Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads

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  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw:The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    a mg f Cl J

    Bitish Clumbia is blssd with abundant natual capital, stng, vibant cmmunitis

    and a spctacula nvinmnt. W wll-psitind t tak advantag f th cnmicpptunitis th nw, gn cnmy will bing.

    Hwv, u cnmy is als undging fundamntal stuctual changs. Th glbal

    cssin has catd instability and unctainty. Th a gwing cncns abut u

    scial cnditin. And abv all this lms th challng f climat chang.

    Hw d w build a stng, vibant and gn cnmy that cats jbs and gnats

    th walth t pvid a high standad f living and quality scial pgams f all Bitish


    Our Province, Our Future is an initiativ Im lading t bgin a discussin abut hw w

    hanss th idas and talnt f Bitish Clumbians t build a plan f th futu, divnby th valus that mak f lng-tm cnmic stability: pspity, pptunity, quity,

    inclusin, sustainability.

    This discussin pap is th bginning f that cnvsatin.

    Authd by Dug McAthu, Pfss f Public Plicy at Simn Fas Univsity, th

    pap ffs a thughtful analysis f B.C.s cnmic stngths and waknsss, as wll

    as pptunitis. Th auth pss sm imptant qustins t stimulat discussin

    and dialgu.

    I invit yu t jin in th cnvsatin. Visit u wbsit, ourprovinceourfuture.bc.ca,

    wh yu will nd m infmatin abut Our Province, Our Future, and links t a

    numb f thught-pvking aticls. I als ncuag yu t sha yu thughts,

    idas and actins, pst a pap f yu wn, cntibut t th discussin fum.

    Lts kp th dialgu ging. By wking tgth w will nd slutins and u

    cmmn gund.

    Tgth, w can nw Bitish Clumbias pmis f a btt tmw.

    CAroLe JAMeSLad, Nw Dmcat ofcial oppsitin

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Authors Note: The ndings, views and comments contained in this paper are solely those

    of the author, and he alone is responsible for any errors or omissions.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw:The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Dug McAthuPfss f Public Plicy, Simn Fas Univsity

    A backgund discussin pap cmmissindby th Lad f th Bitish Clumbia

    Nw Dmcat ofcial oppsitin

    23 April 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads


    Bitish Clumbias cnmy is ging thugh a

    maj tansitin. This is pat f a lag tnd in

    th industial wld twad m svics and

    lss manufactuing. But B.C. is als uniqu in a

    numb f ways.

    This pap is abut th B.C. cnmy in

    tansitin. It agus that valu catin is

    th singl mst imptant cnsidatin in

    assssing B.C.s cnmic tansitin. Valu and

    walth catin a nt nly imptant t th

    pivat sct; thy must als b th fcus f

    gvnmnt in stting plicy t guid and assist

    th tansitin.Th pap xpls vaius dimnsins f th

    valu catin qustin, idntis cnstaints t

    alizing maximum valu catin, and pints t

    pssibl issus that shuld b addssd.

    Gvt i t c

    Th cnmy is in ssnc th aangmnts

    thugh which matial gds a pducd

    and distibutd, and thugh which incm and

    walth a gnatd and shad. Whil th is

    a lag dg f slf managmnt in a makt

    cnmy, th undlying stuctu and sults

    a, t a cnsidabl dg, inuncd by

    gvnmnt plicy. Many imptant inuncs

    n th natu and dictin f any cnmy

    cm fm gvnmnt.

    Gvnmnt plicy is divn by idas f what

    is gd and what is dsid. Ths idas a

    td in valus. As a cnsqunc, valus playan imptant pat in dtmining th natu and

    dictin f any cnmy. Indd, valu catin

    can nly b fully undstd within th cntxt

    f valus.

    Th has bn livly dbat v th last

    30 yas abut th mst ffctiv intatin

    f gvnmnt plicy if walth catin is t b

    maximizd. This dbat has had cnsidabl

    inunc v gvnmnt cnmic plicy

    thughut th wld, including in BitishClumbia.

    In many ways this dbat gaind mmntum

    fm widly undstd failus f cnmic

    plicy duing th 1970s. At that tim, much

    was pmisd fm gvnmnts basd n an

    assumptin that th cnmy wuld sustain

    th high ats f gwth and stability f th

    1950s and 1960s. Whn this pvd wng and

    stagatin st in thughut th wld, thinks

    and plitical lads undstandably sachdf altnativs. Ths incasingly mphasizd

    f tad, dgulatin f makts, incasd

    incntivs f pivat walth catin and

    capital accumulatin thugh tax ductins and

    subsidis, and a ducd l f gvnmnt.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    ovall this appach t plicy mphasizd

    makt-intd valus and a blif that pivat

    intsts shuld b ncuagd t nd full

    xpssin thugh ducd gvnmnt.

    rcntly sm plicy analysts hav dbatd

    whth th is a nd t cgniz th

    valus and plicy gals that tanscnd idas

    mbddd in th cnvntinal viw f makts.

    Gwing inquality, th dclin f ual aas,

    nvinmntal cncns and th cssin

    hav fulld intst in ths qustins. It is

    suggstd that matial pductin and capital

    accumulatin a imptant and addss nimptant aspct f scitys nds, but a just

    n f a numb f lgitimat gals infmd by

    scitys valus.

    oths includ gals infmd by fainss

    and scial justic, sustainability f th natual

    nvinmnt, and maningful paticipatin in

    all aspcts f plitical, scial and cnmic

    lif. Ths gals includ, but a nt limitd t

    jbs, pptunity basd n substantiv quality,

    fulllmnt thugh individual and cmmunitydvlpmnt, inclusin f minitis, gnd

    quality and quality gvnmnt svics.

    Ths wh ask ths qustins a nt

    ncssaily hstil t pivat makts. Th vast

    majity cgniz th nmus walth-catin

    ptntial gnatd by th ntpis and

    ntpnuial ngy f th pivat sct. But

    thy d ask whth th mdn cnmy can

    mt u bad nds withut gvnmnt and

    civil scity playing thi pat in advancing thcnmic intsts f citizns.

    Accding t th latt viw, pat f

    gvnmnts l is t fam and guid

    cnmic activity cnsistnt with scitys

    valus and ths gals. Gvnmnt must b

    an activ patn with th ky institutins.

    Smat gvnmnt is ndd in d t

    aliz pspity whil valuing th lag

    scial and cnmic utcms that cntibut

    t a high quality f lif f all and th lng-

    tm sustainability f human lif and natual

    systms. Th imptant qustins a abut hw

    gvnmnt shuld play that l, and abut

    hw t achiv th apppiat balanc amng

    gvnmnt, civil scity and th pivat sct.

    Th cssin f 2008 was f many an

    unxpctd dvlpmnt. It has -fcusd

    attntin n th nd f gvnmnt andgvnmnt plicy. It is fcing us t xamin

    many assumptins and idas. Th way fwad

    will b difcult. rcvy is undway, but

    many unctaintis main. Walth catin,

    sustainability and quality f pptunity

    will b f gat imptanc, if th is t b a

    maningful cvy and if th futu cnmy is

    t sv human, scial and sustainability valus.

    Th st stp in mving fwad is t tak

    stck. That is what this pap is ally abut.Valu catin mphasizs sustaining,

    cumulativ valu alizd fm pducing pivat

    and public gds and svics, cnsving th

    natual nvinmnt and natual capital, and

    fully alizing human ptntial. It is thus just as

    much abut cnsvatin and lifting ppl ut

    f pvty as it is abut gds pductin. It

    als fcuss n th futu as wll as th psnt,

    sinc a naw sht-tm mphasis invaiably

    lads t sht-tm gain at th xpns flng-tm lss, which is incnsistnt with

    sustainability. Cnsquntly it is als abut

    walth catin, sinc walth is simply an

    xpssin f valu catd by dcisins tday

    summd v th psnt and th futu.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    emplymnt tnds a a gd masu f hw

    th industy stuctu f th cnmy is and

    has bn changing. Th fllwing chats us

    mplymnt data t illustat sm f th mst

    imptant changs v th lng and immdiat


    Chat 1 sts ut ttal mplymnt in B.C.

    sinc 1987. ovall, th pid 1987-1997 was

    n f lativly stng jb gwth, as was th

    pid 2005-2008.

    Chart 1: total employment in B.C.,


    Th fllwing chats st ut th changs in

    mplymnt that hav bn ccuing in slctd


    Chart : Forestry employment

    (000s), 1987-009

    It itibti i t Biti Clbi c

    Chart : manuFaCturing employment

    (000s), 1987-009

    Chart : ConstruCtion employment

    (000s), 1987-009























    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. British Columbia Employment by

    Detailed Industries, Annual Averages.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Chart : oil and gas extraCtion

    employment (000s), 001-009

    Chart 6: government employment

    (000s), 1987-009

    Chart 7: health and soCial serviCes

    employment (000s), 1987-009

    Chart 8: all serviCes employment

    (000s), 1987-009












    Th chats lagly spak f thmslvs.

    Fm this and th data, it is bvius that

    th B.C. cnmy has bn ging thugh

    quit a pfund shift v th past dcad.

    F instanc, fsty and manufactuing hav

    dclind, whil th gwth in jbs has bn

    lag in th cnstuctin and halth svics

    industis. Natual gas jbs hav incasd

    althugh thy hav bn small and supisingly


    Ptntial pblms a vidnt. Halth

    svics jbs a lagly dpndnt n

    gvnmnt nancing. Cnstuctin jbs tndt b sht tm and cyclical, and a als

    highly dpndnt upn gvnmnt nancing.

    Th lng-tm sustainability f cnstuctin

    is thus unctain. Natual gas, whil gwing,

    is nt a signicant vall jb catin sct,

    accunting f 2,500 t 3,500 jbs v th last

    v yas. Gains in natual gas hav mad a

    much bigg cntibutin t gvnmnt and

    cpat vnus than t jbs. Th challng

    will b t achiv a futu balanc in jb catinthat maximizs vall valu catin in th B.C.


