lot >**& - Teesdale Mercury...

CASTLB & THHSDALB FARMERS' | ATJCTIGN MART CO., LTD. «B«UDGH, Kirkby Stephen ; end |AW FAIWBRIDGB ft Sow, Darlington, ...;:?-;. ^NBSDAY, FSBRl ARY 2NU, 191C. jkl WEEKLY SALE whl beheld, when Fba forward the regular eapplies ows and HKIKKRS, aud STORK CATTLB. le of £1 will be givoo for the best r ii each erase. S»le as 10-30 a.m. THE ANJU'At , HOW AND SALE OF YOUNG BULL8 Will bo held on IBSDAY, FEUIUARY 22ND, 1916. 1 ^ Particulars later. v jOHN E, THOMPSON, Secretory, dria Etabanxtr.en:;. Darlington. PRELIMINARY ANNO. Nt'gMENT. lies Farm, '.lows* (I Mile from BiwdS |it jn, North-Eastarn Railway). ^iiuinas Addison, JRE'J wit; instrustlona from Mr ard F. Metcalfe, wio is retlrlag from fwill Sell by Aac.ion, on FaesJty, Febrairy 15tb, 1916, |lc STOCK, C.-oa Implements, Try Utau&iis, csc„ as follows: let 21 asa:i ofJRti.ie, and 27 sheep. tioolars naxtw^ek aid oa posters. i Sad. Bowos. tlngton (near Barnard Cattle.) nook, C' ip, laplarnqots, Joiner's Toola, Tiargo ya»ati:y nf Joiner's Wood and other efleots. Mr N. Bousfield eoeived iostruoMone from ths Bxeoa- urs of the late Ur Q. P. Robin* an fen tuotion, as above, on ay, the 17th day ot February, 1916. ir ileal ars n*xt w»ak aid on p J iters. irove, Greta Bridge, Barnard Castle. Tarn Bainbridge and Son, JURED wlr>h Icst.ruruloaa from Mr sat ley Beetaxn, will Sail by Auction, i Thursday, Fobrniry lOSh, 1916, jwiog STACKS OF BAY:--Slaok of I bay, about 16 i i •<; seek of old land rat 14 t ;DH ; stack ot old Und hay, | toes. ly ia ot good quality, and will be aold jlo commence at 2-30 o'clock prompt. : 45, Stanhope Boad, Dieliogtoa. itral Sale Rooms, BARNARD CASTLE. RK1NS0N&SONS, FRUCTED by several Vendors, have amoved to the above Rooms, and will |SELL BY AUCTION, ON f*UAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1916, A qnantity oi HOUSEHOLD fiiiture etc., iEclnding:— SUITE, UPHOLSTERED IN CRIMSON FICURED PLUSH; it Cabioec, Walnnfc Octagon Table, lot Overmantel, Folding Chair, Couob, Japeswy; 3 Round Tables, Qood abulator, Btgstel'o Board, Gas Fire, Mantel Board, try Carpet, Bordered, 3. by 4 yards; «, Cake Stand, Wall Clock, 2 Treadle eg Machii.es, Basket Cbaira, 2 Black Jrsss Bedsteads, Wire Mattress, Wool •eases, 2 Feather Beds, Single Bed- and Wool Mattress, Painted Toilet k >s, /inn Batb, Fluor Oilcioth and |eum, 2 Kitehen Tables, 6 Kitchen s, Armchair. 2 Last Tables. Poss Tub and Staff, Pots and Pans, COUNTER SCALES, WITH BET OF 80LID BRASS WEIGHTS ; ALSO 200 Pairs of IN'S, WOMEN'S AND ICHILDREN'S lOTS, SHOES, AND IEGGINGS. at 10 am. and 1 p.m. View, Monday, 7th February. kns Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th April, 1915. klS TERS of Aliens (for use In Hotels, Inns, [Ludgirg-hcuses, etc) Form A.R.—F; Form A.R.—E nan be had at the |ale Meronry " Offic, Rarnard Castle. IEW AND LARGE STOCK OF BITING PADS 6£d. and 1/- each, May be had at the TEE8DALE MERCURY" OFFICE, Barnard Castle. ESI WOOD'S CHALLENGE REMEDY nteed under the sum of AI<X) to cure when others r superior to Pills, Pallets, or anj Continental nt. For nil caces of irregularities, however », OHALI.KMTK RKMKDY is suprenae. Price 1 4e. Ctl. Hpecial lis. Stamp for Book of Requisites.. Established 25 years. A N D M R S W . W O O D , LADIES' MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, LOUIS-STREET, LEEDS. B» TRRSdALE MEK(TT»?Y— W^'iMfi'SDAY, FEBRUARY 2, KH6. &.UCTI0N8BEH AND V*ALli?K>. Central Sals oloorna. TTiStebiisnea lit* WM. TARN, Auctioneer *i:d Valuer, dalrs •>! all deseripaiona undmSB asi Prompt sajtalelsaasitsj. B r. nder tU-ws.! te, Mom iI d iri t W LOOxL AND OTHER NOTES. THOMA9 ^DDI8(i^, Ao\i £k>n *>r>- ir.'? Vainer. Valaacl'joa lot i'r«>bato >**& Lcs ^aej DnsM Prompt Sfttn'.ecjert.T PMitnre SW, 8<-w<»s > ii HARRISON, Anutiocoer and Valuer, Middleton-in-Toiesdaie. ALBERT J. WILKINSON, 4UOTI0NKBR VALL*BR, KSTAra AND lHSURANOB AOBNT Ittsnrc jtnr Live » t d Dend S^ock m<i P'opertv wgrarsfc Air Raids. 2. HALL STREET, Barnard Castle. 2, Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland. Telephone : 125, AUCTIONEER AND VALOEK. OFWCB : HORSE MARKET, 3ARNARD CASTLE. She (Deesdale (Deucuutj BARNARD^ASTTETS'EBRUARY 2ND, 1916." HO^t OFFICE AND A GERMAN SLANDER . WK read in" The Merchant ol Venice " that the Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose, and the German Chancellor accordingly takes courage. Doctor Bethrnann-llollweg is said to have told a conference of party leaders that linglaud was instrumental in forcing continuance of war on her Allies. A prompt denial of this slander was issued by the Foreign Office yesterday afternoon. BARNARD UA &1U AMD STABTFOHTH CD *S £BVAT<V£ CLUB. The Annual Meeting: Proposal to Open on Good Friday and Christmas Day. On Friday might the animal metft'.Bg ot aba members ct the Bataaul Cabtlt aud s-;artlortih CoDserraiive C'no was i o ' d ncder tUe pireo!- decoj ot Mr John Smith, i.P.. oce ot UM junior vice-preside:<u$. There was ., tiU *: ^et-imoe. —Hi 8 R. Ls&ds,i&a secretary, auburn. ;d the fioanoial Esafesaassit, and romir'si'i ch::. tbero wu a balance at the bvak to aae crodit ot the elnb amonnticg lo £5 2;. Id.— Mr H. Walke? : On the wiii 'o tae ye»r will he eiigbtfy better tban the last. Mr A . H. Nioholsoo : We axe tocidediy in * cet'ex position. Tiiero is a VK&t of ee*-I} S30 cu jew.-Oa the notion of aba CfaHtrtcan, *t.„ •. • « . by Mr VJkar, ti hahwOf Sfceet adopted.—Tha ;-:t.-a were then eJMsssa as i.>)>;:wa:- P.-.^-D : :e£avl of Straiata >re; preside)it: Mr W, 3. ?Jtson; S^cior vice- -.o^idects: Oaisjasjl the floe,W. L.Vine acii Lo*«l Glttmis; juniorvic*- piealdentb: Meaaib John &tn\:a »c4 J, S. flelmer; and hosoiai? secretaries: Mosurs A . H.Kiohol8oc and S R. Leeds, tko latter b^ing iwiKiiy l ked t;;r their wervicet.—Mr Nichulaon aeki-..wlecs" i t-.e c.-.t .>.. ty t-t h%*ir •xpressiona, anal M r LK-U* ,<x th'.t te hid drawn hi* >.'c.;,s. ro Mr NicaoSsjc. -Mr G. Vhiic, *N»;i>.. Provificiai Ssflkj vras ie-eleoted tesaamrer, and Mr 1'. Bkckicsopp, whose services were piejeingiy i-okoo vleoge^, was again appointed aadiaor. The cummiitee wag elected as fo'lows :—Motsn F. Deacon, A. Crquhart, C. Smith, H. Thoranson, J Biownlees, H. Carter, C. Wccdiunu, W, A«-U(.J, G. L, Jcoes, It Dobaoo, R Appleby, F. W. Little, T. H Hunter, B. Young and A. Walkor.—Mr G. I. Jones proposed tnat (no club bo opened on Quod Friday and Chviscm&s DA i .--'»>Niotiolsoa: You cannot slur t !o existing ••«»&£<;•.•..«<$ becanse i t ia s g-. . - 1; rule. Wken this club was formed there was u:.i A dissentient Toie sa this matter, and the ruie has held got d ever luce. Tbcre baa rever bteo an objection, aad it wonld be a pity if wo made an alteration now.-Mr W. Peat: Tak-a Now Year's Day. It 'was rough en&ngb, ai^d there was nobody here. —Mr Nicholson : No.ice will have to be given, )od the matter cisenssed at a special general meeting.—The Chairman urged mere assj ..ad cue in the prompt BolkwUoa cf oubsc;ipticns. —Mr Nicholson moved & vote ot condolence with the widow of she late L^cc«-Corporr,i Hunt, of Middloccn, «ho was a member at the club, tnd who died in hospital at Leicester, and the motion was carried in silence, all rising to their fsec—Affectionate allnsljn was nade to mec-'bers of the ciub in His Msjesty's forces end in tbf ftghtifig line, and the Seoretary wiit lock tp the Juii list,—A brief discussion took place on tne insurance of the stsield, on the initiative uf Mr A.Crqubart,and Vr Nioholscn said he would bring tha quea-jion *P at a meeting cf the •masslttaa un tee 7th ot February. He propo&ea a oorairi vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, v d the Utter gentleman said llaa members might, congratulate themselves upon the riuooefcd cf tao olub, and called for more psra;.£.al in teres: it its affairs by the u> -c& Tap Chairman added tbat Britain BUS. o me oal of this war viotorione, o;n«i'witie it woula oa a aieascrous happening to the empire. l' ; psrs in ki'fcs v.'i;? it is UBderstortl, J-COOH- Ji ^y ihe Tyneaida Soo'.iisc t;> Sf. i?ar^'; 0nuroh, next >ar J. a v.r Barry ' .;s »«.x Petti, third eon of Mr and dro Dent, ol the Bowec isfriscum, baa) jotoed Royal Bines, sod wert to Aldershut laut i lay. He was in Barclay's Bank at Pontoiacd. Lars;3 aid lovely snowdrops *re ia (nil bioi-aj at Baalnsoii, Ksris girders are now being inverted III the eabtera stcti-n ct ii 1 "} T^en Viaduct, 11 ia :\ ••: that cvt Wednes'iay at Ail 'M.-ts', St. John's Wood, London, N.W., by the Vicar, tha Rev, W. H. K^^by Steer, M.A., nss.sted br ihe Rev. Jehu K3y«.-M.A n Rsoirr M St. Paul's. Lincoln, ouneln iit the bridsgrooc 1 , Si? Alexandc-? Kayo auiterwortb, (sjoeral •xar.agsr of aba NM<b-Ees;« , -«« Raii*ai> w»s married to D^rctbe^ Mrror,;uaogaslcUraghCe? t Luke A. loeide?. Piivaia Macssl W3ite, brother of Mrs G. L J'.ti'de, Nev?gate. liM died in hospita! at Malts from rounds received at tee Dardanelles. "'no ZatUttad foxhon^dH will m-,»e!: a'o MUdia- toi: Lf.dge, on Thurndsy, February^rd ; and sr. Staiporop, en Saturday, February 5. )>: each morning a-: 11 o'olock, The Rev, W, Csile^de!- Wsko will preach special S6rmone, on February 20.1<,in Bash-iane Catgregation;.! Chu'ch, Nowoastle-on-Tynr, toncded by tho Ute D,\ Rutherford. Severn.! t£ii:ors of the Tjiitsidt. Sc^ttiaa loft Ban^rd OtStto at noun, on Moadsy, t>r muekeUy practice. Q Tee Rev. J. T. Penrose loaves Barniiipham rMtory tc-day. Ho has bien stayitg i,herc for a few days. To-day is brewster sofisi-;, I in the Grota Rridga Division, when four Uoeoaes Will be transteried. Jt—o T%e new Roman Cv.holie Chut oh at Lariiug- tou will shortly be dtdictted, aud meacwhila tho lacdsome teimv>r Is rapidly being completer. A tsorostte w»s heard in full 6'.>ug at csawiek, ct! Fri'r'aj moruit g. Voodlattd b-»R)-.-s will BMS on Satai-day, ai Doe Park, near (haharsennt as 12 o'clock. o Privgie B .EvMi ;:,6;h Durham LighUfjiaatry; aod Driver R. Ple.ws, K ; .1 Field Artillery, have baon at homo on )u>tve Itom the frost. An ash tree was blown down on the road Wfcr.i'-sr, to Silmoaby Hall on the Satu"day \t;*s New Yttar's Day. The trae vu IJJS •scooted, bui brcktK. oft ievol vith the grouni.tba Iowa* part of the 'runk bei>'g completely rjiirs: The old »oh had, some *ei ;s jgo, he«n s'ituak by Hghtublg, and ulnae ics fall a portion of tho decaytd shnbsr has emitted a luminous phoavbotie Ugbt in the darkness, which baa attracted nome attontion. Tha BoawVar) Hearetary of Lad* Aura Tiambaosj'a Catcatu Ooooty work Depot bogs to aekuciwledgn witn many ihanks tha rsoelpt of garments, etc. from the Oaidford >>• d c strict braaau '-i Qae«iJC Jdat-y's Ncedlfiw.ife Gnild (per Mrs J i- o'". F .