Lines and Spaces for 10-4-11

Lines and Spaces A Word from the Stand . . . Rehearsal Order: Christmas Music >This Day of Celebration >Festival Gloria >Choral Amen Service Preview All Creation Worships You Rock of Ages Doxology He Never Failed Me Yet Anthem List October 9 All Creation Worships You October 16 He Never Failed Me Yet October 23 Rock of Ages October 30 Doxology November TBA FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OCTOBER 4, 2011 A Weekly Newsletter for The Sanctuary Choir of First Baptist Church Christmas Rehearsals Start TONIGHT!!! Last week we enjoyed a great time of fellowship and food (some of us earlier than others) in kicking-off this year’s Christmas music program. The laughter and joyous banter was wonderful and we had a great time along with a hearing of the music. I sensed that the entire group was excited about what they heard and I think we got Christmas preparation off to a great start. Please reserve December 11th on your calendars as our presentation date and plan to be present at as many rehearsals as you can. To further our preparation for this year’s Christmas sea- son, try to come before 6:45 p.m. each week, just in case we are able to get an earlier start. If you are unable to make it in time for Prayer Meeting at 5:45 p.m., plan to come to the choir room and enter into a time of prayer for that evening’s rehearsal, the needs of fellow choir members, and the presentation itself. It’s never too early to pray for the people that will hear this Christmas presenta- tion and it’s message. If you are joining us for the first time tonight or sang with us in last year’s Christmas presentation, we welcome you! What a pleasure it is to have you ALL in rehearsal tonight. We are glad that you are here. Expressions Continue to Rise! These are a few of the words I continue to receive about the Newton program. Since September 25, a day has not gone by that someone has not given me a com- plement or an expressions of gratitude for your presentation. Let me say to you again, thank you for an outstanding presentation. I was overjoyed at how every- thing went together and how you sang with such ex- pression and beauty. Your facial expressions con- veyed your heart’s expression of the won- derful message of grace and assurance that only God can give. It was and always is an honor and a privilege to stand before you each week. Thank you for a great job and your hard work. Let’s keep on keepin’ on! We are Here by God’s Design.


Choir Newsletter

Transcript of Lines and Spaces for 10-4-11

Page 1: Lines and Spaces for 10-4-11

Lines and


A Word from the Stand . . .

Rehearsal Order:

Christmas Music

>This Day of


>Festival Gloria

>Choral Amen

Service Preview

All Creation

Worships You

Rock of Ages


He Never Failed

Me Yet

Anthem List

October 9

All Creation

Worships You

October 16

He Never Failed Me


October 23

Rock of Ages

October 30






OCTOBER 4, 2011

A Weekly Newsletter for The Sanctuary Choir of First Baptist Church

Christmas Rehearsals Start TONIGHT!!! Last week we enjoyed a great time of fellowship and food

(some of us earlier than others) in kicking-off this year’s Christmas

music program. The laughter and joyous banter was wonderful and

we had a great time along with a hearing of the music. I sensed that

the entire group was excited about what they heard and I think we

got Christmas preparation off to a great start.

Please reserve December 11th on your calendars as our

presentation date and plan to be present at as many rehearsals as

you can. To further our preparation for this year’s Christmas sea-

son, try to come before 6:45 p.m. each week, just in case we are

able to get an earlier start. If you are unable to make it in time for

Prayer Meeting at 5:45 p.m., plan to come to the choir room and

enter into a time of prayer for that evening’s rehearsal, the needs of

fellow choir members, and the presentation itself. It’s never too

early to pray for the people that will hear this Christmas presenta-

tion and it’s message.

If you are joining us for the first time tonight or sang with

us in last year’s Christmas presentation, we welcome you! What a

pleasure it is to have you ALL in rehearsal tonight. We are glad that

you are here.

Expressions Continue to Rise! These are a few of the words I continue to

receive about the Newton program. Since September 25,

a day has not gone by that someone has not given me a com-

plement or an expressions of gratitude for your presentation.

