Login 2015 advertising

advertising Willing to enhance your brand? LOGIN oers a handful of ways to deliver your message to a relevant audience.


LOGIN 2015 advertising opportunities

Transcript of Login 2015 advertising


Willing to enhance your brand? LOGIN offers a handful of ways to deliver your message to a relevant audience.

Advertising: LOGIN 2015 magazine

LOGIN magazine is the go-to source for any information you may need about LOGIN. It is available in both digital and print versions, and is the most visible publication during the event. Preview LOGIN 2014 magazine

Every LOGIN attendee (including VIPs and media representatives) gets a LOGIN magazine in a conference bag. Besides, copies of LOGIN magazines are distributed to some business clusters, creative, media and digital agencies prior to the event

We offer you an opportunity to place your company’s ad in this magazine - with more than 5.000 copies of LOGIN magazine distributed among innovative trend-setters, that’s quite an audience!

Early bird discounts:15% discount through 31 December, 201410% discount through 15 January, 2015 Contact us to book your ad today!

Kind of ad Price, EUR Price, LTL

½ page 250 EUR 863,20 LTL

Full page 450 EUR 1.553,76 LTL

2 page spread 850 EUR 2.934,88 LTL

Inside front cover 500 EUR 1726,40 LTL

Inside back cover 500 EUR 1726,40 LTL

Outside back cover 600 EUR 2.071,68 LTL

LOGIN 2015 advertising prices

Prices are indicated without VAT

Advertising: Online

Want to raise your brand awareness at LOGIN? Take advantage of our online community! With Login.lt, our newsletter and social media we have many capabilities

• Login.lt webpage is visited by 300.000 unique users per year and attracts the majority of Lithuania’s digital community

• We send out 7 LOGIN newsletters before the conference, each reaching our fan base of nearly 15.000 people

• LOGIN’s Facebook page has more than 15.000 fans

Early bird discounts:15% discount through 31 December, 201410% discount through 15 January, 2015 Contact us to learn more about these options!

Kind of ad Price, EUR Price, LTL

Login.lt banner (3 months) 1.500 EUR 5.179,20 LTL

1 Newsletter mention 400 EUR 1.381,12 LTL

Newsletter banner (1 time) 300 EUR 1.035,84 LTL

Facebook post 150 EUR 517,92 LTL

Facebook campaign (5 posts) 500 EUR 1726,40 LTL

LOGIN 2015 online prices

Prices are indicated without VAT

Advertising: Video

Want to align your brand with LOGIN, but are not sure how to do it? Want to seamlessly integrate into LOGIN’s identity? And you have created some nice videos for your brand?

We have a number of options for you just to be noticed. Video ad on the big screen before and after presentations in the main hall is one of them

Let your gorgeous TV ad be seen on a big high definition screen!

Early bird discounts:15% discount through 31 December, 201410% discount through 15 January, 2015 Contact us to speak about your video!

Video Price, EUR Price, LTL

’30 ad in the main hall (14 times) 1.500 EUR 5.179,20 LTL

15 ad in main hall (14 times) 900 EUR 3.107,52 LTL

’30 ad in main hall (1 time) 300 EUR 1.035,84 LTL

’15 ad in main hall (1 time) 175 EUR 604,24 LTL

LOGIN 2015 video prices

Prices are indicated without VAT

Many more opportunities!Do you have a crazy idea?Let us help you bring it to life! Keep in touch!

Contact us for more information:

Ieva Dirvonskaitė E: [email protected] T: +370 620 74110

Join us at LOGIN!