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Literaturverzeichnis 311 Literaturverzeichnis A Abell, Derek F. (1993): Managing with Dual Strategies, Free Press, New York 1993. Abell, Derek F. (1980): Defining the Business - The Starting Point of Strategic Planning, Englewood-Cliffs, New York 1980. Achtmeyer, William F.lDaniell, M.H. (1988): Integration Planning - Pathway to Acquisi- tion Success, in: M&A Europe, I. Jg. (1988), Heft 2, S. 29-36. Agrawal, Anup/Jaffe, Jeffrey, F./Mandelker, Gershon N. (1992): The Post-Merger Perfor- mance of Acquiring Firms: A Re-examination of an Anomaly, in: Journal of Finance, 47. Jg. (1992), Heft 4 (September), S. 1605-1621. Aharoni, Yair (1993): In Search for the Unique - Can Firm-specific Advantages be Eval- uated?, in: Journal of Management Studies, 30. Jg. (1993), Sonderheft Januar, S. 30-49. Alberts, William W JSegall, Joel E. (Hrsg.): The Corporate Merger, University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 1966. Alchian, Armen A.lDemsetz, Harold (1972): Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization. in: American Economic Review, 62. Jg. (1972), S. 777-795. Alexander, Gordon J./Benson, P. GeorgelKampmeyer, Joan M. (1984): Investigating the Valuation Effects of Voluntary Corporate Selloffs, in: Journal of Finance, 39. Jg. (1984), Heft 2 (Juni), S. 503-517. Alkhafaji, Abbass F. (1990): Restructuring American Corporations - Causes, Effects, and Implications, Quorum Books, New York et al. 1990. Allan, Robert M. Jr. (1966): Expansion by Merger, in: Alberts, William W./SegalJ, Joel E. (Hrsg.): The Corporate Merger, University of Chicago Press, ChicagolLondon 1966, S. 101-109. Amihud, YakovlLev, Baruch (1981): Risk Reduction as a Managerial Motive for Conglo- merate Mergers, in: Bell Journal of Economics, 12. Jg. (1981), Heft 2 (Herbst), S. 605- 617. Amihud, YakovlDodd, PeterlWeinstein, Mark (1986): Conglomerate Mergers, Managerial Motives and Stockholder Wealth, in: Journal of Banking and Finance, 10. Jg. (1986), Heft 3 (Oktober), S. 401-410. Amit, RaphaellSchoemaker, Paul J.H. (1993): Strategic Assets and Organizational Rent, in: Strategic Management Journal, 14. Jg. (1993), Heft 1, S. 33-46.

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Abell, Derek F. (1993): Managing with Dual Strategies, Free Press, New York 1993.

Abell, Derek F. (1980): Defining the Business - The Starting Point of Strategic Planning,

Englewood-Cliffs, New York 1980.

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tion Success, in: M&A Europe, I. Jg. (1988), Heft 2, S. 29-36.

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47. Jg. (1992), Heft 4 (September), S. 1605-1621.

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