List of Figures - CERN · – Jung’s view 232,242 – loweringof 204 –multiple 243 –...

List of Figures Pauli in his most usual position: writing letters .......... 8 Pauli as Mephistopheles ....................... 15 Pauli as Buudha ........................... 16 Bohr showing Pauli the ‘tippetopp’ ................. 108 Niels Bohr’s Coat of Arms ...................... 110 Pauli at the time for his first meeting with Jung .......... 144 The divine and the wordly triangle ................. 184 Tetractys of the Pythagoreans .................... 185 Mandala picture by a seven year old ................ 186 Title page from Fludd’s ‘Utriosque cosmi. . . historia’ ........ 187 Mandala of Vajrabhairava, the conqueror of death ......... 188 Pauli’s world clock ......................... 189 The stages of alchemy portrayed .................. 201 Jung’s view of reality ........................ 228 The relationship between psyche, body, matter and spirit ..... 229 Western explanation of correlation ................. 278 Chinese explanation of correlation ................. 278 Riemann surface .......................... 281 The correspondence principle ................... 286 Order through quantity ....................... 287 Synchronicity ............................ 291 Order through quality ........................ 294 Causality, acausality and synchronicity ............... 296 Pauli’s and Jung’s worldview quaternio ............... 297 DNA ................................. 308 The worldview quaterrnio as automorphism ............ 311 Pauli’s dream square ........................ 322 Pauli’s Titian ............................. 333 Kabbalah .............................. 333

Transcript of List of Figures - CERN · – Jung’s view 232,242 – loweringof 204 –multiple 243 –...

List of Figures

Pauli in his most usual position: writing letters . . . . . . . . . . 8Pauli as Mephistopheles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Pauli as Buudha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Bohr showing Pauli the ‘tippetopp’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108Niels Bohr’s Coat of Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Pauli at the time for his first meeting with Jung . . . . . . . . . . 144The divine and the wordly triangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184Tetractys of the Pythagoreans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185Mandala picture by a seven year old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186Title page from Fludd’s ‘Utriosque cosmi. . . historia’ . . . . . . . . 187Mandala of Vajrabhairava, the conqueror of death . . . . . . . . . 188Pauli’s world clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189The stages of alchemy portrayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201Jung’s view of reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228The relationship between psyche, body, matter and spirit . . . . . 229Western explanation of correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278Chinese explanation of correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278Riemann surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281The correspondence principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286Order through quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287Synchronicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291Order through quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294Causality, acausality and synchronicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296Pauli’s and Jung’s worldview quaternio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308The worldview quaterrnio as automorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . 311Pauli’s dream square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322Pauli’s Titian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333Kabbalah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

List of Tables

The alchemic stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199Pauli’s comparison of subject and object

in physics and psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208Pauli’s comparison of quantum physics

and Jung’s depth psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212Comparison of scientific discovery and the therapeutic process . . 270

Subject Index

absolute knowledge 304, 306acausal correspondence 294acausal order– general 291acausal orderedness 295– reproducible 295acausality 59, 60, 62, 112, 197– Bohr on 63– general 283, 293, 296active imagination 171, 207– definition 149– Pauli’s 149acts of creation 289affect 157, 282alchemical position– as symmetrical 323alchemists– and the physicists of modern

times 203– describe processes of depth

psychology 258– mistake of 257alchemy 57, 337, 338– as individuation 203– basic idea 199– Jung’s view 198– symmetry between spirit and

matter 256ambulatory automatism 242amo, ergo sum 318, 347analysis and synthesis 63, 199anima– andmysteries of existence 342

– as doll woman 153– as ligamentum corporis et

spiritus 229– as mother 235– as pagan 235– as problem in science 181, 320– birth of Pauli’s 13– definition of 142– development of Pauli’s 152– Pauli’s 142, 150– Pauli’s as Chinese woman 153,

319, 321, 342Anima Mundi 153, 183, 260, 341anima terrae 179, 183anima/animus 241Anschaulichkeit– translation of the term 68anthropology 52anti-intellectualism 26, 46, 57,

59, 67anti-matter 260anti-metaphysical 163anti-Semitism 12antinomic thinking 111, 262Aphrodite 149Apollo 172aqua permanens 200archetypal basis of the physical

concepts 205archetype 116, 162, 166, 177, 203,

221– and automorphism 310– and autonomous existences

352 Subject Index

313– and consciousness 214– and determinism 215– and ethics 214– and hermetic/gnostic tradition

180– and information 244– and instinct 215, 216, 305– and mathematics 314, 347– and microphysics 292– and natural law 293– and numbers 312– and platonism 290– and probability 292– as hereditary deposits 304– as instincts of apprehension

174– as Kantian 214– as pattern of behavior 293– as psychoid 217– as reflector 327– as self-portrait of the instinct

215– as self-reproducing form 267– as spirit 217– as stimulus structure 304– as transcendental autonomous

existences 225– determinism and indetermin-

ism of 311– extension of concept 213– history of concept 37– identification with 204, 205– Jung’s contradictory view of

242– Kepler’s view 180, 183, 192– numinosity of 280– origin of concept 180– Pauli’s contribution to concept

346– Pauli’s view of 173, 207, 221,

343– probability model 292– transgressivity of 313archetype of numbers 309archetype theory– evidence of 267archetypes– and physics 345– Kepler’s view 313– Pauli’s relation to theory of

215ascertainable 219, 220, 224ascertainment– in science 221Assumption of the Virgin Mary

320astrological experiment– Jung’s 285, 295, 298astrology 59, 251, 298asymmetry 328atom– as symbol 272atomic bomb 19, 21, 23, 321automorphism 212, 283, 310, 311,

