Livin' The Dream... What Though The Odds

Livin The Dream “Leadership and Learning are Indispensable to each other”- JFK


If you want to live life and love your work to the fullest, you can live your dream if you make it happen. This presentation was shared by author Chris Stevens, founding principal of Keurig Coffee Inc., at the Michiana Chapter of the American Marketing Association’s monthly luncheon on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014. The goal of Mr. Stevens’ presentation is to inspire marketers and others to pursue their passion, whether they are entrepreneurs or “intra-preneurs”―or want to be. Chris has done both and will share lessons from his own career for marketers and nonmarketers alike.

Transcript of Livin' The Dream... What Though The Odds

  • Livin The Dream Leadership and Learning are Indispensable to each other- JFK
  • Keurig started as a dream 18 years ago 2
  • Its now a $5 billion brand Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is actually changing the name of the company to Keurig Green Mountain, Inc 3
  • 4
  • Great Marketing Leaders Come in all Shapes and Vocations 5
  • Living your dream requires leadership you need to lead people and manage processes to succeed Accounting? Finance? Marketing? Sales? Consulting? IT Management? Law? Teaching? Coaching? Medicine? Non-Profit or some area of Sustainability Anything you so/choose to do, you will need to learn the technical aspects of that field and after that it is about Managing processes strategic thinking leading people thru change 6
  • What kind of a leader do you want to be? Different leaders have different styles 7
  • What do you think is the #1 reason that most new business ventures fail? 8
  • They didnt sell enough!!! 9
  • You have to adapt to change and lead change processes and people IBM adapted to changing times Wang did not Bed Bath and Beyond went beyond Linens N Things did not Kodak and Polaroid didnt adapt to the digital age Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns got careless Best Buy diversified Tweeter did not Toyota was on top Ford was almost out of business look at them today 10
  • Some Big Companies Have Some Big Current Challenges 11
  • The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Albert Einstein Successful Marketers Think Differently 12
  • Great Marketers become experts at Critical Thinking*** Ask the right questions Evaluate the information given Gather evidence Draw from our reasoning and existing knowledge Explore options to arrive at thoughtful solutions based on evidence Exercise- There is one light bulb inside a room. You are outside the room and are unable to see if the light is on or off. In front of you, there are three switches, all of them in the off position. Your challenge is to find out which of the three switches controls the light bulb in the room- yet you are permitted to enter the room only once. After you open the door, you may not touch the switches. How do you figure out which of the three switches controls the light bulb. Break into teams of four and take 10 minutes to discuss *** Source: Management- Neck, Lattimer, Houghtton 13
  • Converse All=Stars Converse All-Stars 1970 the athletic shoe of choice Strategy Functional Mens Athletic Shoe Variety High or low-cut Black or white 15
  • Then along came 16
  • Converse Today Strategy Stylin for everyone!!! 17
  • This term I have @ 300 students in 4 classes Principles of Management, Business Problem Solving, Change Management Name a brand/company that was on top 10 years ago that is gone Name a brand/company that barely existed 10 years ago that is a leader The world is changing and we need to change with it- we need to create it! 85 billionaires have more wealth than the poorest of the world More babies of minority descent are born in the US annually than whites Boomers are aging, Hispanics will 20% of the pop. in a few years iMillennials have only known technology- texting, smart phones, Cloud Data security will continue to be a major risk to all companies U.S. debt will quickly be $20 trillion- how long can the market stay strong? of all Government spending is borrowed from China What happens if the dollar ceases being the worlds reserve currency? What will be the next dot-com, smart phone, Cloud? I.T. used to support the business- today I.T. IS the business- SAP CEO 18
  • What do you see and what do you think of? 19
