1E DAILY NEWHS-RERALD, SATUROAN \1 OCTOBER 29 , . 5 r5 nieydyso that each shall paint FTPCNm11'T BE. LOCAL 10\\S IN A NUTSHELL. :picture57 w Iilout 81nV outjtasid ne~ N Tl 9RS~~IAU 1 Then a jury of distinguished artists ex -- a- mines the work, and awards the prize. LITThE THINGS GTUERED HERE AND The subject given out in 1874 was the LI "Ann iation to the Shepherds" who BUSINESS DISP10ED OF IN THE ORIMI THERE IN THE CITY. watched their* flocks by night, when the NA AD TRIBUNALS. angel ap eared to them andannounced the U_ I.W ERIBUNAAI 'birth of 8hrist. R AK Jottings of Happenings that Have Taken Upon this picture Bastien-Lepage worked A Mother Faints on (He ring the Sen Place During the Last Twenty-four most earnestly. When it was finished. hleAO _e /,Ct HoursCondensations ofth felt confident of s es bi t when theday tence of Her Son-'-aj Russell and o o ie n Brief. Bi m E en s cain'f t i.g the,.axvar j an Basti en His Timber Cutters-Drunks and ESE.I ThT of the Day- Ne 's in Brief Lepage, withhf eage r 4 p re- Toughs Before the Mayor-Other Cases. a t h . ea ux Ats,-an pe Wholesale and Retail Dealers in The T.-U . is sm arting and scream ing was heard that the -jury h ad g e oth I t County imn l o t y s e d a again; that last loan must have. run down prize to Cornerre. The, rumor was cou In'the County Criminal Court yesterday a is to the panic ln d rm ed gbanel, his ti-Lega iiate Judge h. M..Jones presiding, business pro- F The Astor dock is to b e improved by the hotd against his wpasl1 t e ie l. - i.. driving of some new spiles ud the rteayingard it wdaa-ts de -edd with the usuFu i ialidFty.G 1 of a portion of the planking. cided against him chiefly upon e;-chnica The motion in arrest of judgment made M rounds; one reason being that th6 'Ail- by V. D. L. Mudge, Esq., in the case of The T.-U. slush-gun shot itself off seven noundsatione occurred at night, while Nelson Smitcharged d bt Pub- i t ht hi with stealing a dog, 8:fferent ways at, Once destr dabv UP Basti'en- page pkintetti as iate in t e A very pleasant sociable Was held at the n e in the restaurant oh ilademoisedi The motion ini the Burney Sams case for Are now located in that large, central, residence of Iorcher L'Engle, Esq., in La- Aha. On tbsmbky walls hung pictures a new trial, made by his counsel 0. J. H. last night for the beueit of St. Ste- by artists who.had frequented th e place Suumers, was also denied. The prisoner he a pel. and the picture by nen who had gained was then arraigned for sentence, and was eMr. Jacob Parker, meber of the Legis- the i de Rome were de- sent to the State's prison for the term of nature from Dnval county, has been corated with- wreaths of lau- ten years. At the collusion of the sen elected receiver of ight soil for all the rel. Comerre, the winner, and Bas- tence Mrs. Sams, the mother of Burney, eastern suburbs. tien-Lepage, the loser, sat at adjoining was overcome with grief, and fainted as & it is the deliberaTe opinion of the T. u tables, each surrounded by his friends. she attempted to leave the court room. A s lt It i dbrae oMapilln ot i As the dinner drew to a close a youe The first trial was,State vs.Alonzo Jack- Absolutely Pure. Where we offer fr sale one of the largest and m t arte dlibrga , prorpiveo re tio a bles ad uruddb i red, h tepe 0laetebor ori' Alt l" " thatlJudge McLean and Justice American painter rose beside Bastien-Le- son, chargedwith carrying arms secretly. we offer for saleone of theargest and most are "arrogant proscriptive, reactionary ,page and said, "Let us crown the picture The jury was out over six hours. Their This powderhn~e somes reloof Complete Stocks ever plaed on this market and unprogressive. , of the m.an to whom the artists have verdict was guilty, but they recommended t anth an he ordinary kinds, and can-co v e iset Binng next Tuesday, Noveber, awarded t d Roe." the prisoner to the mercy ot the court. not be sold incompetition with the multitude of the market will be kept open until 5 p. in.,' He held u a laurel wreath as he spoke. The next case was the State vs. Calvin low test, short weight alum or phosphate forte aconiodation of the public Instantly al the artistsin the room were on Franklin, charged with the offence known orders. Sold onlj in ca?. ROYAl BAKING which arrangement will be continued their feet. The friends of Comerre angrily in law as the uinientionable crime. The OWDEaR (Co.. 106Ia street, N. . uring the writer season. struggled to prevent what they case was tried by the following ury du .rien s o onductor Wiliams who counted an insult. But : the J. H.Brown, W. H Gerkin, H. B. NN'est, was hurt in the wreck of the F. R. & N. others lifted the young American oA their T. T. Mot, W B Collins, J. T. Ingram, fkthT Company, on Thursday morning, will be shoulders, bore him through the opposing Messrs. Holmes & Pope appearing for the R Ni1IS SE T l 1 of our stock, believing that we can satisfy glad to know is doing Very well. crowd and lne hung the laurelreath defence. The case occupied four hours, " every one as to prices and terms. telegraph wire ich has been br upon Bastien-Lepage's, picture "Golden the jury were only out fifteen minutes, every one as to prices and terms. tee p ire hChas bitreen Whereiot Amuth. i md uproar and conflict the and rendered a verdict of not guilty. v. CNIE TH ,OLWING from the post i Catharine streetry low In he arists ;testified their admiration for The case the State vs. Harry Kimball for G y B Intersects Adams, hangs ver wi n kel d their peasant brother, the larceny of $30 and watch, was not con- Notee to Our Country Friends ! street and unesreardtillieyd There was the same feeling at the Beavux Oluded at the time of adjournm ent aiid ernsom ., at ve dos, u sesTheras the same feig at the deaux luded at dhe time of adjournment and handsome rove and house, nurs- We have issued no catalogues this season, but will be glad to give you our quotations and some damage to passing teams. Arts. Every day heaps of flowers and will be resumed this morning. , * ry, etc, atveido, Orange county, can guarantee you prices as LOWAS THE LOWEST. OARK _OIT . -ar -rethsee apd ofefor s and wilb"rsmdthsinin. .1 1, lnga1, eo Orange county. can guarantee you prices as LOW AS THE LOWEST. lAI &LO t. A slight blaze in the dwelling laurel-wreaths were laid before the "An- The following parties were arraigned 5 Abargaio. CAK Pine street, on Thursday, damaged cloth nunciation to the Shepherds." They were £cr trial: 5000 Fifty acres--ten-acre grove, ry HARDWARE. ingand furniture to the amount of about removed by the guardians of the galleries, State vs. Henry Morgan, charged with near Sanford. High beautiful $30. Phe house is owned by H M. Fretot only to be renewed the next day. So, al- larceny; pleaded guilty: sentenced to thir- building lots. A splendid property and is occupied by Benjamin Mock though Comerre was given the great ty days in the county jal. for suburban homes. The thermometer at George Hughes' prize, and Bastien-Lepage obtained only Willia n Mannal, charged with inten to i Fifty-four acres -flfteen-acre bear h rner Bay and Ocean streets, the second, his failure was really a suc- murder and convicted of simple assault; u, U. ing grovehouse, nursery, etc.,near registered 72 degrees as the highest and 61 cess.