'lit.W· P·rices Continue - Lincoln County Archives...

' ' ' ' ... ' ' - . I I ( ' . I . . , - ,. ' , . •• ,, - ' - " eil'tot ;o li fate will .. the '""'""''' .... New .• en}. Londot\ ll'nii'il w111 be reta.inoa by t'il. .. · tbe pact.: - 'Etforta The p'Ut:to nre b•ipgtn.a.de 'l 111 uu'tlxecutivef\ Qf rQnds to. la.tio_n· itt m'4 p:mio. U , ... , .. ,.,,)sign tb13 p.eal!e pact. ' About l'Elported tnl13sl)1 ·tctoaos ore r-.ported t() be incI uded British tbeaepal·a;tie peace , ing leaving ltepnblican County city tQ and ... .. Convention . A delegate convention of tht> of Liu,C,loln meet' iu at 11 ocloclt ;.' b Linooln County M., Sept. 20th fot·_t.he purpos,. opuned S,et>tember •th nominating ol,\odldatt>s t o very $tisf!lctory nty oftlot•s, uud n t'tlpr('Sl'llta which tbe ve io the tl1a pnren.£s Q.nd,tJupils cn·tUti !utut;e of n eouut.y cen welfare of our County· State and comullttt!e and the trunoac Na.tiop ,. · lion of such other ThJ :Balmer" pro?l'l·lv be brought !Jefoul to begin Jtsjoutnoy to tbe convention. ttit•ai ,ba'Viug tha ------ bigliestaveragedaily.,atteoduqc;o B!tten By Skunk I '• .l'i :! \' .. 'U "" l ,... ' ' . . . ' ' ) t \ ... 1 ·T.:H E, B Jft ltN G. ·, ., o F A I} A N K .. N _o,T n H . 1'4Pfcla's 6aby tbough made of ·. · · fiAeat linen wiJJi' uUhnately wotn · bare. · One day· it Ji) 'rpg bag and· · 'waa· aold junk :ntg touched the. he In '-· Basil thfl fine of ·sbt it. a.&lde for a journey I() the Bureau at Waabing .. ton. }uat how ia · ln one of the bookletll about Ow GQVemment which. •• ue •eb month to those inlert:ated. Just aend us l'Wne and addresa you wPI receive· • copy of iaaue of the STOCKMENS _STATE BANK. •• '::: , . : . ' : .. for the month of Septem be r • - -- Who will be the to B. c. Ellis. f,arnwr, living 12 -, .... , . . . .. .. . . . The enrollmei1t to t}lo Card- ilea sont h-t•atil of Cot·ona, wus - tliat. bitten by 11-Situnlt uhnut9o'clock ot ant previous yo!U'. Two night. M•·. Ellis h a cJ en additional desks wero fo•· tbe night und had by tho Local fioard. . - , ,fallen aslt-t•p when he . I am ve:ry well ptenMcq wttll tbe by tbu-skunk fn:Jt ... mug 11.11 In Ntnv M6xlco, 660G feet above eea loYel quwllt.y oftcncbt:rB in tho county iu hit! lip. Ho strttck tl(ne ('OVtll'tld hillu. llt'Stlt•t! tlw liulo '4'hero is employed' in ,t}Jo• ruri'l the antmal with hi'4 luuirl k11at'k towuur Ct)rontl. with tt. fldpulu.Litmuf upproxunuttoly SOO, school23 teaQbera of tWo Ug itt.." floor ft·oul wh1ch it CoruM is with outsido worltl by thn mom moru.of work, .a ie escript•-#1 thwugh Q. door "'Jlich lilltl of t.hti)El p,,(lu & SoLth Rttlronll: has hig The Crown of the Ditide tl!Ac;bere" . , hnd been.lefr. oveu neur btJd Gttnerl\1 M .. rc:huntlise two snudlcr. f. ''"o \Y •ti-, ,, •. . tClicbars · Ubldi El Puw tD fake ra Hank p 014 roffif·tt, a ntt\Vspnp .. r "'rlw MzPztll'rCk' Wlioleaale and Retail' General merohandiJP r our cust. omere th•l presAnt. hard timr$l, wa have on meat l'tatn three: to fivo cents ing graaa t u a mttnt. llo wufi accom IJntUt!<! by n Barh,:r Sh•if•, n Shuo Shop. twQ amnii , with only onu ot tlns number Dr, Davis, hullding; a rnudet·t• Uvruuosidtn, anri on unexcl'lled t!ool sumnwr dinu•te \V llltf'l''t! oro nut sovc•rt>, Regi'.ltete and enrOllment cmrds Clements- Walton onuntry urouud Corouu Is odopt('d to cattJo n'1d have been mniledteachera, Those -- Rhe.. p t·nildng and gpn...-ul Our ptiur.•pal crop ia who bavo not received repo r f. Miss GindJR Wultnn and Mr. h the pinto beun Vlhkh 11Vt•r1Jf.ti'S100 p•iundA Jltlf ncrt>, C.orn, cards wlll notify this oftico of C. Jr. ar odiA, raue. mlOoL, pumpk11111, tua·uiptJanrLotbet· feedstuff• , Wo bako nnd cakes. the n'ilml1er d.fsired · and same Ros'YPII Fr-illny g,.pt. nnrl vt>gctn.bl••s dn w•·ll . .,.. -. . . _ will be mailed you. 8tb, ut the honw of rh .. This counti'Y wu!l Htnll'k hr 11 rh·oughth yeor (lfl22) "lre,IroaRoDflng,rraj.n Co M 'M k t Xhavcbeebnol11tnntedforthe grandparPn•a'Mr.&MNt. J. H. caURlllgtheflrstcropf,•llurnin l'years-. Owing to thia etc ll rona ea.. ll: e ot SteW Supermtendent of ClenwntP.Only th .. g rnm(u.futhPr cont11ti"n lunrl mm lm t>ought na cht!np n8 12..50 par 11cre in - •- 6 Public and bebg and gmud were prPaPnl sumP lnculitit'S, <' ' r IJJ · · · · sirous of condurting the affairs ns the young pliJrht e d W., ueed progressivr> farm(lrll. nur prl'sPnt rural porn· ••••'••••••u••••••••••t••••••••••t•••••••••••••••••• of rny ,,resent office in a satia- tbt>lr t.r11t.h. The hriri., is tho duu- lotion, morltly who nr(l not t:quippt>d lo factory mQ.bDOl' and a.lso t.o meet nf Mrs, A. B. \V 11 Jr()n , f fllrrH on a. vrogn•saw.- rn-nll•. 1'hi!4 we lff'linvc•.nr · , •, ' ,, ., " . - . , . ( . , . . ... . , ' '. . . - . , ;;;;;..,. . . - ... ' ' , ' ' t . ' 0 I > ' '( ' -: ' . , "' ' . ' ' ' ·,.\, ,, ; e '• '' t "0 " ;-t.' ' . . , ' . ' ' ' - , " ' > , . ' > I ' -- ' I . I ' * ,,.. .... .... - 01' ' the demands of the public in see Maugnm. Old a. M W nit on ft!l14 <•Xct>llt-ut opJ•ot t unil it>l-1 to iunKto•a and will bear tn ing the nommee I eeek the co- cmm" to C•trmu1 ovt>t· n yr>nr 0 g,, Vt!3LiglltioJ1, If lnten•st••d write The M:n"rick. operati9n of tbu teacbE>rs in su.;h since w t.i rue sht' haa macle matter8 as pertain direcLiy to muu' hnn•. Tht> gruom yourtcbool that I may have a is the son o{ Mr. Ot>n. it.tliA time to viei.t other counties Sr. and well knnwn and likPcl l appreciate the honor which and has many fnemlfl lwn•. hils upo.n and "fhe young l·onpl,. wtll maku Co- .trost I ru&y be pemtitted to tur- r<'nn Uwit· homer,, tlw prest'ut. tttaei'setVo the peo¢e in an edu Tho Mwurick con- ! Its Quali9' Is AlwaysgJ)ependable , caUonat program "'!hich will ad- gratulations and b •at wishes to vaJtct3 our stancli5fg in literacy. v wecrs - n , - ' I 'lit.W· P·rices Continue , ' <"; '• ' ; . •• ' I ' , . ->- --- -/ : .. - - · · . :Slit' groceries Saturday I >' . "" . - . ' ., , -- ' , ' ·. at our store ·' ., ,, I ' ''• . . ; .- ' "' .. t < I ' ' ' , > ' - .. - (; - ; 7-· , ' . ...,;. .( ·.--, ' " l - .- '" , ... ' f r , l ' : . t I , ' - .:J ' .. ' .. ,. ' lh ' < "' •, ., ' '..) ., ,p . ' . ' . ' ·' ' ... ,. \ ,. ' ., , i'•. ' ' •• ,y .. " ·• . .. , . ,. ' ' ,/ ., THA'r Ia why ol fril• Watkin• .. h. r. :abiOlalllr ' ' It malt. •ueft .W:. ltlou• t&Ste.r lif.-d, blt- cuita. and putn•l ' - B•ldna Pow der It .only Olil '•l 137 Watkin• p>toduttt who1141 " qbaliif Y<N un &twar- ' tel)! '*'• It V'f' t. b., - ·- -/rotii ',:at ' ' . ,. ' j . . ' . ' ' ' , ' ,. . ' ' . - ' . ' ;. ,, .... "" ' . I "'' I 0 - '< I I 0 I . ... , . . ; - . , ,, ' > ' ' J t I . \ , .. ' ' ' I , , , ' ' . . ,' ' ,. " ·- I ' f '• r ' . " .• ' . - ' . . ' .. 'l ' ' il ' ... ' I . ' •• ' , , ,, I ' . . . ' I ) ' ; ; ' _, I l, ,, . ' . ' .. ' I ' ' ' ', I ' ' ' I ' . .. .. -' ; -. '

