Lizanne DeStefano January 31, 2011 Mid-Career Faculty Workshop: Career Plan.

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Transcript of Lizanne DeStefano January 31, 2011 Mid-Career Faculty Workshop: Career Plan.

Mid-Career Faculty Workshop

Lizanne DeStefano

January 31, 2011

Mid-Career Faculty Workshop:Career PlanElements of PlanningThere are many approaches to planningPick one that works for you.What is important is that you:Think about itWrite it downReview and evaluate progress regularlyShare it with othersMy process involves:Combining personal and professional planningLong career at one institutionGrant-writing and public policy interests

Establishing Long-Term Goals

Setting Five (?) Year GoalsBe realisticlook at others that you admire who are about five years ahead of you in their careers.Where am I now?Just received tenure. Could go on sabbatical now, but John has two years to go until tenure and sabbatical. Have had small internal grants, an NSF career award, and several single investigator DOEd grants (Total: $4 million). 21 articles, 12 chapters, 2 books. AERA Program Chair, 4 Editorial Boards. Compressed salary.Where do I want to be?Have a baby. Need salary increase for new house/nanny. Try out research/department administration. Strong DC contacts in Education and STEM to lay groundwork for large 5-year center or multi-investigator STEM evaluation projects. Support John for tenure. Need to develop interdisciplinary connections on Illinois campus.

What do I need to achieve my goals?

Opportunities and Considerations

Sabbaticals are a gift!!!!

When you get old. . . .