LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling,...

I- FIELD SAMPLING PLAN Pfaue // Remedial Investigation Roto-Flnish Supetfund Site Portage, Michigan Prepared for ITW (formerly Ransburg Corporation) Indianapolis. Indiana Prepared by: LIT, Limno-Tech, Inc. 2395 Huron Parkway Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 May 31, 1991

Transcript of LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling,...

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Pfaue // Remedial InvestigationRoto-Flnish Supetfund Site

Portage, Michigan

Prepared for

ITW (formerly Ransburg Corporation)Indianapolis. Indiana

Prepared by:

LIT, Limno-Tech, Inc.2395 Huron Parkway

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

May 31, 1991

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SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ......................................................... 11.2 Sampling Objectives .............................................. 1


2.1 Introduction ......................................................... 32.2 Monitoring Well Installations ................................... 32.3 Background Soil Investigation ................................. 52.4 Potential Source Investigation ................................. 52.5 MOCA Area Investigation ....................................... 62.6 Investigation of Possible Historical Ground water ........ 6

Impacts2.7 Downgradient Investigation .................................... 72.8 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis ........................ 82.9 Sample Designation and Selecting Samples ............... 8

for Laboratory Analysis

SECTION 3 - FIELD SAMPLING PROCEDURES ........................ 10

3.1 Introduction ......................................................... 103.2 Soil Boring Implementation and Formation Sampling ... 103.3 Vertical Sampling .................................................. 123.4 Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation ................. 133.5 Surface Soil and Sludge Sampling ............................ 143.6 Groundwater Sampling .......................................... 14


4.1 Sample Custody ................................................... 154.2 Field Instrument Calibration .................................... 154.3 Field Activity Quality Control .................................. 154.4 Corrective Actions ................................................ 15

FIGURE 1 Location of Roto-Finish Site .................................... 16

TABLE 11norganic Analyte List ................................................. 17TABLE 2Target Compound List - Volatiles .................................. 18TABLE STarget Compound List - Semi-Volatiles .......................... 19-21TABLE 4Vertical Sampling Requirements .................................... 22TABLE 5 Ground water Monitor Well Sampling Requirements .......... 23

APPENDIX A Vertical Sampling of An Aquifer

APPENDIX B Field Screening Procedures

APPENDIX C Composite Surface Soil Sampling

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1.1 Introduction

This Field Sampling Plan (FSP) was prepared to document field samplingprocedures to be used during the Phase n Remedial Investigation (RI) of the Roto-Finish Superfund Site (see Figure 1). It provides details on sampling objectives,locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for eachmatrix of concern, sample handling and documentation, and relevant field qualityassurance/quality control (QA/QC).

The plan is intended to complement the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)developed in November 1988 for the Phase I investigation. Together, the QAPP andFSP will dictate the QA/QC and field sampling procedures that will be followed duringthe Phase II RI at the Roto-Finish Site. The FSP contains a compilation of samplingmethods which provides practical, state-of-the-art field methods. It is subject to fieldmodifications where unforeseen sampling difficulties present themselves.

The procedures specified herein, with references to the QAPP, will be used forthe Phase II RI sampling of soil (surface and subsurface), groundwater, and sludge.Laboratory and applicable QA/QC procedures for the collected samples are discussed inthe QAPP. The integrity of the field procedures used in obtaining a given samplecould have an effect upon the validity of analytical data generated from that sample. Itis important therefore, that proper equipment be used, appropriate protocols befollowed, and that sample integrity and quality assurance standards be maintainedduring all site investigations and environmental sampling events.

1.2 Sampling Objectives

The objectives of the field sampling activities are to collect samples which can beused to characterize the site. The goals of the field sampling are to provide for:

• Full characterization of the chemical nature of the wastes at the site;• Definition of anv identifiable chemical sources at the site:

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Page 2• Definition of spatial distributions of chemicals to the extent necessary to

enable preparation of an endangerment assessment and a feasibilitystudy, and to the extent that such contamination may be attributable tothe site; and

• Identification of contamination migration pathways and movement

This FSP in conjunction with the QAPP provides the information necessary for fieldsampling personnel to attain these goals and fulfill the overall sampling objectives.

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2.1 Introduction

The Phase fl sampling activities to be undertaken at the Roto-Finish site includemonitoring well installations, a background soil investigation, a potential sourceinvestigation, historical soil and groundwater impact investigations, a downgradientinvestigation, and groundwater monitoring well sampling and analysis. A summary ofthese activities is presented in the following sections while a more detailed descriptionis provided in the Phase II Work Plan. The individual sample locations are presentedin the separately bound RI/FS Work Plan figures.

2.2 Monitoring Well Installations1. MWB1 will be installed approximately 100 feet northeast of the

southeast corner of the site. It will serve as an upgradient well to thesite. Vertical sampling and field screening, including visual inspections,of both soil and water will be performed as the borehole is advanced inaccordance with Section 3.3 of this plan. Physical and/or analytical soilsamples will be obtained using a 2-inch diameter split-spoon sampler at 5foot intervals and at any major change in lithology (Section 3.2). Watersamples will be taken at the water table and 5 foot intervals using eithera screened auger or the casing pullback method for deep borings, or theauger advance method for shallow borings. A second set of soil andgroundwater samples will be collected that are collocated with thesamples collected for field screening. These samples will be properlylabelled and stored for later selection for laboratory analysis. Visualinspection of all samples will be conducted and any characteristicsindicative of contamination will be recorded in the field log. Fieldscreening (Appendix B) will be conducted for the field hydrochemicalparameters (pH, conductance, and temperature stability for watersamples) and VOCs. A portable GC (such as a photovac 10S50) will beused for VOC screening. If a contaminant is detected during fieldscreening, vertical sampling will continue at 5 foot intervals until a non-detect reading is obtained so that plume depths may be characterized.

