Louisville weekly journal. (Louisville, KY) 1858-07-07 [p...

WEEKLY JOURNAL. Agricultural. -- .. . ' v a" "nw ' - Spaj Wa""" Tile DRAiNs-a- A. riRsr ExrcRiMnrr. Tb we copy from tb Kural New Yorker: Tb f.rt tie undrin bas just beea laid onowr farm. A bcariniiioif is mad tbe frreat woik of ."ettuir ui krrpmv thr staamant mtertmm the ml 1 work that, oucv." well nTOmpliabed, change tb of tb noil. That character and product iveocae w hioh waa cold ul laureti, o drained, besroines Wanu, poroaa. atd lertil: l.irt wa svaroelr Dwd lilo lb Oban," ertecte.l. limininp is ikk .. t . after all. Wort ill dv K. a.dcd I t braitia, it w ill do it . ba4y aad well. The l.rst rv 'juil 'W'lUin" aud a will; lb eeeocd ia jsropcr lo.ds to work with: equally ai ssai.l, leweirr, air no tf.r aud money to tut .If. "' Lad laaceaatlated more duz- - fifiF tt as was calhd for. to wanu in tb IsaUora Ox dra.u a MiK.. ju it la rye jcu, b to cotilaia iter tuati it canunt be i.t.ne.1 in i,llui-- in, it i.ta no atone U fvr i"int, ai.il, a littt straw iLrrwn on. it way I o reri with the idow. 1o dxs.u f.'or.KUi. a'. ir, oa wants fiwve and ni-tti- to linist the wo.-k-" ai istcr. Annir f our ciitca waa du,T laal year, and th lotLasa waa oA and ODevao. ac tliat' it bad t be tilled in, and hoards laid down to (da.- - the tile upon, iovreasirir; the t rouble and com. (so iuo aoil- - p' inmtTth uiir iva.1il-- cUaimt. if tb tU ar lil at .n uV. a. lb d.t. a u fini i4. IM Um uii.ng iu al-- prd itii tb rt. 0o Uraici ar a cu.ik. and a cooauuit bill of fpitui A nuian.. tcani thry otnrt rrrry ojirrauoii f bu.tiaiiJn aa upMiw, ltau tbrr rjuif clctniii); out Of ofbr, or iiniMTt'ctlv jur tf o1 diwt. I nibr-itaa- tb oof w II Uid. arp out of tUwar. and tpetn'ii al an tv. If Uil U bv fnt n oa drain clear, iuit 'l.ll tbrrawiib (tvi.rrr," and hcl our . kTop mu w draiix d thiui ur. i l f rtat utxrt of out prwwot drio i t. t.l cff lb coBiciiU of a piKid a lauun. full rf vtUor wntil tb druuili iru.kv it up. 1 b til our iu, tba water wnt I.I niaci. (b ' U tiow (rll ..ut ' ot' Ui pot .4 at our. W'a rliall In., aa broal lull f a LaoJvun tmir dir it J. I tif 1 DO UtXk t lafcllr tbut i( urvrr ! a a'aia. J. .lh!U"a GOUD'.y, N. V., If. J. T." r?v:vr Ikiid In itt f w tii A fraiVf rowing slvTilwr the f.41iii(r rcxira? for plvvriilBg dri d ft nit daniagt-- by awKb. A( Usl year's .rp of ap.lr w $ larf, and tbat of ib prajeut year promising U lat aaiit , tbnaa of our readnra w bo Lave tamr of I lie oll aia k oti band nnj f.rij it of at'iunt to try Uae ieciie: rat (be ilnrd ades or peaclief into a tin vessel with a ierfratd loUom: corer clowly with flannel; plauf tr.e veal into a Iwiler or ktuia cootaiaiuf t wo or three quarts of l Uiuf water, bavinfr some sticks acros. ttae water to ptevent Uie tia toncbing it: boil bruMy, and tb fruit will Koa be tborospb- - iy teatt witbnut kws of nTor. Spread it our: the beat w ill paid evaporate tbe moift ure. CTu follow ioc St ite 1 aira arc to be bald during 18- Aaa,ais, at M. , (,, jo??, al...n:ii, at Marvotillr, An.;. WtuX ' lHHl,fiil, at llartt.inl, k t. 1? t I ': it . Sef4 HkilK: iud. .ii, at Ii.m.iii..1.-- , (kt. 4to:. I at al r. .. ut. I tLti I t, at I .Hrillf , S. nf ?7 l. M. 1 M:iu.floi. at Ih.ver, I art. C t. a, .Lrf-- , at Irrnina, ! 14 to 17; V.el., ai la S to f, !.io. ai Vt..ia4.. Srf. H to 17; i:ti'.de llai.-1- . al 'ro. idii, M to I"1: I - si . tat- - to : rrrn nil, a 14 to 17, .iniiis, at IVi. f Milj.'. t to ; V'ih .ni.n. mi Ali'tiwMi. 4 to 7; I i.... 1 ;wat- -. al I. a s., M. ?' U SO. j i ar m C i 1 r I .ir. II . I le prnfa-- r time riitt.nr c fa" biy sn iuiartai.t iueatioii ia il .ir... ,,f tiriiiiii too., ra Xri-- . trnv r 4 r.-- ion- - h in lU.r sa to what s ic oX j"- tb tlw ; ra - an- - m.nt ut l.w I. v. u.e Unu.-t- , ami. it ia a larce iiiai.rr.y l ll m, a.K..ai tbe . Hll.r.p tnw.'ly, and hih- f 'lif-- ( ra.w-- wbil in a ! j.r. i ... t.bfr tluuk U.e bay iot uu'ii if .m till somi fw day a afir tl.. alvd'ltiijuf tti-- I.I aar,to, and lbs ! in tbe W'Uy ot a...i7t v it .( J aw - say tbe .! of ti , rnwi 5t..ui. I - I ...I.- - loiiim ii lading ml I ly. yrsr. s a f.to.'r iia- cnt in t Us iloston t 'ultivstor aitb a . .4.iiimj'iatn, aaaertinc that tfle fpa-l- s of tufa. au..nl.l ! f,, iiulared lafon to rn.f of b iv. n ot l.i- - strong arnnientt v- - tint tin- s di .nitHin.l Ue nutriment 4 tue bay. 1r. or a do;?n irrpoiid(nts of that .i r,i.dt.i .'j ,J (b ' gias ttia- - , ' n..r.i (!k iu r.uMait'Mij tl.ritr iu bis 1 mm rt-t- r ,viTe .'.s. n ainl I. uiiKr.oia inqui-l- .- awnti" Wii r itt .t.rt init af,taajof tb oim-ti- w i fjioii "uri- t Ut a Taat iuaj.itv of tlo-i- .rf-- ( atiiiiy tl.cir I.l'ote U ae.li ar ri- - an-l- . aa fr aa jio;!.!!;, at acvnliaily. "1 bi' r, ii. - i uuttiKHil.ly founded on correct prim i)le., tlie .. i of the fainter beinp to aacure ln bay an aa to nisi it more like jjraat in ita p'r-tr- tt 1 b i.nituiva n l.Mto.es of ra are llo.v win. b aie f f Uie moat part mJoHle in wa-t- sk b as aiiar , ;.,in, ai.rt other .uiprfind.. No . - r vi.li-- tba'. if tloi i Ui f taaa shoal. I lutal Ih t in vi.a it tonu.nt tlie largest aiootnt of tt,a p:ini:.j;l. . la iu early stapes of rroartb a o,i.ij a ny lrey percent age of water. 1 n itseailo-a- t jTixrtli. the SQiar an J other aola-1- 4 sutaa.ea io.-- a till they rea--'h tliir iriax.niiim i. .li in tit Lbiaanm, or whew lii- - ei i. fi.lH ia tli r ioni this peri-.- i the satcrlKtna- - tiiafi! . ..r.M inl v diminifdaa, and tl won.i t.'.r.:. . :U iu'.il.il.lk! ia water, as.l utii.:ii. i.nia, intra it: till af:er tli se.U l.av ti a It. pi U'l l. !'ioa la ttfroura, if tb t l..i.t is o.t .1 in It, flower, a part of th- - nu'rin.Tit of i: Kt. m. aa.t bsves ia wasteJ." ib r.tmit fjuo'.jiu. n j. fi.Tin lb B of mw who baa paid ren' t altti,t,. to t. eol.jcot of grasaeit, an.l wbme o..ni '.a bve u. t bcn naatilv l.irmJ. e ai-- m:.k a tbort elnn1 from the late Prof. Nortoc' wriiir.. Ii aa.d "tti lime of ratting has much to Co with tbe Diitrilire value of bay. M tiile ibe btems sod leaves are pnowintj and green, tbey curtain coot i Jemi.le qaantiues of supu and rum, r.a h. as tliy ripen, are fra larpe part trans loruii iuto , woady li'rs; the iii'o lli svi: as very farmer know, a r"'. "r r..rti..ii of the are loat fnan tbe l.'t l i.o- - it i 1 .1 .Mil. I L, aAr tli grass baa u,ii. J it full ,r r.ii.i ,. Lt, it ..s by drlay in iiliot, at.i brt'ooH as loin and tt poorer uiial.ty a it pious ia .C, Mr. 1 iii.t, Sc.rtaiy of tb Board of Af-1- .. i.liarr. jVlaa.-- - it ., u' Ltd rirridarsoooiainijit' a .ju n rural a it jura, to farmers ia erery n tum ill tbat Male, t.'uestajo 7th wa "At what taj! of crf.-.i- li do yv u (.refer lo cut frrasa to n.ai.e I.nuii-- Sfl iuto snake liay, and what ia Ike ftv.n Ut vnor riref-!!- replies froia aimut one buioln d ai t tiity towns are, that farmers prefer lo cut tb nrin Ipa! , luihaVLy and red. I.. p. wba in fi ll I. loaaorn: r4 clover w best about j!f tb beada are in l.lo tu, uxi swale grass before t la rif, and pc nerilly lrfore l.loaaocning If poeai. I ile, ao aa to prevent it from becoming bard and Wire." V (' a extracts frota replies to tbe qnes-ti- a. fine of tli .at iailliirttit farniers of x cuuuty saj a: - afr to cut crass wbea ia l.losaotn, l. auas it ill make more milk and more tat, and rattle prefer it lo that M audin? Later. It kpa tbein looa and beallby. 1 have n lou.it bay of lb csine bulk weighs more if it stands ia the t.oid till lli a4 t.m, sdJ . Ibis reason warn who 'U io 4 of tlieir bay let it aland." A farin-- r in oiaealer county aayi- "U liea aaained 'a niilk cos. sture, or fatieLing animals, I prefer to cat it iu the blossom, bera.ua it makes mure milk, more (Towth. and mure beef. I or aorkinjf rattle uni Lorata 1 tut alamt lix days after Uie pul-l- baa l.ien. becaux it due not soar - loosen lb animal so tutn-- as w ben cut in blossom." A farm- er of itain;tire county says: ".Next to sweet, fresh frra-- a w Uunk lUat roaen will make cows, working aa'tla, or horses tbrire better than anv oUier feed. unUas ID U caa or caul bard at work. Coarse bsr will keep e'.ook tolerably well, if cut early, w hich, if allowed O to it are, would nut be eatea at all." A llstn county fanner savs: ''Wa cut alter tlie tiloaoms laf iu lo fall, and latfora Ibey liav all fallen. It In-- km .re subatance and weight cot at that too than if cut sooner, more sweettMaM and thaii if cut later." itnout atemiii' to decide tbs disputed poiuu, we will f.flor a lew fiifj-e-.' ions, tlie reault of onrXfarimw in theac matteta. tojiarallv we bar found a medium course in w ids extremes tlie aafeat and Conut not tbut praa is i ut suiniine tun early for and at other times too late to be either pal- - -- HJmox uwin.i.M... jim w ivih-- t larmers waual-l- e koa more by late cut'ing of tlieir crass thaa they a.. io w.ii- nu..aiiir. i u rear, we tniua, k um tiatur i to o niineti.e baying as early as tbe sea sra and a;e of tb riaa. will adioit. erea if a nra. tioa ot the rr- - U in early blnnauia, Imk aaae, a a pe.ieraJ Uii'.f!. but lew firmers ( a here their mowing i d ie wiib the acyttoe, and ll.e bay fathered with tV ba.Ki-rk- have st.fiiJ.bt help to arrura all their bay ia p oor aeaaoo; esor iallv ia wet sea sons, miioh of it liecomei tjo (or to roaxe in -i quail! v of bv. r.ve-- f iruier ihoui.i la auiply fro vi, led wuh good acrtbea, raaea. I irk a, liay- - si, and also with good priooat.m. mniior caat iron rollera. 'i'bia laat inner; aer,f the lb lot a. Hit can la st.ired ii. lb barn in loo damp or (rwn a si a', so a to bat aod'lavnme injured to alia.. It an in co,i weather, be r.ver-dii- so as to la su-t- i l.. pilataid ai.d i.inr.tojui as winter food for tak. f.ry farmer atv u'd ex'ixia a orrect in ttias mailer-- , for they are m altars of .nra a..d cet.ts" with l,im. la cn iiipr i.,vr f Lay it requires different treat- ment ikat of the praasea. It is generally tbmvhi that clover tiioiod cut when aoont one bait trie td i bare lumed to a I To a color, and to lof the most value it should la made luo.ilv ia the et; in tt.is way, in.m of tb heads and keas will be saved and ritain their original color, wLile, if praad aL.IJm. bed about. Hi leada leaT-- soon Iwcnm Cry ai.d are mostly lost. 7 be prai-ii- ol maj.y farmers ia to cnt tbeir after th dew n oli', knuo? it remain in the wsth UUala-u- t f n. i l, aftenior!. and then wt,B warm wiib tLa fce.it of the ..on, n ub forks put It to corks tbat w.ll weifh from forty torilty pouudi when hi for th baru next altemoon piu a over by patting to COxka irtoon. Next day partially apread toe cm la, or turn them bottom upwards, and it lb wathr has len favorable it Will d i to can to tb lra ia the .Sotne sprikle from four t eis quarts of salt per to-- i, as tnv mow away their ciov.r. Clover U.us cured is not "liabl lo horr, aid in the c.;.ii. airtnc farmers is wo-t- h '(. mileb ar.d sbep, as mu. b per toa a., hay." hnt it is not i.u.omn.oo in thrift-lea- s firm,, to fb,)r c)mtT jB wi b B that tla, t paru ot it are sUkea o9 and deatrr.y". d Co. Corf Arn, A!r,rT M" t f Tav ''K.tW'ft.li cream rlsa o. am k u a few b.Kirs in a room wbre lb ttermome-te- r low Jf, to i , decr., u i, l.,md bv ajroot interested m th .,. ,4 o,7 .., Z ?xT milk as moat 0. Lse at ::9 T 4;) d J lajrat uaa. 1 Uis u one . f t three que, ,.k 4 by a eorre- rHidect in F.rie county, oa which we will sTieUavor to throw a l.tj and peibap-tvta.-- r, aiay b to ut.r.u tb subject and draw inteesiting lacu their stores of ex e Milk i com row d of psrta cavw or card, S banter, 4 i' surar, and e.7 of water. The loaar la tmpTanie, of cnurw th mor den as th ' com non rg so f reat a ion ion of th milk, ao-t- it renct.es S'. de,frs, ai ahirh point water be- fits to expand won tl.s oereaw of Umperatura. 'ih crwam aould, perhaps, rue more readily at bout 88 decrees tl.an at any other temperature, wae it not tur tb fat hat tbe" cream as well as the rard is made dnss by tbe low teBiperatur at which It i kept, in alwnt the same rat 10 at tbe water ' and perhaps greater. vary oue of Tperinnc knows that very bill cassia will list on milk kept at Dear tb &azuf point. This arin-- a from the fact above mentioned that the watir expands below . while tbe cresni and curd b r am uiore ien. e, to that at near ::3 deft, tnerc is little ibtlerenc in gra rty between the cream and w ater. At to uV-- . tbe creiiu will rise, but Mill more rapidly at dy., abd still more m, we judge froin onrowa experience and o'.aervatioo. at () or 70, ar even 7b de;. I roru this tact arenas that the oily matter expands by beat more rapidly thaa water, ana ot course coatx-nae- t.y cola 111 tlie sum ratio. It doe not follow, bv anv means, that it is best to keep milk at such a high temperature, forth whole massmiglit sour I for all the cream would la separated and rise to the sorfaea. Hy placing a pan of mi k overs slow lire aad gradoaH'v ItKTeaalng tbe hwt nntl it reach's jh lioiiinr; pii it, all tbe cream will tiae to the surface in a few min-- t. This would teem to pnve that a high tem- perature Is Ctroralile to th separation, l or nricti- - csi purp-we- we think a temperature of alut "i0 or i5 deg . will I found the l.au Tkf Phtlotnvhr rf Cl'rt,fnn. H crrana of milk is ia tbe form of minute globules, the oily or butte- ry matter being covered ith a tl.in cuatini; of case- in, something like the yolk of an e. g. I he ol7. t U churning is to break ttieae globulea, which it ef fects partly by the increase the teiojieralar, ai..t partly by th ngita'ion. Ourini tb onrati. cburiiing, th beat generally rises from live to ten degree. In cold weaiber it U soiiietimea niar-t- raiss tbe temperatura fa the cream bv pmiiug in hot water, or b siwne oilier means, aiid th.ne v. bo have hail much e perien.-- in cburniu.; know fi.-- rv eiperieni' that it i" inip.i-ibl- e to l.e l "come" with cold treain. I be afcoat..i ia but tli heal ia indispensable to break ll. rd.4.ulea of crram ar.d tot bulter. Where Uie ( farn raised bv placing milk over th life, iu the manner previously alluded to, tlie f lot.ul. a are hr..-- by tli brat alooe, and tbe butter ia ,1 without muh ihnrnui;. Il can l i'.niheil in a iiiiuutea in a a.k Jra boal, with a ladle, or in the (burn, flutter thus in vie ia relished by many f.4- p!s:ut use, though a4 a have an oily taste. It is nt ins I in this way in quantities or forprsetatioii, in this country, tht w have learned. la I ev ooabire, F'jigland, where mu h butter ia made, and of very superior qoslity, a system some- what aimilar is l. As e.ko as tlie imlkiiii' and skimming processes are over, tb as no new. milk is placed in a Lraas pan. A Kinsll il.l ly of cold water ia placed in tue pan, and her it in the day tune for six lionrs, or at mgl.t till the lolloa ing morning. It . then arefullv pla ed n.'jr a alow tire, so aa 10 la? bested to a cenain point, but not permitted to boil. It ia a d.'li. ate matter to liave a hre jnst brisk enough to prevent tb milk from curdling ia summer, and at ill not po hot 1 to lianas it to heave or Ul. A him confisieucy on the surfao. and a t a'cb iusl. dated appes.rs.oce are tbe cruereais B'b.llv depended rp. for the p.v.pr amount of beat. When s.l.cienl.i- - sca! le.l. tb pan and it cmiteBt'. ar removed 10 a . pla. ia "nio-m- and covered over, uutil o4, a.ih a wo..l. n ckxb ia w inter, when tlie ream ia taken off. II.. prraass aT churning - very simple; lb cirsiu is placed ia wooden lls. it is then btid.lv atiired bv tb band, or by a "a hiak" of peeled willoas tinlil the buttermilk arpatates frrnn which ia usually eflected in some ten minutes. We have never eaten butter m ole iu w.it tbat w thought first rate, and ale. ay. ciH.i.leied it injured bv the beat inc. Hotter, think ia in jured ia tbe same way bv loo rapid cburuing. I be fait that on bum w ill butter in a dborter timt than another ia 10 t i.l. n.'e id" ita Miii..t, aa ita rapid actioa msy rais the temperature higher than it necessary or beneficial. 1h proper temperature for cream when l.u ed in the churn it ala.ut deg., and tbir coolness it is ditBcult to otatain in the beat of mi turner, unlets tbe churning is done very early in tlie morning, or the e is unusually well adapted to tbe Ia akillfnl bands' cold water is useful, and every dairy farmer should have an u where a constant supply of ice caa la o'.tained for regula- ting tbe temperature of tbe milk, la winter warm water ar.d a warm room caa lie made Use of as de- sired. The temperature of Scbooley's preaerv atory caa I reflated very ea.il y, and we t Ii ink favora- bly of it. We only deaiwd lo present a few fai ls on this subject, and have . .ed tlw .!i.- e lo oc up. It ia, boa ever, an interest. ng subject, and we would like tli opinama d' i 11 eu. editairymea HnrU ttr oilrr. 'to thr Kurort nf th' iMtxisttllr ,fiai na V lnrrT liitovr. Nrt v Y., K v., .Ion 10, "iX. It wuiild Joi.t.; - to tb agrt. ultural pottion of your readers to b arn li e cunJiiKM of the erupt iu tl.'is part of ll.e S1.1l airi a tbe heavy rains have iu a alibl degree abated. The nuurusl amount ca' wet ha., reudered lbe vesrveryib.uUI.il for a proline one. I be ecu bat had lco mn. b rain to glow fast: it ban in fcrtain Uaslite.. Iien dror wj out r th wee.U lute choked it until il bas Irt. ome very sra. 'I ha majority uf tbe farmers are uot able" lo till their ground because it iatoowM, auJ the coin looks vert' ha.Uy from tbat fact. l b lieal crop promises, a more abundant yield, though iu many j.lai-e- it ia very tbia on ibe ground and has the ruW. yet a very f.iir crop may I. anti. if tbe we3tli!r remains until rutting lime. I: ve looks very ti'ie and prii.i.Mau al.nta.lant yield. Uals in many pla.es ar entirely dead frciu th lust, a thing Ihat war known in tLix p.. tioo of tlie Stats 1 a tie. 5 il t tb same aa a l.la.eof tire would wlieu m rm bing listaiee. it kills and dries it ui before it beads and readers it entirely wortblesa tut f.ai.1, of i vu or mauur apow the griuud w here it falla. There will be a great deal of frnit in our county, and, if riH.ar not sorleient lo live aoa, we will have ciiongk fruit and pretty ladies U. ut aliv e through aaotber wiuter. t'. C.t IVI v Towi.- .- These b.r.ls are to st,ii- - il.l in their ratiir and bl..n that it i. im;.sail.le lo in.liK Ihem to inhabit ard lay epn iu a bone, act nl.aerve tb rules and re-- it,..r. oi an or.t.-rl- . .ltrv fam ily; neven belea., tbey sr worth ll.e .ittenti ,n 4 hum w bo nave an e f..r tliero. They mutt hav , ar.d tliey ilelirbt in a nest of tbeir owb chunking a lied oi" nettlea, or nune similar secret lliiiket pleases them. 1,en they bave caoeea a nest, tbey will keep to it, nnl. ia they have reason to supct it i.a found out. To bud these nesls, therefi.ie, that the oaner may rot lose theeffS, it ia neceaviry to watch tbe feii.a'e very asrily ia ber daily visits lo it, wbiih may lie d i.e tl luoreeaiily, astb inale l.i .I hse the habit of atand-in- g guard over Lis mat while she n laying. lo iu,t let tb bird, know that thi ir secret corner it ill.--. atd the eggs may I removed witb iinHUiily. fininea fowls mate in pairs; suiniuinerary beuiare nsrlesa. Th chicks ar generally reared by u ben.. 1 bey are ralbrr deli. "ate little reatmvs, and requite to lie encouraged to eat r.fliii. 'Ibe treatment followed in rearing turkey (...ilia will lo for I hem. Antborities differ as to I lie ri.- -t ,Ji a.. rubatinn, namiag times varying fri.in t.'nt 4ix to thirty .lays, abd w bave never bad the c ..,rt.u.ii v of taking ac. urab n4. Alihoub tlie ..one, 1,, deligbta iu all extensive latt-e- ve bav known a pair kept successfully in a d kitchen , and a numerous progertv a rearr d tl.eio 1 be iirirtant point is. tliey M5f bave an ppnrtn-nitv- tindiDg au ULdifturUd secret test. Tliete is little between tb co. k a d the Leu. Nolan Suva the wsttles of the ccck are of a more red than those of the lien, and st atd out more from the beak; and tbat tlie ben orjly nses the pecu- liar call, 'Com back, come back." It ia worth bile, f.s- - those who have an riate pla. e, to keep a pair or two, aiua, exept iu earlv atun!i..u o the chicks, they require lit'l caie. Thrir Kmall 'jT are a great dele:a.y, and It, y,o tr birda ai vwy b'ood for tb ta'.le, and viy tt'n t.il iu tli ior, when I be scan ta go out of J.fti 'J MllCt JI.IRSF-H0- 1 ISO Al.le Ini111l.fr id" llie Journal of the lloyal Agticnltural Saietv .out a in. a pr on this aulj-c- t ! the ambor of "lb 1 Cora a roc I low to hveep a Sound a pampbbt largely cix. olated in this country, liecmtcnds that by rood shoe ice and care, the tora msv be lent iu g.axl working ribr to double tb af;e boar summing ap a follows: "If I were asked ta account for mv Lor tea' leira and feet being ia lietter order than thirds of mv leigntMirs, I should attribute it to the f..ur following ci cumatances: First, that tliey are all aboil with lew nails, so placed ia the shoe at to permit the foot to expand every tint they move: stcondly, that tbey all live in boxes iostead,of stalls, and can move whenever they please: thiidly, that they bave two hotirt' daily walking exrci- - wlu tliev are n.t at work; and fourth, that I bave not a bead-.ts- ll or ra.-- chain in mv stable; these four tin umstatioa mi prebend tla whole ln sterv a' keeninc ' legs hne and their feet in soaud clin condition up to a goial old age." In retard to fastenine tbe si. it is l.t ' allow ed to expand by tbe weight of the lior-e- , bv placing iiirre naus ia uie outer limn ot the shoe, and two in tta inner limb, between the toe and the commns-mento-f tha inner quarter; a larger tuuilier than bv nails caa never be required in any shoe of any aize, or ander any circumstances, "excepting ba- th sol purpose of counteracting defective ai.d clumsy fitting. Country Cril,m ih. Fatv. M11.it AainSTAviix.t - "lo trvin? to breed animals with too great a pmporti.in of fat flesh in rorarUoii to tb lean, not only are the stainiua awl aie. but tb milk is ileten .at-.- t. which caused the li.kewell, alias bang b..rn.l cattle, In degenerate in ti. lean flesh. In. and milk, beitg i...w cenrlv shwlows to what tbey were in Mr. . dav. AoimaH may la? bred Until tbey loje r.early all tl.cir milk, and many of the liakeaell or 1 icester sheep uae oea-- iireu aniu inev nsve re.tucea tneir size. constitution, milk, and kao fleab." As a remedy fur tb defn-t- , some of tbe lieat wulbn-rowe- ra, are crossing tlieir lre bred I.eicettrrs ith th liest l.in- - roiBsnir rams, "wlik h has increased tie wool. 417 coBsWutioo, and lean flf. h," and tlie new breed ar mora profitable, from prtduciua, more wsigbt ol wool and mutton per acre. V.urry f.VarV GRarrso W'htat it Thinly pi sated wncat may be grarea quite late iu the spring, but w heat too lliK k in only stgrav ated by t he pract it will com np thicker thin before. (',.. l.tn. AT.RIVAI. fiKTHF. ARAIilA. 11 tt i a, J.in Tba steamer Araloa wiih dates to th KM, bat ar- rive.!, llebates of a very conciliatory lialur c.n the Amere an question bad taken j.U e in Uh I louse, of Parliament. Tbe squadron would probably l withdrawn fiom tb 'oliaa waters and sent to tli of Afrii a. Tli right of search acl .u ar uiinlv alumdotttMl. Il is rumored that Tnissia is in. reaain her r.avy. Tha insurrection ia Ixmdon has heen sul dacd. A company bas been formed for a telegraph lie between l.ngland and lu.ln, via the 1; ! , wild a catital of i.1, I'arliamaot Is dicosiiig a fn.m Jamaii a, touching tb Spaniab alave trade. It as on'end-e- that tbe tbreateiiii.g a'pect of affairs in th .( Indies was occasioned by tbe I a.T failure of .' j.iin to fultill ber ttesly oblltratiiii. lb Karl of Malmsluiry said that from a conver- sation with tlie American Minuter, there was etery reason to believe that acrioe uodcrsbsn.ling wiild fisT clearly verifyirg tb iiaiioriility of vtiv ls without risking a l.rrai h of iutiu.itioaal law. la 1'arliament, Lord Malmehbury refined to U.e support civea bv I jicland ut Spain in resisting tlie policy of the I'nited Sla'es for Ibe annexation of ii1, but said, if she still .i in tb slave trade, it was bigblr irobabl tbat I Wi.d would exchange ber present amity with Sin in.l.tl I'rl Grey said that France and the I'nited Stutes were solely respouaiule for the receaal of tlie f bve trade. itb regard to intrnatiotal law. u far aa be understood it, aa American veawl, tided with slaves, might leave Africa wi'li.xit l.ni land aide lo intertere, nntwithstar.riin a p ifect l.a..l-ed- e f br character. laird Aberdeen end.Tst d ibis l Israti.ji. In the House of (Vwisioni, tlie question of out- rages in lbs Iriilf of Hexico npon Amen, an raoie ap. 1 be d'ifi of the p( bet va tbat wins th matter was fully uudersUa- -l 00 Ik.iL teles lii dirto ulty would be amicably arranged. A serious colliabm had occurred on the Lon.l-.- and Northarstru railwar, by which li i wars wounded and 3 kill.i. rnsvi. M. de Langie s apptir.tmetit ti 4f gen tral saxiafsction. Arrests enntiuoe to be mad in Paris. Ar Fhf-fe-r is dead. It isiamored tfcat the Clones intend tnderjr.vy ' dwvllingon Ilong Kong rivr. Tb r.mperor of 1'uassia bas invited tb French sralausador lo aimmpany Lira on a tour through tb aoutliera provinces. Mi I At, dune A railwsv NAi'.hiLj. 1 ..ii . ..1 . settle the differencee I t wean the I ri and I entral roads. J. Vt Hni. i:.i-n- . .1 - . tVntral. rassaidm. Ti : .. '' K aad there is, thus far, no ptojesct of an arrange! grand contest of reapers for th premiums f the Kentucky Subs Society, came off yesterday at the farm of Col. Stephen Omi&by. The field of operation was a beautiful level field cf wheat of aixMit hd acres. The portion allotted to each ma- chine had !n previously surveyed and cut round. The quantity to be cut was three acres each. The entries were five combined machines and three reapers. Three combined machines and two reapers entered the conlest. The quantity to I cnt, the car exercised in selecting equally favorable lots, ajd in accurate measurement as to q iastity, to- gether with the precautions naed to secure a careful obsrvaiion of th various duties among the mem- bers of the committee of judges, mikes this trial probably the most thorough that hat ever taken 4are ia Kentucky. Tlie field w a in excellent or- der, the ground having twice harrow d and rolled ,beii aeeded, so that all tb machines worked baantifdlh : th straw atood up well, but was rather li; bt to ! a sever test to the machines. At noon the company r invited to rtate .4 a spienum dilation, presented by 'ol. Ortuaby and the zest, with vbi. h all pailo.4. of tlie "creature comforts," aasu.it le sened by the flavor of lb tol. wbi.'h wan said to la "all IV'.bt" by those a bo kbea . I It alioul drtiil.a i f tb trial occupied .etilv lh. wbul diy, and so.h watth interest felt l i those pre.aant, that but fear sought th shade, bid vers intent ..n folloaiiif. and observing tb variou ma. bines. The deta.U of ll. ltr.il wdl b the tevl- - f n ..fli. ially ,t sx.n as mad up. W sball simply si ite ll.e ti.ie octuple.! by ea. h machine in cutting it allotted three a. res; The kealti. ly Il (.nmlined) 1 Lour ri8 muiute". A .Lois' (, .unl.iue.l ) 1 luiiir 3.1.V min- utes. New Voit Itejper and Mower (c.iml.iued) I hour tl Iniuiitea. M.vne & rail-he- lieir (reaper cily) I hu ?4" n.iuiile . New York i;.iiei (regppr only) 1 b.mr 3I4' min utcc ('.bl se. o,.,l, ,lr..,.rd ) Tb woil was dr.ue in - ant.lul slvle by all, and, n. '.i lbs ki. at beat of tb day, Ibe .li 1 ii.4 vliilot auy eympt.ama d" distiesa. It piinful to re tb e fie. ts of iiis.l, vjih, and tneat .aa tb a ill iVlds tLat proiniv-- an well a few w.'elsag... V beard au iiitel)iiil an.l ol.servin farmer fl.t that wheat tbat Lad ben drilled in vat not artct d by lh-- e dirraaes this season. If this it .'h. ul Ii generally known. W Lop farm-ei- s will observe if this result it general, f.a- -, if so, it should l 1 i.owti. y Uie loowen tnler the liel.l ci the farm of Mr. It.irvy, in the same neiht irfhood. Ci?"A eet letter from 00 who always seems pleated and who always pleaae..: 7V tl.f EtlUort oj t lit l.oauiilU Journal: tiatCNsarai;, June SI, 1sKa, G i:Ti.i urs't Tb snmmr deetan.. in beauty and bloom The rl,.irei n iu ria-- luveliaesr; the lorest treea rri-- the field of wheat have taken a hue ot emerald: the clover nieadowa are delicin4y tue .tune sale are frriclil3d with a thousand sweet odor. Now is the raluen nnuie of the vear. the sweet teTxl month of the aunmier. Theb.velv Mar went a fare. to in the ciatmry, bathiue the roae and vaib'ta in tears, that were aaay by th elowiu .luue awai. at.iue. We. w ti,. loved the lair herald of tnanili'. vr.