Locations, props, outfits

Location shots, props and outfits

Transcript of Locations, props, outfits

Location shots, props and outfits

Prince of Wales This is my main location. These are reference photographs taken from Google Images. There images are not mine however, I am doing research of different views throughout the week like top left is a calm night however, and bottom right is a club night. I like the contrast and the differentiation and it really helps me because I can plan better for my schedules when I shoot. The bottom right I like because it has energy. It’s full with character and it’s very busy. There is always something going on and you can’t keep your eye on it however, this is where the character comes in and we only keep an eye (camera/framing) on him. This is when we see the rest of the people just as noise. The lightning is dark yet bright because of the clubs. The people show their own characters through their outfits and body languages.

City Centre These are references photographs taken from Google Images. I am using these as examples so that I have an idea what I can work with. These can help me to plan my schedule better and go take my own location shots. This will also help me to work with light and play around because in the city there would be a lot of buildings in some shots there would be less light or more than others. It helps me visually my video onto photographs and image how it would be done.

Male outfit ideas

These are references photographs taken from Google Images as ideas for the male character that I am going to use. These outfits are based on the audience profile of what this genre music the audience dresses like. I really like these because they are casual yet a bit edgy which shows character and catches the eye. This is exactly what I want. I want him to stand out yet blend into the busy noise. Having long shots will allow to capture this in him. Further on, the establishing shots will show not just him but also what’s around him and the way he stands out.

Female outfit ideas These are reference photographs taken from Google Images. I am using these as visual ideas to show and visually see what the female girl will look like in my video. It will allow me to suit the guy and the girl better. This way both of them will look attractive. The girl will be very casual yet again edgy just like the male. This will allow to show character and taste in style. The close ups of her will also allow the audience to see the gentle and soft side of her.