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Page 4The well screen will be placed at the depth where the highest level

of contamination is detected during field screening. If no contaminationis detected, the screen will be placed at the bottom of the borehole tomonitor the upgradient deep aquifer conditions. This would complementthe existing near-upgradient well MWA2, which is screened in theshallow aquifer (at approximately 35 feet) and would serve to adequatelymonitor onsite influences from the upgradient shallow aquifer. Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (43 ug/L) was the only contaminant detected insamples analyzed from MWA2 during the Phase I investigation. Theborehole will end at the bottom extent of the aquifer or, if notencountered, the deepest extent possible given the limitations of thehollow stem auger drilling method (120-150 feet) and the lithologicalconditions encountered at the site.

All samples with contamination detected during field screening willbe sent to the laboratory for analysis. In the event that no contaminantsare detected during field screening, a minimum of 10% of the soil andgroundwater samples or one of each, which ever is greater, will besubmitted to the laboratory for analysis. These samples will be analyzedfor 4,4' Methylene-bis (2-Chloroaniline) (MOCA), the Target AnalyteList (TAL) parameters, and the Target Compound List (TCL) volatikand base/neutral extractable semi-volatile parameters (Tables 1-4) inaccordance with the U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program's mostcurrent Statement of Work. MOCA will be analyzed in accordance withthe test procedure presented in Appendix A of the Phase I QAPP.

2. A cluster well will be installed according to procedures in Section 3.4 inthe central area of the site southeast of the main building anddowngradient of the former lagoons to aid in monitoring thegroundwater and to determine the vertical groundwater flow gradient.MWB2A will be the shallow well and MWB2B the deep well of thecluster, with vertical sampling, field screening, and laboratory analysisperformed as described for MWB1.

In order to obtain the most reliable data for vertical flow gradients,it is desirable that the 2 well screens of this cluster be placed asvertically distant from each other as possible. If a deep plume ofcontamination is discovered, then the deep well will be screened at thedepth of maximum detected concentration and the shallow well will beadvanced and screened at a depth of 10 feet below the water table. If ashallow plume is discovered, then the deep well will be screened ateither the bottom of the aquifer or the limits of the hollow stem auger

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Page 5drilling method and the shallow well will be screened at the depth ofmaximum detected contaminant concentration.

2.3 Background Soil Investigation

Soil Borings BS3 - BS6, will be bored off-site (east and northeast of Roto-Finish)according to procedures in Section 3.2 to collect upgradient soil samples that will beused to characterize background conditions in the vicinity of the site. Discrete soilsamples will be collected at each change in lithology between 1 and 25 feet in depth.With equal representation from each boring if possible, four soil samples will then beselected for every soil type that is present on the Roto-Finish site and submitted forlaboratory analysis. The preference in selecting soil types for analysis will be given tothe sandiest soils, consisting of the silty sands and sandy silts that were the major soiltypes encountered during the Phase I RI. This will provide for background calculationsthat are based on soils with the lowest adsorption capacity. The background soilsamples will be analyzed for MOCA, TAL parameters, and TCL base/neutralextractable semi-volatile parameters (Tables 1-4).

2.4 Potential Source Investigation

A listing of the potential sources that exist on the Roto-Finish site can be found inSection of the Phase II Work Plan. The following potential sourceinvestigation work will be implemented during the Phase II follow-up investigations:

1. SB303 will be located near the southeast corner loading dock of the mainbuilding, approximately 100 feet north of SB202. This boring will serveto provide information about possible sources related to historicalactivities occurring near this area of the main building. Verticalsampling, field screening, and laboratory analysis will be conducted asdescribed for MWB1. The boring will continue 10 feet into the aquiferwith unsaturated zone soil samples taken at 5 foot intervals and at majorchanges in lithology and groundwater samples taken at the water table,and 5 feet and 10 feet below the water table.

2. Soil Borings SB304-SB308 and SB306A will be drilled and sampled tocharacterize any possible contaminants attributable to the 5 knowndrywells on the site and the sump pit at the northeast area of the mainbuilding. SB304 will be drilled through the dry well located near thefence south of the main building. SB30S will be drilled through the drywell located near the south stormwater recharge basin. SB306 andSB306A will be drilled through the two dry wells on either side of the

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Page 6septic tank located near the southwest corner of the Chip and Compoundbuilding. SB307 will be drilled through the dry well located between thetennis court and the main building. SB308 will be drilled through thebottom of the sump pit that is located in the northeast area of the mainbuilding. These 6 borings will be advanced to reach the water table.Vertical sampling, field screening, and laboratory analysis will beconducted as described for MWB1. In addition, discrete soil sampleswill be taken at the bottom of the dry wells (only if the presence ofsludge is evident) and discrete soil samples will be taken directly belowthe bottoms of the dry wells and the sump pit. At the water table, a setof groundwater samples will be collected for analysis. In addition to thesump pit boring, the sump pit will be visually inspected for cracks andthe surrounding soils will be inspected for evidence of leakage and/orcontamination. A surface soil sample will be collected from thesurrounding soils on the east side of the sump pit, by the valve openingand, if sludge is present in the sump pit, a sample will be collectedaccording to Section 3.5 procedures and included in the above laboratoryanalyses. All samples submitted to the laboratory will be analyzed forthe parameters noted under Section 2.2, Inset 1 and in Table 4.