« . A large white battioifiy has be>.r\.disjaattiag itself t»r st-vdi-al dajs U t'.o office of Mr T. Ehibinsoo, at tsvs coal c«.p&'-, on she •cation- io» a i. uamard Cast IF. Mr A.U.q.aHa. t, vsava u employe* , No>:!ia Etstarn Cou-1? School, has t w j br ithara a A nine nepaews u HU Majesty's faraas. Mr J. irgram Di ^aon, the I occtary socr?tary cf She Percy Fur,d for the Teesdalo Uaion, ictirras us tuai the asaooat contributed bv Mitdleti..-<-ia-Teeas!fc5i*, thrr>ngh the young lady olieetots ci toe VTOOJ Fund l.>r the Rod Cross, MOtUttS ta 29 10a. '/hacks ara oue to Den!, ot tha Srove, r.cd Mrs lsr,*c i?irkis, r.he honorary tm^surer, f>:r th*lr k:nir:'?3 ia c&rryi,-?g out tha arrangements lor the c uiiooaksb "Vise now Kgglestoii Parish M.'gszin.j fr^s b.^ ; well i^c-eived iu tha disttict, tac literary matter b-ing bright and instractive Ths stjos:-. .'uuter of the now series has had quite :i good s:\i- The fucerai tr>!.k place nt Crcssby Ravecs- «.-•<•::•, on «, arssay afternoon, of Mr Robert NicOol*..-;-, (BO r.oted sV.orthorr. b.-tcdo;. It is expecU'd that the new orgao, which is to he icatallbd in the Primitive Mothudist Chnrch, Barnard Castle, will be opened early in May. Private WHired Daat, second son oi Mr »nd Mto Ota-, of the Pnbiio School Battalion, has been promoted to tne rankof lauoe-corpor»l,acd in a letter received yesterday it transpired that he. bad bee* in the tranches for sixteen dsyo. All the sons of Mr and Mrs Dsut, of tho Bowes Muecuro, are now in iae army. »p.- mWV P OUCHSKQ OAY AT LITTf E minm> A Hemarkabie peer ^cu P#iT HiM Piebian ciepresented. UGHTY-NINE DKAUCHTS AT WORK. Lss '-i Thursday, i . : magoifidsnii weather, a ?-=c «d ptoogbing day took plsoe ai Little Rotten Fatm, ou rue Fc.rceit estate, tho e-revt: attr«stlog cwaidorabte aMootion In ran 1 >cai agrionitural wcvid,%nd being oa a scale seldom witnessed'on tha broad aotos nt this part of Norsk Yorkshire. The Isle Mr Biardloatid Rtine, *''.) was succeoded by his soc.occ-ipi^a this holding for a lot:?: sarins ct'years, a>id tie iogoiup tenanfc ia Mr ; ,-jica Stubos, of Ner; Broomieuw, In o.oiiju'jafcion with bis ao», eh* farm at the latter pJaas still being h-«ld in the interest r* htaself »a« soother S nndcr the Earl of Straiamoreand Kin^horc a. SrStabbs and e. «s fam< ! y ire ; ;'.?;'' , 'V-«» ,, ecHi*i < . f^rongjjocj tha naighowrlMtod, r»i .• i faarav tl-au c'.i%!• nine drangoce preseoted tbeatSelveS au thd b^'.-n piongiiing las^ Thomday morolpg— <;ig. ty.flve hei&g single foraow, :u.« hatcg finable furrow. A large nsseber el looij tuaa&n were aig-> pressot to fct»t*^ >nd | s'x eneaorage In tV> oolcsasl eaterprtsc'.and u»4?,y •PI IIPPE«< BALI MOTfeS. I BY OUR OWN OOERBSPC DKNT J < f. •»';' siegitg t'o-* 3l«rr c 1, ex Ai -jj eoeb morriiag and ov^i-ing pouri their svel' 1 'irf, naif* lo -;"> hfarh tw •'<*g»s wit Uf>p -1 I • ireH<t>g '-' ao** ollopricg. M'-s , nriminer* ate :h Local War A Srave Vou-.f, I ees 6WS. i ^trfbiggin-iu-Teescj a Cawwtl tchool. .oifiier Ksiionai Egg Goiiscti gt ; mi :3!ii i;i?rusr, th.'.' UP' * * puniic meatit'g the, inhabitaois Mtoajloton was bald dp Thursday pjgi'i: eoeslder what strpa -n'i be taksm Bu.",A.i !y ackoewtsag^ the es>rvio«8 •. f *'r Th Bf MU?, late sohoolmi •tsei'ts Mi I ,sv «ow-- ~r,- fc-isjea,- w. y*ti tSutrdtsy i'ciioai Poaiae aho past tow days Sappfl pole, >'/! of ube lUli:J Fi." d Coiip«»y E..j»- ii. t . •• -a. I on ac'fvo servicL kbetkoat, has fcet sis log !>•• j htH pareaes at houio. Pr<iap«^i-r -.ace, - >«• •• le- "rea?. Tl;o youiii: ins:., who .s wa!i known t •» inn Wuunded. w ;^.adej P l ate we* < J , •• 2S', *>'. log , •' -t .r- - i . .-auoie Hoott, 6d.j si •:!> I , 1 , lr. > - 1 eggs ; Ainle m», 7». ; ... i /. V. • • .»•,?=, 1:. I d . ; S>s< >r Iceland 2s aad S 'xga; Plorrlo ! Vv,- :rv,u„ i. , j ; .. . .. ,. l » . 6 U . ; i Jo .. r. 1 ear; J at, B. ier. Mr liea; • K\tt i ar.;. htghlv i-ewpocxd u ar.d u .'JOSC Kcc'eslo", a i £ts n o'd agricuitnrists dec; .red loot tbey aid never seej nuc'i a sight in tbelr cxp^ri'Mic:. Th>4 folia .ring are inaluded in tka list of the cfe». , ^p rf *beschool fr:r s period of 2a years r<i>! jo tht'j time a-\s woii the highest OOteeac •? ?te!it.'''"n ?x>i. parOpts aliko, K i*ri;o cownany w»» pr^aen^i teVi ' c fertiag < t the m^etloK v anaeliaOBS in favour ol •• presentation.—Id *<is rreeidod to c:ake appeal -to *t! tho kohoiara who t*,d p*r.s «i< nnder tnltion. a .d to fba, Ivhi b:',9i»toof fhn vil " Y:^ n i v,»jr. Mr V aVJOW^tt waa *j>»>^lt. 1 d seiMv :< ! > ay. r„-, coounitli.c , <••' i if) '." R-.i- e tr-:fttu«»>-.' *.* The ancnaj msoticg of to-; n.? m'jers of vh» •;v.--.'i' i"* -.-<]--SoCK-.r ••*!» fi«r* for Friday v-'gr.', bu'. notorSBBa';*!•, there were sb-.rij ol ft quorum present, and, oon- aflqueotly ia hu&iooss a'as dene. Th«4 wea'het v,« veiy vropii »if bit it rat,-,e» poonUar that out of » rremberoWp 1,311 no tow w aid mtke an eS>n i'> attecd. F,iands Md Ws!!.Wi.her« who 8 eat Br.ughts j | ^4^^tSm%Z & iSK . ! Messrs J T. wilooo. Utile Bottrw; W. GrsAaj •; s baod.-t-Th<! BeOfsnry u.t result of HuUou Fields (clouoia (arrow); T QarlhL j tto ballot, which fe»S just bfiea eomploted.- Buttua Fields (2 d ranghts) ; J. Garth, Braakas; | Two qaestioos were submitted tc. t b s diemliers E. Green, Whicr. ii mso; T. Robinson, Huttod to >ic-e upcu, which were as follow:—First : Hall; Goo. Stuwix, CaWwoll; lobn 0:>';es, 1 \ T H T > M j a V oar of goods being oharfed at C».Hwt.il; W. BAt'tM!, Grayn-:.tao (2 iraaghts); j thecarront r^te 1 1 t'ue diatric'-, • * ;. Is Crusher, Sew Hill; Joe. Metealfe, Frxberry J divianud *fc > business wil' allow Itcar provld- \2 «r*u!{t.ta); J. W. jrow.', Csr-con Grange; | i v s tat working expeeslea? See-»ndly: Are ••cor. Fo&wlek, Park Hons.; R. 8»pasvisa»j, • you i • favanr of rliurieid heicc k.;. Atdbrough; J. R. Hodgs.>£, A ( uarchgb; F. Kidd, i it w at pre sane, and prices charged ueeordit zh? Wei. Laj:on; OolUngwood, Fox Hall; T. j—The result jrf the votsSg was 162 for the nrst Sommerbell, Woes Layton ; Geo. MarWood^ I «bd 113 tor abn seennd. These quaatidM bad Green Baok ; W. Todd, BaSt Lay ton ; Jas. reicrenee <o thofl:ur Separtment, of whici Btlnbridge, Uarkin Fields (.2 draOghts); R. ! tio-c- ard «clv 778 m»tt;be». Str'koi', Hortforth ; J. E. Johnson. Pond Oale ; ' U. J,.;i: a y., Earby Kail; S.CaaS»s,Riv.«i<: won b; Geo. Galilee, Sky ^lanoa; L. Plew.', •.; •, ...... j Tarn Baiobrldge, Browspn; D*vid Poarsrm, Nowsham; Jon. Ciarkaeu, Newsham; . rs Aoosrsot', Nearaham; Measra R. li. Lv«...-:. Newaham; W. 4ietcaife, B«'r.»i'ghaio ; K.Green, Sacdto ';h; Mra Wllkinao.i,HawsCe .s-; aaeasia Joha Motcalfe.DaHon Fields; Thos. Btlcbridge, Gtyiwteijidit; Rob,Cia (kS(K>,Scargill; Watsau [';rar USoii r.f :.b^ Inu- .V r >.'d Hts J - iora»s Dir.if l=i:'a->r. Egg'.-; •>-£.-'. ?'r* bravo y: ar.g v. iank.-J .:• t i c p - t x : *. ard was ia • '. i back el spirits. O: Sunls; be preasat&fi f '-j prizsa at lo H-j*-dv.!-i , :-V.'e-? Wesley«e SuuJay S^uo ;...>a!l tre »scces«tui sjUolace toy siter.tiaece dnriug tha pas: ys , " wkloi -..••tiir-l ;. !».(,, 5 i.etc ».? , I 'it-'il l-i the COUSK^ r4 an Saloresticsj ac)T»-*s I to rao-feJed bid great aeiigui. i 5 •'•• bpodof eVntevreJ u^ja h!to, and said that, ujjgh away from them, yet I..>-.'V.^I: tus kindofoa of Mr Tbompson, Wtyotlateiident, and H i V'. Psrker, --'in scerettr--, ho waa always '-eli it formed so to •• r* t, BOObi'«I was pi •;-esstog. H: ''tnoiore?! tee souolsro io L rangesv trj'.'.r ' :.n and C.-iped 'u.-c many c ;r;» w^uid endeaToor duriog thooomLeg yeav i-. alwoySJ be asaeadanoe v il-« SCTOM:. »uvi .'^ ft prize rex* yssur. Ko waa pleased tosjoeftsMS toscy hvd qeaiifi'il. ;o taci: -i wboasj uo liad t.j,:.f.or' f: Uadi-'j'ul rc>*«.?a u. .'.V* feaii:; eoiriic;' itf, aga.o for the Iron on 7»'edoesday evenL<g, cmids-. a host t' gosd-stisosafesoLiu vtij- rrijwiiy frieoda Comforts tor Bur , oliJiei i lo 7 Biba ra-..'. Is 7. a. 10.'.; . pritl 3 Ogfct ;.2.. 1U.: .• Ida,Js id. Bti is o, 5(5.; •« „.«; v 'm. C. K. Ti .ajpl", loo M ; Jo«. E. ,1* f-i ; Joo. '•i'ta-oy, lOd ; J i. •i. i:«, ,i -1. .*J 20 ogga, ief in Bbgium : iiewoiggin-in- eesdsie ucmmiitee. I. •- fji x r 1 ' m of J - ;n .ry »*•! (o'idwinst Ora aeia • -- • •< r sc:?o. :—"".ssrs Goo. S.i , 3. : . . Garg». , 3«.; Juaooa ts 3 . . 1 ) iOJ ; JoaSJ Bv :e, 3.-.; I . , ta ; J . W Gibojo, Bt • . M . i mi ,,i . in ; Rvbi. Scott, 3». S ; . • 034 0 . Oiilaosssfw 19h tee BopraU *• , -\ Hi . . >f £1 SB tho 'i'r ;i:t!. of Kael M C-iuaniUM. gb <-mt. 'Y BOv^ tIEETUC. laaitii ot Barnard: Appointment cf 0ew secretary. l Sc•' pr'cidert > Tej* Fiah-.-r B tt:M, Dar.i-r ii.'.. raotir'.ij of W- marwocd Wi .'frj ^i' koeisfy's fcui^fi' £tlari. The ... s~wccc ; . Wssjioy have been ati'ja<;ribiog vr» L A OI week to a fiio.". * to procure comic r'.a frr ou r '..r\v c > col'- ier.-'. i: - " ! place Pettier). She w'.l: to-day (Wt-dc'-sday). Spencu, Onugtou; J. V. Swicb^ak, Clitford's Farm (2 draugo ..«>; A. Stoivs Giriington ; C. i Foowick, Rokeby Close ; Mrs Watson, Grot* Bridgo (2 dcaoghis); Messrs Sen. Ward, Greta Bridge; TAOS. Nicnutsou, Rakeby; R. Jeokson, Wyoliffe ; Mark Anderson, junior, W; cliffs; W. Bowec, Tborpo ; Tf. Johnson, Tborpo (;i< ubio fnrrow) ; Hiss Browoless, Whorltoo; Mrs Star,wis, Eaieiley House; Messrs Potav, Westwlok; Geo. Bjers, Wc-fitwick; By. Brown's representatives, Westwiek; Gas?. Ackinsm-., Westwiek ; Ri/el<sj Gibsoo, ».' ,oi> ; P. Lacgstr.li, Ssainti..- ; M rs Lat-gstafl. Stalntot; meafcts J&s. S.uijb, Staintos ; W. Ki;:kap ana! Sj-inpfic, WioStoo ; J s. Bwu.lvatk, Bigbciifl; Geo. BlohardSon, Whutloy H«tl; Mrs Ktettard- SOD, Walker Bait; M^sssrs'B. Botbloton, Baiford; Jot.. Mo M.... r Row; R, Borbort. Batfortb Hal!; Thos. BartSO, Ch*pf 1 House; E. Robaoa, Cfiapel Hoes?. ; Joa, Co.'sy, Hign Cloflo; W. E'.gy, I/,* ts (sioobls Itri'OW); W. Gibson, Carlbory (2 draog^te); R H. Brown, i, Newokam i2 draughts) ; Goo, Kirkop, Lictle No%'3bau: ; Losd Barnord, P.,by Qaotto (3 drsucbts) ; Mr V . HodgSOQ, Burton Bonse f,2 draogoSS) ; Mbises) BodgSoa,G.B, H. aa-3 ; and Ml U; 3. Uu'kj. •:. AiWtrU'J BoU, A hue. of Helping' Friends AsBdna tbe faii-known tare -. ?s present were | ^- r - p wilsot —Tho iiiessts WillitmBritkan^O,Greystano; J«meo } Tr*s>aur«'s amtonient jea were adopted, sur! I :.svo '.'so been lie* i —. j loour alpjops In their tr?lr_ I aoclr parcel w's reLvp ".. despase^d I /•o-ogst Vih'i-Hi irasrho hw . heenfisiti 'sg < ' l - nr ' troi Mr Ja:r t . r. Baiobcidts, Hsnnifr),Aad Dpper Tetedlle during l«u vre.k fri.fn ts«t.)tt { bcMgrootlj Cii'-ed.aO th.