!ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole...

oj; AND TRACTS PImLIBBED BY Il'IIB tiMER!ClAN BABBATH TlI.ACT BOCIlITy A Al'IUID CRNTRll N Y o N .. !ltrordtr A HIGH MOUNTAIN APART memory so that m n an no coun se en then he Sabbath a He went nto the synagogoes upon the Sabbath and expounded PUllLISHED BY THE AMEBIOAN SABBATH TRAOT SOOIETY VOLUME XXXV day f twas w h h m a matter of so I tie mpo ance hI' he ne er conde scended to te os or else those who easoned w h hem pto es ThlB was Af e wa d he came a Co ntb And be reasoned n he synagogue every Sabbath and pe soaded the Jews and the G eeks Ao 0 17 and 18 so e hot here yoo bave human w shes w thoot B hie Jost 60at on or soppo Does the B ble undertake to te I us of any m rao e tbe w ne ? Does t say that he made t? No Why then bel eve t? Doea t lay that he made the 1 glit? NO 44 THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE SABBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD» ALFRED OENTRE FIFTH DAY OOTOBER 30 1879 heaven on eBB t IB repealed a e very mnch out of pace n my Jndg Th 8 may be tbe human am sa a ready have Aga n y,\o say I bonest y be eve and w th all oandor I he e say hat an th s fuso n the Sena e of Pennsvlvao a fa three yea a past ahout pe sono he ug depnved of re I g 000 I ber y n th 0 S a e s only sow Dg the seeus of d ,cord the en denoy of wh oh oan only be to un se tIe tbe puh c m nd to fan the flames of d soontent Wlth oor laws and n8t 0 ons to lead men on step hy step to he overt aot n the v olat on of a law g ven aud made for the p OVlDce of Pennsylvan a by W am Penn two hundred years .ago a Isw that haB both dIVIne and you Bay B he only n f. ble ole of our fa th and p ac t e and that says The 1.0 d s on lawg ve and he oayo days shalt thou labor and do a thy work bu the seventh day s the ::iabb .. h of he Lo d hy God thou halt not do any wo k and yon say that n the s x days ap po nted by God everyth ng neces oary can be accomplisbed w thout the eaBt degree of nlury to any o a8S of men Yet you expend mncb ea neB neBO and zea to show tbat f the S a e does not compe men to chang from tb soder by a law compe I ng hem to res on one of tboBe daV8 wh oh you aoknow I edge that he appOinted fo wo k and never gave any pos t ve com mand to nf nge n linv way npon tbe OMg nal POB ve command fo the first s x daya of the t w be open ng he flood gateo of v ce In 0 he wo ds f the S ate wh ch has fo he aBt two hund ed years not only Will ked at th a un versal desec a on of the Sabbath but he- Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d v dua s we oan be free a oho08e rei g oos es ahl shments aod modes of worsh p oorrespond ng w th oor v ewo of B hIe obi gat ons w tn eqoal egal S a e proteo on w th oot efe eooe to nombers or wheth er the Legl81atu e by a maJonty vote shal d ctate the part oolar es tabl shment and moae of wo sh p for U8 to adopt If the Sate s to do thIS theu we may well ask the mercy of the State to pay us baok the do Isr a day fif y two day8 n the year above what othe a are taxed for the sopport of the 80 oa led mo ral ty of the State If the State s not to oho08e fa os what has the State to do here w tb part es? What bas the Sta e to say forther than the payment of taxes and the p oteot on of the people n the r nghts ? If Sun day keep ng IS a rei g OU8 .. tabl sh ment, cau the BBme he sa d of Sev enth day keep ng ? Can the State ther. step n and say as your who e effort seems to be to show that ooe part cular rei glous establ shtment o better than another and he efo e IB certa nly to rece ve the prefe ence and speo al care aud p otect on of the State? Can the State then .how ts preferenoe hy aw ng w th th eat en ng and by emp ov ng a set of men to act as maraoders to take spa Is from tbe only men wbo obey the pas t ve perfect perpe ual aw of God? And oan t on the a he hand a low ao of no account, a ful attent on to 1>os ness of a worldly k ud hy Son day keepers n the road a hefore the doo • of any Seveath day keepe s on the seventh day? If Sunday keep ng s a reI glous e. ab sbment, how oaD tbe State be an owne a der or of t, ao oooh, any more than the State oan declare by law all ch Idren of a certalD age shal be apnnkled wh eh • also a re g oos eBtabl sh ment wh ether. a e .ome oppos ng rei g oos es ahlIBhmen s? If t • no a re glooo estab shment It m ght be we I to aBk What, then has tbe Sta e to do w th my t me my labor or my re.t? No h ng more tban hat I pay my taxes, and soppo t myself and m ne Can t say that a man sha I not beg n work on Toesday a Wednesday morn ng as soon after m dn ght or near noon as he pleases, and make all the 110 s and st r wh ch b s bos noes e qu es? 0 f b s hos Dess shoold be profitab e enoogh a u gent enoogh to emp oy an extm set of hands he can keep h s no sy wheels saws 0 hammers go ng dur ng the who e twenty four boors p ov ded /lIB men free y cont aot so to do It may be detMmenta to hea tb bot the Sta e takes no oognUlance of that The oommon sohool aws exempt all Sta e teachers f am the doty ofteach ng on the 4th of Jo y Tha"k8g v ng day New Yea s day Ch stmas Wash ngton" h r h day and Good FMday bot they do not compel est t s s mply voluntary Bnd any oth er teache 0 are free to contract and work a. they cau And a I that he Sta e has 0 do w th Sunday wo k or eat s e he to confo m to the Cons to on under the law of God proteo ng emp overs relat ve y and p ov d ng fa the und sto hed free dam of anv deliberative refuz oos or bos neBB hody Bot tbe Sate has no more au hor ty to deo de