Low Down and Dirty: Anti-forensic Rootkits darrenbilby_blackhat_v0.9_JP06.ppt Author Ping Look...

Copyright Security-Assessment.com 2006 Low Down and Dirty: Anti-forensic Rootkits Presented by Darren Bilby Blackhat Japan 2006

Transcript of Low Down and Dirty: Anti-forensic Rootkits darrenbilby_blackhat_v0.9_JP06.ppt Author Ping Look...

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Low Down and Dirty:Anti-forensic Rootkits

Presented by Darren BilbyBlackhat Japan 2006

Copyright Security-Assessment.com2006

• Anti-forensics Overview• Digital Forensics Acquisition• The Live Imaging Process• How Live Forensics Tools Work• DDefy Introduction• NTFS Basics• DDefy Disk Forensics Demonstration• DDefy Challenges• DDefy Memory Forensics Demonstration• Better Methods for Live Imaging


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This is Not…• A demonstration of 0day rootkit techniques

This is …

• Showing flaws in current and proposed forensictechniques

• Showing how evidence could be manipulated andpeople wrongly convicted through bad forensicmethodologies

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Digital Anti-forensics

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Anti-Forensics Methods• Data Contraception

– Prevent evidence data from existing somewhere thatcan be analyzed

– E.g. Memory only malware, memory only exploitation

• Data Hiding– Put the data on disk but put it somewhere the

forensic analyst is unlikely to look– E.g. Defilers toolkit, runefs,

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Anti-Forensics Overview• Data Destruction

– Destroy any evidence before someone gets a chanceto find it

– E.g. Disk wiping, wipe, srm, evidence eliminator,necrofile

• Data Misdirection– Provide the forensic analyst false data that is

indistinguishable from the real thing– No public examples… until now.

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Digital Forensics Acquisition• Need to gather an evidential copy of a system

• The Aim– Gather the “best” evidence available

• Gather volatile information– memory, process list, network connections, open


• Power off machine and image disk

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Digital Forensics Acquisition• What really happens…

• Two Competing Aims– Gather the “best” evidence available– Allow the system to continue operation in an

unhindered manner

• Results in “Live Imaging”– Taking a copy of a system while that system is still

functioning in a live environment

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Reasons for “Live Imaging”• Business critical systems that cannot be shut


• Shutting down systems may create legal liabilityfor examiners through:– damaging equipment– unintentional data loss– hampering operations

• Judge instructs that evidence gathering must beconducted using the least intrusive methodsavailable

• Encrypted volumes

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Digital Forensics AcquisitionLive imaging is now common practice

• Tools– Helix (dd/netcat)– Prodiscover IR– Encase EEE/FIM– FTK– Smart– …

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Live Imaging Demonstration• Helix Open Source Forensics CD

– Contains many forensics tools– http://www.e-fense.com/helix/

• Windows Forensic Toolchest– Collect live data including Memory– http://www.foolmoon.net/security/wft/

• DD– Used by WFT & Helix to collect Memory and Disk– http://users.erols.com/gmgarner/forensics/

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Live Imaging Demonstration

Live Imaging.wmv

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Live Imaging Demonstration• Files hidden by rootkits can be found in the

forensic disk image– Sleuthkit / Autopsy / Pyflag

• Processes hidden by rootkits can be found in theforensic memory image– Ptfinder

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The Live Imaging Process







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The Live Imaging Process







Easy Solution…Add Encryption

• Encase– SAFE public key


• DD– Cryptcat

• Prodiscover IR– Twofish


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What Happens When You Read a File?1. Readfile() called on File1.txt

offset 02. Transition to Kernel mode3. NtReadFile() processed4. I/O Subsystem called5. I/O Request Packet (IRP)


6. Data at File1.txt offset 0requested from ntfs.sys

7. Data at D: offset 2138231requested from dmio.sys

8. Data at disk 2 offset 139488571requested from disk.sys

I/O Manager


File System Driver

(ntfs .sys , … )

Disk Driver ( disk .sys )

Volume manager disk driver

( ftdisk .sys , dmio .sys )

Disk Array

Readfile ()

( Win32 API )

NtReadfile ()

(Kernel 32 .dll )

Kernel Mode

User Mode

Int 2E

(Ntdll .dll )

Call NtReadFile ()

( Ntoskrnl .exe )


( Ntoskrnl .exe )

Initiate I /O Operation

( driver .sys )

1 32

Disk port driver

Disk miniport driver








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How do the Live Forensics Tools Work?Read special device object files

• \\.\PhysicalMemory– Contains what is in physical memory– Only sees memory it can access safely– Changes as it is read

• \\.\PhysicalDriveX– The raw data on the disk– Ignores software cache– Could change as it is read

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How do the Live Forensics Tools Work?

Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys, …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array


(Win32 API)

Initiate I/O Operation


1 32

dd.exe NtReadfile()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll.dll)

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl.exe)Call NtReadFile()


Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport.sys)

Disk miniport driver

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How do the Live Forensics Tools Work?