    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. ibid.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads6

    A cntinuing thm f this pap is that th B.C.

    cnmy is in maj tansitin. Sm f this

    tansitin is simila t th mdn dvlpd

    cnmis xpincing a lativ dclin in

    manufactuing and incas in svics jbs. Th

    challng f such cnmis is t maintain high

    standads f living by nsuing th mix f nw

    jbs includs sufcint lng-lasting high valu

    jbs t nsu lng-tm valu catin.

    Th B.C. cnmy has sm uniqu fatus

    t its tansitin as it is cuntly playing ut.

    In paticula, th nwabl sucs and

    pcssing scts and manufactuing athatnd.

    All pvincs hav bn xpincing sm

    lativ shift fm high valu gds t lw

    valu svics. Th challng is t aliz an

    apppiat mix f activitis as svics incas

    in imptanc. Th a numus high valu

    industis that can hlp sustain th vall valu

    mix in th cnmy. It is imptant t nsu

    that sufcint industis pducing high valu

    gds and svics a catd and/ gw tcmpnsat f lsss in dclining industis.

    taBle 1: net eConomiC value per joB,

    seleCted seCtors (millions, 00

    Constant dollars), 007

    High Tch $119,398

    Wd Pducts 104,049

    Timb Havsting 93,621

    Manufactuing 77,236

    Tuism 51,153

    Cnstuctin 45,632

    rtail 35,824

    Fd and Accmmdatin 25,860

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. GDP by Industry NAICS Aggregations.

    acivig vl wlt-ctig titi

    Th pblm is nt just n f anings fm

    mplymnt; it is als a pblm f tuns t

    invstmnt. Th a tw pats t th valu

    catin quatin anings fm mplymnt

    and tun n capital. Tgth ths cnstitut

    th valu gnatd in a sct.

    Th nt cnmic valu, labu, capital and

    th incm catd p jb in slctd scts

    f th B.C. cnmy in 2007 (in cnstant 2002

    dllas) is shwn in Tabl 1.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 7

    Th implicatins f th cnmic tansitin

    a f sm imptanc. F an cnmy in

    tansitin such as Bitish Clumbias, a sufcint

    mix f high valu-addd gwth is ndd

    t ffst th invitabl gwth f lw valu

    scts and activitis. each fsty-latd

    jb in 2007 catd v $100,000 f nt

    valu in th B.C. cnmy, and th avag

    manufactuing jb catd $77,236. Tuism

    jbs catd abut dubl th valu f jbs in

    fd and accmmdatin svics, and thus a

    lativly valuabl jbs. Manufactuing jbs d

    vn btt. rtail, fd and accmmdatinsvics catd fm n-quat t n-thid

    that f fsty jbs, and fm n-thid t half

    that f th avag manufactuing jbs. High-

    tch jbs n th th hand th majity f

    which a in high-tch svics nt supisingly

    actually add nt valu cmpad t fsty and


    Th a f cus numus cnsidatins

    that must b takn int accunt whn pusuing

    maximum vall valu catin. Th numbs

    in th pcding tabl tll an imptant pat

    f th sty but by n mans th whl f th

    sty. Maximizing mplymnt is imptant,

    and quis that th b a mix f scts with

    diffnt valu-catin ptntial, dtmind

    in pat by lativ pduct dmands. Nn-

    makt cmpnnts f valu must b als b

    cnsidd. In th cas f natual sucs,

    cnsvatin and dpltin bth hav valus that

    ant includd in th valus st ut in th tabl.And th a things such as glbal waming

    which can b and a valu dstying, and thus

    must b cnsidd whn xamining th impact

    f activity in vaius scts. A numb f ths

    and th matts will b cnsidd in th

    fllwing sctins.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads8

    hig-tc ti

    Tw scts f cnsidabl intst in B.C.

    a high-tch and tuism. Ths a nt

    taditinally dnd scts, and it is nly

    lativly cntly that th numbs hav bn

    availabl t tack th pfmanc f ths

    tw scts. Thy a f paticula intst in

    B.C. as th pvinc maks th tansitin t

    nw and xpanding scts, sinc bth hav

    bn idntid as gwth scts abl t mak

    a signicant cntibutin t jbs and walth

    catin in th futu.

    TaBLe 2: TourIsm and hIGh-TeCh

    empLoymenT (000s), 000-008

    Ya Tuism High-Tch

    2000 102.4 67.1

    2001 109.9 71.6

    2002 110.1 67.1

    2003 112.2 66.0

    2004 115.1 68.0

    2005 118.5 71.2

    2006 123.4 77.5

    2007 129.5 81.1

    2008 131.0 .a.

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. Tourism and High Technology GDP

    and Employment.

    Ths scts cmbind hav xpincd a

    lativly gd gwth at sinc th mid-2000s.

    Tgth thy nw pvid m than 200,000

    jbs, making up abut 10 p cnt f th labu

    fc. This is a signicant pptin f th

    vall labu fc and ach, in its wn way,

    psnts imptant pssibilitis f th futu.

    High-tch jbs a high-wag, high valu-

    addd jbs that can hlp ffst th sin f

    high-valu jbs in fsty and manufactuing.

    Th ability t captu ths jbs will b

    imptant if B.C. is t avid a dift int lw-valu

    pductin.on avag, high-tch jbs add as much

    m walth t th B.C. cnmy as fsty jbs

    hav in th past. Hwv high-tch jb gwth

    has bn vaiabl and smwhat sluggish.

    Tuism is a signicant cmpnnt f th

    pivat sct svic cnmy that has had

    signicant gwth. Whil tuism jbs a

    smwhat diffnt fm high-tch jbs, it

    may supis many t nd that tuism jbs n

    avag a lativly high-valu jbs, addingv dubl th valu f th avag tail

    svics and accmmdatin and fd svics

    jb. Tuism is thus f cnsidabl imptanc,

    nt nly in cating nw jbs but in tms f th

    cntibutin t valu catin.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 9

    taBle : Cultural industries employment (000s), 00-007

    Cultual industis a an imptant suc f

    valu catin in th B.C. cnmy, gnating

    cls t 200,000 jbs. This is m than twic

    th numb in high-tch and cnsidably m

    than in tuism. Ths a xtmly imptant

    t th jb pfmanc f th cnmy. ovall,

    jb gains hav bn disappinting duing th

    pid, and als quit vaiabl.

    Many f th jbs in cultual industis a

    Clt cltl iti

    lld by ppl with high lvls f taining and

    ducatin and high lvls f cativity. Cultual

    sct jbs a gnally high valu, knwldg-

    basd jbs. Thy cntibut t th vall scial

    capital ssntial t sustainabl dvlpmnt. It

    is f cncn that th has bn vy littl jb

    gwth sinc 2000 in this sct, and that jb

    lsss sinc 2007 a almst ctain t b quit

    substantial givn th tw mst cnt budgts.

    Ya Inf/ Publishing Mvi Bad- Tlcm. Ats & Pfming HitagCultu casting ent. Ats Inst.

    2002 56.8 11.3 10.2 4.0 26.0 49.2 20.7 2.5

    2003 51.4 14.2 11.0 3.4 17.1 57.3 17.6 4.0

    2004 57.2 15.1 11.0 4.4 20.3 57.6 21.8 2.4

    2005 56.0 15.6 9.3 3.7 18.4 56.1 19.6 3.5

    2006 56.1 15.0 12.2 4.3 17.6 57.0 19.4 2.3

    2007 61.0 15.3 14.7 3.0 21.2 56.8 19.4 3.1

    Suc: Statistics Canada. Special Request for NVS, Employment in Cultural Industries.

    The last few decades have belonged to a certain

    kind of person with a certain kind of mind. But

    the keys to the kingdom are changing hands. The

    future belongs to a very different kind of person

    with a very different kind of mind creators and

    empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning

    makers. These people artists, inventors,

    designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big

    picture thinkers will now reap societys richest

    rewards and share its greatest joys.

    Dan Pink, A Whole New Mind

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads10

    Wg ig

    Uniqu amng th pvincs, th has bn a

    dclin in avag anings in B.C. v th past

    fw yas. This is a wying tnd bcaus f

    th imptanc f high-wag, high-knwldg,

    and high valu-addd jbs in maintaining living

    standads, gvnmnt vnus and svics.

    Data fm th yas 2000 and 2005, th last

    yas f which cnsus sults a availabl, tll

    a sty f a pvinc in sm difculty cmpad

    t th st f th cunty. Btwn 2000 and

    2005, full-tim mdian anings in B.C. dclind

    (aft adjustmnt f inatin). Th nly th

    pvinc having a dclin was Qubc, wh th

    dp was insignicant lss than n-thid f n

    p cnt. Th changs in mdian anings f full

    tim ppl in B.C. by ccupatin a pvidd in

    Tabl 4. Cmpaativ gus f B.C., Albta and

    Canada a cntaind in Tabl 5.

    Slctd occupatin (B.C.) 2005 2000 % Chag

    Halth Ca Assistants $ 35,660 $ 37,977 -6.1 %

    Tchnical Wks 23,983 28,044 -14.5 %

    rsuc Wks 29,735 33,764 -11.9 %

    Manufactuing 32,065 33,586 -4.5 %

    Fd & Bvag 17,178 20,122 -14.6 %

    Sni Managmnt 79,977 77,372 +3.4 %

    Businss Pfssinals 54,488 52,360 +4.1 %

    All occupatins B.C. 42,230 43,715 -3.4 %

    taBle : Full time median earnings (00 Constant dollars), 000 and 00

    Suc: Statistics Canada. Earnings and Incomes of Canadians Over the Past Quarter Century, 2006 Census.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 11

    2005 2000 % Chag

    All occupatins AB $ 43,964 $ 40,782 +7.8 %

    All occupatins BC 42,230 43,715 -3.4 %

    All occupatins Canada 41,407 40,443 +2.4 %

    taBle : Full time median earnings, all oCCupations, B.C., alBerta and Canada

    (Constant 00 dollars), 000 and 00

    Suc: Statistics Canada. ibid.

    on cnsqunc f th shift in th cnmy

    has bn th abv indicatd pssu n

    al anings. Dclining al anings, bth in

    actual and cmpaativ tms, a a ctin

    f th ffcts f th tansitin. BC is falling

    bhind, bth v tim and cmpad t th

    pvincs. This cntibuts, in tun, t a shift in

    th distibutin f incm. Th vall pptin

    f familis living in pvty has incasd

    whil nly a small numb a njying gat

    pspity. Whil wads t pfssins, sni

    manags and invsts in th B.C. cnmy

    hav bn incasing, th has bn ngativ

    pssu n dinay wags du t th intnal

    stuctual shifts.

