

_________ Him. But to those who did accept him, to them He gave power to become

_____________ of God, to those who believe in His name.” (1:11-12) Accept; Children

10. Fill in the blank: And the __________ became _________ and made his dwelling among us

(1:14) Word; Flesh

11. Fill in the blanks: “From His fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace. For the

law was given through Moses, but ______ and ________ came through Jesus Christ.” (1:16)

Grace and Truth

12. Through whom was the Law given? (John 1:17) Moses

13. When the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask John who he was, what was

John's first response? (1:19-20) I am not the Messiah.

14. Who quoted these words from the book of Isaiah,” I am the voice of one crying out in the

desert, Make straight the way of the Lord.”? (1:23) John the Baptist

15. Who was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness”? (John 1:23) John the Baptist

16. Where was John the Baptist when he was asked,” When then do you baptize if you are not

the Messiah, Elijah or Prophet? (1:28) in Bethany across Jordan

17. Which prophet prophesied about “the voice of one crying in the wilderness”? Prophet Isaiah

(John 1:23)

18. Fill in the Blank: When questioned by the Pharisees, as to why he baptized, if he was not the

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Messiah, Elijah or Prophet. John answered that he baptized with ______. (1:26) “Water”

19. Of Whom does John Baptist say, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the

world!” (1:29) Jesus

20. What did John the Baptist say when he first saw Jesus coming toward him?

“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

21. What does “Rabbi” mean? Teacher (John 1:38)

22. Fill in the blank: “And John bore witness, saying, ‘I saw the ______ come down

like a dove from the sky, and remain upon Him.” (1:32)? Spirit

23. In Chapter 1, does John the Baptist ever testify (say) that Jesus is the Son of God? (1:34) Yes

24. How many disciples of John followed Jesus when they heard John speak these words,”

Behold the Lamb of God” (1:36-37) Two

25. In what form was the Spirit seen descending from heaven during Jesus’ baptism?

Dove (John 1:32)

26. Who was the first disciple to follow Jesus? Andrew (John 1:40)

27. In chapter 1, who did Andrew introduce to Jesus? (1:40-41) Simon Peter

28. According to Chapter 1, who first told Simon Peter that,” We have found the Messiah.”?

(1:41) Andrew

29. Fill in the Blank: When Andrew brought his brother Simon to meet Jesus, Jesus said, “You

are Simon the son of John.” you will be called __________ (which is translated Peter) (1:42)


30. In which place did Jesus find Philip and say the words “Follow me”? (1:43) Galilee

31. Andrew, Philip and Simon Peter belonged to which town? (1:44) Bethsaida

32. Who said these words to Philip,” Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (1:46)


33. Who did Jesus describe using the following words,” Here is a true Israelite, There is no

duplicity in him.” (1:47) Nathanael

34. Who said to Jesus, as recorded in the first chapter, “Rabbi, You are the son of God! You are

the King of Israel!” (1:49) Nathanael

35. Fill in the Blank: “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the _________

of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (1:51) Angels

Chapter 2

The Wedding at Cana

Cleansing of the Temple

1. On what day did the wedding at Cana take place? Third day (2:1)

2. Name the place where Jesus performed his first public miracle at a wedding feast? Cana

in Galilee or Cana (John 2:1)

3. How many years did it take to build the Jerusalem temple? (2:20) 46 years

4. Jesus performed his first public sign (miracle) at a wedding Feast. Which miracle did he

perform? Changed Water to Wine (John 2:9)

5. What were the six water jars made of and how much water could they hold? (2:6) Stone,

20 to 30 gallons

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6. Fill in the blank: Woman, how does your ________ affect me? My _______ has not yet

come. (2:3) Concern, Hour

7. Who said to the servers,” Do whatever he tells you.”? His Mother (2:5)

8. Who used the stone water jars for ceremonial washing? Jews or Jewish people (2:6)

9. Jesus asked the servers to draw some water out of the jars and take it to whom? (2:8)

Headwaiter 10. In chapter 2, Name the Feast of the Jews during which Jesus drove out the bird sellers

and money changers from the Jerusalem temple area. Passover (John 2:13-16)

11. Fill in the Blanks: “Zeal for your ____________ will consume me.” House ( John 2:17)

12. Which scripture were these words taken from,” Zeal for your house will consume me.”

Psalms 69 ( John 2:17)

13. Who said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”? Jesus (John 2:19)

14. In chapter 2, how long did the Jews say it took to build the temple? 46 years (John 2:20)

15. When Jesus said, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it, to what temple was

he referring? His body (John 2:21)

16. According to Chapter 2, who all accompanied Jesus to Capernaum, after the wedding

feast at Cana? ( 2:12) His mother, brothers and disciples

17. According to the story of cleansing the temple, what did Jesus use to drive out the people

who were selling oxen and sheep? ((2:14) A whip made out of cords

18. What did Jesus do with the coins of the money changers at the temple area? 2:15 spilled

19. Fill in the Blanks : Everyone serves _______ wine first, and then when people have

drunk freely, an ____________ one (2:10) good, inferior

20. While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the feast of Passover, why did many begin to believe in

his name? when they saw the signs he was doing ( 2:23)

Chapter 3


Final Witness of the Baptist

The One from Heaven

1. In chapter 3, who said to Jesus, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God;

for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” Nicodemus (John 3:1-


2. What did Nicodemus know about Jesus? ( 3:2) That Jesus is a teacher who has come

from God

3. Which ruler of the Jews came to see Jesus secretly in the night? (3:2) Nicodemus

4. Nicodemus was Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews. True or False? ( 3:2) True

5. Fill in one of the blanks: Jesus told Nicodemus, “Amen , amen, I say to you, no one can

enter the kingdom of God without being born of ______ and the _______, ” “Water” ,

“Spirit” (John3:5)

6. According to Jesus how can one be born again? Born of Water and Spirit ( John 3:4-5)

7. What can you hear when the wind blows? (3:8) The sound it makes

8. What can you not know about the wind? (3:8) where it comes from or where it goes

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9. In Chapter 3, to whom does Jesus compare the nature of wind? (3:8) everyone who is

born of the spirit

10. Who lifted up the serpent in the desert? (3:15) Moses

11. What did Moses lift up in the desert? (3:15) Serpent

12. Why must the Son of Man be lifted up? (3:15) so that everyone who believes in him may

have eternal life

13. Jesus says, as recorded by John in chapter 3, that God did not send His Son into the world

to condemn the world but to do what to the world? Save the world through Him (John


14. According to chapter 3, why is it that whoever does not believe already stand

condemned? (3:18) because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God

15. Jesus says, “For everyone who does wicked things hates the light, so that his works might

not be exposed. Who does Jesus say hates the light? “everyone who does wicked things”

(John 3: 20)

16. Fill in the blank: Jesus said, “But whoever lives the _______ comes to light, so that his

works may be clearly seen as done in God.” truth (John 3:21)

17. Fill in the blank: For God so ________ the world that he gave his only Son, so that

everyone who __________in him might not perish but might have eternal life ( 3:16)

Loved, Believes 18. According to chapter 3, where did Jesus and his disciples spend some time baptizing?

