li'~i[fiilii~j~[il'll~~ · Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta) oo Marsh Hawk...

APOCKE ~-~~~~'li'~i[fiilii~j~[il"'l O~.4- ~ 3 1913 0032987? 4 . BIRDS OF THE BERKELEY CAMPUS NO'l'E,-This list is intended for lowl use in walks afield, when practice I desired in the application of definite names to the species and subspecies 'et with. Asen,sonal grouping of species is adopted as follows: (1) Hesident lroughout the year; (2) present through tI,esummer only; (3) present in lintel' only; (4) transient, that is, migrant in spring or fall or both; (5) rngrant, that is, irregular or sporadic in appearance, with respect to the ·estricted area here concerned, irrespective of season, This area iscom- "ised in the University of California campus propel·, plus the· adjoining \rts of the city of Berkeley east ofShattuck Avenue, and. thence to the ·est of the Bm·keley Hills, thus taking in the whole of the Strawberry ··eek watershed . . ·Coast Valley Quail (Loph01·tyX califon~ica cal-ifonLiw) Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter -celox) Western Hed-tailed Hawk (Buteo boreatis caluT1's) American Sparrow Hawk (Cerchneis sparve1'ia .""[1" ··'I'.'"(a) American Barn Owl (Tyto alba pmtincola) California Coast Screech Owl (ot1tS asia bendir. Pacific Homed Owl (B1Lbo vi1'ginianus pacijic1tS) ,Willow Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates p~tbescens t ,.ati) Monterey Hed-shafted Flicker (Colaptes cafe?' collaris) Anna Hummingbird (Calypte anna) Black Phoebe (Sayornis nig~'icans) Califomia Horned Lark (otoc01'is alpest1'-is actia) Southern Coast Steller Jay (Cyanocitta stellC?'·i ca?'bonacea) Northwestern California .Jay (Aphelocoma caz.tfo1'?' 'ca oocleptica) Western Meadowlark (Stuntella neglecta) % .California Brewer Blackbj~~ {Jl;u:p)to:1J'I.!;S~ f)'!Jl}noGe~ .'7118. 1n-i?lJ:dc?J:!/us) I Califomia Purple Finch 1IJfl1'ZJ0t'!,G(ntE:p"':I'P&Te~J( "litorn·ic~;~ Califol'llia Linnet (CaTp011.a.c'tbs,~)je!Ji~a1ti,J'/rOl1tal-tS l Willow American Goldfinch (Astmgalvwus t?"istissalicMI}(.In§) ~ , I Green-backed Gdlt1>Jllldl ;(iJs1;mga)tnus 'rJsa~t1:tr;;'I;e:~'pel'~.,MIl<s) >' .• J Northern Pine S:iskin ~S1)jr3u.s,~1'jJ,~1$p1j'.1IS~~~~ :\; ~.~ ~ " ~ English House Spar;'~w'(P;t;S6?' domestic1LS domestic1ts) Nuttall White-crowned Spal'l'ow (Zonot?'ichia leucoph?'ys n1tttalli)' Point Pinos Oregon Junco (Junco o'reganus pinOS1ts) ,

Transcript of li'~i[fiilii~j~[il'll~~ · Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta) oo Marsh Hawk...

Page 1: li'~i[fiilii~j~[il'll~~ · Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta) oo Marsh Hawk (Ci1'Ct/,Shudsonius) o Cooper Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) o SielTa Nevada Red-breasted

A POCKE ~-~~~~'li'~i[fiilii~j~[il"'ll"~~O~.4- ~ 3 1913 0032987? 4 .

BIRDS OF THE BERKELEY CAMPUSNO'l'E,-This list is intended for lowl use in walks afield, when practice

I desired in the application of definite names to the species and subspecies'et with. A sen,sonal grouping of species is adopted as follows: (1) Hesidentlroughout the year; (2) present through tI,e summer only; (3) present in

lintel' only; (4) transient, that is, migrant in spring or fall or both; (5)rngrant, that is, irregular or sporadic in appearance, with respect to the·estricted area here concerned, irrespective of season, This area is com-"ised in the University of California campus propel·, plus the· adjoining\rts of the city of Berkeley east of Shattuck Avenue, and. thence to the·est of the Bm·keley Hills, thus taking in the whole of the Strawberry··eek watershed .