    B.C. facs a singula challng. Th anings

    gaps indicatd abv a lativly lag givnth pting pid. Th ptd vall gap

    in B.C.s plac in Canada can b avtd by

    gnating m lng-tm jbs in altnat

    high-wag, high valu-addd scts. This,

    alng with vall pductivity gains, is ndd

    t maintain th wag and anings stuctu that

    has pvaild histically. This is claly a high

    piity f B.C. v th nxt fw yas.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads1

    Th at f gwth f al GDP has bn lativly

    vaiabl, as can b sn fm th tabl blw.

    Suc: BC Pgss Bad. Benchmarks Report.

    If BC is t impv its lativ psitin in

    tms f GDP, it will b ncssay t, amng

    th things, plac a gat mphasis n valu


    Gdp i Biti Clbi t t f C

    Chart 9: real gdp oF provinCes

    per Capita (00 Constant

    dollars), 008taBle 6: per Cent real gdp growth, B.C.

    (Constant 00 dollars), 198-009

    Ya % Ya % Ya %

    1983 0.6 1992 2.6 2001 0.6

    1984 0.8 1993 4.5 2002 3.6

    1985 6.9 1994 2.8 2003 2.3

    1986 0.2 1995 2.4 2004 3.6

    1987 6.2 1996 2.5 2005 4.7

    1988 5.8 1997 3.2 2006 4.21989 3.3 1998 1.3 2007 2.9

    1990 1.4 1999 3.2 2008 0.0

    1991 0.2 2000 4.6 2009 -2.7

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. GDP at Market Prices.

    Pat f th xplanatin f lw al anings

    is lw gss dmstic pduct (GDP) n a

    cmpaativ basis. GDP p capita is wll blw

    th btt pfming cnmis in Canada.

    GDP is a masu f th dlla valu f incmsand walth, and thus f th mntay valu f

    gds and svics, catd within th cnmy

    duing a paticula ya. As can b sn fm

    Chat 9, a cnsidabl gap xists btwn

    B.C.s tw nast wstn nighbus as wll

    as with ontai, whs cnmy has bn itslf

    stuggling v th past fw yas.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 1

    Th unmplymnt at in B.C. achd histic

    highs in th lat 1980s and aly 1990s and thn

    pgssivly dclind thughut th 1990s.

    Aft incasing again in th aly 2000s, it again

    bgan a dclin in 2003 that lvlld ff in 2007

    bf shaply incasing in 2009.

    Yuth unmplymnt, cuntly at

    appximatly 13 p cnt, is a paticula


    A valu-maximizing cnmy must cat

    sufcint jbs t duc unmplymnt as

    much as pssibl. Th ability t st th

    unmplymnt at t such a lvl is a majchallng in an cnmy in tansitin.

    ult lb kt

    Suc: BC Stats. Labour Force Activity for British

    Columbia and Canada - Annual Averages.










    Chart 10: B.C. unemployment rates,


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads1

    In d t fully appciat th dictin

    f th B.C. cnmy, it is imptant t pay

    spcial attntin t th sucs scts.

    Th B.C. cnmy is, as with all cnmis, a

    pduct f its histy, its ppl and its natual

    ndwmnts. Land and sucs w f a vy

    lng tim th pimay suc f pspity f

    many and th suc f gat ichs f sm.

    Th shy, nw in sius if nt fatal dclin,

    was at n tim at th c f th B.C. cnmy.

    Fsty, always a suc f cnsidabl walth

    catin, bcam by th thid quat f th last

    cntuy th singl mst imptant cntibut t

    B.C.s ascndancy within th Canadian cnmy.

    Mining was always a cnsidabl but lss

    suc f walth and mplymnt.

    All f that has changd. Th nwabl

    sucs scts f B.C. a in dclin du t

    unsustainabl managmnt and th plicy

    and industy failus. Natual gas, and t a

    lss xtnt mining, a displacing nwabl

    sucs in imptanc. Th changing psitin

    f sucs in th pvincial cnmy is

    dscibd in th fllwing tabls:

    1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

    Fsty $3,185 $3,272 $2,919 $2,584 $2,344 $2,713 $2,487 $2,841 $2,809 $2,641

    Fishing,Hunting 201 138 130 140 104 134 133 142 138 131and Tapping

    oil and Gas 1,080 803 1,239 3,380 4,161 2,826 4,825 5,160 7,300 6,330

    Mining 1,289 1,143 1,007 1,051 1,227 1,233 a a 3,258 3,765

    Wd Pducts 3,634 3,189 4,459 4,225 3,623 3,979 3,465 4,910 4,194 3,765

    Pap 1,599 1,374 1,723 2,517 1,727 1,453 1,233 1,575 1,678 1,792

    taBle 7: resourCes seCtors net value oF produCtion ($millions, Current), 1997-006

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. GDP by Industry NAICS Aggregations.

    rc i t Biti Clbi c

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 1

    2007 2008 2009

    Fsty $2,456 $2,059 $1,441

    oil & Gas 6,320 6,580 4,500

    Mining 3,686 3,577 2,503

    Wd Pducts 3,528 2,888 2,021

    Pap 1,785 1,598 1,199

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. GDP by Industry NAICS Aggregations

    and Auths estimats.

    Th dclin in imptant pats f th sucs

    scts is a matt f cnsidabl cncn. Th

    shift fm th wd-basd scts t th gas

    and minals scts vidnt fm th statistics

    has ptntial implicatins in tms f walth

    catin, jbs, sustainability and ginaldvlpmnt.

    As cntly as th lat 1990s, fsty

    cntibutd dictly and indictly t v 35 p

    cnt f th annual incm and walth gnatin

    in B.C. It is nw a shadw f what it was thn.

    Th impact n jbs and pivat walth catin is

    unpcdntd in B.C.s histy. Fsty-latd

    vnus t th B.C. gvnmnt in th fm

    f stumpag and vaius taxs a lss than

    n-fth f what thy w in th 1990s. Timbhavsting jbs a in f fall t abut n-

    thid thi numb in th mid-1990s. Mills hav

    clsd all acss th pvinc and m clsus

    a xpctd v th nxt tw t th yas.

    Pin btls hav dvastatd th fsts f th

    Inti, whil v-havsting has laid wast

    th castal and Vancuv Island fsts. Th

    Sftwd Lumb Agmnt with th Unitd

    Stats, sticting and pnalizing th xpt

    f sftwd lumb, has mad an alady bad

    situatin ws. Fsty is bing subjct t th

    lagst jb cuts in any sct in th 2010 B.C.


    Th a limitd pspcts f impvd

    cnditins in fsty. Th is a dvlping

    intst in th utilizatin f fst sidu b

    in th pductin f lcticity. Nw pspctsin China and a husing cvy in th Unitd

    Stats a als pssibl sucs f impvmnt,

    but nith is likly t bing damatic chang

    in th na futu. Valu-addd wd pducts

    manufactuing has always bn a gal, but it

    mains lusiv. Th cntinuing challng in

    fsty is t nd nw valu-addd pptunitis

    as th tansitin pcds.

    taBle 8: resourCes seCtors

    estimated net value oF produCtion($millions, Current), 007-009

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads16

    Sustainability will b a ncssay gal f all

    futu cnmic dvlpmnt. This will qui

    that all valu-cating activity b assssd

    in tms f nvinmntal and th latd

    impacts. Th is cnsidabl m f cncn

    abut th xtnt that an cnmy vly-

    dpndnt n cnstuctin, mining and natual

    gas accds with gd sustainability gals. Th

    actual valu catd n a full accunting basis

    may b much lss than that xpssd by th

    cunt mthd f pting.

    Gn ngy is als cgnizd as imptant

    t a futu high-valu cnmy. Again hwv,th is cnsidabl cncn that many f th

    pivat hyd dvlpmnts in th pvinc

    hav signicant nvinmntal impacts nt

    bing accuntd f, and that thi succss is

    als dpndnt n valu-dstying tim-f-

    ya spcic lw-valu xpts that will qui

    subsidizatin fm hyd uss. If ths cncns

    a valid, many f ths pjcts will nt mt

    th standad f high-valu catin.

    Cabn missins a, f cus, a gatcncn. Scity facs a mnumntal challng

    in ducing gnhus gas missins. Th is

    widspad agmnt n th nd f damatic

    masus t addss this pblm. Givn th

    magnitud f th masus quid, qustins

    ais as t th fm that gnhus gas plicis

    must tak and what such plicis will man f

    th vlving cnmy.

    Th tansitin in th B.C. cnmy will

    ncssaily hav t includ within it a tansitin

    t ducd cabn dpndncy and adaptatins

    in spns t glbal waming. Glbal waming

    is and will cntinu t b valu dstying, and

    thus undmins valu catin. With th pin

    btl kill, B.C.has alady xpincd n f

    th singl lagst dstuctins f valu in th

    wld as a sult f glbal waming. oths a

    ccuing in a lss damatic way. B.C. must jin

    in an aggssiv and cdinatd wld-wid

    shift away fm cabn dpndncy if such

    affcts a t at last b amliatd. effctivgulatin and nw tchnlgis applid t

    slightly m than a dzn maj industial

    high-cabn mitts, tugh stictins n

    intnal cmbustin missins in th tanspt

    scts, and a much m aggssiv pusuit f

    cnsvatin in spac hating wuld g a lng

    way twad alting B.C.s cabn dpndncy.

    oth plicis can als cntibut.

