LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site...

__ __ _ --- II 1:11 Ruc(lf(II.D.6 2SJ9H DATE RECEIVED: I (2LI/ q3 LOS ALAMOS LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATOAY ENVIRONMENTAL RilSTORATION R.cord. Proc.ulng FllcJl!ty PAG E COUNT: -.;IL ..... .I2:-_ ER Recold Indu. Form aulck Index: Complete nil flolds: Indicate If not appllcnblo or appropriate: ploaso write loOiblv. = DOCUMENT TO: bej 01D ORGANIZATION: __ _____ ORIGINATOR NAMEi t..k,·' LV (i"'\CJ:15k2J.cL ORGANIZATION: --"/lr ____ .......... SYMBOL: . .J,:r; E.t;,u,.L qOCVM,ENT 0 \ \-!iltr\ CS\t= Lcl\ 'f\ct I (] RECORD TYPE (Cllclo lelavant type for primary rocord: typo of attachmonts should be selectod on Keywords Ustl: An4llylloDI Oalo Atth:l. Chllltl'ol,cultody Chort Compute, Output Conl/llct Controllod Dlstrlbullon O,awlnu RECORD CATEGORV: ElIIClltpt FAX Flgu,o FOlnl Notebook Interview Outllno Lotto' f!.rsonol Noills Uet Photo Logbook Phm hllolottn -:P PrCClidulU PuU:hIlIO Rally"'t Receipt Acknowlodgmont ROloloft R,lIiow Sow Study SummlUY TII"lo Tolepllo"o RocOld Toe Trllnscrlptlon Vlduo Work Phm 011\0' _____ CP 10' 0' " 10' RellllaMli1 FILE: fOLDER: ______________________________ RECORD LOCATION: _______ RECORD FILMED IYIN): + - (IndIcate /ocollott or rneard If not iIImrtd.1 RECORD PACKAGE :__________ Com plato all 'Inlds; Indlcato If not applicablo or appropriate: ploase write loglb!'./. Usc ER Record Index Form Attachment If neodod. LOCATION: ____________ ATTACHMENTS FILMED tV/N): '-..L (Wille ottllchllll'"t. to Ihls Iltoold IIImlll.l1) IIndlcutll locution 01 lIt1nchm,'"'' II "n' 11I... n,' I r--- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU J I

Transcript of LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site...

Page 1: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

__ __ _



111 Ruc(lf(IID6 2SJ9H




PAG E COUNT -ILI2-_ ER Recold Indu Form

aulck Index Complete nil flolds Indicate If not appllcnblo or appropriate ploaso write loOiblv =

DOCUMENT TO Jh~ lci$~ec9 bej 01D ORGANIZATION __~_-_____


SUBJECTITITlE~~mb -iltr CSt= ~ Lcl fct ~~ I n~


RECORD TYPE (Cllclo lelavant type for primary rocord typo of attachmonts should be selectod on Keywords Ustl

An4llylloDI Oalo Atthl Chllltlolcultody Chort Compute Output Conlllct Controllod Dlstrlbullon Oawlnu


ElIIClltpt FAX Flguo FOlnl Notebook Interview Outllno Lotto frsonol Noills Uet Photo Logbook Phm



PrCClidulU PuUhIlIO Rallyt Receipt Acknowlodgmont ROloloft RlIiow Sow Study

SummlUY TIIlo Toleplloo RocOld Toe Trllnscrlptlon Vlduo Work Phm 0110_____

CP 10 POllfllnn~fttic 0 10 RellllaMli1

FILE fOLDER ______________________________

RECORD LOCATION _______RECORD FILMED IYIN) + shy(IndIcate ocollott or rneard If not iIImrtd1


Complato all Inlds Indlcato If not applicablo or appropriate ploase write loglb Usc ER Record Index Form Attachment ~heet If neodod

LOCATION ____________ATTACHMENTS FILMED tVN) -L (Wille ottllchllllt to Ihls Iltoold IIImllll1) IIndlcutll locution 01 lIt1nchm II n 11In Ir--shy




















EN 4 I R 0 N M E N TA L R E STO RAT ION 9 Records Processing Fncillty

EN Record Index Forrii 3 a

ERRacords Detail Index Form for EH Record ID H

$1 DETAIL INDEX Complete 111 fields indicatc if not applicable or i~ppropr i i~ le ptcasc write le[]ibly II -