322– and self-organization 310Autopator 236Avatara 248a priori synthetic judgement 174

background physics 178, 205,206, 211, 259, 346

baptism– antimetaphysical 74Bauhaus 32becoming 261– theory of 262

Subject Index 353

being 261– and non-being 218, 259– Jung’s view of concept 219– potential 219, 261biology 97, 98, 109, 244– and quantum physics see

physics and biology– Pauli’s interest in 300Bohr– and antinomic thinking 87,

262– and Høffding 61– and James 103– and Jung 112– and Kierkegaard 62, 64– and link between quantum

physics and classical physics134

– and Møller 65– and Rubin 104– as instrumentalist 83– as non-Platonic thinker 262– as opposed to Heisenberg 83– as opposed to Pauli 83– as phenomenalist 83– cane analogy 49, 105, 176– Copenhagen spirit 54, 55– epistemological position 109– on epistemology 253– on mysticism 253– on objective description 132– on parapsychology 98– on positivism 81– personality 55, 111– philosophy of 56, 61– preference for the wave picture

68– unmathematical thinking of


Bohr Institute 14, 54, 55Bohr’s Coat of Arms 110Bohr-Festspiele 17, 55

causality– Jung on 246CERN 4, 145, 146chance 275– Pauli’s critique of concept 300Chance-Religion 301chaos theory 310, 312– and synchronicity 296circulation of light 185classical idea of the objective

reality of the cosmos 245Clausian heat death 39cognition– and feeling 181, 317, 318– and symbol 272– Pauli’s view 209– process of 171coincidence 282communism 152comparative method 158compensation 195– mechanism of 232compensatory perspective 238complementarity 83, 94–96, 101,

102, 107, 109, 110, 138, 170, 176,195, 208, 286

– and anthropology 53– and biology 109– and detached observers 131– and ethnology 109– and positivism 99– and repression 101– and synchronicity 280– as general epistemological

principle 109

354 Subject Index

– Bohr’s way to 63, 68– of clarity and truth 28, 67– of metaphysics and antimeta-

physics 74– philosophy of 171– theory of 87– versus classical physics 250complementarity of physics– role model 211complementarity principle 253,

273, 342– history of 104complex 157– autonomous 223, 239complexio oppositorum 38conceptualization– preconscious stage of 204– scientific 204– sensory impressions and 203confusion of the egos 128Coniunctio 199, 211, 212, 255,

257, 261, 322– for opposing pairs 237– of psyche and matter 197– of wave and particle 197consciousness– and ethics 248– and violent act 233– collective 213– inflation of 202, 203– Jung’s view 232, 242– lowering of 204– multiple 243– Pauli’s critique of Jung’s use of

concept 243– Pauli’s view 234, 242consciousness in the unconscious


constellation 290constructive method 119, 156,

158, 269constructivism 32context of discovery 336conventionalism 50, 314Copenhagen interpretation 64– definition 69Copenhagen School 15, 17, 26,

52, 54, 60, 78, 80, 85, 197, 250,266

– a compromise 56– and mysticism 250– and positivism 67, 82– as mysticism 57– as positivism 57– Einstein’s view 43– Pauli and 69– philosophy of 105Corpus Hermeticum 256correspondence 283, 291– of meaning 284, 287– principle of 273, 287– statistical 286correspondentia 274CPT theorem 324, 328, 329creatio continua 296creation myth 208, 238– gnostic 325cubism 32

dadaism 33dance 152das noch Ältere ist immer das

Neue 195decline effect 285, 291, 306devil 183, 235, 330diagnostic labels 118Diana 235

Subject Index 355

Dionysius 172dissociationist school 157DNA 307doctors– as gurus 214– as sectarians 214dreams 100, 164, 232, 270, 337– and mathematical-physical

symbol language 310– and motif in dublicated form

207– and physics terminology 202– as piece of nature 312– Bohr’s view 129– Chinese view 129– Jung’s view 117– Mach on 45– mirror motif in 325– misuse of the terminology of

physics in 203–205– motifs in Pauli’s 151, 206, 283– motifs in Pauli’s, Chinese

woman 319– motifs in Pauli’s, Dark Woman

324, 327– motifs in Pauli’s: the blond

180– motifs in Pauli’s: the Persian

180– motifs in Pauli’s: the stranger

180, 234– of Descartes 181– Pauli’s 13, 18, 145, 151, 164, 171,

179, 202– Pauli’s attempt at a translation

207– Pauli’s criticism of Jung’s inter-

pretation 161– Pauli’s from 12 March 1957 326

– Pauli’s from 15 March 1957 326– Pauli’s from 27 November 1954

324– Pauli’s from 28 September 1952

153– Pauli’s of November 1957 331– Pauli’s of October 1946 180– precognitive 307– research into 168Durée, la 279Dynamic system theory 282, 290

eidola 173, 174Einstein– and Born 263– and determinism 263– and Spinoza 263– on Freud 101– on Mach 80– on Pauli 16, 21– view of the cosmos 254Ekliptika circle 61emergent property– theory of 290energetic– approach 156Enlightenment 34ennoia 175entartete Kunst 136entropy– and psyche 216episteme 175epistemological revolution 95epistemology– and psychology 92– Bohr’s 65, 67– Jung’s view 113– logical positivists’ view 50– Pauli’s 3, 73

356 Subject Index

– positivist 80, 99Eranos conference 152Ermüdungseffekt 285eros 320, 342ETH 2, 17, 148, 152ethnology 52ethology 244EU 23Euclidean geometry 261, 317evil– as non-being 259– matter as 260evolution– time scale of 301evolutionary perspective 299exclusion principle 171, 172, 191experience– a-ha 275, 346, 347– back to 94– different connotations of 31– different views on 85– direct 46– divine 223– dualism of human 67– genuine 53– immediate 99– inner 114– inner, as autonomous 339– Jordan’s view 100– Jung’s view 112, 115, 122– Mach’s view 43– mystical 252– objects of 224– of meaning 284, 296, 347– paranormal 100– Pauli’s view 75– psychophysical 340– redefinition of 82