Let me say to you again, thank you for an outstanding presentation. I was

overjoyed at how every- thing went together and how you sang with such ex-

pression and beauty. Your facial expressions con- veyed your heart’s

expression of the won- derful message of grace and assurance that

only God can give.

It was and always is an

honor and a privilege to stand before you

each week. Thank you for a great job and your hard work.

Let’s keep on keepin’ on!

We are Here by God’s Design.

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Page 2 Lines and Spaces

Birthdays &


7—Michell Coats

15—Marcie & Pete Stom

Please remember your

fellow choir members

in prayer this week:

Linda Kittler

Katie Best

Bereavement for Don Grimm in the

loss of his wife, Molly.

Charles, Earl Keaton’s father

Our Nation

If you have a prayer need, please fill out

the pink form and give to Bro. Bryan.




Here is a list of our “mystery” choir mem-

ber’s favorites. See if you can guess who it


Ice Cream: Rocky Road

Pizza topping: Hamburger

Restaurant: Chili’s

TV Program: N/A

Radio Station: Classical

Song, Hymn or Chorus:

I Love You Lord

Christian Singer: N/A

This person’s identity will be revealed in

next week’s Lines and Spaces.

Last Week’s Mystery Choir Member:

Erin Bolton

October 23

Children’s Choirs sing at Trinity

October 27

Keenager Khoir sings at SEARK-BCM

October 30

2nd Annual “Trunk or Treat” and Chili


November 6

Daylight Savings Time ends

Christmas Music BONUS Rehearsal;

Noon to 3:00 p.m.

December 10

Christmas Music BONUS Rehearsal;

3:00 p.m.

December 11

“The Joy of Christmas” Presentation;

6:00 p.m.

Dates to Remember!

Leadership magazine once quoted Jack

Hayford as saying, “Worship is God's gift

to us, intended for our blessing and

benefit. He doesn't need it—we do.”

Do we view worship as God's gift to us?

Or do we see worship as a process, even

a task, in which we must work our way

into God’s presence? According to the

“process” approach to worship, either

God doesn’t care that we’re worshiping,

doesn’t know that we’re worshiping, or is

resisting our attempts to worship. Of

course, each of these perceptions is

untrue. In fact, Scripture teaches that God

is always the Divine Initiator of worship!

Thoughts on Worship. Ornaments Needed!

Christmas ornaments are

needed for this year’s Christ-

mas program. These are not

the delicate, breakable kind,

but living, breathing kind—

particularly of the male vari-

ety. Think about where you

can find some ornaments like this and in-

vite them to come each Wednesday eve-

ning at 6:45 p.m. in the choir room for a 30

minute Christmas rehearsal. We need to

have them NOW in order to be properly

decorated by December 11.

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Page 3 Lines and Spaces





“Yet LORD,

You are our

Father; we

are the clay,

and You are

our potter;

we all are

the work of



Isaiah 64:8

Find us on


Search “FBC

Music” and

join the page.

Worship: A Gift from God

God’s Promise from 1 Peter 5:7 (CEV) “God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.”

What Does This Mean For Me? When you feel like worrying, remember God cares about you! You can trust him to

help you handle all the things you’re worried about.

The Giver and the Gift Mankind was created to worship

God. But in the Garden, at the Fall, we

lost that right. In that first act of

disobedience, we rejected His rule in our

lives, and were justly shut out from His

holy presence. But when there was no

way of approaching God, He showed

Himself merciful by approaching Adam.

"Where are you?", He asked. With that

haunting question, we find the Almighty

Seeker pursuing His creation to receive

the worship He alone deserves. Over time, God prescribed an

elaborate sacrificial system involving the

tabernacle, priests, sacrifices, and the

Most Holy Place. All these elements

reminded God's people that He had

graciously provided a way for them to

relate to Him and make payment for their

sins. Still, these earthly sacrifices were

unable to satisfy God's just wrath finally

or to secure eternal forgiveness for sins. But now, Jesus has become our

eternal High Priest and, simultaneously,

the perfect sacrifice for our sins. The

shadow of the Old Covenant has been

replaced by the substance of the New.

