Lubna evaluation question 4




Transcript of Lubna evaluation question 4

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Research & Planning





Internet Explorer


Microsoft word


Mozilla Firefox

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Youtube was the most important role in order of making my music video. This is because it allowed me to view various other music videos which helped me gain ideas for my music video. As I watched these texts it has helped me analysing the different conventions which occurs in my chosen genre, Grime. The use of Youtube has impacted on my music video as also acknowledging who are target audience will be and how we should achieve this. It has also helped me finding and exploring the typical conventions of Grime and identifying on how I need to meet this within my music video. Youtube has also helped be identify unsigned Grime artists which has helped me find a song for my music video. As Grime has not been a mainstream genre, Youtube has helped me find Grime music videos and artists which has helped me in the process of making my video. Grime music is very difficult to research on as there are a few famous and signed artists as this type of genre is not very popular.

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Webs has been crucial as it has helped me develop my planning and research. I used webs to help me keep organise for the process of my music video such as filming dates, I uploaded the call sheets on webs to inform other group members we are filming and all the equipment's needed. I also used webs to upload all my planning and research, this was very important to help show the development of my work. Webs has played a big role in the process of my year 13 coursework as I used this to upload all my final pieces of work and evaluation. This is more of advance and technical way in uploading my work. I also used webs to upload draft copies and dated them explaining what I did and how I need to improve this. Overall, webs has helped a lot this year for my coursework as it has helped me keep on track and time. This is from the schedule and format of webs which has helped me in processing my final year 13 coursework.

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I used Microsoft Word for many purposes in my research and planning. This has helped me in a lot in being organised and presenting my work efficiently. I used Microsoft Word for annotating the lyrics for my chosen song. This has helped in identifying what is necessary for my video. I also used Microsoft Word to create my call sheets, this was important as it allowed me to be organised and keep on track. I used call sheets to inform my other team members for filming dates, equipment needed, location, and what part of the storyboard we will be filming.

Microsoft PowerPoint was useful in making my research and planning more interesting and presentable. I used PowerPoint for many purposes in my work to help me with my research and planning. I used PowerPoint in explaining Goodwin's theory for real music videos in relating to my genre. This has helped in finding all the conventions which is needed in making a music video. I also used PowerPoint in presenting the research I have found in other music videos which is important as part of my research such as location, artist research, digi pak and magazine research and more. Overall, this has helped me in many ways in presenting my work and keeping it organised and structured well.

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Google, Safari and Mozilla Firefox has been very useful in the process of my planning and research. It has helped me in many ways in creating my final video. They all have allowed me to gain access to the internet which was very important part of my research.I used all three in researching my artist for my genre. I did this by looking at real artist and screen grabbing information which I found necessary. It has also helped in finding the ideal look for my artist in relating to my chosen genre. This was important for me to subvert to the conventions.

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Prezzi has been very useful in the construction of my research and planning. It has been very helpful in presenting my work more efficiently and creatively. I used Prezzi for explaining my chosen genre in my research. This was a very easy way in making my work look more interesting as it may have been boring in a word format. Prezzi allowed me to add pictures in relation to my genre research which made my planning look better. I also added colour and different types of font to keep my research look more appealing to readers as I highlighted the important information in red. Prezzi was also helpful in explaining real media texts in relation to Goodwin's theory. I used a wide range of images and video clips in explain Goodwin's theory using Prezzi.

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I used Slideshare for many purposes n my research and planning stages. It was useful as it allowed me to upload my PowerPoint presentations which made it look more presentable. By uploading my work on to Slideshare was very convenient and easy to use and also make my research and planning look more appealing. I used Slideshare to upload my research on different types of artist relating to my genre, this has helped me a lot in deciding on costume choices. My location research on the possible choices was presented in Slideshare, I found this very useful as it gave easy access for me to upload my planning. I also used Slideshare in explain the Goodwin's theory for real media texts. This has helped me a lot in identifying the conventions of my chosen genre. I added images and colour which made my research look more interesting and attractive.

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Final Cut


Usb Cable

Mac computers

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Final cut is a software I used in the construction of my music video. It has been a huge part in the process of making my final music video

therefore, has been very important. I used final cut in uploading all my footage and video recording which was vital in making my music video. Final cut has also allowed me to

add my song and erase all unnecessary parts such as advertisement. In the construction of my music video Final cut allowed me to edit my

video by adding transitions and layers of clips. This is what helped me put together my music video. I was also able to cut scenes and

music which allowed me to match the visuals with the song. Also with final cut I was able to slow down scenes or making the faster by

changing the speed. The most difficult part of the construction of my music video was matching the lip singing to the music. However, this

was done by cutting and changing the speed of the clips in order of the lyrics to match.

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Camera & CamcorderI used a camcorder in the construction of making my music video.

This was used to capture all the footage needed for my video. Using a camcorder was very useful as it was easy and potable to

use in order to catch all the footage required.It was important to use a camcorder as it helped record the

narrative of the music video. It allowed me to capture footage in difficult situations such as the scene of artists being drunk, I had

to hand held the camera to get a shaky effect.For my ancillary task I used a DLSR Canon camera to capture the

image of my artist. In order to make are ancillary task we had to take picture of are artist to make the print task. This camera was

high quality which made the images look clear. This was important as we wanted to get the best quality to make the

print task look professional.

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TripodI used a tripod to help me get steady shots. This

was used in majority of the footage I took as it gave me clear and straight recordings. A tripod

was very useful in filming long corridors and establishing

shots as it would have been difficult to do this using my hand.

I then used a SD card to import all the footage I took on the computer. This was a very simple

method where the footage was saved on the SD card and I had to insert this to the computer in order to access this. I then had the copy of the

footage saved and ready to be edited for my music video.

SD Card

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I used Photoshop to make my ancillary task. This is a software designed to edit images as it has many tools and facilities.

I constructed my print tasks by editing the images I took of my artists using various of tools. For example, as my artist is a

teenager he had many spots on his face. I removed this using a tool on Photoshop which removed his spots making him look air

brush. This is what we needed as in are research we have found in the print task the artists always looks flawless and clean.

I also used Photoshop to help me change the background or crop something out, this was a long process but worth it as the final

outcome looked good. I also added texts and as able to change the font, colour, size and brightness. This was important in order to

make a print task.

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PowerPoint Prezzi


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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage is one of my evaluation I

used Slideshare to present my work. I decided to use Slideshare as is presented my work in a professional and more interesting way. This was an easy method as I was able to do this in PowerPoint

and then upload on Slideshare.

For my on my evaluation question on how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts I presented this using PowerPoint. I decided to use PowerPoint as it is simple and and easy to use. However, I used a variety of font, colours and images to keep it as interesting as possible. I also added some animation and transitions to make my work look more


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I used Prezzi to present another of my evaluation question on in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products. I believe Prezzi was the best way to show my work as it allowed me to add images and

different styles of fonts. Prezzi is a unique presenting software which makes my work look interesting and presentable.

PowToon is a online animation website which I used to present my evaluation question on what have you learned from your audience

feed back. This was the best way to present this question as it allowed me to make my work more interesting and fun. PowToon

allowed me to add animation clips and create my own scenes and many more amazing stuff. This made my work look more live and

exciting to read about.