  • Creativity Creates Memorable brands Tastes great less filling Whats in your wallet? Im loving it! Every kiss begins with ________ I cant believe he went to _______ The Ultimate Driving Machine 15 minutes can save you 15% on car insurance Youre in good hands with ____ Well leave the light on for you Discount double-check! Its not complicated! What do you think this is a ______ ___? You can deal with this or you can deal with that Youre gonna like the way you look I guarantee it 20 Stay thirsty, my friends
  • This 18 minute Ted Talk I hope will help aide your journey It certainly guides my thinking these days Simon Sinek The Golden Circle 21
  • The Road of a Breakthrough brand Early 90s, John Sylvan, Peter Dragone, Dick Sweeney develop Keurig concept Why do we brew coffee a pot at a time but drink it a cup at a time? I joined the co-founders in 96 to bring it to life but the brewer/pkg. line didnt work We had 11 months and $1M to redesign brewer and packaging line or shut it down 7 days a week for a year, we redesigned everything and beta tested it in 25 locations Launched in January 98 12 brewers and 40 cases of hand made K-Cups in NYC Sold to offices first.. Theme- Coffee House Taste by the Cup Keurig strategic advantages- variety, freshness, convenience, no waste, no clean-up Classic razor/razor blade strategy- launched first with 8 Green Mountain coffees Added more lines of coffee- Gloria Jeans, Millstone, Timothys. Tullys, Van Houtte Launched in Canada and in Asia with a joint venture with UCC in 2001 Launched consumer model in 2003; launched Bigelow and Celestial teas & Hot Cocoa First year of profitability 2005; sold to GMCR in 2006 for 160x earnings Over next four years, GMCR bought other roaster brands; launched Brewed Over Ice Formed licensing deals with Cuisinart, Mr. Coffee, Starbucks, Dunkin, Folgers, Snapple Most recent licensing partners- Kirkland (Costco), Panera, Cinnabon, Campbells Soup! 2010- Became #1 coffee brewer brand in North America 2013- Past holiday season- 60% brewer dollar share; past 12 months- $4.5 billion in sales 22
  • The Marketers Life aint always gonna be fair stuff is going to happen To enjoy the beauty of a rainbow, sometimes you have to put up with a little bit of rain The road to your dream will have many bumps in it 23
  • What do these Entrepreneurs/ Intrapreneurs have in common? 24
  • According to These highly successful chief executives came from poor or desperate beginnings, and those origins can sometimes explain how they achieved so much They became skilled at selling their dreams and themselves They overcame tremendous adversity to achieve their goals 25
  • Oprah Born into poverty in Mississippi- CEO of Harpo Productions & more Sheldon Adelson Son of immigrants- Owns Sands- $23 Billion net worth Ursula Burns- Born in NY projects to single mom- Now CEO Xerox Sean Combs- Raised in Harlem projects- now producer- billionaire- CEO Howard Schultz- Raised in Brooklyn project- Starbucks CEO- billionaire John Paul DeJoria- Raised in foster care- janitor- CEO- John Paul Systems Lloyd Blanfein- Raised in Brooklyn project- now CEO Goldman Sachs Chris Gardner- Homeless with young son- Founded Gardner Rich in 87 James Jackson III- Drug dealer at age 12- shot 9 times- now 50 Cent G-Unit 26
  • I believe there are three kinds of people in this world People Who Make Things Happen People Who Watch Things Happen and People Who Wonder What Happened! In the world today, you have to make things happen and to do that you better be able to sell your dream It all starts with a dream.. If you can dream it, you can do it Walt Disney 27
  • Life is not in holding good cards but playing well those you are dealt 28
  • The road to success is rarely smoothly paved 29
  • Joe Girard Born into poverty in Detroit Father beat him regularly Shined shoes in bars at age 9 Paper route at age 11 Kicked out of high school Arrested for breaking and entering at age 16 Kicked out of the Army Almost declared bankruptcy- owed $60k Couldnt feed his family at age 35 Became car salesman- fired after two months Convinced Chevy dealer to hire him 30
  • Joe Girard Totally turned his life around Became #1 big ticket sales person ever!!!* Sold 13,001 cars one at a time from dealership Averaged 6 car sales a day; 21 in one day He redefined customer intimacy Maintained meticulous records of all prospects Each prospect customer received at least 12 cards from him a year usually more * Source- Guinness Book of Records 31
