Lord Of The Rings - Pathfinder RPG Conversion

Lord Of The Rings Conversion For Pathfinder RPG Races Races Allowed: Human: Humans are divided into different varieties. Use the rules for humans from the Pathfinder Core Rule Book but replace the Skills Trait with the corresponding Extra Trait below. o Gondorians: Extra Trait – Local Craft (Choose one Craft skill out of Armour, Ships and Weapons, this becomes a class skill and you gain a +2 racial bonus to that skill.) o Rohirrim: Extra Trait – Horse Breeders (+4 racial bonus to all Handle Animal checks made for interaction with horses and +2 on Diplomacy checks made when buying and selling horses.) o Haradrim: Extra Trait – Bow Trained (You gain proficiency in Longbows, Shortbows and all Composite variants.) o Easterling: Extra Trait – Pike Training (You gain proficiency in Glaives, Glaive-Guisarme and Halberds) o Dunlendings: Extra Trait – Savages (+2 racial bonus on Survival skills.) o Woses (Drúedain): Extra Trait – Unnatural Appearance (+2 racial bonus to Intimidate, but -4 to all Diplomacy checks.) o Dalish: Extra Trait – Merchants (+4 racial bonus to all Diplomacy checks made when buying and selling goods.) o Variags: Extra Trait – Natural Riders (+2 racial bonus to Ride and Handle Animal checks made to control or ride horses.) o Corsairs of Umbar: Extra Trait – Born Sailor (+4 racial bonus to Profession (Sailing) and +2 Perception while on a boat of any kind.) o Dúnedain: Extra Trait - Longer Lifespan (Live until the age of 240-250 years) Elf: There are two varieties of Elf each one has a few changes to the rules in the Pathfinder Core Rule Book. Abilities Lost: All Elves lose the Elven Immunities ability. Eldar (High Elves): Ability Score: Instead of the usual bonuses Eldar gain +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis and +2 Cha. Spell Resistance: Eldar are naturally resistant to spells, they gain spell resistance equal to 11 + there Level Spell-Like Ability: Eldar can use Detect Magic at will (this does not cost any Vitality to use and needs no casting) and they can use Cure Light Wounds as a spell like ability 3 times a day as a spell like ability (this still costs Vitality and needs casting).


A few changes to the rules of the Pathfinder Role play game to make them more in keeping with the Lord of the Rings universe.Limiting spell casting and healing, making the game more gritty and allowing players to perform more daring stunts. These are just a few of the changes that we have tried to achieve.This is a working progress and if anyone has any ideas or seen any errors please feel free to send us a message on here.

Transcript of Lord Of The Rings - Pathfinder RPG Conversion

Lord Of The Rings Conversion For Pathfinder RPGRacesRaces Allowed: Human: Humans are divided into different varieties. Use the rules for humans from the Pathfinder Core Rule Book but replace the Skills Trait with the corresponding Extra Trait below. Gondorians: Extra Trait Local Craft (Choose one Craft skill out of Armour, Ships and Weapons, this becomes a class skill and you gain a +2 racial bonus to that skill.) Rohirrim: Extra Trait Horse Breeders (+4 racial bonus to all Handle Animal checks made for interaction with horses and +2 on Diplomacy checks made when buying and selling horses.) Haradrim: Extra Trait Bow Trained (You gain proficiency in Longbows, Shortbows and all Composite variants.) Easterling: Extra Trait Pike Training (You gain proficiency in Glaives, Glaive-Guisarme and Halberds) Dunlendings: Extra Trait Savages (+2 racial bonus on Survival skills.) Woses (Dredain): Extra Trait Unnatural Appearance (+2 racial bonus to Intimidate, but -4 to all Diplomacy checks.) Dalish: Extra Trait Merchants (+4 racial bonus to all Diplomacy checks made when buying and selling goods.) Variags: Extra Trait Natural Riders (+2 racial bonus to Ride and Handle Animal checks made to control or ride horses.) Corsairs of Umbar: Extra Trait Born Sailor (+4 racial bonus to Profession (Sailing) and +2 Perception while on a boat of any kind.) Dnedain: Extra Trait - Longer Lifespan (Live until the age of 240-250 years) Elf: There are two varieties of Elf each one has a few changes to the rules in the Pathfinder Core Rule Book.Abilities Lost: All Elves lose the Elven Immunities ability.