(3:22) region of Judea

19. Who was baptizing in Aenon near Salim because there was an abundance of water?

(3:23) John the Baptist

20. Now between whom did a dispute arise regarding ceremonial washings? (3:25) Disciples

of John and a Jew

21. In chapter 3, there is a note about what was going to happen to John the Baptist. Which

event is it? (3:24) Imprisonment of John the Baptist

22. In the final witness of John the Baptist to his disciples, what does he compare himself to?

(3:29)The best man who rejoices at the bridegroom’s voice

23. Who said, “He must increase, but I must decrease”? John the Baptist (John 3:30)

24. According to chapter 3, who certifies that God is trustworthy? (3:33) Whoever accepts

the testimony of one who comes from heaven

Chapter 4

The Samaritan Woman

Return to Galilee

Second Sign at Cana

1. In chapter 4, what did Jesus do, when he learned that the Pharisees heard that Jesus was

making and baptizing more disciples than John?” Left Judea and went to Galilee(4:1)

2. In which town, in Samaria, was Jacob’s well located? “Sychar” (John 4:5)

3. To whom had Jacob given the plot of land where the well was located? His son Joseph


4. Whom did Jesus ask for a drink when he sat at Jacob’s well in Samaria? (4:7) A woman

of Samaria

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5. In chapter 4, at about what time did Jesus reach Jacob’s well in Samaria? (John 4:6)

about Noon 6. In chapter 4, why did Jesus sit down at Jacob’s well in Samaria? (4:6) He was tired from

his journey 7. Did the Jews and Samaritans get along well with one another at the time of Jesus? No

(John 4:9)

8. Where did Jesus disciples go while he was at Jacob’s well asking the Samaritan woman

for a drink of water? (4:8) They had gone to the town to buy food

9. What was the Samaritan woman’s response when Jesus asked her for a drink of water at

Jacob’s well? (4:9) How can a Jew ask a Samaritan woman for a drink

10. Fill in the blank: “Jesus answered and said to her, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who

it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink’ you would have asked Him, and He would have

given you _______ water.” living (John 4:10)

11. According to the Samaritan woman, what two things would prevent Jesus from getting

her the living water? (4:11) Jesus did not have a bucket & the cistern was deep

12. According to the Samaritan woman who all drank from this ancestral well provided by

Jacob their father? (4:12) Jacob, his children & his flocks

13. Choose one: Jesus told the Samaritan women that those who drink the water from Jacob’s

well will thirst again, but those who received water from Him will never thirst. Jesus

further said, “the water that I shall give will become in him a spring of water welling up

to ____________. a. an eternal fountain; b. eternal life; c. refreshment eternal. b. “eternal

life” (John 4:14)

14. What did Jesus ask the Samaritan woman when she requested for the living water ?(4:15-

16)Go, call your husband

15. What was the reaction of the Samaritan woman when Jesus told her that she has five

husbands and the one she lives with is not her husband ?(4:18-19) She thought Jesus was

a prophet

16. Fill in one of the blanks: In His conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus

told her, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the

Father in ______ and _______; for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.”

“spirit” and “truth” (John 4:23)

17. What did the Samaritan woman know about the Messiah? (4:25) She knew that the

Messiah, who is the anointed one, is coming and when he comes he will tell us


18. Did Jesus ever tell the Samaritan woman at the well that he was the Messiah? “Yes or

No” (John 4:25-26) Yes

19. In what words did Jesus reveal himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman? (4:26) “I

am he, the one who is speaking with you.” 20. What was the reaction of the Samaritan woman when Jesus revealed to her that he is the

Messiah? (4:28) She left her water jar and went to the town to share the news with the


21. Who said, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this possibly

be the Messiah?” “The Samaritan woman” or “the woman at the well” (John 4:29)

22. Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent Me, and to finish

_____________. a. His work; b. His plan; c. His creation. a. “His work” (John 4:34)

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23. When the Samaritans came to him, for how many days did they ask Jesus to stay with

them? Two days (John 4:40)

24. From which town did the Royal official come to ask Jesus to heal his son? (4:46)

Capernaum 25. Choose one: What was the second sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into

Galilee? a. healed the blind man; b. Healed the Royal Official’s son; c. Healed the

paralytic. b. “healed the Royal Official’s son” (John 4:49-54)

26. What words did Jesus say to heal the royal official’s son who was ill in Capernaum?

(4:50) “You may go, your son will live.”

27. At what time was the Royal official’s son healed? (4:52) About one in the afternoon

Chapter 5

Cure on a Sabbath

The Work of the Son

Witnesses to Jesus

Unbelief of Jesus’ Hearers

1. In chapter five, what is the Hebrew name of a pool located by the Sheep Gate, where a

great multitude of sick people were waiting – to be healed? Bethesda (John 5:2-3)

2. How many porticos were there at the pool of Bethseda? (5:2) five

3. For how many years was the ill man lying next to the pool of Bethseda? 38 years (John


4. What was the first question that Jesus asked the sick man lying near the pool? "Do you

want to be well?" (John 5: 6)

5. What words did Jesus say to heal the man at the pool by the Sheep Gate? (5:8) a. I will

put you into the water; b. You are healed go in peace; c. Rise, take up your mat and


6. On what day did Jesus heal the man at the pool by the Sheep Gate? The Sabbath (John


7. What did Jesus ask the crippled man, who he healed, to NOT do any more, so that

nothing worse may happen to him? Sin (John 5:14)

8. According to chapter 5, what were the two main reasons for Jews to decide to kill Jesus?

(5:18) He broke the Sabbath by healing a crippled man and called God his own father,

making himself equal to God 9. In chapter 5, who shows the son greater works so that all may be amazed? (5:20) The

Father 10. Fill in the Blank: For just as the Father raises the dead and gives life so also does the son

give life to ___________________. (5:21) whomever he wishes

11. In chapter 5, who does Jesus say will judge? “The Son” (John 5:22)

12. According to Jesus, who shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life?

a. the Righteous; b. he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me; c. the Son

of man (John 5:24)

13. Fill in the Blank: For just as the Father has life in himself, so also he gave to his Son the

_______________ of life in himself. (5:26) Possession

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14. In chapter 5, why does Jesus say that the Father has given him, authority to execute

Judgment? Because He is the Son of Man (John 5:27)

15. Fill in the blank: Jesus says, “Do not be amazed at this; because the hour is coming in

which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice and come out – those who have done

good deeds, to the resurrection of __________, and those who have done wicked deeds to

the resurrection of Condemnation.” “life” (John 5:28-29)

16. In chapter 5, why does Jesus say that his judgment is just? (5:30) because he does not

seek his own will but the will of one who sent me

17. What did John do when they send emissaries to him? (5:33) he testified to the truth

18. In chapter 5, who does Jesus describe as the burning and shining lamp? (5:33-35) John

19. In chapter 5, Jesus says,” But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my

words.” Whose writing is Jesus referring to? (5:46-47) Moses

20. In chapter 5, Jesus says that even the Scriptures testify on his behalf. True or False (5:39)


Chapter 6

Multiplication of the Loaves

Walking on the Water

The Bread of Life Discourse

The Words of Eternal Life

1. In chapter 6, John records that Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee .This sea is also known as ---

-----------------------. Sea of Tiberias (John 6:1)