when or whether any man shall work or rest ban an nd v dual ne ghbo has and the ooly dea that oan be en erta ned of here be ng any mo e w oog n wo k ng on Sonday hau on Tue day • he e I g oos v ew- s a reI gloos es ah I shment, fa ow Dg the example a the Fathe s the example of the ear Iy ChnB ans the examp e of the apos es It IB to wo k on the first day of the week a v o)at on of the holy Sahbath of the law of God of the vene ated ns tut on of the law of 179. Th slaw hao age and expeMence n ts favor If the law was wong then t now f twas Mght theD now and must he foreve c pecan never change I g ons establ ohment, d must be recogDlzed and chensbed by the State as sooh and all offende s must he ponlShed But ma k I bere a e two mmn table laws the holy law of God wh oh he spake w th a great va ce and he added no more bot wro e t npon .tones aod the law of PeDDsylvan a n the moot d e t cant ad 0 on wh ch propos s to fine 0 mpnson all who a e B con tomac ous as to obey the aw of God n the absenoe of IIny com mand of CbMSt a be con a y They shall see whose word shal sand m ne or the 0 We do not acknowledge any au han y n the State therefore to compt'l Sonday keep ng The most that t can do s to leg s ate onder God s law and not set up another day n Opp081 on to the day wh eh h a aw establ shes Sunday keep ng oaD not the eCo e be nghteoosly enfo ced upon Sev enth day keepe. I w go one step u her and say ha I am hy no means sore that a person has any r ght to Bay tha he w II not Bet tbe ho y example of rollow ng God by work ng on he s x days wh oh God ordera h m to work as weI as hy rest ng on the day wh eh Hod oom mands h m to rest, • 6 fol ow ng tbe Lamb wh hersoever be goe., and tak ng all tbe persecot ons that oome as a consequence Yet you say Every man who does not enJoy n the Commonwea th of Pennsylvan a all neces.ary rei g ous berty fo h s present or fu ure salvat 00 bet ter pack hIS trsps and leave 88 though Boch were a set of lawless roam ng trappe. who have 8aun tered nto the 0 v I zed commbn ty where good order would otherw se preva I Aga n you aay the b 11 • pa t a\ and loea -not g1v ng to shop keep ere and mechaDlOB I v ng n oompaot places the same pnvdeges as others Y oor en 0 8m S Just for there 8 no reason why any preference should he given We ask no opec... 1favore we do not acknowledge onrselves lawless nor stragglers nor Idlers, profess to be romse lers 0 or those who defy good order ha mony peace and tmth or tbose who degrad ng the Sabbatb of the B hIe a bear the oommoDlzlDg name of Satorday \hus gnor ng the nghteoosneBB of God go about to estalll sh the r own Mghteousne8s hy exaltIng the heathen Sunday to the d gn ty of CbM8t an Sabbath. We ask no favors of legIslatnres nor of eg slatore We ask Justine we ask oonst tot anal law while as n the p esent caBe the Canst tut on s c early on oor 0 de. If t were oth e mse we m ght st 11 ask tbe favor f t be such obey God rather than men w thout be ng reok ned cr m nals for 80 do ng We oan not accept yoor nv ta on to paok taps and eave came nto the State n good fa tb or were born and hrought up here have 8C ed an open and no concealed part hot n good fa. th Some of os voted for the new coost tut on when as Sonday keepers as we were but more espec &Iyas Protest ants we felt that we had noth ng to ga 0 and we ask a I honorable Senators and Leg slators and all men of authonty everywhe e, to JO 0 w th us n fear og God and keep ng h 0 oommandments th s IS the whole doty of man " then thev can no longer work on the Beventb day o reot on the first and to JO Il us n do og JDstly lov ng me cy and walk ng honorably w th God then the w II no longer need nor w sh any Booh law as that of 1794 to compel OB and others to be mmora and the State w I only have to endnre v oe nstead of promot ng and com pel ng J A BALDWIN BlUeR PONn p& Sop 14 h 18 9 WHOLE NO 1813 Can the man whose cbaraoter 0 rece v ng auoh eno moos dlv dends year hy year make auy saoMfice of phys oal powers a p easores that cau mpoveMsh b m? He oan sm Ie at storms rag ng w thoot who s s n tbe ever deepen ng glow of fires w th n Look ng at the person we ha e dese bed wbo has gown" se n age and nch w th expeMence can we nst u e any oompar son he tween h m and the young man a the th esho d of fe ? It • to place the supple sapl ng s de by s de w h t e s orm tMed oak the raw recru t hy the sea ed and sk lied vete an the one may have he hood of a he a n h m he may prove a wo hie •• ooward he s an ndeterm Dat. quant y whose va s yet to be w t en oot n deed the other has endored tbe engthened se ge fe t the shock of hatt e made the Somme and the W n er ma ch and IB already o owned v c or In 8 cer & D BeDSe,. we may 8sy that yooth and age are synonymons w h b awn and ban and tb s faot has been reoogn zed n al nat ons and ages a m e. and naves be ng composed of yonng men-the mo&c e of a nat on wh e 8enates and egis at ve bod es are mad\, up of those advanced n year. The wo d sena e • B.natu8 means a coonc I of elde 8 be ng de n ed f am Bene<!: an 0 d man Bet te WlI t be for Ame aa when sbe earns from older nat ons to bold her young meD longer a reserve and to Ii I al olli al pas t ono W th the d g n ty and w sdom of mato er years If t 0 orged that I have drawn an doal a d man and placed D m above eal oat on I sha I te yoo t 8 beoause the OOUIl e fe t 8 80 com man that you do not recogn ze the geno ne I ha e dawn les8 f om fanoy than f am memory and have on y ske ched soch .t ength and sweetness of sool ao have blessed mauy a humb e