Transcript of 'lit.W· P·rices Continue - Lincoln County Archives...

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eil'tot ~be ·,';~,'~,,,r,,,,;,~;t,~ ;o lfU~:n li ~;~epa. fate .T""''·'-<1···~

will pla(O~ 1.~ .. ·P"+~a l)ac~ a~ the

'""'""''' r~t.,_ ~f p~y .... New .• en}. Londot\ ll'nii'il w111 be reta.inoa by t'il.

.. · ~dgning tbe pact.: -'Etforta The :¢i~ W4~:t p'Ut:to nre b•ipgtn.a.de to1nilltca.stt'i~ers Tur~fsh irregul'a.r~. 'l 111 uu'tlxecutivef\ Qf ott•~•· rQnds to. la.tio_n· itt m'4 p:mio. U , ... , .. ,.,,)sign tb13 p.eal!e pact. ' About can~ qr~ l'Elported tnl13sl)1 ·tctoaos ore r-.ported t() be inc I uded

British ·~~·" tbeaepal·a;tie peace agl·eem~nt~ , ing leaving thE•·proW:ctiiOQ~i~t .t]~~~t •

ltepnblican County city tQ Jj'ru~oh and ... ~~~ Amlri·Sci\fi~l>luejaclc:et. .. Convention .

A delegate convention of tht> t.lf.ePIIJblican~ of Liu,C,loln ~ountv

meet' iu Linc~oln at 11 ocloclt ;.' b ~ Linooln County M., Sept. 20th fot·_t.he purpos,.

opuned S,et>tember •th nominating ol,\odldatt>s t o a· very $tisf!lctory nty oftlot•s, uud n t'tlpr('Sl'llta which expresse~ tbe ve io the lt-gi~lntura, tl1a elt~ct pnren.£s Q.nd,tJupils cn·tUti !utut;e of n ro~Juuh,~:un eouut.y cen welfare of our County· State and comullttt!e and the trunoac Na.tiop ,. · '· lion of such other buslue&~

ThJ ~.Attendance :Balmer" ~a pro?l'l·lv be brought !Jefoul re~d~ to begin Jtsjoutnoy to tbe convention. ttit•ai ~ohool.room ,ba'Viug tha ------bigliestaveragedaily.,atteoduqc;o B!tten By Skunk


'• .l'i :! \' .. 'U "" l

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•1·T.:H E, B Jft ltN ~*:N G. ·,

. , o F A I} A N K .. N _o,T n H •

• . ~ittle 1'4Pfcla's 6aby \'lr~ tbough made of ·. · · the~ fiAeat linen wiJJi' uUhnately wotn thr~d.. · bare. · One day· it land~ Ji) ~e 'rpg bag and· · 'waa· aold ·~o ,th.~ junk d~.~r~.·'Wb..;~ ~6~ :ntg son~ touched the. dis~;aTdcd ~ent he det~ In '-· Basil thfl fine qu~Uty of th~ ~ ~d ·sbt it. a.&lde for a journey I() the Bureau ~-~~"'ving and•f,f.(~tlng at Waabing .. ton. ~•ntualltff·~o te_g~lender ~·-. b80k·~ote. }uat how ia · ~old'· ln one of the b~utlful bookletll about Ow GQVemment which. •• ue ~tndtna •eb month to those inlert:ated. Just aend us ~our l'Wne and addresa ~ you wPI receive· • copy of tV~J'Y' iaaue of the ~enea wtth~t ch~~··


•• '::: , . : . ' : ..

• • for the month of Septem be r • - --Who will be the first~ to ~inl B. c. Ellis. f,arnwr, living 12 ~~~~~-""~-~-~.~~-~~~-~-~~~~~~~~-~--~--~-~-~-·~--~---~-!:·-~-.~ -,...., . . . .. .. . . -· ·~ .