-[Ripley Hitchcock, in St. Nicholas was fined $1 and costs. Picolata, Fla., St. Johns county, degrees as the lowest temperature during for November. State vs. Willie Jones, char ed with lar - within the town limits. This place the24 hours ending at2 p. . yesterday. ceny, pleaded guilty; sentented to twenty is cheap at $15,000. The old sidewalkon the East side of Ho- EASILY INTERVIEWED. days in the county jail Twenty-fourbuilding lots in West The olde siewalen thor eulding a nd "'State vs. Augustus Bell, charged with 0. Palatka. Worth three times theS gan o streteween the ast buildingH and5ITEVEW D asite onym iU'J. Palaoiki~UlW~tT ebstln f O K T VE n h gn street between the Asto buitor wharf ha beentakenup and a Strategy Used by a Reporter to Approach assault and battery, pleaded guilty; sen- price offered for. new walk is being laid ncordn to direc- Conkling. tenced to five days in the county jail at 0 Five lots in Fort Mleade, Polk ( ) new walk is being laid o a h t here putationobing n hard labor. . county. - - "T ' tions from Captain Post, of the ylvester. There are some men in public life who The witnesses in the following cases Annie Hines theproprietrossof a house havethe reputation of being non-interview- were discharged for the term, viz: State 600. Ten acres in Apopka, Orange 1-( U S of ill-fame, was yesterday arrested on a able. Roscoe Conkling used to be so classic vs. James Bennett; State vs. Burney county. warrant issued by Utdited States Commis- fled when he was in the senate. Knowing Saans; State vs. Henry Morgan; Statevs. New two-stor building (store and chtein hs. wihslig2009 e -- tr ulig(tr and __ sioner Mtoteek, a h e n eaeIthought would try my Aldzo Jackon: 'ta vs. Ca m vin i Franklin. v dwelling) at Grove Park, Alachua Mek cwith an l he w llng wth him. It as on a trains going west tr E T (i ' - T.county. Good business Stand. + / TI"IE 1leco iqu r ils h bodI u of lukihhn.IJSIEN ewsoehueanlttHie leased on furnishing bond n sum from Harrisburg, Pa,to the great Chicagc Dr. J. NWebster and B T Sawyer i , New terehousanty. Good bHiness -: T ONLY HOUSE IN TlE CITY--'- Dnow comes Col. Burbri dg e and n- convention of '80, which was to, but did not, swore out warrants before Justice lMagi l -tan nd thata offer was inade to nominate Grant for a third term. Conkling yesterday for tPe rrest of Byron oBennett, stand.lOrr.v s the e itor of the T-U to purchase the "in- had a special car all to himself. It was . . ig . E. Waklyn c urging 6 . o lots in Lakeland, olk o . themn with false swearing and forging county.3 the editor of the T-U topu acaase t -0f tw-1 'C fluence" of that. sheet for the sum ofitw guarded at each end by stout colored porters, names to liquor petitions. The par- One lot in South Jacksonville, lots at Pablo Beach and that the editor with orders to let no one in. Mr. Arthur iies were arrested, bu had r e case adJ- Dual county. went andte selcte thee lot. Duvalcony accepted the proposal to be purchased nd (afterward president) and Mr. James (iafter- journed until this morning. Two lots and dwellingat Mayport, went and selected the lots. ward postmaster general) were the only men LAVILLA COURT. *. . Duval county. The "Horseshoe Saloon," the "T i in the car with the great man. To one of the Thefollowingwerethe ssesbeforeMayor Three lots inOakand (NorthJac. U mions," and other disorderlywn again colored sentinels on the car platform I went Bowien mI the LaVilla Court yesterday soville), Duval county. establishments, are cooling down again,.v a- 000 ille) na ony est bli h me tsar£ @ k pt orred nd sad: Can I s e M . C nkl ng? "N , m rnng:Ten acres at Bloom ingdale, H ills- W e also h a v e a fu ll lin e o f K itch en U ten sils a n d but the Mayor of Lailla is kept worried and-said: "Can I see Mir. Conkling?" "No. morning: . habutf to death by the one, an Maor of sal." said the porter, "he gave petickler or- Louis )owiug, white, chnar ed with dis- . borocounty. Splendid orange dis-o line of Kitchen Utensiwhich we Jacksonville spends a large part of his ders to let nobody in."', "Ah," said I, "but he turbing the peace and using abusive an- tricGoodt. generally, which wet. time trotting around after the other. didn't know I was on the train-just give him guage, finedt d1raud costs. 2 Two nr ares near Plant City, ffer at prices which will be sure to attract. restnn.leasythis card, please.o This and a qu a o n Mctu e red. charge wt h 25 Two hundred sres near Plant City, o fK at L L & K I Colonel C. F. Hopkins was rstineas hnnis, coo ' d coth ,50. Hillsboro county.0 l yesterday and his physicians hopes that if colored car porter can resist a quarter-car- disturbing the .pehoe witeh ibrcotand costs. fever amid infia'natioW can be kept off tat ed y ard to the gret Twenty acres in Plant City, grove, Thvr d aan n e C loffnthat el mycarthgreatmaC. W. Carr', white, charged with being ,2. house, etc., Hillsboro county. his recovery will I be rapd The Colone O the card I had written: "Grant dele- drunk and disorderly, fined $1. One hundred and sixtares choie was not taken to the residence of Major gate to Chicago"-which was hbit of strate- A YO URT land near Brooksvile, Hernando to e rdv 2u oSCUT and0 nea Brosityacp re cho B. IL Hopkins as stated yesterday bt gifition. . his son-inaws, Mr. Thurb er, whre he is gic fiction. Mayor Bur bridge had one prisoner before county. W S E3E Ssn , It did the i I was calleI in,shaken him yaesterdaymorning, charged with dis- 250. One huse (smain ll store) and lot at. atpein.dence t____ adhviei oea rut wie umt, Marion county. " " i 'he finishing touches are being put to by the hand, and invited to eat fruit, while tthe i Summi northwest of Green G C F DiT the steamboat Sylvester to prepare he imperial senator from the imperial state showed tha ithe. cnpli tot wFoyas notOi Paak.Pr fthe inamcterior einre be viewe thet. Whens liehve't got thogGrutltieen'ng ] i~ for use this winter between this ity and posted me all up on the prospects of Grant, as without fault The case was adjourned Cove Spring, Clay county. Palatka. Part of the interior is being re- he viewed them. When he got through 1 untilthis-morning. Fortyacres,twentym es s ou t h o f painted and minor improvements have said: "Our friends in Boston would be de. U. S. F mission's CoURT. oty auues, twenty m lles south ofn painted and minor S.'0DIsoI.,'scilT . Wutine. Hainock land on been made. The boat will begin running lighted to know how confident you feel, Mr. Te case of' John K. Russell charged the coast, near the canal. the second week in Novembr, and will be Seator-1ave you any