Link failure and congestion-aware reliable data delivery ... Manu… · Ann. Telecommun. (2013)...

Ann. Telecommun. (2013) 68:539–551 DOI 10.1007/s12243-012-0339-2 Link failure and congestion-aware reliable data delivery mechanism for mobile ad hoc networks Manowarul Islam · Abdur Razzaque · Mahfuzur Rahman Bosunia · Atif Alamri · Mohammad Mehedi Hassan Received: 3 May 2012 / Accepted: 17 October 2012 / Published online: 21 November 2012 © Institut Mines-Télécom and Springer-Verlag France 2012 Abstract Link failures and packet drops due to conges- tion are two frequently occurring problems in mobile ad hoc networks, degrading the network performance significantly. In this paper, we propose a link failure and congestion-aware reliable data delivery (LCRDD) mechanism that jointly exploits local packet buf fering and multilevel congestion detection and control ap- proaches for increasing the data delivery performance. On the detection of link failure or congestive state, an LCRDD intermediate node buffers the incoming data packets at the transport layer queue and resumes M. Islam Department of Information and Communication Technology, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] A. Razzaque (B ) · M. R. Bosunia Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh e-mail: [email protected] M. R. Bosunia e-mail: [email protected] A. Alamri · M. M. Hassan Information Systems Department and Chair of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia A. Alamri e-mail: [email protected] M. M. Hassan e-mail: [email protected] transmission when the route is repaired locally. In addi- tion, LCRDD’s multilevel congestion detection helps it to take the most appropriate action proactively. Thus, it offers increased reliability and throughput and de- creased end-to-end packet delivery delay and routing overhead compared to state-of-the-art protocols, as shown in results of performance evaluations carried out in network simulator v-2.34. Keywords Mobile ad hoc network · Reliable data delivery · Link failure handling · Congestion control · Packet buffering 1 Introduction Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) [1] is a non- infrastructure network having wirelessly connected mo- bile nodes. Because of its dynamic network topology [1], links between the nodes may be broken frequently. Another serious problem in MANETs is the packet drops due to congestion in the network. As a result, achieving reliable and timely data delivery is a chal- lenging problem. We develop reliable data delivery methodologies in the presence of route failures and congestions in MANETs. The nodes in MANETs are independent of each other and can move frequently, causing routes to break. For this reason, the lifetime of an established route is very short and hence the data delivery efficiency decreases. In local repair ad hoc on-demand distance vector (LRAODV_LP) [2], based on link prediction, if a node detects that the signal strength goes below a predefined threshold, it initiates a fresh route discovery rather than sending error message backward. However,

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Page 1: Link failure and congestion-aware reliable data delivery ... Manu… · Ann. Telecommun. (2013) 68:539–551 DOI 10.1007/s12243-012-0339-2 Link failure and congestion-aware reliable

Ann. Telecommun. (2013) 68:539–551DOI 10.1007/s12243-012-0339-2

Link failure and congestion-aware reliable data deliverymechanism for mobile ad hoc networks

Manowarul Islam · Abdur Razzaque ·Mahfuzur Rahman Bosunia · Atif Alamri ·Mohammad Mehedi Hassan

Received: 3 May 2012 / Accepted: 17 October 2012 / Published online: 21 November 2012© Institut Mines-Télécom and Springer-Verlag France 2012

Abstract Link failures and packet drops due to conges-tion are two frequently occurring problems in mobilead hoc networks, degrading the network performancesignificantly. In this paper, we propose a link failureand congestion-aware reliable data delivery (LCRDD)mechanism that jointly exploits local packet buf feringand multilevel congestion detection and control ap-proaches for increasing the data delivery performance.On the detection of link failure or congestive state,an LCRDD intermediate node buffers the incomingdata packets at the transport layer queue and resumes

M. IslamDepartment of Information and CommunicationTechnology, Mawlana Bhashani Scienceand Technology University, Tangail, Bangladeshe-mail: [email protected]

A. Razzaque (B) · M. R. BosuniaDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladeshe-mail: [email protected]

M. R. Bosuniae-mail: [email protected]

A. Alamri · M. M. HassanInformation Systems Department andChair of Pervasive and Mobile Computing,College of Computer and Information Sciences,King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A. Alamrie-mail: [email protected]

M. M. Hassane-mail: [email protected]

transmission when the route is repaired locally. In addi-tion, LCRDD’s multilevel congestion detection helps itto take the most appropriate action proactively. Thus,it offers increased reliability and throughput and de-creased end-to-end packet delivery delay and routingoverhead compared to state-of-the-art protocols, asshown in results of performance evaluations carried outin network simulator v-2.34.

Keywords Mobile ad hoc network ·Reliable data delivery · Link failure handling ·Congestion control · Packet buffering

1 Introduction

Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) [1] is a non-infrastructure network having wirelessly connected mo-bile nodes. Because of its dynamic network topology[1], links between the nodes may be broken frequently.Another serious problem in MANETs is the packetdrops due to congestion in the network. As a result,achieving reliable and timely data delivery is a chal-lenging problem. We develop reliable data deliverymethodologies in the presence of route failures andcongestions in MANETs.

