Life Simple Feb Issue

February 2010 Life Simple Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Romans 13:11


Valentines Day issue of Life Simple

Transcript of Life Simple Feb Issue

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February 2010



Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Romans 13:11

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In This Issue:

A Note from ~BBBB~

V.Day Luv Did Does New York Photo of the Month Rose Shackleford Richard & Tamika Smith Home Décor Chis Virtue Kid Creative Community Calendar

~Life Simple~ I am dedicating this issue to couples who have and are determined to withstand the ups and downs of married life. The media has done a wonderful job of contaminating the minds of our families by mocking the sanctity of marriage. Life Simple is determined to be a positive influence and motivation to families everywhere. Marriage comes with many ups and downs but with faith in God, love and commitment, it can succeed. Please take the time to read the articles in this month’s issue. The testimonies included are sure to be an inspiration to each of you no matter what your circumstance. If you are touched and inspired by what you read or see in this issue, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. Life Simple would like to thank this month’s contributors for helping to make our February issue possible. Many blessings to

Valentine’s Day Couples Dreamers Into Doers The Parents of Evangelene Camille Rose Shackleford Richard and Tamika Smith Anita Allen Brianna Mack Our Heavenly Father

Be Blessed!

~ I don’t write what’s safe. I write what’s real. ~

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© 2008

A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find

her. Maya Angelou

Vincent and Belinda Gilbert 16 years of Marriage

Stan & Alison Ruth

7 Years of Marriage Bobby & Linda Smith

22 Years of Marriage

Bill & Carolina Martin

32 Years of Marriage

Victor & Ida Black

28 Years of Marriage

Donnie & Charlene Baggs

21 Years of Marriage Brian & Rose Shackleford

8 Years of Marriage

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Julian & Tamika Thomas

8 Years of Marriage

& Stephanie Gravalese

1 Year of Marriage

John & Brenda Foehrkolb

38 Years of Marriage

Douglas & Deborah


Travis & Bridgett Mack

13 Years of Marriage

Richard & Tamika Smith

8 Years of Marriage

Eric & Holly Franz

11 Years of Marriage

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D.I.D. Does New York!

Yes people I am still stoked over my recent trip to New York City!!!!! It was an experience that I will truly never forget. Our plane ride there was uneventful…Thank you Jesus! It was hard not to admire the beautiful clouds as our plane ascended into the heavens. We had a layover in Philadelphia and had to take what my husband likes to call a “cropper duster” into New York. Although it was a smaller plane, I found much comfort in praying to God as I gazed into the clouds. About twenty minutes before we landed, I noticed a circle of rainbow colors that seemed to follow the plane. I took this as a reminder from God that he would continue to be with me throughout this trip.

We took a shuttle from the airport to our hotel, the Broadway Plaza, and checked into our room. I have to admit, I was a little nervous about our accommodations because of the low rate that we were able to get. But my anxiety was quickly relieved once we reached the hotel. Our room was spacious, comfortable, attractive and most importantly, CLEAN!!! My husband and I decided to take a stroll around Manhattan. The weather was cool and crisp and before we knew it, we had been walking for well over an hour. It took a minute of me speaking to everyone in my southern voice with “Hey, How ya doing?” and receiving no response before I remembered…”Hm I’m not in Georgia anymore.” LOL! The itinerary was so tight that I didn’t get the chance to do much sight seeing but afternoon strolls made us privy to some of New York’s delightful sights. Below are a few of the pictures that we took.

Tuesday’s scheduled included attending a cooking demo with Rachel Gaffney and Lisa Umansky. My husband and I took our first taxi cab ride ever over to the Marta Stewart Living Omnimedia offices. With much excitement and anticipation, I kissed my husband goodbye and started introducing myself to the ladies. We all greeted each other in the lobby while we waited on the okay to go upstairs. It was great to finally be able to place

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faces with the names of the dreamers. After a welcome and quick run down of dos and don’ts by Alexis T, the cooking demo began. Rachel stirred up some delightful delicacies (including a delicious appetizer with leeks) while teaching us about her Irish background. Lisa took baking pound cakes to a whole new level by sharing one of her specialties which included cream cheese and jam.

Shortly after the cooking demo, we were taken to the gathering room where the luncheon for Safe Horizon was to be held. This beautifully decorated all white room overlooked the Hudson River and presented a faint view of the Statue of Liberty in the distance. I could feel the excitement mount as we all entered the room and located our name tags. It wasn’t long before, cameras were snapping and friendships and memories were being made. Each dreamer brought a talented and unique presence to the luncheon. After a while, it seemed as if we had known each other for years.