    Mst ag that pat f th slutin

    must b t shift th B.C. cnmy t a muchgn bas. This is ndd nt nly

    t duc gnhus gass, but als t

    cmpt with cnmis in eup and Asia

    wh, as aly adpts, thatn t mv

    wll ahad in th tansitin t a m ngy

    fcint cnmy. This mans nt nly gat

    fcincis in th cnsumptin f ngy, but

    als maj invstmnts in th pductin f

    nw tchnlgis that will mak damatic gains


    stibilit t g c

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 17

    Tw things in paticula a happning in

    eup and China: th apid dvlpmnt and

    pductin f nw tchnlgis, and th apid

    installatin f ths nw tchnlgis in gds

    and svics pductin. Many natins and

    juisdictins a pusuing industial statgis

    that will gnat apid gwth in th pductin

    f gn tchnlgis. T dat, th has bn

    nly limitd pgss in B.C. Th main fcus has

    bn n subsidis f pivat lctical ngy

    f xpt, which will d littl t ncuag

    adaptatin in industial pductin within

    th B.C. cnmy itslf. Th dvlpmntand pductin f gn tchnlgis that

    will gnat fundamntal industial shifts in

    B.C. quis immdiat suppt. It is difcult

    t btain liabl data n th cunt siz f

    cnmic activity latd t ths tchnlgis.

    Th B.C. gvnmnt pts that B.C.s clan

    tchnlgy sct includs v 250 cmpanis

    mplying abut 3,700 ppl.1 This is an

    xtmly lw numb and it is nt cla what

    is includd vn what th suc f thnumb is.

    In pat, th pac f gn tchnlgy

    pductin cts th nd t addss th

    scnd statgy namd abv th nancing

    f invstmnts that suppt th dvlpmnt

    and adptin f gn tchnlgis. Mst

    juisdictins a dvting signicant sucs

    t funding sach and dvlpmnt and t

    adpting th nw tchnlgis. B.C. is bhind in

    this gad, aising th qustin f hw m canb dn.

    Many mdn cnmis cunt n diving

    cnsidabl stngth and divsicatin thugh

    dvlping th gn tchnlgy scts. Th

    is a al isk th aly adpts will dminat

    ths imptant, high valu pats f th cnmy

    f th futu, laving th latcms at a al

    disadvantag. Dcisins nd t b mad sn

    as t B.C.s cmmitmnt t paticipatin in thspptunitis, if w a nt t b lft bhind.

    Whil nw lgislatin is pmisd, it is uncla

    hw this will addss th tw fundamntal nds

    fncd abv.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads18

    Fig giclt

    B.C. has a lag makt f fd pducts and a

    ich land bas. Fam pductin mplys abut

    35,000 ppl, almst tw p cnt f th

    labu fc. Fd pcssing mplys anth

    25,000 ppl. Bth hav bn lativly

    stagnant in tms f jb gwth. A substantial

    ptin f famland is ptctd f agicultual

    us in th Agicultual Land rsv (ALr).

    Mst studis and pts ag that B.C.

    has cnsidabl ptntial but undpfms

    badly in alizing its ptntial fm famland

    and agicultu. Th ptctd land bas

    has bn dd by industial and uban

    dvlpmnt, and many a cncnd abut

    futh incusins. Th is als cncn abut

    th sin f th pductivity f th land within

    th ALr. A cnt pt stats it wll, saying

    th ppndanc f ALr lands na ubanizd

    aas hav bn puchasd at valus ds f

    magnitud high (aching $100,000 p ac

    m) than justid by any fm f cnvntinal

    agicultu utilizatin. Thus ALr land is claly

    bing puchasd by ntitis, xpssly t hld f

    spculativ invstmnt pups, fully xpcting

    th ALr t bak dwn in th na futu

    oth ALr dsignatd hldings a utilizd f

    lw-intnsity agicultu and pduc lw-valu

    p ac cps such as Chistmas ts hss.

    Ths tw facts signicantly undmin u

    ffts t actualiz ginal fd scuity and t

    maintain agicultu sct cnmic vitality. 2

    Th is cnsidabl ptntial f valu

    catin in th fam and fd cnmy. Much f

    this ptntial can b alizd thugh svingth lcal and ginal cnmy. Th alizatin

    f B.C.s full ptntial in faming and fd

    pductin will qui that th issus abv b

    discussd and addssd.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 19

    Bitish Clumbia has lng lkd t xpts

    t dvlp and sustain its cnmy. Whil

    fst pducts makts hav bn paticulaly

    badly hit v th past cupl f yas, B.C.s

    xpt pfmanc has bn sluggish f a

    numb f yas. Th fllwing tabl tacs th

    xpt pattns f slctd pvincs sinc

    2005. As can b sn, Manitba, Saskatchwan

    and Albta all hav had substantial gwth

    in xpts v th pid, whil B.C. has

    changd hadly at all. BC is als ighth in

    pvincial ankings in tms f intnatinal

    and intpvincial xpts. Th failu f B.C.

    xpts t kp pac suggsts a ptntial that

    t a pspus futu, givn th imptanc f

    xpts t cnmic succss.

    taBle 9: exports By provinCe ($millions, Current), 00-008

    YeAr On MB Sk AB BC

    2005 229,796 12,821 17,102 88,345 48,658

    2006 228,019 14,027 17,934 89,992 49,487

    2007 227,760 16,311 20,357 92,323 49,649

    2008 216,401 16,179 28,284 116,580 49,942

    Suc: B.C. Stats. Interprovincial and International Trade.

    ext f t Biti Clbi c

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads0

    In a 2006 pt, th B.C. Pgss Bad

    dpld th pvincs mdic pductivity

    pfmanc, sixth in Canada f al GDP p

    hu wkd.

    A latd fact is B.C.s lativly wak

    xpt sct. In 2004, B.C. pstd ighth ank

    amng th pvincs f xpts f gds andsvics p capita. 3

    Suc: BC Stats. ibid.

    Th things a ndd t signicantly

    impv pductivity: invstmnt in nw

    high-valu tchnlgis, impvd xpt

    pfmanc and a vsal f th shift t lw-

    valu pductin. Lw pductivity tanslats

    int lw-valu pductin. Incasd pductivity

    is ssntial t cating a valu-maximizingcnmy.

    T ctivit cllg

    Pductivity is widly cgnizd as imptant t

    maintaining standads f living and th vall

    wll bing f th ppulatin. B.C. has a sius

    pductivity pblm. on a cmpaativ basis,

    pductivity is blw Albta, ontai, and th

    Canadian avag. B.C.s lativ pductivity, as

    wll as abslut pductivity, fll btwn 2005

    and 2008. Th fllwing chat illustats B.C.s

    lativ psitin cmpad t Albta, ontai

    and Canada vall.

    Chart 11: produCtivity trends (00

    Constant dollars per hour worked),1999-007

    Suc: B.C. Stats. Provincial Comparisons of Various

    Performance Indicators.

    $50 -

    45 -

    40 -

    35 -

    30 -

    25 -

    1999 2001 2003 2005 2007





    A cntinuing shift t lw-valu pductin,

    th wak xpt pfmanc and und-

    invstmnt in sach and dvlpmnt and

    high valu-addd tchnlgy hav sultd in

    lativly p pductivity gains.

    Th fllwing chat illustats B.C.s

    substandad pfmanc in sach and

    dvlpmnt. rsach and dvlpmnt

    xpnditus a wll blw ontai and th st

    f th cunty, althugh this is n aa wh

    B.C. utpfms Albta.

    Chart 1: Comparative researChand development expenditures

    as perCentage oF gdp, 1998-007

    2.5% -

    2.1% -

    1.7% -

    1.3% -

    0.9% -

    0.5% -

    1998 2000 2002 2004 2006





  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 1

    Bi clt

    on fa assciatd with th dclin f fsty

    and its sub-scts is th lss f th mst

    imptant businss clust. Clusts a

    ggaphic cncntatins f intcnnctd

    pcsss, manufactus, supplis and

    sach institutins ntwkd cnmically

    thugh cnmic assciatins and

    dpndncis aund a paticula c sct.

    A 1999 study by B.C. Stats suggstd that

    that th fsty clust accuntd f abut

    n-thid f B.C.s walth gnating activity.

    Tday that clust has vitually impldd. Sm

    cnmists such as Paul Kugman agu thatclusts a ssntial t succss in th mdn

    glbal cnmy. Clusts uniquly incas

    pductivity, which cmpanis nd t cmpt

    natinally and glbally. An imptant plicy

    qustin is whth th dclin f th fsty

    clust is fatal, and what B.C. nds t d t

    stablish altnat clusts in th fac f th

    dclin in fsty.

    on appant clust that has dn wll is

    that latd t th lm industy. Gvnmntplicy, skilld wks and lcal supplis and

    facilitis hav cafully nutud this clust. It is

    imptant t cntinu th suppt f this sct

    and phaps t lk t it f lssns land, if

    th sustaining clusts a t b catd.

    T ivicti itiv

    Many f th tnds discussd in th pvius

    sctins a a suc f al cncn. It is wll

    undstd that mdn industial cnmis

    can nly psp by fsting v high valu-

    cating scts. Th challng is t gt th ight

    valu mix f scts and activitis in d t

    tain its psitin lativ t th st f Canada

    and th wld.

    Unftunatly, gvnmnt xacbatd

    th situatin in th p-cssin pid by

    -nfcing a cnstuctin bubbl thugh

    unpcdntd infastuctu spnding. This

    was paticulaly dtimntal t th ftuns fmanufactuing and high-tch by inating intnal

    csts f labu, matials and quipmnt. At th

    sam tim, husing cnstuctin, natual gas,

    and cnsumptin spnding ccupid a much

    lag plac in th cnmy. ovall th cnmy

    bcam lss divs and m cncntatd v

    th last fw yas.