ADS NOIS) Ll l I f l fY I i r ( l llUSttOlS1 I---- - i I


SWMUlPRS NOISJ 1111 AfLfVdiht 8YMU t4OlllllIl~5



CO A RECTI 0 N D ESC R I PTlO N -- - -

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record L O AqSqf

Part II Attnchment Complete all fields Indicate if not opptfcoblo or oppropriotc Plensc write legibly

5-3- s -3 5- Y 5- 5 5 -b

ER Rncofda Itidea Fortit Allaclinteiil Bltaat lSlde 1 o 11

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record ID gqsqg Part I I Attachment Complete all ficlds Indicate I f not applcablc or uppopriatc Plcasc write loglbly

p a 1-40

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 2: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)



















EN 4 I R 0 N M E N TA L R E STO RAT ION 9 Records Processing Fncillty

EN Record Index Forrii 3 a

ERRacords Detail Index Form for EH Record ID H

$1 DETAIL INDEX Complete 111 fields indicatc if not applicable or i~ppropr i i~ le ptcasc write le[]ibly II -

ADS NOIS) Ll l I f l fY I i r ( l llUSttOlS1 I---- - i I


SWMUlPRS NOISJ 1111 AfLfVdiht 8YMU t4OlllllIl~5



CO A RECTI 0 N D ESC R I PTlO N -- - -

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record L O AqSqf

Part II Attnchment Complete all fields Indicate if not opptfcoblo or oppropriotc Plensc write legibly

5-3- s -3 5- Y 5- 5 5 -b

ER Rncofda Itidea Fortit Allaclinteiil Bltaat lSlde 1 o 11

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record ID gqsqg Part I I Attachment Complete all ficlds Indicate I f not applcablc or uppopriatc Plcasc write loglbly

p a 1-40

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 3: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

EN 4 I R 0 N M E N TA L R E STO RAT ION 9 Records Processing Fncillty

EN Record Index Forrii 3 a

ERRacords Detail Index Form for EH Record ID H

$1 DETAIL INDEX Complete 111 fields indicatc if not applicable or i~ppropr i i~ le ptcasc write le[]ibly II -

ADS NOIS) Ll l I f l fY I i r ( l llUSttOlS1 I---- - i I


SWMUlPRS NOISJ 1111 AfLfVdiht 8YMU t4OlllllIl~5



CO A RECTI 0 N D ESC R I PTlO N -- - -

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record L O AqSqf

Part II Attnchment Complete all fields Indicate if not opptfcoblo or oppropriotc Plensc write legibly

5-3- s -3 5- Y 5- 5 5 -b

ER Rncofda Itidea Fortit Allaclinteiil Bltaat lSlde 1 o 11

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record ID gqsqg Part I I Attachment Complete all ficlds Indicate I f not applcablc or uppopriatc Plcasc write loglbly

p a 1-40

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 4: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record L O AqSqf

Part II Attnchment Complete all fields Indicate if not opptfcoblo or oppropriotc Plensc write legibly

5-3- s -3 5- Y 5- 5 5 -b

ER Rncofda Itidea Fortit Allaclinteiil Bltaat lSlde 1 o 11

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record ID gqsqg Part I I Attachment Complete all ficlds Indicate I f not applcablc or uppopriatc Plcasc write loglbly

p a 1-40

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 5: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

ER Rncofda Itidea Fortit Allaclinteiil Bltaat lSlde 1 o 11

ER Records Index Form Attachment Sheet for ER Record ID gqsqg Part I I Attachment Complete all ficlds Indicate I f not applcablc or uppopriatc Plcasc write loglbly

p a 1-40

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 6: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

ER Record lndox Form Kovword List I



fiEYWSIRDS Circlo rolovont KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record k

Abandon Abovoground Tank Absorption Abstract Accolero tor Accuss Accldont Acid Activo Activttios Adminlstra tivo ADS (Actlvlty Dntn Shoot Adsorption AEC (Atomic Enorgy

Aorial Agondn Auroumon t

Air Alpha Amnrlclum Analysis Annlytical

Approval Aquifor



AIP (Agroarnant In Princlpl

AOC (Aton of Concurn)

AWR (Appllcnble Rolovunl or Approprlnta Raquiraniantd

Archasology Archivo Aroa Arsonic Asbastos Asphalt Assessmont Audit

Dilckfill Background Elactorla Barium Basollno 8cP IUnrallno Choriga

Bods Borrnod Aroa Eorytlium


MtSCElLANEOUS ( l lst othor indoxlng critoria as necessary pleaso write legiblyl



Bunkor 9 Buri

Cadmlum Caisson Calibration C A M U (Corractlvu Acllon

Canyon Capacitor Caus tlc CEARP IComprahunslvu

Enklrcnnranlnl Aetiasttriian iind Rouponsa Progtimi)

