ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO.,...

*xxxxxxoxxxxx* WRRPitES ON THE^ * V £ 1 .VOL. XXI. DOVEE, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1891. NO. 8 ''SHE f DBLlailKas in psopuiKTOHa act'm Blukwatt Otrert next doortotin JXBW OF 8DB80EUTION IHVAKU ' BLI ID IDViNOR | B l t MOVTHB.•>.,., .»,»••*.* Ml>0O ADVEKTUIITG BATEI. lwa. 1m I 751 88 1 1 BO11 76 135 175 a as >7S SCO aH SCO 10W SOD 6 60 6 00 1000 1160 10 00 1160 It 00 Sim, 17 00 I8S0M60 650 8 00 1100 1100 US 00 49 00 10 00 14 00 HTM 1 Ml 3 60 4 811 661 600 8 60 10 00 13 60 34 00 Im e oo n o oo -17 01 9100 17 00 aa« 85 « «t» MOO iKoariM u WM lima num. 5, , enWemn»l,put4oorto"«inoi3 t iO»fe,' •a»la|, Belr OMUel BOO 8b.mpot>l ?« . UalMeouOhlltaoii&liCotUii, Bipedal- t AUllieUM, W-ly JI14. i ...Jf.Hloi. Bml-mon bly, Tonrt. gun Obuprelei. Southern FwJflo '-• - - - »•£— .„.,nen .| jnju ud brld wort, putwo/i udJubUog •""""TSSJ Ouwl Bulo. wlU npebe atteouon. •^ HOof*Biywpt^wn Bcint Bf i', w "t Tbaleeali dHler la I? *- ww»«, Liooojw,iralB» iw> v- or rCBiM ', iodn.Ko. ' OOn »mni-» J. * WIS*, mj iatn- ITIOllSEI IT LAW, a CDAKOUT. mCE INB1KKB BUUiDUfO, ». ;' DOVSB «. J. ^ SlBAfiLSjraAUUjia'ilHD faifBIB' - ISDB IN Boaiiifl U D , , ., »o*a»x OOOJCTUBV ~- '. - 3; ', OUOITOB'IBD ^tgllBIMOmiTOlHT, FREEMAN $10 REWARD. - U be piid to mjbodj bind Klttojf, IDIig S.RBEMETT n i. wnnoi,) ' HAMOTiOTCBEa AHD DBALKEIB STOVES, RANGES, Imioorni Us t n o i u n Boonie, Zinc, - , Sheet. Lead, ' ' - -' Lead Pipe, ,1 Pumps, Ac, THE GORTON, Bi!. mum ABPEOULTT. IIBtlBE TOTO PBOPEBTT TTTH MpttMnUug the judlng Borapno »od A feu OespMlM Loi.ei promptly adjusted and paid In c.sh, KEAl, ESTATE F O B 8 U , B . ' ''BOOSE i-Oa BENII Choice euildlaf lota and rarmB oaeuf tune HOUSE FOE HBMTOf! 8!LE •ttli all wrfera Imnroreairate, OtnU.llj loeaUd ia Dem. J Vpseyb> loka on bond aod nortfore. ,' ; CHICK! r, QPP. THE BANK. DOVBB. 10 ELEVATOR TO EVEB? FJ.0OB. •:• IKIEPEONB 580. MEli'S FURHISHEBS, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK, N.J.' (ilBOUT MS BHT tTOOKJn Ikj •!>!• »li9Um>-a».-|5ciS°r| ; «?KTru 3:t OR. EDWARDS'. ; WE, UttD CUEIBY ANDNArllTBi. :--COTTGS BYRTJP-:- > 1 mild, BltiMil. nolhlnt ud inrterHlni oxbeetortnt, 0.1tod to .11tf»eh. uei KBd ojsdMoni, billm been ml hr3J Jem Mil mo,l Htiarietot, ie.Dlta, u ibLOundl UB,J*f.Esv»tDU SiAlSm-Toor ^OBSB pop I. »puu po,to« Jtnlr lol; |.ibu. HIM, ud tror; bollli utl »i M ••Itttlloe, leoi.-J H, Haunt, ilb.n)N. Y ibboctlsrttlD E!«i [e«l6mn L- I C T - Wtooplm 0<oab «Bd khould he elMHd anon* ear ehi f I) leaf inn -Kir JiMU LtTeu, iUr!!in. H. J. TneaScenteiaenowealuc^eOlMrooat. WILCOX & BERRY, To «. T.fcnum.) CARPENTERS m'dBUILPERS, ATIB«)»-W«limilih«t«Ulu<ll»li pat OB ^.U nob bf jwd meebuloi ukaW UMtklif tumfUm OQhlid. HMud liop Our. or IhutwoB ud Iv THOS. i •iuonoi«n>iod««iuu i, Euitinii VuLili ddTOklolUlbleuaaiuito. ill fork ortfaebfiitcrder«Dd priiw. reBortubb BUCKWIOL BTBEIT. BOVBB, S. J. A.Q.BTJOK, "HlcncAl ' Fainter, Decorator, Grainer and Paper Hanger. •i tne'ne* llii'ol'.TAIL PAPBIB, In all tlUiKUpnm 81SH SOBS. > ipe Mlim rttlHUiiKUpnm 81 Doii.N J. P.O.Bgim JOSEPH C. JOHNSON, AFTER STOCK Tilifi! SI IS THE ME f I SATE HOBEY! Men's Rubbers, good, - - - 40c, Women's Eubbers, best, - - 30c Misses'pubbers, " - - 22c, PARLOR SUITS! Men ' s Self-acting Alaskas, 75c, Having completed STOCK TAKIKO, I find several patterns of Bedroom Baits tbat I do not iatend to leap auy longer; will sell them at any price to close themout. flood Antique Oak Bedioom Brits, (8 pieces,) 11750. Several etyles of Puilor Suits in covorijigB of plush I will close oat at coat. Good I'Mlot Suite, regular price $65; will soil at (47 50 CARPETS. Several patterns of Tapestry Brussels Carpel to close them out, 65o, per yard ; regular price 85o, 'Several patterns of 3-ply Carpet, tegular prico peryard $1 i mil close them oat at 75o. , Several patterns of All-wool Extra Super Ingrain Curpot, regular price per yard 75c; will close them out at COc Good Ingrain Onrpet, per yard puly 26c. AT COST! AT COST! to close oqt the balance of mystook of Stoves and Ranges. m mystock of Oil Cloth, Bedding, Sideboards, Hull ' Stands, Chiffoniers, Chairs and Lounges, etc. li you nisli to save money please give me a call before purchasing eisowhere. ' SPECIALS. Bugnt Cured H « n u ^ only 1* perlb " 'I ShouUen " Jo. " » I'.itr. Mni City IMor* •• Ho. " » K i n - W t Pork » 8c, " " Ufa]. >• " Herring {' (CREDIT GIVES IF DESIRED.) eooBB LtuvmeD.ntKi or OSARSI TOJST IAUT.OT TBS STJTI. AMOS S. FAWBORN, W New Oreon Vm ..^."i.... Beet Soda Oroken^ « Ual Lard , „ " „ „ ; " Batrj flutter 1, " S5o. " CnNun CbeeM^...,|^ " 1SO. 11*. of ike bet Olngen Soaps onlj 25 cte. lbe. ot tbehetCooUlgBaletiii lbe. of tbe l a i t ' ( Cunrnnts !b ol tl»tabBleaa Pepper " 25 Ota. v - J NEWARK; N. J.' ..(IYBAII"' PtAWE, STREET.) ' i Y i iff 1 Merchant Tailors Clothiers, i lew* tha it*r«, la Ih* ^VCr ARZ BltOOK, SDSSEX STBEETi - OOYfiU, N. J. Uleljr ooonplod u Bnuin BTDBI, and will opei APBIL lit * MERCHANT TAILORING AND CLOTHING IST4BLI8H1ONT, wllh a jompku ud .nllnlj STOCK TOR THE Spamfc TBADD. Wil/IDB DB0TBEB8 lure badin Mpetjenn or muj jein u nnekut ttllon tad elottalen, are pnotio.1 aalbm 10A D.Bere of melon work, ^na ere .bto lo ffi.rantoe urn* plelei>llekeUl«liiUelrllliae(lndetotlwt»oiileoII)onrand>loliiil<r., •- > » I DOYBR LVM5BR OO., , BLACK.WELL STREET, -:- LUMBER OF Ai*X KIND3 -:• Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. BRACKET »Nt> SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER. COAL. WOOD AND BOILDIHG MATERIAL €DBT AND SCREENED COAL. 3; DR. ANDREW'S J , Rheumatic Specific OBSiTKBI Hoiunowir, N. IM loir UU>, llii. a piiotol eUnrt, do* atur a andno* atur a IW Wek", Uilo« II UihlHI; u >d«iud, I IUI beii«f memr mn ibu I ban for lbe fiat Wo jtttt. I9«™TO«W. JOHN'J ECKHiRT, IBuomor to «Mtt4 loUuit,) MA80H ASDBIJILUXB, ———— **. 'lmiuKUk.rudiut.rUUtanUi>dlot BBUJ5IH68, ^BRIDGES. Ktetbfr c( BBICS or BTOBli. 8faopfinKoike elreet. oast io fonair laoa REVERBERATIONS -FROM THE ItECENT- and thousnnds of pairs of everything to make the feet comfortable, iucjufling VTool Boot Arctics, Alavto, Babber Bootf, DoIgeV ^celebrated Felts, ill kinds of Wool-lined Shoes, Infante' Wool Hlioes and Slippers, and all at prices that will attract favorable mention from all that try thorn. HEAGAN & CO., .lUf.i.itat.i.j. AND WE ARE STILL IN THE LEADI ?, T H O S E TEVHO CAST FOLiO WE ABE BELLING THE BEST GOODS THE MABKBTD AF- TOBDS AT 25 PEE CENT. LESS THAN YOU OAN BUT THEM ELSEWHERE. ' Ms,* " dot. 80. " lit. Oo " qt. 7o " 1b EXTRA FINE New Crop Oolong, Japan, English Breakfast and Gun Powder or Mixed Tea only SOo. per pound. Three and a balf pounds of Standard Granulated Sugar given away PBEE with one ponnd of any of our lea botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta. paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie, lb box bget buadr? Starch ml J18 ci FLUUR. We handle ELODH in large quan- tities receiving B»mo m c»r loads and quote therefore tie rook bot- tom price: Onn BEST the very fin- est Patent Process Miniiosota Fiopr onl; (6 CO per barrel. Xnis Flour ia tliebestin the market and lUiaOtt'lbtnffBrt wlUgi birrel Best Saasar County Baokwheat only 70s,fc(26 lba. -r _ _ •• •_ I I I IM . I !• J "f^M4WW KM ^hBh ^#B**V IVWI **J • BIV AW. Having mentioned only afewof tbe many bargains tobo had ir- aor store it remains for you to take advantage of these lowprices ( i v' sad give us » call. WE DELTVEB GOODS FREE AIL OVEB T^E COUNTY, 'THE HUWKST AW) OatAPEST GROCER INTH* COUNTY, SUSSEX ST., OPP, OENTBAIr B. B, DEPOT, DOYEE, K. J. Principal tr.nlumie 464 Bma« Bt, mmfi 53 Otmuw > I., >cwark a r BBAyoa aroia, arawr. H. J. $*•• «'*.. f< f »>< > fat Infanf »nd Children. t t a Ckmra o a m n , W M to I M ^ K.T. WearaKoingtogive free With overy purchase ol I50O and up in oar Boys' and Children's Department a large and completely fitted TOOL CHEST. ANOTHER PRESENT. We are also giving away a Printing Press, with Font of Type, Bottle of Ink and Boiler, j«ld everything ready to start a small printing office with. STILL MORE. For overy purchaser in this department we have a hand. Eome ana nseful gift. ' - You'll find nolieUer assorted Btoofc of Clothing for Boys and Children in the city than the ote io whieli wo ask TOOT attention. Many new and beantiful designs which you'll lot see else- where, lor the reason that wo make oui own goods and design , onr ovm patterns. Clear down to the lowest prices you'll not fail to notice a etyle and finish about the goods that is poouliarly ours, We start in at $2 60 in two-piece Short Pant Suits, and run np to 18. In Long Pant Suits II buys a strong, serviceable suit, while frota K to |12 wehave finite fit for every day and even for dress wear. - B0Y8' and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. Our lines of Nobby, 8ty]isb, Handsome Garments of Uiia class are not to"be equalled anywhere. From onte novelties in Capeifor the little ones to the more manly style ef O?er- coats for tho older boysTa fine assortment at prioes which C Lavo hut to compare tho goods with to see that tliovarc MCGREGOR & Co. 850 & 852 BROAD St., NEWARK. N. J. BRIANT'3 GOAL YARD! COAL.- WOOD, aKaua'eManrUi. Cwlofall iluiem •tanilj m bud ml dellnnd oremotljto HrpartoMiildfliilrTldlttT, , . . i ,^nMMik!:ilwanti.Ti a«^*AAVsn> .7j J. J. VEEEIAND, bultdJniti, Jabbing! •1LATK EOOIfflQ. from ih* buiqnirrl.a _6T O7BB STONE TALK. BSAP BUOTH riWU TUEKVEtt KEADV CAUXfil Of CASUAL OBflEltVATJOX. As tlio calamity editor eateml bis cheory bitting room tba othor oveulng tie worn the a\\ ofamauwbo'wiu. saUdfled wltU himself dud tio rent, of the world. " I bflvo doue a & tiling to-day, wify," lie soM, mid wlwnaho in- quired wiint It vtat lio rejilloil: "HVliy, W\ giVBO tltwe tariff roblwrs e half column oT the hottest-ECiiglitfh tbat I over penned." "And for what cause! 11 pursued Ills wife gwitly. "For what camel" exclaimed Calamity, " why for the vary boat In Ui« wprld. Wiwo I went down ttmu thli moniiog Jones, tho grocer, informed me tlu»t tlitj prico of Btan bod been ratted since the juigsage of the Bit Kinloy bill. Justlliink «(itl Eron the poor •vuiier ffoniDDof the couutry ere now con- d toi*y an lucrcawhi tax uu arcouot of this roliber tariir," "Hut, Calamity dear, iutoipoeed hla wi/o meekly, "I suppostxi you km* Uiat tha McKlnluy billmiucci thoiaty onftarchlDBtpadofIuercaniugit." ll Wli-a-a-tl" roared tba Calamity editor, aud rueful visions- thw tie prnlucUoniiit i«pcrB would »liow him up as n fuel begnn to rise More him. His wife ensured htm o[ tbc^mtb of lii-r nUitc- mont, nuJ added, a I BujipoGa, though, you ill acknowlnlgo the mln(tiko aud cornet it In your UOXUBSUC." "Ktsvefl I woiilri die r ma tlie fierce ojueulatlon of the appointed acrlbe, Ia thlBbcibutacknoiTlBdg the lpodrng psouJiarity of tree trado cdltort. They would ratbor die tbau correct a ml»- itatcmoiit or acknowledge a tmtbi ••* 1 notice by the proccodlugB of a regular mooting of tlie UorrUtowo Common Council, held last Friday evening, that all the Demo- cratic members voted for the passage) of «u ordinance providing that uoa-raidiiuta shall not be members or olUctn. of tho lire depart- ment; alto that the onlbuuioo shall apply to present non-residoiib liiembtm. of the Oro department aud shall tako effect immediately. Itaobjoctis topunlih ForenmuJobuDeuiiJOii, of Wuliinghm Engine Co., toruutuu]ii»ii.tiK VcmocraUo ticket But the ^orat phaso of the case la Uiat it jmiiiiiliosftnuiubcr uf others wbu live Jufit outside thocorjmraUon Hues, but wlio have rendered good servicetothe city of Morrrlstown hi her fire department for years. Borne of Uioea would BOOU bavo Iwconidex< flaipt fireman by reaaon of seven year's Bervlcc, nd besides obtaining toa record and position of whtahflremeu Is naturally proud, would b y e boon entitled to privileges in the way, of Jury and tax exemptions. Alter ncwptlug their service* for yeare thoMorriatawn Cora- ion Council deliberate!/ docs them an injury i return, In order that a pm-Umji grudge against onomnn may bopatlflfled, Itlsdrow- lugUis.llne of partlBOn bltternew About W close as I hare ever known it to be drawn in Morris county. •- . , ' * * * / : ' • . •• WlifIo tlicro are very fewtramje in Dover tbi« \flaUr as comitarod witb former years the Morrlstown papacscanphxta of Utsliig over- run vrlth them. ' The reason Is obvious, This Winter the lock-up has been closed to them uid they have, kept twuy. As long aa they knew they cquld sleep by a good Ore In the lock-up during the night, aud beg a. good breakfnst Irom our dtlieus In the inornlug, they were ready to favor us with their preft- ouce Since the jug has beeu dosoU they pass us by witt withering contempt-nod m doat to eichonge UiBir contempt for tbulr pretence. -• If all cominiuiltiflB would reftue to •belter and feed the worthless rascals there would cot bo many of.them on tho rood. : - : , / ; ; ' , . v , ' . . v . ; •_ / ' . ' ' Tlie romarkftbleT^cord poueesod by the M. t t L DivikJoui of never Uaviug hail a passeix- S Itllled lit titt oan, cuun n«r being brokoa atntenni(astjveek^ fliad.the.aepidfliit.oa-. ourred before the days of Miller platforms «(d improved trucks there la np telling liow many ves would hay* been. Io*t. 'But ail that human Ingnmiity can do Is beJngr done nowa- days tomlalinln the risk of life ID COMof acd- deat At tba Dover car' shops tha Rreateet ttricttHss ii obaervBd in relation toall the work about tlie coaatraotlon'of passenger car trucks. Every wheel must be put on Its atle if 1th no many toes pressure, tod every other detail is earefully looked aft« to obtain as absolnte i l b \- O.V «*W VEAJl'S N1UUT. Kngtaocr MorriM I-uiiger, wliose leg wn broken, and wbo wa* tcuMcd about the lu»< aud \iv}s, diod atSt. Jcsei.L'bHtwjiiUl, Pattu son, at 11.o'clock last Saturday nl%hl. Hi wire atid o!<lvet twa irerewitli liiui, T|IQ flre inou, Hiuilii Dorciner, vrlo waa olao badly scalded, died at S o'cluclc ou Saturday morn- ing. Uiigjpgt! mmtor Bcanlan, who was ro- porlod (load last wttek, 1> rvcocotiuff nicely. Tlio temaiQB of botli of tbo dwd nmu were tiilieu to tbotr Iwowjis iu ^VtudiiugtonouB&tur day oveufng. Morria Luuger wad an old, reliable am al ways trusted enninwr. lie bail K-ou CUiof of Uoboken Division »t tlio Drotberlitwd, aud lie stood high with life einjilojeorn niidhis brolbci' engineers, Its wua a spleudid inoti, pbyttlunlly mid morally, mid iuid u Lost of Xrieuds. Itavca a wifo and twj sous, of .vbom Id about nf ago. IIo was lumiwl tbo Bn)thurbcKKl for ^1,1)00 mid in « locul rgauiiuitliiu fur $;i t (i00 inorti, Ko olwonruud farm uud for soinu tinio Lnil coiileaiplutwi roUrliig frinn tbo railrifod. Hmltb Dnrar tbe Hitman, leuven a wffo uiid tlircoMI tbililren, and Is (mured for only «1U), wbich aid family guts from Uio Ktnployoa'fi Mutual tk'UQflt Aawciatiuu. Tbofunerals vcit bold ou TuoHlay and were, of a vary affecting character, Tliat tliB switcli was forced open for tbo iir[)080 of wrecking a train now generally sieved, TLIi truln wua late, and aunio tliiuk thu U-ap wan set fur Ihu U. H. Eipresa train, which would soon havo bwn flue, with tbe purpose of stealing tuonoy aud other lmckogeg, Only a ultort UIIIQ before (-ngiuL>er •Tolia Uc- Uovoni rut) into this tame twitch wftb No. 1, a two nod a halt incli plank having IXOQ thrown tho tmck. Bwltcb wlilch caiued tlio ueddeut lias boon carefully examined aud foimcl tobo ii good working onlur, except tbat two uwl tohoop tlie Htvitcb iu ]K»ftIoii for ttiu main tract Iwd bcon rtmoved, Uii 'lug tlio swiU-b BOIt woulil oiea «ud throw a train uiT tbo umiu track ou thoridingand iato tbe flat cars. O«o of tbe plus \*M found Saturday morning mar tbe switch Iu a bat- tered coniliUouaudEUowodcvidoueoot having bacu pouildbd out of plaoo. TheuLhar j)inwai missing. Had tbera plus boon In place and bald the bwitch cJosod tlie occidqat Wild not bavo happened. - Another thing that indicates this was tlio work of Honda is too fact Ihatonly short tltue Iwtor* tlio cxpruu tatuB along a trainpornod safely over tlio i»iutfllieretbe switch Is located. Near tba name of tlio aci-ldciit id wbat is nown as Hlovor'a Bridge over tlio canal, and tlie roadway brldgeotor the railroad tracta. Soon after tbo nculdcnt four inou, wbo wore seen ttaudlujr on tliis bridge, wore M»H to run away ia ths (lurlaicBf). Wliotber tbeso are tlio men who tampered with tlio switch ia not determined. Tlie railroad company will spam no efforts inbuuLisg down Uio wrott'ljon ivlio caused tliu dluaetvr. Awistaiit Supt. F. J. Orimtu mid to a re- porter: " Ho Buffalo Ejcpress reached tVeat Paturoon at 8.U0 o'clock Thursday iilght and tlio wreck was caused by tba train rutiulngoa tlio yard switch. I would not like to say at present wbat 1 think about tbe BwiUh having 'been open, I am sure it was not opened by ttnyrof the employees. It wai lait opened by a rroight conductor at 3 o'clock in : tbo after- noon. Tlio frelaht conauctora'>ho have pc- casion to use it are hi Uio habit of ttoppiag tluir traius oud getting oiT to uuiudc tie avltdi. Tlicy lock It nlieo ttioy. leare it. Beveml t*.«>1ns liad cr^ssofi tb« switch after it waa lost usod before tlie Buffalo Express reached it , Tlis track at tlmt pointfastraight aad tbe ntitoh leavw tlio mala line at anoaiy angle. Anflxnniliutiohof tlia switcli showed that the bolts tbat hold it. la plnco had boon unscrewed.' Thu braafl keys which' bold the BritcuhatTbeea' hammered out o£'place iu nidi a uiattar that the H*itch, opened when U» engfiw airock ?t. ; ^Vc liavo hadiiolruuUo with our einplojeoe and wa do not beliem tbat acyottuem were conconted in the matter, Datectlres are invostlgaUcg the cue and we hope BOOHto have •.•.••••• ,:> ; V ••• •.•:'•••'••'£••••• HoatollourmdenlnttiigTjQlnjty wlllrfr- member thB large chosnmt tree wbich stood new foe entrance at the plaoa of Ur, E, J. HOBS, on,Blaclcwell street, and lnan/have doubUon wondered bow old It was, Whoutbo old tree iru cut down afew weeks BRO l>y Win L Feters antl Win. Johnson the former counted tha rings whlcu todtsftte the annual growth and found bythis tfflrt that theago'of tho tree was 208 yearal If it"could have talked might haTB told many iutcmtlng talet. / - . ^ ' ' ' ' * - - ' ' ' " ' . A friend told me tha other day tbat he was doslroui ot taking a trip through Virginia with oil caniDra, ba} had found that he would have to take out a 111)0 license inevery county. In thiaway Virginia protects hor local photo- graphen whilahor Democratic reprerantativos CongreM stoutly kick against tUe*protw> tlou of Xortiern manufacturing industries, ''Havingheardof thoodTontagw of your town for manufacturing purposes,"!* the way In which Ur. Aubrey E.Meyer, of Now York city, begins a letter Iliare now Inmypot*- itee^on, andgoes onto Bay;, "I am desirous of locatlngmyfactory, JOT. the muiufacture of dllc textile goods, la a town when there is ft superabundance of ,f«uale labor, as 300 operatives will be employed; inohtly gtrU," I showed, the letter to a number, but tho only oonuneut I could obtain would be 'some con- temptuous allusion to tho dynamo factory. Tbat unfortuaat« concern is likely to Injure -forgometiiaeby weakoning public confl- nce in the Introduction ol new manufoc- -torlea. But we don'tdo other budnbsain that way—we dtmtioaa faita in all men becauge we uowanil then find a roguo. The ratnlng bushiest of tills section: Is constantly decreaa- ing from nfttursJcauBee, and ,'f we an wise we will discount this loss In admneo by tbe ltroduction ofrnanufttctorioH.',' * Sotuo of the boys around tho round-house Hobokea were expressing their Indignation at the dirt? -woilc tliathadottweatnooeali. of engineer Lunger and fireman Dararoer, and Low thty would like to torture the rasada who were reiponijble for it. Ouemfln sola he would Xasten thorn down to staltes ]n tha Newark meadows and let tbe mosqultos eat them up. Another would put them in boiea aud have them Btnng to death with hornet*, eta It Buunds barbarous, to bo Bare, bat what'ehort ot torture ', could adequately' punish tba wretches who would cause the deaths of two urorUiy dU»an» 1BU» dlschargo ot thBlr duty, and jeopardfio the lives of scorei of others f Conductor Slaclt astanlshsd the passengers la tbe smoking car of the Backottetown Ex- presa on Monday morning by Informing tbom of a "wash-out "at tandlDg. AUru&bodto thnddoof Uiecarindicatedaivl cninod tbslr nocks to see it. Alady in Uto vldnity of the station had a gdbd-alzad wash -out on the line and theconductor hamt since been forgiron. ACCRB STOKR OaavaivsH, I t Depend* on the t!ver, . . "IH lite worth living T somebody uked, and the facetious reply was, "Tliat dapends on the liver." HealtliSmd happlnon are twined to- gethor. If Oman's liver fa out of order, his whole system In deranged, He suffers from top to toe. This Is the thno to take Dr. Moroo's Pleasant Pellets. Tbose- offlendons llttla globules are as much in advance of the old-fmbionsd, grlptng, drastic pills as electric lights are ahead of a nick stuck In whale gj], A Seal Balaam InKemp's Balsam. Too dictionary myi," A b*lMini« a thick, pun. aromatic substance flowing from trees." Komp 1 ! Balaam for the Throat and Lnngi Is Ilia only congb medicine tbat is a real balsam. Many thin, watery cough remedies are called balsonu, but siicfa are not. Look througb a bottle of Kemp's Balaam and notice what a pure, thick prepMatltm itfo,H yTO cmgit am Kemp's Balsam. At all druggists'. Large bottles 50c. anil tl. Tha Florid* Bteam Heater, For Dluitn(»ldTOa*it wid to EKQINEEE AND FIHEKAN DEAD. AKOIHEB CONTTNENrAL FABOE. TWO UKATIIS FIIOU TIIB TEtUtlJJLE WKKCK A JCOUU5BV WITH rUlt'UO WHICH THJ. JL'O- y Whtm be hud concluded Ur, Pitnej showed him a dlttrejiniicy of over f2,W0 in one Item —that of bills receivable. Schumacher could only say that bebad mode out ths report along the previous night, aud that tbore must boeomo oLuvr account thatwouu) mate upfor the dii-crepanoy, Mr. Pitney OGztaaknl wbat he made the net loss on o.wratJous thua far and Bchumacher l h was surprised to flui It was only f 10,- Thin didn't corresiond very w'cll with the goiieral report, but Hnnagar Perry helped BcuuuuiGiier out of bin bolu by showing that be (fJubuuiacber) bad evideotly made the mis- take of calling f-',000 of unQnJ»hod djnamous *l2,oon, n-hicb would bnngtne losses toover tSO/XW Au error ot •10,000 in a 12,000 ac- count weuBduriy a bagaUlle to Ibow finac dera-a little thlug that might beezphinad In a breath; ., Mr. Htney next wanted to know if It would he in ordertoask questions on tba report and t t b j . Hr.&Uuiiwsber rolled that such quexllona as could be used Iu Count bo would not pormit They had all the iaforma- tlon they wanted from their oxi»rt. He then laid great stress upon tho fact that the com- f was ijoing to iwraiit a gcntlanaa of Dovertobe elected a ninmbor of the Hoard of Directors. Swretary Kudllcb proposed to priut tbe report and then call an extra meet* tngtodiscutuit, Ur. Pltuey reminded tbeu that at Newark a full statement of the affairs ot tha company waa protnlsadat this meeting. - Mr. Bcbumachor nteationod with regret that. ' wmo errors hadcrept In, whlob were involun- tary on hit part, but would require overhaul- ' Ing, Mr. Pitney assured himthat be would not take advantage of tha erron oC figure*. - WhatbowantodwaflkuowledgeaBtothocon-, . dltlon of the company. • - /: '.• ' At tbls polntMr. EudUchloft and Mr. Perfx van mado Secretory pro tan. .••..- . : Mr. ritnoy nezt began questJoni «totbe validity of «ome of the accounts., Some : anaword were given, bat Mr. Perry said; X finally," I cannot go into tfcwe individual **>,:'• counta, neither can Mr.Scliumacbfir." Atone :•' U . BduuWhet jumptX .Qp:ttUd:B*U.-^'•',' '.' Lot me explain." " Oli, don't. explain,", in-' •; terruptod Mr. Perry and ?£r. Sohamiwher »t .; down. :-.«JV , Peny-irMtod-tD^kiww if itber::: could not be'satlBued in thli matter by tbo ' election of a Dover man for Director. '-. •'• '•'•• '•'••,' M Pitney.again reminded, them• of their : TheN. J, Teacher's Seadlng Olrolo. At a meeting of the members of tho JU. J. Teaclibr's Jtaadlng Circle, held Iu Trenton last September, It was decided towholly M- orRanlio the circle, as the constitution by which it was governed in ite, infancy was found to In Inadequate in ita mnturer year*. Accordingly, a cominlttea of raven irat «p* pointed to draft a now constitution tobe acted upon at tho annual meeting at 'Tj-cntoM ill Decomhor 1 . Tbo .new couflUtuUon was pre- •entod on Monday oveplng of last week and adopted. , . ... •: -. . . . : .. '• - A number of very Important changes bare been made. FornWly there was one delesnle elected froiaench Congressional Districttothe Board of Control, and live delegated at large elected to tho same body; * ' ' .' ' Nowtbe State bos been,divided Into fire dlBtrictn, this, the second, being composed of the counties of IJcrrta/tlUBMX, Wanen and Hunterdon, County Supt. Jns.0, Coojwr was elected delegate from this aiBtriot, Theddegate of each district has tba ap- poIntLi; of a President for each local circle In the district,; while the other officers of tie .oool circles are elected by the members of saidclrcte. \ . ., > , , Tbe next meeting ot tho Board of Control will be held In Trenton on Jan. 17th, which will nocesBltato Bupt. Cooper's being'absent from his office ou that day. . ' (, Ko Injury to Kill Owners. The Bast Jersey Water Company has not as yet inndo any arrangement with tha owners of water rights on the Fequanuock rirar be- low the Hccaplc intake, wbera Ura water sup- ply for Newark will start through the pipes for that city. It has been asserted that the Ewt JerseyWater Company would hara to pay the Butler Rubber Company at least $250,000, and ths paper* mills would aim ds- mnnd large amounts. It" Is now believed that the water company will not payanything;, for tho reason that it does uot intend to da the Ite owners any Injury. The water com- pany will, it is nowBald, be able to supply Newark with the 60,000,000 gallons daily rblcb the contract calls for, without Interfer- ing with tho "natural floff".ot the stream. WbUo tbe Kewark. supply will require tho diversion of a large'proportion of tbo water tbat flows over tho Fequannock bed, the reser- volrs are . bslleved to bo to large that an unuual averogo flow can DO tnoliiUlQcd through the stream below Macopin equal to all tbo nocesfiUesof the mills, and In that caso there would bo nodamage to owners of water rights, bat rather a, boneflt, for huteadotB, flood at ODQ time and a drought at another, tho river would furnish on equable supply, as geuorous In Summer dryneas as storms. ' Afioiuses Her Husband and Nieoa, Society circle* at Haclcettetown have found subject for gossip in the instituting of di proceedings by Mrs. WlllUm McCmcVtin against'her husband, ex-Councilman Mo- Cracben, a"man well and favorably known all OTtt-Wamm county. Jacob Davis is nollctor for the woman, who alleges that hor husband has been unduly Intimate with his niece, Jliss Delia Gray, wbo is nineteen years old, and tho daughter of Mr. McCrocken'a' brother, lira. McCrackon hoi Kpamted from her hug- id. SotnogtartllnguevelopnienUareluokcd forwardtoat the bearing. Tho social (land- ing of all parUerf conocrnod makes tho case ono ot nnusual Interest. BuoUen'a Aralsa Salre, Tho beat sslve In the world for Cuta, Bores, Bruisus, Ulcers, Salt Rhuum, Pover Bora, Tetter, Chopped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns, and all Bids Eruptions, and podUvElycurei Piles, or no pay required. It Is guanuitopd to give perlect mtiatacUoii, or money refunded. Price twenty-live cent* per box. For salo by Robert Killenn, DOTCT, N. J. . A Potitlv* Ouarantee of Cure IisuGd with Dr. Piarc«> OoMen. Medical Dl*coverr, %-hen taken for chronic catarrh In tba bead, or for chronic bronchial throat or lung disease, if taVcn In time, and givenftfail trial, Money returned If It don't cure. UALav BttnT»4 VUltint OtrOa. U t v t itr}M fcttht Iaoa Bu offiot. TI1E113ELVK8 C1KK0T IXPLJUS, Tlio annual mooting of tie Contlnantal UyumuoC'u. wait held atthafantory loHtflatur- day of tunioou, and was but another wane In tto force tbut IKU been flteodily enacted. ^Vfieu thu minutflj vf the previcnii meotlng wore read it was found tbat Secretary Ktidllcli bod nodistorted thorn as to wake it tbat PretjEdentBcLBuucherhad Invited discussion on nil report and that Mr. litney hnd refused to give infonnatiun wben asked for it. Mr. Pitney moved to correct these glaring perversions of facts. PrtsldmitfcuLiniiidicr said ha had only a short report to make—only A rehash of what they had bad before. It nan with deep regret and humiliation ho had to re.wrt the loos of half of the capital Block of the company, owing tothu Incajiadty and inolucloncy of the uianagoiiiont. Without disturbing blBUiodesty be (.poke of tbe "Hboral advances made by your l'rwldent," which Ueing " generously aldid" by Nonluu aiLd Bctnllur, lad dona much to HOVO tlicin. Ho then ruhiwhed the old rot about tho opposition of the Dover itoekhoMoin, and how tbe pomma! standing of thu TrurUes bud prevented tbe minority of stockholders from wrecking the company. If no other obstacle* were offered tho Eastern Company arc cow ready to come to Dover with 40 men. IIo tlien wont ou togive a re- port of tlie finances, about the oiily clear feature of which was that tlio cash In bank paivtuUB^mientKtthaS : meeting, and went Into the result! ot tlw In- ventory iimy had tek»m,; A( lei^lh Wwait „•' ontorbow Outbuilding; tool«,ota, wlilchbad •' bceaJnventoried In Bepfcmberat|»,O0OweTO-i v dOwinventoriDdat«35,€00, aud b j their own ! balance sheet showed them that when Dew' ; they only cost |28,OO0, , „', .';'.>•', ;. :• Thts poriUvB and well'suitaincd fact tirow , themoKtlieirbalance. MnPerrydUlc'tlcnow about Mr. Bcbomacber'i account, but know . hid own waa oil right Ur, Schumcu&r grtw - oicited, nnd shouted j " Y p u MB- putting - cjuestlons you have no right W put, You are . tting wo like a pickpocket and I will atistver nomom iiaesLiotin." \ Ur. Pitney tried'; tOBhow himthat hiTanly wiahed what was right; but the rresldent grew fflflre excited ^ aud ditlaml lilm out of order. Bcbumacher' - iked wby'the people bere wished them to , come to Dover. Mr. Pitney repUed,' ^'Be- cauao they were shown a itatement tMt this . company bad (50,000 e s e t s andcoly f4,0(M HnbiliUw." This BO excited Ur. Bdiumacher that hfl became mildly profane. . M r . Pitney asked it it worn poaibla for tbU comptny to run and avoid insolvency, but nolucid answer was given. .- = ; .•: ;. '. Then iL was decided toenbrbtoan election ; : Tor DlrectorB. Ur. Schumacher then said; . "The Uckot In tba Held hi P. Uiutnrn Smith, . Wm.D. Perry, Qeorgo UuCracken, Cbarloi Schumacher and Adolpb Norden." So much ado WAKmode about graciously permitting , tho Boverites to elect one Director, that it i took thorn Romewhat by surprise- to bear the Yorkers announce 'whom they should have.. They had no objection to Mr, Mo Cracken, but thoy wanted Cbas. E, CUrk and so nominated bm, Mr. UcCraclcen aba de- d In luYfavor. Still Schumacher and Perry wore persistent and lagged Mr. He- . Drackentoserve, propoting to eloct him by Uioir majority of votes. But he positively declined, and it was only by tbe greatest of urging that tiny Onally- accepted Ur. Clark. When the votes wencast It was found that tba Dover stockholders had voted for Mr. *.. Clark only, whowas elected by 448 Votes, to " votes for the others.. This made Mr. Perry tn&dand ho announced that he would pull out of tho concern, as it was a discourtesy him. Mr. Fltney explained tbat It was only done because thoDover stockholders did _ not wish to be put Iu tbo position of endor. " dog tlw present management.. Ur. Perry .. announced hii ntdgnatioa as Director for. hlnuelf and Mr. Smith. Mr. Bchumacber ' iDTored 60 centa on ths dollar for all tbe Dover stock. " . . ; . • Ur. Pitney colled up hU resolution to cor< roct tha mtuutes, Mr. Scbamacher atone voted no and declared tbe motion loot. Ur. ' Pitney, raised the point of; order, appealed from, the decision of tbe chair and wai in* talned. After this came imadjminuoenb: Ths Tramp inXoxrlatown. , ,, \. One day this week several proftwloiial _ tramps from Newark visited Morrbtown and coaly and quickly begged several suits of clothes apiece. Every one of those suits of*' clothes except those on their backs, will be "ipouted" forbeer-thitis wharstbay will ; feh up, be-It known to you, oh good lady ' with largo heart and littla windotn. The quos- ttou is, do you want to f nrnbjb beer or whlikey for tramp* if not,give them nothing whatever —not eveo I d J Kicked bya Horta.' . C. L. Kdley, a member of the Him of 0. L, ' Kelley St Co.,- brick nuuitifacturen| of . Chatham, was eericnuly Injured Thnriday' •' morning ot last week while baking a DOTS* io the blacksmiUi shop. The animal, which wai > lod t»y a long tie Htrap, becanisfrighuuied and.: kicked Mr. Kelloy in the side, rendaring him unconscious. Four ribs were broken and in- ternal Injuries received. • • . ' ' '. » Child, U . a r t o i Obstinate Indl«ejtion. , :, Obstinate ccaea of lndJgcilJon,(XuiUi«aoa, piles, or liver complaint, are eaiily cured by »4 - few Hamburg Figs, as maybe proved at small i,' oott. 35 centa, Don one Fig. :At a to Mack Drug:Co.,-NY ^ ' C D St