. ·Coast Valley Quail (Loph01·tyX califon~ica cal-ifonLiw)Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter -celox)Western Hed-tailed Hawk (Buteo boreatis caluT1's) •American Sparrow Hawk (Cerchneis sparve1'ia .""[1" ··'I'.'"(a)American Barn Owl (Tyto alba pmtincola)California Coast Screech Owl (ot1tS asia bendir.Pacific Homed Owl (B1Lbo vi1'ginianus pacijic1tS)

,Willow Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates p~tbescens t ••,.ati)Monterey Hed-shafted Flicker (Colaptes cafe?' collaris)Anna Hummingbird (Calypte anna)Black Phoebe (Sayornis nig~'icans)Califomia Horned Lark (otoc01'is alpest1'-is actia)Southern Coast Steller Jay (Cyanocitta stellC?'·i ca?'bonacea)Northwestern California .Jay (Aphelocoma caz.tfo1'?' 'ca oocleptica)Western Meadowlark (Stuntella neglecta) % .•California Brewer Blackbj~~ {Jl;u:p)to:1J'I.!;S~f)'!Jl}noGe~ .'7118.1n-i?lJ:dc?J:!/us)

I Califomia Purple Finch 1IJfl1'ZJ0t'!,G(ntE:p"':I'P&Te~J("litorn·ic~;~Califol'llia Linnet (CaTp011.a.c'tbs,~)je!Ji~a1ti,J'/rOl1tal-tS lWillow American Goldfinch (Astmgalvwus t?"istis salicMI}(.In§) ~ ,

I Green-backed Gdlt1>Jllldl;(iJs1;mga)tnus 'rJsa~t1:tr;;'I;e:~'pel'~.,MIl<s)>' •.•J Northern Pine S:iskin ~S1)jr3u.s,~1'jJ,~1$p1j'.1IS~~~~ :\; ~.~ ~ " ~

English House Spar;'~w'(P;t;S6?' domestic1LS domestic1ts)Nuttall White-crowned Spal'l'ow (Zonot?'ichia leucoph?'ys n1tttalli)'Point Pinos Oregon Junco (Junco o'reganus pinOS1ts) ,

Page 2: li'~i[fiilii~j~[il'll~~ · Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta) oo Marsh Hawk (Ci1'Ct/,Shudsonius) o Cooper Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) o SielTa Nevada Red-breasted

o California Rufous-crowned SpalTow (Aimophila ?'uficeps ?'uficeps)o Santa Cruz Song SpalTow (Melospiza melodia santaec?'ucis)o San Francisco Spotted Towhee (Pipilo mactllatus falciffr)o San Francisco Brown 'l'owhee (Pipilo ftlscus pettllans)o Califol'llia Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus garnbeli)o California Hutton Vireo (Vi?'co huttoni huttoni) -o California Tlll'asher (Toxostorna redivivtlm)o Vigors Bewick Wren (Th?-yorn.anes bewickii spilunls)o Tawny Brown Creeper (CC?'thia fall~ilia?'is occirlcntalis)o California Plain Titmouse (Baeolophus inomatus inomattls)o Pacific Coast Bush-tit (Psaltriparus minilllt/s minimtls)o Intermediate Wren-tit (Chamaea fasciata fasciata)o Westel'll Robin (Plmwstictls migmto?'ius p?'opinquus)o Western Mexican Bluebird (Sialia me:~icana occidentalis) ,