Terry Grahl opened the program and thanked everyone for being apart of the luncheon. I was so consumed with everything that I didn’t hear the ladies from the shelter when they arrived. I looked behind me and I saw some of the most beautiful women sitting at their table. Out of ignorance, I thought, they don’t look like they belong

in a shelter. I know…I know..that was foolish of me. No one belongs in a shelter, an abusive relationship or life threatening situation. It was just that, I saw confidence and strength when I looked at these ladies. Yes, they are still hurting but I could tell that Safe Horizon was doing a wonderful job at helping these ladies find their inner peace and strength. I was one of the speakers on the agenda. My original plan was to talk about Discovering a Woman’s Strength but when I approached the podium, God said “No, talk to them about walking in their strength.” And so I did. After a few words of encouragement, I closed my eyes and recited my poem, “Find My Joy”. It’s ironic because while I recited this poem in efforts to encourage them, I could feel my own strength beginning to manifest in me. I could feel my insecurities and doubts peel away. By the time I opened my eyes, I saw things in a whole new light about my destiny. The program ended with the ladies receiving their gifts and words of encouragement from random dreamers in the audience. The response from the women of Safe Horizon was a special blessing. Gratitude is a rarity today. People don’t appreciate others for trying to help them like they used to. But with tears in their eyes and tight hugs these women whispered sincere

thankyous and God Bless yous. A couple of the women asked me about Christ and developing a relationship with him. I was able to pray with one of them. I’m still full from that moment….

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Wednesday schedule was packed with a tour of the MSLO offices and attending the taping of the Martha Stewart Show. Special thanks goes to Hannah Milman, the Exec Editorial Director for giving us such a wonderful tour. The tour alone was inspiring. It heightened my determination to become even more organized, creative and innovative. We even met Emeril who was kind enough to break from his lunch and allow us to take pictures.

After the tour we walked a rushed two blocks to the Studios for the taping of the show. We chatted away about the recent events as we waited in line, checked in and then entered the waiting area. Joey, the hype man for the show rushed the room with his energetic spirit and gave us direction on the dos and don’ts for the shows taping. It wasn’t long before we were finally seated. The show will air on February 19, 2010 so please be sure to tune in.

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The occasion ended with a dinner for the dreamers at Co 23 hosted by the MSLO office. They even closed down the restaurant just for us! How cool is that!!!!! Business cards, emails and phone numbers were exchanged but more importantly, bonds were developed and I am so grateful to have met these extraordinary women. As a part of my “until next time”, I recited my poem, “A Women’s Strength” to the dreamers. I pray that they continue to walk in their talents. I pray them all of the success they can handle. Much love to you ladies….Until next time.

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Photo of the Month

Evangelene Camila Born: January 24, 2010

A Healthy 7lbs Sidney, Australia

Parents: Patrick & Patricia

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The “You’re Right” Method By Rose Shackleford author of “From Partying to Praying”

A couple of years ago, my sister, her husband and nephew came to visit. While we were in the airport picking them up, my brother-in-law, Jeff, started in on my sister. He ranted “Jordan, wants to walk, Jordan wants some juice, where’s his cup? You need to go change Jordan’s diaper, he’s probably wet,” and on and on and on he went. I could see my sister, Ruthie, about to blow up; she was obviously irritated.