The enrollmei1t to t}lo Card- ilea sont h-t•atil of Cot·ona, wus • -zo.zol:tigbScboolaurp~6~t tliat. bitten by 11-Situnlt uhnut9o'clock ot ant previous yo!U'. Two do~ night. M•·. Ellis h a cJ en additional desks wero fo•· tbe night und had ~ by tho Local fioard. . - , ,fallen aslt-t•p when he w.~taaw~lc. • . I am ve:ry well ptenMcq wttll tbe by tbu-skunk fn:Jt ... mug 11.11 In th~ tu~nrt-of Ntnv M6xlco, 660G feet above eea loYel

quwllt.y oftcncbt:rB in tho county ~eot.h iu hit! low~•· lip. Ho strttck Ellii'I'Oill\fletl·lJ.~·\ii'Ug~P.fl tl(ne ('OVtll'tld hillu. llt'Stlt•t! tlw liulo '4'hero is employed' in ,t}Jo• ruri'l the antmal with hi'4 luuirl k11at'k towuur Ct)rontl. with tt. fldpulu.Litmuf upproxunuttoly SOO, school23 teaQbera of tWo Ug itt.." th~ floor ft·oul wh1ch it CoruM is con~ected with ~hu outsido worltl by thn mom

moru.of co11e~ work, .a ie escript•-#1 thwugh Q. door "'Jlich lilltl of t.hti)El p,,(lu & SoLth we~tt•rn Rttlronll: has ~mo hig

The Crown of the Ditide

Gt~d~tC):wtiflc~tiJ tl!Ac;bere" . , hnd been.lefr. oveu neur lb~ btJd Gttnerl\1 M .. rc:huntlise stu~~~t\'tl two snudlcr. ~t~r~~. f. ''"o &~ ~~~~t. \Y •:t}l)..J?!d~y • •ti-, • ,, M"aul.l.~~ttS_,:'tL un,~!J!~rJ.Jgn.,qp~J!mc\EUJll~~t- ~~{oJ.r! •. .

tClicbars · Ubldi El Puw tD fake t~l'lt ra Hank p014roffif·tt, a w~Wkly ntt\Vspnp .. r "'rlw MzPztll'rCk'

Wlioleaale and Retail' General merohandiJP

r • •

our cust. omere tbrdug~ th•l presAnt. hard timr$l, wa have on ~ meat prk~s l'tatn three: to fivo cents p~rr.polU'ld.,

ing ·~cond graaa ~rtiftc.ll t u a mttnt. llo wufi accom IJntUt!<! by n Barh,:r Sh•if•, n Shuo Shop. twQ amnii llottil'~iCn\1sCbt)bl , with only onu ot tlns number Dr, Davis, hullding; a rnudet·t• Uvruuosidtn, anri on unexcl'lled t!ool

• • lh:~titlhnt'tt. ~~porumco, sumnwr dinu•te \V llltf'l''t! oro nut sovc•rt>,

Regi'.ltete and enrOllment cmrds Clements-Walton 't'h~ onuntry urouud Corouu Is odopt('d to cattJo n'1d have been mniledteachera, Those • -- Rhe .. p t·nildng and gpn...-ul ra,~ming. Our ptiur.•pal crop ia who bavo not received repo r f. Miss GindJR Wultnn and Mr. h the pinto beun Vlhkh 11Vt•r1Jf.ti'S100 p•iundA Jltlf ncrt>, C.orn, cards wlll notify this oftico of C. f:lemPnt>~ Jr. w~re mat~ll'cl ar odiA, raue. mlOoL, pumpk11111, tua·uiptJanrLotbet· feedstuff•

, Wo bako Pi~a nnd cakes. the n'ilml1er d.fsired · and same Ros'YPII Fr-illny nfr~ruonn g,.pt. nnrl vt>gctn.bl••s dn w•·ll . .,.. ~ - . . . _ will be mailed you. 8tb, ut the honw of rh .. ~trnomR This counti'Y wu!l Htnll'k hr 11 rh·oughth ~his yeor (lfl22) "lre,IroaRoDflng,rraj.n .· Co M 'M k t Xhavcbeebnol11tnntedforthe grandparPn•a'Mr.&MNt. J. H. caURlllgtheflrstcropf,•llurnin l'years-. Owing to thia

etc ll rona ea.. ll: e ot SteW Supermtendent of ClenwntP.Only th .. g rnm(u.futhPr cont11ti"n lunrl mm lm t>ought na cht!np n8 12..50 par 11cre in - •-


Public Ins~Ptlction and bebg d~- and gmud pnrt~nls were prPaPnl sumP lnculitit'S,

< ' ' r IJJ

• · · • · · sirous of condurting the affairs ns the young r~1uplfl pliJrht e d W., ueed progressivr> farm(lrll. nur prl'sPnt rural porn· ••••'••••••u••••••••••t••••••••••t•••••••••••••••••• of rny ,,resent office in a satia- tbt>lr t.r11t.h. The hriri., is tho duu- lotion, morltly honwt~lt>CJdt>rl:l,' who nr(l not t:quippt>d lo factory mQ.bDOl' and a.lso t.o meet ~htt>r nf Mrs, A. B. \V 11 Jr()n , f fllrrH on a. vrogn•saw.- rn-nll•. 1'hi!4 conu~ry, we lff'linvc•.nr ·



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the demands of the public in see Maugnm. Old a. M it~s W nit on ft!l14 <•Xct>llt-ut opJ•ot t unil it>l-1 to iunKto•a and will bear tn ing the nommee I eeek the co- cmm" to C•trmu1 ovt>t· n yr>nr 0 g,, Vt!3LiglltioJ1, If lnten•st••d write The M:n"rick. operati9n of tbu teacbE>rs in su.;h since w hu~h t.i rue sht' haa macle matter8 as pertain direcLiy to muu' fdtmd~ hnn•. Tht> gruom yourtcbool that I may have a is the son o{ Mr. Ot>n. Cl,.mt•nt~ it.tliA time to viei.t other counties Sr. and i~t well knnwn and likPcl

l appreciate the honor which and has many fnemlfl lwn•. hils b~eti conf~rrecl- upo.n m~ and "fhe young l·onpl,. wtll maku Co­.trost I ru&y be pemtitted to tur- r<'nn Uwit· homer,, tlw prest'ut.

tttaei'setVo the peo¢e in an edu Tho Mwurick • x~PodR con-

! Its Quali9' Is AlwaysgJ)ependable , caUonat program "'!hich will ad- gratulations and b •at wishes to

vaJtct3 our stancli5fg in literacy. r.h~ n~wt v wecrs - n • •


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'lit.W· P·rices Continue •

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, . ..,,,!-~ ->- --- ~- ~ -/ : .. ;~ - -

· · . :Slit' pric~son groceries Saturday

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·. ~ at our store ·'

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., THA'r Ia why ~iopa ol Jioo~ fril• Watkin• ~· ~6wder .. h. r. :abiOlalllr

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wh~e. It malt. •ueft .W:. ltlou• t&Ste.r lif.-d, blt­cuita. ~. and putn•l

' -\Vat~in• B•ldna Pow •

der It .only Olil '•l 137 Watkin• p>toduttt who1141

" qbaliif Y<N un &twar­' tel)! '*'• It V'f' t. b., - ·- -/rotii ·~ Wa~JtU,. ~~

',:at ~ol.tt4oor. ~~·

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fto.bUt .8ruc:t MaeQngor tf Seattle, One of !Ieven eurvlvo,. of

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H'- Old Rtglmtnt. •

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·The Perfect Gum· ' .•

• • • Made of jllq'~. materiaiJ-In. modem, eanitar}', sun-lit &ctorles-


No ·expense spared tQ make. ·It whol~mc im.d full of flavor-

Wax-wrapped and' sealed to lteep .. it good: ..