Transcript of ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO.,...

Page 1: ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO., .lUf.i.itat.i.j.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta. paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie,

*xxxxxxoxxxxx*WRRPitES ON THE^ *

V £ 1



f DBLlailKas i n psopuiKTOHa

act'm Blukwatt Otrert next door to tin


| B l t MOVTHB.•>.,., .»,»••*.* M l>0O


lwa. 1 m

I 75 • 1 88 1 1 BO 1 1 76135175



SOD6 606 00

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5, ,• enWemn»l,put4oorto"«inoi3tiO»fe,'

•a»la|, Belr OMUel BOO 8b.mpot>l?«. UalMeouOhlltaoii&liCotUii, Bipedal-

t A U l l i e U M , W-ly

JI14. i...Jf.Hloi. Bml-mon bly, Tonrt.gun Obuprelei. Southern FwJflo'-• - - - »•£— . „ . , n e n . | j n j u

ud brld wort, putwo/i udJubUog

•""""TSSJ Ouwl Bulo. wlU npebeatteouon.

• H Oof* Biywpt^wn Bcint Bf

i', w "t Tbaleeali dHler laI? *- ww»«, Liooojw,iralB» iw>

v- or rCBiM', iodn.Ko.

' OOn »mni-» J. * W IS*, m j iatn-




». ;' DOVSB «. J. ^

SlBAfiLSjraAUUjia'ilHD faifBIB'- I S D B IN Boaiiifl U D , ,., »o*a»x OOOJCTUBV ~- '. -



$10 REWARD. -U be piid to mjbodj bind Klttojf, IDIig

S.RBEMETTn i. wnnoi,)



Imioorni Us tnoiun Boonie,

Zinc, -, Sheet. Lead, ' '

- -' Lead Pipe,,1 Pumps, Ac,




MpttMnUug the judlng Borapno »od Afeu OespMlM

Loi.ei promptly adjusted andpaid In c.sh,

K E A l , ESTATE FOB 8 U , B .


Choice euildlaf lota and rarmB oa euf tune


•ttli all wrfera Imnroreairate, OtnU.lljloeaUd ia Dem. J

Vpsey b> loka on bond aod nortfore.

,' ; CHICK! r,

QPP. T H E B A N K . DOVBB. 10



831 BROAD St.

NEWARK, N.J.'(ilBOUT M S BHT tTOOKJn Ikj •!>!•



:--COTTGS BYRTJP-:-> 1 mild, BltiMil. nolhlnt ud inrterHlnioxbeetortnt, 0.1tod to .11 tf» eh. ue i KBdojsdMoni, billm been m l hr3J Jem Milb« mo,l Htiarietot, ie.Dlta, u ibLOundl

UB,J*f.Esv»tDU SiAlSm-Toor ^OBSBpop I. »puu po,to« Jtnlr lol; |.ibu.HIM, ud tror; bollli utl »i M ••Itttlloe,leoi.-J H, Haunt, ilb.n)N. Yi b b o c t l s r t t l D E!«i

[e«l6mn L- I CT - Wtooplm 0<oab

«Bd khould he elMHd anon* ear ehi f I) leafi n n - K i r JiMU LtTeu , iUr!!in. H. J.


WILCOX & BERRY,To «. T. fc num.)


ATIB«)»-W«limilih«t«Ulu<ll»lipat OB .U nob bf jwd meebuloi

ukaW UMtklif tumfUm OQhlid.HM u d liop Our. or IhutwoB u d Iv

THOS.i •iuonoi«n>iod««iuu

i, Euitinii VuLiliddTOklolUlbleuaaiuito. i l l forkortfaebfiitcrder«Dd priiw. reBortubb


A.Q.BTJOK,"HlcncAl '

Fainter, Decorator, Grainerand Paper Hanger.

•i tne'ne* llii'ol'.TAIL PAPBIB, In allt l U i K U p n m 81SH SOBS. > ipe

M l i mrttlHUiiKUpnm 81

Doii.N J. P.O.Bgim



Men's Rubbers, good, - - - 40c,Women's Eubbers, best, - - 30cMisses'pubbers, " - - 22c,

P A R L O R S U I T S ! Men's Self-acting Alaskas, 75c,

Having completed STOCK TAKIKO, I find several patterns

of Bedroom Baits tbat I do not iatend to leap auy longer;

will sell them at any price to close them out.

flood Antique Oak Bedioom Brits, (8 pieces,) 11750.

Several etyles of Puilor Suits in covorijigB of plush I

will close oat at coat.

Good I'M lot Suite, regular price $65; will soil at (47 50

CARPETS.Several patterns of Tapestry Brussels Carpel to close

them out, 65o, per yard ; regular price 85o,

'Several patterns of 3-ply Carpet, tegular prico per yard

$1 i mil close them oat at 75o.

, Several patterns of All-wool Extra Super Ingrain Curpot,

regular price per yard 75c; will close them out at COc

Good Ingrain Onrpet, per yard puly 26c.

AT COST! AT COST!to close oqt the balance of my stook of Stoves and Ranges.

m my stock of Oil Cloth, Bedding, Sideboards, Hull '

Stands, Chiffoniers, Chairs and Lounges, etc.

li you nisli to save money please give me a call

before purchasing eisowhere. 'SPECIALS.

Bugnt Cured H « n u ^ only 1 * perlb" 'I ShouUen " Jo. " »

I'.itr. Mni City I M o r * •• Ho. " »K i n - W t Pork » 8c, " "

Ufa]. >• "Herring {'




New Oreon Vm ..^."i....Beet Soda Oroken^

« U a l Lard , „ " „ „ ;" Batrj flutter 1 , " S5o." CnNun CbeeM^...,|^ " 1SO.11*. of ike bet Olngen Soaps onlj 25 cte.lbe. ot tbehetCooUlgBaletiiilbe. of tbe lait ' ( Cunrnnts!b ol tl» tab Bleaa Pepper " 25 Ota.

v - J NEWARK; N. J.'

..(IYBAII"' PtAWE, S T R E E T . ) 'i Y i iff1

Merchant Tailors

Clothiers,i lew* tha it*r«, la Ih*



Uleljr ooonplod u • B n u i n BTDBI, and will opei APBIL l i t *


IST4BLI8H1ONT, wllh a jompku u d .nllnlj


Wil/IDB DB0TBEB8 lure bad in Mpetjenn or m u j j e i n u n n e k u t ttllon tadelottalen, are pnotio.1 aalbm 10A D.Bere of melon work, ^na ere .bto lo ffi.rantoe urn*plelei>llekeUl«liiUelrllliae(lndetotlwt»oiileoII)onrand>loliiil<r., •- >

» I


-:- LUMBER OF Ai*X KIND3 -:•

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET »Nt> SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDER.



Rheumatic SpecificOBSiTKBI

Hoiunowir, N. IM loir UU>, l l i i .

a piiotol eUnrt,d o * atur aandno* atur a IW Wek", Uilo« II UihlHI;

u >d«iud, I IUI beii«f m emr m n ibu Iban for lbe fiat Wo jtttt. I9«™ TO «W.

JOHN'J ECKHiRT,IBuomor to «Mtt4 loUuit,)


———— **.

'lmiuKUk.rudiut.rUU tanUi>d lot

BBUJ5IH68, BRIDGES.Ktetbfr c( BBICS or BTOBli.

8faop fin Koike elreet. oast io fonair laoa


and thousnnds of pairs of everything tomake the feet comfortable, iucjufling VToolBoot Arctics, Alavto, Babber Bootf,DoIgeV celebrated Felts, i l l kinds ofWool-lined Shoes, Infante' Wool Hlioes andSlippers, and all at prices that will attractfavorable mention from all that try thorn.

HEAGAN & CO.,.lUf.i.itat.i.j.




Ms,* " dot.80. " lit.Oo " qt.7o " 1b

EXTRA FINENew Crop Oolong, Japan, EnglishBreakfast and Gun Powder orMixed Tea only SOo. per pound.

Three and a balf pounds ofStandard Granulated Sugar givenaway PBEE with one ponnd ofany of our l e a

botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta.paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie,lb box bget buadr? Starch ml J18 c i

FLUUR.We handle ELODH in large quan-

tities receiving B»mo m c»r loadsand quote therefore t ie rook bot-tom price: Onn BEST the very fin-est Patent Process MiniiosotaFiopr onl; (6 CO per barrel. XnisFlour ia tliebestin the market andlUiaOtt ' lbtnffBrtwlUgi

birrelBest Saasar County Baokwheat

only 70s, fc( 26 lba.- r _ _ •• • • _ I I I — I M . I ! • J " f ^ M 4 W W KM hBh #B**V IVWI **J • BIV A W .

Having mentioned only a few of tbe many bargains to bo had ir- aorstore it remains for you to take advantage of these low prices

( i v' sad give us » call.




Principal t r . n l u m i e 464 Bma« Bt , mmfi 53 Otmuw > I., >cwarka r BBAyoa aroia, arawr. H. J.

$*•• «'*.. f< f»><

> fat Infanf »nd Children.

t ta Ckmra o a m n , W M t o I M ^ K.T.

WearaKoingtogive free With overy purchase ol I50O andup in oar Boys' and Children's Department a large andcompletely fitted TOOL CHEST.

ANOTHER PRESENT.We are also giving away a Printing Press, with Font of Type,Bottle of Ink and Boiler, j«ld everything ready to start asmall printing office with.

STILL MORE.For overy purchaser in this department we have a hand.

Eome ana nseful gift. ' -You'll find nolieUer assorted Btoofc of Clothing for Boys

and Children in the city than the ote io whieli wo ask TOOTattention.

Many new and beantiful designs which you'll lo t see else-where, lor the reason that wo make oui own goods and design

, onr ovm patterns. Clear down to the lowest prices you'llnot fail to notice a etyle and finish about the goods that ispoouliarly ours,

We start in at $2 60 in two-piece Short Pant Suits, and runnp to 18. In Long Pant Suits I I buys a strong, serviceablesuit, while frota K to |12 we have finite fit for every day andeven for dress wear. -

B0Y8' and CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS.Our lines of Nobby, 8ty]isb, Handsome Garments of Uiia

class are not to" be equalled anywhere. From onte noveltiesin Capeifor the little ones to the more manly style ef O?er-coats for tho older boysTa fine assortment at prioes which

C Lavo hut to compare tho goods with to see that tliov arc

MCGREGOR & Co.850 & 852 BROAD St.,



COAL.- WOOD,aKaua'eManrUi. Cwlofall iluiem

•tanilj m bud ml dellnnd oremotljtoHrpartoMiildfliilrTldlttT, , . . i,^nMMik!:ilwanti.Ti a« *AAVsn>.7j


bultdJniti, Jabbing!•1LATK EOOIfflQ.

from ih* buiqnirrl.a _6T



As tlio calamity editor eateml bis cheorybitting room tba othor oveulng tie worn the a\\ofamauwbo'wiu. saUdfled wltU himself dudtio rent, of the world. " I bflvo doue a &tiling to-day, wify," lie soM, mid wlwnaho in-quired wiint It vtat lio rejilloil: "HVliy, W\giVBO tltwe tariff roblwrs e half column oT thehottest-ECiiglitfh tbat I over penned." "Andfor what cause!11 pursued Ills wife gwitly."For what camel" exclaimed Calamity," why for the vary boat In Ui« wprld. WiwoI went down ttmu thli moniiog Jones, thogrocer, informed me tlu»t tlitj prico of Btanbod been ratted since the juigsage of the BitKinloy bill. Justlliink «(i t l Eron the poor•vuiier ffoniDD of the couutry ere now con-

d to i*y an lucrcawhi tax uu arcouot ofthis roliber tariir," "Hut, Calamity dear,iutoipoeed hla wi/o meekly, " I suppostxi youkm* Uiat tha McKlnluy billmiucci thoiatyonftarchlDBtpadofIuercaniugit."llWli-a-a-tl"roared tba Calamity editor, aud rueful visions-

t h w t ie prnlucUoniiit i«pcrB would »liowhim up as n fuel begnn to rise More him.His wife ensured htm o[ tbc^mtb of lii-r nUitc-mont, nuJ added, a I BujipoGa, though, you

ill acknowlnlgo the mln(tiko aud cornet itIn your UOXUBSUC." "Ktsvefl I woiilri die

r ma tlie fierce ojueulatlon of theappointed acrlbe, Ia thlBbcibutacknoiTlBdgthe lpodrng psouJiarity of tree trado cdltort.They would ratbor die tbau correct a ml»-itatcmoiit or acknowledge a tmtbi

••*1 notice by the proccodlugB of a regular

mooting of tlie UorrUtowo Common Council,held last Friday evening, that all the Demo-cratic members voted for the passage) of «uordinance providing that uoa-raidiiuta shallnot be members or olUctn. of tho lire depart-ment; alto that the onlbuuioo shall apply topresent non-residoiib liiembtm. of the Orodepartment aud shall tako effect immediately.Itaobjoctis topunlih ForenmuJobuDeuiiJOii,of Wuliinghm Engine Co., toruutuu]ii»ii.tiK

VcmocraUo ticket But the orat phaso ofthe case la Uiat it jmiiiiilios ft nuiubcr uf otherswbu live Jufit outside thocorjmraUon Hues, butwlio have rendered good service to the city ofMorrrlstown hi her fire department for years.Borne of Uioea would BOOU bavo Iwconid ex<flaipt fireman by reaaon of seven year's Bervlcc,nd besides obtaining to a record and position

of whtahflremeu Is naturally proud, wouldb y e boon entitled to privileges in the way, ofJury and tax exemptions. Alter ncwptlugtheir service* for yeare tho Morriatawn Cora-

ion Council deliberate!/ docs them an injuryi return, In order that a pm-Umji grudge

against onomnn may bopatlflfled, Itlsdrow-lugUis.llne of partlBOn bltternew About Wclose as I hare ever known it to be drawn inMorris county. • •- . ,

• • ' • • * * * • / • : • ' • . ••

WlifIo tlicro are very few tramje in Dovertbi« \flaUr as comitarod witb former yearsthe Morrlstown papacscanphxta of Utsliig over-run vrlth them. ' The reason Is obvious, ThisWinter the lock-up has been closed to themuid they have, kept twuy. As long aa theyknew they cquld sleep by a good Ore In thelock-up during the night, aud beg a. goodbreakfnst Irom our dtlieus In the inornlug,they were ready to favor us with their preft-ouce Since the jug has beeu dosoU they passus by witt withering contempt-nod m doat

to eichonge UiBir contempt for tbulrpretence. -• If all cominiuiltiflB would reftue to•belter and feed the worthless rascals therewould cot bo many of.them on tho rood.

: - : , / • ; • ; ' , . v , ' . . v . • ; • • •_ • / • ' . ' '

Tlie romarkftbleT^cord poueesod by the M.t t L DivikJoui of never Uaviug hail a passeix-S Itllled lit titt oan, cuun n « r being brokoaatn tenni (as t jveek^ fliad.the.aepidfliit.oa-.ourred before the days of Miller platforms «(dimproved trucks there la np telling liow many

ves would hay* been. Io*t. 'But ail thathuman Ingnmiity can do Is beJngr done nowa-days to mlalinln the risk of life ID COM of acd-deat At tba Dover car' shops tha RreateetttricttHss ii obaervBd in relation to all the workabout tlie coaatraotlon'of passenger car trucks.Every wheel must be put on Its atle if 1th nomany toes pressure, tod every other detail isearefully looked aft« to obtain as absolnte

i l b

\- O.V «*W VEAJl'S N1UUT.

Kngtaocr MorriM I-uiiger, wliose leg wnbroken, and wbo wa* tcuMcd about the lu»<aud \iv}s, diod atSt. Jcsei.L'bHtwjiiUl, Pattuson, at 11.o'clock last Saturday nl%hl. Hiwire atid o!<lvet twa ire re witli liiui, T|IQ flreinou, Hiuilii Dorciner, vrlo waa olao badlyscalded, died at S o'cluclc ou Saturday morn-ing. Uiigjpgt! mmtor Bcanlan, who was ro-porlod (load last wttek, 1> rvcocotiuff nicely.

Tlio temaiQB of botli of tbo dwd nmu weretiilieu to tbotr Iwowjis iu VtudiiugtonouB&turday oveufng.

Morria Luuger wad an old, reliable amal ways trusted enninwr. lie bail K-ou CUiofof Uoboken Division »t tlio Drotberlitwd, audlie stood high with life einjilojeorn niid hisbrolbci' engineers, Its wua a spleudid inoti,pbyttlunlly mid morally, mid iuid u Lost ofXrieuds. H« Itavca a wifo and twj sous,of .vbom Id about nf ago. IIo was lumiwltbo Bn)thurbcKKl for 1,1)00 mid in « locul

rgauiiuitliiu fur $;it(i00 inorti, Ko olw onruudfarm uud for soinu tinio Lnil coiileaiplutwi

roUrliig frinn tbo railrifod. Hmltb Dnrartbe Hitman, leuven a wffo uiid tlirco MItbililren, and Is (mured for only «1U), wbichaid family guts from Uio Ktnployoa'fi Mutualtk'UQflt Aawciatiuu. Tbo funerals vcit boldou TuoHlay and were, of a vary affectingcharacter,

Tliat tliB switcli was forced open for tboiir[)080 of wrecking a train i« now generallysieved, TLIi truln wua late, and aunio tliiuk

thu U-ap wan set fur Ihu U. H. Eipresa train,which would soon havo bwn flue, with tbepurpose of stealing tuonoy aud other lmckogeg,Only a ultort UIIIQ before (-ngiuL>er •Tolia Uc-Uovoni rut) into this tame twitch wftb No. 1, atwo nod a halt incli plank having IXOQ thrown

tho tmck.Bwltcb wlilch caiued tlio ueddeut lias

boon carefully examined aud foimcl to bo iigood working onlur, except tbat two

uwl to hoop tlie Htvitcb iu ]K»ftIoiifor ttiu main tract Iwd bcon rtmoved, Uii

'lug tlio swiU-b BO It woulil oiea «ud throwa train uiT tbo umiu track ou tho riding andiato tbe flat cars. O«o of tbe plus \*M foundSaturday morning mar tbe switch Iu a bat-tered coniliUouaudEUowodcvidoueoot havingbacu pouildbd out of plaoo. TheuLhar j)inwaimissing. Had tbera plus boon In place andbald the bwitch cJosod tlie occidqat Wild notbavo happened. - Another thing that indicatesthis was tlio work of Honda is too fact Ihatonly

short tltue Iwtor* tlio cxpruu tatuB along atrainpornod safely over tlio i»iut flliere tbeswitch Is located.

Near tba name of tlio aci-ldciit id wbat isnown as Hlovor'a Bridge over tlio canal, and

tlie roadway brldgeotor the railroad tracta.Soon after tbo nculdcnt four inou, wbo woreseen ttaudlujr on tliis bridge, wore M»H to runaway ia ths (lurlaicBf). Wliotber tbeso are tliomen who tampered with tlio switch ia notdetermined. Tlie railroad company will spamno efforts in buuLisg down Uio wrott'ljon ivliocaused tliu dluaetvr.

Awistaiit Supt. F. J. Orimtu mid to a re-porter: " H o Buffalo Ejcpress reached tVeatPaturoon at 8.U0 o'clock Thursday iilght andtlio wreck was caused by tba train rutiulngoatlio yard switch. I would not like to say atpresent wbat 1 think about tbe BwiUh having'been open, I am sure it was not opened byttnyrof the employees. It wai lait opened bya rroight conductor at 3 o'clock in: tbo after-noon. Tlio frelaht conauctora'>ho have pc-casion to use it are hi Uio habit of ttoppiagtluir traius oud getting oiT to uuiudc t ieavltdi. Tlicy lock It nlieo ttioy. leare it.Beveml t*.«>1ns liad cr^ssofi tb« switch after itwaa lost usod before tlie Buffalo Expressreached i t , Tlis track at tlmt point fa straightaad tbe ntitoh leavw tlio mala line a t anoaiyangle. An flxnniliutioh of tlia switcli showedthat the bolts tbat hold it. la plnco had boonunscrewed.' Thu braafl keys which' bold theBritcuhatTbeea' hammered out o£'place iunidi a uiattar that the H*itch, opened whenU» engfiw airock ?t. ;^Vc liavo hadiiolruuUowith our einplojeoe and wa do not beliem tbatacyottuem were conconted in the matter,Datectlres are invostlgaUcg the cue and wehope BOOH to have

• . • . • • • • • , : > ; V ••• • . • : ' • • • ' • • ' £ • • • • •

HoatollourmdenlnttiigTjQlnjty wlllrfr-member thB large chosnmt tree wbich stoodnew foe entrance at the plaoa of Ur, E, J.HOBS, on,Blaclcwell street, and lnan/havedoubUon wondered bow old It was, Whoutboold tree iru cut down a few weeks BRO l>yWin L Feters antl Win. Johnson the formercounted tha rings whlcu todtsftte the annualgrowth and found by this tfflrt that the ago'oftho tree was 208 yearal If it"could have talked

• might haTB told many iutcmtlng talet.• / - • . ^ • • • • ' ' ' • ' • • * - • - ' • • ' • • • ' " • ' . •

A friend told me tha other day tbat he wasdoslroui ot taking a trip through Virginia withoil caniDra, ba} had found that he would haveto take out a 111)0 license in every county. Inthiaway Virginia protects hor local photo-graphen whilahor Democratic reprerantativos

CongreM stoutly kick against tUe*protw>tlou of Xortiern manufacturing industries,

''Havingheardof thoodTontagw of yourtown for manufacturing purposes,"!* the wayIn which Ur. Aubrey E.Meyer, of Now Yorkcity, begins a letter I l ia re now Inmypot*-itee^on, and goes on to Bay;, " I am desirousof locatlngmyfactory, JOT. the muiufactureof dllc textile goods, la a town when there isft superabundance of ,f«uale labor, as 300operatives will be employed; inohtly gtrU," Ishowed, the letter to a number, but tho onlyoonuneut I could obtain would be 'some con-temptuous allusion to tho dynamo factory.Tbat unfortuaat« concern is likely to Injure

-forgometiiaeby weakoning public confl-nce in the Introduction ol new manufoc-

-torlea. But we don'tdo other budnbsain thatway—we dtmtioaa faita in all men becaugewe uowanil then find a roguo. The ratnlngbushiest of tills section: Is constantly decreaa-ing from nfttursJcauBee, and ,'f we a n wisewe will discount this loss In admneo by tbe

ltroduction ofrnanufttctorioH.',' *

Sotuo of the boys around tho round-house i«Hobokea were expressing their Indignation atthe dirt? -woilc tliathadottweatnooeali. ofengineer Lunger and fireman Dararoer, andLow thty would like to torture the rasada whowere reiponijble for it. Ouemfln sola he wouldXasten thorn down to staltes ]n tha Newarkmeadows and let tbe mosqultos eat them up.Another would put them in boiea aud havethem Btnng to death with hornet*, eta I tBuunds barbarous, to bo Bare, bat what'ehortot torture ', could adequately' punish tbawretches who would cause the deaths of twourorUiy dU»an» 1B U» dlschargo ot thBlr duty,and jeopardfio the lives of scorei of others f

Conductor Slaclt astanlshsd the passengersla tbe smoking car of the Backottetown Ex-presa on Monday morning by Informing tbomof a "wash-out "a t tandlDg. AUru&bodtothnddoof Uiecarindicatedaivl cninod tbslrnocks to see it. A lady in Uto vldnity of thestation had a gdbd-alzad wash -out on the lineand the conductor hamt since been forgiron.