– religious 280– returning to 27extraneous knowing 304

fact– full 117– psychic 117, 118feminine– devaluation of 342– elevated 321, 323– exclusion of 181, 188– return of 342– spiritual principle 320field theory 245, 266filius philosophorum 200finality– horror of 301fine structure constant 329, 333foreknowledge 244freedom of will 235frequency 207Freud’s cracking bookcase 276Fuchsian function 315

geometry– archetype of beauty 313– Fludd’s view 193gestalt 212, 294God– and consciousness 231– and psyche 223– as absolute 233– as highest psychic value 223– as psychic fact 224– as unconscious 236– Bohr’s view 254– Fludd’s view 193– image of, and development of

consciousness 239

Subject Index 357

– Jung’s view 222– Kepler’s view 192– of the gnostics 236– Pauli’s view 190, 235, 254, 299– physicist’s believe in 337– reflects the relationship be-

tween conscious and uncon-scious 231

– who wants to become conscious234

grace 256Grail 235gravity 192great mother 343

Hasidism 40Heisenberg– particle perspective 68Hermetism/gnosticism 186,

236, 256, 260– and the psyche in Jung’s model

229– Fludd’s view 193– Jung and 113, 267– Jung’s view 198– mirror image in 327hidden variables 245, 337hieros gamos 248history– as science 166history of science 152, 336– Pauli’s view 138, 250hole theory 260holism 57holistic regulation of life phenom-

ena 347hypnosis 242, 280

I Ching 27, 277, 284, 323

Icarus 203ideal of an objective description

133ideal of the detached observer

133implicit order 245impressionism 31, 47incarnation 248, 250, 272, 344– and ethics 248incompleteness of– quantum mechanics 211, 263,

266India– Pauli’s travel to 218individuation 167, 212, 248indivisibility 177indivisible wholeness– of measuring situation 70infans solaris 200, 212infinity– mathematical concept of 313infrared 216inner and outer 170instincts– Jung’s view 157Institute for Advanced Study 18,

21intellect– and spirit 228intelligence spécifique 304internal tension projected onto

the political arena 257introjection 177, 258introspection 96intuition 30, 31, 57, 63, 109, 148,

174, 194– and scientific theory 210– and visualizability 68– Heisenberg’s 15

358 Subject Index

– in Pauli’s thinking 292– mathematical 314– Poincaré on 315intuitions 283intuitive type 111irrational, the 22, 30, 49, 53, 112,

187, 194, 254, 345– and language 139– and quantum of action 138– Bohr’s view 121– exclusion of 188– Høffding’s use of term 140– impossible to exclude 341– Jung’s definition of 139– Niels Bohr’s use of term 137– Pauli’s view 138– place in worldview 237irrationalism 26irreversibility 261– Einstein’s view 265isms 85

Job– book of, interpretation of 236Jordan– compared to Bohr 98– philosophical position of 96Jung– and Bohm 245– and Bohr see Bohr and Jung– and critique of Christianity

38– and Einstein 274– and Freud 22– and Jordan 94– and lack of scientific training

165– and Mach 220– and natural science 207

– and Pauli see Pauli and Jung– and Plato 214, 222– and Schopenhauer 36– and science 158– as empiricist 123– as Freud’s crownprince 21– as mystical 222– as obscure 222– as positivist 222– epistemological position 224– on doctor-patient relationship

118– on psychotherapy 125– on science 156– personality of 111Jung Institute 167Jung’s– dreamlike view of physics 283– path of study 112Jung’s psychology– contribution to science 167Jung’s typology 186, 194Jungians 205

Kabbalah 172, 333Kabbalism 40, 57keeping in the middle 171Kepler’s worldview– lack of a time dimension 193King Midas syndrome 175knowing 305knowledge– absolute 244– James’ view 103– multiple 244knowledge of salvation 255, 257Krishna 326

laboratorium 199

Subject Index 359

Lamarckism 302language– ambiguity of 99, 123, 206– and message 26– artistic 209– Bohr modified his 134– Bohr’s view 66, 67, 109, 121,

140– critique of 30, 33, 44, 48, 49, 53– everyday, in physics 69– in physics 53– indirect communication 64– Jung’s view 122, 123– Kierkegaard’s view 64– logically non-contradictory

99– loss of 47– mathematics 209– neutral 150, 206, 207, 221,

224, 248, 310, 312, 345– of mathematics as a model

310– of nature 207, 312– physical 209– process expressed in different

312– psychological 209– psychophysically neutral 206– symbolic 206– theological 209– unambiguous communication

67, 70– unified scientific 206– Vienna Circle on 80– Wittgenstein’s view 48lapis 200, 202, 293– radioactive nucleus as 203law of simultaneity 303law of the conservation of energy

346Lecture to the Foreign People

150libido 157, 271logic 203, 206logos 319Lorentz Medal 6loss of knowledge 193

Mach– and conceptual criticism 43,

45, 47– and idealistic solipsism 45– and the use of the concept of

positivism 45magical thinking 279Mandala 153, 154, 161, 181, 188,

232, 313– definition of 185– Jung’s view 185– modern 189– Pauli’s 188Mandala symbolism 198mandorla 185Manhattan Project 19–21mantic methods 288, 289Maria the Prophetess 186Marxism 42, 44materialism– Bohr’s view 254materialism and idealism 219mathematical formalism 83, 84mathematics 150, 309– and emotions 316– and logic 52– as a tautological system 88– Pauli and 308– Poincaré’s view 316mathematics research

360 Subject Index

– as chaotic 89matriarchy 321matrix mechanics 60, 69matter– as matrix 229– innermost nature of 119– Plato’s view 261matter and spirit 222meaning 287, 291meaning-correspondence 295Medusa 326Mephistopheles 14, 15, 153Mercurius 206Merlin 235metaphysics 98– and anti-metaphysics 74– physics as 59metaphysics of matter 119metaphysics of the spirit 119Midas effect– of Jung’s psychology 162miracle 196, 197, 273mirror 324, 326, 327– as archetype 328, 330, 348– inverted 238mirror image 208mirroring 331Möbius strip 303monads 288morphology 296Mother Earth 152, 153, 323mundus archetypus 293music 150mysticism 57, 59, 67, 136, 252– Bohr’s view 254– definition of 251– Judaic 340– Jung and 2

– mystic experience 32– nature 251– need for 16– numerical 76myth– of the two hostile brothers

208mythology– depicts the growth of human

consciousness 231– Judaeo-Christian 231

nationalism 152Navaho Indians 185Nazism 136Neo-Darwinism 300–302Neoplatonism 256, 259Neue Sachlichkeit 136neurosis 232, 270neutral– ordering principles 228– point of view 343neutrino 171, 172, 329new type of natural law 274,