2. After Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee; a great multitude followed him, because they saw the

signs that He performed on the sick. John records that Jesus fed this great multitude – How many

men does John record in chapter 6 eat while seated on the mountain with Jesus? 5000 (John


3. During the feeding of the multitude, as recorded in Chapter, six how many fish did the boy

have that was blessed and used by Jesus to feed the multitude? 2 fish (John 6:9)

4. During the feeding of the multitude, as recorded in Chapter six, how many loaves of bread did

the boy have that was blessed and used by Jesus to feed the multitude? 5 barley loaves (John


5. During the feeding of the multitude, as recorded in Chapter six, how many baskets of

fragments were collected from the few fish and loaves of bread used to feed the multitude? 12

wicker baskets (John6:13)

6. John records that after the feeding of the multitude in chapter 6, Since Jesus knew that they

were going to come and carry him off to make Him king, he withdrew again to the mountain

alone. Where does John say the disciples went when evening came? Went down to the sea (or

embarked in a boat and went across the sea to Capernaum) (John6:16)

7. In chapter six, what was Jesus doing when He said to His disciples, “It is I; do not be afraid”?

Walking on the sea (John 6:19-20)

8. Jesus tells the people who came to Capernaum seeking him after the feeding of the multitude

“Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life which the

Son of Man will give you. He then goes on to say that He will give this food, which endures to

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everlasting life because a seal has been set on Him. Who does Jesus say set this seal on Him?

God the Father (John6:27)

9. In chapter six, the people ask Jesus, “What can we do to accomplish the works of God? In

response to their question, Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God: a. That you believe

in the one he sent; b. That you feed the poor; c. That you love your neighbor. (John 6:29)

10. Who is the bread of life? Jesus (6:35)

11. Fill in the blank: Jesus says in chapter six, “Because I came down from heaven, not to do my

own will, but the will of _______________.” The one who sent me. (John6:38)

12. Fill in the blank: “For this is the will of my Father that everyone who sees the Son and

believes in him may have eternal life and I will raise him on the ________.”Last day (6:40)

13. To whom does Jesus attribute the saying, “And they shall all be taught by God.”

Prophets (6:45)

14. Whoever eats* my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last

day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. (John6:54-55, 59)From where did

Jesus say this? Synagogue in Capernaum

15. What does John 6:35 say? * Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and

whoever believes in me will never thirst.

16. It is the ----------- that gives life, while the ----------- is of no avail. The words I have spoken

to you are ---------- and -----------. (John6; 63) spirit, flesh, spirit and life.

17. Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you twelve? Yet is not one of you a

devil?”(John6:70).Who is the devil that Jesus is referring to? Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot.

Chapter 7

The Feast of Tabernacles

The First Dialogue

Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus

Rivers of Living Water

Discussion about the origins of the Messiah

1. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but the time is always right for you.

(John7:6).What does “My time” refer to? His death and resurrection

2.” The world cannot hate you, but it hates me”. (John7:7) Why does the world hate Jesus? ,

because he testify to it that its works are evil.

3. But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, he himself also went up, not openly but [as it

were] in secret. (John7:10) Which is the feast referred to? The Feast of Tabernacles

4. Jesus answered and said to them, “I performed one work* and all of you are amazed.

(John7:21) Which is this one work? Cure of the paralytic on Sabbath.

5. The Jews were amazed and said, “How does he know scripture without having

studied?”(John7:15-16) How did Jesus answer them? “My teaching is not my own but is from

the one who sent me.

6. Some of them even wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him. So the guards went to

the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, “Why did you not bring him?” What answer did

the guards give for not arresting Jesus? (John7: 44-46)

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The guards answered, “Never before has anyone spoken like this one.

.7.Whoever believes in me, as scripture says:

‘Rivers of living water* will flow from within him.’”(John 7:38)What is “living water”?

Gift of the Spirit

8. Fill in the blanks. Others said, “This is the Messiah.” But others said, “The Messiah will

not come from Galilee, will he? Does not scripture say that the Messiah will be of ------- -----

----and come from -------------, the village where David lived? (John 7:41; 42). David’s

family, Bethlehem

9. “Does our law condemn a person before it first hears him and finds out what he is

doing?”(John7:51) Who said this to whom?

Nicodemus said this to the Pharisees.

10. Why did Jesus move about within Galilee and not wish to travel in Judea? (7:1) because the

Jews were trying to kill him 11. What were the crowds murmuring about Jesus at the feast? (7:12) some said he is a good

man while others said he misleads the crowd

12. When did Jesus go up to the temple area and began to teach at the feast of tabernacles? (7:14)

when the feast was already half-over 13. Who shall know if Jesus teaching is from God or whether he speaks on his own? (7:17)

whoever choses to do God’s will know 14. Fill in the Blank: Whoever seeks the glory of the one who sent him is __________ and there

is no _____________ in him (7:18) truthful, wrong

Chapter 8

A Woman Caught in Adultery

The Light of the World

Jesus, the Father’s Ambassador

Jesus and Abraham

1. Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and

made her stand in the middle. (John8:3)Where did they bring the woman and what was Jesus

doing? To the temple area where Jesus was teaching.

2. Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her. ”Again he bent

down and wrote on the ground. And in response, they went away one by one. (John8:7-9). Who

went away first? Elders

3. Fill in the blank: In chapter 8, the Scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught in

adultery and reminded Jesus that according to the law she should be stoned. Testing Jesus, they

asked Him what he thought. After Jesus stooped down and wrote in the ground with his finger,

they continued to ask him what he thought. John records that Jesus stood up and said, “Let the

one among you who is without ________ be the first to throw a stone at her.”(8:7) Sin

4. Fill in the blank: In chapter 8, after all of the accusers of the adulterous women left, Jesus

straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one ------------ you?” She

replied, “No one, sir.” Then Jesus said, “Neither do I ------------you. Go, [and] from now on do

not ------- anymore.” (8:10-11) condemned, condemn, sin

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5. You judge by appearances,* but I do not judge anyone. And even if I should judge, my

judgment is valid (John8:15-16) what reason does Jesus give to show that his judgment is valid?

He does not judge alone, but it is Jesus and the Father who sent him.

6. That is why I told you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that -----------

you will die in your sins.”(John 8:24) I AM

7. Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works of

Abraham” (John8:39) What did the Jews do that was not the work of Abraham?

Jews were planning to kill Jesus.

8. Of whom does Jesus speak when he says, ‘He was a murderer from the beginning and does not

stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character,

because he is a liar and the father of lies’ (John8:44) Devil

9. Yes or No: In chapter 8, John records that the Jews called Abraham their father, Jesus said to

them, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day. Does Jesus say Abraham ever actually saw

His Day? (8:56) Yes. (A reference to Fulfillment of the promises about Abraham’s seed by

birth of Isaac)

10. Fill in the blank: ““You are not yet fifty years old and you have seen Abraham?” Jesus said

to them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, ___________.”(John8:58) I


11. What does the Law of Moses command to do with a woman who is caught in the act of

Adultery (8:5) to stone such women

Chapter 9

The Man Born Blind

1. “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked

Him, saying, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ How did

Jesus answer them? (9:1-3)

“Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible

through him.