Ci Western MOUl'ning Dove (Zenaidum mac?'otwa l1la?'gi1wlla)Ci Northern TUl'key VultUl'e (Cathar-tes aura septentrionalis)o Allen Hummingbird (Selasphonls alleni)o Olive-sided Flycatcher (Ntrtta,llo'rnis bo?'ealis)Ci Western Wood Pewee (Myiochanes ?'icha?'dsonii 1'ichar'dsonii)o Western Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Emphlonclx difficilis dijficilis)o Bullock Oriole (I cte?'us bulloc7cii)o Lawrence Goldfinch (Astragalinus law1'encei)o 'Western Lark Spanow (Cho1,destes gm1n1naCtis st?'igatus)o Western Chipping SpalTow (Spizella passC1'ina arizonae)o Pacific Black-headed Grosbeak (Hedymeles melanocephalus capitaliso Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena)o Northel'll Oliff Swallow (Pet1'ochelidon hmifrons lunifr'ons)o Western Warbling Vireo (Vi?'eosylva gilva swainsonii)o Cassin Solitary Vireo (Lanivireo solitarius cass'inii)[::J Lutescent Orange-crowned Warbler (VC1'mivom celata lutescens)[::J California Yellow Warbler (Dendroica aestiva brewstC1"i)o 'l'olmie Warbler (OPo?'o1'nis tolmiei)[j Golc1en Pileolated Warbler (Wilsonia ptlsilla ch?-yseola)o Western House WI'Cn. (.J,'lfoglDi!ytas,aeiJ,rm,pq~'7.manii)o Russet-backed Thru;1;r' (H'!jlocjcMp, ;d~t~~taItlJt~lata)

"" (J,. (J <J (J" '"'~"... .J J .J 1.J.J <J •.•••

(J 0,. : ,/, ."::R~.s,;E~TIN rJ~N.JTE~ 9~~Y (J .)~/ :.1.... / ~ "'".. :-l'CJ.J ~ ~ ..• : ~ ..•.•"':: :~.:o Glaucous-Wl.ngecl Uilll. ~·L/.wUi1gZ"JIpesc,e,?l:8j, ,~ ~.: •••• :o Ring-billed Gull (Lar"us delawarensis)o Northel'll Killdeer (OxY6chtiS vocifer'us vocifer'us)o Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta)

o Marsh Hawk (Ci1'Ct/,Shudsonius)o Cooper Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)o SielTa Nevada Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphympicus va?'ilus daggetti)o Rocky Mountain Say Phoebe (Sayo?'1lis sayus saY11s)o Cassin PUl'ple Finch (Carpodacus cassinii)o Western Savannah Span ow (Passe?'culus sandwichensis alaudinus)o Gambel White-crowned SpalTow (Zonot?"ichia letlcoph?-ys garn.belii)C Golden-cl'owned SpalTow (Zonot?'ich'ia cor-onata)[1j White-throated Sparrow (Zonot?'ichia albicollis)o Eastern Slate-colol'ed Junco (Junco hyemalis hyemalis)o Northwestern Oregon Junco (Junco Q?'eganus o?'eganus)o SielTa Nevada Oregon Junco (Junco o?'eganus th11rbC'l'i),o Rusty Song Spanow (Melospiza meloilia mor'phna)o Forbush Lincoln Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii st?'iata)01 Valdez Fox SpalTow (Passer-ella iliaca sinuosa)o Yakutat Fox Spanow (Passerella iliaca annectcns)o Sooty Fox Spanow (Passerella iliac a f11liginosa)o Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla ceeT?'01'11m)o Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta va?'ia)D Eastern Omnge-crowned IVarbler (V C?'mivom celata celatel)o Dusky Omnge-crowned Warbler (Ve?'1nivom celata sori/ieTa)o Alaska Myrtle Warbler (Dend1'oica co?'onata hoovC?'i)o Pacific Audubon Warbler (Dend1'oica auduboni a1u7uboni)o Townsend Warbler (Dendroica townsendi)o American Pipit (Anthus 1'ubescens)o Western Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos letlcoptenls)o Westel'll Winter Wren (Nannus hiemalis pacific1/s)d Slender-billed White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta car-olinensis aC11leata)o Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)B Western Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satr-apa olivaceus)d IVestern Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calend1tla cincmceus)d, Sitka Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula grinnelli)OJ Westel'll Blue-gmy Gnatcatcher (Polioptil~ caerulea obsctlra)d Towllsend Solitaire (Myadestes townsend~)[] Dwarf Hermit Thrush (Hylocichla g1!ttata nam/s),[J Coast_Varied Thrush (IxQ?'eus naev'ius naevius)

