Love Beats All


Transcript of Love Beats All

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PlotThe plot of the films centres on an argumentative

couple, Andros and Susan (Di Caprio and Lawrence) who have fallen out of love and

subsequently spend their time trying to obliterate each other. Their kooky schemes involves the swift invention of lasers which sees Hulk Hogan meet his

demise when trying to defend the helpless disarmed Susan. Richard Keys gets thrown into the mix when Andros try’s to buy Talk Sport in order to

broadcast verbal hate over radio consequently back firing and seeing Di Caprio’s character

become poor. When faced with living on the streets, Andros returns to times passed only to meet his diseased mother (Dame Edna Everage)

and finds out about his true love for Susan. Will he return to the love of his life, or will he be doomed

to a life begging for loose change.

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What will make your film different?

Our film will be different from any other film ever seen before as the actors and actresses that have been chosen to feature have been

closely and carefully selected to ensure that it creates a unique storyline. The characters in our film include Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Richard Keys, Hulk Hogan, Danny Dyer and drag queen Dame Edna. The two

main characters Andros and Susan (Di Caprio and Lawrence) are married but their

relationship is the host to domestic violence which results in continuous chaos and other characters in the film being thrown into the


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We chose this title as our genre was Rom-com. We felt this would be

suitable for our genre as it immediately stands out with the word, ‘LOVE’. The

title is a pun and this immediately links back the hybrid genre of Rom-com. The

title is an accurate overview of the whole film with people in LOVE literally

beating everything.

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Interest for Audience

We will try to show in our opening trailer that this is a must see film. We are going to do this

in order to show a complete contrast in the love and hate which will ultimately make the

audience want to find out what has happened. The complete contrast between the love and hate relationship will ultimately bring humour

to the audience but also will make the audience immediately want to this movie as

nothing is given away. This opening trailer will ask the audience all sorts of questions.

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Marketing Campaign

We will advertise a marketing campaign where there will be a day to get the person you love a chance to get back on them. A day where the audience will become the film but instead of knife’s and guns it will be a day of activities

such as dodge ball and food fights to attack the person who makes u feel special. On this day

there will be visits from a selection of the actors from the movie. An interview with the finest selection of our characters such as Di Caprio, Dyer and Edna, about the film will

immediately catch the attention of the audience.

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Conventions within the Genre

Our genre is Rom Com and this is shown throughout the film in various ways, some examples being that the colour red will be

shown often to show the theme of romance. Also, the random characters that have been selected are completely different and you

wouldn’t usually see them all put together in one film so this shows the side of comedy. The themes that are constant within the whole film

are love and hate and the fact that these are opposites can represent the film to be both

romantic and comedy.

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Character Types

When choosing our different actors the main thing we had to take into account was the

genre of the film. The genre that we got given was ROM-COM, as we got this we had to get asset of actors together which would involve well know actors which have previously been involved in romance and comedy films. We

have 6 main actors in the film and the plot of the story all involves around 2 which are

Leonardo Di Caprio and Jenifer Lawrence, which are usually more serious actors. The 4 other

actors are more on the comedy side of the film, this is how we will fit the genre with the


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Storyline The divide between a marriage when there

love is broken apart with a lot of laughs throughout the story.

Setting The setting is mostly within a house in long island in New York. Most of the film will be

filmed within the house with some scenes in different parts of New York. The weather will

rain throughout the film with storms occurring then at the end of the film the weather will

clear up and become clear. Themes

Love, Violence, Humour, Hope.

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