Eldar (High Elves): Ability Score: Instead of the usual bonuses Eldar gain +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis and +2 Cha.Spell Resistance: Eldar are naturally resistant to spells, they gain spell resistance equal to 11 + there LevelSpell-Like Ability: Eldar can use Detect Magic at will (this does not cost any Vitality to use and needs no casting) and they can use Cure Light Wounds as a spell like ability 3 times a day as a spell like ability (this still costs Vitality and needs casting).

Abilities Lost: Eldar lose the Low-Light Vision ability.

Level Adjustment: +2

Silvan (Wood Elves): Extra Trait: Woodland Kin (Silvan are so used to the woods they have the ability to move through them without issues. Silvan gain +4 to any Acrobatics or Climb roll made in the woodland areas. Also Silvan leave no tracks while passing through woods or grassy areas.)Spell Resistance: Silvan are naturally resistant to spells, they gain spell resistance equal to 5 + there Level

Dwarf: Dwarves in the Lord of the Rings universe arent as strong willed as they are in Pathfinder so the racial bonuses are changed as follows. Racial Bonuses: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, - 2 Charisma.There are 7 factions of dwarves to choose from, these are.

Khazad-dum, under the Misty Mountains

Nogrod and Belegost, under the Blue Mountains

Erebor, Lonely Mountain

Grey Mountains

Iron Hills

Glittering Caves

Orocarni, Red Mountains

Halfling (Hobbit): Changes to the Halfling class are. Defensive Traits: Halflings lose the Fearless and Luck Traits. Resistant To Corruption: (Hobbit who come into contact with evil items and spells are less likely to succumb to their power. Any time a Hobbit needs to roll against Corruption they gain +4 on their roll.)

Shortbow Proficiency: Halflings gain Shortbow proficiency.ClassesClasses Allowed: Barbarian

Bard (remove all Cure spells from the Bards spell list) Fighter

Ranger Rogue

Strongly Restricted Classes (Only With GM permission): Druid



Witch (all witches are evil.)

Prestige Classes:

All Prestige classes are allowed with GM approval, however some are impossible to qualify for so cannot be used.

Favoured Class bonus:

Characters dont gain any favoured class bonuses.

Hit Points & VitalityHit Points:The hit points of ever character is equal to their Constitution. This is never changed, except when that characters Constitution changes.

Vitality:Vitality is a measure of a characters physical energy and luck. This is used when casting spells, can be used to dodge a deadly attack or even used to help you perform amazing feats of skill (These are listed below).

Vitality is calculated using the usual hit points the character would have in the Pathfinder character creation.

Spell Casting: Spells are very powerful and very rare in the Lord Of The Rings universe, not even Gandalf doesn't go around blasting every enemy in sight, this is because it takes a lot of energy to cast spells. You must pay Vitality equal to double the spell level multiplied by itself to cast that spell (A level 3 spell like fireball will cost 18 Vitality). Cantrips cost 1 point of Vitality per casting.

Using Spell Like Abilities And Supernatural Abilities: Any ability that a character can use only once per day or once per day plus once more ever X number of levels after that costs 10 Vitality to use unless otherwise stated. Any ability that a character can use X number of times a day (usually 1 or 3) plus the characters stat bonus costs 5 Vitality to use unless otherwise stated.

Any ability that a character can use a number of rounds a day equal to their level or class level costs 5 points of Vitality per round used unless otherwise stated.Life Saving Dodge: Any failed Save or Skill Check that if failed would cause damage can be re-rolled (only once) for half your remaining Vitality (rounded up), you must have at least 1 Vitality to use this ability. Divine Guidance: You can spend any number of Vitality (maximum of 10) to add that number to any D20 roll (this must be chosen before the roll, including how many Vitality the character is using).