-- eld lo her charms, and sladly welcan.el her more rad.aul "1 itl wiihtlie old b.ve, oa with tbe e have left the dcr old villa for a week' snionm III Uie idea-a- vnlaiv I now had from. 1 he town neetlea In a ialie , ..ar.led l.y sran.l hill- - .,u three sidi, tcreen river l..rn..io. lli Isird.-- line ..r tlie lourttl. Tloaalreanl Is Ir.ty and !artd and in..tf.lislve m calm daya, hut turbo It nl en.ao'h a hli the railc. come. in the h it bank of thf itv.-- - a penile cascade, bearhic tiie bKiii ot "1 iiiiii.f a liich certaiu ulil.tarian ai.r'roi.natf at laiu.ns litutv a- - a at.ower-lt- Tin. 1. tile town, that ally r sMe in saeet eerenilr ana t liet--r ws t, 11. lit. 11 UiM e. k i,y a d. saer dehrtit. ll.e here '"a i etsitiiv" with a dainty iutelleciual aa "exar.iinat.on an.! eiliibilion. N" It.avralaai thi. .i eotertainuieut. a pomive innictiaaii. but line in ream a rlianiiiue auair. "t:oniiMMitionii. inrinr sreat culture and cl.ta init It h all tbe f teshuc ar of yoiini. imndr.; nn.lr, sweet a- - the sour b'lll.lll: oration., and el..ueutly delivered, line 1. a the ' r.M.n-- I nns'" nai full of lassie elearance and iiuauery. The rharina ..f I In. btlle preaili enhanced bv the beauty ot the read- Ih. loiellert .rf sirla. Aa artistirally ana ueautuil.l. oislilieil au.l abtiundius iu rich I'll..!., aa- - a titer rem. Thi villupe. Il reia's rlioaen snot, with i'S pietiir eiue ii-- ..iiet. aud rural repose, added 10 .tii.iMr u. ju.l Hie lor tu hte. t .4 eletrsMi renilllle klli.lhtieav. true rvliiiemeiil. aDd a delivhtlul interclianee t.f nicil c. als. .1uleUulivall.-d- ioe simni day.. last .a.t, we drove to 111 count, y to the of s relative, a l,o lis "rrwn old and rratvfiiily." aionlucall heart by ti4 loreliuess an.l renll.-ne- , ..1 l.rrualiire. the antique tarin aim it. a.i ..1 ! i.s'in,i and saeei eerenny, b. out fr..n. ttees. on "tlie t.anced summer calm' all nature. w thehoiis. tl..w.a woodland sfr am, that niase. miMit ail th dat. a. il wander, throiish the echo. hi" .. Here e larried 1.4" two davt, each Jay lo be 1,1.. rtd with a shite oebt.le. " oiiri week," a time to date from. U just over, and th th lull enjoi meiit 01 tlie Joue Svr .1,1 r de .ud th H all the new that haveroni with th fliwera of SiiiniiH-r- m there any Italt so sweet a. Aldm IH dainty, mu- nealalory, - I he (Jourse .4 True la.ve Never Ind Kll Miio..ti,- - it i. charniinf bt rtid on a June aioruiur, aa we ?it the rreoii of trtaa: still, "while lue ainoroa.. odorous wind 'brealliea lietwi-e- ti..- sunset and the ni.s.n. to hear tlie lender tori- - r. a I b." the e l. l.. t, tu.ar.l la. I. .r 'Northern Travel" is ancth.i- - volume, dehtioiiely rrjuiirratiiv reading, whila uiriii reti'lis. haiesn unknown rallaiit T..nne friend in th city with ins ti.ititni.ii i.ante of l.e .stld l.yon.. alio cater ..iuy for lileralure. Thr itiis iitettiiuii I tniu earn.-s- thanks, for crstiiitous ikr.io.nua u lam all iuann.-- of etouia'nsat..ri' I t.a I n.ii resiiiue toy jouriie nit;, iu of basil h. mourn can scarce wisn i.tr cnanye. sornarnnnt iv are (iouui-iie- at Ibe bnchU-a- of little rotlape, Willi th must l.osl.le and attra.-liv- bosiess, the niost jr. nial and n..t torrettilia a partici.lai-l- handsome y. laai-er.- ii.eii.lier ot the . Wherever I waud.r, 1 sl.all you a rauilaiiir thruua le ot all I aud hear liolit. THE. li.il'S. Tbe Re. hi i.d 1.) Juurnal of the aa- .ntw the btrh and th of aa . w. t.-- lands on llrushy rlai nu at.id at slierirt's anleiast stiii.lav al ssal ar acre all in lite Woods al that. The llouina tla ('ere of III I'ltk a; The ri..rl a.p.airuce of the mirar cro. in the lacri.h ll l.r.o.io.ur As yel Uie lat. k w ater, aslliiialhd. b J it., damage u. thai i.ni..n . i in itarish a l.i. h lou-ii-t I,.- utln led bv Uie I at Ihe Huii.te a la lis. i Iji Pilot id" liir lath ays: 1 he rr.. ceie rally appear t., l in th most M..iiri- - (onditiou he oranges are already lieudini? their braiichis with the ot their delicious fruit. 1 he rice crop nev er io.eti o n.er r more .roniisitoi. ana lit potato crop will partially indemnity our piaulers t.r Uiv l.tsses ihey Snya the Concordia Intellitrenoer of June 1": We have henrd a rrvat deal of complaint durinc the last wees oi it,.- nan state nl In erni. e.teciallr of thr corn 1 Ii" cut, n i. tvi.rest.ob-- lo he sniferin; eoaaideraMv fioiv the lie., u.e ru-- ttr la our vsrinily whir th water ii U'4 ifl.s-b- III Hie eeeistre water it is dolnr tolerably well ii ou and com t I itt Mow , are doiur Well. Ibe editor ef the Kosciusko tMiaj Chronicle presenled w.'h a c..u..i bloom, aud say the ts.ttc pionii...- than it ha- - bei u tor loany v.ara. ha.ir.tlr. I The a het haiaesl has herb nu f the at. k urn, and lb ta.wier bave enioied most .iiin,t. le sek.iier lor savttiit tins (.rain r roiu Hi ,'eu report, tin re i rood reason toeKM-- a lars'e and oi iuis cio.. mere lull lull ci.mpla.ut ol bus ru-- t 'I tie planters Hale that there ica most aatisfuctory stand ot t.ihac-o- and Hie at present loots u a heavy rr ... i ne .t oi. is saia in oe a larre one. 'I i.rre will tie a fair yield ol oat in this section of conn try. he waol ot lain lor a week or two .ast ha prevented itiia ijraiu iioia ainviu lo lbs lull Jssneclioo. rrromthr Schuyler illl.) 'IUaea,i!d I It i ims.ssihle s yet to say s hat our crop- - will h. Mr Majmoler. west ot f:ushville. informs ui that the r.i i fss- r.uuni,. lo en.. the wti.nl in that lerioli irrv badly. It Is the in, predion anionr farmers seneraily that ibe wheat crop win lie materially luiured aud uune short I msa will tjesiu Dec I oro reuerally look well: s..nic are still plsntiog and ll rom tli Vi.ii.cy Whip, June CSth.) There are s tat. inents in reference to th wheat n.. in it a Iheir opiuiou that it ronn. s auaniiiidaut i lel.t; others that tlie rust aud arm) orm have overtaken it. aud v ill do it materia I damas-- small of the rraiu. sathered from a held in the vi. ii. u ..t i los w a left ii. bv Mr. Ivm.sse. of u ins- - ton, whi.-l- is very much damasvd bv th met aud th nose civea if as hi. ootnina Ihat th Tbe a. Il, at ithv. i Ihe oilier band. Col Imdlev. iu the nam toan.h,,. f rr..m the Canton (111 reinster, June 22d ) We are told that the winter w heat never aniared more uiau ai lite present inn,.. ' n. spiiui. uralu .llsiderably iu.liired by the heave raius and hot early all the roru that w as planted rotu-- in the (rouud or (Krom the Chester (III.) Harald, !4th. Th rrvat harvi-s- t which weh.re lasn loot In with luueh iutere.4 ha. fairly beeun. acod tbe immense rrot oi nne wueai are secured very raiudlv. Ts. eksof line whicli w have every luositect ,.l by far ihe fc.rr.-- nop ev. r raised iu IUnd..l.h eounti will liseriir.rt. Mrhave heard some cmnlaiubi of iu lories doue h.v smut, hut these c.iti laiut. are by no means ' ! """ "e.,.r.-..t-i.- 1..11 uiue uamare irom his lost . Imle loat no material ditf. tviic will ! mad iu the er.at of produeeil. It is estimated by th.ta wu.tse imlrenient and oois.rtunities lo hide are an. ronuty a luue mill vield our mil. ifiiit a crop to lie raised in a coun- - i. i a lew year aeo llns.rual Her breait'tiitls. Tue barley crop has been aaveil, aud Ihe is a tail 'I tie com in the timber lands and hill distiirt wa. plaut ed In prelti- - rood taws. il and ha. beeu worked. I I r,,.in.-- a r.snt crop, but iu the f.rau ie regions solue ditU cully ua tteeu eiris ru ik ed in plautiUK aud workina nu ac remit ottliebeavv rains in te spline. 1ba dllhcilltv however, tea euntined to the Hat, prairi and its t.. iti.t uui stuiiiuy iu uie iiuiy rertous. 1 he hav er..pwll lie iinusnally good, it jstssihle. Oat prnui e nueiy. ana ill ye-- w .11 oe larce. The w.ioe " ....a..-.- . ium uteianoiis uuier aiuail nww blstiinut; llirrewill las sn abundance of fmit aud berries of all ail. as, sua shade. I I'rom the Peoria Transcript. Kth.J A rentlemaii w ho lis .lust returned from a b.nr throitfih the co, iiil.es of Knox. Fullon, and I'eoria informs u that in w neai, osm, snei tiariev upon th tn.uiid look finely; rra a uevr was better, and ryeaverae.ai l in apitear sue. orn. lietween Trivoli and 'antou, look recuvkahly well, some ol it beinc two and a hall burh, mh le in a few places ihey were yet planting, without au b ar- - of il- - not cu.itiue to maturity. ll"r..ui the l.inc.ln Herald, lairaneo., III., Kih J 1 n,' a heal crop c..niiur on finely, and fe wurk ot bar. vrvunr wiUls-ein- a week iu earnest. W e think thr crop ii.ruiik'iKoit Hie county au averare on. Some net la hav. snnered. but w have wn ol hers which will ll.irtl acre We do not that two months aft.-- the of the harvest price wid rule more than rsi eeiit.. thouiili hirh.-- figures are boar exoected Tliw who get in will tar best. 'I he corn crop - now eenerally in. and a pretty larre amount ot riouiid has been plauted. If tlie smnu Is (sir lor dais, the crop will 1st s e.iod cue. Son are hnlil.UL' on to Iheir old corn, others are selling at J. ill-i.- likely, from prrseul indiralious, thai l.li ii fit'.ir.-- will ml Heel fall. iProm the I II .a Herald, i;h) Soma of our farmer bave ben busily enraged Ibis week in tiarvc-t- i. it Iheir wheal, ho far a we have been able Iu learn on iu.;.nrv. Hie will be f.s.d. s.n.e ronipiainu are heard on .re of ru-- t arald, , but tliey are uotrmeral We are Intormed that the array worm whose adleot in the held of (hi vhinilv w noticed a hori time iuc. ha proved a benefit rather II, au an tins iv, slnppinr otl thr leav,4 and uot muchwiih tlie plain, hill aidiuy It in Ihe process ut ripeum Mranee as il . and we Ihn.k Musi be wilhuut a parallel in W v, (m I'lantiue and wheat rultiur hav Is en eoteiupuiaueuiis. I uuaiderahie r. tin has been plau-le- the la-- l week, (if llioae who planted some weeks siuc, sow have fair .ro.aMt. and some say Ihat lbv have lail.-- atnio-- l eulirely to ais ore a "stand" of eru. We com, t on d crop this fall, but still this need not swak'-- any vr. at solicitude, forthere is enough of old mm r.'iuainiiis iu Ihe country lo carry us safely thmui-'- ano- ther year. fu'ifan. O.flf c., (. Jaw V, -- The crop, so far, are pruuu-iu- wheat, which reallr luok. a if uuid bave a lietter crup than last year. Corn is loins we l.avs slate tall.i i mv opiuiou, be aa averaeecrop. Oats vers abss never looked heller Mian al present. All its crops verv indeed it ts remarkable I see hi .mil, ot erctble rioaiu alter sush a long ... ..... .. . t., wr, wra.uer. I us freale trou- - ud t that wa hav t eouleud wila her. Ihit sea-- - ll.e (.. It. ls. Ithev are like the I Liu Mauuki: ther ra.i-- t d more I, than ll.e h..t-- I ..... hall of , h..i. , , o,lm a f. t Icit me hall-d- . .sen kills. My oh, r.alioli in. lode three or counties, e. Opt, and v iun. baiu. 'I he ( nrj don 'Ind.) Journal ssyr: c nmlcrstanS that th vheat crop is r.insideraU in d hi V are not prepared to say lo a liat we imariucit is not so had as had 1 he oat rati, ia almost an sr. Or ,!,. a. h.dly iniured by the ru- as the wtnmt a ku.iwa before in rh and lieaidtw It ia iiDcomiiionl, short. A great deal ol tlie oats this soauty w.ll not be aorta rutting. v e bai within th past we. k. reliable crop ad. ic in in h,Mwca one and two hundred districts, chief . nl. i... Indiana and Kentucky, but including many p. ,, ism Missouri. Illinois, iginia, Tennesar, audulher Malta. I'n.ui this iiilorinatioii. which w bave i.n,ln.a anu d.rated. I..e loliuwli.g conclusion ar dilucihle: wh. alrrop, though arrmiisiy injured iiaiml by ev.aii ran... rust, weevil, smut. AVc. , a a whole, lie down a. a good one rather atxive than an aveiafe, la.th a. regards quantity and aiuvliiv ., added to the large ot last year's yield, ok supplies tor th nsning consumptive year on-- ' in evie.'sof any ea.tu tor some ears c. t have been aeriou-l- injured iu Keutucky, Tn-n- d ,ioe other Mtolharn Afatea. but in tbe wti4,1ia yv hlale the spi.i promise, to be very heavy. Tsk ing Ui country through, ihe indication, are, the crop will be s pood one. :sj. parley and rve will make a full average yield. 4ih Hay is generally very pood. Itrjairt ot a short crop ar rare, while from almo-- t every we have advices of an ahundaut yield. This crop will be a lante one. bill potatoes pmuih well, aud with favorable wealher hereal ter the yield w ill be larite. Tha "uality of tba crop now in market is vary rood. Mh. Fruit will la- - short. This remark applies ta almost every vaiiet. There will no', however, be a total failure of any description. Thi. is the bast that can be said for apples, pears, peaches, and plums. !ih Corn, though quit backward, is now doing well, and all that ran he said annul it is tliat the prospects are tavorahl lor a fair, it not an average crop. M neh land in- tended for this crop wl I not b planted, hut this has been confined chiefly to the lowest bottoms. On asndr soil and rcllingcl-c- landa we think all the ground Intended f.r corn has ta--n planted, and that on the whole a basis has bn laid for a fair crop. Its condition, however, la a critical on A dry anmmr or early frosts would prove fatal; but w ith favorable weather nothing I to lie feared. Cincinnati triee Cvrrtnt. (7A fiiend has procured, for publication in our paper, the posm written by Miss Sallie M. Bryan, of New Castle, and read at the late exhibition of tbe llsv. Mr. Sumner's Female Seminary. W give that deeply latautiful and exquisitely appropriate production IspIow, and warmly commend it to all who bave hearts fur true pjetry. Miss Hrvin was educated in Mr. Sumner's Sem- inary, and tbe fact is highly honorable to that very admirable institution. Her fains as a y oung woman of c lassical education a&.l Irans. en.lent genitts is one of tli glories of the Henry Female Seminary: For tli Louisville. I. .iirnal A PARTiMl TRIBUTE To IttF GKAM ATFU. raar I. "Thr Futurr.thr fHTt Vairy I. and." Voting band of dreamers, like bright birdling. nursed In some sweet grove beneath a tropic sky. Where a sleep and burst And perfumed breeztw rently wsuder by, Iaviog a wheie nor chill nor fear Had reached their joyous lives, do ye seem here. V.uir youth is blest. No rose as yet has died With from the serpent' kiss; Xn star fled fiery from il heaven' high pride. To quench its mined light in Fate abyss; And in your hearfa no worn or broken striucs fifh through a twilight for evani-he- d thin s. Far through th years ye look with glance free And see enchanted castles rtranrely fair Kle iu their hiudacaiaaj by a With dlesmy wave, snd syrens singing there; And thst Voliiiduoua roiitir's nuirmiirfug swell I dtr your nung spu-- it with its soft, sweet spell. Theie too the illusive gleam of oranar lover Twined by the heart's own anrrls for each bro , And altars whereon myrtle showers It fragraut devr,arie before yon nn- w- Ar, 'ti a seen most radiantly bright That too.. ) u ta itt chancel. . love and light. There is a dim old lepend of aa isle, A very Paradise shrined in the deep. That lured the wanderers of Ih waveerewhile To lb hushed loveliness their curse to kxep P.ut, ere tbey reached the shadow of it. tree, Atlantis tauiahed throufh the silent seas! And be who with enraptured eye. While runup w eary o'er a desert strand. Sees proves and fountains cool before him lie. Haste there and faints upon the burning sand Ah, we can worship visions fair as they To see them melt, like moonlight-mist- s, away! Yet listen to the musk's melting sound. Though barks go down amid it, wildering powers. And watch the rosy clouds that drift around The glittering glory of your f towers Though lightniug tires in ita deep bosom lie. Smile while ye'r arched by an unshadowed sky. "Driaht Urramtaf the rant." The lai d fly forth b try th realm nf air And bat, hauce, with laded wingi and torn Tb icy dark. Ye to the world repair. Where brow turn pale and s are worn-M- ay j not meet the tcmisM and the chill Where sunlight seems to sleep on vale and hill ! But never was a future found so brittht A it is painted in youth's first rwcet dresnil lift veils, and the enchanted lipht That burned beneath them fade, gleam aftt-- gleam. Until a twilight settles dim snd gray Where hn.-- . of such bewildering beauty Isy. There's sadness in all sounds. The glorious a ( 'bants ita eternal anl hems o'er -- t hi dead! Th vry sphere sweep (Jod's infinity With mournful music for a Pleiad Hed! And rau your voi. rs hoj to echo mirth Throucli all the shadows of a fated earth: No, no. The sigh must rise and ye sill turn Hsck to ihe cum moo home of your young tears. And with a heaving heart intensely yearn For its uustudied smiles and transient tears. While faint u'rr Memory's haunted sea. will bl,,w The spicy winds that murmured loug ago. And he who watched you with a father's love Through all the s of life's sweet May, Aud Uurht your early trn-- t to lo..k above The lights and shadow f earth's weary way - ( , though the heart beat low, the eye prow dim. Ye will not, cannot ea bi rev era nee him. Well, act a woman' lo I liest part below. And breath your farewell with a trustingtnne. For, thoiprh the years rhonld bring or or w.ie, iNmth, fAe i Heritable, claims hi own! Remember tliat pale anpd of the um And tliat whence none return. Oh. follow nut the fading lights that woo Tlie undying spirit to the world's cold shnise. But send j our worship past the unbouaded blue To llim who bids its starry splendors shine, Thst ye may meet again when time I o'er On tbe far glory of the (For th Louisville Journal.) THF. BREATH OF SPRING. 1 he brra'.h of spring is on the lea. Low huaiiuiug tales of bliss To Nature's heart that pulseth free iicueath its soothing kiss; Tbe lufant buds with balmy sigh Awaken st it tread. And peep with young half open eye From out tlieir mossy bed. To gar. upon ber graceful form, Aa o'er the breezy heather, Isaaning on Uo'senwreathiug arm. They whi.i4r love together. The merry birdi that ttct amain. Before old winter gluom. With warbles wild have conie again To chaunt above his tomb. And starry atreautt, with murmur fiee, lo dancing down the dell. To atari the slumliering wild wood be The choir of life to (well; 1 he paleness of the Past has fled Before the breath of spring, And beauty lifts her lovely head And plume her painted uiuf. To greet th garland girded Queen, Aa from th soring above bb com with brig hi and Irulhful nil, u To Ml is love." I.AP.A. I'Fwig V llkt, Oldham county, March 21st. For Ibe Louisville Journal.) NOT DKAD NOT SLKKPIXG. BY WINNIE nr. lie Is not dead not sleeping I feel hit presence round mi At tenderly as when his love la early morning crowned me. He Is not dead --not sleeping -- Ye wrong him, oh believe me. Who deem that holy, angel life Could of bis care bereave me. lit is not dead not sleeping And therefore not forsaken; I calmly live within the borne Whence not a smile Is taken. He is not dead not sleeping And I am lonely never; The seal of Heaven npon his love Hath made it mine forever. IT. v.aATI, Marsh 16, lxS. I Forth Louisville Journal.) HOME AGAIN'. IIY BOSIMB. I'm back sgsin la my dear old home, '.Vong the scenes of my sunny youth to roam; The sky Is bright and the morn ie fab- -. And tbe fresh cool lire a toys with my hair; My heart ia glad aud my spirit free. Nothing is wanting, dear one, but thee. One bright young bird on yon old peach limb Is twittering so sweetly his morning hymn, AH fearless of winds and a stormy sky. For he knows his sheltering nest la nigh; Like that bird, I'll sing, tor my heart is wild And bound a lightly at when, a child, 1 played in the hive and warmth of home, Kr thy winning smile taught my heart hi roam From its cottage walls, its birds and Mowers, Fiom the hearts that cherished my childhood hours. Hut, aa l ime relentless steal on apace. He touches but lightly this sacred place, fltid laugh Uie bright waters, ther stand th old trees, T he flowers are here that then perfumed the breere. Just waiting for Fpriug to com o'r the plain. To burst Into sweetness and beauty agaiu. The friends, that then loved me, all welcome me yet. And cold be thi heart, a a their love I forget; Ah! bo; e'en though rlondiets saould dim th world's truth, 61 ill fundly I'd cling to the friends o'f far youth. The past It was joyous, the present is bright. The future, hoja- clothes it with beauty and light, And if thorns shall e'er lurk in this pathway of ours, HUM. dear oue, we'll take all the thorns for th flowers. Loving virtu aud truth, trusting Heaven and thee. Can this beaatitul world hav a sorrow for n.e! trovfRXMFvi l.oAw.Tb Secretary of the Trea sury announce, that he will receive proposals until the 9ih of August next, for ten millions of stuck of the United States, to he issued nader the act of the lllh of June. Said stock will be reimbursable in fifteeu years from the 1st of January next, and bear uteres! at five jwrceotuin per annum, payable senii- - aunuclly. Ibe National Intelligencer in noticing the proposal says: The plethora of accumulated capital in the mem. ereu lusitiu. loai. nuiu ui r.ugianu ami ine I nited States, together with the peaceful state of our rela- tions with all the world, renders the present an aus picious moment iur ine vaovernment, ana it is anti cipated that the whole amount will be 'alien ou terms much more favorable than were ever before ottered; aud as time has Iscen very judiciously giveu by tlie Secretary to receive bids from hurope, it is believed by commercial men tbat tenders trill be made from abroad at so high a premium at to cirry ue greater I'aii, uot tue wnoie. cu ine loan Mil.) the bandt of foreign capitalists. We were vetterilav shown a vervdanooroiiaconn- - eifeit live (lolUr eold niece taken bv a irentleman from Louisville, who states that be must have re ceived it from an eachang oflice in that city. It is plated, and will couseouenllv stand th nanal tests. I'jion sawing, it waa found to lie fill.! with (imposition. Ih. fom. A SEAwiNABi.a: Hint. In this extremely hot weaiber it is hard to get a good night's rest ander the most favorable circumstances, but hat i th condition of those annoyed by heel bugs, ll is eas ier realized thau imagined. Call then at Raymond 4 Patten's and get a Isotlle of tbe King tf OlU or herolt .tafmeaf, larth of whi. h are "dead-shot- " remedies. Don't mistake the number, 74. opposite the National. jitu 26 ?aw&w6tn SrKKCIIKU AND WrITISO! OF Holt. TllOMAS F. Makshai.i, VA'ttd bij W. ,. llnrre. Cincinnati: Applegate iu Co. This volume, almost as rich and elegant in exte- rior aa it is iu thought and style, constitutes a very tolerable expressioa of the more serious and perhaps substantial side of one of the most highly and va- riously gifted spirits of onr time. It however has the characteristic defect of most works of the kind. It is not quite np to the author. It represents the great and admirable talent of Mr. Marshall rather than his matchless genius. It shadows forth the body and proportions of his intellect but scarcely its soul of flame. It affords a glimpse of bis mag- nificent powers at mark, indeed, but not in those mounting tides of passion and beauty in which he certainly excels all other living orators, like his portJt, the front iej.iec e of the book, it is a likeness left somewhat bare by the recession of th highest expression. Though f.iithful, it is incom plete. Yet the work, in our judgment, contains enough to vindicate Mr. Marshall's title bv a posi tion in tbe front rank of the first orators of the world. It maymsl heighten bis reputation with the multitude of readers, but it will at least confirm and dignify it. With the appreciative few the volume w ill a.l.l several cubits to Mr. Marshall's mental suture. W do not doubt tint it will receive a warm and admiring welcome from tlie public gen erillv. Pahsi-ort- for Franck. Mr. Sartikjea, the French Minister, writes to Secretary Cass tbat the regulations in regard to passports to France have not been changed. The rso of a French agent ahead is obligatory on every one who wishes to proceed to France. The consul general, consuls, and, by ex cejitiim, the French at Baltimore, as well as the legation of the F.mperor at Washington, have power to grant these vinos. Cartie.rs liearing ofHcial dispatches of a foreign government are ex empted from the general rule in regard to the rim. on condition that they are provided with a pass port issued on the responsibility of such govern' ment, and mentioning their character. Thb Nh"irai ii v Laws. Jud-- f'auipbvtll, in his charge in the Walker trial, ep..uu,U.I Ihe neu trality law. II said it was b..t il that au expedition li.ttd out for invasion of f.ireigu terriU ry of government at peace with the ITuiled States should be completed, or that it tbould leave the United States. 1 he largiugei of the law ia, that if any person shall '"begin" or "set on foot," and if th object of preparations is to equip or to fit out au ex- pedition from th United States to carry on hostili- ties against a friendly Slate, the acts doce in the furtherance of that ol,j ct are illegal and subject tlie offender to prosecution. I'riivi Gun. Johnston's Cavip. We understand that tbe relatives of Gen. Johoaton in this city have received a letter from him, in which lie gives it as his opiuion tbat the Motmons will not submit as peaceably as previous accounts had led us to infer, The lte of th letter is not any later than our pre vious advices. The Cincinnati Enquirer has an interesting letter from Camp Scott. We make tome extracts from it, which are given below: Camp Scott, Utah Territory, . June 5, lt64. j Ore hundred and seventy more of the Mormons whom his Kxcellency Gov. Cumming released from tbe oppression of "ion" in Salt l.ake arrived at our camp laat week, luev remained here a few days, when, being joined by the eighteen who bad arrived tlie week liel'ore, they all, save a few fami lies who were unat.l, from poverty anil suffering, to prosecute their journey, started on the I'.'th ult to the States. I visited their first camp frcni here and remained many hours among them to gain all the information I coui.1 elicit concerning the affairs in the t alley. A more piteous and g actacle my eves never beheld liefore. "rire I'oiuta" in New i ork could not parade f lull another array of desti- tution, suffering, want, and raggedness. Tbeir clothra wet patch-wor- nia.I-- up from every vari- ety of cloth and rags. And of this many went tiareiy able to gel enough lo cover their nakedness. I be women Were hard IV (treated decently. I no ticed several voung women who bad on only a skirt. and with no coveting above the waist but a dirty shift. Ther were old men and women bent with ng who had gone to ".ion" many years auo iu comfortable lircuiinUocer, now returning in abject poverty, and bearing the marks of nntold cares and uffeiiiig. They emigrated to KuH Lake, they said, to find Jesuf ! to live? with the people of God! Tliey had been deceived; they had been robbed in tbe name (4 religion of all l!?y possessed; they were made slaves, and now after sacrificing every thing tbeir best dayt they bad at last ln allowed to escape, many to find a grave ou tbe inhospitable l lama. I here were vonng women, who were girls. little girls, buoyant with life, full of ho and pirn-is- e when they crossed tbe Plains to ''ion," tow returning with tbeir children, d and crushed in spirit. One young woman, now sixteen, waa coniaIled to marry at fourteen. She had two childru with her, whom she carried in ber arms all the way from Salt Lake, which distance she herself walked. She said she gladly emhra.