“Well Jeffrey, she said (I knew she was mad, calling him Jeffrey), if you’d help me instead of telling me what to do.” she was hot; her face was red with frustration. I had to step in to see if I could hush her up. I said, “Ruthie, relax.” “Well,” she bit back quickly, but I stopped her in her tracks. “Listen, just tell him he’s right and let’s keep moving. No need to cause a scene in the airport.” “Yeah, well if he would just…” she was too hot and tried to justify her actions. “I know Ruthie, relax. Tell him he’s right just to shut him up. I see that it was probably a pretty rough plane ride.” I said calmly. “Plane ride…let’s begin from four o’clock this morning on the way to the airport. Then let’s talk about how he acted in the airport. Forget the plane ride…I asked the stewardess to move away from him and she thought I was being funny. He’s so lucky I didn’t knock him out on the plane. I can tell you one thing, I won’t be doing this again. Not with him!” She rants and raves for about five more minutes before Jeff starts chiming in on how much he helped her on the plane. I looked at Ruthie wide-eyed. “Don’t,” I whispered to her. “I know, I know, I know, I have one too. “Brian don’t act like this!” Ruthie said loud enough for the whole airport to hear. This was going to be tough, but I knew if I could just get her to say he was right, it would be a smooth ride home from the airport. “Please Ruthie,” I begged, “Just tell him he’s right so we can have a pleasant ride back to Warner Robins.” (We had an hour and forty minute drive ahead of us.) By this time, Jeff had expressed everything Ruthie had not accomplished and on and on and on he went. Finally, like music to my ears, “You know what Jeffrey (she was still hot with her finger pointed right at him), you’re right!” she blurted out loudly. He looked stunned, and definitely confused. Yes, I thought, she did it! I was happy; this would seal the deal on our enjoyable cruise home. “I know I’m right!” Jeff had to say it. He shrugged his shoulders in agreement; like everyone but her already knew that. Ruthie watched him in disgust; she couldn’t believe he actually thought he was right. I looked at Ruthie, speaking softly, “See, I told you.” The trip home was fabulous. Every time Jeff said something, I looked at Ruthie wide-eyed. “You’re right, Jeff,” she said. And every time she said he was right, he shut up. When the next topic arose, he was still right and that would end the conversation. It was amazing. I guess you would have to know my brother-in-law to know this was a miracle. For the next five days, Ruthie continued on her, “You’re right, Jeff” regime. It was phenomenal; no fighting for five days. No matter what he requested her to do, she did it without fighting him on it. I could definitely see her patience wearing thin, but she was hanging in there (with a whole lot of encouragement from me, of course.) Jeff being right was starting to irritate him. He had begun telling Ruthie to stop telling him that. At that point, Ruthie loved it because she was giving him a zinger. Both of them were looking forward to getting back home to New York where things returned to normal. The arguing was in full swing. She couldn’t stand it any longer, and he just wanted his quarreling wife back. When I inquired as to what happened, Ruthie confessed she hated to let Jeff think he was right; she had given up on the course of therapy as soon as they went through security at the airport. Ruthie has a feisty personality; she’s not going to back down on what she believes. I was happy that she resorted to what worked for them. It’s important to know what works in your relationship. As a married couple,

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you will have disagreements. There is no getting around it. If you and your spouse live under the same roof, it’s inevitable. But there is a proper way to handle intense fellowship. Verbal abused is unnecessary and uncalled for. I can happily say Ruthie and Jeff are not verbally abusing each other with their disagreements. I know for me, and for many years, I was abusive toward my husband. I hated it, but my anger outweighed my control. For a long time, I didn’t know how to control my loose cannon (aka, my tongue.) As our bishop often says, “Hurt people hurt people.” I wish I could insert a before and after photo. I’m not hurting anymore, thanks to God and His supernatural healing. I have found laughter, sarcasm and “you’re right” works wonderfully within the Shackelford household. You have to find what works.

The “You’re Right” originated in the Shackelford household years ago. One day, after watching my girlfriends’ son who had a gameboy, our kids started begging me to buy them one. I said absolutely not as they were going to be starting school the next day. So they did what normal kids do: mom said no, let’s go ask dad! Five minutes later, Brian approached me wanting to know how much money was in our account, where my girlfriend had purchased the gameboy, and what games her son had. I curiously (and with much attitude) inquired why he’d want all that information, in which, he replied he was going to buy the girls their own gameboy. I immediately went to battle: they were starting school the very next day! What part of that didn’t he understand! Hello? He didn’t want to hear it and requested I call my girlfriend to obtain the information he was asked for. Now, in my mind, I was going off. But with my mouth, I said “Sure Honey, let me call Renee.” So I called Renee and got all the information he wanted. An hour later, as we were getting ready to go to the store (to get school supplies), my husband announced that he would not be buying the girls the gameboys they were requesting because they would be starting school the next day. My jaw hit the floor! AND…I said “You’re right, Honey!” I shocked myself and kept my composure! He took all the credit for coming up with the brilliant idea that the kids were starting school and they didn’t need a gameboy. Wow, genius. I said nothing, although I surely could have reminded him that I had said it an hour ago. But seeing as how that went over so smoothly, I tried it again, and again, and again. And it worked! I’m not encouraging any woman to be a doormat or feel degraded because they tell their husband he’s right. What I am saying is not everything is a fight. Not every word, recommendation, comment, action or anything else should cause friction between you and your spouse. You have to power to cut off an argument before it even begins.