The nodes in MANETs are independent of eachother and can move frequently, causing routes to break.For this reason, the lifetime of an established routeis very short and hence the data delivery efficiencydecreases. In local repair ad hoc on-demand distancevector (LRAODV_LP) [2], based on link prediction,if a node detects that the signal strength goes below apredefined threshold, it initiates a fresh route discoveryrather than sending error message backward. However,

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packets might be dropped at the intermediate nodes ifthe local route discovery takes longer period of time.

Another important problem in MANETs is thedropping of data packets due to congestion in the net-work. Congestion may occur due to link failure, queueoverflow or channel or media overloading [3]. Thecongestion leads to packet losses, throughput degrada-tion of networks, and wastage of time and energy forcongestion recovery. Consider possible routes betweensource nodes S, X, and E and the destination nodeD in Fig. 1a, namely S → A → B → C → D, X →B → C → D, and E → B → C → D, respectively. Allthe sources S, X, and E send data packets via theintermediate node B. The node B receives data packetsand forwards them to destination node D.

When only one route S → A → B → C → D is ac-tive, B can deliver data packets properly as queueoccupancy is normal. However, when all the threeroutes are active, queue occupancy at node B increasesrapidly. It may not deliver all the received data packetsif its incoming data packet rate becomes higher thanthe outgoing rate. As a result, packets may drop sincequeue overflow occurs at node B. For an active route,these dropped packets may traverse a longer path. Sothe network may suffer from high overhead, long delay,and high packets loss. Thus, throughput of MANETsdecreases for network congestion.

Again, since there is no fixed infrastructure, all nodesin a MANET share a single transmission channel; manynodes may contend for the channel simultaneously totransmit data packets, increasing packet collisions inthe network. In such a situation, the congestion collapse[4] may occur when no node will be able to transmittheir data packets. Consider Fig. 1b, node B forwardsdata packets from three source nodes S, X, and Eand thus the channel loading in the network raises toa high level. Therefore, the node will not be able totransmit data packets successfully. As a result, queueoverflow occurs at the node and packets start drop-ping. In the literature, we find split multipath routing(SMR) [5], which uses multiple routes to split traffic

(a) Queue overflow (b) Channel overloading

Fig. 1 Causes of congestion in the network

and mitigate congestion; nodes in congestion-adaptiverouting protocol (CRP) [6] use bypass routes to mit-igate congestion, etc. However, their problem is thatthe multiple routes maintenance overhead affects thenetwork performance significantly.

The two hop routing protocol (THR) of Ela Kumaret al. [7] has much similarity with our work. Each THRnode maintains a two hop routing table and transmitsdata packets if a route is available to the destination,and, on the failure of links, the intermediate nodes startbuffering incoming data packets in a separate memorymodule. Thus, the THR enhances data delivery per-formances of the network. However, the requirementof separate memory module is not only costlier butalso not implementable for all devices in the network.Unlike the aforementioned works, we address boththe problems of route failures and congestion in thenetwork simultaneously in this work, and our approachhas some unique features mentioned below.

In this paper, we propose a link failure andcongestion-aware reliable data delivery mechanism,named link failure and congestion-aware reliable datadelivery (LCRDD), that introduces packet buf feringconcept during link failure detection and local routediscovery. The nodes on an active route buffer incom-ing packets at their local transport layer queues, andon finding a new path, resume their transmissions. As aresult, packet dropping rate of the network decreases.In addition to that, we employ a multilevel congestiondetection and control mechanism at the source andintermediate nodes that can judiciously take the mostappropriate decision for congestion control in the net-work proactively. The contributions of this work aresummarized below:

– LCRDD provides an efficient buffering mechanismto buffer the packets when link failure occurs.

– LCRDD achieves an efficient congestion controlmechanism, where nodes can detect multiple con-gestion levels of the network and take proper con-trol actions to reduce the packet dropping. Thus, itavoids the congestion.

– Nodes in the network can handle both congestionand link failures more effectively, and thus it en-sures end-to-end reliable and efficient data delivery.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Wedescribe related works in Section 2 and network modeland assumptions in Section 3. Our proposed LCRDDmechanism is presented in Section 4, and the simulationresults are presented in Section 5 along with discussion.Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6.

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2 Related works

A significant research effort has been observed in re-cent years on handling route failures and congestion inmobile ad hoc networks. We can categorize them intofour different types based on their working principles.

The first category of works use backup route(s) onthe failure of primary route. In AODV with backuprouting (AODV-BR) [8] and multipath AODV [9],source nodes create alternative routes to the destina-tion, and on failure of any one of them, nodes deliverdata packets using an alternative route; however, theysuffer from two problems: stale route and duplicatepacket transmission. In AODV-based backup routingscheme(AODV-BBS) [10], each node maintains twohop neighborhood information for finding alternativeroutes, but the maintenance of multiple alternativepaths is difficult, costly, and time-consuming, whichin turn reduces data delivery performances of thenetwork.