2.5 MOCA Area Investigation

Four soil borings (SB312, SB313, SB314 and SB31S) will be located within a Id-15 foot radius around SB203 to define the distribution of MOCA concentrations insurficial soils in this area. Manual thin-walled tube sampling will be used according toSection 3.2 to collect samples at depths coinciding with the depths at which MOCAwas detected in SB203 (0.5-2.5 feet). If additional borings are required to fullycharacterize MOCA distribution in the area, an iterative and phased process of boringplacement will be used based upon laboratory results for the samples analyzed in eachprevious phase. No field screening will be conducted and 1 sample per boring will becollected. These samples will be submitted to the laboratory and analyzed for MOCA,TAL, and TCL base/neutral extractable semi-volatile parameters only (Tables 1-4).TCL volatiles and acid extractable semi-volatile compounds will not be evaluated.

2.6 Investigation of Possible Historical Groundwater Impacts

Soil borings SB301 and SB302 will be drilled near and downgradient tomonitoring wells MWA1 and MWA5, respectively, to determine whether sources orimpacts exist in these areas. Vertical sampling, field screening, and laboratory analysiswill be conducted as described for MWB1. SB301 will be drilled to investigate thepossible source related to volatile and base/neutral extractable semi-volatile organic

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Page?contaminants reported in MWA1 groundwater samples from the 1989 Phase Iinvestigation. A well will not be installed in this borehole unless contamination isfound during screening at depths different from where the adjacent MWA1 is screened,in which case the screen will be set at the depth of maximum detected concentration.SB302 will be drilled to investigate the possible source related to a historical presenceof thchloroethene (TCE) reported in 1983 groundwater samples taken from a previouswell located in the MWA5 area. If TCE, its breakdown or byproducts, or othercontaminants are detected during field screening, a well will be installed and screenedat the depth of maximum detected levels to monitor contaminant concentrations.

2.7 Downgradient Investigation

A minimum of three downgradient soil borings (SB309-SB311) will be locatedonsite and/or offsite around the west and northwest region of the site to characterize theextent and distribution of possible downgradient impacts on the site. Verticalsampling, field screening, and laboratory analysis will be conducted as described forMWB1. If the field screening indicates that contamination is present, wells will beinstalled to monitor the contamination. If wells are needed, they will be screened at theinterval of the highest contamination as determined by field screening.

The exact locations of the downgradient vertically sampled bohngs or wells willbe determined by considering the following factors: the vertical gradient within theaquifer, the horizontal groundwater flow velocity, the location of potential source areason the site, and the starting and ending dates for the time period when these sourceswere active and possibly contributing contaminants to the aquifer.

Data obtained from the cluster well in the center of the site will be used toprovide the necessary information to aid in locating these borings. Vector analysis willbe used to determine where possible impacts may be in the aquifer from possiblehistorical sources, using the groundwater flow velocity (horizontal) and the hydraulichead difference (vertical) (as determined from the well cluster). The vector analysis ofthe two transport components will provide the basic information needed for horizontallocation and vertical extent of the downgradient bohngs. The borings will be drilledaccording to the procedures for MWB1. If contaminants are detected as the bohngs aredrilled and sampled, monitoring wells will be installed at the depth of maximumcontamination.

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2.8 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis1. Groundwater samples will be obtained from all wells, according to

procedures referred to in Section 3.6 of this plan, to complete therequirement for a second round of groundwater sampling, analysis, andcharacterization. For existing wells (MWA1 - MWA6), the first roundof sampling occurred during the Phase I investigations. For the newwells, the first round of sampling will occur during well installationprovided the groundwater samples are taken from the same spot the newwells are screened at and provided that sampling will include allparameters normally sampled for in the existing wells. Only 1 well ofthe central site cluster will be sampled unless both wells showedcontamination present during installation and first round sample analysis.Specifically, the deep well (MWB2B) will be sampled if nocontamination or if deep aquifer contamination is detected during verticalsampling. The shallow well (MWB2A) will be sampled if only shallowaquifer contamination is detected during vertical sampling. Both wellswill be sampled if shallow and deep aquifer contamination is detectedduring vertical sampling.

2. Groundwater static level measurement data will be collected according toprocedures referenced in Section 3.6 and used with data collected during1990 and 1991 to plot piezometric contours for each monthly set ofmeasurements. At least six monthly piezometric contour maps will begenerated, including at least 3 based upon datasets incorporatingmeasurements from the new wells installed during the Phase ninvestigations. If the incorporation of static water level data from thenewiy installed wells causes significant changes in the potentiometricsurfaces as compared with what has previously been documented, then atleast 6 months of measurements will be collected from the new (as wellas existing) wells.

2.9 Sample Designation and Selecting Samples for Laboratory Analysis

A concise and easily understandable sample designation system is an importantpart of the RI sampling activities. It provides a unique sample number that willfacilitate both sample tracking and easy re-sampling of certain locations, if required toevaluate temporal changes. The sample designation system to be employed during thesampling activities will be consistent with that used in the Phase I investigation andflexible enough to accommodate unforeseen sampling events/conditions. A

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Page 9combination of letters and numbers will be used to yield a unique sample number ofeach field sample to be collected.

When determining which samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis, thefield GC will be used in conjunction with visual inspection of samples andconductivity, pH and temperature measurements. If no reading is obtained on the fieldGC, sample selection will be based on visual inspection and any anomalies noted in thepH, temperature, or conductivity. High levels of conductivity could be due to elevatedlevels of metals in the soil/groundwater, and an elevated temperature could beindicative of organics in the soils/ground water (chemical and biological reactions).