-e- tbe opportunity ottered by a friend, who had agreed to transport her little bag- - gag to the States, if the irvwJ tntt ami itirry her rlillilreti: bat an evidence of a mother love: When they stretched cut on tiie read the tu?xt morn ing, 1 saw she was not the ouly mother who had to walk and carry tmj children. All tbe women had to walk, old and young, and those who had children were carrying them. They ate gone, but tliey left me with an impression of wretchedness and misery wnicn I can never turret, ll waa a sad sight, but they were full of rejoicing that they were even now allowed their lilierly. Tiiev found the soldiers and otiicers anything else than what they bad been re presented by line ham. ihey n.et with nothing but kindness from all; many were the presents of clothes and money which they received from the hands isf civilians, otiicers, ana soldiers. In fact, all pitied them and aided them to Ibe extent of their bower. What struck ma most forcibly was that Ihevttill cling to their delu.-.io- w ith re. pact to Iirigbam'.s supernatural powers. 'Ihey think him no impos- tor, but real) chosen of God to es.tahli.-- h the Church nf Christ of latter-da- Saints all over the world. I bey are sanguine iii their hope that tbe whole world is yet to know but one Chunk, and that is to oe ine ' nurca oi ivionnon: Hut that Mormoiii-n- i in Salt Lake ia not what it is in Lnghind. Most of these refugees from Salt Lake sre foreigners. In Knland and th old countries they think it it tee true Church, liut in Salt Lake it his been corrupted, notwitastandmg Britrham's purity and holiness! Corrupt men, scoundrels, and thieves had got into the Church, and then, with a view to their own aggrandizement, tney aiivisect and enforced a Mate cf thugs which oppresses the poor people. This delu'iou seem to prevail more among the women than atuoug the men. Hut they all, with a few exception, ieak iu great aw of Young. When I expressed the hope that Briphani would he hung a.' a traitor, an nl.l wo- man held up her hands in holy borr.ir, ta) ing: "Aly dear sir, if be is killed, Christ, to avenge bis death, wonld destroy tbe world!" I then asked why f hrist did not destroy tli world when doe Smith was killed, this was a argument of nun. Mi said no mine, but 111 th tire, deemin Bie, I suppose, the most sacrigious fellow in the world. But they have a horror of tlie "lXinitef." They will count on ineir lingers eu.H toe uumber of lam ilies whom they know have bad one member or more to disappear mysteriously, never to l beard from again, lint they cannot account for this they deem these Dauites either tbe agents of bell or Leaven. 1'oor, crazy fanatics! AotilTiON'Ab From Mkxk o. The following is a telegraphic dispatch from New Orleans to the Phil adelphia North American: Auioog the passengers by the Tennessee is Hon. Mike Walsh, of C'ougress from New York. The Mexican papers received by the Tennessee, oRtain ae'connta of an earthquake which had oc curred at Vera Cruz, but so far as adviaed, the dam age occasioned thereby was quite unimportant. lue degree ordering foreigners to leave tbe court try becau-s- of their refusal to siib?eril8 to a forced loan upon imports, is published in the papers. 11 liears date ltitb of June, and allows but three days for persons interested to lake tbeir departure. DKClSIilNS OK THE COl'RT OF APPEALS Ok' KENTIXKY SI MMI.K TLKM. IsTsS. Kr ported fur the Lonitmlle Journal by John Sf. liar fuel, Attorney at Lair, Frankf ort, Ky. FscNaioar, June 39. caisfs i.e. mm. Kaddler vs Thoraior. Christian; afhrmcj. Oray va McCorkle, Christian: affirmed. Overly vs Overlv, Flcniinr; aitirmed. Mcclain va Slu. Fleming; aitirmed. Hathaway vs Willis, Bracken; reversed. Bethel Trustees v Torain. Christ ian: reversed. Wilson vs Thompson. Mason: reversed. Willettvs l.rxiugton and Maysviile tuilroad Company, .Mason; reversed. Daiarou va (tiilis, Rockcastle; reversed. OBI.FHS. Fiuch vi Iteall, Logan: Ludwig vs Combs. I a, can; Fanny va Wheeler. Warren; Taylorvs Richmond, Todd; Watson vs Cnleiiiuu, Todd, were argued. FtcsiosiT, June at'srs ,r. ll.fi. Mo,.re ys Moore, Pulaski; reversed, vs (jrimth, (,reenup; reversed. Taylor vs llii luuund, Todd; attirmed. Wat-si- vs ( oleiuau, Todd; attirmed. Fanny va Wheeler, W arren; alhriued. Ludwig vs Comb, Lugan; attirmed. F inch vs It. all, Logan; attirmed. oaiirss. Ktnkea vs Kirkpalrick, Fulton; l ayu.r v I anipoell. J od.l; F rancis vs lireentield, Todd; ftodi-- vs Morris. Barren; , 'aile vs Amos ll.rren: fl ll v .Meredith, F.dmuudson; Hii'iT vs Whitney, Allen; wera argued. rt'roiu the Washington Union of June a;. Tub Qi'f.stiox SKTTLr.n. It is not our purpose to run through the negotiations which have taken placer between Gea. Cass and .ord Napier iu Ibis city sinew tbe loth of April. It is enough to say, as we understand the present aspect of the question, that Laird Malniesbiiry now declares that 11. M. government recogniza the principle of inter- national law as laid down by Gen. Cass in bis note of the Kth of April, and that nothing in the treaty of 1x42 (the Ashi.urton treaty ) s that law. If. Jirtli's Vrijrctg ta Siraruqiia and Crntrtit A There can t no doubt that the proceedings of Alons. lteliy, the psendo agent of the French F.Ttperor in Nicaragua, bave been without tbe au- thority and are without tlie sanction of tbe French goveTnmeiit. Involving, as the operations of this peno.Vfie did if they bad been oliicial, a clear vio- lation sf the n policy of this government in regad to Fit rope an colonization u nil the estab- lishment of exclusive Knropean jurisdiction on this continent, it was not to bave beeu supposed that the French p wernuiont could bave authorized the ac- tion w hich his been taken by him in Nicaragua. Hut our Secretary of State has n.it been left to friendly conjectures cm this subject; for the French government has been very prompt to tender the fullest and most satisfactory disavowals of all com- plicity in tbe recent transactions of M. Belly in the premises. That personage i not iu Nicaragua iu the character of a diploiuulLvt or agent of bis gov- ernment; but only as an indi ridual engaged in tba pteisecutioa of private enterprise aud iu the of private interests. MARRIED, On the 57th intt..by Itev. William Holman, Mr. Joum ,W, Watson to Mb ( ami, both of this city. Dty the Rev. Thomas Itotiomler. in the presence nf a large es)ipregaiiou at the Brook street ( hurcli, at ft o'ch.ea A. M - June Mr. Cucslis E. ft to miss Mast A. Be. TTOUI SV. iii the Slat inst., by High! P.ev. S. A. MeOrofky. at the rest, fence ol the mule's father, Mr. J. (Hi m, et itiiscuy, to Ultsa l.ons M., only daughter ot Charles I'muctle, feu,., sit Uetroit, Michigan. On trie 30th ult.. in Christ church, in thisrity.br the Rev. J'aiae Craik. Mr. Wnii.a A. Kl.Lla and Mrs. Sc. sail A. JtaerwN. In Madiaon. lad.. .Tune sih. at the residence of Mr. L. (sheets tin fleaw'Ud atreet. by Kev. t. Tinsher, Mr. 'I now a 11 Far TS. of IsmisviUti. Kr.. and .Miss Mauv K. bmcTs. I Madi sou. S .lust re- - reived a fine ass rtmeul of plain rold. engraved, chased, and aton a hne assortment of the latest stylet just received and for ask hy II.MCtlLK llt.V.VM "", juur54jVbddw 3 Main st., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Thk New Nicar.u'.i as Chartrr. The follow- ing is the Act of made by the Nicara-gua- n Government in favor of Cornelius Yander-bi- lt and Horace F. Clark: Tbe supreme executive power has directed me to publish the follow iog decree: The President of the Republic of Nicaragua, con- sidering tbat Messrs. Cornelius Vanderl.ilt and Horace F. Clark have legally entered tb I U. public in Ihe exercise of their duties, in order that they shall meet with no hindrance in the execution acd pros- ecution of the undertaking, and that it is indispen- sable that they should las relieved from all taxes which are due to the Goverr.mtt of the Republic, in the exercise of his rights, decrees as follow;: act op First. By these presents the Republic of Nicara- gua forms, establishes, and constitutes in a legal and collective body in perpetuity, under name to be hereinafter designated Messrs. C. Vanderbilt and Horace F. Clark, aad their associates, whoever they may l now or hereafter, in order to give complete elf'ect to tbe object and design of the concession and contract, mule and conceded by the said Republic on the said 8th day of March cf this year, to the parties therein mentioned, in such a m inner as tbey and their successors should judge propel and com- patible with the said etneession aud contract; snd for this end the above mentioned parties and tbeir successors are invested, by these presents, with all the necessary power and authority to a collective and legal beaiy. A'cyi.).. The said collective and legal laxly, from time to time and in such manner as shall seem to them convenient, can make private regulati.ms and adjpt rules and orders forth administration of their domestic government aud bu'iuesF; they can aug- ment and arrange tlieir subscriptions, designate lb number cf tbe parties among whom they ar to be divided and the value of them, dec res how they can I disposed of, and tbe manner ia which they can b transferred; acd shall have executive power to do such o ber act and things as may be dee mail neces- sary to carry out completely the object of the con- cession and contract alx.ve mentiiwed. Third. The said legal ar.il collective body, front lime to time as they may determine, shall have power to elect a liody of directors (and any other employees), and name agetus aud servants for tbe management of all tbe busiuess of tbe said com- pany. Said body of directors when elected will lie aj .itit legal and collective body with its President, ar.d will Ise invested with all tlie powers herein con- ferred, unless tbe said powers bave Iseen limited by the collective body, shall bave power to tUcid: by means of special lules, orin olher manner, the number if directors, the manner and time of tlieir election, and the duration of their term en olK. e. t otirOi. The said legal aud collective body shall hav a common seal, which Ihey shall bav pusrer to change from time to time. They shall have pow- er to sue and be sued, to a final judgment; and tliey can plead au.l I .1, complain, defend, or con- test before all tbe judicial tribunals of this Repub- lic, aa any persons, citizens of Ihe same. fifth: The capital stock of tha said legal and collective laxly, and all its prn?rty, whether in stock or goods in all time hereafter, shall be held exempt by the Stale from all taxation, dues, and imposts. Acqui-sce- d in ou helialf (f Messrs. C. Vanderbilt and Horace F. Clark, by Iheir ageut, William Ko'e-e- Clillord , aud by the authorities and functionaries ol the Republic, to whom the duty be- longs. Civen at Managua, May 6, 1.30.S. Thomas Martin- ez, Senor Than Liregorio Juarez, Minister of Foreign Relations, and by tlieir order cointnttaicated to you for information aud effect. LSigned.l GREGOEIO JCAEEZ. wammBMMaaaaaBBMammmmmmmima DIED, In this city, at half past 5 o'clock, yesterday, VTw. H. II. Dam, a, aged 21 years and months. On Tuesday, the ?ith inst., at a o'clock. Tros. Car tik- es, infant sou of W. L. aud Mary euallcrose, aged It) months and l days. Iu this city, on the snth inst.. llohi rr W. Raskis, sued 14 years and ti nioutlia, ouly son of JuhuW.and F.uiiua M. Barker. rit. l,oui aud Illiuoi iaper please copy. Ou the 17th of June, Ke at hi. residence in Cliutoa county, Ky., of consumption, Tuo.wa Alli.. aged so years, lu niuutti. aud lei days. On theSsth in.t., in this city, Tbtroi.FU, son of Alexan- der Maas, Ks . aifetl nine luoiith.. New urkud .New Orleans impars ropv. In Memphis, on Wednesday. ihe A iut Joasra How-aa- aacd iti years, late of Near York. In New Orleans, on Tuescay, th 2.1 inst , at the of his mother, .lim L. Willis, a native wf Ky.. :ie years. THE VEXED QUESTION SETTLED. lotiFnx ltKFORVI F.XAMINED. or FfIeV OF il MtKTH AMlsMil I'll ON THKrilJFCTuFCI.A- - VFIiV TWi is a book wntt-- u by the hev. Ir. J.C. Stiles n Iheslllieet of slavery which completely seitlesthewliole subject h.tsreen the North and the South, dctiiulhhiun and overtiiruiur all Ihe arguments of fana'ic-- on the vexed queslton. it should he read bv every thinking man No rtla and Koiith, as it Is eminently to restore taeace aud iii.it to the rouutrv ou Ihat exciting suh . It can be fuuud at the Tract Depository iu this city. Hi Fourth street. Price if 1. jllliel7 dl 'Awt OHIO All rass Ar Mn.i.rx's PvTLNr, Wl Til l'ol.lilNli ft i:, Awi.:ii FiuaT Fsrvur.w, Ihe e.mud liold Metal and Lnploma, As 111 st Mow:a, Al the fireat National Trial at Syracus, N. V.. July 1 he attention of Fsriui rs - invited to thr above as eelehrated Mower, which preseuts manv advantages over all other mathiues. Iihasfifoiiii'i-iiits-A'sa- J which act together or separately, kcepiug the knives sl in motion iu turuiug b. tlie ribt esr left. A double hinoe juint ronn.a-t- the culler bar to the name. Q alluwiug it to ci.nl'.. rin b. all uneven surfs w of the rrntiDfl. HnJ m iroDt ni thi mar V( llU le. lti ilmlt, tif fniin siils druft, wimpl, dnr , iiium'-'tH- i, worn it wt'ii in mir er it tlit tlrivt. , mxl i iu All it yutriA tin mat kj enila-te- - r trf, tt thf ftrrnr. ft.Tardtii ta i'lnafi,n. bv PITKIN HUOTIIKK Smthwr--ti- i u Herd mud ai 'icuttural anKoitHe. jubeifi w;iAtl lt .STOIL Ii OK UUV OOIM NOW Ol Urf, ciMiU'lft iu and toitt-'li- t with uclt alvautt'er to uablt a to olf r to L'4B ni POt R MOXTHfl TA LKBS tinttl Dirt to tuy JVb'biiikf coiifprn iu tlie L uiU1 Matea. All ordfn fcf FribUaiati J!rowo lit;tiufc'S ui t bf accutuj'Liiijd with th mtnv. umr JAMM l.iV A 0. LOllSVILLK (lll.NK AL UORKS. ' I NC'K th withdrawal of Me. Thomas K. Jnkins from y III .ouist,iie i uriui.ai niso, .,.,,)- suimuami thr I...11. e of tue dissolution of tlie firm nf T. K. insezCo., the audersigiied, now the propiietora of these Work. Plaituted WILSON a hTAKlilllit, Whole-o- t ale Urus ttiLseliy, tueir Solk A..i.vti fur the sale orders in future for their products should be S'ldreserd directly to the seents, who wi.l fitrut-b- , ou application, a lit of articles with pricesaud tern... aprUdA-at- J. LAW KKNf!E SMITH A CO. NOTICE. 1 b.,in f.f WI laHON A STA RRlf:D will nflir i T rlmiiaT- - bf Ui uVmU. oi my Ute p.Lrtar Mr. A. hir.l. Th t lt ol' tl.r firm will tbr .ui u uirvst r.utiuu a.- - it tts.tl to tU; iriu of our iartit Jiitpodiui? to dfTdttrr n.y tin. aud 'ivnc to the wiih all arvairti,n iu vry de,'tr(iii-u- t of ir, I would ltr the hii a contimiHtit- of that iHtrountvA and confidence wLifh it ba. hrtoi'ii-- e enjoyed with itit ia all il .ucceiwiorM for the M yfar aod l.ur. Orden rhail o promptly filler! with fotvd pnoAs at frir pric-- inayi; rtAwtin THOMAS r. VII.SN. YI'iLLOW SPItlNOS pllE Iroprii'tftn of at havf thoroiiftjlily jx th ir Ihhi- - aud batliii,- - diaartnit nt, ai.d the .rviitw (f ir, A. A. aud AutHia II. outfit. n in th Medical Thy hav aLu prteforM WrneH1 KI.tro-- Wnnciai haih tor Uo of all hodf carff uiay rtiiirv il. 4M K.NiiA AIMH.KMAX, ITupris'turai. a2i. d wsJm Yellow rprliir Otiit 1'KIVATE AlKhlt AL 1RF..4T1SK OS TUE PliYSIOlaM;i;.L VIKW OF MARU1AGK. iiw haii and lbO iu- - PUln aud 0 lon-- Lithoferapht aiil iMr&KuMr oi ycuXut to all parta of the t'uWn.. A NkW AND REVISFD EDI- TION of pay aud 10 prict 35 ent a copy. A pupular aud oouiprehsfn.-iTr- s Treati? ou thw duties and casual tie of iutlt aad uarritrd life happy and fruitful ai liauc!, mode of rnrcuriufz theiu in aud infertile ouerw thii obvuitiou aud ruioai iMrroiii do biiity.iu cauMaand cure, by a til at once o inipl, iat'e, and titat fatiluru ik iimmAtiMw - rule tor daily uauaimeiit au ev any ou Speruiatoa'rhura, with practi cal obttervatioui on a later and a more miceewful mode of treatiLtettt pivcautiouary hinUoa the eviirj reiultiug from empirical practicei; to which ia add- ed comiueutHriea ou the di a- - wf feitialev frotu iiifaucy to old ageeach caw vrraphiially illiittraU9d by pUt. Jt point out the reuiedietj fur thoe self iulticte uiirurflaud ddWappiiited huer u iiuJ'ortiinately prevalent iu the youuf. Jt it a triithlol adviser to the luarried and ttitnae luariutife. IU l u iarucu!arl rfcomrueudrKl to peMOba eutt'rlatuiotr rret doubt-- jf their phj ikal rouditioa, and who are couevioui of having the health, happioew, and prutU'e W which every huiuau beine ie entitled to. Price 25 ceuu per aupy of tiv opie for one dollar. Mailed free of toauv part of the liuiled sjtaten. by ad.lrerksii. r. Lotkrow tpvit paid), Albany, Kw Vork, enclosing i6centa. N. U. Tboaewlw preler may coooult Dr. LOCKROW upon any of the dUwawieii upon which hi book treaW, either personally or by M(iiiciue dent to any part of tha Union, according to directioua, packod aad carefully avcured from alt observation. AddretfiDr. M. ti. Li Uk ROW, No. 31 MaUen Lana, ar bwx Albany, N. Y. opeu dairy from A. M.to 9 P. M., and on Snii.Uv from i uutil 4 P. M. iJrOt1ic rtitauved from No. W Baver street to No. 81 Alatdeo Laue, Albny, N. Y. augifdAwU GEO. C. 13 AIN & CO., Commission Jlerchants AXD PRODUCE BROKERS, Lexington, Kentucky. IlKALEIiS IN AORIfL'LTl'KAL IMHI.KMENT3, (KA1N, I'UVOK K, (.HAasi atf l.rt.aic. apr,IAw3iii f'rti Street flailing .?, STEAMBOAT JOINKR SHOP, Door, Blind, Sash, and Box Factory, on Clay street, near Fulb.n, Louisv ille, Ky. WE keep on hand a reneral assortment of Doors. Ulinua, Mash. Moidiun. hairiuf, Meaiubual iJeckiuf ul all kieds, helviui;, rioa Luuilier and uadrasa and rtash (primed aod slazrd). Also, w ar prepared lo umuilfacture to order Cirri aad Oothic Sash, lsm.ra.aud Moldings Window aod IHior Frames of all siaea, Itoies, l .attii- f.rk. Weat u. s, FaiiUk'a, irregular Moldiuus of any dasiivij patterns, ike. At o do all kinds of Hrea-in- Splitting lilpplne. and H."inll KawiuK lu order with disiavteii at the h.west cash oiders with reference or cash remittances avtie.tfd and will rereive proiupt aite.ntion. aprtl JA. II. CO. BOOKS! BOOKS! KEXTITKY BAPTIST COOK CONCERN J ELF.t.'T DISCOl'KSES. Translated from tbe J aud (rerman. $1. LIFt A.M MISSION OF WOMAN. jJ.S G. M. KOMERTgON it CO. COM M ENTAKV complete. 1S. OL.lll'SEM'!4 tlltkis complete, aa ai. For sale at Masonic Temple by Jja t;. W. ROI.'KRTSON A CO. For sale at MaV.uii L1NDENBERGER & CO.. UllOLrSALC DltllCiilfeiTS, No. tlu Main si,, between Third aud Fourth, LOUISVILLE. KV. A HI) OI I 20 bhla No. 1 lArd ( nl lor sale by i juueis ,1.1s I.I l! NBKHI) K A CO. ASS l.l('()l:l('l-2(lcaie- Mass Lkorire tor sale los by liuuea dwj Ll . DEN UKKliEk CO. OSIM-V- 25 bbl. Rosin for sale by junea ilat Li.MiENBEROF.R A CO. EMON slRl'Plju dozen lmon Sirup of superior a quality for sale by LIVUt.MHKKutK A CO. l.lsr VITkll aa Ih. lll.ta 'ifel..l f..r al.l.s n L'PSOM SALTS Si bhla Epsoio Sails for sale bv da. 1,1 M iEX 11F.KH ER CO. ('I'M M VKItll-t- ou lbs Turkey Cum Myrrh for sale by I.l.NDESl'.EKIiER A ( O. ILAVORIXd EXTRACTS 10 (trosa Meakim'a Extract (Hans.-- , Lemon, bluer Abuoud.aud a-- f IVnFMBERtiER O. (TH ARAK1C -- I ,wal lbs (turn Al able (picked and soits sale by i.fxna vihs'm;s-- co. ICE PITCHERS! ICE P1TI 11 - J plated aud chased deuhle-wal- l Ice Pilrhee., ill v 9 a.s.t r iu li. An asstirtmeut )u.- re reived aud fur sale at reduced price, bv inne.M ddVwAb DIAMOND JEWELRY lust received a splendid as. liiamond Pins, , Crosse, fcf.,111 tlie latest st. le of settiD- f,.r sate by FLETCHER PEMNETT. Iune94idrlid.w a Mam "t.. bet. Fonrth and Huh. Th best article ever 1ATENT fnr keei.ilia Mutter hard and nice in hoi weather,a handanmeornament for tba labs. re.eived frvia Ihe maaulacturer aud ttur sal by FLETCHER A BENNETT, Inaeil ddrw&b ws Mamst., bet. Fwurtk and Fifth. SIXTH EXHIBITION To Commence n the 14th of Sept.. 18.M. Tf .. ,V,"u,,mr' h Kr- Meeh. Institute display. .. in,u.iry and art lh"f Z calullv eoodiietBd for past. The Comniilt, h,pe ihal all WBO feel an inwei ,. the welfare nf ihenty and of tti Institute in endeavoring to make this Kahib.tion taul7i-- l est. as poasihlc. Let even- manufacturer in contribute a .perinvn of what h. mnnfa.-.ir- mmier wnat it Uie Hall will he filled to overtowin, hi ra.r of th kr. atc WH. . will b h.ld duArlg ths mntinuanceoi our F.amhit...n, and will addition! al inducement ti "end ronrrihiilions to the Hall of the In Sl,.,l?.jW'ToT: and lliploma. a. Fremi.ua Hran.is lor la h- Weatarn Chewing Tobacco. Vinrinia de do and Cm Tobacco lor Sarnnkins and ( hwtn. wll b given' aortal lTemmm.of inland Saw whl be giv. n for tiie best article manufactured. In any clasp, hy minora ander l and iu and no entrance fe will be reaioired. Persuns Intending to eihihit are retpieed to inform I. MoPHkKSeiX, Kxhib. Commutes. vMlawi ws.iwi.i UNIVEHSITY OF LOUISVILLE. LAW IK PAKT.vi E'T. 1"TM Sraalow. Hon. HENRY PIRTLE, LL. TV., Pr..fessor of Constitu- tional Law, Sillily, and Coaimerrial Law. JOH N PKKSTON. r., professor f the euee ot Law. includiiis th Common aud International Law. HOD. WW. F. P.rr.T.IM Profeornf ha t .f P.. Proia-rt- r and of tli lTractic of I, iueludinf Plewd- - nPHF. thirteenth avi,,u nf th Seh.,l will eommcita. ... 1 IU first Monday in October next au.l continue five mnnina.1 Instruction will he riven by ., .. i.,ct-- tuu every aay lo eacta A Moot Court will .if twie In each week, at which eanass will he arsiwd by the ntudenls aad opinions deli re red by 1 he Student, will alo h inatnieted iw th nrenaratinn nf I, iitnent- - aud uleadiue.. Students f Ihe Law Isriatrtinent of III rniverailr arw. hya provi-io- n ..f its cn.irter.eutiiie.1 to attend the Lectures on Anatomy and (.hems-try- , ia tli Mdical Lie pan ment without charge. A valuahle Lihrary la in th School. Students who hall bay attended two fall Cnnrare nf In- struction in this t'niver-it- or ..ne in ome other slehtMii ana on in tnis, or nave practiced th irofeasi..n on viar and attended oue ( uur-- c of here. and hae passed a satisfactory examination, will be entitled, upon thererom- - melMiation of th Farnlty to the of Hacheiorof mw. i ne i.ipn.mais a s ta i.rnvric Lajr. The fee hi Ju to each proleasoraud tn Mairiculatsun fe- - .". Communication should beaddrewed to Proftiaair pia-- juiieodlaw4Aa ji ' j MK!, (H'THKI E, A Beautiful t ountry Villa for a!f. piIE anlswriber offera f..r ml ou of ih most beantrfiil 1 and le eonutry re'idciire. hi a county. siinaieo near ie ruini.iown nal.l. ana Wll Inn nfbaB min utes rioeot Ihe t I bete m about iaeresof latnd in Ihe tract, hal' ..f which is art in Orchard au.l Hl.ie lira, and about 5uo r..une Api'le, IVacB, Hear, ( harry, flum, IfuiiKV. and Arric..l Trws- - Ralphs mes, strawber- - (to.eberri.-s- . Currants, and abaul sail :atawba (ca.e- - ciues a,.w iron ireea anil vines of ihe i.lsleci au.l rll, .are aittils lo be had us tlie I niksl sUau-a-. I he ar. laantlli.ll la d ..rt and plan t.il withevery ... -- irtu.e ira ui e.ervreens, nrnnra ry. aim rare itowers. The ( iithcfe ii larre aad built iu the most approved aud modern style of brick and tnecoed, havinr about tenr.Nni. two food cellars, and waterworks thmnh..nt Ihe bmldiua. ou 'lie premises there is a nevrr lailms Spring uf pure water. snhVient U. supply twenty families. There ar also twocis'em. one of wnich will hold 2isi and the other Sua dois ot water, rue li, .. I. line is oa nne ..f the i rouiinaaUiiiK anil pit'turrs.ii sit, isl ions near Louisville, and ha- - all necessary , .urbiiil.lii.es to make it una of tlae moat comionai.le in the Sat. T. t'. PoMKboV. Keal rJ'tale Airent. South i.le of Jed. rsou Jeil di'Aw3 Third d.a.r Huh at. B0.1RDIr. A.D DIY SCHOOL. f T.t. M. I:. PIN( KAIili, teach. a era in every ue.aniitent. eonimenee on Mottwa SrrtEviiii.B iith, a miAUl'INli ANL DAV scHimi FoK Vnl'.Mi LADIES, in (lie house oa llith street ibrmeri uccupwu oy L'r. L wamem. Tisms Per sessiun of live months, la advance: Musi I swuf Instrument. Pi.ardinir French at Prulesaor'a pneea. XUEarxc'Ea: Rev. John Ward. 1 Kev. J. II. Morrison, D. D., ! D. M. t raw. f Lexinjrton, Ky. I has. S. lUnller. ) William Curnwall. Lnntsrille, k. Kev. fcil. F. lierkley, st. Louis, Mo. W in. C. Smedcs. Va ksbure, Mis. ( ol. Joseph E. Daais, Kev. W. F. New Orleans, La. J. P. Ilarrw.il. Ecu,., do. LtxixiiTivN, Kt , Junes, lav'n wlm f Lnntsville Journal eoj.y weekly two months and charge ron sale. A STEAM SAW AND GRIST MILL. I DESIRE to of my Mill Pro. p.Tty, on Liviufston creek, Lyoa count liyersburv, a miles ."afrom Fre.lot.ia, and seven miles lr.uu Ld- - (t lyTille. Ith froiu 511 to - acres of aood LamL aud waxon shops and all ni nasal binl.iiiir- - will he s..ld low and un favorable For urther information, address the undersisjued, al Dy - jiim-a- i wl THo.-t- . J. COBR TAKE NOTICE, eTTf i THAT, on Tuesday, the Kin day of July. a ,..oj !"., in Marion eontity, kr., I will ml, on'Crt S j'l'l ti premise, at pubhc aiw tiou, a part ol mrJL. a,,' a CA us, siiualea on Pleasant ran. six miles fmiu ti.e railroad depot iu Lebanon and one mil from th, lump se r,.aa Ica.iin.' tn.iu .chanun b DauvUIe. I will sen .t:,, acresa very n. strahle tarm UM .piaiitr of t be ur)ia-e- d in Uie county uf Marion, well adaptm! or a sua a ..nil, i run run parsllia inroilaB It. so as to have ruuuina- water iu al.uort every field-- , also a au.re than aiirtieient for one hundred mules. The land is nn.h r aood fence and in a huh state ot cultivalmu: plenty of thltbesl timber. 3 acres -- f tim.i-th- y uaadow and arres of blueirra, comfwrtabl bund. lines, ana a yauue oearine orcnard. I wnl ell it on the most reasonable terms. I will a small payment in a.ivanre. ana me rriMoeon a cretin l one aad two year, with six ler cent, interest liiereon. persona wUiinr b purchase are invited to call and M meand examine fur The title is uuexceptioB-- juneiM w SAM' L VAN SH'KLF.S. NOTICE. 11IAVE this day withdrawn from Ihe firm of Samuel, A Co., and will not be re;sn-IM- e for debt cob traded hereafter by laid tiruj. J. kUBI.N JACOU. Louisville, Juue ii, ddiwl JOSEPH GRIFFITH, Iwpvritrvf Fire Armsi Fishing Tackle Waaleaatla aasl Retail, nrva srssxr, waa. a mam, luoiitiui, kt Jt Sis that be has u.w on Baud and ia eoustantlr naui lue, direct from the uianuiarturersia Lnlaud, kulisk douhleand suirl .shot i;,ids, of all .inalitiea. sixes, and prices; Kevolveisaud Pvsu.lsof all kihds; k,H barrels (Inn Lock,, Dt.ubleTrier, aud every article suitable f (tunue.