LMS Administration

Copyright 2014. Medical Group Management Association ® (MGMA ® ). All rights reserved. LMS Administration Madonna Shafer May 8, 2014


LMS Administration. Madonna Shafer May 8, 2014. Agenda. Standards Taxonomy Housekeeping Governance Configuration Management Reports. Standards – Definition. Source: Steve Foreman.  LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of LMS Administration

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LMS Administration

Madonna ShaferMay 8, 2014

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• Standards• Taxonomy • Housekeeping• Governance• Configuration Management• Reports

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Standards – Definition

• Standards – LMS Standards include policies, procedures, guidelines, conventions and criteria related to course properties and structures.

Source: Steve Foreman. LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013.

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Standards – Guidelines

• Branding• Consistent naming

conventions• Consistent content • Structure of courses

and virtual classrooms

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Standards – Guidelines

• Naming Conventions

O F15 ESS SFiscal Year Self StudyOn Demand Course

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Standards – Procedures

• Launch meeting• Build• Test• Quality assurance• Launch• Issue Tracker on SharePoint

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Standards – Policies

• We keep everyone up and running to the best of our abilities– No one experiences down time– Seamless member experience– Provide a work around when we can’t fix it right away

• Answering support tickets as soon as possible– Large groups first– Technical problems – Inquires and general questions

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Standards – Content Inclusion Policy

• Online, Webinars, Fellowship, Scholarships• Virtual Academies

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Standards – Content Ownership Policy

Content• Department – PD, Member Engagement, ACMPE, Data


Product Performance• Melissa Fling

Users• Facilitators• Large Group – Vincent

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Standards – Content Life Cycle Policy

New Program Launch

First session


1 year


2 year evaluation

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Standards – Training Information Policy

• MGMA policy: Retain records for 7 years

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Taxonomy – Definition

• How your organize content in your LMS. Either catalog structure or metadata tags.

Source: Steve Foreman. LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013.

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Taxonomy – Module/On-line

• Built in On-line section of the LMS

• Actual part of the course built in Captivate

• Loaded as a ZIP file • Each Part of the

module is added individually

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Taxonomy – Course/Program

• Built in the Program section of the LMS• Each module is added individually

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Taxonomy – Curriculum/Program

• Built in the Program section of the LMS

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Taxonomy – Catalogs

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Taxonomy – Metadata

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Housekeeping – Definition

• Cleaning up your LMS data– Archive courses – Merge duplicate accounts

• Automation – use the LMS to automate these tasks once standards are established

Source: Steve Foreman. LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013.

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LMS Housekeeping

• After each Program/Cohort– Facilitator Led

• Move registrants to self-study• Archive 2 weeks after closing date

– Webinars• Automatically archived 2 weeks post live date

• Year-end– Self paced

• Archive 8 weeks after end of fiscal year

– On demand webinars• Archive 8 weeks after end of fiscal year

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Governance – Definition

• LMS implementation must be in alignment with the goals and needs of the organization and in MGMA’s case, Users/Member Experience

• Consists of Governance Structure so issues are escalated to the appropriate level

Source: Steve Foreman. LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013.

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LMS Governance

• Governing Board – Key Stakeholders– Stephanie Smith and Melissa – LMS Steering Team– Represent user groups that rely on the LMS (i.e.,

learners)– eLearning, Professional Development and Member

Engagement Teams

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LMS Governance – Operations

• LMS operations– LMS reliability, conformance to standards, and meets the

needs of the organization– eLearning Team

• Content owners– Responsible for the quality of the learning programs they

own– Professional Development and Member Engagement

• Administrators– Responsible for the accuracy and thoroughness of

content configuration in the LMS– eLearning Team

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LMS Governance – Operations

• Technical support– Training, IT and vendor Staff

Tier 1

• Service Center

Tier 2

• eLearning Coordinators

Tier 3

• Instructional Designer

Tier 4

• Net Dimensions

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Configuration Management – Definition

• Documenting your LMS Configurations settings

Source: Steve Foreman. LMS Operations and Governance: Teaming the Beast, Learning Solutions Magazine, September 9, 2013.