WRIGLBY'S ia boancl to be the bat that can be made I·, -

·lt's good- '

' ,.

and good for- you ,U.dinJ. diie.#i.OD whitenins teeth dearing breath

. SoOthing to over. wrought netvea 'and a general pick-me-up.

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·" . ~ .. ,P.

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:.···J'o,..,. ... !B~I~ A-•1ing ~irl)'· l.n tl'all Matpro Qulckt~t a11d Will Make . · . Qcal~ble Addition• to .IJ~dlna Flock. . .

. · . ' . '

.·/: '' . . '' .

• . ' the h.Quae for a thoJ.'PU&h Tentllntton op. IJ~ _days,

The p}ost succeaafnl houses, as found· .b;y the experlent:es· of hundreds of poulfi.'T nlsers llDd b)' experiments of .tho Department of ArrlctJ.lt.ure and S(a~e ,~rlment tstatl(lu.t. are from 10 to 20 feet deep it tbe open-tront pian Ja followed, Jhom this ~olnt tbe neJ,rcr to'Ward the 'front tho towls are moved th,.tewer egp are produced. In smaller bQilSes tho reiaUve proportion ot openlnkt In the !fOnt ot tho house must bQ reduced during the wtnter montbl ln order to keep the towu coml'ortable. Open fronts or openings coverod With cotton cloth arc most pralltJcal In deep houses.


Government EXpert fn Europa Seal'Chlng for Information. I . "" o

Doctor Stakman, Mlnnaaota Pathoto­glat, Vlaltlng Varloua Europtan

Countrtu, Making Datall~d ltutfy ef the DIIUH.

' ' . J • <' . ' . . •

thlnl( g' elty benuWI.cn· . ~J94 · :WQ ·~~~~~~(lm.~d · to tblllk ot ~ ~4i q~: s:q'lJiu•e,11 :a: M:erte. ~uf1tJ1 Jll;lld •tn a spee¢1).· q.t; :ml.nB~J.~t C~tf nr c:e.ntJy, ~·we tlllli~ ot velvety 1,1trct®e1J -ot :~eenswnrd, flowers ~loomln~ ml~ 1o\'lntatus plnylng ln the sun.· Jt ou~ vt.ston be .Jllt"~' we tlilnk o:t ·~JUlY patkll, qcntteJ:f;ld 9v.er- the cUt Md l.'endlly avatlntile t<f Jlll tho pel,lJ,lle. To •ornQ ~ty bea'1Jtli)$tf~>n we~mtJ:~ ,eiYle i$ter, with; ·r\obie :pul).lJc;. b'd!ld.Jn~ arnnsed 1n K great c:oJ:Ppol!ltl!\lt.• ·¢he pltn ot tba city qf Wnsbllllrton, wttb

· til~ ca~ltol, tho Whtte~:S:ouso aQd · t~ JJncolu D\emorlnl.related;.to eneh other b1 the Wasblngton monument. Ulull;' tnltes the pot.at.

"But In our desire to do somethlnJ gren( nod flne to bring .bCnu\y tnt~ c:lt,y Ute we bn ve aometlm!ls over-. looked the simple, perbnps the moat elrecUvo "thing. ' We have torgbtUln to nmke our b.O!Iles benutltui. May I suJtgCJS.t that c:lt, beautltlcaUon, llke cbarltf, sbould begin At bomel ·

" 'A · alan's home Is his CIU!tle,' You've hcnrd It tmld a bundred tlmes. Tho sentiment sounds n note of Snd.e.' penrlence for the man una his fa.Qlll1. It harks back to tbe Ml!ldlo ages, the military lliddlo oges, wbcn , ~ts ~ero pbttl.lnnblo only by the sword. While we mil)' exult ln tho thoughts tbnt n man 15 eeeuro In bls upfortl· fled homo tbd11y lUI be oneo wns In bla castle with Its dr11wbrldgo and ltll tow· ers. let '11'!1 not forgot that wbl,ln tho cre11tor made mnn he placed hlm ln a garden.

''Tho gnrdcm home-t1nd all thnt Ia required to convert a mo.ro houso- to;d lot tnto one 15 pJanUD(;-91rera ~Joy· ment In bom~:t lite- tbnt &nnot be ob­taJned otbemlao. Tho garden really adds a room to tho bouse. Slnco no room In tho bouse lB lett unturnlsbed the co.rden wlll not be negll-ctecL

"Tho nvcraso person •thinks of a li:Brden na on expenalvo sort ot thins, ono tbnt Js within reach of tho rleh alone. Yet tho bungalow or cottnitl on o 4Moot lot cnn b~st or a garden that 1IJ Jllllt u worthy tho lllliJlO u tho mtlllllloo on tbe boulonrd. Olven tho dcsll'o to bqvl)..o prdon, tho wny nl· wnra C4D bo foun!L It ta ilot to bo thougbt tbnt (!Urdcnlng II a atmpt"e task. There Ia real aclenco about lt. Expcrlenco 1fJ tho boot tmchor and wqrk wl~ wucmce u-lU rlch13' ,rewArd everyone who tries."

. URGES MORE TREE PLANTING Fortater of the Unlvet'llty of llllnolt

Polnbl to Neetulty fat Action In llnmedlat. Future.

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CIVIl. ADMJ~IST.6A'J'~~J\i(. S~T UP r:~fe~~.~~ JN ASIA M:lNO.~'aY : ,.' ,, J hl.dlllg

TUft I'"' ·: ' \ . · ~ --' ~ · •19~119 tor t\t J'~b11lO~ "'"f;t.:• ·~ '. : ., :: l!i<i.1<1.~:~g_ out~pl) Of l!ID•l·l

· ·' " cli.\~111, Olllt~r~. l;lorlil_J • · • ··, Your

Oonatnnttnople • ..-()np J1un~lred ~lb'Us- I ·::J A.$ "OU trf to tlllnlt. bG(!ll; 1 nnd Greek troops Hnvo ~vncu~ted l ., s.mnua o.nl) u <.eurldf,l!l c1Ylt~1ldmtn1s• c~xnutl~~~ ®4 t~ns ot hut~~reds tru.tlP~ :hll$ been estllbllahed tlle~ cent\lrletJ ~oflll'ti· atld see thls tnl'lt e~·

•• . •

'.Vile Grocl\s , hew~ lol!t . tbli bnttlQ ponse ot f!and, JWgebruah und ~ks nroul\(f Smyrna. p,ncJ· tho Greek adnlln" a Wrblllent b.'oplcal ocean, PnJm ·tre,~lt !stratton has ceased •n lo"tt. AU the 4ottiD.~r· tl'1o 'bQ~"s and weird anlml\l!Jl ~