294, 306, 345Nirvana 219Nobel Prize 17, 21, 22non-ascertainable 224non-being 259, 261nothing but 114, 158numbers– and mythological statements

313– as numinous 313– autonomy 317– Fludd’s view 193– four, Quaternarius or Tetra-

grammaton 193– mystery of 307

Subject Index 361

numinosity 283– and mathematics 317numinosum 174, 192, 296, 346– definition of 239

object– in Copenhagen interpretation

71objectivity– Bohr’s view 121– in Copenhagen interpretation

71– Jung’s view 343observation 345– and knowledge of reality 230– as act of creation 273– as activity 265– as black mass 323– as incalculable intervention

177– as interaction 99– Bohr on 134– Einstein on 131– influence of 245– Pauli on 134– problem in quantum physics

103– role of 130observer 22– as person 345– as subject 132– Bohr on 133– detached 131, 257– in Copenhagen interpretation

71– Pauli’s view 132, 133occasionalists 288occult doctrines 251oratorium 199

order– archetypical 293– Causeless 295overcritical attitude 237

paradox 209, 262parallel postulate of Euclid 174parapsychology 86, 95, 98, 101,

285, 337– Jung’s family and 276parity principle 324, 347parity violation 172participation mystique 204,

207, 220, 262, 269patriarchal thinking 343patriarchy 321, 323Pauli– analysis 143, 146, 147– analytic treatment of 2– and astrology 298– and beta decay 17– and Bohr 111, 163– and Einstein 22– and Heisenberg 75, 76– and Heisenberg, collaboration

328, 331– and I Ching 298– and Jordan 95– and Jung 7– and Jung Institute 151, 168– and Jung, relationship 145– and Jungians 151, 164– and Kierkegaard 62– and law of conservation of

energy 216– and Mach 73– and Mother Earth 40– and nationalism 19– and neutrino 17

362 Subject Index

– and newspapers 44– and Nobel Prize 179– and parallel postulate of Euclid

174– and parapsychology 95– and Poincaré’s philosophy 314– and positivism 74, 85– and quantum field theory 17– and role of description 133– and Schopenhauer 36, 236– and symmetry 89, 177, 249,

256, 260, 272, 319, 322, 327– and von Franz 7, 148, 151– anima 148– as a Jungian 161– as author 29– as conceptual critic 156– as Einstein’s spiritual son 21– as European 23– as psychotherapeutic 284– attitude to Jung’s psychology

161, 165, 167– baptismal goblet 220– called a mystic 307– citizenship 18, 21– colleagues and Jung’s psychol-

ogy 163– compared to Einstein 254– conceptual criticism 77– contribution to physics 5– contribution toquantumphysics

73– critical stance 162– critique of Jung’s energy con-

cept 346– critique of psychotherapeutic

practice 168– depression late in life 25

– discussing Jungian issues 10– dreams 144, 149, see also

dreams– epistemological position 76– exclusion principle 17, 21– expanded worldview 227– feeling values in the description

of nature 254– first marriage 2– historical approach 195– hopes for a future research

344– influence on Jung 159– Jewish roots 12, 13, 18, 40, 236– letters 4–7, 9, 144, 165, 336,

340– letters to von Franz 148– life crisis 2, 18, 26, 338– on idealism 87– on James 116– on joint publication with Jung

297– on logic 88– on mathematics 88– on metaphysics 87– on phenomenalism 87– on positivism 86, 87– on realism 87– personal myth 235– personal vs private 133– personality 6, 9, 14, 15, 28, 72,

77, 142, 164– philosophical background 27– philosophical outlook 26, 299– philosophy of science 19, 72,

78, 88, 165, 166– phobia of wasps 151– Platonic-Pythagorean idealist

Subject Index 363

74– poet 29– turning Jung’s psychology into

philosophy 25– use of Jung’s psychology 178– view of the cosmos 254– view of the irrational 137– view of women 142Pauli Committee 4, 5Pauli Effect 20, 21, 276Pauli group 329Pauli style 9Pauli, Franca– view of Jung’s psychology 147Perseus 326persona 142– Pauli’s 151pessimism 38phenomenalism 31, 45, 88, 268– definition 78phenomenological method 88,

124, 166– Jung’s 123phenomenology 57, 68, 159– compared to positivism 32– definition 77– Jung and Pauli on 159– Pauli’s position 77, 78– universal 45philosopher’s stone 202Philosophie positive 43philosophy– academic 31, 50– analytical 49, 85, 89, 315– Bergson’s 109– Chinese/Taoism 24, 27, 29,

172, 185, 190, 198, 236, 277, 289,299, 319, 323

– Chinese/Taoism, Bohr’s andPauli’s views compared 252

– Danish 85– determinism 34, 112, 190, 196,

264, 268– determinism, Schopenhauer’s

37– determinism/indeterminism

57, 59, 60– empiricism 31, 79, 86, 268– existentialism 27, 32–34, 57– Hindu 190– idealism 34, 36, 47, 50, 53, 268– Indian 29, 218– Jordan’s vitalism 98– materialism 34, 36, 43, 47, 53– of science 58– oriental 36, 252– phenomenalism see phenom-

enalism– phenomenology see phe-

nomenology– physicist adherence to 27– positivism see positivism– rationalism 79, 268– realism see realism– sensualism 86, 268– structuralism 33– vitalism 31, 57– vitalist contra mechanistic

109photometric law 192Phycomyces 326physical phenomena– definition 120physical situation– concept of 287physics

364 Subject Index

– and biology 326, 343– and observation 96– and parapsychology 343– and politics 24– and psychology 3, 45, 96, 97,

100, 101, 105, 110, 112, 126, 129,149, 155, 171, 177, 245, 343, 344

– and psychology, as comple-mentary 206

– and psychology, cooperation of258

– and psychology, parallel devel-opment 175, 312

– and the military 23– as incomplete 210– biology and parapsychology

321– Bohr’s view 120– Chinese revolution in 325– classical vs new 132, 133– criminal 23– crisis/revolution in 54, 59, 82,