-.- Sportiua A.paratua, uch as liam Haaa, Sh tlaas, EUk. Cleaniur huds, and liiiucihc kurlea; also Ure st,a-- of Kirtes of my own manufacture and warrant wd; Fiahiioj Tacxie and Fishina- Apparatus of ssry aa acription. all ,.f al.h 1 wiilaail al Laatern pneea. au . FL, It. It. ALAEVH.Nli SlUXS UK A SICKLY SL' 11 VI Eli. TH E Summer and Fall of IsSs will be marked m tbe of time a the most sakly and anliealihy of season- - that have visited the northern favrtion of this Con tinent lor many years. Malarious in their most n.ansnani ana violent t.wms. will prsvail as epidemics S.CH..I.S ol our country Uiat liave been detuned by tb lata ovrrnuaiug ut rivers, creeks, and bauus, aud dreiscbed ny me rec-n- neavv raius. VHt.oVV FEVER, TTPHOID FEVER. EIMOCS FEVl.R r EVER AND Adl'E.I oNliESTi VK F fcVER. I s i rn.ii i I r .s i ami Itl.HII lt..r r E V fTH a I IIOI.EKA. EltlES, SCDIiEN AT l it bs or o vtlTl l lNii will rane with violence ii viciuitiea uf low marshy land., and where thedelu. the wakersanti dreuehinssul Ihe raius hav been suthrient- - ly vioieiit to produce miasma, trom dacompusition ol decomposed matter. In our southern and estern states wa may expert the prevalence a rpiueiiiii- maiarions in one or the other of the aia.ve a a u.e. i lurns; ana in oruer that the public may pro. stuc iiieuiseivea w.iu cue piuta;r mean lu pruleef their sy afsiust sudden attack, of disease of any kind, s notify tbe people ef the approach of the maladies. I Railway's Ready Relief you bave the ureveuuve. Wii this hemedy, however violent and nialiimant, infectious ana ocauiiy may be uie character or tba disease, it ran a u you, A kaasaMbtui of this kemedy, drank iu a Ittti water three ur lour limes per day. will so li.rtiiy tue stomach aita.nst the tntectious cases of the vers that you ar as safe from daurer as tbouah you orratuina uie most wbotesanie aud lovbroratiiif atiiMi- - phere uuder the sun. ludway's Heads Relief has been pr ved, iu the Yellow E ever of I'.Vl. to be the best disin- fectant in use. If any of .uir readers arw s.i unfortunata aa to be attlu-te- with any h'tcr. holer. 'lsr. a - i,HifH-ti,- a-i i euuw, cosuearica, larcnaorceMt. ter He- VHlfreiir Itauway Kea.ly ueilel, al.letl Willi fcadwa will iu a few hours am-a- tbe vivlencsauddau- - tjer oi uieuisea, aua oon aura you. COMMON DISEASE. luseases snch as KKmmarim, f.'ouf. Sciatic. Xrural-ia- Urminehr. .ffaearu. f.'wak uf Mo4i ta th HrmuL J.itioumtfMM, t swcics, JiesfasicAca. Inms. W Aoooiwo C.iiia, iit ffaminntioHu' the tioterU amd Luivm, .Stii- - uen.iHucts.tr tnotaiiiiu rec-n- , sictneasiu fA .a, t'oittfrMtiom. tf the llrain, Smn stroke. Liver i'.7irwf- - tiea, and otber painlul. dt bUiCalllia. and anleebliiis mala dies will run riot throughout the aad breadth of ihe laud. lu their mtt- violent tlie a;etl, mid- dle aeed. and ., ill. tul. liut asa.u.-- t these ia. which in- flict so milch pain upon their Kad way's Ready will iu a lew momeuts reua.ve the most i erce aud tr-- tunuc pains, aud, if used lu oaunwcUuU w lia Radway'sU-a-ulators- , ieedily t a cure, CHRONIC DISEASES. Those who arw so unfortunate as to be afflirted with Chronic .if. raaaiai; .Mirra. Uh wor. Sore, l lcera. sa't.las hrirtly HetU. S'tre Mend. ur Eye, bud Leu- -. Hurt m (Ae .Yaar mr Mouth, (anker 4. LoiU, blotche. hrynvel s. Had L ouahe. airollen rartm. will .utter increased thise disea-- duriiif this cycle unlea lbs. i;lod is cleansed from us Humor aud the stem renovated as it illipiintiea bv Uadway' Keuovatlu. Resulvrat. Tha Resa- - eIy la a quick cure tor the d diseases, and It Ike only known Remedy that will completely radical from tha system diseases inherited hy coustitisuonai Peraousalhirted with Scrofula, Fits, syphitov anv Chmuic disease will be effectually cured if kiadway's Kenovanns; Kesoiveui is nseo. PREPARE TO RESIST THE PESTILENCE. A rreal nnii.ler of those who die from pestilential dis eases arc- sli.Menly t.le,l iu the aitfUlorwhea they least a a attack and are uupretared totvs-a-- tbehrst attacks ol tlieir deadly foe. ft Is therefore of lh area test uo por- ta to th...-- a liu deMre to live tbruuali an aiiack of tuts kind, whether I Auterii. li(.,w Prrrr. San Strolt.Cunffre-fioaa- . or hraiiiFerer, lo have Kadway's ReaJy Lif aud ready to use at any niomrut, Theea keaaratlca, tnk.su when ton feel unwell er iu pain cither sbaht urvas-b-u- ! will check aod stop the pnicreasof the dis-- asa ana Ueliveryuu liuui lunner nsriu. 1. I every Plai.tr. ar)uer, shipmaster, aud. in fact, all bav. in .l others, ka, a dilpply of Radway's Realty keaulators, aud ketlveuia ID their huuse. Aatt K.LV a aos is vast trraoai-His- Hseoaea a th via-- t ter. riltie ami .ratal character trill ireel; but, witn these reinetlica at baud, you may ret stjrurw. Thteare uo reuied.es known to puysic-iaa- that th pub- lic a j.n-i- rule, can reli- ii.u in tlie siHcessful treat. ment ol infeaiioii and mala' HMI tli eas . Radway', Ready Relief ur lleruialosa, as sunUiyaa aad preventivsw ajun.1 attack uf iuoicllulis aud mslisuaa, krvra,arr fixed facts. IL R R. Reliiedlas ar sold by ami and Merchant everywhere. RADWAY CO.,Sw York 0U7. P, aforrbi, a rent, Loawvilia, kly . feiSsdeOdaVWailwlV HAfi EST OF 185a TMIKESHINI. MACHINES 1 Tuuibliu,'- - halt t'uwer and Thrasiaar., s.ho Power, Thresher, aud Cleaner..... uo, Uo a 3'U Pu er. Thrasher, and Stacker Railroad P,.wer, Tbrether, and Seiairwwr la J.kors do do, 4.., do do 17 All the above llurs puwers or T hre.be r furaiaha4 stu. aralely. kEAPIVU AND MOWING MACHINES The hcniucky vl..wr. .. v1"s The Newt in k lland.rakiug keapervreapiiiiiuly The New V.rk sell rait do 4w ! lluwy's Mower imowus tikl, L.H WHEAT FAN Mamboisiurh's Ihiprnved; t Fan, 12 aud ia iuch. I d rataioeiies, with full desrrida.B, sent by mad ffealc. ou appiimftion. Liberal um ... deslera. PETER lit ( 11 AN"A vj, 4s4Main1. Dealer- - in feed- - aud Mauufarturvrs of Aaiicullural maviaeodawam 0- - HORSE SHOES. 0 HAVIXfJ the Aicnrv fi,r Hi Bt'EDEVS IM. MA. IIINE HiikSK slloES In thia mar- ket, we are prepared tu uller indiiceiiients u juuel!deodludvw4 W. B. tok.Lk.NAP tu CAKKlAC.i:S!! CAltltlACillS J 1! I. F. STONE, Maitufactiiier and Dealer in Carria&ea, No. ion Main c . oue iiiare alsJVa tbi cialt Uuos. LOLISVILLX, BV., H.4 now on hand the lamest and btst aasortuieutof ARKlAci y.A iu the cilj , coi..itiiic in part of Coaches, vars. us 7.es; lluniries; kockaway-- ; Tup H.Hfsies; I ive.eat -l iiaiet lo,ir--ea- l d..; Trultiud do; kelett.ll do; ."prill Wi',m. His brace almo.--t every of t'arriar in lleealld .iijrior in tj le. fl and durahility lo any ever off. red bei.,r iu llu- - market, a I of whu li a ill b add s low a tb am kind of wisik ran he had to ia thi uiaik"! I. rra-- .r h..rl pr"r. may dco.l.we.,w Doctors' 23xxf5sios. ST received thre very anrlur Dot "I (IRS Bl f). Jl (. IH. also severs I lit hi Skl.l.FTo.N KlljkiS'.tYS, w liich will be sold Ww lor cash ac abort paper i. F. -- TONE, ms) Main .trvtt, cue ajiuu- above tb liall lb. us. juaelaeotbBeow T - ID . J. jEL 3D (Sunwaair as A. J. Murriaoa Co-- IMPORTER JISTJD DEALER I2ST SLiclclleiY A.D slIAMFACTlRER OF TEnKS, IIR.ES, ic , SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVEN TH STREETS, BT.aiwww awaa.'l ay, aVa I w Msvehanta and Mannfaetnswea wonld Bad O h. their intsiea A rrsatiits wte Work h."nr wtakiua their Sllfshaasal aad ordra from a distance will b attadi to a if avad ia For Coontw Bnrvwvor. T B. DAVIS ia th a. nun of the American party for ki- - County Stirreyor for r son eoaaty, at A.uynat eiectioB. iunrS wtd Notice to th. Ciaditora of Jamee Shonav. TH F. ereditors nf lamea shoase arw kreby aotiBed and ta Wtasal thir claims amseili ainhsati. rated. V. the Ye , a.pontd by th W, nodford Circuit C.Hirt at its April Verm. tf. oaor befnrw Uia Z4U, day of si.lembr next, for adjustment. janeiwios WM. W. (.EoRGE. Receiver. VeraaiUea. f Loniavtil Journal copy taro moath in wweklr paper and charge thla otti. Lar. OOaerser and Refmrter. CONSUMPTION OLIDb.!TEPHEXH. bvrxh ). hsvins ftrrtv! an niviiir. CAN BE twl old r, 10 iaMtv4 lt rvmiv nt ot hi dmr in cihiiobt to tb artlirtaM ikic,iMM tlw lavtvj rh MaiartM which hm frv m Htarrremafnt is rh ( unor toimmia. ttOB, brtMaltia. AAilrtja. Livr AXD HAS BEES i.oiu Aatiali, miitM, ijiipnta.. IW Th o44 Jwwor bM bnwht h Rn.Miy to frwml m hm prrTtr of irw but iifr Tr. nui TIIOUSAXDS uuiiiWat iha ii ill eiin mmm out ol kra ut ronrirTo, OF A Lui arrlitafQi rrrnm itanrm rnabie him, k wul aei mtt pri)raMit vhA iuriiirb4- - INSTaAsNCCSn uf hk arniptoiuB a aourai itaaUt oi hi niiirTje, with BT avuw cjiT'lvrrt JiiiVfImi tor prt. Lnmrinti it UniuatrWiM, w tva tAr ti. umtv tris--d it, ftnd l.rTni iw Dr. 8.11. Bams, rVnavftriakl rtjVtw ia rKTtr rmumm. kara aMpikaat wiil ea4 Jaii)tai ic-o- i wr the ivtura Mtwr or aai - ia la parnat of thm vOTiajjrUH-Dl- . A'i'irw- - NEW YORK. l a. 9. H. HI RN. I aprtll w3m Smw York. Vovclty iror,1. Circuit Saw-Mi- ll with g boxes. THIS MILL Maul artand f i admitted to aa tKa a iM'wt uw ia uef. Aa irmiB, nvu fxaiuiaaiMia, at omm it It m iiTkRLi m v rmt ut Uu word, ltd etrvtidftb ifccan itaeamM iaiury iu rtiioTl, and t sHiuoltritr wiil naM auy cukryruti-- r ar aiitwritrbt lo take it ri aat pit it up airnia. rdr iv.iut3i, whieH will br tilted wrta r wunout Smw. II WLtV, UlLLiX.H. dr lO., juovl" JdcwS KiffhUi aajd Water j4V., irouaOat. kr. Yorelty I!Vr.. Pot table Steam Engine. E would rail th of Farniara loth Pnrtatal " S learn Enrin wiaaulactiired hy n. Ii ia of puwr. and ran ne moved from to Dei I with two konea. it iseiHuplet. ready to arlas-- W Tbrsbiuf-M- - cuiur, corn- - will, c. I srners aoucHcO. Havs'LLY. H1LL1.M.S. CO . Juneia dAol Euthth and Water sl., Louisville, EL. KE.Tlt'KV IIE.nP WASTED. . '11 s. a tanes, niarkt pnee ia cash will b paid for laen-- lucky lienia of In aws rop be junely dsdiww vv. A. klcHARDSON, Bullitt at. WaCiixt o d. A Purcbaaer and Principal for Eminence iiig a ocooo noperty. rpilIS deairabl property, comwstinc of thirty acre uf a crutinti, on wbu.n are twa larre and emnw.dl..iu new biiek ftntldinca, capable of aeeonlmodacinc fn.ru ti to l.al pupUs, rilaatad ow tb uid Krankfort Railroa.1. win he sola t the aiht bidder, on in acetoiM mule. solil privately), on SATf RDA Y. July lu, ISss. between tbe hours of luand ISu'ciork A. vs. There has ben a larre and Bourtrbiaf scnool lavaahl ia Ta auy an watbins tw encaaje in Mrhin. thi atSnrds a rare ehaue for prodrabiai iuvasxmrnt aad veraaaneM srkool. It is desired tiwat ta. next aanis of tha. iaautw-t- shall commence on tbe M Momlay in Sepiemher next. Terms made known n tb day ol sale, a hen lue attea-- ws wui u aivea By WW K Wll.so.N, J. H. I.ICtNr, RARE CHANGE FOR BOOK BUYERS. Sr'Cataloguea sent Tree. A Complete Classified Catalorne of Rooks, In every de- partment t LMaratnsv.. oatainiiur Mm rreates, tnduc- - Bienu lo Purchasers, caa be obtained kr sendin roar addraasto o. y. EVANS. rubUabcr, 131 C'neatBBt street, phuadelpki Sotar and Cotton Land j for Salr. Some of th beat and mo desirable Warts wf vain. rrg ade Land in the Slate of Texas will be Id at creaa - oaisaiis 1. ai..iyiU(S tU.l. UI,.1, luoeladniwl EraukJort, Ky. OTTllVrilaTG-'- Straw aad Corn Stalk Cutte 1 :;: -- a.. t, riRT PREMIVM AWARDED Y THE r. 3. AC.RI ClLTl RAL SK IETY, ALL THE STATE FAIRS WH ERE IT HAS BEfc-- EX- HIBITED. Xs a st ar, :lsa IS (a 11 a ws,. ducrmmt to Dealer IX fOBnectioa wttk f B. Oairnis. Ihe owner sf in rilu for tb I aited states, w an now maautac-tnrin- g this celebrated machine inthis iry. (ar.lersaiu-cita- PETEU A lil'CIIAN AN. janexl dowdiweow4iw Se- Xain St., Louievill. Ky. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A fieswvofeaH lnarit Mtca. eafaMtaAeat hy special endnw maul y.ie th reh'f 0 the sac avawd rfiaraa4. nj JticteU I irulael wsei B'poirwio: sjiaanss. r ai all peravna affhet wph Sexnal 1iasa .tick as 1 SPERMATORRHEA. SEMINAL WEaKNFS tillN RKHEA. (iLEET, SYPHIUS, th Vieeof ONANISM. or SELFAKl sl, Ar. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awfid deatrwetion of human Itf cause,! or Sexual I lirease. and the deception practiced upon th unfortunate .,.,. C such diea-- s by ouaa-k- sevtwal rear, aao.lireeted thair Consulting Sureeon, a a C HA KIT A ItLE At T wochy of their nam, w open a h.r the treatment of this eiasaot siaeas. m all iheir forma, and to riva MEDICAL Ai' iv r. irR.i 1 ia w 111 vsw apply kv letter, with a d, asrlpta.B of tbalr condition, ace. occupation, hatu". of hfe, e and. in case- - ..f evireme poverty, to Fl'R.NlSH M ES FREE OF CHARO E. It is needle-- to sd J that tlx, A "it. a com mac ds the hhrh-- Menital dt.ll .if ti. as, and will funuaB th most approved modern treat- ment. The Director-.- , on a review nt the past. lef assnrv-- thai Iheir labor in this sphere of hrnevolent ettirt, have hewn sf treat benefit tn Dm aiflietd, especially to tlw yonnt, and tliey have reavlved to devote themeeive with renewed seal lo this very important but much desp-- cause. Just published by th Aawtriation. a Report on Sperma- torrhea, or Seaiinal Waakaeas. tba View of onanism. Maa. tarnation or aud otber Da cases of tnw Sexual Orrans, ky the Cownltine Snreenn. which will b wul ky mail, ia a enled envelop. F HK. u' lUatl.IL, aa receipt o, inusi A.w rs h.r posta.-w- . Address, for Report .ar treatment. lr. 0 E0R0 E R. f A L-- HoC N. t'onowltuis Surweow. Howard Association, Mo. a souin .aima svreec, rnuaaeipaaa, ra. By order of tost I arector. EZRA D. IIEARTWELL. President. CnvBCi F vim aiLrs Secretary. wear 17 wevwly OAUTIOX. SMITH'S T0aIC SYPtUP. NEW -- SMITH'S TOXIC 9YRCF" hain latvlr wavt ita aMatwaae ia tht aad ia - rh nruh. W'iug ttUa, wttica, irom kmm ivaiaiaiKw ia th tia aod fiiiw aod aiariuoB he aoitU. laorl oa Ih aottlw, aut r or tae symp, Ac. nxmv - takta br au ia H.nt biirtr for tbe tTua'miti.' Tuuw ?yrup " nwd orm. luauj uwair BTrT iwruij Tmr ar. nv joua J. .tmi'd, aad Miiarw m tavoraair aad wiaale ir knuw. mt a forChiiWaud KTr. hK u tpv a 4iU.tHa ot tia Mth way kt Ioossbj who wia to puirbdw tl); oriiuai ant. naajr davttDamifia th two. THtf aw arttcM, vhwa i pal n aad wadad mr dc diuiib. wbkikrx.lt drinrLu ol thueit. hmt aa lha mu mits tri,iTr a Uo-- tliu. TvBir Svni or Vrfr. taL4 AriNwWy. J. W. Smith. prtprVt. r, U"ii.iil- -, Ky " 1 tw arwinaJ av oa tha t.nf a laftel ia Td and bin tak with acaiiiKia ufiUaH iraitaiioa aad xurr1 . it Uiia eai.'tKHi: Hiaiitb' Tiuc yrua or VKriati Vr. Ji.' fh cantioa. aud tiVa hm iac stiiaii? ivjeuatara. "Jie J. mi'h, IiiVtor. V hil--t iha aointaof arw artVia-at- arkNi to nadr tbw aotiea auaocuaiwiry to tha trad. Uier arw ywt arctJtnrall a ay Mrikinar Bmb f riwa. b.ao hrwa the twa a t mHlr thb euf en avceaairy for ur iatrTwa and for Um t o the aablie. V )thr r aot Hr. rWaowr a 8wita. ia thuw th artia-- ia the tMut aani-d- . aad in neniuc what iuav bm riaiiutd br auothr a hu rradr aiark, 'tiutb jayrui, w kava to Mr. iHmifh. wh i Row ivtr !ra horn, to few ia taa onrt oa ha rHara. Th aMrai isSaw of Um uutwtxaa wa Wara with tba lral aud tb iMibftir. wbavM! ww arw wUliua' to rvat it withnt further aortrv truta WILSON at TVkl(IKJ. aay dlAwww3m vaaBjrai A4mt. TIIE GOLDEN PlalZE. TUB tioLUKN FRIZK THK UOLDKN PKIZK TUB (.1.1.1. KS pklZK THK bOLOr.N PKI.K THK (si.LDKN PklK THK l.i.LDKN PKIZK THE t.oLDKN pkl.K THF. IcOI.Dr N PKIK TriRt.ol.DKN PKI.K Tdt ClI PK1.K ILLCSTB-tTED- t I Li t TR ITKI I LI VSTR-kT- ! u.11 s I ICC i r.is M r It I vv I r.lv 1LLI 3TKA Tt.D KVFKv WOK 1LLI a TKA Tf kVLRY Wl.Mi ILLL STkATKD KVl.tiV WkK I1.LI STRATKD KVKKY vV'tKK PK.l 1MKN coplkit sr- NT FhH'K "PIU IMhS COPIK.S KKNT Fkl-- luHU Mk.Nr Kat TIIE (.OLDE. PRIZE, XUuatxated! Iilustiated! rHESewYort, Wkly (Illl.HKM PRIZE la ow of th dlerarv Papers of tbadae xm l..- - rial Quart et.aiaiinua imar r aura, or ronrv ourasa of oriaiual aoaltar, aad luat. Taarsn every week. a tsir-- vvom h from airTd. to f w coin WILL HK PRK.kN kl TO KaI H M'KM'klHts l vi MkDIATkXV klXklpro TUtkbJl,klPllo.N THRMft Ow osy for on year ti u aad 1 rift. Diss eupy for two year j ,a, j ,,11,, (lis a..py for three years J a and J sifa. Un copy lor Bv year a, and i citta. AND TO (.Ll BS." Thrwe enpkas on year land J riftw. Fiv copKw on year a and h .itt. n envies am year 14 and isf's" Twenty on. oopa-- a on year J and 11 .11 is. Th arfliiMS k be distributed ar ooaiprvard in thai fol low in listl i Packaa a 1 Gold ontainin, e.-h- . do . each. Id do do lo lu Patent Dear If untin. ucd Watch l.n each. U (sold Walcbe. Ta aach. Ho do Ml sm b. 1a do lsa.ll. S.SI Ladles' Cold W awhea 14 each. !iai .silvtw Watcaea Jaeark. i a sdver V a'ehe Biota iasactt. lata, Ovid Ouard, Vaat, aad Fob ( aaiu... u aw sack. (sold Locket, Rrace lei. Brooches. Far Br. t'utf plus, slnsvs Huttuna, Rue, shirt aiad. Watch sis. (Sold aud Silver luaibe-- aud a varsity of othtsr artlelaa, w.irlb trow ial seat to each. Iiaacadlatrly on of tit. snonev, th subscriber'a nam will b .utered upia our auttarriptuia bta.k a number, and thw rift corrwapwadiu- wth tbat number will kw furwardad, within ou wwaB, u IA stilea- - iber, k WMllf r ex irreea, pvaC-- f aV A'l aumaiuusraluias sfissuid be .11 r ed ta m.i ktraro. as snd as MoBal Bnildinf . Kt Rroaawav, Maw York. gyispaeMaea eapaw sent law. BecaW waalrd, marl a lately ua i, r. anawaa.... .aan. a. vrairrww ia. STIR-MA- MERIWETHER, ATTOKXEISaadCOlXSELLOSSatLlu' AMU CO LLECTINU AGENTS, I.nnlavlHe, Ky.. AV'ILL (Iv stlentlon to 'he prat tie of thetr rofewoa " ia th Conrte of Louisville aad In tn t oort of AU bnatiasaa antrtuaed uw ur charsw wiil fwcatv Jyllwoowty A, McBRIDE, dealer an t auaatura, V aacMpuaa, Ma. SI 1'b.ir naaMwwBnil Hurchvare, paa. apr:'-- i Uvw-- MOTHER3? MOTHERS! TE kw tara ntpn aad rr "arlwwa " prorm-- n aad Uv TafW'iM n -- t ruxW a iv, iumwrta, an4 ta r .' von to th 4vmm irunmr tmr i, ftU'l retn,r it to ra fnuiia. I iMw fnrrur Uiaw. I wish row a! l m wtw hav ra n i. ) tut u mmmr4 wiM hkar of MTathuk ot Tttu ii.ptnmiiarv to thaim. o wa caa o fiuij nH.lwtn. w a wU a w An oirmim. Trv rirritkax Wlij mu-- 4 ia a 4wa4w pa oa rtnpi ut wii-- i :u ,ir-- . i Msa. it. 8KOVV N. HrH 1 lleCafatVO. III. WANTED IMMEaDIATELT. OTALAii- - TKAVKLis., AWr.NT. m MnM ftjr HarT, and atir.a ' GOLD PENS REPAIRaED! E nnad by mail in -- i t ird. r. ' "''', i . ttos.la. r.ii wn Manwraetorf. mrl ' Tl - Third .tret. , FLtMXfi Till 1 GE ?Ti P VNilIW" Tvr" East rt. harass r,!7.o7v;iA''', i""'- - BLINDS. sHELVINfs. ami I. a! to. locteat uoiicw. Send m yoar ordesw. CUDEI FIRM -- 5 FOR SILE. or.'RLi,:.Vro:rc..;r.r H a.. I a ,r h, .d'lVtassr ""'" "" trnt.. -- he... V,X.U;Z . niniw.a w , t i - . 502 Acres of Prairie Land to l.xel.aa;e w baiiLii. rpH IS land win sia.k ronn rv looiaaa ,,h I a r.lr.-- d. aad .. .!.. fra. . . vw7. a. acres, ,f in tratt are tla.Is-c-- Price m ami fair paifris mvMassl u ik.i pnre ThVo.a-- r wwaea to c a ,aree t.rn,. .u. m a, a Anlr ., M wunonl dispoaua ..i thislai.d Her avachaue , abarsain. A seorral tk t cat. a M. ( KERK. New t hani- - .r I'LEllAKT 4 AN rut-"- . Juoel.. w aa kvaaarUl. luaV Tot Couiity Couit Judged Henry County. 1 1 'E sr anl hoc red to .nnonnea R. 1BT AMTEI a a camtMlalen.iib oihce. of t auly Cnart .l.idr. oi Henry c.uuiy aril .ol STEAM ENGINES rOH SALE. ONF, ENiilx F. lieroainch week. enmpiete with swnia. up u dm i irtular saw in. .1 on Enausa, ; via uacb 4r..ke. couipieie with pusaisa. On du iv ., j T- - d.. s,.. ca.;-- t tw sr.aa. Oao do Viijt do, ia u. Tbes Eua lues sr. aw aad of lb nwts apoeavaa) n. atnam.a. aud wll be -.- ..I low. wirab-i- . ar aiu d .i wan aad Apply at tue hsuadcry of Llw.ua sa fj wtf E. A. GARDNER. LOCOMOTIVE BOILER. rNE power Portable Boib-r- . new wfh Sfv (owe n Aovawe of Law.. pvar,.. - Bc.BV. IHXSON & DAVIS. Lot IS V ILL SCALE FACTOR V, Sua. S3 and Sl Sixtk at., nana XtrhetandJefentm Ar aonatantlT saakin snd will keep a kasd sllesni aud ta m ao aaiLaoawaw svoaa Taa.-a- of a superior ilailty Thajv reterta kaaUia LowssvUla. seH 1 dlakw BOUIUiON HOUSE, HAKiS. RKNTl ( Uf, For Snlo. v7 WISIIINi.to reure Iron. a, laaaa. I (s law larse. oell.aat.wa. aad Miaal a.., maeiner wua th lunutars in it for Tba Uturt.a Huiia ka hwea lav kaMaalia4 ana ie loo wii ana tow eeaera.lv lasji to rcumr parsw-ol- leseripiu.u of iocauoa. six. c. Sultic it' ar tba it will aee.naaio.laU- - eomlurtaoiy law pet. par. tbas st Is, a road repair aud wall loruisfteu in every aad kaa alary aad constantly lacriaoua pauttnaa. ( on nected with the houao is a two.acrw hit ii sin trs1i,4 .table. oas of them the Htt in to sa,w, with capacity for l horsesi, wha-- sill n sold with ta kuusw. The abov will be sold al decided taw. (aia. For term apply tat auriw'f R. Till" R STOW PraiprirtrM. N. U. Thartonrwa Hooas. a, Ut breakfass Maad far paaaenaarsoa tn nsomin trmaa wpon ibw , . sk L. R. It. Lontavilhi.lonmal ropy weekly anlilorbld aadekarf Ikw etlkc. J frmenm titxm. SCHRGDT & LAVA la, M AN l F AC T R KRS OF ALCOHOL, CO- - ae. aod Pur Spirit., and 4asrrs in t ud Hoar. Ky. J.W.McCLUNO, ATTORN tY AT LtW HRoKkRl.N RkkL E.ST A atsiat Pawl, .Vllaaeaaln. U'l LL make invemewt tor rnarantylnf per rent, advance Ui tirst ar and sivio oond with satisfactory security to as una advaaaa if deasretl. and chare a it ineatisanc U.1 iaxfaxa over the 24 percent, aa a coiun.i Also, will loau m.'hey It.r cauitaiiaual 24 ta 3B nereank. np.. real estat vurta double toe loan. IMiuneautnaasn. usury law ! Corrspondeneaoliclt4. nirBnasiCBa. SamoelCaaseday.EaH-- , . Rev. R. Deeriuc. 5 Loalsvlll. Kf. Mewa-- Wallace . Lithow, Hon. K. II staniou. i Harrison T h.r. Eso,. J Mayrrlll. Iy. Rev. K c. i.niodv. S Hon. Thomas - Marahalk t siiafton, Ky. Hon. Joahua E. Betk. Danville, k,y. )lwlf HOW TO SAVE MONET! TIKE WHITE'S DETECTOR aaw THE LOUISVILLE SENTTJTEL. Only ii a year for both, ine luslina; "Whit' Coiaa or toe or 1. and a .Mairnitving Irlaaw. riaHE Drrrt-vo- iapamphit form, neatly envar4. 1 andcomaius hfey-si- paces, en.r.racia ta nam of sverv bank. id, bad. and in.l.rivreat. in tn I nltrd States-- , reports tba vaiu of twair tasae aad describe, sal co'interteit. Th Sr. n an I, in nwapnr form. of ordinary also, and. like th fecu.r, coraine tho aaas aad report tn ssandina ol all the banks in 'he I o...a. N, . tics. All kind of aad brnkaa bank wanted by WHITE. YOl NO. Bai.xr, aprj wf s, 1iu ., Louisvdia, Wf. FINE SCOTT FARM TOR SALE. i 4 1,1 aiil nnibaaratS mt ! aaaMm.Pk front srMaraT'tawa br l.aMa' M..-,- LefTinafToa. cirhtjuin Bra. f aa a taa4 and ia MlUkha tat of ciuivtMw aaf farat ta tha Stt; a&uiu iwaarrvwaf lb Jrwnpivoa .fTMkhkr et ia about of th laud ah-- wU et ia arraw. ol whM-- 1im arra i Brtrat lwaat taad. It m Wfll niu.iavv with ilrTnkihkt aad nock watr. aa vim 7 priuics), tui-t- i bimiiakf vrT handwm-- i ufaoa Nrh K .kturu about of a an. wnrk trivaa aJ iitiotte.1 aru;iiv wf stock waw ihat ar ftAti-- ata K.kara i v.l iVot-- wttb tafiaa-ini- 1h tui. yroaMBU eoasttsit ia part of a laraw aw ark dwUiai-oa- with ail tha irrar a art-ra- a iwr aiitl ia krod , auJ a rood wf caiiia raia, Th- - fruit tr arw varwt aad aDuadaatv. Tbw'dsekaUiiirawf lb farm irota Vtvortowa will jIww tba pniaaevr ail tb adaataafw of th arasdi ia lb S t. without baring u roarst bcniidra r,m aoa. tha farm huld b too taiaw for a aitrcbair. 1 woaid tl abont'WacrPawx, with th luipm vaB Ida. Ail araoak. w aurrbawa o. tar ra ra iwry aart iniiwavr. arakava. tad to eat) aad xaiaiBe tba nitaNi for ;i- - LouiwVtlla Jonraal eorvy till foHid. wA tMprr d charg Una oiiica. ) iOTtV Vavfaffa. Copaxtnr2iipw IH WE thi dar aMriated with Mr. .1. W. Tttt arnf H4eia. iirwVr thm aattw aa--4 via .f lHt TKKKY l o.. tr th .Hn- rrvad-in- . Ft'KWAKllHUaal Hir..H Ht'lh.H a4 UMold taHdf TerflT.Km.it, o. j Metaa mi-- TKKKY 01dTvrlXmjBi SjTrLrxsam fHR iaibernhara aavina awn aa! taa boT aaad pfoprTty I roan Mr. Lak ('rrnrtr kH wf J. ifc. Rrraas, rsn). . oai aad a aa.l mtl tioaa mm d, K .. aud ttavin ivr'nrBarhyd lb vHrira tM 1. a ats ara aw awrwit for h awaoMaMiaiHa viaaiwsir avad tba kubii. hit iaaaua u bw ao pat a ta aiva mU4ta-r.u- rravraUy. lBaiida who av ror rWr for aaaifh aaf ifrT a ana tlWir wauu brin Biadiv aitBir4 ta. rua.ar paTniaufi a vnr ri't'wiuiijf ucitrd. jaawiia YAMTt.4 d RI4T. Laiavilk Wk)T '.Iwra s,tr two a.waaa aad) cbtra tbu ortveay. ilmmrtits irtawa. DU. W. B. TARREZals S CKLKBRA TKD OKlGir.i L ARAB IAIN LISLMEaNT, ESTABLISHED 134-B- . THE eniiinca always known kv th nans . W Farrell'e Araotan l.tUUOaal. aVal oiaasr imannl by tbas ait arw owuuterteiia. THK ARABIA'S LINIMENT Is used upoa th Human 4atem,witB nahoandsal imccsss rkaama trim. Boat, aaj pa lay. THR ARAIilA LINIMK.NT Will car fain and waakaeas in tn back. THK ARAftlAW LINIMEMT. Will ewr spinal Jiaeas, swellinra. asrain .ad la ,.!.. THK ARABIAN LINIMENT WUlcnresor feet, rv handa, corn, and arta TUB ARABIAN LlNIatKNT WUIwrs) mum pa, froated parts, aad swelled asvfe. THK ARABIAN Ll.NlwR.NT WUI nr sor throat, sure eye, aad keadackav, THR ARABIAN LI.N1MRNT WUI ear bum and scabta, w.aad. and freak ewla. THR ARABIAN UNIMkNT WIS ur awake bite aad many catansowa dlarav. THE AR.VBIA.N LINIViF.NT W ill vara coauacwd card. atiaT ainn aad neca. THE ARABIAN UNI at.NT Wlllawr nowralcia. toolbar h. aad aami ka. THE ARABIAN. LIN In L.NT WUI Mr nain ia tha bead. knar, aad atd. TH K ARABIAN LlNlwFNT Will wrse tips, kilea, hanvora. and w.aa. THK ARABIAN LINIMENT WUlenr swelled and painful breast ef tnaaala. THK ARABIA LINIMENT Willewr or relieve nearly all oarroasiaaaimmatoiT Jlssna THK ARABIAN UN1VLNT Is adaptvd to all eoavsututiona, TUR ARABIAN LINIMENT ka Uandrsf tat th afflicted. THK ARABIAN LINIMENT WUI rsalnr perfect aaua, actio ia all ease. For HoiBava and Cattlav, t THE ARABIAN LINIMENT Will cwrc sprain, nrwsara, wiadaalla, and swelKua. THK ARABIAN Ll N M EM T Will ewr taida awl, woanda, aad wrakra, THK ARABIAN LINIMENT WUI swr owwuai v. soander. and noU wail. THE AR.IBIA.N LINIMENT Wlllawr cotar. baCSa. and all isSMsawsM, THE ARABIAN LINIMENT bowld be in thortt every Dealer. tr(iraaai Depot, 1 Lak trreat. t ksrar all told by Rayaaond A Parte. LotiarvUla. Bold hy J. B. Wilder A Co., LoorrvUI, etlSs,W Stat of Gorgia, Elbert County. IN tha lanparbar Curl f aid aonnce. at are k arrm lSa preaent, hk llowur, Jaiini l'tvaaaa, Judcw wf aaai court W itarea windrv bitta bav Sn tiled in that eaart hy lewatees. nder tb wul of Wiloam S. K - ecad, aaains John ('. Bwrek. eeattr at amid wil. rr ua aes.l l heir rospeerivw and claim. tba, he Sasr m, aaid wid lo Sara Reaea t sa. 1 lo ua para 'Hereto, us tba event uf ber aVa.il, lonv. a no cbild ur It m ordered thai aaid arah Keae. or hr children, ae her or ihe.r leeal iwsriiaiive. . , r in ihai nt e bet. tea tlie vlarek ana, W. U cia.ia at .. I - . aa. fault of axel apiant.icw wal r wul ba 4u"vcWd la be paKl ta the parlie at.w rati. .f UW eaara. Aul a is lur'St-- ur.lere-- l tha a .1 la itedee n pat. .ohed om-- a aioulu l.u" a.u aKiaiti., tha la be bafor lb ao.n'h of vftr ti. in ti.e l..,i...u. nwwavaviatea. Ih I i ' s.wa pt.h.M.h .n S.. 1,Tta; tha I uaia. poo.-a- . tn aaliiiiatoa, un ih lasUTCtuI tolilinn; lb L.uo.Mlla Juuraai. puOtiaa. ad ia l.ouisvilkN k'liiuca.; aad ia ana, loaar pan. 4 tma axlrac, irom the rainu' of th aipetorr0r at Fiber, entiaty, (., at Mama Varan, A. D. i.san, Tka i.tw !am'; waawswa MOSEJ K. MILLS. Hawk. ALMOST f'HRMTlkW. le. IVrlH I'tirHiuiivn vu TH KIKI r'Ralo.i oF Pfciic.ibAPl 11' AND CARP- - isfavsjtf L3 8. W. ROBERTSON CO, Z r 9 sf J