- ».:liow^g r.f w».r was Private J. fcenoroft,oi tbo ROTS.; ! *-• , «r sn.»ao : Jaouarj 2ira, 1810: t-eaa Field ArtiHeK whe enlisted in Jaousry, lilS, 1 * s B naoiuiuiHiE, -i bate taou p.oaaire ii iu'-t Btaoodtra ,«ote, Middleiec. Eo is o 1 >^kcowiedgit.g receipt cf package oootalniog nat-ivn of W«ia;».td*le. bat 'oent som-» t'^!0 *2 Contorts so kicd.y fcer;-. for the I. ;js U S) the Tse«dsle prelrirus v. eoBstment Lte'sitsinoot, •' • : "" n ' the w osley»i« « - I b '.-ML. ol Go;- Bait, son >l the lata Mr G:-.. B^II, jo 'r .t ; Ai.-.r?. .'.'o. 1. • ». ; ill toes fj , remember >.s in i»uce ?• or*..•..•«•- way, shirts, jsoetj, mijill-.»s sa". 1610 .3^' bv::ii rolo^-s ( wiitc' HO require s dun. g ibis v i y c-.-.i weather. I gn^r thf-ir. ruv, mostly ta Ba^nsid L-.ti B 'ri.Uyslop '•• - noal ro«nLiag uf the Is H - -Eastern ' id«/ -^"M-.-OI C •rro," •, s •• by Mr BAritejr (Gaicioru^ who nefcesioeeo aWo L.; s' srsk . tr»»Lg c prcgreos, id friends| *r s; - pnward renoieotod nhssroiac t too ••• • otit ;.. ' ikfl Caairmon, «od ID n.»cc or veenrd its d 'Ar LtS a) nt 'CSC ^a.ne ^.ts. ase:al' sinciro iOgtes ccoditiocsi. O; iddleaoo, has < \sa (red at He :.*s irirSe rapid r .Tf .»rrss Th-') doaat took ;e nn itav-.. cho Bjmy. «i«..e*B-.-., K'-r V. IWDFOSM to ten to v ".o Kinsve Br; g.-ets sy< M .'J.- b»d sua'.'i-.o >. - ' bn»< so usttoeopf ( t fc aresolution , Stab so -xpressi; c of • • i: li-k. lt.au they |>- C. --itod that the Fii .-. co . v Daaemittao bad OSBMO* Stoutly too ......... 'c-. ... •• -.c L. <;c;.retary, •' -t. .rotary •' iSSO pr••> foum. an ' u.'a *'v:n:i: ive Methodiot Mi.-jse, Mlddd-t • on hno lay mor.riig, ot Mrs Priestley, age:* 79 -years, j widow nt t.*i*. isle Rev. C. Prte6tle.«-. *ba travelled it< thr Barnard C»otl«« clrooit -«b .at, j 50 yeirs »p,';. *i»ne*sed i&ny jd ie" an j ' invalid IT * Jong tier, t*vir.(? been Bo "fined ' to her bed lor t 'Ter a 7ear. eh t ?sW'd w«t^ | ,' '* ' i.idttr, ihf.t you -w- ug:.r. oi tr.cas. T -ase kcbcessee cbe*r u-,-. ,.>;•;n n-> wjcdetfu'.iv 'bt.-.'.. :y knoo iha*t.iiosea-. i tu'«>*taii'okk.g I '. . - a> a-;ci ec!.-'lii:g pi imt tie i o ic»wv I him i a c.:m: v -. s •'-'.. pos|h< •« '''e- M r,i'~ ijie.^seoy *.i.?ecrive j<-ai g v . i wiabc-s, aaa sr« her s-n-in-l^w nn: dsOgbtot <R--. C. I' ! J" f.J J" £ h * Uiar.gi,t, thai- dsisg tor soperloiotide'it r-l Mtddieton stattoo, oA« M's j [ - -towajres ahfl great vio^:-y feel., I iii rfli'l 'cto .. I OfiOT'c, .a now u> Bifeit.— H cr»rt>) /r.ure. Jul ETKMuhiutiE (Sfcrgeontl, 0 u Hatuva Life-.* IcJai ••:.<.'• ML-Bainbiii:. has aJoo reoeised gralefoi ra --H fr-oi Iks f.;Uoarfog, all of whom belong v I 'Ju-tti.iES•: I'-'ivates T.StUi-;, '. *". •>.- * i . R.a.J wea, K.G.'eg...*;, T. A. R't,)i-ld. /••. Key f. i-,.-kin, Bavtlpei, Laoee-Corooral J. 3. r. aud fniTtnsi Sarg <Nis >t R. BUI, v,ti > ac^s : .' Lte beys are keopiog wel!, and are ia •• ..-. lui spiHtov' wten SAl ^Fl 'SO H9T£ o LiterK-y bttitutf Ti.o anaoal genera- •/. rr.iaf: was hold i«i t b - MBtosB-rooSn on Thursday, January 20tb, at Spin. 1U t* R ir. Ed's^ ;o ;,!•''-^--v; .."'/a.ii r tae ebttr. Those present inctn-< i tli; Rev, T. H. Knnekey and Ms E. D Trotter (olot- I p.-esifenit), Moasoa B 1 - Atkinson, t! Rbitua.', i w. Dsvtisoo, c a-.5xv.-a. M. rtardf, w. j BorriaoBi J. |au , T. P*«-,T.Pcas ok (totfo iu v : treasurer;, I. C Psjsjpipt-, J. N, Seweil, J. QOeenao, HJ Rr.'ai Sailors' Bay at Etarnard u'astie. To lab Kuitot ot dts "Teeoda'.e Baiabriige, Carkin ; Thomas Fenwick, P^rk i- :-UI;, Sit MBJ *o be permitted toueariiiy Ln-:.k V r " li'v"'! »'l thut.' wit,., bulpad ta m*ke toe ••bovt- o K- i Bsstsioo...; c>» sasft B great suocecs'f The ; R ' J D M ' 3 ' , ; n I result- Bio lu - 10 l.-speaks tx itself 1 ae •g .viTiewo were , M >f^ v . i 6 . ^ . tort ot the captains m cliffe; Joseph T. Swinbauk, Giffford'a Farm B. Bodgson, Baby; Wsikor Wilson, Ls&gley- j "'. dttio ; W, Kirk, Winston; Robert Johnson, i j.; ThMpe; WHiiMn Stoddart, Heiaorick ; James »gj.—A at Ii*'d table was passed t Concert, Supper and Dance at Forest. Successful British Red Cross Effort. A ooocert, sapper and dance, in Hid of the British Red Cross Society, was held in Forest srhool-room on Friday las:. Although tne leather was very stormy, a large and •ppreolative oompany assembled. After a tyiendid concert, the thlent all oeing looat, MO txoeiient supper was Btrovaded, tne wholo oi its viands being given. Mr Storey and famiiy, •A Valance Lodg?, supplied the masic for toe Ootioe Tho total proceeds taken lor the evtoii g, iccludHg sale ol cock- el. cakes ana ijr.i^ts, amounted to £8 10J. i Edition to ibis a bLUse -to-honse coliecoon w»SJ taken iu ffietv ai>d Ettersgiii, wc.-.'i MOotted m a lurther sum of £5 being added to the receipu. Tae local commiowe ot ladies ard gentieiuen oho inaugurated and carried rut the efiwrs axe heartily congratulated, Should Boacl two stamps for cur 32-page Illustrated Book Bontaining valuable iniormatiou bow all Irregularities uad 'uppreasions may 09 entirely avoiucfi or removed by^ sinipt | AeanB. Reconimer «Cil by ciaiuent .PiiyBicians a.3 the onij «afe t sure, and genmue lemody. Never failp. Thousands of testiiiiou.al-i Katabiuhed lSt»2. MR PAUL BLAHCHARO. ObASKBlUllX HOUrtli. i/ALolOa .'.ASK, LOKOtiH Oa Friday night Mr Tom BUwooe, oarie?, Brongh, lost one of his cart norses. He was retaicing from Luue Head Mines with ti load of barytes when hisfeorsefell. The animal was eventually shot. V/bile l.tlpiog, a neigh- bour, Mra W. Aidersor, was struck by a pulley, causirg a A* y eon ia thu head, and this had to be stiienca by Dr. Buubriage. o At a Moont LancBHhiie ploughicg match two participants wore womec. A grrat increase in tha use of motors by r-n to the near <u:uf"j was foreshadowed by Mr W. J. tfaldoo to tho F vrmors' Club, this week. Speitking on the value of religious experience, the Rev. W. Caile.ider Wslri?,oa Suuday night, said : " Ia tbo fjce if a world ihat is b"rdering on rank mater if.; ism, wo roust give birth to a faot which is going to bn tbe guide-post of our life. Never think that religion is merely a matter cf feelings—a blind trnst in something we have never seen. Religion is an experience, or it is nothing at »11." o Mr W. Baker, M.t,, honorary director ol Dr. Bamardo's Homes, acknowledges the receipt ol £8 Rs. (H , as the rooott of a houa«-to-uouse cotleetUiu at Baicaird tastla. A eh?ertog hnrbiager of the eomiog spring is ! 'he Utt'e winter ac'-.iinow in tha shrub- { hory ai W'istwiek Lodge, the bright yeUow : blossoms of wlioh are peeping up among tho ! grass baneath tbe trees in our forlorn London | oaths, like the first dash of colour in a widow's I tires'? This consoling floweret is cot truly | indigenous,but an '-immigrant aiien," lhaugb ' now " naturalised " throughout Eugitod, and | in the scuth ot Scrtland. It ought, however, I to he a rativa of Ireland, because tbesoloutifie 'name i Bran this biematts), meaning "winter Castle j sprint;-flrwer," is a botanical "bull." This I OoeoOod aconite most not be oontosed with ) tho re»l -cor<6« that figures so frequently in .i., ^ecrctupv t.r '••1 zeal a.' •n c isonssian took plaoe on tU». •c-qui -i ta -A ' ... of tba>'ks . ., . MraGeoSjis Gore i bo* ki'ci- Vaytor, Barnanl Casaia; Geo«W AtkUiOB,. r , tUiC \ Vl . vcS ;-. c , piano, and the SMU ting West SN*wa_; GooTge Byers, B«t BhawO; ^ 3 yrith si vot-i ol thanks to tiio Cuainnan, Frederics: Rioaaidso.i, Whoriey Bill; Rjoert ' _ K ( 5 ( f ,.. ^ spending -ui;'. t; .- I" was Cismson, C^sUe F/»rm ; J. W. Brow«, \ h ; , !U , .•_ , ..... ' t .,-, •.. t ... , M \ . .. Aldbrough ; Robert Ursan, Bottoo ; A. smitb, ; u,^,: a j u t for tbe past year, and the duty was 1 Fusilie s Glmngioc ; Ferair.and Raioe, Towu Pasture ; I Jj w , fl , a ... , .,.. . , L ,. hut that as ho was ' Gao-ge Staewsx, L John Oootof, John Lannis, j n a ..^^ ao ie*t-. take Dart in their tooitble | band ms'-had iynesiae iioottish at B&rttard Castie. uhurch P*r*u- cevsx, John CosSea. John Lonnis, j n a fiL t 0 p i v i i a J. C. Mocoaife, Foxberry; a j m & jayoao ga<:heriogs, bo lal Caldwei Metcalfe, Grejatcno; Tarn Bainbridge, Browsoia Bank; Ernest Fansick. Rokeby Close; T. W. Garth, Button fields ; R-aosrt Alderson, Gibbsatsso; Janiia 8j»ddort, W.. 'Vr'hita, Mai-wood; tuo Rev. A. W. M. Cioto. Hotton ! Masca Vtoecvia ; aad many otu-ra. The ladies '• present included Mrs Metcalic, Brig^al i.o.: - ; b that, tboucli c;oj «gain, tho time l*sd perhaps come lor i him to rolita and make w»ty for someraBo who j ccuid thoJNMS^bly pe.i Hroi s,il the dn'tt.^.—Tbo ' eocticittoo's report siij.?«)d iofetesset membership and m m general Uoo and prpularity of the iu«i a.e and Hbrs-ty, owing to tho addition?! iirnlkiccos r^rd oon.iocts Arrive! cf the Main Bo v a body ol tbo 2.0 Narvlmmba trrivod in tote tawp Tf.u:at:r.y ast, Irota Alqwiok, aid, u r -c by ia* *c. ' ta 6ae bar.-siks. Cf (ioc Mrs J. Metoalie, Fcxborry; and Mis J. T. j ^.-suiting hum tt>e aHoatiora aud lasprove- Bsrtabank. A mbotantisJ diccor was) m R r a t j tbo building, largely Am- to the prosided by ^drs GoiighUy, cf toe resisuranv, e u e r 4 ; ,;., fleora t H ry, Mr Robleoan. -1* is 8arnard Castio, which was thoroughly enjoyed j proposed to ho.d a j amble sale in Way to clear by the P.ongbmon. Alterwards Mr S.ubbs j t u 0 it.Btit.nta of debs oor.faaotcd beforo the recaived the nearly aud smoere ooogratula- f W 4 / M H h<s h»ea found that- anna a sals will lions and well-wishes erf. the assembled bos%. j n o t t m m m M t ty s c , other village land, and Mr Stubbs deolarea that everybody w»s j i a % i w a j s u a B j n i popular. I pbyaiqu-5 and amai't, soWiecly geii, mo .. ;,• j voro m&ej admired. As Ai<iwirrk the bahtolio 1 wero qovtsred it* hufet 'ii jor baot* is in ! oomrnar,*/. Sdocb Interest was eefttefd] Is) Mrt .