92– crisis/revolution in: Pauli’s view

60– definition of Bohr and Pauli

266– expert-oriented 332– field concept in 130– German 136– Jung’s relation to 155– Jung’s view 173– Mach’s view 44– mirror motif in 325– symmetry in 324physikalisches Gefühl– physical feeling 88Plato/platonism 236, 260, 262

– different views on 173– Neoplatonism 320– on the irrational 136– Pauli and 74, 173Poincaré’s– philosophical viewpoint 314position of man 88, 340– problematization of 32, 46positivism 27, 32, 59, 67, 79, 96,

98, 100, 101, 114, 160, 220, 268– and anti-intellectualism 58– and Copenhagen School 57– and realism 43– as confession 86– Comte and 43– Jung and 223– logical 50, 51, 315– Mach and 42, 46– neo- 49– old and new 223– Pauli and 208, 245– phenomenology and 68– radical 86, 97, 99, 159– revolt against 26, 46potentiality 218Pragmatism 114precognition 283preconscious 204preestablished harmony 288privatio 173, 320problem of good and evil– privatio boni 38, 40, 234, 259– Schopenhauer’s view 37, 39problem thinker 111, 170projection 124, 177, 258psyche– and laws of nature 311– and spirit 228

Subject Index 365

– as matrix 229– as medium 119– as mountain with variations in

illumination 230– as objective 124– as third medium 220– holistic regulation in 306– Jung’s view 115, 123, 157, 224– latent 243– objective 306– Pauli’s criticism of Jung’s con-

cept 116, 161–163, 221, 225, 339psyche and matter 229psychic elements 220psychic energy 157psychic statement 225psycho-physical unity 207psychoanalysis 30, 42, 94, 101,

114– Bohr’s use of concept 126,

128–130– Jung’s relation to 113psychoid 217, 224, 305, 309, 313,

346psychokinesia 283psychologism 92, 222psychologization– of Western society 340psychology– and epistemology 92, 315– Gestalt 45, 57, 104– of religion 31– theoretical 166psychophysical 45, 47– parallelism 98, 288, 289, 294– problem 325, 345– problem in science 320– reality 291

– unity 206psychophysical boundaries– transcending of 272psychophysical correspondence

295psychophysical partner– Markus Fierz as 164psychophysical transcendence

283psychophysically neutral 160psychosomatic 279psychosomatization 283psychotherapy– and Jung’s psychology 167– as religious activity 240Pythagoras/pythagorean 57, 59,

137, 152, 172, 185, 193, 239, 256,307, 308, 319, 330

quantitative methods– Fludd’s view 182– Kepler’s view 182quantum physics– and divination 289– as incomplete 22, 294quaternity 331– in the genes 307

radioactivity 291, 293Rainmaker 289real– and the imagined 266realism 50, 67, 176, 268– Bohr and 120– Einstein’s 263– Jung and 124– naive 38, 223– objective anti- 120– representationalist 121

366 Subject Index

realistic standpoint and a meta-physical conviction 163

reality– and thought 264– as symbolic 249– different planes of 209– flight from 260– hidden 250– innermost nature of 117– invisible 323– Jung’s definition 266– Jung’s view 118, 124, 226– problematization of concept

344– psychological 118– symbolic 268, 341– two levels of 344– void 290reality of the psyche 78, 117–119,

155, 222reductionism 114, 118, 156, 160– Pauli and 208reflection– motif in creation myths 208regressive hopes– of the opposition 266reification 47relationship between body and

soul 288, 291relativity, theory of 44, 59, 76,

80, 100, 155, 210, 265, 274, 279,342

religion– and Pauli’s discussion with

Bohr 253– and science 59, 192, 250, 253,

346– and science as Pauli’s view 255– Buddhism 28, 40, 45, 250

– Catholicism 12, 74, 218– Christianity 40, 236, 259– definition of (Jung’s) 240– depicts the growth of human

consciousness 231– discussed by Heisenberg, Dirac

and Pauli 16– Hinduism 176, 337– Judaism 40– modern 190– Pauli’s relation to 2, 13, 40– Protestantism 218, 255– Protestantism and Catholicism

13– Protestantism, man’s religion

320religiosity– cosmic 250religious attitude– modern man’s need for 240repression 94, 101reproducibility 273resignation 252resonance points 204, 205Riemann surface 66, 150, 281ring i 150Rosarium philosophorum 199

sacrifice 320, 339– and consciousness 195– and progress 194– of information 196– of soul 196Salle Pauli 30schizophrenia 242science– and therapy parallel methods

200– development of 196

Subject Index 367

– in Copenhagen interpretation71

– Pauli’s view 346science in the making 336science of life 344scientific discovery 269Self 38, 150, 202, 203, 212, 241, 327– and first principles 238– and synchronicity 282– chemistry-like formula 311– definition of 239– Pauli’s 143– radioactive nucleus, symbol of

204– realization of the 331– self-organizing 232– superordinate organizing prin-

ciple 282– symbols of 239self-reproducing form 283sensory impressions and concepts– link between 209shadow 186, 188, 235, 241Shiva’s dance 319signatura rerum 191so-ness 139, 294Society for Social Responsibility

25sociology 33Socratic 64solar phallus man 267solve et coagula 199Sophia– Chthonian 153, 321soul– exclusion of 197– Fludd’s view 183– Kepler’s view 183

Soviet Union 24– physicists 134space and time– Kant’s view 182– metaphysical entities 182– Newton’s view 182Spiegler 327spin 191spirit– and body 229– innermost nature of 119– Jung’s view 228– Pauli’s view 174spirit and matter 217spirit’s– losing autonomy 227spiritism 59spiritualism 251– Bohr’s view 254spiritus 257split personality 102, 108, 113,

242splitting of a spectral line– fine structure 206splitting of isotopes 152, 204Spruch des Konfuzius 52, 67statistical methods– Pauli’s view 286– pernicious influence of 286stranger 234straw dogs 190stream of consciousness 106subconscious 127– Bohr’s use of concept 126,

128–130– Freud’s use of term 128– Jung’s use of term 128subconscious racial memory


368 Subject Index

subject and object 117, 132, 171,231, 252, 262, 271

– Bohr’s view 105– complemtarity of 176– dissolution of 33– Fludd’s view 183– in physics and psychology