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Configuration Management – MGMA



Personify Adobe Connect

Pushes User Profiles to LMS


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Configuration – Personify Set up

• Product Type – Meeting

• Class– Education - Online

• Subclass– Instructled – API – Selfpaced – API – Virtual – No API– Weblive – API – Webrecord – API

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Configuration Management – Catalogs

• Webinar Passport– Access to the webinar catalog

• Large Groups– Access to all eLearning and webinar catalogs

• Everyone else – No catalog access – Access controlled by purchase in the store

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Configuration Management – Catalogs

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Configuration Management – Catalogs

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Configuration Management – User Roles

User Role What can they do and differences

Facilitators Can access the Review, Communicate and Instruct tabs – No access to Manage Center Similar to Instructor – Example Lee Ann Webster

Fellowship Admin Can access Dashboard, Review, Communicate and Instruct tabs – Can Access Manage CenterSimilar to ? – Example Shannon Schmit

Fellowship Learner

Can access a program or exam that they have “purchased” in the store – No access to Manage CenterSimilar to Learner – Example Rose Nylund

Fellowship Mentor

Can access Dashboard, Career Development, Review, Communicate and Instruct tabs - Similar to Manager – Example stephanie.johnson

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Configuration Management – User Roles

User Role What can they do and differences

Grader Can access Career Development, Review, Communicate - No Access to Manage CenterSimilar to ? – Example 00 Lou Grant

Instructor Can access Career Development, Review, Communicate and Instruct – Can Access Manage Center only the Repository manager, learning reports and exam/question reportsSimilar to Facilitator? – Example Instructor1 Instructor1

Learner Can only access Online, a Program or a virtual classroom cohort that they have “purchased” in the store – No access to Manage CenterSimilar to Fellowship Learner – Example Brent Murray

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Configuration Management – User Roles

User Role What they can do

Level1 Admin Limited access to the 4 areas of the LMS – Limited Access Manager CenterSimilar to System Admin but customized – Example Madonna Shafer (436877)

Manager Can access tabs Dashboard, Review (Cone health reports), Communicate, No access to manage center Similar to Mentor – Example Chuck Ainsworth

Manager External None assigned at this time

ServiceCenterAdmin Access to most of the tabs and some of Manage CenterSimilar to System Admin but customized – Example Terry.Edwards

System Administrator Access to all of the tabs and most of Manage CenterExample – Melissa.Fling

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MGMA Configuration Management

• Transcripts • Certificates

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On-line Reports – Top 10 Report Location What does it do?Individual module for Ess and BCBusOps – Scorm report

Custom – Training History

Used in all on on-line courses and gives the quiz data from the Captivate file. Can be per cohort or module. Run after each completed fac led and 8 weeks post FY for self study weekly

BootCAMPTask –Scorm report

EssentialTASK – Scorm report

Custom – Training History

Task Report - Facilitator Led Homework Assignments for each module feedback from Facilitator – daily and after each cohort

ScholarshipAppN – Scholarships Non RS

Custom – Exam Results

Report of completed exams with a score of 99 or higher

ScholarshipRS – Scholarship RS App

Custom – Exam Results

Report of completed exams with a score of 99 or higher

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On-line Reports – Top 10 Report Location What does it do?

ExamStatus – Exam Overall Status

Custom – Exam Results

Runs an Exam report pre/post for essentials fac led. Also for Large Group Essentials

ParticpantResu – PARTresult

Custom – Exam Results

Runs a report of exam results for essentials fac led and scholarship

EssentialsPart – Essentials Participation

Custom – Learning Program Detail

Runs a report per cohort that give detail to all the modules and status of Learner per module (f14bc3) use daily?

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On-line Reports – Top 10 Report Location What does it do?

R202 - Enrollment Summary for specified programs

Learning Report

Overall enrollment and status for learners in a cohort. Example s14fm. Could be used daily report tasks

R205NL – Awarded Certification by Participant

Learning Report

Runs a report for all certificates awarded by Organization (members external)

R258 – Learner Attendance for a Course Session

Learning Report

Webinar transfer of live registrants to the On-demand (virtual classroom)

R502 – Program Completion Status

Compliance Report

Completion status for modules in a program Example s14egpm

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