home and rendered many a sac d desk daub y sac ed W tne8S the olos ng years of Dr GothMe the herculean lahars and unabated v gar of W m Gladstone and on ou s de the waters the grand aDd beaut fol old age of Wm Cn len B yant The name. fathe rna her g anafa he grand motber willonmmon to many m nds faces that we e not only loved lovely n age aud these w II the truth of the p oturo here drawn I have n the ma n used the word man geneMca y hut I mus n oan dar adm t that graJldeur of oha ac ter and seren ty of soul are more ra e among aged women than among aged men I w 11 not attempt to aooount for th s fao farther than to say tha the tt e sbarp edged s oneo that out the flesh and gIve Dsecure faa ng I e most th ckly a oog wom an 80 de the path of fa, and watch ng the.e she m .ses many of the fa field. and fa er sk es he see. who walks by her s de W th e uotance I turn to old age aa t • very generally 8een and I pass t w th bu ned pen Yon are fam ar w th tbe p eture and t B too unpleasant to dwell long on The hody s nfirm and un who esome the memory weak and confnsed the Jodgment stn t lied and the w 11 s the Wlnd 8 w I fit fu and volent An aged maD B a hill\[ ng rOlD t has heen sa d bllt we 8ay the ro 0 s not complete 00 long as he does rea Iy th nk It IB heoaose the mlDd becomes so pow erless that most old men are ru ned Men of seventy years who are os pahle of deep cont nnolls thought, form the exoept cn not tbe rille age pro- among the aged and yet there 8 no doubt that nature des gned th 80las8 It IS rather the Iegitim&te i'njlulioiom livmg and may and ooght to he radically ohanged Lay t to a lue long warfare agmn.t phy .. oallawe, not to old that many a poor abmed body IS sti1l"ened and tormented WIth pa n throughont iw last SCOre of years, and charge It upon ndolenoo and repngnanoo to senons thought that the mental POW' ers hcoome so often Impaired The most bnlhant otellect will 100e I ght and power If never employed Food and exero Be are a. neneBBary to m nd as to body But oh I wh., thonBand. of starved m ndB and shnve ed oonlo are oonoealed In the sleek bod es and sleeker clothe. we Bee ahoot as There seems to be a law of our be ng analogous to the property of matter called nert '" acoord ng to wh ob the mpnlile and nol nat on be ng given we tend ever toward the phys oal or the n the .p ntual s de of our tnone nature unl .. s oome external force s brought to hear upon us Old age IS likely therefore to .how a marked development of one of hese natures or elements over the o he sand t • the preponderance of tbe an mal that produces th slow type of old men we have desonhed Ob I how the years determIne the r Bucne'sore I The fnture IS eb Id of the present If asked when a peroon most begIn prepanng n o de to have h s old age calm and del gh some I oholl d anSWer clD ch dbood Ap I ra ns June Bun sh ne n ght s dew and Snmmer storm and fervent heat whole months and season8 of Jlilent pat ent growth-afterward o der and aependenoe are 88 ex ... t n homan I fa, and the w se man would not have t otherWISe eaoh soocess ve otage n h B progress opens to h m ts own peeul ar del ghts, and he forge s to m as those past Who n the m ds of Summer loxur ance p nes for May s tenderness or laden w th the osc 00. fru ts of Antumn s ghs beoallse the apple hloasoms faded n the Sp ng t me? In ke manner et us wei ome the years, et os s p tbeIr swee s and garner the r gra n COl.: A W AmlEBER'S PRAYER. TESTED BY TRIAL. Two men membo 0 of the ohnroh met w tb m sfortunes n the r blls ness After bay ng enjoyed ong p osper y and I ved n the decorous uoe of God s g fts t ouble beset them and they sawall tbe r ga ns or former years fade away and found themse ves oompel ed to he gin the war d anew One of them reee ved h s tr a aB a dlBo pi ne sent of God and ill undoubt ng ..,.,.cu ou h 'l'fTloy,,...ernn:o hUt Maste. who he was Bure _ 11 lov ng h m He even grew more devo ed to every reI g 000 nterest. His p ace wao never vaoant Ii the house of God He made t a po nt to be present at eve y payer meet- ng He took a Dew nterest n tbe affa 8 of be chu ch andi 80 far as he had abi! y he showed h moelf adcl t onallv I beral n the soppott and sp ood of the gospel An a r of mproved p ety appeared n hIS coontenanoe and I fe He was grow ng nto a be te mao His fMend took the othe d ect 00 He waB sao red He attended ohurcb hot poo y forBook al the nterest he fa merly had n tbe work of the oon g egat on grew cnt ca severe fault find ng orotchety and dlsa greeaMe H 8 who e I fe ohanged nto a contrad ot on to that he had forme y professed and praot sed 80 ha he was as gruff a baoksl der ao he had onoe been an exemplary be lie er Now ma k the result The one grew strong n all good human fellowsh p and cheerCo Iy devot ng h mBelf to the work of repa nng hIS h oken fortones reoe ved the conti dence and he p of h s b ethren and fina) y seoured for h mself sucb • foot ng that he was Bafe agaillst all cont ngeno ea of want and fear The other repe ed fr 6ndly symp. th es sank nto ndolenoo and sloth and bo h 81< to bnBlneso snd obarao- ter I ved a wreck lind warn ng to all who knew h m The moral S, that f m of art ones come they ougbt to be rece ved n .. Cb • an Bp nt If they are not they w I but tb cken aud ncrease til he fe s lost nnder the r hu den - Un ted Presbyterian l'ULPlT VOIOR for the true teaohers the w Be coun selors the moral ballast so to speak of the world So commOn IS tb 0 low type of age t has come to he regarded the natural and nev t- able order of th ngB bot we urge