208– in self-observation 107– in vitalism 31– James’ view 103– Jordan’s view 99– Jung’s view 112– Kepler’s view 183– Mach on 45, 47– Schopenhauer on 36– Spinoza’s/Einstein’s view 265subject as qualitative factor 135subjectivism 46, 114sublimation 206subliminal 128subliminal consciousness 115subliminal ego 315, 316superposition 107, 129, 138surrealism 33symbol/symbolic 28, 64, 165– according to Jung 192– and epistemology 203– and knowledge 240– and mathematics 271– and process of cognition 269– and science 271– as bridge between conscious

and unconscious 240– Bohr’s view 84– circle 184– definition of 204– definition of (Jung’s) 240, 268– fish as 276

– Høffding’s view 104– i =

√-1 309

– in Copenhagen interpretation70

– in human history 241– Jung’s view 194– lapis as 310– living 192– logic and 89– mathematics as 308– neopositivistic view of 51– particle as 83– Pauli’s view 84, 272– petrify into empty forms 241– physical 202– radioactive nucleus as 202– reality as 84, 219– reality of 344– reconciling 208– ring as 150– rotation as 152, 153, 180– stripes as 151, 153– tai-chi as 310– thing in itself 268– truth as 64– unite opposites 309– value in 33– wave as 83symbolic use of scientific concepts

205symbolization 271symmetry– break of 329– Jung and 227, 230– reduction of 330, see also

Pauli and symmetry, physicsand symmetry

synchronicity 6, 21, 95, 140, 197,

Subject Index 369

326– and biology 302– and borderline 280– and causality 287– and ecstatic techniques 281– and equinox 284– and evolution 303– and laws of nature 295– and radioactivity 284– and scientific discovery 289– and scientific worldview 294– and statistical method 285,

286– constellated archetype 290– definition of 274– induced 288, 289– Pauli’s critique of concept 283– Pauli’s definition 284, 286– Pauli’s experience of 284– psychoid principle 281– Riemann surface 66– scarab, example of 275– Schopenhauer and 288– Schopenhauer as forerunner

29– Self and 284– spontaneous 289synthetic method 118, 156, 269system thinker 111, 170

Tai chi 256Tamm-Dancoff approximation

328, 332Tao 253, 254, 289Taoteking 234teleology 98telepathy 283, 291, 305, 306temperament– and science 58, 68, 338

– in science, quaternarian 194– in science, trinitarian 194– Jung’s 170– Pauli’s 148, 170– Pauli’s compared to Heisen-

berg’s 15– Pauli’s compared to others 3,

111tetractys 185, 193, 330The even older is always the new

274theology 31– negative 235, 255therapists– as gurus 214– as sectarians 214therapy– big business of 344therapy factory 339thinking type 111third– reality 172– redeeming 328third type of natural law 302, 303three and four 184time– and evolution 307– as concrete continuum 277,

279– Chinese concept of 278– in biology 300– reversal 324, 328time and space– relativity of 155– relativization in the psychic

sphere 280tippetopp 108transcendent function 270, 271

370 Subject Index

transcendental 252trinity 180, 184, 186, 192– as summum bonum 191– Kepler’s view 191– Newton’s view 182trinity-quaternity– Kepler and Fludd, relationship

to 183triton eidos 220truth– absolute 269– psychological 118– religious 118two ways to the secrets of existence

229typology– Pauli’s 148

ultraviolet 216uncertainty principle 72uncertainty relation 70, 196, 342unconscious 100, 127, 166, 195,

221– and consciousness 162, 170,

171, 175, 176– and cosmic consciousness 176– and field 345– and oriental objectless univer-

sal consciousness 176– and statistical method 286– as automatism 315– as counter-position 238– as potential being 219– as working hypothesis 222– Bohr’s critique of concept 130– changed by observation 241– collective 41, 101, 116, 161, 174,

215, 231

– compared to field concept ofphysics 245

– development of the ideas 167– discovery of 30– Freud’s use of term 128– Høffding’s critique of concept

104– Hartmann’s view 116– James’ critique of concept 130– James’ view 116– Jung’s contradictory view of

242– Jung’s use of term 128– Jung’s view 233– knowledge 305– nature as 215– numinosity of 191– objective reality of 177– Pauli’s view 234, 339– Poincaré’s view 316– process of maturing 232– relation to consciousness 243– several layers of 242– will 232– will to be become conscious

233unified field theory 25, 328, 332,

337– belief in 262unified science 344unique, the 140, 210, 261, 283,

286, 294, 299, 342, 345– and the causal 303– loss of 289Unity of Knowledge 253unity of science 338unity of Truth 338universal formula 332

Subject Index 371

Unus Mundus 38, 228, 245, 322USA 24– research policy in 23

vacuum theory 329Vedanta 27Vienna Circle 34, 43, 50, 51, 80,

85, 96, 98, 206– Jordan’s view of 97visual– use of concept 309visualizability 68, 75, 84, 124,

128, 172, 190, 344– as heuristic value 70– in physics 69– loss of 33, 68– of archetype 173, 217, 280– of cosmic order 209– of God 190– of reality 228, 249, 253– of the unconscious 127, 233– Pauli on 82visualization 290Vivien 235

wave function ψ 84, 212, 219, 273– as reconciling symbol 274– as symbol 272– Platonic 265wave mechanics 60weather glass 194wholeness 177wise man 241wise woman 241word-association test 156world clock 153, 188worldview– incomplete 294– Platonic 261, 293– psychistic 227– secular shift in 237, 240– static 299– unified 208, 211– unified of the future 237

Yin and Yang 110, 172, 321, 323Yoga 234, 236

Zentrum der Leere 190

Name Index

Abegg, Emil 340Agrippa von Nettesheim 191Antoinette, Marie 13Aristotle 218, 259, 261Atticus 180Augustine 180, 259, 296Avicenna 28