Sometimes I do say “you’re right” just to blow Brian off, however, I have to admit most of the time he is right. May not have been the way I would have done something, but regardless, the end result could easily be what he recommended. I try to squash a meaningless fight before it begins in most cases. I know “you’re right” won’t work for everyone so I have included a dear friend of mine’s ammo for when a difficult situation arises between her and her husband. Both of them have been saved for over twenty years. In the early years of their marriage, she stated that it was very difficult for them to “fight maturely.” It was one thing to know the word of God; it was another to actually be a doer. She struggled for the first few years of their marriage; even doubting her selection. Through the years though, she grew wiser. She grew in her knowledge and understanding. And she finally figured out what worked for them. She confessed to using scripture when there is a disagreement between her and her husband. As an example she proceeded to tell me that a few weeks prior, when both of them were tired and irritable, an argument started over some unfinished home projects. As she was stating her case, her husband flew off handle. Surprised, but ready, she yelled out “Get behind me Satan,” as she ripped through the house. He responded with his own verse of scripture, “Wives, submit to your husbands.” “And husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church,” she wasn’t going to let him finished. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and your fruit, Lord, your fruit is coming through,” she claimed as she continued throughout the house. Their intense fellowship ended with them finishing the home project together, and in better spirits. Because both of them have a strong relationship with God, they use scripture with each other to make it through the problem. You would have to listen to her describe the conflict to get the gist of the story; it’s truly refreshing. They definitely know the word and more importantly, what works for them.*

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GO Ministries

“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”“Bringing Families Closer Together One Production at a Time”

Kids 4 Christ ( A performing arts club for kids)

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From Test to TESTIMONY…"50 First Dates” Have you ever saw the movie 50 First Dates? In the movie, Drew Barrymore plays the role of Lucy Whitmore, a teacher who suffers from amnesia as the result of a car accident which occurred one year earlier. Her condition leaves her with no memory of anything that occurred between the day of the accident and the present. Adam Sandler plays the role of Henry Roth, the guy who thinks he’s found the woman of his dreams until she claimed not to know him the next day. I enjoyed the movie but never thought that it’s plot was possible…until I met Richard and Tamika Smith. My family and I met this couple in 2006. Their friendship is one that we will treasure forever and their testimony is one that will always inspire me. Here’s their story…..

LS Mag: Okay Richard and Tamika, I know that you have told me your story before but could you repaint the picture from the beginning?

Richard: Well back in 2005, on July 30th, I was Active Duty Military and I traveled a lot. I was away from my family in California. I got off the airplane, into the rental car and was traveling towards the base when a tractor trailer crossed over into my lane and caused me to go off the road. All I remember is waking up in the hospital. I was told that I hit my head on the steering wheel. I suffered back and rib injuries.

LS Mag: Tamika, where were you when the accident occurred? Tamika: I was visiting my sister in South Carolina. Our daughter Tiana was turning three and we were

giving her a birthday party. LS Mag: Were you pregnant with Amira at the time? Tamika: No she was a year old. I thought Richard was calling to check and see how the birthday party

went. LS Mag: What did he say? Tamika: He was like baby don’t panic but I was in a car accident. I asked him if he was ok and he said “I

think I’m okay but I woke up in a hospital.” I (Tamika) just thank God I was with family when it happened.

LS Mag: So you where in South Carolina and he was in California. How long was it before he came home? Tamika: It was one week. They had an officer to escort him home on the plane. LS Mag: Okay so they kept him for a week and then they gave him the okay to come home. Other than

being a little sore everything seemed fine. Richard, when was the first time you noticed that something was wrong?

Richard: Tamika, I’m going to let you handle that. LS Mag: So you don’t remember your first episode? Richard: No, only what they told me. Tamika: Richard was fine at first but then about 30 days later he had his first episode. He was at work

when he started having a severe headache, he couldn’t focus, he was anxious. It almost immobilized him. Richard’s coworker took him to the clinic and then called me at work. When I got there, he told me that I really needed to stay calm for Richard because he (Richard) was asking him questions that didn’t make sense.