The second category of routing protocols uses mul-tiple routes to balance traffic loads on the event ofcongestion [4] or route failures and thus improve thenetwork performance. For example, a distributed mul-tipath dynamic source routing (DSR) protocol [11] im-proves QoS with respect to end-to-end reliability; SMR[5] uses multiple routes to split traffic and mitigatecongestion; nodes in CRP [6] use bypass routes tomitigate congestion, etc., but the problem is that mul-tiple route maintenance overhead affects the networkperformance significantly.

Thirdly, some research works focus on link failure ofMANETs using local recovery process. Most of themtry to find out a local path whenever a link failureoccurs in the network. For example, in local repairAODV based on link prediction, LRAODV_LP [2], ifa node detects that the signal strength goes below apredefined threshold, it initiates a fresh route discov-ery rather than sending error message backward. InImplicit Backup Routing-AODV (IBR-AODV) [12],a neighbor of an active route temporarily stores over-heard data packets and acts like a backup node. When-ever any link failure occurs in the network, this backupnode creates new route to the destination and sendsdata packets. Here, the problem is that many neighbornodes have to store data packets unnecessarily. Also,more than one neighbor nodes may try to send thesame data packet on the failure of primary link and thisresults in duplicate transmissions of data packets andreduces network efficiency.

The fourth category of works handles link failuresusing packet buffering or route caching. Ela proposed a THR [7] protocol, in which if a node

needs to transmit data, it first checks its own routingtable which contains route of two hop distance nodes. Ifany route is found, only then data packets are delivered;otherwise, a fresh route discovery process is initiated.If route failure occurs, the intermediate nodes startpacket buffering in a separate physical memory mod-ule. However, the requirement of a separate memorymodule is not only costlier but also not implementablefor all devices in the network.

The aforementioned protocols can handle eithercongestion or link failure. To cope up with both theproblems simultaneously, we propose a link failure andcongestion-aware reliable data delivery mechanism,namely LCRDD, in which each node is capable ofbuffering data packets at local transport layer. Whena node detects that the network is congested or linktowards the destination node is broken, it buffers theincoming packets into its own transport layer buffer.Later, on finding a new path, the node resumes trans-mission process from local buffer. Also, our LCRDDimplements a congestion-aware reliable data deliverymechanism by using multilevel congestion detectionand control mechanisms.

3 Network model and assumptions

We consider a MANET with large number of nodescommunicating over multi-hop paths with each other.The nodes may be mobile phones, laptops, or PDAs,which may move frequently. The nodes use on-demandrouting protocol AODV [13] or DSR [11] for estab-lishing multi-hop routing paths. In what follows, wedescribe three important processes assumed in our net-work: link failure detection process, local route repairprocess, and transport layer queue (TQ) managementprocess.

3.1 Link failure detection process

Since nodes in MANETs are self-organizing and inde-pendent from each other, they can move randomly andfrequently. As a result, topology of MANETs changesvery frequently, causing failure of links between neigh-bor nodes. Also, the link failure may occur due to highlyreduced received signal strength. Link failure leads toroute failure between nodes and reduces the networkthroughput as well. Therefore, the link failure detectionis a subjective research issue in wireless networks. Linkfailure detection can be performed using either periodicHELLO messages [14] or link layer feedback [15, 16].These HELLO messages are local advertisements forthe continued presence of the link.

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The nodes in our proposed LCRDD mecha-nism exchange HELLO messages periodically to en-sure link connectivity. The following two parametersare associated with a HELLO message: HELLO_INTERVAL is the maximum time interval betweentwo consecutive HELLO message transmissions andHELLO_LOSSallowed is the maximum number of lossof HELLO messages that a node can tolerate be-fore it declares the link breakage. If a node doesnot receive any HELLO message from its neigh-bor node within HELLO_LOSSallowed× HELLO_INTERVAL, then the node assumes that the link is notavailable for data transmission.

3.2 Local route repairing process

Link failure degrades the performance of a network sig-nificantly. Local repair of route can reduce the effectsof link failure to some extent. There are a number oflocal route repair techniques in the literature. Querylocalization technique [17] keeps the history of an oldpath and floods the route request (RREQ) message tosome restricted area during local query process. Sung-Ju Lee and Mario Gerla proposed AODV-BR (BackupRoute) [18] which can improve the performance of theAODV routing protocol by providing multiple alter-nate routes. Expanding ring search [19] is another localrepairing technique to finding local path during linkfailure. We will use one of these methods for findingpartial path during link breakage.

3.3 Transport layer queue management process

Since a mobile node in MANETs can act both as arouter and a host, in our LCRDD mechanism, all in-termediate routing nodes use a separate TQ to storeincoming data packets, when needed. We assume, aslong as there is no link failure or the network doesnot become heavily congested, nodes act like a con-ventional router and simply forward data packets. Butwhen the network is heavily congested or link failureoccurs, nodes use their TQs for buffering incomingpackets.

Figure 2 shows that the node A is acting as routerin normal operation (indicated by solid line). Afterreceiving packets, it just forwards the packets to nexthop using lower three (physical, data link, and network)layers of TCP/IP model. But in case of link failure, nodeA uses its transport layer queue to buffer data packets(indicated by dotted line). If a new partial path is found,node A starts its transmission process from transportlayer queue as well as normal delivery of packets. Thedotted lines indicate performing a transmission process

Fig. 2 A MANET node works both as a router and a host

from local TQ and solid lines indicate normal datadelivery process.