2. Jesus healed the blind man by spitting on the ground and making clay with the saliva and

smeared the blind man’s eyes with this clay. Jesus then told the blind man to go and wash in a

pool, which translated means, “Sent” What was the name of the pool? (9:6-7)

Pool of Siloam

3. On what day did Jesus heal the blind man? Sabbath day (9:14)

4. What caused a dispute to occur between the Pharisees? (9: 9:16)

Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, because he does not keep the

Sabbath.” [But] others said, “How can a sinful man do such signs?” And there was a

division among them.

5. Who did the blind man think that Jesus is? (9:17) He is a prophet.

6. He is of age; question him. Why did the parents of the blind man say so? (9-22)

His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed

that if anyone acknowledged him as the Messiah, he would be expelled from the synagogue.

7. “You are that man’s disciple; we are disciples of Moses! Who is the man and who is the

disciple? (9:28)

Man: Jesus

Disciple: Blind man whose eyes were opened

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8. Fill in the blank: It is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes of a person born blind. If

this man were not from----------, he would not be able to do anything.” (9:32) God

9. Yes or No: Jesus asks the man born blind, whom He heals, “Do you believe in the Son of

Man? Does Jesus actually tell the blind man whom He healed that He (Jesus) is the Son of Man.

(9:36-37) Yes

10. Jesus said, “I came into this world for -----------------, so that those who do not see might see,

and those who do see might become ----------.” (9:39) Judgment, blind

Chapter 10

The Good Shepherd

Feast of the Dedication

1. In the figure of speech of “The Good Shepherd” who is the Good Shepherd and who are the

sheep. (10:1-6)

The Good Shepherd: Jesus

Sheep: Those who believe in Jesus

2. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him

(John10:4) Why do the sheep follow the shepherd? Because they recognize his voice.

3. Fill in the blank: Jesus says in Chapter 10,” I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be

----------, and will come in and go out and find -------------.”(John10:9) saved, pasture

4. This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No

one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down, and power to

take it up again.* This command I have received from my Father. (John10:17-18)What does

Jesus indicate here? His crucifixion, death & resurrection

5. But you do not believe, because you are not among my sheep? Who are not among His sheep?

The Pharisees and Jews who did not believe in Jesus.


6. The feast of the Dedication* was then taking place in Jerusalem. It was winter. And Jesus

walked about in the temple area on the Portico of Solomon. So the Jews gathered around him and

said to him, “How long are you going to keep us in suspense?* If you are the Messiah, tell us

plainly.”(John10:22-25) How did Jesus answer them and what testifies his work? Jesus answered

them, “I told you* and you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify to


7. In chapter 10, When Jesus said to the Jews, “I and My Father are one.” How did the Jews

respond? (John10:30-31) The Jews again picked up rocks to stone him.

8. Why according to Jews were they stoning Jesus? (John10:33) “We are not stoning you for a

good work but for blasphemy. You, a man, are making yourself God.

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9. Why does Jesus ask the Jews to believe in his works, even if they do not believe Him? So

that they may realize [and understand] that the Father is in Him and He is in the


10. Where was the Feast of Dedication taking place? (10:22) in Jerusalem

11. When does the Feast of Dedication take place? (10:22) a. summer b. winter c. spring

Chapter 11

The Raising of Lazarus

Session of the Sanhedrin

The Last Passover

1. Where did Lazarus live?

Bethany (John 11:1)

2. How many days did Jesus stay where he was after hearing of the sickness of Lazarus? (11:6)

2 days

3. According to Jesus why was Lazarus ill? (11:4)

It is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.

4. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill he wanted to go to Judea, but the disciples did not want

him to go there .Why? (11:8)

Because the Jews were planning to stone him.

5. “Let us also go to die with him.”(11:16) Who said this and when?

Thomas called Didymus, when Jesus wanted to go to Judea though the Jews were planning

to stone him.

6. How long had Lazarus been in the tomb? (11:17) 4 days

7. Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise.”(11:21-24) To whom did Jesus say this? Martha

8. Jesus told her, “I am the --------------- and the --------; whoever believes in me, even if he ------

-----, will --------. (11:25) Resurrection, life, dies, live

9... Who was the high priest during the year Jesus was crucified?

Caiaphas (John 11:49)

10. Who made this prophesy? You know nothing, nor do you consider that it is better for you

that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.”

Caiaphas, the high priest (John 11:49-50

11. So from that day on they planned to kill him. (11:53) Who planned to kill Jesus and why?

The Sanhedrin because Jesus had raised Lazarus from death.

12. What did Mary anoint the Lord with? (11:2) perfumed oil

13. What did Mary use to dry the feet of the Lord? (11:2) her hair

14. Why did the sisters send word to the Master? (11:3) because their brother Lazarus was ill

15. Who were Lazarus’ sisters? (11:1-2) Mary and Martha

Chapter 12

The Anointing at Bethany

The Entry into Jerusalem

The Coming of Jesus’ Hour

Unbelief and Belief among the Jews

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1. Who anointed the feet of Jesus* and dried them with her hair? (12:3)Mary

2. With what did Mary anoint the feet of Jesus and where did this take place? (12:3)Perfumed

oil made from genuine aromatic nard and this took place in Bethany in the house where

Lazarus was.

3. When Judas Iscariot saw this what did he say? (12:4-5)

“Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages* and given to the poor?”

4. What did Judas Iscariot do with the money bag? (12:6)

He held the money bag and used to steal the contributions

5. And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too. Why? (12:10-11)

Because many of the Jews were turning away and believing in Jesus because of him.

6. Who cried out: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, [even] the king

of Israel.” (12:12) Great crowd that had come to the feast

7. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, a great crowd sang ‘Hosanna’ to him. On this day

great crowd of Jews gathered to see not only Jesus but another person also. Who was this other

person? Lazarus (John 12:9).

8. “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. When did Jesus say this? (12:20-22)

When Philip and Andrew informed Jesus that some Greeks wanted to see him.

9. Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.”(12:28) When the

crowd heard this what did they think it was? Some thought it was thunder and others thought

an angel had spoken to Jesus.

10. Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world* will be driven out.

(12:31) Who is the ruler of this world? Satan

11. Jesus fulfilled the prophesy of many prophets in the Old Testament. Which prophet

prophesied saying, “He blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they might not see

with their eye and understand with their heart and be converted, and I would heal them.”f

Isaiah (John 12:40)

Chapter 13

The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet

Announcement of Judas’s Betrayal

The New Commandment

Peter’s Denial Predicted

1. When did Jesus know that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father?

(John13:1) Before the feast of Passover

2. Who had induced Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot, to hand him (Jesus) over?(13:2) Devil

3. Jesus answered him, “Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”

To whom did Jesus say this? Peter

4. “Not all of you are clean.” About whom did Jesus say this and why? (13:8)

Judas Iscariot because Jesus knew that he was the one to betray him.

5.”I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.”