objection to be with trespass and cutting tiber on p b 250 Tenaresner , aehua ) " iter the mana emeUt of Caiptain 1-1 B. quoted' in' a newpaper dispatch ": "Not the lie land 6arne up before Commissioner 250._ county, . Post, with Mr. J. V. H.Post as purser. lest," ie replied, for by this timehe was off Meek again yesterday and was adjourned 5 .tv ages 4ep-r Ocala, Tarion .... .. .tree. ' o , e 5arna 01 o ur r' es ' Irpi £at he e ada. est5r0la w ntv acres near Ocala, Mlarion 6 nd6 IetB ySr eJ c s n ilF a Yesterday morning at 2:30 o'clock fire his dignity and almost as human as Mr. to November 11. The witnesses sum- . county WHOLESALE DEA1R IN was discovered in a small building on Cleveland. And so I succeeded in standing emo by e goven me t a Thirty builinglot. Lakeharm Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Saws and Belting, Steam Pack roe, owrnedt by Mrs. Sinlair and occupied up the haughty man for an interview, which Joh Griffin and S. C. Tucker. H. Bis- on. ing, Steam and Water Fit i s, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, by Catherine Brown, who was burned out was sent onto Boston as fast as a badly jolt- bee Jr for defence: U. S. Attorney Call o uses and lot at Bayard, Stoves and Range agricultural Implements. wee 5- i I , 0 Two houses and lt at Bayard, St. Soe n agsA rclua m lm ns ab'ut a week ago on stval street. The ing traim would permit me to scratch it off. tor the prosecution. - ss fire was extnuse out imuch da - Ill thiSse it is certin thoat the sight of a 20 Jon couty Stve an Rags"rclu m lm ns extinguished without mch da- In tis cas it is certa tHat the sight o a - Johs county STATE AGENTS For Shipman Kerosene Oil Engines, Long anand Martinez Prepared fge. Chief Jones said the fire was note book at the outset, or even an admision DAILY WEATHER REPORT. 50.fl Twent ares al Crk, Hilsboro Paints aMeld's Force Pups Buffalo Scale Starke's Celebrate Dixie Plows, Henry Disston & ae. CifJns sa3 ooa aoe e nemri J-U county Ver nocornge land. Son's Saws, Revere Rubber company's Beltig. dtly set, as the presence of kerosene that I desired an interview for a paper, would D .. P b an y ery* hnle ratwBaoe. could be plainly discerned. have prevented my talking wth him t all. SINA a , Y 6 r building lots in Seville, Volu- Plumb and Steam-Fitting in all their Branches. coullSIGNAL SER , U. S sacounty. , umb n! G+IM. BEN J'N .'BUTrLR. -iAOs N'VosoiLmL, fA., Qetober28, 1887. - *PERSONAL. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler I rnA I .tber,187 8e,. Eighty acres extra fine orange lnd, Cast,'Wrou t Iron, Lead and Terra Cotta Pipe, Pumps and Drive Well Supplies. SC own a L e Benjamin F. Butler I reads, o Wind. . Hern ando county, near Pemberton f/" Estimates and Prices furnished on appliatlon and Correspon'ence Solicited. & 2r. C. B. Towns and bride have returned the whole, the most satisfactory interviewee F eran Brooksville. Sash Doors Builders Tools Pait, Oi . ........ • •Ferry and Brooksvlle.- S% . ash Dors ' BuflderW Tools. ... aitO from a brief wedding tour. in the countr'y-He, tooas the reputation and BIds. an Hardware reundfothi isumxmnilddnglotsadjmt g Spring th'l s... d 'i 5e. . .. ItaSrtao 0 ll d c Colonel L. I. Fleming and family have of being difficult of access. it ot true in ' WAR field Shel Road, Duvai county. returned from their summer adhering. the sense of his being lofty or imperious, a la . - Any of the above roperty will prove a ' ' ' The family of Mr. A. N. Dobbin has re- Conkling. Uncle Ben is one of the most . valuable purchase,asi boughtwhen it was e oe 'Ut~tod I~5- /m ar in. You also save the commission turned to Brooklyn from a summer spent genial gentlemen in the United Statsto .hrI cmhap, and a 0d a at fa Ra witha .. d.. .. at the Robinson Cottage at Mayport newspaper men who "use hui square" and Charleston ... 02 Ra charg as Augusta. oAklB 6. iiONi HARDWAREa jetties. don't abuse his confidence. But woe betide Sau a na. ... -30 62 N * i08 an. tEagle, Saa Wh--.-3.14 62 N . 08 aj Mr. E. F. DeCottes left for Mount ' the interviewer who undertakes to publish a JACKSON VrL 30.10 66 NE 6 o. - udy Tenn., last night in response to a sudden d tl o i he cha agreda b el We i T '1.. and urgent summons toteefcuhth s e onfdit ten~ go it he hseren t~ Atln t i .... G,1 " ear.' "II. E S o h fett i rUceBa o nte 016 60 1NE: * J NE wife was seriouslyill ts and ten go ner Uncle Benfor another Pensacol ,., 80.12 5 6 NE ...... Cloudy. ewt fr.oC. F. Hpis Jr. gcle be m a get a Mont emry.. 0. ...... .L 'd Mr. C. F. Hopkins, Jr., came over from a 'd-ge piece of U e bu n o .u14 d N a O ld. S ta the Ancient City yesterday to -visit his the'Y generally hasoa Jaivenile mepoalyallesoa. 8.66 father Colonel C. F. Hopkins, who ws las the general h give me rbably a Galveston .. 30. 6 N C c . . 40 and 42 West Bay Street Jacksonvle, Floida, injured in the F. R. & N. railroad accident dozen or more interviews, and they were very No4n-Al baromBeter readings reduced to eUiy taken. Th d.ne NOTE-Al barometer, rutlery, Stuces anto~wae os Frih ARTISTIC FOTOG RAE. and answers both,"does it at an easy pace, so z e o II5 Grnit on Thursday last. asi t e general does all the work sea level and standard gravity. Il(a ESlCrWATO Gate and as, At.nsc.ed ssPaints and Oils. Agricultural Implements, Iron and ___________for ydu insehf. Ilnfams thestons Minus redn- of teperature are below Goods, aFuisrArclualI n Attention is called to the card in special that it e'n be tn dvn without s g :' AgaeWa.1 o colun of Mr. 0. Pierre Havens, t'he pho- your stenioraphicpowers, and never lfils to -AND Stel, Rope Beltig, ose and ackig Pumps, torpe.M.Hvn a omryh-give you a readable, entertaining column or.CA WE __.E O :,,l: N5 S,, ETE 1 .team and Water Pipe and Fittings, Four-Point 13Boh o stet tw+olii whate g ay L W D P E ION. - ENERAL WESTE A(ENCY Steel Galvatie Fence Wire, Mantels, cated at 141 and 4 r u h o tre . S..n~ r~ ,U.S BIYE c Savannah, where he controlled a very I have her i U Bda JAcKsNLLE, Fla,,Otober84887. -- FOR T Grates, Et., Etc., large and profitable business, but 'falling -- =FOrj ia time GaET EtOR:-t inlove withJacksonville allndFoida he the line at interviewers connected with Sevntyfltheiiatie.-AGENT FOR: has brought his extensive establishment apes oppsd o in, bt I dont bleve it. -- Jaksnll e, Ta & Daglr Oil Stoves, Orange Lightning Powder, Farmers' Friend and here and is now firmly established at num- In my own caseftegan rel -ting oi ":!m ; mBs lw, Perry & {?o sClbae vs and Ranges, Fairbanks' Stan. Lers 67 and 69 West Bay street this city. ocratic paper when he was a Republican adh aO w,& Ct one One of the noticable features of his place passed to thesff of a Republican pper II dare caes, S er, t. Louis. White Lead, Masury's Pure Colors in Oil and which will strike oneas queeristhe when'e became a'Democrat, but always s y very large and handsome sign over his found a warm welcome at his house or his . SrtSFoa1tkdILLINOIS.iquid Paints. geth>r Mr.ierre aogs nef thelhand- office, and an interview if he felt like giving ether. Mr. Pierre has one 7 e an a.n.. 30.13 61 NW 898Cody. Tin Rooflng, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin work to Order somest establifhments in the South, and is one. ' p4 30.08 NE 1j.008~J No. O bash Avenue. a.. creditabl to any city . ... , HENRY WAISJS SERCEB. 