:1~fl~SCEtlt : ::.: ~:. -.:

o Anlel'ican White Pelican (Pelec~:,~~:~,1;h1~O;'11~?iChosj ••o Green-winged Teal (Nettio?! caroline?~Sel • • '" ". '. ~:: ••••:o Common White-fronte(1'f}~ooo:'('tt;lse1: iilvif?'tJns :ai,bi.!1>o.JtS 1.', ., .o NOl'tlmestel'll Belted ~rngt1Bh;;~·:(i::e,'~le.ltlcyv,u ~a~"i1ra)'• ,.'.o Vaux Swift (Chaetum va1tx'ii)o Rufous Hummingbird (Selaspho1'us 7'11f11S)

Page 3: li'~i[fiilii~j~[il'll~~ · Northel'll Band-tailed Pigeon (Columba fasciata fasculta) oo Marsh Hawk (Ci1'Ct/,Shudsonius) o Cooper Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) o SielTa Nevada Red-breasted

o Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula calliope)o Northem Ash-tlll'oated Flycatcher (Myia?'ch~IS c'inemscens cine'}'(!scens)o Westem Traill Flycatcher (Empiclonax tmillii tmilli'i)o Westem Tanager (Pimnga l'Ucloviciana)o Barn S'wallow (H'inmclo eryth1'ogastC?')o N orthel'l1 Violet-green Swallow (l'achycineta thalassina lepicla)o Calaveras Nashville Warbler (Vermivom ?'uticapilla gutturalis)iJ Alaska Yellow Warbler (Dencl?'oica aestiva ?'ubiginosa)o Black·th\'oated Gray "'i¥;],l'bler (Dendro'ica m:g?'escens)o Hermit Warbler (DenclToica occiclentalis)o Western Yellow-throat (Geothlypis tl"ichas occiclentalis) •.• ~"'o Long-tailed Yellow-breasted Chac (Icte?"icl v'i?'ens longicIJ.~,I~l0)'

o Califol'llia Great Blue Heron (Arclca heroclias hypel'onea)o Black-crowned Night Heron (Nyc'tieomx nycticomx naevius)o Prairie Falcon (Falco rnexieanus)o Short-eared Owl (Asio fiC!1nme~ls)o Westem Burrowing Owl (Speotyto c~miculcl!ria hYP~lgaea)o Califomia Road-runner (Geocoeeyx califo1'?~iantls)o Nuttall Ladder-backed Woodpecker (D?'yobatcs nuttallii)o Califomia Acom-storing "'i¥oodpecker (Melanel'pes f01'1nicivo1'?ls bainli)o Lewis Woodpecker (Asyncles'ln'Us lewisi)o Dusky Poor-will (Phalaenoptilus mlttalliJi califomic?.!s)o White-throated Swift (AeTonautes melanoleuc~ls)o "'i¥estem American Crow (C01'VUS bmchyl'hynchos hespm'is)o Pinyon Jay (Cyanocephal~ls cyanocephalus)OBi-colored Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoen'ice~ls califo1'1lic~ls)o American Crossbill (Loxia cl!rvi?'ostra ?ninor)o Northem Rock Wren (Slllpinctes obsolet~ls obso-lctus)o Dotted Canyon Wren (Cathc?'pcs mexiCantlS punctulat~ls)o Santa Cruz Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Penthestes nlfescens barlowi)

SUMMAR.Y,-The above list, of birds known to have occUlTed naturallyor near the campus, may be summarized seasonally as follows: Permanel-residents, 38; summer residents, 21; winter visitants, 40; transients, 1 :~vagrants, 18, -'):'qtal>,., 13:ii. kja.,d; of .!;Jir\'l~. identified by various compete!.observers to datG~ .)~ / .)~ .) J .J.J ~ I~· 10 ~

J.J:' '..J J..J ,,;./: tr~J;Pll~ GRINNEJ ...L and :NIARGAUE'!' "\¥. VVyrrHl

':JJU ~:.;./ ~": • ..J J~ ~ • 'O~ ~ ~ .u..l~ :R~,~,i~?d:Thfay20,1926.

ISSU~d.~~ ~~:' ~~'~~:~. ~F' v~~Tk~~1T~·~OOLOGY,UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA.