Location Shots For The Final Task


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Transcript of Location Shots For The Final Task

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Location Shots

The location for the final task will take place in two areas, the first being on and around Desborough Island, and the second being a

small forest near Ashley Park.

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Location Shots (Desborough island)

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The Island

This is a clearing in the wood on Desborough island, its perfect for the scene where one of the rogue agents is unconscious, this is firstly because the ground is flat, so it is easy to film on using a tripod (so the shot is steady), and also the actor won’t injure themselves on anything sharp whilst on the ground. As well as this the water in the background makes the shot more dynamic, as it adds movement, even when the actor isn’t moving.

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The Slope

The inclined slope means that shooting a high angle shot will be easy, which is good as this is a camera angle that will be used.

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The Road

The long road has no obstructions to its view, which means continuity will be easier to maintain, because the audience will be able to see where the rogue agent is about to go before the rogue agent goes there. Thus there is no confusion as to where the agent is at any which time.

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The Bridge

The bridge is where there will be an over the shoulder shot between the rogue agent and the agent who is still with the agency, a difference in setting (the woods to the bridge), gives the feeling of progression the actors are going somewhere.

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Underneath The Bridge

The area under the bridge will make a great framing shot.

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This tree has another type of leaf growing on, and around it, meaning an artistic shot could be made of an agent through the leafs. Also it could make the hiding place for the rogue agent.

Large Tree

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Location Shot: (forest near Ashley Park)

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The Forest

A different Location is necessary when filming the second rogue agent, because the scenery although still a forest, couldn’t look too similar to the other forest that will be used, also there isn’t enough forest on Desborough island, to film two different scenes. Parallel editing will be used with this piece of footage, together with the footage of the other rogue agent who will be on the ground of the forest in Desborough island. The fact that both scenes are shot in the forest, means the audience will assume the characters will meet up, this will add to the shock when the rogue agent dies.