LP - Legend of Grimrock CH 4

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Transcript of LP - Legend of Grimrock CH 4

  • 8/2/2019 LP - Legend of Grimrock CH 4



    By RetroVortex

    Chapter 4 Uncertainty Avoidance

    Sorry that my updates have been slacking

    I assure you that I have not been napping!

    Life has just been a little mean

    Stopping me from playing despite being so keen

    Now that the explanations are done

    Its time to get back to our dungeon crawling fun

    Last time I played I found a key to unlock a door

    I guess its time to see what fate might have in store...


    The Door.

    Literally anything could be behind there.

    Though Id wager its more likely to be more dungeon and less balloon party.

    (A shame since a balloon party is just what we need for party moral!)

    The guys are a little ticked off and hungry, but I implore them to push forward.

    (We are only on the first floor afterall! XD)

    Nervously I pull out the key and unlock the door to see...

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    A FACE!!?!?!

    The curiosity is overwhelming. I have to find out everything about this face.

    Who made it? What is it supposed to represent? Why would it be built into a dungeon?

    I need to investigate!

    Hmmm... white text...

    Is it related to the face? Is the person who wrote that text also the one that commissioned this to be

    built? Was teddy really insane?

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    The answers to these I do not know. But maybe the text could reveal some light on the situation/

    Heal my sight

    Oh dear... another puzzle...

    Exploring the room I find two paths. One leading to the left... The other to the right...

    Okay gang! Lets split up and search for clues!

    Sorry Freddie, but this game doesnt allow for multiple parties, so I guess we are going to have to flip

    a coin and see what it lands o...

    Oh yeah, I forgot, we are in a dungeon. No money. Ah.

    After making a poll, and taking a vote, (which ended ironically 2:2), I decided to use my veto to go

    left to find...

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    Another pit...

    Im sure there are some of you just screaming out at me to pull the damn lever, but my experience

    of playing many videogames has lead me to the conclusion that an obvious solution to a puzzle is

    likely going to be a trap.

    See that green thing behind that gate? That is a monster. That lever probably will open the gate.

    Look just behind that gate, see that pressure plate.

    That is the true target here.

    I bet that if I throw something on that plate...

    Ah. I was wrong. The lever might actually close that pit afterall... Oh bugger.

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    After waiting for the gate to close, (Fortunately only 1 snail got out), I pulled the lever and walked

    over the newely closed pit.

    I quickly took care of the two snails to the left, and found some more loot:



    Exploring the other part of the path lead to literally nothing, so I wont bother posting any of that.

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    So I opened up the gate a couple more times and roasted some more snails!

    OOH! SHINY! *Yoink*

    Guess its time to go right now eh?

    Is... is that a MUSHROOM!!?!?

    Man! The ecology in this place is frightening! O_o

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    Now I decided to send my party to sleep at thing point, since as you can see their health is running a

    tad low.

    (Pictured above: Ultra-Realistic Sleeping Simulation)

    After battling 4 of the Mushroom monsters. IN A ROW. My two main melee fighters died.

    (Though you can still give them things to carry. Picture that for a second...)

    But you know what they say! No Pain...

    No Gain!

    Lets reluctantly go put the shiny things into that creepy face from earlier...

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    After hastily scarpering from the horrid creature and locking myself behind a gate. I began to

    formulate a plan of attack.

    If I can attack then flee back here and rest I might be able to win.

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    After several minutes of baiting and running, I manage to toast the bastard!

    Oh cool! A lance and shield! I think Ill get some of out of that. But first, more sleeping!

    (Never gets old! XD)

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    So back in the room I see something glowing, a scroll, and a door of some kind.

    I assume this must be the end of the first level.

    The scroll reads:

    -Doors of Iron-

    Great rewards can be found behind

    These doors. To gain access look carefully

    For small details and use your wits.

    Is it referring to secret buttons? Or something else. Interesting...

    But for now I got to find out what the blue thing is! :D

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    Some kind of crystal?

    Lets look at the scroll first, might explain.

    -Crystal of Life-

    Touch to gain health and restore life.

    I guess today is my luck day after all! :D

    After further searching, and some re-equipping I found a Scroll of Poison Cloud,

    (needs earth skill though...), and some stairs...

    But before that I best push this button I found on the other side of the room near that door!

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    Which does nothing at all... How odd...

    So I decided before heading downstairs to search the floor for any other switches.

    I found one earlier in the room where I found the second eye gem.

    And it opened up this lovely area

    Gave me a dagger, a healing item, and two items I assume will cure poison. That might come in

    handy when I travel down into the depths below...