Transcript of Louisville weekly journal. (Louisville, KY) 1858-07-07 [p...



    --.. .

    ' va" "nw ' - Spaj Wa"""

    Tile DRAiNs-a- A. riRsr ExrcRiMnrr. Tbwe copy from tb Kural New Yorker:

    Tb f.rt tie undrin bas just beea laid onowrfarm. A bcariniiioif is mad tbe frreat woik of

    ."ettuir ui krrpmv thr staamant mtertmm the ml1 work that, oucv." well nTOmpliabed, change tbof tb noil. Thatcharacter and product iveocae

    w hioh waa cold ul laureti, o drained, besroinesWanu, poroaa. atd lertil: l.irt wa svaroelr Dwd

    lilo lb Oban," ertecte.l.limininp is ikk .. t . after all. Wortill dv K. a.dcd I t braitia, it w ill do it . ba4y aad

    well. The l.rst rv 'juil 'W'lUin" aud a will;lb eeeocd ia jsropcr lo.ds to work with: equally aissai.l, leweirr, air no tf.r aud money to tut.If. "' Lad laaceaatlated more duz- -

    fifiF tt as was calhd for. to wanu in tb IsaUoraOx dra.u a MiK.. ju it la rye jcu, b to cotilaia

    iter tuati it canunt be i.t.ne.1 in i,llui-- in, iti.ta no atone U fvr i"int, ai.il, a littt strawiLrrwn on. it way I o reri with the idow.

    1o dxs.u f.'or.KUi. a'. ir, oa wants fiwve and ni-tti-to linist the wo.-k-" ai istcr. Annir f our

    ciitca waa du,T laal year, and th lotLasa waa oAand ODevao. ac tliat' it bad t be tilled in, and hoardslaid down to (da.- - the tile upon, iovreasirir; thet rouble and com. (so iuo aoil- - p' inmtTth

    uiir iva.1il-- cUaimt. if tb tU ar lil at.n uV. a. lb d.t. a u fini i4. IM Um uii.ng

    iu al-- prd itii tb rt.0o Uraici ar a cu.ik. and a cooauuit bill offpitui A nuian.. tcani thry otnrt rrrryojirrauoii f bu.tiaiiJn aa upMiw, ltau tbrrrjuif clctniii); out Of ofbr, or

    iiniMTt'ctlv jur tf o1 diwt. I nibr-itaa-tb oof w II Uid. arp out oftUwar. and tpetn'ii al an tv. If Uil U

    bv fnt n oa drain clear,iuit 'l.ll tbrrawiib (tvi.rrr," and hcl our. kTop mu w draiix d thiui ur.i l frtat utxrt of out prwwot drio i t. t.l cfflb coBiciiU of a piKid a lauun. full rf

    vtUor wntil tb druuili iru.kv it up. 1 b til ouriu, tba water wnt I.I niaci. (b ' U tiow (rll..ut ' ot' Ui pot .4 at our. W'a rliall In., aa

    broal lull f a LaoJvuntmir dir it J. I tif 1 DO UtXk t lafcllr tbuti( urvrr ! a a'aia. J.

    .lh!U"a GOUD'.y, N. V., If.J.T." r?v:vr Ikiid I n itt f w tii A

    fraiVf rowing slvTilwr the f.41iii(r rcxira?for plvvriilBg dri d ft nit daniagt-- by awKb.A( Usl year's .rp of ap.lr w $ larf, and tbat ofib prajeut year promising U lat aaiit , tbnaa ofour readnra w bo Lave tamr of I lie oll aia k oti bandnnj f.rij it of at'iunt to try Uae ieciie:

    rat (be ilnrd ades or peaclief into a tin vesselwith a ierfratd loUom: corer clowly with flannel;plauf tr.e veal into a Iwiler or ktuia cootaiaiuft wo or three quarts of l Uiuf water, bavinfr somesticks acros. ttae water to ptevent Uie tia toncbingit: boil bruMy, and tb fruit will Koa be tborospb- -iy teatt witbnut kws of nTor. Spread it our: thebeat w ill paid evaporate tbe moift ure.

    CTu follow ioc St ite 1 aira arc to be bald during18-

    Aaa,ais, at M. , (,, jo??,al...n:ii, at Marvotillr, An.;. WtuX

    ' lHHl,fiil, at llartt.inl, k t. 1? t I ':it . Sef4 HkilK:

    iud. .ii, at Ii.m.iii..1.-- , (kt. 4to:.I at al r. .. ut. ItLti I t, at I .Hrillf , S. nf ?7 l. M. 1

    M:iu.floi. at Ih.ver, I art. C t. a,.Lrf-- , at Irrnina, ! 14 to 17;V.el., ai la S to f,

    !.io. ai Vt..ia4.. Srf. H to 17;i:ti'.de llai.-1- . al 'ro. idii, M to I"1:I - si . tat- - to :

    rrrn nil, a 14 to 17,.iniiis, at IVi. f Milj.'. t to ;V'ih .ni.n. mi Ali'tiwMi. 4 to 7;

    I i.... 1 ;wat- -. al I. a s., M. ?' U SO.j i ar m C i 1 r I .ir. II . I le prnfa-- r timeriitt.nr c fa" biy sn iuiartai.t iueatioii ia

    il .ir... ,,f tiriiiiii too., ra Xri-- .trnv r 4 r.-- ion- - h in lU.r sa to what

    s ic oX j"- tb tlw ; ra - an- - m.nt utl.w I. v. u.e Unu.-t- , ami. it ia a larceiiiai.rr.y l ll m, a.K..ai tbe . Hll.r.ptnw.'ly, and hih- f 'lif-- ( ra.w-- wbil ina ! j.r. i . . . t.bfr tluuk U.e bayiot uu'ii if .m till somi fw day a afirtl.. alvd'ltiijuf tti-- I.I aar,to, and lbs ! in tbeW'Uy ot a...i7t v it .( J aw - say tbe .! ofti , rnwi 5t..ui. I - I ...I.-- loiiim ii lading mlI ly.

    yrsr. s a f.to.'r iia- cnt in t Us ilostont 'ultivstor aitb a . .4.iiimj'iatn, aaaertinc that tflefpa-l- s of tufa. au..nl.l ! f,, iiulared lafon

    to rn.f of b iv. n ot l.i- - strong arnnienttv- - tint tin- s di .nitHin.l Ue nutriment4 tue bay. 1r. or a do;?n irrpoiid(nts of that.i r,i.dt.i .'j ,J (b ' gias

    ttia- - , ' n..r.i (!k iu r.uMait'Mij tl.ritr iu bis1 mm rt-t- r ,viTe .'.s. n ainl I. uiiKr.oia inqui-l- .-

    awnti" Wii r itt .t.rt init af,taajof tb oim-ti-w i fjioii "uri- t Ut a Taat iuaj.itv of tlo-i-

    .rf-- ( atiiiiy tl.cir I.l'ote U ae.li ar ri- -an-l- . aa fr aa jio;!.!!;, at acvnliaily.

    "1 bi' r, ii. - i uuttiKHil.ly founded on correctprim i)le., tlie .. i of the fainter beinp to aacureln bay an aa to nisi it more like jjraat in ita p'r-tr- tt

    1 b i.nituiva n l.Mto.es of raare llo.v win. b aie f f Uie moat part mJoHle in wa-t-

    sk b as aiiar , ;.,in, ai.rt other .uiprfind..No . - r vi.li-- tba'. if tloi i Ui f taaa shoal. Ilutal Ih t in vi.a it tonu.nt tlie largestaiootnt of tt,a p:ini:.j;l. . la iu early stapes ofrroartb a o,i.ij a ny lrey percent age of water.1 n itseailo-a- t jTixrtli. the SQiar an J other aola-1- 4

    sutaa.ea io.-- a till they rea-- ' htliir iriax.niiim i. .li in tit Lbiaanm, or whewlii- - ei i. fi.lH ia tli r ioni this peri-.- i

    the satcrlKtna- - tiiafi! . ..r.M inl v diminifdaa, andtl won.i t.'.r.:. . :U iu'.il.il.lk! ia water, as.lutii.:ii. i.nia, intra it: till af:er tli se.U l.av

    ti a It. pi U'l l. !'ioa la ttfroura,if tb t l..i.t is o.t .1 in It, flower, a part ofth- - nu'rin.Tit of i: Kt. m. aa.t bsves ia wasteJ."

    ib r.tmit fjuo'.jiu. n j. fi.Tin lb B of mw whobaa paid ren' t altti,t,. to t. eol.jcot of grasaeit,an.l wbme o..ni '.a bve u. t bcn naatilv l.irmJ.

    e ai-- m:.k a tbort elnn1 from the late Prof.Nortoc' wriiir.. Ii aa.d "tti lime of rattinghas much to Co with tbe Diitrilire value of bay.M tiile ibe btems sod leaves are pnowintj and green,tbey curtain coot i Jemi.le qaantiues of supu andrum, r.a h. as tliy ripen, are fra larpe part transloruii iuto , woady li'rs; the

    iii'o lli svi: as very farmerknow, a r"'. "r r..rti..ii of the are loat fnan tbel.'t l i.o- - it i 1 .1 .Mil. I L, aAr tli grass baa

    u,ii. J it full ,r r.ii.i ,. Lt, it ..s by drlay iniiliot, at.i brt'ooH as loin and tt

    poorer uiial.ty a it piousia .C, Mr. 1 iii.t, Sc.rtaiy of tb Board of Af-1- ..i.liarr. jVlaa.-- - it ., u' Ltd rirridarsoooiainijit'

    a .ju n rural a it jura, to farmers iaerery n tum ill tbat Male, t.'uestajo 7th wa "Atwhat taj! of crf.-.i- li do yv u (.refer lo cut frrasa ton.ai.e I.nuii-- Sfl iuto snake liay, and what iaIke ftv.n Ut vnor riref-!!- replies froiaaimut one buioln d ai t tiity towns are, that farmersprefer lo cut tb nrin Ipa! , luihaVLy and red.I.. p. wba in fi ll I. loaaorn: r4 clover w best aboutj!f tb beada are in l.lo tu, uxi swale grass beforet la rif, and pc nerilly lrfore l.loaaocning If poeai.

    I ile, ao aa to prevent it from becoming bard andWire."

    V (' a extracts frota replies to tbe qnes-ti- a.fine of tli .at iailliirttit farniers of xcuuuty saj a: - afr to cut crass wbea ia

    l.losaotn, l. auas it ill make more milk and moretat, and rattle prefer it lo that M audin? Later. Itkpa tbein looa and beallby. 1 have nlou.it bay of lb csine bulk weighs more if it stands

    ia the t.oid till lli a4 t.m, sdJ . Ibis reasonwarn who 'U io 4 of tlieir bay let it aland." Afarin-- r in oiaealer county aayi- "U liea aaained'a niilk cos. sture, or fatieLing animals, I preferto cat it iu the blossom, bera.ua it makes muremilk, more (Towth. and mure beef. I or aorkinjfrattle uni Lorata 1 tut alamt lix days after Uie pul-l-

    baa l.ien. becaux it due not soar - loosen lbanimal so tutn-- as w ben cut in blossom." A farm-er of itain;tire county says: ".Next to sweet, freshfrra-- a w Uunk lUat roaen will make cows, workingaa'tla, or horses tbrire better than anv oUier feed.unUas ID U caa or caul bard at work. Coarsebsr will keep e'.ook tolerably well, if cut early,w hich, if allowed O to it are, would nut be eatea atall." A llstn county fanner savs: ''Wa cutalter tlie tiloaoms laf iu lo fall, and latfora Ibeyliav all fallen. It In-- km .re subatance and weightcot at that too than if cut sooner, more sweettMaMand thaii if cut later."

    itnout atemiii' to decide tbs disputedpoiuu, we will f.flor a lew fiifj-e-.' ions, tlie reault ofonrXfarimw in theac matteta. tojiarallv we barfound a medium course in w ids extremes tlie aafeatand Conut not tbut praa is i ut suiniine tun earlyfor and at other times too late to be either pal- ---HJmox uwin.i.M... jim w ivih-- t larmers waual-l- e

    koa more by late cut'ing of tlieir crass thaa theya.. io w.ii- nu..aiiir. i u rear, we tniua, k umtiatur i to o niineti.e baying as early as tbe seasra and a;e of tb riaa. will adioit. erea if a nra.tioa ot the rr- - U in early blnnauia, Imk aaae, a ape.ieraJ Uii'.f!. but lew firmers ( a here their mowingi d ie wiib the acyttoe, and ll.e bay fathered withtV ba.Ki-rk- have st.fiiJ.bt help to arrura alltheir bay ia p oor aeaaoo; esor iallv ia wet seasons, miioh of it liecomei tjo (or toroaxe in -i quail! v of bv.

    r.ve-- f iruier ihoui.i la auiply fro vi, led wuh goodacrtbea, raaea. I irk a, liay- - si, and also with goodpriooat.m. mniior caat iron rollera. 'i'bia laatinner; aer,f the lb lot a.

    Hit can la st.ired ii. lb barn in loo damp or (rwna si a', so a to bat aod'lavnme injured to alia.. Itan in co,i weather, be r.ver-dii- so as to la

    su-t- i l.. pilataid ai.d i.inr.tojui as winter food fortak. f.ry farmer atv u'd ex'ixia a orrect

    in ttias mailer-- , for they are m altars of.nra a..d cet.ts" with l,im.la cn iiipr i.,vr f Lay it requires different treat-

    ment ikat of the praasea. It is generallytbmvhi that clover tiioiod cut when aoont onebait trie td i bare lumed to a I To a color, andto lof the most value it should la made luo.ilvia the et; in tt.is way, in.m of tb heads andkeas will be saved and ritain their original color,wLile, if praad aL.IJm. bed about. Hi leadaleaT-- soon Iwcnm Cry ai.d are mostly lost.