    Divsicatin acts as a kind f insuanc

    against ptntial instability and a pssibl

    pmannt dwntun in cncntatd activitis.It als pvids th basis f a m divs

    pusuit f pptunitis t assist th tansitin

    s as t maintain a high-wag, high valu-addd


    Divsicatin dictd at stngthning

    valu-addd activity culd g a lng way t

    addssing many f th pblms aising fm

    stuctual chang whil stabilizing th cnmy

    t ptct against th ngativ impacts f

    pusuing nawly-dnd gwth pptunitis.Divsicatin f th B.C. cnmy is an

    impativ if lng-tm sustainability is t b


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Icli vl cti ll bi

    Th small businss sct is xtmly

    imptant in th B.C. cnmy. A ttal f 391,300

    businsss w pating in Bitish Clumbia

    in 2008. of ths, 384,300, 98 p cnt,

    w small businsss. Fifty-v p cnt w

    patd and staffd by wn pats with

    n paid staff. Th numb f small businsss in

    B.C. dclind by 0.1 p cnt btwn 2007 and


    Small businss accunts f 46 p cnt f

    mplymnt in B.C., fllwd by lag businss

    at 36 p cnt and th public sct at 18

    p cnt. B.C. lads is na th tp amngth pvincs with spct t small businss

    mplymnt (including slf-mplymnt),

    gwth f small businsss and valu gnatd

    by th small businss sct. 4

    Th lagst tw cncns f small businss

    pats in B.C., as ptd in a Mach suvy

    by th Canadian Fdatin f Indpndnt

    Businss, a th stat f th vall cnmy

    and accss t wking capital nancing. 5

    Ths will bth b f maj imptanc if thiscitical pat f th businss cmmunity is t

    cntibut its full ptntial t th B.C. cnmy.

    A stng, vibant small businss sct will b

    citical t bth th cvy and t lng-tm

    valu catin in th cnmy. It will b citical

    t nsu th cdit cisis ds nt sult in a

    cntinuing pblm in nancing small businss.

    Icli vl cti t tw ci

    on f th distubing dvlpmnts in th B.C.

    cnmy has bn th shap divid that has

    dvlpd btwn th lag uban aas and

    th ual and m mt aas f th pvinc.

    In gnal, th fm includs mtplitan

    Vancuv and th Fas Vally, Victia and th

    Lw Island, and th okanagan gins.

    Th ual and mt aas tnd t sha

    a numb f chaactistics (althugh th

    nthast gin diffs in signicant ways):

    High sucs dpndncy.

    High unmplymnt.

    Lw avag anings and incms.

    Lw ppulatin dnsity.

    Dclining ppulatin.

    out migatin f yung ppl.

    Dclining plitical inunc.

    Dclining gvnmnt and cmmunity


    Mill clsus.

    Vulnabl ppty tax bass.

    High pptin f small cmmunitis.

    Lw invstmnt n a p capita basis.

    Signicant Fist Natin ppulatins.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Unmplymnt ats a paticulaly high in

    th ual aas f th pvinc. It is in ths aas

    that th mst sius and difcult mplymnt

    catin issus must b addssd. Th

    unmplymnt ats in th Caib gin f

    th yas 1995-2009 a st ut in th fllwing


    Chart 1: CariBoo region

    unemployment rate, 199-009

    Suc: BC Stats. Labour Force and Related Rates.

    Incms a als gnally lw in th ual


    Chart 1: average employment

    inCome, BC health regions, 00

    Ngativ anings diffntials in ual

    gins cmpad t th BC avag f $34,978

    w lag in mst gins in 2005. It is als

    likly that th diffntials hav incasd aft

    2005, as th fsty sct in paticula has


    ovall, th ual cmmunitis a dnd

    by challnging cnmic pspcts and dp

    cncns abut th cnmic and scial

    cnditins f th futu. rual unmplymnt

    is high, and invstmnt in ual aas is

    lagging. Mst cmmunitis a cnsidd

    by th sidnts t b gd placs t liv andais familis, but th is dp cncn abut

    whth this will b sustainabl f futu


    Suvy data and ancdtal vidnc suppts

    th viw that th sidnts f many ual

    cmmunitis fl gvnmnt cas lss and lss

    abut thi wll bing. Th is a gwing sns

    f maginalizatin and islatin. Th is als

    cncn abut th viability and sustainability f

    cmmunitis. Many ppl hp f and wantgvnmnt t dvt attntin t th pblms

    bf it is t lat. Th assts and capacity a

    th t cat valu, but it must b nabld

    thugh ffctiv plicy.










    $40,000 -

    35,000 -

    30,000 -

    25,000 -

    20,000 -

    15,000 -

    10,000 -

    5,000 -

    0 -









    bc avg. $34,978

    1 Central Vancouver Island

    2 Kootenay/Boundary

    3 Okanagan

    4 Thompson/Cariboo/Shuswap

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    5 Northern Interior

    6 Northern SunshineCoast/Garibaldi

    7 Northeast

    Suc: BC Stats. Social-Economic Proles. Health Service

    Delivery Areas.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Unmplymnt ats and incm gaps a sv

    f abiginal ppl, wh a dispptinatly

    sidnt in ual aas. Th fllwing tabls

    cntain cmpaativ ats f unmplymnt

    and mdian incms in 2005 f th ttal B.C.

    ppulatin, th n-sv ppulatin in B.C.

    vall, and th ats f v Caib svs.

    Pvincially and in th Caib, Fist Natins

    unmplymnt ats a at last fu tims

    gat than ths f th gnal ppulatin.

    Icli vl cti t itc f bigil l

    taBle 10: unemployment rates, 00

    Ggaphical Aa Unmplymnt rat

    Bitish Clumbia 6.0 %

    Bitish Clumbia 25.0 %All rsvs

    Caib rsv #1 29.2 %

    Caib rsv #2 25.0 %

    Caib rsv #3 28.6 %

    Caib rsv #4 14.3 %

    Caib rsv #5 32.4 %

    Suc: Statistics Canada. Special Interest Proles, 2006


    Avag incms f abiginal ppl

    a substantially blw ths f th gnal

    ppulatin. This is illustatd again fm th B.C.

    n-sv Fist Natins ppulatin and fm

    xampls fm th Caib gin, wh mdian

    sv anings a lss than half f th mdian

    anings f th B.C. wking-ag ppulatin.

    Abiginal ppl, and abiginal yuth in

    paticula, mak up a substantial pat f th

    mplyabl wk fc in B.C. As such, thy a

    a maj asst in tms f futu dvlpmnt

    and walth catin. It will b ssntial t

    impv th dg t which abiginal ppl

    a includd in th activ cnmy. Th situatin

    must b addssd in th uban as wll as th

    ual aas.

    Thughut th pvinc and in th ual

    aas in paticula, th unslvd issu f land

    titl and suc intsts f Fist Natins

    ppl mains an imptant matt t b

    slvd. Th failu t ach agmnts

    with Fist Natins acts as a lag dtnt

    t invstmnt, paticulaly n what a nwdsignatd as cwn lands. Th has bn

    limitd pgss in taty making, but much

    m is ndd.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    rslving th Fist Natins lands and

    sucs qustins will las immns

    amunts f badly ndd walth and jb

    catin all acss th pvinc. And th bnts

    f cnciliatin xtnd wll bynd invstmnt

    and dvlpmnt. Ctainty f titl will impv

    th vall scial and cnmic nvinmnt,

    impv th managmnt f land and sucs,

    and ncuag an vall accmmdatin

    btwn abiginal ppl and th st f th

    ppl f B.C.

    Cnict and unctainty hav t lng

    bn an ndmic pat f th latinship. Th

    cnditins a nw ight f al pgss t

    chang all f that, thugh agmnts that

    sult in a full patnship btwn Fist Natins,

    gvnmnt, and industy. Th gains in tms

    f valu catin wuld b vy lag. A cnt

    pt stimats $10 billin f valu-addd, and

    sm studis suggst th numb culd b much

    high. 6

    At th sam tim that cnciliatin is

    pusud with Fist Natins, much m mustb dn t capitaliz upn th cntibutin

    f uban abiginal ppl. A cnt pt

    by th envinics Institut shws th uban

    abiginal ppulatin in B.C. is lag, cmmittd

    t uban lif, and psitiv abut its plac in B.C.

    scity. 7 Much m can b dn t nsu full

    inclusin f this imptant cmpnnt f th

    B.C. ppulatin. This t wuld sult in a lag

    incas in valu catin in th B.C. cnmy.

    taBle 11: median inComes, 00

    Ggaphical Aa Mdian Incm

    Bitish Clumbia $28,327

    Bitish Clumbia 15,293All rsvs

    Caib rsv #1 10,292

    Caib rsv #2 10,292

    Caib rsv #3 14,240

    Caib rsv #4 15,008

    Caib rsv #5 11,680

    Suc: Statistics Canada. Ibid.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads6

    Icli vl cti ig vt

    Bitish Clumbia has a pvty pblm. Tabl

    12 sts ut cmpaativ pcntags f ths

    blw th lw-incm cut-ff, which is cmmnly

    usd t dn pvty, f B.C., Albta and

    Canada. As can b sn, B.C. lags Albta and

    th Canadian avag. Th gap btwn Albta

    and B.C. has bcm pgssivly lag. Whil

    data a nt yt availabl, pvty ats hav

    almst ctainly incasd aft 2007 as a sult

    f th cssin.