10p e. 011aSN 1.0S4C a creditable.to.any city. The only other man who ever conducted an iest tpeatur 7; loWs tempera- Iftou have anything in the shape of Real State Agent for Chattanooga Stove Co.'s "Look HITH "ELN ETI n iwaeeu1e B te oh epr- e o a uj Out" Stoves. Prices in Jacksonville same THE ... CHALLENGE - ACCE er e 'afte Bulmhmtoinm.x ue.0 o h aiwtyforhus ence solicited fro Rteal Estateowes RD piPrc s nJa k nvle am HE..............S OF ..... TIBBITT DAnE rlnce, was thh late Henry Ward Beecher. u e~ ate1856, highest, 6; owest tamp ra- nagtshoemeadfrmllwom- ulL OY . BALL CLUB. At the time of hs controversy over ths doc- The mou f rainfa is given by inches luterested in Florida's pros erity and wish to ST LUKE'sHosPITAL, October28 1887 t 'ine of oerltngmpnishment, somewhere anduindreds,.01. '.dt.ah.-.RA n encouragetemoa 1n. Ss I Chattee0 . Having.• 2 .. . .... ot the challenge .e .. issued by about the fai of 1l877, my friend ktaj. +Pond . ....-- .... NsRI aau of Ocoe __a a n C atnoa the Treiont Base Ball Club in this morn- gave m ofe an mtrodtctio to rBi eher for THE OCALA BANNER "FLORII)A'S PROSPERITY.T ing's paper, and although scarcely conva- the purposeof tryligtoget cn interview out is the most extensively read weekly news- Write me about anything your farm, your O N 8 D , L B DB, descent fsrom he disastrous effects oflur om r te ettc o Dr. pr'eSerin loida.bF morhfe than entnty n, your chicken u duks a rkes Real : * o ds last contest, we will accept the challenge aid others. It we.ah -Musiimall one ee on eybars it ha been ° a faithul laoeX in yorie 8 tock, imnprovments: goin o an.am.rda.et.ste.a..o.tth nusra .p..lig . Itz~ yor eghborhood, etc. ate. Anytp h at lItao and eprtn : G-ods thandname Friday next as therdatce t pro- ing after a' lecture. "Come round to the ha]beelthe frienid of eJacsav . Iher can e vouched for and that would be of in ceeds to be given to St. Luke's Ho Evans house in7the morning and go with tra efforts for commercial supremacy; i is tomplating a move to Floridah w - o H. B. WooDWAR. M .. a . o'wa Dover, N. H., where I lecture to-mor- the friend of her Sub-Topica nd is the SYDNEY G. REYNO LDS, We doageneral RealEstate business. Rents Collected and remittances promptly made. .M. CUTE, Captainnager oW night, and I'llDtalk foruyou,"i said the friend of eery enterprise in every section General Western Agent. NO. 25 Pine St., (Lock Box 579) Jacksonville, Fla. THE BATIEN-LEPAGE ' thie. orking on a-sixth ratedilyatalm TtE BAEh has safely passed the ills - - - -- T. salary, a talk with Beeheir that would sl and ailn..t of infancy andchildhopd, and a rT Y TT n -a The greatest prize of the many honors readily for , even $100 was not to ehas racnhu the rigid ~qiipde s ive ed rug- - 0. t, ' J J lJ \. .. open to young French artists is thprx edl a t ' ged thqght of matured manhyd, but has my, the president of which is an officer of together we boarded th train for Dover ~As It inites the eiizens of Florida's beauti- V WILL CONTAIN the Acedemy of Fine Artsr at soon as we started, Mr. Jeeher ~s~d: "Now, ful intol s to sbscrbe for it and ac Orders by Telegraph and Telephone Paris. The government allows sir, if yo e e " Ittought he meant quainf t~hs61vesof whata splenddng the young artist fonr thousand me to ~fe. awtyt with a question. But he a Florida weekly news paper is. Promptly Executed. A r o ronicles, francs, or nearly eight hundred dollars sto ed .. me.r h t of ...... f "Yourt- Itns a nbe~atiully s'ld tt t r 7, rot mhter in halope d o"es.s I~gh ")igt hn hfl of Frida is wPI 1shost-'Tablets and Monuments. T EO IM H B , yearly, and for four years after his returnm an : '. e~ai+,, .. wr Pllite - c h ief~gl E aim tO sg tee s. m T E OIU the allowance is continued from th ftmn h~as p ~ qustp then Tec~ rE anx ist u -H BT of Madame Can. So for eight years he please pu. this questihanda.dBeechercom lment. uoT s -V can devote himself to art undisturbed by 'roedoll, ealy am.il Buirdoes, to Gii...ral. ucip' pric only a FURNISHEpAT SHORTFSTN 'E. nom Venomized, any thoughts of money. Moreover, the 5 ut his own'questions'and-answer'them, until dollar year .............. ' ... TheI painting to which the prize is giveti is elh bid reeled off two columns and a half of '. e m hnsf Jcsopnyileil find . A . ent....or.. Investigation, mug in the Academy of Fine Arts, with TeN e Herald t wli t e it a val beaand che at isin r ... nd 00mer Works. . -; 01 ULA 80N op i y o wonde that fli ng parts of Florida read it and the oid settlers I sw i t e4e. h 11.0p1 IWh 'ti ua Jules Bastien-Lepage set his-hmart ul~n- e as "Beeti ch e on l, t rainswmea by it " , . opl'l lufl I tdoellunitr. The Crtqe has F0und Out winning the PrT.'c dc Rome. - : " 'bar - +',+~ hansoe 8 West trsvth .treet,. TelephoeNo. 121. 3 The competition is accompanied with figuresi ithe ~ft lindcornerofThe Her. H oilg And agreat variety of matter. curious formalities. Every design sub- aid's check.-James W. Clarke in The No . IFo.lheIL Hills! toone_-_" . l iADAHE_.... milled is covered with tracing-paper, Writer. No Yellow fever. TPhen go to Monticel- (ffg which is sealed down. and a tracing of it The 1+ite Cow. lo. For rates of board apply to Proprietor Fashionable Tailor, .HE.. made. This is to prevent the artists from T w e. Partridge House. Th" * e~ Stear. Dye T\Torks changing the design after they are handed Four-year-old little Edith, after seing Has removed to No. 24 Ocean street, rear of lst Ii U WS of Mr. Joseph O'Dea have been removed from in. Only a few very slight alterations are many red and brown and black and parti TAMES R. CHALLEN National Bank, where he will be glad to wel- d LL DISEASES OF ThE LR 105 Pi stt t 35 Wet I)a permitted, and these in accordance with colored eows, suddenly noticed one that wore . Attorner and Counsellor at Law come his old friends and patrons. GArments GElUINE SALTS IN 10 & 25' PACKACES. Pn S6e 0 35 West , rigorous rules. The artists selected for an unbroken coat of white. "Oh, see there? Office in the Law Exchange, Forsyth and out In any desired style warranted to fit, and CiAW3 ORCNARo WATR CO. LOU t BetweenLauraand Pine. competition are obliged to remain shut t she exclaimed; "there's a cow they didn't Market streets, sfMortgges. cFoths, Caasimaree nd tetings ala E on in separate rooms and carefully watche paint."-Harper's Bazar. SMoney Indested hn te. and. Call and examine the latest fas'tlon GEORGE HUGHES Wholesale Ptai O A ror -- .State and County Bonds wanted. ..- ates. -Retail Agent for the State.' JOSEPH 0'Dn4, Proprietor.




