Lord et al(2016) obhdp social cognitive, relational and identity based approach to leadership dc lee


Transcript of Lord et al(2016) obhdp social cognitive, relational and identity based approach to leadership dc lee

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Page 2: Lord et al(2016) obhdp social cognitive, relational and identity based approach to leadership dc lee


OBHDP 50년간발표된리더십논문리뷰


LMX (Leader-member exchange)

Social identity theory


리더와팔로워모두를포함, 팀과조직의 context를포함


개인내면의변화 – 정체성및행동스타일



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1. Introduction

OBHDP 50주년기념

Key empirical contributions

Social science context

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2. Leadership theory and OBHDP

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2.1 초기연구 & 리더십연구의변화


행동중심인지중심의 information processing perspective

Katz and Kahn (1966)

사회심리학 & open systems theory


프로세스 (Informal leadership 등)

역할, 규범, 가치에대한조직의의존성

Jones & Davis (1965) Kelley (1967)

사회인지 (social-cognition) – 사회적맥락파악을이해하는기초가됨

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2.2 leadership situations vs. stable leadership styles

초기연구는사회적, 업무적맥락이리더십프로세스에중요하다는것을강조

Lowin & Craig (1968)


Hill & Schmitt (1977)

리더의의사결정스타일의 차이를설명하는데개인차보다상황적요인이더적합하

Hill & Hughes (1974)

Observational coding 결과에따르면리더행동은업무의기능에따라많이변한다

Fiedler (1964)


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2.2 leadership situations vs. stable leadership styles

사실더이전연구에서는 context보다는리더의 stable aspects에집중함

Lord, Day, Zaccaro, Avolio, Eagly

Trait, style 등에집중

리더십을프로세스라기보단 entity (본질, 실체) 로이해함


연구자들은 retrospective rating이정확하다고가정하였으나…

Keller Hansbrough, Lord, Schyns (2015)



깊이들여다보면, 행동뿐만아니라평가자 (팔로워) 의지식구조와맥락파악능력을


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3. Social cognitive approaches to leadership

1. Behavioral ratings and implicit leadership theories (ILTs)

2. Leader categorization theory

3. Attribution theory

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3.1 Behavioral ratings and implicit leadership theories (ILTs)

Eden & Leviatan (1975)

‘structure’ in behavior 는

실제리더의행동패턴이아니라 perceiver의 cognitive schema에의해왜곡될수있음

ILT (잠재적리더십이론, 사람들이머릿속에갖고있는리더의특성이나역량에관련

된인지구조, Lord & Maher, 1991) 의초기자극이됨

Sy (2010)

IFT (Implicit Followership Theory) 잠재적팔로워십이론


van Gils, van Quaquebeke, van Knippenberg (2010)

Combination of ILTs and IFTs

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3.2 Leader categorization theory (리더범주화)

Lord, Foti, De Vader (1984)

리더는 central category prototype에의해정의된카테고리에맞추어인식된다


Abstraction of typical features of category members that defines a category for

perceivers (perceiver가인식하는카테고리멤버의전형적인특징)

카테고리구조 (prototype 등) 는 perceiver가리더십을이해하는데도움을줌

그럴싸한행동들을 encoding 하고 retrieval 하는데있어서휴리스틱기반을제공함

Foti, Houenstein (2007)


실제보지못했어도 perceiver의대략적인 schema에부합되면


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3.3 Attribution theory 귀인이론

Green and Mitchell (1979)

리더의귀인과정을 [리더가부하의성과에보이는반응]에대한선행변수로바라봄


Consensus (일치성또는합의성)

Distinctiveness (특이성)

Consistency (일관성)

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3.3 Attribution theory (귀인이론)

Mitchell & Wood (1980)


Ilgen, Mitchell, Fredrickson (1981)

감독자의부하에대한반응, 부하의감독자에대한반응에있어서

Contextual factor가중요함 (감독자의권력, 업무의독립성등)

Wood & Mitchell (1981)

부하의 impression management tactic이감독자의규율적행동(징계등)에영향준다

Martinko, Gardner (1987)


1. 부하의성과에대한감독자의반응은 - sensemaking process에의해매개됨

2. 감독자와부하모두자신들이이해한상황적요인에맞추어행동을조정함

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4. Social exchanges among leaders and followers

1. Vertical dyad linkages

2. Leader-member exchange (LMX)

3. Multi-level perspectives on social exchanges

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4.1 Vertical dyad linkages (VDL, 수직짝관계)

* 초기연구

Dansereau, Cashman & Graen (1973)

VDL ‘views the particular relationships between the leader and each of his

individual members as the basic unit of analysis’



Dansereau, Graen & Haga (1975)

각각의멤버들이자신의리더와 unique한사회적관계를발전시킨다


각부하직원이리더에게자신의업무관련협상하는것만보면, 그때리더가허용하는


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4.1 Vertical dyad linkages (VDL, 수직짝관계)

* Expanding themes

Cashman, Dansereau, Graen, & Haga (1976)

Interunit differentiation 분석

By investigating vertical chains in org.