    Pgss in ducing pvty cntibuts

    cnsidably t valu catin in that lw

    lvls f pvty a accmpanid by impvdlabu fc paticipatin and gat

    mplymnt succss. Invstmnts in pvty

    ductin amng familis hav paticulaly high

    pay-ffs. Th lw th pvty ats a f

    childn, th m succssful thy a as adults

    in tms f wk and anings. Singl-pant

    familis hadd by wmn hav a paticulaly

    high incidnc f pvty and thus shuld b th

    subjct f spcial cnsidatin.

    taBle 1: perCent Below low inCome

    Cut-oFF, B.C., alBerta and Canada(aFter tax), 000-007

    Ya Canada AB BC

    2000 12.5 % 11. %1 15.1 %

    2001 11.2 % 10.0 % 14.1 %

    2002 11.6 % 9.4 % 6.0 %

    2003 11.6 % 10.7 % 15.4 %

    2004 11.4 % 10.6 % 14.1 %

    2005 10.8 % 8.5 % 13.0 %

    2006 10.5 % 7.0 % 13.0 %

    2007 9.2 % 6.1 % 11.1 %

    Suc: Statistics Canada. Cansim Table 202-0802.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads8

    eql tit vl cti

    A valu-cating cnmy will pvid

    pptunitis t all f its ppl cnsistnt with

    thi abilitis and ptntial. T many small

    businsss a stuggling. Unmplymnt and

    sub-pa incms a t high amng ual,

    abiginal and immigant ppulatins. Incm

    inquality is gwing in B.C. as is th incidnc

    f family pvty.

    Pvty cntibuts t th xclusin f

    ppl fm accss t th avnus ndd t b

    pnd in d f thm t bcm pductiv

    mmbs f scity. An qual pptunity

    scity is n in which th is a cmmitmnt tqualizing bth pptunitis and capabilitis

    t accss pptunitis. Gvnmnt has a

    spnsibility t nsu that is th cas. Th pay-

    ff is that ach and vy psn can and will add

    maximum valu t scitys cnmic activity.

    Incm assistanc, spnding n ducatin

    and taining, and th pvisin f gvnmnt

    svics t hlp ppl vcm bais t

    cnmic paticipatin, a valu-cating in

    cnmic tms and nd t b pat f anysuccssful tansitin.

    a kill wk fc

    Th unmplymnt at is nt th nly cncn

    with spct t th labu makt. Anth is

    nsuing futu labu dmand is mt by th

    ncssay supply f labu with th ight skills

    and taining.

    Th cllg and univsity systms in B.C.

    hav pfmd vy wll in ppaing ppl f

    futu pptunitis in B.C., as can b sn fm

    th fllwing chat. B.C. utpfms Albta,

    ontai and Canada vall in th pcntag f

    ppl ag 19 t 24 with a cllg univsity

    dg, diplma cticat.

    Chart 1: share oF 19- year-olds

    without degree, CertiFiCate, or

    diploma, 000-009

    Suc: B.C. Stats. Provincial Comparisons of Various

    Performance Indicators.

    18% -

    16% -

    14% -

    12% -

    10% -

    8% -

    6% -

    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008





  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 9

    B.C. has als dn quit wll in tms f

    univsity gaduatin, as can b sn in th

    fllwing chat.

    Chart 16: share oF population

    years and over with a degree,


    Hwv sm cncn has bn xpssd

    that if th is a asnabl cvy fm th

    cssin, th culd b signicant shtags flabu by 2015 in ctain high-skill ccupatins.

    Th tansitin t spcic high-valu scts

    culd vy wll b impdd bcaus th a

    nt sufcint skilld and ducatd candidats

    f th jbs ssntial t th tansitin. Th

    pblm, if th is n, will b n f jb

    matching ath than th vall lvls f

    ducatin and taining. Whth this happns

    dpnds almst xclusivly n whth th

    taining systm ppas nugh ppl f th

    jbs that will b quid.

    A failu t ppa ptntial wks f

    high-valu jbs can siusly impd valu

    catin. A maningful taining plan f th pst-

    cssin cnmy is ncssay if th B.C. labu

    fc is t b ppad f th dmands f th

    nxt dcad.

    svig bt

    B.C. is uniqu in anth imptant spct.

    Sm f th buyancy in th B.C. cnmy has

    bn fulld by a much lw at f savings,

    and thus high cnsumptin xpnditus,

    cmpad t th st f th cunty. Indd

    citizns in B.C. hav bn nt bws whil

    th st f Canada has had a psitiv savings

    at, vn duing th difcult cnt yas

    lading int th cssin.

    Suc: B.C. Stats, ibid.

    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008





    30% -

    28% -

    26% -

    24% -

    22% -

    20% -

    18% -

    16% -

    14% -

    2007 2008

    % f Incm

    Bitish Clumbia -5.9 % -3.4 %

    Canada 2.5 % 3.7 %

    Suc: B.C. Stats. Personal Income and Savings Rate, 2007 and2008.

    taBle 1: savings rates as perCentage

    oF inCome, British ColumBia and

    Canada, 007 and 008

    Th fact that B.C. sidnts hav bn

    spnding m than thy hav bn taking in as

    incm has addd t th xpansinay impact

    f cnstuctin, infastuctu and natual gas

    v cnt yas. Ngativ savings ats f a

    pvinc a cunty as a whl a smwhat

    unusual, althugh th Unitd Stats had a

    histy f ngativ savings in th yas lading

    up t th cssin.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads0

    Vl cti -kt vl

    It is imptant t nt nt all valu catin

    invlvs makt valus. In many cass, makts

    d nt cctly aticulat imptant valus f

    ppl and scity. This is th asn f many f

    th public gds that gvnmnt pvids.

    Makts cannt d nt fcintly ganiz

    th pvisin f ads, wat and sw, plicing,

    many halth svics, dfnc, schling, and

    many th gds and svics f gat valu.

    Makts als fail t xpss th full csts f

    nvinmntal damag and th full valu f

    public sucs, taditinal havsts and

    natual systms. Makt valus als ftn fail

    t fully xpss th valu f scial svics

    and f cmmunity activity. Th spnsibility

    f cgnizing and aticulating nn-makt

    valus falls pimaily n gvnmnt. It is als a

    signicant spnsibility f civil scity.

    Gvnmnt spnding dcisins n gds

    and svics shuld thus als b abut valu

    catin and maximizing valu. Gvnmnts

    must s that th is an apppiat mixf activity in this gad. Sm agu that

    gvnmnt spnding is t lag and ngativly

    affcts valu catin. Such agumnts a

    lagly pmis divn, dductiv and impssibl

    t pv n way anth. Hwv, it is

    imptant that thy b acknwldgd in th

    cntxt f valu-catin statgis.

    In pat, th ngativ savings can b xplaind

    by th apid incass in hus pics, cating

    what is knwn as a walth affct n spnding.

    ov th lng tm ngativ saving ats a

    nt sustainabl, sinc thy a nly pssibl

    thugh v-incasing dbt lads. Th is a

    widspad xpctatin that a cctin is du

    in dbt accumulatin, in which cas th affct f

    spnding n gwth will b ducd. This culd

    assist in nancing th invstmnts ndd f a

    valu-cating tansitin, but it will als duc

    th stimulating affct f high cnsumptin


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 1

    Gvt c

    A matt f cnsidabl cncn in th futu

    is that f th sustainability f th xisting scal

    famwk. Gvnmnt spnding has almst

    dubld v th last 10 yas by an amunt

    almst qual t th whl f th incas

    in spnding v th st 125 yas f th

    pvincs histy.

    opating and capital spnding in 2000-2001

    was abut $24.3 billin, whil in 2010-2011 it

    will b abut $46 billin an incas f 90 p

    cnt. If this is t b sustaind, bust cnmic

    gwth and stng gvnmnt vnus will

    bth b quid. Th gvnmnts assumptinthat th cunt lag dcit is tmpay and

    that th pvinc can gw its way back t scal

    balanc is by n mans ctain. Cncns ais

    abut whth B.C. can simply gw its way ut

    f dcit and dbt, and whth gvnmnt

    vnus will b sufcint t mt gvnmnt

    bligatins in th futu. If this is nt th cas,

    thn B.C. will in fact hav t wstl with a

    stuctual dcit that culd cnfnt th pvinc

    with had chics in tms f its cunt businssmdl.

    It is gnally assumd B.C.s dbt is

    managabl. Hwv, th is sm caus f

    cncn. Lik many cpatins and individuals

    tday, B.C. has bcm highly lvagd. Th

    ttal pvincial dbt will hav gwn fm $35

    billin in 2008 t $55.9 billin in 2012, an

    incas f 45.5 p cnt. of this, $36.7 billin

    will b tax supptd. 10 Th has als bn

    a lag incas in th fm f nw nancingaangmnts in th fm f public-pivat

    patnships (P3s) that, whil impsing lng-

    tm paymnt bligatins n th gvnmnt

    sct, d nt hav t b ptd as dbt. Ths

    bligatins gw fm a ngligibl amunt a

    littl m than v yas ag t m than

    $55 billin in 2009,11 and a xpctd t b

    in xcss f $70 billin by 2012. Whil ths

    bligatins hav bn lagly ignd in pts

    f th gvnmnts nancing, th sult is that

    ttal nancing paymnt bligatins in th

    gvnmnt sct will appach $130 billin

    by 2012. Whil many ms and individuals in

    th pivat sct a mving apidly t duc

    lvagd xpsu f this kind, th is n plan

    t d s in th B.C. gvnmnt sct. Accding

    t gvnmnt statmnts th intntin is taggssivly incas th amunt f xtnal

    nancing, paticulaly by stuctuing dbt

    thugh P3s.

    Th a many qustins t b askd

    abut th tax systm. Th intductin f th

    hamnizd sals tax (HST) will sult in a shift

    f a ptin f th tax budn fm businss

    inputs t cnsum puchass, sulting in an

    incas in individual taxatin. Qustins ais

    abut th affcts n cnsumptin spnding, andn th invstmnt impacts, sct impacts and

    distibutin impacts f this chang.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Mdn tax systms, in d t b fai, a

    dsignd t b pgssiv. Chat 17 illustats

    th distibutin f avag cmmunity taxs

    paid p psn as incm taxs as a pcntag

    f avag cmmunity incm in B.C. in 2007.

    Th lw scatt lin is th p cnt f incm

    takn as pvincial tax acss cmmunitis,

    th upp scatt lin is th p cnt f incm

    takn as ttal fdal and pvincial tax, and

    th diffnc is p cnt f incm takn as

    fdal tax, by cmmunity avag incm.

