Lord Frederick Leighton 2

Paintings by Lord Frederick Leighton 2

Transcript of Lord Frederick Leighton 2

PaintingsbyLord FrederickLeighton


The Fisherman and the SyrenOil on canvas, c.1856-1858

PavoniaOil on canvas, 1858-1859

A Roman LadyOil on canvas, 1858-1859

May SartorisOil on canvas, c.1860

Mrs James GuthrieOil on canvas, c.1864-1866

The Syracusan Bride Oil on canvas, 1865-1866

Jonathan's Token to DavidOil on canvas, c.1868

Old Damascus: Jew's QuarterOil on canvas, c.1873-1874

Elijah in the WildernessOil on canvas, c.1878

BiondinaOil on canvas, 1879

Return of PersephoneOil on canvas, c.1891

At the FountainOil on canvas, c.1892

Perseus on Pegasus Hastening to the Rescue of AndromedaOil on canvas, c.1895-1896

Vivaldi- Oboe ConcertoMusic:

Edited by flshNausicaa

Oil on canvas, c.1878