LifeGuard: Precision Projectile Tracking by Randy S. Roberts, LLNL Electrical Engineer

LLNL-PRES-591192 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC LifeGuard: Precision Projectile Tracking Randy S. Roberts Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


October 2012 You will hear about an exciting LLNL capability enabled by advanced optical imaging and image processing techniques.

Transcript of LifeGuard: Precision Projectile Tracking by Randy S. Roberts, LLNL Electrical Engineer

  • 1. LLNL-PRES-591192This work was performed under the auspices of theU.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLCRandy S. RobertsLawrence Livermore National Laboratory

2. A frame from infrared video Processed infrared reveals a bullet Projectiles are hot, and heat the air as they fly Using infrared cameras and appropriate data processing, we cansee a projectiles trajectory and backtrack it to the shooterLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5911922Bullet in Flight 3. Originally designed for VIP protection, real-time processingallows LifeGuard to quickly locate the source of a threatLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5911923 4. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratorySpatio-temporal filterBinarize ImageMorphologic filteringTemporal high passfilter followed byWiener spatial filter toreduce scintillationnoiseFilter out clutter usingapriori knowledge ofstreak parametersData associationUse a Nearest Neighboralgorithm to associatesequences of streaks into atrajectoryKalman filterFour state (x, y, vx, vy)Kalman filter to smoothtrajectory measurementsLLNL-PRES-591192 4Muzzle flash &Bullet streakparameterizationStabilize ImageMatch parameters toweapons data libraryBullet, mortar &RPG streaksMuzzleFlashDetermine shootercoordinates and errorellipseCorrect image sequencefor aircraft jitter andmotionUse different sets of thresholdsto segment bullet, mortar, RPGstreaks and muzzle flashUse Kalman filter tobacktrack and estimateshooter location, andits covariance matrix toestimate location errorMWIR image sequence@ 350 fpsShooter location anderror measureExtract parameters frommuzzle flash (timeevolution, brightness,size) and streaks(brightness and length)Weapon classificationLifeGuard 5. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-591192 5 6. LLNL has developed sophisticated image processing software to maximizeprojectile detection and minimize false alarmsLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-5911926 7. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryMuzzle Flash Detectors Produce false alarms in clutter Cant be used with flash suppression Cant be used if the shooter is behind astructureNeed line-of-sight Doesnt provide shooting directionAcoustic gunshot detectors Not as precise as optical tracking Reverberations, multipath from structurescause false alarms Problems if gunshot silencedLLNL-PRES-5911927Muzzle Flash Detection -- High false alarm rate 8. Tracking projectiles with LifeGuard is a proven technology Optics technology and image processing are key to exploiting theLawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryLLNL-PRES-591192underlying physics Recent advances in technology have enabled significant reductions insize, weight, power and cost of infrared detecting cameras Room temperature operation 2 watts, 120 grams Potential Applications 3D precision tracking using two or more LifeGuard Sensors Tracking mortar fire back to its source to find shooter,predicting location of impact for timely warning Wearable LifeGuard sensors on soldiers, micro-UAVs8 9. Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratoryGenaro [email protected]