Baeck, Rabbi Leo 152Basil 259Bateman, F. 95, 285Baynes, Mrs Carry 298Beller, Mara 57, 58, 60Bender, Hans 285, 290, 326Benedict, Ruth 53Bergson, Henri 30, 61, 109, 279Besso, Michael 265Bhabha, Homi 218Bleuler, Eugen 217Boas, Franz 53Boehme, Jacob 256Bohm, David 245Bohr, Christian 61Bohr, Niels 3, 5, 6, 14, 15, 17, 19,

22, 24–29, 41, 49, 52–54, 56, 57,59–69, 71, 72, 75, 76, 81–85, 87,92, 94, 96, 98, 101–112, 120, 121,125–135, 137–140, 161, 163, 171,172, 175, 176, 194, 195, 250–253,259, 261, 262, 266, 273, 281, 294,295, 300, 324, 325, 331, 340–342

Boltzmann, Ludwig 39, 48Born, Max 6, 15, 17, 21, 56, 76, 84,

263, 264Bothe, Walter 69Broglie, Louis de 265Bruno, Giordano 180Buber, Martin 34, 152Buckle, Thomas 43Buddha 14, 16, 28, 251, 253Burtt, E.A. 87Butler, Samuel 306Byers-Brown, William 189Byron, Lady 13

Canetti, Elias 340Cantor, Georg 51Carnap, Rudolf 50, 85, 86, 96Carus, E.G. 127Cassirer, Ernst 34, 269Cicero 180Comte, Auguste 42, 43, 46, 86Confucius 28Copernicus 180Crick, Francis 307Curie, Eve 142Curie, Marie 142

Darwin, Charles 62Debye, Peter 14Delbrück, Max 164, 300, 302,

326, 340Deppner, Käthe 2Descartes, René 28, 148, 181, 194,

288, 337, 341Dionysius the Areopagite 180Dirac, P.A.M. 16, 172, 260, 330

374 Name Index

Dobbs, B.J.T. 338Donat, James 146Dorn, Gerhard 322Driesch, Hans 217, 244, 305Durkheim, Emile 32, 33, 78, 123Dürr, Hans Peter 252Dyson, Freeman J. 331

Eckhart (Meister Eckhart) 223,253

Eddington, Arthur 77Ehrenfest, Paul 6, 72Einstein, Albert 6, 17, 18, 20–23,

42, 43, 56, 58–60, 76, 80, 101, 131,155, 163, 194, 210, 218, 250, 254,259, 263–265, 274, 279, 323, 342,343

Eliade, Mircea 152Elsasser, Walter 9Enz, Charles 150, 329, 333, 337Euclid 174Exner, Franz 60

Favrholdt, David 62, 104, 140Faye, Jan 120Feuer, Lewis 61Fierz, Heinrich 164Fierz, Markus 4, 7, 9, 20, 21, 37,

126, 129, 164, 175, 181, 182, 191,197, 205, 218, 221, 255, 282, 283,285, 294, 303, 310, 325, 327, 332,340

Flammarion, Camille 231Fliess, Wilhelm 43Fludd, Robert 7, 148, 152, 172,

179, 182–184, 187, 191, 193, 196,197, 218, 259, 341

Fock, Vladimir 134Folse, Henry 120

Forman, Paul 57, 59, 60, 67Frank, Philipp 50, 81Franz, Marie-Louise von 4, 5,

7, 9, 25, 41, 146–151, 164, 172, 179,190, 225, 282, 298, 314

Frege, Gottlob 48, 50, 51Freud, Sigmund 21, 22, 27, 30,

41–43, 51, 94, 101, 113–115, 127,128, 157, 161, 175, 274, 276

Froebe-Kapteyn, Olga 152Fromm, Erich 118

Galileo 180, 323, 343Galsworthy, John 30Geiger, Manfred 69Geitler, Josef von 14Geulincx, Arnold 288Gillmor, Vaun 348Gödel, Kurt 51, 52, 67, 89, 139,

308, 314, 341Goethe, J.W. von 14, 30, 37, 112,

194, 244, 266Gogh, Vincent van 231Goldbrunner, Josef 222Goldschmidt, H.L. 27, 29, 340Goldsmidt, Richard B. 300Guggenbühl, Adolf 146Guggenheim, Kurt 14, 231Gürsey, Feza 329

Haeckel, Ernst 113Haller, Hermann 16Hamsun, Knut 30Hardy, A.C. 305Harnack, Adolf 31Hartmann, Eduard von 37, 104,

116, 127Hartmann, Nicolai 111Hecke, Erich 147, 174, 179

Name Index 375

Hegel, G.W.F. 28, 62, 77, 160Heidegger, Martin 34, 77, 78Heilbron, John W. 102Heisenberg, Werner 5, 6, 15–17,

25, 55, 56, 59, 60, 67–70, 72, 75,76, 80, 81, 83, 93, 99, 111, 125, 172,300, 328–332, 337, 340, 342

Hemingway, Ernest 332Heraclitus 199, 218, 260, 266, 319Hermann, Armin 9Herodotus 73Hertz, Heinrich 48, 52, 139Hilbert, David 50, 51, 89Høffding, Harald 61–65, 92, 104–

110, 120, 130, 139, 140Hoffmann, E.T.H. 233Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 42,

47, 53Holberg, Ludwig 64Howald, Ernst 340Hume, David 96Husserl, Edmund 32, 57, 68, 77,

160Huxley, Aldous 30, 41

Ibsen, Henrik 30, 195Irenaeus 180

Jaffé, Aniela 5, 7, 9, 39, 163, 218,233, 331–333

James, William 31, 33, 42, 50, 61,62, 78, 85, 92, 97, 102–108, 113–119, 123, 128–130, 157, 314, 315

Jammer, Max 27Janet, Pierre 107Jordan, Pascual 15, 56, 59, 86,

93–95, 98–101, 156, 159, 170, 281,300, 337, 340

Joyce, James 33

Jung, Emma 6

Kafka, Franz 12, 53Kahler, Erich von 166, 340Kant, Immanuel 27, 28, 36, 51,

112, 117, 119, 127, 149, 166, 174,182, 194, 214, 268, 290, 345

Kelder, Tom 16Kelsen, Hans 42Kepler, Johannes 7, 27, 148, 152,

178–183, 191–193, 196, 197, 203,205, 211, 218, 257, 259, 282, 297,298, 313, 323, 326, 341, 343, 347

