Literary Inauguration 2011

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Transcript of Literary Inauguration 2011

  • 8/4/2019 Literary Inauguration 2011


    Literary Inauguration 2011-12

    Good morning respected Principal Sister Deepti, Sister Pauline, Staff Member and dear

    touch bearers of our school .

    Today we all have gathered here for the celebration of Literary Inauguration for the year

    2011-12. It gives me immense pleasure to announce that we have amongst us our

    esteemed Mr. Gurpreet ( General Sec. Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee , his wife

    Mrs. Gurleen and Gunpinder Singh and I on behalf of one and all present here accord a

    very warm welcome to you Mr. Gurpreet Singh . Now. The Head Girl of the School

    Tania Malhotra will present a bouquet of our worthy Chief Guest Balon said knowledge

    is Power . It enlightens, empowers , embraces , engulfs. It dispels darkness but does

    imparting bookish knowledge lays the foundation for an all round development of an

    individual? Thats to say , education should aim at holistic development of a child which

    does not centre itself to mere books. The present era is the era of all riunders and here is

    when the need for co-curricular activities is felt these activities inspire the child to unfold

    his latest qualities and provide a stage for exploring his dormant talents.

    The day has come when all can rejoice the reopening of our school . Reopening in true

    sense means reopening ourselves to the process of learning, reopening to sharpen our

    intellect and reopening to enlighter our souls . The theme for the year is compassion and

    today we will witness some items prepared on the theme by our students .Its an auspicious tradition to start to start the new year activities by this event . We ask

    our dear almighty to bless us, Be kind to us and guide is in our pursuits for coming year.

    Light is embodiment of enlightenment creative vision and gods presence. Its a ritual to

    light a lamp at the onset of a good cause. So , I invite Mrs. Gurleen to do the honours

    Thank you very much madam.

    Prayer song

    Its a custom to thank almighty for his endless blessing and ask for strength will power

    and determination to move forward in life. Carrying on with this rich tradition, we hereby

    present before you a prayer dance, an invocation of God. So, Lets enjoy this spiritual

    restary with the girls of Standard IV.

    Thank you girl for uniting us with God and invoking the feeling of spirituality.

    K.G Shikha

  • 8/4/2019 Literary Inauguration 2011


    Group dance competition ( 2011-12)

    Good morning , respected Sister Shibeena , Sister Blessy , Teachers and My dear students

    . Today as all of you know that e have gathered here for the Inter House Group Dance

    Competition and it gives me immense pleasure to announce that we have two

    distinguished personalities Dr. Mrs. Sugandhi Bhandari and Mrs. Ekjot Kaur as our

    esteemed guests . They have taken out time from their busy schedule for us to be the

    judges of todays programme along with our dear Ms. Varsha. Dr. Sugandhi Bhandari is

    a lecturer in S.D. College for last 14 years, won youth festival of Guru Nanak Dev

    University and Punjab University , Winner of Best classical Dancer of GNDU Mrs Ekjot

    Kaur is rendering her services in HMV College as Lecturer and has been declared the

    best dancer in many shows and events organized by leading colleges and has also

    participated in many Doordarshan Programmes. Thanks Mrs. Bhandari and Mrs Ekjot for

    flowering the occasion . We welcome you to the portals of the School from the cores of

    our hearts.

    Dance is an embodiments of joy and ecstasy a transdental feeling that gives outlet to our

    soul. It is a manifestation of inner feelings. A dance can embody or express ideas

    ,emotions, rituals, customs or tell a story . Today our young gosephites have instilled all

    their energy to compete with one another . We have four dance groups , who will present

    different dances to surpass and supercode each other. To begin with we have Group 1

    which is going to present a delicate balance of Rhythm and colour. Its a beautiful combo

    of Sajda abd Vigour . So, lets enjoy their performance. Coming up is Group I .

    Wow! What a cientillating performance.

    Next we have Gp2 to perform before you. Here , it seems that the Dames and the

    Damsels wish to breakthrough all the barriers and enjoy to the fullest. So, the losses wish

    to fly to the fantasy world and the lads feel delighted seeing them. Here , I present before

    you GPII.

    Oye Hoye

    It was indeed a Transporting Performance.

    Well coming back from the transporting Now GP3 is ready to perform . World next we

    have Gp 3. Maharastra is all full og colours of life, music and dance. Its culture is

    enveloped in Rhythm and Celebration . Maharashtrians are an embodiment of spirit and

  • 8/4/2019 Literary Inauguration 2011


    celebration. Traditions are treasured assets with them. They are great devotees of Lord

    Vithal bringing this idea in a lucid manner we have with us mini marathis dancing to the

    tune of ____________________________________

    It was indeed a thrilling performance

    Last but not the least is Group 4 . Where east meet west. The age old traditions meet the

    new hip-hop culture and the amalgamation is so effortless as if they were meant to be

    together young dancers weave the warp and weft of their magic around us to take us to

    the world where Bharatnatyam meets western Dance. Lets witness!

    What a fusion it was !

    With this we come to an end of todays show. Now I would request_______ to please

    come upto the stage and say a few words.

    Thank you Maam it was really inspiring and encouraging . If the results are ready, can

    we please have the results. We all know that palpitation are getting high as the

    participants are keen to know about the result.

    The word competition incites the feeling of Do or Die . In todays cut throat

    competitive world its not sufficient for a child to be good academically only but he

    should be an all rounder too. Keeping this notion in our mind we organise competitions

    in our institute, to boost up the inherent and latent talents of our gems and shape them in

    better human beings.

    I would like to bring to the notice of our worthy judges that todays event is theme based

    and the theme based and he theme is compassion. So, I request you to please give points

    on the basis of Relevance to the theme.

    The term compassion implies to the act of pity, kindness, sympathy sacrifice for other. It

    gives self satisfaction to us and may relieve others from pain and misery . Lets watch

    how our up-coming stars are going to party this value in their performance.

    Coming up first is the participants #1 . Lets give him a big round of applause.