• All tested live forensics tools utilize this method– DD (GM Garner)– FTK Imager– Prodiscover IR

• Example live imaging command

psexec \\target –u Administrator –p password dd.exeif=\\.\PhysicalDrive0of=\\mymachine\share$\target.drive0.dd bs=8k conv=noerror

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How do the Live Forensics Tools Work?

Aim: Get an accurate low level copy of disk andmemory.

Good Things about Live Forensics Tools:

• Bypass standard rootkit techniques so a hacker can’t hidetheir files

• Bypass major parts of the Windows driver stack including theFile System Driver and Volume Manager Driver

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DDefy Anti-forensic Rootkit

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DDefy: The Idea• Live forensics tools trust a bad kernel to give

them clean data

• Lets create a rootkit that hooks below the forensictools

• Provide the forensic tool a valid but “cleansed”version of the system

• Implement as low as we can get while still beingpractical

• Implement instead of claiming theory

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DDefy: The ChallengeFrom Live forensics tool documentation:

Q. Can't a rootkit be written to avoid detection?

A. While it is theoretically possible to create a rootkit to alterthe lower level disk sector read command, it would beextremely difficult and would require significantinformation about the specific machine being rooted.Any attempt to determine which sectors contain the data therootkit is trying to hide would need to keep track of virtuallythe complete disk data structure on the system to keep thenormal operation of the system from overwriting the files. Ifthe cracker tried to mark a section of disk "bad" to preventthe system from altering the hidden files, it would no longerbe available to read using the rooted disk sector commands.We believe it is impractical to create this low levelrootkit.

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DDefy: Implementation• The Aim: When someone does live forensics on

my system they should get a valid image, but notmy sensitive data.

• Proof of concept for 2K/XP/2k3• Kernel mode Rootkit

• Upper Disk Filter Driver• Intercepts IRP_MJ_READ I/O Request Packets

sent to the disk and modifies the return data

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DDefy Disk Forensics Demo

Disk Capture with DDefy.wmvDisk Analysis with DDefy.wmv

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DDefy: Results• Any data that is stored on the physical disk can be

hidden from a live forensics or detection tool

• There is no way to completely prevent this

• Live forensic imaging is still a useful tool– but it needs to be used with full knowledge of the


• Image the disk offline whenever possible

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DDefy: Challenges1. Where do we intercept? (hook)

2. How do we understand the file system without afile system?

3. How do we ensure we give our investigator avalid image?

4. How do we avoid detection?

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Where do we Intercept?

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Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys, …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array


(Win32 API)

Initiate I/O Operation


1 32

dd.exe NtReadfile()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll.dll)

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl.exe)Call NtReadFile()


Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport.sys)

Disk miniport driver

Public Userland (Ring 3) Rootkits• Binary replacement

eg modified Exe orDll

• Binary modificationin memory egHe4Hook

• User land hooking egHacker Defender– IAT hooking

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Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys , …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array

Readfile ()

(Win 32 API)

Initiate I /O Operation

(driver .sys )

1 32

dd .exe NtReadfile ()

(Kernel32.dll )Int 2E (Ntdll.dll )

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl .exe)Call NtReadFile()

(Ntoskrnl .exe)

Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport .sys )

Disk miniport driver

Kernel (Ring 0) Rootkits• Kernel SDT Hooking

E.g. NtRootkit

• Driver replacementE.g. replace ntfs.syswith ntfss.sys

• Direct Kernel ObjectManipulation –DKOME.g. Fu, FuTo

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Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys, …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array


(Win32 API)

Initiate I/O Operation


1 32

dd.exe NtReadfile()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll.dll)

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl.exe)Call NtReadFile()


Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport.sys)

Disk miniport driver

Kernel (Ring 0) Rootkits• IO Request Packet

(IRP) Hooking– IRP Dispatch Table

E.g. He4Hook (someversions)

• Disk Firmware• BIOS?

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Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys, …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array


(Win32 API)

Initiate I/O Operation


1 32

dd.exe NtReadfile()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll.dll)

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl.exe)Call NtReadFile()


Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport.sys)

Disk miniport driver

Kernel (Ring 0) Rootkits• Filter Drivers

– The officialMicrosoft method

• Types– File system filter– Volume filter– Disk Filter– Bus Filter

E.g. Clandestine FileSystem Driver (CFSD)

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• Wherever we want

• The Windows driver model leaves us a lot of scope

• Personally I like disk filter drivers or IRP hooks because– a) They are simple to implement– b) They’re not detected by most rootkit detectors

DDefy: Where Do We Intercept?