All samples associated with the detection of contamination during fieldscreening will be sent to the laboratory for analysis. In the event that the fieldscreening fails to detect contamination, a minimum of 10% of the soil and groundwatersamples, or one of each, which ever is greater, should be submitted to the lab foranalysis for each location (soil boring or monitoring well) sampled.

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3.1 Introduction

As part of the field investigations, several standard field procedures will beperformed. They include:

1. Soil Boring Implementation and Formation Sampling;

2. Vertical Sampling;

3. Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Development;

4. Surface Soils and Sludge Sampling;

5. Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling.

This section of the Field Sampling Plan introduces and references the appropriatedetailed procedures for the above standard Meld activities, including ancillaryprocedures for equipment cleaning, vertical sampling of an aquifer, visual fieldscreening and hydrochemical measurements, field gas chromatograph screening, waterlevel measurements, well development, and calibration and maintenance of fieldinstruments. The detailed procedures are presented in the FSP appendices and in thePhase I QAPP. Sample custody procedures and field QA/QC requirements arepresented in Section 4.

3.2 Soil Boring Implementation and Formation Sampling

Soil borings will preferably be drilled with a rotary drill rig using the hollow-stem auger method, as it does not require the use of drilling fluids or additives. Insituations where physical site features limit the use of drill rigs, soil borings will becompleted with either a hand-driven or a portable power-driven split spoon sampler,depending on the required depth and material. Soil bohngs will be vertically sampledand field screened for contaminants as designated in Section 2.2 of the Phase II SiteInvestigation Plan. Vertical sampling and field screening procedures are presented inSection 3.3 and Appendix B, respectively. The detailed procedures for drilling soilborings are provided in Section 4.3 of the Phase I QAPP.

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Cleaning procedures for equipment and materials are provided in Section 4.2 ofthe Phase I QAPP. While drilling the soil borings, sampling to characterize the natureof the formation will be conducted according to Section 4.4 of the Phase I QAPP.Soils within the borehole will be sampled at regular intervals not to exceed 5 feet

Representative portions of all split-spoon soil samples will be retained inappropriate containers for 1) applicable screening for VOCs with a portable gaschromatograph (GQ; 2) visual classification; and 3) laboratory analyses, whereappropriate. Representative samples will be analyzed for MOCA, and the CLP-TCL/TAL constituents in accordance with Section 2 and Tables 1-4 of this FSP.

Field screening will apply to all sampling locations except background samplesand MOCA area samples. All samples associated with the detection of contaminationduring field screening will be sent to the laboratory for analysis. In the event that thefield screening fails to detect contamination, a minimum of 10% of the soil andgroundwater samples, or one of each, which ever is greater, should be submitted to thelab for analysis for each location (soil boring or monitoring well) sampled. Theprocedures for field screening the soil samples for VOCs by portable GC are providedin Appendix B. The procedures for collecting soil samples for laboratory analyses areprovided in Section 5.3.2 of the Phase I QAPP. General sampling information andprocedures for sample container preparation are provided in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of thePhase I QAPP. The procedures for handling, packing, and shipping the samples arereferenced in Section 4 of this plan.

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3.3 Vertical Sampling

All soil borings and borings for monitor well installation at the Roto-Finish sitewill be vertically sampled at 5 foot intervals as specified in the approved Phase fl RISite Investigation Work Plan. Physical soil samples for lithological characterization ofthe formation will be collected as drilling progresses down to the bottom of theborehole. Analytical soil samples will be collected throughout the vadose (unsaturated)zone of the borehole only. Soil samples will be collected according to the proceduresreferenced in Section 3.2 of this plan. Groundwater samples will be taken at the watercable surface and at 5 foot intervals down to the bottom of the borehole. Verticallysampling the aquifer may involve the use of more than one methodology from boring toboring depending upon the depth of the borehole and the physical conditionsencountered while drilling in the formation. Because vertical profiling of the aquifer isto be performed in conjunction with soil formation sampling in the saturated zone forlithological characterization, methods that allow the collection of both groundwater andsoil samples will be used during the Roto-Finish site investigations.

For the shallow borings through dry wells and sump (SB304-308) which requirea sample from the water table surface, and the single boring (SB303) southeast of themain building which requires groundwater samples down to 10 feet below the watertable surface, discrete grab-water samples will be obtained using a 2 inch diameter by 2foot long stainless steel drive point screen with the auger advance method and a Teflonor stainless steel bailer. The deeper borings going to the bottom of the aquifer(MWB1, MWB2B) or potentially going to the bottom of the aquifer (SB301. SB302,SB309-11) will be implemented using either the screened auger method or the casingpullback method.

The procedures to be followed for each method of vertical aquifer sampling arepresented in Appendix A. Field screening for contaminants will be conducted in allsamples (except those collected in the background soil and MOCA investigations) asspecified in the Phase II Site Investigation Plan and according to the proceduresdescribed in Appendix B. All drilling and sampling equipment will be properlydecontaminated prior to use.

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3.4 Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation

The monitoring wells will be installed in soil borings, completed as described inSection 3.2. Monitoring wells will be installed according to Section 4.6 of the Phase IQAPP utilizing the drilling methods described in Section 4.3 of the Phase I QAPP.The screened portion of the monitoring well will be three feet in length with 0.007-inchslot size, if possible. The screen and the first adjoining 10 foot section of riser will beconstructed of stainless steel, the remainder of the riser may be constructed of schedule40 PVC. A gravel pack will be installed in the annular space around and to at least twofeet above the screened portion of the monitoring well. A bentonite seal of one to twofeet will be installed in the annular space above the gravel pack. In the annular spaceabove the bentonite seal a bentonite/cement grout mix will be installed to the surface.When determining the placement of a well screen to monitor contaminants, the fieldGC will be used in conjunction with visual inspection of samples and conductivity, pHand temperature measurements. If no reading is obtained on the field GC, wellplacement and sample selection will be based on visual inspection and any anomaliesnoted in the pH, temperature, or conductivity. High levels of conductivity could bedue to elevated levels of metals in the soil/groundwater, and an elevated temperaturecould be indicative of organics in the soils/groundwater (chemical and biologicalreactions). Field screening and GC procedures are presented in Appendix B.