Transcript of !ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole...

Page 1: !ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d





o N


~ht ~abhath !ltrordtr A HIGH MOUNTAIN APART

memory so that m n an no coun se en then he Sabbath a

He went nto the synagogoes upon the Sabbath and expounded



day f twas w h h m a matter of so I tie mpo ance hI' he ne er conde

scended to te os or else those who

easoned w h hem pto es ThlB was a~ Af e wa d he came

a Co ntb And be reasoned n he synagogue every Sabbath and

pe soaded the Jews and the G eeks Ao 0 17 and 18

so e hot here yoo bave human w shes w thoot B hie Jost 60at on or soppo Does the B ble undertake to te I us of any m rao e aboo~ tbe w ne ? Does t say that he made t? No Why then bel eve t?

Doea t lay that he made the 1 glit?

NO 44



heaven on eBB t IB repealed a e very mnch out of pace n my Jndg

Th 8 may be tbe human

am sa a ready have

Aga n y,\o say I bonest y be eve and w th all oandor I he e say hat an th s fuso n the Sena e of

Pennsvlvao a fa three yea a past ahout pe sono he ug depnved of re I g 000 I ber y n th 0 S a e s only sow Dg the seeus of d ,cord the en denoy of wh oh oan only be to un se tIe tbe puh c m nd to fan the flames of d soontent Wlth oor laws and n8t 0 ons to lead men on step hy step to he overt aot n the v olat on of a law g ven aud made for the p OVlDce of Pennsylvan a by W am Penn two hundred years .ago a Isw that haB both dIVIne and

you Bay B he only n f. ble ole of our fa th and p ac t e and that says The 1.0 d s on lawg ve and he oayo days shalt thou labor and do a thy work bu the seventh day s the ::iabb .. h of he Lo d hy God thou halt not do any wo k and yon say that n the s x days ap po nted by God everyth ng neces oary can be accomplisbed w thout the eaBt degree of nlury to any o a8S of men Yet you expend mncb ea neB neBO and zea to show tbat f the S a e does not compe men to chang from tb soder by a law compe I ng hem to res on one of tboBe daV8 wh oh you aoknow I edge that he appOinted fo wo k and never gave any pos t ve com mand to nf nge n linv way npon tbe OMg nal POB ve command fo the first s x daya of the wee~ t w be open ng he flood gateo of v ce In 0 he wo ds f the S ate wh ch has fo he aBt two hund ed years not only Will ked at th a un versal desec a on of the Sabbath but he-

Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d v dua s we oan be free a oho08e rei g oos es ahl shments aod modes of worsh p oorrespond ng w th oor v ewo of B hIe obi gat ons w tn eqoal egal S a e proteo on w th oot efe eooe to nombers or wheth er the Legl81atu e by a maJonty vote shal d ctate the part oolar es tabl shment and moae of wo sh p for U8 to adopt If the Sate s to do thIS theu we may well ask the mercy of the State to pay us baok the do Isr a day fif y two day8 n the year above what othe a are taxed for the sopport of the 80 oa led mo ral ty of the State If the State s not to oho08e fa os what has the State to do here w tb part es? What bas the Sta e to say forther than the payment of taxes and the p oteot on of the people n the r nghts ? If Sun day keep ng IS a rei g OU8 .. tabl sh

ment, cau the BBme he sa d of Sev enth day keep ng ? Can the State ther. step n and say as your who e effort seems to be to show that ooe part cular rei glous establ shtment o better than another and he efo e

IB certa nly to rece ve the prefe ence and speo al care aud p otect on of the State? Can the State then .how ts preferenoe hy aw ng w th th eat

en ng law~ and by emp ov ng a set of men to act as maraoders to take spa Is from tbe only men wbo obey the pas t ve perfect perpe ual aw of God? And oan t on the a he hand a low ao of no account, a ful attent on to 1>os ness of a worldly k ud hy Son day keepers n the road a hefore the doo • of any Seveath day keepe s on the seventh day?

If Sunday keep ng s a reI glous e. ab sbment, how oaD tbe State be an owne a der or ~bettor of t, ao oooh, any more than the State oan declare by law tba~ all ch Idren of a certalD age shal be apnnkled wh eh • also a re g oos eBtabl sh ment wh ether. a e .ome oppos ng rei g oos es ahlIBhmen s? If t • no a re glooo estab shment It m ght be we I to aBk What, then has tbe Sta e to do w th my t me my labor or my re.t? No h ng more tban hat I pay my taxes, and soppo t myself and m ne Can t say that a man sha I not beg n work on Toesday a Wednesday morn ng as soon after m dn ght or ~ near noon as he pleases, and make all the 110 s and st r wh ch b s bos noes e qu es? 0 f b s hos Dess shoold be profitab e enoogh a u gent enoogh to emp oy an extm set of hands he can keep h s no sy wheels saws 0 hammers go ng dur ng the who e twenty four boors p ov ded /lIB men free y cont aot so to do It may be detMmenta to hea tb bot the Sta e takes no oognUlance of that The oommon sohool aws exempt all Sta e teachers f am the doty ofteach ng on the 4th of Jo y Tha"k8g v ng

day New Yea s day Ch stmas Wash ngton" h r h day and Good FMday bot they do not compel est t s s mply voluntary Bnd any oth

er teache 0 are free to contract and work a. they cau And a I that he Sta e has 0 do w th Sunday wo k or eat s e he to confo m to the Cons to on under the law of God

proteo ng emp overs relat ve y and p ov d ng fa the und sto hed free dam of anv deliberative refuz oos or bos neBB hody Bot tbe Sate has no more au hor ty to deo de when or whether any man shall work or rest ban an nd v dual ne ghbo has and the ooly dea that oan be en erta ned of here be ng any mo e w oog n wo k ng on