    nieydyso that each shall paint FTPCNm11'T BE.

    LOCAL 10\\S IN A NUTSHELL. :picture57 w Iilout 81nV outjtasid ne~ N Tl 9RS~~IAU 1 Then a jury of distinguished artists ex

    -- a- mines the work, and awards the prize.

    LITThE THINGS GTUERED HERE AND The subject given out in 1874 was the LI "Ann iation to the Shepherds" who BUSINESS DISP10ED OF IN

    THE ORIMITHERE IN THE CITY. watched their* flocks by night, when the NA AD TRIBUNALS.

    angel ap eared to them andannounced the U_ I.W ERIBUNAAI

    'birth of 8hrist. R AK

    Jottings of Happenings that Have Taken Upon this picture Bastien-Lepage worked A Mother Faints on (He ring the Sen

    Place During the Last Twenty-four most earnestly. When it was finished. hle AO

    _e /,Ct

    HoursCondensations ofth felt confident of s es bi t when theday tence of Her Son-'-aj Russell


    o o ie n Brief. B i mE en s cain'f t i.g the,.axvar j an Basti en His Timber Cutters-Drunks and ESE.I ThT of the Day- N e 's i n Brief Lepage, withhf eage r 4 p re- Toughs Before the Mayor-Other Cases.

    a t h . ea ux Ats,-an pe Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

    The T.-U . is sm arting and scream ing was heard that the -jury h ad g e oth I t County imn

    l o t y s e d a again; that last loan must have. run down prize to Cornerre. The,

    rumor was cou In'the County Criminal Court yesterday a


    to the panic ln d rm ed gbanel, his ti-Lega iiate Judge h. M..Jones presiding, business pro- F

    The Astor dock is to b e improved by the hotd against his wpasl1 t e ie l. - i..

    driving of some new spiles ud the rteayingard it wdaa-ts de -edd with the usuFu

    i ialidFty.G 1 of a portion of the planking. cided against him chiefly upon e;-chnica The motion in arrest of judgment made M

    rounds; one reason being that th6 'Ail- by V. D. L. Mudge, Esq., in the case of

    The T.-U. slush-gun shot itself off seven noundsatione occurred at night, while Nelson


    d bt Pub- i t ht hi

    with stealing a dog,

    8:fferent ways at, Once destr dabv UP Basti'en- page pkintetti as iate in t e

    A very pleasant sociable Was held at the n e in the restaurant oh ilademoisedi The motion ini the Burney Sams case for Are now located in that large, central,

    residence of Iorcher L'Engle, Esq., in La- Aha. On tbsmbky walls hung pictures a new trial, made by his counsel 0. J. H.

    last night for the beueit of St. Ste- by artists who.had frequented th e place Suumers, was also denied. The prisoner

    he a pel. and the picture by nen who had gained was then arraigned for sentence, and was

    eMr. Jacob Parker, meber of the Legis- the i de Rome were de- sent to the State's prison for the term of

    nature from Dnval county, has been corated with- wreaths of lau- ten years. At the collusion of the sen

    elected receiver of ight soil for all the rel. Comerre, the winner, and Bas- tence Mrs. Sams, the mother of Burney,

    eastern suburbs. tien-Lepage, the loser, sat at adjoining was overcome with grief, and fainted as


    it is the deliberaTe opinion of the T. u tables, each surrounded by his friends. she attempted to leave the court room. A s lt It i dbrae oMapilln ot i As the dinner drew to a close a youe The first trial was,State vs.Alonzo Jack- Absolutely Pure. Where we offer fr sale one of the largest and m t

    arte dlibrga , prorpiveo re tio a bles ad uruddb i red, h tepe 0laetebor ori' Alt l" "

    thatlJudge McLean and Justice American painter rose beside Bastien-Le- son, chargedwith carrying arms secretly. we offer for saleone of theargest and most

    are "arrogant proscriptive, reactionary ,page and said, "Let us crown the picture The jury was out over six hours. Their This powderhn~e somes reloof Complete Stocks ever plaed on this market

    and unprogressive. , of the m.an to whom the artists have verdict was guilty, but they recommended t anth an he ordinary kinds, and can-co v e iset

    Binng next Tuesday, Noveber, awarded t d Roe." the prisoner to the mercy ot the court. not be sold incompetition with the multitude of the market will be kept open until 5 p. in.,' He held u a laurel wreath as he spoke. The next case was the State vs. Calvin low test, short weight

    alum or phosphate forte aconiodation of the public Instantly al the artistsin the room were on Franklin, charged with the offence known orders. Sold onlj in ca?. ROYAl BAKING

    which arrangement will be continued their feet. The friends of Comerre angrily in law as the uinientionable crime. The OWDEaR (Co.. 106Ia street, N. .

    uring the writer season. struggled to prevent what they case was tried by the following ury

    du .rien s o onductor Wiliams who counted an insult. But : the J. H.Brown, W. H Gerkin, H. B. NN'est,

    was hurt in the wreck of the F. R. & N. others lifted the young American oA their T. T. Mot, W B Collins, J. T. Ingram, fkthT Company, on Thursday morning, will be shoulders, bore him through the opposing Messrs. Holmes & Pope appearing for the R Ni1IS SE T l 1 of our stock, believing that we can satisfy glad to know is doing Very well. crowd and lne hung the laurelreath defence. The

    case occupied four hours, " every one as to prices and terms. telegraph wire ich has been br upon Bastien-Lepage's, picture "Golden the jury were only out fifteen minutes,

    every one as to prices and terms. tee p ire hChas bitreen Whereiot Amuth. i md uproar and conflict the and rendered

    a verdict of not guilty. v. CNIE TH ,OLWING

    from the post i Catharine streetry low In he arists ;testified their admiration for The case the State vs. Harry Kimball for G y B

    Intersects Adams, hangs ver wi n kel d their peasant brother, the larceny of $30 and watch, was not con- Notee to Our Country Friends !

    street and unesreardtillieyd There was the same feeling at the Beavux Oluded at the time of adjournm ent aiid ernsom ., at ve dos, u

    sesTheras the same feig at the deaux luded at dhe time of adjournment and handsome rove and house, nurs- We have issued no catalogues this season, but will be glad to give you our quotations and

    some damage to passing teams. Arts. Every day heaps of flowers and will be resumed this morning. , * ry, etc, atveido, Orange county, can guarantee you prices as LOWAS THE LOWEST. OARK _OIT .

    -ar -rethsee apd ofefor s and wilb"rsmdthsinin. .1 1,

    lnga1, eo Orange county. can guarantee you prices as LOW AS THE LOWEST. lAI &LO t.

    A slight blaze in the dwelling laurel-wreaths were laid before the "An- The following parties were arraigned 5 Abargaio.


    Pine street, on Thursday, damaged cloth nunciation to the Shepherds." They were £cr trial: 5000 Fifty acres--ten-acre grove, ry HARDWARE.

    ingand furniture to the amount of about removed by the guardians of the galleries, State vs. Henry Morgan, charged with near Sanford. High beautiful

    $30. Phe house is owned by H M. Fretot only to be renewed the next day. So, al- larceny; pleaded guilty: sentenced to thir- building lots. A splendid property

    and is occupied by Benjamin Mock though Comerre was given the great ty days in the county jal. for suburban homes.

    The thermometer at George Hughes' prize, and Bastien-Lepage obtained only Willia n Mannal, charged with inten to i Fifty-four acres -flfteen-acre bear

    h rner Bay and Ocean streets, the second, his failure was really a suc- murder and convicted of simple assault; u, U. ing grovehouse, nursery, etc.,near registered 72 degrees as the highest and 61 cess.-[Ripley Hitchcock, in St. Nicholas was fined $1 and costs. Picolata, Fla., St. Johns county, degrees as the lowest temperature during for November. State vs. Willie Jones, char ed with lar

    - within the town limits. This place

    the24 hours ending at2 p. . yesterday. ceny, pleaded guilty; sentented to twenty is cheap at $15,000.