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Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys , …)

Volume manager disk driver

(ftdisk.sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array

Readfile ()

(Win 32 API)

Initiate I /O Operation

(driver .sys )

1 32

Ddefy Disk Filter Driver

(ddefy.sys )

Forensic Acquisition

Application NtReadfile ()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll.dll )

KiSystemService(Ntoskrnl . exe)Call NtReadFile()

(Ntoskrnl .exe)

Disk Driver (disk.sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport .sys )

Disk miniport driver

Request X bytes at disk relative offset Y

Return sanitized data

DDefy: Where We Hook

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How Do We Understand the File System?• NTFS is my target• Easy thanks to recent publications (File System

Forensics – B. Carrier)

• Ask the operating system to give us most of theinformation anyway

• We could do this ourselves, but I assume ntfs.sysis a better NTFS interpreter than I am

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How Do We Understand the File System?Boot Sector

Master File Table






Cluster Area

Index – File1.txt, File2.txt, File3.mpg

This is the file1.txt contents

This is the file2.txt contents

Cluster Pointers – 334,336

Index – win.ini, win.dat …..






File3.mpg contents 1 334

File3.mpg contents 1 336

Program Files Index – Accessories, Common Files...6

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How Do We Understand the File System?

• To completely hide a file from \\.\PhysicalDrive0with DDefy we have to fake:

– Directory Entry (Index)– Master File Table (MFT) Entry– MFT Data (for small files)– Data in Clusters (for larger files)

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DDefy: The Process

Kernel Mode

User Mode

DeviceIOControl ()

(Win32 API)

Ddefy Disk Filter Driver

(ddefy.sys )

Ddefy Client 1. Determine drive info and NTFS characteristics for partition

2. Determine Filename and Directory entry position on disk

3. Determine clusters containing file data and their position on disk

4. HideData(Disk 0, Offset A , Length B , replace with Nulls )

5. HideData(Disk 0, Offset C , Length D , replace with “fakefile . txt”)

6. Monitor for file changes and update

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Avoiding Detection• This is all irrelevant if the forensic analyst finds

“hacker.exe” running in memory

• So how does the forensics guy get his processlisting? Network connections etc?

• \\.\PhysicalMemory

• Can we clean this up with some kernelmodifications?

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DDefy: Memory Interception• Standard rootkit SSDT hook on

NtMapViewofSection for all accesses to\\.\PhysicalMemory

• Modifies process and thread list

• Could be implemented using ShadowWalkertechnique (Sparks & Butler)

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DDefy: Copying Memory

Kernel Mode

User Mode

MapViewofFile ()

(Win 32 API)

View of Memory

DDMapViewofFile ()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll .dll)


(Ntoskrnl .exe )Call NtMapViewofSection ()(Ntoskrnl .exe)

1 2



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DDefy: Manipulating Memory

Kernel Mode

User Mode

MapViewofSection ()

(Win 32 API)

View of Memory

DDMapViewofSection ()

(Kernel32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll .dll)


(Ntoskrnl .exe )

Call NtMapViewofSection ()

(Ntoskrnl .exe)

Call DDefyMapSection ()(Ntoskrnl .exe)

Modified Copy of Memory

1 2


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DDefy Memory Forensics Demo

Mem Capture with DDefy.wmvMem Analysis with DDefy.wmv

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DDefy Memory Interception• Detectable

– Ongoing rootkit detection arms race

• Doesn’t hide– Memory mapped files– Memory paged to disk

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Some solutions…

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A Better Way of Acquiring Disk Data• Method

– Install IRP hook– Communicate

directly with IRPhook

– Encryptcommunications

– Confirm user landmatches kernelland

• Challenges– Stability– OS Specific

Kernel Mode

User Mode

I/O Manager

File System Driver

(ntfs.sys , …)

Volume manager disk driver(ftdisk .sys, dmio.sys)

Disk Array

Readfile ()

(Win 32 API)

Initiate I /O Operation

(driver .sys )

1 32

Ddefy Disk Filter Driver(ddefy.sys )

Forensic Acquisition


NtReadfile ()

(Kernel 32.dll)Int 2E (Ntdll .dll)


(Ntoskrnl .exe )Call NtReadFile()(Ntoskrnl .exe)

Disk Driver (disk .sys)

Disk port driver (atapi, scsiport .sys )

Disk miniport driver

IRP Hook

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What it Means• Live forensic imaging is a broken concept

• Data gathered via live imaging cannot be trusted

• Manipulation of evidence is both possible andprobable

• However, live imaging is still useful if combinedwith the right knowledge

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Future Work• Defeating cross view rootkit detection tools in a

generic way

• Implementation of an open source imaging tool todefeat these anti-forensic techniques

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Questions ?


[email protected]

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Resources• Windows System Internals 4th Edition– D. Solomon, M.

Russinovich• Rootkits – G. Hoglund, J. Butler• Shadow Walker – Phrack 63• Primary Windows Rootkit Resource

http://www.rootkit.com• Joanna Rutkowska – Stealth Malware Detection

http://www.invisiblethings.org• Windows Driver Development Resource