What model did Jesus give? (13:15)

If Jesus has washed the disciples’ feet, they ought to wash one another’s feet.

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6. What was the name of the father of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?

Simon Iscariot (John 13:2, 26)

7. What entered Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot after he took the morsel? (13:27) Satan

8. What example of humility did Jesus demonstrate at the Last Supper? Washing the feet of

his disciples

9.” I give you a new commandment” What is the new commandment that Jesus gave at the

last supper? (13:34) Love one another.

10. According to Jesus how would others know who were his disciples? (13:35) by your love

for one another.”

11. When did Jesus predict Peter’s denial? (13:36) Soon after giving the new commandment.

Chapter 14

Last Supper Discourses

The Advocate

1. “Do not let your hearts be ---------------. You have ---------- in God; have -----------also in

me.(14:1) troubled, faith, faith

2. I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

(14:3)What reference does Jesus make when he says “I will come back again”

His second coming or Parousia

3. Fill in the Blank: Jesus said to him, “I am the ______ and the ______* and the life. No

one comes to the Father except through me. (14:6) Way, Truth

Notes: Way: Jesus himself, also a designation of Christianity,

Truth: The divinely revealed reality of the Father manifested in the person and works of

Jesus. The possession of truth confers knowledge and liberation from sin

4. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. (14:8-14) To whom did Jesus say this?


5. What did Jesus say we would do if we loved him? (14:15)

You will keep my commandments

6. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate* to be with you always.

(14:16) Who according to Jesus is this advocate? The Spirit of Truth.

7. Whoever has my ------------------------ and ---------- them is the one who ------------ me.

And whoever loves me will be loved by my -------------, and I will love him and reveal

myself to him.(14:21) Commandments, observes, loves, Father

8. How will the people who love God and keep the word of God be blessed?(14:23)

The Father will love him and they (Father & Son) will dwell in such people

9. Who will teach you everything and remind you of all that Jesus has told? (14:26)

The advocate, the Holy Spirit.

10. Who will send the Holy Spirit? (14:16)

Jesus will ask God the Father to send the spirit.

Chapter 15

The Vine and the Branches

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The World’s Hatred

1. According to chapter 15, What is Jesus and his father compared to? Vine and Vine

grower (John 15:1)

2. According to chapter 15, Why does the father take away some branches from the vine?

(15:2) because those branches do not bear fruit

3. According to chapter 15, Why does the father prune the branches that bear fruit? (15:2)

so that it bears more fruit 4. In chapter 15, Jesus says,” You are already pruned because of the word that I spoke to

you.” True or False? True (15:3)

5. Fill in the Blank: Just as a _________ cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on

the ______, so neither can you unless you remain in me (15:4) branch ,vine

6. In chapter 15, what illustration did Jesus use to show that we must remain connected to

Him? (15:4) A branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine

7. What will people do to the branches that are no longer connected to the vine? (15:6) Will

gather them and throw them into a fire and they will be burned 8. According to Jesus, when will we receive whatever we ask? (15:7) When we remain in

Him and his words remain in us

9. According to Jesus, by what will his Father be glorified? (15:8) When you bear much

fruit and become my disciples 10. Fill in the Blank: If you keep my ________________, you will remain in my love, just as

I have kept my father’s _______________ and remain in his love. (15:10)

commandments 11. What commandment does Jesus give us in Chapter 15? (15:12) Love one another as I

love you 12. Fill in the Blank: No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s _____ for one’s

friends (15:13) life

13. What do we have to do to become a friend of Jesus? (15:14) Do what Jesus command us

14. Why does Jesus not call his disciples a slave? (15:15) Because a slave does not know

what his master is doing 15. Why does Jesus call his disciples a friend and not a slave? (15:15) Because he has told

them everything that he heard from his Father 16. Fill in the Blank: It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and ___________

you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the ____________ in

my name he may give you (15:16) appointed, Father

17. According to Jesus, why does the world hate you? (15:19) because I have chosen you

out of the world

18. According to Jesus, if the world hates the disciples, what should they realize? (15:18)

realize that the world hated Him first 19. According to Jesus, if they have persecuted me, they will also do what? (15:20) persecute

you 20. According to Jesus, the Advocate who comes from the father will do what? (15:26) he

will testify to me

21. The spirit of truth proceeds from whom? (15:26) the Father

22. According to Jesus, why will the disciples also testify? (15:27) because you have been

with me from the beginning

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Chapter 16

Jesus’ Departure; Coming of the Advocate

1. According to the opening verse in chapter 16, Jesus said, “I have told you this so that

you may not fall away. What is Jesus referring to? The hatred of the world for his

disciples (John 16:1)

2. Fill in the Blank: They will expel you from the synagogues; in fact, the hour* is

coming when everyone who kills you will think he is offering ________ to God

(16:2) worship

3. According to Jesus, why will they (world) expel the disciples from the synagogues

and kill them? (16:3) because they(the world) have not known either the Father or

Him 4. Why were the heart of the disciples’ filled with grief? (16:5-6) because Jesus had

told the disciples about his departure ( going back to the one who send me)

5. According to Jesus, why is it better for him to go back to the one who sent Him (16:7)

because if Jesus goes, he will send the Advocate to the disciples?

6. What are the three areas that the Advocate (Holy Spirit) will convict the world for?

(16:8) sin , righteousness and condemnation

7. What is the sin that the Holy Spirit would convict the world for? (16:9) refusal to

believe in Jesus 8. Why will the Advocate (Holy Spirit) convict the world in regard to righteousness?

(16:10) because Jesus has returned to his Father

9. Why will the Advocate (Holy Spirit) convict the world in regard to condemnation?

(16:11) because Satan(ruler of the world) will be condemned through Jesus’ death

on the cross

10. Fill in the Blank: But when he comes, the _______ of truth, he will guide you to all

_________ (16:13) Spirit , Truth

11. Why did the disciples say to Jesus “Now you are talking plainly, and not in any figure

of speech.”? Because Jesus said “I came from the Father and have come into the

world. Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.”

12. Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be ________ to his

own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the _______ is

with me (16:32) scattered, Father

Chapter 17

The Prayer of Jesus (“high priestly prayer” of Jesus)

1. Fill in the Blank: “Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your son, so that your son

may _______ you, just as you gave him authority over all people, so that he may give

_______ life to all you gave him. Glorify, eternal (John 17:1)

2. In Jesus' High Priestly prayer, what is Jesus' first petition to the Father in John 17:1?

Give glory to your son, so that your son may glorify you

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3. In Jesus' High Priestly prayer, what is Jesus' second petition to the Father in John

17:2? he may give eternal life to all the father gave him (all those who believe in