Mitrir[larnarit Unlrl


IConiptohunslvu Envlrotinwmtnl Rampongo Cornpunnolion nnd Lliiblllty Act1

Corti lica tion Cosium Chain of Custody Chirmber Chango Control Change Ordor Chargo Chert Chocklist Chomlcal Chromium Cloanup Cloarance Closuro Clothing


CMllRA ICotructivu Munrurue InipleniantritlonRuniadlul Action)

CMSlFS (Corractlvu Mauturus Study Funslblllty Sludy)

Cobalt Common t Committoe Community Rolations Company Complianco Comprossod Gas Computor Modeling Computor Output Concorn Concreto Concurronco Configuration IparaVJ

Construction Container Con tainman t Contaminan Contract Control Controlled Distributioi Coppor Coro Corroctivo Action Corrospondonco Criorla Cvanido Cy an o g e n

Data Doadlino Dobris Docision Analysis Docommisslon Decontamination Doficioncy

Dotectlon Dotonation Devclopmun t 3iosol 3lschargo 3isposal 3ocumen tation DOE ~ ~ o r i u t t r i i u n ~ 01

Jose 100 tDntt1 aulw

lraft lrainago lrainlinu 3 r ii wing Miling Irop Tower )rum lry Woll lump



Icology iffluont

IEnvironriiuritiil Inipiict Stntanientl

iloctrical mission inginooring

Environmental EOD (Explosivd Otdnnnca

Diflporiill EPA (Envirotiniuntul

Prolaclion Auancyl Equipmon t ERDA IEnurUy Ruuorircti


rind Dovulopniant Adniinls I riiliofil

ER PO IErir i t onnian lei Rastorution Progriini Oliica)

ESampH IEnvironiiiont Siilaty u r d Hurilthl

Estimate Evacuation Evaluation Evaporator Evideiico Excavation Exclusion Exhaust Exporimont Explosive Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fonco Field Figure Filter FlMAD Ifiiciiity lor

Irilorniiltion MirniiGunwnt Atiiilysis rirrd Dirliiiry)

inding ire -iring Site iscat ission ivo-Yoar Plan low low chart hid cvm ramework uc1 umo


)I I

t j s j

Gas I

I1 Gonoration gta

Genoric Goochemistry Geology Goophysics Glass Boakor Glovo Box Graph Guidance Gun

HandlinD Hazardous Hoadquartors Hoalth HE itiIuti kq~louivul History HMTA (Huzurdou~ Mulurid

Holo Homo Owner Hood H S WA t Hui rirdoua itlid

Troneliortollon Act1

s o l d w ll S I u Aniundnrantal

il ydrology ilygleno

mpact mplemontatlon mplosion mpoundment nactive ncident ncinorator ndustrial n f iI t ra tion njection Wall njury norganic n s pcc t io n nstallation riterim ntorim Action ntornal n t o rvio Y

nvonrory nves tigation

RM (Intaririr Ruriiodiiil

sotope WP Ilnelulllltion Work Plllnl


Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 7: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

Sanitary Satollito Schedule

Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot

Alan) Mcdia Mooting Memo Morcury Metal Microform Minimization Minutes MIS IManepemsnt

lnlotniatlon Sysienrl Mlxod Wasto MOA Memo of Aoroomc Model Modification Money (Allocation

Approprlatlon Budget Cout Fundlnp otcJ

Monltorlng Monthly Roport

Mortar Impact h a MQU (Mamu of

UndOrE~8ndiflQ) MSA (Major Sysiom


NEPA (National

NFA (No Further Action1 Nickel Nltrato NMED New Moxko



Envlronmsnlal Pollcy Acl

Envitonmenl Departmont~

Environrnanlal Imptovement Olvislonl

NOD (Notlca of Daflclency

Toclinical Technicol Team Tcctrnolog y folophono accord Tast Area Tcstinp TLD ITharflroluminoucanl

TOC Crnbta 01 Contantsl Da~inroorl

Townsito Toxic Tracking Troinlng Transcription Transf or Trnnsformcr

lab Job Laboratory Lagoon Land Landlill Laundry Leach Load Leak Logal Lettor Limit Lines liquid List Location Loo Logbook

Magarino Managomont Manhole Map Matorlal MDA IMa~eild DlsposalC


Pilot Study PIP0 -piL

P pF ant

Plutonium Pointoof- Contact Pollution Polonium Polaroid Po tontial Provcntion Priority Procodure Program Programmatic Project Project Loador Propollant Properly Voposal

Pro toction Protocol PRS (Patantlal noloaio

S l I O l Public Pump Purchaso Roqucst

OA (aunlity AsBurancd

~ f ( 0 u a l l t y Piocadurol Ouolity Ounrtorty Ropon

Sadfoactivo Satliochomlstry Wlonuc l Ido W i u m at ionalo

ICRA (Aeroutao Connorvatloit und Ilocovaty AclJ

7 o i C l O r lccolpt

ecommondaticn loeonnaissance locords ~ocovory locyclo

Ac kno wlodome t i t

Fncllity Aufiascnrenl)

BJphonk4 c8 (Polychlorlnrtod

ormlt Wsonal Notes krsonnel Icrsonnei Oualificaiion hot0


lnvaatlgntionl Risk RPF (Racutde~Ptoceinlnp

Facillly) W

Safoty Salamander

Sampio Sampling Plan


lotffaso lomodiation omovai - oport

oquirornonts oscarch osin Bod osolution osourcc

lospirator losponso lostoratlon lost rictlon losults loviow fovislon


IFiA1 (RCRA Fnclllty lnvaotiuo t lo~iRomaJlol

Shall Shot Silvor 3ito Studgo Soil Solid hlvont SOP (Stondetd Oporntln0


01 Wotk ow (SlfJtOfllefll 01 SCOIX

pocif ic pili tack itandard i t atisrice

toamlino too1 toraga

tudy ubcontrector ubsurloco ummary ump UPPOfl

Surfaco Survoillanco Survoy Swipo


Tank Task



SWMU (Solld h a t o Manapemen1 Unlll

-I Tablo C

rcip I T ~ X I C W Cliatnctetlullc Leaching PI OCcdUlO)

TDD (Toclinical Docunrunl Dasciiptionl

Transmittal Transport Tr oa t men t

1 Trench Trip Rcpon Tritium TRU ttronoufsnicl TSCA (TOXIC Subrtnncar

Tubsiioy Tuff

Undorground Updeto Uranium Urino USGS (Utri~od Gtntar

Uoolopicnl S u t ~ o y l US7 (Undetgiound ttotago

Tonkl Utility

Validation Variancu VE ( o~ua tnglnaotitiOl Vonriletion Vorif ication Wolatilo Volumo

a r d io uso I~aslo Naior

I Contiol Act1

NUS [Voik Utuohdown Blructutol

5 VGking Group Iinc

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 8: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

Tboes t i e t o d Below DATE May 37 1960


00 Jauuarp 14 1960 a program wn8 initiated for the demolition of certain abnndonod l a b o r a t o r y structures by burning A plan for the demolition progrnm w a s prepmed January 15 1960 and burning operations wera started January 10 1960 A written procedure was approved for each burning operation which were achoduled t o be burned had s e r v e d their usefulness and were f o r the met part contaminated with high explosive rad ioact ive materials or other a o n t d n m t s which precluded t h e st110 or re-use of the etructuree or materials i n t h e etzvctures for my purpose o burning schedule continued u n t i l March 13 1960 when unpmdictable h igh wlnds and t h e abaence of mow cover made it necessary t o suspend t h e burning program

The structuree

A list of the b u i l d i n g s which were burned or ilashed is enclosed l r ~ l Appondix Atf


Addressees t

SUPPlY Asc mcurity (2) ABC fire Dept Area Mgr LAAO Elza Paul Zia Ceail Badegrrd Zia Richard Crook Zia Laon Ross Zfa James R Yaddy E E VtiDgfield (5)

amp U s Alrunos Scientif ic Lab (20)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 9: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

lsquo i b

cr lsquo 3

mom Listed - 2 -

A few s t r u c t u r e s on tho schedule remain and ehould bo burned when weather condi t ions permit t h o burning t o be accompliehed s a i o l y t h e burning operations it is recommendod t h a t ti committec be appointed t o resurvey all amas t o rascortnin t h e completeneee of burning or flashing and t o locate aud desigqate contaminated manholes and s t r u c t u r e s which were n o t burned or flashed and schedule thoso for burning when conditions permit It is further recommended t h a t t h i s committee give considerat ion t o methods of diepoaal of non-burnable mater ia l which hns h e n Slaehed

P r io r t o the resumption of

Attached is a list of s t r u c t u r e 6 which were not buraod o r f lashed r e Appendix I I B i l

During t h e burning operntioa several low order detona- t i o n s occurred which confirmed aur suspicion t h a t i t would have been hazardous t o personnel attempting t o dernolieh t h e m -structures by m y m098 other than by f i ro mile none of these detonations could be con- sidered t o oxert more force than aitrno-inch firecracker i n my o p i n i o n many could have resulted I n injuries t o personnel had they been in t he immediate v i c i n i t y of t h e detonation Several of t h e structures which were burned contained radioact ive contnminntion nnd on some of these structures Group H-1 tools air snmples during t h e burning operation nod t he results showed t h a t no radioactivo contaminatlop vas air-borne

f believe t h a t t h e demolitlor of these buildings by burning under control led condi t ions const i tuted a coasiderable contr ibut ion t o t h e over-al l d i r e pro- t e c t i o n program since their exis tence always presented a se r ious fire potential and a f i re under adverse condi t ions could have resu l ted in dostruct ion of valuable p r o p e r t y aad equipment and ~i h i g h mooetnry 1o6a s ince io some ~1888 it would have beoa d i f f i c u l t t o pro tec t t h i e expoeod p r o p s r t y without undue risk t o F i r e Dopartmeat personnel and equipment because of t h e possibility of BE detonations

2 Attachments 1 Appendix rsquolsquoAt 2 Appendix ldquoBrdquo


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 10: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)


1 lsquo z

(cont icue d)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 11: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)


- 3 -










TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 12: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)








TA-9 1

TA-9 -4







Lab building exposes 2 plywood structures

Steal barricade -- free of contaminntlou

Rainforced concrete chnmber - free of contamination

UPderground concrete p u p house -- free of contnmination

Septic t ads

Ebtperimeatal concrete wal l -- froo of contamination

Platform OB U t i l i t y poles

Laboratory and f i r ing chamber -- exposes telephoae cnble

Reinforced concrete f ir ing chamber -- RE contaminated

Recovery p i t -0 steel on timber -- HE contaminated



Basket washhg f a c i l i t y -- El3 coataminaled


13 Electrical manholes listed for TA-9 -- free of contamination

Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- I3E contaminated -- exposes 14-5

TA-14-19 Concrete and s t e e l chamber -- HE contaminated -- exposes 14-5


TA-16-25 Procoss b u i l d i n g -- exposes b u i l d i n g to r e m a i n

TA-la-34 Magazine 4-0 HE contaminated -- walls caved i o -- e a r t h and ice ou f loor


- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t

Page 13: LOS ALAMOS Alamos National Labs...Sanitary Satollito Schedule ' Scopo Scrap Scrap Dotonation Site Scrooning Scrubber Scorch Sacurity SOOP Somivoln tila Soptic Sowor Shaft Shoot Alan)

- 2 -

TA-16-35 Gquipmeat room 0 Clem -- oxposes steam lines

TA-143-87 TmIler 0- eltposes b u i l d i n g BcheduXcd t o romnia

TA-le-102 Paesrgeway betresa b u i l d i n g s 25 amp 26 to rennin

TA-18-103 lireaguray htween bui ld ings 26 and 27 to remain

TA-16-110 Barriaade -- exposes passagoway 103

TA-16-125 Barrioado -- exposse passageway 103

TA-18-158 Barricade- 8 t w l -- earth f i l l a d -- clean TA-18-139 Barricade -= steel -- ear th filled 0- clean

TA-16-507 Sump p i t -- ooncrete -1 HE cootaminatad

TA-18-510 Switah box -- exposes electrical u t i l i t y po le

TA-37-31 Control bu i ld ing -- mostly concrete and osrth covered -- exposes telephone cable

TA-27-3 Control building -- mostly concrete and earth covered -- exposes telephone cnble

I - TA-1-90

TA-15-19 Guard tower -- sxposos R-20

TA-31-36 Guard tower 0- withdrawn -- sold by Zia

TA-31-37 Ward tower -0 rithdrrra -- sold by Zia

TA-21-41 Ourrd tower -- withdrawn -- s o l d by Zin

TA-39-1 Yagrzfns 0- HE coDtamhated

Chrsrd tower -- sxpoeee Sigmn v a u l t