    7 be prai-ii- ol maj.y farmers ia to cnt tbeirafter th dew n oli', knuo? it remain in the

    wsth UUala-u- t f n. i l, aftenior!. and thenwt,B warm wiib tLa fce.it of the ..on, n ub forks putIt to corks tbat w.ll weifh from forty torilty pouudiwhen hi for th baru next altemoon piu a overby patting to COxka irtoon. Next day partiallyapread toe cm la, or turn them bottom upwards, andit lb wathr has len favorable it Will d i to canto tb lra ia the .Sotne sprikle fromfour t eis quarts of salt per to-- i, as tnv mow awaytheir ciov.r. Clover U.us cured is not "liabl lohorr, aid in the c.;.ii. airtnc farmers iswo-t- h '(. mileb ar.d sbep, as mu. b per toaa., hay." hnt it is not i.u.omn.oo in thrift-lea- sfirm,, to fb,)r c)mtT jB wi b Bthat tla, t paru ot it are sUkea o9 and deatrr.y".d Co. Corf

    Arn, A!r,rT M" t f Tav''K.tW'ft.li cream rlsa o.am k u a few b.Kirs in a room wbre lb ttermome-te- rlow Jf, to i , decr., u i, l.,md bvajroot interested m th .,. ,4o,7 .., Z ?xTmilk as moat 0. Lse at ::9 T 4;) d J

    lajrat uaa. 1 Uis u one . f t three que, ,.k4 by a eorre- rHidect in F.rie county, oa which wewill sTieUavor to throw a l.tj and peibap-tvta.-- r,aiay b to ut.r.u tb subject and

    draw inteesiting lacu their stores of ex eMilk i com row d of psrta cavw or

    card, S banter, 4 i' surar, and e.7 of water. Theloaar la tmpTanie, of cnurw th mor den as th' com non rg so freat a ion ion of th milk, ao-t-

    it renct.es S'. de,frs, ai ahirh point water be-fits to expand won tl.s oereaw of Umperatura.'ih crwam aould, perhaps, rue more readily at

    bout 88 decrees tl.an at any other temperature,wae it not tur tb fat hat tbe" cream as well as therard is made dnss by tbe low teBiperatur at whichIt i kept, in alwnt the same rat 10 at tbe water ' andperhaps greater.

    vary oue of Tperinnc knows that very billcassia will list on milk kept at Dear tb &azuf

    point. This arin-- a from the fact above mentionedthat the watir expands below . while tbe cresniand curd b r am uiore ien. e, to that at near ::3 deft,tnerc is little ibtlerenc in gra rty between the creamand w ater. At to uV-- . tbe creiiu will rise, but Millmore rapidly at dy., abd still more m, we judgefroin onrowa experience and o'.aervatioo. at () or70, ar even 7b de;. I roru this tact arenas thatthe oily matter expands by beat more rapidly thaawater, ana ot course coatx-nae- t.y cola 111 tlie sumratio. It doe not follow, bv anv means, that it isbest to keep milk at such a high temperature, forthwhole massmiglit sour I for all the creamwould la separated and rise to the sorfaea. Hyplacing a pan of mi k overs slow lire aad gradoaH'vItKTeaalng tbe hwt nntl it reach's jh lioiiinr; pii it,all tbe cream will tiae to the surface in a few min-- t.

    This would teem to pnve that a high tem-perature Is Ctroralile to th separation, l or nricti- -csi purp-we- we think a temperature of alut "i0 ori5 deg . will I found the l.au

    Tkf Phtlotnvhr rf Cl'rt,fnn. H crrana of milkis ia tbe form of minute globules, the oily or butte-ry matter being covered ith a tl.in cuatini; of case-in, something like the yolk of an e. g. I he ol7. tU churning is to break ttieae globulea, which it effects partly by the increase the teiojieralar, ai..tpartly by th ngita'ion. Ourini tb onrati.cburiiing, th beat generally rises from live to tendegree. In cold weaiber it U soiiietimea niar-t-

    raiss tbe temperatura fa the cream bv pmiiug inhot water, or b siwne oilier means, aiid th.ne v. bohave hail much e perien.-- in cburniu.; know fi.--

    rv eiperieni' that it i" inip.i-ibl- e to l.e l"come" with cold treain. I be afcoat..i ia

    but tli heal ia indispensable to break ll.rd.4.ulea of crram ar.d tot bulter. Where Uie( farn raised bv placing milk over th life, iu themanner previously alluded to, tlie f lot.ul. a are hr..--

    by tli brat alooe, and tbe butter ia ,1without muh ihnrnui;. Il can l i'.niheil

    in a iiiiuutea in a a.k Jra boal,with a ladle, or in the (burn, flutter thus in vie iarelished by many f.4- p!s:ut use, though a4 ahave an oily taste. It is nt ins I in this way inquantities or forprsetatioii, in this country, thtw have learned.

    la I ev ooabire, F'jigland, where mu h butter iamade, and of very superior qoslity, a system some-what aimilar is l. As e.ko as tlie imlkiiii'and skimming processes are over, tb as no new.milk is placed in a Lraas pan. A Kinsll il.l ly ofcold water ia placed in tue pan, and her itin the day tune for six lionrs, or at mgl.t till thelolloa ing morning. It . then arefullv pla ed n.'jra alow tire, so aa 10 la? bested to a cenain point, butnot permitted to boil. It ia a d.'li. ate matter toliave a hre jnst brisk enough to prevent tb milkfrom curdling ia summer, and at ill not po hot 1 tolianas it to heave or Ul. A him confisieucy on thesurfao. and a t a'cb iusl. dated appes.rs.oce aretbe cruereais B'b.llv depended rp. for the p.v.pramount of beat. When s.l.cienl.i- - sca! le.l. tb panand it cmiteBt'. ar removed 10 a . pla. ia "nio-m-

    and covered over, uutil o4, a.ih a wo..l. nckxb ia w inter, when tlie ream ia taken off. II..prraass aT churning - very simple; lb cirsiu isplaced ia wooden lls. it is then btid.lv atiired bvtb band, or by a "a hiak" of peeled willoas tinlilthe buttermilk arpatates frrnn which iausually eflected in some ten minutes.

    We have never eaten butter m ole iu w.ittbat w thought first rate, and ale. ay. ciH.i.leied itinjured bv the beat inc. Hotter, think ia injured ia tbe same way bv loo rapid cburuing. I befait that on bum w ill butter in a dbortertimt than another ia 10 t i.l. n.'e id" ita Miii..t,aa ita rapid actioa msy rais the temperature higherthan it necessary or beneficial.

    1 h proper temperature for cream when l.u ed inthe churn it ala.ut deg., and tbir coolness it isditBcult to otatain in the beat of mi turner, unlets tbechurning is done very early in tlie morning, or the

    e is unusually well adapted to tbeI a akillfnl bands' cold water is useful, and

    every dairy farmer should have an u wherea constant supply of ice caa la o'.tained for regula-ting tbe temperature of tbe milk, la winter warmwater ar.d a warm room caa lie made Use of as de-sired. The temperature of Scbooley's preaerv atorycaa I reflated very ea.il y, and we t Ii ink favora-bly of it. We only deaiwd lo present a few fai lson this subject, and have . .ed tlw .!i.- e

    lo oc up. It ia, boa ever, an interest. ngsubject, and we would like tli opinama d' i 11eu. editairymea HnrU ttr oilrr.

    'to thr Kurort nf th' iMtxisttllr ,fiai naV lnrrT liitovr. Nrt v Y., K v., .Ion 10, "iX.

    It wuiild Joi.t.; - totb agrt. ultural pottion of your readers to b arn li ecunJiiKM of the erupt iu tl.'is part of ll.e S1.1l airi atbe heavy rains have iu a alibl degree abated.

    The nuurusl amount ca' wet ha., reuderedlbe vesrveryib.uUI.il for a proline one. I be ecubat had lco mn. b rain to glow fast: it ban in fcrtainUaslite.. Iien dror wj out r th wee.U lutechoked it until il bas Irt. ome very sra. 'I hamajority uf tbe farmers are uot able" lo till theirground because it iatoowM, auJ the coin looks vert'ha.Uy from tbat fact.

    l b lieal crop promises, a more abundant yield,though iu many j.lai-e- it ia very tbia on ibe groundand has the ruW. yet a very f.iir crop may I. anti.

    if tbe we3tli!r remains until ruttinglime. I: ve looks very ti'ie and prii.i.Mau al.nta.lantyield. Uals in many pla.es ar entirely dead frciuth lust, a thing Ihat war known in tLix p..tioo of tlie Stats 1 a tie. 5 il t tbsame aa a l.la.eof tire would wlieu m rm binglistaiee. it kills and dries it ui before it beadsand readers it entirely wortblesa tut f.ai.1, of i vuor mauur apow the griuud w here it falla.

    There will be a great deal of frnit in our county,and, if riH.ar not sorleient lo live aoa, we willhave ciiongk fruit and pretty ladies U. ut aliv ethrough aaotber wiuter. t'.

    C.t IVI v Towi.- .- These b.r.ls are to st,ii- - il.l intheir ratiir and bl..n that it i. im;.sail.le lo in.liKIhem to inhabit ard lay epn iu a bone, act nl.aervetb rules and re-- it,..r. oi an or.t.-rl- . .ltrv family; neven belea., tbey sr worth ll.e .ittenti ,n 4hum w bo nave an e f..r tliero.They mutt hav , ar.d tliey ilelirbt in a nestof tbeir owb chunking a lied oi" nettlea, or nunesimilar secret lliiiket pleases them. 1,en theybave caoeea a nest, tbey will keep to it, nnl. iathey have reason to supct it i.a found out. To budthese nesls, therefi.ie, that the oaner may rot losetheeffS, it ia neceaviry to watch tbe feii.a'e veryasrily ia ber daily visits lo it, wbiih may lie d i.e tlluoreeaiily, astb inale l.i . I hse the habit of atand-in- g

    guard over Lis mat while she n laying. lo iu,tlet tb bird, know that thi ir secret corner it ill.--.

    atd the eggs may I removed witb iinHUiily.fininea fowls mate in pairs; suiniuinerary beuiarensrlesa. Th chicks ar generally reared by u

    ben.. 1 bey are ralbrr deli. "ate little reatmvs,and requite to lie encouraged to eat r.fliii. 'Ibetreatment followed in rearing turkey (...ilia will lofor I hem. Antborities differ as to I lie ri.- -t ,Ji a..rubatinn, namiag times varying fri.in t.'nt 4ix tothirty .lays, abd w bave never bad the c ..,rt.u.ii vof taking ac. urab n4. Alihoub tlie ..one, 1,,deligbta iu all extensive latt-e- ve bav known apair kept successfully in a d kitchen ,

    and a numerous progertv a rearr d tl.eio1 be iirirtant point is. tliey M5f bave an ppnrtn-nitv-

    tindiDg au ULdifturUd secret test. Tlieteis little between tb co. k a d the Leu.Nolan Suva the wsttles of the ccck are of a more

    red than those of the lien, and st atd out morefrom the beak; and tbat tlie ben orjly nses the pecu-liar call, 'Com back, come back." It ia worth

    bile, f.s-- those who have an riate pla. e, tokeep a pair or two, aiua, exept iu earlv atun!i..uo the chicks, they require lit'l caie. Thrir Kmall

    'jT are a great dele:a.y, and It, y,o tr birda aivwy b'ood for tb ta'.le, and viy tt'n t.il iu tliior, when I be scan ta go out of

    J.fti 'J

    MllCt JI.IRSF-H0- 1 ISO Al.le Ini111l.fr id" llieJournal of the lloyal Agticnltural Saietv .out a in.a pr on this aulj-c- t ! the ambor of "lb1 Cora a roc I low to hveep a Sound a pampbbtlargely cix. olated in this country, liecmtcnds thatby rood shoe ice and care, the tora msv be lent iug.axl working ribr to double tb af;e boarsumming ap a follows:

    "If I were asked ta account for mv Lor tea' leiraand feet being ia lietter order than thirds of mvleigntMirs, I should attribute it to the f..ur following

    ci cumatances: First, that tliey are all aboil withlew nails, so placed ia the shoe at to permit the footto expand every tint they move: stcondly, thattbey all live in boxes iostead,of stalls, and can movewhenever they please: thiidly, that they bave twohotirt' daily walking exrci- - wlu tliev are n.t atwork; and fourth, that I bave not a bead-.ts- ll orra.-- chain in mv stable; these four tin umstatioa

    mi prebend tla whole ln sterv a' keeninc 'legs hne and their feet in soaud clin conditionup to a goial old age."

    In retard to fastenine tbe si. it is l.t ' allowed to expand by tbe weight of the lior-e- , bv placingiiirre naus ia uie outer limn ot the shoe, and two intta inner limb, between the toe and the commns-mento-f

    tha inner quarter; a larger tuuilier thanbv nails caa never be required in any shoe of anyaize, or ander any circumstances, "excepting ba-th sol purpose of counteracting defective ai.dclumsy fitting. Country Cril,m ih.

    Fatv. M11.it AainSTAviix.t - "lo trvin? to breedanimals with too great a pmporti.in of fat flesh in

    rorarUoii to tb lean, not only are the stainiua awlaie. but tb milk is ileten .at-.- t. which caused theli.kewell, alias bang b..rn.l cattle, In degenerate inti. lean flesh. In. and milk, beitg i...w cenrlvshwlows to what tbey were in Mr. . dav.AoimaH may la? bred Until tbey loje r.early all tl.cirmilk, and many of the liakeaell or 1 icester sheepuae oea-- iireu aniu inev nsve re.tucea tneir size.constitution, milk, and kao fleab." As a remedyfur tb defn-t- , some of tbe lieat wulbn-rowe- ra, arecrossing tlieir lre bred I.eicettrrs ith th liest l.in- -roiBsnir rams, "wlik h has increased tie wool. 417coBsWutioo, and lean flf. h," and tlie new breedar mora profitable, from prtduciua, more wsigbt olwool and mutton per acre. V.urry f.VarV

    GRarrso W'htat it Thinly pi satedwncat may be grarea quite late iu the spring, butw heat too lliK k in only stgrav ated by t he practit will com np thicker thin before. (',.. l.tn.

    AT.RIVAI. fiKTHF. ARAIilA.11 tt i a, J.in

    Tba steamer Araloa wiih dates to th KM, bat ar-rive.!,

    llebates of a very conciliatory lialur c.n theAmere an question bad taken j.U e in Uh I louse,of Parliament.

    Tbe squadron would probably l withdrawn fiomtb 'oliaa waters and sent to tli of Afrii a.

    Tli right of search acl .u ar uiinlvalumdotttMl.

    Il is rumored that Tnissia is in. reaain her r.avy.Tha insurrection ia Ixmdon has heen sul dacd.A company bas been formed for a telegraph lie

    between l.ngland and lu.ln, via the 1; ! , wilda catital of i.1,

    I'arliamaot Is dicosiiig a fn.m Jamaii a,touching tb Spaniab alave trade. It as on'end-e-

    that tbe tbreateiiii.g a'pect of affairs in th .(Indies was occasioned by tbe I a.T failure of .' j.iinto fultill ber ttesly oblltratiiii.

    lb Karl of Malmsluiry said that from a conver-sation with tlie American Minuter, there was eteryreason to believe that acrioe uodcrsbsn.ling wiild

    fisT clearly verifyirg tb iiaiioriility of vtiv lswithout risking a l.rrai h of iutiu.itioaal law.

    la 1'arliament, Lord Malmehbury refined to U.esupport civea bv I jicland ut Spain in resisting tliepolicy of the I'nited Sla'es for Ibe annexation of

    ii1, but said, if she still .i in tb slavetrade, it was bigblr irobabl tbat I Wi.d wouldexchange ber present amity with Sin in.l.tl

    I'rl Grey said that France and the I'nited Stuteswere solely respouaiule for the receaal of tlie f bvetrade. itb regard to intrnatiotal law. u far aabe understood it, aa American veawl, tided withslaves, might leave Africa wi'li.xit l.ni landaide lo intertere, nntwithstar.riin a p ifect l.a..l-ed- e

    f br character.laird Aberdeen end.Tst d ibis l Israti.ji.In the House of (Vwisioni, tlie question of out-

    rages in lbs Iriilf of Hexico npon Amen, anraoie ap. 1 be d'ifi of the p( bet v a tbat

    wins th matter was fully uudersUa- -l 00 Ik.iL teleslii dirto ulty would be amicably arranged.

    A serious colliabm had occurred on the Lon.l-.-and Northarstru railwar, by which li iwars wounded and 3 kill.i.

    rnsvi. M. de Langie s apptir.tmetit ti 4f gentral saxiafsction.Arrests enntiuoe to be mad in Paris. Ar Fhf-fe-r

    is dead.It isiamored tfcat the Clones intend tnderjr.vy

    ' dwvllingon Ilong Kong rivr.Tb r.mperor of 1'uassia bas invited tb Frenchsralausador lo aimmpany Lira on a tour throughtb aoutliera provinces.

    Mi I At, duneA railwsv NAi'.hiLj. 1 ..ii . ..1 .

    settle the differencee I t wean the I ri and I entralroads. J. Vt Hni. i:.i-n- . .1 - .tVntral. rassaidm. Ti : .. '' Kaad there is, thus far, no ptojesct of an arrange!

    grand contest of reapers for th premiumsf the Kentucky Subs Society, came off yesterday

    at the farm of Col. Stephen Omi&by. The field ofoperation was a beautiful level field cf wheat ofaixMit hd acres. The portion allotted to each ma-chine had !n previously surveyed and cut round.The quantity to be cut was three acres each. Theentries were five combined machines and three

    reapers. Three combined machines and two reapers

    entered the conlest. The quantity to I cnt, the

    car exercised in selecting equally favorable lots,

    ajd in accurate measurement as to q iastity, to-

    gether with the precautions naed to secure a careful

    obsrvaiion of th various duties among the mem-

    bers of the committee of judges, mikes this trial

    probably the most thorough that hat ever taken

    4are ia Kentucky. Tlie field w a in excellent or-

    der, the ground having twice harrow d and

    rolled ,beii aeeded, so that all tb machines worked

    baantifdlh : th straw atood up well, but was rather

    li; bt to ! a sever test to the machines. At noon

    the company r invited to rtate .4 a spienumdilation, presented by 'ol. Ortuaby and the zest,

    with vbi. h all pailo.4. of tlie "creature comforts,"

    aasu.it le sened by the flavor of lb tol.wbi.'h wan said to la "all IV'.bt" by those

    a bo kbea . I It alioul drtiil.a i f tb trial occupied.etilv lh. wbul diy, and so.h watth interest felt

    l i those pre.aant, that but fear sought th shade, bid

    vers intent ..n folloaiiif. and observing tb variouma. bines.

    The deta.U of ll. ltr.il wdl b the tevl- -

    f n ..fli. ially ,t sx.n as mad up. W sball simplysi ite ll.e ti.ie octuple.! by ea. h machine in cuttingit allotted three a. res;

    The kealti. ly Il (.nmlined) 1 Lour ri8muiute".

    A .Lois' (, .unl.iue.l ) 1 luiiir 3.1.V min-

    utes.New Voit Itejper and Mower (c.iml.iued) I hour

    tl Iniuiitea.M.vne & rail-he- lieir (reaper cily) I hu

    ?4" n.iuiile .New York i;.iiei (regppr only) 1 b.mr 3I4' min

    utcc('.bl se. o,.,l, ,lr..,.rd )Tb woil was dr.ue in - ant.lul slvle by all, and,

    n. '.i lbs ki. at beat of tb day, Ibe.li 1 ii.4 vliilot auy eympt.ama d" distiesa.

    It piinful to re tb e fie. ts of iiis.l, vjih, andtneat .aa tb a ill iVlds tLat proiniv-- an well a feww.'elsag... V beard au iiitel)iiil an.l ol.servinfarmer fl.t that wheat tbat Lad ben drilled in vatnot artct d by lh-- e dirraaes this season. If this

    it .'h. ul Ii generally known. W Lop farm-ei- swill observe if this result it general, f.a--, if so,

    it should l 1 i.owti.y Uie loowen tnler the liel.l ci the farm

    of Mr. It.irvy, in the same neiht irfhood.

    Ci?"A eet letter from 00 who always seemspleated and who always pleaae..:7V tl.f EtlUort oj t lit l.oauiilU Journal:

    tiatCNsarai;, June SI, 1sKa,G i:Ti.i urs't Tb snmmr deetan.. in beauty and bloom

    The rl,.irei n iu ria-- luveliaesr; the lorest treearri-- the field of wheat have taken a

    hue ot emerald: the clover nieadowa are delicin4ytue .tune sale are frriclil3d with a thousand sweet

    odor. Now is the raluen nnuie of the vear. the sweetteTxl month of the aunmier. Theb.velv Mar went a fare.

    to in the ciatmry, bathiue the roae and vaib'ta intears, that were aaay by th elowiu .luue awai.at.iue. We. w ti,. loved the lair herald oftnanili'. vr.-- eld lo her charms, and sladly welcan.el hermore rad.aul "1 itl wiihtlie old b.ve, oa with tbe

    e have left the dcr old villa for a week' snionm III Uieidea-a- vnlaiv I now had from. 1 he town neetlea In aialie , ..ar.led l.y sran.l hill- - .,u three sidi, tcreen riverl..rn..io. lli Isird.-- line ..r tlie lourttl. Tloaalreanl IsIr.ty and !artd and in..tf.lislve m calm daya, hut turboIt nl en.ao'h a hli the railc. come.

    in the h it bank of thf itv.-- - a penile cascade, bearhictiie bKiii ot "1 iiiiii.f a liich certaiu ulil.tarianai.r'roi.natf at laiu.ns litutv a- - a at.ower-lt-

    Tin. 1. tile town, that ally r sMe in saeet eerenilrana t liet--r ws t, 11. lit. 11 UiM e. k i,y a d.saer dehrtit. ll.e here '"a ietsitiiv" with a dainty iutelleciual aa"exar.iinat.on an.! eiliibilion. N" It.avralaai

    thi. .i eotertainuieut. a pomive innictiaaii.but line in ream a rlianiiiue auair. "t:oniiMMitionii.inrinr sreat culture and cl.ta init It h all tbe f teshuc ar ofyoiini. imndr.; nn.lr, sweet a- - the sourb'lll.lll: oration., and el..ueutly delivered, line

    1. a the ' r.M.n-- I nns'" nai full of lassie elearanceand iiuauery. The rharina ..f I In. btlle

    preaili enhanced bv the beauty ot the read-Ih. loiellert .rf sirla. Aa artistirallyana ueautuil.l. oislilieil au.l abtiundius iu richI'll..!., aa- - a titer rem.

    Thi villupe. Il reia's rlioaen snot, with i'S pietiireiue ii-- ..iiet. aud rural repose, added10 .tii.iMr u. ju.l Hie lor tu

    hte. t .4 eletrsMi renilllle klli.lhtieav. truervliiiemeiil. aDd a delivhtlul interclianee t.f nicil c.als. .1uleUulivall.-d-

    ioe simni day.. last .a.t, we drove to 111 count, y to theof s relative, a l,o lis "rrwn old

    and rratvfiiily." aionlucall heart by ti4 loreliuessan.l renll.-ne- , ..1 l.rrualiire. the antique tarinaim it. a.i ..1 ! i.s'in,i and saeei eerenny, b.out fr..n. ttees. on "tlie t.anced summer calm'all nature. w thehoiis. tl..w.a woodland sfr am, thatniase. miMit ail th dat. a. il wander, throiish the echo.hi" .. Here e larried 1.4" two davt, each Jay lo be

    1,1.. rtd with a shite oebt.le." oiiri week," a time to date from. U just over, and thth lull enjoi meiit 01 tlie Joue Svr

    .1,1 r de .ud thH all the new that haveroni with th fliwera of

    SiiiniiH-r- m there any Italt so sweet a. Aldm IH dainty, mu-nealalory, - I he (Jourse .4 True la.ve Never Ind KllMiio..ti,- - it i. charniinf bt rtid on a June aioruiur, aawe ?it the rreoii of trtaa:

    still, "while lue ainoroa.. odorous wind 'brealliealietwi-e- ti..- sunset and the ni.s.n. to hear tlie lender

    tori- - r. a I b." the e l. l.. t,tu.ar.l la. I. .r 'Northern Travel" is ancth.i- -volume, dehtioiiely rrjuiirratiiv reading, whila uiriiireti'lis.

    haiesn unknown rallaiit T..nne friend in th citywith ins ti.ititni.ii i.ante of l.e .stld l.yon.. alio cater

    ..iuy for lileralure. Thritiis iitettiiuii I tniu earn.-s- thanks, for crstiiitousikr.io.nua u lam all iuann.-- of etouia'nsat..ri'

    I t.a I n.ii resiiiue toy jouriie nit;, iu of basil h.mourn can scarce wisn i.tr cnanye. sornarnnnt iv are(iouui-iie- at Ibe bnchU-a- of little rotlape, Willi th mustl.osl.le and attra.-liv- bosiess, the niost jr. nial and

    n..t torrettilia a partici.lai-l- handsome y.laai-er.- ii.eii.lier ot the . Wherever I waud.r,1 sl.all you a rauilaiiir thruua le ot all I aud hear


    THE. li.il'S.Tbe Re. hi i.d 1.) Juurnal of the aa-

    .ntw the btrh and th of aa .w. t.-- lands on llrushy rlai nu at.id at slierirt's anleiast

    stiii.lav al ssal ar acre all in lite Woods al that.The llouina tla ('ere of III I'ltk a;The ri..rl a.p.airuce of the mirar cro. in the lacri.hll l.r.o.io.ur As yel Uie lat. k w ater, aslliiialhd. b

    J it., damage u. thai i.ni..n . i in itarish a l.i. h lou-ii-tI,.- utln led bv Uie I at

    Ihe Huii.te a la lis. i Iji Pilot id" liir lath ays:1 he rr.. ceie rally appear t., l in th most M..iiri- -

    (onditiou he oranges are already lieudini? their braiichiswith the ot their delicious fruit. 1 he rice crop never io.eti o n.er r more .roniisitoi. ana lit potato cropwill partially indemnity our piaulers t.r Uiv l.tsses ihey

    Snya the Concordia Intellitrenoer of June 1":We have henrd a rrvat deal of complaint durinc the last

    wees oi it,.- nan state nl In erni. e.teciallr of thr corn1 Ii" cut, n i. tvi.rest.ob-- lo he sniferin; eoaaideraMv fioivthe lie., u.e ru-- ttr la our vsrinily whir th water iiU'4 ifl.s-b- III Hie eeeistre water it is dolnr tolerably well

    ii ou and com t I itt Mow , are doiurWell.

    Ibe editor ef the Kosciusko tMiaj Chroniclepresenled w.'h a c..u..i bloom, aud say the ts.ttcpionii...- than it ha- - bei u tor loany v.ara.

    ha.ir.tlr. I The a het haiaesl has herb nu fthe at. k urn, and lb ta.wier bave enioied most.iiin,t. le sek.iier lor savttiit tins (.rain r roiu Hi ,'eureport, tin re i rood reason toeKM-- a lars'e and

    oi iuis cio.. mere lull lull ci.mpla.ut ol busru-- t

    'I tie planters Hale that there ica most aatisfuctory standot t.ihac-o- and Hie at present loots u a heavyrr ... i ne . t oi. is saia in oe a larre one.

    'I i.rre will tie a fair yield ol oat in this section of conntry. he waol ot lain lor a week or two .ast ha preventeditiia ijraiu iioia ainviu lo lbs lull Jssneclioo.

    rrromthr Schuyler illl.) 'IUaea,i!d IIt i ims.ssihle s yet to say s hat our crop- - will h. MrMajmoler. west ot f:ushville. informs ui that the r.i i fss-

    r.uuni,. lo en.. the wti.nl in that lerioli irrv badly. It Isthe in, predion anionr farmers seneraily that ibe wheatcrop win lie materially luiured aud uune short I msawill tjesiu Dec I

    oro reuerally look well: s..nic are still plsntiog and

    ll rom tli Vi.ii.cy Whip, June CSth.)There are s tat. inents in reference to th wheat

    n.. in it a Iheir opiuiou that itronn. s auaniiiidaut i lel.t; others that tlie rust aud arm)orm have overtaken it. aud v ill do it materia I damas--small of the rraiu. sathered from a held in the vi.

    ii. u ..t i los w a left ii. bv Mr. Ivm.sse. of u ins- -ton, whi.-l- is very much damasvd bv th met aud th

    nose civea if as hi. ootnina Ihat th

    Tbe a. Il, atithv.i Ihe oilier band. Col Imdlev. iu the nam toan.h,,.

    f rr..m the Canton (111 reinster, June 22d )We are told that the winter w heat never aniared more

    uiau ai lite present inn,.. ' n. spiiui. uralu.llsiderably iu.liired by the heave raius and hotearly all the roru that w as planted rotu-- in the (rouud or

    (Krom the Chester (III.) Harald, !4th.Th rrvat harvi-s- t which weh.re lasn loot In

    with luueh iutere.4 ha. fairly beeun. acod tbe immenserrot oi nne wueai are secured very raiudlv. Ts.eksof line whicli w have every luositect,.l by far ihe fc.rr.-- nop ev. r raised iu IUnd..l.h eountiwill liseriir.rt. Mrhave heard some cmnlaiubi of iulories doue h.v smut, hut these c.iti laiut. are by no means' ! """ "e.,.r.-..t-i.- 1..11 uiue uamare irom his lost. Imle loat no material ditf. tviic will ! mad iu the

    er.at of produeeil. It is estimated byth.ta wu.tse imlrenient and oois.rtunities lo hide are an.

    ronuty a luue mill vield our mil.ifiiit a crop to lie raised in a coun- -

    i. i a lew year aeo llns.rual Her breait'tiitls.Tue barley crop has been aaveil, aud Ihe is a tail'I tie com in the timber lands and hill distiirt wa. plaut

    ed In prelti-- rood taws. il and ha. beeu worked. II r,,.in.-- a r.snt crop, but iu the f.rau ie regions solue ditUcully ua tteeu eiris ru ik ed in plautiUK aud workina nu acremit ottliebeavv rains in te spline. 1 b a dllhcilltvhowever, tea euntined to the Hat, prairi and itst.. iti.t uui stuiiiuy iu uie iiuiy rertous.