Sonday hau on Tue day • he e I g oos v ew- s a reI gloos es ah I shment, fa ow Dg the example a the Fathe s the example of the ear Iy ChnB ans the examp e of the apos es It IB to wo k on the first day of the week a v o)at on of the holy Sahbath of the law of God of the vene ated ns tut on of the law of 179. Th slaw hao age and expeMence n ts favor If the law was wong then t now f twas Mght theD now and must he foreve c pecan never change I g ons establ ohment, d must be recogDlzed and chensbed by the State as sooh and all offende s must he ponlShed

But ma k I bere a e two mmn table laws the holy law of God wh oh he spake w th a great va ce and he added no more bot wro e t npon .tones aod the law of PeDDsylvan a n the moot d e t cant ad 0 on wh ch propos s to fine 0 mpnson all who a e B con tomac ous as to obey the aw of God n the absenoe of IIny com mand of CbMSt a be con a y

They shall see whose word shal sand m ne or the 0 We do not acknowledge any au han y n the State therefore to compt'l Sonday keep ng The most that t can do s to leg s ate onder God s law and

not set up another day n Opp081 on to the day wh eh h a aw establ shes Sunday keep ng oaD not the eCo e be nghteoosly enfo ced upon Sev enth day keepe. I w go one step u her and say ha I am hy no

means sore that a person has any r ght to Bay tha he w II not Bet tbe ho y example of rollow ng God by work ng on he s x days wh oh God ordera h m to work as weI as hy rest ng on the day wh eh Hod oom mands h m to rest, • 6 fol ow ng tbe Lamb wh hersoever be goe., and tak ng all tbe persecot ons that oome as a consequence Yet you say

Every man who does not enJoy n the Commonwea th of Pennsylvan a all neces.ary rei g ous berty fo h s present or fu ure salvat 00 bet ter pack hIS trsps and leave 88

though Boch were a set of lawless roam ng trappe. who have 8aun tered nto the 0 v I zed commbn ty where good order would otherw se preva I

Aga n you aay the b 11 • pa t a\ and loea -not g1v ng to shop keep ere and mechaDlOB I v ng n oompaot places the same pnvdeges as others Y oor en 0 8m S Just for there 8

no reason why any preference should he given We ask no opec ... 1 favore we do not acknowledge onrselves lawless nor stragglers nor Idlers,

profess to be romse lers 0 or those who defy good order ha mony peace and tmth or tbose who degrad ng the Sabbatb of the B hIe a bear the oommoDlzlDg name of Satorday \hus gnor ng the nghteoosneBB of God go about to estalll sh the r own Mghteousne8s hy exaltIng the heathen Sunday to the d gn ty of CbM8t an Sabbath. We ask no favors of legIslatnres nor of eg slatore We ask Justine we ask oonst tot anal law while as n the p esent caBe the Canst tut on s c early on oor 0 de. If t were oth e mse we m ght st 11 ask tbe favor f t be such ~ obey God rather

than men w thout be ng reok ned cr m nals for 80 do ng

We oan not accept yoor nv ta on to paok taps and eave

came nto the State n good fa tb or were born and hrought up here have 8C ed an open and no concealed part hot n good fa. th Some of os voted for the new coost tut on when as Sonday keepers as we were but more espec &Iyas Protest ants we felt that we had noth ng to ga 0 and we ask a I honorable Senators and Leg slators and all men of authonty everywhe e, to JO 0

w th us n fear og God and keep ng h 0 oommandments th s IS the whole doty of man " then thev can no longer work on the Beventb day o reot on the first and to JO Il us n do og JDstly lov ng me cy and

walk ng honorably w th God then the w II no longer need nor w sh any Booh law as that of 1794 to compel OB and others to be mmora and the State w I only have to endnre v oe nstead of promot ng and com pel ng J A BALDWIN

BlUeR PONn p& Sop 14 h 18 9


Can the man whose cbaraoter 0 rece v ng auoh eno moos dlv dends year hy year make auy saoMfice of phys oal powers a p easores that cau mpoveMsh b m? He oan sm Ie at storms rag ng w thoot who s s n tbe ever deepen ng glow of fires w th n Look ng at the person we ha e dese bed wbo has gown" se n age and nch w th expeMence can

we nst u e any oompar son he tween h m and the young man a the th esho d of fe ? It • to place the supple sapl ng s de by s de w h t e s orm tMed oak the raw recru t hy the sea ed and sk lied vete an the one may have he hood of a he a n h m he may prove a wo hie •• ooward he s an ndeterm Dat. quant y whose va o~ s yet to be w t en oot n deed the other has endored tbe engthened se ge fe t the shock of

hatt e made the Somme and the W n er ma ch and IB already o owned v c or In 8 cer & D BeDSe,.

we may 8sy that yooth and age are synonymons w h b awn and ban and tb s faot has been reoogn zed n al nat ons and ages a m e. and naves be ng composed of yonng men-the mo&c e of a nat on wh e 8enates and egis at ve bod es are mad\, up of those advanced n year. The wo d sena e • B.natu8 means a coonc I of elde 8 be ng de n ed f am Bene<!: an 0 d man Bet te WlI t be for Ame aa when sbe earns from older nat ons to bold her

young meD longer a reserve and to Ii I al olli al pas t ono W th the d g n ty and w sdom of mato er years