A C C R B STOKR OaavaivsH,

I t Depend* on the t !ver , . ."IH lite worth living T somebody uked, and

the facetious reply was, "Tliat dapends on theliver." HealtliSmd happlnon are twined to-gethor. If Oman's liver fa out of order, hiswhole system In deranged, He suffers fromtop to toe. This Is the thno to take Dr.Moroo's Pleasant Pellets. Tbose- offlendonsllttla globules are as much in advance of theold-fmbionsd, grlptng, drastic pills as electriclights are ahead of a nick stuck In whale gj],

A Seal Balaam In Kemp's Balsam.Too dictionary myi ," A b*lMini« a thick,

pun. aromatic substance flowing from trees."Komp1! Balaam for the Throat and Lnngi IsIlia only congb medicine tbat is a real balsam.Many thin, watery cough remedies are calledbalsonu, but siicfa are not. Look througb abottle of Kemp's Balaam and notice what apure, thick prepMatltm i t fo, H yTO cmgitam Kemp's Balsam. At all druggists'. Largebottles 50c. anil t l .

Tha Florid* Bteam Heater,For Dluitn(»ldTOa*it wid to



yWhtm be hud concluded Ur, Pitnej showed

him a dlttrejiniicy of over f2,W0 in one Item—that of bills receivable. Schumacher couldonly say that be bad mode out ths reportalong the previous night, aud that tbore mustboeomo oLuvr account thatwouu) mate up forthe dii-crepanoy,

Mr. Pitney OGztaaknl wbat he made the netloss on o.wratJous thua far and Bchumacher

l h was surprised to flui It was only f 10,-Thin didn't corresiond very w'cll with

the goiieral report, but Hnnagar Perry helpedBcuuuuiGiier out of bin bolu by showing thatbe (fJubuuiacber) bad evideotly made the mis-take of calling f-',000 of unQnJ»hod djnamous*l2,oon, n-hicb would bnngtne losses to overtSO/XW Au error ot •10,000 in a 12,000 ac-count weuBduriy a bagaUlle to Ibow finacdera-a little thlug that might beezphinad Ina breath; .,

Mr. Htney next wanted to know if It wouldhe in order to ask questions on tba report and

t t b j . Hr.&Uuiiwsber rolled thatsuch quexllona as could be used Iu Count bowould not pormit They had all the iaforma-tlon they wanted from their oxi»rt. He thenlaid great stress upon tho fact that the com-

f was ijoing to iwraiit a gcntlanaa ofDover to be elected a ninmbor of the Hoard ofDirectors. Swretary Kudllcb proposed topriut tbe report and then call an extra meet*tngtodiscutuit, Ur. Pltuey reminded tbeuthat at Newark a full statement of the affairsot tha company waa protnlsadat this meeting. -Mr. Bcbumachor nteationod with regret that. 'wmo errors had crept In, whlob were involun-tary on hit part, but would require overhaul- 'Ing, Mr. Pitney assured him that be wouldnot take advantage of tha erron oC figure*. -WhatbowantodwaflkuowledgeaBtothocon-, .dltlon of the company. • - /: '.• '

At tbls polntMr. EudUchloft and Mr. Perfxvan mado Secretory pro tan. .••..- . :

Mr. ritnoy nezt began questJoni « to tbevalidity of «ome of the accounts., Some :anaword were given, bat Mr. Perry said; Xfinally," I cannot go into tfcwe individual **>,:'•counta, neither can Mr.Scliumacbfir." Atone :•'

U . BduuWhet jumptX .Qp:ttUd:B*U.- '•',''.' Lot me explain." " Oli, don't. explain,", in-' •;terruptod Mr. Perry and ?£r. Sohamiwher » t .;down. :-.«JV , Peny-irMtod-tD^kiww if itber:::could not be'satlBued in thli matter by tbo 'election of a Dover man for Director. '-. •'• '•'•• '•'••,'

M Pitney.again reminded, them• of their

: TheN. J, Teacher's Seadlng Olrolo.A t a meeting of the members of tho JU. J.

Teaclibr's Jtaadlng Circle, held Iu Trentonlast September, It was decided to wholly M-orRanlio the circle, as the constitution bywhich it was governed in ite, infancy wasfound to In Inadequate in ita mnturer year*.Accordingly, a cominlttea of raven irat «p*pointed to draft a now constitution to be actedupon at tho annual meeting at 'Tj-cntoM illDecomhor1. Tbo .new couflUtuUon was pre-•entod on Monday oveplng of last week andadopted. , . ... • : -. • . . . : .. '• -

A number of very Important changes barebeen made. FornWly there was one delesnleelected froiaench Congressional District to theBoard of Control, and live delegated at largeelected to tho same body; * ' ' .' '

Nowtbe State bos been,divided Into firedlBtrictn, this, the second, being composed ofthe counties of IJcrrta/tlUBMX, Wanen andHunterdon, County Supt. Jns.0, Coojwr waselected delegate from this aiBtriot, •

Theddegate of each district has tba ap-poIntLi; of a President for each local circle Inthe district,; while the other officers of tie.oool circles are elected by the members ofsaidclrcte. \ . ., > , ,

Tbe next meeting ot tho Board of Controlwill be held In Trenton on Jan. 17th, whichwill nocesBltato Bupt. Cooper's being'absentfrom his office ou that day. . '

(, Ko Injury to Kill Owners.The Bast Jersey Water Company has not as

yet inndo any arrangement with tha ownersof water rights on the Fequanuock rirar be-low the Hccaplc intake, wbera Ura water sup-ply for Newark will start through the pipesfor that city. It has been asserted that theEwt JerseyWater Company would hara topay the Butler Rubber Company at least$250,000, and ths paper* mills would aim ds-mnnd large amounts. It" Is now believed thatthe water company will not pay anything;, fortho reason that it does uot intend to da the

Ite owners any Injury. The water com-pany will, it is now Bald, be able to supplyNewark with the 60,000,000 gallons daily

rblcb the contract calls for, without Interfer-ing with tho "natural floff".ot the stream.WbUo tbe Kewark. supply will require thodiversion of a large'proportion of tbo watertbat flows over tho Fequannock bed, the reser-volrs are . bslleved to bo to large that anunuual averogo flow can DO tnoliiUlQcdthrough the stream below Macopin equal toall tbo nocesfiUesof the mills, and In that casothere would bo no damage to owners of waterrights, bat rather a, boneflt, for huteadotB,flood at ODQ time and a drought at another,tho river would furnish on equable supply, asgeuorous In Summer dryneas asstorms. '

Afioiuses Her Husband and Nieoa,Society circle* at Haclcettetown have found

subject for gossip in the instituting of diproceedings by Mrs. WlllUm McCmcVtinagainst'her husband, ex-Councilman Mo-Cracben, a"man well and favorably known allOTtt-Wamm county. Jacob Davis is nollctorfor the woman, who alleges that hor husbandhas been unduly Intimate with his niece, JlissDelia Gray, wbo is nineteen years old, andtho daughter of Mr. McCrocken'a' brother,lira. McCrackon hoi Kpamted from her hug-

id. SotnogtartllnguevelopnienUareluokcdforward to at the bearing. Tho social (land-ing of all parUerf conocrnod makes tho case onoot nnusual Interest.

BuoUen'a Aralsa Salre,Tho beat sslve In the world for Cuta, Bores,

Bruisus, Ulcers, Salt Rhuum, Pover Bora,Tetter, Chopped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns,and all Bids Eruptions, and podUvElycureiPiles, or no pay required. I t Is guanuitopd togive perlect mtiatacUoii, or money refunded.Price twenty-live cent* per box. For salo byRobert Killenn, DOTCT, N. J. .

A Potitlv* Ouarantee of CureIisuGd with Dr. Piarc«> OoMen. Medical

Dl*coverr, %-hen taken for chronic catarrh Intba bead, or for chronic bronchial throat orlung disease, if taVcn In time, and given ft failtrial, Money returned If It don't cure.

UALav Bt tnT»4 VUltint OtrOa.U t v t itr}M fcttht Iaoa B u offiot.


Tlio annual mooting of tie ContlnantalUyumuoC'u. wait held atthafantory loHtflatur-day of tunioou, and was but another wane Intto force tbut IKU been flteodily enacted.^Vfieu thu minutflj vf the previcnii meotlngwore read it was found tbat SecretaryKtidllcli bod no distorted thorn as to wake it

tbat PretjEdentBcLBuucherhad Inviteddiscussion on nil report and that Mr. litneyhnd refused to give infonnatiun wben askedfor it. Mr. Pitney moved to correct theseglaring perversions of facts.

PrtsldmitfcuLiniiidicr said ha had only ashort report to make—only A rehash of whatthey had bad before. I t nan with deep regretand humiliation ho had to re.wrt the loos ofhalf of the capital Block of the company,owing to thu Incajiadty and inolucloncy of theuianagoiiiont. Without disturbing blBUiodestybe (.poke of tbe "Hboral advances made byyour l'rwldent," which Ueing " generouslyaldid" by Nonluu aiLd Bctnllur, lad donamuch to HOVO tlicin. Ho then ruhiwhed theold rot about tho opposition of the DoveritoekhoMoin, and how tbe pomma! standingof thu TrurUes bud prevented tbe minorityof stockholders from wrecking the company.If no other obstacle* were offered tho EasternCompany arc cow ready to come to Doverwith 40 men. IIo tlien wont ou to give a re-port of tlie finances, about the oiily clearfeature of which was that tlio cash In bank

p a i v t u U B ^ m i e n t K t t h a S :meeting, and went Into the result! ot tlw In-ventory iimy had tek»m,; A( lei^lh W wait „•'on to rbow Outbuilding; tool«,ota, wlilchbad •'bceaJnventoried In Bepfcmberat|»,O0OweTO-i vdOwinventoriDdat«35,€00, aud b j their own !

balance sheet showed them that when Dew' ;

they only cost |28,OO0, , „', . ' ; ' . > • ' , ;. :• •Thts poriUvB and well'suitaincd fact tirow ,

themoKtlieirbalance. MnPerrydUlc'tlcnowabout Mr. Bcbomacber'i account, but know .hid own waa oil right Ur, Schumcu&r grtw - •oicited, nnd shouted j "Ypu MB- putting -cjuestlons you have no right W put, You are . •t t i n g wo like a pickpocket and I willatistver no mom iiaesLiotin." \ Ur. Pitney tried';tOBhow him that hiTanly wiahed what wasright; but the rresldent grew fflflre excited aud ditlaml lilm out of order. Bcbumacher' -

iked wby'the people bere wished them to ,come to Dover. Mr. Pitney repUed,' 'Be-cauao they were shown a itatement tMt this .company bad (50,000 esets and coly f4,0(M •HnbiliUw." This BO excited Ur. Bdiumacherthat hfl became mildly profane. .Mr . Pitneyasked it it worn poaibla for tbU comptny torun and avoid insolvency, but nolucid answerwas given. .- • = ; .•: ;. '.

Then iL was decided toenbrbtoan election ;:

Tor DlrectorB. Ur. Schumacher then said; ."The Uckot In tba Held hi P. Uiutnrn Smith, .Wm.D. Perry, Qeorgo UuCracken, CbarloiSchumacher and Adolpb Norden." So muchado WAK mode about graciously permitting ,tho Boverites to elect one Director, that it itook thorn Romewhat by surprise- to bear the

Yorkers announce 'whom they should •have.. They had no objection to Mr, MoCracken, but thoy wanted Cbas. E, CUrk andso nominated bm, Mr. UcCraclcen aba de-

d In luYfavor. Still Schumacher andPerry wore persistent and lagged Mr. He- .Dracken to serve, propoting to eloct him byUioir majority of votes. But he positivelydeclined, and it was only by tbe greatest ofurging that tiny Onally- accepted Ur. Clark.When the votes wen cast It was found thattba Dover stockholders had voted for Mr. *..Clark only, who was elected by 448 Votes, to" votes for the others.. This made Mr.Perry tn&dand ho announced that he wouldpull out of tho concern, as it was a discourtesy

him. Mr. Fltney explained tbat It wasonly done because tho Dover stockholders did _not wish to be put Iu tbo position of endor. "dog tlw present management.. Ur. Perry ..announced hii ntdgnatioa as Director for.hlnuelf and Mr. Smith. Mr. Bchumacber 'iDTored 60 centa on ths dollar for all tbe Dover

stock. " . . ; . •

Ur. Pitney colled up hU resolution to cor<roct tha mtuutes, Mr. Scbamacher atonevoted no and declared tbe motion loot. Ur. 'Pitney, raised the point of; order, appealedfrom, the decision of tbe chair and wai in*talned. After this came imadjminuoenb:

Ths Tramp in Xoxrlatown. , ,, \ .One day this week several proftwloiial _

tramps from Newark visited Morrbtown andcoaly and quickly begged several suits ofclothes apiece. Every one of those suits of*'clothes except those on their backs, will be"ipouted" forbeer- thi t is wharstbay wi l l ;

feh up, be-It known to you, oh good lady 'with largo heart and littla windotn. The quos-ttou is, do you want to f nrnbjb beer or whlikeyfor tramp* if not,give them nothing whatever—not eveo I d J

Kicked by a Horta.' .C. L. Kdley, a member of the Him of 0. L , '

Kelley St Co.,- brick • nuuitifacturen| of .Chatham, was eericnuly Injured Thnriday' •'morning ot last week while baking a DOTS* iothe blacksmiUi shop. The animal, which wai >lod t»y a long tie Htrap, becanisfrighuuied and. :kicked Mr. Kelloy in the side, rendaring himunconscious. Four ribs were broken and in-ternal Injuries received. • • . ' ' '.

» Child, U.artoi

Obstinate Indl«ejtion. , :,Obstinate ccaea of lndJgcilJon,(XuiUi«aoa,

piles, or liver complaint, are eaiily cured by »4 -few Hamburg Figs, as maybe proved at small i,'oott. 35 centa, Don one Fig. :At ato Mack Drug:Co.,-NY ^

' C D St

Page 2: ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO., .lUf.i.itat.i.j.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta. paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie,

IBE iThe Dover Printing- Company

FOR FREH THADER8 TO CONSIDER.Our fiwj tmdf cuultmiK.ro iy. the HiutketU-

town GDHLH,., noti«)d litot wctk in n ratheresulUngvdu thrtt llk> |>rt>]>c»iil tln-nluto millsia Hils country m-w m>t nmt.tluli.dii;;. ft'<-'U-.ti.iAi In ri-cl.V tUu fwliiiniiij,' cowli

PDHT M 0 E E I 3 ,Ti* evening threatened snow a» (be churchtira wundfd their way to our little chapel en

•eijiiig. Tin? loiter, Rev. M. Keutly,'" motwuwitihavocaticn. Everyy

iinttliuttily after the seraum,n behalf of the coitgivjja-li jirweutcil tho preached l l i t k f h i

jliuc) been oil

full. IMr. John UrainaI'»n, lu u neat Ei j pvith a pun* of fifty dullnre, iu tokau of theiri]>invdatfon of Ids services,., I t was nil !• bill<KJ, in order thut theprrteaUircnulJqDoU'Ht.

i'fdT, " Silver on i pold luive I none, but suchnsl itavcJ pive tlioo."

I uml not tell you tliufvulingofl t h t t t l l on this town as the win*


KETCONQ.On New Yair'i day, lu conipnuy with a

friend, I tra*a!?onk><l an opportunity Ut vUie Lalco End UoLel, ut Liiwllng, On our avrival there we wcro intrtKiiiCfd by -Mr. Win.B. King to Mr. Unpkina. tuo seuerul uiana-

h id ith th t L


nrHsiH.[v.r -if Otint Uiiiiiin—tin* litiWI Trudw .Ii.iinm], »f l.<>ii<luii--ii.of Dm; I.'itblnH:

'•Mr. J. H.H.i^fPlito V.irkd, Bt l.li

IHI tit o> ]nt

•11, ]w

li \Va\ttinilni

of Uiuftmth U'oles Tinu..y,iindtli.?Cwiti1.tvinlvwl homo liom 1

TIIIMUUF itlplit lil l l

that HIlitlmiifivstbuttrnlnNo.

&ur engineer nnd Smith Dca-nniwicek.vl a t IVent I'ltlirwiii o! »ib-ht. M'B weiv taddur yot whon luwsvaimun .Saturday nun-aing that M b . wen dead,Mnrriu Lunger .V.H aiming thu llrut lot of enSlncer* wliocnuichcni when thti D. L. & W.kimil tin- Morris A: Ktw-x liailraad 1 havekuoivii hlu) fiineu bo firht cuiua bora, u canjfuKtendy, luv-•.•l-hvadtKl engineer. HD won tb<-

3 Win-Its tlmt mi Kulurday,HI hi t.-]l Uitiin tlio rosult of11 the oilier *i<Ie. Thu tin plate

nianuiWtiiivi* ub» linv-j im-utJy *America ttvta tobavel-ceniiliJjtulnrly reticentUK (o tno opinion (l»>y iiavo funned nf tho nltimatefiTcd t.f Uie MtKhito) 1.111 ou tho WcldiIITI |iln«.> trade. Mr. UOKVII. lias brought, homegcxnl ufiWKfur tjjo.U'i'lsli tin [ilatu workmen,nnd he 1<MIL tlio very earliest iijt]miluulty of" l eak ing i t" to his nun. Sir, Rogera Jlnttftllti'li-d tn the* fact tlmt tlio Iimg dreadedTariff Mil hud l.ccomo IAW, huthtirdly lind Ihoblew IMX.II btritek by tlio ullm-J'r<>lefLiui)fetBof AiTi-ricnwhen, lit thu uhf.-Umis follon-fng,it rclrniiukd, mid tho Mffdnluy |iai-ty weiJufeaUsI ul thu i-oils, furiK.liad.m-i tig u ivvernof tlii! tiurtU-s .if tho (dirty now hi otIU-e nt tivery di.tntit ilnt". Tills turn of went*, SiHirers iaj-K, lias f rl^titcmifl tlio manufacturersoil I lit) otbur Mo of the Atlantic from iirocccd-ing tn tsirry out their mtt^nslvo ncheim-n of tinplate unking Homo of these 6diPiiifln includedtticcrcc'tiimuf works containing -M, ;iO midoven JU mills, lint, MO fur 11a lie utidi'iiilood,

wM'ii thrit tho ivtipfe were not in fnvor of thoJlL-Kinluy 1>IH. Mr. Unrein suit! ho |,nd veryliUlud[iiibttliutiflliut)k'Utloi)hndiiutrL>sult(.-dIn Mich nn iivprnlu'linliip Donmcrutiu ma'J'n-ity. they would sum Iw tending very fewtin |'ln1fs frnm their country Ui America.When tliurusiiliuol" tbi» flection* wero mnJofcumvi, bent, it was well uwit-rut<HK1 tliat tlionew majority wuulil t» pmvprlw* to nttor thupolicy of lliu country fur a lung timu to come:Imt tht. pttK.-t.niiK hnd un intuit I into Inlliiunt-i011 thnonuJuctof thorn1 who \v*-ns rnidy tirtiKb iuto the Un ]ilntu tiudo, Mr. /;.,(•«•.*l»wt,-* iitw'nhj trhm hestwtliiitlnitfitvthmi,ilvtUm nsulh their v^il'l MUH, hr irry ft ir(ni pint™ ni-it/ frt;,, WtiliH to Amirirn. If\

tltcittHitntiirr,./ it n.itlimnn,,;- uf Um /«•ili>iH<ti>t rrulret'iiv Turiff', tlwy uriv IYIHIU ,pnl ,1mm nun '•"'"'•••'m "f ""'""• / '" '""H-il)iittljt;irhoii('rtivorublinUt)i'nlbytl>nekIclIoi]nudthoj hetJtt.1 to Inilld norkn di>pcuduut f<Ibeir iirnllts un no uiiMulilc n foundation 1tboJicKliiloyMll.1'

TIIM'O, Mr. nnxelU*. i* your onitwi>r, directfrom the British Tin PUto iimmifuctu

8 your freo tmdo Peinocmllc

> inut his dL'oth.cirly us I canud nho t

p y iono of tho fwtt Hues whenA death brought ubuut, at

iaVe out, by BOUIU humanl with the switch and <ii»-

lilwrntclj jiInuiRil U10 muiiior. 'flieru nivIHMIJIIU whi» nay (iod la «»good thntIIMI for hill. It COIIHH handy to put *ucli in-furnnl ivM.-al« UH tba out) who plumed thutwreck iiiU) wheu he dies. I aw glad to bellevithut 110 amount of nij«ntauu» con ever }>rti-liiietliatiniiafnrHeaven. Thisiieuiteutthit-f!Yes. Jeir. Davis, Brick l'omnroy. [janlon andforgive! Imt no nniouut of ChrinUau clinrityirnn I'ovor that mini's bin or mako liim a IU u.stwiato fur the folks who go to Heaven. LuiBIT told Eliaa SiVlwb »thnt he know he was

B to die, hutim bbfawd light iitruidc tindi li« raw a man running away frum It.'

It Is Iho kind uf snltchthat can't be loft wroitteilher, berjinw nil soon ai tlio limn hts It go itI«avt8 thti main track all right Mr. Lingerleaves n wifu uml two childrcn-oue 20 year*ol.i, ono 1L>. lfeniinur louves a wlfo and threolittln cliildrcn.

Seerotury-TronHuror Goudit of tlio MutualUwuflt Association had a pretty close call thouthor day too. " Bu yo nl»o ruwiy for at whatbourye know licit'1 doftlli inuy coma for ymi.By tlio way, your railroad leaders tuny II ko t«know liow tho Sliitunl Done fit la progruwlnt;.Tim Trauurer'H aumini rejiort for 1S1W uayis:liul. In iMinks, Jan'y lnt, 1KW, fli,lWl.W; nc\\

moutlily duett, fll),J!01.(W; excundoit n>.U, *l,05ll.i!i Intomtt, (im.flO; ball com-

iltUe, flJ.OO; totu] reoelptf, $18,403.10; toUl

jnrty fsL-ounbiutlyBiipjMifting. Wuchnlleuguyou to publish it mid furnish your readers withn Kithfnctory txlitorial ciphumttoti.

Proposed How Lawa,Aiseinblynidii JaiJtwin, of l i^oi , a t the (1

stance of tbo Now Jertoy Flromt'i.'fl ItollefAGflodation, will iutroduco a bill to regiilutetliolnvcttmciitof Iho fuuda of local assocla-tlonH| HIK) to prevent Ihom from bt'ln^ loaned[•11 |wmoiial iiotctt.

Atfiemlilymnn 1'otts, of Hudson, will intro-duce n dill to ]irorldo for eliort font, of (i&and mnrt^ages Kltnllar to tbe iirovfdon of theNow York law, and nn ninendnieuOorjioratluiiB act to require at loant ono Iticor-iwrnUir to lw 11 retsldont of this Btntc. The

. uilstiog Inw is snpjioMMi to make nucti ft pro-vLtlou, but It In not clear and has been ovatled.

. Beaator Wlnton will intrnluco bin villnguchnrlui* act, applicable to villngmnf fiOO poptilotion or more, which is intouded to give asimple form of govpniinent Io a neighborhoodthat wants some tiling more than tbo UHUlowtuhlp government. The application fi(lio clocUou to ho held Io tletermino whether

izpnulltunt, «l,O57.UT; bnl. on bnnd, Jau'y1,1WI, J1VI1H.11J. I'nld out for eick bonpflUfor tho lost year *S,3<H. Thu new burial fmillivblcli lia» been lu ujioniUou only a yenrree'dfrom suven death misessmonU fl,'Jlll.TO; juddout, fl,lti|,!H; leaving a balance In treasury(in Jau'y 1st, 1HIJ1 of $37.71). MuRiliorehii)Jan'y lat, 1H1K), i,o,sr; metiiberahip Juu'y Ibt,1M)I,1,(HU; increase tt'Jl; iucroaso in eiu.li foryear K.-JOT.Sl. Cmi nuy ltallrond EmployeesAhsoelntlun make a bettor showiug f Buukcliandi, boj-s. Qlud to know you.

I hear, un ivbnt I coueidor eicollolit author-ity, that Mr. Abrarn L. Clark, of SUnboiie,liax sold tbe brick UOUHU whore he now livennnd oil hU otler real estate In Htanhope, In-cludiug Clurk's Hil l -not Clark's Ilall-foitW,m. It in said a syndicate o[ tiie most enturprlulng men of Iho conimunity have modetlio iiun-haso and it is boj»d Bometuiug will be

g p sg , ho received ua with the cmrteity Luxt«iiiln to all. 1V« woro cnuduoUxl throughthe ouUro building, fixnn LoKinent to utlic,ani] it nxiaa to mo tticro i* not a winlern hn-provrment lutt out, It li wrtululy OHO of thel t fciiilii]<od hotel* lu tlio H'jity nnd th

ti U dlocution U iJIar.y indicatio

pnuouted i h lb l

ot In to rent huvowhich I tr

lainlyt in

prove betutllultd to tho ttwiii of N'etfiiny nnd'" iKtjw. Tha rt'iisou 1 tnuitUiu both ttiwtii.

ut I as 0 oitiien liavu nhvayH felt theust of euch bhnulil lm equal. Unfoitii-y thcro nre a (<.•«•, nnd I thiuk very tmv,ni-o not iiidin^l tu jufa hauJs in [iromot-i)}'tiling to thu nmtuul InUn'tht (111Jn t t u n l *un

h; Imt t ft*] free t o m yt h j i t f I l i t l


!RLhnt I do not think the msjurity of Lliu ii

gem:.! of tho two fciwnsentertain such nulfi-h.•L-IIDEK. SO WO ui!| Mill contliiuo to t&ukeauditniTuss (lio iMu^-oiujtcout; mid wuit lorutuiu dercldjmicntK.111111 informed tliat tho largest rcnl c*tolo

doalhns l««;n nmdo liyro thut IJIUI irmiHiilrtHl' in 1 iy j e a n . Hr. A. L. Chuli hau liolil nil

rial ealute in Htiiuhnpo to u sjii.licata abiating of i i gentlemen from Utnuho|w,

ng, 1'nUTson, Hrmiklyu and Now York,Lhe bale being iiugotbteil by Mr. George Utr-flck. ThU M a g w i tliink It u a very wli»thing for Mr. Ctnrk, as he hin now arrhx-d ataungti where It is a burden for him tog ivo ittha itUintion ituwxia. Uu tha

iblcdly be iinjirovithcr hand It

unl thrown uu.llibootiuter-tlie iiuirket for ]iur|KiH0d tliut

net to tbe whole coumiuulty.Dr. Juuobua in kept very buHj in lilt

Won, huving uti high as fi^hu»ii calls f 1day. This is 0110 of tho wuuU mipidial rIu Notcong nnd will lw gruitly uj>j:recjby HiCL'iitiroaininHiDity-

I bellova then is a i-na, bility of tlie SlmisiiiiiIIOUBO changing baud!., Wuilo no fnlng to KUbinit to Hiiytlijng for the licst inter-sts of all concerned, wo regrot very much t'

IOM) our present proprietor and lamlludy.Tho jdioLoarnph gallery lu J\. J . Prnku's

building ia about enmplctcd ami Mr. Huell Uready to tafco thu ehauceii of having hlu mn-clifnury all broken up.

It (s said Sir. Hubert Ndd<;n vrllt inovutcNoivton. Mr. John 1*. lloritwlo will occupy"ID houbo vacated by Mr. NeMeu.

Tho ouly scarcity in Nulconi; la that ufUriiucis and dnellkg hoiiEufi. 8lni« tlio \-ns-

sage ol tha McKlnhy bill business IIOK liMinadup to wo will eoou luive to snlng our hnuinitii-and wiws and push the old jack plauc. Ho do

The I L« that In now being atoml i« t]ie \Hfthat has bci'ii cut la thia part (rf Jersey 1L*uno years. It iQcanires fourteen IncLes ocdis peifevt.

Tim lecture, "i'rmii Xew York to Venlis,'-ivenby Kev. C. B. llymaii.of Flomlngton,in the M lil. Church uii WediiBsdny cvenliif;it this week, v Q3 uot aa veil attended as Ladbucn hoi«d It woiihl bo, A very pleasunt

sj*ut by those wbo braved ilielu'gh winds nnd the lectiiro and viuwn wore1,1-eaUy euji.v.ti. AiticnK' tlie nudlonce wulO'Jecd tlio lluv. T. P. ami Sin*. Il1.g3c1-ty.11fo . T. P. ami

tho MutbulUt Church at WBaltiof ittle by Mr. Jen

ill bttol, of Cliiwter, lias bt-enf Ai I


ii; nt the b«mo of Air. IV. I). Uary, ul Carv'n,Tint Hiiiiriiifio of MIMI Ano'ia Ooleiimn lc

Mr. Oscur ISinltli, at C.bvtAvr, lookj^uicc nt theor Miw C'liluiiKin, U.-lIcYilie A venue.•1;, on Sr<w Yearnilwy. It wandricily

(irKatc, «dy liiu iuimedlulo familv Iwlnitpnvent. Mi^ LVik'imui EJK-III utaiJv all Ih'i-[fo in l-'lnn-kn- nml isven nftoi tbo removal uf j

tho family U> Nowurk, until itccntly 8(wcoiitlilemt'l.! of her time at her fntlier'a funifuxtk-low llin vlllfiR«\ J[«y mir j.'I«»l wkln

&6D1L& d u n l i n Orc&9. ti. Jn'iMnit. Ar*-nt- Cb^i . K. J




AND) onicn iiiXiuLiioLU aouDa.

11E.S^E3 MADE OVEtt.


'(Next to Panke t£ Clark's. J


U A I t H I E D .Ut 'PKUK-NirEU-Xov. Idtli, IWrUJ.yltcv,

'liipcre. Calvin Jtcl'wk, or iJerkfchiremd Mny XJptr, of Hucctuututa.

— - - - I k T . lillh, lJiM.br llev.lViirw- JtogerB, tSamubl l larrh uud AdtliiitloU.Hiuit!i. ofl'tfrtOram,

OBi;itTK~lVUBM-l)iT.SIIhtlWW1I)vlfecii-o itogerH, Win. J. Huberts unj Jl-_-A. M'urni, both uf Dover.