    The old sidewalkon the East side of Ho- EASILY INTERVIEWED. days in the county jail Twenty-fourbuilding lots in West

    The olde siewalen thor eulding a nd "'State vs. Augustus Bell, charged with 0. Palatka. Worth three times theS gan o streteween the ast buildingH and5ITEVEW D asite onym iU'J. Palaoiki~UlW~tT ebstln f O K T

    VE n h

    gn street between the Asto buitor wharf ha beentakenup and a Strategy Used by a Reporter to Approach assault and battery, pleaded guilty; sen- price offered for.

    new walk is being laid ncordn to direc- Conkling. tenced to five days in the county jail at 0 Five lots in Fort Mleade, Polk ( ) new walk is being laid o a h t here putationobing n hard labor. . county. - - "T ' tions from Captain Post, of the ylvester. There are some men in public life who The witnesses in the following


    Annie Hines theproprietrossof a house havethe reputation of being non-interview- were discharged for the term, viz: State 600. Ten acres in Apopka, Orange

    1-( U S of ill-fame, was yesterday arrested on a able. Roscoe Conkling used to be so classic vs. James Bennett;

    State vs. Burney county.

    warrant issued by Utdited States Commis- fled when he was in the senate. Knowing Saans; State vs. Henry Morgan; Statevs. New two-stor building (store and

    chtein hs. wihslig2009 e -- tr ulig(tr and __

    sioner Mtoteek, a h e n eaeIthought would try my Aldzo Jackon: 'ta vs. Cam vin i Franklin. v dwelling) at Grove Park, Alachua

    Mek cwith an l he w llng wth him. It as on a trains going west tr E T (i ' -T.county. Good business Stand. + /

    TI"IE 1leco iqu r ils h bodI u of lukihhn.IJSIEN

    ewsoehueanlttHie leased on furnishing bond n sum from Harrisburg, Pa,to the great Chicagc Dr. J. NWebster and B T Sawyer i , New terehousanty.

    Good bHiness -: T ONLY HOUSE IN TlE CITY--'-Dnow comes Col. Burbri

    d g e and n- convention of '80, which was to, but did not, swore out warrants before Justice lMagi l -tan

    nd thata offer was inade to nominate Grant for a third term. Conkling yesterday for tPe rrest of Byron oBennett, stand.lOrr.v


    the e itor of the T-U to purchase the "in- had a special car all to himself. It was . . ig . E. Waklyn c urging 6 . o lots in Lakeland, olk o


    themn with false swearing and forging county.3

    the editor of the T-U topua c a a s e t -0f tw-1


    fluence" of that. sheet for the sum ofitw guarded at each end by stout colored porters, names to liquor petitions. The par- One lot in South Jacksonville,

    lots at Pablo Beach and that the editor with orders to let no one in. Mr. Arthur iies were arrested, bu had r e case adJ- Dual county.

    went andte selcte thee lot. Duvalcony

    accepted the proposal to be purchased nd (afterward president) and Mr. James (iafter- journed until this morning. Two lots and dwellingat Mayport,

    went and selected the lots. ward postmaster general) were the only men LAVILLA COURT. *. . Duval county.

    The "Horseshoe Saloon," the "T i in the car with the great man. To one of the Thefollowingwerethe ssesbeforeMayor Three lots inOakand (NorthJac.

    U mions," and other disorderlywn again colored sentinels on the car platform I went Bowien mI the LaVilla Court yesterday soville), Duval county. establishments, are cooling down again,.v a-

    000 ille) na ony est bli h me tsar£ @ k pt orred nd sad: Can I s e M . C nkl ng? "N , m rnng:Ten acres at Bloom ingdale, H ills- W e also h a v e a fu ll lin e o f K itch en U ten sils a n d but the Mayor of Lailla is kept worried and-said: "Can I see Mir. Conkling?" "No. morning: .

    habutf to death by the one, an Maor of sal." said the porter, "he gave petickler or- Louis )owiug, white, chnar ed with dis- . borocounty. Splendid orange dis-o line of Kitchen Utensiwhich we Jacksonville spends a large part of his ders to let nobody in."', "Ah," said I, "but he turbing the peace and using abusive an- tricGoodt.

    generally, which wet.

    time trotting around after the other. didn't know I was on the train-just give him guage, finedt d1raud costs. 2 Two nr ares near Plant City, ffer at prices which will be sure to attract.

    restnn.leasythis card, please.o This and a qu a o n Mctu e red. charge wt h 25 Two hundred sres near Plant City, o fK at L L & K I Colonel C. F. Hopkins was rstineas hnnis, coo ' d coth ,50. Hillsboro county.0 l yesterday and his physicians hopes that if colored car porter can resist a quarter-car-

    disturbing the .pehoe witeh ibrcotand costs.

    fever amid infia'natioW can be kept off tat ed y ard to the gret Twenty acres in Plant City, grove,

    Thvr d aan n e C loffnthat el mycarthgreatmaC. W. Carr', white, charged with being ,2. house, etc., Hillsboro county.

    his recovery will I be rapd The Colone O the card I had written: "Grant dele- drunk and disorderly, fined $1. One hundred and sixtares choie

    was not taken to the residence of Major gate to Chicago"-which was hbit of strate- A YO URT land near Brooksvile, Hernando

    to e rdv 2u oSCUT and0 nea Brosityacp re cho B. IL Hopkins as stated yesterday bt gifition. . his son-inaws, Mr. Thurb er, whre he is gic fiction. Mayor Bur bridge had one prisoner before county. W S E3E Ssn , It did the i I was calleI in,shaken him yaesterdaymorning, charged with dis- 250. One huse (smain ll store) and lot at. atpein.dence t____ adhviei oea rut wie umt, Marion county.

    " " i

    'he finishing touches are being put to by the hand, and invited to eat fruit, while tthe i Summi northwest of Green G C F DiT the steamboat Sylvester to prepare he imperial senator from the imperial state showed tha ithe. cnpli tot wFoyas notOi

    Paak.Pr fthe inamcterior einre be viewe thet. Whens liehve't got thogGrutltieen'ng ] i~

    for use this winter between this ity and posted me all up on the prospects of Grant, as without fault The case was adjourned Cove Spring, Clay county.

    Palatka. Part of the interior is being re- he viewed them. When he got through 1 untilthis-morning. Fortyacres,twentym

    e s s ou t h o f

    painted and minor improvements have said: "Our friends in Boston would be de. U. S. F mission's CoURT. oty auues, twenty m lles south ofn

    painted and minor S.'0DIsoI.,'scilT . Wutine. Hainock land on

    been made. The boat will begin running lighted to know how confident you feel, Mr. Te case of' John K. Russell charged the coast, near the canal.

    the second week in Novembr, and will be Seator-1ave you any objection to be with trespass and cutting tiber on p b 250 Tenaresner , aehua ) " iter the mana emeUt of Caiptain 1-1 B. quoted' in' a newpaper dispatch ": "Not the lie land 6arne up before Commissioner

    250._ county, . Post, with Mr. J. V. H.Post as purser. lest," ie replied, for by this timehe was off Meek again yesterday and was adjourned 5 .tv ages 4ep-r Ocala, Tarion .... .. .tree.