    Fm this chat, n can s that th fdal

    tax incass fm 11 p cnt f incm in lw-incm cmmunitis t 25 p cnt f incm in

    high-incm cmmunitis, whil th pvincial

    incass fm a lw f abut 3.5 p cnt t a

    high f abut svn p cnt.

    Chart 17: inCome tax paid as

    perCentage oF per Capita Community

    inCome, total and provinCial,

    B.C. Communities, 007

    In th cas f th fdal incm tax, th

    sha f incm takn as tax iss m quickly

    as incms incass, cmpad t th pvincial

    tax. Thus, th fdal incm tax is signicantly

    m pgssiv than th pvincial incm tax.

    Th qustin aiss as t why, and whth th

    pvincial tax shuld m clsly match th

    fdal systm in tms f pgssivity.

    Tansfs within th fdatin a

    imptant in Canada, and f paticula intst

    t B.C. In th gins, a lw-than-avag

    cntibutin t fdal vnus is assciatd

    with pptinally high fdal gvnmntspnding. In cntast, Bitish Clumbia bth

    cntibuts lss t and civs lss fm th

    fdal gvnmnts cffs than its sha f th

    ppulatin. In 2001, th pvincs sha f th

    Canadian ppulatin was 13 p cnt. Individuals

    and cpatins gnatd 12 p cnt f ttal

    fdal vnus, whil 11 p cnt f fdal

    spnding wnt t B.C.12

    Th cyclical natu f th B.C. cnmy has

    als bcm vidnt with th vnts f cntyas. Sm sucs-dpndnt juisdictins

    pn t fqunt cycls and nn-sustainabl

    bms in vnu hav dvlpd spcial ainy

    day gvnmnt savings funds availabl

    t mitigat th impact f suddn dwntuns.

    Givn th suddn and disuptiv gvnmnt

    cuts f th past fw mnths in spns t lag

    dps in vnus, th advisability f th B.C.

    gvnmnt ding th sam is a matt f sm

    plicy intst.

    30% -

    25% -

    20% -

    15% -

    10% -

    5% -

    0% -

    low med high

    Upp Scatt Fd. and Pv. Tax P Capita

    Lw Scatt Pv. Tax P Capita

    Suc: B.C. Stats. B.C. Taxation Statistics.


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    T t-ci cv

    Th 2008-2009 cssin hit th B.C. cnmy

    had. Th lagst singl ya dp in th valu

    f walth and cnsumptin gnatd in th

    cnmy ccud in 2009. Th sam is tu

    f mplymnt and wag incm. Jb lsss

    hav bn paticulaly dvastating in fsty

    and sucs, manufactuing and pcssing,

    cnstuctin and th fd svics industis.

    In many spcts th cssin sultd

    fm plicy failu. It is nt, as sm claim, a

    blankt cndmnatin f pivat capital and

    pivat makts. Dgulatin f nancial

    makts and th blind pusuit f pivat gainby sm sultd in th catin and tading

    f invstmnt instumnts that inxably

    undmind th asst bas f banks and th

    nancial institutins. Gd and pptunism

    an ampant as sht-tm pivat advantag in

    sm quats cnsumd capital makts. Th

    sult was nt nly a cdit cllaps and th

    wst invstmnt and cdit cisis in gnatins,

    but als an almst univsal cgnitin that

    gvnmnt is n ncssay ingdint inth succss f th makt cnmy n an

    n-ging basis.

    Th ncuaging thing is that ppl and

    gvnmnts a laning fm xpinc that

    gvnmnt and th pivat sct a bth

    ncssay. W can nw s that nw uls, nw

    standads, and nw institutins will b ndd.

    And gvnmnt will nv again b abl t

    cdibly dny that it ds nt hav a psitiv l

    in th succss f th cnmy. But gvnmnt

    will nd t b cla abut its gals and its l.

    Cncn abut th cvy is dminatd by

    fu imptant challngs:

    1 establishing th ndd amunt f

    invstmnt t st mplymnt andwalth catin,

    2 ensuing that high-valu, high-wag scts

    a sufcintly supptd thugh plicy in

    d t nsu a succssful valu-cating

    tansitin v th lng-tm,

    3 Achiving gat divsicatin t

    duc dpndnc n th limitd divs

    f th lagly uban bm f th p-

    cssin pid sidntial cnstuctin,

    gvnmnt-nancd infastuctu, and

    natual gas, and

    4 rsting gvnmnt scal cnditins.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    This is nt t dnigat th lw valu-cating scts. Thy a f citical imptanc

    t vall mplymnt. But th challng is t

    gt th ight mix in d t main cmptitiv

    with th st f Canada and th wld.

    Unlss sufcint numbs f nw jbs a in

    sustainabl, high-valu, high-wag scts th

    lng-tm pspity f th pvinc cannt b

    assud. Th ight mix is ndd, and t achiv

    that mix th is a cla impativ t maximiz

    high-valu jbs. Futh, th fa that th pst-cssin cvy culd b a jblss cvy

    aiss futh cncns abut ability t cat

    ndd valu.

    F a tim in th mid-2000s, aspcts f th

    tansitin w, t sm dg, maskd. Th

    fsty sct was supptd by th sht-

    tm havst f th pin btl infctd stands.

    Futh, lmnts f appant pspity

    appad f a sht tim bf th nslaught

    f th cssin in 2008 as a sult f bms

    in cnstuctin f husing and gvnmnt-

    nancd infastuctu pjcts, cnsumptin

    spnding, and natual gas pductin.

    Ths faily nawly dnd bms, what might b calld bmlts, hav tndd

    t mask many undlying challngs that pint

    t ptntial lng-tm pblms. Futh,

    cncntatd bmlts such as ths mak

    th cnmy highly vulnabl t changs in

    a small numb f cnmic divs, which

    a at a high isk f nt bing sustainabl v

    th lng tm. Thus, with sm matial pat

    f th gwth in th middl f th last dcad

    attibutabl t bubbls in cnsumptin, husing,gvnmnt-nancd infastuctu and natual

    gas, th is a dang th cnmy is nt nly n

    a nn-sustainabl path, but that it has bcm

    highly vulnabl t changs in a small numb

    f cnmic divs.

    Th challng is t nsu th lng-tm

    tansitin maximizs sustainabl valu catin.

    Th nxt fw yas will dtmin whth B.C.

    is abl t mak a succssful tansitin t nw

    valu-cating industis and nw sucs f

    walth that will sustain it in its histic psitin

    as a high-valu, high-wag cnmy within th

    Canadian cntxt.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads

    Bitish Clumbia is in many ways wll-placd t

    manag th tansitin in th cnmy fd t

    in this pap. Th pvinc has many stngths

    and assts upn which t build. Ths a

    imptant cnsidatins whn lking fwad

    and whn mapping ut a plan f th futu.

    Bitish Clumbia has a lng histy f

    cnmic pspity and succssful cnmic

    dvlpmnt. It has bn, with a fw xcptins,

    a hav-pvinc within Cnfdatin, and

    has wlcmd ppl fm thughut th

    wld. And it njys many cnmic advantags,

    including: A lativ abundanc f natual sucs.

    rnwabl sucs, including wat,

    fsty, wildlif, and th vaius aspcts f

    th natual nvinmnt hav lng pvidd

    B.C. with a cmpaativ advantag. Managd

    wll, ths can b a suc f walth and

    wll bing f citizns f gnatins t

    cm. Nn-nwabl sucs a and

    will cntinu t b imptant. Th challng

    will b t nsu that thi managmnt iscnsistnt with sustainability pincipls.

    A favuabl climat and wll-dvlpd

    amnitis, making B.C. a natual daw t

    in-migatin fm th pats f Canada

    and th xtnal wld, paticulaly China

    and Suth Asia. This in-migatin has nt

    nly bught an infusin f highly skilld

    and cativ ppl. It has als bught

    with it a signicant and cntinuing inw f

    invstmnt capital. This has bn paticulaly

    imptant f invstmnt in sidntial

    cnstuctin; it has als cntibutd

    signicantly t businss invstmnt. Capital

    tansfs fm utsid cntibut dictly tth walth f th pvinc in numus ways.

    A lag and succssful immigant ppulatin

    that has mad a lag and lasting impact n

    its cnmic, scial and plitical lif. B.C. is a

    wld-cgnizd succss sty in building a

    multi-cultual scity that has dawn havily

    n th capital, skills and ngy f ppl

    fm bynd its bds wh hav sught and

    fund a nw and succssful lif h.

    A wll-ducatd and highly-skilld labu

    fc. Th pvinc is wll placd t suppt

    high-valu, high-tch, high-wag, and

    knwldg-basd industis with a wll-

    ducatd wk fc. Ths industis will b

    ky if B.C. is t maintain a cmptitiv and

    succssful cnmy.

    rlativly lw-cst accss t th lag and

    gwing Asian, and paticulaly th Chins,

    makt. Th distanc btwn B.C. and China

    by wat is sht than it is f eup and

    th pats f Nth Amica. This pvids

    B.C. with an imptant cmptitiv advantag

    in th mging and apidly dvlping

    mging makts.

    stgt titi witi t c

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads6

    A signicant ndwmnt f gd famland

    capabl f pducing f th B.C. makt.

    Th Agicultual Land rsv has ptctd

    against th lss f famland cmmn t

    th juisdictins. Lcally-pducd fd

    is bing cgnizd as v m imptant

    as tansptatin bcms m cstly

    and as pfncs shift twad fsh, lcal


    A lativly wll-dvlpd and xtnsiv

    systm f scial suppt and dvlpmnt

    svics. Halth ca and ducatin svics

    a fcint in tms f cmpaabl taxpay

    csts, and ntwithstanding cnt spnding

    staints, cntinu t b imptant assts.

    Municipal svics a gnally gd and

    infastuctu is f lativly high quality.