Now a question arises—Why does our LCRDD useseparate queue at transport layer for buf fering the pack-ets? Many source nodes in a MANET might deliverdata packets to many other destination nodes simul-taneously. An intermediate node may work as a for-warder of many such source–destination pairs, and itneeds to store incoming data packets in the networklayer queue for a very small period of time beforeforwarding the packets from the queue by examin-ing the addresses of corresponding destination nodes.However, in case of link failure or congested state,nodes have to store data packets for relatively longerperiod of time since they have to wait for a partial path.For this reason, storing data packets into network layerqueue during link failure or congestive states mighthamper packet forwarding of other good connectionsand thus cause queue overflow at the node. As a result,packet dropping rate at the node will increase and over-all throughput of the network will decrease. Further-more, storing data packets at the transport layer duringlink failure may facilitate the intermediate node toensure the end-to-end reliability from that node, ratherthan from the source. In this case, the intermediatenode does not stamp any new sequence number withthe stored packets and takes special care for their deliv-ery. For the aforementioned reasons, an LCRDD inter-mediate node uses separate queue in transport layer tobuffer incoming data packets, allowing smooth packetforwarding of other connections through the node.

In Fig. 3, three source nodes S1, S2, and S3 aretransferring data packets to three different destinationnodes D1, D2, and D3 respectively. Suppose that thelinks B to E and B to C are broken. If node B usesnetwork layer queue for buffering process, B has tobuffer all the data packets of source nodes S2 and S3

and at the same time, it has to forward the data packets

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Fig. 3 The use of transport layer queues at intermediate nodes

of destination node D1. As a result, buffering overflowwill occur at network layer queue and thus networkwill be congested, leading to loss of data packets. Toreduce packets dropping rate, in LCRDD, node B usesseparate transport layer queue TQ for buffering datapackets for destination nodes D2 and D3.

4 The LCRDD architecture

Our proposed LCRDD mechanism exploits cross-layerbuffering capability of nodes, spanning through net-work and transport layers. In LCRDD, when an inter-mediate node detects a link failure, it creates a routedisconnection notification (RDN) message and sendstoward the source node. It then buffers incoming pack-ets into the transport layer queue and starts a localquery to find any partial path to the destination. Allthe intermediate nodes, on receiving RDN message,stop further delivery of the data packets and store theincoming data packets in their local transport layerqueues. When the source node receives the RDN con-trol message, it just stops transmission of data packetsand waits for a new partial path to the destination.

If any partial path is found, node creates anothernotification message called route successful notification(RSN) and sends it back to the source. It then resumesits transmission process from transport layer queue. Allthe intermediate nodes resume their transmission fromlocal buffer after receiving RSN message. When thesource node receives this RSN message, it resumes thetransmission process. So unlike the traditional routingprotocols [1, 20, 21], the source node does not needto deliver all the data packets. The source node onlyretransmits the packets that are dropped during the linkfailure. Thus packet loss rate is minimized and overallthroughput increases. But if no partial path is found,the intermediate node creates another control messagecalled Route Unsuccessful (RUN) message and sends itback to the source node. The source node, on receivingthe RUN message, starts a new route discovery process.

The LCRDD uses congestion-aware data deliverymechanism so that nodes in the network can eas-ily identify the congestion level of the network andtake appropriate action. For a heavily loaded network,nodes will send an ALERT message to previous nodesnot to increase the data forwarding rate. In a congestednetwork, nodes buffer their incoming packets to reducepacket loss rate. Thus, LCRDD controls the congestionin MANET.

To handle link failure and congestion and to providereliable data delivery mechanism, nodes buffer their in-coming packets in their local queues. Each intermediatenode maintains a queue in transport layer for multipledestination nodes with the help of cross-layer interface.For example, in Fig. 3, node B delivers data packetsto three destination nodes D1, D2, and D3. As thelinks B to C and B to E are broken, node B starts tobuffer the incoming data packets in its transport layerqueue and it does not need to stamp any new sequencenumber for each packet during buffering process. Thus,the proposed transport layer queue is only for storingthe packets temporarily. What follows, we discuss theLCRDD operations at different mobile nodes in detailand describe the link failure and congestion-aware reli-able data delivery mechanism.

4.1 Nodal operations

In LCRDD, nodes can buffer packets in their localtransport layer queues for handling congestion as wellas link failure cases. Therefore, every mobile nodeperforms some distinct functions in contrast to con-ventional mobile nodes. What follows, we describe theoverall operations in detail.

