Lily and the Fairy World



Written and Illustrated by Anna

Transcript of Lily and the Fairy World

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Lily And The Discovery Of Fairy World

Once upon a time there lived Maria and her

husband John. They lived in a little house next to a castle. One morning Maria announced that she was pregnant with a girl that she was going to name Lily. When Lily was eight her mom Maria said to her that she had a horrible disease and that she was going to die.

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After Maria died, John married a woman named Cruella. 2 years later John told Lily that he was going to die with the same disease as her mother. After Lily’s parents died Cruella had to take care of Lily. Lily had a big problem, she only had one friend. It was her best friend, Neya and she lived under Lily’s house. Cruella had two twins. They were not friends with Lily. Cruella’s twins were named Chloe and Abigail. Cruella never let Lily have fun. They treated Lily like a slave. Chloe and Abigail were mean, cruel, annoying, bad, dramatic, terrible, unhelpful, troublemakers and tattle-tales.

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One sunny morning Lily went to her parents’ grave and put two beautiful flowers on the top of the grave. Lily said to her parents that she suffered a lot.

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One morning Lily was watering the plants. An owl came and dropped a crystal in her hand and flew to a place. Lily started to follow the owl. She found 2 rocks. One was big and had a carved picture of lightening. The other one was small and had a carved picture of a crystal. The owl sat on top of the small one. Lily tried putting the crystal in the caved picture. It fit perfectly but when Lily was going to take the crystal she could not take it out. The rock was shining. Lily went home after that and fell asleep.

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One sunny day Lily woke up because Abigail and Chloe threw cold water at Lily. Then Cruella said, “You are going to paint the entire house. You will paint the and I want it done by today or you will see me do this’’ She pulled a hair out of Lily’s head.

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After Cruella got out, two magic squirrels jumped out of the tree and said, ‘‘let’s get started.’’ Lily asked,‘‘What? WAIT! Did you guys just talk to me?’’ ‘‘Yeah now say ghu fun boo.’’ ‘‘Ok! Ghu fun boo.’’ After that the house was painted. Then Cruella came home. Cruella was impressed the house was painted as commanded.

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On the next morning, one strange thing happened. After Lily went to her bff’s house to tell her about the owl, a colorful monkey appeared. He told her to come with him. She did. They went to where the owl left her and the colorful monkey shaped his tail like a lightning. He put it in the carved picture of lightning, then he told Lily to press the small rock. Suddenly, the rocks in a cave next to the rocks moved and the crystal was not stuck in the rock any more. They went in the cave and went down stairs made of clouds. Lily thought that it was funny because she didn’t know how a person could walk on stairs of clouds. When they were done walking up the stairs they were in the fairy world.

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When Lily was in the fairy world, three fairies appeared. They said ‘‘The queen wants to see you now.’’ Then the 3 fairies introduced themselves. The first one was Nee. She was kind of fat. The second one was Bee. She was kind of selfish. The third one was Bree. She was smart. They directed Lily and the colorful monkey to the queen.

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When they were in the queen’s room, the queen said ‘‘This will help you’’. And then she got Lily’s crystal and transformed it into a magical necklace. The queen said ‘‘Put this on and fight with the bad witch who killed your parents. She also took the power of fairy world’’.

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Lily was confused. She asked when and where the battle was going to be. The queen said, ‘‘Now, so put this on and don’t forget the necklace because it will be your power. It will help you fight with the witch.” After 5 minutes the fight was about to begin. Lily was hoping she would win. Lily was kind of tired, but her power was so powerful that she won. She was so happy.

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Her parents are alive now because of her.

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Lily got married to the prince that lived in a castle next to her house and Cruella suffered for her entire life and her daughters did too.


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By: Anna