  • Soooo. What is Your Plan for Success? What are your goals for your brand/company this year? Where do you want to be in 5 years? Does your entrepreneurial idea fill or create a need? What is your competitive advantage? How do you know? New Job Search? What does your resume look like? Does your resume speak to your strengths? What is your networking plan? How many calls a day will you make? To whom? Do you follow-up each call with hand written note? Will you be the Joe Girard of your industry? Do you have a portfolio? 32
  • I have made a lot of mistakes in life and I have tried to learn from them Soooooo. I give you the Coffee Mans Top 10 Tips for living a good life 33
  • #10 Respect Be nice to the people you meet on the way up cause you never know who youll run into on the way down. Les Brown I tell my kids, Bill Gates was rightBe nice to the nerds, cause youll probably be working for one some day. 34
  • #9 Integrity Integrity retained is invaluable, integrity once lost is irretrievable do the right thing. Respect is built up through hundreds of positive deeds and destroyed by one stupid one Ask Lance, Barry Bonds, Marion Jones and others if it was worth it 35
  • #8 Set Your Goals High Shoot for the moon even if you fail, you will still be among the stars. Jimmy Durante Dont let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do John Wooden The quality of a mans life is his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor Vince Lombardi 36
  • #7 Empower People Power doesnt matter people do A great manager does not build the business a great manager builds the organization, for it is the organization that builds the business Empower your teammates, friends and eventually employees Praise in Public Correct in Private The secret to my success is finding good people, giving them the tools to do the job; then getting out of the way and letting them do it- President Reagan 37
  • #6 Keep Learning Every week, learn something new Do pro rookie athletes stop training upon graduation? Do cooks cease looking for new recipes? Your journey through life should be a constant voyage of self improvement in mind, body and spirit- there is no other way 38
  • #5 Get Organized and Follow Through Life is like golf, its the follow-through that counts Dont be afraid to admit mistakes Write personal hand written thank you notes Be the Joe Girard of your world Do not squander time for that is what life is made ofCarl Sandburg Dont forget to keep The Notebook 39
  • #4 Maintain Balance in Life Its never too early to start creating your legacy It is also never too late to be the son you want to be, the brother you want to be, the teammate you want to be Dont be defined by your successes be defined by your character Maintain a balance in life and insist your team does the same I have never read a tombstone that says I wish I spent more time at the office 40
  • #3 Give Back, Give Often Seniors Respect them always The Poor- Drop a $5 in a bums cup every chance you get The Mormons give 10%- how much will you? Take time to help in a real way- volunteer Be an inspiration to kids Dont forget those who got you where you are 41
  • #2 Keep a Spiritual Connection Keep your Higher Power as your CEO Remember the world does not revolve around you and it will still be here when you are not. Take time to quiet the voices, get outside your head and give thanks for your gifts. Be happy with what you have today while you pursue what you want tomorrow. Enjoy the ride, it is the only one we know of 42
  • #1 Honor Those Who Serve and Protect The blanket of freedom we enjoy today has been earned by our forefathers standing up to those who would impose their own agendas-Nazis, Al Quaeda, Communists Pat Tillman is my ultimate hero He gave up millions to stand up for us all and gave his last full measure of devotion Do Your Part Find a way to serve in some way 43
  • In closing live your dream Confucius said: Choose a career you love and you will never have to work a day in your life The secret to happiness in life is to find something you love to do and then find someone who is willing to pay you to do it Pursue what you love and the happiness will follow 44
  • Thanks for your attention Good luck this year If I can ever [email protected] 617 510-5028 I text too! Dont ever forget Whatever you give in life, you will get back twice in return! 45