Upon completion, each monitoring well will be developed according to theprocedures presented in Section 4.7 of the Phase I QAPP, with the exception thatbailers shall not be used for well development. The water column will be surged toremove all fine-grained materials that have settled in or around the well screen duringinstallation, and to ensure that the monitoring well will adequately transmitgroundwater. Development will continue until fines are no longer present andrepresentative formation water is obtained.

Potentially contaminated development water shall not be discharged to theground surfaces. Rather, it will be containerized and sampled by on-site fieldinstruments. If the development water is found to be contaminated, it will be disposedof in an approved manner. If on-site sampling indicates no contamination, thedevelopment water may be discharged to the ground.

Upon completion of each monitoring well, a designated measuring point will bemarked on the well and surveyed to an existing benchmark.

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Page 143.5 Surface Soil and Sludge Sampling

As described in Section 2.4, Inset 2, a surface soil sample will be collectedfrom the soils near the valve opening on the east side of the sump pit and a sludgesample will be collected from bottom of the sump pit, if sludge is present. A sample ofsludge will also be collected, if present, from the bottom of each dry well (SB304-307and SB306A). These samples will be submitted for laboratory analysis of parametersnoted in Table 4. The dry well bottom sludge samples will be collected using a splitspoon sampler, in accordance with Section 3.2, during the drilling procedure. Discretesample collection will be preferred for sludges and surface soils using procedures inaccordance with Section 5.3.2 of the Phase I QAPP. Alternatively, compositesampling for surace soils and sludges in and around the sump pit may be used only ifconditions are encountered that would indicate this method of sample collection to bemore successful. For example, conditions might include the presence of sludge at thebottom of the sump pit that is dispersed in several low volume "spots" of material.Sufficient sample volume requirements for laboratory analysis might be met with acomposite sample, although the sample would not be truely representative of volatilecontaminants actually present on site. Composite sampling will not be acceptable forvolatile organic analysis requirements. Procedures for composite sampling of surfacesoils or sludges are presented in Appendix C.

3.6 Groundwater Sampling

Groundwater samples and groundwater level measurements will be obtainedfrom monitoring wells in accordance with the procedures in Section 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 ofthe Phase I QAPP. Equipment cleaning procedures for groundwater sampling areprovided in Section of the Phase I QAPP with the exception that use of organicsolvent rinses (hexane, acetone, methanoi) will be avoided unless absolutely necessaryto minimize the introduction of cross-contaminants into a sample. Wells will be purgedprior to sampling according to Section of the Phase 1 QAPP. The samples willbe submitted to the laboratory and analyzed for MOCA, TAL parameters, TCL volatilecompounds, and TCL acid and base/neutral extractable semivoiatile compounds (Tables1-3 and 5).

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4.1 Sample Custody

Sample custody procedures including documentation, handling, and shipping arepresented in Section 6.0 of the Phase I QAPP.

4.2 Field Instrument Calibration

Field instrument calibration procedures for the thermometer, specificconductance meter, and pH meter are presented in Section 7.0 of the Phase I QAPP.For all instruments used on site the manufacturer's recommended calibrationprocedures will be used.

4.3 Field Activity Quality Control

Quality control samples for field activities including trip blanks, field blanks,replicates, and filtration blanks are presented in Section 10.1 of the Phase 1 QAPP.

4.4 Corrective Actions

All project personnel have the responsibility as pan of their normal work dutiesto promptly identify and report conditions that are adverse to quality work practices ordata generation. Corrective action procedures are presented in Section 14.0 of thePhase 1 QAPP.

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SCALE f/nfMll


Figure 1: Location of Roto-Finish

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FINAL Field Sampling FlanRoto-Finish Phase IIRI

Revision No: 2TABLE 1 D-rll.y31.199l


Contract RequiredDetection Limit (1)

Analvte fu^/n

Aluminum 200Antimony 60Arsenic 10Barium 200Beryllium 5Cadmium 5Calcium 5000Chromium 10Cobalt 50Copper 25Iron 100Lead 5Magnesium 5000Manganese ISMercury 0.2Nickel 40Potassium 5000Selenium 5SUver 10Sodium 5000Thallium 10Vanadium 50Zinc 20Cyanide 10

(1) The CRDL are the instrument detection limits obtained in pure water that must bemet. The detection limits for samples may be considerably higher depending on thesample matrix.

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FINAL Field Sampling PlanRoto-Ftniih Phase IIRI

Revision No: 2TABLE 2 Date: May 31.1991



Ouantitation Limits**Water Low Soil/Sediment

TCL Volatiie Compounds ug/L up/Kg

Chloromethane 10 10Bromomethane 10 10Vinyl Chloride 10 10Chlbroethane 10 10Methylene Chloride 5 5

Acetone 10 10Carbon Disulfide 5 51.1-Dichlorethene 5 51.1-Dichloroethane 5 51.2-Dichloroethene (total) 5 5

Chloroform 5 51,2-Dichloroethane 5 52-Butanone 10 101,1,1 -Trichloroethane 5 5Carbon Tetrachloride 5 5

Vinyl Acetate 10 10Bromodichloromethane 5 51,2-Dichloropropane 5 5cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 5Trichloroethene 5 5

Dibromochloromethane 5 51.1.2-Trichloroethane 5 5Benzene 5 5trans-l,3-Dichloropropene 5 5Bromoform 5 5

4-Methyl-2-pentanone 10 102-Hexanone 10 10Tetrachloroethene 5 5Toluene 5 51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 5 5

Chlorobenzene 5 5Ethyl Benzene 5 5Styfene 5 5Xylenes (Total) 5 5

"Specific quantification limits are highly matrix dependent. The quantitation limitslisted herein are provided for guidance and may not always be achievable.