    ' o , e 5arna 01 o ur r' es ' Irpi £at he e ada. est5r0la w ntv acres near Ocala, Mlarion 6 nd6 IetB ySr eJ c s n ilF a

    Yesterday morning at 2:30 o'clock fire his dignity and almost as human as Mr. to November 11. The witnesses sum- . county WHOLESALE DEA1R IN

    was discovered in a small building on Cleveland. And so I succeeded in standing emo by e goven me t a Thirty builinglot. Lakeharm Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Saws and Belting, Steam Pack roe, owrnedt by Mrs. Sinlair and occupied up the haughty man for an interview, which Joh Griffin and S. C. Tucker. H. Bis- on. ing, Steam and Water Fit i s, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle,

    by Catherine Brown, who was burned out was sent onto Boston as fast as a badly jolt- bee Jr for defence: U. S. Attorney Call o uses and lot at Bayard, Stoves and Range agricultural Implements. wee 5- i I , 0 Two houses and lt at Bayard, St. Soe n agsA rclua m lm

    ns ab'ut a week ago on stval street. The ing traim would permit me to scratch it off. tor the prosecution. - ss fire was extnuse out imuch da - Ill thiSse it is certin thoat

    the sight of a 20 Jon couty Stve an Rags"rclu m lm ns

    extinguished without mch da- In tis cas it is certa tHat the sight o a - Johs county STATE AGENTS For Shipman Kerosene Oil Engines, Long anand Martinez Prepared

    fge. Chief Jones said the fire was note book at the outset, or even an admision DAILY WEATHER REPORT. 50.fl Twent ares al Crk, Hilsboro Paints aMeld's Force Pups Buffalo Scale Starke's Celebrate Dixie Plows, Henry Disston & ae. CifJns sa3 ooa aoe e nemri J-U county Ver

    nocornge land. Son's Saws, Revere Rubber company's Beltig. dtly set, as the presence of kerosene that I desired an interview for a paper, would D .. P b an y ery* hnle ratwBaoe. could be plainly discerned. have prevented my talking wth him t all. SINA a , Y 6 r building lots in Seville, Volu- Plumb and Steam-Fitting in all their Branches.

    coullSIGNAL SER , U. S sacounty. , umb n!

    G+IM. BEN J'N .'BUTrLR. -iAOs N'VosoiLmL, fA., Qetober28, 1887. - *PERSONAL. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler I rnA I .tber,187 8e,. Eighty acres extra fine orange lnd, Cast,'Wrou t Iron, Lead and Terra Cotta Pipe, Pumps and Drive Well Supplies. SC own a L e Benjamin F. Butler I reads, o Wind. . Hern ando county, near Pemberton f/" Estimates and Prices furnished on appliatlon

    and Correspon'ence Solicited. & 2r. C. B. Towns and bride have returned the whole, the most satisfactory interviewee

    F eran Brooksville. Sash Doors Builders Tools Pait, Oi

    • . ........ • •Ferry and Brooksvlle.- S% . ash Dors ' BuflderW Tools. ... aitO

    from a brief wedding tour. in the countr'y-He, tooas the reputation and BIds. an Hardware

    reundfothi isumxmnilddnglotsadjmt g Spring th'l s... d 'i 5e. . .. ItaSrtao 0 ll d c Colonel L. I. Fleming and family have of being difficult of access. it ot true in ' WAR

    field Shel Road, Duvai county. returned from their summer adhering. the sense of his being lofty or imperious, a la . - Any of the above roperty will prove a

    ' ' '

    The family of Mr. A. N. Dobbin has re- Conkling. Uncle Ben is one of the most . valuable purchase,asi boughtwhen it was e oe 'Ut~tod I~5- /m ar in. You also save the commission

    turned to Brooklyn from a summer spent genial gentlemen in the United Statsto .hrI cmhap, and a 0d a at fa Ra witha

    ..d.. ..

    at the Robinson Cottage at Mayport newspaper men who "use hui square" and Charleston ... 02 Ra charg as Augusta. oAklB 6. iiONi HARDWAREa

    jetties. don't abuse his confidence. But woe betide Sau a na. ... -30 62 N * i08 an. tEagle, Saa

    Wh--.-3.14 62 N . 08 aj Mr. E. F. DeCottes left for Mount ' the interviewer who undertakes to publish a JACKSON VrL 30.10 66 NE 6 o. - udy

    Tenn., last night in response to a sudden d tl o i he cha agreda b el We i T '1.. and urgent summons toteefcuhth s e onfdit ten~ go it he hseren t~ Atln t i .... G,1 " ear.' "II. E S o h fett i rUceBa o nte 016 60 1NE: * J NE

    wife was seriouslyill ts and ten go ner Uncle Benfor another Pensacol ,., 80.12 5 6 NE ...... Cloudy. ewt fr.oC. F. Hpis Jr. gcle be m a get a Mont emry.. 0. ...... .L 'd Mr. C. F. Hopkins, Jr., came over from a 'd-ge piece of U e bu n o .u14 d N a O ld. S ta

    the Ancient City yesterday to -visit his the'Y generally hasoa Jaivenile mepoalyallesoa. 8.66

    father Colonel C. F. Hopkins, who ws las the general h give me rbably a Galveston .. 30. 6 N C c .. 40 and 42 West Bay Street Jacksonvle, Floida,

    injured in the F. R. & N. railroad accident dozen or more interviews, and they were very No4n-Al baromBeter readings reduced to

    eUiy taken. Th d.ne NOTE-Al barometer, rutlery, Stuces anto~wae os Frih

    ARTISTIC FOTOG RAE. and answers both,"does it at an easy pace, so z e o II5 Grnit on Thursday last. asi t e general does all the work sea level and standard gravity. Il(a ESlCrWATO Gate and as, At.nsc.ed ssPaints and Oils. Agricultural Implements, Iron and ___________for ydu insehf. Ilnfams thestons Minus redn- of teperature are below Goods, aFuisrArclualI n Attention is called to the card in special that it e'n be tn dvn without s g :' AgaeWa.1 o

    colun of Mr. 0. Pierre Havens, t'he pho- your stenioraphicpowers, and never lfils to -AND Stel, Rope Beltig, ose and ackig Pumps,

    torpe.M.Hvn a omryh-give you a readable, entertaining column or.CA WE __.E O :,,l: N5 S,, ETE 1 .team and Water Pipe and Fittings, Four-Point

    13Boh o stet tw+olii whate g ay L W D P E ION. - ENERAL WESTE A(ENCY Steel Galvatie Fence Wire, Mantels,

    cated at 141 and 4 r u h o tre . S..n~ r~ ,U.S BIYE


    Savannah, where he controlled a very I have her i U Bda JAcKsNLLE, Fla,,Otober84887. -- FOR T Grates, Et., Etc., large and profitable business, but 'falling

    -- =FOrj ia time GaET EtOR:-t

    inlove withJacksonville allndFoida he the line at interviewers connected with Sevntyfltheiiatie.-AGENT FOR:

    has brought his extensive establishment apes oppsd o in, bt I dont bleve it. - - Jaksnll e, Ta & Daglr Oil Stoves, Orange Lightning Powder, Farmers' Friend and here and is now firmly established at num- In my own caseftegan rel -ting oi ":!m ; mBs lw, Perry & {?o sClbae vs and Ranges, Fairbanks' Stan.

    Lers 67 and 69 West Bay street this city. ocratic paper when he was a Republican adh aO w,& Ct one

    One of the noticable features of his place passed to thesff of a Republican pper II dare caes, S er, t. Louis. White Lead, Masury's Pure Colors in Oil

    and which will strike oneas queeristhe when'e became a'Democrat, but always s y very large and handsome sign over his found a warm welcome at his house or his . SrtSFoa1tkdILLINOIS.iquid Paints. geth>r Mr.ierre aogs nef thelhand- office, and an interview if he felt like giving

    ether. Mr. Pierre has one 7 e an a.n.. 30.13 61 NW 898Cody. Tin Rooflng, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin work to Order

    somest establifhments in the South, and is one. ' p4 30.08 NE 1j.008~J No. O bash Avenue. a.. creditabl to any city . ... , HENRY WAISJS SERCEB. 10p e.