· ~ .,. J'OlWinc Ute l)eta~U brusll or lmunttng mcmbprs Qf the blgh. comtllliiSlOU. lwnd•· Ule. b.tell'ket11 u they bore tood from 1 ed b;y M. Ste.rr;1ndliJ nre on board tltl" tbc mat wean. . Brlttah battleship Iron Duke. 'J.'he ~al:n\ 'frQud in!Prlnta twelve antl Greek IU'my hns- be!)n hopele$,sly more tee~ JJ.l, len~ can b~ found Itt beaten.' · tho rockly to)f$U· rom~lna of the 11rat

Mustnphn Kemnl Pnsbn, tbe Tu.rWab horse, be.t}lat b!l.d three t0011; antmala Nntlonallst lender, ~ns es~ubllshed tb<l atnlnr;a to · l'e-create-lt'a a rlcb headquarters In KnsSI\bu. eounq"Y tor .the student, an.d now tltOJ'

Nn~:llll, .A11len nnd other towJls were ate ti'Ylnl ~P pr.ove that lt lJI a gre't buraed. Tbu greutes~ ronfUslon ~lgna tuung atatlon. tor oil drlU(JJg dorrt~ ln Smymu. A wlreless dlspntcb brood· begin to make tbelr nppeuramce& on cust by the Angorn go,·ernment up.· the bortw.n. · nounces to nll tile comt,lete IUUllhlhl· In any event hero Ia country that tlon of the Greek anny. Orcek heud· wu fecund wlth 4'te eveo before l;h• quarters hiUI been tranarerred to Ches· human race Willi evolved. lrltllde one me. 1ipposlto tru3 Island of ~tlt~ne round seaworn boulder lay a perfect The Greek troops ure belilg rnpldl)' OJIIter and Jnalde tile oyator tho re­O\'ncuoted by \'Cfl8elo. malDI of a ~rl, cruahefl Oat by the

The lllUes hu,·o published a proclo· preuure. 4Jong. the aUmy llcbores of mntlon ln Smyrnn, urging tbo populn• thla eea the Ute mut bavo been a tlon to mnlntuln order. It promls611 abort ono and crowded, tor thu coun· thut tho nlllee wlll eoctu:e i;unrnnteeo try Is honeycombed wlth evtdenco, all for tho protection ot the minorities. of a low Ute origin-clam &helle a yard The' llllled usuurnncea, however, hn\'e acroiJB, great sunlla, other ishtlllt shaped not had nny efted on tho terrorized like nothlnlf we aee tblJr tl~, marine population. Tho Greek pntrlnrch tete- JDODitera not well orpnt&ed enough to srapbed U1e archblnhop ot Canterbury co out tor themsolvea, but doomec,l to In London and Premier Dnvld Lloyd reat on a sWl· ehoro until pctrlllcd and George to UJJO their "ood ottJce& In then to prOVO th~ B!{e to c11scoverel'8 fu\·or of tho ChrlsUuUII In AUIItolla. thouannds ot 111111'11 later,

Tho Orook loliae11. Ull far tUI lt baa bl't'n JJ()!IIllblo to nsl'ertuln U1em up to tbo prroent tlme, nre total except tlr tho Tbtrd Army Corpo, \Vhlcb lo be­lle\'lld to be withdrawing trom Brulltl to Pnnllermu. with all Ita material.

A \l'lrelt'l)S diBJintch from ono ot tho allied wnrahlpa at Mudanln BtlfD tb.o Turlcn have taken Ghemlek and nruaa. Tt•n thounand refugees a.ro moaaed In Mudllnln.

. Flnd1ng New Fruita.

It Is curious that during the half· million ur more ycura that man hn1 lnhobltcll the earth, ho hllll learned to cultlvato only about BOO ap(lelt'tl or plants ~ut of more than 100,000 that nre known to cXllsL ·

During tho put 2.000 :roara wo have not dlacovcred and cultivated n alnsle plant \vblcll cnn rlvnl mnlze. rice, tho potato, tho date, ooreota, nnd tho bn· 1Ulfl.9, which waa ftrat d14covcrc4 throo or four thousand 7ean ago.

A.InonJ new trults tbat hove boon

. By a· ~rloUa "frenk"t• ot nature. ln.· ~!t willc:ll arb moat bcautltul when tully deviiJol}t!d, Mro often the most repU18lvo lit the Btllf:O.

Marriage "\Vhnt do you think ls the CllUlle or

10 muny unbopl))' murrlngesi" ''Too mnriy peoplo are D,llltrled be·

foro they rvt · scn110 enou~b to amy alngle."-Yioml Hernlil. • .

Relief History Ia snJd oover to bavo re­

corded co complete n dlanstcr as tho UreekA hnvo met. It Ia auertell that Atmrin'a dcfmt at Capoi'Ctto during tbo World War la au notblng com• ():lrod with tho debutlo· of tho Otcelus.

found tccfultly II tho fleJoa, n South , ~~\' Amert.cnn ·rnltt wlltdi u bcllng gruwu In Callfornln. It poueaaea tlac re­treabtng msto of tllo ptneupplo and tho awooUJI!ll.!l of tno atrn\vberry.

, Athcll!I.-'I'bo flrat troopo reached

Plrneuu from the former Greek front In A111n Minor In muUnouu mood. Tboy pnroded tho utretltD In tbc ell:)' In nmnll and lnrt;o groupo lD a demoDStrnUon nitllDSt King Conutnntlne, many of tbom nhPutlnr: lrurul til.

The nbdlrntlon of C.onstnnUnc Is beln& dl~WUA~red openly aDd the nows­pnpct-,7 lil"O demanding tho rctum of Venl~teloa T11e roynlhrtn. however, nrc rrocUnt: vlaoroualy nnd IDSistlng on the c:'bolcc of Oenernl MetnXtUJ lUI pre­mier. to whlcll tho king mQ)' have tp agree, unleaa Trluntnfillo.J.:os suecooda In rormlng- n cnblneL

Mlnert Ratify Peate AgrttmenL Wllkeabnrre, Pn.-Tlac nnlbmcJte

wngP agreement, aPndlng mlnera ba('k to work ot once nfter more than nve month11 ot ldh>nMm hn11 been mtlficd by tbc Tri·Distrlct ev.f\'entlon of the hord c:'OJ dlggern. Under the ngree­mPnt 100,000 mine workers return to work at tl1e wngeg they received when they lltllllJendcd ruining on Mnreh 3L


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Tho Jujube Ia a new fruit which hna been !roltlvnted ln northern Chinn. It wan flrat lmown 101110 ycnro ogu, and Ia now being rt'01m 1n Onllfornln nnd Texna. It Ia wruaU7 enten In rondled • form. and Ia preferred by mn111 peoo plo to tho dnte., whldl lt rem!mblea.

Tho mpote. a Q!ntrul American tzult nbout tho altp ot on ornnac. Ia bctng arown ln Flolldn l while the I'OIJC!lle, n new add fruit grown ln wuthern Cnlltornlt. ta. ~ed for Jellies and In tho mskiQJ of refrcahlnu oovlll" ages.