Druids Wild Shape: You must spend Vitality equal to the amount used to cast the corresponding spell, however you cannot take the form of an elemental. It takes a full round to change and a full round to change back you are fatigued for the next round after changing back into your natural form but it doesnt cost any Vitality to do so.Bardic Performance: Each bardic performance has a Vitality cost to start the ability equal to the level the bard needs to be to obtain that performance. It then cost 1 Vitality each turn to keep the performance going.Regaining Hit Points And Vitality:Hit points are gained back from magic and at 1 hit point per nights sleep.

Vitality is recovered at a rate of 1 point per hour.


Evil slowly corrupts all minds that use or come into contact with it. Every character starts with Zero Corruption; however any time the character uses any evil spell, uses an evil item or does an evil deed they gain a Corruption point depending on how evil the act or how powerful the item used was. When a character gains more Corruption than there Wisdom score (ability damage and drain does not affect this) they have been corrupted by evil and either become NPCs under the GMs control or, if the GM wishes, must be played by the player as an evil servant of evil, possibly getting messages from whatever evil forces the GM chooses. Good deeds and true repentance can remove Corruption points.Every evil item should be given a Corruption value depending on how strong and how evil the item is this value is the DC the character needs to save against with a will save or gain a Corruption point.

Evil spells Corruption DC is equal to 15 plus the spell level. If failed the character gains 1 Corruption point.

An evil acts DC must be determined but the GM depending on how evil the act is.

When a character gains a Corruption point the character needs to roll a D100 and compare it to the chart below to see how their corruption manifests, the player must add 5 to this roll for every Corruption point they possessed before gaining this new one.Corruption Table 1:

1 - 50=Nothing (Nothing happens, maybe the evil forces werent looking, or maybe they are just waiting for a more opportune moment.) 51 80=A Word From Evil (The evil knows you have a want to use it and it temps you. The GM can decide anything they want the character to hear the evil forces to say to the character to tempt them to the side of evil, or even to scare the character.) 81 95=Sudden Anger (The character suddenly becomes very angry about something or someone nearby. The GM will give the player a target of their anger, maybe for no reason, maybe its just been brewing, and they must then role-play an argument. This does not force any player combat.) 96+= Something Serious (O dear, the evil is too strong for your mind; please roll on the second table.)Corruption Table 2:

1 40=Weak Phobia (The character gains a phobia of something that isnt used or seen very often, this could be for example could be green arrows. The character gains the Panicked condition when he/she is able to see and within 30ft of this phobia. There should be some reason for this, maybe you have recently come in contact with them and you got hit. The player and GM should work together to come up with this. You can gain this Corruption multiple times, each time the phobia must be different.) 41 60=Strong Phobia (This is the same as Weak Phobia except it is a phobia of something more common, maybe water or fire. The rules of when the character gets panicked are up to the GM, if you have a phobia of water it is better to be panicked when in water rather than 30ft away from water. You can gain this Corruption multiple times, each time the phobia must be different.) 61 75=Paranoia (The character becomes paranoid of other people, they trust no one. The character no longer rolls for Sense Motive when trying to work out if someone is lying, as far as they believe everyone is lying. You can only gain this corruption once, if you roll it a second time, roll again.) 76 85=Nightmares (The Character regularly get nightmare, the GM can use these to show the evil villain and their plans, the characters own death or anything else they want to. Every night the character must make a Will Save against 10 plus the number of corruption points they have or receive a nightmare that night. A nightmare will cause the character to be fatigued for the following day. A character who has received a nightmare cannot have another one the following night. You can only gain this corruption once, if you roll it a second time, roll again.) 86 - 95=Evil Chatter (Evil talks to you on a regular basis, maybe to tell you how you are going to die, maybe to tell you your friends dont like you or maybe to try and tempt you into doing something. The GM chooses when this happens and what is said. You can only gain this corruption once, if you roll it a second time, roll again.) 96+=Split Personality (The character gains a second personality, this one is often more violent and less social. This can be role-played out by the player or by the GM. The character can know about this other personality if the GM chooses or the GM can make it so the character blacks out when the second personality takes over. You can only gain this corruption once, if you roll it a second time, roll again.)No matter how much Corruption a character has gained the evil cannot make them attack anyone or commit suicide until they have gone over their Wisdom Score.

Feats And AbilitiesFeats That Arent Allowed: Toughness

Improved Critical

Critical Focus Boon Companion

All Extra Feats

All Crafting Feats (In this game it will take too long, cost too much and be too hard to find the items to craft any items that are allowed so its best to just ignore these feats)

Feat Changes:Any time a feat that makes you spend spell slots (arcane blast) is used, the character must spend Vitality equal to that amount that would be spent to cast a spell with that spell slot.

Evasion Changes:Evasion does not allow you to avoid area damage, it now just gives you a +2 bonus to the save and Improved Evasion gives you an extra +2 bonus that stacks with the bonus from Evasion.Paladins Divine Health:

The Paladin no longer gains the Divine Health ability.

Animal Companion:

An animal companion with intelligence of 3 or more doesnt gain access to extra feats and skills they are limited to the list all low intelligent animal companions can have provided in the Pathfinder core rule book.

Barbarian Rage:

Fatigue that is caused by ending a Rage cannot be removed by any means except time, also a Barbarian cannot become immune to this Fatigue, even if they are normally unaffected by normal Fatigue.

Barbarians Tireless Rage:

Tireless Rage no longer stops the Fatigue you would receive from dropping out of Rage, it now halves the duration of the Fatigue.

Barbarians Rage Powers:

No Barbarian Rage Power that involves spirits or magic are allowed to be taken. Speak to the GM for his/her approval if unsure.

Wizards Spell Book:

Wizards do not get nor need a spell book to cast spells. They learn spells at the same rate as they would normally, however they cannot copy spells into their book from scrolls or other books. This also means that a caster doesnt need to prepare spells in the same way. A Wizard can spontaneously cast spells they know as long as they have a spell slot of equal level and the Vitality to cast that spell. A Wizard also doesnt need an hour of preparation of his/her spells.

Wizards Superior Spell Penetration:

Wizards gain this special ability at level 1. A Wizard is particularly adept at penetrating resistances of enemies, they add their Wizard level (Rounded down, minimum of 1) to any roll made to overcome Spell Resistance (This bonus stacks with all other bonuses to overcome Spell Resistance).HealingChannel Energy:

When Channel Energy is used, the character using it must spend 5 Vitality per point of healing. Channel Energy only heals 1 point for every D6 stated in the Core Rule Book. (A level 7 Cleric can heal 4 points per burst not 4D6.)

A character can choose to heal less than your maximum number of D6 stated in the Core Rule Book. (A level 7 Cleric can choose to heal there maximum of 4 points per burst or any number below that to spend less Vitality.)

Lay On Hands:

When Lay On Hands is used, the character using it must spend 5 Vitality per point healed.

Lay On Hands only heals 1 point for every D6 stated in the Core Rule Book. (A level 7 Cleric can heal 4 points per burst not 4D6.)

A character can choose to heal less than your maximum number of D6 stated in the Core Rule Book. (A level 6 Paladin can choose to heal there maximum of 3 points per touch or any number below that to spend less Vitality.)

Cure Spells: Cure Light: Heals 1 point plus 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum of 3) Cure Moderate: Heals 2 point plus 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum of 5) Cure Serious: Heals 3 points plus 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum of 7) Cure Critical: Heals 4 points plus 1 per 2 caster level (maximum of 10) Heal: Heals all hit points. Mass: Mass spells heal the same amount as above but to multiple targets (see spell)

Dealing Damage

A character can choose to redirect damage they take to their Vitality, lowering their current Vitality but saving their hit points. This is to show a characters luck, divine intervention or spectacular display of dodging done buy the character, as time goes on without rest a character will run out of Vitality and luck and meet his/her doom.

Some damage cannot be redirected to Vitality such as critical hits, but also any time a GM cannot rationalise luck or skill such as falling off a 100 ft cliff without anything to slow your fall.

