
Location Choices



Transcript of Location

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Location Choices

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Chosen Location



Streets/Alley ways

Shop (Newsagent)

Building block

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From the research we have done on grime music videos, these are our final locations. We have looked at grime

songs on YouTube, TV and other areas to come to these conclusions.

We have decided to use a variety of locations which relate to are grime song. From the lyrics and the music we have related these to are location choices as they make links and connections. We have used the typical

conventions of grime locations as we realised this makes the video more like the grime genre.

Are location choices relates to are artist as they have grown up in these area’s which link to our grime lyrics

mad genre.

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One of are chosen location is in school inside a classroom. We decided to use the school that we

attend as it will be better for us to access this location. We chose this because in are lyrics it talks

about grades, which links to school and this is how we came up with this idea. We decided as part of a young person living in the UK education plays a huge part as some reject the needs to be educated. Grime artists are the known to be the rebellious types where they may believe education is not worth it. This allows us to show a contrast between are artist school life and

his street life. As this is a grime song the typical convention is for the artists to go into a bad path, in are music video we chose are artist to turn to alcohol

for help.


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The studio is another location we chose for are music video. The reason why we chose this is because, it is to

show the artists view of his life. In are music video it shows the artist following a bad path after he leaves school to join the streets. In the studio the artist is

rapping the lyrics about how life could be if this happens. The studio could also suggest the artist has

made it in life to and followed his dream. He his now in the studio making songs about his past/future life and making money. This is the main goal for the majority grime artists who come from poverty. It is a typical

location in a grime music video. In the school that we attend we have a studio room which is equipped, this is

where we will be filming are studio scenes.


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Streets/Alley ways

The streets and alley ways are a location which directly links to grime music. This is because most of these artists grew up in the streets in gangs being deviant and causing trouble. The ‘streets’ represent uneducated people with no

career path and goal. The streets and alley ways allows individuals to perform illegal acts/ behavior in secrecy. As people try to avoid alley ways it gives these individuals an

advantage to their business without being caught. For example, selling drugs are mostly done in alley ways

where they will not get caught by police or be reported to the police. In are music video we chose this place because

are artists turns to the streets as he believed there is noting left for him. This links to are lyrics and genre,

grime. The alley way we chose to use is local to the school we attend in Stepney Way, the road is called Durham Row.

This is a quiet path where not many pedestrians use.

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Shop (Newsagent)

The newsagent is a location we chose to use for are artist to go buy alcohol from. We purposely chose a

newsagent instead of a supermarkets is because it is local. They also sell cheap alcohol mainly vodka

bottles as majority buy this. Young people have more of a chance to get served in a local newsagent as it

may not be monitored, shop owners may serves these customers in order of business and welfare.

Also ID may not be needed as shop owners may not be aware of customers age or they may just want to make money. These local newsagents are based in

estate areas where there are a lot of gangs who drink for a living. The newsagent we chose is local to are school, which is more convenient for use if we need

to go back to re film.

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Building/Estate Block

Buildings and inside estate blocks are another typical convention for a grime music video. This

links to are lyrics and the grime genre. In are music video after the artist leaves school he joins his

friends hanging around inside state blocks. This allows individuals to have a place to meet and hang

out as it is free of charge. It is also makes them dominant to other people in the building as they

may be afraid of them. Estate blocks may be used to show where the artist grew up with his friends

and they believe he doesn’t fit into the music industry and should be like them doing nothing in

life. For are music video we used to locations to film are building/estate scenes as it was difficult to get

access inside the buildings.

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