JJoin tboso tlmt Iml i (Jolljjratclatlon Aud limit)

t.-J(|)rounl tliet d illwill

^ y ,htuUi.uerl litr

-uddiflgH (in.- bvlne tliniiKUt ofmtiou tho ninrrinip of Mimi Aierty, ilanqbler irf Iho Hw.VT. II.

of ML. iiuTL-i; bin winfew yui

f th bdu It took

net fear tlmto IliUtof tllO IBK--flgB Uf lllla

done ivith it.].aat Ssbbnt was the Tth aanlversary of

t b S t l

cHire a charter it to bomoda to IbetliaCircuit Court Judge, who will direct nn ejec-tion to l>e held ou the application of a certainnumber of frttholdeni. Tha government

ntittof not f ve truitew, who willbo uinpoweml to proviJa Imprnved ,tlJownlks, imllco force nuii eeweraif tba peoplddeiiclo in favor ofthoin. Thdomcern wlllcon-elst of a clork and treasurer.

, ges.: Tbo Urakostown correspondent of the Bai

. nur ftoye: Among the chnuges la this vicinitytlie enmiag Hprlnff Wllunm C. Wiley willcate the Jmncsll, jlyorn farui and take chargeof tbo Lotar farm near Ceatlekton-n; Mrs.

' Ayem will le&ve tho Btokes fann aud move, on hit own; Stewart Aycrs will occupy the

liretiilKttt nceittly imieliatwl by him from 0.SI,fllilty. Dthcrcbong«iwillnoiloubtfollow,of which there Is nothing rieflnate.

tliulIaUcttinperanconioveuiontmSunliopo.Though tlio Ilcfonn Club then atnrtod hasdlcd

iiriouit renwn-, tho •Woman's Christianiwrauco Union is to be cougratulatvd that |

the sjilrit of teni pern uro still lives and thattliey Btill lecp uji tho usual tomnernnco meet-ing in Clnrk'u Unil OQ Siiudnj1 afternoon.Frank O'Neal was the loader lout Huntlaynftenioon, Addressw were made by Mr.Unldwlu, of Port Jorvii, O. II. Lunger, lVm.QnRshnw and A. L. Clark.

The week of jirayor vtaa observed by theMethtxlibt aud 1'rci.byterlan cuusregatiouH of


y ggwith unlou Herviccs an stated last

Proved Iaellfflble.IUNKI, tho Rctinblicsu candidate for Senator

Inljotneraet county, bos been oon^atlug tlie' Bent of Kejes, tbo Democratic caudldato who'. mil declared elected, on tho ground that, Kojealiasnotbwnaredtlcntof theStatafor, Xour years, aa required by tho constitution

Kojcartfuned to be (t WIIUCHS, aud tbo coiowin cliarly prnveu against him, but AllanWcDerniott declares that he'wlU l» teaW,nil tba WHIM.

A New Tear Baoeption.Tbo Youag Men's Chriiliflo Association, of

Mori ifftown, kept ojwn houso all day Now. Year'*. Tho ladles' Auxiliary served dinner

from 11 A, M. to 5 i*. u., during which timeBGIIIO COO young men were, terved. Tho large

.' hall woa thrown open aa a reception room,•anil voenl end Instrumental music was fur-

']-'; uittbod by thfl ladiw. , *' ; • - • _ . . . ; • - . • ; ; — — * - • - • : •

";.* <-.'; '• '-' ' B O O N T O H . ' • •"' , • • . • . ."; It would have be«n uu linpowlblllty to flpda moro di«opi»!ntod crowil of fellows thanwere gathered in the Arlington Club on New

; . Year'a oftcrnoon, waiting and hoping It would. -ah>]) mining. They had arranged a sleigh ride

fpn.fl/ t o g n u p toWillbun Vortumn'a a t Ken-• vll and everything wasiu rcadinemandagoodtlms vt'oi auticlpatod, but owing to tho storm

' tboy could not go. Iho boys say they harenot duflpnircd ot their ride, but are Impa-tiently waiting for more Enow.

;* ; V o are happy tosay Mr. HogtrM. Combs,who has been eeriously sick a t Mr, TbornasCaprttcVf, Montville, Is now convalescent.Shortly a(t*r bis return from Europe last

. Bummer he liad a serious attack of perttonituband was coaflned to the tioose tevoral weekswith It. Oa the 28Ui of last month ho had a

' ' return of tho HI bo moro terioi

through excellent inerilcalattendanceantl tbet most careful nursing lie Is now in a fair way'of recovery. Soon a s it Is deemed advinahlehe -will be taken to Now York. It will prob-ably be ovor a month before lie will be able toresuiuo lui business.

Mr. Frederick Lehmer, 8r. t who has beenconfined to the bouso with pneumonia qlncoChristina* eve, is now much improved.

Mr. P . T. Boardtloy l i u gone to Chamben-bnrg, Pa., to put up a Cyokmo Pulverirer.

There ought uot to be much trouble aboututtiiif Icecream oust Summer,If anybody will road wltb non-politico) eyes

U10 lout printed desjiatcl) of Secretary Blainou the Bohring'H B«a bublncss, ami not rfe.froni ita perusal with the feeling thnt AmericaIs oiitopoml that Lord Talitbury lini by fartho worst gldo ot tbo luuumenr, let iu hearfrom him. The bluster about twisting thoIIUU'B tail in all hoidi. An Isalso tho talk aboutfight betwwu England and America. Tbofellows who are toying that America mustfight or be tlie luughlug stock of tlie worldwould do well to look back to the Boston teaparty of some yean ago and a certain GeorgeWashfugton and Lord Cornwallii.

Ouo of our railroad men told me yesterdayIhiit he m i in Dover tome time ago when Mr..Totter, of Tort Ornra, oamo in to on* of the-tullkdepoUnndaskedforaglassofmilk. AHheflippcdithosaid: •' 1 threw up my break-nu t this morning, maybe I can keep Ililsdown." "That is oil tbo fault of tho MeKinleybill," Mid tbe railroader," ovorythlnjfhasgotto go up now. Why not your breakfaat T"And then Mr. Potter bogan," be sold, "andwhen 1 got liiin going fairly I left."

Tho National Car and Locomotive Buildersayfl: ." Tho D., L, & W. httvo ju i t doieu acontract wltb Jackson & Woodln, of Berwick,Pa., f or a thousand cara and the Butler CorWorks for 1,000. These are supposed to heequally diviiletl between box can and gon-dola*. They bavo ordered IT locomotives fromthoDlctson Comiianyand 10 flnt-clnss coachesfrom Pullman." I t is poaible tho Butler CarWorks, may turn out to be tbe Buffalo CarWcrkii, but the Car Bullderougbtto know. Mr.Charles Watt*, Supt. of^ha Chicago Divisionof Urn n t t d x i i s . Fort Wayno & CLIcago road,nay that the fastest llms ever wade on an

bill wa will liavo to go nvor tlu bill to tlir hnuw. Qlvo it a chnnco to got thor-

oughly In operation mid you will never henrtoll of another lattonng man in tlila rauntry

lating Ills vote against protection uud iufavor of freo trade. Stup. Wo heard twuiu-thlug ilron over Jn KufjIauJ a few day» two,What* A great reduction in wageH. WliyJRiuiply to nmka UJI Ihft dutlos iuijKisfHl ouUieir producU l>y tho McKlnluy bill uud eu-ablo tliein to comiwto witb our inatmf uuturoit.

y[<laa< nt tho home of tho bride on CbrlM mas

lliu brldi-firikim being Mr.' rurcul], nfeBtoivu. His. I'urvoll lin y f f !

lu tbo villngu who refi el Hint they coulJ ucitliavo(lBM!]ihcJi'i)iiirriL-d"-wliy dim't iw wiy'•luaid C'-but wish to uilor ib.'ir cn^iiitii-lutious even at thn !at« hoar. Tlie ivwiaii^tva«*trfctry private, Uiu Kev. Mr. I lo^or typL'ifoiinhiK thocorcmnny.

Al Tl SigvMWorci[jiiuad 31m. Rob«rt l'rlcoaroE

Rlki Oertrndo Sovcrolj;u, of Woodland Cet-Re, U Bpuiitllug a v.t'uk in itawaik vLitlng

t i U k d

lly foarulbt

Air. and Mr*. Hurry C'u^nor anoilt Similar iitCnlilon.U'euro riuht'gbid towcloiinnitcrluiiiioagain. Ho IM onrinl

ujro for New York HlaUi mid i g c a l y foa. d tlie Winter there; but on

Now year'c eve ho 'rptunied. Wo uro conli-deiitl l iaf ' t l ioinoiintniu' ' l iana r^culinr nt-

•acthn for him and that It Isn't in tlio richL-ina of iron DID, bul iwminnl iimguctkn.Mr. Hwiry Uojilur, uf Kownrk, nn(l hitllttlu

danjjlilere, tho lliuei Kdllu Bin) Iwlilb, re-tunicil to their huitio after spending (ovomlilnys at tho lionio of J!r. W. II. Mcllomjal.

Miwi Edith Iii-ton, of I'rlwuti pent n[wit of her vaentlun «llli IKT ntut, tin.Floyd Woodbull, of tills [ilnco.

Mr. Unny 1VU. Nidinliur, of llic Jinn ofHiloy& Oeboru(\orN(!Wurk,h(wbcm visitingot his old lioine fur uiine iluye.

Tbo i>ntiirt>tiiiuiout given by tho Sundayh l f tb P l l l C l l N

DIED.BBATTin-Or Fnoiimriiln, nt Cloveu-infl.

Hi •nriaiL'n., Vn., the 11 •tliJeiieu <.f her futhcr,Alico JUnui] Hewnrd DeiittJe, aged 1H venrsand H iiiciitlm, oldest tlaughter of Dr. J. O.aiul Caroline C. IsValtlo. Her nmtiy yuuiiRfikiKlH nill lifur wltb palu of her earlyduuth.

COK- At Millhronk. Duo. SStli. Mrs. Mary E." w, v.-idow of J.Iii)il.m 1>. Ciw, ilec'd, u '

clrrk Iu a (Wintry t>toi u. j''or parliculari. nc

hv j» T H E I l l O S E l l A O F F I C E .

FOR SALE IA KcucralKtore. Gnndiitnttii, Hntiiifoctoryn^iiiii RKL'IJ for selling out. For fuilbi

nquire ofIV. E, BO&TKPQ.

U-tf * Port Worria, S". J.

NOTICE.The annual mating of tho stockholders o(

tlm Lii\L-inljur|| loipntwiiK-tit CVimrmny, fortliot'lw;ti-.nnr l)Iiw!tor», will bo held ut tboCojujumy's ultlw, i-iu-.-iiilmrf:, K. J., on Tucday, Jauimry 10th, 1MH, nt U oVlod M.

(1. li. BAKEll, Kee'y.

WANTED.A sound mul kind young homi suitable for

fnnn wink that will ilrivo iloublo or HIIIKIO.' " dit-crljitiimnnd iinino lowest cash price.

AddrcK«P. O. I1OX KJ,

Illw JJuvisr, K. J.

ut give ywhool of tbo PrtfiliylcrlAti Cliuruli o

well BlU'iidud nnd plcal l i l i

M0REI8 PLAINS.What causes nuch an ostouslTc

Itoeblfng's couutcTbi> aliarj) shooteU l at tho dc]K>t

d t i

o I A Imy.of Mon-ls Platanecently, to decido hoiintsit i h tl d

g ] ny,in regard to superiority with tlie oye aud ami.Clay pigeons wnedaa tcrgots aud bad theybeen live ones tboy would havo nil left thiboys uninjured. Ten were destroyed.

At last tho memorial supper boa horn fruit,and tbo laillea of tba Presbyterian Church nrerejoining ovor a rarjwt purvlim«d from tlioroceij)t« of tbo Asylum buys. It will add muchto the appearance of the tecturo room.

P t W i l l l b i d bi ip p r a n e o

Poto Willlaimbn.l h

ed bin 1K*eitIou ik l l l f t C l

llaimbn r e i n e d bin 1K*eitIou ioJlorchnnfs stora and lutook lilmwlf to Cola-ranu'n Business Collcco, Newark.

Soiuo of our citinj a dotonnlued toitlllHi our ecaut gift of snow, but it must drag

hard.Joe Gregory1!) house has disappeared to tho

rear of his lot.Mr. Iinderborry who has been confined ti

his honsB for m o r a l weeks }«ws«l, bns recovered EUtlldeut to be out.

ROY. W. \7, Hallonay, Hr., amiouncod tboannual week of prayer to uimonco TuewlayovtuilngaudconUiiueuiitillhufullowiug Satur-day in the Preabjtoriin Cuurclt,

lllsa Eddy has returned from Madison n o ,resumed her dutlw ns teacher in District No.Ml, jimt opened.

Arthur Jnhiiwiii returned to l'rlncotoii




J. N. Young nnd iheKupt. iif Iho wliool, Mr.II. K. Hojikino, nt leaileiu. nhould bo coiigrat-

* Oil tllU BUfCOflH llf tlltiir t'Il(lC5VOW. 'i, *' Lift the Bone,*' by thoEtuboul, folio

c<l by prayer by tbo Itev. Mr. Uawsontainineiit. lU'cItutions by

I'miik HolTmu-i, Jno. Curr, Freddlu"Olho Hoplor, Raymond Critter, J . ._, ,Lyman Uary and Albert WotxIutiU delighted•huuiidlDucoundsustalnwltbog.wxliireudy gniucd by theso t<ntliMiit!ii. " Tho

Ten Christian GravM" wltb t-ilileaux,given by thu follotvinj;young Inilicn lu clnwciif wlito with fcil vet beltH and LTOSSWS I'atleut-o

MluUule Hoiiklna; Kituwlwigs, AltuUuBifbDrake; Faith,MIsjWnW-lIIopler; Uo]»,MlsiIiln Uopkluti; Tcuipci'nuc.-e.lMis.iSiinluliuiliiigi" " ' "• " " ITiuiCO,

1 (JmctMiss Cnrrlo Cratvr; Meoknt'iw,W L J l i U l t H J

Kotice of Election.Thoaiiuml mwtiug of the stocklinldors of

the UUN is C'ounly Miii'liine und Iron CDIII-pany, for tbo ckeilon <.f nfitclors, will Ixi\iM TO TUKHHAY, J.mnnry iiOtlt, 1W1, at 10n'chwkA. 11., nt tlie Nntbnal Union Hunk,Dover. N. J.

WJw OEO. niCIIAHDS, I'res't.







Housefurnish-ing Gobds,


ES.Cblttinlrr1* F.n»ll«h Dtuisnd tlranl.



y t th fOHteattime over wade on anAmerican railway was on that road recently.HlsolIldalMportshowedthata apodal trainran RJ miles lo 45 tainutwf. 11 mile* of which

, « n t t e r » g 6 o(Wrollvflauhourl That's nothingl I have heard

! sotns of our brakemes tell how they ranacoaltrain ot 100 cart from hero to Dover draw In11 minute*,1 Of course they don't do that anytbeyd Jmore. Thatsamo NaUonal Cnr Builder payi.1U ootnpllmeats to tlio Control liaftrood ofNuw Jersey by saying it Is obtaining a mostunenviable reputation for. caiming aeddentxthrough weakneta of tbe draft attachments.Tbo cars are designed as if the intention was toInvlto breakage. Borne of ourWertcrn friondihave clubs rc»dy with which to welcome t i edetilcner of llieae caw if they can ever layhamlsouhim. -

Tbero have been Bve memheni of (heMatualBenefit AasoclaUon killed since Hi« 13tli cf

"" int this

College Unlay.Mr. Arthur Uojikiniiafoniioremployee here

made us a flying visit Thursday lo.it.Wo notice a now building being oroctal near

the four corners. What is It I 'Tho Rev. Mr, llucklcy conducted tho uervlets

a t tho cliajwl Buaduy, and fuvared ua with-oino timely remarks. , i . , .

Among tho abuntces from town lant weekwere Ulna Itose, to Stony Point, N. Y . ; U inNortuwood. nnil Hiss Maguiro a t tbe Hub.Moss.

Ob, " Panay," did JWI go to K. Y. Ii TUB K I D .

I Love, JIUBlJarriotHotwJli Charity,Huw Maud HolTman. A chonm by Ihc"OriicM" was ouo of the featuiiw of tbo pro-gram. Mr. Lew Cary, as uaiml, neelvcd ngoodly round «f aiipliiiiBo for lifs reading,Tho taMeaui, them wero two, of "Tho Gyp-sy1* "Warning," by M|«i Canto Dicteraoi. tg)P«y, MIsa Ida Hopkins as maiden, and MiLow Cary, as lover, uitb tlio Hinging ut n fo<lines of tho "The Gypay'a Wnniitig" by MissAimu llowell, bchimi tbo fuene, deserve cpecialmention. Otheriabloauxwt>iv"Re«;L..

- Pocobontus"tirotnblonnxi ludinua, Mr.


Masons and Builders,

TBOY HILLS."WHoy Rominn, who formerly occupfcd Uw

Gams property, h»a moved torandpponv anduow occupiei tbe Trelcase property. .

Frank Mott, of Oracco county, Koiv York,madu a flyin|r visit to Ned Singleton last Sun-day artoruoou. Glad to seo you, Frank.Conio again.

J. T.jaiohardson occupied the pulpit In tboM. K. Church last Sunday morning, preach-mg a powerful Bcnnon. Mr. Rli-lianlsoulnyeta student at tha Mndlmn Bombnip and hidtifair to make apreacherof sreatelo<iiability. .. Mrs. Wlllhua Vanderhoff nnd daughterIdn, of Itockaway, arc vltltlog Mr. an-1 Mrs.Jatwb Vnnilorh* f H U t

Deeembor, lffl», ami themonth is a double-header for.tho flret bi

, of Itockaway, arc vltltlogJatwb Vnnilorhon*, of HnU»yton

Edward. Qulmuy, of- UalBejtowii, lost avnluableMwlartTuMilay. He rcconUy re-fmedonuffcrof^Sforhei-. Dr. Trillou waspromptly called and pronounced tho cam in-curable from the flret

Mln flattie Pierian, of Parnipiuny, lias re-turned home from visiting friends cf MorrluPlains aud report* a nicwt enjoyable tim

W ro l d t t t th J d

Cliaa. HoiTuiau, Mr. Will Kariw, Wr. P. A.HofTmnti, Jno. Bmlth, Mr. I^owCary; IndianAtaldni, Miss Carriu DlLkerson, and Foeolian-tn«, Mim M..Ilowell, ami "Adoration of thoNatloiw," following "Tlio Natloti brouglit totho foot of Cross.'1 Tha nations were icpro-suutcd by tho following porsoiia: Knglund,Queou. Miss LIBZIO Hopkins; "HIISSIO, Sir, P,A.'Holtuinu; France, Mr. Will Farrow; Itnlv,organ Brlndur,Mr, David Crutoi;U wither Unilpentaut girl, MlaS H. Howollj Japan, JUKB'Mngglo Drake; Norway, pcmnut girl, MI&*Siuio Durllnii; Turkey, Mr." Qmrgo Crater;SJiitu America, Iudlan, Mr.Cbns. Ilolfmati;Africa, Mr. Low Cary,' awl tlio nation ofiiatloim, onr own Movod land, OoildeM ofIJberty, Miss Alllo Crater. An iixtrumpiitalduet by tha ilissoa Hoiiklna won a goodlyround of applause. Tbo rpnilJug " Jacob Ulg-glrt Sjiccch,11 by Dr. Miller, delighted thoaudlenco and won for our doctor a hrarty ap-plaud. Why would ft not be well fnr thosewho feel their ]>owera to entertain, ami yot forBoino reason do not runcb tho jieoplq when he-'foronheia, to urn tho olil latia actor'a jnotliodand Bt the clow of tUo performance; tat*." Hune plaudiUI" tbat'» Inviting theif their hearers. Suppose you aw. . , , .v

f rleud, try it when wo appear before acritlcalaudloncoj Tbo recitation by Mr. S. H.Dotand was listened to ivitb Interest. Jlr.Doland hnd not i-edk-d tbo televtion lioh l b

, DOVER, N . J .

Contracts for all klnrta of work takonll muterlala furnished. 1'rncUcu] esin-rl

a every branch of innson worlc.ai y



8-ly ; NEXT TO D., L. & W. IL R.


Joliu Movlllo V8, HojmtcoiiK Iron Conipnnr.n ,^ , c U Kortcii auicl imai t

T Spurs1. lliu HiCourt, ui

OnctinlK. K. SEIII-IS, Att'y.

ueo nnd by virtue of nu order nfiiuii. Will. J . llngln, Judw) or the saidmmlo In tbo uhovo sliiltHli-uiifo. i»nr-tSniuiay or December, A. I). I«io, I

... -.IUUM) fur rnlu nt thu Steam Foi-eonrFuruaco, ,kniiwn an nenj~.E...OnniVPftrra>^tuatoiiMiMbeVlllngeor llockaway, Morrisuoiinty, V-— * - •• • •


Child's Qraiu Tipped Spring Heel Shoes, BIZCS

to 10^; . . - . - . 7Cu> por pair.

MIBSOS Jo. eizes 11 to 2, - - 95o. "

Ladies' D ugoln Bulton Slioei, Box Toe and

Common Sonso styles, - - $1.85 per pair.

Lndies' Oil Grain Button Slioen, extra goadquality, $1.25 pBr pair.

Voi tW A Calf Tipped Lace Shoes,

98 eta. per pair.

Bojs ' A. Call Tipped Lace Shoes,,

31.00 per pair.

Men's A. Cult Lace Shoes, - - $135 pe ; pair.

Men's Fino Calf Tipped Lace Shoes,$1.75 per pair.


for ladies, Mtesea and ChiMrou, Men and

BOJB, in Scarlet, Grey and WhitOj at





Stamped Gpods.Another lot of those Stamped Tray and

Carver's Cloths, 27x30 inches, Qt3!)c. cadi, and

Sonrfs, lCsol, at 29a. oioh, and a large assort-

ment of v







Everything new and freshin table supplies at thelowest prices.- , ' ,L,

A complete stock of thefinest brands of CaliforniaFruits. Peaches/; BartletPears, Cherries, Quinces,Egg Plums, Greer

- Preserved Fruits in dings.Strictly Pure Jellies* and

Jams. ' . iBvapdrated and - Dried

Fruits of all kinds. , r

FINEST TEAS of allvkinds,and fresh. roastedj-JC

Ibe apphuanil I , ]i

i d k d tbo televtion lio UMIthat ulgbt iu tivelvo years and it was only atIbo xjwciftl rcijiiCKtnfthnlcndursthat he iimlcr-took It. Ho tried, iuvalD.tulwoxL'UEOl. We

mtv, Mow Jornoy, on thu eauterly ofde ofpiiMIc rond lemlliiB rmm ltrcknwnv to

.. .nklln, on WBIWfiBBAY, FEB. Ilthl«ll, a t 13 o'clock, that ia to say InttrUn thejoiirs of 12 J t and S o'clock In the a f W » !

I all tho ]»rxonal proiwi ty of tho salil Ilomt-coni Iroi.Ccitniuuy, BlthofiWam Forge srure-BahVco..i,iBUnB of ulwut 60 b 100111 H, ii IronwlKfliwirmwr, 0 frou tubs «ltb IMUH. I un-riRlit boiler, belts nml blower; I Btmiu nuinn,l iiisiilnitor inraara for moklnp iron. 7 tousBOftconl, 125 tonn iron ore, 17 bbk old Bcrap,JotofLiirnlnn .StauHimarui l .&aJnkndi ivto Include all ttio ]wrnoiwl pranertvof the millto Ipduds nil Ilio ]«woiml proiierli ot til) ml IHomtaim: Iron (ioinj»iny nt tlio laid SternaPort-e or Furnace: ,

CIIA1ILG9 F . AXTEI.I., AlKlltor.Dated I)(C. 2i)tb, 18110. . («

On contract. ForelK

Klnd l]o n upon to itohlashare. Court,. - - -. .A sola, instniiuunUI, liy&tJu&Iaml HotTmnn,wui»Uraadon iL \AwHul t aC* lMOW

p t enjoyable time.ro pleased to atato that Judgo pulmby,s taken wriously 111 last wealt, Is uow i

on th I '

BXTDB'8 ZJLKE.December filled to n " t "

a trouble, which proved to' t that of before, but

lt' .' MUsAddieBakerlsvUlUugfrioiidsinPater-•>-'.. n o ,<:: •', Tbe shooting match for the famous Ut.', . Arlington hull will bo bold at tbe Park Houw

next Hatunlay, Jon. 10th. .- :• . Air. and H n . Hulmn of Uaditon and Hr.

y , p , p t p. Ira boating a t Lake Hopatcong.

. . Mia Kow Smith, of Kfiivil, spout l f l t l

•: Tuealay Jn Ituatic.* Ur . James Lowe returned to college thbweek after a a abeenco of two weeks.

' . Hon. ond Urn. JI. F. FrothlnRham and. party of friondt, of New York, spent a ttnr

• dayiof lutweekat l lopatcot ig .- ,Ice Iwatlnff on Lake IIoputcoDg ilnco th

. J u t n l u Lni been dilcmlld nnd h u been n-ell•.jMtraulzedbyKVeralparUcsfroiuMonistowii,

ilaiHw.. Bud HobolfPc.

er filled to n t th& urotnontlcii-Uou of tho first obiervatlon day. I t him been» cold tlmt very Ilttlo fishing has been done-in the fee. All our Ice houses have been flllod1-ith Ice of a \ery Bne quality.Mr. Win, 3Ian nod family spent part or

most of t ie holidays a t their Summer retreata t the Lnko.

Sir. Hmltb'c new house on Rock Shore laHearing completion, I bad lbs pleasure ofgoing through it this week and found i t a veryline and convenient residence

Tho fuuerot of David Chamberlain tookplace ou Tuesday, nt 11 A.lw.,iitthehoU8eof'bis father, Mr. J . H. Chamberlain, Quite a 'large number were present to pay tbe huttoken of mpect to the deceased, and I W , JK. Bcofleld delirertd an ablo discourse H rChamberlain died la Now York city, whero Iobad lived far a few years. He bad won manywarm friends who will miss Mm, aa well ashis Immediate family: J; t " '

Mr. Wm. Wolfe, DDO of our well-kiiowii clt-irena, died a t hlu homo on Sunday last. Hisfuneral was held a t his late residence onWednesday, a t 11 A. u , and waa attended bymany sincere friends of tbe departed.

Tho old Budd mauidon was made (lulta Hrelyand worry on New Tear's day by a few

Biowly on the Improve.'HowellUros, havocommDncedgntboricefeo

at Fox UiU and storing it their two Inrgo icohouscfl Ia fact in tho above cnpndtr thevleai] tho van. ' • " •. Fred. Touipklna U TlsltinB frfendg at Jertcy

City. Will wonders ovor ceaso IHarry O'Nlel Is busily ongaged hanling lay

from Hfthwytown to Newark. Good boyHarry. Always adhere to the old inaxluuithat by Industry wu tbrlvo. •

Hevival meetings wero held last week In theM. E. Church a t ftnlppujr. Lettho goodwork go on. Mr. GridltU Uie pastor 1mslabored fallhfuUy la this caura und should holeave us.lu tho Spring he will bo g r^ t l y

AUDITOE'S SALE!: l lonius CinouiT COU«T.

Ijolin Novlllo vs. iTopatcong Iron Company.** ' , attachment.

IC HEOUIX, Att'y., ^ , ,>"™i ur virtue uf uu unlur ..,Ion; IV111. J, Maglo, Judco of Uie said

, _mrle in tbo Kbovo stated cautfi, bear-ffdategltb dny of December, A. D. I6U0,1allexpuHj for sale a t the iliue of the Ho

tntcons Iron Cnmtviny, at Lake Ilopateong,In tlioToAimhip of Uozhury, County of Hpr-rjs, flow Joi-scy, on THU1U5DAY. FEB. 12th,

1. CALIFOW. * ISHl.ntUo'clix'k, that 1B to say between theSeveral ol our town people are Milnff their hour* of l'J M, aud a o'clock in tin) afternoon,

JO houses. ' B" t h o perwual pruperty »l the said Hoput-

Kk-k,«r Flanders, Epent Sunday witb thdr auvlliaiiiltwIailqtof.CHal, heap of oro,&c..



' , MJsiKata Stumpf, of Do«r, paid a short' >• vlilt to Riutio this week.' - ' Vorttoon'i popukr HOOM at Eenvil WM' well filled 011 New Tear's, ono party of SOitay-

'--•' sereiHldftji for JOB boating and coasting.'',•" ,] "• •: ' • . '• • • " K U S T I C A T J

, ETANSOPE." . ' . Til* lAStan of tbe II. E. and Pn»l>jterlauv Churches cf ibiiplacearebDldlnguuIonmeet-'.•* ins in each church, during thli

-.)•' prayer. .: V:' A great many frotn tfcU ploco Bud vicinity•\% find employment nt \ratorloo and Panther

; 'pond* ihU IVIuteratgood wage*..' The workmen a t Iho Slttnhojie mlna and{,' fdrnaoa uaTe bad their ffages cut ten cents:.'- .i'pBrday.,' ' .." A laj^oialoot real estate hai!j«jiinnJe In

Btonbope, mid no doubt you hare detail* be-fore thJi time.

:' Then pnnnlaes to be considerable building,gDbeflnberetliliyear '

frlendi who gathered there, notwithstandingtl.0 rain. Ono of tho Mend* from OrangiValley, presented m a New Tear's gift to thehost an ebony gold-headed cane, which wa* a»u.-prhe, but greatly appreciated. May thedonor llvo long to make many visits a t the

I hope our friends will not forget to attendthe oyster supper at Mr. M, K, Thorp'a onWednesday evening, Slst Inrt.

Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Orange, has purchasedAirs. Johanna UmiUi's houw and lot near the

O E B U A K VALLEY.Mrs. Jacob W. IVekh autl datightar prcnl

a low days but week with lira. WohiU's i i renta uear Whllcbouio.

We are sorry to ]iwo our friend John Hop-Ier, at tlio sauia UIQB we faopo our Ionbe his gain. lie moved to " ' ~onWftlnewlayof this week.

Mr, HonirKiiighbiranrtl]. ™,DulTord tbe cotnlog year Instead of tor HimHagcr.

HbaAUlo Bush Is Tlsltlng friends ID Mor-ristottTi.

Mrs. Hicks, qnitoim aged lsdy llvln. niorNalujhrlght, was liurtcd m Wedntsday

Mb. Maggie NIIDB, o( Lako Ilouotcons,spent Sunday at homo. .

Wa notice the loo trahiB heavily 1™ ;"~ over our branch dally.

Ir. nnd Mri. F. II. Elck.&Ira. llnrln. Iloirninn, of Furker, Is EJiendlDK

a week wllb frlcnils In town.Hn. (Ibo. allldalintm] bas returned, nflu . nhl

ipeudlug a low days with friends at Fanners-1fllle. " •

Weexteml tho hand of .congratulation kMr. nnd Mrs. John Water*, who have latelytailed out on tlio matrimonial sea.

hMl Wednesday ovonlng a pal

Inndltipto include nil tlio'peretbe sail Hopateong Iron Coi

lake lor tl,ROO.The donation to Rev. J. H. Sconeld passed

OB very pleasantly and the Bood pallor re-~<'~\ nearly fifty ilolhu-s.

Alfred 8cofleld retunittl to Phlladel.- Mouday to attend lectures. m«sp Monday to attend lectures. Mlw

Mamie alwmturnod to her school in tlie d t v '

Miss Edith Beatty, of Lowor Valloy, spentast we* wilh b,r .nut, Mr» D o w o / ' ^ IWo are glad to see Mr. Floyd Woodhull, of

Morristown, in our miajt. Ho looks ratherl»le yet, shooing tho sovere strucelo for Hfowhich was almost despaired o[ at one Himtatthrousb tbe hand, of Providence bo w«sparod to his family and friends.

Dr. HUlor. preached to quite a larjro ondl-once on Habhalu raornlnff, many oominjr formltetohMrhta. Wtonenterinnthoctarcllland finding bin In tho pulpit »o can all withono accord say "J t Is jood for u. to bo hern."n o bopo bis life may bo spared for man?year, to coins, and tint wo may be ablo, t ilisten to his eloquent voice soon OEUln

TbaB4tacndivor«cfl*i)IigolngoDrtJllnproinlsntolutsomotlmQyct. Evidence trillbecontlDued a t tbe onice uf Master J . W.IMTII at Madcethto wn on Prldny of this neck.: 8omo go in tJeJghi awl some Iu wagona, aor

t w A ; to beat, the traveling being betwixt and" * " igandwbeelhig. A

well. Mr. George 8ayresl«. went back to hi,school In Monmontb county.

Mr. Jacob Qldills has heen homo spendun!th^holldayi, and returned to C h a t C t b h

Mr. Lewis H. Bndd was home Christmasfrom Washington, Warren county. ° r a u g "

At thoregular meeti^No. 121, Kulsbta of Pythias,

his eloquent voloa soon againMre. David Bwartsand children are spend.

Ing n fow days a t CaJif jn.Tlio Lutheran pamouage [g being reuovsltxl

for the ooming of tho now pastor.

HIBEBNIA.^Tte following w u received juit toolntelosti

The E^inday schools at this p lo» pivo theBstofflaryChrirtinai treat tolhe pu,*!,,

Sunday whool were held on Cbrbtai

dnesday ovonlng a party of jamspooplo (useinbled a t tho homo nf Miss 3[|>.nlnKick, for (bo purpose of wntctiiug tlio old yearout, nnd the notr uito in. Mini Minnie WIIDkcew nothing nbout tlio pnrty WBH sotilGWbatsurprised when tlio coni]>auy rnslieillti. Afk-riwudiug Homo time In plnying ganiCM, t'lo., re-rwluncnU were served, lifter vhk-ti all

watched fcrtlio how year to come in. Justmtbii clock struck twelve all joined in Mnglugtbe Boug,."Joy, aiiotlior year Iff horn." mcltliflu adjtitiniiH!, bai^ng iudmlni*iit nn enjoy-ablo ovenlng., • • ' . ' • '

The yoniigHtors teem bound to begin the nt,,,jear by having good time*, for on New Year'snlfiht miotliw jwrty vm* held at Mr.- CbnMiller's. TLIs nl-o wan a Kitrptf^ for liisdaughter, Mif« Loufo. All report n good

''.'. DO ,V0U READ OR•\\ W0UK NIGHTS r,H.Bo,yoinw[ tbe U^eest

, OT! BMrliant lirlit p)nlbl<)J a a i s b j i l l h yon ofour

",;• "COLUMnUS"rllnund Wink Uiirnem. It

V does not smoVe or micll, In. easy to take oaro of, nud

rives fho Invest nnd best•; light of any Kerosono Bane, or mado. Gin be used ou• nny Limp wIUi cither i

2 or Ko. Jtcolhr, and .untiddDiuu HH nell as useful. Oives 'light equal l<rV-ritnil Draft Lamjt. CtUHI ovnnilno OIIP hiirn

ot \VH. U BAKXIt S (ver, N. J S*»r"

tlm? at thin GltEENiionss. '

f Iclnlty lisgln tofeel pmttr mfo now In r t o n l'o tbo Ino crop, — ' — « . . . - - . . . .•lildly.Jerry IXoirmnn's steam saw mill is runnlne

full bla.t every day near the station. 'Mr. II. Bhejiherd, is

BQYER, «. 1.

Mr. II. Bliephord, Is furnltthinp; wr n i i T j n v TIVTT4WV Ollimerchnnta with Borne bnnilBomo cfllendare F i l l If A 1 1 J A M J A H X Hill,Our friend Shr.olii-p.1 I' ™<tl..~ ' - »- ••Our friend Shepherd is getting lofavqiilte a

| Bolter.We hear that Itoss Tritnun



. . . . — All U» children nniuitledtheniselves.well to tbo delight of Uie largoaudience present, nnd u dedarcl to b e T

K. I i & 8. pro torn Leslie Jotrntenon. There wereanumlpresent from Newark and otlirank of Knight w««conferred

" remarks

tho hope that Uuiirud otnoerairaidpay them another visit.

On Monday orenfiujrlstown " -formed.

host of tho mauy gooil enUrtaiihy this school. Each child was p i ™ ™ ,a book, bag of p a ™ , , , m o d > D j" " • " " " ""He tbo smaller ones r ec . ,™

. inlvts, dolls, dishes, etc. A t tho dosoof l i e exorclies t l , BnporiutenJont, M. L.pox, was presented witli a hondmno brossoInk stand by the school. • .

The exercises of tho Lowor Bibemla 8nnilnvlooltwib I J M ,»,.r^.^.)«.^ -,_L. ~* '

Is about buy-

.ingM.Cka, MlU.r „ on ,ho NOW FOR A GOOD H U G H .bnBbcenbuildliiBralargcudilitlon : '- ••'-> '•'•''

to his house nnd ofllec, and bas moved It bock r n U i T AprxAlUKCB » DOVEH OP .THB FAW-from tbo road. • . , " ~

Our LlactmnlUi, Mr. John Moore, wya hebas lots of work. Jtibu li A hard worker, nndu-e noulrt Hko to gee him proi|icr in our toiru.

Our wlioelwrlght, Sir. .Toliu fVattcra, haslately taken a eoinpuiiiijii for better .arwiifisr. Wm Nellie Hnnn is tho li&j>py bride, i

Oeo. A. Stfroa, our coal piercliant, reports]KIIM bride this Foil anil ir inter.



! And if you think ct buy-

ing a




or anything else in the

Cloak line now is'

your time.






Painisr and Paper Hanger, H D I U l DJiCOIUTION



Brail and Wosd Curtain Fixture*,

THG f fflT OfiGIN CflCor. Slukwll sod Bjrpa StC,

Hard Wax Hulsb for nouses. Faints, OilsOla*, So. Artlstti colors an* brurtoj, ,




vr. L DO$3 SHOEwABSsaxa*

axas*SOLO sir * J , " »

HHAOAN A do./m DOVEft, R. J .

oll ta l l anil Winter.I 0 . M. Tliorp reiKirtt a good Lollday tradebo certainly had a lino nraortmont oj BoodjL

A now KUitlon is veryhooldonoiacntiryt

KT. FREEDOM".Mr. Isute Ciarlt, of Morris' Fkins, spent

Sunday aiuoug friends here, - • , .Mr, John Baud], who died hut Saturday

wa»buriedon8undQy. 8erv!<M wore hold i iiho JJothodfat Church, llor. Mr. Holhn^iedprenched tiia sonnon to nlnrge oudldnc^ -"A:ijiirit of rlghtooiw 1ndignatfoti"nilgtul' dni)

I rcjjnsU that the people ponrdttod tho old manto bo turnetl out of bia homoliy ifortbless'

^ « n d d u i l o B U W w e » j » r t i n , I 1 toccatloa ( indwel l received. Tbo chil-«ro presented with b l d b

I forced to mako'a ''.dag'out" lti*blch be catight a rtrere cold, caniiDB doatli

A little " wbito cap" budDnts ID tlmd mightluive saved tha Ufa of a poor, jo t honest: up-right citten. The leawui boa been loomed at

TVortman, on account ol illnno, -tod to close the W l l * t h l t T i f

catloa (indwell received. Tbo chil-' Mrs. TVortman, on account ol illnno, -madren w«ro presented with a booltandboxof compcltod to close the Wall* tchooltoTi fewcandy AtreoofglftsfromparcalitocbJldren days.Tl d a t i

y Atreoofglftsfromparcali y .Look out for tho next wedding Therein

. \ ;>L/ ; ,: ;(BTK0OAS HELDKH.)

. Ati oxNllgat «»•fiongi.- Catchy Mm.iiCoatumtw, Hew and

my, Introducing New—Xy OirJa, Boaiitifnl

.mer secb on any^rtage, a t onj Btago.


Bt tan, Omu Vdlaj, H. t

UbaramykiuC \ Mr DaWltt Hulbert, It comnu.y-.lta a

I nrin

of iho latfst; style and tiBtimakes always' on hand. Also B

DO NOT FORGET"that I hare one ot the Inaat atocta ol

WATCHES AND KINGSIn town for tic.

i ta* or


Cliiimt &„ toi 'fiOo. PEB VjfflE'J



IONO'OLOTH ,ton ulna' A>D nam m o , ( .1

Lomdale jr.d Berkley UfflbrletySwM TWIILa /

Oolj tnrt britds t& alifaj. Imru} trios.

TAYLORBlnnkets, Cynifartables,

EWer DownQnills,^..Pfllowg, etc

Page 3: ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO., .lUf.i.itat.i.j.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta. paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie,


Friday. Jan. 9, 1891.pstaraa at the foit Office at Sorer, M. J.

' aiS9B0ad-elaai|Battei',

I - iOO A T i N > V V S .

r ,, Iu McKniiui'i Flirtation ,

. At B«kir O|»r» Uaon to-night.Every jege contain* borne news.Common Council Hondo? 4T<nijiffFreeholders meat aai l Wednesday. .Legislature convenes on Tuesday roast »WeaaajJotfsBirtMaytallSraBiiiideytlus

Don't faO io'eee Bur? and P J a t Uio Op-era Houie bouJght '

WmiiUU, d On place, &!l and bwtooTaoda , wLlb •kiting.

A pair of drMag gogglei, found on the•treot, may bo reooterol at thlaoffloa,

David Fbilhoirer, of Middle Vtlky, to.rooeuUj {ort about IMj ty icgi Iran diolmn.

Tbe amnber of Hew Jeriey petutfa, mx*Afrt l t y i tbe departmoat at

lsite tbe depot repainted.

McrfolUe Hutu usual »ere"made in MorrisK Y ' C r

ToeMadtam Daok ho doelared a IK percent awni-anuuil dividend".

Horrlstown balU8ajTest«lilil entertained•JO! trumps do Ing December, , -

An encampment of Odd M o w In soar,g",l»iniHaited la Hadutbtowi - i

1 BottnaATSand lOOneirhcnMe m n elect• In Mbnktoira during too year,

Mio'Christmas cotet lm in St. Mary'> Cbureb, «orr),to»ii1 w u ( W

l Ho flrrt In.m M i o l M o M w loolMip.. . '

Hr. WlUe., tho aforrlstowi deoorator,' i ll)i build > tmidenee on Eailett Avn.

' HotworUi aCoollnontal" l i u old eiprw-I 4on (bob eeems quite pat just now.

morejnntorta (l«>T»*tv^i a t i

VA live coon velgbbg HO pound! was cap.(•JOMd at Alton Urt m r t t j - Barry Corey.

'" About b«lf ot ibe.SO rooma In the new lake^ End Hotel at landing are already peon

' C. 8 UoJioiifor Lebanon, Fa., hm taken'•• thepboto j»Uerjo<Mr.Di«Mln MjrrUtown.. Tbo'ooEt of tl» postal laurler sariloa In

Morrlstown ^or ibfi. paat fiscal year was aj,.

TbeHantardon Co.' AitrlculUirat Society Ist aeulfng wi(h lc« credltan at tUty centa on the

Hollar [ » !i „. - i I .>• ' -Ibe CalUon Methodists are talking oj build

inganew clnrcli and parsouaga In tiie near' future. c { «< The .tteudailm a t Jhe First Ki K. Huuday-sobeol last Sunday was ajO-tae laijeri In lit.history. * * o, <

Mostottle mm discharged at HlbeWlnithe reduction ot the forking force are Hun,gatians. ' ' \ \ \ * %i£'< >

Blggott and fmryea will alieot tWr retorn*1 DlaW)lna^IiatD6XterTarJi,3nxiklynlnoxttfaW

' h e lOlh Mnlveraary'ol t ie tfoital Society- otClirl.UooE!idi.yor-wlH bootarred Feb-

ru«ry») [ \ t ' ' ( , _ . .

"V Tue (oe crftn U 411 rigltV^ *<* m s 7 1exiieofetlieutnUlUrrpnJiigriiiTvltirasanthe peach qrojWMi' , - • <«s, ' " , i ; j - w ,

MsDavit Poet, 0 A E., ot |hla place, will; .vWl'SrfgBldc Post, JIaeketietqira, u n t

-. ' Willfi'^Vhlieand.UeoiveQfmrdaavepur.*" ohaMd three lota train Robert H.Hitnlout on

H 'auduntortosati \ _h '\J\hmt4WlUUun H.JoosW,laorrlstowii,f- »ai m Udlj lajund by Jailing?, oa an Icy

gj >t 'Xveretc Yan Iiiav, lonosrljr of Sever, aaar'lbongbtUie tradsrtaUnc busuwsSoI JohnP Jon^atftoakawaf^" •'jitf Jbe. imj "

111, a.HSpmndji:fe#>l(lualSanbsT.-w«.1 , . _..I] -.H. HCwib list Banda; moialug-a by let

(erandTonprohatlon,. i f S v \ - ' ,\* Tta S V i W Holil bar, Jtorristoivn', aa.

„ atomselavlatbalggraatednCoanai."v»l!iiKfti>,%["* I

latlon, and. the Treasury sgeuts have naturaltlie public to refuse all IS bull o< the sorlelmenUohcd, ah this 1B the ooly sate war.

ibeVei t seenia to be having about such aWnteraatheBaBteiperlenoedlastyear InNorth Dakota they are weaHog straw hatsauditorcoata,and St,J>.ul will bare nolcepalace, inless It grt . I w t a m lie Eait.'' I t aumitbst Vadlsoa la likely to go beyondHi eatlniata in its water aid light enterprise*.t the Ctunmon Coandl lest Friday eveningproject was discussed to call a epedal elec-

tion fora greater appropriation butnoaoUOD

Tne vote liwomen delegatea ta tie Oeueral Conference iireported as follows!) Newark Dl«lrlat-For,6Si, against, 1,031, J.njijCltyDiiMrt-For,«M; against, t»l. UlkatoU, birtjtet-For,H t | anjuntt, WO. ( , ,t"The new 5,dOO pound stesnLBanuner whichnai been placed In the (Urge of tbe TaylorIron frorka, a t High Bridge, is oompMed,and started to work on the lit lost. The exparlcucoi ot ramp 1KB. Comrade ObadlahMif hiouner opetu^np 'ia new era fcr " " ^>nr''np ">'< * tmm. Kmi iiiam m»>i .iit.._

elnUo>qrdefof^trtaui»teclia.lca. QTbi work of cWina- the Oak Hldpnter,olr it being carWrfootliroulb tta WinterTbi work of cWina the Oak Hldpnter,

,, Tolr it being carWrf.ootliroulb tta Winter,end dynamite isuied to maorethesluinpi.\

* Fr«hnlato<Olt/ollBotfaway;.liof tie• opinion l i s t It lskrlcr to Laoak tie majotlly

of itoBoardlhanlt).& train one mustang,

, . , through tostre,,t.|a.iaaBinlajer6iJng, out- J were itopprt before tauth damage was done.'

Boa T / Ka^ioi-'has eoU hi. tam'of 100res nsarr^nd0Ter u> two physicins 'nt.aeres, nsarr^nd0Ter, u> two physicians 'nt

i- rTewark,whn«lUnaaetneplacaaaanltarluni:^::,. fcl It-Muirord 'ot laadltoi, bad a

'* severe fall and broke o n ot the bones of ker

1" luvtbeea jtude vritli both the cnuliem jud

- UonMowa. with two ei^ptiom, l i tnaniiedby men ~wbo ttn mwiiberi of one d b b H

i 'schoolck»i •„ ,i--^f,fr,,, Y, V^^FInCammltlasotlsorrlslownCoinmon

"< Council has boon empowered fq"pnrchaaa a/ 1 » K and modern noae oarrMxe^or Humane^EngineCompany^. . . - - . H i . ; '

.. AlmitlWmio are at work untie Waterloon&£a*{ •**>"* about (.OOl.tons-a

o»s« bavetBowJaboul dxje t ton , tkem i - ; ,^ ^ f V

j ? JTh. dull Shoot si tbe Park HOOBI, l t l ' ir l -lg&0, to-niorrow|win-l«ac«impanl«l-t(r


- ~ ~ » . T>;SBDOO1 b^p growing-.© rapidly tbat the rooina will have" to l»enlarg»lby Interior,alteration., waloh

whol.loawotJdinRligttVcf.Jtok.w.y,* a jnateajiart Tuesday, H U o d ^ S n f o l a

_ . 1n^«tblrlegltliMrtedlntliaBHa,becauaeU l U t l J l l t - HTIseed

^ Ji *rertfjfVtoaWprlapl*^^1 tSnaeooantotunerptotod, delay on tha part

, oftheglailen tho Qraoe I f K , Cbunjh will• .nb^bsdediisted'tintll Jan. atk.'-'Afull pro-•i granano willtapuUliiod to good tlhe.b t! Ir^Twosonnfe, whonpresented'iuBinselvesas'J& vtotLuaof an expiodou In a mine at Book-

J,,haT* swindled the 'cbarltably.Inolu»dl«[BumltmtoIqIUiai t i i rd .ot»y

" , " Tin'Waterloo lee Company eridanUj«V4 tohava no vacanrtforage house. tairfsar' *J}a llondaj ttey had ten Ice plows a d one

'''nnndredinenacworlc on tbe*Waterlob>poud.


The Morrtrtown letter oarrlws baadlert 1J5,-m pleca of mall matter fa Bweralwr, as•galnit 124,-123 plum tor Dewiuber, 159(1.

Choi. Soribner, vbo ncenUf purcbAied tlu>place oCDr C T Swan, near Moniatown, laabout to enIargQ iho nddenoe Dt a coat ol(10,000 •

Sr T. H Andrews, at ppart*, on Mondaydrovs a e.eigli aoroo. the lee of lake Hoi*t-oong, from tlw Woodporf Hmiic to. tho UkeYJaw House

Tblrtoen aoroi ot tha blatarb bid Wiokfaimat Jockey Hgilor, notvr Horriitowii, bu beenwUlbj-HoD H. 13 hittlltoW ?. UlUs. furI8U0, with water rights ana tlmlw rwerved

A new antfirprlsa la to be «gtablliliod laPomp^ou, yit A ihpe radtory, a companybaviuj i^ated Um tLIni Jloor oC tbe sllW-fuIll



Jobtj Beach.anoIJniBn.iiboutTO vtan of*g»f

tafadla.tFriday,nIgl)t-ot Mt Freedom,ln-tlio MigUbornood of wbtcb place ho liodipent his day^- He Is dosartWd as a qulot,lnoffatudva old man, not addicted to drinkingfir Uw uaa trf tobanco, and fas claimed to be aniambflroftheP«*byterl«iChurch,, Batnat a Tialim "of dronniitaiices. HI* (amflrelations were most uniiloaBiat, and bis d tafiattrttmUKl by many to Inhuman treatmenon the part of liioas "who owed bio. filialgird,,

Tlie Did tiian reared a family of children, bufflyurowup aud went aimy from homo, n

f U h l wlfu died, leaving lil l t l ld b t h tthe solitary inma(« of allttia uid but hat

btul provided fcf hJoiwIf n«ar Mt PnedDm.Here, the Dalahbow w , b9 might bate diediopeocaiwdcunbui but far (be fnd tbatf Hank " Beach, bjs ton, oame to thallltlBbulleit Butumor vlth bis wIfo And a gnat lot ofclildten Tae story la tbat they tookposm-filaa ivitliouthit pomfaslott^and crowded bkiout. At any mta tha (o^dly (Jdmau loft tbehut and going some dlttanc* aVay (lug a hoi

tor that pnrpoae. Th(»ywljle|n»loy401iaod(i. |orca\flintbetUldd.,aiidlntdthlBiui«rablelinghwr. Tom Eeenac, Ed King oud , <lug outlook upLUa^odj. ThaTcreiitiruffs«l

&smj Locke, end Mr IF. II Bay, of PortMorris, will conduct lb»l»rtl«» In * e Hnt)1 ,£ Obureb ne4 Bunday, naming and eveo-

During tbe past 7ear f our penatonan ot too»«r ol If 1? have dl»l in Now Jorw.r, reduo-log tbi number Id tbe Btatn to enjy elgbt, ofwhom Mr Tnoe, M. BJitlrtevnnt, of ttadlaoa,hone » . , .

I t will tie ot intorost to lawjsn and men ot•Italn to loam tbat CaanpeUor KcQIlI hasliuld that a marrlea womau'aanDilt becomesuretr for the payment of debt ot &|iotber

enon. " it >gome coal oars a t tbe iDrebard Ulne; Port

Cram, gvt loose Urt Friday and runningdown tha steep gradedaabedlntoeuneothBn,a9*amultotwblcliBbilut]ialf • de»n coaloare were injured,

Th.reW«X,SK Odd FtUowi In ins BnlUdBtates and T08.BT8 In Europe, making a totalol i,oaa,Sus, Wog aifUarterofaniilUonmonitkan tint reportel by tbs next largeet seensociety in the world. I * •~ Martin Hal], a bound, out boy from tbeReform School, threatened lo kill SldiaflBurke on tbe Cobb tivm, Dear Horrlltowia.BewaiarreatedandirlUlirobaUylieniliimalto tbe Rofomi School.:

Tbe (Deere elect l l A P i Tarbsrt Pout,Q A JL, i t Ilorri«town, will to lutaUid brjeparuoetifc pommander Ua^thewi on Tues-day evening, January lgth. Comradce a nrcqueeted to appear In uniform

TliaBrioklayen and Plasterers' ITilion audo Bullden* Laborers1 Union, of Uorrlitown,

glnnotlce that on and after April l i t Himhours shall constitute a day's work for flidays and eight bran on gaturdays.

Counterfeit i l l 'A nrUloatei'of the lesui188S M A l ^ t a I t l dOI188S, Me

l l d

iare In esteoslredrau

U h fl

RellptCorpsaudSonsof Voteraus werepreseat. Past Commander Frank Keuatlor expressed bis tbanks tor the kindly iup]»rt bebad ncfllved during tba live yeara he wasCommander or toe 1'oBt,' aud tbe ifew C«in>mander^-Wm. Biulth, made sorao remarks.Past Adjutant A I) Scoring made a mostIniaresUug talk reepaotlng tbe recruiting ofCel>ti Halaey's company' lu Cover, tbe tare-well service In the old M E ' Oburcb, UKparting breakfast given by tbe clUiene ct Do-ver, ibe dea^u ut Eiergeaut McDarlt, andmaaybtker interesting recollections..- Lieut.F. y, Wolte read an origliul poem of muchluarlt and Capt 0 K. UerrlU, ot tbo Sous ofVeterans, made an inlereiUng address uponthe achievements of tbo present centuryComrade John Tf. Ford dtlalltd some of tbe

if hiounerii

if hiouner opetu^npia neorsiili of Irpo in that action

era fcr

\1 t O | .«se rtmtn mtfaet, -whloh were uwdtor M man' years'tt tb« Boonton fakai fur-

ow,-^velJoUll>«oflrtW. JtJo Ui8 lateo-n to'puil dowif ttx blait fumawi and In

UM war firfura erect fnadbfaotortttlo fas run

. . ' A Diuinom vuu,- TbflflM tWdeqw ot Hn. W, N, ty ,•tl^w^iftftWdn-tallv. wa|d«troy*10B«,wlttihll Id valuablfl content., an W«luWoUj-a/UraoOB. 'Howti>*ul1rt txxntfi liootIriaQTrcu Hn fainlly bad gona to pay"«'Tlsttto the hoo*B of Mn. Bpeowr'a son. Join h.SiMDae^aod betora going away lettWrflrfl|oc«t,«iidlfAmboyinciurB6t)C.U»prtm-laM. -tta boy, ltowvvw, mob away, and luhiaabiweetto lira broketpat; it Ia pippmdIt may have besn' oawad Lbj-,-»oifl, defect Inihi<^i%ief.c Tba flatnea mttfUuxmni by

- ™ . 7 — »,Mctl«;Vho1iap i«wdtobe pOliijbr,be" tbo grtat *»1 ° M^noe bunfet oo to Mr. John L,

.*. >*-v Bp«ioer> awl gave tie alarm, fcp-, Hpmporm. goM to povw, but MM. Speofwr Mnrnttd

with Mr Piobt«r, juatjn tiiqq tosan fBty inmoney'from tho buralns bulldiDi- vBcddastui only a f e w pleora «((uniitun wan aaiod,ix>t more, tban W wortfa | D all Bvet tlie

Parker read a poora, and Uiere ware otherexuttlsefe, maktliiz the oTonlng one ot greetIntcrat to tbe vcterana and their frauds.

* • * '

,llt>.vH. Bloe, UteofFlanden,licoiidurtiiig•uant auDcastftil tt/riw of rnlval nwtlms IythaCoVn4niryM.B.Chareh. Tfaanlias notbomnichamylvU of religion lo tiat.iil*cotoryean. /AQtunbaroCbeatlaofXainUiesaDd

Una clua of younf nun a^d. yonnf women— •"-*—H^^ptqtfclacla^.pv'SrlOOavi bMn^onvcry<l; Up h tfcb d*> o var 100

persons" bare prpfeawd ooaTenloti aod thtniuUiige are being oontlnoed with great io-torert and large oooffr^aUous. pyer70bavaaln^yaniM with tbetAurcb.andtbeotLeriwill do so In every MDM tbc^ear hat peen

U l Tba.cbjrch «ndt d Adparsonag«rbaya been ranomttd And refur-

i l d d H d % l 1 i t h d i f U

t m o , then »*) worth la all 8van theClollung ot the faintly was '"rued Incitingabent III worth ot ™ w j a faen^ w h ^ . lira.Bpsicer had just punhaatd. ABv«e<}oon-siderable loss was sustained by tie burning otab«itlilhu6dr«dbuih«l."of potalo^ worthlaDUatfl,which were stored Ju theoellar.Tho.bouse was a <ery Urge frame bulUlug,hjcb bad i been 'treated for tba lurpoet of

l iSummer,boenlen, of wlloli'Mra.lta tb

daodoHtap,t)otVofwUalinearly H.S00 baa b^ui raisid, and Ker. Ur,Bloa WM kJndly rememberod «i Cbriitmas bythe congregation, Jt U now contemplated tomaks Coluabutr a station by making OMifon• aefarate appointment in (be Spring ,ThepongregjiHon at Cokfabmr are abundantlyable toaflpn) a minister COM) support alone,which theyjflll probable do after Coaferince,

' Altar Ihe Dominie's Donation.On New YeVuere the members ot tbe Cliea-

tor Congregational Church gsvtt their pattar,R t t B E l O d U l i

Summer,boenlen, of wlloliMra.pencer nas aulta a nnotbBr every saaion.

The bollJIng tij-'JuM'beM repaljled andrepdrudstqulto odisMiratle cojt, rmdl.be-Ueveoito have been worth tullyai,5UU, tjponIhll bulliHuj ttore . a . ail lisuraaoe ol «3,000i u» Jlramon'il I i i Co ,of Ho«rlf,lanugh

nagencr^ot H( I* Dunham.»ao loss uponjilufnlture, potatoes, aUver-wirts clothing

and other contents of. loo aouae Mil be notsqiban a oud more, and npoofuis there laD,lnsiiranc», making tba uninsured Ion of

S J l l M ^ O O * '

C^tUtt*IoeatthBl*k«. • .,''Uulted lea Uam h«va be*s W i n g

business this week at tHe take, aid bave bamworking rigbtalang; ju ta? iltheUksHopat-COB.1 J « «hl -TV»w*porbiti3n Co. Lad neverobtained a bass of aa allmd jvoprlstory In*tdrwt.in tbe jtroduct- of^ack Vratt tram theLehlgh Valley,iUilraul Company, Tbeyliaw aforoe of about ltO-itMu, bnfdcs many

-wa^ at work, and aro ihipplstf taway- saneI oirioads Uk» par day, bertto what tbeyi Mortage" Tba ice bdog cat I* flttsen In-

• In Mckoealana of ciwlluilqunUtyatidt Uioprsent weather holds tor a reasonaoU

length of time » immense qutoaty will beharvested It vfos reported earlier in theweek tbatMu 'lee oompanlea hal ellacterl aasttlamailitlm thealleged ownera ottln'lcabyanagreementtopaytwoognteatonmvaltyfbut this does noi prove to be true." The rcpre-

itatltes ot tbe Ice ccuparta' « y tbejr havodanOBettWuntwEiate^sr.ancKbattioiiH

Junction ha] been served m Hum En tooeveot of anUjuncUm being served 1t Is saidtherwill^roen Indemnity bond ruffldatlomeet all claims tor royalties, go on cotting-Ui t ao th l ag had hsppened, aid when they

re leliure will give tba claimants all theBgbf tht twaut In Ihe wjy rflejal proosed-

aonly.i.tbert will be a special^ T I l l i U t

gman from ths Hoboken Bail

toad AraodatiOT Vill apeak: Tom Kocnan,Bd King, ttamy Look, Jake Tlionipioo andtotb E I D

g, y ,Every mas In Do1

Gnat Intend U Wn« nuulfaated b j tbob h t i W d j l l h l

nor It con)|a2Ir>la>

Tb.«pp«rntui b Bspectcd dally and vri$ beRQJ la position at | t i Btylli

at won ai|tuTir«i»<Boaretaiya i n a ^ a g for ^ntadbltlba ofll b t t b ( l i d b lopenbg nlebt, to be l i o i d b y s cla«a

J. All iiMtmbei, whom tickets «pl™lt Slit a n requeftad tojenair a t (mat andelvBgynmadnmtlcketo, , 4


A Woaflerfiil*ociet7.' "•Last melt tba,SaU. upbd an Item wlncb

stated that" Tbe United Bodotj of CbriiUanEndeavor lussr membership of tSS.OOO.11 Inn«ard to tola Mr.ilalfley Bumnond, of Eoon-tott, Secrataix and Treasurer of tbe NewJersey Chriitiw iSndeator Un(on, writs us1

• JU» 1« only a litOa more tlianhal/ our Jium-ber, as the Christian Endearorbe^nsllieuwjMr with 13000 sociiUH and orer 770,000


young'man, much leu a feeble old ODO, woulfind It difficult to pus a rigoroiU VluUr litliln \$ sueb « place, may aadly be imaglueilDriven out by cold and hanger Uie poor old•oal, on tba Sunday before be died, totteredbeck fb tbe d d but wblcb hud once been hiborne, Tot) wbple world vairejolo.vg IDgood will of Uie CbriRtinu KtuonVftiittliwu no peace or good will on eartb fur pooold John Beaclir Forblm all WU1 affectiobad been itrangled, >nd even liji own: Jtlu,after usurping UB home, would give him noplujfl where be mlghtr foj bis weary bendlilsluBtbitot atrcngth had;been exbaiuited,and being nnablo to return himself, tbo jieoplo•Ar that-hli own eon loeJed Um upon a Bled,draw him bock to bb mtierablo hole In. tboearth and cast him tharetn Alltblttbavpoila a Christian community, /while Urn echoestba Christmas bells bad not yet died away [<

Thou, Hiwdy. ,Jr, camo that wa tbe neitday; after wootl, and .heard groana, ianiingfrom tbe dug out. Looking In, ho fouud. tbepoor old man. unable to move, Thero wasno food, no Bra and no bed In tbe dreary cave,There .wu not evou any straw and ouly a fewold rags formed a parUtilpaUet. Tlietoiidt*ot tits old man1* hands were burned to a crispIn tome unacoountabk) way, probably in try-Ins to get them'warm,, Tlie indignant heigh'bowatowMtooihimback tbtbehutof hi*soB,tutlat*rJpeluovedhlia.to tba house'Jai. O Wright, In the village Dr. Linda,bory, -Juatlco Gags, and Overseer of Poor.Sotton were called, but it wa. too kite to proTide for worn than'temporary comfort.P d l l and be

pgdied on Friday evening

Last) Sunday the people garo tbe old man'reualtts aOhrlatlau burial.' tlie.f unoral aermoibeljg preacbod In tbo l'rwbyteriau Church byBer, 111- HolUnilied,

J , . Tetenn.1 XnstaUaUon. 4TnenQWoH1«»n.oflitcDavitP<Mt O A R . ,

were nitallod Jut Friday evenloK at theirhoadfjUartenliiUona.its Hall, by Cupt, DS AIlou, Pant Cotntnatador Tha famllfost ofthovi nnc) U16 jnemboniof tbe Wo

liiin a (iriuk of tleir whlskoy After drinkiuK |c Castuiorc add bin bead began to iwltnand that Qalbway picked up a Uub end dealthim a blow ou tbu bead iiitliotiiig a bad scalpwound TliDQ tba otber tnon pitcbeil Intohim, gave him a nrera booting, and robbedhim of bis coat, veut and $0 lu money Heescaped from the touBound bareheaded ran totbe police fetation, wbore lie told bis ikiry.HIi bead wai bleeding profusely and bod to beattendixlbyaaurseou. lliepolluo raided thehouse (.escribed by Cutmoro, whore fliey cap-turod Oalluway, Hart Uarknoy, DanielRitchie and Oscar Stall Caatuora IdenUnedtltem all, aud hi default ot bail they werecommitted to tho comity jail

. E K , l P

Ing tlm with about *100 In money and othervaltub.es On New Yeart night Wr Englandwas awakened by what »nned to be the ral»|ag of a Window", tat asbe Uitened flomo mowlUd from tbe roof, and he was of tbe opinionihatiwhadbeendecelved. ^Vbllelylnitawak^be again beard the Soiie whicb soooded-akotbe MalDg of •> window, and going downstairswith alight found that a wtudnw had iodtedbeen rabei and U>at hii oamlng down 'stairshad frightened the thlevea away, This Is tbefit «se of attempted house brealdng known

bes^rlnnuuiyydan, ' }\^ .

StnTlUe Babbkth School Oslebratlon.This school held Its annual celebration 00

Wednesday evening. Doc 3!«t, and it w u anaof the finest entortalnmenti tbat las ban

ven In that place in yean. Tbe ringing wu1 special feature In wblcb those who took parti4tbemseltfe<cwdlttoa very high degree.

Also, U»TM.taUow,,readJDg>, tabtaun «ndpanUmlneastiowed a di«ree of abilitv Utat

s lurprising, eonsldering the size of ourchurch, ife Tillage, After the exeroises tbeschool was treated to oandlee and oranges,The entertainment reflect*credit upon tha on «

ho took Ibe «iTalr In charge and His* Dlcker-nhaatliBtha&bi of all present for a most

enjojalle ovenlng. Tba church wfcs full to

Beeinr tha 014 Year Out,The young p«opls of r e n r l U e r a y

evening of last week got tip a rather Informalentering and called at Mr, John Hall's rod-d l t ih U t d tbegdenoi, tnerely to see

I h i h t

at Mr,ihe oUyear out and tbe

inew one In, -wblch tbey did ia a very suooara(aland entertaining way, Mr. and Mr*. Hallreoetfed them la a mort welcome manner andmade aU feel that tba Wenlng wai thnlrt indto boL«doyed to the fullest extent Aft«r

. . . . . . . -"- ' -aboratodmrepastt teyJohn Coi and'David

Picfater, wbo with violin and oornet made tbeoccailon blgbly esterttlntng. Thus the oldyearnuuielfiparting'bowtipcjfla merry andloyous assembljr.T ^ ' * * > P~ .

A OcntgHag Accident.WlUIam Ytnhg, Ot Usunpton JODOtion, a

brakeman on the Ice tndn"oQ tlio HIKQ bridgeBnDch ot pa Central Xailrosd. had throefingera on bis righth«nd l*Jly mashed wbUotnaalng a coupHnf at Lake Hopatcong laatSaturday attajnoon, "He wai broosht toDover and taken to tbo bfltoe of Sr, K.1*.Cook^who dressed tba ground, as Mr. YoungwUedJto be (taaea h^niD bef qra the finge^wert amputated. Dr. Cook said he tfacdgMtfas tbnmb and lltth flnger pouU bs saved,but was not sore bnthfl mlgfet }oea t^a hand

Uncai dl>]b Sl&ifir. ' "Tbe Uncu Oluh, 'of kftr 7tel»r, enjoyid a.

very fine d|nller on tha «Kh nlc. at Rjoceudonna1*, Union &1oani,"jfoir Yorkdty, Aspread of grest1 mcejlroce m a Unt dlaouned,bud then tbe fotibwlng tomte 1 " The UoeasClub,"Bamn, "OprlfldJn"J. Johns,''Tba•Rooten,"1 Wi "CWmia " M t Tabdr,"Reeves, " Our Club Hou»,"0Onl, "Tbe Oldand tbeNevr," Trie, " Ec«ntrldUe^"Bchott(


j • Bvaryboay OoinaT toWewwk.L. B. Plant 6s Co.. (Nawark Bee-Bite),

begin tbelr tenth annual clearing bargain nleon Monday, Jan. 12Ch. tbelmpqrtanoeoftnlsnrent can baestnnated by a glance orer theirnowadnrtiseineiitonp«gajratirtfai I t l s t b eUnw of year that everybody makes It Utalr

' t t H t f ^

The Pataitou Bailroad DlaairtsiA. coroner^ luqnest tamak< Inquiry into the

causes uf tbo duatlui of engineer Lunger andfireman Barenior began the .taking of tertlmony a t Paterson\ last evening. Nothingpositive appears to have been elidlcd respect-ing tlie perpetrators of tbe crime, but tbs evl-denMof all the railroad meu who examinedthe switch was to the effect that it bad beenliurpo«elyitirtrnvDged vith the aid of wire*Slid pins to hokl- tta iwitch wrong. QeoHaaeker and Frauk Cox, of this place, wareMtnnitnied sg wtbtesata ]>afon) the Inquest.

In charging tt* Possalo Grand Jury 00Tuesday Judge; Dkon nid: . '• Recently1 aficrimis accident happened upon oue of thanUlrauls ronniua; through tbls city by reoacdtof whiah gome persous were killed. It wascauBtd by a snitch that should two bwaclosed being opuu.' AVhotlier It wai otriug toUio wilful lolKoudnot or hegloct of some jwr-ton or imrmns or accident is for you to deter-mine. If vouflud thatthcswlUibwaathroimopen with iuUntto wreck tba train, yon willfind flu Indlotmeut for murder against theperson wbo committed tie mrt Foruaiioubt-edly a person who wilfully thrown a train olT»traok, and in cousequenoe tlioreof asy livesaro lost, Isgulltr of murder. If, however, youfind tlat the awjtcb was opeathrough" neglrotof daty by any person whose bualnewi It wuito takn charge of tbe switch, the grads of theludlctment sbpulil be t|iat gf mamlaugbUr.It tbo train was wrecked through accident, ofccunwyoucantlouotbiDgexcepttoregroatit"

Oonstablea Wanted.J,i Jan. 8tb, 1SD1




Bamuol -Swajae, one of Chaster1* olda.t andmost LouoreC reshtents, was 68 yean old yes-terday, and the event was quietly commem-orated by a visit from his children and more

Attacked by aUorrtetown hat been disturbed within tho

past few months by report* of •wreral daringpersonal atanulta for th« purpowe of robbery,oommltted on the outskirts yt the place. Inseveral ca*w the vlctinu b j te been renderediinoonkdous by blows utealtbily dealt andthan robbed of their money. Chnrlee Elwn-

Immedla'te frlendi Mr. Swayw waa born lu [ tadtt, a well known tufcdior, residing nearChester, Jan. «Ut. 11503, and Is t, descendant of. tha town, Is the lost victim cf these l»]d u -one of tlie early pianota* who came from sanlta, aud only narrowly escaped being mur-Southold, Long Jaluid, and nttlod In that dered. He was returning to bU borne uponport of Morris county. The recent bl-ccnten-1 Jockey Hollow road on Wednesday evenlonial celefaratJon d Boutbold also showed thifc and when In a dasarted part of Wartarn a?thorewiuaBwayxeamong ths ULtle band rf nua was itopped by a atnagar wearingFm-IUtt who wtUed011 that iilaadtwotuL- fliducQhat,wboaakedf(]raride. Tbereqiuat

rsaga ' . . . . . .

MB. EDITOR —I saw in last woek'i Bxu. thatthere would be no Constables, Jintiocs of thePeare or Freeholds to beelaetedtbtaBiirinffAt preient wo ha.e two conitolilei at MineUlllt one at Port Oram, and noueln Deter foraboutiialtcfthe}ear AtthjiwrillugtbaTeIvo papora in in luudR to be eer, ed and noOQU to do tbe work I did send a miiumona toMlneUiU for a coiistabla tboretowrre, l»utit w u returned tlie next da with [be li•nation that be-could not •ervc i t Tbe otherconstable nt Niuo Hill \.aj at my ofllce, butwas on tbe title list, eke hi) would lave donethe work I noit aant a letter to tbs PortOram ooneUble, aolifylng blrn tbat I bad agood day a work tor him to da if be wouldcome down, but ho ha* not rtsiKmded as yetOur Diner constable, wlio ih also AaditactSlarkbal, haa not been seen by tht) Marshalsince last Saturday Now I.ttlult a town cftha importance i>t Dover should bare a contriable at all time* ready for duty, and thattlie Tovvuahlri Coiuinittce or souta one else Iaauthority tibould give ua t, cousUbla who willattend to budnen h<-re aud not compel us todepend on Mloa Hill or Fort Oram, as itlookias If they were good enougb wben tre cannottako care of oumjl vw

SXUUIUI* WlLLIAltS,Justice of tba Peace

Bopod Into a Den.JaniM Cattnuoro, of Hlbornla, -went to Pat-

eraoa last Friday and made a number of pur-chases, Including a plut of Pnssulo spoopju,la tho opening be went to.the D., L. & Wdepot to get a train for. home and tliere metoae Adelbert Galloway, who he treated to adrink. UndBrtho warming Influencesflttboliquor Cantuiore wu Inducod by Galloway tovisit a low don on UJ11 street wbro tliare wenthree men'end a'vronian, who made them-

l l b

dred yean ago,Mr Swayn.H.oliaJ Kidded at Cheater nil

bis days, baa In his life and character llluitrated all tiie good traits of hii Furitaaaucestry, partlctilnrly In tbe integrity tbathas marked his dealings with bis fellov mdc,a d hi- niiberence t-i big cotivloUoiu of rlfilttand duty Ha bos often boon calM fa? ad-minister the eitateu of other*, and b u beenfrequently elected to local poultionsof trust,besides having nnce filled tbe Important officeof Clerk of the County of liorrk Ever?tnwtever confided to htra wai alwayi filledto tii entire satisfaction of all concerned.

Mr Swarm is to-day a rorasrkable man-hale and hearty, and In the enjoyment of ahis facultlM, except that LU hairing la a littleimpaired Hei« ahla to raid without the aidofglauea, and befog fond of reading, keepswell verted la nil tbe affofri and concerns oftlia day He ban also a wonderfully reten-tive memory, Ibe accuracy of which makesblm a valued authority in all nutters of localinterest Ha enjoys a game ot whist, anddeipite his many years is an antagonbt mto be detipted. Last evening be sat withpart of bis friends for three lioun at tbi.genie nod showed no weariness or lack ofetwrgy a t Jb dose. He enjuyi eocjoty andbetide* being always glad to we bis friends iiabltf to entertain so wall tbat tbey alwn;consider tbe enjoyment of bit company'treat In politics |«J began life as a Whig,supporting that party ardontl while it ex-luted and afterward giving the lU^ubllcanparty an squally earnest support from thetfmt> of Its organlcation to the present. Attha outbreak of the civil war he patriotically•indorsed tbe conrae of tbe goternment audtwo of bli sons, and his aon In law, went outin tbe service of tholr country. In everyrespect hiB life has boon so honored tbat hisngo brings him tbe cordial regard and affec-tion ot all who have ever known him As toago be lias but one peer iu the vicinity wherebe lives, and thftt is bin old friend and nextdoor neighbor. Gilbert lludd, Esq, who bosreached the rare old age of W Tbe vicinityis noted for the longevity of its nxddents,causing them toarguu with some reason thatthose wbo desire long life, health and hsppi*

Is ehould Imlgrate to Chatter.The chlldrui «C Mr Bwayse are aeorge,wbo

reildes at borne; Uobert H.| a prominent citl*eeu of Bound Brook, K. 1. j Theodore P., whoba» been connected w|Ui the ^ Treasury Depart-meat »t Washlniton since 1809, Samuel, whohai been an officer lu the Mow York C'uitomHouse for many yean, William, who residesat bomo, and Uary;,tho wlfeVof Jas. E. Mat-Unn, of Wulilnpoii, D 0. All >ere at home

h t R h t H ti

tho nefly eloctod oDIcers, wboeo jumes Laiappeared In the Eiu, aud wbo were presentedto him by Bro. John H. Siukloy, acting tuSupreme Guide. The ceremony concluded,District Deputy Riuatdl mode a very pleasingand Instructive address, Illustrating uiomerjtsand object, of Ihe order, and tbe great valoeot Ita Insurance feature,- Dictator ArthurForce, of Frieudiklji Lodae, BockAway, told lua pleasing way his tiro year.' exporiauco aa amember of the order, aud Vice Dictator J.Wallace Waer, illustrettia1 by comparison thethe pnotioar working bandits ol the ianio.Brp. F, H. Burrell next made' some brief re-marks, and the new Dictator, Samuel Davi*,returned his thanks for the honor bestowedupon him, with a pledge to faithfully *nntho interests ot tbe. order. Other remarkiwore made by various members and by J. 8

Tiee-OhancaUor Pltaejr onVice-Chancellor Pitnay tried a" suit, on"cdnealay between Mr Rumple of thelyonna Building sod Loan Association, Noand a carpenter named Corkery. l l r

Rumple complained tbat certain shingling wasXetecUi. Spll. thicftcft bad twu uked, andtykcr; maintained that tbey weragood," " I

know sometUng tnyielt about shingling'*roof,1 said toe ViocCbancellor, taking up1

sereral pleCMitf blotting'paper and lappingthem one qrer aaoUwr, while tbs lawyers andSparta watched bin*1 olosely/ ''Them,1' hecontinued, when the material wu exhausted,"In order tc make a perfect roof, soundshuileeshouklbeused |fa«plltihhigbgrtt

a t r ta tmmy must be taken out In Order

replaceHTwithaMUtldone, Manyaimpjy , reUtiQWiAfcoaniaa.''kQpntUuspUtjplece^ol^tbenewshlnglc, John Peterson, wbo said be wai» Dane by

auiipiubitiipagftliistUie nail, iBouriug the birth, fifty yeara old.'-aad a reafdent of tmrpiece at the bottom with* nail,bnttboy bare 1 " 'to leave the nail exposed The only way tob*nagrMd,*randfatmiaiinot to trust tootouch to afofaitecfaiakid builders, but employannotmt and praottoal man to watofa toework, sod then watofablm" ; '

Rnoluuotiarjr IVar (Its orier la Heir Jeraejwaa wall npnaa&tod among tlie oSlcen of theAmerican aiug-p and tone of its fcaamtar-ewen signers to the fratlooal Consbcutlon)namely, Uov.raor William Patlanoi, Sarid

arle/ and Jonathan Da;too

ftesldgut, 1 U.Taiderbeof, assumed l i e birth at Basking IUdge. Thriwlout Uupost of lionor, and a greeting song wu ifn<dored lij a ouartttt. I. lip, B. M, J . Knd, ofPhiladelphia, Dtnartment Prallenl and amember ot the Matlraal KaKnUr. Commit-tee.ws. Indoduoid atd.msde a most itter-estlag address. He gave the hUorr ot tbeorgsnisalloa, whloh baa now been asUbliabedIn 8T «l>tss «ml tmlwki, elwl atrf thepriiol]ilesstlbeenle>,andtnaliatrlotlOTebshomd wl|at tt tmsoaa 10 do I r * • mabftmamio ot the publSsSoSi svstem and ubergoo4 features or<atrfmgoTMnnMsit. JhfUrringing Saab, other addresaga'm patrlettotoi>lca<rerapiad«bjrJI)luLg (HbsoaandEB f t i ^ ^B Potl«r ^ailiulgtonCaniplsaprosperoilB•ndgrowuig"oltsnltatloa. Altli<»(h I t waabut nnrnU; astabllslMi It taa w w nearlyI!*) members.

^Winter n e a a d n a a t tha I * k e ;Tbe hapfdeit and merrlertpvty thai has

felted Ukc, Hppzteantf ibis irlatoi; ttoppadilh VanNorttrlckat tha Hotel Erwlln fromITcdnBeday of last week until dnnday evao-g Wben tbey Arrived at DniMvllIe starDQ, with all M r baggage and a bob sled tor

ousting, everybody aald, "There's tha partyprfna" And those wbo said i t were exactly.gbt in their lunnbo, tor tbey enjoyed every

inlnuta <& thejr sUy and proved tbat Uk*Hopatoong ba. attractions la winter equal tothose of thesununeraeasoiit Whan they1 wore•tot iklmmlos; ovor tbe frown surface of thelaktt in Mr 1 Regipakj fty's bandstrina Iceyacbts.'^heymreeUhnraloljjhinj, skaUng or:KMiUng Tfaoy war^ prepared for all Mod*>f weataar, were oat from rajrnjns untilnight, through rainorsatiw, and aU regrtttedthat bu*loc«8 cared prevonted them from stay-ing longer Tbe party ~wu arranged andmanaged by Mr. Itaginald Fry, of Hcrria-town.and among his guesU werofrienda from,Hodlson and Now York city. ; j

• -DeathofHrs. StioWe.' i. Caroline etlcklo,' widow of the late1

Btunabas KioS Stickle and mother of UeuraB X and G. W. 8i|aale.tdied nt ber home inRockaway on Bond>y- nigbt« In tha 71st year

to age Hn. BUcklrwaB n daughter of1 late Daniel TutUe and sifter Df Mr. H D.ittle,\ Vor many years Bho has been one of

the best known ladlea of Rockawiy. a memberpf tbe Pmbyterlan Cburdi and active in all

.Hirfaln, a serviceable friend to Utoaein needr'aflUctlon, an exemplary wife and mother,ad a valued neighbor The general esteem

at tie I t ftJS. depot In Newark on TuesdaynigbtforbeligbeasUyilrunk. Wtenbroughtbefore Initloe Van Seas Peterson mid that bewason bis way to Kewiftrk with •% snuglyplaoidlnblslnaUejioclcet. Onthetralnbemet a stranger, who indued him to get of) atHe«lark, aod together they made the roundsoftbs Batons, with the mul t that be got ndotallUsoasb, eneptloc t i t s , and waa gladto bave e*en tbat trine left to taks (urn borne.The Justice thought the^nsn auOdently pm-laMeMdUiartedblai.^|Werson left thecity st oKe.aatdder.poocer.'aiid presumably,awuerman. *• s ^ *~

with unfeigned regret.[erdmta wascaused by apoplexy, with which

sahewaasirlckeajuttfwo weekabaton. Thettcteml services were conducted at the lateresidence on WediieedaysafternooD, fay HAV,O. T. Andenon, and were largely attended

~ Town KasUagiAftar the Ola Styl " tIt seems, acooidlng to a section of llio u

? s-rsarsi*": s »=anot lo be need a t towniblp elecUcn. It laaecLiott fUty.aad'reeasasfollows: l!Thatnbne

1 twenty therwrf to and IncludingseoUon f orty ulna thereof, shall apply to or Inanywba affect MwnnnetinKt hereafter lo boheld in Oils State or *ny mMn 1 Ion tbereof."The sections .-afemti to cover all the provie-lons for tbe stent, ballot, and "town meetlngsnlaUielBKal tarn applied to townshipelect-ons,

8ona tt Tsterana K

lit newly elScbdofOcara of UcDavllCamp,ons of Veterans, wen installed last Satur-

day evening by their Bret Fapta|o, O P. Mer-rill. Tr(io also made them a thongliKul ad-

The blrtbdar of. Abraham Lincoln,

^ r e l l r f y ^CUp y, tbB oppttjoo wflt b

ftniH by MpDtvtt Camp ™ i*"i nliig of

4 . Xair Business Tlrm.4 . Xair Business Tlrm. ,Jaessrs Bobert T, Smijh and Thos. linnlng

W e formed a psrtnenblp, under tbe firmname of Smlta & Fanning, for the purpose ofcarrylngon the maun busmen In all.lrj.ue-tails. Both are urat^hua workmen and men

good business habits, and we wbh theme success thb/rdeteire3.Tiieir business card

Lppt&rsonthAu^iXeltepage. ,

. Aahea In the Stnet.Ur.IIobertr. Oram, J r , w u drMnrnp

Pnspeot street on Banday evening when hissleigh wss overtnraedb|ninnliigupQn abeapof ashes that bad been dumped In the atreet.Tbe hone ran away and was not-oosghttnlhe reached Crane Hill, but the only damage

was a lost-whin. \,

this.occasion, except Rohort.H. tiwayse,»ho was detained hylllness In hit family.

FubUo InstaliatlDniVaabhiglon Camp, Ho t, Fatrlotlo Order

Soul.of Anierioa,'beld a public lutallatlon oftholr omcemtat la .UcDaTlt's'Uall on Tues-day etenlng, wben there nas present a con-siderable audience ot .their ladles and friends,rhe retiring President, Edward Ruah, openedtho meeting lu duo .form, tbo Initiatory exer-clso) being tbe singing of "America' and theoffering of prayer by Brd Goo B. Weluol.After tbat the oBlcon, whose same, were re-cently published in l i . ERA, appeared beforeDepartment President Thoa, B JlcCratii.whoIndactedOiem Into their various offloee aftertbe fofut proecrllMd by the order The new

pleasant evening District Deputy Russell andsir. Qluion were thanked by tbs lodgo fortheir asrvlcet FnteoUon Lodgolain a health.ful and growing' .condition, - l tnownumbenTO membera, whose lives are Insured throughthis organissttontothe extent of Ht'J.UOO.

1 The Oradis of American Vrse Ksacnnr.1

Recent inMMtJgatlons mado by the QrandLodge of.Ifew.Jersey, Free'and AcceptedUasons, briag .'to light facte which go fartoward aubstantlatlng tbo cLatn , that New

ersey Is "the craUla'of Atuerfcan Freeafaeonry." TbennteommbBlonforan Aueri-can organixallon was named to Daniel Coxe, alargo proprietor, :of.West Jersey lands. Tbuoomnumlou was dated 17W, buttherebnsbeonfound no record of any lodge belug organisedunderltBDroTlalons. The original New Jeraejlodge wea Uio St John's Lodge, which waiformed at Newark on Hay UUi, 1741. The

eoo^. w u organixod a t Bluabethtown in170! Inl703alhlrdlodgewsi Instituted atWnooton, while In 1707 a tourti ncelvod its

; I n the Hew of tht Yaar.Tbtrmdanoe of jVr aid Hr. Abraham

Kaufman, of Rockaway, waa the Kene of abrilliant event d WedneaClay' afternoon,Wben tba> daughter, Mb. Bay, ems wedded

Hr. Harry X. Joel, of New York. TheJewkh o.reinony,ti«nil»tolloto.ICiig!lj\ wasperfumed by Her F.DeSua afandes. MissIda Kaufman was maM of honor, with MrJulius Simon otNewTork,bntnian,aiiiltheushers were KeasmB J.lflael.Aug Greenhart, B.S. Simon and A. Kaufman A'greatmany geesta were preient from many plaoea,and the offering of wsddiig gUWwu largeandsnparb. An exquisite supper was servedand gohnodsnhach's orchestra, of Korria-town, furnished muno The prladpab aremaking, wedding tour ot six weeks In the

aostendid from thalr Ohiinh BeUUcna., Atameetlog of the Pnabytery of Ho,rt.and Orange, held In Morrfctown laat wsek, toifM Judgment upon Prof, and Hn, lie VolaoaWood tn relation to tha recent troublM grow-ing outof their connection with the BoontonPreshyterlan Ohansb, a senbuce of publiccensure and juspeusion from cbnrch privilege.tilKreparatlao bss been nude, was nnanimoualr decided upon, In aooordanc. withthis Judgment Rev W. Wj Halloway, Jr.,Moderator ot the Preeby tery, pmebed In theBooafcm Ohurch last Sabbath morning, Inexchange with Kev Hr. Outer, and pro-nouacedtliesentanceofjhsPresbylery Frof.and Kra Wood were not present •ttbeser-Vtoe. ^ i _ • ' «

BefrtsniUna-aiiAmloted Woman." , .Tie 1C * E. Xallroad employee, aro en-

deavorlngtoralaea fund for the support ofthe widow ot Fireman Smith Seremer, whowas killed In the terrlbaiaccldentatFaiBrson,leaving Ur\rlfe'with two small children tosupport, Aiubeciiptloufeparxwsthls weekbeendrculatedlutbeSovercarsbops, JfrsDeremer baa bean sadl alnic|ed'of late. Aoonple ot month, ago her father waa killed byen exptatton of Jwder «t Uoinitaln: Vhw;then ber brother was run over on b

another'casnalty mueUyjorrible.'

AnOidOhrlstmaaaift. 'U s . Bsnist Bchuyler, who lives on tbe

Bchnyler eetale at Pompton lake, Is the re-cipient of a Christmas gift 8,600 years HidThe piece of cloth waa taken from t ie wrap-ping ot a mummy brought from Egypt In 1187by Eev. J O banting, D. D , Profeasorluthe« « _ . , . . . ' an. • * • rm • < >.*

Brunswick. Tbe mtunmy Is ia the museumolUe Theological BemiBary there and la tbemortal remains of a PriettMs and Princess,wbollvedbetween 1500 and 16MB C and bat kaMS^OU years old The pneent wu madeby Hov J K Jamnn, ofNewark.

Tottna- If an'a Oatholto AaaooUtlon,Tto •nnml meettng and election of c&pr*,

of tie Yonng Hen's Catholia Aatodatlon ofVonittown waa held Iq thefr bujlijinff onBoolb ttreetlAVedtiBBday evening aod tfmilteAai follmt Thomas F CUfford, Prtddoit:Wiii V. Ouim, V l » t r ^ e n t i T h o n j « i ^W l b C ^ f B *Welsh, CornRio^fDg Secretary! Hfchael B,Norrjs, Financial Secretary iliorrii {. Comdon, Treasurer, Board of Director*, -fjugena- - • - "- "ay, David I* tf*. q«o.

•- - - H. Rnlght,

fMn, P. O, BanEsn and Ul* KlU Byan tra

the leadlns candidates In « iplrJUd bat Teryfriendly oonUrt for « UiirlKMiM toUsb Ktoffered at the annual fair of S t Kary1.Church, Tomorrow It the hut day for Yot-Ing, and aa then ladfai have nuuy peraonalW d i U d UfestSd la tbB outotane Of the oontert.

(legnid;.which nadiaa

IE Chrlatmaa da on Thnnday be,A windy Winter j e kbaU M <Windy weatbor In eadi week,And hard tBtnptnts, strong and thick.

So far tbe l*jond bai been weU mlflad.


waa granted and the man hod no sooner goInto tha Wilton before lie caugfct KiHonnnllhby the throat and struck him several timeswith a thick pto» of Iron. Eisensmlth didnot at once lose consdoiunen and a desperatestniggleauiued, durinsw hicbtbemen fell fronthe wagon Into the road A vagou approach-ing scared tbe highwayman and ho left hisvictim end took to tho woodi His Identityts unknown Mr Elsannnithwaa-OHVemlyhurt ID tbe encounter that for a time his oondIUon was serious. His bead was badly cutIn three plus* Ho la nearly 70 yeara old,and may not recover He wot In tbo habit ofearryiog Jorge tumi of money, having no fallhlu bankB, aud had maretbau ftSOuwitli himwhan he waa assaulted None of this 1taken by uls asuihuit The rood orer whMr Elsensmlth drove Is generally Hghtud bylamps In front of tlio reddenou It w«. die-covered yeiterday that the larop* in (rout ofConstable Pienwo's and George Greenwood 1bouses bad been emptied ot thoir oil, and tbalths wicks had been wet with water

Brave KnijhU a n ! Fair Ladles.ProtuoUnn Lodge, No, M, KuIghU end La-

diet o( the Qoldea Star, bold a publls luHtallrvtioo oC their offloBra In their lodge room la theOdd Fellowi Building, on Wednesday oven-iog, The lodge waa opened by tho retiringDictator, Dr. H. W, kico, and after tbo opoa-ing ceremonies DUtrlet Deputy DictatorJotaA. RuMiU.perfonnediua.very pteaalag andimpriHalva Uio cenunony of Install ing

at the oonclai of a.very




Dnvid JOM*, an eld redduutof BOOOUHI,critically 111

HiM Lulu V udurhoof id vi&lting Mn. JohnBubenua at ewa^lt.

Min JIBU-1 Budianan has boon vkltlLgfrlendi in Jertwy City.

J-£j— Cain of Newark, has been rl&111* old f rienda lu Dover.

Hn,M.H Huyder, of Chester, bos bean111. but Is now improving.

Mixa Kitt VauKeua, of Butler, bus beeivlflltlug relaUvus In tuwii.

Mr J ? Cm oi, of Franklin, fa8crauk.ii and Uuwlty, Pa.

Mrs. Jos niUhlntlG Jfft i l l . Hope for Hart-f rd, COIUI , ou Wmincaittay,

MiuAmaMattiitmi.ofWiilug Mr and Mrs J R. Goorgo.

David Reo.ai of Chatham, dlod ou\ tar 1 Duy nt the grrat age vtSi.

Fml A Coiitleld bus boon elected a Diruo-tor of the Dover Electric Light Co.

Win tiJrton, of Morrlatowii, hai beenranted an original Invalid priisiiTho reported deatli ot Annia Oakley in no

credited by uome of (ho nomiupers.Ulss Carrlo Earle, of Jorsey City, has been

the guwt of Miss Annio iloFlierson.Mini Wllbelmlua F. Tumor hag returned

from a visit of Bomo ilayi at Flanders.Mias Uflttlo Luke, of Kaugbrigbt, Is vMt[its hmina Von Wert at Huo Brook.Edwin Wesley, wbo bus beun visiting

ktionsat Allontowu, Fa., has returned.Ileury II Bnckimas tliowlnneroftbowbiti

todi-natnent ot 4JB Oneonta Club, JfodlMin.Mrs J V Klrki of ItouenUale, X. V.,foiling her old bonie and friunrfs in Dorer.Miss Aunlo Williams,ofBooiitoii.ltiYlittJ

Min Lizzie t re borger, of Prospect i tmt ,Chauocoy M. Depow was tbe Ruost of II,leK. 1 womltltiy at Hadlion tlie iiret cf thd

weekIbe death Is announced at l'eapock of Adam

Kagaii, a well known dlkon, aged niwut 70tnrn. ;

Mr JACobVall.ofChJcago.lub!i brother, Mr J Klwooti Vail, neur thisplace

Prank, soacfJoa . i l . Willlanu, of PertOram, liita been ill with jmoumoaia, butisnonnprovlngV r S , n Dorland, of Flanders, wears auilo on account of on heir being added to blaand nameA New Year wedding wan tbat ot Mr. Oftca

Smith, of Flanders, uud iliaa A\mia Colenwn,rttettterClay wood Parker lias succeeded Wm. Bang-

hart as itatlnn ugent of the Central Kallroaiot Rockaway

1W \V ti DolpnlUouBundayaMuroe.tbQduties of paitoi ot tbo Lutheran Cliurcb"ticrniau Valley

Arthur D Fluke, of Now York, has routedtht houte of ex Mayor H. W. Miller, on Uoy-kou street, Murrlstown. '

The Hawark Ad veruiwr thinks ex-Awembly-iflii Naugbright will bo elected to the Housedcrkablp lie in socking.Un Wm Beorlos, of Elizabeth, baa been

viaiUng a weak with tho family of Jm. H.Williuns, of Port Oram.

Mr Thos. Mnlley, of Morristowu, irongoldiheaded cuuo in a -voliiitf contest it Bt.Mary's fair lutliutphce.arys .air lutiut

Hr and Mn Urecoivod holiday giftsMr, Uoogland'ii employees.

Mm W J Taylor, of Chester, has jiiit re-df i i t t h d h t M K

H Eartuhaw, in I'hlkdelptla,Jos. Uurd, of this place, ban bought the In'

terostofWm Donalduou In the1Rapid FhotoKnjfravIngCo , of New York city.

Councilman D Schofer has been laid upwith an attack of erj ilpolai, caused by a in-jury to Ills arm, but baa recovered.

Prof Charles Btupp, for tome time part theorganist of Uio Church of Uio Atsempdon, ofMorristown, haa resigned tbu iwdtlon.^ . . •-

Sirs. Maria Van Mesa, formerly of PoinptoiiPlaius. died at tho home of her daughter inNewark lout Saturday, in bar BOth jwir.

KorriitOrTn has four roddenta who wereborn In tbe year 1800-Jarael Turner, JohuThatcher, Dr Kinsey and Mrs, Wm, Bayre.

Mr. Wm. J Taylor, of Clicater, ti oS tor atrip to Cuba, which vo trust.will prove ad-vantageous to his health, u well as business.

l lr and Mn, John Doering and MiMThomas, of Flandera, ipent New Year'B withMr nnd Mn. Buddlngton, of Randulph' Ave.

E Billiard Qage hai returnod to Yale Col-lag*, where be will graduate in June, and willthen enter Union Theological, Bominary, Key

Ohailtlaa Aid AnoolaUoo.Theannual meeting of tbe Morris County

Branch of UM Stato Charitiea Aid Aasodationwas beW in Morrirtown on Wednesday Btter-noan. Tlwrawna gopdlf attendance fhe,annual reporti of U»'TariDOti


Rev, Dr. Buckley and otiert, • The foUow-bnoen were elected Presldont>-Joha Bk r ; Vloe Preddent, Coarlton T Lowia,

LL. D ; 8eoV, Mn. Wm OeCamp Johnwn,rreas., Full. B Flennn, BieoDtlve Commit- sectiontee,Bev A, Eraoian,D D,Hre Jas,Strong,Mrs. R. V.T*. Hslrckd, Xrs. Qulev Tirin-I W l U t a V

Pnpaok Looklna. T/p.Tbt two nev railroad stations at Peapdck

are about completed, me tor tbe D , L. & W.,and to . ofllerfor tbe Rockswav Valley roadIbe townto beginning to lathe airs of acity, and boast, ot street lamps and olier

'ideaoee of enterprise en the part of its clt-

te the railroad station. The Ludlow•a. a r . building a large bib factory at t aba. j ,Ibe bnfldlaals ane lo] , the engineai In pcdltoi, aul almdvw tbe shrillearn of tbe steam-whistle t . heard, bespeak'; prosperitT for the town.

•Soelawar Odd fallows.:The followfagoftors of Cittern's lodge, ot

foctaway, were lbstalkd on Uondaj iiigbtiohn Sahy, N. O ; Lerti Slide, V G. |

Artbar UlUer, Soo'ji A. Kaufman, Treaa,,Hiram Jftx/Perm Hee'y, George Tonklng,

far , Wm Hatter, Cond , E H Tattle, I,'D. lpBerry, a O.| Turner Seymour, R.N.OtThoinasUitcbell,L.S IT O.jJee.

. Sendo™,l>, S V. 0 , Bernard Benson, L. T O , 8 a o n d D a m l e b , R . S 8 , (loo W

Cole, L. 8 8 The lodge is Jn a prosperouscondition Them were 10 lnltlsUons duringthelasttehn.,

The Qrowth of V s v Jeraer.Hew Jersey haa grown more rapidly durings past decade than any other North Atlantic

aroun. I t . rate of mcreaiie CT40 per cent,white thai oftio othor Slate, la this groupwas aa follows afalne,1.7a, Kevfiampaoire,SSI i yennonl, a trUmg dnresje; Uaaeachii-»«a,M.20; Khodelskod.JI.SSl OmnecUcut,1»W,KewYork, 17.M,TennsjlLnls, 21.65,

ew Jersey's lncre.be Is aho larger than, thaiol all tto old State, except Florida, and laexceeded by few even of the newer Bbates ofITesUHm ioA Ncr(bero uid Southern Central


y AHat i r* of JJorris.Mrs. Abigail Van Dyke, tbe aged mother of

faoob Van Dyke, died at tbs borne ot her sonn H*cMUtown cm the 2Oh ult. ttra V*n3ykawasa dJiugbter atSamaetand SliatabethOooper, and a, oauitn ot tht lato Qen NathanOooper. 8be was born In Chester township,aCorrii county, oa June Q2d, 1800, and at theUme of her death was 00 year*, 0 months and{ days old. BUe has made bar home with barion for a great many yean, when she baabeen cared for with the most tender solicitude

Swelled Topulatlona.A dispatch from Washington to some ct tho

dty papers announces that tho HOUM CommlUee on Post Offices and Post Iloads has de-

A to report favorably tbe bill establiinlngthefree delivery In town* of B.O0O population,and names ths following among Jersey townsUmtmwld be entitled to id bcnoflta Dover,0,202, Newton, V,701t and Washington, J3.97OSorer Is considerably the laigut ot gto threetowns named, and our population doea notexceed 4,600

Country Beada.Socrciarr Dye, of the SUte Board of Agri-

tMlture, say» tbat the annual cost for tbe repairand Improvement ot roadt, exclusive of newroads, bridges, removing mow, etc., irfSJO,-

lloagland, of RockaKay,tsof beautiful chairafrom

J Tayloma visit

, , jto her daughter,i k d l l l


SUITS,Underwear, Gloves and Mittens,

ork/dV. ;s( ; . ; . / : :1 ; . r ; . . , . : : {Jim Jacob flicks, a very wormy liuly, and

mother ot Mr. D. H, Hicks, the Dover jBwelor,died at her home, between Cbeaterand Gorman

'alley,last Sunday. ,-.',;'.•; : . ; .-.'OcniWm. PraiPasn^CTirnCoiKiot ol.thti old

[Oth Begimnnt, and How. itatloued a t FortDouglas, Utab.1 U spending aJeaVeof absencett New York and vfdd^r.'f' ' ^ •••:.';•; ; v

j *^E A- Wolfe,, manager, o: the ' W. U. tolo-

grapb oEotj in. Uorriitowu, hai aoiwpted aposlUon In the »»lngs bank and ia luoceededy a Ttfr JaCadigsii. of Bonuitoii.'4*" • •.''•• "• '' •' 'CoLU O Otwa, otWoedbury,, tie patent

medicine millionaire; .who baa a lake reeldauoetBon>li»nii,ltls,aaJdirUlbeacai«ll<lalefiir. 8 Senator to suooeel Butns Dkxjjott. ,Bsoaje-iuaster T.'JIadlaoa Oondit, tbo

Becnitarx-Trearater of UieH.o t K. B . ' KEmployeseX. Bl'A,^ li lald'np tram Injuriesreeeived laat week' by a fall from an eoglne.: •

OK Bupt, Ju.: O..Oooper-,was onanlinoulveoted a member of tbe Council ot ElloaUon

lr/,tliat bodj at It. meeUnj on Moojay eve-olns; last In the Mornial School at Trenton.' '••'

Tboc B. ttobblns, ef Hschettatotni('wlioill retire from the Warren Honae in the

Spring, baa been Invited to aooept tiie mansge-meot of the Dorlaeourt, at achoole^'Hou

Hr. B. Behm.'tha photographer, has lefthe employ of O. u.lletijainla; A uuiMlns

will be ereotoj for him and Iw will, engage Inbuatniaaenbis mm account ill l>over.lo tbi

pring • „ • • . . •:. : - . ? : • • , •;••:M™.E.V Cole,neelflnCvnUita1Iontanye,Sloonungdale, forinerlv of this town, spent

-Jm bolldays with her friend Mrs; S. S. Ljon,Boonton, and relatlro* auLfriendi In thin

The- HJMM Mary, Ba rail andJiseptino IV'al-ar, of Stockbolnii we making an extended

trip throng.. th« BJnth, vlsllinj Uio principalcltlH and battloflelJ., (rom Virginia toFlorida.' T i • ; • . ' • . • * - - -

E'Jgene Hlgglru, ion of tba lata £. O. Ulg-gin, of MotrUtown', In laid to U the woal (faintunmarried man In tho Vicinity of Naur York.H« li in the thiitloa and ti -worth between',12,000,01)0,8114115,000,000. ;': "'•••; •'•^V ••, , , 1 , , ^ ; ;

DP O W,'McDavit,.tha donttat,:besideshating his hand aerercly cut id the railroad

ltetu. :A'noir;'aldeiralk eitendi from Haln accident at Patenon, wasboDlloedtohlsbwl•orae days by bruises. He Is now abla to

_ out and attend to his'nusiness. ... .Dr R. 0. Vreeland, wbo came borne to spent!e holidays with bis parent*, has bean unablereturn to bis busineai In New York becausea serious swelling of tiie band and. arm,

Fhlchbecnnwltau a pimple In,the palm. . ;John Pliaku, for many yearaareeldeiit __

Horristown, died at hut homo on Spring streeton Monday of oowumption. Ho wai a Tot-Iran, having enlisted In Company IT, yewSTork Volunteer*, in ISM, aud Burred untlllbe olon of the war < •. •< y •' • \"Mrs. Archla Fl&tt, an esteemed young Udy

of Eurdtovm. died a t lor horns laat Saturdaymorning otter a painful illness, of braintrouble. Funeral serrioes. were held at theHurdtown M E. Church, on Monday, and

rera very Impressive ' • - : :Mrs. Anna Fisher, who died at Falnnountthe Slst ult., bod reacted the great age of

0 yeara and 6 'months. . Her husband, Geo.Fiaber, died Nov 19,1BS9, aged U yean, andthey wen matrled TO years. They, ware theparents ot Wm. 8 Usher, of Naughright •

The friends of Capt Ira W. CorylnsJ^tthatla h u a good claim upon the Morristotra poet•fflce, that he gave four yeara of good serf-iceo his country, that he It competent for the poai-M, and now that be Ii incapaoitated for hard

is entitled to consideration at UID hudi

'In speaktiig of the approaching marrlago ofJohn P, Brown, Cl New Ponndland,theFator-aon Qnardlan sayi tha bride " laa well educatedand accotnpllihed Udy, In the prlmo of life,wb«e borne II now in Newark. 8ho fa wallcalculated to take charge of Uio ancient boa-telrjr, as AMI affable and genial and a groat

Royal Aroannm.Loantaka Council, No. 108, Royal Arcanum,

of Uorrlstown, met Tuesday evealng, andSuprevieRepresentaUro Frank J. Orimth, ofLonfrfo.low Conndl, laatallwi the followingofficers for tbe earning year: Regent,Abraham C Oordlnleri Vioa Regent, John K.Bonifacfl) Orator, Charles W.'.Knnis; PastRegent, HerryD Hoftmon; Bocrebuy, DtvldH. Rodney; Collector, Fred, 8cbmo" ' ~Trouurcr, Victor Boellj Chaplain; CBeach Guide, Joseph >M. MoodyTAaron B Losey; Sentiy, TVUltata Hi')

rruitees, for three yearn, Isaac C.Piot ,tor one yew, E. 0 Itoy; HepreaentaUve toSrand Council Harry B, Hoffman; Alternate;Abraham C tiordlnter. Beveral vidling

Tmbenof tbeEojol Arcanum from otheriindla were present' At the close of thu In-

Btollatlon, Loontaka Conndl and the grandofficers and vliltors enjoyed s repart at theInvitation of the new officers.

A Punllu Servant Sea^.General F K Bptanor, wbo dlod on

waday last, and wbo held tho offlce of tnuu-nrer-ot tbe United States far a Bomber ofyears, -will chiefly bo remembered for tho pe-culiar ailtograph wblch heftvolrod; Beddathu, ho wa*, however,'* Wthful public ser-vant, and It is to his credit that he opened up

»mr«pea«i. poverpslotliia; elasi niurs- mopervearlnKeiJersej KthtomU nuloprorttiiltiea towenun, la tie govenTieit• • - — ~ - •• rprateacbjeu- fa ImMk, Wlord read. W « a r l ^ ead thn. taairecllr oontHtatdto

" " ".woBUsoon.Hnti.besthlshwAj.ln UiaCrtlsnotttlUooKm


New AdvertisementNEXT WEEK




Overcoats- A N D -

fact evorylhiug jn onr'l<'ne. Tterefore yon will Snd oor store jitat; '.';'. i•. r:'; '•'• tlie place to make that purchase tor a enitoWo;:; *,; ,,

Snow Shovels, Sno^ShoyelsFancy Holiday:Hex&vroxeii'r.H a n d s o m e : C a r v e r , , ^ ; ' ; ;Silver Knives; Forks and Spoons,: " ' . • , . • • • . • • -. • • • ' , • ' • • • - M A T - • ' • - . • . • • ' / . : • • ' , . • .


when yon want a Corset jast callat the Baker Building where yonwill find nearly all of the leadingstyles:. I'., ;••;/.';•;. '\'^y'^^;t:








Page 4: ll t a CARPETS. HEAGAN & CO., .lUf.i.itat.i.j.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · botU» bat Bone Btdhb only 88 eta. paili bot Ne» Fruit Jailer only 25 cie,


of itio KKA luu! JIn-mtrvuluf tlie ftiml rim* Unit li ntlicr

i that |>lai'C

Tlw N. V.g the Hiuw suliJV.M of the lib ioi.t. fcnys:

V.'lmn tlu- hnc(»stoi-a of the rii'li Lurd familyf NVw Vntk lnnit.il out cwiutin a t HiMiiiton,wuy bark in t»iS-Kh>, uiul l>ilwl uiithoulil-

i i h k r l l 1 1 lt III')' never

i.n*l tlii- IVlW lilM

iii-iii}-nt Murriistuwn lid[>c<i W-furo Americaniiuk|wii.le:n.-y, nnd tho I'iudtiraoon mado a hugejitlt* IIUIIIK tliu banks of tbo rushing Uockiiwayriver, lu alter yearn, as tlio lloonWn Ironwiirls buoatno more ami worn ffuuous, LlioItiluitof refiiso f roin tbe milU iuereaswl. Highuuliaukuieiita of cinder 6iirr<niuile>l the worl'H,imd it became a problem b o * to dis]>oiK> of tlitalusary nnd frtipi*n«*dly iist-less material. AHlh« luwathip laid out rcMuls in tho vicinityM-nwuf Ihi.scludur, or blag, os It In generallyrjilUd, wan carUil Into the country nnd uaodfur tilling lu or for rood Ixxk Tlio ring wasnujftklimil a nuisauee ly Uio oivuen. of tliu

k», will Uioy woru g\a<\ to gut rid uf it

In y y jTu iluy llur groat b of Jng hav

uiul tliu price of IJoontoii slagj'rotuis^MriOoiitolie i[U">t«.il in tile iron market uf tlio country.TlimllMwery Unit It liail valueJMof c(im[«iru-tlvdy recant dato. Thodd furnace* were shutilowji for year* nftor tliu iluLtli nf ono or twoif tlio I>N1H, nttiiitwamitilyufUrtlioii]anngi>-niniilof tbu l>ird t'itnto {*aiiiH int" the hands•if Uwjiuuln N(if«U, « livjtlwr «l UcljuiecySii'iill, whonmrrlnlii.liiufilitniofPntiiriLordff Mi.nisttnvii, that Uio work* wnro startwli>l> nml tliu clng *vns round tu i<ott.~«is intrinsictiiwl r.ntiiiit'iriiil niorit. Mr. NIcollIx mi ncUvi;,ntlilctiL- young fclluw, a (•rntliuitti ol*iumiiun I'rliiLtUm OASS of '77 Olid captain oftliu only bout vivw tliat tho [inuigo nnd blackfvtr sent to H.initoga uml M-OU H ]wunuut vTim monient lio wua |>ut!ti ulmrgu uf tho LordliitiTiwtB .tent lie IH-^HU toKI> "lintcould boiitmuto bring tlie \>\aco nut of obscurity niMiko the naUve iinxluets iirofltable.

Alwit two join* ago tomo ?iciv York enLSIIMIH and liw-iuww men, including ErasWininu, Aiitilln Well and Lnwre»n> 8. Mutt,k'gau un Itivcktlgatfon Into tlio merits of tliHootilou sing, with n viovv to lu-ing it as a lasin thj inmiufui'turu nf ]»lnt by thu process din-(.'avnred nnd paU-i.tul by James I', i'urbliijr, of

"OUBOOtJNTEVBCEOOLS." j - JAMES niJSSZLL SOLEY. ~Vis fiud wo ivero uiUt&kou lu our last in at-1 — —

lril« .Ui iKtoMr . J .T .Unrhwi<«i»miarkHl T b i * • " A " * - ' " - S-«*Ufj » ' « . •IUUIII' tiffurtj tlio tilate TsnocboiV ArisociatiouInstwtt.,. Mr. CUJUMY'M mlilrue nag au cx-towliil (IJK>, i"overlug a gr»?al dtnl iiis-| «.i:t ing tlw linjirovciwnt of iiitry

but did not uoiiUilii uny such refer-Mice to llio iKuoniDca of trustees aa iras liu-

ta him. Tliu TninLan GuretU) gives tliufullowinguynojsJsof tie r«marki of MessrB.~ II lew uuii King tijwn tho tojiii amdgiiiKl

T. CorlBw, of ])ov*r, was tlie iirstnr in thu tllsciiMsLu UJM.I; the rml.Jtitt,v Klmll Cur (.%i.mtry tSclnwln t>u lm-(1 f Iln tuoit^lit 1U« Ktatc Hujwiiritou-

ilont trliunld iw a Lhoronglily-trufnat num,nud be tliuuld be so njr|K>liite«J as not to !HJliable to change fur politlral purpotwu. IIuiJiould bo paid, too, according to liiu ability.Ho wight to havo tbe ni)|wicUnBBt of Haaunty sujwrintviuloiitA, and tlioy sliould t>erained uiun. Tlaeso BupedntouiJonU obouldlavo the ajipoiiitniBnt uf I lie trustees, anil

these mcii tdiimld bo tliorougbly oompetuatwho could go luto thu school room

uid tie a hulp to the u-acht-r. If this system:1IQ doj»rtinout would jndl to-

Kt'tbcr, and It would be ft long^trong pull,l l r . Coi-low tliougbt tbon) Hhould be more

Dim] onUiuslajfla, Tliere was too muchtweli.Dg. TliDtoacUcraouglitto take

more interest In tiiclr work. Tbon Uio tniB-tocn Aucl county suiwrloteiidcDtsi could do

IUUII in tbo oducutinu ot tbe farmers by hnilug evening meetings, u bora tho interastlugubJccU;could bedlscuftsod. Hottiougbttheromua tot. much taicliiug tliat wu not prncLI-•nl. Koarly all tho teaching in countrychmU won language IMCIIIDS. All nibjeclsihirli wore of practical interest to

In tlio conimuulty and would be of ini[)nrUuitin Hflvr Ufa, wcra ht t out ut Lli« wlitw..

Tills WM a great mistake, in tbo


ulLoil M:I1LM h'.ivj-,JUIIM;S K ' IMOH S.JI-.'V is tliu flilitl \\tv-

fion tliul )<i>s tii'lil llio (.iHitlun nf A3-tlslant.Hircrcurjtif Uio Njir.vt.inco theor/»nni/,;tt/'«n of ilu- S'a.vy Ui-]),ir(.niout-Tb« ollicii w.ii uL'n.ii!!.! liy tli« not ofJuly Til, ItHll.tiiti] [.I.dlNl.i'd l»y t h - ort otMarch 3. is-i'l. '!'.•• j-iiUvjii wi.sj be l lby liimhivus V. Kox. uf Mawa-jtiusotU,from Aitffust 1. lam, to .Vav :si. ISil3,ind by William t'uron, uf

Jiinf. I, isW. until M;iivii :i,-ercatOil lu lUo k'L,'isl;aiv»t

billfromIt w ,npprov-it.luly U, lB3l>, atiJ Mr.ut that timi) I'rofuiH-irul M-iUiomatlusIn tbo Navy, wllh tlm mlal-Ivii rank ofCoininnnJnr, resignfj IIIH piiltiuu, was

ilnalfd by ilm I'rcsidi-nt, andd b i b

yed by tin ij?iiaui on tbo istb of

ut tv ul l ihwry, a bill hadroiiurln^ tlio oflli-o of

pI'llUnuii, III. Tbo Bo itnislap w

nr. itlckutU,jf Col-j

umbia College, mid I'rol. AiniU'iitof RutgroCollide, who reported tlint it was very rich In

' iron, (.•oulnliiiujj from .Vi to TO [tor cent, nf purooifdu. 'fhoy ulw dlncovtrod that in this cln-di'i- tliu iwrUek'H of Iron wont all locnst'd lulartli-los of hilled or £ltu>t, wbieli ndded to Ita

^ horor n century uiul Imun

sub jetted to ovorj" kind ot wontlier, from cor-roding.

On tlie htrtingtU of these reports a company' niu orgasiltwl, with Ur. Wlmau ru I'rfwiJont,

iij'liulldliign were loosed, machinery lutro-'Moetl and the manufacture of pfllut 1x>guDmidnr Inventor Porliins's eupervUlon. Tlionrwluct liai beeu a markwl BUC«JE9 anil Mr.JUt-h saysitis working n revolution in Uio]>jiattrMe, A'enrlyall the Pullman cars are

, j i lutol with tbo CAuiion cliuk-r of a eeuturyn%o, nnd tlint olive groou BUOCIO, BO uoticuaMeun tbe parlor car exterior, botokoiis tlio Hcwn-

U'hca Mr. >'iooll had niade a contract withll» paint comimny lio begun to look aroundfor otlior llulils of UKefuliKMB and jiroltt for tbe>US- Ho got some Iron furnace oion to oiain-lug tbo material, and when Henry Vlllard andlib Gonnan fiicnds- oHtuMLibed tlio UnitedState* aluminium factory bore last Spring tbeding bar, a Ug boom. Furnnca aud rollingmill owners wero astonlsiied to find us mucli,nitdnftou more, trot) in thin rofuso material1 :,,in they got out at tlielr nativo Iran mines Inlas upper part of Ihls State and over In Pent.*h^-lvanla. Instead ot goluK to Uio troulilo oiiiiiiing the ord bem xna nnfnexliDUEtQblonip-jilj" lying around Idlo whlcL coulil bo bought,delivered aud worked into morriipntnblo pro-

, (ljctai for le» than tho ore could bo mined forperton. ' •

Yliftt Ihli flbwivpry in pToriojjthe Lord estate, nad ii considered of fnc*tlino-ble benullt to Uie iron men, in boat proveu bytho fact that tioPectuent Fumico Coiupouy at

1 Oxford, Warren county, twut la an order afim weeks ago for 10,000 tons of tho ciuder,nnd it In being dug out and stripped by Ifi

^'iroll at Uie rato uf l,0UO torn n weoh Thojmlat company hfll alroadjr sold ii.500 tons,end uoarly tlfty men art dally at work loading


8 . It. King, uf CbtslL-r, wan tho noxt tuIIIHCHSS this Biibjoct lio thought one or tliogreatest difllniltlet. met In thacoun!

ut chfcuge cf tcailioit that tho tweber c.

lutrn tbo capabilltiefl of ber pupflu or whatirr.ro the best netiiodw to \m ID tho schoolunder her cbnr£o. Tbis was largely due toUio Inability of tbo trust ere to attend to theirdutlw. Itwoan very rare thing lor them to

t tho Hchool BO us to aaccftalu what tlietuachur is doing. It was tlie duty uf tho tnis-teo to viblt tho school frsqiiently and to boldeiainlnatloiia toseo what [irogrew the cliMreu

ikinR. Tho speaVor flent on to showt ridiculous morons coupcleut toocli-

tan were often diunilssn. by triutues. Tlwi-omaly fur this was w plain tliat ho wonderedtho teachers bad not demanded It before.Them was ono who was acquainted with tho

jrl. ot tba teftdicr, and knew nhcthor HIIDIS doing her duty or not. Tills wot tlia

County Suporinteudeut, nnd beoughb tohavBthe dcclHivo xoke in the iliumIBOI of tetu&iert.Tbe tnihhvs uliould have charge of tbo husi-

s of tbo district, but tlio County Buperit.-taiidcnt should linve rantrol "f tao hiring amidltrChnrge of tho tcacJiern, Then better workought to bo doiie, both by tha teacher In tbaBchotilrooin and by tlio Comity HuporlnUsn-dotit lu his work. Ho thought tho tcaehoi-a

"i bavo nn opportunity to visit otherschools moro than they do. This couM bobrought about by devoting some of the days,aavt kuowu as bolldays, to this purposo.

AT HOME 1$ MORBIS COUNTY.Un fl Bomowlmt lonely rood on UID outskirts

ot Madison nnd liot far remofed from oldDrowThtJolociciil Sominary to a long, plain,though substantially built house of ancientflnjliitwture. I t ban a Blupfng roof aud thofront Isplllari.orange, and from Its location on a hillside ii

July. Atboon p;.ssud"Assistant litmi'murr" wliil'i HwiintorChatitlturwas Si-orr-ury, tint, its bv didnut 1111 tli" |>!:i::(». tint nut way rnpealed.

James 1.;IHH'J!1 Sjloy win hy.M In Uox-bury, Mass., (Jj-utlicr I. lts.1i). Ho gmi-uatod ut Ihirviinl Collt'^o in tho ulitss

uf 1470,and I l kruiburn oui'lounc o 1 n c i d o nuntlml umati? his

IV I I l i a in l'\.Vhiirion, t l i eliniseiil Ansist-nntHeciolnryofSlisto, nnd tuatbotii AssistantSoc ro tn r lo f lhhouid bu Act-

'# iiitlnrlrrnfipr'o^Lodopiirtntotits

_ t tlin Ha m DASS'T HKC'V SUI,I:V. time. Mr. So-

loy wii9 appointed assistant prolossr-r ofBn-jllsli in thu United Stated NavalAcademy nt Annapolis In 1371, and in

plauvil nt tho licid of tlio do-


GRAND AND ORCHARD STS. - - " - - New York.

pni'tmont ofand law, I f tbo

l] sturlicH, bisiuryonly uveiily-thrui h i h h l

f y yBof Uffu—a position which lm hold

nlnu yearn. In AIIJUHL, 1S70. I'rof. Kuloywas coininlHHldiicd nn a Piofessor ntMathematics In tlw United Mutes Nnvy.

i h h M lund In I

riink (if roinmandciacnt. nlirond <

duty nt iliG Paris fix position aHito tho Hiiporititoi]J<*nt of tlio DojmrL-

cntof Kdiiuulloii. Wlillu uwny tutal&ainruinod thu nynit'nu of ctlm-ntiun In

European imvul culk-j,'p^, uinl on bU re-turn in it do an njtU-nsh'o nnJ vnJuiiblo

ijtortaii to llio Hubjptt-i lio bud Invi.'stl-gntod. In tbiiropori llu>system of mi-

l cduwilitm In tinglwul was nu-voreljl t i U l , nnd "its duli'Cti jiolnu-d

It ""

• In bmijiR, tlio valae, worth must be conHidered, nnd if

tlio price miked is Hottest Goods at Honest Value one is

getting valuo received. "We nre foiling n Syeeiul Sftle of

Mon's Baits, $8.00, which is big value; $7.00 bujB'ii good'

All-wool Ulater, woolOiucO, and Overcoats of all mnkeB;

S15 bajB as good.a Suit or ftu Overcoat QB you geueroliy


We aro the leaders in Boys' Suits nnd Boys' Overcoats.

Sensible, welcomo Holiday Preeents, Smoiinfi Jftckets,

Drensiug Gowns, BaOi BolieB, once a luxury, now cheap

nud good enough for any ono.

Furnishing Good*, all Holiday Novelties for men and .

boys—OUDGS, tTinbrellus, Mackintoshes, Kubber Coats. •

Tho clegaut Antique Tripod Hairnet with which wo aro

presenting every purchaser of $12 00 or more—a beauti* *

ful household, useful ornament.


(UOltUIS AND ES81X DinnION.)Depot \u Mm York, fool of irtrclij 8t. an

lo-jtof Constoplicr hi.8011MEB AlHUNOEUENTS.

OommecciiiK UOhDAk1, JU.NE 23.1, lfiSO.



• 5;3S llt lkE

Suflxlo ExpTM** S.4UHcrtntou Kr.» J 1:11

E>r AQDOED t 1 :30


GRAND and ORCHARD STS , (near 2d Ave L Station)


illsAS A COllHMHlCntK) It IV:1Scussed In tho profession (» Uu>United Sorvlco Inmltutlon, and !n IKILIIhouaoaof I'ai'llament, and u onnmilttoo

as BubsGoitonUy uppulntoil to rpvisoii'ir sj'HtPin.Jn iLi ropors tills conimiasloti veryankly enj-a: "Wo am rtlinitiiiitly

compelled to injono ttio'llnal wonla of


Stoves ail Ranges.Frovpt itl(Ellen glv<ntocotiliK«ts far;

r u a t U M r 6 a r o o w , I tlijelicajitln sight Uoro.^n Boouton, to myv.otltlngot tlio tliousonda of tons along thei-ouiitry roadi honabout, tlmrolsnodnngorof

-•Uio supply running short very soon, eventhough it become*! en popular mi sanguine Sir.

'• Slooll expoctit.' Tbat thoroaroothoriisoflforUil <??atiiryold

" rhitler eeema certain. Allsorts oresporlmenU'. nr©;Wnj nwdo with tho tlujf, n'u'i loverol

J d I r i l l d

upDortal by soverol lieavy woodenI t is painted a color bordering on

d f It l i h i l idIs consjifcuoua to passers by on tbe road lead-ing to Morrlitowii. ]t ccmrnanda a line viewof Hie Loantnka Valley, and in Jurrouudotl byaWut UiirtT ocm of land that go wllh It as nfarm, liiere oro epaoious outbuitdlnga di-rectly acrosa the way us we.l u a windniillpump, which BiippllM Uie premise* withwater. Tbo neighborhood Ji hilly and woodedaud gTandJy picturesque, hut A lenso of IOII-tude pervade* tbo surroundings,

Tlie placo has not been named, BJ manyothers have in Morris county, but It couldcoodatently bo culled " Grnndvinw." Ill thatdelightful B]wt, Burroundod by bis interestingUttlo family, acnUy glrlg, ngfal«A..D. Fioct,

ttrtlbt uud delineator of iiiuaurout clmr-Br.1 Mr. Frost lias built ft studio Just out-

side (ho old house, with a fln« orpootro fortlie soft northorn light, and there he works aoortauj liiunber of hours doily turning outpietureB Uiatuollglit tho neden ot tbo Har-per publications. Hii dally mall U verylargo, aud he cannot beglu to supply thedemand* made upon him for lUuitrationa.Tlis Harpers get hU best work, nnd thoremuneration fa liberal .

Mr. J'"roBt purchased this nrnfliraat Isolatedretroat two years or more ago, and faai reno-vated tlie house so that it il virtually a cityhotiso in the country, with it* steam heat midotbor convenlonctM. Tbe artist iintrua loverotttuscouatry, but naWo ftorn that be Uveaat Madlsou for Uieinoiuitain nir, for be. Ja asulTcror fruai jiulnianary trouble., Whan.not

lidos, tlrirM aud walk's, and IB j

llioNavy on Itio Knntlny. naval »'!!tldu and profos-

i'rof. (Soloy's ablotary of tho Atunriuiii:

BJ'stcm nl rdnccrs—'Thti liipli si:iualonal ntiiiinmi'nu of ni;nnavul (illluops aro irot In cotifii'ijmmcebut Inepitoor tliolr carlj' udiii;:nml HO ro^ai-d aucli a condition uf thesystnin nil neitlii'r crodilablo norBofe."In Juno, m-2, I'rof. Soloy wat truns-forred to Wtisliliig-tnn, tvltero lin collect-odnnd orrttnu;oa tho Knvy l)pnartiji(>nt

" , ulflo>f llio.Since

of tho loeturors

and Tinning!

Siea.m and Hot WaterIIKATINQ A 8PECIALTT. . .

Library, and slnuuBiiporintended tho publicationnaval records of tlio civil wnr.1693 holias boonat tlio Naval War CoMqro at Js'owport,H, I., delivered a ooiirso b foro llioL l l I l

, vd aLowell ItintluuoUistory"t l l D

"American Naval) anil "Kuropi-an Nou-

h Ci i l W " )y ( ) p N u

trallty During tho Civil Wnr" (1SS8),and also loo tu rod In Ikiltlmom.

For Boverul years pnst Sir. Solny boaHoharffed ninny of tlio dutioa tliat

wouW dovolvo U|iiiti an AsBlsrantSncpo-tary In tlio way nf Hiding In iliunlilcliUcorronpondonoo and In lli» preparationof tlio annual rc|>nrt.i. HobtisolsofouDdUnit) to 8Un]j laiv, grndti;itln^ at Coliim-ulan UnlvcMtynkliilio Itlghtsi Ronoraor the class in IHD3, nnd Iwlnjf a'lniHWdto praolioo In tlio Supromo Omrtdf thediatrlot. ,

Air. Solny has boon qufto motive inUtorary worli, and lias won a ividci-anrcmu1-reputation as a writer and uuihcm llo-BidcHlilauonlrltjiiilons to Serlbncr andto tlio Century, lio bns publixbcd Illt f b N l A d ( W h i



• ban a full Dill BurlDJf, Bleh Qrarlo. falllAFrtTY. Blghl? rtcominendcd. Call aud


Jmgh'toU JUiil* 8: BO


lover Aoc«i]it3u«»lo E l ' '

P 10.06'Via. JJooulon flr«ch.


AI n rin'nnnn.1.21 A. I'-l l :™."0:1. f "

11:48 "l:]fi p. u .

G:2S "

8;25 '•. 11:10 "

11:25 P.M.— ^- - - — - *-*•> »• — —i-v _ • .«• ' J A I U

2:U " 1:15 " 4A1 " £29 "G:M " G:2S " C:H " B.-23 "8:16 « ( a s •' fi^o " 7-23 «

GiOO •'10:10 "

10:39 ••11:03 "1:88 p . i4:67 *'C:H ••

LEAVE XZW I0KK FOB DOYEI1.M IdO, 7:10, 730*, v:0B-, »:10, 1I.1P, IMO,

», u:, 11:10 i. , I.K1-, 1.90, i:W, 1:10, Kill,m 7 * , 8 » " , tM md »:«.• t. «.

'Vu. Uooolon Bmnob.

CHESTER BRANCH.Wutwrd. Stations, SutmrtLl .U. P.U, T'X. A.M. l-.M. P.M10:33 S.tH 0:17 (7better 7:U VIM idO10:12 3:53 8;H Ittinlft 7:37 lailS i'-SQUtfJ 2-M Mt Suooamnnk 7:13 13:18 4:10«:M 2:43 fi:fli UeCfllUvljlt 7M U U .:K0

Or*m 7:55 12:30 E:10

Tho Hickejt»tOKU

tut Op«m 7:M 1MB t:10Dover 8:IM 13:35 G:1B

liipreia BIUDB a f Port

Oantral Bailiaid of New Jersey,





Tiioopportunity tlifiunn al event presentsforgrsat mor,Dj i**fog In mcb mi l Do onewho baa horslofore pirlioljiitod, «I I eir-Ihlnk orjUMtBir. -

U meini MITIOK on \M\t% Wow 1[t in<°ans a iivliiff on Wear f r ULQ 1It moini a wvlcg on Wear far Otiililrta IIt mettii a tiring on Homo N«da 1

Naed Dloikt? t ^ * Allroduood.

Boj.' C'loii.iugf

Iced 1'ocket Doob '<



O A T I O H I tIn NEW YoBK,foDt of Xilbertj 0t,, North rlrer


D. S i ILM,

lies 7D 09 II W i 03 8 10 7 IB9 H I M i 07 6 IE 7 31

00 9 31 U BJ 1 ISn 1009



Uermui VUloj , L 7 S08.SS 111 1 IS fl IBOhnlwBaratao 7*28.811.5*23 6£6Ohoater 7 « 8 6811 804 80 7 01

$OBDi« OMtr-Oernnii Villey OS t u,Qneater Fnrntue BM P K , Ghetto 7*90 p M


Box ^f i t ing F»apers,whloh ho iieonfldcDtU llio fiontitock of tlio kind ever brought*, to Do«r. and to nblch lie



y, io bns publixbcd Illstoryof tbo Naval Awdemy.(Washing*ton, 1870), i'orolgn Systoma of KavalEducation (1330), Tlio liloukado nnd tlio'Crulsors (Xcw Y«rk, IBS!!), Tltu Hojs oJ1313 (IEo»to», IBS7). and Tho BailorHoys of imi. ffotinnRdlled t!io iVuto-hlograpliy of Conunodoro uMorris (An-napolla, Ibsuj; cantrilnn.pj tu Tlio Hat-tlogand leaders of tho ClvUU'ur und toJustin Winaw's NikVrativo' and CriticalIllstoryol Amorica. What will bo hla!Host iulabornto work U a treatlso on In-'"urlIlltit"1111

][icon mddo. It i* found, .Cur eiamiilo, Hint

. pulveritod alng. bolng absolutely flrcjTroof,L-ould be Ufod on roofa and for tlieator cur-tfilna, as osbestoi U now usod. I t is un excel-K'Ut cleanwr of tdlrer and brass wnro, andi'rot. Aiuten made ft cake of eonp outBoonton slag rctntly that VM quite tip to tliostandard of tboonliiinrysonp, IVltatoverad-illtlonal vlrtuo may orniay not bo round!a tinold cinder beds, tho IUKJS to irlilch It has

• already been successfully put aro assuredly ofgreat IfitciMt. '

' . . The Employee'! Aajoclaticn.1 The report of Treasurer Condlt, of the M.

& E.' Emiibye«1 Mutual Benefit A d ;l th (ollorringi

'50.01SJ.82; amount received for monthly due*,flO,3pli readved from excunlon, *tl,OHl.l>'j

, fi-om lutarcst, f Iffi!.OO; ball committee $300,-making a total of |1H,45-J.m The expendt-/" lures, wbJdicoiuistaol'BickbeneltU.SecraUry::' hni Treasurer^ Ealiry, rent, dclejfato'f e i -

Iieuset to Trenton, otc, aioounti to fi-.OST.OT,leaving a balanc* in Uie treaiury up to Jan.lst,lSm, of(t>,ffirU3.

Tb6 report e»v(* a detUlcd account of theburial fund report, which abowa that (luringtboycar there WAS roceiTed for seven deathmsessmonU tt,St!).fO. Eloren death claims,amounting to $1,100, were paid.

**. ,Theu]embDrshipoftlieiiaioclation,jAn, 1st,1690, H I I 1,6*7. During tbe year 404 were

- elected to mmberfthlp awl four reinstated,making a toUJ niembor»bip of 1.005. Of thliuumbor sannty-one have be«n dropped forjron-paymeut of dues, fourteen liavo died andt.wn wefe expallod, making tin? total member-xlilp to date of I,WS

: ' , Vital StaUiUc*)-',-.. Thesdvanu tbeeb of.tho retuna of the. Bureau of VIW i-tatlsUca, nfaowt tho follow'"; lag statistic! of toffl and adjoining counties

ing during tic put ywir. Alorrk—321 niar-.iiasea,taibirLhiaudB2»>leatliB. Hu.wi-170

' marriagw, 2W births uid S3 deatha. iViwren!— T03 mnrriages, T13 bfrthi and 227 doatha.'

.•" Toolargo number of niarrlages in IVarren'oounty ia owing to the* fact that many Peno-

^.fiylvanlaoaapVw get murried in Phillljwburg,•'• inonJer to escape the marriage license lairs

"iY b t tliat State. For the year HorriatotOi had'i-tH marriages, 1OU birtbi and Ui daatlis.

«'••'»•;..•;;• '•: • - - B p e d m a n O a i e i , . •' ;'t; U H . Clifford, Sow Cancl,"Wlscoiidn, was

\lrouhl«l with neuralgia and Ilheumatiiin,., Vjila Btomach .waa diwrdared, hig Lirerwiw'-.'; affected to an alarmiug degree, appetite full'•j «vay, and ba wai terrilily reduced lo Oeabyiiulitrecgth. Three bottles of Electric Bit-

>teri enred ailm. . . • '• EJwtni Shepherd, Uarri«burg, HI., hod

; runnlueaoreon lita leg of eight yean1 etand-Ing. U K J tliree botUot of Electric Bitten

., nnd (even boxes of BucUen's Arnica Sake,

nearly alirayg to be found at home, whore he I [J,dellb'hto to receive his friends and welcome

wltlth Is now noarlypublication/-'— Uappor'a

It is said of Mr. Froit that be Is molthyanil iudej»udfiiit of tbe jwa and poncil ihouldhe deslra to rgnulce them, but hi* love of artwill probably bum within him while be lives.Mr. Frost Is tall and oputn. Hehnsasonw-what shin, ifaw,' on which ho - ireara a fullbrown heard and moiifitache.

Our Weather.The woather roporter of tha Newark Adver-

tiser says: Tl» mean temperature tit themonth just closed was two and A half dogmabelow the mean of December for the hut for-y T o n yeara. I t was the ooldeet Decemberthat wo have bad In Uifs vicinity since I 8 ,nd strongly In walnut with Pocembnr. of

lost year, with lt« mean temperature of 41".The mean temperature of UB pert year v u

62.57 dcg. This la more than a degree and ahalf above the moan of thi> preceding forty-six years, though a triflo Jess than that ofimi. The water-foil of the yoar, £0.80 inches,In fourteen Inches lest than tbe. mterfnll ofism, but, fUll. ii four inches above tho aver-age of former years. • '

Our;InanAwfalHnrry. - ,

nU-tarlEt friend of Uw H&ckettttairnOatette, ln speaking of the tariff on Un, com-plains that ''thomanufacture of domestic tinwhich was to be tho compensation for this ad-ditional tax burden lias not materialized."The Oa»tt« mu t be la a tremendous lurryifttsapposatbattla-platemlUieatthBenctMdand put In operation in throe months, Badde*,this iniquitous duty docs not take effect tillJuly lit next The present increase In pricesof Ua-pl*ta ii the tax put on us by foreigner*,notwithstanding the fact that the Increasedduty la not yet gone IntQ effect, . .

HEATH & DRAKE.The ploaflnres aiid'festivities of

the..Holidays are upon us, andevery one is VUBOJ engaged pie-[luring their gift*.

This season we aro exhibiting themost elaborate display of '.

HOUDAY K0VELTIE8;tliat we have ever oarried,'and .attlio loweat possible prioes. Amongtho/specialties.to which we callparticular attention aro: ; •

Fine leather Toilet, Traveling

Books, Magazines» Periodicals,Daily add Weekly Papers,


Choioe Segars aidJCpbacops, Pipes, Ponohes,atG,toseMm«IUia flee iuorlmeRt<>fWntfariiaalfumtatstCnUtt7 and oilier irtlclsi.

and Shi aisites.ir'onzts, etc.,! in

1 XnoreuinffTbalrBollliiir Stock,Tho D., L. fc W. tuu pl&ood an order for

serenteea engines with the Dickion JjooamMvpCompany, o(Scrantou,Pv Ttwcompauy ha»also given aa order for 2,000 coal can, part ofwhich will bo built brtUaJacJucm A.Woodln


, nadwren boxes at BucUns Arnica Sake,'':iiadhUl«gtamuwlanAweU. JoinBpealwr,; Pnuwlui, O., had five large Feror u r n on. ' htaleg, doctor*sold be was incutabia. 'One: 'bottle Electric fitters tod one box Buclclen'x..' Arulca aolre curtd htm entirely. Bold br; Robert kitlgoro,1 Dover, "^ Onun, Ilanee-'&-.Co.,rortOnim;v •,

'•'•!'•<•;'•;. j ' . F o r H t r d . D r i n k e r s . • • ''- Dr. ninl'» ILenndy Ii the only salrgusrd

> .Which liant drlnken b&ra ngainit the blunt-tag or loaa of tenMUon, the dere£Eeu»nt o[

^theaotueoftaite, lifaring and sigbt. and the.'7stunaUtl0fl of the' ernutionji which hard

drbzkuuj brings DescripUve. trenti» with.'each bottle. At all Druggist*, or address

'""• IDrug Ca, M, T . For sale »jr Kobert

. . The Pulpit and the Stiff*. .ltev. P. AI, Bhrout, Fastor United Kreltren

Church, BIuo Mound, Kaa,, taji: "I fed i tmy duty to teU what wooden Dr. Ktttfp New

for me,' gtoy p&riablotiera thoughtf k I t k l lI could live, only a few

bottlei o! Dr. King'« Hew Dhwovary and uBound and well, gaining 2a lbs. In weight"

Arthur LOVD, Manager Lore's Fumy FoikiCombination, writes: " After a tiomightrial and convincing evidence, I a n confidentDr. King1! 2Tnr VUccvery for Consumption,beala *£tm all, Knd cures when eveiytlingelfofaiU. Ths gitatwt klndnm I can do my

tony thousand frlendi la to urge them t o 'It71. Free trial botUe* at Hobert KlllgoiDrug Store, Dover, and Oram, Hanc* 4: C _Drug StorB,rort Own. SlogBlar. ria» Mo.n n d * 1 ' • ; / . • • - • . ' "

Shall •Women be .flOlowei to Vot« fThaqaertkmof female roffrage has agitated

the tonguei and r«na of reformer! for manyfeart, and goolorgmnenta ht.t«bean addaccdfor and against It, Many of tlw softer n xcould voUlntellisBDtlr.and maoyn-ould vote•u their biubauds did, and give no thought toUie nifiribi of a political issue. They wouldall vole for Dr. Pierce1* Favorite Prescription,for they know It hi a boon to their s e t I t lsuuonialed for the euro of loueoniea, ibnor-wal dijehargw, morning aickneffl, and thecountla» llli to which women are nibject. Itia the only,remedy forTroman'i peculiar *reak-neam aad aUmaata, ndd by druRliti . mul«n potlUre gDanuitcs from the mitwufaictaren,that it will girt satisfaction in srery cue, or

Eoyal Worcester, Doaltonj. CiovmDerby ani Tapestry Warea' Xai'geand Small Bronzes, Statuettes, etc.

New designs in Brass, Iron, Niokoland Oajx Library, Porior or PianoLamps. Wood, Brass, and OnyxStands. ' Candelabra in metal andpottery. In Turquoise Sliell Goods,Evening Fans,- Perfumes of tboleading makers, at d Fanny Articlesof all kkde, wo BIIOIV tho latestdesignn. Feather TVimniiiRs andCollarettes, in black ami colors, forboth street and evening wear.. Jeweled Passementeries, Evening

Laces aud Houssolino do SoioDraperies.: Handkbraniefs, Muf-flers and Laces in an endless Vari-ety. Oar Dress Pattern*, in Silk,Wool or Cotton Fabrics, make anacceptable and usofal present

For tho gehtlemcji'wo lire sliow-ing Ihe latoBt designs ia Seokwear,Smoking Jaoketo, Bath Robcg,Dressing downs, Gloves, etc.

••• •;':.••' •:•••'•:'•),V,.''now»mVjir,iljr,

can bo found a complete stock in :oyery; department, such as

Dry Goods, Notions, H o ^ i ^ Carpet?, Oil Cloths,

• •; ^ugs, Cliiaks and Jersey Jackets.

;s LargeaaBortment .of Ladies',.HusesVand Me

- : • • f ''":: ' QEO0EMES, P E 6 V I 8 I O N S , ti.

We keep'tlio best goods .the'market can nDord, and prices defr all; : ' i: ' ' :^:i :v;0:'; competition

I I . I I . i . n .A .ac . r ai.i.aOhealer IT 7 01 S ID 1015 II S3 S W « KOheBtor VOT 118 8 to 101D Ufa i£\ IMaennauTaliei 118 I It 1109 U.CC IOIIK

aiaDlia Om.I-Oh.itor I SO i, •,! OlMtForsaoeS i)r «.| OorauuVallu Imp n.

Tiaim laare DOTW for Kiuiliink aid LakaiopateoDR 9 it k it j (118 ( v Tatada;s aad

mas s nnli 1 7 IB p M. >si all aUttoas toidin it 6 « a. II | (Hi p u To.ed.Ji and

Frldajs DOI )Cctmjranoea ean DB prosond at Oen

Valle tia.dr-om a.»%i,<. lIoaoSlBFlsaden to aad Iron Bnjdi Lake, '

Train leaTianBookavustSd T M eoaaegts tor Lon«"Bramk < W O t


; competition...



DAILY. SUHD&Y, WEEKLY; -.. ,.•. " p a g e s , 2 c e n t s . - . ' •••• ••*.


Heath & ^777 .:& ;779 Bfdad St.,


•'..'. l'otwpini DECEUBEII 1ST| 1K7.;" ..•'

' . • • • , : \..'!f:- - ~ ' • • ; • • ' • • - • -.•:';'•'<•

Circulation over 400,000; Copies Daily.

THE Pitsss to Uio organ of no faction; pullsto -mlrer, has noanimoeSUia to evengo. / .

The -most remarkable- 2?ews}iapci'


TilcFrucflBliMtUeljrisljUwtia New Yor£. I t iparklrs with

1'itB Pjucsa SCNDAT gDmps I I B nijonjiritwanty pago pnpor, covering flierjr carnmtt o p i c o f u t t e m t . H - i -~ •*•;••-. , - . ' • ' .

TniPmtsB WzEtcLT Enmon t i llTniPmtsB WzEtcLT. Enmon contains allU;o good ttuogi of tbo Sally ind SundayD d i n o n s . ' '•: • • • ' r ' • . ' • - ' • •; For those who cannot a LTord the Daily ornre prevented by ilUtanco from early rncclv-icg It, theWeeflyle a^plendld mUlitute, .

no superior Jn New Yorlj.

Notlca of Settlem«nt.

yKl«n Ibat (be laeoaoUoflbcr, Adminlitrator wllb tlic trill

cf JittKw H-KlBir.4M!Miadl'iii» beand iliied by the SnTrostte, tod «•

lllemeDt to Ih* Orphini' Oonrtj of H t U Monflij tJ-.» KO&Dn


i»«drorMlllemeDt tff l» C o u t j of HotrU,

dtyotHael i t iexlJOJOE.VB VBKELVSO.

DaWDfO.ltd.lBS0. ' 4 BIT

IF YOU WAHT:flecond-bina Farnlltiro of R|| H Ja*Dd e*onlhinitpilceier Mrapli

On E w i at;,near the Blok,

Ci or If JOB m a to) ill hlodi, so lo

»t t .B. , lBUDQUH'

.. .--.• YHEPHESS., ,WIlliiB Uie roach o( all. Tni test aid cboett

fist Neffajiapw imbMad In Aioorica:Dally and Sunday, one yMr,-, , , . . ; . . .7.1

' • V ". '• - •"." ' fl" tnnMthiL.".. L.....'.. 'onayear, . . . , . .four month*,...

one year, . , . . . . , „

.* a!oo: 1.00. 2,00: i ^

Send for TaKpMaaCtrsular.- :

B l f r e e , AgenU wanted «verywbere.mulitlonjLf uanu com





Porterhouse Steak, 18c.

SlrJoln " I6o.


Chuck ,

Hib Boast,; . ' A l l other eats Is pnportlor

alsoOBOC£l{lGS atgwatljr rednoea priots.





naodersBattle).Mm'tlRhTa v.ll.yM TaHny

DOWN TltAINf.i n f M F B m r u mG20 1.UD Biofl 86 110 8.2S S.4S«i n a Bsaa 68 7C0U7 183 88UG68109

. . __•* AH rfdncodi . lyAtlredaoid.? &>•AH reducedOruuB? B ^ AM red

feed Hooio Uncpsf «*• Allredaonlfeed llatlory 1, gr All reducedIced Fun? $r All reduced

Nted Tniutal! " " "NeodUanJL _: _ _ : Uuttsna 7 V3~ An rcduuodled Laou ? VS, Ail red a cudTfvt) Ourinlnur *Su All rotlauedked Oil CJotliKf V3.AI1 iciaoea[ledDripiry HangiuxB? t*. ill reducedTf \t\n irn It


at an; otber ttmu ilariDg tbfl"FCI1 FUU CBTalU WHITE 10 V3 FOB

Q£0K6E E. V001UIEK



IRON MERCHANTBolMorV. nrri ipa l lslsrs, Slaoiingltb

Cimracun', llluloi and Uauorailttiala' 8cnlUs, I ' .hU. Ol I, ell

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT!fieedi »nd Fertilfeeri, B»lea ipd Gfsln, £lo;

C ' ueu i Q od'fl, Homokotjilng QOUIH.

ALL Win ol


BAUB WIREPotltrr md Hotquito Netlmjc Alia _ .

lice of Meat £Ufea Befrlgcrdtori and WaiQooltn Bit v O*rriiR»i ota

Asent ut Horns md idj thing StfUitlftbo Oliver Chilled Ho* alsa Acne HiiBIRIO WliLul Cnlliraton W.I Mr A ^Mowtri Scarxra andilindiin Hor e 11Amer can »Dd Bullud'i Hay Tedd n I

tnl JieidHonetofTer.iBd alllliA OIUB -nobl itrj Aditln fluad ifacliUiei au4 H«wlis- Btutns Pallern,

J . P . CKAYOX, Gen'i ,




Fire, Lightning or Tornadoes.In protecting your bomea and Imslaua

Amorloan oepiwl an^ home oaterpriie,Btook imured egalnst llglitning aojwherp,

and ugaitirtt flre In any prlvato fawmaatablei ln New iwatj i

«.(<] 1»5 8»t» S to 111701 1(5 0177 07 1681281.11 I 02 J 38116 tcttm7! (J3S41 0 41U«,[S

1 IS. 70Si mm


iiinunturnsMl 197

Now r o i l . . . . 1.10

OWer » a eall arn^ba wmTlneea of the

bwjralna awattlot yen.

J.Wesley Sammis,ffo,4 Briok Blook Dorer.


Wlioleaale aid rstal daalats ud boltlen

SHIt ogsnli lor Attottu it Cb'l OUmUtiOfortmd tcjtr Bear, mjpflrf h any

atj a to* to I ear Uad.

•• Jast nealnd a esaiple lot of BallanUie tBoa'a lad a Pale and XXX AIB, whleh iravat

; la put. and ball pint b,tl1« s p M i« ja ; t 6d<«h te ld£ l l '™J™'


t i<odaaitlir



Oo u d sltor BsplssilMr; 1st t b . , . . „*»»"«» f a Laijur White t!ic« cores?

torratH Ippl j lo


FRAWK P. APQAn,; - -, - - . ProprJotor.

OTSTERB in all ityles and neatly. toWedLanchoi prepared at; any hour or iha day

:.' ,:HOEBISTOWtir, II J.


. ^•.Manager! of this Isak Uie orderedpaid, * trots u e earnings of the imat slkmonUM, ta'.Ute depmiuin oplltled Heretounder tlw b laws, a semi annual interestdividend at tbo rate of tbne T o n Cannnmon all accounts of K and unwardtoW u l i t tba rate of Iwoaadone.baUpercentnm par ammni w the Btoeaa of «J,ooo



"D01BSTIO" Sewing Machine.,

Mason and Harr.iin Organs,If jou im Jo DOC& ot anytWiig elio ID ourli uiiu-moili ok nrlns mbe Umgli. ebnpw tnaoi NOTiEY PnULFO, OL III ASD BE!

ESTATE AOEOT. ' fOrlsrs b j null will imalra eatlleat attggUi

AsDjtEsa Box 186 KttaKitfAi N J.

L5.PLAUT&C0.707 to 7J9 BHOAP St.,


CX.O6C 3 P . M. (StlurdajsexcBPIea.) Once a t W , T

Now a Necottlly,




eat f>s*clenci.

HOISTING ENWNE8, d n r l uand revenaiile.

HIIUPINO ENGINES, l t r » l•ad ecana»i(c>l.


G E A H l N U a m ) PU

bl OaaUaia i. In., •raj.

The Equipment of IronMIRH a ipcoltlty.

•wcnliisltL ana XBK-. i t ' lu l r i i i i , i»t»alA»p

1 « •



lU repnlaUan^jonabtiut Uw i insurance and ReaEstate Business

EiBTON COKHICTION-CinnMKtal l>and from Kaatoa.

s MnpiBar aa XBK PaaW msto It notunibKrtalt M i H l r o n a i u l a »haaparaisliaBlirtWiaMdUanKcslaiiOTIB I

. oppo.ur tbs Fast Oflcs. la aaasu orrrlosa aron a atom u d lovltsa a Baar. af laa PBbu.

omos—Hatloaal Union Bank VqUdfus,l l lrat

Qpthin lbs

pMdsllihiTtfunJili, no IndlTldnU nolld



Haw Jenny Builneis,CollegeKstwuax,awttS^iTB!;1

TERMS 0? TUB PRESSBj mall, postage fee In Uie United State!

and Canada.,on.ji»r, 100)

0D8 month

BallilaoUoo |«an»l»oj|

Tullloq rauoUatlsl. i*'1 CilaJojoe taxi - l ; ^

'" OpenalltB« j«u l 'H B -Ornoa s r a roininiD OUTII,

- ' a T. H\1Axa, Prlnjlpal,

i, eckt anJ» nude payablo to

THfi PRESS C0MPAKYt Lnirrwrurt-Dau 81ti Jftleuoof


Dr Wai H Ooodala,Seo KeDnekn ,



pwamt BATES.v

er BPEotAi mam pi OAK pens

POYlSt, K> J, "



Estate of John C.' ' dla iloostd <rita lbs beat ot arerjlhlo. In Una.

lltw, iad soil ai |Mn| prlek. Pall and anm.

toemjitockenaprloM. AB joodsdelireraj

to inj part of tna town al abort notice

National Union Bank.J, »«•. nib.

rp9E DianiBl KAJKET>rbsroIMm.&naerballmraallinlled.

ll'a.or I trsolbnl


i d l

lsnlorusrtuclslssuoftisuri!!tllasn>ali w.scdsaiBsof ibnalaOonr. Uai tsra baas von and!'«*.u5'l[?J?ll»1!.'»««!f™»"II""»ra>sa. 1,MchlMii rMfoodaananpMaanttw

l S

Cor. Sussex and Blackwell 8ts.



Most Beautiful Bf|rvrj8of Fiourli^

Rtiuitnvtaltiaf Dotar »f*inmiiiat mr iootUwithin lbi iM«a or taoaa wbH


Dainty Book* and Booklets,

Work and Scrap Bnakets,


S&terial for