4. How did Jesus glorify the Father on earth? ( 17:3) by accomplishing the work that

was given to him

5. In Chapter 17, does Jesus state that he had the glory even before the world began.

True or False (17:5) True

6. In Chapter 17, who is Jesus praying for? (17:9,20) 1.the disciples who accepted the

Word of God and believed that Jesus was sent by the Father & 2.for those who will

believe in Jesus through the Word they hear from the disciples

7. Fill in the Blank: When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave

me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the________________, in

order that the scripture might be fulfilled.(17:12) son of destruction

8. According to chapter 17, who loved Jesus before the foundation of the world? (17:24)

The Father

9. What does Jesus ask the Father to consecrate the disciples in? (17:17) the truth

10. Fill in the Blank: I gave them your word, and the world hated them, because they do

not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. I do not ask that you

take them out of the world but that you keep them from the ________ (17:14-15) evil

one 11. In chapter 17, between verses 1-5 how many times has Jesus used the word

glory/glorify? 5 times

12. In John 17:11-17, what four gifts does Jesus ask Father God to give His disciples?

(See verses 11, 13, 15, and 17.) 1. Unity - they may be one just as the Father and

Son are one; 2. Share in His Joy 3. Keep them from the evil one 4.Consecrate them

in the truth

Chapter 18

Jesus Arrested

Peter’s First Denial

The Inquiry before Annas

Peter Denies Jesus Again

The Trial before Pilate

1. Jesus went with his disciples to a garden across the valley. In what valley was the Garden


Kidron Valley (John 18:1)

2. How did Judas his betrayer know about the garden across the Kidron valley? (18:2)

because Jesus had often met there with his disciples 3. Who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish chief priests and Pharisees?

Judas Iscariot (John 18)

4. How many soldiers and guards did Judas bring to the garden ( 18:3) a band of soldiers

and guards 5. What did the soldiers and guards bring with them (18:3) lanterns, torches, and weapons.

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6. What was the name of the high priest’s slave whose ear Peter struck?

Malchus (John 18:10)

7. Who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas?

Annas (John 18:13)

8. Which disciple denied Jesus three times by refusing to admit that he was a

follower of Jesus?

Peter (John 18:15-27)

9. It was a custom to release a prisoner at the Passover. Which prisoner was released

during the trial of Jesus?

Barabbas (John 18:40)

10. By whom was Jesus first examined? (18:13-24) Annas

11. Who was the high priest the year Jesus was crucified? (18:13) Caiaphas

12. Who had counseled the Jews that it was better that one man should die rather than the

people? (18:14) Caiaphas

13. How many disciples followed Jesus as he was taken to the high priest? Two – Peter and

another disciple who was known to the high priest (18:15)

14. Who spoke to the gatekeeper and brought Peter into the courtyard of the high priest?

(18:16) the other disciple who was an acquaintance of the high priest

15. Who struck Jesus and said, “Is this the way you answer the high priest? (18:22) the

temple guards

16. What did Annas question Jesus about? (18:19) his disciples and about his doctrine

17. What was the first question that Pilate asked Jesus? (18:33) “Are you the King of the


18. Why did the Jews not want to judge Jesus according to Jewish law? ( 18:31) because the

Jewish law does not give them right to execute anyone

Chapter 19

The conversation between Pilate ,Jesus and the crowd(verses 1-16)

The Crucifixion of Jesus(4 decades of sorrowful mystery )(verses17-30)

St John and Mary at the cross(Mary as the mother of our church )( verses26-28)

The Blood and Water(Reason for the Feast of Divine Mercy )(verses 34-36)

The Burial of Jesus(verses 38-42)

1. And the _________ wove a crown out of thorns and placed it on his head, and clothed him in a purple

cloak (19:2) soldiers, Purple

2. What did the soldiers tell Jesus after they clothed him in a purple cloak? (19:3) “Hail, King of the

Jews” 3. What reason did Pilate give for bringing Jesus out once more? (19:4) So that they may know that he

found no guilt in Jesus 4. Who said this “Behold the man”! (19:5) Pilate

5. Who cried out “Crucify him, crucify him”, when they saw Jesus (19:6) The chief priests and the

guards 6. What did Pilate say when the chief priests and the guards cried out “Crucify him and crucify him “?

(19:6) ‘Take him yourselves and crucify him .I find no guilt in him “

7. What reason was given by the Jews to Pilate to justify that Jesus ought to die? (19:7) According to the

law, he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God

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8. Now when Pilate heard this statement, he became even more afraid. What was the statement? Who

made that statement? (19:7-8) “We have a law, and according to that law, he ought to die,

because he made himself the Son of God” 9. What was the question Pilate asked Jesus after hearing the statement from Jews “We have a law, and

according to that law, he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God”? (19:8-9)

“Where are you from?” 10. Pilate asked three questions to Jesus in Praetorium. State the second and third question? (19:10)

“Do you not speak to me?

“Do you not know that I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?”

11.In chapter 19, according to Jesus who has the greater sin than Pilate? (19:11) “The one who handed

me over to you has the greatest sin “(OR who handed over Jesus to Pilate) 12. When Pilate tried to release Jesus, what did Jews cry out? (19:12) “If you release him, you are not a

Friend f Caesar. Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar”. 13. Pilate brought Jesus out and seated him on the judges’ bench in the place called ----------------- (19:13)

Stone Pavement (in Hebrew, Gabbatha) 14. “Behold, your king!” .Who said to whom? Who is the king mentioned here? (19:14) Pilate to the

Jews. ; Jesus

15. Write the last statement of the chief priests just before Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be

crucified? (19:15) “We have no king but Caesar”.

16. Meaning of Golgotha? (19:17) Place of the Skull

17. What is the importance of the place called Golgotha in Bible? Jesus was crucified in Golgotha.

18. What inscription written by Pilate was put on the cross of Jesus? (19:19) “Jesus the Nazorean, the

king of the Jews” 19. The inscription by Pilate “Jesus the Nazorean, the king of the Jews” was written in 3 languages?

Which are they? (19:20) Hebrew, Latin and Greek

20.”What I have written, I have written”. Who said this to whom? (19:22) Pilate to the chief priests

21. The soldiers took his clothes and divided them into ________ shares, a share for each soldier. (19:23)

Four 22. How did St John describe the tunic of Jesus? (19:23) “The tunic was seamless, woven in one piece

from the top down” 23. St John is using a verse from the Old Testament in his Chapter 19:24, “They divided my garments

among them, and for my vesture they cast lots”. Name the Old Testament book and chapter this

was taken from The Book of Psalms 22:19 “They divide my garments among them; for my

clothing they cast lots.” 24. Why did the soldiers cast lots for Jesus’s tunic? They didn’t want to tear it since it was seamless,

woven in one piece from the top down. John 19; 23-24) 25. According to St John‘s Gospel who all were standing near Jesus’s cross? His mother, His mother’s

sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary of Magdala and the disciple he loved. (John 19:25-26) 27. What did Jesus say to his mother and the beloved disciple at the cross? (John 19:26-27)

To his mother “Woman, behold your son “

To his beloved disciple “Behold, your mother “ 28. What did Jesus say after He talked to his mother and beloved disciple at the cross? ‘I thirst” (John

19:28) 29. According to the Gospel of St John, what was the last word of Jesus? “It is finished “(John 19:30)

30. According to the Gospel of St John, what did the soldiers do when he was thirsty in the cross? They

put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop and put it up to his mouth. (John 19:29) 31. What is the name of a plant used in chapter 19 by St John? Hyssop (a small plant suitable for

carrying a sponge) (John 19:29) 32. How did St John explain the last moment of Jesus (death of Jesus)? “Bowing his head, he handed

over the spirit “(John19; 30)

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33. Why did Jews ask Pilate to break the legs of Jesus and the other 2 who were crucified with him?