•fcnrcli p%f*fi% dn .Sunday' rjormo?. -Tho larjger pi-~ 00 as ppo eorpo attessspd c^vlue oetvioe t, a;. . C ittreh, when <Le Vicaj pfOMhed < 3u Bt. .'- v.ae."-, xvt., m. Bttxaag dossdhmeniti atkendtd Was . . >. and Roman C&tuoiio O'surciiK: tm£, at tbo to'oier, the Rev. F. G. BSSohonae preaobod from l a t I yfey f " J ^ | Rir.gs. xix, 4 Ti.e U..h»ot..o Ut,> has been ' c C-.s'.-.." refurbished, and 14 ... us<-.t i . ~i oiioers' , , Mr A. W.Sai.h, ah at ^ aoassHOOii g — ui.' Fecth?.ic .-..'. p.'di: atVSDB.fi. . '•' ptat-SCi-. aid W'oUV f^xstr: -.r:. -v:p: fr-oor, |bo srosoor'r £142 £370-luUi. las .-ti,'. r« •: r-o.r . :i , • -u \ >.il.' to from tc:taio salmon fisaec<°, f>- r : Jaci.u of tho lie: 10 <;o ... iaaamststj .. Iho] tin been < : • z ' <:, . . ,f •. ri.biog V; S..-\ + :, . Ui . . . .' ., th»t khs ; . ftsuormc. . ' •• - .la'-, t. ivi;.- A ia per C r.t.O. tho •'iccti.'i*'. ml Hurtle- . -Tbo Franco -ct a bahocc doe 8-. 10i., -ainat t.mictee Katiei . fttm iial Bank of tngland, Limited. ft«>mt<k«b - v -rci by lot Ucncapt g this War ttka a Vary J; 1 ";m H. ti r> ; •o_-i etas we 11 ta as , wa :-. sad so.fc. . ot.r,S vf 5 ,000 , ._• 5 ocr oottt. . IU.. J . t J . • u». ...'.: d ."j.*aa«d .' ''J uilUaSBSi : 100 raiilior .s, Cbfinti y fuel' C«.v. t ^t I L i t . . u' ..ratal "<-• ••, •. ; I nk aa d ;•...» , c«tpitd our I u. I 1 atnro .•c»«:4!'.ated bytbejwax 'cet«-x ^ rlecsij cou'i coai^ »u; uicas iJruirt u-d.-t>b.ev.t . b.>it avm 'J ssj frodea tko tms w BtUBonji t'.'v. .totttd rtc f top i ..toit«: I j., t-t';' .,-^k Ol ^cgo'.i 300 mill. ore. ''. , <ur pte-w: ^. 1 ail i-i.r.si' Ufa eu'-iii. 0-. pUi ... b . ft -ft \.!t%> 1 COO a.i it' us a year. Our . . . A .. :. n. 1.- iu nearly i>'.0 "• >* . L.J bavo tu f.:t,vi^e a- *r 200 tttlito . o&.*r,T, and this we i. 3ti to i- X"-, oc (AI t. me < st* rcdao L >o ia Ust cathor oxtrsvr.g - : ; '-X' or . to ivf.riv^'e hot Piblic, v \ r . ,c Big lc«o toe war. Tao •: poantty vaosjd • .0 e r - pat, • . u . am ... „t.u it »oald h»*«> tK>'b.< 6 |»t 1 wjulu have *.-> v Hut t:.fc t.--o v.. s. '*j»lrJ t<»o ua t; t.':a frdetlout. I Natiot M Pt-'ViO.' loans, I 'je tie L ' to toil k ihat I . Eogsrows ir *i- . r <i I th^ t SOUL 4 iU'l Spoke : u'tdo g.-.ucraii... BaSAtotted A; 1 C". •its nistc-, wet.- Whotsfiof *r5re •. tu-.--. oaoo...i waa saade, frai tboy CM »',-. a • >ic%ctfd i. remackably kind and iisipfal, and bo sincerely (hanks all his neighbours for Bonding draughts, kud .Uo ;...'!;/ of hoipers wao assisled, convinoed as he is that really excellent work was done. Perish Council aiew« a?.-d the CQU>-O! J Ootttorvatls 1 rooms. Boos) ten Utt ate Uti.iZtd i-i /scrt; ..... tLrt Gttt Si •.. oca Concert at tiotherstone. For a iottg time ahcoe eugugtu iu promotiug oonoerts # •••< or.:ertaiumeuts in the Temper- ance Hal),Cothe.-4tt.se, have f<;K tiie want of a better arrangeme&i, both of curtsies in front ot tho platform, also of soma little spies for dressing-rooms. This difficulty has now been overcom;, and oc Saturday eveniag last a concert was giveu ia aid of the Temperance Hall Improvement Fund to raise n,o v»y towards tae cast of new curtails, v-tee'ooa. then inaugurated.-The Rector ot Rotaaldkirk (Rev. S. G. Heal) kindly took the 0061,*, and, after a few preliminary remarks, called upon Mr Andrews, a trustee of tbe hall, and cue of the promoters ot the concert, to raise tbe drop oaria'c— An excellent programme was then proceeded with, as follows : -Pianoforte dues —Misses Walton and Andrews ; nos?g—Mra Ko. i.y/.".,'o ; reeitotio.-,- BrBeirimen; violli. solo—Miss ueal; readieg—Roy. H. H.rsto,y ; vocal duet—-Misses Aldersou and Walton ; song—Mrs Borrowdale ; comic song—Mr 8. Hocsg&ia ; pianolrrto sofa? Miss w'ioifred Andrews ; sor-^—iiiss Howard ; reciaasiou— Mr Berriman ; song—Miss Beal; viollii solo btiaa Rnssoll; SOOBM.ss w'skon ; the. whole oc&oladlcg with •» sketch by the mtcoo'e.— Mr UogtOfd, oi.»i.-msn ot t !ie Dis.ll trustOoo,ia tiJ^^i^^^^, 2 ! Their lives for their Gantry: Heporial 6-30 p.m., when tueie were orea^n. Mr Ed!e»ton j to LOCHi iiili!kirS. in s, b^d Sk tl .-rd lets, lostry A ,,.'pi(. 4 taa sosMsry w, aid ra.. UB tuu:oec.d>ooo .- .• «••. bf the .. ri ia, ita '. »i»t;r,ory ' -• If -..xiety lo Bt Ud'ltS •j- lO^.rltone J 1 k ad . -. v.-ci lillo, -'lieu . a ^ )uo;i-y'e 0 i-U he : rcyrd iu I -i exoefc* ot ' , .; oaiatioo . ! rOOBBBBS) ... but agar wbioh t It :rrest, aaaed v: a the tfA'.k. la oon- nrred spooifio'lly to . paakon snot laOty •. .. 1.. . .very ieoil let (chairman), tho Rev. T. H. Kcuckr-y, Ccunciilora Gent and Dnwson. ar.d M- G. ETsylrr (clerk).— Tho qaestion of Miss Atkinson's c'oarlty agaio i cama up for ponaideration in eonneetloo with " *ha transfer cf rai' way stook to to* Bo»rd of Education —Plans for a rord bridgo aoMsnihe Tees uoar Gaintord watu were laid before tha CouQoi.1. Prerermeiit of the tiuraie. The Rev. H. Fleldli g-Hsiisb, M..». , who has bnen curate of l -r ^io'cri for the psst three yearg, !;pd w ; -s recently Inst noted by l*.r> Sisr>oy of Riper Lo (ho vicarage of ".rcett, preached farewell sermoos in Gtintocd Parish Chnrch on but •..> . week in the evening, and Isst Sunday in the morning. The revere:-3 gectloman spoke feelingly of leaving his fri8:;ds >o Galcford, and as=k»d for tbelr ptayera in the serious rospo-ieibiliUfs ho w*s undertaking in the cure of souls. Whist Orive and iianca at Laitington. Ia «ld ol too lands al the Lartlngtoo Ladies' Working Party, a Terr sncoesefnl w^ist drive ••'.>: rlseoo V'Bs bald «.i Tharscay nig',-,' i "_ J r.-> inttltbtf. A largbocmpooy attended,29 itlo'Vi . b ing noenpiod for tbi- «5hJrt drive. Ths priz:s . r-'ore kit'dty provided by the Rev. J.OXoary, j Mesora W. Doit. G. Hr.ro. W I-vva, R. Gi'l, o. The lj.iowir ;tt .p»r.i t .:. >.. ft 1 I . - : Rsttlepc-t "KottbSn *. r ' ... Fr . January list, a. d tBl be <A interetit to .1 poobie, iaa 't -g rtleeiNioe • Lance-Cosipaxol $L ' H. Bcbst..-, wl w»S fur .; t- a years ,. DOS to eciia'mant aaateMaet-sixste^ .M«:.tou. Oosmell BohOC'l :—- O: the . tab < cf cd wo hsvc be MI V-'t la vi -- I'IIU ... . is u .. nurse them bo* their moth rlaad.Oi Bcglaad,' Boat, oi yeonaen jiavo n - be*. trd ! tB'iir'K themselves for tfe"' d'-feao? ot u ;tis j arid cout-i-.v i-i s '.t t<.-»e..: w^ • _ J ie • r 5 thai fi« passod, oa. i:r meaiory *-\ prcs u . Two of ti."is,ordy<i.r«. i Ht Kit • ••! 8 O-.'.i, ot Citovi-.e, !.»>.» v»t.f» ')'.'• H*ei'; ..• oon -try—orif ; I Be i' *• %i ->» ••, r...-5 andone laat y»**iu Bo!g>uic. MetMio t< ois Jones »uii 800s l - btea ••••ur..-. 1 wi-u - ta erection 1:' .1 laeaioslal to ch.-^ • ao soidi. r% wni;h took tbo tu*iu r l a OeaatUoi ma ^bi. tablet piac<-r, i- •'w,: '.oanqiont parh obUTOh oi dli tjil..;. Su intoo, «fitt! v/nioh tue fnuaiir were copoeetad lor many yeatr. (be tsbL'-t te ol whlso mari>>. na & rnnkganstad nj i rcj si "''ftae u&rble, o far '.;v 2 tecs in I ! i 'gcriotlo;, wi.ich sdis irscwa Sv3t ^,io r s J j follows :—lo krlfos memory 8er;:ce. J ; i E. Baboon, GStS Oesapaoy Wortiombojriand j loiperloi YeotUiaty, ai> - f w >ui-s r; .ci »*. B!*cdaf.' I'.ei':. SI;TJ^' Atria0, Oelobar 1 RLAJifcHAPD'S FltiS axaurinliedfo.' ... :-r..::: •..-. „V, Modyaaact roUef. »ad ntytr tad ts allcriii,' all tatf,-rtn«. 'i jt -y ^^lt:.r.at:• :-V::r .v.-o. al. I'll ^och.-t. BitttT Applr., etc. •3t «NCaURD'a v.e 7 -.A ' (all Kits'or Women Soii if boics, ' ii . bf BOtI I i. TAYLOR'S Drug Cot-rf./ H.ancbt* sru- , L -::hCTai«t«, ar post tree, j."" .tune \*T'jut. :Tfm , oni.^i :i «mt*ta, SSV ooxuos. •>OL i. Prestcn, and w. Kid: 1 t-e moving a vest nl thanks ta tbe Rev. 8. G. Seal i were :-Ladies : 1, Miss 5. Young, Kgglessono j Robi 8 for pteaiding,reli>rred .0 the willing help giver. \ Abbe/ Farm ; 2, Mrs Garter. C tboroSooo ; 3, •' by these taki.tg oi- ), iu some eases, a'i Coasid* enble pers<»el incanver.ianoe, and remarked that Mrs Bocfpwdale and dooo loo sewing required for maki':g tbe rartaicf, free of caargc, as a ptesent to tho hall, t.h '.t contract wfcoere ' W00,sgod 23 years : a»-o f< .«-Corpoi -i R.U iic: er I virs R. Oil!, L ».ii: c "n ; »«•»>•• 1 priz*, Ki * ... E. WOaoa, f---- 1 - F < '• Gerr^'-t'-- a : i , Mr J. ' CasHSbaid, Cjr. r, .-'.:-s ; «.-.-; ?, l a c k , Ka.b'h j Farm ; 3, Mr B. GibsoK IJotberston a ; I i I ptiza, Iff Wflt Clooe, Bozslgiii. T*io bum of rnrhr.01 tfg ; Infantry, 1 »{••• ;;o:;r Y, v s . B i;,iuv, it,; l.h, 1915, aged 20 year*, ra:.,: A. and C. 7., Robson, Cr.cii..'.'" Both so'-'i-i'i woos w t , known :; - d popular re tha Birtleaobla ant diairic, *• ' I l v - wiil. be s . i u salislsstsftii I their ssarv ft lands to ki.ow lacr.-, '. t. Orryi,ilAi:t Ac'.:. Bs 20. .7,1310, Vicar , «SCC Msrnstga. Jan M ' 20- .Dcr: igbvo Mary's ^?-ia»» •u- j.iaeoary i ahaaa a*.A. D -qahart. v. rirares tor the Improvcmsnts ho •••a lo tho b .cods u( Messrs Borrowda'e aad Son, Nf wgmte, Barnard There were naraen aa eico ^es, S2 2s. I d . was • t.taicwd i -om a cike gaesoirg I Pormar*nt «•'«'•>• 1 *1 sraotod besa. [iai otompaMtioo. Tho oahSwaa kindly psssaatnrf | Ctoraors? Robe :,jtorti I , rnembcied, •• bv M'-e Far,, Tn* neatest gp.»«- tothooeanal 1 very highly ca • siaed .,- .«ij-- of 1. Bartl which the artistes ktcdlv responded. Mr 1 weight wsa m*do by M- F. Bod-^% cf C thav-1 pool.Rovers' Fon ballClnh, bei . tas> gala Parrimaa is an ever-welcorie visitor, w d bis »t«me, whn banded v 1 T < • for 1 ale by ssjotion.; f>y a". - 1 1 elocntlunaty attainments are aiwaya appreei- ' Tbe nett pr-.-yo^a fxen-jt-d to £11 4s. Cd. ..L J. . - 1 1 .~„«—.... pnisonidg tragadiea,' wb*ieH ia uonkanood ;"but \ atod by a Cotborato.-io audicsee. Thopramotata " * * Z e r a o l i n o 81 o: ;u is tha * ' : " Poai -cjy .l Maps, showing each Theatre ot I withalOyears'-eon-laiJUK epu... Was in detsil. Id, eseh, to bo had at the ; jar, from Mason's Lltug Store*, tbe Zem-:!,.: BlFNEV •iovrj Fe bsoa " We li WSpt v . d, MtosJetooa . n»rriat-fi woo died ' 1 ;.JI. '. .f,cuian. • ,a u...i).,uvuw , ~ J ~ ~ — ~ — z - • bath belorg to the time buttercup gronp, cf the concert desire to thank most heartily a l l : 01; st members ot which are to some extent j who have helped to make the concert a ] Oiotuet 1/1) p poisonons. ; success. " Teosdale Mereory Office, Barnaid Castle. I Depot, Baruard Caetle. . ••'ii pn oe> o. rnvw -i , ISIS DI ws0- b«. Jt^:i 1 toral hint aeu." ' , i Oct- :<r'(t mo'fcer. le. or 1 'banks, "-GOC * \0 FAMILY - \h to ... r. . f>:..r ,is i. i kind ski 1 theaS ia inoir sad

Transcript of lot >**& - Teesdale Mercury...

Page 1: lot >**& - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1916/February-02/February-02-1916... · ... ol the Bowec isfriscum, baa) jotoed Royal Bines, sod wert to Aldershut


«B«UDGH, Kirkby Stephen ; end | A W FAIWBRIDGB ft Sow, Darlington,

. . . ; : ? - ; .

^NBSDAY, FSBRl A R Y 2NU, 191C. j k l W E E K L Y S A L E whl beheld, when F b a forward the regular eapplies

ows and HKIKKRS, aud STORK CATTLB. l e of £1 wi l l be givoo for the best

r i i each erase. S»le as 10-30 a.m.


Will bo held on IBSDAY, F E U I U A R Y 22ND, 1916.

1 ^ Particulars later. v jOHN E, THOMPSON, Secretory, dria Etabanxtr.en:;. Darlington.


lies Farm, '.lows* ( I Mile from BiwdS |it j n , North-Eastarn Railway).

^ i i u i n a s Addison, JRE'J w i t ; instrustlona from Mr ard F. Metcalfe, w i o is retlrlag from

f w i l l Sell by Aac.ion, on FaesJty, Febrairy 15tb, 1916,

| l c • S T O C K , C.-oa Implements, Try Utau&iis, csc„ as follows: — let 21 asa:i ofJRti.ie, and 27 sheep.

tioolars naxtw^ek a i d oa posters. i Sad. Bowos.

tlngton (near Barnard Cattle.)

nook, C' ip, laplarnqots, Joiner's Toola, Tiargo ya»a t i : y nf Joiner's Wood and

other efleots.

Mr N . Bousfield eoeived iostruoMone from ths Bxeoa-

urs of the late U r Q. P. Robin* an fen tuotion, as above, on ay, the 17th day ot February, 1916.

i r ileal ars n*xt w»ak a id on p J iters.

irove, Greta Bridge, Barnard Castle.

Tarn Bainbridge and Son, JURED wlr>h Icst.ruruloaa from Mr sat ley Beetaxn, w i l l Sail by Auction, i Thursday, Fobrniry lOSh, 1916, jwiog STACKS OF BAY:--Slaok of

I bay, about 16 i i •<; seek of old land rat 14 t ;DH ; stack ot old Und hay, | toes. l y ia ot good quality, and w i l l be aold

jlo commence at 2-30 o'clock prompt. : 45, Stanhope Boad, Dieliogtoa.

itral Sale Rooms, BARNARD CASTLE.

RK1NS0N&SONS, FRUCTED by several Vendors, have amoved to the above Rooms, and will

| S E L L B Y A U C T I O N , ON

f * U A Y , F E B R U A R Y 10th, 1916, A qnantity oi HOUSEHOLD

fiiiture etc., i E c l n d i n g : —


i t Cabioec, Walnnfc Octagon Table, lo t Overmantel, Folding Chair, Couob, Japeswy; 3 Round Tables, Qood abulator, Btgstel'o Board, Gas Fire,

Mantel Board,

try Carpet, Bordered, 3. by 4 yards; « , Cake Stand, Wall Clock, 2 Treadle eg Machii.es, Basket Cbaira, 2 Black Jrsss Bedsteads, Wire Mattress, Wool •eases, 2 Feather Beds, Single Bed-and Wool Mattress, Painted Toilet

k>s, / i n n Batb, Fluor Oilcioth and |eum, 2 Kitehen Tables, 6 Kitchen s, Armchair. 2 Last Tables. Poss Tub



200 Pairs of IN'S, WOMEN'S




IEGGINGS. at 10 am. and 1 p.m.

View, M o n d a y , 7th February.

kns Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th April, 1915.

klS TERS of Aliens (for use In Hotels, Inns, [Ludgirg-hcuses, e t c ) Form A . R . — F ; Form A.R.—E nan be had at the |ale Meronry " Offic, Rarnard Castle.



B I T I N G PADS 6£d . and 1 / - each,

May be had at the


Barnard Castle.

ESI WOOD'S CHALLENGE REMEDY nteed under the sum of AI<X) to cure when others r superior to Pills, Pallets, or anj Continental

nt. For nil caces of irregularities, however » , O H A L I . K M T K R K M K D Y is suprenae. Price

14e. Ctl. Hpecial lis. Stamp for Book of Requisites.. Established 25 years.

A N D M R S W . W O O D , L A D I E S ' M E D I C A L S P E C I A L I S T S ,


B» TRRSdALE M E K ( T T » ? Y — W ^ ' i M f i ' S D A Y , FEBRUARY 2, K H 6 .

&.UCTI0N8BEH AND V*ALli?K>. Central Sals oloorna.

TTiStebiisnea l i t *

W M . T A R N , Auctioneer * i : d Valuer,

dalrs •>! al l deseripaiona undm SB asi Prompt sajtalelsaasitsj.

B r. nder tU-ws.! t e , Mom iI d iri t W


THOMA9 ^ D D I 8 ( i ^ , Ao\i£k>n*>r>- ir.'? Vainer.

Valaacl'joa lot i'r«>bato >**& Lcs aej DnsM Prompt Sfttn'.ecjert.T

PMitnre SW, 8<-w<»s

> i i H A R R I S O N , Anutiocoer and Valuer,



AOBNT Ittsnrc j t n r Live » td Dend S^ock m<i P'opertv

wgrarsfc Air Raids. 2. HALL STREET, Barnard Castle. 2, Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland.

Telephone : 125,

A U C T I O N E E R A N D V A L O E K .



She (Deesdale (Deucuutj B A R N A R D ^ A S T T E T S ' E B R U A R Y 2ND, 1916."


SLANDER. W K read i n " T h e Merchan t o l Venice "

that the D e v i l can cite Scr ip ture for h i s purpose, and the German Chancel lor accordingly takes courage. Doctor Bethrnann- l lo l lweg is said to have told a conference o f par ty leaders that l i n g l a u d was ins t rumenta l i n forc ing cont inuance of war on her A l l i e s . A p r o m p t denia l of this slander was issued by the Fore ign Office yesterday af ternoon.

B A R N A R D U A & 1 U A M D S T A B T F O H T H C D * S £ B V A T < V £ C L U B .

The Annual Meet ing: Proposal to Open on Good Friday and Christmas Day . On Friday might the animal metft'.Bg ot aba

members ct the Bataaul Cabtlt aud s-;artlortih C o D s e r r a i i v e C'no was i o ' d ncder tUe pireo!-decoj ot Mr John Smith, i.P.. oce ot U M junior vice-preside:<u$. There was ., tiU *: ^et-imoe. —Hi 8 R. Ls&ds,i&a secretary, auburn. ;d the fioanoial Esafesaassit, and romir 'si ' i ch::. tbero wu a balance at the bvak to aae crodit ot the elnb amonnticg lo £5 2;. Id.— Mr H. Walke? : On the w i i i ' o tae ye»r wi l l he eiigbtfy better tban the last.—Mr A . H. Nioholsoo : We axe tocidediy in * cet'ex position. Tiiero is a VK&t of ee*-I} S30 cu j e w . - O a the notion of aba CfaHtrtcan, *t .„ •. • « . by M r VJkar, ti hahwOf Sfceet adopted.—Tha ;-:t.-a were then eJMsssa as i.>)>;:wa:- P.-.^-D : :e£avl of Straiata >re; preside)it: Mr W, 3. ?Jtson; S^cior vice- • -.o^idects: Oaisjasjl the floe,W. L .V ine acii Lo*«l Glttmis; juniorvic*-piealdentb: M e a a i b John &tn\:a »c4 J, S. flelmer; and hosoiai? secretaries: Mosurs A . H.Kiohol8oc and S R. Leeds, tko latter b^ing iwiKiiy l ked t;;r their wervicet.—Mr Nichulaon aeki-..wlecs" i t-.e c.-.t .>.. ty t-t h%*ir •xpressiona, anal Mr LK-U* ,<x th'.t te hid drawn hi* >.'c.;,s. ro Mr NicaoSsjc. -Mr G. Vh i i c , *N»;i>.. Provificiai Ssflkj vras ie-eleoted tesaamrer, and Mr 1'. Bkckicsopp, whose services were piejeingiy i-okoo vleoge^, was again appointed aadiaor. The cummiitee wag elected as fo'lows:—Motsn F. Deacon, A . Crquhart, C. Smith, H. Thoranson, J Biownlees, H. Carter, C. Wccdiunu, W, A « - U ( . J , G. L , Jcoes, I t Dobaoo, R Appleby, F. W. Li t t l e , T. H Hunter, B. Young a n d A. W a l k o r . — M r G. I. Jones proposed tnat (no club bo opened on Quod Friday and Chviscm&s DA i .--'»>Niotiolsoa: You cannot s l u r t ! o existing ••«»&£<;•.•..«<$ becanse i t ia s g-. . -1; rule. Wken this club was formed there was u:.i A dissentient T o i e sa this matter, and the ruie has held got d ever luce. Tbcre baa rever bteo an objection, aad it wonld be a pity if wo m a d e an alteration now.-Mr W. Peat: Tak-a Now Year's Day. I t 'was rough en&ngb, ai^d there was nobody here. —Mr Nicholson : No.ice w i l l have to be given, )od the matter cisenssed at a special general meeting.— The Chairman urged mere assj ..ad cue in the prompt BolkwUoa cf oubsc;ipticns. —Mr Nicholson moved & vote ot condolence with the widow of she late L^cc«-Corporr,i Hunt, of Middloccn, «ho was a member at the club, tnd who died in hospital at Leicester, and the motion was carried in silence, al l rising to their fsec—Affectionate allnsljn was nade to mec-'bers of the ciub in His Msjesty's forces end in tbf ftghtifig line, and the Seoretary wiit lock t p the Juii list,—A brief discussion took place on tne insurance of the stsield, on the initiative uf Mr A.Crqubart,and Vr Nioholscn said he would bring tha quea-jion *P at a meeting cf the •masslttaa un tee 7th ot February. He propo&ea a oorairi vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding, v d the Utter gentleman said llaa members might, congratulate themselves upon the riuooefcd cf tao olub, and called for more psra;.£.al in teres: it its affairs by the u> -c& • —Tap Chairman added tbat Britain B U S . o m e oal of this war viotorione, o;n«i'witie i t woula oa a aieascrous happening to the empire.

l' ;psrs in ki'fcs v.'i;? i t is UBderstortl, J - C O O H -J i ^ y ihe Tyneaida Soo'.iisc t;> Sf. i?ar^'; 0nuroh, next >ar J.

a v.r Barry ' .;s»«.x Petti, th i rd eon of Mr and

dro Dent, ol the Bowec isfriscum, baa) jotoed Royal Bines, sod wert to Aldershut laut

i lay. He was in Barclay's Bank at Pontoiacd.

Lars;3 a i d lovely snowdrops *re ia (nil bioi-aj at Baalnsoii,

Ksris girders are now being inverted III the eabtera s tc t i -n ct ii 1"} T^en Viaduct,

11 ia :\ ••: that cvt Wednes'iay at A i l • 'M.-ts ' , St. John's Wood, London, N.W., by the Vicar, tha Rev, W. H. K ^ ^ b y Steer, M.A., nss.sted br ihe Rev. Jehu K3y«.-M.A n Rsoirr M St. Paul's. Lincoln, ouneln iit the bridsgrooc1, Si? Alexandc-? Kayo auiterwortb, (sjoeral •xar.agsr of aba NM<b-Ees;«,-«« Raii*ai> w»s married to D^rctbe^ Mrror,;uaogaslcUraghCe?

t Luke A. loeide?.

Piivaia Macssl W 3 i t e , brother of Mrs G. L J'.ti'de, Nev?gate. l i M died in hospita! at Malts from rounds received at tee Dardanelles.

"'no ZatUttad foxhon^dH w i l l m-,»e!: a'o MUdia-toi: Lf.dge, on Thurndsy, February^rd ; and sr. Staiporop, en Saturday, February 5.)>: each morning a-: 11 o'olock,

The Rev, W, Csile^de!- Wsko wi l l preach specialS6rmone,on February 20.1<,in Bash-iane Catgregation;.! Chu'ch, Nowoastle-on-Tynr, toncded by tho Ute D,\ Rutherford.

Severn.! t£ii:ors of the Tjii tsidt . Sc^ttiaa loft Ban^rd OtStto at noun, on Moadsy, t>r muekeUy practice.

Q Tee Rev. J. T. Penrose loaves Barniiipham

rMtory tc-day. Ho has bien stayitg i,herc for a few days.

To-day is brewster sofisi-;, I in the Grota Rridga Division, when four Uoeoaes Will be transteried.

Jt—o T%e new Roman Cv.holie Chut oh at Lariiug-

tou w i l l shortly be dtdict ted, aud meacwhila tho lacdsome teimv>r Is rapidly being completer.

A tsorostte w»s heard in full 6'.>ug at V» csawiek, ct! Fri'r'aj moruit g.

Voodlattd b-»R)-.-s w i l l B M S on Satai-day, a i Doe Park, near (haharsennt as 12 o'clock.

o Privgie B . E v M i ; : , 6 ; h Durham LighUfjiaatry;

a o d Driver R. Ple.ws, K ; .1 Field Artil lery, have baon at homo on )u>tve Itom the frost.

An ash tree was blown down on the road Wfcr.i'-sr, to Silmoaby Hall on the Satu"day \t;*s New Yttar's Day. The trae v u IJJS •scooted, bui brcktK. oft ievol v i t h the grouni.tba Iowa* part of the 'runk bei>'g completely r j i i r s : The old »oh had, some *ei;s jgo, he«n s'ituak by Hghtublg, and ulnae ics fall a portion of tho decaytd shnbsr has emitted a luminous phoavbotie Ugbt in the darkness, which baa attracted nome attontion.

Tha BoawVar) Hearetary of Lad* Aura Tiambaosj'a Catcatu Ooooty work Depot bogs to aekuciwledgn witn many ihanks tha rsoelpt of garments, etc. from the Oaidford >>• d c strict braaau '-i Qae«iJC Jdat-y's Ncedlfiw.ife Gnild (per Mrs Ji- o'". F .« .

A large white battioifiy has be>.r\.disjaattiag itself t»r st-vdi-al dajs U t'.o office of Mr T. Ehibinsoo, at tsvs coal c«.p&'-, on she •cation-i o » a i. uamard Cast I F .

Mr A.U.q.aHa. t, vsava u employe* , No>:!ia Etstarn Cou-1? School, has t w j br ithara a A nine nepaews u HU Majesty's faraas.

Mr J. irgram Di^aon, the I occtary socr?tary cf She Percy Fur,d for the Teesdalo Uaion, ictirras us tuai the asaooat contributed bv Mitdleti..-<-ia-Teeas!fc5i*, thrr>ngh the young lady ol ieetots c i toe VTOOJ Fund l.>r the Rod Cross, MOtUttS ta 29 10a. '/hacks ara oue to Den!, ot tha Srove, r.cd Mrs lsr,*c i?irkis, r.he honorary tm^surer, f>:r th*lr k:nir:'?3 ia c&rryi,-?g out tha arrangements lor the c uiiooaksb

"Vise now Kgglestoii Parish M.'gszin.j fr^s b.^ ; well i^c-eived iu tha disttict, tac literary matter b-ing bright and instractive Ths stjos:-. . 'uuter of the now series has had quite :i good s:\i-

The fucerai tr>!.k place nt Crcssby Ravecs-«.-•<•::•, on «, arssay afternoon, of Mr Robert NicOol*..-;-, (BO r.oted sV.orthorr. b.-tcdo;.

I t is expecU'd that the new orgao, which is to he icatallbd in the Primitive Mothudist Chnrch, Barnard Castle, w i l l be opened early in May.

Private WHired Daat, second son oi Mr »nd Mto Ota-, of the Pnbiio School Battalion, has been promoted to tne rankof lauoe-corpor»l,acd in a letter received yesterday i t transpired that he. bad bee* in the tranches for sixteen dsyo. A l l the sons of Mr and Mrs Dsut, of tho Bowes Muecuro, are now in iae army.


mWV P O U C H S K Q O A Y A T LITTf E minm>

A Hemarkabie • peer ^cu

P # i T H i M Piebian ciepresented.


Lss'-i Thursday, i . : magoifidsnii weather, a ?-=c «d ptoogbing day took plsoe a i Li t t l e Rotten Fatm, ou r u e Fc.rceit estate, tho e-revt: a t t r«s t log cwaidorabte aMootion In ran 1 >cai agrionitural wcvid,%nd being oa a scale seldom witnessed'on tha broad aotos nt this part of Norsk Yorkshire. The Isle Mr Biardloatid Rtine, * ' ' . ) was succeoded by his soc.occ-ipi^a this holding for a lot:?: sarins ct'years, a>id t i e iogoiup tenanfc ia Mr ; ,-jica Stubos, of Ner; Broomieuw, In o.oiiju'jafcion with bis ao», eh* farm at the latter pJaas s t i l l being h-«ld in the interest r* htaself »a« soother S nndcr the Earl of Straiamoreand Kin^horc a. SrStabbs and e. «s fam<!y ire ;;'.?;' ' , 'V-«» , ,ecHi*i <. f^rongjjocj tha naighowrlMtod, r»i .• i faarav tl-au c'.i%!• nine drangoce preseoted tbeatSelveS au thd b '.-n piongiiing las^ Thomday morolpg— <;ig. ty.flve hei&g single foraow, :u.« hatcg finable furrow. A large nsseber el looij tuaa&n were aig-> pressot to fct»t*^ >nd | s'x eneaorage In tV> oolcsasl eaterprtsc'.and u»4?,y



< f . •» ' ; ' siegitg t'o-* 3l«rr c1, ex A i - j j eoeb morriiag and ov^i-ing pouri their svel'1 'irf, naif* lo -;"> hfarh t w •'<*g»s wit Uf>p -1 I • ireH<t>g '-' ao** ollopricg. M'-s , nriminer* ate :h

Local War A Srave Vou-.f, I ees

6 W S . i ^trfbiggin-iu-Teescj a Cawwtl tchool.

.oifiier Ksiionai Egg Goiiscti

g t ;

mi:3!ii i;i?rusr, th.'.' UP'

* * puniic meatit'g the, inhabitaois

Mtoajloton was bald dp Thursday pjgi'i: eoeslder what strpa - n ' i be taksm Bu.",A.i!y ackoewtsag^ the es>rvio«8 •. f * 'r Th B f MU?, late sohoolmi

•tsei'ts M i I ,sv «ow-- ~r,- fc-isjea,- w. y*ti tSutrdtsy i'ciioai

Poaiae aho past tow days Sappfl pole, >'/! of ube lUli:J Fi." d Coiip«»y E..j»- ii. t . •• -a.

I on ac'fvo servicL kbetkoat, has fcet sis log !>•• j htH pareaes at houio. Pr<iap«^i-r -.ace, - >«• ••

le- "rea?. Tl;o youiii: ins: . , who .s wa!i known

t •» inn Wuunded. w ;^.adej

P l ate we* < J , •• 2 S ' , *>'. log , •' - t . r - - i . . - auo ie Hoott, 6d.j si •:!> I , 1 , l r . > - 1 eggs ; Ain le

m», 7». ; . . . i /. V. • • .»•,?=, 1:. I d . ; S>s< >r Iceland 2s aad S ' x g a ; Plorrlo

! Vv,- :rv,u„ i . , j ; . . . .. ,. l». 6 U . ; i J o .. r . 1 ear; J at, B.

ier. Mr liea; • K\tt i ar.;. htghlv i-ewpocxd u ar.d u .'JOSC Kcc'eslo", a i £ t s n

o 'd a g r i c u i t n r i s t s dec ; . r e d l o o t tbey a i d n e v e r seej nuc'i a s i g h t i n t b e l r c x p ^ r i ' M i c : . Th>4 folia .ring a r e i n a l u d e d i n t k a l i s t of t h e

cfe».,^p r f *beschool fr:r s period of 2a years r<i>! jo tht ' j time a-\s woii the highest OOteeac • •? ?te!it.'''"n ?x>i. parOpts aliko, K i*ri;o cownany w»» pr^aen^i teVi ' c fertiag < t the m^etloK v anaeliaOBS in favour o l •• presentation.—Id *<is rreeidod to c:ake appeal -to *t! tho kohoiara who t*,d p*r.s«i< nnder tnltion. a .d to fba, Ivhi b:',9i»toof fhn v i l " Y:^ n i v,»jr.—Mr V aVJOW tt waa *j>»>^lt.1 d seiMv :< ! > ay. r„-, coounitli.c , <••' i if) '." R-.i- e tr-:fttu«»>-.'

*.* The ancnaj msoticg of to-; n.? m'jers of vh»

• ; v . - - . ' i ' i"* - . - < ] - - S o C K - . r ••*!» fi«r* for Friday v-'gr.', bu' . notorSBBa';*!•, there were

sb-.rij ol ft quorum present, and, oon-aflqueotly ia hu&iooss a'as dene. Th«4 wea'het v , « veiy v r o p i i »if bit i t rat,-,e» poonUar that o u t of » rremberoWp 1,311 no tow w aid mtke an eS>n i'> attecd.

F,iands M d Ws!!.Wi.her« who 8eat Br.ughts j | 4 ^ ^ t S m % Z & i S K . ! Messrs J T. wilooo. U t i l e Bot t rw; W. GrsAaj •; s baod.-t-Th<! BeOfsnry u . t result of HuUou Fields (clouoia (arrow); T QarlhL j t t o ballot, which fe»S just bfiea eomploted.-Buttua Fields (2 d ranghts) ; J. Garth, Braakas; | Two qaestioos were submitted tc. t b s diemliers E. Green, Whicr. ii mso; T. Robinson, Huttod to >ic-e upcu, which were as follow:—First : Ha l l ; Goo. S t u w i x , CaWwoll; lobn 0:>';es,1

\ T H T > M j a f» V oar of goods being oharfed at C».Hwt.il; W. BAt'tM!, Grayn-:.tao (2 iraaghts); j thecarront r^te 1 1 t'ue diatric'-, • * ;. • Is Crusher, Sew H i l l ; Joe. Metealfe, Frxberry J divianud *fc > business w i l ' allow Itcar provld-\2 «r*u!{t.ta); J. W. j row. ' , Csr-con Grange; | i v s tat working expeeslea? See-»ndly: Are ••cor. Fo&wlek, Park Hons.; R. 8»pasvisa»j, • you i • favanr of r l iur ie id heicc k.;. Atdbrough; J. R. Hodgs.>£, A (uarchgb; F. Kidd, i i t w at pre sane, and prices charged ueeordit zh? Wei. L a j : o n ; OolUngwood, Fox Ha l l ; T. j—The result jrf the votsSg was 162 for the nrst Sommerbell, Woes Layton ; Geo. MarWood^ I «bd 113 tor abn seennd. These quaatidM bad Green Baok ; W. Todd, BaSt Lay ton ; Jas. reicrenee <o tho fl :ur Separtment, of whici Btlnbridge, Uarkin Fields (.2 draOghts); R. ! tio-c- ard «clv 778 m»tt;be». Str 'koi ' , Hortforth ; J. E. Johnson. Pond Oale ; ' U. J,.;i: a y., Earby Kail; S.CaaS»s,Riv.«i<: won b; Geo. Galilee, Sky ^lanoa; L. Plew.', •.; •, . . . . . . j Tarn Baiobrldge, Browspn; D*vid Poarsrm, Nowsham; Jon. Ciarkaeu, Newsham; . rs Aoosrsot', Nearaham; Measra R. l i . Lv«...-:. Newaham; W. 4ietcaife, B«'r.»i'ghaio ; K.Green, Sacdto ';h; Mra Wllkinao.i,HawsCe .s-; aaeasia Joha Motcalfe.DaHon Fields; Thos. Btlcbridge, Gtyiwtei j id i t ; Rob,Cia(kS(K>,Scargill; Watsau

[';rar USoii r.f :.b^ Inu- .V r >.'d H t s J -iora»s D i r . i f l=i:'a->r. Egg'.-; •>-£.-'. ?'r* b r a v o y: ar .g v. iank.-J .:• t i c p - t x : *. a r d was ia • '. i back e l spirits. O : Sunls; be preasat&fi f ' - j prizsa a t l o H-j*-dv.!-i,:-V.'e-? Wesley«e SuuJay S^uo ;...>a!l t r e »scces«tui s j U o l a c e toy siter.tiaece dnriug tha pas: ys , " wkloi -..••tiir-l ;. !».(,, 5 • i.etc ».? , I 'it-'il l-i the COUSK^ r4 an Saloresticsj ac)T»-*s I to rao-feJed bid great aeiigui. i 5 • '•• bpodof eVntevreJ u^ja h!to, and s a i d that, u j j g h away from them, yet I..>-.'V.^I: tus kindofoa of Mr Tbompson, Wtyotlateiident, and H i V'. Psrker, --'in s c e r e t t r - - , ho waa always ' - e l i it formed so to •• r* t, BOObi'«I was pi •;-esstog. H : ''tnoiore?! tee souolsro i o L rangesv trj'.'.r ' :.n a n d C.-iped 'u.-c many c ;r;» w^uid endeaToor d u r i o g thooomLeg yeav i - . alwoySJ be a s a e a d a n o e v • il-« SCTOM:. »uvi .'^ ft prize rex* yssur. Ko waa pleased tosjoeftsMS toscy hvd qeaiifi ' i l . ;o t a c i : -i wboasj uo l i ad t.j,:.f.or' f: Uadi-'j'ul rc>*«.?a u. . ' . V * feaii:; • eoiriic;' itf, a g a . o for the Iron • on 7»'edoesday evenL<g, cmids-. a host t ' gosd-stisosa feso Liu v t i j - rrijwiiy frieoda

Comforts tor Bur , oliJiei i

lo 7 Biba

ra-..'. Is 7.

a. 10.'.; . pritl 3 Ogfct ; . 2 . . 1 U . : .• Ida,Js i d .

B t i • i s o, 5(5.;

•« „ . « ; v ' m . C . K. Ti.ajpl",

loo M ; Jo«. E. • , 1 * f-i ; Joo.

'•i'ta-oy, lOd ; J i. •i. i:«, , i -1. . * J 20 ogga,

ief in B b g i u m : iiewoiggin-in-• eesdsie ucmmiitee.

I . •- fji x r 1 ' m • of J - ; n .ry »*•! (o'idwinst Ora aeia • -- • •< r sc:?o. :—"".ssrs Goo. S . i , 3. : . . Garg». , 3«.; Juaooa ts 3 . . 1) iOJ ; JoaSJ

B v :e, 3.-.; I . , ta ; J . W Gibojo, Bt • . M . i mi , , i . in ; Rvbi. Scott, 3». S ; . • 034 0 . Oiilaosssfw 19h tee BopraU *• • , -\ Hi . . >f £1 SB tho 'i'r ; i : t ! . of Kael M C-iuaniUM.

gb <-mt. 'Y B O v ^ t I E E T U C .

laaitii ot Barnard: Appointment cf 0ew secretary.

l Sc•' pr'cidert > • Tej* Fiah-.-r B • tt:M, Dar.i-r ii.'.. raotir'.ij o f W -

marwocd Wi . ' f r j^i' koeisfy's fcui^fi' £t lari . The ... s~wccc;. Wssjioy

have been ati'ja<;ribiog vr» L A OI week to a fiio.". * to procure comic r'.a frr ou r '..r\vc> col'- ier.-'. i : - " !


Pettier). She w'.l: to-day (Wt-dc'-sday).

Spencu, Onugtou; J. V. Swicb^ak, Clitford's Farm (2 draugo ..«>; A. Stoivs Giriington ; C. i Foowick, Rokeby Close ; Mrs Watson, Grot* Bridgo (2 dcaoghis); Messrs Sen. Ward, Greta Bridge; T A O S . Nicnutsou, Rakeby; R. Jeokson, Wyoliffe ; Mark Anderson, junior, W; cliffs; W. Bowec, Tborpo ; Tf. Johnson, Tborpo (;i< ubio fnrrow) ; Hiss Browoless, Whorltoo; Mrs Star,wis, Eaieiley House; Messrs Potav, Westwlok; Geo. Bjers, Wc-fitwick; By. Brown's representatives, Westwiek; Gas?. Ackinsm-., Westwiek ; Ri/el<sj Gibsoo, ».' ,oi> ; P. Lacgstr.li, Ssainti..- ; M rs Lat-gstafl. S ta ln to t ; meafcts J&s. S.uijb, Staintos ; W. Ki;:kap ana! Sj-inpfic, WioStoo ; J s. Bwu.lvatk, Bigbci i f l ; Geo. BlohardSon, Whutloy H«tl; M r s Ktettard-SOD, Walker Bait; M^sssrs'B. Botbloton, Baiford; Jot.. Mo M....r Row; R, Borbort. Batfortb Hal! ; Thos. BartSO, Ch*pf 1 House; E. Robaoa, Cfiapel Hoes?. ; Joa, Co.'sy, Hign Cloflo; W. E'.gy, I / , * ts (sioobls I t r i ' O W ) ; W. Gibson, Carlbory (2 draog^te); R H. Brown, i , Newokam i2 draughts) ; Goo, Kirkop, Lictle No%'3bau: ; Losd Barnord, P.,by Qaotto (3 drsucbts) ; Mr V. HodgSOQ, B u r t o n Bonse f,2 draogoSS) ; Mbises) BodgSoa,G.B, H. aa-3 ; and M l U; 3. Uu'kj. •:. AiWtrU'J BoU,

A hue. of Helping' Friends AsBdna tbe faii-known tare -. ?s present were | ^ - r - p wilsot —Tho

iiiessts Wil l i tmBri tkan^O,Greystano; J«meo } Tr*s>aur«'s amtonient jea were adopted, sur!

I :.svo '.'so been l i e * i —. j loour alpjops In their t r?lr_ I aoclr parcel w ' s r e L v p ".. despase^d I

/•o-ogst Vih'i-Hi irasrho h w . heenfisiti'sg < ' l - n r ' t r o i Mr Ja:rt. r. Baiobcidts, Hsnnifr),Aad Dpper Tetedlle during l « u vre.k fri.fn t s « t . ) t t { b c M g r o o t l j Cii'-ed.aO th.- ».:liow^g r.f w».r was Private J. fcenoroft,oi tbo ROTS.; ! *-• , «r sn.»ao : Jaouarj 2ira, 1810: t-eaa Field A r t i H e K whe enlisted in Jaousry, l i l S , 1 * s B n a o i u i u i H i E , - i bate t a o u p.oaaire i i iu'-t Btaoodtra , « o t e , Middleiec. Eo is o 1 >^kcowiedgit.g receipt cf package oootalniog nat-ivn of W«ia;».td*le. bat 'oent som-» t ' ^ ! 0 *2 Contorts so kicd.y fcer;-. for the I . ; j s U S) the Tse«dsle prelrirus v. eoBstment Lte'sitsinoot, •' • : " " n ' the w osley»i« « - I b '.-ML. ol Go;- Bait, son >l the lata Mr G : - . . B^II , jo'r . t ; Ai.-.r?. .'.'o. 1. • ». ; ill toes fj

, remember >.s in i»uce ?• or*..•..•«•- way, shirts, j soe t j , mijill-.»s sa". 1 6 1 0 . 3 ^ ' bv: : i i • rolo^-s ( wiitc' H O require s dun. g ibis v i y c-.-.i

weather. I gn^r thf-ir. ruv, mostly ta Ba^nsid

• L-.ti B ' r i .Uys lop '•• - n o a l ro«nLiag uf the

• I s H - -Eastern • ' id«/ - ^ " M - . - O I C • •rro," •, s •• by Mr

BAritejr (Gaicioru^ who ne fcesi oeeo aWo L. ; s' srsk . t r»»Lg c prcgreos,

id friends| *r s ; - pnward *» renoieotod nhssroiac t too ••• • oti t ;.. ' ikfl Caairmon,

« o d ID n.»cc or veenrd i ts d 'Ar LtS

a) nt • ' C S C

^a.ne^.ts. ase:al' sinciro i O g t e s ccoditiocsi. O;

iddleaoo, has < \sa (red at He :.*s irirSe rapid r.Tf.»rrss

Th-') doaat took

;e nn itav-.. cho Bjmy.

«i«..e*B-.-., K'-r V. I W D F O S M to ten to v ".o Kinsve Br; g.-ets sy< M .'J.-b»d sua'.'i-.o >. - '

bn»< so u s t t o e o p f ( t f caresolution •

, Stab so -xpressi; c of • • i : li-k. lt.au they

|>- C . • --itod that the Fii .-. co . v Daaemittao bad OSBMO* Stout ly too .........'c-. ... •• -.c L. <;c;.retary,

•' -t. .rotary •' iSSO pr••> f o u m .

an ' u.'a

*'v:n:i: ive Methodiot Mi.-jse, Mlddd-t • on hno lay mor.riig, ot Mrs Priestley, age:* 79 -years, j widow nt t.*i*. isle Rev. C. Prte6tle.«-. *ba travelled it< thr Barnard C»otl«« clrooit -«b .at, j 50 yeirs »p,';. *i»ne*sed i&ny j d i e " an j ' invalid I T * Jong t i e r , t*vir.(? been Bo "fined ' to her bed lor t'Ter a 7ear. eh t ?sW'd w«t^ | ,' '* '

i . i d t t r , ihf.t you - w - ug:.r. o i tr.cas. T -ase kcbcessee cbe*r u-,-. ,.>;•;n n-> wjcdetfu'.iv 'bt.-.'.. :y knoo iha*t.iiosea-. i tu'«>*taii'okk.g I '. . - a> a-;ci ec!.-'lii:g pi imt tie i o ic»wv I him i a

c.:m:v-. s •'-'.. pos|h< •« '''e- Mr,i'~ ijie. seoy *.i.?ecrive j<-ai g v . i wiabc-s, aaa sr«

her s-n-in-l^w nn : dsOgbtot <R--. C. I ' ! J" f . J J " £ h * Uiar.gi,t, thai- dsisg t o r soperloiotide'it r-l Mtddieton stattoo, oA« M's j [ - -towajres ahfl great vio^:-y feel., I

i i i • rfli'l 'cto .. I OfiOT'c, .a now u> Bifeit.— H cr»rt>) /r.ure. J u l ETKMuhiutiE (Sfcrgeontl, 0 u Hatuva Life-.* IcJai ••:.<.'• ML-Bainbi i i : . has aJoo reoeised gralefoi ra --H fr-oi Iks f.;Uoarfog, all of whom belong v I 'Ju-tti.iES•: — I'-'ivates T.StUi- ; , '. *". • •>..- * i . R.a .J wea, K.G.'eg...*;, T. A. R't,)i-ld. /••. Key f . i-,.-kin, Bavtlpei, Laoee-Corooral J. 3. r . aud fniTtnsi Sarg<Nis>t R. BUI, v,ti > ac^s : .' Lte beys are keopiog wel!, and are ia •• ..-. lui spiHtov'


SAl^Fl 'SO H 9 T £ o

LiterK-y bt t i tutf Ti.o anaoal genera- •/. rr.iaf: was hold i«i t b -

MBtosB-rooSn on Thursday, J a n u a r y 20tb, at Spin . 1U t* R ir. Ed's^ ;o ; , ! • ' ' - ^ - -v ; .."'/a.ii r tae ebttr. Those present inctn-< i tli; Rev, T. H. Knnekey and Ms E. D Trotter (olot-

I p . - e s i f e n i t ) , Moasoa B1- Atkinson, t! Rbitua.', i w. Dsvtisoo, c a-.5xv.-a. M . rtardf, w. j BorriaoBi J. |au , T. P*«-,T.Pcas ok (totfo iu v : treasurer;, I . C Psjsjpipt-, J . N, Seweil, J .

QOeenao, HJ Rr.'ai

Sailors' Bay at Etarnard u'astie.

To lab Kuitot ot dts "Teeoda'.e

Baiabriige, Carkin ; Thomas Fenwick, P^rk

i - :-UI;, S i t — M B J *o be permitted toueariiiy Ln-:.k

V r " l i ' v " ' ! »'l thut.' wit,., bulpad ta m*ke toe ••bovt-o K- i Bsstsioo...; c>» sasft B great suocecs'f The

; R ' J D M ' 3 ' , ; n I resul t - Bio lu - 10 l.-speaks tx itself 1 ae •g .viTiewo were , M > f ^ v . i 6 . ^ . t o r t ot the captains m

cliffe; Joseph T. Swinbauk, Giffford'a Farm B. Bodgson, Baby; Wsikor Wilson, Ls&gley- j "'. dttio ; W, Kirk, Winston; Robert Johnson, i j . ; ThMpe; WHiiMn Stoddart, Heiaorick ; James

»gj.—A at I i * ' d table

was passed t

Concert, Supper and Dance at Forest.

Successful British Red Cross Effort. A ooocert, sapper and d a n c e , i n Hid of the

British Red Cross Society, was held i n Forest srhool-room on Friday las:. Although tne leather was very stormy, a large and •ppreolative oompany assembled. After a tyiendid concert, the thlent all oeing looat, MO txoeiient supper was Btrovaded, tne w h o l o o i i t s viands being given. Mr Storey and famiiy, •A Valance Lodg?, supplied t h e masic for t o e Ootioe Tho total p r o c e e d s taken lor the evtoii g, iccludHg sale ol cock- e l . cakes a n a i j r . i ^ t s , amounted to £8 10J. i Ed i t ion to ibis a bLUse-to-honse coliecoon w»SJ taken iu ff ie tv ai>d Ettersgiii, wc.-.'i MOotted m a lurther sum of £5 being added to the receipu. Tae local commiowe ot ladies a r d gentieiuen oho inaugurated and carried rut the efiwrs axe heartily congratulated,

Should Boacl two stamps for cur 32-page Illustrated Book Bontaining valuable iniormatiou bow all Irregularities uad 'uppreasions may 0 9 entirely avoiucfi or removed by sinipt | AeanB. Reconimer « C i l by ciaiuent .PiiyBicians a.3 the onij «afet sure, a n d genmue lemody. Never failp. Thousands of

testiiiiou.al-i Katabiuhed lSt»2. MR PAUL BLAHCHARO.

ObASKBlUllX HOUrtli. i / A L o l O a .'.ASK, LOKOtiH

Oa Friday night Mr Tom BUwooe, oarie?, Brongh, lost one of his cart norses. He was retaicing from Luue Head Mines wi th ti load of barytes when his feorse fell. The animal was eventually shot. V/bile l.tlpiog, a neigh­bour, Mra W. Aidersor, was struck by a pulley, causirg a A* y eon ia thu head, and this had to be stiienca by Dr. Buubriage.

o A t a Moont LancBHhiie ploughicg match two

participants wore womec.

A grrat increase in tha use of motors by r - n t o the near <u:uf"j was foreshadowed

by Mr W. J. tfaldoo to tho F vrmors' Club, this week.

Speitking on the value of religious experience, the Rev. W. Caile.ider Wslri?,oa Suuday night, said : " Ia tbo fjce i f a world ihat is b"rdering on rank mater if.; ism, wo roust give birth to a faot which is going to bn tbe guide-post of our life. Never think that religion is merely a matter cf feelings—a blind trnst in something we have never seen. Religion is an experience, or i t is nothing at »11."

o Mr W. Baker, M . t , , honorary director ol Dr.

Bamardo's Homes, acknowledges the receipt ol £8 Rs. (H , as the rooott of a houa«-to-uouse cotleetUiu at Baicaird tastla.

A eh?ertog hnrbiager of the eomiog spring is ! 'he Utt'e winter a c ' - . i i n o w in tha shrub-{ hory ai W'istwiek Lodge, the bright yeUow : blossoms of wl ioh are peeping up among tho ! grass baneath tbe trees in our forlorn London | oaths, like the first dash of colour in a widow's I tires'? This consoling floweret is cot truly | indigenous,but an '-immigrant aiien," lhaugb ' now " naturalised " throughout Eugitod, and | in the scuth ot Scrtland. I t ought, however, I to he a rativa of Ireland, because tbesoloutifie 'name i Bran this biematts), meaning "winter Castle j sprint;-flrwer," is a botanical "bull ." This I OoeoOod aconite most not be oontosed with ) tho re»l -cor<6« that figures so frequently in

.i., ^ecrctupv t.r '••1 zeal a.' •n c isonssian took plaoe on tU».

•c-qui-i ta -A ' . . . of tba>'ks . ., . MraGeoSjis Gore i bo* k i ' c i -

Vaytor, Barnanl Casaia; Geo«W AtkUiOB,. r , t U i C \ V l • . v c S ; - . c , piano, and the SMU ting West SN*wa_; GooTge Byers, B « t BhawO; ^ 3 yrith si vot-i o l thanks to tiio Cuainnan, Frederics: Rioaaidso.i, Whoriey B i l l ; Rjoert ' _ K ( 5 ( f , . . ^ s p e n d i n g -ui;'. t; .- I" was Cismson, C^sUe F/»rm ; J. W. Brow«, \ h ; , ! U , .•_ , ..... ' t . , - , •.. t . . . „ , M \ . .. Aldbrough ; Robert Ursan, Bottoo ; A. smitb, ; u , ^ , : a j u t for tbe past year, and the duty was 1 Fusilie s Glmngioc ; Ferair.and Raioe, Towu Pasture ; I J j w , f l , a... , .,.. . , L , . hut that as ho was ' Gao-ge Staewsx,L John Oootof, John Lannis, j n a . . ^ ^ a o i e* t - . take Dart in their tooitble | band ms'-had

iynesiae iioottish at B&rttard Castie.

uhurch P*r*u-

cevsx, John CosSea. John Lonnis, j n a fiL t 0 p i v i i a

J. C. Mocoaife, Foxberry; a j m & jayoao ga<:heriogs, bo la l Caldwei Metcalfe, Grejatcno; Tarn Bainbridge, Browsoia Bank; Ernest Fansick. Rokeby Close; T. W. Garth, Button fields ; R-aosrt Alderson, Gibbsatsso; Janiia 8j»ddort, W.. 'Vr'hita, Mai-wood; tuo Rev. A. W. M. Cioto. Hotton ! Masca V t o e c v i a ; aad many otu-ra. The ladies '• present included Mrs Metcalic, Brig^al i.o.: - ;

b that, tboucli c;oj «gain, tho time l*sd perhaps come lor

i him to roli ta and make w»ty for someraBo who j ccuid thoJNMS^bly pe.i Hroi s,il the dn'tt.^.—Tbo ' eocticittoo's report siij.?«)d iofetesset

membership and m m general Uoo and prpularity of the i u « i a.e and Hbrs-ty, owing to tho addition?! iirnlkiccos r^rd oon.iocts

Arrive! cf the Main Bo v a body o l tbo 2.0 • Narvlmmba trr ivod in tote tawp Tf.u:at:r.y

ast, Irota Alqwiok, aid, u r -c by ia* *c. ' ta 6ae bar.-siks. Cf (ioc

Mrs J. Metoalie, Fcxborry; and Mis J. T. j .-suiting hum tt>e aHoatiora aud lasprove-Bsrtabank. A mbotantisJ diccor was) m R r a t j tbo building, largely Am- to the prosided by ^drs GoiighUy, cf toe resisuranv, e u e r 4 ; , ; . , fleoratHry, Mr Robleoan. - 1 * is 8arnard Castio, which was thoroughly enjoyed j proposed to ho.d a j amble sale in Way to clear by the P.ongbmon. Alterwards Mr S.ubbs j t u 0 it.Btit.nta of debs oor.faaotcd beforo the recaived the nearly aud smoere ooogratula- f W 4 / M H h<s h»ea found that- anna a sals wi l l lions and well-wishes erf. the assembled bos%. j n o t t m m m M t ty s c , other village land, and Mr Stubbs deolarea that everybody w»s j i a % i w a j s u a B j n i popular.

I pbyaiqu-5 and amai't, soWiecly geii , mo .. ;,• j voro m&ej admired. As Ai<iwirrk the bahtolio 1 wero qovtsred it* hufet ' i i jor baot* is in ! oomrnar,*/. • Sdocb Interest was eefttefd] Is) Mrt

.•fcnrcli p%f*fi% dn .Sunday' rjormo?. -Tho larjger pi-~ 00 as ppo eorpo attessspd c^vlue oetvioe t , a;. . C ittreh, when <Le Vicaj pfOMhed < 3u Bt. .'- v.ae."-, xvt., m. Bttxaag dossdhmeniti atkendtd Was . . >. and Roman C&tuoiio O'surciiK: tm£, at tbo to'oier, the Rev. F. G. BSSohonae preaobod from l a t I yfey f " J ^ | Rir.gs. x i x , 4 Ti.e U..h»ot..o Ut,> has been ' c C-.s'.-.." refurbished, and 14 ... us<-.t i . ~i oiioers' , ,

Mr A. W.Sai .h , ah at ^ aoassHOOii g — ui.' Fecth?.ic .-..'. p.'di: atVSDB.fi. . '•' • ptat-SCi-. a i d W'oUV f^xstr: -.r:. -v:p: fr-oor, |bo srosoor'r £ 1 4 2 £370 -lu U i . las . - t i , ' . r« •: r-o.r . :i , • -u \ >.il.' to from tc:taio salmon fisaec<°, f>- r : J a c i . u of tho lie: 10 <;o ... iaaamststj .. Iho] t in been < : • z ' <:, . . , f •. ri.biog V; S..-\ + :, . Ui . . . . ' ., th»t khs ; • . ftsuormc. . ' •• - .la'-, t. i v i ; . - A ia per C r.t.O. tho •'iccti.'i*'.

m l Hurtle-. -Tbo Franco

-ct a bahocc doe 8-. 10i., -a ina t


Katiei . fttm iial Bank of tngland, L i m i t e d .

ft«>mt<k«b • - v - rc i by lot Ucncapt

g this War ttka a Vary J; 1 ";m H . •

ti r>;

•o_-i etas we 11 ta as , e« wa

• :-. sad so.fc. . '» ot.r,S vf 5,000

, ._• 5 ocr oottt. . I U . . J . t J . • u » .

