Los modales 1

Ejercicios extraídos de la Gramática Oxford ESO. Página1 Ejercicio 1 Haz preguntas y respuestas sobre los dibujos, utilizando can y can’t. 1. A: Can she play tennis ? B: Yes, she can . A: Can she play the violin ? B: No, she can’t. She can play tennis but she can’t play the violin . 2. A: ___________________________? B: Yes, ____________. A: ___________________________? B No, _______________________ but ______________________. 3. A: ___________________________? B: Yes, ____________. A: ___________________________? B No, _______________________ but ______________________. Los Modales (1) Poder (can, can’t, could, couldn’t En Inglés usamos can/can’t en el presente y could/couldn’t en el pasado para expresar la capacidad de hacer cosas, es decir, lo que podemos o sabemos hacer. He can run 100 metres in 12 seconds. El puede correr 100 metros … I couldn’t speak English when I was little. Yo no sabía hablar …

Transcript of Los modales 1

  1. 1. Ejercicios extrados de la Gramtica Oxford ESO. Pgina1 Ejercicio 1 Haz preguntas y respuestas sobre los dibujos, utilizando can y cant. 1. A: Can she play tennis ? B: Yes, she can . A: Can she play the violin ? B: No, she cant. She can play tennis but she cant play the violin . 2. A: ___________________________? B: Yes, ____________. A: ___________________________? B No, _______________________ but ______________________. 3. A: ___________________________? B: Yes, ____________. A: ___________________________? B No, _______________________ but ______________________. Los Modales (1) Poder (can, cant, could, couldnt En Ingls usamos can/cant en el presente y could/couldnt en el pasado para expresar la capacidad de hacer cosas, es decir, lo que podemos o sabemos hacer. He can run 100 metres in 12 seconds. El puede correr 100 metros I couldnt speak English when I was little. Yo no saba hablar
  2. 2. Ejercicios extrados de la Gramtica Oxford ESO. Pgina2 4. A: ___________________________? B: Yes, ____________. A: ___________________________? B No, _______________________ but ______________________. Ejercicio2 Haz frases sobra la fabulosa familia Plum utilizando could. 1. Mr Plum / speak / 10 languages when he / be / 20 __Mr Plum could speak 10 languages when he was 20.___________ 2. Simon Plum / drink / 10 litres of orange juice a day when he / be / 5 ____________________________________________________ 3. Mrs Plum / swim / 10 kilometres when she / be / 21 ____________________________________________________ 4. Gransmother Plum / dance / all evening when she / be / 60 ____________________________________________________ 5. Joan Plum / ride / a bike when she / be / 2 ____________________________________________________ Ejercicio 3 Completa las frases con can, cant o couldnt y los verbos entre parntesis. 1. You dont have to shout. I __can hear___ (hear) you very well. 2. I ________________ (watch) that programme last night because I had to go out. 3. He ________________ (play) last week because he was injured. 4. He eats in restaurants all the time because he ________________ (cook). 5. I ________________ (give) you a lift1 in my car because it isnt working at the moment. 6. I didnt have a good seat in the theatre, so I ________________ (see) the stage2 very well. 7. John doesnt need a calculator. He ________________ (do) very difficult sums in his head. 1 Give a lift: llevar 2 Stage: escenario