4.1.1 LCRDD in source nodes

In most of the routing protocols, the source node startsroute discovery process by creating a message calledRREQ message and floods the message in the network[1]. The source node then waits for a route to thedestination; on reception of RREQ message, the desti-nation node sends back a route reply (RREP) message.Whenever the source node gets the RREP, it startsthe data transmission process. If there occurs a linkfailure due to node mobility or any other reasons suchas limited bandwidth, lacks of power, etc., and if thesource node gets the route failure notification message,it stops further transmission of data packets. Then, itstarts a new fresh route discovery process to deliver thedata packets. Due to link failure, source node needsto retransmit a lot of data packets, especially when thepackets traverse a longer path. Thus data delivery rate

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Algorithm 1 LCRDD in any source node s ∈ S1. Begin2. s broadcasts RREQ message3. s waits until a message(msg) is received4. if (msg=RREP) then5. s starts delivering data packets6. else if (msg=RDN) then7. s stops transmission and waits for a partial path8. else if (msg=RSN) then9. s resumes transmission process

10. else if (msg=RUN) then11. s initiates a fresh route discovery process12. else13. s waits for a new message14. end if15. End

decreases and overall performance of the network alsodecreases.

In our model, the source node stops its transmissionprocess during link failure and waits for a local pathrather conducting a fresh route discovery process forthat particular destination. When a partial path is estab-lished, the source node is notified and it then resumesthe transmission process. The Algorithm 1 shows theoverall operation of a source node s ∈ S, where S is theset of all source nodes.

4.1.2 LCRDD in intermediate nodes

In conventional routing protocols, all the intermediatenodes act as routers [1]. Each node receives the incom-ing packets and forwards them to the next node. Whena link is broken, the intermediate node sends a routeerror message to the source node and drops the packetsfor that destination. As a result, a lot of data packets aredropped due to link failures.

As mentioned before, in LCRDD, when an interme-diate node detects a link failure, it starts buffering allthe incoming packets in its local transport layer queueTQ rather dropping them. It then sends a RDN mes-sage towards the source node and all the intermediatenodes, on receiving RDN message, store incoming datapackets into their TQs and wait for local path. In themeantime, the detecting node starts a local query tofind a partial path using any of the existing algorithms,mentioned in Section 3, and waits for a predefined shortperiod of time Tt. If a partial path is found within Tt,the node starts transmission process from its TQ andsends RSN message toward the source node. All the

Algorithm 2 LCRDD in any intermediate node n ∈ N1. Begin2. if (n detects a link failure) then3. n initiates local query for partial route discov-

ery4. n starts buffering data packets in TQ5. n waits for partial route for Tt duration6. if (partial path is found) then7. n resumes transmission process.8. else9. n sends RUN message to source

10. end if11. else12. n delivers the data packets13. end if14. End

intermediate nodes resume their packet deliveryprocess from their local queues after receiving the RSNmessage. However, if no partial path is found, theintermediate node sends the RUN message toward thesource node. After getting RUN message, the sourcenode starts a new fresh route discovery process. The Al-gorithm 2 shows the overall operations of any interme-diate node, n ∈ N, where N is the set of all intermediatenodes in the route.

The following example describes the operations ofthe above two algorithms. In Fig. 4a, the source nodeS is sending data packets via route S → A → B →C → E → D to destination node D. Suppose node Cdetects that the link between C and E has broken. Itthen generates a RDN message and sends it back to thesource node to inform about the link failure. Also, nodeC starts buffering incoming packets for node D and, at

(a) Link breakage (b) Local query

(c) Packet queueing (d) Resume transmission

Fig. 4 Link failure handling in LCRDD

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the same time, it initiates a local query process to find apartial path. Figure 4b shows local query process. Afterreceiving RDN message, all the intermediate nodesstop data delivery for the destination D and buffer theincoming data packets in their local TQs. Figure 4cshows buffering process at each intermediate nodes(A, B, and C). When the source S receives the RDNmessage, it stops its transmission and waits for a partialroute.

After finding a partial path C → F → D, node Csends back a RSN message toward the source S andresumes its transmission process from its local TQ. Theintermediate nodes A and B and the source node Sresume their transmission processes on receiving theRSN message. Note here that the source node S doesnot need to retransmit all the data packets. Figure 4dshows the retransmission process whenever a route re-construction process is successful. However, if node C’slocal query process fails to find a partial route withinTt, it sends the RUN message toward the source S.Upon reception of this RUN message, the source nodeS starts discovering a new route.

4.2 Congestion control in LCRDD

In MANETs, the data traffic from many source nodesmay converge at a point of the network, where somenodes might be congested due to their low packetforwarding rate compared to corresponding arrivalrate. As a result, their local buffers might overflowand packets may be dropped [22]. Such a congestivestate also leads to the following problems in the net-work: (1) longer end-to-end packet delivery delay and(2) reduced network throughput.

To cope up with the aforementioned drawbacks, inthis paper, we propose a congestion-aware data deliv-ery mechanism that works as follows. At each interme-diate node, we measure the congestion level and pig-gybacks that information toward the source node witheach transmitted packet so that appropriate control ac-tions can be taken in time. We use two bits control flagin both data packets and acknowledgement packets,referred to as congestion notif ication (CN) flag. Everynode in an active route sets this flag when it forwardsdata packets. The value of the CN flag detects thecongestion level of the network according to Table 1.From the value of the CN flag, the neighborhood nodescan easily be informed about the congestion status ofthe network and they can take proper actions to handlecongestion. What follows, we describe how a nodedetects the congestion level and assigns the value of CNand how the congestion is controlled based on the valueof CN flag.