“… a member is dependent upon a relationship to which he is not a party”

Sparrowe & Liden (2005)

Social network perspective

The multiple ties among employees and an expanding social context for the VDL

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4.2 Leader-member exchange (LMX)

4.2.1 선행변수




Organizational variables (ex. Span of control)

Similarity between the supervisor and the subordinate

Personality traits & their effect on the relationship

Regulatory focus of followers

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4.2 Leader-member exchange (LMX)

4.2.2 Outcomes

Gerstner & Day (199)

“a lens though which the entire work experience is viewed”

Green (1996)

Satisfaction with working relationships

Hui, Law, & Chen (1999)

In-role and extra-role performance

Ballinger, Lehman, & Schoorman (2010)

The latter measured as organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover intentions or

actual turnover

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4.2 Leader-member exchange (LMX)

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4.3 multi-level perspectives on social exchanges

Seers (1989)

Team-member exchange LMX의보완이론

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Review & Preview



















(Self) identity


Being Doing


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5.1.1. Self-concept & identity


Fiske & Taylor, 2013

Beliefs about the self that can be affective or cognitive


Oyserman, 2012

“What comes to mind when one thinks of oneself”


Markus & Wurf, 1987

A confederation of self-schemas derived from past experience

과거경험으로부터파생된 ‘self-schema’들의집합

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5.1.1. Self-concept & identity


Kunda, 1999; Markus, 1977

Modular processing structures consisting of beliefs about one’s qualities or one’s behavior

in a given domain

주어진영역에서자신의행동이나자질에대한믿음을이루는 modular processing


Ex) 나는친절하다. 나는리더이다.

Markus & Wurf, 1987

WSC: Working self-concept

The set of self-schemas that are active at any one moment

어느한시점에활성화된 self-schema들의조합

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5.1.1. Self-concept & identity


A self-construal that often is created on-the-spot as one consciously thinks of the

self, and which also may take account of the social context

개인이의식적으로자신에대해생각할때만들어지는 self-construal


An integrative construct that takes account of many diverse factors in addition to

self-knowledge as it constructs an appropriate and meaningful interpretation

Self-knowledge 뿐만아니라다양한 요소들 (사회적맥락, 업무적맥락, 역할, 활성화된 self-

schema, 현재정서, 현재의목표, 사회적 stereotypes, 최근의정보처리등)을고려한통합적개

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5.1.2. Automatic, modular vs Conscious, brain-scale processes

Self-schemas if sufficiently activated, can become conscious, and thereby foster the

creation of a schema consistent, but situationally integrated identity

충분히활성화된 self-schema는자각되고, 그렇게함으로써상황에맞추어통합된


Self-schema Identity





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5.1.3. identity levels

Individual self

Relational selves

Collective selves

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5.1.3. identity levels

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5.1.4. Dynamics of cognition, motivation, and identity

Hogg, 2001

Identity는 dynamic하다

사회속에서상황에적합하게 self를위치시킨다

그에비해 self-concept은변동성이적은편이다 (tend to endure)


* Default network

쉴때활성화되지만, 업무할땐해제되어

뇌의 metabolic resource가재배치될수있게한다

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5.2. Being, doing, and becoming

Stets and burke, 2000

Social identity 이론에서

Being (who one is) & Doing (what one does in one’s role) 을언급

* 최근의리더십연구에서는 Becoming 이강조되고있음

Lord & Hall, 2005

리더가초보에서중급및고급레벨에오를때 identity가변화한다

Ibarra, 1999


Self-concept의미래지향적부분이업무중심의 identity와상호작용을한다

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5.2. Being, doing, and becoming

Stets and burke, 2000

Need of belonging이강할경우집단에대한동일시, 상호의존적 construal 이발생

집단과의차별화는자발적동기부여, 독립적 construal과연결됨

Graen & Scandura, 1987


감독자는 follower의고유한 전문지식과기술에의존해야하며

역동적인 dyadic organization의기회를만들어냄

이러한 informal enactment of behavior를 ‘organization in motion’이라함

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6. Implications and future recommendations

1. Future network research should consider different types of linkages and how

they might affect network functioning

2. The focus on dynamics also suggests that how leaders use time may be an

important issue for future research

3. How the factors (developing roles, identity, time orientation, implicit theory,

affect, reducing anxiety) are integrated should be investigated further

4. The organizing power of Identity level (Table2) in connection with the

factors that have already been investigated

5. The distinction between local and brain-scale effects associated with our

differentiation of self-schema compared to active identities

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7. Conclusions

Stam, 2014


Balkundi, Kilduff, & Harrison, 2011


업무적인고려에있어서 ambidexterity를보이는것뿐만아니라

Social domain에서도역시 ambidexterity를나타내야한다는것이다




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