(19:31) Since it was preparation day, in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the

Sabbath, for the Sabbath day of that week was a solemn one “ 34. Why didn’t the soldiers break Jesus’s legs? Since Jesus was already dead. (John 19; 33)

35. Based on the bible verse John 19:34, a great feast is being celebrated in Catholic Church. What is the

name of the feast? When do we celebrate it?

The feast of Divine Mercy, celebrated on the Sunday after Easter every year. (Not a direct question,

just for your information). Refer to St Faustina’s story.

36. What happened when a soldier thrust his lance into Jesus’s side? (19:34) Blood and water flowed

out immediately. (Blood is symbolic of the Eucharist and water is symbolic of baptism) 37. For this happened so that the scripture passage might be fulfilled:”Not a bone of it will be broken “.

Write down the name of Old Testament book and verse. Psalms 34:21.”He watches over all his bones;

not one of them shall be broken”. 38. Bible verses (new and old testaments) connected with John 19:37 “they look upon him whom they

have pierced”. Just be familiar with the name and chapter of the books. No need to memorize the verse.

Zechariah 12:10: “I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit

of mercy and supplication, so that when they look on him whom they have thrust through, they will

mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and they will grieve for him as one grieves over a


Numbers 21:9 Accordingly Moses made a bronze serpent and mounted it in a pole, and whenever

the serpent bit someone, the person looked at the bronze serpent and recovered.

Revelations 1:7 Behold he is coming amid the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who

pierced him .All the peoples of the earth will lament him .yes Amen.

39. Which book from Old Testament is being referenced more frequently in chapter 19 of the Gospel of

John? The book of Psalms

40. John 19:37 are being referenced in another New Testament book? Name the book.

Revelations 1:7(see Q# 38 for details)

41. John mentions about a secret disciple of Jesus (in chapter 19) who was afraid of Jews .Who was the

disciple? OR How did St John describes Joseph of Arimathea ? Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38)

42. Who asked Pilate for removing the body of Jesus from the cross? Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38)

43. What did Nicodemus bring when he came to take the body of Jesus for burial? A mixture of myrrh

and aloes weighing about one hundred pounds (John 19:39) 44. How does St John describe Nicodemus in chapter 19? “The one who had first come to him at night

“(John 19:39) 45. Who took the body of Jesus out of the cross? Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:38)

46. According to what custom, they buried Jesus? Jewish Burial custom (John 19:40)

47. They took his body of Jesus and bound it with burial clothes along with the spices .Who are they?

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (john 19:39-40)

48. How does St John describe the tomb in which Jesus was buried?

A new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried

49. What are the two reasons John states for burying Jesus in that specific tomb in the garden?

Because of the Jewish Preparation day; for the tomb was close by.

50. In the Gospel of St John, which chapter narrates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Chapter 19 51. Which bible verse in John’s gospel records the death of Jesus?

John 19:30

52. Which chapter in his Gospel, John describes about Mary and the beloved disciple at the cross?

John 19

53. How many soldiers divided the clothes of Jesus? (Tricky question)

Four (John 19:23)

54. How many ladies who are named Mary are mentioned in John’s gospel Chapter 19?

3(John 19:25)

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55. Who was talking to Jesus in Preatorium as well as the people outside (like a mediator)?

Pilate (John 19:1-16)

56. Which scripture was fulfilled by Jesus’ statement of thirst and his subsequent drink?

Psalms 22:16: As dry as a potsherd is my throat; my tongue cleaves to my palate; you lay me in the

dust of death

Psalms 69:22 Instead they gave me poison for my food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar

57. In chapter 19, how many times St Johns writes about ‘fulfilling the scriptures”

3 times (19; 24, 28 and 36)

58. Which decades of Holy Rosary have been recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 19?

2-5 the decades of Sorrowful mysteries

Scourging –John 19:1

Crowning: John 19:2

Carrying of the cross: 19:17

Crucifixion and death: 19:18-30

59. State one of the verse of Jesus at cross, based on which the Catholic Church accepted Mary as our


“Behold, your mother “

60. According to the Gospel of John, what were the last words of Jesus to his mother?

“Woman, behold your son”.

Chapter 20

The Empty Tomb

The Appearance of Mary of Magdala

Appearance to the Disciples



1. On what day did Mary of Magdala come to the tomb? (20:1) first day of the week

2. At what time did Mary of Magdala come to the tomb? (20:1) early in the morning

3. What did Mary of Magdala see when she came to the tomb? (20:1)the stone removed

from the tomb 4. Who said the following words to whom, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and

we don’t know where they put him.” (20:2) Mary of Magdala to Simon Peter and the

disciple whom Jesus loved

5. When Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb, who reached first? ( 20:4) the other


6. What did Simon Peter see inside the tomb? (20:6) the burial cloths & the cloth that had

covered his head rolled up in a separate place

7. Who did Mary of Magdala see when she bent over into the tomb? (20:12) two angels

8. Where were the two angels sitting in the tomb? (20:12) one at the head and the other at

the feet where the body of Jesus had been

9. What did the Angels tell Mary Magdala? (20:13) “Woman, why are you weeping?”

10. Who said these words to whom, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking

for?” (20:15) Jesus to Mary Magdala

11. Who did Mary think Jesus was when he first spoke to her? (20:15) the gardener

12. When did Mary recognize Jesus? (20:16) When he addressed her as Mary

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13. What is the meaning of the Hebrew word “Rabbouni”? (20:16) Teacher

14. What did Jesus ask Mary Magdala to stop doing? (20:17) stop holding on to him

15. Fill in the Blank: Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me,* for I have not yet ________

to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my ______ and your

Father, to my God and your God.’” (20:17) Ascended, Father

16. What did Mary of Magdala announce to the disciples? (20:18) I have seen the Lord and

what he (Jesus) told her

17. When did Jesus first appear to his disciples who were locked up in a room? (20:19) On

the evening of the first day of the week

18. Why had the disciples locked themselves in a room? (20:19) for fear of the Jews

19. What were Jesus’ first words to his disciples when he appeared to them in the locked

room? (20:19) “Peace be with you”

20. Fill in the Blank: And when he had said this, he ________ on them and said to them,

“Receive the____________. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins

you retain are retained.” Breathed, Holy Spirit Note: The Council of Trent defined that

this power to forgive sins is exercised in the Sacrament of Penance

21. Which disciple was not in the locked room during Jesus’ first appearance to the disciples?

(20:24) Thomas called Didymus

22. When did Jesus appear a second time to the disciples in the locked room? (20:26) A

week after his first appearance

23. Fill in the Blank: Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and

bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but _______.”