Table 1 Congestion notification

Value of CN Congestion level

00 Lightly loaded01 Loaded10 Heavily loaded11 Congested

4.2.1 Detection of congestion level

Based on queue occupancy, here we use an early con-gestion detection technique by which a node can detectthe current congestion status. We use minimum andmaximum thresholds, Qmin and Qmax, respectively, forqueue occupancy at any node as follows:

Qmin = l × Qsize, (1)

Qmax = h × Qsize, (2)

where, l and h are two control parameters; in oursimulation, we set l = 0.5 and h = 0.9, respectively. Ifthe queue length of a node is less than the Qmin, thenwe can say the network is lightly loaded, e.g., queueoccupancy is less than 50 %; if the queue length isgreater than Qmin but less than Qmax, then it is op-erating in the safe region; and, if the queue length isgreater than Qmax, the node is considered as congested.Even though the above thresholds help to identifycongestive or non-congestive states, they don’t protectnodes moving from non-congestive state to congestiveone. In support of implementing congestion-aware datadelivery mechanism, we introduce a warning thresholdparameter Qwarn, defined as follows:

Qwarn = w × Qsize, (3)

where, w is a weight factor, and in our simulation, wechoose w = 0.8.

We then calculate average queue occupancy of anode every after a certain interval using exponentiallyweighted moving average formulae as follows:

Qavg = (1 − α) × Qavg + Qcurr × α, (4)

where, α is a weight factor and Qcurr is the currentqueue size. Now, based on the value of Qavg, we de-termine the value of CN flag as follows:

– if Qavg < Qmin, then CN = 00– if Qavg >= Qmin and Qavg < Qwarn, then CN = 01– if Qavg >= Qwarn and Qavg <= Qmax, then CN = 10– if Qavg > Qmax, then CN = 11

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4.2.2 Congestion control mechanism

In our proposed LCRDD, a node takes proper actionsto control the congestion according to the values ofCN bits. If the value of CN flag at a node is ‘00’, itassumes the network is lightly loaded. In such case, thenode performs its normal operations. It allows the othernodes of the network to transmit packets through it.So the node accepts new RREQ messages from newsource and rebroadcasts to create new routes throughit. When the value of CN is ‘01’, it discards new RREQmessages, allowing no new route through it in orderto avoid any future congestive states; however, in thiscase, the sources of the existing routes may increasetheir traffic rates passing through this node. If the valueof the CN is ‘10’, the network becomes heavily loaded.So, further increasing of data arrival rates from sourcenodes will lead the network to fall into congestive state.In this case, the node generates a new control mes-sage called ALERT message and sends back towardevery source node so that they do not increase thedata forwarding rates. Thus, our proposed LCRDDcontrols the network in ahead of time and implementsa congestion-aware reliable data delivery mechanism.But if a node detects the value of CN is ‘11’, thismeans the network has already fallen into congestivestate and it then starts buffering data packets in TQand stops forwarding packets afterwards. Table 2 showsthe operations taken by a node for different congestivestates.

4.3 Packet buffering

In this section, we describe in detail the packetbuffering mechanism. As mentioned earlier, nodes inour network use separate queue in transport layer (TQ)when link failure or congestion occurs. Storing packetsat separate queue not only increases the end-to-endtransmission efficiency but also reduces the queuingoverheads at the network layer.

We define a cross-layer interface between networklayer and transport layer as shown in Fig. 5. Theinterface has two components: receive interface “R”and delivery interface “D”. The interface “R” receivesthe packets from network layer queue and puts them

Table 2 Actions taken by a node to control the congestion

Congestion level Actions

Lightly loaded Normal operation - no changeLoaded Stop forwarding any RREQ messageHeavily loaded Send ALERT message to all sourcesCongested Start buffering packets

Fig. 5 Interface between network and transport layers

into the transport layer queue when a link failure orcongestion occurs. Similarly, all the intermediate nodesbuffer the packets in their transport layer queues forthat corresponding destination using their cross-layerinterfaces. Whenever, a partial path is found, the net-work layer of the node informs transport layer throughthe interface. Then the interface “D” delivers the datapackets to network layer and the node resumes datatransmission process. Similarly, all the intermediatenodes resume their transmission processes. As a result,the source node does not need to retransmit all thedata packets during a link failure, increasing the overallthroughput of the network.

In what follows, we describe the aforementionedbuffering mechanism with the help of an example.Consider Fig. 6a, where node B forwards data packetsof three sources S1, S2, and S3 to three destinationnodes D1, D2, and D3, respectively. Figure 6a showsthe normal situation in which all the data packets arequeued at network layer queue of node B.

Now, suppose the link between node B and F isbroken. As soon as node B detects the link failure, itbuffers all the packets for the destination node D2 inits TQ and continues its normal operation for otherdestinations. Meanwhile, B starts a local query processfor destination node D2 and sends a RDN messagetowards the source node S2. All the intermediate nodesbuffer their packets for the destination node D2 intheir TQs on receiving RDN message. Node S2 stopsits transmission and waits for a reply from node B.Figure 6b describes this situation.