    011aSN 1.0S4C a creditable.to.any city. The only other man who ever conducted an iest tpeatur 7; loWs tempera- Iftou have anything in the shape of Real State Agent for Chattanooga Stove Co.'s "Look

    HITH "ELN ETI n iwaeeu1e B te oh epr- e o a uj Out" Stoves. Prices in Jacksonville same THE ...CHALLENGE -ACCE er e 'afte Bulmhmtoinm.x ue.0 o h aiwtyforhus ence solicited fro Rteal Estateowes RD piPrc s nJa k nvle am HE..............S OF ..... TIBBITT DAnE rlnce, was thh late Henry Ward Beecher. u e~ ate1856,

    highest, 6; owest tamp ra- nagtshoemeadfrmllwom- ulL OY .

    BALL CLUB. At the time of hs controversy over ths doc- The mou f rainfa is given by inches luterested in Florida's pros erity and wish to

    ST LUKE'sHosPITAL, October28 1887 t 'ine of oerltngmpnishment, somewhere anduindreds,.01. '.dt.ah.-.RA n encouragetemoa 1n. Ss I Chattee0 .

    Having.• 2 .. . .... ot the challenge .e .. issued by about the fai of 1l877, my friend ktaj. +Pond . ....-- .... NsRI aau of Ocoe __a a n C atnoa

    the Treiont Base Ball Club in this morn- gave m ofe an mtrodtctio to rBi eher for THE OCALA BANNER "FLORII)A'S PROSPERITY.T ing's paper, and although scarcely conva- the purposeof tryligtoget cn interview out is the most extensively

    read weekly news- Write me about anything your farm, your O N 8 D , L B DB,

    descent fsrom he disastrous effects oflur om r te ettc o Dr. pr'eSerin loida.bF morhfe than entnty n, your chicken u duks a rkes Real : * o ds last contest, we will accept the challenge aid others. It we.ah -Musiimall one ee on eybars it ha been° a faithul laoeX in yorie 8tock, imnprovments: goin o

    an.am.rda.et.ste.a..o.tth nusra .p..lig . Itz~ yor eghborhood, etc. ate. Anytp h at lItao and eprtn : G-ods

    thandname Friday next as therdatce t pro- ing after a' lecture. "Come round to the ha]beelthe frienid of eJacsav . Iher can e vouched for and that would be of in

    ceeds to be given to St. Luke's Ho Evans house in7the morning and go with tra efforts for commercial supremacy; i is tomplating a move to Floridah w - o

    H. B. WooDWAR. M ..a . o'wa Dover, N. H., where I lecture to-mor- the friend of her Sub-Topica nd is the SYDNEY G. REYNO LDS, We doageneral RealEstate business. Rents Collected and remittances

    promptly made.

    .M. CUTE, Captainnager oW night, and I'llDtalk foruyou,"i said the friend of eery enterprise in every section General Western Agent. NO. 25 Pine St., (Lock Box 579) Jacksonville, Fla.

    THE BATIEN-LEPAGE ' thie. orking on a-sixth ratedilyatalm TtE BAEh has safely passed the ills - - - --T.

    salary, a talk with Beeheir that would sl and ailn..t of infancy andchildhopd, and a rT Y TT n -a

    The greatest prize of the many honors readily for , even $100 was not to ehas racnhu the rigid ~qiipdes ive ed rug- - 0. t, ' J J lJ \. ..

    open to young French artists is thprx edl a t ' ged thqght of matured manhyd, but has

    my, the president of which is an officer of together we boarded th train for Dover ~As It inites the eiizens of Florida's beauti-


    the Acedemy of Fine Artsr at soon as we started, Mr. Jeeher ~s~d: "Now, ful intol s to sbscrbe for it and ac Orders by Telegraph and Telephone

    Paris. The government allows sir, if yo e e " Ittought he meant quainf t~hs61vesof whata splenddng the young artist fonr thousand me to ~fe. awtyt with a question. But he a Florida weekly news paper is. Promptly Executed. A r o ronicles, francs, or nearly eight hundred dollars sto ed ..me.r h t of ......f "Yourt- Itns a nbe~atiully s'ld tt t r 7, rot mhter in halope d o"es.s I~gh ")igt hn hfl of Frida is wPI 1shost-'Tablets and Monuments. T EO IM H B , yearly, and for four years after his returnm an : '. e~ai+,, .. wr Pllite - c h

    ief~gl E aim tO sg tee s. m T E OIU

    the allowance is continued from th ftmn h~as p ~ qustp then Tec~ rE anx ist u -H BT

    of Madame Can. So for eight years he please pu. this questihanda.dBeechercom lment. uoT s -Vcan devote himself to art undisturbed by 'roedoll, ealy am.il Buirdoes, to Gii...ral. ucip' pric only a FURNISHEpAT SHORTFSTN 'E. nom Venomized, any thoughts of money. Moreover, the 5 ut his own'questions'and-answer'them, until dollar year .............. ' ... TheI painting to which the prize is giveti is elh bid reeled off two columns and a half of '. e m hnsf Jcsopnyileil find . A . ent....or.. Investigation,

    mug in the Academy of Fine Arts, with TeN e Herald t wli t e it a val beaand che at isin r ... nd 00mer Works. . -; 01 ULA 80N

    op i y o wonde that fli ng parts of Florida read it and the oid settlers I sw i t e4e. h 11.0p1 IWh T° 'ti ua

    Jules Bastien-Lepage set his-hmart ul~n- e as "Beeti ch e on l, t rainswmea by it " , . opl'l lufl I tdoellunitr.

    The Crtqe has F0und Out winning the PrT.'c dc Rome. -: " 'bar -

    +',+~ hansoe 8 West trsvth .treet,. TelephoeNo. 121. 3

    The competition is accompanied with figuresi ithe ~ft lindcornerofThe Her. H oilg

    And agreat variety of matter.

    curious formalities. Every design sub- aid's check.-James W. Clarke in The No . IFo.lheIL Hills! toone_-_" . l iADAHE_....

    milled is covered with tracing-paper, Writer. No Yellow fever. TPhen go to Monticel- (ffg

    which is sealed down. and a tracing of it The 1+ite Cow. lo. For rates of board apply to Proprietor Fashionable Tailor, .HE..

    made. This is to prevent the artists from T w e. Partridge House. Th"

    * e~ Stear. Dye T\Torks

    changing the design after they are handed Four-year-old little Edith, after seing Has removed to No. 24 Ocean street, rear of lst Ii U WS of Mr. Joseph O'Dea have been removed from

    in. Only a few very slight alterations are many red and brown and black and parti TAMES R. CHALLEN National Bank, where he will be glad to wel- d LL DISEASES OF ThE LR 105 Pi stt t 35 Wet I)a

    permitted, and these in accordance with colored eows, suddenly noticed one that wore . Attorner and Counsellor at Law come his old friends and patrons. GArments GElUINE SALTS IN 10 & 25' PACKACES. Pn S6e 0 35 West ,

    rigorous rules. The artists selected for an unbroken coat of white. "Oh, see there? Office in the Law Exchange, Forsyth and out In any desired style warranted to fit, and CiAW3 ORCNARo WATR CO. LOU t BetweenLauraand Pine. competition are obliged to remain shut t she exclaimed; "there's a cow they didn't Market streets, sfMortgges. cFoths, Caasimaree nd tetings ala E on

    in separate rooms and carefully watche paint."-Harper's Bazar. SMoney Indested hn te. and. Call and examine the latest fas'tlon GEORGE HUGHES Wholesale Ptai

    O A ror -- .State and County Bonds wanted. ..-ates. -Retail

    Agent for the State.' JOSEPH 0'Dn4, Proprietor.