LS Mag: So what did you see when you went in the hospital to Richard? Tamika: Richard did not look like himself. I tried to keep him calm by making jokes like, “Is this what

you had to do to get me off of work?” I wanted to make him laugh. Richard looked like a scared animal. He looked shook up and confused.

LS Mag: How did you keep from crying? Tamika: My maternal and protective instinct kicked in. I couldn’t allow myself to go there. LS Mag: What did the doctor say was happening?

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Tamika: Richard’s situation was very challenging for any doctor that came into contact with him. They had all exhausted all possibilities.

LS Mag: So they sent him home? Tamika: Yes and so I had friends to some and sit with him when I was at work because he couldn’t be left

alone. LS Mag: Okay so we are going to fast forward because all

this happened over the course of one year right?

Couple: Yes LS Mag: This happened in 2005. Tell me about the time

he woke and thought that it was 1999. Tamika: Richard woke up with a headache and asked me “Why are we in bed together?” Then he thought

that we were over to my sister’s house. He started asking… did your sister redecorate her room. LS Mag: In 1999, you both were in… Couple: College: Tamika: So I asked Richard, “Honey, what year is it?” and he was like its 1999. He said “What are you

talking about Tamika?” LS Mag: Wow, Tamika so what did you do? Tamika: I felt like a bomb had been dropped on me. I paused, checked my thoughts and arranged my

words then I grabbed his hands and said “I’m gonna share something with you and it’s not going to sound right but know that I am telling you the truth. It’s not 1999, it’s 2005. He said, why are you wearing a wedding band? We’re not married.

LS Mag: Did he think it was all a joke? Tamika: Yes, he was like you are wearing a tee shirt and everything.

(laughing) We make jokes about it now but that T-shirt was my saving grace.

LS Mag: T-shirt? Tamika: Yea, I had slept in a t-shirt that night that had year 2005

0n it. LS Mag: Richard, so you wake up thinking it’s 1999 and you are 22

years old. Then you discover that it’s actually 2005, you’re 27, married and with two kids. What were your first thoughts when you saw your daughters who are three and one for the first time?

Richard: I’m gonna be honest. My first thoughts were worldly. I was just happy to see the two pretty little girls, the nice house and the Lexus in the garage. I was married to Tamika. I was like “I made it. I got all this.” I just started spending money.

LS Mag: Really? Richard: I’m just being honest. I had the college mind of a 22 year old and happy to find out that I had

money and all that. I admit I was selfish. LS Mag: So Tamika, how did you get your husband to stop acting like a 22 year old college kid to a 27

year old husband and father? Tamika: I tried not to demean him. I tried to gently remind him of his current situations and selfish

decisions. I learned to choose my battles. LS Mag: Richard, did you have any convictions about your bad decisions? Richard: My thoughts were “Ima ball till I fall.” In my mind, I was a 22 year old Captain in

the military with all this money. LS Mag: Tamika, how did you hold it all together? Tamika: I held onto my relationship with God like a baby holds onto its blanket. I commend

my parents and how they raised me. My mother was a strong woman. She endured so much. I couldn’t be weak for Richard.

LS Mag: So Richard what finally happened to make you get back on track? Richard: One year after my first episode, Bishop Bee (Christian Fellowship Church) started teaching a

series that spoke directly to my situation. I went to the altar and broke down and truly gave my life to Christ and that’s when everything started to turn around. I started getting my memory back. I saw Tamika for the first time.

He said…Why are you wearing a wedding band? We’re not


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Richard: I saw how Bishop Bee looked at First Lady (his wife) and I started living it. In 2007, I met a coworker who was also a pastor. Everyday he would share with me the word. I would vent my problems to him and he would hit me with the word. I had never had that before. My wife and I started fellowshipping with other brothers and sisters outside of ourselves and then we came together and then peace came into our home.

LS Mag: Tamika, how did you go from leading to letting go?

Tamika: It wasn’t an easy transition. I had to totally surrender myself to God because if I couldn’t submit to God, then I wasn’t going to submit to my husband. I saw that he was transforming to his right state of mind. I said okay and was able to relinquish things over to him. It was

like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

LS Mag: I know we are going back in time a little bit but Tamika, I have to ask. In your private time, when the babies were sleep and Richard was in bed, how did you let it all out?

Tamika: There was one particular day when I was completely exhausted. Everybody was in bed and I was putting away the dishes. I started looking out of our window in the kitchen when I just slide down the wall and started crying. The tears just poured and poured. I didn’t hear Richard when he came into the room. He saw me crying and started to have another episode. He just started swinging back and forth. I got up and started rubbing his arms trying to bring him out of it. He was fading from reality.