Taka Time to Ratax. Lcnm to can lC n dny. Don't petldlo

tho Uttlo worr1&~a. dlaeourngemrllbl and annornnccs tllat rrop up In the omco nrouud with you. Forget them. Sbnlto atl tho lncllnatlon to sink Into tho slough of despond at tho t>nd of a rngged dn)'. Eveeytblng will- loolt dlt~ rerent In tho momln~ lf yon l"t go nnd tnlro n fnlllb hoteL Glve n Job n fa.lt trlnl betoro ,-ou give lt up. Tbe nrst day tho fint we~ or tho t1r11t month II th"b hnrdest. Sed to n ~nt you do not mntro tho 8:lmo U\f!ltake twice and your blnndora ~Ill put yon nhend. Tbo dlacont11gemenu fOU. meet In :rour work make veey , ilttlb dllrerenee. What really caunts fa· how you tnko tbetn.-Ellmboth ArnOld ln Dctrott i"ree Prod.

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Constipation Rtlltved Without ttJ. V•

o}Lamtll'U N~ta b a lubric&~~t-aot a ~ .. or luaU••-eo t.auo-t pipe. Wken 1ote are cOMUpated. rtot ert0111h of Nature•• lubtkathl~ Uquld .. e::; •wee~ In the bOwel to U.t tcMld .-..te 110ft and ·cwta~. J)c)Ctoq prtkribe

NuJol' Me& ... ""::::)_ it acta llb

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lubritallt aai thu replaeea Jt. Tt7 It too •.r.

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Southwest · From All O~~tr . '

New-Mexico · .and Arizona


14uportlf rou.cbtng Currtztzo state thllt lflguel M.ontoyu, u storekeeper at Rn· benton, W<UI sbot and kllled on the stroot<t 11l the town.

l~"tgun•.11 r .. cently compiled by tile .-lty trt•uilu ro.>r 11howo that Albuquerque ha» Ktlent u\'tar hatr n mllllun on lu vu vln~; Kill<'" tbe year Wll.l . .

Due w llw ohortnge of eoul nt the bt" rurna<·<•ll ut I'Ut~t.lo, Colo., runnr;an· e~t•· ••pt•rntlun>~ al the Duston Hill Ullnea n•·ar ISII vPr CILy ba nt beun stopped.

l'lw rot·ovt•ry of $140,000 worth of Oo!~D anrl bond>t, itlf!Ued by thO defunct Ullllk or l'hoenlx to creditor banks ln .,.,,. Ang<•h!'ll, by tllf' [IIIYRICQl Of $21,000 In ' llllh, hull bf'Pn announced by An· dr••w Jloumort, Jr., receiver.

F .1 Kn11p.er of !Swink. Colo., cblcf ul(rkulturt~<t for the Holly Sugar Our· l•••rurlun, rocormuendtld at a meeting of t1uKI nut<o men at lAIII Cruces that eugar 111 ... 1 dcmnnatruUon plnntlng bo con· llnutJd In tho M1..'111llu Valley next seu· kujn

l'laDB uro betas made tor the cxea· vutlon of tbo Aztoc ruins south of l'nrutln,;um. part of the work to be dun" by tho Uplvoralty ot Denver. All uutu road will bo modo to the ruJDI o.nd 11I1Ct<ICII men and teo touJDJI will be u11od In lito work.

Jo' cJ Huttn:dnl, Jr., \vllo waa slvcn a t1eor1 na In tho court ot Judso Schauer 111 UulluJ•, N. M., wtUt-afiiiOIIIIOd n tin& ot $100 un.d ••ootn nod acntcnccd ED mtrvu nlnot)' duyo In U1o county Jnll, but Lbo JuU aonten~:o wno 11111pcnded. "l'h•J chnrgo of cnrr)'lng u doudlJ wca• VuP wnu tllod by tho dlatrlct uUomoy.


0D both nldeo of tho lntoi'IU.I• Uon.nl Uno ut NoguiCB oro Dl'l\J'chlng tor Juno N. IJoltnun, <'It)' lrousurcr of tlos~ulea, tlonorn, who Ia reported to bnv., dlaup(Jllarod following ltto r()('l.'fll dln,.ovory of un ullcged ahortugo of $1,· 4W 2.'i In hlo occounta. It wu11 report· od Ill Uao Koourn town thut U1e 11hort· llRIJ wua bcllovod to bo ll.l IIIah na S20.· 000. •

'J'ho JU.S commlcalon will follow Dlo· trll."t Judge llurry 1'. Owcn'a doctaloQ In rc!&Urd to tonC'Itora' pay. J. E. Suint, tux romm!Jwlon chotrmnn. stated wbcn tho '"'aunlllclon tuul! 011 tho Torrnneo I."'UDI.f cwbool buduct. Undor tho do­r·lrdnn 01o hlgh('llt JIU)" th1U l."tul bo aJv· ~ a toochor In ono. two or threo-room rorul !Whuol Ia 3110 u raooth tor nino munthn.

Tbn uold llfr1ho reported from tho IJnltt<d \'cm1o l~xtnnll!on mlno, conr Joromc, ArlL. rl'f'C!Dily, ronUnuea to bo II toplt' of IDilll'l'llt 1n tho \'ordo dlotJ1l'l. \\ blln no ntut~>mcnt of thn oxrt>rtt ot th1• find hnu hoon uivrn out on rot, U ID J•tnt"ll,.olly l'tlrtnln, It 111 1111hJ. that tho dPJ"•rslt will fJt'oYo of went vnluo. with ltu• urn l{fflWIDa Ml'htlr Oil U10 drlrt In ndvnnt·Pd


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~I . ' GfiEf:K Afl"'V Ft.~E$· • ALONG' THE ENTIRE .... ~.

' It ' TURKISH ARMY to(~SS~Cflf; ......



· Londou.~bo ndlii.Ulcfug NnUolltlllst army ln AD.!ltolJJj . IDJn the rnus,ucro pf Cllrl~~tltl:. :$1. Clrt• «:ordtng to re)JOJ'ts ttQm Atbw. 'l'he. Turka nrc only aevcntr·ti\'P trow l'mnou, seut ot Ur~afc tle!4!l!JUAI!-ters. .

Allied warsbl(ls1 locht!}ll:llf tin Awe,.. lean mun-ot·war, urc ..-,*'· .. «Jerr .wo,v. ·.to Smyrna to prevent tile 1'urkis II,I/J.I16:n~ terlog tlte clty. '.rho ullf(!$ Wll)' nm,,r• n.'Du wltb troops.

'rbo Greek urt11y Ja In retreat al9og Uao Anutollun bntuo t'J'Dnt, put--·1 tlog up onl)' u wcuk reur i&uurd i.'~·!sltJH once.

Advlces troru Athena cJaln1~ tbo Turltlllh Jo~sets have been very )1<.'1.\l'J'. Tho Greck:IJ 111lmlt ovucuatlnl!' ~sld~J< lmbr. ·

Tho Greeka have ovucullted Brusu, euunlng tl1e whpJo northern end of tho Greek front w crumble.