    1 he hav er..pwll lie iinusnally good, it jstssihle. Oatprnui e nueiy. ana ill ye-- w .11 oe larce. The w.ioe

    " ....a..-.- . ium uteianoiis uuier aiuail nwwblstiinut;

    llirrewill las sn abundance of fmit aud berries of allail. as, sua shade.

    I I'rom the Peoria Transcript. Kth.JA rentlemaii w ho lis .lust returned from a b.nr throitfihthe co, iiil.es of Knox. Fullon, and I'eoria informs u that

    in w neai, osm, snei tiariev upon th tn.uiid look finely;rra a uevr was better, and ryeaverae.ai l in apitearsue. orn. lietween Trivoli and 'antou, lookrecuvkahly well, some ol it beinc two and a hall burh,mh le in a few places ihey were yet planting, without aub ar- - of il- - not cu.itiue to maturity.

    ll"r..ui the l.inc.ln Herald, lairaneo., III., Kih J1 n,' a heal crop c..niiur on finely, and fe wurk ot bar.vrvunr wiUls-ein- a week iu earnest. W e think thrcrop ii.ruiik'iKoit Hie county au averare on. Some net la

    hav. snnered. but w have wn ol hers which willll.irtl acre We do not that two monthsaft.-- the of the harvest price wid rule morethan rsi eeiit.. thouiili hirh.-- figures are boar exoectedTliw who get in will tar best.

    'I he corn crop - now eenerally in. and a pretty larreamount ot riouiid has been plauted. If tlie smnu Is(sir lor dais, the crop will 1st s e.iod cue. Sonare hnlil.UL' on to Iheir old corn, others are selling atJ. ill-i.- likely, from prrseul indiralious, thail.li ii fit'.ir.-- will ml Heel fall.

    iProm the I II .a Herald, i;h)Soma of our farmer bave ben busily enraged Ibis week

    in tiarvc-t- i. it Iheir wheal, ho far a we have been able Iulearn on iu.;.nrv. Hie will be f.s.d. s.n.e ronipiainuare heard on .re of ru-- t arald, , but tliey areuotrmeral We are Intormed that the array wormwhose adleot in the held of (hi vhinilv w noticed ahori time iuc. ha proved a benefit rather II, au an tins

    iv, slnppinr otl thr leav,4 and uot muchwiihtlie plain, hill aidiuy It in Ihe process ut ripeum Mraneeas il . and we Ihn.k Musi be wilhuut a parallel inW v, (m I'lantiue and wheat rultiur havIs en eoteiupuiaueuiis. I uuaiderahie r. tin has been plau-le-

    the la-- l week, (if llioae who planted some weeks siuc,sow have fair .ro.aMt. and some say Ihat lbv havelail.-- atnio-- l eulirely to ais ore a "stand" of eru. We

    com, t on d crop this fall, but still this need notswak'-- any vr. at solicitude, forthere is enough of old mmr.'iuainiiis iu Ihe country lo carry us safely thmui-'- ano-ther year.

    fu'ifan. O.flf c., (. Jaw V, -- The crop, so far,are pruuu-iu- wheat, which reallr luok.a if uuid bave a lietter crup than last year. Corn is

    loins we l.avs slate tall.ii mv opiuiou, be aa averaeecrop. Oats versabss never looked heller Mian al present. Allits crops verv indeed it ts remarkable

    I see hi .mil, ot erctble rioaiu alter sush a long... ..... .. .t., wr, wra.uer. I us freale trou- -ud t that wa hav t eouleud wila her. Ihit sea-- -ll.e (.. It. ls. Ithev are like the I Liu Mauuki: therra.i-- t d more I, than ll.e h..t-- I .....

    hall of , h..i. , , o,lm a f.t Icit me hall-d- . .sen kills. Myoh, r.alioli in. lode three or counties, e. Opt,and v iun. baiu.

    'I he ( nrj don 'Ind.) Journal ssyr:c nmlcrstanS that th vheat crop is r.insideraU in

    d hi V are not prepared to say lo a liatwe imariucit is not so had as had

    1 he oat rati, ia almost an sr. Or ,!,.a. h.dly iniured by the ru- as the wtnmt a

    ku.iwa before in rh and lieaidtw It iaiiDcomiiionl, short. A great deal ol tlie oats this soautyw.ll not be aorta rutting.

    v e bai within th past we. k. reliable cropad. ic in in h,Mwca one and two hundred districts, chief .

    nl. i... Indiana and Kentucky, but including manyp. ,, ism Missouri. Illinois, iginia, Tennesar, audulherMalta. I'n.ui this iiilorinatioii. which w bave i.n,ln.aanu d.rated. I..e loliuwli.g conclusion ar dilucihle:

    wh. alrrop, though arrmiisiy injured iiaimlby ev.aii ran... rust, weevil, smut. AVc. ,a a whole, lie down a. a good one rather atxive than

    an aveiafe, la.th a. regards quantity and aiuvliiv., added to the large ot last year's yield,ok supplies tor th nsning consumptive year on-- 'in evie.'sof any ea.tu tor some ears c.t have been aeriou-l- injured iu Keutucky, Tn-n- d

    ,ioe other Mtolharn Afatea. but in tbe wti4,1iayv hlale the spi.i promise, to be very heavy. Tsking Ui country through, ihe indication, are, the crop will

    be s pood one.:sj. parley and rve will make a full average yield.4ih Hay is generally very pood. Itrjairt ot a short crop

    ar rare, while from almo-- t every we have advicesof an ahundaut yield. This crop will be a lante one.

    bill potatoes pmuih well, aud with favorable wealherhereal ter the yield w ill be larite. Tha "uality of tba cropnow in market is vary rood.

    Mh. Fruit will la- - short. This remark applies ta almostevery vaiiet. There will no', however, be a total failureof any description. Thi. is the bast that can be said forapples, pears, peaches, and plums.

    !ih Corn, though quit backward, is now doing well,and all that ran he said annul it is tliat the prospects aretavorahl lor a fair, it not an average crop. M neh land in-tended for this crop wl I not b planted, hut thishas been confined chiefly to the lowest bottoms. On asndrsoil and rcllingcl-c- landa we think all the ground Intendedf.r corn has ta--n planted, and that on the whole a basishas bn laid for a fair crop. Its condition, however, la acritical on A dry anmmr or early frosts would provefatal; but w ith favorable weather nothing I to lie feared.

    Cincinnati triee Cvrrtnt.

    (7A fiiend has procured, for publication in ourpaper, the posm written by Miss Sallie M. Bryan,of New Castle, and read at the late exhibition oftbe llsv. Mr. Sumner's Female Seminary. W givethat deeply latautiful and exquisitely appropriateproduction IspIow, and warmly commend it to allwho bave hearts fur true pjetry.

    Miss Hrvin was educated in Mr. Sumner's Sem-inary, and tbe fact is highly honorable to that veryadmirable institution. Her fains as a y oung womanof c lassical education a&.l Irans. en.lent genitts is oneof tli glories of the Henry Female Seminary:

    For tli Louisville. I. .iirnal


    "Thr Futurr.thr fHTt Vairy I.and."Voting band of dreamers, like bright birdling. nursed

    In some sweet grove beneath a tropic sky.Where a sleep and burst

    And perfumed breeztw rently wsuder by,Iaviog a wheie nor chill nor fearHad reached their joyous lives, do ye seem here.

    V.uir youth is blest. No rose as yet has diedWith from the serpent' kiss;

    Xn star fled fiery from il heaven' high pride.To quench its mined light in Fate abyss;

    And in your hearfa no worn or broken striucsfifh through a twilight for evani-he- d thin s.

    Far through th years ye look with glance freeAnd see enchanted castles rtranrely fair

    Kle iu their hiudacaiaaj by aWith dlesmy wave, snd syrens singing there;

    And thst Voliiiduoua roiitir's nuirmiirfug swellI dtr your nung spu-- it with its soft, sweet spell.

    Theie too the illusive gleam of oranar loverTwined by the heart's own anrrls for each bro ,

    And altars whereon myrtle showersIt fragraut devr,arie before yon nn- w-

    Ar, 'ti a seen most radiantly brightThat too.. ) u ta itt chancel. . love and light.

    There is a dim old lepend of aa isle,A very Paradise shrined in the deep.

    That lured the wanderers of Ih waveerewhileTo lb hushed loveliness their curse to kxep

    P.ut, ere tbey reached the shadow of it. tree,Atlantis tauiahed throufh the silent seas!

    And be who with enraptured eye.While runup w eary o'er a desert strand.

    Sees proves and fountains cool before him lie.Haste there and faints upon the burning sand

    Ah, we can worship visions fair as theyTo see them melt, like moonlight-mist- s, away!

    Yet listen to the musk's melting sound.Though barks go down amid it, wildering powers.

    And watch the rosy clouds that drift aroundThe glittering glory of your f towers

    Though lightniug tires in ita deep bosom lie.Smile while ye'r arched by an unshadowed sky.

    "Driaht Urramtaf the rant."The lai d fly forth b try th realm nf air

    And bat, hauce, with laded wingi and tornTb icy dark. Ye to the world repair.

    Where brow turn pale and s are worn-M- ayj not meet the tcmisM and the chill

    Where sunlight seems to sleep on vale and hill !

    But never was a future found so britthtA it is painted in youth's first rwcet dresnil

    lift veils, and the enchanted liphtThat burned beneath them fade, gleam aftt-- gleam.

    Until a twilight settles dim snd grayWhere hn.-- . of such bewildering beauty Isy.

    There's sadness in all sounds. The glorious a( 'bants ita eternal anl hems o'er -- thi dead!

    Th vry sphere sweep (Jod's infinityWith mournful music for a Pleiad Hed!

    And rau your voi. rs hoj to echo mirthThroucli all the shadows of a fated earth:

    No, no. The sigh must rise and ye sill turnHsck to ihe cum moo home of your young tears.

    And with a heaving heart intensely yearnFor its uustudied smiles and transient tears.

    While faint u'rr Memory's haunted sea. will bl,,wThe spicy winds that murmured loug ago.

    And he who watched you with a father's loveThrough all the s of life's sweet May,

    Aud Uurht your early trn-- t to lo..k aboveThe lights and shadow f earth's weary way -

    ( , though the heart beat low, the eye prow dim.Ye will not, cannot ea bi rev era nee him.

    Well, act a woman' lo I liest part below.And breath your farewell with a trustingtnne.

    For, thoiprh the years rhonld bring or or w.ie,iNmth, fAe i Heritable, claims hi own!

    Remember tliat pale anpd of the umAnd tliat whence none return.

    Oh. follow nut the fading lights that wooTlie undying spirit to the world's cold shnise.

    But send j our worship past the unbouaded blueTo llim who bids its starry splendors shine,

    Thst ye may meet again when time I o'erOn tbe far glory of the

    (For th Louisville Journal.)THF. BREATH OF SPRING.

    1 he brra'.h of spring is on the lea.Low huaiiuiug tales of bliss

    To Nature's heart that pulseth freeiicueath its soothing kiss;

    Tbe lufant buds with balmy sighAwaken st it tread.

    And peep with young half open eyeFrom out tlieir mossy bed.

    To gar. upon ber graceful form,Aa o'er the breezy heather,

    Isaaning on Uo'senwreathiug arm.They whi.i4r love together.

    The merry birdi that ttct amain.Before old winter gluom.

    With warbles wild have conie againTo chaunt above his tomb.

    And starry atreautt, with murmur fiee,lo dancing down the dell.

    To atari the slumliering wild wood beThe choir of life to (well;

    1 he paleness of the Past has fledBefore the breath of spring,

    And beauty lifts her lovely headAnd plume her painted uiuf.

    To greet th garland girded Queen,Aa from th soring above

    bb com with brig hi and Irulhful nil, uTo Ml is love."

    I.AP.A.I'Fwig V llkt, Oldham county, March 21st.

    For Ibe Louisville Journal.)NOT DKAD NOT SLKKPIXG.

    BY WINNIE nr.lie Is not dead not sleeping

    I feel hit presence round miAt tenderly as when his love

    la early morning crowned me.

    He Is not dead --not sleeping --Ye wrong him, oh believe me.

    Who deem that holy, angel lifeCould of bis care bereave me.

    lit is not dead not sleepingAnd therefore not forsaken;

    I calmly live within the borneWhence not a smile Is taken.

    He is not dead not sleepingAnd I am lonely never;

    The seal of Heaven npon his loveHath made it mine forever.

    IT. v.aATI, Marsh 16, lxS.

    I Forth Louisville Journal.)HOME AGAIN'.

    IIY BOSIMB.I'm back sgsin la my dear old home,'.Vong the scenes of my sunny youth to roam;The sky Is bright and the morn ie fab--.And tbe fresh cool lire a toys with my hair;My heart ia glad aud my spirit free.Nothing is wanting, dear one, but thee.One bright young bird on yon old peach limbIs twittering so sweetly his morning hymn,AH fearless of winds and a stormy sky.For he knows his sheltering nest la nigh;Like that bird, I'll sing, tor my heart is wildAnd bound a lightly at when, a child,1 played in the hive and warmth of home,Kr thy winning smile taught my heart hi roamFrom its cottage walls, its birds and Mowers,Fiom the hearts that cherished my childhood hours.Hut, aa l ime relentless steal on apace.He touches but lightly this sacred place,fltid laugh Uie bright waters, ther stand th old trees,T he flowers are here that then perfumed the breere.Just waiting for Fpriug to com o'r the plain.To burst Into sweetness and beauty agaiu.The friends, that then loved me, all welcome me yet.And cold be thi heart, a a their love I forget;Ah! bo; e'en though rlondiets saould dim th world's

    truth,61 ill fundly I'd cling to the friends o'f far youth.The past It was joyous, the present is bright.The future, hoja- clothes it with beauty and light,And if thorns shall e'er lurk in this pathway of ours,HUM. dear oue, we'll take all the thorns for th flowers.Loving virtu aud truth, trusting Heaven and thee.Can this beaatitul world hav a sorrow for n.e!

    trovfRXMFvi l.oAw.Tb Secretary of the Treasury announce, that he will receive proposals untilthe 9ih of August next, for ten millions of stuck ofthe United States, to he issued nader the act of thelllh of June. Said stock will be reimbursable infifteeu years from the 1st of January next, and bearuteres! at five jwrceotuin per annum, payable senii- -

    aunuclly. Ibe National Intelligencer in noticingthe proposal says:

    The plethora of accumulated capital in the mem.ereu lusitiu. loai. nuiu ui r.ugianu ami ine I nitedStates, together with the peaceful state of our rela-tions with all the world, renders the present an auspicious moment iur ine vaovernment, ana it is anticipated that the whole amount will be 'alien outerms much more favorable than were ever beforeottered; aud as time has Iscen very judiciously giveuby tlie Secretary to receive bids from hurope, it isbelieved by commercial men tbat tenders trill bemade from abroad at so high a premium at to cirryue greater I'aii, uot tue wnoie. cu ine loan Mil.)

    the bandt of foreign capitalists.

    We were vetterilav shown a vervdanooroiiaconn- -eifeit live (lolUr eold niece taken bv a irentleman

    from Louisville, who states that be must have received it from an eachang oflice in that city. Itis plated, and will couseouenllv stand th nanaltests. I'jion sawing, it waa found to lie fill.! with

    (imposition. Ih. fom.

    A SEAwiNABi.a: Hint. In this extremely hotweaiber it is hard to get a good night's rest anderthe most favorable circumstances, but hat i thcondition of those annoyed by heel bugs, ll is easier realized thau imagined. Call then at Raymond4 Patten's and get a Isotlle of tbe King tf OlU or

    herolt .tafmeaf, larth of whi. h are "dead-shot- "remedies. Don't mistake the number, 74. oppositethe National. jitu 26 ?aw&w6tn

    SrKKCIIKU AND WrITISO! OF Holt. TllOMAS F.Makshai.i, VA'ttd bij W. ,. llnrre. Cincinnati:Applegate iu Co.

    This volume, almost as rich and elegant in exte-rior aa it is iu thought and style, constitutes a verytolerable expressioa of the more serious and perhapssubstantial side of one of the most highly and va-riously gifted spirits of onr time. It however hasthe characteristic defect of most works of the kind.It is not quite np to the author. It represents thegreat and admirable talent of Mr. Marshall ratherthan his matchless genius. It shadows forth thebody and proportions of his intellect but scarcelyits soul of flame. It affords a glimpse of bis mag-nificent powers at mark, indeed, but notin those mounting tides of passion and beauty inwhich he certainly excels all other living orators,like his portJt, the front iej.iec e of the book, it is alikeness left somewhat bare by the recession of thhighest expression. Though f.iithful, it is incomplete. Yet the work, in our judgment, containsenough to vindicate Mr. Marshall's title bv a position in tbe front rank of the first orators of theworld. It maymsl heighten bis reputation with themultitude of readers, but it will at least confirm anddignify it. With the appreciative few the volumew ill a.l.l several cubits to Mr. Marshall's mentalsuture. W do not doubt tint it will receive awarm and admiring welcome from tlie public generillv.

    Pahsi-ort- for Franck. Mr. Sartikjea, theFrench Minister, writes to Secretary Cass tbat theregulations in regard to passports to France havenot been changed. The rso of a French agent aheadis obligatory on every one who wishes to proceed toFrance. The consul general, consuls, and, by excejitiim, the French at Baltimore, aswell as the legation of the F.mperor at Washington,have power to grant these vinos. Cartie.rs liearingofHcial dispatches of a foreign government are exempted from the general rule in regard to the rim.on condition that they are provided with a passport issued on the responsibility of such govern'ment, and mentioning their character.

    Thb Nh"irai ii v Laws. Jud-- f'auipbvtll, inhis charge in the Walker trial, ep..uu,U.I Ihe neutrality law. II said it was b..t il that auexpedition li.ttd out for invasion of f.ireigu terriUry of government at peace with the ITuiled Statesshould be completed, or that it tbould leave theUnited States. 1 he largiugei of the law ia, that ifany person shall '"begin" or "set on foot," and if thobject of preparations is to equip or to fit out au ex-pedition from th United States to carry on hostili-ties against a friendly Slate, the acts doce in thefurtherance of that ol,j ct are illegal and subjecttlie offender to prosecution.

    I'riivi Gun. Johnston's Cavip. We understandthat tbe relatives of Gen. Johoaton in this city havereceived a letter from him, in which lie gives it ashis opiuion tbat the Motmons will not submit aspeaceably as previous accounts had led us to infer,

    The lte of th letter is not any later than our previous advices.

    The Cincinnati Enquirer has an interesting letterfrom Camp Scott. We make tome extracts from it,which are given below:

    Camp Scott, Utah Territory,. June 5, lt64. j

    Ore hundred and seventy more of the Mormonswhom his Kxcellency Gov. Cumming released fromtbe oppression of "ion" in Salt l.ake arrived atour camp laat week, luev remained here a fewdays, when, being joined by the eighteen who badarrived tlie week liel'ore, they all, save a few families who were unat.l, from poverty anil suffering,to prosecute their journey, started on the I'.'th ultto the States.

    I visited their first camp frcni here and remainedmany hours among them to gain all the informationI coui.1 elicit concerning the affairs in the t alley.

    A more piteous and g actacle myeves never beheld liefore. "rire I'oiuta" in Newi ork could not parade f lull another array of desti-tution, suffering, want, and raggedness. Tbeirclothra wet patch-wor- nia.I-- up from every vari-ety of cloth and rags. And of this many wenttiareiy able to gel enough lo cover their nakedness.I be women Were hard IV (treated decently. I noticed several voung women who bad on only a skirt.and with no coveting above the waist but a dirtyshift. Ther were old men and women bent withng who had gone to ".ion" many years auo iu

    comfortable lircuiinUocer, now returning in abjectpoverty, and bearing the marks of nntold cares anduffeiiiig. They emigrated to KuH Lake, they said,

    to find Jesuf ! to live? with the people of God! Tlieyhad been deceived; they had been robbed in tbename (4 religion of all l!?y possessed; they weremade slaves, and now after sacrificing every thingtbeir best dayt they bad at last ln allowed toescape, many to find a grave ou tbe inhospitablel lama. I here were vonng women, who were girls.little girls, buoyant with life, full of ho and pirn-is- e

    when they crossed tbe Plains to ''ion," towreturning with tbeir children, d andcrushed in spirit.

    One young woman, now sixteen, waa coniaIledto marry at fourteen. She had two childru withher, whom she carried in ber arms all the way fromSalt Lake, which distance she herself walked. Shesaid she gladly emhra.-e- tbe opportunity ottered bya friend, who had agreed to transport her little bag- -gag to the States, if the irvwJ tntt ami itirry herrlillilreti: bat an evidence of a mother love:When they stretched cut on tiie read the tu?xt morning, 1 saw she was not the ouly mother who had towalk and carry tmj children. All tbe women hadto walk, old and young, and those who had childrenwere carrying them. They ate gone, but tliey leftme with an impression of wretchedness and miserywnicn I can never turret, ll waa a sad sight, butthey were full of rejoicing that they were even nowallowed their lilierly. Tiiev found the soldiers andotiicers anything else than what they bad been represented by line ham. ihey n.et with nothing butkindness from all; many were the presents of clothesand money which they received from the hands isfcivilians, otiicers, ana soldiers. In fact, all pitiedthem and aided them to Ibe extent of their bower.What struck ma most forcibly was that Ihevttillcling to their delu.-.io- w ith re. pact to Iirigbam'.ssupernatural powers. 'Ihey think him no impos-tor, but real) chosen of God to es.tahli.-- h theChurch nf Christ of latter-da- Saints all over theworld. I bey are sanguine iii their hope that tbewhole world is yet to know but one Chunk, and thatis to oe ine ' nurca oi ivionnon:

    Hut that Mormoiii-n- i in Salt Lake ia not what itis in Lnghind. Most of these refugees from SaltLake sre foreigners. In Knland and th oldcountries they think it it tee true Church, liut inSalt Lake it his been corrupted, notwitastandmgBritrham's purity and holiness! Corrupt men,scoundrels, and thieves had got into the Church,and then, with a view to their own aggrandizement,tney aiivisect and enforced a Mate cf thugs whichoppresses the poor people. This delu'iou seem toprevail more among the women than atuoug themen. Hut they all, with a few exception, ieak iugreat aw of Young. When I expressed the hopethat Briphani would he hung a.' a traitor, an nl.l wo-man held up her hands in holy borr.ir, ta) ing: "Alydear sir, if be is killed, Christ, to avenge bis death,wonld destroy tbe world!" I then asked whyf hrist did not destroy tli world when doe Smithwas killed, this was a argument ofnun. Mi said no mine, but 111 th tire, deeminBie, I suppose, the most sacrigious fellow in theworld.

    But they have a horror of tlie "lXinitef." Theywill count on ineir lingers eu.H toe uumber of lamilies whom they know have bad one member or moreto disappear mysteriously, never to l beard fromagain, lint they cannot account for this theydeem these Dauites either tbe agents of bell orLeaven. 1'oor, crazy fanatics!

    AotilTiON'Ab From Mkxk o. The following is atelegraphic dispatch from New Orleans to the Philadelphia North American:

    Auioog the passengers by the Tennessee is Hon.Mike Walsh, of C'ougress from NewYork.

    The Mexican papers received by the Tennessee,oRtain ae'connta of an earthquake which had oc

    curred at Vera Cruz, but so far as adviaed, the damage occasioned thereby was quite unimportant.

    lue degree ordering foreigners to leave tbe courttry becau-s- of their refusal to siib?eril8 to a forcedloan upon imports, is published in the papers. 11liears date ltitb of June, and allows but three daysfor persons interested to lake tbeir departure.


    Kr ported fur the Lonitmlle Journal by John Sf. liarfuel, Attorney at Lair, Frankf ort, Ky.

    FscNaioar, June 39.caisfs i.e. mm.

    Kaddler vs Thoraior. Christian; afhrmcj.Oray va McCorkle, Christian: affirmed.Overly vs Overlv, Flcniinr; aitirmed.Mcclain va Slu. Fleming; aitirmed.Hathaway vs Willis, Bracken; reversed.Bethel Trustees v Torain. Christ ian: reversed.Wilson vs Thompson. Mason: reversed.Willettvs l.rxiugton and Maysviile tuilroad Company,

    .Mason; reversed.Daiarou va (tiilis, Rockcastle; reversed.

    OBI.FHS.Fiuch vi Iteall, Logan:Ludwig vs Combs. I a, can;Fanny va Wheeler. Warren;Taylorvs Richmond, Todd;Watson vs Cnleiiiuu, Todd, were argued.

    FtcsiosiT, Juneat'srs ,r. ll.fi.

    Mo,.re ys Moore, Pulaski; reversed,vs (jrimth, (,reenup; reversed.

    Taylor vs llii luuund, Todd; attirmed.Wat-si- vs ( oleiuau, Todd; attirmed.Fanny va Wheeler, W arren; alhriued.Ludwig vs Comb, Lugan; attirmed.F inch vs It. all, Logan; attirmed.

    oaiirss.Ktnkea vs Kirkpalrick, Fulton;l ayu.r v I anipoell. J od.l;

    F rancis vs lireentield, Todd;ftodi-- vs Morris. Barren;

    , 'aile vs Amos ll.rren:fl ll v .Meredith, F.dmuudson;Hii'iT vs Whitney, Allen; wera argued.

    rt'roiu the Washington Union of June a;.Tub Qi'f.stiox SKTTLr.n. It is not our

    purpose to run through the negotiations which havetaken placer between Gea. Cass and .ord Napier iuIbis city sinew tbe loth of April. It is enough tosay, as we understand the present aspect of thequestion, that Laird Malniesbiiry now declares that11. M. government recogniza the principle of inter-national law as laid down by Gen. Cass in bis noteof the Kth of April, and that nothing in the treatyof 1x42 (the Ashi.urton treaty ) s that law.

    If. Jirtli's Vrijrctg ta Siraruqiia and Crntrtit AThere can t no doubt that the proceedings

    of Alons. lteliy, the psendo agent of the FrenchF.Ttperor in Nicaragua, bave been without tbe au-thority and are without tlie sanction of tbe FrenchgoveTnmeiit. Involving, as the operations of thispeno.Vfie did if they bad been oliicial, a clear vio-lation sf the n policy of this governmentin regad to Fit rope an colonization u nil the estab-lishment of exclusive Knropean jurisdiction on thiscontinent, it was not to bave beeu supposed that theFrench p wernuiont could bave authorized the ac-tion w hich his been taken by him in Nicaragua.Hut our Secretary of State has n.it been left tofriendly conjectures cm this subject; for the Frenchgovernment has been very prompt to tender thefullest and most satisfactory disavowals of all com-plicity in tbe recent transactions of M. Belly in thepremises. That personage i not iu Nicaragua iuthe character of a diploiuulLvt or agent of bis gov-ernment; but only as an indi ridual engaged in tbapteisecutioa of private enterprise aud iu the

    of private interests.

    MARRIED,On the 57th intt..by Itev. William Holman, Mr. Joum

    ,W, Watson to Mb ( ami, both of this city.Dty the Rev. Thomas Itotiomler. in the presence nf a large

    es)ipregaiiou at the Brook street ( hurcli, at ft o'ch.ea A.M - June Mr. Cucslis E. ft to miss Mast A.Be. TTOUI SV.

    iii the Slat inst., by High! P.ev. S. A. MeOrofky. at therest, fence ol the mule's father, Mr. J. (Hi m, et itiiscuy,to Ultsa l.ons M., only daughter ot Charles I'muctle,feu,., sit Uetroit, Michigan.

    On trie 30th ult.. in Christ church, in thisrity.br theRev. J'aiae Craik. Mr. Wnii.a A. Kl.Lla and Mrs. Sc.sail A. JtaerwN.

    In Madiaon. lad.. .Tune sih. at the residence of Mr. L.(sheets tin fleaw'Ud atreet. by Kev. t. Tinsher, Mr. 'I now a11 Far TS. of IsmisviUti. Kr.. and .Miss Mauv K. bmcTs.

    I Madi sou.

    S .lust re- -reived a fine ass rtmeul of plain rold. engraved, chased,and aton a hne assortment of the latest stylet justreceived and for ask hy

    II.MCtlLK llt.V.VM "",juur54jVbddw 3 Main st., bet. Fourth and Fifth.

    Thk New Nicar.u'.i as Chartrr. The follow-ing is the Act of made by the Nicara-gua- n

    Government in favor of Cornelius Yander-bi- ltand Horace F. Clark:

    Tbe supreme executive power has directed me topublish the follow iog decree:

    The President of the Republic of Nicaragua, con-sidering tbat Messrs. Cornelius Vanderl.ilt andHorace F. Clark have legally entered tb I U. publicin Ihe exercise of their duties, in order that they shallmeet with no hindrance in the execution acd pros-ecution of the undertaking, and that it is indispen-sable that they should las relieved from all taxeswhich are due to the Goverr.mtt of the Republic,in the exercise of his rights, decrees as follow;:

    act opFirst. By these presents the Republic of Nicara-

    gua forms, establishes, and constitutes in a legaland collective body in perpetuity, under name to behereinafter designated Messrs. C. Vanderbilt andHorace F. Clark, aad their associates, whoever theymay l now or hereafter, in order to give completeelf'ect to tbe object and design of the concession andcontract, mule and conceded by the said Republicon the said 8th day of March cf this year, to theparties therein mentioned, in such a m inner as tbeyand their successors should judge propel and com-patible with the said etneession aud contract; sndfor this end the above mentioned parties and tbeirsuccessors are invested, by these presents, with allthe necessary power and authority to a collectiveand legal beaiy.