LSMag: What happened next? Tamika: He left the house. I thought he was going to clear his head but I looked out of the window and he

was nowhere to be found. I got the girls, put them in the car and went looking for him. I found him walking down the road. He was walking almost robotic. I parked the car and turned on the hazard light and got out. I was trying to get him in the car. I yelled at him, screamed and beat him on his chest. He looked so angry when he looked at me. I practically had to manhandle him to get him in the car. We got home. I closed the garage doors and took the kids to their room. He stayed in the garage and was acting like a mad man. I didn’t want him in the house with me and the kids. He finally wore himself down and came and got into bed. That was the first night I slept with one eyeball open. I didn’t trust my husband’s state of mind…I trusted my husband…but not his state of mind.

LS Mag: Richard, I know that this is the age old “dumb” questions that reporters ask but how does hearing all of this make you feel?

Richard: Praise God that I woke up to Tamika Smith. I’m going to give this woman all of me for bringing me out of this. She saw the king in me when I was acting like a kid. She continued to look at the big picture and not the small things that aggravated her. She saw the minister in me years before it happened. I want her to be happy and comfortable. I don’t want her to work another day in her life. She is the walking Proverbs 31 woman. She fought for me when I couldn’t fight for myself. Satan had a hold on my mind and she continued to fight for me.

Minister Richard and Tamika Smith have been married for 8 ½ wonderful years. Today, they have three beautiful children, Tiana, Amira and Josiah. They are members of Christian Fellowship Church in Warner Robins under the leadership of Bishop Harvey and Dr. Veronica Bee. They continue to spread the word of God as youth leaders and ambassadors for Christ.

I yelled at him, screamed and beat him on his chest. He looked so angry when he looked at me.

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Community Calendar

LS Magazine Solutes Black History Month!!!!! ~Make Your Mark, Live Your Dream and Make a Difference!~

February 12, 2010

o The Color of Love Family Dinner & Activity Night o Victory Tabernacle 3250 Sylvester Rd, Albany GA o A casual evening of games, activities, fellowship and lots of FUN for the

whole family. Tickets are $3 per person and must be purchased by Wednesday February 10th. For more information please call Victory Tabernacle at 229-435-0900.

February 13, 2010

o Victory Tabernacle’s Frontline Chocolate Rose Handout Outreach o For More information, Please contact Pastor Antonio Cooper at 229-435-

0900 February 14, 2010 Valentine’s Day

God Is love….

Victory Tabernacle 3250 Sylvester Rd Albany, GA 31709

Join Us on Sundays

Early Prayer 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM

Sunday Celebration 10:30 AM

Wednesday’s Family Night Services 7 PM

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Less is More Home Décor There are people who invest hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on wall art and paintings. If you are like me, your budget has puts some serious restraints on how you much you spend in this area. What many of us fail to realize is the answer to finding priceless art is right under our noses. My children love to draw. They have a unique sense of creativity

that I love. That’s why I am proud to display their youthful talent on our walls. All it took was a couple of frames and Batta Bing Batta Boom…Wall art that make great conversation pieces with guests!

Do you have an article of inspiration, photo, home and beauty tip or idea that you would like to share?

Do you know of a business, organization or business who deserves a

moment in the spotlight? We would to feature them!

Please send your submission to Life Simple at [email protected].

Deadline for submissions are January 21, 2010. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Become a Subscriber. It’s Free! Send your request to [email protected] and type “Add Me” in the subject

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In this issue, Anita shows us how to exemplify our Christian virtue without breaking our pockets or compromising our standard. By mixing and matching, Anita has created seven different looks with only a few pieces of

clothing. So get creative ladies! Use what you got and work it!

Class Elegance

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Kid Creative I am proud to say that all of my children have unique creative abilities. This month I am

fearturing my daughter Brianna and her newfound love for designing clothes. We bought her a Project Runway Fashion Design Projection Set for Christmas and she is putting it to good use! Find ways to open your child’s world of creativity. There many possibilites to their imagination!

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For more information, please

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Life Simple is a free publication made possible through your advertisements.

Page 21: Life Simple Feb Issue


I Don’t Strive to Be Rich.

~I Strive to Live Blessed~

A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. Psalms 31:16