Whenever the node B finds a partial path B → N →D2, it sends RSN control message toward source nodeS2 and resumes its transmission process from transportlayer queue. All the intermediate nodes also resumetheir transmission processes same way after gettingthe RSN message. Such a mechanism decreases packetdropping rate and node S2 does not need to transfer allthe packets. Figure 6c shows node B performs normal

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(a) Normal operation

(b) Packet buffering at TQ

(c) Packet delivery

Fig. 6 Operation of the proposed LCRDD mechanism

operation from network layer as well as resumes trans-mission process from its TQ for destination node D2.

5 Performance evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the performance of ourproposed LCRDD mechanism in network simulator v-2.34 [23] and compare the simulation results with thatof AODV-BBS [10], SMR [5], IBR-AODV [12], andTHR [7]. The results of our simulation state that theLCRDD outperforms the other protocols.

5.1 Simulation environment

In our simulation, we consider a square area of size1, 000 × 1, 000 m2, where 100 mobile nodes are de-ployed randomly. The simulation time is set to 200 s.Each node has the transmission range of 100 m. Thesource nodes of our network generate constant bit ratedata streams at the rate of 1–8 packets per s. This helpsto measure performance for various traffic load at eachmobile node. The size of each data packet is 512 bytes,link bandwidth is kept at 11 Mbps, and the underlyingtransport and MAC layer protocols are UDP and IEEE802.11 DCF, respectively. We have used expanding ringsearch [19] algorithm for repairing local route failures.Table 3 summarizes the simulation parameters. Foreach data point in the graphs, we take the average of

Table 3 Simulation parameters

Parameter Value

Network area 1,000 m × 1,000 mNumber of nodes 100Deployment type RandomNumber of sources 20Node movement model Random waypointTransmission range 100 mTransport layer protocol UDPMAC layer protocol IEEE 802.11 DCFBandwidth 11 MbpsData packet size 512 bytesData packet generation rate 1 to 8 packets/sPropagation model Free spaceWeight factor α 0.002Tt 2 s

10 simulation runs that helps us in studying the steadystate behavior of the protocols.

5.2 Performance metrics

We use four performance metrics to compare the re-sults of AODV-BBS, SMR, IBR-AODV, THR, andLCRDD. Those metrics are as follows:

– Packet delivery ratio is measured as the ratio of thetotal number of received data packets by all thedestination nodes to the total number of generateddata packets by all the source nodes in the network.It is corresponding to the reliability of the network;the higher the value, the better is the performance.

– Average end-to-end packet delay is measured as theaverage time in milliseconds required by all the datapackets to travel from the source nodes to theircorresponding destination nodes.

– Per node throughput is measured as the averageamount of data bits received per unit time by all thedestination nodes in the network.

– Normalized routing overhead is measured as thenumber of control packets generated during thesimulation period for each successfully delivereddata packet.

5.3 Impact of varying traffic loads

In this section, we study the impact of different trafficloads on the performances of the protocols in termsof the above metrics. The data traffic loads at sourcenodes are varied from 1 ∼ 8 packets per s, i.e., from 0.5to 4.0 KBps. For this experiment, we fix the mobilityspeed of each node at 2 m/s within the network. Thegraphs in Fig. 7 compare the performances of the stud-ied protocols for various source traffic loads.

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(a) Packet Delivery Ratio (b) Average end-to-end Delay

(c) Throughput (d) Normalized Routing Overhead

Fig. 7 Performance comparisons for different traffic loads, mobility speed = 2 m/s

The packet delivery ratio for all the protocols de-creases drastically with increased source traffic loads,as shown in Fig. 7a. This is caused by increased packetdrops at the intermediate nodes due to congestion, i.e.,the forwarder nodes cannot deliver as many packetsas they receive. The simulation results indicate thatour proposed LCRDD mechanism has the higher ca-pability to handle congestion in the network and itoutperforms other protocols. Since LCRDD measuresthe pre-congestive and congestive states more accu-rately and propagates information along the routes andtakes appropriate control actions in time, its congestioncontrol mechanism becomes more efficient than oth-ers. Furthermore, the buffering mechanism of LCRDDreduces the packet drops a lot and thus increases thepacket delivery ratio.

Figure 7b shows the average end-to-end packet delayperformances of the protocols for various traffic loads.It states that, as expected theoretically, the packet de-

livery delay increases with the traffic loads. AODV-BBS and SMR experience much higher delay thanothers due to high latency of maintaining multiple al-ternate routes. IBR-AODV has longer delay than THRand LCRDD since it cannot handle the congestionuses backup nodes only for providing local recoveryfrom route failures. However, our proposed LCRDDmechanism handles congestion proactively by not al-lowing an intermediate node to carry additional traffic(1) from new connections when it detects loaded stateand (2) from existing connections when it detects heav-ily loaded state. Our in-depth look into the trace filecontents reveals that the above strategy helps LCRDDnodes to operate in safe mode most of the time andthus it decreases queuing delays of the packets at theintermediate nodes, which in turn decreases the end-to-end packet delivery delay a lot.