"Quantitation limits listed for soil/sediment are based on wet weight. The quantitationlimits calculated bv the laboratorv for soil/sediment, calculated on dry weight basis as

Page 21: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,

FINAL Field Sampling FluRoto-finnia Phut fl RI

Revimon No: 2D«ta:Miy3l. 1991

Pigel9TABLE 3


TCL Quantitation Limits**Base/Neutral Extractable Water Low Soil/SedimentSemi-Volatile Compounds ug/L ug/JCg

bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 10 33<F1.3-Dichlorobenzene 10 3301.4-Dichiorobenzene 10 330

Benzyl alcohol 10 3301,2-Dichlorobenzene 10 330bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 10 330

N-Nitroso-di-n-dipropyJamme 10 330Hexachloroethane 10 330Nitrobenzene 10 330Isophorone 10 330

bis (2-Chloroethoxy) methane 10 3301,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10 330

Naphthalene 10 3304-Chloroaniiine 10 330Hexachlorobutadiene 10 3302-Methylnaphthalene 10 330

Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 10 3302-Chloronaphthalene 10 3302-Nitroaniiine 50 1600

Dimethyiphthalate 10 330Acenaphthylene 10 3302,6-Dinitrdtoluene 10 3303-Nitroaniline 50 1600Acenaphthene 10 330

Dibenzofuran 10 3302,4-Dinitrotoluene 10 330Diethylphthalate 10 330

•i-Chlorophenyl-phenyl ether 10 330F!uorene ' 10 3304-Nitroaniline 50 1600N-nitrosodiphenylamine 10 330

-t-Bromophenyl-phenyiether 10 330Hexachlorobenzene 10 330Phenanthrene 10 330Anthracene 10 330

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FINAL Field Sampling PlanRoto-Finish Phase il RI

Revision No: 2Date: May 31, 1991



Ouantitation Limits**Base/Neutral Extractable Water Low Soil/Sediment.Semi-Volatile Compounds ug/L ug/Kg

Di-n-butylphthalate 10 330Fluoranthene 10 330Pyrene 10 330Butylbenzylphthalate 10 3303,3''-Dichl'orobenzidine 20 660

Benzo(a)amhracene 10 330Chrysene 10 330bis(2-Ethylhexyi)phthalate 10 330Di-n-octyiphthalate 10 330Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10 330

Benzo(k)fluoranthene 10 330Benzo(a)pyrene 10 330Indeno(l,2,3-cd)pyrene 10 330Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 10 330Benzo(g,h,i)peryiene 10 330

TCL Acid Extractable Semi-Volatile Compounds

Phenol2-Chlorophenoi 10 330

2-Meihyiphenoi 10 3304-Methyiphenoi 10 330

2-Nitrophenoi 10 330

2.4-Dimethyiphenol 10 330Benzoic Acid 50 1600

4-ChIoro-3-methyiphenol 10 330

2,4,6-Trichlorophenoi 10 3302,4,5-Trichlorophenol 50 1600

2,4-Dinitrophenol 50 16004-Nilrophenol 50 1600

4,6-Dinitro-2-methy]phenoi 50 1600

Pentachlorophenol 50 1600

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FINAL Fidd Sampling FlanRoto-Fmiia Phase il RI

Revision No: 2Date: May 31. 1991

Page 21

Specific quantitation limits are highly matrix dependent. The quanutation limits listedherein are provided for guidance and may not always be achievable.

Quantitation limits listed for soil/sediment are based on wet weight. The quantitationlimits calculated by the laboratory for soil/sediment, calculated on dry weight basis asrequired by the contract, will be higher.

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FINAL Fidd Sampling PlanRoto-Finish Phase il RI

Revision No: 2Date: May 31. 1991

Page 22

Page 25: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,




Monitor Well


. Groundwater Sample Analytas


* Samples to LabSample







upgradiantcluster - deep

cluster- shallow






NA' '

NA = Not Applicable MOCA = 4.4' Mothylene bis(2 CMoroamlinolWT - Watar Tabla TAL • EPA Contract Laboratory Program Target Analyte ListD = Discrete TCL » EPA Contract Laboratory Program Target Compound ListC - Composiui VOCs =» Volatile Organic Compound*

BN » Base/Neutral Extractable Semivolatila CompoundsAE « Acid Extractebla Samivolatila Compounds

• Trip blanks, held blanks, replicate samples, and filtration blank* also required as staled in QAPP•' MWB2A will ba sampled It contamination is daiactad at the screened level during elusiei wall Installation

i s5* a?*- K> M B

Page 26: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,


Page 27: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,


I. Introduction

Vertical sampling of an aquifer is performed to determine the distribution ofchemical concentrations throughout the depth of an aquifer. This process may beimplemented using a number of techniques that involve a variety of equipment.Vertical sampling is conducted on aquifers greater than 5 feet thick, with the maximumsampling interval not to exceed 10 feet Discrete samples are collected from aparticular depth of the aquifer in a manner that insures representativeness of thegrqundwater at that particular location. Samples will consist of groundwater, not asoil and water combination. Field screening of each collected groundwater sample willaccompany the vertical sampling. The field screening will include scanning for volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) with a portable gas chromatograph (GO and measuringpH, conductivity, and temperature of the groundwater. If contamination is detected, amonitoring well is frequently installed with the screen set at the level of maximumdetected concentrations obtained from field GC analysis or any anomalies noted in thepH, temperature or conductivity. More than one well installation could be required ata location with detected contaminant plumes at multiple depths.