Brltlsll ~tCiehlhJ dccluro tltut tlto nl· Uos wUI not leilvf) · <i:(in!Jtuntlnpple ov1..'D If tl1e 'l'urkh:sh NUtlonull11ts muk; snell o demand. •

• . ' Parls.-VIrtually All ot tho Turkish

omplro, wl1Jeb wua vttrUtloned .nutung tho l>OWors uftur tho World War, mtty bo rctttored, Uf:C<I~Ju&: to tnformurton Crom ottlclul lllurecs.

ll'reneiJ ottlcfnltlom, wblch Ia oJICDIY IIJiuputlletlc wJtJ1 t11c 'l'urlchdl .NuUon· ull.ew, with whoiiJ l,.runt'O hall a treaty, It IIi favor at ruvllllon at Uto treuty ot

'J'hu ullled ulma mulfo It flOillllble to onforco tllll trent)' at \'4lrllalllcl!, b.ut thu treaty of Muvrea cannot bo en·




tor<.'t.•d, 111tld ona otnctuL' l•'runco do· FARM CROPS alr••n to ruatoro all ut .Auln athwr, 1

1'11 rucc IUld L'orwtunllnuplu to tbu 1 • INCREASE

'J'urka und tbcu let l~runco nnd Grcut Urltuln rcluro lo U1clr vrc-wur relu· llonniJip with Turkey, CORN, COTTON AND HAY CROPS

'l'bo trcut,y ot t!uvre.e novor bWI been I WILL EXC~ED $1 000.000000 ralltlcd. • EACH.' •

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Tll)( Receipt• Fan Off. · WufJblnstoii.....OovJ~rntnent tax re-

" '

.celptll tcU oU JUQre UUlD $46,000,000 Ill Jul)', us «:O.IillllltOd \vltb U•o same meJ1tll last · ~·ei\t. uccordln,; to the ;~tuteiU«:llt pt f:llmi!JDCIJ, callccttons ls­IIOCd by tll~ lntcrnul roven'QO hurc&IL For tbo 111onth tnx collectlonlf totaled

• $100.880.170, ns i u;ulnst WS3~3.21i... during July, Ut.l. . 11'

Income. und profit tuxes nmountlng to $20,143,000 durlllg the moutb showed u • dccr(!nae of $9,848.000, compnred with July a i.cur tliOf wi)Uo fStllto tnxe:t n;~:reguUns- $4,011,000 declined by ~1(),2T.G,OOO. ..

',I'rutea. on dJsUUCil splrlJs p~esnl\· · lni $2,68-I,QOO tor tllp month. dcclll!ctl by $2.811,000 ul';ulnllt Jn11, }021 ; rnls­celluneous taxl'll, .11uch u& trnnuporth· tton and nmUJen)cnto. umount11l4\' to $43,443.000. tell gtt b)' $27,1'17,000, wllliQ tobnctO tuxes ll#itcguUllj; ~· 080,()(10 r'dlcctccl an · lncrc.tllo or $3.· 172,000 ua n~:Uirust tho s,nno woQtb'lWJt

Colorado noada ~xe~ Tl;oae ot £ado l>t!nver.-noutlll ln .• Cotorndo nrc ~ --·- ....... ......-~- ~-- .. -~- ~- .,) '

good 1111 tho roa~ In tho Eastern c~tea, dcclnred Dr. George IJ. Sclltt• mnl'ltor, (l lncmbcr of file Delver no-­lUI")' Club. Dr. 6chnmqcker buB just returned trom n 1.00CknlltN1Uwntobllo triSJ through seventeen ot tllo Euatern nlatcs. una he ctlld tbnt utter riding­over the rondo of ufc other stntea bo det'ld~ thilt C~lorndo ronda Wl'!re good. "1 mndo bettt'r t.ltne tn'lvel11lg OTCI' Col!lrodo 1'0:11Ja Uum 1 dld ID nny of Uie Eastern statC'G.'' Dr. SChu­wuckcr 11:111,).

Y{ORLD WHEAT CIIOPS SHORT. .. . Figure• for United Statu .Show Slight

Deeflne In YHt. ·

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,. • .. ,.. ,... -~ < ' ... '"p. "'l.ll'"f.. (·~ ' ' '., 1 '

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' 11 """lll.!.'~· dltl t\Pto cnr~ A . JfeiRhboi, llll.U 110 ·iii' M~ :replly ~et·

to stn)' UlOY n~;trl1r tree to

··a'*t It tbey Cl)ulQ not ~JQnie. ,'li-¥ ~et rid of lUJ!l. "'

, . 'W{l):8 ,;ere .~pggeated llut Jl.j)t '(!ne. birds wnnted to be ·the o~e to ~ell htm to .moye. ' .... '1;{~ ls peYer ~P. untU we go to bed," ~rl 'Mr. ~panow, wl1ose fnmlly bad E!dWld frc;lln Ule -bad-inanners of Mr. Q,wl.. .' , . "I would gladly tell :blm,.. said Mr. Blue J'ny; "I-t I. ~ould meet hlm In tho dafibne, but I just crmnot slay awnke after ~k.tt

• "l'JuJun cx<:lJLhnetl Jennie Wren, "It you 'told tho whole truth, Willie 'Blue

Hla Home In tho Trco.

Jay, tt: would be that you would like to bo rld ot Mr. Owl bct'tluao he Ill u bigger robber than you nrc." •

Willi~:\ Bluo .T a:y stood finn on one fOOt Mtl t.bcn 6D the ether nnd Winked ancl bllp1cccJ. but bo dld not repty to J'ennfo'IJ MAlley but trnthtuJ rflDnrlt.

..t:il ',1· COUld moot hlm on llle wltlg,"


BEI.LE ID ODO of the 1Dl1Jl1 !emlnln& names whleh bega11 existence

a contraction and gnlned atunb' lnde­penc!e}lee until U bccnJDJt n rerogul%ed

• lljlp(!Uatlve nnd lo bestowed without re!en!Dc:o to Ita prcflx.

Since BC!llo lllgnlfies "oath of Bntll," It Ia t'!llilly discernible that It to nn o1fqrtng of Ia:ibellc. ln the dnyg when El1%abeth of Bolnnult married Ph1111)pe A111:WltO a.nll uulrercd her naino to be ehonged to lsabellc by the French. It Ia bardly likely that Belle

• was used, either ns on e;ndennnoot or a dlmlnUtJm But lllnbelle be&mc:! ~err PDPuliU' In royal circles nnd the

• betrothed of Rogues de Luslgrum, who . bmo umrrft\4 lt!ns Jobllt brought Ian·

'lieu& to EnsltUlct .. t. It Wll$ therq that netlo rome Into ~itentt\ tin!l into toOO!qumt vo;;uc.

' Ot all· the ccntradlons- ot fmlbei!..­tJ cit \Vblch Ntb; XbbOt nnjl Ib nre t1 tew

exompte&-Belle pto\'(id th~ most pop-·ul!U' and lllst~n;t. ' .

BeUo Is a popular fol1JJ tn thla conn· • ~ and Is bestowed WithOUt ref•~l'elliCCl.J lO fsJ.befle. Frniioo reco~ no

• ' '

0 ,.