The performance comparisons for per node through-put of the studied protocols have been shown in

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Fig. 7c. The throughputs of the protocols increaseas the traffic load increases, but it starts decreasingat around 3.5 KBps traffic load, where the networkreaches at saturation condition. The further increase oftraffic load makes the network congested and thus theperformance decreases. We observe that our LCRDDprovides high performance than the other protocolssince it ensures higher number of packets delivery atthe destination within minimum end-to-end delay.

Figure 7d shows the normalized routing overheadof the studied protocols. The AODV-BBS has highlatency of route discovery process for keeping multipleroutes for same destination and generates large amountof control packets. During link failure, SMR needs afresh route discovery process, producing a large num-ber of control packets. Since IBR-AODV stores datapackets at multiple neighborhood nodes and exchangescontrol packets on the failure of links, its overheadincreases a lot. The THR can handle link failure but

can’t cope up with network congestion as traffic loadincreases and local route discovery process starts on thefailure of links. On the other hand, our LCRDD neithermaintains any alternative routes nor it balances loadsamong multiple routes; rather, it uses multilevel con-gestion control mechanism and local packet bufferingat transport layer for the period of local route discoveryto mitigate link failures and congestion in the network.As a result, it generates minimum number of controlpackets and thus provides with the least normalizedrouting overhead among the studied protocols.

5.4 Impact of varying route failure rates

In this section, we evaluate the impact of varying routefailure rates on the performances of the studied proto-cols, keeping the packets generation rate constant at 6packets per s (i.e., 3 KBps). We vary the route failurerates from 1 to 10 routes/s.

(a) Packet Delivery Ratio (b) Average end-to-end Delay

(c) Throughput (d) Normalized Routing Overhead

Fig. 8 Performance comparisons for different route failure rates, data traffic load = 3 KBps

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The graphs in Fig. 8a state that the packet deliveryratio for the all protocols decrease sharply with theincreasing route failure rates. This happens because thefailure of routes increases the number of packet dropsin all the approaches. Since our proposed LCRDDmechanism jointly exploits the multilevel congestioncontrol and packet buffering schemes on the event oflink failures, it is capable to address the route failuresmore effectively and saves packets from dropping andthus it can increase the packet delivery ratio comparedto other protocols.

As expected theoretically, the end-to-end packetdelivery delay increases with the route failure ratesfor all the protocols, as shown in Fig. 8b. The SMRexperiences the longest end-to-end packet delivery de-lay. The IBR-AODV has lower end-to-end delay thanSMR but higher than other protocols. The AODV-BBS uses an alternative route whenever a link failure isdetected and thus it decreases the delay than SMR andIBR-AODV. The local route discovery-assisted packetbuffering mechanism in LCRDD helps it to handleroute failures more efficiently than others. Also, inLCRDD, The number of retransmissions required onthe failure of routes decreases a lot and thus it reducesthe traveling time of data packets.

Figure 8c shows the throughput performances of thestudied protocols. The per node throughput decreasesfor all the protocols as the route failure rate increases.Because of high latency multiple paths, AODV-BBSand SMR provide lower throughput. The IBR-AODVprovides better results since it initiates fast recov-ery. Among all the studied protocols, our proposedLCRDD has the highest throughput performance. Thisresult is achieved due to its (1) efficient route failurehandling mechanism and (2) congestion-aware data de-livery mechanism.

Figure 8d shows that the normalized routing over-head increases as route failure rate rises as the latercauses substantial increase in the number of controlpackets generated in the network. Because of packetbuffering capabilities and local recovery process,our proposed LCRDD mechanism provides withlower overheads compared to other state-of-the-artprotocols.

5.5 Discussion

As our proposed LCRDD mechanism learns the in-cipient congestive states and link conditions in aheadof time, its routing and traffic forwarding functionseffectively transfer the data packets over less conges-tive and good links and thus it implements an efficientdata delivery framework. Results reveal that the joint

efforts of LCRDD’s packet buffering and multilevelcongestion control actions can efficiently cater for theapplication requirements with various network con-ditions, i.e., different combinations of traffic loads,route failure rates, and mobility speeds. The developedLCRDD mechanism is expected to work with goodperformance in a large number of emerging MANETapplications, particularly in which high throughput datadelivery is demanded.

The main limitation of this work is related to thelack of sufficient understanding about the dynamics ofthreshold values. For example, Qmin and Qmax weredetermined through numerous simulation experiments;the same is true for the weight factors—α and w. If wecould build an analytical model for them, we could beable to dynamically select the optimal values to adapt todifferent situations. We leave this for our future work.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we have addressed two very importantproblems: route failure and congestion in MANETs.Our proposed LCRDD mechanism introduced the con-cepts of local buffering at transport layer and multi-level congestion detection and proactive control actionswhich improve the network performance significantly.The results of our performance evaluations, carried outfor various traffic loads and route failure rates, showthat the proposed LCRDD mechanism outperforms anumber of state-of-the-art approaches. Our mechanismis fully distributed and does not depend on network-wide information and thus it reduces the operationoverhead as well.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the ResearchCenter of College of Computer and Information Sciences, KingSaud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The authorsare grateful for this support. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque is thecorresponding author of this paper.


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