The temporary has been taken over by

the timeless. God has removed the

hindrances to worshiping Him, and

invites us to be His worshipers forever. One of the most specific

references to God's invitation to us to

draw near is found in Hebrews 10:19_22:

Therefore, brothers, since we have

confidence to enter the Most Holy Place

by the blood of Jesus, by a new and

living way opened for us through the

curtain, that is, his body, and since we

have a great priest over the house of

God, let us draw near to God with a

sincere heart in full assurance of faith,

having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us

from a guilty conscience and having our

bodies washed with pure water. After centuries of God warning

his people not to draw close without

proper sacrifices, he now cries out

through the blood of his Son, "Come

near!" As we gather to exalt God and

encounter His Spirit at work in our

midst, we come at God's invitation. We

come to marvel at His grace, stand in

awe of His holiness, and be undone by

His mercy. We come to gaze upon His

beauty, drink in His promises, and

embrace His will for our lives. Through Jesus and Jesus alone,

we now have free access into the Father's

presence. And remember this: Jesus’

work is just as complete at the beginning

of our congregational worship as it is at

the end. There’s no need for "warming

up"! True spiritual worship is focused

on God because it is FROM God—

divinely initiated and motivated, taking

place in response to God's revelation of

Himself. This means we can come at any

time to worship God boldly and freely,

with the awareness that He sees and

hears us, and that we are actually in His

presence. What a privilege! What a joy!

What a God! True spiritual worship is all

about God. Article by Bob Kauflin

© Copyright 2002 Sovereign Grace Ministries --

Page 4: Lines and Spaces for 10-4-11

6501 S Hazel Street Pine Bluff, AR 71603

Phone: 870-534-4741 Fax: 870-534-4743

Email: [email protected]



OCTOBER 4, 2011

“Excellence in all things, and all things to the glory of God.”

Choir Officers

Barbara White President

Win Trafford Vice-President

Ann Smith Secretary

Marcie Stom Treasurer

Cuba Keaton Robe Coordinator

Lisa Grigg Social Coordinator


Section Leaders


Pat Bethea Alto

Horace Green Tenor


Worship Preview for October 9, 2011 Preparation for Worship ......................................................................... Instrumentalists

Organ Prelude ............................................................................................... Janine Tiner

Worthy of Worship

Choral Call to Worship—Antiphonal Praise ................................ Arr. Benjamin Harlan Sanctuary Choir

Hymn of Worship No. 3—Worthy of Worship .................................................. JUDSON

Invocation & Welcome to Worship............................................................ Bryan Bolton

Giving of the Right Hand of Christian Fellowship

Chorus—I Stand in Awe ............................................... Words/Music by Mark Altrogge [Sing stanza; Refrain twice]

Hymn of Adoration No. 10—How Great Thou Art (St. 1) ..................... O STORE GUD

Pastoral Prayer........................................................................................................ Pastor

Worthy of Praise

Choral Response—All Creation Worships You ........................................ Arr. Jay Rouse Sanctuary Choir

Voices of Praise ................................ [3 Choir Members with strong speaking voices]

Hymn of Praise No. 27—

All Creatures of Our God and King ................................ LASST UNS ERFREUEN (Stanzas 1, 2, 3 & 5)

Offertory Hymn—Creation Sings ..... Words/Music by K & K Getty & Stuart Townend

(text printed in worship guide)

Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Prayer ........................................................................................ Layperson

Piano Offertory ....................................................................................... Erin Bolton

Worthy of Reverence

Sermon Series ......................... Malachi: A Call to Return .................................... Pastor

“Return to Careful Worship”

(Malachi 1:6-14)

Lord, You are Worthy and Wonderful

We Respond to God ................................................................................ All Worshipers

With Our Lives

Hymn of Response No. 295—Near to the Heart of God ..................... McAFEE

With Our Time

Opportunities for Worship and Service ..................................................... Pastor

Benediction...................................................................................... Deacon of the Week

Organ Dismissal ........................................................................................... Janine Tiner