The method used for vertical aquifer profiling at a particular location will bedependent upon the depth of the boring, the actual or suspected lithology present, andthe experience and capabilities of the drilling team. All sampling and drillingequipment will be decontaminated using a high pressure hot water (steam) cleaner priorto use.

II. Vertical Sampling in Glacial Drift Sediments

Vertical sampling methods in glacial drift sediments are described below. Thesemethods assume the use of a hollow stem auger drill rig.

1. Auger advance method: This method involves advancing the augers intothe aquifer at 10-foot intervals or less. A temporary well, comprised ofriser and a short screen (two feet) well point, is inserted down thehollowstem augers and driven to position the screen at a depth below thelead auger. Alternatively, the well may be inserted and the augerspulled back to allow natural cave in of soils around the screen. Therepresentative groundwater sample is collected after appropriatedevelopment of the screen, taking care to minimize turbulence or mixingwith water already present in the augers, and the temporary well isremoved. The process is then repeated at the next sampling interval. Ifsoil samples are to be collected for lithology characterization, split spoonsamples may be used alternately with the temporary well insertion.

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Casing pull back method: This method involves advancing the augers tothe total death of the boring. The temporary well screen and riser, asdescribed in the auger advance method, is inserted into the hollow-stemaugers and the augers are pulled back to allow collapse of the formationaround the screen. Representative groundwater samples are thenproperly collected after ajpropnate development of the screen. Theaugers and well are pullet upward at 10-foot intervals or less, and theprocess is repealed to the top of the aquifer. If lithological soil samplesare to be collected, they may be taken as the augers are initiallyadvanced to the total depth of the boring.

3. Screened auger method: This method involves the use of a special first-flight auger with a well screen built into it. The hollow stem augers thenfunction as a well casing. The screened auger is advanced into theaquifer at intervals of 10 feet or less and then developed like apermanent well before a representative water sample is collected. Itlithological or analytical soil samples are to be collected, a secondadjacent boring is required.

The above methods for vertical sampling in glacial drift sediments all requireproper development of the temporary wells before sample collection using surgeblockand pumping techniques. A minimum of 3 "well" volumes of standing water must bepurged prior to sample collection to insure a representative, depth-specific groundwatersample.

The method of sample collection will also influence the representativeness of thesample. Teflon or stainless steel bailers, or bladder or Keck pumps may be usedeffectively, especially when collecting samples at shallow depths near the water table.For sample collection at deeper depths in the aquifer, it often is more desirable to usebladder or Keck pumps in conjunction with inflatable packers to seal off the well abovethe pump and allow only formation water to be pumped to the surface. Anothermethod for collecting deeper samples involves the use of "sucker-rods" with doublecheck-valves. Once the screen is in place, the first check valve is dropped into thetemporary well. Then the "sucker rods" with a second check-valve is inserted to justabove the first check-valve. The "sucker-rods" are worked up and down, filling thepipe with water until it is expelled at the surface. A sample is then collected after thesufficient volume of water is purged from the well.

HI. Vertical Sampling in Bedrock

In the event that bedrock is encountered, the following vertical aquifer samplingmethods mav be used:

Page 29: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,

1. Open hole method: The bedrock is drilled in an approved manner to thetotal depth of the boring and allowed to remain open and undisturbed fora period of approximately two weeks. A double packer or approveddiscrete sampler is used to isolate 5-foot portions of the rock that can besampled with a pump located between the packers. This process isrepeated at 10-foot intervals to the bottom of the aquifer.

2. Temporary well methods: The bedrock is drilled at 10-foot intervals. Atemporary well casing and screen, with a packer above the screen, isused to sample a 5-foot portion of the bedrock interval drilled. Theprocess is then repeated in the next interval.

Page 30: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,


I. Introduction

Field screening of soil and water samples is often conducted during fieldinvestigations to determine if contamination is present at a site. Field screeninginvolves visual inspection of collected samples for anomalous characteristics andinstrumental measurements to monitor parameters related to contaminant presence.Instrumental measurements involve the hydrochemical parameters, including pH,specific conductance and temperature, and measurements to detect the presence ofcontaminants such as volatile organic compounds.

n. Visual Inspection

Samples will be visually inspected for physical characteristics and descriptionsrecorded in the appropriate field log with special care being taken to note anomalouscharacteristics in comparison to other samples collected at the site. For soil samples,characteristics to be noted include color, soil type, percent recovery from samplingdevice, moisture content, texture, grain size and shape, consistency, and any othernoteworthy considerations. For water samples, characteristics to note include color,clarity, the presence and size of paniculate matter, layering of immiscible liquids, andany other noteworthy considerations. Noteworthy considerations will include anyunusual impacts related to the presence of contamination such as discoloration, odors,"crusting" of soils, or oily sheens in water samples.

TTT. instrumental Measurements

Calibration and Frequency

All field instruments used for the screening of samples will be calibrated dailyin the field according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Preventive Maintenance1. Routine inspection of the equipment will be performed;2. Usage, maintenance, calibration, and any problems and repairs will be

recorded in the field notebook; and3. Equipment will be maintained in good working condition following the

schedules suggested by the manufacturers.