If t 0 orged that I have drawn an doal a d man and placed D m above eal oat on I sha I te yoo t 8 beoause the OOUIl e fe t 8 80 com

man that you do not recogn ze the geno ne I ha e dawn les8 f om fanoy than f am memory and have on y ske ched soch .t ength and sweetness of sool ao have blessed mauy a humb e home and rendered many a sac d desk daub y sac ed W tne8S the olos ng years of Dr GothMe the herculean lahars and unabated v gar of W m Gladstone and on ou s de the waters the grand aDd beaut fol old age of Wm Cn len B yant The name. fathe rna her g anafa he grand motber willonmmon to many m nds faces that we e not only loved lovely n age aud these w II ~ttest

the truth of the p oturo here drawn I have n the ma n used the word man geneMca y hut I mus n oan dar adm t that graJldeur of oha ac ter and seren ty of soul are more ra e among aged women than among aged men I w 11 not attempt to aooount for th s fao farther than to say tha the tt e sbarp edged s oneo that out the flesh and gIve Dsecure faa ng I e most th ckly a oog wom an 80 de the path of fa, and watch ng the.e she m .ses many of the

fa field. and fa er sk es he see. who walks by her s de

W th e uotance I turn to old age aa t • very generally 8een and I pass t w th bu ned pen Yon are ~o fam ar w th tbe p eture and t B too unpleasant to dwell long

on The hody s nfirm and un who esome the memory weak and confnsed the Jodgment stn t lied and the w 11 s the Wlnd 8 w I fit fu and volent An aged maD B a hill\[ ng rOlD t has heen sa d bllt we 8ay the ro 0 s not complete 00 long as he does rea Iy th nk It IB heoaose the mlDd becomes so pow erless that most old men are ru ned Men of seventy years who are os pahle of deep cont nnolls thought, form the exoept cn not tbe rille

age pro- among the aged and yet there 8 no doubt that nature des gned th 80las8

It IS rather the Iegitim&te i'njlulioiom livmg and may and

ooght to he radically ohanged Lay t to a lue long warfare agmn.t phy .. oallawe, not to old ~ that many

a poor abmed body IS sti1l"ened and tormented WIth pa n throughont iw last SCOre of years, and charge It upon ndolenoo and repngnanoo to senons thought that the mental POW' ers hcoome so often Impaired The most bnlhant otellect will 100e 1~ I ght and power If never employed Food and exero Be are a. neneBBary to m nd as to body But oh I wh., thonBand. of starved m ndB and shnve ed oonlo are oonoealed In the sleek bod es and sleeker clothe. we Bee ahoot as There seems to be a law of our be ng analogous to the property of matter called nert '" acoord ng to wh ob the mpnlile and nol nat on be ng given we tend

ever toward the phys oal or the n telleotua~or the .p ntual s de of our tnone nature unl .. s oome external force s brought to hear upon us Old age IS likely therefore to .how a marked development of one of hese natures or elements over the

o he sand t • the preponderance of tbe an mal that produces th slow type of old men we have desonhed

Ob I how the years determIne the r Bucne'sore I The fnture IS eb Id of the present If asked when a peroon most begIn prepanng n o de to have h s old age calm and del gh some I oholl d anSWer clD

ch dbood Ap I ra ns June Bun sh ne n ght s dew and da~knesB Snmmer storm and fervent heat whole months and season8 of Jlilent pat ent growth-afterward Oo~ober o der and aependenoe are 88 ex ... t n homan I fa, and the w se man

would not have t otherWISe eaoh soocess ve otage n h B progress opens to h m ts own peeul ar del ghts, and he forge s to m as those past Who n the m ds of Summer loxur ance

p nes for May s tenderness or laden w th the osc 00. fru ts of Antumn s ghs beoallse the apple hloasoms faded n the Sp ng t me? In ke manner et us wei ome the years, et os s p tbeIr swee s and garner

the r gra n COl.:


TESTED BY TRIAL. Two men membo 0 of the ohnroh

met w tb m sfortunes n the r blls ness After bay ng enjoyed ong p osper y and I ved n the decorous uoe of God s g fts t ouble beset them and they sawall tbe r ga ns or former years fade away and found themse ves oompel ed to he gin the war d anew One of them reee ved h s tr a aB a dlBo pi ne sent of God and ill undoubt ng

..,.,.cu ou h ~ 'l'fTloy,,...ernn:o hUt Maste. who he was Bure _ • 11 lov ng h m He even grew more devo ed to every reI g 000 nterest. His p ace wao never vaoant Ii the house of God He made t a po nt to be present at eve y payer meet­ng He took a Dew nterest n tbe

affa 8 of be chu ch andi 80 far as he had abi! y he showed h moelf adcl t onallv I beral n the soppott and sp ood of the gospel An a r of mproved p ety appeared n hIS coontenanoe and I fe He was grow ng nto a be te mao His fMend

took the othe d ect 00 He waB sao red He attended ohurcb hot poo y forBook al the nterest he fa merly had n tbe work of the oon g egat on grew cnt ca severe fault find ng orotchety and dlsa greeaMe H 8 who e I fe ohanged nto a contrad ot on to that he had