(20:27) believe

24. With what words did Thomas respond to Jesus? (20:28) “My Lord and my God!”

25. Who said these words to whom, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me?

Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”? (20:29) Jesus said to Thomas

26. According to the concluding verse in chapter 20, why has John written this book? (20:31)

that you may [come to] believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that

through this belief you may have life in his name

Chapter 21

The Appearance to the Seven Disciples

Jesus and Peter

The Beloved Disciple


1. At which sea did Jesus reveal himself again to his disciples (John 21:1) Sea of Tiberias

2. Who was also called as Didymus? (21:3) Thomas

3. While the disciples were in the boat fishing, who told Simon Peter that the Lord is

standing on the shore ? (21:7) The disciple whom Jesus loved

4. According to Chapter 21, what was the first question that Jesus asked the disciples while

they were fishing at the Sea of Tiberias ? (21:4) “Children, have you caught anything to


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5. According to chapter 21, what did Jesus ask his disciples to do as they were not able to

catch any fish? (21:6) Cast the net over to the right side of the boat

6. According to chapter 21, how many fish did the disciples catch when Jesus asked them to

cast the net to the right side of the boat? ( 21:11) 153 large fish

7. Which disciple tucked in his garment and jumped into the sea of Tiberias, when he heard

that the Lord was on the shore, while the disciples were fishing? (21:7) Simon Peter

8. When disciples came back to the shore after fishing at the sea of Tiberias, what had Jesus

prepared for them? ( 21:9) A charcoal fire with fish on it and bread

9. According to chapter 21, who went over and dragged the net ashore, when Jesus asked

them to bring the fish they caught at the sea of Tiberias? (21:10-11) Simon Peter

10. Why did none of the disciples dare to ask Jesus, “Who are you? “ (21:12) because they

realized it was the Lord 11. How many times did Jesus show himself to the disciples after is resurrection? (21:14)

three times

12. During the third post-resurrection appearance to his disciples, at the Sea of Tiberius, what

question did Jesus ask Simon Peter three times? “ ( 21:15-19) Do you love me

13. During the third post-resurrection appearance to his disciples, at the Sea of Tiberius, what

did Jesus ask Peter to feed? (21:15,17) Feed my Lambs, Feed my Sheep

14. During the third post-resurrection appearance to his disciples, at the Sea of Tiberius, what

did Jesus ask Peter to tend to? (21:16) Tend my Sheep

15. What was Peter’s response to Jesus when he asked a third time, “Do you love me?”

(21:17) “Lord you know everything; you know that I love you.”

16. About whom did Jesus say the following? “When you were younger, you girded yourself

and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and

another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” (21:17-18) Simon Peter

17. What did these words spoken by Jesus signify? “When you were younger, you girded

yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your

hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” (21:17-18)

signifying by what kind of death Peter would glorify God 18. In chapter 21, when Jesus said, “Follow me.”, whom did Peter see when he turned?

(21:20). The disciple whom Jesus loved

19. According to Chapter 21, where was the disciple whom Jesus loved seated during the last

supper? (21:20) reclined upon Jesus’ chest during the last supper

20. According to chapter 21, what word spread among the brothers? that disciple would not

die 21. What are the last words spoken by Jesus in the Gospel of John? (21:22) You follow me

22. Fill in the Blank: It is this ____________ who testifies to these things and has written

them, and we know that his testimony is _________. Disciple , True

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Book of Isaiah

Chapter 6

Call of Isaiah

1. According to Ch6:1, When did Isaiah see the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne? In

the year King Uzziah died

2. How many wings did the Seraphim use to veil their face? (6:2) Two

3. In Isaiah’s vision, where was the Lord seated? (6:1) On a high and lofty throne

4. In Isaiah’s vision, what filled up the temple? 6:1) the train of the Lord’s garment

5. What was stationed (stood) above the throne? (6:2) Seraphim

6. How many wings did the Seraphim have? (6:2) Six

7. What did they do with their wings? (6:2) Veiled their faces, veiled their feet, hovered

aloft 8. What is a "seraphim"? (6:1ff) word literally means burning ones, are celestial beings

who surround the throne of God

9. What were the seraphim crying out to each other? (6:3) “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of


10. What happened when the seraphim’s cried out? (6:4) the frame of the door shook and

the house was filled with smoke

11. In Isaiah’s vision, what was the house filled with? (6:4) smoke

12. What happened, when Isaiah said "Woe is me, I am doomed"? (6:5) one of the seraphim

flew to him holding an ember(coal) from the altar 13. Where did the seraphim get the ember (coal) from? (6:6) with tongs from the Altar

14. What did the seraphim do with the ember (coal)? (6:7) He touched Isaiah’s mouth with

it 15. What did the Seraphim tell Isaiah? (6:7) “See, now that this has touched your lips, your

wickedness is removed, your sin purged.” 16. What did the voice of the Lord say to Isaiah? (6:8) “Whom shall I send? Who will go for


17. How did Isaiah answer? (6:8) “Here I am, send me!”

18. Why did the Lord ask Isaiah to make the heart of the people sluggish, dull their ears and

close their eyes? (6:10) So they shall not understand Isaiah’s message and will not be


19. How long was Isaiah to bring the message to the people? (6:11) until the cities are

desolate without inhabitants; Houses without a man and the earth is a desolate waste 20. Which trees trunk remains when its leaves have fallen? (6:12) terebinth or an oak tree

Chapter 9

The Prince of Peace – Good news for God’s People

Fall of the Northern Kingdom

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1. According to Ch9:1,the people who walked in darkness have seen what A great light

2. What names have they given to the son? (9:5) Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-

Forever, Prince of Peace

3. Fill in the Blanks: The people who worked in darkness have seen a great ________ ;

Upon those who dwell in the land of gloom a _______ has shone (9:1) light

4. What did the light bring to the people who have seen it? (9:1-2) Abundant joy & great

rejoicing 5. What did the great light do to the yoke, pole and rod? (9:3) Smashed it

6. On what day will the yoke, pole and rod be smashed? (9:3) On the day of Midian

7. What will happen to every boot that tramped in battle and every cloak rolled in blood?

(9:4) will be burned as fuel for flames

8. What will rest on the child that is born? (9:5) dominion will rest on his shoulder

9. How long will his dominion last? (9:6) forever

10. Who was filled with arrogance and pride of heart? (9:8) people of Ephraim and those

who dwell in Samaria 11. What will the arrogant people say they would use to build when bricks have fallen? (9:9)

cut stone 12. What will the arrogant people replace the Sychamores with? (9:9) cedars

13. Who are the enemies that the Lord raises to devour Israel with open mouth? (9:10-11)

Aram on the east and Philistines on the west 14. Why does the Lord sever from Israel, the head and tail? (9:12-13) because the people do

not turn to him who struck them nor seek the Lord of hosts

15. Who are referred to as the head of Israel? (9:14) the elder and the noble

16. Who are referred to as the tail of Israel? (9:14) the prophet who teaches falsehood

17. What will the Lord do to the young men? 9:16) he will not spare them

18. Who will the Lord not show pity on? (9:16) orphans and widows

19. Which two tribes turn against Judah? (9:20) Manasseh and Ephraim

20. Fill in the Blanks: For wickedness burns like _______, devouring brier and ______ (9:17)

fire, thorn 21. In chapter 9, under the section on “fall of the Northern kingdom”, which sentence is used

multiple times? For all this, his wrath is not turned back, his hand is still outstretched!