Page 31: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,

Sample Analysis for HvdrochqmJical Parameters

The detailed procedures for obtaining the temperature, conductivity and pH of awater sample is outlined below.

1. The pH, conductivity, and temperature will be obtained usingappropriate instrument ition. The instruments will be field calibrated inaccordance with manulacturer's instructions during each day of use;

2. Obtain a small quantity of the water sample, place it in a cleanagitate, then discard. Rinse the flask out twice this way with the watersample, then fill the beaker. Rinse the pH, conductivity, andtemperature probes with sample water. Submerse probes into the flaskcontaining groundwater. Allow approximately one minute for readingsto stabilize, then record the measurements on the appropriate forms;

3. Clean the probes and cables with a detergent and water wash followed bya distilled/deionized water rinse. Store in a clean container.

Field Gas ChromatopTanh (GC,) Methods for the Detectionof Volatile Organic Compounds in Soil and Groundwater

GaiTech Environmental Services of Mount Pleasant, Michigan will perform theonsite field GC analysis for the Phase n RI at the Roto-Finish site according to theirmethods, which follow:

The instrument used is a Photovac 10S50 or 10S70 field portable gaschromatograph. It is equipped with a photoionization detector using a lamp energy of10.6 electron volts. The instrument is configured with a 10 meter CPSIL-5 wide borecapillary column and isothermal oven capable of maintaining temperatures of either30, 40, or 50 degrees Celsius. The integrator, plotter, and software are integral partsof the unit. The carrier gas used is a certified mixture of hydrocarbon free air.

Stock standards are prepared by adding microgram quantities ofspectrophotometric grade neat solvents into a known volume of spectrophotometricgrade methanoi. Fresh stock standards are prepared at no more than weekly intervals.Microiiter quantities of the methanol stock standard are added to measured quantities oforganic free distilled water in dilutions as needed to prepare a calibration standard.Calibration standards are prepared daily.

Analyses and calibrations are performed by a headspace method with qualitycontrol measures outlined as follows:

Page 32: LIMNO TECH INC - PHASE II RI FIELD SAMPLING PLAN · locations and frequency of proposed sampling, sampling and field procedures for each matrix of concern, sample handling and documentation,

Water samples are measured in ug/1 water (parts per billion). Due to thecomplexity of extractions necessary for exact quantitative analysis in soil samples, soilssamples are measured in ug/kg soil (parts per billion) relative to an aqueous standard.This procedure, used as a screening process, has proven to be accurate quantitativelywhen compared to soil samples split for analysis with independent laboratories usingextraction procedures. If a more precise quantitative value is required for soil samplesin the field, a water extraction can be performed, but will limit the number of analysesdue to the additional time involved performing the extraction.

Soil samples are prepared by filling a vial approximately half full with soil andtightly capping. Water samples are collected by completely filling the vial and cappingsuch that no visible air bubbles remain.

All samples are readied for analysis by placing in a heating block adjusted to 40degrees Celsius for a minimum of 20 minutes before analysis in order to bring allsamples to an equal temperature thus equalizing the effect Henry's law of partialpressures might have on samples of differing temperatures. A 20 ml headspace iscreated in vials containing water samples prior to heating. If analysis will proceedmore than 1 hour after sample collection, samples are kept on ice to inhibitvolatilization of components in the sample.

Injection syringes are kept beneath a heat lamp between injections to purge traceconstituents. Syringes are tested for blockage before and after every injection.Experience has shown that these methods are adfquatc safeguards to prevent crosscontamination of samples via repeated use of the syringe. As a quality control check,syringe blanks using organic free water are routinely performed after calibration and ata minimum, one blank for every 10 samples is performed. When analyzing sampleswith elevated concentrations, syringe blanks are performed more frequently at thediscretion of the operator. Reruns are performed at a minimum of 1 for every 10samples to check reprodutibility of data. If contaminants are found in syringe blankresults, the syringe will be flushed with hydrocarbon-free air between sampleinjections.

The gas chromatograph will be calibrated to several commonly foundcompounds such as BTEX, MTBE, chlorinated solvents (TCE, PCE, 1,1,1-TCA), andany other compounds that have previously been found on site. A library of standardpeaks is stored in the portable GC for the identification of compounds present in ananalyzed sample. However, it may not be possible to identify all of the compoundspresent in some samples. If this situation occurs, the number of unidentifiedcompounds in each sample will be reported, along with their relative strength inregards to the known compounds in the sample. In some cases, the GC operator willbe able to perform a qualitative interpretation of unidentified peaks based upon the"finger print" that is distinctive to a class of compounds.

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This method is not appropriate for samples that require analysis for volatileorganic compounds, which couid volatilize off during mixing. Surficiai soil and/orsludge samples are manually obtained using a stainless steel spade, spoon, or spatulaand a stainless steel mixing bowl. This equipment is decontaminated, prior to samplingeach location, with the following sequential procedure:

1. Liquinox detergent scrub2. Tap water rinse3. Deionized water rinse

For collecting a composite surface soil or sludge sample, a spade is used to diga hole in the designated sampling area that is approximately one foot in diameter andsix inches in depth, unless other dimensions are specified in the work plan. Thediggings are deposited directly into the bowl and thoroughly mixed with the spoon. Acomposited sample is collected and transferred to the appropriate sample container andstored on ice until extraction for analysis. Where soil or sludge material is present inthin layers or "spots" and mixing would be difficult due to the material's consistency,the material may be gently scraped up with a sampling spatula and transferred directlyto the sample container. Proper chain off custody documentation is maintainedindicating sampling station, collection time, and analysis required. Appropriateprotective clothing is worn by all samplers in accordance with the health and safetyplan.