Lorincz IPS Diplomacy Summary

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  • 7/27/2019 Lorincz IPS Diplomacy Summary



    A Role of Pride and Influence in the World: DIPLOMACY

    Basics: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

    Source: http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/cip-pic/ips/ips-en.asp / Introduction written by Pierre Pettigrew Basis for North American cooperation is Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) Other policy documents framing this chapter: Canada-US Joint Statement on Common Security, Common Prosperity and a

    New Partnership in North America and the Canada-Mexico Partnership

    Key Objectives/Initiatives

    Four Policy Priorities of our new diplomacy:

    1. Fostering the North American Partnership with US and expand cooperation with Mexico;2. making a distinctive contribution to Canadas efforts to help build a more secure world failed and failing states,

    counterterrorism, organized crime, proliferation of WMD and human security

    3. Promoting a new mulilateralism

    4. Realigning bilateral relationships and building new networks

    Last sections divides world in regions (puts Mexico in Latin America and Caribbean category and NOT with US in NA)

    Critique/Concerns/Red Flags

    P. 1 our chief partner, the US, p. 31 Basis for North American cooperation is Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) this is a problem! Main sections Partnership with the United States and Modernizing Canada-U.S. Security NORAD, NATO P. 6 control of the proliferation of WMD - totally disengious US worst and largest weapons manufacturer/possesser P. 7 need to modernize our common approach to environment under Environmental Parntership (alludes to smart regs) P. 9 pose threats..nuclear weapons... operate beyond the constraints of international law thats the US! (in this context

    referring to countries like Iran language is so patronizing) UN is relegated to a cornerstone of the multilateral system NOT the foundation! Reponsibility to Protect Canadas initiative. Chavez is concerned about this being used to invade countries! Lies about Canada in the Balkans, Afghanistan (no mention of killing people as diplomacy) and Haiti (our diplomacy here

    consists of undermining democracy, keeping political prisoners in jail, training killers) p. 16

    (p. 13) *key paragraph CAF will also kill people, you forgot that! Mentions World Urban Forum but not World Peace Forum P. 20 Responsibility to Deny (this is US language!) irresponsible governments worst one is US!

    P. 30 bolster consular services to cope with tragedies tsunami, but not Maher Arar


    Concern re: Canada becoming more of a sycophant to US Diminished role of UN greater role of NATO (p. 10, 12) NATO has become some sort of model of cooperation - farce! 3D approach, greater integration, military integration with US (p. 11) counterpart task forces.. i.e. US No serious action will be taken on WMD proliferation because Canada unwilling to stop uranium and stand up to US, w hat

    about SNC Lavalin and small arms (bullets) in Iraq? P14.

    More foreign embassies/personal overseas

    Halifax Peace Coalition Response/Reaction Other major tasks/activities of this chapter

    Tamaras suggestions:

    Write Letters to Editor, write MP, Postcard campaign? Have world caf/town hall Support Mels visit and Maudes visit to Halifax Publicize Smart reg workshop in Dec

    Arctic International Polar Year 2007-2008 (p. 8) Reponsibility to Protect Failed and Failing States: The New Challenge (p. 9) need for

    integrated approach (3D), p. 22 (incubators of threats to

    Canadas security and well-being as is!

    Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START) START and DART are anything but rapid!

    Good - P. 14 Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space P. 17Further Investigation Reports/Treaties/References Included

    Partners in North America report of the House ofCommons Committee on Foreign Relations and

    International Trade (p.7) (said no to BMD)

    Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons andMaterials of Mass Destruction what about Canada

    supplying uranium!

    2004 UN High Level Panel Report A More Secure World 2005 UN Sec-Gen report In Larger Freedom p. 19 Canada-EU Parntership Agenda - 2004

    Questions Definitions/Acronyms/Facts/Figures

    NATO has a proven ability to combat terrorism (p. 12) how so?

    What about state terror i.e. from US? (p. 13) Where iscondemnation of actions of US?

    *Who is deciding who are political moderates?

    Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START) P. 19 Canada became party to 145 new multilateral agreements

    in past decade