forme y professed and praot sed 80 ha he was as gruff a baoksl der ao

he had onoe been an exemplary be lie er Now ma k the result The one grew strong n all good human fellowsh p and cheerCo Iy devot ng h mBelf to the work of repa nng hIS h oken fortones reoe ved the conti dence and he p of h s b ethren and fina) y seoured for h mself sucb • foot ng that he was Bafe agaillst all cont ngeno ea of want and fear The other repe ed fr 6ndly symp. th es sank nto ndolenoo and sloth and bo h 81< to bnBlneso snd obarao­ter I ved a wreck lind warn ng to all who knew h m The moral S, that f m of art ones come they ougbt to

be rece ved n .. Cb • an Bp nt If they are not they w I but tb cken aud ncrease til he fe s lost nnder the r hu den - Un ted Presbyterian


for the true teaohers the w Be coun ,1.iiiPe:.k''''0'll:h~:~:: selors the moral ballast so to speak of the world So commOn IS tb 0

low type of age ~hat t has come to he regarded the natural and nev t­able order of th ngB bot we urge

Page 2: !ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d
Page 3: !ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d

rrHE S BBATH FECO DE o~ i879


f Bogua DerJBn

No our




P&rtIcu an odd .a.


Page 4: !ltrordtr - s3.amazonaws.comVol+35+(1879)/… · desec a on of the Sabbath but he-Bot th 0 whole effort of you s seemo to me not a touoh the ma n po nt at ssue v Z Whether as n d


Oonducted by a OODllDittee O. THlI


00 ,

o N No

Word Re 2Z 0-21 ew


For SalJbatli Dall No. mbBT 8

know God-bv keeping b 0 command lDenta





W h qu .. t1ono to aid Sabbath Schoo) soh. aro in theIr • ody p _pared by a ColUUnK~ of he AllElUCAN SABBA.TH

TRA.C'1 ~OCIKTY and pub iBhed a the


Pim MONTH lrn.l\.R. OF PO TAGK

Addre.. D R /:IT LLMAN .Io.lfred Ceu tre AlIegauy Co Ii Y

==~======~=========~=========~::==========~ ALFRED U~ IVER~ITY:

GRANDMAS REMINIllOENOES When I was young and grand

mil pU8bed up her 8pectacles and looked aroond on the fo ks There was an mmed ate rush among the ch Idreu to get a oeat near grandma attent ve face. were turned toward her

Ye~ wheo I was young ch I dren I had a very d fIerent t me from what they do now The ooly story book we had was the Look Ing Glass and Sanford aud Mer ton we thought they were beaut ful aod read tbem oot I qu te worn out. I heard Looy t ere oompla n Ing that she d d not know what to dir w th berself When I wa. ber age I had to walk tbree m Ie. to sohool carry og DIJ. d noer say les­S008 10 pIa 0 b,ook. w th<lut a p 0

tore and koow every word of my les.o08 and then walk bome aga 0 w th barely t me to eat my supper Bnd learn my le,so08 for oext day

Ob but, graodma d d yon never play aoy?

Yes, to be sore but though my fllther was a wealthy mao f oever had aoy toys We used to make hoaoeo nnder tbe trees of stone. oovered w th mo.' aod bave partIe, with acorn cop. aod old b til of oh na for dor tea 8ets

la thta hoa.e there u eoough

money .p nt 0 toys BUppO t a poor ch d e ervth ng you wan not happy as I was

Grandma you had Aome b ng to do I know you had .a d W 1

now I have ea ad my Ie SOOR and 1 do not know what to do t mamma comes hack and te 1 me

Have you no ng nu ty enough to find .ometh ng w hont your 000 ber t I ng vou? Why do you not go out aod ean op he ya d? tbe storm ba fi d w th b oked bran lIes T y 0 h nk of some h nO' useCo a do aod t w I come to you what to do

G andm. sa d E a how d d you go to chu ob wben there were so few hu t?

WeI ch d we all u8ed to r de on ho eback fa th road. were d eadful n VV n e and D. our fam Iy was so large we looked I ke a

process on a. wa went a oog and when we reached he chu ch bow pan t looked I WI ew. h d II' th green shotters and no e en a steep e only a gro e of trees to Bhade t

Was t patty g anoma ? N a Indeed the pews we e h gh

and oncomfo tabl and even the pulp twas onpa n ed Bn 0 what del ghtfnl bou 0 \\ e spen n the I t e old,cbu ch I u ed to enJoy tbe serVlceo more than I do nOD arge faoh onab e bu Id og now eve Y ODe was AO drawn together acd so warm hearted I never sha I Corget bow del ghted we were w th on Ii ot Sabbath school but I was mar ned wbeo they were first opened The oonntry was so th DIy se I d that we could not have ra Bed eoougb scbolars wben I was a ch Id

How old we e you when yon marr ed grandma?

I was on y e ghteen and do you know tbat t was the cDstom for br de. and g OOms to make p esents to the r attendants? We gave hand Borne Bouven rs to each of onr M x

Wa ter. as they were called How fonny I and d d you trav

el? No odeed dea

t me of tbe war (1812) had to stay at home the B t.h were all 0 Wasb ngton and as our home was near we had t.,.akel care of t I r member af er tHe ba tie of Bladeosburg o~e of our ne gh bora (who had burned home af er h s defeat) com ng to our door almost spent to ask for a d nk of water aod po nt ng to the scarlet cOllt. of tbe Br t sb sold ers as tbey went np the !,ubl 0 road

Hrandma why d d we not beat tbe Br t oh at B1adenshurg?