    A'cyi.).. The said collective and legal laxly, fromtime to time and in such manner as shall seem tothem convenient, can make private regulati.ms andadjpt rules and orders forth administration of theirdomestic government aud bu'iuesF; they can aug-ment and arrange tlieir subscriptions, designate lbnumber cf tbe parties among whom they ar to bedivided and the value of them, dec res how they canI disposed of, and tbe manner ia which they canb transferred; acd shall have executive power to dosuch o ber act and things as may be dee mail neces-sary to carry out completely the object of the con-cession and contract alx.ve mentiiwed.

    Third. The said legal ar.il collective body, frontlime to time as they may determine, shall havepower to elect a liody of directors (and any otheremployees), and name agetus aud servants for tbemanagement of all tbe busiuess of tbe said com-pany. Said body of directors when elected will liea j .itit legal and collective body with its President,ar.d will Ise invested with all tlie powers herein con-ferred, unless tbe said powers bave Iseen limited bythe collective body, shall bavepower to tUcid: by means of special lules, orinolher manner, the number if directors, the mannerand time of tlieir election, and the duration of theirterm en olK. e.

    t otirOi. The said legal aud collective body shallhav a common seal, which Ihey shall bav pusrerto change from time to time. They shall have pow-er to sue and be sued, to a final judgment; and tlieycan plead au.l I .1, complain, defend, or con-test before all tbe judicial tribunals of this Repub-lic, aa any persons, citizens of Ihe same.

    fifth: The capital stock of tha said legal andcollective laxly, and all its prn?rty, whether instock or goods in all time hereafter, shall be heldexempt by the Stale from all taxation, dues, andimposts.

    Acqui-sce- d in ou helialf (f Messrs. C. Vanderbiltand Horace F. Clark, by Iheir ageut, William Ko'e-e-

    Clillord , aud by the authorities andfunctionaries ol the Republic, to whom the duty be-longs.

    Civen at Managua, May 6, 1.30.S. Thomas Martin-ez, Senor Than Liregorio Juarez, Minister of ForeignRelations, and by tlieir order cointnttaicated to youfor information aud effect.

    LSigned.l GREGOEIO JCAEEZ.wammBMMaaaaaBBMammmmmmmima

    DIED,In this city, at half past 5 o'clock, yesterday, VTw. H.

    II. Dam, a, aged 21 years and months.On Tuesday, the ?ith inst., at a o'clock. Tros. Car tik-

    es, infant sou of W. L. aud Mary euallcrose, aged It)months and l days.

    Iu this city, on the snth inst.. llohi rr W. Raskis, sued14 years and ti nioutlia, ouly son of JuhuW.and F.uiiuaM. Barker.

    rit. l,oui aud Illiuoi iaper please copy.Ou the 17th of June, Ke at hi. residence in Cliutoa

    county, Ky., of consumption, Tuo.wa Alli.. aged soyears, lu niuutti. aud lei days.

    On theSsth in.t., in this city, Tbtroi.FU, son of Alexan-der Maas, Ks . aifetl nine luoiith..

    New urkud .New Orleans impars ropv.In Memphis, on Wednesday. ihe A iut Joasra How-aa-

    aacd iti years, late of Near York.In New Orleans, on Tuescay, th 2.1 inst , at the

    of his mother, .lim L. Willis, a native wfKy.. :ie years.

    THE VEXED QUESTION SETTLED.lotiFnx ltKFORVI F.XAMINED. or FfIeV OFil MtKTH AMlsMil I'll ON THKrilJFCTuFCI.A- -VFIiV TWi is a book wntt-- u by the hev. Ir. J.C. Stiles

    n Iheslllieet of slavery which completely seitlesthewliolesubject h.tsreen the North and the South, dctiiulhhiun andovertiiruiur all Ihe arguments of fana'ic-- on the vexedqueslton. it should he read bv every thinking man No rtlaand Koiith, as it Is eminently to restore taeaceaud iii.it to the rouutrv ou Ihat exciting suh . It canbe fuuud at the Tract Depository iu this city. Hi Fourthstreet. Price if 1. jllliel7 dl 'Awt

    OHIOAll rass Ar Mn.i.rx's PvTLNr,Wl Til l'ol.lilNli ft i:,

    Awi.:ii FiuaT Fsrvur.w,Ihe e.mud liold Metal and Lnploma,

    As 111 st Mow:a,Al the fireat National Trial at Syracus,

    N. V.. July1 he attention of Fsriui rs - invited to thr above as

    eelehrated Mower, which preseuts manv advantagesover all other mathiues. Iihasfifoiiii'i-iiits-A'sa- Jwhich act together or separately, kcepiug the knives slin motion iu turuiug b. tlie ribt esr left. A doublehinoe juint ronn.a-t- the culler bar to the name. Qalluwiug it to ci.nl'.. rin b. all uneven surfs w of therrntiDfl. HnJ miroDt ni thi mar

    V( llU le.

    lti ilmlt, tif fniin siils druft, wimpl, dnr, iiium'-'tH- i, worn it wt'ii in mir erit tlit tlrivt. , mxl i iu All it yutriA tin mat kj

    enila-te- - r trf, tt thf ftrrnr.ft.Tardtii ta i'lnafi,n. bv

    PITKIN HUOTIIKKSmthwr--ti- i u Herd mud ai 'icuttural anKoitHe.jubeifi w;iAtllt .STOIL Ii OK UUV OOIM NOWOlUrf, ciMiU'lft iu and toitt-'li-t with

    uclt alvautt'er to uablt a to olf r toL'4B ni POt R MOXTHfl T A LKBS tinttl Dirt totuy JVb'biiikf coiifprn iu tlie L uiU1 Matea. All ordfn fcfFribUaiati J!rowo lit;tiufc'S ui t bf accutuj'Liiijd with thmtnv. umr JAMM l.iV A 0.

    LOllSVILLK (lll.NK AL UORKS.' I NC'K th withdrawal of Me. Thomas K. Jnkins fromy III .ouist,iie i uriui.ai niso, .,.,,)- suimuamithr I...11. e of tue dissolution of tlie firm nf T. K.

    insezCo., the audersigiied, now the propiietora of theseWork. Plaituted WILSON a hTAKlilllit, Whole-o- tale Urus ttiLseliy, tueir Solk A..i.vti fur the sale

    orders in future for their products should be S'ldreserddirectly to the seents, who wi.l fitrut-b- , ou application, alit of articles with pricesaud tern...

    aprUdA-at- J. LAW KKNf!E SMITH A CO.

    NOTICE.1 b.,in f.f WI laHON A STA RRlf:D will nflir iT rlmiiaT- - bf Ui uVmU. oi my Ute p.Lrtar Mr. A.hir.l. Th t lt ol' tl.r firm will tbr .ui uuirvst r.utiuu a.-- it tts.tl to tU; iriu of our iartit

    Jiitpodiui? to dfTdttrr n.y tin. aud 'ivnc to thewiih all arvairti,n iu vry de,'tr(iii-u- t of ir, I

    would ltr the hii a contimiHtit- of that iHtrountvAand confidence wLifh it ba. hrtoi'ii-- e enjoyed with itit

    ia all il .ucceiwiorM for the M yfaraod l.ur.

    Orden rhail o promptly filler! with fotvd pnoAs at frirpric-- inayi; rtAwtin THOMAS r. VII.SN.

    YI'iLLOW SPItlNOSpllE Iroprii'tftn of at havf thoroiiftjlilyjx th ir Ihhi- - aud batliii,- - diaartnit nt, ai.d

    the .rviitw (f ir, A. A. aud AutHia II. outfit. nin th Medical Thy hav aLu prteforMWrneH1 KI.tro-- Wnnciai haih tor Uo of all

    hodf carff uiay rtiiirv il.4M K.NiiA AIMH.KMAX, ITupris'turai.

    a2i. d wsJm Yellow rprliir Otiit


    iiw haii and lbO iu- - PUln aud 0 lon-- Lithoferapht aiil

    iMr&KuMr oi ycuXut to all parta of the t'uWn..

    A NkW AND REVISFD EDI-TION of pay aud 10prict 35 ent a copy. A pupularaud oouiprehsfn.-iTr- s Treati? ou thwduties and casual tie of iutlt aaduarritrd life happy and fruitful ailiauc!, mode of rnrcuriufz theiu in

    aud infertile ouerw thiiobvuitiou aud ruioai iMrroiii dobiiity.iu cauMaand cure, by atil at once o inipl, iat'e, andtitat fatiluru ik iimmAtiMw -rule tor daily uauaimeiit au evany ou Speruiatoa'rhura, with practical obttervatioui on a later and a

    more miceewful mode of treatiLtettt pivcautiouary hinUoathe eviirj reiultiug from empirical practicei; to which ia add-ed comiueutHriea ou the di a- - wf feitialev frotu iiifaucy toold ageeach caw vrraphiially illiittraU9d bypUt. Jt point out the reuiedietj fur thoe self iulticteuiirurflaud ddWappiiited huer u iiuJ'ortiinately prevalentiu the youuf. Jt it a triithlol adviser to the luarried andttitnae luariutife. IU l u iarucu!arlrfcomrueudrKl to peMOba eutt'rlatuiotr rret doubt-- jf theirphj ikal rouditioa, and who are couevioui of having

    the health, happioew, and prutU'e W which everyhuiuau beine ie entitled to. Price 25 ceuu per aupy of tivopie for one dollar. Mailed free of toauv part of

    the liuiled sjtaten. by ad.lrerksii. r. Lotkrow tpvit paid),Albany, Kw Vork, enclosing i6centa.

    N. U. Tboaewlw preler may coooult Dr. LOCKROWupon any of the dUwawieii upon which hi book treaW, eitherpersonally or by M(iiiciue dent to any part of thaUnion, according to directioua, packod aad carefullyavcured from alt observation.

    AddretfiDr. M. ti. Li Uk ROW, No. 31 MaUen Lana, arbwx Albany, N. Y.

    opeu dairy from A. M.to 9 P. M., and onSnii.Uv from i uutil 4 P. M.

    iJrOt1ic rtitauved from No. W Baver street to No. 81Alatdeo Laue, Albny, N. Y. augifdAwU

    GEO. C. 13 AIN & CO.,Commission Jlerchants

    AXD PRODUCE BROKERS,Lexington, Kentucky.

    IlKALEIiS IN AORIfL'LTl'KAL IMHI.KMENT3,(KA1N, I'UVOK K, (.HAasi atf l.rt.aic.


    f'rti Street flailing .?,STEAMBOAT JOINKR SHOP,Door, Blind, Sash, and Box Factory,

    on Clay street, near Fulb.n, Louisv ille, Ky.

    WE keep on hand a reneral assortment of Doors. Ulinua,Mash. Moidiun. hairiuf, Meaiubual iJeckiuf ul allkieds, helviui;, rioa Luuilier and uadrasaand rtash (primed aod slazrd).

    Also, w ar prepared lo umuilfacture to order Cirriaad Oothic Sash, lsm.ra.aud Moldings Window aod IHiorFrames of all siaea, Itoies, l .attii- f.rk. Weatu. s, FaiiUk'a, irregular Moldiuus of any dasiivij patterns,ike.

    At o do all kinds of Hrea-in- Splitting lilpplne. andH."inll KawiuK lu order with disiavteii at the h.west cash

    oiders with reference or cash remittancesavtie.tfd and will rereive proiupt aite.ntion.

    aprtl JA. II. CO.BOOKS! BOOKS!


    COM M ENTAKV complete. 1S.OL.lll'SEM'!4 tlltkis complete, aa ai.For sale at Masonic Temple byJja t;. W. ROI.'KRTSON A CO.

    For sale at MaV.uii

    L1NDENBERGER & CO..UllOLrSALC DltllCiilfeiTS,

    No. tlu Main si,, between Third aud Fourth,LOUISVILLE. KV.

    A HI) OI I 20 bhla No. 1 lArd ( nl lor sale byi juueis ,1.1s I.I l! NBKHI) K A CO.

    ASS l.l('()l:l('l-2(lcaie- Mass Lkorire tor sale losby liuuea dwj Ll . DEN UKKliEk CO.

    OSIM-V- 25 bbl. Rosin for sale byjunea ilat Li.MiENBEROF.R A CO.

    EMON slRl'Plju dozen lmon Sirup of superiora quality for sale by


    l.lsr VITkll aa Ih. lll.ta 'ifel..l f..r al.l.snL'PSOM SALTS Si bhla Epsoio Sails for sale bvda. 1,1 M iEX 11F.KH ER CO.('I'M M VKItll-t- ou lbs Turkey Cum Myrrh for sale byI.l.NDESl'.EKIiER A ( O.ILAVORIXd EXTRACTS 10 (trosa Meakim'a Extract

    (Hans.-- , Lemon, bluer Abuoud.aud a--

    f IVnFMBERtiER O.

    (TH ARAK1C -- I ,wal lbs (turn Al able (picked and soitssale byi.fxna vihs'm;s-- co.

    ICE PITCHERS! ICE P1TI 11- J plated aud chased deuhle-wal- l Ice Pilrhee., illv 9 a.s.t r iu li. An asstirtmeut )u.- rereived aud fur sale at reduced price, bv

    inne.M ddVwAb

    DIAMOND JEWELRY lust received a splendid as.liiamond Pins, ,Crosse, fcf.,111 tlie latest st. le of settiD- f,.r sate by

    FLETCHER PEMNETT.Iune94idrlid.w a Mam "t.. bet. Fonrth and Huh.

    Th best article ever1ATENT fnr keei.ilia Mutter hard and nice in hoiweather,a handanmeornament for tba labs. re.eived frviaIhe maaulacturer aud ttur sal by

    FLETCHER A BENNETT,Inaeil ddrw&b ws Mamst., bet. Fwurtk and Fifth.


    To Commence n the 14th of Sept.. 18.M.Tf .. ,V,"u,,mr' h Kr- Meeh. Institutedisplay. .. in,u.iry and artlh"f Z calullv eoodiietBd forpast. The Comniilt, h,pe ihal all WBO feel an inwei ,.the welfare nf ihenty and of tti Institutein endeavoring to make this Kahib.tion taul7i-- lest. as poasihlc. Let even- manufacturer incontribute a .perinvn of what h. mnnfa.-.ir- mmierwnat it Uie Hall will he filled to overtowin, hira.r of th kr. atc WH. . will b h.ld duArlgths mntinuanceoi our F.amhit...n, and will addition!al inducement ti "end ronrrihiilions to the Hall of the InSl,.,l?.jW'ToT: and lliploma.a. Fremi.ua Hran.is lor lah- Weatarn Chewing Tobacco. Vinrinia de do and CmTobacco lor Sarnnkins and ( hwtn. wll b given' aortallTemmm.of inland Saw whl be giv. n for tiie best articlemanufactured. In any clasp, hy minora ander l and iuand no entrance fe will be reaioired.

    Persuns Intending to eihihit are retpieed to informI. MoPHkKSeiX, Kxhib. Commutes.vMlawi ws.iwi.i


    1"TM Sraalow.

    Hon. HENRY PIRTLE, LL. TV., Pr..fessor of Constitu-tional Law, Sillily, and Coaimerrial Law.

    JOH N PKKSTON. r., professor f theeuee ot Law. includiiis th Common aud InternationalLaw.

    HOD. WW. F. P.rr.T.IM Profeornf ha t .f P..Proia-rt- r and of tli lTractic of I, iueludinf Plewd- -nPHF. thirteenth avi,,u nf th Seh.,l will eommcita. ...1 IU first Monday in October next au.l continue fivemnnina.1

    Instruction will he riven by., .. i.,ct-- tuu every aay lo eactaA Moot Court will .if twie In each week, at which eanass

    will he arsiwd by the ntudenls aad opinions deli rered by1 he Student, will alo h inatnieted iw th nrenaratinn

    nf I, iitnent- - aud uleadiue..Students f Ihe Law Isriatrtinent of III rniverailr arw.

    hya provi-io- n ..f its cn.irter.eutiiie.1 to attend the Lectureson Anatomy and (.hems-try- , ia tli Mdical Lie panmentwithout charge.

    A valuahle Lihrary la in th School.Students who hall bay attended two fall Cnnrare nf In-

    struction in this t'niver-it- or ..ne in ome other slehtMiiana on in tnis, or nave practiced th irofeasi..n on viarand attended oue ( uur-- c of here. and hae passeda satisfactory examination, will be entitled, upon thererom- -melMiation of th Farnlty to the of Hacheiorofmw. i ne i.ipn.mais a s ta i.rnvric Lajr.

    The fee hi Ju to each proleasoraud tn Mairiculatsunfe- - .".

    Communication should beaddrewed to Proftiaair pia--juiieodlaw4Aa ji ' j MK!, (H'THKI E,A Beautiful t ountry Villa for a!f.piIE anlswriber offera f..r ml ou of ih most beantrfiil1 and le eonutry re'idciire. hi a county.

    siinaieo near ie ruini.iown nal.l. ana Wll Inn nfbaB minutes rioeot Ihe t I bete m about iaeresoflatnd in Ihe tract, hal' ..f which is art in Orchard au.l Hl.ielira, and about 5uo r..une Api'le, IVacB, Hear, ( harry,flum, IfuiiKV. and Arric..l Trws- - Ralphs mes, strawber- -

    (to.eberri.-s- . Currants, and abaul sail :atawba (ca.e--ciues a,.w iron ireea anil vines of ihei.lsleci au.l rll, .are aittils lo be had us tlie I niksl sUau-a-.I he ar. laantlli.ll la d ..rt and plan t.il withevery

    ... --irtu.e ira ui e.ervreens, nrnnra ry. aim rare itowers.The ( iithcfe ii larre aad built iu the most approved audmodern style of brick and tnecoed, havinr about tenr.Nni.two food cellars, and waterworks thmnh..nt Ihe bmldiua.ou 'lie premises there is a nevrr lailms Spring uf purewater. snhVient U. supply twenty families. There ar alsotwocis'em. one of wnich will hold 2isi and the other Suadois ot water, rue li, .. I. line is oa nne ..f the irouiinaaUiiiK anil pit'turrs.ii sit, isl ions near Louisville,and ha- - all necessary , .urbiiil.lii.es to make it una of tlaemoat comionai.le in the Sat.

    T. t'. PoMKboV. Keal rJ'tale Airent.South i.le of Jed. rsou

    Jeil di'Aw3 Third d.a.r Huh at.

    B0.1RDIr. A.D DIY SCHOOL.f T.t. M. I:. PIN( KAIili, teach.a era in every ue.aniitent. eonimenee on Mottwa

    SrrtEviiii.B iith, a miAUl'INli ANL DAV scHimiFoK Vnl'.Mi LADIES, in (lie house oa llith streetibrmeri uccupwu oy L'r. L wamem.

    Tisms Per sessiun of live months, la advance:

    MusiI swuf Instrument.Pi.ardinir

    French at Prulesaor'a pneea.XUEarxc'Ea:

    Rev. John Ward. 1Kev. J. II. Morrison, D. D., !D. M. t raw. f Lexinjrton, Ky.I has. S. lUnller. )William Curnwall. Lnntsrille, k.Kev. fcil. F. lierkley, st. Louis, Mo.W in. C. Smedcs. Va ksbure, Mis.( ol. Joseph E. Daais,Kev. W. F. New Orleans, La.J. P. Ilarrw.il. Ecu,., do.LtxixiiTivN, Kt , Junes, lav'n wlmf Lnntsville Journal eoj.y weekly two months and charge

    ron sale.A STEAM SAW AND GRIST MILL.I DESIRE to of my Mill Pro.

    p.Tty, on Liviufston creek, Lyoa countliyersburv, a miles

    ."afrom Fre.lot.ia, and seven miles lr.uu Ld- -(t lyTille. Ith froiu 511 to- acres of aood LamL

    aud waxon shops and all ni nasalbinl.iiiir- - will he s..ld low and un favorable

    For urther information, address the undersisjued, al Dy -jiim-a- i wl THo.-t- . J. COBR

    TAKE NOTICE,eTTf i THAT, on Tuesday, the Kin day of July.a ,..oj !"., in Marion eontity, kr., I will ml, on'CrtS j'l'l ti premise, at pubhc aiw tiou, a part ol mrJL.a,,' a CA us, siiualea on Pleasant ran. six miles

    fmiu ti.e railroad depot iu Lebanon and one mil from th,lump se r,.aa Ica.iin.' tn.iu .chanun b DauvUIe. I willsen .t:,, acresa very n. strahle tarm UM .piaiitr of t

    be ur)ia-e- d in Uie county uf Marion, well adaptm!or a sua a ..nil, i run run parsllia inroilaB It. soas to have ruuuina- water iu al.uort every field-- , also

    a au.re than aiirtieient for one hundredmules. The land is nn.h r aood fence and in a huh stateot cultivalmu: plenty of thltbesl timber. 3 acres -- f tim.i-th- y

    uaadow and arres of blueirra, comfwrtabl bund.lines, ana a yauue oearine orcnard. I wnl ell it on themost reasonable terms. I will a small payment ina.ivanre. ana me rriMoeon a cretin l one aad two year,with six ler cent, interest liiereon.persona wUiinr b purchase are invited to call and Mmeand examine fur The title is uuexceptioB--

    juneiM w SAM' L VAN SH'KLF.S.

    NOTICE.11IAVE this day withdrawn from Ihe firm of Samuel,A Co., and will not be re;sn-IM- e for debt cobtraded hereafter by laid tiruj. J. kUBI.N JACOU.

    Louisville, Juue ii, ddiwl

    JOSEPH GRIFFITH,Iwpvritrvf Fire Armsi Fishing Tackle

    Waaleaatla aasl Retail,nrva srssxr, waa. a mam, luoiitiui, kt

    Jt Sis that be has u.w on Baud and ia eoustantlr nauilue, direct from the uianuiarturersia Lnlaud, kuliskdouhleand suirl .shot i;,ids, of all .inalitiea. sixes, andprices; Kevolveisaud Pvsu.lsof all kihds; k,H barrels(Inn Lock,, Dt.ubleTrier, aud every article suitable f(tunue.-.- Sportiua A.paratua, uch as liam Haaa, Shtlaas, EUk. Cleaniur huds, and liiiucihc kurlea; alsoUre st,a-- of Kirtes of my own manufacture and warrantwd; Fiahiioj Tacxie and Fishina- Apparatus of ssry aaacription. all ,.f al.h 1 wiilaail al Laatern pneea.

    au .FL, It. It.


    TH E Summer and Fall of IsSs will be marked m tbeof time a the most sakly and anliealihy ofseason- - that have visited the northern favrtion of this Continent lor many years. Malarious in their mostn.ansnani ana violent t.wms. will prsvail as epidemicsS.CH..I.S ol our country Uiat liave been detuned by tb lataovrrnuaiug ut rivers, creeks, and bauus, aud dreiscbedny me rec-n- neavv raius.

    VHt.oVV FEVER, TTPHOID FEVER. EIMOCSFEVl.R r EVER AND Adl'E.I oNliESTi VK F fcVER.I s i rn.ii i I r .s i ami Itl.HII lt..r r E V fTH aI IIOI.EKA. EltlES, SCDIiEN ATl it bs or o vtlTl l lNii will rane with violence ii

    viciuitiea uf low marshy land., and where thedelu.the wakersanti dreuehinssul Ihe raius hav been suthrient- -ly vioieiit to produce miasma, trom dacompusition ol

    decomposed matter. In our southern andestern states wa may expert the prevalence a

    rpiueiiiii- maiarions in one or the other of theaia.ve a a u.e. i lurns; ana in oruer that the public may pro.stuc iiieuiseivea w.iu cue piuta;r mean lu pruleef their sy

    afsiust sudden attack, of disease of any kind, snotify tbe people ef the approach of the maladies. IRailway's Ready Relief you bave the ureveuuve. Wiithis hemedy, however violent and nialiimant, infectiousana ocauiiy may be uie character or tba disease, it ran a

    u you, A kaasaMbtui of this kemedy,drank iu a Ittti water three ur lour limes per day. will soli.rtiiy tue stomach aita.nst the tntectious cases of thevers that you ar as safe from daurer as tbouah youorratuina uie most wbotesanie aud lovbroratiiif atiiMi- -phere uuder the sun. ludway's Heads Relief has beenpr ved, iu the Yellow E ever of I'.Vl. to be the best disin-fectant in use. If any of .uir readers arw s.i unfortunataaa to be attlu-te- with any h'tcr. holer. 'lsr. a -i,HifH-ti,- a-i i euuw, cosuearica, larcnaorceMt. ter He-VHlfreiir Itauway Kea.ly ueilel, al.letl Willi fcadwa

    will iu a few hours am-a- tbe vivlencsauddau- -tjer oi uieuisea, aua oon aura you.

    COMMON DISEASE.luseases snch as KKmmarim, f.'ouf. Sciatic. Xrural-ia-

    Urminehr. .ffaearu. f.'wak uf Mo4i ta th HrmuLJ.itioumtfMM, t swcics, JiesfasicAca. Inms. W AoooiwoC.iiia, iit ffaminntioHu' the tioterU amd Luivm, .Stii- -uen.iHucts.tr tnotaiiiiu rec-n- , sictneasiu fA.a, t'oittfrMtiom. tf the llrain, Smn stroke. Liver i'.7irwf- -tiea, and otber painlul. dt bUiCalllia. and anleebliiis maladies will run riot throughout the aad breadth of ihelaud. lu their mtt- violent tlie a;etl, mid-dle aeed. and ., ill. tul. liut asa.u.--t these ia. which in-flict so milch pain upon their Kad way's Ready

    will iu a lew momeuts reua.ve the most i erce aud tr--tunuc pains, aud, if used lu oaunwcUuU w lia Radway'sU-a-ulators- ,

    ieedily t a cure,CHRONIC DISEASES.

    Those who arw so unfortunate as to be afflirted withChronic .if. raaaiai; .Mirra. Uhwor. Sore, l lcera. sa't.las hrirtly HetU.S'tre Mend. ur Eye, bud Leu- -. Hurt m (Ae .Yaar mrMouth, (anker 4. LoiU, blotche. hrynvel s. HadL ouahe. airollen rartm. will .utter increasedthise disea-- duriiif this cycle unlea lbs. i;lod iscleansed from us Humor aud the stem renovated as itillipiintiea bv Uadway' Keuovatlu. Resulvrat. Tha Resa--eIy la a quick cure tor the d diseases, and ItIke only known Remedy that will completely radicalfrom tha system diseases inherited hy coustitisuonai

    Peraousalhirted with Scrofula, Fits, syphitovanv Chmuic disease will be effectually cured if kiadway'sKenovanns; Kesoiveui is nseo.

    PREPARE TO RESIST THE PESTILENCE.A rreal nnii.ler of those who die from pestilential dis

    eases arc- sli.Menly t.le,l iu the aitfUlorwhea they leasta a attack and are uupretared totvs-a-- tbehrst attacks

    ol tlieir deadly foe. ft Is therefore of lh area test uo por-ta to th...-- a liu deMre to live tbruuali an aiiack of tutskind, whether I Auterii. li(.,w Prrrr. San Strolt.Cunffre-fioaa- .

    or hraiiiFerer, lo have Kadway's ReaJy Lif audready to use at any niomrut, Theea keaaratlca,tnk.su when ton feel unwell er iu pain cither sbaht urvas-b-u- !

    will check aod stop the pnicreasof the dis--asa ana Ueliveryuu liuui lunner nsriu. 1. I every

    Plai.tr. ar)uer, shipmaster, aud. in fact, all bav.in .l others, ka, a dilpply of Radway's Realty

    keaulators, aud ketlveuia ID their huuse. Aatt K.LVa aos is vast trraoai-His- Hseoaea a th via-- t ter.

    riltie ami .ratal character trill ireel; but, witn thesereinetlica at baud, you may ret stjrurw.

    Thteare uo reuied.es known to puysic-iaa- that th pub-lic a j.n-i- rule, can reli- ii.u in tlie siHcessful treat.ment ol infeaiioii and mala' HMI tli eas . Radway',Ready Relief ur lleruialosa, as sunUiyaa aad preventivswajun.1 attack uf iuoicllulis aud mslisuaa, krvra,arrfixed facts. IL R R. Reliiedlas ar sold by amiand Merchant everywhere.

    RADWAY CO.,Sw York 0U7.P, aforrbi, a rent, Loawvilia, kly .feiSsdeOdaVWailwlV

    HAfi EST OF 185aTMIKESHINI. MACHINES1 Tuuibliu,'- - halt t'uwer and Thrasiaar.,

    s.hoPower, Thresher, aud Cleaner.....

    uo, Uo a 3'UPu er. Thrasher, and StackerRailroad P,.wer, Tbrether, and Seiairwwr l a

    J.kors do do, 4.., do do 17All the above llurs puwers or T hre.be r furaiaha4 stu.


    The hcniucky vl..wr. .. v1"sThe Newt in k lland.rakiug keapervreapiiiiiulyThe New V.rk sell rait do 4w !lluwy's Mower imowus tikl, L.H

    WHEAT FANMamboisiurh's Ihiprnved;t Fan, 12 aud ia iuch.