...'.: d . " j .*aa«d .' ''J uilUaSBSi : 100 rai i l ior .s ,

Cbfinti y fuel' C«.v. t^t I

L i t . . u' ' » . .ratal "<-• ••, •. ; I nk aa d ;•...» , c«tpitd our I u . I 1 atnro .•c»«:4!'.ated bytbejwax 'cet«-x ^ rlecsij c o u ' i coai^ »u; uicas iJruirt u-d.-t>b.ev.t . b.>it avm 'J ssj frodea tko tms w BtUBonji t'.'v. .totttd rtc f top i . . t o i t « : • I j . , t-t';' .,-^k Ol ^cgo'.i 300 mill.ore. ''. , <ur pte-w: ^. 1 ail i-i.r.si' Ufa eu'-iii. • 0-. pUi ... b . ft -ft \.!t%> 1 COO a.i it' us a year. Our . . . A .. :. n. 1.- iu nearly i>'.0 "• >* . L . J bavo tu f.:t,vi^e a- *r 200 ttt l i to . o&.*r,T, and this we i. 3 t i to i- X"-, oc (AI t. me < st* rcdao L>o ia Ust cathor oxtrsvr.g -: ; ' - X ' o r . t o ivf . r iv^ ' e hot Pib l i c , v \r. • ,c Big lc«o toe war. Tao •: poantty vaosjd • . 0 e r- pat, • . u . am . . . „t .u i t »oald h»*«> tK>'b.< 6 | » t 1 w j u l u • have *.-> v Hut t:.fc t.--o v.. s. '*j»lrJ t<»o ua t ;

t.':a frdetlout. I Natiot M Pt-'ViO.' loans, I ' je tie L ' to toi l k i h a t I . Eogsrows ir*i- .r <i

I th^ b» t

SOUL 4 iU' l Spoke :

u'tdo g.-.ucraii... BaSAtotted A ; 1C". •its n i s t c - , wet.-Whotsfiof *r5re •.

tu-.--. oaoo...i waa saade, frai tboy C M »',-. a • >ic%ctfd i.

remackably kind and iisipfal, and bo sincerely (hanks all his neighbours for Bonding draughts, kud .Uo ;...'!;/ of hoipers wao assisled, convinoed as he is that really excellent work was done.

Perish Council

aiew« a?.-d the CQU>-O! J Ootttorvatls 1 rooms.

Boos) ten Utt ate Uti.iZtd i-i / s c r t ; . . . . . tLrt

Gttt Si

•.. oca

Concert at tiotherstone. For a iottg time ahcoe eugugtu iu promotiug

oonoerts # •••< or.:ertaiumeuts in the Temper­ance Hal),Cothe.-4tt.se, have f<;K tiie want of a better arrangeme&i, both of curtsies in front ot tho platform, also of soma l i t t le spies for dressing-rooms. This difficulty has now been overcom;, and oc Saturday eveniag last a concert was giveu ia aid of the Temperance Hall Improvement Fund to raise n,o v»y towards tae cast of new curtails , v-tee'ooa. then inaugurated.-The Rector ot Rotaaldkirk (Rev. S. G. Heal) kindly took the 0061,*, and, after a few preliminary remarks, called upon Mr Andrews, a trustee of tbe hall, and cue of the promoters ot the concert, to raise tbe drop oaria'c— An excellent programme was then proceeded with, as follows : -Pianoforte dues —Misses Walton and Andrews ; nos?g—Mra Ko. • i.y/.".,'o ; reeitotio.-,- BrBe i r imen; violl i . solo—Miss ueal; readieg—Roy. H. H.rsto,y ; vocal duet—-Misses Aldersou and Walton ; song—Mrs Borrowdale ; comic song—Mr 8. Hocsg&ia ; pianolrrto sofa?— Miss w'ioifred Andrews ; sor-^—iiiss Howard ; r e c i a a s i o u — Mr Berriman ; song—Miss Beal; viollii solo — btiaa Rnssoll; SOOB—M.ss w'skon ; the. whole oc&oladlcg wi th •» sketch by the mtcoo'e.— Mr UogtOfd, oi.»i.-msn ot t!ie Dis.ll trustOoo,ia

tiJ^^i^^^^, 2! Their lives for their G a n t r y : Heporial • 6-30 p.m., when tueie were orea^n. M r Ed!e»ton j to LOCHi iiili!kirS.

in s, b^d Sk tl .-rd lets,

l o s t r y A , , . 'p i ( . 4 taa sosMsry w, aid ra.. UB tuu:oec.d>ooo

.- .• «••. bf the .. ri ia, ita • '. »i»t;r,ory

' - • • If -..xiety lo Bt Ud'ltS

• j - lO^.rltone • J 1 k ad . -. v.-ci

l i l lo , - ' l i eu . a ^ )uo;i-y 'e

0 i-U he : r c y r d i u

I -i exoefc* ot ' , .; oaiatioo

. ! rOOBBBBS) . . . b u t

agar w b i o h t It :rrest,

a a a e d • v: a the

tfA'.k. la oon-nrred spooifio'lly to

. paakon snot laOty •. . . 1..

. .very i e o i l let

(chairman), tho Rev. T. H. Kcuckr-y, Ccunciilora Gent and Dnwson. ar.d M - G. ETsy l r r (clerk).— Tho qaestion of Miss Atkinson's c'oarlty agaio

i cama up for ponaideration in eonneetloo with " *ha transfer cf rai 'way stook to to* Bo»rd of

Education —Plans for a rord bridgo aoMsnihe Tees uoar Gaintord watu were laid before tha CouQoi.1.

Prerermeiit of the tiuraie. The Rev. H. Fleldli g-Hsiisb, M..». , who has

bnen curate of l-r^io 'cri for the psst three yearg, !;pd w;-s recently Inst noted by l*.r> Sisr>oy of Riper Lo (ho vicarage of " . rcet t , preached farewell sermoos in Gtintocd Parish Chnrch on but •..> . week in the evening, and Isst Sunday in the morning. The revere:-3 gectloman spoke feelingly of leaving his fri8:;ds >o Galcford, and as=k»d for tbelr ptayera in the serious rospo-ieibiliUfs ho w*s undertaking in the cure of souls.

Whist Orive and iianca at Laitington. Ia «ld ol too lands al the Lartlngtoo Ladies'

Working Party, a T e r r sncoesefnl w^ist drive ••'.>: rlseoo V'Bs bald «.i Tharscay nig',-,' i"_Jr.-> i n t t l t b t f . A largbocmpooy attended,29 itlo'Vi . b ing noenpiod for tbi- «5hJrtdrive. Ths priz:s . r-'ore kit'dty provided by the Rev. J.OXoary, j Mesora W. Doi t . G. Hr.ro. W I -vva , R . Gi ' l , o.

The l j . iowir;tt .p»r . i t .:. >.. ft 1 I • . - : Rsttlepc-t "Kot tbSn *. r ' ... Fr . January l i s t , a. d t B l be <A interetit to .1 poobie, iaa't-g rtleeiNioe • Lance-Cosipaxol $L ' H. Bcbst..-, wl w»S fur .; t- a years ,. • DOS to eciia'mant aaateMaet-sixste^ .M«:. tou . Oosmell BohOC'l :—- O: the . tab < cf cd wo hsvc be M I V-'t la vi - - I ' I I U . . . .is u .. nurse them bo* their moth rlaad.Oi Bcglaad,' Boat, oi yeonaen jiavo n - be*. • trd ! tB ' i i r 'K themselves for tfe"' d'-feao? ot u ;tis j arid cout-i-.v i-i s'.t t<.-»e..: w^ • _ J ie • r 5

thai f i « passod, oa. i:r meaiory *-\ prcs u . Two of t i ."is,ordy<i.r«. i Ht Kit • • ••! 8 O- . ' . i , ot Citovi-.e, !.»>.» v»t.f» ')'.'• H*ei'; ..• oon -try—orif ; I Be S» i' *• %i ->» ••, • r...-5 andone laat y»**iu Bo!g>uic. MetMio t< ois Jones »uii 800s l - btea ••••ur..-. 1 wi-u - ta erection 1:' .1 laeaioslal to ch.-^ • ao soidi. r% wni;h took tbo tu*iu r l a OeaatUoi ma^bi. tablet piac<-r, i - • ' w , : '.oanqiont parh obUTOh oi d l i t j i l . . ; . Su intoo, «fitt! v/nioh tue fnuaiir were copoeetad lor many yeatr. (be tsbL'-t te ol whlso mari>>. na & rnnkganstad nj

i r c j s i "''ftae u&rble, o far '.;v 2 tecs in I ! i 'gcriotlo;, wi.ich sdis irscwa Sv3t^ , io r s J j follows :—• lo krlfos memory 8er;:ce. J ; i E. Baboon, GStS Oesapaoy Wortiombojriand j

loiperloi YeotUiaty, ai> - f w >ui-s r; . c i »*. B!*cdaf.' I '.ei':. SI;TJ^' Atria0, Oelobar 1

RLAJifcHAPD'S F l t i S axaurinl iedfo. ' ... : - r . . : : : •..-. „ V , Modyaaact

roUef. »ad ntytr tad ts allcriii,' all tatf,-rtn«. 'i jt-y ^ lt:.r.at:• :-V::r.v.-o. al. I'll ^och.-t. BitttT Applr., etc.

•3t«NCaURD 'a v.e 7 - . A ' (a l l K i t s ' o r Women Soii if boics, ' i i . bf BOtI I • i. T A Y L O R ' S Drug Cot-rf./ H.ancbt* sru- ,L -::hCTai«t«, ar post tree,

j . " " .tune \*T'jut. :Tfm , o n i . ^ i :i«mt*ta,

SSV ooxuos. •>OL

i. Prestcn, and w. Kid: 1 t-e moving a vest nl thanks ta tbe Rev. 8. G. Seal i were :-Ladies : 1, Miss 5. Young, Kgglessono j Robi 8 for pteaiding,reli>rred . 0 t h e wi l l ing help giver. \ Abbe/ Farm ; 2, Mrs Garter. C tboroSooo ; 3, • ' by these taki.tg oi- ), iu some eases, a'i Coasid* enble pers<»el incanver.ianoe, and remarked that Mrs Bocfpwdale and dooo loo sewing required for maki':g tbe rartaicf, free of caargc, as a ptesent to tho hall, t.h'.t contract

wfcoere ' W00,sgod 23 years : a»-o f< .«-Corpoi -i R . U i i c : er

I virs R . Oil!, L » . i i : c "n ; »«•»>•• 1 priz*, K i * . . . E. WOaoa, f----1- F < '• Gerr^'-t'-- a : i , Mr J .

' CasHSbaid, Cjr.r ,.-'.:-s ;«.-.-; ?, lack, Ka.b'h j Farm ; 3, Mr B. GibsoK IJotberston a ; I i I ptiza, I f f Wfl t Clooe, Bozslgiii. T*io bum of

rnrhr.01 t f g ; Infantry, 1 »{••• ;;o:;r Y, v s . B i; , iuv, it,;

l .h , 1915, aged 20 year*, ra:.,: A. and C. 7., Robson, Cr .c i i . . ' . ' " Both so'- ' i- i ' i woos wt , known : ; - d popular re tha Birtleaobla ant d i a i r i c , *• ' I l v - w i i l . be s . i u salislsstsftii I their ssarv ft lands to ki.ow lacr.-, ' . t.

Orryi,ilAi:t Ac'.:. Bs

20. .7,1310, • Vicar ,

«SCC Msrns tga .

Jan M '

20- .Dcr: i g b v o

Mary's ^?-ia»» •u- j . i aeoary

i ahaaa a*.A. D -qahart. v. rirares

tor the Improvcmsnts ho •••a lo tho b .cods u( Messrs Borrowda'e aad Son, Nf wgmte, Barnard

There were naraen aa eico^es,

S2 2s. I d . was • t.taicwd i-om a cike gaesoirg I Pormar*nt «•'«'•>• 1*1 sraotod besa. [iai otompaMtioo. Tho oahSwaa kindly psssaatnrf | Ctoraors? Robe : , j t o r t i I , rnembcied, •• bv M'-e Far,, Tn* neatest gp.»«- tothooeanal 1 very highly ca • siaed .,- .«ij-- of 1. Ba r t l

which the artistes ktcdlv responded. Mr 1 weight wsa m*do by M - F. Bod-^% cf C thav-1 pool.Rovers' Fon bal lClnh, bei . tas> gala Parrimaa is an ever-welcorie visitor, w d bis »t«me, whn banded v 1 T< • for 1 ale by ssjotion.; f>y a". - 1 1

elocntlunaty attainments are aiwaya appreei- ' Tbe nett pr-.-yo^a fxen-j t-d to £11 4s. Cd. • . . L J . . - 1 1 . ~ „ « — . . . .

pnisonidg tragadiea,' wb*ieH ia uonkanood ;"but \ atod by a Cotborato.-io audicsee. Thopramotata " * * Z e r a o l i n o 81 o: ;u is tha * ' — : " Poai-cjy .l Maps, showing each Theatre ot I withalOyears'-eon-laiJUK epu.. .

Was in detsil. Id , eseh, to bo had at the ; jar, from Mason's Lltug Store*, tbe Zem-:!,.:

BlFNEV •iovrj • Fe bsoa

" We li

WSpt v . d, MtosJetooa . n»rriat-fi woo died

' 1 ; . J I . '. . f , c u i a n . • , a u . . . i ) . ,uvuw , • — — ~ J ~ — — ~ • — ~ — z - •

bath belorg to the t ime buttercup gronp, cf the concert desire to thank most heartily a l l : 01; st members ot which are to some extent j who have helped to make the concert a ]

O i o t u e t 1/1) p

poisonons. ; success. " Teosdale Mereory Office, Barnaid Castle. I Depot, Baruard Caetle. . ••'ii pn oe>

o. r n v w - i ,

ISIS DI ws0- b«. Jt^:i 1 toral hint aeu." '

, i f» Oct- :<r'(t mo'fcer. le. or 1 'banks, "-GOC * \0 FAMILY - \ h to

... r. . • f>:..r ,is i . i kind ski 1 theaS ia inoir sad