    Vigus and mpwd abiginal ppl,

    including Fist Natins ppl, in pssssin

    f bust taditinal ights, including land,

    nwabl sucs and cultu. With a

    ppulatin f abut 170,000, th abiginal

    ppl f B.C. a xtmly imptant in

    tms f human sucs, dvlpmntal

    capacity, and walth catin. effctiv

    patnships in cnjunctin with histic -

    cnciliatin masus hav th ptntial t

    suppt th dvlpmnt f abiginal lands,

    sucs, gvnmnts and institutins and

    t captu uniqu and valuabl pptunitis

    in cmmunitis all acss B.C. and in

    paticula in mt and ual cmmunitis.

    Th ptntial t achiv a lw-cabn

    missins cnmy lativly quickly.

    Cmptitiv cnmis v th cming

    dcads will b ths that mak a fast

    tansitin t a lw-cabn stat. Th lag

    pptin f lcticity gnatd by B.C.

    Hyd fm lag-scal public hyd nsus

    lcticity is bth clan and affdabl. Th

    cntinud ability f B.C. Hyd t supply

    clan ngy can nsu clan, lw-cst

    lcticity will b availabl lng int th

    futu withut cstly subsidis. Ca nds

    t b takn t nsu nw gvnmnt-supptd pivat hyd f xpt will nt

    v tim qui v-incasing subsidis,

    high lcticity pics and v gat

    lianc n dity ngy t ll th sasnal

    gaps that cannt b svd by ths facilitis.

    A stng public svic. This is imptant

    in any mdn cnmy tday, and its

    imptanc will b vn gat in an

    cnmy facing a difcult tansitin. ov its

    histy, B.C. has dvlpd and maintainda high-quality public svic, a stng cd

    in plicy innvatin and a histy f fcint

    svic dlivy. Th public svic in B.C.

    at th fdal, pvincial, ginal and lcal

    lvls is pfssinal, incuptibl, and

    public intst intd. Bitish Clumbians

    valu gd gvnmnt cmmittd t

    fcincy, fainss, pagmatism, nn-

    patisanship, indpndnc fm spcial

    intsts, uls-basd appachs, andhnsty. Ths valus a imptant t

    dvlpmnt and walth catin.

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 7

    Numus qustins ais fm th pcding

    viw f th B.C. cnmy. Sm, althugh

    by n mans all, f th qustins that nd

    addssing includ:

    1. T cllg f g gvt

    Is cnmic plicy bing divn by valid

    assumptins and blifs?

    What is th likly scal situatin v th

    nxt th t v yas?

    Is B.C. ncunting a stuctual dcit?

    Will taxs hav t b aisd spndingducd t balanc th budgt? Hw quickly

    shuld th budgt b balancd?

    Has gvnmnt cntibutd t a cyclical

    bubbl v th past fw yas, t th

    dtimnt f lng-tm adjustmnts?

    Hav gvnmnt xpnditus thmslvs

    bn a suc f instability in th cnmy?

    Shuld B.C. dvlp a gvnmnt ainy

    day savings fund t stabiliz th w f

    gvnmnt spnding?

    Is th cunt tax systm fai? Is tax fm

    ndd? T achiv fainss? T achiv a

    balancd budgt?

    2. sift i t c

    Is th cunt dictin f th cnmy

    sufcintly dictd at valu catin?

    Is th cunt dictin f th cnmy

    sustainabl? What is th signicanc f th dwnwad

    tnd in fsty and fsty pducts as

    liabl walth and jb gnats distibutd

    widly thughut th pvinc?

    Hw can th tansitin away fm cabn

    dpndncy b achivd?

    Is th high dpndnc n cnstuctin and

    infastuctu sustainabl?

    What can b dn t gnat a shift twad

    high valu-addd pductin?

    What a th causs and facts cntibuting

    t th cnmic cisis in vitually all f th

    ual cmmunitis in B.C.? What can b dn?

    3. ecic ttgi

    What can w lan fm th fact that thfst and salmn sucs w havstd

    n a nn-sustainabl basis f gnatins

    and that thy likly can nv again pvid

    th basis f pspity as thy nc did?

    Can B.C. cmpt in th wld cnmy as

    a high-wag, high valu-addd, knwldg-

    basd cnmy? If s, hw is that t b

    achivd? Hw can pductivity b impvd?

    Hw can xpts b incasd?

    What a th nw scts that plicy shuld


    Hw can cultual industis b supptd and


    What is ndd t build gn cnmy

    scts? Hw much can ths cntibut t


    Is it pssibl f th B.C. gvnmnt t hlp

    cngu th cnmy in th fac f th

    dp stuctual changs at wk?

    T bic cllg ig t igt qti

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads8

    4. Fit nti bigil l

    What can b dn t acclat sttlmnts

    with Fist Natins?

    What is ndd t nsu that abiginal

    yuth civ ducatin and taining t

    paticipat fully in th cnmy?

    Hw can gat abiginal paticipatin

    in invstmnts and wnship b mad a


    5. divicti

    What l shuld divsicatin play in B.C.sdvlpmnt and what appach shuld b

    takn t ncuag divsicatin?

    What scts shuld civ piity in

    futu plicy and planning? Shuld an

    industial statgy and a dvlpmnt plan

    b dvlpd? Hw? What shuld it cntain?

    What shuld b th l f gvnmnt?

    Wh will th ndd invstmnt capital

    cm fm and hw can it b ncuagd?

    What can b dn t stimulat and

    ncuag invstmnts and gwth dvtd

    t lcal, nn-mbil capital such as faming,

    taditinal sucs, amnitis, th natual

    nvinmnt, and ths that pvid B.C.

    with a natual advantag? Hw can ths

    scts b ncuagd?

    6. ext xt vlt

    Hw much mphasis shuld b placd

    n Asian tad? What plicis shuld b


    Hw can invstmnts in xpt industis b


    7. plti, iigti t

    lb fc

    What will b th impact f ppulatin

    changs n th B.C. cnmy? of th

    dclining pptin f yung ppl?of th incasing pptin f th ldly?

    Will th b a dvlping shtag f highly-

    skilld nw ntants t th labu fc in th

    futu? Will this cnstain th cnmy?

    If s what shuld b dn t addss it?

    What cntibutin will immigants mak t

    th B.C. cnmy v th cming dcads?

    What is th likly impact f th cnt

    StatsCan pjctins shwing an incasing

    lativ siz f th immigant ppulatin in


    What can b dn t sustain th in-migatin

    f ppl with skills and sucs?

    Hw can pvty ductin b addssd?

  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    Lkig Fw: The BC eConomy aT a Crossroads 9

    e t

    1 Bitish Clumbia. Your BC Government:

    Technology and Innovation.



    2 Patick Cndn and Knt Mullinix.

    Agriculture on the Edge. Accssd at www.



    3 Bitish Clumbia Pgss Bad. Boosting

    Incomes, Confronting Demographic

    Change: B.C.s Productivity Imperative.

    Accssd at www.bcpgssbad.cm/achivs/aTB07Pductivity.html

    4 BC Stats. Small Business Prole, 2009.

    Accssd at http://www.bcstats.gv.bc.ca/


    5 Canadian Fdatin f Indpndnt

    Businss. British Columbia Business

    Barometer. Accssd at http://www.cb-



    6 BC Taty Cmmissin. Treaties Will Boost

    BC Economy by Over $10 Billion. Accssd

    n at http://www.bctaty.nt/

    7 Uban Abiginal Ppls Study. Report.

    Accssd at http://uaps.ca/

    8 Statistics Canada. Immigration in Canada:

    A Portrait of the Foreign-born Population,

    2006 Census: Findings. Accssd at




    9 Statistics Canada. Population Projections of

    Visible Minority Groups, Canada, Provinces

    and Regions, 2001-2017.

    Accssd at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/


    10 Bitish Clumbia. Budget 2010.

    Accssd at http://www.B.C.budgt.gv.


    11 Pvinc f Bitish Clumbia. Public

    Accounts for the Fiscal Year Ended March

    31, 2009. Accssd at http://www.n.gv.


    12 B.C. Stats. Business Indicators, August

    2004. Accssd at http://www.bcstats.gv.


  • 8/9/2019 Looking Forward: The BC Economy at a Crossroads


    dt c

    Bitish Clumbia Pgss Bad.

    Benchmark Report. Accssd at http://www.


    B.C. Stats. British Columbia Employment by

    Detailed Industries, Annual Averages. Accssd

    at http://www.B.C.stats.gv.B.C..ca/data/lss/


    BC Stats, BC GDP at Market Prices. Accssd at



    B.C. Stats. B.C. GDP by Industry NAICSAggregations. Accssd at http://www.B.C.stats.


    asp and http://www.B.C.stats.gv.B.C..ca/data/


    B.C. Stats. B.C. Taxation Statistics. Accssd

    at http://www.B.C.stats.gv.B.C..ca/data/dd/


    B.C. Stats. B.C. Tourism and High Technology

    GDP and Employment. Accssd at http://www.B.C.stats.gv.B.C..ca/data/bus_stat/B.C.a/


    BC Stats. Labour Force and Related Rates.

    Accssd at http://www.bcstats.gv.bc.ca/data/


    BC Stats. Labour Force Activity for British

    Columbia and Canada - Annual Averages.

    Accssd at http://www.bcstats.gv.bc.ca/


    BC Stats. Interprovincial and International Trade.

    Accssd at http://www.bcstats.gv.bc.ca/data/


    B.C. Stats. Personal Income and Savings Rate,

    2007 and 2008. Accssd at http://www.bcstats.



    BC Stats. Provincial Comparisons of Various

    Performance Indicators. Accssd at http://



    BC Stats. Social-Economic Proles Health

    Service Delivery Areas. Accssd at http://www.


    Statistics Canada. Cansim Table 202-0802.

    Accssd at http://dc1.chass.utnt.ca

    Statistics Canada. Catalogue No. 13-213-PIB.

    Accssd at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/bslc/lc-


    Statistics Canada. Special Interest Proles,

    2006 Census. Accssd at http://www.statcan.



    Statistics Canada. Labour Force Survey

    Special Request for NVS, Employment in

    Cultural Industries. Accssd at www.


    Statistics Canada. Earnings and Incomes of

    Canadians Over the Past Quarter Century, 2006

    Census. Accssd at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/