Kerenyi, Karl 326Kierkegaard, Søren 26, 28, 32,

44, 61–65Klein, Oskar 2, 14, 20, 21, 56, 59,

64, 140, 251, 276Knoll, Max 282Kramers, H.A. 15, 56, 75, 76Kraus, Karl 44Kröner, Franz 7, 86, 87, 133, 340Kronig, Ralf 76, 85, 165Kuhn, Thomas 104

Levy-Bruhl, Lucien 204Lamarck, J.B.P. 302, 304Landé, Alfred 77Lang 331Lao Tse 27–29, 190, 250, 251, 253,

299Laurikainen, K.V. 4, 134, 263Le Bon, Gustave 33Lee, Tsung Dao 172, 324, 325, 329Lehmann, Harry 331Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 127,

221, 226, 288, 294, 305Lenin, Vladimir 45Lenz, Wilhelm 17, 179

376 Name Index

Lessing, G.E. 30Levi-Strauss, Claude 33Lewis, C.S. 30Lewis, Sinclair 30

Mach, Ernst 12, 26–28, 31, 42–47,50, 51, 61, 73–77, 80, 85, 92, 96,97, 99, 105, 160, 163, 206, 220,223, 314, 340, 344

Mach, Ludwig 12Malinowski, Bronislaw 53Marx, Karl 43, 45Mauthner, Fritz 47Maxwell, Robert 245McConnell, R.A. 285McDougall, William 33Mead, Magaret 53Meier, C.A. 5, 7, 124, 129, 146, 151,

155, 159, 168, 169, 179, 282Meitner, Lise 14Mende, Paul and Jolanda (alias

Wolfgang and Franca Pauli)14, 231

Meyenn, Karl von 4, 337Meyerhof, Otto 103Meyrink, Gustav 30, 40Miller, Arthur I. 68Minkowski, Hermann 150Mises, Richard von 60Möbius, August Ferdinand 303Møller, Poul Martin 61, 64–66,

128Morgan, Charles 30Müller-Herold, Ulrich 307Musil, Robert 42, 53Myers, Frederic W.H. 115

Nagy, Marylin 117Nernst, Walther 60

Neumann, von John 89Neurath, Otto 50, 97Newton, Isaac 181, 182, 194, 323,

337, 338, 343Nietzsche, Friedrich 31–33, 41,

67, 112Noll, Richard 113, 267

Ockham, Wilhelm von 44Oppenheimer, Robert 19, 21, 23,

300Origen 259, 296Ortega y Gasset, Jose 32Oseen, C.W. 17, 59Otto, Rudolf 31, 239

Pais, Abraham 13, 161, 164Panofsky, Erwin 7, 179, 180, 340Paracelsus (Bombastus von Ho-

henheim) 191Parmenides 218, 259, 260, 266Pascheles, Jacob W. 12Pascheles, Wolfgang Joseph 12Pauli (Ashton), Hertha Ernestina

13Pauli (Bertram), Franca 4, 18,

143, 146, 147, 218Pauly, August 127Peano, Guiseppe 51Petersen, Arne 104Picasso, Pablo 231Pius XII 320Planck, Max 59, 60, 175Plato 15, 27, 136, 173, 180, 194,

213, 220, 221, 229, 261Plotinus 253, 259Poincaré, Henri 29, 50, 105, 174,

310, 314–317, 346, 347Polgar, Alfred 39

Name Index 377

Portmann, Adolf 304, 305Preiswerk, Hélèn 276Primas, Hans 337Proclus 27, 192Progoff, Ira 274Proust, Marcel 32Pythagoras 183, 193, 194

Quispel, Gilles 113

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli 218Ranke, Leopold von 43Reichenbach, Hans 50, 60, 81, 96Reinhardt, Max 13Rhine, J.B. 95, 285, 295Rickert, Heinrich 124Riemann, Bernhard 66, 150, 281Riklin, Franz 156Rilke, Rainer Maria 53Ripley, George 202Ritschl, Albert 31Rosenbaum, Erna 143, 144, 146,

147Rosenfeld, Léon 14, 56, 65–67,

104Rössler, Otto 312Rousseau, Jean Jaques 16Rubin, Edgar 61, 104, 106Russell, Bertrand 48, 50, 51, 315

Saussure, Ferdinand de 47Scheler, Max 34Schiller, Friedrich von 28, 30,

52, 67Schlick, Moritz 50, 73, 74, 86, 89Scholem, Gershom 340Schopenhauer, Arthur 26–30,

36–41, 47, 84, 112, 117, 174, 190,194, 234–236, 248, 250, 288, 290

Schottky, Walter 60

Schrödinger, Erwin 6, 22, 55, 60,68, 88, 137, 152, 266, 332, 333, 337

Schütz, Bertha Camilla 12, 150Schütz, Friedrich 12Schwinger, Julian 330Schwyzer, H.R. 259, 340Seelig, Carl 155, 274Segal, Robert 272Shaw, George Bernard 27, 28,

30, 165, 330Silberer, Herbert 198Skogeman, Pia 126Soal, S.G. 95, 285Sommerfeld, Arnold 14–17, 56,

59, 60, 179, 251, 308, 328Sorel, George 33Spencer, Herbert 43Spengler, Oswald 57Spinoza, Baruch 263–265, 294Stern, Otto 20, 21Svensson, Bengt E Y 337

Taylor, Eugene 113Tillich, Paul 31

Uexküll, Jacob von 32

Vandel, A. 304Voltaire, Francoise de 27

Waddington, C.H. 300Watson, George Neville 307Weisskopf, Victor F. 5, 27, 72,

300, 307, 325, 340Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von

39, 164, 330, 340Weyl, Hermann 13, 60, 75, 89,

147, 152, 164, 309Whitehead, A.N. 51

378 Name Index

Wilhelm, Richard 198, 274, 277,289, 323

Wittgenstein, Ludwig 48, 49, 51,52, 67, 89, 139, 314, 341

Wolff, Toni 124, 159, 160

Yang, Chen Ning 172, 324, 325,329

Zabriskie, Beverly 146Zilsel, Edgar 50, 97Zimmerman, Wolfart 331