Well <fear tbe Amer caoe were raw 00 I a and tbe Br sh were veterans I remember one old gen tlaman who I1lways woold UBe a et ok 00 tra n ng daye nstead of a gun he was .0 I t 10 noed to ooe sO you may magme be wonld not know bow to fight bnt there were many brave meu who d d fight well

D d tbe men of yonr t me never h nnt? sa d Fraok

Yes bot geoerally faxes 0 our owo ne ghborhood tbere were no deer Yon see guns were very scaroe



E Ie what do you see n M Hartman that please8 yon 80 moch? oa d Mrs W odsor You su ely don t approve of h s oha acter?

We I a.to b. ha acter Ith nk he sao good as a great many othe s •

But E len yon wonldn tact from snoh a cons derat on I You bave resolved earnes Iy and s ncere y 1 bel eve to 1 sten only to tbe

vo ce of yonr soul-to act 81 way" w th'reference to the h ghest sp r t ual development and as he only way to sp tna! growtb to follow Ch ot ao your leader

Yes Aonty W odsor But are not certa. n aSROC at ons

ncompat ble w th 8u h leader.h p? I th nk they are sa d tbe yooug

g I putt ng her arms aronnd be fr end s neok I love yoo and I willet you talk With me about Mr Hartman I don t app ove of s oharaoter but he p eases me and makes me bappy when be s w th me You know I have no brotber and papa never goes out w tb me Mr Hartman 8 maDoer. a e gracefol and gentle he dresses well he adapts blm.eU perfeotly to my mood-

John she sa a 0 E en 8 father the 8am day we e 0 d fr ends

nd I want a I ttle pIa n talk w th you I want to speak to yon abouL E len The ch Id • n danger

In dang ? wha do you mean? Do yon emember how you relt

John when you we e young-how estless a d eager you we e-how

yon fe t your elf bndd ng all over w h h P 8 and long ngo and nde c hah e 8.nsat ODS of outreach ng?

Do you emember how dull the house se med even ngB and how yon wond ed at he qn et of your fatber aod mother?

Why yes Ann e you have de se bed one penod of my I fa per fec Iv

No perfec Iy I have only h nt ed at tbe bora ng I fe of a yoong v go oos ooul

But what has tb 0 a do w b E len? Sbe sag rl My s sters never seemed to have much burst ng I fe

What nonsense for you to utte John Howard Isn t I fe I Ce whether t s 0 a gIrl or boy? and are a I gsa ke P But J obn f vou hadn t had scope there woold have been tronb e of one kind or another Now Ellen 8 I ke yoo and f you don t look out ahe II rna y Mr Har mau

N onoenae Ann e ahe wouldo t th nk of such a tb ng

No she wouldn t th ok ohuch a th og bot sbe wilda t w thoot tb ok nO' Tbat s the po nt I want yon to cons der Ha tman bas 31 ready conB dered t and 0 act ng upon t He knows tbat E len 8 ((reatly h s snper or n 8001 bnt he hopes by BUpp v ng ce ta n needs of ber vouog und sc pI ned woman hood to get a gradual nfloeoce over ber that w II end n marr age Sbe s Htremely fond of open a r exer

ClSe becaose by tbe way abe needs t. Hartman perce ves tb s aod

b ngo two bo see to tbe door aod hey go to r de She I ke8 del oate

I ttle louche. and flowers aod d es she I kes the elegance tbe suav ty tha good nature of perfect breed ng she I kes to have all ber tastes 8tud ed and catered to del cately and sympathet oally

I see sa d John Howard yes I see And SD- the fellow s d reot ng her heart to h moelf n con trad ot on to her sao I I Yoa th uk I m gh t r de 'l!!yaeJf With Ellen and look a I ttle oto ner needs and sap­ply them. It 18n t too late 18 It?


CoWlD.encemen J 30 h 1880


Expon ... $100 to $ QQ P"r year Te m begme W odn day Sep 3d IS 9 W nte Tarm De 7 h 1879 Bpnng" Te m Ma h 3. 1880

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Adami-A. B Pren ce Bl'IJ()kj/<!d-R chard Btillinan Be I n-'-J llyron Whitfo d O.,._R A. He be DeRuyter-BarIon G B IlIma~ Gen .......... E R Crandall Indepondenu-John P Llvermo e Le07UlT~Aaa M We. Lincklaen-Ban amID H S man New London-Frank B W 1 BIn!

Nile-Ezekiel R Clarke Porl'l!ilk-A B Crandall RichbuTgA-Edwm B B lBO Sta e Bridgt>-J ... ph We. Scott-Byron L Barber Ver01l<>-Thomae Peny Wat8on-Thomae R Reed WI!ll81>ill6-Ch&r eo Row ey WOlf Edmat<m-J B Clarke


JfIlBti<l Bridge-Geo ge Greenman WateTford-Olive Ma.nOD


181 Hopkinlon-Alfred B Burd k 2d 2d Hopkin on-S B G owo d Ro ktrille-.T ameo R Iri.h WealBT V San a d P Silman

Ba.beo k

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il'a na-lB a a'WSOD :Villa Ridge-M B Kelly We.t Hallook-Trum&D. 8aunae il

ow Wetlon-L A Loo b ro Toz.dl>-MaXB n Hebcock


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Lorn B anck-Joshua G Babcock IfO'rlh Loup-IJscar Babcock rSi HEBab k

TTlALF A CENTURY OID II aod ye a. GOOD as EVER 00 000 8ough. and Co d. Cured Annua y






D at • and Po I-om e Money 0 d ahoo d be made payab e 0 D R STILe!,.." MAN





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ij) h£ ~ahbath ~tordtr I PUBLISHED W!IBKLY






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All communica ODS whether n bul­ne .. or for pUblication .huaJd be ad dreiIoed to THE BllBATR BEOORD­ER AlfrM c",u. .. 1 ... "y C. Jf T