Coup de grace and other similar death attacks such as an assassins death attack cannot be redirected to Vitality. These are meant to be deadly.Critical HitsThere are 2 forms of critical hits, the weapon critical (whatever the weapon states) which are worked out as normal or a natural 20 critical (a roll of a 20 on the dice). Natural 20 critical hits deals normal damage (does not include any multiplier of the weapon) but cannot be redirected to their Vitality. Damage Reduction

Damage Reduction is only removed from the damage if it would do damage to a characters hit points, not Vitality.

DeathDeath in the Lord of the Rings world is hard to come back from but not impossible but it does take it toll and very frowned upon. Below are alterations to spells that bring people back from the dead. There is not material cost for any of these spells. Breath Of Life: As normal, the characters spirit hasnt quite left their body so it with the cost of the normal Vitality they can be brought back. However the healing done is 1d8 plus 1 per caster levels. Raise Dead: Uses all the casters and targets Vitality and they cannot gain any Vitality in the next 48 hours. The caster and target also gain 2 negative levels. There is a 50% chance the Raise Dead fails in which case the caster still takes the penalty and the target is no longer able to be brought back. Resurrection: Uses all the casters and targets Vitality and they cannot gain any Vitality in the next 24 hours. The caster and target also gain 2 negative levels. There is a 25% chance the Raise Dead fails in which case the caster still takes the penalty and the target is no longer able to be brought back. True Resurrection: Uses all the casters and targets Vitality and they cannot gain any Vitality in the next 12 hours. The caster and target also gain 1 negative levels. There is a 25% chance the Raise Dead fails in which case the caster still takes the penalty and the target is no longer able to be brought back. Reincarnate: Uses all the casters and targets Vitality and they cannot gain any Vitality in the next 48 hours. The caster gains 1 negative level. There is a 25% chance the Raise Dead fails in which case the caster still takes the penalty and the target is no longer able to be brought back. If successful the target is reborn as a baby but matures faster than normal. Every day that passes the target will age 1 year until they reach the age they were before they died. The target retains knowledge of their previous life as if they watched it all happen or read about it. From years 1 to 4 the target is non combatant and unable to defend themselves, no Vitality and they have 1 hit point per year. Age 5 to 10 they have the stats of a peasant. From Age 10 until their original age they have the stats of a level 1 character in their class. During this time the character can be altered slightly as he/she watches their life and learn from mistakes or even completely retrain and become a new class as their choose they dont like what they did with their life. The target can choose what gender they are what new appearance they have (so long as it fit their race), they can choose to look the same as they did before if they get the same race as they were before dying.

Reincarnation Chart: 1 - 22 = Dwarf (Players choice of which clan) 23 - 44 = Wood Elf 45 - 66 = Human (Players choice of which variety or can be randomised) 67 88 = Halfling (Hobbit)

89 92 = Goblin

93 96 = Orc

97+ = GMs Choice

Forbidden Magic

Necromancy is well known in the Lord Of The Rings universe for being forbidden and evil, Anyone caught using it will be condemned to death. The fear of Witchcraft and Necromancy is so great that anyone suspected of using them will be watched very closely until either convicted or cleared of suspicion without a shadow of a doubt.Magic Allowed

All magic spells selected by players must be checked by the GM, there are many spells that just dont fit in the Lord of the Rings universe, so before choosing spells think about what would fit and then ask the GM if they agree.


Monsters in this game are going to be a lot more powerful especially ones with spell like abilities or the ability to cast spells, therefore in most cases I say monsters cannot cast spell or use spell or spell like abilities (however in some cases this isnt correct and is entirely up to the GM). Monsters should have hit points equal to their Constitution score (Charisma if undead) and Vitality equal to the hit points given to them in the Pathfinder rule book minus their Constitution score. If the monster has a lower hit point score than their Constitution (Charisma if undead) use the rules in the Pathfinder rule book instead, these monsters dont get any Vitality scores.Magic items are rare in the Lord of the Rings universe so in a lot of cases monsters will not have them or have less of them, these should be removed from the stats of the monster, this will also help keep the game more balanced.

CR ratings will also be wrong so its best to play that by ear and offer more experience per kill to the party.