LORENCIA JUNIOR SCHOOL-NSANGI PRIMARY ONE ENGLISH RECESS WORK SET TWO My name is ________________________________________________ Class ______________________________________________________ 1. Fill in the missing letters. t____b____e 2. Write these letters in abc order. (a) d e c b _____________________________ (b) g f h i _____________________________ 3. Write in capital letters. (a) apple __________________________ (b) leg __________________________ 4. Make small words from these words. meat __________________________ teacher __________________________ weather __________________________


SECTION A: 40 MARKSMy name is ________________________________________________
(a) d e c b _____________________________
(b) g f h i _____________________________
3. Write in capital letters.
(a) apple __________________________
(b) leg __________________________
meat __________________________
teacher __________________________
weather __________________________
(a) This ____________ a tree.
(c) The cat ______________ chasing a rat.
6. Use the correct tense of the word in brackets.
(a) Dad is _________________ a car. (drive)
(b) She _________________ food yesterday. (cook)
7. Circle the noun in each sentence.
The cow is big.
(a) Today is Friday.
(c) Sarah is sick.
(a) Jane has ____________ pen.
9. What are these?
(a) dust bin ___________________
(b) bed room ___________________
(c) table mat ___________________
ball cup book
15. Use Yes, it is or No, it is not.
(a) Is this a bottle? ________________________
(b) Is this a bottle? _______________________
16. Fill in the correct preposition.
(a) ear, dress, leg, eyes
(b) father, mother, doctor, sister,
(c) in, on, under, over, go
18. Fill in was or were .
(a) The girl ____________________ playing.
(b) They _____________________eating fruits.
(d) There ____________________ two boys in class
My name is ________________________________________________
(a) t __ acher (b) c __ t (c) s __ hool
2. Make three words from these sounds.
f t _______________________
4. Answer Yes or No.
(a) Do we find dogs at school? _________________
(b) Does a goat eat grass? ______________________
feet teeth bus keep pan
push meet soap driver
(a) cu ________________
(b) po ________________
(c) tr ________________
Adult Young
cow fry
dog lamb
cat kitten
sheep calf
(a) writing is He.
10. (a) I am round. I give you light during day time.
What am I?
You are the ______________________.
(b) I work in the kitchen. I serve you porridge at
break time. Who am I?
You are a _____________________.
(c) I have a face and two hands. My work is to tell time.
What am I?
You are a ____________________.
11. Write Yes, it is or No, it is not to answer the questions.
Is this a ruler?
(a) The _________________ is hot. (son, sun)
(b) The _________________ is full. (cup, cap)
(c) The _________________ is very small. (hat, hut)
(d) This is a _______________ (cut, cat)
1 2 3 4 5
13. Fill in the missing words from the table below.
Parts of My Body
God gave me gifts on my body. I have to use them well
to make Him happy.
to touch, clap and hold things. My ________________ are
for hearing. The ________________ to talk and eat and the
______________ to walk, run and match.
ears, hands, legs, eyes, mouth
14. Arrange these sentences to make a good story.
(a) Then, she goes to school.
(b) She washes her face.
(c) Joan wakes up at 6 o’clock.
(d) She takes her breakfast.
A good Story
A sheep
Tom has a sheep. It is black in colour. It has four legs. Its
young one is called a lamb. Tom gets wool and mutton
from his sheep.
his sheep.
Good Luck
3. Name this set.
(a) 4, ____, 6, ____, 8.
5. Name these shapes.
(a) 7, 2, 3, 10 = __________________________
(c) 20, 10, 30, = __________________________
(a) 0 __________________ (c) 44 ______________
(b) 12 _________________ (d) 32 _______________
(a) 4 + 3 =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(b) 2 + 6 =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9. Circle the smaller number.
(a) 9 and 5
(b) 13 and 20
(c) 55 and 11
6 _____ 20 ______
______12 ______17
(a) T O (b) T O (c) T O
13. Add these:
(c) 4 3
(e) Mary has six apples. Tom has two apples.
How many apples do they have altogether?
14. Complete these correctly.
- 1 2
(c) Nine minus six equals _________
(d) Hassan had twelve eggs on a tray. Ten eggs got
broken. How many eggs remained?
16. Compare the sets using “more” or “less”
(c) How many members are in both sets?
teach___r c__ ___ks sch____o____
2) A_________________ is a place where we go to learn. (church,
home, school)
3) Name these things found in our classroom.
4) Tick the activities we do to keep our school clean.
(hands, duster, toilet paper, hand kerchief)
a) We use a ___________ to clean the chalk board.
b) We use soap and water to wash our __________________
c) We use a ______________ to clean our nose.
d) We use a _______________ each time we visit the toilet.
6) A _______________ guards our home. (dog, goat, cat)
7) Match the people to their work at school.
Teacher heads a school.
Cook cleans the school
8) Draw these things which make up a good home.
kitchen latrine/toilet rack
(a) ________________________ (b)_______________________
(c) ________________________ (d)_______________________
(door, window, roof, wall)
pestle bed sauce pan
(tree, children, cups)
16) Form correct sentences from the table.
I come to
18) Name the parts of a plant.
19) Draw these types of houses.
bungalow hut tent
(i) _______________________ (ii) ___________________________
5) Name these fruits God made for us to get juice.
(orange, mango, bananas, sugarcane)
___________________ (Friday, Sunday)
7) God gave you a head to think. Use it to fill in the gaps
b) We go to _________________________ to learn
c) An imam leads prayers in the _____________________________
d) We all go to church or moque to ____________________
(school, home, pray, mosque)
8) What do we use to clean our teeth? (razor blade, tooth
(i) ___________________________ (ii) _______________________
11) Moslems call their God ______________________ (Jesus, Allah)
12) Draw these places of worship.
church shrine mosque
13) Tick ways how you can keep the body parts God gave you
By talking every day
14) _________________ was the earthly father of Jesus Christ.
(God, Christ, Joseph)
15) Write the young ones of these animals that God made for us.
Goat _________________________
Cow _________________________
Pig ___________________________
Cat ___________________________
16) How are the people important in God’s Community?
Driver teaches the word of God.
Carpenter drives people
Priest makes furniture
17) Give the uses of the following body parts that God gave us.
My eyes help me to __________________________
My nose helps me to _________________________
My ears help me to __________________________
My tongue helps me to ______________________
19) Name these God/Allah created to give us light.
20) How do these people help us in God’s community?
mother fetches water
father cooks food
head leg eye
Emmanuel battle
Hildah rock