., , arne?

sucb ccnt.ractton, but S1Jllln baa au ~ulvaJent Beta. . · ·

The opul Ia tho gem llSI!gncd to Belle. Jt wtll provo a tnllsmnn nilllnst cvU, d!UI£e1', nnd dlst!LUIO wllen worn by ber. The evU cle.algn.o ot the plxfe. whldl IIUIX!llltltlon cl!llmllla lm· prt,eoned tn the atone. wUJ bo pcm-er­ICSII ngnlnst her. To drrom of nn otml moons 8UCCCSD- Frtdo7 Ia Delle's lnclc¥ day nnd 4 her ltlcll:y ·number. Tho chrrsnntllcmum Is "her lueky flower. !CoPVffllbt by tb• Whee lor Gyndlcllle, Ina.)

• 0· ' .

A LINE O' CHEER Oy Jchn Kendrick Bang ..

.... 1 'II-



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Dclng plcl18C(} with )·ourself Is a eon4lt1on ot mlud oot lntcnt!cd !or ~IS 'ilnrnclc,


IF YOUR Uses ucutter's•• · lleruma ,1nd Vacc:Jb~rala~ &llna hla buc co c::omct\.._ J0111

VETERINARIAN~ Tho Cutter labontoMt ••n.t ... ko-•"1::' I(,...,, u..;.r

8crkeley (U.s. nocl Calll'oTDw Rcndln~ mnkctll n tun mnn. rontcr• ~··--.......

cneo a rend7 man nnd wrlUns nn exnet mQD.-Frnnels Dneon.

Chil.dren Cr

Special Car6 of Baby.

or '

That BAby lhom4 have a bed of Its own &11 are agfeed. Yet ft' ia more Jeuonablb for an infant to fllecp with grown•UPI than to tute­a man'• mcd!dne in an. attempt to rcgulntc tho delJcate oruanfam of that aame Infant. Either pract,!ee fs to be ahunnecL l'lclther wout4 be tolerated by apecW!ata ln cbfl.drcn'o d!seases.

Your Ph]'Jfcfan 'Will ttU you that Baby'a medicine must be ~with even &fU,~ ca;c than Bdby'a food.

A Baby'• atomach when itt good health !a too often ~uran~4 by fmPl'ORU food. Coui4 you for a moment, then, tblnk of giving to your ailliri, cblld U)'th1ng but a medicine eapecWly prepared tot Infanta an4 Chlldren? Don't be deceived.

Vake a mental nato of thln:-It Ia Important, Jr:othm, tlwf" you 5hou14 remember that tn function wen, the dfgestl-ve orenna of )'Our Baby must recdye.speeful care. No Baby Ja so abnormal that the desired results may be h11Cl from the ru;e ol medlclncs prfmnrlly

. prepared for grown.ups. • IWnlW SllnULO ltAD TR£ ~~ THAT r::J lltlUIIl E\ttf lmTLE Cf n.ITC1101'8 CASTellA·


'Bears the Signature of •

' •

81¥11 P~ FAbEWS DYEs-dyes or tinb as you wfsft:

MARSHAL FOCH'S ,FIRST PIPE Frertch General Dlteardtd Clgarethl

When Great Offenat~ Agahtat · German Enemy Segatt,

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1 ' ' J>\l;l>lll!hd, lt'•oldy

: ···llompr A. Stflru·t, Edlt.or . . .

Coionn,. Ntii.v M··xko . . ~

" ; ;_ '• • ti'.

Atjinsoa~Silll . . . A!)(;,uwiptton rwic·•· 111·r Y •·.. $UJO

i;nl•re4 •• ••won<J <·lulld autU multor ~ lbe J'o .. OIJ'IC"e "' 1Juro111l, New l\1c¥., oiflnll-.r,, aS. 1821 ~JIIt,ler \h• Ac\ U(

¥,MI'I'! 81 1179

-1' ~ ... 'l' • . !,

~ -~m,~ra.l B·lJ~l~~~b.wf, :Garage . work, Anetylyn';\\felding·~tc · ·. · ... ·

. ~ I

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For Shertff lYe ar" authori~ud to c nnoun''! ~be

taDdiduy Qf • dwartJ W. It urri1 for fO•

noml."lallon Cbr u... ollicv of· Sh~rltf of J.;i.ac:oln < oun ty. a •liJo~ to thll action ol lbc pem(tcratlc P .rty ·

. '

\Y e. also hand I~. • 1ufl:Jit4e i)J Ro~~ IsJ~mJ F4\ming IQlplenlents, Ford Car$ apd

• TrQctor-s. ~qt C)Uil pdces and ter.ms,.

• ... - --- -- -- ··--------LOCAL NEWS. ITEMS

For County Clerk · Wo'aythunr.•d to ann~unco the candl· Mrs. o. w. Wad~ and 1!10 n

4acy uf R11ipb M. 'reat for rcnomlnml· and her twoeistere Mrs. Anuie · I atiun !or. 4hCI olbcu of County Clerk of Holmes and Mr·a. ltmma Rned, Lrnt'oln c::uunty. a~bjoat t.o tho Demod'at- b k . . I r t spE>nt. t e w13ee otlmpm g 1 n c nr y.

the White mountains. - - - - --

Ntttl~• tor Publlcatluo


or Interest To Parenti --

·''" "''u antorontPd 111 JtldnJt ,\'etlll • hild n really u,wful t•tlll· tnl1n11! Do you wnnL )'our lt11r c•r ~:••I '"KilL the bt•Rl nrul rnn11l t·"~•·llllnl COUI8t'M nf IOFilttwtioll

d11• •••..: lht>lr Achool doy11f tr no

",. II•·II••Vn )'"U wall htl int .. r•-oh•tl 111 Ill•· ulacln• wrlllon llv p, o(.

I'. M· Cru v .. r. pr11u~1pnl of Uw C"'"'''' .. dwol, nlt1ch will 11Jl , .... .,.Ill futuro IAfiU81 or tho Mt~v .. , h k.

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Street lmprovqmcot

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lee Col4 Drink$. : .

BOM:ip MADE Plln$1 •

·coJd d1·inks,chewtnggum ctpriJ tuuJ ~ob;{ct;v'•

J>ad's Short-Order· . . .


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· UDTEL:t.ENTRAL · ~ · l'i l!. ~vtA~·~•pridor

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:: ==c ::=::;::;: f :::: ij;:: =;:; ' : '·

'If You W~Jit . . ' n real h9r~ll.irt 1n (!iLher n~· • · ~· Ql' s~contl·hana

Antontobiles "

• (l~~ in i(>u~ll :tVi£b, ,, .,

. ~sear$ iJt:~t&~r. . . ,, ~~~t~~liN-t N.t- •1


Mrs W. J •. Me~4!r.s

Meat a . RoomJ SpPcinl rate• by th~ Yt••k au• month. •

. ' ·························-..

.. - 1 57 .

fJtronize Homel!luuatry · ' ,, .

I • •

·Wfl do nll kinds ofleuUter work bot•t£r, sbnt';8. hnrneu nnd s~tddles t~ptdreij wJdl~ yo11 wair~ 'W·hy trend. join:·~ " worlt '0\l t_nhown "'V"itett]'nt.t t:llfl_ havu 1~ <lone ,:1~ hollJ!' jll$t DS goot{llilff ·wol'k .ab(\ -. 'iu ·l~;as timu, . ·'

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